The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Abandoned Mine => Topic started by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

Title: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM
Idle interest - I'm wondering how many folks here (if any) play on

Either that or - although that's less interesting...

I'm sort-of wondering if there's enough interest to work up an alliance, or if staying in my own, quiet, stand-alone method so far works just as well. Just out of interest. :-)

(Well, that and if there's anyone on the latter, I could invite them into the region I already have, although that's less of a concern since Nation States is less organised in that fashion...)

We have a list provided by Kasarn of the current players. Sort of. Here (,2237.msg247854.html#msg247854).
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on February 18, 2007, 09:51:24 PM
My NationStates
Has a 100% tax rate because I'm an evil libarul taking all their moneys :veryevil
The region it's in has been dead for a long time

We'll see about Cyber Nations... but I'll +1 anything.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: RJ on February 18, 2007, 11:59:22 PM
I used to play NationStates, but I got bored... :dface
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on February 19, 2007, 02:20:46 AM

There's me, I just started in both of them, same name since I'm horrible at names.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on February 19, 2007, 03:45:56 AM
Quote from: RJ on February 18, 2007, 11:59:22 PM
I used to play NationStates, but I got bored... :dface
Nations States is boring and repetitive but it also takes almost no effort.
If it wasn't in my links list, I probably would have stopped ages ago.

edit: Also
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Distracting on February 19, 2007, 11:14:16 AM
NationStates is boring, repetitive, and everyone tries to do the same thing. I'm gonna be the Captain Planet of taxes with mine.  >:3 (
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on February 19, 2007, 03:03:58 PM
I love to wage war with my military budget. My people love to hate me my little puppets.  >:3

We Tyca your dor,
we produce books and weapons since they go together so well :-3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on February 20, 2007, 12:35:49 AM
Ah... web games are fun. You can feel productive for only minutes of work a day.  :kittycool

I have to say, though, that NationStates seems kinda... well... pointless.  :mowdizzy

Cyber Nations looks much more appealing to would-be world conquerers. :kittydevious I imagine that the non-tourney version suffers from giants in the playground, but I decided to toss my hat into the fray anyway (

What colour team is everyone on? My poor little rainforest dwellers need resources before we can take over the world... 

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on February 20, 2007, 12:52:18 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on February 20, 2007, 12:35:49 AM
I have to say, though, that NationStates seems kinda... well... pointless.  :mowdizzy

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on February 20, 2007, 02:39:48 AM
hehehe, my people are suspicious of leisure.

I have a hard working people without being tyrannical!  Everyone wins! or at least they think they do as I pull their strings  :mwaha
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on February 20, 2007, 04:10:31 AM

This says a lot of bad things about me ;.;
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 20, 2007, 05:48:13 AM
For those playing cybernations, has a few useful entries about how to bring your country into line.

note that there appears to be a bug in there somewhere, I think, in that your "initial, 7-day" free allowance on not doing war appears to extend significantly longer - until you change into a war footing. Just so you know.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on February 20, 2007, 03:03:41 PM
The thing I like about Cyber Nations is that they have a map of your country where ever you choose to place it.

Of course, it would be a bit more fun if there was a universal map to show everyone, but that would destroy the reason for trying to be one of the top 50 nations.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on February 21, 2007, 01:38:02 AM
On a side note, I just took over the nearest Gas Station.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on February 21, 2007, 01:56:52 AM
I just changed my nation's religion to make them happy
This calls for an emote!

:rabbi :rabbi :rabbi
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Destina Faroda on February 21, 2007, 10:06:29 AM
I got bored with Nation States not because it was easy but because it's an on-line game, and I just don't like on-line games.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on February 21, 2007, 04:24:01 PM
el whoops, looks like I added a "n" by mistake to my cyber nations account. 

Cyber nations:  Dentrinition
Nationstates:  Detrinition
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on February 22, 2007, 04:09:59 PM
Quote from: Valynth on February 20, 2007, 03:03:41 PM
The thing I like about Cyber Nations is that they have a map of your country where ever you choose to place it.

Of course, it would be a bit more fun if there was a universal map to show everyone, but that would destroy the reason for trying to be one of the top 50 nations.

Yeah, that's fun. I parked my capital over the Mayan ruins at Chichen Itza in the Yucatan. I doubt I have many neighbours though.  :mowninja

So far, my three-day-old cybernation has already been through a hostage crisis and some violent street riots. My people are begging me to clamp down and turn it into a police state. I get to make the official declaration of martial law tonight!
:kittydevious :kittydevious :kittydevious

I'm not sure what to do about an alliance yet, or even a team colour for that matter. What I've seen of the server politics is a bit on the scary side: goons drawing the whole server into a world war over some Fark noobs... /b/tards tossing random nukes for fun... It seems everyone claims to be neutral and non-aggressive, but then some idiot starts something and the bullets start flying anyway. Still, I'd rather have a protection network of some kind. And some of the alliance spam I've received promises upwards of $75k just as a signing bonus...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: ITOS on February 22, 2007, 04:34:13 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on February 22, 2007, 04:09:59 PMI'm not sure what to do about an alliance yet, or even a team colour for that matter. What I've seen of the server politics is a bit on the scary side: goons drawing the whole server into a world war over some Fark noobs... /b/tards tossing random nukes for fun... It seems everyone claims to be neutral and non-aggressive, but then some idiot starts something and the bullets start flying anyway. Still, I'd rather have a protection network of some kind. And some of the alliance spam I've received promises upwards of $75k just as a signing bonus...

Sounds like a realistic game. ;)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 22, 2007, 04:45:54 PM
Personally, I've ignored all of them. It's surprising just how much spam you get, begging you to join them.

I -have- sortof kept track of everyone. I'm on "no team", and when I get big enough to have that sort of cash lying about, I intend to organise a group of sorts. It's a non-proliferation, though. Tell everyone else to go away, and we'll not bother you. Step on us, and -all- of us will leap in and beat the shit out of you.

Seems to me to be a reasonable idea. Everyone else agree?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on February 23, 2007, 02:20:47 AM
That sounds reasonable.
Me and my twenty eight solders are ready to curb stomp the opposition.

Actually I should be doing much better once I can afford a harbor in the distant future.  If I can find an iron and coal (Thanks Kasarn!)lead trade that would be GOLDEN.

Also, am I a bad man for being a Dictator with deliriously happy citizens?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on February 25, 2007, 11:05:10 PM
If they ask you to be one, no, if you abuse your dicatorship powers, yes.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: superluser on February 25, 2007, 11:27:39 PM
See, if I did this, I would give everybody all the rights that they ever could want.

And then I'd wait for them to demand that I step up and start oppressing them and then I'd refuse and then a neighboring country would invade and oppress them and they'd be happy for a little while and then--when they got sick of the oppression--they'd demand that I return.  And then I'd just laugh and laugh and laugh.  You got what you wanted, suckers!

Of course, that would take what?  A weekend?  I'd like something with a little longer gameplay.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 26, 2007, 05:47:16 AM
For those actually playing CN, I've created an alliance.

The "Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance" :-)

If you check your alliance dropdown, there's a "other" at the bottom - if you select that, then paste or type in the alliance, it should add you happily. Be careful you get the case identical, though, as I suspect it'll be picky...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on February 26, 2007, 06:29:09 PM
Yay! Now I can exit my newbie peace mode, secure in the knowledge that our alliance of puny insignificant nations can crush any puny insignificant nation that tries to mess with us!  :kittycool

Have we picked a colour yet? My trading partners are all across the board at the moment. I really need to redo them now. The only pact I can't drop is with a brown guy--my corrupt officials are getting nice kickbacks from that deal.  :kittydevious

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 26, 2007, 07:06:10 PM
Nope, we haven't picked a colour, so we're sticking with "no team" for the moment.

I figure it's not significant until we get, oh, at least a half-dozen of us on the alliance. Minimum...

BTW, you know you get a +1 happiness bonus for trading within your own team colour?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on February 27, 2007, 09:09:29 AM
Sorting out a colour would be handy, I guess. Just roll a die (I rolled a 12 on a d12, hooray!) or something.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 27, 2007, 09:21:09 AM
How does everyone feel about Pink? There don't seem to be too many alliances using that, and a colour is a colour...

... and, of course, Real Men Wear Pink (at least according to Donovan Deegan...) :-)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on February 27, 2007, 09:23:57 AM
Well, if you're quoting the Bard then I guess that automatically garners my vote.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on February 27, 2007, 09:33:00 AM
I don't like pink...

HAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SU-- uh, pink is fine :]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 27, 2007, 09:38:31 AM
There's no force. You're welcome to be a different colour, if you decide to be so.

It's just the intra-team bonuses for trading. *shrug*

Come to think of it, the other option is purple. Any takers?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on February 28, 2007, 07:31:23 AM
I say Blue. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 28, 2007, 09:30:56 AM
blue is very busy. At least, according to the wiki.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 02, 2007, 02:02:14 AM
I don't think that being "busy" is necessarily a bad thing for a team colour. Having more nations in the pool means that it's easier to find trades you want. What you want to avoid is being on a team containing a lot of political enemies (due to sanctions and whatnot). Black, for instance, seems to be dominated by the GOONS... and all the stupidity that a SA pedigree brings with it. Even though they do have some black enemies, a number of large minor alliances that used to be black have since migrated to another colour. Black and green alliances seem to have been sticking together through some of the major wars.

If we're going to stay away from the larger teams, purple is not a bad option. Besides being a sexy colour, it's the largest of the smaller teams, so it might be easier to sneak in under the radar while still getting the resources we need. It's home to The Legion--which is currently the most powerful single alliance but has somehow managed to remain neutral in a lot of big conflicts--and there's a good smattering of minor purple alliances that just barely make it onto the leaderboards. I think that pink has too low an active count, personally. With so few active nations, there's a good chance that someone needing specific resources will have to go out of team to find them.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 02, 2007, 02:46:34 AM
Sounds reasonable enough.

I'm happy to go for purple, on that basis. Everyone else?

... incidentally, Tez, are you stealing people from everyone else? Your country is rocketing up, there...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 02, 2007, 02:51:10 AM
What can I say? People love being oppressed by me so much that they're immigrating from all over to cower under my iron paw!  :kittydevious
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 02, 2007, 02:57:37 AM
*votes for teh purple*

Anyway, my people LOVE me, seriously, the smilely is sending me hearts...and candy...and flowers...and nude photos....  Thats it, I'm getting a restraining order.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on March 03, 2007, 01:37:51 AM
Well, I guess you need to reoffer the trades as my happiness is still sitting at 13.30 and trade screen proclaims No Team Bonus even though Valynth and I are both purple.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 03, 2007, 02:02:11 AM
actually, my people are happy because I have wine (+3)  and fast food (+2).  Plus all the other factors results in a hardy 17.5
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on March 03, 2007, 02:07:21 AM
I wasn't responding to your post. I was making an observation of the interteam trading bonus.

Reoffer your trade when you are done buying stuff :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 03, 2007, 09:22:50 AM
grumblegrumblemutter a measly 9.

It'd be better if -any- of the people I was trying to set up a trade with actually responded....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 04, 2007, 02:56:01 AM
Heh! Figures the happiness would skyrocket after I make war an option. You'd think it would be the other way around! :B

I has Furs and Irons for trading, if anyone desires them.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 04, 2007, 05:28:19 AM
Everyone else is in purple, Sheridan. You might want to change. And then re-trade with me, since that way we'll get the +1 bonus, which you don't get in No Team...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 04, 2007, 03:05:17 PM
Done. :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 04, 2007, 04:15:17 PM
Yes. :-P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 05, 2007, 11:56:34 AM
Wait a second, I just realized something....  Cybernations is a game!  So shouldn't this be in the keep?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 05, 2007, 01:11:00 PM

*waves hand* Nothing to see here. Move along.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 05, 2007, 01:31:41 PM
phew, for a second there I thought the world was going to end by a paradox.
Good thing I was just suffering from a minor case of aixelsyd.

Anyway, my nation is two weeks old!  That means my population happiness is 20!  Good lord, they're loving me.....  Time to abuse it!  *sets up a series of harems for himself*

Also, any opinions on how I can get more population faster?  I've been trying to keep the density to about 20-30, but I only have about 257 pop after two weeks!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 05, 2007, 02:28:30 PM
Search me. I'm stuck where nobody wants to trade with me - or, at least, not for the resources I have on hand. :-/

Look into the resources that increase population. Keep your population happy. Buy more land. Keep infrastructure at about twice land area. Once you've done that, come back to me...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 05, 2007, 04:51:26 PM
Hey, lead is a good resource to have, but I've aready got a trade for pigs and it's attached to a very useful cattle resource which allows me to have my fast food bonus.

I am thinking about getting rid of my sugar and wine trade since I've got a sugar and coal trade with bonus from Kasarn, though.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 05, 2007, 05:11:37 PM
I should beat Kasarn up until he trades with me, then. :-)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 05, 2007, 06:22:58 PM
Quote from: Valynth on March 05, 2007, 01:31:41 PM
Anyway, my nation is two weeks old!  That means my population happiness is 20!  Good lord, they're loving me.....  Time to abuse it!  *sets up a series of harems for himself*

Also, any opinions on how I can get more population faster?  I've been trying to keep the density to about 20-30, but I only have about 257 pop after two weeks!

Infrastructure. Infrastructure. Infrastructure. That's really the only thing you should be spending money on at the moment, aside from keeping your soldier count above 20% of your civilian pop. The soldiery is important--costs are negligible and the penalty for rioting is enormous--so giving yourself a little wiggle room there might be wise. If you have good cash flow management, it helps to purchase infra in 10 point blocks, as the purchase price rises every 10 points or so.

Don't worry about land just yet. The penalty for overcrowding is fairly small (-1 happiness, which is easily cancelled out by other factors). Trying to keep land growth up with your infrastructure developments isn't really worth it at this point, either. You grow naturally, and land should be a relatively costly investment for you at the moment. When you're a bit bigger, you'll be able to purchase huge swaths of land for nothing. (When I was your size, I was making maybe $3k per day, and land costs were around $400 a mile. Now, with ten times the income, my land prices have barely changed.) If you can find a trading partner with water, that does help a lot, though.

Given your reported happiness levels, I'll wager that your tax rate is too low. The optimal tax rate jumps to 28% after only a few days, and you're well past that mark.

If it'll help, I can toss you a small aid package in a few days after I finish building my harbour.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 05, 2007, 07:35:39 PM
Your tax guess ran true, I had it set as low as it would go.  As an American I have a notorious dislike for taxes in general.  Now I have 'em set to moderately high, 20%.

Anyway, considering the money I'll be raking in now, getting a ton of infa is going to be easy...

...I still hate my high tax rates though....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 05, 2007, 07:42:49 PM
There's a wiki page that explains how to select optimal tax rates. It'd be worth looking at that....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on March 05, 2007, 08:00:07 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 05, 2007, 05:11:37 PM
I should beat Kasarn up until he trades with me, then. :-)

I was tempted before Sheridan turned up. Pool $300,000 on me so I can get a harbour and it's done :P
But, honestly, I sure you already know that you've got a bit of a dud combo for newbie nations like us; we have practically no military to reduce the cost of. You'd have more luck with the large alliances or posting to CN forums.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 05, 2007, 08:04:49 PM
dud combo anyway, really. I guess I'll just go back to my usual plan - just sit and grow slowly.

It -sucks- that I can't get water off anyone, though.

.. I'll start saving up my sheckles, though.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 06, 2007, 02:19:36 AM
Hey llearch, the pigs and cattle guy left, so I have a free trade spot and desperate need for swine.  if you're interested
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 06, 2007, 06:36:59 AM
Getting a trade request with "The pig supplier skipped town" amuses me.

Far more than it really should.

... now all I need is coal and oil, and I'm set. I think. Assuming the water/uranium guy responds affirmatively.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 09, 2007, 05:35:01 PM
Some nice gentleman just declared war on me.

Would we like to show him that that's a terribly bad idea? Or do we leave me to cope by myself? ;-)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 10, 2007, 12:38:35 AM
I would help, but since I only have 120 soldiers myself...well, I'm rather unable to do much.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on March 10, 2007, 01:38:21 AM
We obviously can't help directly but I have $4000 left if you want it... remembering that you only have 4 aid slots.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 10, 2007, 01:42:16 AM

I guess you walked into the neighbourhood bully. Judging by his history, he's more than just a noob testing out the war system. His alliance is also twenty times our size, however, which could be rather bad for us if they support such activities and would defend him if we retaliate.  :animesweat League of Shadows is a new alliance of mostly newbie nations, and this guy is in their top 10. I remember getting a recruitment message from them about two weeks back, but I unfortunately forgot to save it, so I don't have their contact info or forum address. I did message their leader, though. Still waiting for a reply...

I can try to keep you going with foreign aid until the war expires. What do you need most right now? Money? Troops? I believe I'm only allowed to send you one package every 10 days. How much damage are you taking per attack? Is the situation desperate yet?

I'm currently the only one in range to hit him back, and he seems rather better equipped for fighting that I am (not to mention that I'm currently at -20% troop strength due to a string of unfortuate terrorism-related events). I'll have to spend several days building up my tech and military before I'm much of a match for him. Even so, I'm not sure we can really do that much damage to each other 1 on 1. If he's spending so much on his war efforts instead of growing, it's possible that the rest of us will be in range to hit him by the end of the week, but I don't know enough about the war system in this game to tell if that will allow us to beat him down or just give him six little guys to pound on a day instead of three.

Can you tell how many forces he allocated to homeland defence?

Of course, it's always possible that someone else will tear him a new one for us. One of his other victims is a member of CDS--one of the largest non-sanctioned alliances in the game.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on March 10, 2007, 03:19:33 AM
I'm going to beef up my army a bit and hold back on further purchasing until notice.  Any aid that is requested from me I will do my best to give.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 10, 2007, 03:44:56 AM
Hmm... military is relatively inexpensive. You little guys might want to work on building up your economies to the point where you're in range to hit him if necessary. Some cash reserves for emergency foreign aid are probably a good idea though.

Wars only last a week, and this guy is apparently a repeat offender. So... we either need to prop up llearch for a week until the guy moves on to a new victim or build up to the point that we can realistically take him down.

Anyway, I've been in contact with the League of Shadows leader. They do not approve of this jerk's actions. Officially, they will neither help nor hinder us in the fight against this jerk, even if our entire alliance attack him. Nonetheless, I do get the impression that they have a very hands off policy with regards to their members and won't prevent any of his buddies from helping out.

So... battle plans?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 10, 2007, 05:59:04 AM
At this point, my population happiness is "-11.40" - down from +13 or so...

'course, I pulled in ~8k in taxes, payed off the ~3k of bills, and bought up ~800 troops, bringing me up to just over a thousand troops on call.

So his next move will be to attack me again, and, hopefully, bounce. Badly. My main problem is, I think, my population happiness affecting taxes. I'd say at this stage, we just let him scratch on the outside, and ignore him, for the moment. If I get into more trouble, I'll let you know - in the mean time, you lot keep building up, and perhaps keep some spare cash on hand.

I -could- take out 500 troops and go beat on him, but I'd rather just leave them at home waiting for him. Defensive, rather than offensive, you know. We'll see how tomorrow goes. If nothing else, I still have some spare cash lying around, which I'd recommend to pretty much everyone as useful - keep ~10k lying about in a kitty for use in emergencies. Increase that if necessary - about a days taxes, I'd suggest.

I suspect that, apart from the unhappiness thing (which I think I'm going to drop taxes briefly to manage) I'm pretty much set. Although finding someone to trade wine with wouldn't hurt... :-)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 10, 2007, 11:18:42 AM
Heh. I get 1000 troops out of nowhere, he goes "hmmm." and sues for peace.

I'm gonna let him sweat for a day, I think. Or possibly until monday.
... either that or wait until he's logged in tomorrow (about 9am, server time, or 3pm my time) and then shift over and smack him one, then accept peace. Think that sounds like a plan? :-)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 12, 2007, 02:05:22 AM
I suggest bumping up your DEFCON a level or two if you are fighting, because DEFCON 5 is only about 76% Combat Effectiveness.

No, rly. (
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 12, 2007, 04:23:40 AM
Um... he already declared peace. Congress can recall the troops!

I think I'll still spend the week building up tech so I'll have tanks and missiles on demand the next time this happens, though...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 12, 2007, 04:50:45 AM
Tech is good, I just spent this day's taxes getting .8 tech level.  The (relative) +2 happiness boost is useful.

Now that my population is relatively happy I'll be going back to build infrastructure.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 12, 2007, 07:43:10 AM
Quote from: Valynth on March 12, 2007, 04:50:45 AM
Tech is good, I just spent this day's taxes getting .8 tech level.  The (relative) +2 happiness boost is useful.

Now that my population is relatively happy I'll be going back to build infrastructure.

Mine's at 3.02 at the moment, which seems to help fairly well.

Take in mind Tech also reduces Infrastructure Upkeep Costs, so good to balance out Tech/Infrastructure to keep the upkeep costs down.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 12, 2007, 08:15:59 AM


Back to expanding, again. Another day buying infrastructure and I'll have to go back to buying tech. Promises to be interesting.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 12, 2007, 04:33:23 PM

I've joined our little alliance, and I'm up for some growing and sharing. It'll be fine. Let me know when we go to war and such, and I'll send my pathetic twenty-two soldiers in your defense. Sadly, I'm in California, so I don't know if I'll be much help....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 12, 2007, 09:07:15 PM
I'd trade with you, but spice and water is likely to be a popular trade... and I've already got spice, so it'd be a waste.

Just so you know.

I'd recommend reading the various help available - eg, the cybernations wikia entry on taxes, and other related info. Find some people to trade with that get you somewhere - I'd suggest looking to see if you can make up Beer or Fast Food prerequisites, with your details.

Also, you may get people offering you money for trade, so I'd hold off on accepting the first one coming through.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 13, 2007, 08:37:30 AM
Hey, well, I'm still building, trying to find trade partners and save money for land...any aid thrown my way would be appreciated, I'm the Kingdom Of March, Username Margrave.

In  other news, should we debut the alliance on the CN forum? If we are all building our resources and powers, why not act abit more in the international community? I for one intend to enter the geopolitical situation, see if we can't start some trade with other nations in California/The Pacific at large, the New Pacific Order might be friendly to us if we ask right.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 13, 2007, 09:08:14 AM
*shrug* I wasn't planning on it.

After all, we're not really big enough to show up anywhere, being only 7 minor third-world nations. The only one that's showing any signs of going places is Tezkat, and that's only because he lucked out on starting resources. :-] I wish him all the best, but will just have to reside in envy back where I am....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on March 13, 2007, 11:47:18 AM
Speaking of envy I slipped from my cushy fourth place down to fifth ;.;
Stupid technology. Making me wait till level five until I can get my harbor...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 13, 2007, 01:33:42 PM
Quote from: Sheridan on March 12, 2007, 07:43:10 AM
Take in mind Tech also reduces Infrastructure Upkeep Costs, so good to balance out Tech/Infrastructure to keep the upkeep costs down.

Technology is nice, but--outside of war and a few bonus resource requirements--it's only useful when crossing certain threshold points that increase happiness (0.01, 1.01, 3.01, 6.01, 10.01, and 15.01+). It's not something that's worth building up a little bit at a time. The effect on maintenance costs is insignificant. I spent just spent a whopping $100k on tech, and it only dropped my daily infrastructure bill by a measely $70. (My bills run around $8k per day at the moment.)

Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 13, 2007, 08:37:30 AM
Hey, well, I'm still building, trying to find trade partners and save money for land...any aid thrown my way would be appreciated, I'm the Kingdom Of March, Username Margrave.

I can toss you about $20k tomorrow. That should at least boost you into triple digit nation strength if you spend it wisely. I'll have more available in a few days, if you can wait. My own NS skyrocketted by 300 points in one shot after a $35k kickback from a trading partner when I was only a few days old.

Oh, and seriously... the -1 happiness penalty from overcrowding takes half a dollar off your income per citizen--nothing compared to the boost from increasing your population. If you have water, then maybe it's worth keeping your population density under target. However, matching land to infrastructure growth gives you a paltry $0.22/citizen bonus, so that's not cost effective until you're quite large.

In  other news, should we debut the alliance on the CN forum? If we are all building our resources and powers, why not act abit more in the international community? I for one intend to enter the geopolitical situation, see if we can't start some trade with other nations in California/The Pacific at large, the New Pacific Order might be friendly to us if we ask right.

Um... trade goes by team colour, not location. Geography is quite irrelevant in CN. My own nation is parked over some Mayan ruins in the Yucatan, and I have a trading partner floating in the Indian Ocean. It adds a bit of flavour, nothing more. The Legion and a handful of large minor alliances like UPN and COF are the powers that be in our neck of the woods. If you're looking for trades, just use the resource search.

Playing politics as a group of newbie nations will just get us "noticed" by the wrong sorts of people. We have nothing to offer larger alliances militarily and aren't recruiting outside of this forum yet. So... we'd just asking to be bullied or absorbed by larger alliances. The most recent incident demonstrated how vulnerable we are to predation.

I'd recommend staying out of the public eye until we at least have an average strength in the thousands. We need to be strong enough to defend ourselves and also have enough large member nations to bootstrap new recruits.

If you guys really want to get noticed, win friends, influence people, etc... there's a new tournament round starting sometime soon now. Aside from most of the players being veterans in hundred-player alliances, everyone there will start off on even footing. A number of alliances (such as NPO) also have tourney memberships that are independent from their main CN ones.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 13, 2007, 01:43:56 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on March 13, 2007, 01:33:42 PM
Technology is nice, but--outside of war and a few bonus resource requirements--it's only useful when crossing certain threshold points that increase happiness (0.01, 1.01, 3.01, 6.01, 10.01, and 15.01+). It's not something that's worth building up a little bit at a time. The effect on maintenance costs is insignificant. I spent just spent a whopping $100k on tech, and it only dropped my daily infrastructure bill by a measely $70. (My bills run around $8k per day at the moment.)

Ooo. Hmm. I guess I should bump to 6 anna bit, and then leave it for a while.

Quote from: Tezkat on March 13, 2007, 01:33:42 PM
Oh, and seriously... the -1 happiness penalty from overcrowding takes half a dollar off your income per citizen--nothing compared to the boost from increasing your population. If you have water, then maybe it's worth keeping your population density under target. However, matching land to infrastructure growth gives you a paltry $0.22/citizen bonus, so that's not cost effective until you're quite large.

Hmm. So just throwing all spare cash into infrastructure is probably better, then? I'll drop the 22c/citizen bonus, but increase the number of citizens and value thereof anyway....

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 13, 2007, 11:57:47 PM
so, what should I be investing in with that pretty aid package you're sending?

also, what are the full names of those groups? I'm trying to search them.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 14, 2007, 05:14:00 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 13, 2007, 01:43:56 PM
Hmm. So just throwing all spare cash into infrastructure is probably better, then? I'll drop the 22c/citizen bonus, but increase the number of citizens and value thereof anyway....


I haven't done all the math yet, but that's what I did at your size. Infra, infra, infra! I'm building up my land now because I have the cash to spare and relative population growth is small compared to land prices. I almost feel like I've been stagnating for the past week and a half, what with having to save up hundreds of thousands for a harbour and then for tech. I'll be happy to get back to the business of growing my population tomorrow.

Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 13, 2007, 11:57:47 PM
so, what should I be investing in with that pretty aid package you're sending?

Well... what I did when I made my first big jump was withhold taxes for a few days before receiving the aid package (I knew it was coming, so that made it retroactive), then spend nearly everything on infrastructure in 10 point chunks. Then I collected my taxes with the new and improved population and had a second growth spurt. The end result was a thousand-person jump in population overnight. Your mileage may vary.

Anyways... I managed to scrounge up $25000 (spend it all on infra) and 100 soldiers (saves you the trouble of worrying about soldiers right now--it should be in the right range after your first big infra purchases). You'll want to bump taxes to 28% and DEFCON down to 5 before collecting taxes. Make sure your soldier count always stays above 20% pop, but otherwise spend it all on infra. You have water, so you only need a pop density down in the 70/mile range to get the +1 happiness bonus--maybe buy a bit of land with your leftover funds if you want, but mostly focus on infra. I tried to send a token 0.01 tech to give you the +1 happiness bonus, but I'm not sure if it went through or not. Wait to buy more tech until you can afford to cross the next threshold in one go. If my mini tech donation didn't go through, it could be worth buying up the minimum tech amount when your cash reserves drop to $5k, just so you've got a non-zero tech level.

also, what are the full names of those groups? I'm trying to search them.

Powerful purple (or mostly purple) alliances:
The Legion (

CN:TE is down, but here's NPO's (TE) sign-up thread on the CN forums (

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 14, 2007, 12:50:14 PM
yeah, I can hang on. I've got almost fifty infra now, and as I wait for a few days to collect taxes, I'm sitting pretty.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 15, 2007, 12:56:36 PM
Hmm. Man. That worked exceptionally well. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 15, 2007, 02:26:01 PM
Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 14, 2007, 12:50:14 PM
yeah, I can hang on. I've got almost fifty infra now, and as I wait for a few days to collect taxes, I'm sitting pretty.

Why wait to collect your taxes? That strategy is quite useful when you're expecting an external influx of cash which will dwarf whatever growth you can manage on your own. However, you've already received your aid package. Unless someone else has promised you a donation, it's now time to build. I can't send you another for 10 days.

At this level, the game seems balanced so that you can keep growing at the rate of around 10 infra a day. Depending on your resources, that's 70-100 taxpaying citizens. Until your population is the thousands, few things compare to increasing your tax base by another 100 citizens. You'll get the most benefit from steady growth.

Withholding taxes becomes helpful when, say, saving up for improvements or large tech purchases. In that case, since you aren't increasing your income levels each day anyway, only collecting taxes every few days gives you thousands of dollars in interest (something to consider for those of you approaching the "I really should buy a harbour" point in your nations' lives).

Random stuff I've learned from sending aid for the first time: You can't send fractional values of tech in aid; you can apparently drop more soldiers on nations than they have civilians (Heh... oops... but it worked out in the end, right?); when you send soldiers in aid, it deducts from your base count rather than your actual count (If you have +30% soldiers from resources, and you send 100 soldiers, you'll lose 130 soliders); the documentation stating that you can only send 1/3 of your available cash/tech in aid is wrong/obsolete (As far as I can tell, you can send the whole thing).

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 15, 2007, 12:56:36 PM
Hmm. Man. That worked exceptionally well. :-]


Um... how's the view from up there? (And what's with that improvement selection?)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 15, 2007, 02:28:27 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on March 15, 2007, 02:26:01 PM
Um... how's the view from up there?

Concerning. If -I- can jump this far.... who am I now visible to, who can swat me down without too much trouble?

Quote from: Tezkat on March 15, 2007, 02:26:01 PM
(And what's with that improvement selection?)

I looked at what there was, and guessed. *shrug*

I plan to find someone to trade with with specific resources to get some bonus resources. Mostly, I find people don't react to trade offers, which bites...

... and I just realised I've been misreading the foreign ministry to be the same as a harbour. Whoops. Oh, well. Next week...

(btw: woot! 100k posts!)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 15, 2007, 02:51:22 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 15, 2007, 02:28:27 PM
I looked at what there was, and guessed. *shrug*

Most vets pick the harbour hands down as a first improvement (2 extra resources easily beats anything else you can get via improvements--assuming you can get the trades). Then they go for some combination of banks, factories, and stadiums.

Right now, your improvement profile screams "TECH TRADER HERE. PLEASE RAID ME."   :B


I plan to find someone to trade with with specific resources to get some bonus resources. Mostly, I find people don't react to trade offers, which bites...

Yeah... it's hard if you're looking for specific resources in team. There are usually only ten or so purple nations with a given resource pair, and only one or two with a spare slot (who might not have logged in in weeks). I've been slowly converting my old trades over to purple and trying to get the right resources for good bonus stuff. Once I manage to swap my fur for gold, I'm set.

If you're not so picky about team, one thing that seems to work well is just reload the new nation list until someone comes along with the stuff you need. Then you can get to them first. It might work even better if you send them a message with a subject heading like: "30k in aid if you accept my trade!" You're big enough to bribe your way to good resource sets now, after all.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 15, 2007, 03:41:33 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on March 15, 2007, 02:51:22 PM
Right now, your improvement profile screams "TECH TRADER HERE. PLEASE RAID ME."   :B

Oh, joy. Something to look forward to. Oh, well.

FWIW, I did beef up my defenses a bit. I thought about a cruise missile or two, but those are offensive-only, and I'd rather not. *shrug* I suspect I'll just sort it out in a couple weeks. Save up for a harbour...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on March 16, 2007, 01:09:53 AM
What the heck DID you do Llearch?  I'm kinda curious as to how you jumped up so quickly.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 16, 2007, 05:23:38 AM
There's this helpful button in the top right corner. :-]

On the down side, you can only use it effectively once a month....

I chipped 50k to Aiyno, while I was there, as well. *shrug*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on March 16, 2007, 09:58:21 AM
Oh... this game has a cheat button :p
Ah well, a lesson in economics.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on March 16, 2007, 10:49:18 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 16, 2007, 05:23:38 AM
I chipped 50k to Aiyno, while I was there, as well. *shrug*

*happy dance* And now I pownz you all  >:3

I've got da Powah! *Some song in bruce almighty*

:U Don't be scared of the bad English, It's supposed to be awful.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 16, 2007, 12:05:25 PM
Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on March 16, 2007, 09:58:21 AM
Oh... this game has a cheat button :p
Ah well, a lesson in economics.

Yeah. Cheat Mode FTW. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 19, 2007, 08:09:55 AM
I'm requesting ratification as Emissary for the Defensive Mutually Friendly Alliance (Our Alliance). I've gotten to know the sanctioned alliances of CN, I've held discussions with several people in leadership of the biggest ones. I've been monitoring the recent action between alliances, and I believe I can benefit our alliance by representing us.

So, what do y'all think?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on March 20, 2007, 01:08:29 AM
I don't really care... in CN terms, this isn't a serious alliance.
But what have you been up to?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 20, 2007, 12:25:52 PM
Watching the wars, watching the forums on CN. It makes me wish I was strong enough (And was with one of the alliances) to go do something. But, as Pepe Le Pew once said, "Le Sigh".
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 20, 2007, 01:36:11 PM
I don't see the point in jumping in at the deep end if we're simply playing "casually", as it were. No point getting more involved than we want to.

Also, someone in the alliance appears to have switched over to Maroon - the Kingdom of March, whoever they are.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on March 20, 2007, 01:55:07 PM
I'm being attacked :-(

How dare they? ... Okay if I would have more soldiers I would be winning, He is taken more casualties than I am and I have won most of the battles because of that but I have only got 1/4 of the soldiers he has... :(

*sigh* only because I didn't want to trade with him.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 20, 2007, 02:06:39 PM
Kicked him upside the head a little. He only has about 200 defending troops at the moment.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 20, 2007, 03:12:40 PM
Quote from: Sheridan on March 20, 2007, 01:36:11 PM
Also, someone in the alliance appears to have switched over to Maroon - the Kingdom of March, whoever they are.

That would be Sirios.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 20, 2007, 03:36:30 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 20, 2007, 03:12:40 PM
Quote from: Sheridan on March 20, 2007, 01:36:11 PM
Also, someone in the alliance appears to have switched over to Maroon - the Kingdom of March, whoever they are.

That would be Sirios.

As I suspected. Wasn't 100% sure. :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 20, 2007, 04:34:36 PM
Quote from: Sheridan on March 20, 2007, 01:36:11 PM
Also, someone in the alliance appears to have switched over to Maroon - the Kingdom of March, whoever they are.

Heh... our would-be emissary defected?  :mowtongue

Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on March 20, 2007, 01:55:07 PM
I'm being attacked :-(

How dare they? ... Okay if I would have more soldiers I would be winning, He is taken more casualties than I am and I have won most of the battles because of that but I have only got 1/4 of the soldiers he has... :(

*sigh* only because I didn't want to trade with him.

You do have a very nice resource set, Aiyno.

At any rate, you guys seem to be making short work of this idiot. How might I be of assistance? :kittydevious
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 20, 2007, 04:57:59 PM
Sorry, I'm changing it back...I was trying to court NoR for trading partners, but no luck.

Also, I'll see what I can to, I'm doing abit of tech raiding on an inactive myself, against a VERY inactive nation called Go-Gaia. Our alliance is just a defensive one, but any help on this would be appreciated, and I'll split whatever I get with whoever wants to help.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 20, 2007, 05:57:18 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on March 20, 2007, 04:34:36 PM

At any rate, you guys seem to be making short work of this idiot. How might I be of assistance? :kittydevious

I think we have him neutralized to harmless levels. Aiyno probably needs more troops as he's currently in Anarchy, but Arcatech is holding strong. Fear the communist government. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 20, 2007, 08:08:58 PM
Aiyno dismissed half of what I sent him, on grounds of he had too many troops. :-]

I think he should have waited until the guy agreed to peace, myself, but what the hey. I'll be working on saving up, I think.

Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 20, 2007, 04:57:59 PM
Sorry, I'm changing it back...I was trying to court NoR for trading partners, but no luck.

Meh. You realise any trades you had when you changed drop the team bonus, and once you change back, you still won't get it back?

Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 20, 2007, 04:57:59 PM
Also, I'll see what I can to, I'm doing abit of tech raiding on an inactive myself, against a VERY inactive nation called Go-Gaia. Our alliance is just a defensive one, but any help on this would be appreciated, and I'll split whatever I get with whoever wants to help.

Hmmm. Yeah, from my point of view, if you aggro someone up, and they beat on you, that's your problem.

On the other hand, if you stand around and someone sneaks up and attacks you, that's something else. The former, I'll ignore. The latter, I'll help. It's very simple.

Of course, I'm not speaking for anyone else, and the whole rest of the alliance is welcome to step in. I'm just not going to. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 20, 2007, 10:23:43 PM
Alright, he's requested peace with me so I've called off the hounds. Perhaps that'll learn him. :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 21, 2007, 01:37:51 AM
Ah... another swift crisis resolution. :kittycool

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 20, 2007, 08:08:58 PM
Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 20, 2007, 04:57:59 PM
Also, I'll see what I can to, I'm doing abit of tech raiding on an inactive myself, against a VERY inactive nation called Go-Gaia. Our alliance is just a defensive one, but any help on this would be appreciated, and I'll split whatever I get with whoever wants to help.

Hmmm. Yeah, from my point of view, if you aggro someone up, and they beat on you, that's your problem.

On the other hand, if you stand around and someone sneaks up and attacks you, that's something else. The former, I'll ignore. The latter, I'll help. It's very simple.

Hmm... what qualifies as inactive? Go-Gaia, for instance, accepted an aid offer just last week...

Honestly, I don't feel comfortable supporting unprovoked wars, either. When it goes bad, it places us in the awkward position of either having to condone what are essentially rogue attacks or sit back and watch an ally take a beating. This game isn't even like, say, Earth 2025 or its many clones where you need to land grab to grow; you can easily develop a powerful nation in CN without throwing a single punch.  I see loose cannons as a liability for the alliance.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 21, 2007, 01:57:18 AM
That's just fine, and I don't expect any support. However, I've also offered reps to anyone who I've attacked since Go-Gaia, and will continue to offer. It's something I've seen alot of people do, and I wanted to stretch my war legs abit, just in case we get into anything serious.

However, as we're a rather anarchal group so far, I'll take the word of both Tezkat and Llearch as being leadership suggestions, and immediately cease any non-defensive action.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 21, 2007, 02:51:28 PM
I won't deny that I've been curious about the mechanics of the war system myself... :animesweat

Still, we ought to decide what kind of alliance we want to be. Are we naught but an informal collective of rogue states banded together for mutual defence? I encountered that kind of attitude when negotiating with the League of Shadows back when llearch was attacked, and I can't say I liked what I saw. (Their leader titled his first reply to me "Take him out" in reference to the aggressor, a nation in the top 10% of their alliance.) They didn't have the structure or communications to be accountable for their members, but we're still a fairly small, tight-knit group. I think we can do better.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 21, 2007, 04:14:32 PM
Well, it was fun: I got a good deal of money (about 9000) out of a cautious attack. Personally, I think that we should all experiment with the war mechanics, and declaring on inactives is a CN acceptable way of doing it.

However, at the moment, I think we should solidify things here. Tezkat and Llearch are both senior people who have nations that are doing particularly well, and thus I look at both of them as semi in charge. I know we only have seven people, but still, seeing as we've been attacked twice now, I really think we need more than a simple mutual defense pact between nations.

Also, to my trading partners, please cancel your trades and then resend to regain the team bonus. Thanks.

Edit: You know, we could also consider joining a pre-existing alliance collectively. I've been watching several that we could join, like the Green Protection Agency, which is a truly neutral alliance that is well respected on the forums, and rarely if ever goes to war. Though I guess I like NPO and \m/ for the sheer fun if that were going to be the case.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 22, 2007, 01:52:08 PM

Why does it look like Valynth is the aggressor ( in a war with an alliance that's bigger and stronger than we are (  :erk

Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 21, 2007, 04:14:32 PM
Edit: You know, we could also consider joining a pre-existing alliance collectively. I've been watching several that we could join, like the Green Protection Agency, which is a truly neutral alliance that is well respected on the forums, and rarely if ever goes to war. Though I guess I like NPO and \m/ for the sheer fun if that were going to be the case.

After all the trouble I went through to get five bonus resources, I can't say that anything involving a team switch appeals to me. Are you that eager to play with the big boys?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 22, 2007, 01:57:53 PM
Good question. What's up, Valynth?

... incidentally, if what appears to be the case is, then when they come back and beat you senseless, I'm going to point and laugh, ok? :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 22, 2007, 02:45:37 PM
He was inactive for a week, acctually he hasn't been on since the 8th.  I think he's gonna be removed from the game soon anyway.  (you need to collect taxes every 20 days or you are removed.)

Okay, I've offered peace to him, so if he acctually has activity, he'll be able to stop the aggression, but as I've stated he hasn't had activity since the 8th and the war will last beyond the "drop date"
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 22, 2007, 04:42:47 PM
play with the big boys? I dunno, really. I mean, I'd like to help build our alliance, get us to a position of power and all, but at the same time, I like this game alot more for the politics than the warfare, and right now alll we're doing is collecting taxes and leveling up. We aren't involved politically or martially, and so, there isn't much to do but level up. Nothing against that, but what is the point then? Otherwise, we're just playing nationstates.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 22, 2007, 11:34:35 PM
oh, and I also happen to dislike the name of one of the alliances nation's....

here ya go (

I find that offensive.  If ever there was a nation I feel morally obligated to smack down based on name, it would be him.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 23, 2007, 06:47:48 PM
Finally got up to 1,000 people, so I'm probably going to gun for getting an Improvement in the near future, possibly a Bank, Clinic or School.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 23, 2007, 07:18:46 PM
I believe a harbor is the standard first choice. I'm inclined to agree...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 23, 2007, 08:13:57 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 23, 2007, 07:18:46 PM
I believe a harbor is the standard first choice. I'm inclined to agree...

I prefer to keep to trading w/in our little alliance, and nobody else (so far) has resources that I need, as far as I can tell, apart from Tezkat's Aluminium and Lumber, both of which I lack. But he already has through trade the only things I offer - Iron and Pigs.  :rolleyes
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 23, 2007, 08:42:15 PM
Quote from: Valynth on March 22, 2007, 02:45:37 PM
He was inactive for a week, acctually he hasn't been on since the 8th.  I think he's gonna be removed from the game soon anyway.  (you need to collect taxes every 20 days or you are removed.)

Okay, I've offered peace to him, so if he acctually has activity, he'll be able to stop the aggression, but as I've stated he hasn't had activity since the 8th and the war will last beyond the "drop date"

Regardless of my stance on attacking inactives, what you did with Bearpeopleland was risk hostilities with an alliance twice our size. A simple search of their recent wars ( reveals that they are willing and able to defend their brethren. Even though we lack a formal policy on first strikes, avoiding nations with alliance backing is just common sense (at least without the backing and approval of your own allies).


Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 22, 2007, 04:42:47 PM
play with the big boys? I dunno, really. I mean, I'd like to help build our alliance, get us to a position of power and all, but at the same time, I like this game alot more for the politics than the warfare, and right now alll we're doing is collecting taxes and leveling up. We aren't involved politically or martially, and so, there isn't much to do but level up. Nothing against that, but what is the point then? Otherwise, we're just playing nationstates.

You can level up in NationStates? :mowtongue Based on the activity we've seen thus far, we won't be lacking for military action. There's no shortage of aggressive fools in this game. I'd prefer that we weren't among them, is all.

With respect to my "big boys" comment, well... There's a new world war going on right now with thousands of nations slugging it out. So... which side would you like to support? You seem to be a fan of NPO and \m/, but all my non-DMFA trading partners are GATO or Legion (and our alliance is purple). Either side would certainly offer some exciting battles before being crushed in a multi-nation gangbang...

Just my $0.02 on the issue... I've run many online game alliances over the past decade. Right now, CyberNations is in "few minutes a day distraction" territory for me. I know that politicking and deciding to take the game seriously is a slippery slope down to the "up at 3am coordinating a hundred-player war" zone. I'm personally not ready for that level of commitment just yet. If that's your thing, more power to you. Barring a liberal application of llearch's "Cheat Mode", however, most of our members are still weeks of boring tax collection and levelling up away from being serious condenders anyway.

Quote from: Sheridan on March 23, 2007, 06:47:48 PM
Finally got up to 1,000 people, so I'm probably going to gun for getting an Improvement in the near future, possibly a Bank, Clinic or School.

Get a harbour first. Saving up for it takes a while, but two more resources (plus possible in-team happiness and bonus resources) beats out pretty much anything you can get from another improvement. After that, build stadiums until your tax income/citizen hits $24, then go for banks.

The other path is to go schools, universities, and a foreign ministry to become a tech trader.

Add in factories, missile defence, and so on to taste.

Quote from: Sheridan on March 23, 2007, 08:13:57 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 23, 2007, 07:18:46 PM
I believe a harbor is the standard first choice. I'm inclined to agree...

I prefer to keep to trading w/in our little alliance, and nobody else (so far) has resources that I need, as far as I can tell, apart from Tezkat's Aluminium and Lumber, both of which I lack. But he already has through trade the only things I offer - Iron and Pigs.  :rolleyes

Even if you trade out of the alliance, it's probably better than other improvements. I mean... there's only eight of us; we can't have enough for everyone. Aluminum/Lumber is tough to find, though.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 23, 2007, 08:56:10 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on March 23, 2007, 08:42:15 PM
Just my $0.02 on the issue... I've run many online game alliances over the past decade. Right now, CyberNations is in "few minutes a day distraction" territory for me. I know that politicking and deciding to take the game seriously is a slippery slope down to the "up at 3am coordinating a hundred-player war" zone. I'm personally not ready for that level of commitment just yet. If that's your thing, more power to you. Barring a liberal application of llearch's "Cheat Mode", however, most of our members are still weeks of boring tax collection and levelling up away from being serious condenders anyway.

Ah.. the "cheat mode" is limited to a max of once a month, per player. And will only do 200 land, 200 infrastructure, 20 tech, and $400k. Sure, we could -all- benefit from it, but still, it would take a lot more levelling to be up there in reasonable territory.

FWIW, I plan on "cheating" again, next month. And I'm not going to object to anyone else doing so, either. But then, I -did- pass out some of the results in foreign aid to non-combatants...

Quote from: Tezkat on March 23, 2007, 08:42:15 PM
Get a harbour first. Saving up for it takes a while, but two more resources (plus possible in-team happiness and bonus resources) beats out pretty much anything you can get from another improvement. After that, build stadiums until your tax income/citizen hits $24, then go for banks.

The other path is to go schools, universities, and a foreign ministry to become a tech trader.

Oh, is -that- what you're supposed to do? I guess I should go do that, then... :-)

Quote from: Tezkat on March 23, 2007, 08:42:15 PM
Even if you trade out of the alliance, it's probably better than other improvements. I mean... there's only eight of us; we can't have enough for everyone. Aluminum/Lumber is tough to find, though.

FWIW, I'm trying to get Mischa's machine working enough that she can get past the captcha to get in. Once she can do that, she's looking at Rubber and Oil. Those might be of use.... and I'm sure she'll like two sets of pigs... :-)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on March 23, 2007, 11:48:21 PM
So, well kids, I realize that after my emissary post, it sorta sounded like this or that.

To be entirely plain, I'm joining \m/. To do the politicking and such. Fun!

They've got a rather big aid program for n00bz, and while that's a tempting thing by itself, I like them. I'm a terribly imperialist kinda guy who likes politicking and fighting and such, and I've got enough time to waste on this imaginary game that I'm going to join a group where I'll have the chance to do that.

I'll kick some aid and such to you guys whenever I can. I like all of you, and I don't think this has to be big drama or anything, because even once I join \m/, it doesn't preclude us from helping each other out and such.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 24, 2007, 02:07:06 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on March 23, 2007, 08:42:15 PM
Regardless of my stance on attacking inactives, what you did with Bearpeopleland was risk hostilities with an alliance twice our size. A simple search of their recent wars ( reveals that they are willing and able to defend their brethren. Even though we lack a formal policy on first strikes, avoiding nations with alliance backing is just common sense (at least without the backing and approval of your own allies).

Then just say "Dentrinition's assault was an individual effort and it shall suffer whatever reprocussions result from it's actions, with no aid from the alliance."

Also, have you even looked at some of the member nations?  They glorify terrorism!  Anyone who allies themselves with such scum deserve what ever reprocussions they get.

Like this one. (

And maybe this one, its description sits on the fence. (

Don't forget this one (

Anyway, I dislike these guys, but I'm only gonna keep in under wraps untill I'm strong enough.  Anyway, inactivity was the cause for the initial assault and they probably would have attacked me anyway given their descriptions.  And the fact that I'm weaker than them.  Personally I'd rather have control over my destiny that letting a die decide my fate.

Also, their use of the word "Jihad" marks them as offensive to the good muslims and islamic followers out there.  You know, the ones who don't want to kill those who don't believe in their God?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 24, 2007, 09:45:29 PM
Heh... I didn't realize so many of our alliance members suffered from carebear allergies. :animesweat Ah well... it's not like picking on people because of their names is any sillier than other justifications for war.

Like us, Hwee-Alliance is a group of friends from an external forum ( They're aggressive and more experienced (although not that much more organized) than we are. Their average NS is on par with ours because they've received some severe poundings at the hands of much larger alliances. They have admitted to using multies, but even so they outnumber us by a fair bit. Our little alliance couldn't sustain a full-scale war.

Quote from: Valynth on March 24, 2007, 02:07:06 AM
Anyway, I dislike these guys, but I'm only gonna keep in under wraps untill I'm strong enough.  Anyway, inactivity was the cause for the initial assault and they probably would have attacked me anyway given their descriptions.  And the fact that I'm weaker than them.  Personally I'd rather have control over my destiny that letting a die decide my fate.

Meh... I suppose if you're dead set on unprovoked alliance wars, we could try to contain the conflict. Say... you attack one of their actives with a double alpha strike around update time. His buddies jump to his defence, and then we mount a big coordinated strike on your attackers. We'll go, "Stop attacking our ally!" and they'll go "WTF!?! He attacked us first!" and then we'll go "Hmm... you're right. Sorry, Dentrinition's assault was an individual effort blah blah blah big misunderstanding blah blah blah send him to bed with no dinner..." and offer peace. In the meantime, if all goes well, we'll take down four nations and only lose one, and everyone will gain valuable combat experience even if we do take a bit of a beating.  >:3

Of course, given the size difference, that will only work if the rest of our alliance is up for it. Otherwise, "point and laugh" remains the most practical option.  :mowtongue

In other news, our average NS just broke 1k. Yay for puny insignificant milestones!  :mowcookie

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 25, 2007, 02:05:01 AM
Cybernations:  I am now in the middle of the power rankings!  Also, one of the inactive guys came back and attacked me....He lost $78 in equipment and all I lost were the soldier fighting.  He then declares peace.  Since he is now active, I accepted.  No, it wasn't Bearpeople.

Nations States:  I'm a negotiator!  BIG O IT'S SHOW TIME!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 31, 2007, 05:45:41 AM
This lovely lovely person has decided to attack me;

Backup necessary.

EDIT: He's also demanding tech/troops.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 31, 2007, 06:20:38 AM
I like bullies. Want me to step in and pound on him a bit? :-)+)

QuoteYour soldiers triumphantly and decisively defeated your enemy in this battle. Your soldiers owe their lives to your hard work as their leader. In your victory your forces captured 6.360 miles of land from phishyness. They also destroyed 10.336 infrastructure within phishyness. They also stole 0.529 technology from phishyness. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $10,914.71 from the nation of phishyness.

Just for anyone else who wants to get into it, he had ~130k spare cash lying about, had 800 odd troops and 82 tanks when last I attacked.

'course, I killed 209 troops and lost 182 myself, but still... I went and got some troops and tanks out of the booty. :-)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 31, 2007, 11:44:09 AM
Oh... this could be interesting... :kittydevious

Our alliance appears to be at war with several members of this alliance ( (though the one who attacked ArcaTech changed his AA to Legion today). It could be a very interesting fight, since they're about the same size as we are.

I can't find any info about the alliance, and the CN forums are down.

In other news... I failed horribly in my first attempt at attacking. How embarassing! :animesweat The bastard brought all his forces home, so I bounced on both of my attacks. On the good side, I did park a couple of cruise missiles up his backside, and I softened him up a bit for anyone else who'd like to give him a beating before he buys reinforcements.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 31, 2007, 12:26:00 PM
he's got ~130k cash lying around. It wouldn't surprise me if they've been laying in wait, collecting cash reserves, ready to thump into us.

Of course, I reckon I gain enough, on a daily basis, to balance that out, and I think I'm a touch larger than he is...

Shall we engage cheat mode, when it re-enables? :-) I'm willing to cough up for myself, and, I reckon, three or four others. If we can group ourselves effectively, we can probably treble the power of our little alliance overnight. And pound the ever-living out of whoever attacks...

I get this feeling I should purchase some missiles...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 31, 2007, 04:23:25 PM
Holy crap, I'm getting pounded over here.  I could really use some help.(I'm fending off two guys at once over here!)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 31, 2007, 05:14:20 PM
If you could let us know who the heck they are, that'd be useful.

However - as it stands, I'm a bit short, just at present. I've been kinda busy...

If you can manage to survive a couple days - stand still, protect yourself, max out your troops, that sort of thing - you can probably manage to fend the bast... uh, the sods off, long enough for all of us to get sorted out.

Maxing out your troops and leaving them all on defensive is probably your best bet. Adding some tanks would be a good plan - I know I intend to invest in maxing out troops and stuff, and then spending the rest on cruise missiles. And nuking them until they glow....

Edit: Oh. Mr Phishyness and friends. Yeah. We've been hammering on phishy already. His friend, however, hasn't shown up yet. And, since I'm in anarchy, I can't declare war on him until that sorts itself out. Which isn't so good. :-/

That's a week away. All I can do until then is offer sympathy, and bribery. Willing to take me up on that? I'll add you to the list... We just have to wait until the donations page comes back, which I expect is likely a day or two away, but not more. Unless something else is going on...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 31, 2007, 05:31:59 PM

Helpful link:

All DMFA Wars (

I have it bookmarked and check it when I log in.

Currently, we have two aggressors, both from the same alliance. One of them changed his affiliation to The Legion after his attack, although I seriously doubt that will help him--his old tag still shows through on the war records, and Legion doesn't take all that kindly to attacking purple alliances.

phishyness ( is attacking both Valynth and Sheridan. He's taking a pounding from myself and llearch and is currently in anarchy, but he has a massive cash reserve ($154k).

the whitest room ( joined in the fun to pound on Valynth. I was gonna help with that guy, but I severely miscalculated the forces I'd need to take the first guy down. I thinking of declaring war on him right before update to lob a few missiles his way. Unfortunately, he's got enought tech to return the favour, so I forsee losing a chunk of infra before this conflict ends even if we can't get through each other's defences.

And let's not forget all of their friends ( who are currently on the sidelines, but could make this conflict "interesting" very quickly.

What Tezkat learned today: Cruise Missiles = Good. :kittycool

You take out 10 infra and several tanks with each strike, which is quite cheap considering the value of the troops you'd ordinarily lose to do that. Plus they removed the 2/day purchase limitation a while back, so you can just buy them on demand. Between us, that phishy guy's been dropped into anarchy and has lost a good 30 infra already--enough that maybe he's thinking twice about having attacked us.

I'm really glad I built up those stadiums now. Happiness takes a big hit when you're fighting.  :mowdizzy

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 31, 2007, 08:15:01 PM
Want more stadiums. Want more missiles.

... money is going to be hard hit this week, I foresee. :-/

Thanks for the hints, though.

Oooo. The whole thing is down. That might give them time to think about things, you think?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 31, 2007, 09:07:49 PM
Yeah... apparently the /b/tards decided to go out with a bang.  :mowdizzy The admins might need more than day to clean everything up. I wonder what they'll do with the game clock/calendar if several days pass before anyone can log in. Having a few extra days to pile up taxes or let war/anarchy timers run down could be good for us.  >:3

By the way... just before they took the servers down, phishyboi spent $100k to dig in and turtle--2916 soldiers and 149 tanks.  :B I didn't realize that you can build your troops up beyond 100% of your population, but there ya go...

The implicit threat is kinda interesting. He's now in a position to pound us back hard should we deploy enough forces to break through that wall. llearch and I have more to lose in this conflict than he does, after all. So... either we build up crazy high levels of our own and pound him into the ground so quickly that can't easily recover, or we just bomb the crap out of him until he can no longer afford all that pretty hardware. Missiles = Good. He's in anarchy and must have crazy low happiness. In a war of attrition, there's no way he can outlast four of us. It would amuse me greatly to see this idiot ZIed. He not only raided alliance nations, he brought a friend (or multi?) to help.

I'm not sure about the other guy hitting Valynth. Ideas, anyone? Unless he backs off right away, that looks like it could turn into an ugly missile lobbing contest, especially if we have to keep home defences high in case phish goes kamikaze. I'll lose my ability to make missiles after the first successful ground attack gets through, and I don't think I'll have much spare cash to rebuild my tech during wartime. Of course, if enough other people get on board, we could bring him out of missile tech range, and then we could pound him at will without fear of reprisal unless his other friends join in. I think it could take up to six successful ground strikes to bring his tech that low, though.

Come to think of it... how did you land yourself in anarchy, llearch? Did you overextend your attacking forces and leave him a hole to poke through? How big is the happiness hit?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 31, 2007, 09:27:33 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on March 31, 2007, 09:07:49 PM
By the way... just before they took the servers down, phishyboi spent $100k to dig in and turtle--2916 soldiers and 149 tanks.  :B I didn't realize that you can build your troops up beyond 100% of your population, but there ya go...

Eh, depends on what improvements and trades he had going.  Also, he probably sent most of his force out, bought more, and then recalled his attacking force.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 31, 2007, 09:47:33 PM
Nope... it was all at home at the time of the purchase. He brought all his troops back after llearch attacked him this morning. You can only deploy once per day.

According to the wiki (, you can bring your troops up above 80% pop, but at 3x the cost. 150%+ of pop is kinda insane though--no wonder ZIed countries can still dish out damage in huge alliance wars.  :mowdizzy

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 01, 2007, 05:03:43 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on March 31, 2007, 09:07:49 PM
Come to think of it... how did you land yourself in anarchy, llearch? Did you overextend your attacking forces and leave him a hole to poke through? How big is the happiness hit?

Ah.. I deployed a few too many troops. Dropped down to 800 or so at home, with 4122 citizens. Nuts.

The hit? All up, with war and everything, I'm down 5. Which takes me from 15.92 to 10.92 or so. So, while it hurts, it's not -totally- crippling. I figure, what the hey - when I get back in, I'll bump up to 3200 troops, being the 80% limit, and buy up maybe another 30 tanks, and then throw the rest into missiles.

After bills, of course. I expect that won't be many, though - I figure I'll get 40k in taxes, this time around, down from the previous 89k. *wince* which means I should be able to get at least a couple missiles, if not three.

AH.. ZIed?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 03, 2007, 01:05:26 PM
CN is back up.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on April 03, 2007, 01:55:49 PM
Yessa, moneys and stuff!

Lovin it.  :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 03, 2007, 11:09:58 PM
So I saw that the whitest room had attacked Sheridan and Aiyno so I switch to DEFCON1 and bought a bucketload of soldiers and was pretty much instantly attacked by land of lizards (

On a slightly suspicious note, his country description reads "phishy"...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 03, 2007, 11:27:56 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 01, 2007, 05:03:43 AM
Ah.. I deployed a few too many troops. Dropped down to 800 or so at home, with 4122 citizens. Nuts.

You can anarchy yourself? Ouch. That's good to know, anyway.

AH.. ZIed?

ZI = Zero Infrastructure. The closest thing to "death" you can achieve in CN, it basically takes a nation down to the point at which they'll be non-functional without foreign aid or complete decomissioning. At 10 infra per missile and ground assault (up to 40 per attacking nation) per day, it's actually not that hard to do in a gangbang situation.

Quote from: Kasarn on April 03, 2007, 11:09:58 PM
So I saw that the whitest room had attacked Sheridan and Aiyno so I switch to DEFCON1 and bought a bucketload of soldiers and was pretty much instantly attacked by land of lizards (

On a slightly suspicious note, his country description reads "phishy"...

Judging from their names, creation dates, and login patterns, it's quite possible that this is one guy cheating with multiple accounts. If anyone has a forum account, please report them (

Little phishy is mostly out of the picture. His super army messed up my country a bit, but he's now broke and I'm about to re-anarchy him. :kittydevious

His buddy white just declared war on the entire bottom half of our alliance. We need to pound that jerk into the ground before he does serious damage.

land of lizards ( is on the same power level as white...

I'm gonna try to help with all of them, I suspect that fighting a 3-front war (2 of which are missile-capable) will hurt quite a bit, but it's sure to be educational.  >:3

Our little alliance is now officially in a full scale war!   :<

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on April 03, 2007, 11:38:39 PM
No one's declared war on me yet, but just tell me who to bomb :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 03, 2007, 11:44:28 PM
Okay, white room's been smacking me around and there isn't much I can do about that, since I can never get enough military to match him.  But on the good side of things, I raided phishy for a tech point and land.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 04, 2007, 12:35:06 AM
Damn... that was fun. And profitable! :kittydevious Everyone but whitey is in anarchy, and I should be able to rectify that after update. I got him down to 17.19 tech. Just a few more strikes should put him out of missile purchasing range.

Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on April 03, 2007, 11:38:39 PM
No one's declared war on me yet, but just tell me who to bomb :3

Hmm... Your best bet right now is to sit tight and build up your military and tech. Deploying your forces right now might leave you a bit vulnerable. You can't ground strike opponents while they're in anarchy, so having one more ground fighter in play would just give them another target without helping us kill them any faster. Maybe try to get your tech up to 15 for missiles.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 04, 2007, 05:41:35 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 03, 2007, 11:27:56 PMJudging from their names, creation dates, and login patterns, it's quite possible that this is one guy cheating with multiple accounts. If anyone has a forum account, please report them (

No can do;

Quote from: CN BoardsThe board administrator is no longer accepting any new registrations at the moment.


ATech is holding stable. They can't plunder my technology by force, or so it seems, so they're only damaging land, infrastructure (of which I have plenty, as they're not spitting cruise missiles at me) and my soldier count.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 04, 2007, 06:05:38 AM
Phishy: Lost 16 infra today.
The whitest room: Lost 19 infra today.
land of lizards: lost 8 infra today.

... and I've got 4 missiles left, out of the 10 I picked up. Anyone else want fun? :-)

While we're here... anyone else need assistance in terms of number of soldiers? I seem to have a few excess I could get rid of...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on April 04, 2007, 12:10:49 PM
Hi kids. Well, I'm having a real whirlwind of a time over at \m/, I'll tell you what. Saw you were having some trouble with a legionarre, figured I might step in and assist. I can do that, see, because tech-raiding laws and such. So yay!

Anyway, I've gotten to a decent strength, so I'll see if I can add to you helping. Anyone need 50,000?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on April 04, 2007, 01:24:33 PM
he damaged my tech and smashed me down into non-tank buying tech.

too bad really, having bought 21 tanks 2 hours before he attacked me was useful.  :)

I could use some money to get that 0.58 tech back tho... Having 338 soldiers makes me more powerful than whiteroom at this moment but I stand no chance against anything else.... >.>
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 04, 2007, 02:21:42 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 04, 2007, 06:05:38 AM
While we're here... anyone else need assistance in terms of number of soldiers? I seem to have a few excess I could get rid of...

That's what aggressive strikes are for. They clear out excess troop supplies nicely. :kittydevious From what I've found, there's little point in using any other form of ground strike. Military forces are cheap and very expendable.

You should still be able to ground strike those guys if you drop your deployed troop strength down into the low hundreds. They might all be down to the level where you just raid them without losing any troops, though. Whitey will be unable to purchase missiles after a solid hit from ground pounders (though given the state of his country, it's unlikely that he would have had much money for that anyway). With his tech, missiles, and cash reserves, Lizzie is still in play for now. I hit him with a post-defeat raid after the update (bringing my total infra damage against him up to 70 and knocking off an extra point of tech). I'm curious to know whether daily raids on defeated nations can happen once per attacker or only once per defender. If the latter, it may take us a while to properly dismantle them.

Other things that Tezkat learned today:

You need troops in your deployment in order to attack, as I recently discovered. I tried to drop my deployment down into the range where I could continue my assault, but I messed up and zeroed my troops; even though the remaining tanks are plenty strong enough to crush the opposition, I can't send them anywhere without troop support. Doh! :animesweat

The penalties for bringing your troop levels above 80% pop are enormous--comparable to the happiness drop for having too few troops. I lost 11 happiness points before my assault on whitest room (when I recruited up to 86% of civilian pop).  :dface Temporary troop surges like that can very useful in taking out well defended targets, but make sure that enough of your minions will sacrifice their lives for you in the battle. (Yay for aggressive strikes!) Otherwise, your economy will be badly messed up the next day.

Missiles = Good! But I knew that one already. :kittycool

Out of curiosity, did anyone else experience a preferred government and religion change after the downtime? I somehow went from being a brutal, Voodoo-practicing dictator to some sort of secular royal figure. Thankfully, the change was very good for my economy. You guys might want to check to see if you can't squeeze a few extra happiness points out of government/religion fix.

Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on April 04, 2007, 12:10:49 PM
Hi kids. Well, I'm having a real whirlwind of a time over at \m/, I'll tell you what. Saw you were having some trouble with a legionarre, figured I might step in and assist. I can do that, see, because tech-raiding laws and such. So yay!

Welcome back! (Even if you're only just visiting.)  :mowcookie

I seriously doubt that phishyness is real Legion, though; I think he just changed his tag to avoid repercussions from his tech raiding ventures. Why he thought The Legion would be safer than his little band of l33t buddies at a time like this mystifies me...  >:3 You're still quite welcome to help out if there's anything left of them by the time your current wars expire.  ;)

Oh... I know you have a forum account. If registration doesn't reopen by the time the wars expire and we're done squeezing the last drops of tech out of them, maybe you could report them as suspected multies. They'll probably be ZIed by then anyway, but that's no reason to let them get away with it.

the whitest room (
land of lizards (
phishyness (

All were created within hours of each other, login and collect taxes within minutes of each other, and have been focusing on the same alliance targets (i.e. us) despite being in unrelated alliances. Names and descriptions are somewhat suspicious as well.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 04, 2007, 09:52:50 PM
land of lizards is, most likely, not part of the Eurasian Coalition either.
He doesn't have an account on their forum and, according to Google, EC had a recent problem with a member raiding other alliances and, according to the same thread, their official stance is that they do not support attacks on alliances.

Anyway, my total stats against land of lizards looks like this at the moment (I used a calculator to get them)
Land scorched and lost: 7.479
Infrastructure destroyed: 20.706
Tech cruelly raided: 1.687
Money: -9971.78 +4791.69

Land gloriously captured: 8.537
Infrastructure destroyed: 62.529
Tech righteously appropriated: 4.432
Money: +8721.1

As for government, most people seem to recommend setting it to Monarchy regardless of what they want. If they actually want a monarchy, then that's even better :)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 04, 2007, 10:13:30 PM
Yeah, I had noticed a bit of an income drop when I changed from my initial monarchy to the desired dictator type (that nasty environment hit...). But then, I kinda liked the evil dictator thing, so I kept it.


How's that air force working out for you?

Anyway... if there was any doubt about our attackers being one big cheater, check this out ( The bastard's trying to run off with his ill-gotten gains!  :B

I'm willing to give meddle the benefit of the doubt for now, since he has different creation dates and login times. And, obviously, if he'd been controlled by the same person, he would have accepted the aid instantly. I don't think much of it will go through, either. The guy got greedy and tried to save everything, and we've already knocked whitey and lizzie down below the required tech levels. (I don't believe you can go into tech debt through aid.) If we hit phish a couple more times to bring his tech below 9, then his escape attempt will be completely wasted. That meddle guy hasn't been on since before the downtime; we've got until he returns to work on phish.

The lizard boy's still got those 2 missiles. I wonder what he's saving them for...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on April 04, 2007, 10:20:35 PM
I reported them to moderation, we'll see how it goes.

I'll see about hooking you up with something good once the war ends, some aid or something, maybe get in to fight alongside you with the next big enemy.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 04, 2007, 10:29:02 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 04, 2007, 10:13:30 PM
How's that air force working out for you?

The air force, at this level, doesn't really seem worth it.
After 4 strikes, they have done a meagre 8.8 infrastructure damage (6.6, 0, 0, 2.2). For that price, I could've bought 25 cruise missiles :rolleyes
...but, at the time, I didn't want 100k cash on hand and so I just thought I'd give it a whirl.

edit: lol, 25, not 250 hurrrrrr
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on April 04, 2007, 10:32:20 PM
Wait until you get real money, and get a bomber/fight fleet of Fifty. I've seen what those air-armadas can do...investing in Air Force is a good move.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 04, 2007, 10:54:57 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on April 04, 2007, 09:52:50 PM
As for government, most people seem to recommend setting it to Monarchy regardless of what they want. If they actually want a monarchy, then that's even better :)

eh, right now I preffer democracy since it gives pluses to soldiers and happiness.  Later on, once infra becomes expensive I might switch over to monarchy, but right now I need to defense incase I get involved in a war at this young age o' mine.

Also,  all three of the suspected multies have started trying to give aid to meddle, each offer is within one minute of each other, and very recent.  This is some strange behavior, but I doubt meddle is a mutli since he has yet to accept any of them, so I'm assuming he's trying to bribe meddle into helping him.

If I were him I'd say "wow, 40+ tech?  YOINK!  Oh, and good luck with that frigging multi-accounter."
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 05, 2007, 03:49:21 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 04, 2007, 10:13:30 PM
I'm willing to give meddle the benefit of the doubt for now, since he has different creation dates and login times. And, obviously, if he'd been controlled by the same person, he would have accepted the aid instantly. I don't think much of it will go through, either. The guy got greedy and tried to save everything, and we've already knocked whitey and lizzie down below the required tech levels. (I don't believe you can go into tech debt through aid.) If we hit phish a couple more times to bring his tech below 9, then his escape attempt will be completely wasted. That meddle guy hasn't been on since before the downtime; we've got until he returns to work on phish.

.. phish doesn't have more than, uh, 50 soldiers, now. I don't think any of them can meet terms on the trade... and I know I can't go and beat on any of them, because I get a 3%, 2%, and 0% chance of them winning. And the system won't let me do that....

Two missiles each, and they're just butter in the pan... :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 05, 2007, 04:25:48 AM
Earlier (a few hours before update), after reading Tez's post, I just reduced my deployment to 100 soldiers and 12 tanks and attacked land of lizards (presumably Tez had already attacked him).

QuoteBattle Type:     Aggressive Ground Attack
Battle Outcome:    Victory
Seerfir Casualties:    35 soldiers 0 tanks
land of lizards Casualties:    33 soldiers 0 tanks
Battle Details:    Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 2.036 miles of land from land of lizards. They also destroyed 3.861 infrastructure within land of lizards. They also stole 0.987 technology from land of lizards. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $2,039.32 from the nation of land of lizards.

Battle Type:     Aggressive Ground Attack
Battle Outcome:    Victory
Seerfir Casualties:    18 soldiers 6 tanks
land of lizards Casualties:    21 soldiers 0 tanks
Battle Details:    Your soldiers triumphantly and decisively defeated your enemy in this battle. Your soldiers owe their lives to your hard work as their leader. In your victory your forces captured 1.955 miles of land from land of lizards. They also destroyed 3.706 infrastructure within land of lizards. They also stole 0.938 technology from land of lizards. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $1,354.69 from the nation of land of lizards.

Then I sacked him after update for GRAET VICTOLY!

QuoteYou cannot attack land of lizards at this time because their battle odds are at 0% and are not high enough to fight your forces. The government of land of lizards has just been sent into Anarchy due to their lack of security forces. Riots engulf the nation of land of lizards as your soldiers relax and enjoy their victory. Your raiding party has destroyed all defending tanks within land of lizards and destroyed 0.89 technology and 15.59 infrastructure.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 05, 2007, 04:44:17 AM
... I need to pay more attention to what the screens are saying, methinks.

*pages back a few* Hmm. Nope, no raiding parties. Just refusal to allow me to beat the pants off any of them. Awww. Poor little mites bit off more than they could chew...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 05, 2007, 05:01:33 AM
Well, I assume you can only happen to a nation once a day for all their wars. So Tezkat, or somebody else, may have already done it.
From the wiki
QuoteDefeated Nations
If a nation is attacked with too few defending soldiers, then all troops which are deployed will be brought back home to defend the nation. If the attacked nation has no troops deployed and few defending troops then no battle will take place. However, the nation will be considered "defeated". Its government will be placed into Anarchy, riots will begin, its tanks will be dismantled, and the nation will lose 20% of its infrastructure (up to 20). These penalties will occur every day (once a day) that its attacker loads the battle screen until sufficient military forces are rebuilt.

Anyway, I still have a small military force, I could probably attack either of them if you want me to... but I think Valynth/Ainyo/Sheridan can probably handle mopping up the left over soldiers if they attack before they rebuild.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 05, 2007, 05:50:40 AM
I think, at this stage, political repercussions is the mode we should follow.

.. ie, dob them in to the admins and watch them get thwapped. :-] But that's just my opinion....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 05, 2007, 02:35:36 PM
QuoteBattle Type:     Planned Ground Attack
Battle Outcome:    Victory
ArcaTech Casualties:    21 soldiers
0 tanks
the whitest room Casualties:    13 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details:    Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 1.525 miles of land from the whitest room. They also destroyed 3.618 infrastructure within the whitest room. There was no technology stolen in this battle. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $25.00 from the nation of the whitest room.

QuoteYou cannot attack the whitest room at this time because their battle odds are at 3% and are not high enough to fight your forces. The government of the whitest room has just been sent into Anarchy due to their lack of security forces. Riots engulf the nation of the whitest room as your soldiers relax and enjoy their victory.


Phishy is also in the same situation. Can't send troops because he's anarchizing.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 05, 2007, 03:17:27 PM
Nope, I can't smack him either, he has only 2 troop and phish just shipped the rest of his forces to meddle, and went into the negatives.  *points and laughs*

And I doubt the rewards for winning a battle with about 10 guys is enough to cover even the small amount you would lose from soldier death.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 05, 2007, 03:28:32 PM
Haha! I got a PM from the guy complimenting me on my sexual prowess... or something like that.  >:3

He logged in today to redo his aid shipments. The one from phishy already went through, and that nation is now messed up beyond repair. It seems we can't raid tech from a country with a tech level below 10. Oh well. Since lizzie didn't bother to replenish his troops, we can't do much more than the standard defeat raid (which is unlikely to drop him below 16); the new aid package will probably go through. He also dumped whitey's tech on another guy (, who is unfortunately way out of our league.   :mowdizzy

I have to say, though... this meddle guy is looking increasingly tasty... and he's been aiding and abetting a known cheater.   :3 Most of his NS is bloat from tech and land, too. If we take out enough of his infra in the first wave of attacks, he'll be little more than a delicious tech dessert. It might turn into a fun war with his alliance too. (Both phish and white were originally SK337.) Several of their members (including white) are already a bit messed up from their own wars. It could be fun and even profitable if we're properly prepared.

Heh... I'm always the biggest carebear up until the fighting starts, and then I morph into a bloodthirsty warlord. 

Anyhow... aside from the possibility of myself and/or llearch receiving about $100k in infra damage as a parting gift from lizzie, it's safe to declare the first DMFA war over. Our opponents are helpless, and they'll probably be deleted soon for cheating regardless.

Good job, everyone!   :mowcookie

Anyone care to do a little postmortem analysis of the conflict while we're licking our wounds? What can we improve on for next time?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 05, 2007, 04:32:21 PM
Quote4/5/2007 12:19:22 PM
"Financial Assistance"    

[Team: Green]
soccer land
Ruler: damanda1
Alliance: Green Protection Agency

[Team: Yellow]
the whitest room
Ruler: slowhand1
Alliance: SK337    
0 Tech
0 Soldiers


Quote4/5/2007 11:32:00 AM
"Financial Assistance"    

[Team: Green]
soccer land
Ruler: damanda1
Alliance: Green Protection Agency

[Team: Green]
Tim Buck TOO
Ruler: jezby101
Alliance: The Imperial Republic    
0 Tech
0 Soldiers

Canceled For Cheating

Canceled For Cheating
Canceled For Cheating
Canceled For Cheating
Canceled For Cheating
Canceled For Cheating

lulz :E

edit: For clarity
soccer land -> Tim Buck TOO = Canceled For Cheating
soccer land -> the whitest room -> Tim Buck TOO
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 05, 2007, 04:34:52 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 05, 2007, 03:28:32 PM
Haha! I got a PM from the guy complimenting me on my sexual prowess... or something like that.  >:3

Likewise. I guess he doesn't like being on the receiving end of attacks from stronger people, being much happier to be on the giving end. *cough* I forwarded it to the admins.

As for the post mortem report:

Lessons learned include, keep some spare cash - perhaps a quarter of a daily collection, minus bills, preferably more, if you can - on hand, for response tactics. Make sure to have at least 20% of your forces defending, at all times - putting yourself into Anarchy bites, particularly mid-war. Cruise Missiles rawk the house down - purchase enough for your current battles, and loosen up the opponent by sending them in first. Tanks are useful, but need to be accompanied by troops.

Be willing to lose everyone you send in to attack the opponent. Be aware that, if the opponent has lots of cash lying about, he may well buy a chunk of troops and tanks to defend himself with, after deploying out to attack you. This isn't a bad tactic, but has some flaws - see the previous note about anarchy. Note also that if you keep some cash lying about, you can beef up your defences after his eat all your deployed troops.

Be willing to declare peace - but the attacker should go first. Also be willing to let the -rest- of the alliance know ASAP, as they may find out about it before logging into CN, and change their daily tactics as a result - I personally spend all my spare cash on infra, unless I have other things I know are going on, so getting to me before I spend it all is dead useful.

Don't be afraid to ask for troops, either, but be aware that you're limited to 4 aid sets, and only one per country, per ten days, so be willing to organise it and wait a couple days for the other guy to save up some cash and troops. Also, getting the alliance as a whole to declare on the poor unfortunate suicidal target is a good move, as soon as possible. Since the larger teams can send in one group of attackers across three or more targets at once, giving the attacker more targets than he can cope with is a good idea. Just be sure you're defended. Here is where missiles are useful...

Note that when you buy troops, sending them out to fight that day is a good plan, since you then don't have to pay upkeep on them - be aware that troops and tanks are, relatively speaking, cheap as chips. Missiles are slightly more expensive, but very easy to use, and carry very little risk for you. Certainly I know -I- enjoyed sending out 6 missiles across three targets first thing in the morning... :-)

... Other than that, anyone else have any suggestions? Make sure to keep your troops around 25-50% of your country numbers. More than that, your people get upset. Less than that, you risk being too easy a target to push into anarchy.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 05, 2007, 05:06:51 PM
I'm surprised that my population happiness has almost entirely recovered already, although it'll take a little longer than that.

Also building up Tech for Cruise Missiles and Tanks now.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 05, 2007, 08:07:21 PM
4/5/2007 8:33:21 AM
"Saying Hi. Only with guns."
[Team: Purple]
Demon Requiem
Ruler: Lord Halisstrad
Alliance: Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance
[Team: Green]
Ruler: queenlizzofc
Alliance: None

Peace Declared

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on April 05, 2007, 09:52:59 PM
I got bored :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 05, 2007, 09:56:08 PM
More postmortem comments...

It could have been a lot worse, especially if the guy had thought to send a few missiles in return. Then again, I suppose the bright ones don't attack active alliance nations.  >:3

As for myself, I was pleasantly surprised at my ability to prosecute a three-front war. Most of the enemies started out around my size. I inflicted a total of 257 infra damage in three days of fighting (an average of 28.5 per victim per day split more or less evenly between missiles and ground strikes), plus an extra 18 worth of missile damage last week (for a total of 275), looted 5.8 tech, and gained a bit of land in the deal. I'd have done even better if I hadn't made that mistake with the troop deployments yesterday. (Always deploy soldiers along with your tanks!) Considering my infra/land/tech losses to phish's crazy monster army after the weekend, I basically broke even despite huge military expenditures.

Initially, I was pretty intimidated by the size of some of those defending armies, but it wasn't so bad. The "downside" of aggressive attacks can actually work to your advantage. Because of greater than normal casualties, you can afford to deploy more forces. Their deaths make room for more troops to defend the homeland, so not only do you have a crazy strong offence, but your nation is nice and secure against counterattacks when you replace them at the end of the day.

I really like tanks. They're not all that much more expensive than soldiers, and they don't carry the downside of happiness problems. Against a well-defended target, they're necessarily the bulk of your deployment. Defensively, they're an anti-anarchy buffer. I was leaving 40-50% of civvie pop count in soldiers at home before attacks, deploying the rest, and making up the difference in tanks. My end of day soldier total was in the 60-80% range. I don't know if I needed that much, but I sure felt big and strong.  >:3

Always check the status of the defenders before you deploy troops and attack. I made the mistake of deploying blind on Friday, and all my attacks bounced as a result. I had the opposite problem yesterday. A 50-100% strength advantage over your enemy is safe. Too high, and you risk knocking them below attackable levels. Much lower, and you might not get through.

With a bit more organization and tech, our alliance should have no problem dropping an enemy by 100 infra a day. Often, the bottleneck was the enemy being too weak to handle our forces. I was pounding them into anarchy from full troop levels with only two strikes. Maybe if we could better coordinate the handoff to our smaller nations...

I'm curious to know how the war looked from the bottom of our alliance. Did you guys feel like you were able to contribute, or were you completely on the defensive?

Either way, we need to get everyone up to cruise missile tech levels as soon as possible... maybe get an aid program running after all the wars expire. That way, everyone on our side will be able to  do serious damage; the smaller nations can just focus on defence while lobbing missiles across the border, and possibly even grab a few tech points for themselves after our big guys smash apart enemy armies.

Missiles = Good.  :mowcookie

I doubt that it's a good idea to send troops in aid, especially not during wartime. Troops are dirt cheap, and receiving them from an external source could seriously mess up your troop deployments. Better to just send money instead.

We need to develop a policy for handling these situations in the future. Does anyone who attacks our nations deserve to be squashed flat? Should we try diplomacy first and ask for reps?

Also, do we want a policy on first strikes by our own alliance?

Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on April 05, 2007, 09:52:59 PM
I got bored :<

Case in point.  :mowtongue

Sorry you didn't get in on the fun this time, Jim.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 06, 2007, 01:56:24 AM
I don't mind being on the defensive, really. I'd rather be able to hold my own than overextend myself by attacking. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on April 06, 2007, 02:31:21 AM
very good guys; I've been keeping an eye on your war whilst doing my own three front fighting against an alliance called we are perth army, which made LARGE mistakes like joining a large enemy alliance in defensive manuevers, declaring on my alliance, etc, etc...

Very nice. I'll work up an aid package after the Great War 3 is over, hopefully it'll be substantial. I'll work on getting some buddies to raid some of these guys, as well.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 06, 2007, 02:35:44 AM
As a small guy, I couldn't really attack and spent most of the war on the defensive.  But even there I was constantly defeated due to the guy buying a f*ing huge army(around 150% his pop) and using over 1000 of them + tanks to wipe out my troops which never let me get above 80% of my populace, even in anarchy, resulting in me defending with, at most, 900 troops and I didn't get tanks untill he raided me four times.  Even then, I was getting defeated routinely.  Until the rest of the alliance started to pound him, I was pretty much defenseless and powerless.

The cruise missle he lobbed at me in the very begining didn't help either.

In short, about the only thing I actually didn't take a severe loss in was the time I stole at total of one point of tech from phish.

Though I still take pride in the fact that he ALWAYS lost about 100 more troops than me in every attack.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on April 06, 2007, 01:57:07 PM
 :B Well, I wasn't doing that well myself
the first attack  of the whitesthand

Quote1st. You lost 218 soldiers and 20 tanks. You killed 147 soldiers and 51 tanks.
2nd. You lost 54 soldiers and 1 tanks. You killed 77 soldiers and 2 tanks.


234 soldiers
21 tanks
2.4 in land
9.8 infrastructure
0.52 technology
11  Happiness (5 after re-soldiering)

that's beside the nation income being destroyed and being thrown into anarchy

I've stolen 4.2 in land while scavenging his remains.
about 100$ in cash as well.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 06, 2007, 02:53:44 PM
... does anyone else have trouble logging in? Usually I end up having to hit "login" two or three times, but now, it's just ignoring me entirely...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on April 06, 2007, 03:12:27 PM
I'm having zero problems with logging in unlike some other sites....  :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 06, 2007, 06:19:25 PM
I don't have a problem on my end.  Also I'm raking in 20$ per citizen now.  Yay happiness!

Also, does anyone else notice that Monarchies and Democracies typicaly give enough happines to counteract the happiness level of most prefered governments plus the perks of being those gov. types?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 06, 2007, 07:02:58 PM
Blowing away the cookie sorted it.


Oddly enough, my people wanna be a democracy anyway. *shrug*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 06, 2007, 11:19:22 PM
Quote from: Valynth on April 06, 2007, 02:35:44 AM
The cruise missle he lobbed at me in the very begining didn't help either.

Amazing... he sent missiles against you guys but not me or llearch. What an idiot.  :B

Well... I just logged in to find said idiots gone, erased from existence by the almighty admins!  :3 Thanks for alerting the mods, Sirios. It's a pity all evidence of their wrongdoing is gone as well, but I guess you can't have everything. It looks like juicy little meddle magically conjured 25 points of tech out of nothing.

Based on what I'm seeing here, we need to respond rapidly to any attacks in order to take the heat off of the victim(s). You can always break through the defences of somebody that's half your size. So... what say we make "aggressive" negotiations (ya know... with lightsabers  :starwars) the order of the day? It could get us in hot water with trigger happy alliances. But with honourable alliances, it shouldn't be too hard to smooth things out diplomatically after the fact--we'll at least have the moral highground if they're the initial aggressors.

Anyhow, our first priority has to be getting our damaged nations up and running again. There's now an uncomfortably large gap between our largest and smallest nations. I'm gonna save up this weekend for aid packages.

Quote from: Valynth on April 06, 2007, 06:19:25 PM
Also, does anyone else notice that Monarchies and Democracies typicaly give enough happines to counteract the happiness level of most prefered governments plus the perks of being those gov. types?

Yeah. The problem with a lot of government types is that they carry an environment penalty--essentially a happiness penalty which cancels out much of the benefit of instituting a preferred government.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 06, 2007, 11:45:43 PM
well, that explains my unusually happy population in anarchy.  I had two +3 happiness events.  Which also explains why my population is so happy now.  Yay luck of the draw!

In case you were wondering the events were:  cure for the flu, and surplus oil.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 06, 2007, 11:51:05 PM
Meh... some people have all the luck.  :3 So far, my nation's fallen victim to two hostage-takings, a terrorist bombing, and a drought--no happy events in sight!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 07, 2007, 12:51:04 AM
considering how much smaller I am compared to you, I'd say it's about even.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on April 07, 2007, 03:05:08 AM
I had a great event yesterdday:

option one: +2 happiness -10 income
option two: -2 happiness +10 income
when not responding bonus: +2 happiness

.... :B dur I choose!

in other news: I am now just as strong again as I was before the war.  :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 07, 2007, 05:14:22 AM
mmkay. I've just bumped my infra to bring my people level up so that my 2622 troops are just -under- the 60% margin. That should increase happiness.

On that basis, I'm going to start saving up for the Tycador and Arcatech, and Tez, if you want to take the next two - they're around 900 strength, whereas T&A are around 600... I figure if we put together an aid package of ~400k each, that should create enough of a boost, you think? It'll take me all week to get each one, but hey... I figure, if you set aid at 300, and I set aid at 400, they should get enough of a boost to bring them into line, more or less.

Oh, and I reported the mail I got from Our Friend to the admins. That may have had some effect....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 07, 2007, 05:44:33 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 07, 2007, 05:14:22 AMOn that basis, I'm going to start saving up for the Tycador and Arcatech, and Tez, if you want to take the next two - they're around 900 strength, whereas T&A are around 600...

Actually I'm nearly to 800 Nation Strength. :P

I just tried to pull up data on one of the nations who attacked us. "This nation no longer exists." :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 07, 2007, 02:13:32 PM
Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on April 07, 2007, 03:05:08 AM
I had a great event yesterdday:

option one: +2 happiness -10 income
option two: -2 happiness +10 income
when not responding bonus: +2 happiness

.... :B dur I choose!

1 Happiness = $2 Income


Option 1: -$6 Income
Option 2: +$6 Income
No Option: +$4 Income

Option 2 is the best.  :mowcookie

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 07, 2007, 05:14:22 AM
On that basis, I'm going to start saving up for the Tycador and Arcatech, and Tez, if you want to take the next two - they're around 900 strength, whereas T&A are around 600... I figure if we put together an aid package of ~400k each, that should create enough of a boost, you think? It'll take me all week to get each one, but hey... I figure, if you set aid at 300, and I set aid at 400, they should get enough of a boost to bring them into line, more or less.

Given the length of time it will take us to save up for those kinds of sums, it might be better to stagger it. The sooner they get the cash, the sooner they can grow big on their own.

Alright, I'll leave Sheridan and Aiyno in your hands. Barring more bad events, I should have enough to toss Jim and Valynth $200k each on Wednesday. That's probably better than me saving until next week to make up $300k. I figure they must net something in the $25k/day range, so it's already more than a week's income in one shot. So, guys... expect the Easter Bunny Kitty to leave you something on Wednesday.

Also, as I discovered early, when expecting a nice aid package, it's best to build up enough of a cash reserve to cover several days of bills and then withhold taxes until you receive it. That way, the aid is retroactive to the day you learn you're getting it, rather than the day on which you receive it.  :3

In other words: Withhold taxes and only pay bills until the aid goes through, spend all of the initial aid on infra, collect taxes all those withheld taxes with your new and improved pop count, and then enjoy the second growth spurt. (And save the last $50k or so to bump tech above 15 at the end.) That should provide a decent boost.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on April 07, 2007, 03:31:02 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 07, 2007, 02:13:32 PM

Alright, I'll leave Sheridan and Aiyno in your hands. Barring more bad events, I should have enough to toss Jim and Valynth $200k each on Wednesday. That's probably better than me saving until next week to make up $300k. I figure they must net something in the $25k/day range, so it's already more than a week's income in one shot. So, guys... expect the Easter Bunny Kitty to leave you something on Wednesday.

Also, as I discovered early, when expecting a nice aid package, it's best to build up enough of a cash reserve to cover several days of bills and then withhold taxes until you receive it. That way, the aid is retroactive to the day you learn you're getting it, rather than the day on which you receive it.  :3

In other words: Withhold taxes and only pay bills until the aid goes through, spend all of the initial aid on infra, collect taxes all those withheld taxes with your new and improved pop count, and then enjoy the second growth spurt. (And save the last $50k or so to bump tech above 15 at the end.) That should provide a decent boost.

:o  Hot diggity damn  *dances*
I'll try not to do anything that gets my nation smeared all over the place before Wednesday.
And yeah.... I make about 26k every day.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on April 08, 2007, 01:43:16 AM
Yeah, I'm at 33,000 every day, but in peacetime it's more like 50,000.

So, how goes the DMFA alliance? \m/ is currently doing a heck of alot of warz on people, GATO and WAPA in particular. I've gotten a great deal of experience in warfare from this, and the free tech is nice too.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 08, 2007, 04:55:41 AM
I pulled in 94k today. Of course, I've got 28k/day of bills, but even so... I should be able to get 300k for Tycador on Thursday, and another 300 for Arcatech next tuesday.

Alternatively, 200 on wednesday and saturday, respectively. I need more stadiums, I think. :-/ 'course, I need more people first...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 10, 2007, 06:18:24 PM
My nation hasn't had any more bombings or earthquakes this week, so I'm on track to send out my aid packages after update tonight.  :3

In other news, it looks like the cheat mode is back up...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on April 11, 2007, 01:43:25 AM
Awesome!  Thank you for the boost Tezkat!  Now if our alliance gets into a rumble I should be able to help out.
Hopefully I spent the money wisely.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 11, 2007, 06:02:17 AM
Speaking of the cheat mode... did anyone want me to cheat on their behalf?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 11, 2007, 01:47:45 PM
Alright, Thanks to Tez's very generous donation to my nation, I now have my first improvement (stadium) and I have enough tech to buy cruise missles.  I also bought a lot of infrastructure, nearly enough to get a second improvement and by my calculations I'll be getting around the 30,000's range in taxes collected per day after bills.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 12, 2007, 01:03:35 AM
Alright, up to 15 Tech on the dot now. :P

Have 1k soldiers to 1.5k civvies.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on April 12, 2007, 01:11:22 AM
I think now I'm going to save up for my first improvement.  Any suggestions?
Although Right now I'm leaning towards school, but then again I'm biased :p
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 12, 2007, 01:26:53 AM
Sweet! Now Aiyno is the only one not yet missile-ready. Our alliance certainly looks a lot more battle-ready than it did a few days ago.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 11, 2007, 06:02:17 AM
Speaking of the cheat mode... did anyone want me to cheat on their behalf?

You're giving out free monies?  :mowdizzy

Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on April 12, 2007, 01:11:22 AM
I think now I'm going to save up for my first improvement.  Any suggestions?
Although Right now I'm leaning towards school, but then again I'm biased :p

Naw... you get much more bang for your buck from either a stadium or a bank. (Stadium if your tax revenue/citizen is under $24, otherwise bank.) Even schools + universities gives you less than just banks unless you plan on buying/trading a lot of tech. Actually, you get the most benefit from a harbour, but that's contingent on being able to find good trades.

The scarce resource with respect to improvements is not money; it's people. You want to make the most of every 1000 pop, because you don't cross that milestone very often. The cheap improvements are mostly worthless until the endgame when you don't have anything better to build.

The guide on the CN forums ( isn't a bad read if you're looking for tips, although it's mostly for carebears and doesn't tell you anything about how to gear your nation up for battles.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2007, 03:35:17 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 12, 2007, 01:26:53 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 11, 2007, 06:02:17 AM
Speaking of the cheat mode... did anyone want me to cheat on their behalf?

You're giving out free monies?  :mowdizzy

erm. a little, yes. Nobody seems to want any, though...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 12, 2007, 02:55:16 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2007, 03:35:17 AM
erm. a little, yes. Nobody seems to want any, though...

Hmm... well... it is a bit awkward asking friends for money for a web game... :animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 12, 2007, 03:13:05 PM
I have only three words for this situation.

j00 gib nao

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2007, 08:30:27 PM
Noted. OTOH, I'd prefer to wait until a) closer to payday, and b) everyone else has a chance to accept...

Easier, and cheaper, to do one donation than 3 or 4, no?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 12, 2007, 08:34:55 PM
Well, look at it this way; it means the recipient can recieve their boost practically instantly, whereas right now I'd have to wait until around this time next week. Also means you can wait a little longer to send more to Aiyno, or whatever.

I'm making about 27k a day in taxes and paying roughly 6k in bills.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2007, 08:54:38 PM
Aiyno already has had his boost.

Methinks we kinda need to boost harder, or something... :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 13, 2007, 02:21:35 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 12, 2007, 02:55:16 PM
Hmm... well... it is a bit awkward asking friends for money for a web game... :animesweat
Quote from: Sheridan on April 12, 2007, 03:13:05 PM
I have only three words for this situation.

j00 gib nao

I stand corrected, apparently... :animesweat

If we're going to use the cheat mode as a way of boosting the entire alliance, it might be most effective to concentrate it on the top nations (who can then funnel the bonus down to the smaller nations more efficiently as foreign aid).

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 13, 2007, 04:12:03 AM
Given the bonus includes large areas of land (comparatively), it's somewhat difficult to transfer that...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 13, 2007, 06:24:22 PM
Uh... you send land the same way you send infra.  :mowtongue

Money = Land/Infra
Foreign Aid = Money
Foreign Aid = Land/Infra

Land is pretty cheap, not to mention of dubious value. After the first 15 points, tech honestly isn't that useful, either, at least outside of war (or in very large quantities).

Anyway, my comment related to simple economies of scale:

Adding a $20 donation to my nation in its current state would result in a net income of around $130k/day after bills. With only one day's worth of my income, Sheridan could purchase the equivalent of a $5 donation (not counting tech, which can go straight through). Another day or two and I'd have enough for him to buy a $10 donation worth of stuff. In less than a week, I could drop a $15 donation worth of aid on him. The $20 donation mark doubles the spoils (over $1.5 mil worth of cash, land, and infra for a nation starting at Sheridan's size, plus maybe $400k worth of tech), so it's not very practical to try to match that. Still, using the cheat mode to boost the biggest guys is almost like getting twice the value for your donation dollars.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 13, 2007, 06:35:12 PM
... that's still not saying yes or no, for your nation. I'm not forcing it on anyone. :-p
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 14, 2007, 04:37:08 AM
I could use a bit of donating power, but it's just awkward asking for stuff that actually costs real money.  I mean, it's just kinda putting more of a value on the actions you do with said value...  I can't take the comitment!  *jumps out of a window in a crazed fashion.*

Anyway, I'm saving for my next improvement right now.  I'm probably gonna get the harbor, but the bank is very tempting since I have an ultra-strong economy (each citizen takes home 60+ dollars, at 28% tax).
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on April 18, 2007, 12:05:34 AM
lawl, you can always send me money.

Seriously though, how are things going here? I'm enjoying \m/, I do want to keep friendly here, so if I can help, I will.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 18, 2007, 02:01:40 AM
Nothing is happening; we're all just sitting in NationStates mode :E

For anybody who wants to join us in our doing nothing, CN registrations are back up...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 18, 2007, 02:09:45 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on April 18, 2007, 02:01:40 AM
Nothing is happening; we're all just sitting in NationStates mode :E

For anybody who wants to join us in our doing nothing, CN registrations are back up...


I'm up to 2,000 people and accumulating funds for a second Improvement. I already have a Clinic, so...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 18, 2007, 02:24:58 AM
Unless you have something in mind, take your pick from
Bank (if your tax income is above $24 per person)
Stadium (if your tax income is below $24 per person)

The discount from a Factory is larger then the amount you would get from a Bank/Stadium but the Factory has little to no effect on days when you aren't buying any infrastructure.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 18, 2007, 03:44:13 AM
Waho!  As one +3 happiness event fades away, another takes its place.

I'm a lucky, lucky man.  Of course, I won't hold it against you guys if you start swearing at me.  I'd probably do the same if I were you.


In the bad news category, it appears my sugar-wine trade is about to be cut due to his inactivity.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 18, 2007, 04:36:08 PM
Quote from: Valynth on April 18, 2007, 03:44:13 AM

In the bad news category, it appears my sugar-wine trade is about to be cut due to his inactivity.

Hmm... yeah... my Coal trader got crushed in a war a few weeks back and is now two days away from deletion. I have Steel and Automobiles riding on that resource--bummer. Interestingly, my Legion and GATO trading partners are still going strong despite a pounding in GW3.

On the bright side, I suppose it's an opportunity to look for better trades... :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 18, 2007, 05:02:14 PM
true, and now I have a gold-aluminum trade that gets me microchips.  I'm tempted to cancel my cattle-fish trade in favor of getting a cattle-marble one so I can get construction though, but the guy I'm trading with is legion and it might help to stay on good terms with 'em.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on April 19, 2007, 12:20:57 AM
I wouldn't worry about what legion thinks, particularly. If you got friendly with an alliance that has friends in The Inititative, you might not have trouble with Legion.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 19, 2007, 05:49:55 AM
So I got a bank with zee funds. I did calculations and showed that the benefit from a bank would be roughly equal to the benefit from a stadium. So I chose a bank, because it was slightly cheaper. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 23, 2007, 07:18:49 AM
Hmmm. I just got a trade with someone.

Oil and Aluminium. So, that gave me Beer, Asphalt, and Construction.

Initial soldier cost: -$3
Population happy: +1.5 +2
Soldier count: +10% +20%
Initial aircraft cost: -4% -8%
Initial infra: -7% -5%
Infra cost: -5%
Aircraft limit: +10

So. Uh. Went from ~55% troops to ~85% troops... Dismissed 800 troops, and happiness leaped 6 points.

Income perked up from 90k/day to 110k/day, bills dropped ~1k/day to 28k, infra dropped 5k to 70k/10.


*big cheesy grin*

('course, I note that Tez has slipped past me while I was away. Nuts. *grin*)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 23, 2007, 08:55:20 AM
I earn 105k and pay 21k in bills. 10 infra costs me 59k
But my event expires tomorrow, so that'll drop my income by 6k or so :[

Also, I went to the moon ( Just sitting in peace mode with no plans on doing anything.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 23, 2007, 08:20:26 PM
Hmm. Interested in an alliance, Kasarn? :-)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 23, 2007, 11:35:44 PM
Perhaps >_>

...then again, staying in peace mode in LW doesn't seem to be as bad as CN.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2007, 12:25:15 AM
I was thinking more in a "hey, it's a collection of people" than anything more specific. Locating random users in a group of 7000 is tricky. Locating a list of the DMFA users in there is somewhat easier, I'd think. :-)

No pressure, though. I -think- I know what I'm doing, but...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 24, 2007, 12:50:06 AM
Thus the >_> but I failed when I added the extra sentence :c

Do you have an alliance name in mind?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 24, 2007, 03:41:33 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 23, 2007, 07:18:49 AM
Hmmm. I just got a trade with someone.

Oil and Aluminium. So, that gave me Beer, Asphalt, and Construction.

('course, I note that Tez has slipped past me while I was away. Nuts. *grin*)

Yeah... proper resources = good. My coal-lead trade getting booted for inactivity was actually a godsend. I'm in a little growth spurt now that I gave up on trying to get more bonus resources and replaced it with population enhancers.

Quote from: Kasarn on April 23, 2007, 08:55:20 AM
Also, I went to the moon ( Just sitting in peace mode with no plans on doing anything.

I just created a colony a few minutes ago (same name as in CN). The place looks like a young Cyber Nations. Lots of familiar faces in the alliance rosters as well... though I'm not too sure that's a good thing. :animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 24, 2007, 04:10:03 AM
Well, four of the top LW alliances are disbanded/perma-ZI in CN.
But yeah, there's a lot of crossover and quite a few CN threads on LW.

edit: just to save time, ELS = /b/ and Snowdust Republic = NAAC
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2007, 06:02:01 AM
How about "Don't Mind Feeble Ants" ? :-)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sirios Skywolf on April 24, 2007, 11:10:10 AM
Lunar Wars is a rip-off of Cybernations, made up of stolen source code. They also have some pretty dippy administration, which leads to most of the Initiative people on CN deciding not to come over to punish all the people fleeing them. However, I might make a colony and join up with Paradoxia in order to continue punishing the Aegis alliances we were fighting.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2007, 11:31:57 AM
Where was the proof of that, then, Sirios?

Not that I'm disagreeing - I have no information either way - but it seems to me that if it was stolen source code, it'd be a damn sight closer in format than it is.

Oh, and on the subject of alliances, it seems that, if we're to stay in peace mode, it might be worth staying un-allied until we reach 200 AI. Shouldn't take too long, but seems it might provide some advantages. Perhaps not right now, but soon.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 24, 2007, 11:53:37 AM
You can't really tell anymore, but general talk points to LW being more of a CN ripoff when it first started.

As for punishing the Aegis alliances, you may want to take note of the Planet Bob Peace Pact.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 24, 2007, 06:59:30 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2007, 06:02:01 AM
How about "Don't Mind Feeble Ants" ? :-)

Deep Moon Fishing Adventures?
Donate More Foreign Aid?
Dangerous Madmen Floating Around?

Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on April 24, 2007, 11:10:10 AM
Lunar Wars is a rip-off of Cybernations, made up of stolen source code. They also have some pretty dippy administration, which leads to most of the Initiative people on CN deciding not to come over to punish all the people fleeing them. However, I might make a colony and join up with Paradoxia in order to continue punishing the Aegis alliances we were fighting.

Hmm... didn't the launch of Lunar Wars predate that hacking incident at CN? Ah well, whatever its origins, LW is obviously a cheap CN knockoff. It remains to be seen whether the game will fix some of the things that are wrong with CN or just give us more of the same...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 28, 2007, 01:38:04 PM
[Bumpage]  :mowdizzy

Looks like my nation received a little productivity boost this morning. Thankies, llearch! :kittycool

Do we have any plans for wealth redistribution? I should have my last bank by Monday. That will give me half a mil to share every 2-3 days.

(P.S. Damn... land gets expensive up here...  :B)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 28, 2007, 01:43:16 PM
Really?  I can buy huges chunks of land for one day's worth of taxes.  Anyway, I've hit 3,000 population so now I'm going to attempt to get a bank, or another stadium.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 28, 2007, 01:55:59 PM
Yeah... land was $880 for me last night. It just jumped to $5215 a mile.  :mowdizzy Good thing I won't need to buy any in the near future...

I should be able to put together an aid package by the middle of the week.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 28, 2007, 02:11:33 PM
I'm not planning on sharing anything just now.

After all, I'm still trying to overtake Tez, so... :-]

(more seriously, I'm concentrating on my internal build, but if anyone (else) -wants- aid, just say the word...)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 28, 2007, 02:18:36 PM
If you want to overtake Tez, just use Valynth as a tech bitch farm :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 28, 2007, 02:25:45 PM
ooo, tempting. Valynth, you up for that? :-)

(incidentally, did I miss anyone who accepted earlier?)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 28, 2007, 05:05:32 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 28, 2007, 02:11:33 PM
I'm not planning on sharing anything just now.

After all, I'm still trying to overtake Tez, so... :-]

Oh, is that how it's gonna be...  :mowtongue

Ah well, I've got nothing better to do than build up infra and/or send aid. I'll gain about 60 NS on growing days and none on aid days, so you should have plenty of opportunities to catch up. Now that there's such a large gap between us and the others, however, I'm sure how much I can boost people by myself.

Quote from: Kasarn on April 28, 2007, 02:18:36 PM
If you want to overtake Tez, just use Valynth as a tech bitch farm :3

There's always our good buddy meddle ( From up here, he suddenly looks much juicier and less dangerous with all his ill-gotten tech...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 28, 2007, 05:47:24 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 28, 2007, 05:05:32 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 28, 2007, 02:11:33 PM
After all, I'm still trying to overtake Tez, so... :-]

Oh, is that how it's gonna be...  :mowtongue

Well, I've got to do -something- to stop us getting all bored and stuff.

I envy you your population numbers. I'll just have to see what I can do to catch up... :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 28, 2007, 06:02:35 PM
llearch, you've 63 tech man, I should be begging you for tech.  Also, I seem to have fallen in the ranks (nooooooooooooooooooo), but that's probably because I don't have any funds to use the cheat button.  Mainly due to the fact that I can't get a job since no-one wants to employ a 19 year old college-goer...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 28, 2007, 06:11:54 PM
I'm sorry, Valynth, did I miss you saying "yes" somewhere? :-]

The idea was, I give you large amounts of cash, and you give me large amounts of tech. In a ratio of "somewhat more than you pay for it" and "somewhat less than I pay for it" sort of way.

Presently Tech costs me $26,328.06 per level. I'm willing to pay less than that, if you're willing to split the difference, or make some sort of offer... personally I think we should be aiming to bring tech -way- up, but that's just because I dislike my "extended description" being "technically backward"...

I think I'm focusing on infra, just now, though. If you want, I can save up for half a dozen days to get a big slice of tech...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 29, 2007, 12:37:42 AM
I feel like I'm missing out on the donation bandwagon...
Although I'm not quite sure I see the point on spending money (or receiving a gift, as the case would be) on a game that I'm not taking very seriously :|
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on April 29, 2007, 02:26:54 AM
We should start blowing shit up :D
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 29, 2007, 02:56:33 AM
Well, you are pretty much free to attack unaligned nations if you want. Just don't go stirring up trouble with other alliances.
You may also want to consider following Sirios to \m/.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 29, 2007, 03:05:36 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on April 29, 2007, 12:37:42 AM
I feel like I'm missing out on the donation bandwagon...
Although I'm not quite sure I see the point on spending money (or receiving a gift, as the case would be) on a game that I'm not taking very seriously :|

Well... if all goes according to plan, I will be able to send out one $500k aid package on Thursday and a second on Saturday. That should give you roughly the same benefit as a $10 donation without the guilt associated with spending money on a web game.

Feel free to fight to the death with Jim to decide who gets the first one. :kittydevious

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 29, 2007, 04:16:46 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on April 29, 2007, 12:37:42 AM
I feel like I'm missing out on the donation bandwagon...
Although I'm not quite sure I see the point on spending money (or receiving a gift, as the case would be) on a game that I'm not taking very seriously :|

Given the current status of the USD (freefall, 1:2 and rising) it's about 2 pints of beer for this level of gift.

I don't usually get out to have a pint or two, so... *shrug*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 30, 2007, 03:32:33 AM
Recently a cure for the flu has been found within your nation. There is a limited amount of vaccinations to go around.
- Option 1: Deliver the cure to the world health organization. You will lose all vaccinations but will receive worldwide recognition. Population happiness +3
- Option 2: Keep the cure secret and only vaccinate your citizens. Citizen count +15%    
- No Response. Population happiness +1

Current pop: 6536. Hmm. At $30/day, that's almost a thousand people and $30k/day, versus, for +3 happiness, $6/ea, or ~$20k/day. No brainer, methinks. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 02, 2007, 05:04:07 PM
Damn, that's a sweet event. You went flying right by me. Out of curiosity, what's the magical tech level at which your literacy rate rises above 20%?

Now that Tezkat's hostage rescue team has returned home, the special forces embark into foreign lands once again to "liberate" samples of llearch's vaccine.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 02, 2007, 05:16:43 PM
erm. No idea. I think the school started it, though.

Personally, I'm kinda leaning towards hammering out tech to >100, pref >200 or so, and then dropping back to hitting infra until infra gives in. Or something. However, I also kinda want to poke infra in the mean time so I get enough people to cover for when I lose people after the end of the event...

And then there's the longer-term, get another stadium, then get banks until they run out, then factories, I think, and hopefully get there before I start having to pay -serious- money for infrastructure, fill those out, get clinics and hospitals, etc etc etc...

eurgh. There's always something... :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 07, 2007, 05:30:43 PM
Well... I tossed out $500k each to Jim and Kasarn on Saturday. We now have only a factor of two separating our largest and smallest nations. I guess that's the best we can do for now.

I'm going back to building up infra for a bit. I'll probably be sitting on my butt again for an entire week saving up cash for the 1000 infra jump. Or maybe I'll buy a bit of tech and try to catch up with this new and improved llearch, but that's just delaying the inevitable. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 07, 2007, 07:18:35 PM
You'll catch up. One of my trades died, took out water and rubber. :-/

Dropped 1/5th of my income overnight. *wince*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 14, 2007, 10:54:51 AM
Ah.. sorry to bother everyone, but would Kasarn and Tezkat be interested in setting up that alliance in LW?

It looks like the field is limited. How's everyone feel about "Donate More Foreign Aid", since "Deep Moon Fishing Adven" is kinda a little long... :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 14, 2007, 11:20:22 PM
So it lets you input 30 characters and only uses the first 23? What kinda lame ass game design is that? :B I kinda liked "Deep Moon Fishing Adventures", too. "Ark" or "Area" might fit. Hmm...

Let's see what else we can do with a 23 character limitation... :kittycool

Don't Make Fluffy Angry
Draw More Funny, Amber!
Dreamy Men For Abel
Dirty Money Funding Art
Dark Moon's Fiery Abyss
Don't Miss: First, Aim!

Meh... the first one was kinda cute, but I think I got silly after that. :mowtongue
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 15, 2007, 06:25:17 AM
Dirty Money Funds Again ?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on May 17, 2007, 02:50:43 AM
Whew, finally cranked up to 60 Tech and I'm about to trip the 5,000 pop barrier too. :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on May 19, 2007, 06:56:57 PM
Just tripped 5k w/ 5,000 on the dot. :B

Suggestions for 5th improv? Have;

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 19, 2007, 07:12:55 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 15, 2007, 06:25:17 AM
Dirty Money Funds Again ?

DMFA Members Fail Again?

Meh... I got nothing. :mowtongue

Quote from: Sheridan on May 19, 2007, 06:56:57 PM
Just tripped 5k w/ 5,000 on the dot. :B

Suggestions for 5th improv? Have;


Your tax income should be above $24 by now, so just keep building banks. Then switch to factories.

In other news, it amuses me that I now have the most technologically backward nation in the alliance. :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 19, 2007, 07:18:35 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 19, 2007, 07:12:55 PM
DMFA Members Fail Again?

I like it. Succinct and self-deprecating. :-]

Quote from: Tezkat on May 19, 2007, 07:12:55 PM
In other news, it amuses me that I now have the most technologically backward nation in the alliance. :animesweat

Bweeheehee. Just wait - Valynth is waiting to ship me 30 tech as soon as the ten days is up.

.. either that or he just stiffed me for 690k, either or... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2007, 03:44:20 AM
Hmm. Not only do I have the event listed at the top of the page...

I also have:
"Recently business has been at an all time high, your economy has been going great and your people are thrilled."
... "Option 1: Hold a public speech that your government will allow the economy to ride the boom out. Population happiness +2"
(the other option being raise the inflation rate, and drop income $3pp, or do nothing for +1 happy)

"Flooding has recently become a problem in your Nation due to the recent rains."
... "Option 2: Refuse to take action. They should not have built their homes in flood prone areas. Population happiness -3"
(the other option was build dams, -$5pp. Oh, and "do nothing" for -4 happiness.)

What's going on? I appear to be randomly collecting events at an elevated rate... Pity they're not all as good as the first one. :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 21, 2007, 07:19:58 AM
My events tend to all cluster together as well. I had no events for nearly a month, followed by two events turning up in the past few days (mostly bad :animesweat). Furthermore, over the next two days, my two good events from last month will expire. That'll cost me $40k in daily revenue if something nice doesn't come along to replace them. :dface

That's one of the reasons I pushed to break the 1k infra barrier last week. It would have taken ages to collect enough cash for the jump without a little event support. Ah well... at least I managed to retake the #1 spot, if only for a little while. :3

In other news, Lunar Wars has failed. Was anyone paying attention to the drama? :mowdizzy

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on May 21, 2007, 08:12:23 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2007, 07:19:58 AM
In other news, Lunar Wars has failed. Was anyone paying attention to the drama? :mowdizzy

Did you miss it?

Short summary: two admins quit and one went on a nuking spree. MOON'S CLOSED and /b/lackup is requested.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2007, 09:08:54 AM
Interesting how "anonymous" internet makes some people behave like utter fuckwits, because "it's not important"

Pity about Sandro. Sure, he might have been all starry-eyed about what might happen with the game, but still.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 24, 2007, 03:51:50 AM
Damn... my coal/fish trade bailed on me, and NPO decided to ZI my wheat/iron guy--looks like he's gonna quit. My income's already down more than $80k/day since the weekend and in danger of dropping lower. :dface Might be time to redo my trades again, but the in-team pickings are slim indead. Where the heck have all the purple nations gone?

Tezkat fails at CN.

P.S. I'll buy you a harbour if you're interested in trading, Aiyno. :mowcookie

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on May 24, 2007, 03:53:48 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2007, 09:08:54 AM
Interesting how "anonymous" internet makes some people behave like utter fuckwits, because "it's not important"

Pity about Sandro. Sure, he might have been all starry-eyed about what might happen with the game, but still.



Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 24, 2007, 05:16:00 AM
Bing, and Sheridan wins -again-... :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 25, 2007, 07:33:49 AM
*cough* Erm. I just updated at LW today.

Just passed the 300 AI mark.

AI jumped from 2.2k per to 5.5k per. -OW-, dammit.

Just thought I'd warn those of you who were reaching that mark. I'd say buy up to 299, then get 10, would be your best bet. From here on in, I'll be waiting until I reach 20% off. *wince* I guess I'll just go back to beefing up the troops... And saving up for the next set of improvements - I think I'm at a stage where they're starting to get -very- expensive...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on May 27, 2007, 04:20:25 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 24, 2007, 03:51:50 AM
Damn... my coal/fish trade bailed on me, and NPO decided to ZI my wheat/iron guy--looks like he's gonna quit. My income's already down more than $80k/day since the weekend and in danger of dropping lower. :dface Might be time to redo my trades again, but the in-team pickings are slim indead. Where the heck have all the purple nations gone?

Tezkat fails at CN.

P.S. I'll buy you a harbour if you're interested in trading, Aiyno. :mowcookie

I fail at looking at this topic,

ok, I've reached the 6000 mark and I accept your offer :)
(even thogh I've been offered 2 other trades in the past week, I'm popular  :B )


I've got the same event twice in three days. woohoo! :P

2×3 population happiness ftw.
(or -10% income and -2% happiness if I where to click wrong :P)

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 27, 2007, 06:46:35 AM

I should do that tech trade thing more often, methinks. Possibly with a middle-man to speed the process up... Who, of course, should end up with a wedge of cash and/or tech to make it all fair...

I'm thinking, I pay 30(x+y) for 30 levels (where x is what Valynth pays for tech, say, and y is less than the difference between what he pays and what I pay), I hand that money plus z  to Val, he purchases 35 levels, and he hands 35 tech + z to Aiyno, say, and Aiyno hands 30 levels to me.

Names are variable, I just picked ones out of the air. But feel free to take me up on it - I was planning on pushing for 200 levels of tech, so another bunch of 30 would be neat. For something less than the 1.1 million I'd have to pay at my current rates....

Interestingly, I now have a fourth event running. After a month or two with none....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on May 27, 2007, 10:57:32 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 27, 2007, 06:46:35 AM

Interestingly, I now have a fourth event running. After a month or two with none....

Same here

I have four events:

3+ happiness (end 6/26/2007)
3+ happiness (end 6/22/2007)
2+ happiness (end 6/23/2007)
+15% population (end 6/1/2007)

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 27, 2007, 03:39:34 PM
   6/26/2007    Population happiness +3
   6/20/2007    Population happiness -3
   6/18/2007    Population happiness +2
   5/30/2007    Citizen count +15%

And, annoyingly, my gold/coal trade that was just agreed to cancelled. With no warning. So... Hmm. I guess I'm looking for a trade, again. :-/

It was such a pig finding that one, too. *mutter*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Axis on May 28, 2007, 01:27:59 AM
I made a nation.

We were once a colony of Germany.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on May 28, 2007, 08:50:26 AM
Wrong game. This is for Cybernations ( ) not NationStates. :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 28, 2007, 11:27:03 AM
Speaking of Nation States... has anyone read Jennifer Government (, the book upon which it's based? I saw it in the bookstore the other day and bought it on a lark. It was quite an entertaining read.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 27, 2007, 03:39:34 PM
   6/26/2007    Population happiness +3
   6/20/2007    Population happiness -3
   6/18/2007    Population happiness +2
   5/30/2007    Citizen count +15%
Quote from: Aiyno on May 27, 2007, 10:57:32 AM
3+ happiness (end 6/26/2007)
3+ happiness (end 6/22/2007)
2+ happiness (end 6/23/2007)
+15% population (end 6/1/2007)

Geez... did they hand out huge population bonuses to everyone but me at the beginning of the month? Currently, my nation is enjoying yet another freakin' drought. :B

Anyways, I tossed you the harbour building grant yesterday morning, Aiyno, with a small extra to put in a yacht club or something. :3 I'm trying to avoid collecting taxes until my resources are sorted out. My nation is kinda messed up right now... :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on May 28, 2007, 03:14:43 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 28, 2007, 11:27:03 AM
Speaking of Nation States... has anyone read Jennifer Government (, the book upon which it's based? I saw it in the bookstore the other day and bought it on a lark. It was quite an entertaining read.

Anyways, I tossed you the harbour building grant yesterday morning, Aiyno, with a small extra to put in a yacht club

hmmm, ok I thought I had a little more cash than I was used to yesterday, oh well Ill just save up for th harbor in 2 days or so... I hope...

QuoteHarbor - $200,000.00 - Increases population income by 1%. Opens +1 extra trade slot.
...holy that thing is expensive make that 3 days <.< ...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 28, 2007, 03:46:27 PM
That's why it's a "hand you the cash" thing.

For me, I'm pulling down somewhat over 200k/day, even down a trade as I am.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 28, 2007, 08:11:53 PM
Quote from: Aiyno on May 28, 2007, 03:14:43 PM
hmmm, ok I thought I had a little more cash than I was used to yesterday, oh well Ill just save up for th harbor in 2 days or so... I hope...

QuoteHarbor - $200,000.00 - Increases population income by 1%. Opens +1 extra trade slot.
...holy that thing is expensive make that 3 days <.< ...

Aiyno... please go to your Foreign Aid tab and click on the "Yes, I do want Tez's free money!" button. :animesweat

My income is down significantly, and I have upwards of $150k of bills a day. (Yes, stuff does get kinda pricey once you cross the 1k mark. :dface) Over three days, the increased revenue I'll have received from fixing my trades alone will nearly pay for that harbour. Not to mention that I have two other people already queued up waiting for me to swap trading partners...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 29, 2007, 04:15:18 AM
Envy. Cold, green envy.

I've got to find someone willing to trade, and then, when I do, the sod erm...wanders off to a better offer after a mere week. With no warning.

muttermuttermuttermutter. If I can find someone else, that'd be useful...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on May 29, 2007, 09:37:25 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 28, 2007, 08:11:53 PM

Aiyno... please go to your Foreign Aid tab and click on the "Yes, I do want Tez's free money!" button. :animesweat

Durr,  I do...

now you got trade agreement request  :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on May 29, 2007, 10:30:19 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 28, 2007, 11:27:03 AM
Speaking of Nation States... has anyone read Jennifer Government (, the book upon which it's based? I saw it in the bookstore the other day and bought it on a lark. It was quite an entertaining read.

Aye, it was an interesting (if a little confusing if you can't manage to follow all the storylines at once) read.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 29, 2007, 01:40:06 PM
Wooo... I wasn't kidding about that harbour paying for itself. Accepting Aiyno's trade boosted my shattered income by over $50k. :3 If the last guy ever wakes up and accepts my trade, I'll have another $50k or so. Good trades make a huge difference...

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 29, 2007, 04:15:18 AM
Envy. Cold, green envy.

I've got to find someone willing to trade, and then, when I do, the sod erm...wanders off to a better offer after a mere week. With no warning.

muttermuttermuttermutter. If I can find someone else, that'd be useful...

My coal/fish guy bailed on me without warning after only a few weeks, too. Interestingly enough, the stuff he replaced me with probably decreased his productivity. It's possible that he dumped me to trade with members of his new alliance. Or maybe he's just an idiot... :animesweat

The advanced trade finder makes it pretty easy to find the resources you're looking for. However, I find that one of the keys to keeping trades is to contact people in advance rather than just pulling names off a list and tossing out trade proposals. If they have a trade slot free, ask them to send you the proposal if they're interested. Then you'll have built up a bit of a rapport and the trade will feel like it was their idea. They'll be much less likely to cancel on you then. It'll take longer to find trades in the first place, since you'll miss out on the folks who are just accepting trades to keep their slots full until something better comes along, but it's more likely to result in a long-term relationship.

Bribery works, too. :mowcookie If you catch a smaller nation with open slots and replace the old "Improved Foreign Relations" with "$100k in aid for accepting" or somesuch, they'll have a constant reminder that canceling that trade means reneging on a business deal with you. >:] At your size, even a $200k aid for trade offer should pay for itself within days.

(Now... if you want to turn really green...  >:3 Some guy twice my size just offered me cash to trade with him for a few days. Given how complicated my trade swapping operation already was, I declined. :dface)

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 29, 2007, 02:07:48 PM
A few days would likely pay him back. Long enough to save up, pay for a wodge of tech, or something, and then get free again...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 31, 2007, 04:33:40 AM

-another- event.

Another nations container ship carrying valuable items has crashed on your shores.
- Option 1: Keep the ship wreck a secret and disperse the items throughout your country. Population happiness +2
- Option 2: Return the items to the owners and receive a finders reward. Citizen income +$5.00.    
- No Response. Population happiness -1

sweet. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on June 02, 2007, 02:49:13 AM
Triple .... arggg

Option 1: Take action and build dams and levy's in the areas prone to flooding. Citizen income -$5.00
Option 2: Refuse to take action. They should not have built their homes in flood prone areas. Population happiness -3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 02, 2007, 06:00:03 AM
after tax at 28%, that's $1.40 for option 1 and $1.50 for option two, in terms of takings. Or so I gather.

Not really much in it...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 02, 2007, 09:25:16 AM
1 happiness = $2 of gross income before adjustments from income multipliers. The first option is still better.

By the way, you might want to consider demolishing that Barracks and replacing it with a Bank or something else that will help your economy. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 02, 2007, 09:51:11 AM
$2 of gross income, not tax. Right?

So 3 happiness is $6 for each person, which works out at $1.68 in taxes. At 28%, of course.

Hmm. I think my calculations may have been a bit out with some of my choices. Bugger.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on June 03, 2007, 10:49:46 AM
Ah.... Back to fourth place :3
I'm now pulling 200k in a day and pretty soon I'm going to by my 3rd stadium.

And war at this point is definitely the cheapest (and the most fun) way for me to get tech.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 03, 2007, 04:07:49 PM
I beg to differ. It's much cheaper to wander off and persuade someone to buy a stack for you.

Works for me.

Val, you ready for the next slice?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on June 03, 2007, 04:50:08 PM
I'm ready and waitn' llearch.  Just give me the signal.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 04, 2007, 09:54:59 AM
So... what's the going rate for farmed tech these days?  :mowcookie
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 04, 2007, 10:18:47 AM
well, little old Valynth is giving me 30 levels for 900k. I expect that rate should step up somewhat as his tech increases dramatically as a result of the cash he's picking up now.

Of course, I'm also chipping 100k to Aiyno for being a middleman, and I'm hoping to get my gold trader to trade, briefly, with Val and make his costs much lower. If my gold trader wakes up and does that, I'll be chipping 200k in his direction as well - not a big loss, since he increased my take by ~65k/day or so... :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Jim Halisstrad on June 06, 2007, 01:52:48 AM
Thats so much more complicated then simply rolling a nation for its goods :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 06, 2007, 03:47:10 AM
true, but I get 30 levels of tech for, as it turned out, 1.1 million, which is close enough to going rate that I'm not complaining. Given buying it outright would cost me well over 1.3...

Rolling a nation is all well and good, but -I- feel it generates a bad rep. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 08, 2007, 04:45:30 PM
Okay... so I followed llearch's advice in LW and brought my AI up to 299 to prepare for the jump. After saving up, I went to collect taxes, and...

A Random Event Has Occurred!

Solar Flare - Recent solar activity has encouraged your engineers to upgrade the colonys defense shields. You have gained 2 AI.

My AI costs doubled instantly. :mowdizzy Even positive events are out to get me! :mowtongue

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 08, 2007, 06:35:31 PM

You have my sympathy.

But not very much, of course. ;-]

Incidentally, in LW, my costs for 25 housing units has just gone past 100k. :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on June 08, 2007, 09:28:05 PM
:numbers: ITT

Pop count up 15% from the flu vaccine event... so I now have another Improvement slot!

Currently have;

Bank, Clinic, Harbour, Stadium, Stadium.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 09, 2007, 04:30:24 AM
As has been mentioned before, you get more bang for your buck out of a bank, just, than you do out of a stadium.

Provided you have enough happy, stick with banks. Otherwise, get happy with a stadium. Note that "enough" is around 24 or so, I think Tez said before, back about 4 pages...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on June 10, 2007, 05:53:23 PM
Skipped a couple of days, broke 75 Tech, have a new trading partner who's giving me shiny diamonds and tasty beefs. \o/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on June 16, 2007, 11:28:10 AM
We can has alliance?

Got this PM from "Mykelemagne" (;

QuoteHi, my alliance is on a recruitment drive and I'd like to extend an offer to the entire Unamed Alliance, to join the Phoenix Federation, an up-and-coming organization fast on track for sanctioned status. We ourselves are a product of merged alliances, so we're well accustomed to working with new folks on Cyber Nations. We're active on IRC and on the forums and I think you'll find that we have more fun on CN than just about anyone else. We're not asking you to change your team color or lose your identity as a community, and, even if you decline our offer, we'd love to have you guys set up an embassy at our forum, Thanks for your time.

Looks fishy to me. Especially since I expect that's a copy-paste message and most of all they didn't have the decency to get the alliance name right.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 16, 2007, 12:32:44 PM
Well, I got exactly the same message.

I also received a message from someone else asking if we wanted to form an alliance treaty. I enquired what sort of treaty, and suggested he talk to me outside the pm's, and he lay low and said nothing since then.

So I guess he doesn't really want a treaty that much.

Just in passing, his alliance was ~4 pages of members, and I think most of them were under what -we- have - I know our alliance strength was nearly what theirs was, as I recall... Yeah. We're at 42k, his is at 48k. We've got 7 nations, he's got 44.

Just in case anyone is interested.

Edit: hee. Only his top two nations are -higher- than our -bottom- nation. And his strength is lower than our -average- strength.

Yay for helping each other out.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on June 16, 2007, 03:54:58 PM
Great, now not only do we have to deal with spam of the real world, we have to deal with spam of the fictional world  :/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on June 16, 2007, 04:59:19 PM
Oooh - I just stumbled across this thread...

I played NationStates at one point - it was pretty boring for me though... But I signed up on Cyber Nations -

Yay for random Norse-Based nation-thing.

But it sucks as of right now.  :mowsad
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 16, 2007, 05:42:41 PM
You should join our alliance. "Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance"

After that, you should read back on some of the advice here, get a whole bunch of trading partners, and, uh, ask us to help out.

After all, I get just over 400k/day in taxes, and pay 123k in bills. I can drop you 200k fairly easily, and that's gonna make a -big- difference.

If we organise, we can get each of us to drop you a days wages, as it were, on a rolling basis, every other day. That should get you up to speed pretty quick, and us dropping ~1 day out of every 10 is no real hardship.

Hmm. We should probably slow that down a bit - I think you're limited to 4 aids at a time, and they last for 10 days, so... Yeah. Anyway. Either that, or me and Tez can chip a pile at you. That'll at least get you in shouting distance of the rest of us...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 16, 2007, 07:21:58 PM
Quote from: Kryptic on June 16, 2007, 04:59:19 PM
Oooh - I just stumbled across this thread...

I played NationStates at one point - it was pretty boring for me though... But I signed up on Cyber Nations -

Yay for random Norse-Based nation-thing.

But it sucks as of right now.  :mowsad

Welcome aboard! :mowcookie

Yeah... we'll be able to foreign aid your net worth up into the thousands in very short order. Plus you might also have the opportunity to be a regular tech bitch supplier for us more developed nations. >:]

You'll want to switch to the purple team where the rest of us live. Finding trades shouldn't be super difficult--Fur is not so good, but Wheat is far and away the most popular resource.

I'd suggest sitting on your nation and not building up until you sort out your trades and your first aid shipment(s) arrive. You'll get a much larger boost when you finally do build up and collect taxes that way.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on June 16, 2007, 07:52:00 PM
Well, I'm in with you guys now - and drag down scores, for the time being. >,< Yay, us!

I'll go about seeing the trades - guess I must have lucked out with wheat. But I'll hit it hard. I'm interested in this game.

Well, now I'm trying to work out my trades - there was something on the board in a guide that could work for me...

[Aluminum] [Coal] [Fish] [Furs] [Gems] [Gold] [Iron] [Lumber] [Silver] [Wheat] [Wine] [Water]

Now I just need to work out the trades... If all works out with what I've offered, I have only Water and Lumber to get after I get the Harbor...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 16, 2007, 10:56:05 PM
Well, your first improvement (Harbour) won't be that far off, but I'd highly recommend trying to bump up Water and Lumber on your priority list. They're among the harder ones to find as they're in greater demand.

You're also going to be receiving a lot of foreign aid, at least at the beginning. The best builds to optimize that scenario focus on reducing purchase costs rather than increasing income. But your proposed build isn't too bad. At least you're reading the guides. :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on June 16, 2007, 11:34:46 PM
I already made note of someone who has water/lumber in purple that isn't full on trades... I hope it'll still work out.

First I have to see who accepts and who doesn't.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 19, 2007, 08:17:07 AM
Interesting how people keep wandering up.

How are you doing guys?

Are you seriously expansionist with your alliance or are you just a buch of guys watching each other's back?

The latter - just a bunch of guys watching each other's backs. :-)

Why? Did you want a mutually defensive alliance or something? :-)

This is from/to Solaris ( of Cherkovia.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 19, 2007, 02:22:35 PM
So... who all is planning to help out our poor newbie?

I have to say, I'm eyeing her obscenely cheap tech prices with much avarice. (If I'm not mistaken, it'll cost her ~$400k for 30 Tech and ~$800k to buy a full 50 at once.)  As a wealthy, developed nation, it's my responsibility to exploit her third-world economy in exchange for financial support. >:]

Anyways, I do have some cash in the bank to send. Maybe even lots of cash if she's interested sending a little tech back my way. :3 Is anyone else planning on sending her stuff in the near future? I could bounce my aid package through you to speed things up...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 19, 2007, 02:34:09 PM
Much the same,if he's willing.

Surely he should be interested in getting the right trades first, though? Gold would help a lot, especially if he starts buying up -large- chunks of tech...

I'd be interested in a clear hundred, if he'd do it for a cool 1.75 or so...

He could be making some serious money off that...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on June 19, 2007, 02:35:27 PM
I am (slowly) amassing funds and could probably be persuaded to fling 100/200 k over. >:3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 19, 2007, 02:51:55 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 19, 2007, 02:34:09 PM
Much the same,if he's willing.

Surely he should be interested in getting the right trades first, though? Gold would help a lot, especially if he starts buying up -large- chunks of tech...

I'd be interested in a clear hundred, if he'd do it for a cool 1.75 or so...

He could be making some serious money off that...

Um... I think you can only send 50 tech and/or $2 million in aid at once. :animesweat Besides, going all the way from 0 to 100 in one shot would cost him almost $2.2 million. Remember, you can only buy tech in blocks of 10.

He's already got the gold, though (and I figured that into my calculations). We'll need to buy him a harbour to complete his trade set.

Quote from: Arcalane on June 19, 2007, 02:35:27 PM
I am (slowly) amassing funds and could probably be persuaded to fling 100/200 k over. >:3

Hmm... okay. I'll send my first batch through you then. :3 If all goes well, expect it some time after update.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 19, 2007, 03:44:13 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on June 19, 2007, 02:51:55 PM
Um... I think you can only send 50 tech and/or $2 million in aid at once. :animesweat Besides, going all the way from 0 to 100 in one shot would cost him almost $2.2 million. Remember, you can only buy tech in blocks of 10.

It's not like I've done massive trades, of course. :-]

And I'm happy to run it in two batches. -No- worries. Along with a bonus when he's done. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 19, 2007, 03:48:02 PM
Helpful information for would be techsploiters:

0-10 Tech: $95k
0-20 Tech: $238k
0-30 Tech: $409k
0-40 Tech: $599k
0-50 Tech: $808k
0-60 Tech: $1045k
0-70 Tech: $1292k
0-80 Tech: $1548k
0-90 Tech: $1834k
0-100 Tech: $2128k

I'm missing a few data points because of the cheat mode, but those should be within $10k or so of the actual values with Gold factored in. Of course, the second half of the table is largely meaningless if you can only send 50 Tech at once. It's in her best interest to drop himself back to zero with each shipment until we're done milking her. :3

I'll be aiming to pad each aid package by about half a mil. That should give her plenty to grow on and still be a very good deal for me.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 19, 2007, 06:26:26 PM
so... 1.3 million for 50 levels?

That's above the "going" rate of 1.1 for 50, I'll admit. While being.. uh... well below the estimated 2.2 million I'd pay at my going rate of $43,829.40/level (so, it'd be a heck of a lot more by the time I got up there...)

Personally, I kinda want to push infrastructure up to catch up with you, Tez, but given your number of fanatic worshippers and banks and factories, I think I'm pushing it...

Oh, well. At least I can finally buy another bank. If I feel that way inclined, I might sell off the missile defence and buy another bank as well...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 19, 2007, 08:22:09 PM
Well... the point of this operation was supposed to be newbie bumpage, not getting the best tech prices. As in... I was gonna give her half a million for free anyway. :animesweat This way I just get something more than warm fuzzies in return. :3

Course... it would help if Kryptic dropped in to help us plan...

EDIT: Oops... just noticed that Kryptic's profile indicates that she's a girl... :animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on June 20, 2007, 02:50:01 AM
It's okay. I've been called male on Gaia before when I had a female avatar and said blatant things about being female. I don't really care.

Alright - sorry about slacking off - all my planned trades have gone though, I have the Lumber/Water nation that I like in my notes.

As long as it's something to get me started, I'll be fine. I got your plan-thing Tezkat, and I plan on following it.  :3

I'll do this Technology thing - as long as you guys walk me though it first. I'm still a little confused.

Okay, a lot confused. But I'd be very willing to make a deal that helps everybody out.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 20, 2007, 03:14:50 AM
Cool. If you have any questions, just ask. :kittycool

As for the aid thing. Once you've purchased all the tech for me, you go to my nation ( and click on the Aid ( button to send me 50 tech. It's that simple.

You can only make one transaction every 10 days with each person, which is why I'm sending you my aid shipment via Arcatech instead of directly. You also have 4 aid "slots" to use every 10 days (so one shipment in and one shipment out uses up half of them). After you're done with me, there will be 2 left for llearch to use, if he's interested.

Oh... final note... I should have warned you more carefully, but... it's generally a good idea to stop collecting taxes as soon as you learn someone's going to send you aid (and have the cash to pay your bills until then). When you build up with aid money, the taxes from the previous days are retroactively boosted to the new level. You're probably only making around a few thousand a day now, but after the first boost from me, your daily collection will spike to like $40k.

Arc... I sent you $1.4 mil. Hopefully, you can add at least an extra $100k. I provided Kryptic with a plan that should just barely get her a factory and a harbour with that after buying my tech. Assuming my math is right this time, of course. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 20, 2007, 05:19:56 AM
llearch is busy saving, or something. So it'll be a few days yet before I can fork over the cash.

I envy you your banks and factories, Tez. In a nice way, of course, but still...

How about I bounce 1.5 million straight to Kryptic, and Kryptic passes 50 tech to Kasarn, who passes 40 to me. Sound fair to all concerned?

Then we pull the same thing again in 10 days time.

It'll take me 5 days to save the cash, mind. And Kryptic, you should hold on to the spare cash until after the trade goes through, before you go buying more tech. If you're shifting off 50 levels, buy -just- 50 levels, send those, then buy the rest, since you'll get more bang for your buck, as it were.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on June 20, 2007, 05:46:00 AM
It's fine by me.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on June 20, 2007, 06:56:54 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on June 20, 2007, 03:14:50 AMArc... I sent you $1.4 mil. Hopefully, you can add at least an extra $100k. I provided Kryptic with a plan that should just barely get her a factory and a harbour with that after buying my tech. Assuming my math is right this time, of course. :3

Bounced + 100k, for a total of 1.5mil.

EDIT: Plus I'm now to the point where I'm pulling 200k a turn. Expenses are roughly 65k at the moment.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 20, 2007, 03:19:07 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on June 20, 2007, 05:46:00 AM
It's fine by me.

Ya think?

You wanna do the same thing Arc is doing, or the way I suggested? Either is more or less fine by me, both will slow me down for a while, but my way spreads the growth, whereas Tezkat's way spreads the paying.

Either works. *shrug*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Josh Massa on June 20, 2007, 05:50:50 PM
I'm actually in need of lumber and oil. I have iron and uranium as my resources. Anyone interested in trading? (I'm on blue team)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on June 20, 2007, 06:45:46 PM
Well, I just finished up with that first Aid. 50 Tech coming your way, Tez.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 20, 2007, 07:06:16 PM
Quote from: Josh Massa on June 20, 2007, 05:50:50 PM
I'm actually in need of lumber and oil. I have iron and uranium as my resources. Anyone interested in trading? (I'm on blue team)

I don't think any of us has lumber and oil - I think we've got a lumber and aluminum, but no oil - and we're all purple.

And I think we're mostly maxed out on trades. Certainly Mr Wooden AL is.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Josh Massa on June 20, 2007, 07:17:15 PM
Ah, darn. I already have aluminum. Nation name is Apocolypse (yes I spelled it wrong when I made the account  :<)

EDIT - I hear your nations are very good and make a lot of money each day. Now not to be all "newbie" or anything, but my nation is only two months old. Do any of you think I can have some AID or something?  :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 21, 2007, 02:03:03 AM
Quote from: Kryptic on June 20, 2007, 06:45:46 PM
Well, I just finished up with that first Aid. 50 Tech coming your way, Tez.

Thanks! :mowcookie Now if I could only figure out where the tech-to-infra sweet spot that improves my environment is...

All in all, that worked out pretty well. I'm happy to see my building plan was on the money this time.

Some tips for round 2 with llearch...

Save up turns (by not collecting taxes) if you can... at least right before receiving his package. That way, you'll have a second growth spurt after using the cash to buy new toys just by collecting taxes.

In a similar vein, you'd ideally want to still have the tech on your side at collection time before sending it out. 50 tech represents a fairly large income boost for a nation your size. It's a best of both worlds scenario--you'll be at 50 tech for income purposes, but back to 0 when it comes to buy more.

The basic plan of spending most of your spare cash on infra will continue to serve you well. That's pretty much what CN is about: infra, infra, and more infra! (Until you go to war, of course, but that's a different story. >:])

As far as improvements go, I'd continue to go all factories in your situation. It's by far the best bang for your buck with large nations raining aid down on you.

Quote from: Josh Massa on June 20, 2007, 05:50:50 PM
I'm actually in need of lumber and oil. I have iron and uranium as my resources. Anyone interested in trading? (I'm on blue team)

We're all on purple. Have you been using the trade finder ( Blue is the second-largest team. There are like 54 nations with the resources you want, many of whom have open trading slots.

A better question might be why you want those resources. Oil is a pretty crappy resource unless you have everything else you need for Automobiles (which you don't). Lumber and Coal would at least give you Construction and Fine Jewelry (and a nice infra price improvement). It's a somewhat less common package, though.

Quote from: Josh Massa on June 20, 2007, 07:17:15 PM
EDIT - I hear your nations are very good and make a lot of money each day. Now not to be all "newbie" or anything, but my nation is only two months old. Do any of you think I can have some AID or something?  :3

Well... our top nations are a little busy in the aid department at the moment. As you can see in this thread, we're currently devoting the majority of our weekly incomes to bootstrapping a new member (and boosting our alliance's tech levels :3). That's likely to go on for another few weeks until we get her established. We might be able to work you in somewhere...

If I might add... your nation configuration is a bit strange. You're geared up for heavy fighting (to the point that you're sacrificing serious income for combat buffs and gear) and have a lot of tech for your infra level, but you don't have a history of conflict.

How's your alliance working out for you? Are they heavy warmongers or something?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Josh Massa on June 21, 2007, 02:52:33 AM
PLUS is a pretty darn wacky alliance actually. I've only been part of them for about a month and they have already wanted me to help in about 6 wars. I just have high military powers because people have threatened to attack me for no reason, so I want to make sure I would be able to defend myself if they were to go through with their threats.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on June 22, 2007, 02:42:48 PM
Heh - I wonder if anyone in the game has higher Efficiency than me.

Right after Tezkat's Aid, I was at a little over 400 efficiency, now I'm at 303. >,<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 24, 2007, 04:26:33 PM
I don't have the cash yet, but I will tomorrow.

Watch for incoming Aid, Kryptic. It should be a cool mil and a half, and if you can pass on 50 levels of tech to Kasarn, that'd be appreciated.

By Kasarn, at least. :-]

I leave it to you to sort out what you're going to do with your abundance of cash. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on June 24, 2007, 04:38:44 PM
Thankies - I'll figure out something. Probably just more infra & soldiers.

And, uh, bills. Stupid Bills.

But it informed me today that my nations a week old and I get +2 population happiness today. Dude - I don't think they can get much happier without their brains exploding or sacrificing themselves to their almighty queen Yggdrasil.  :mwaha

Er, uh. Thanks again. :mowwink
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 25, 2007, 09:16:54 AM
Aim for more than 20%, but less than 60% soldiers to citizens - I usually hang around 1/3rd.

If you hit anything above, you get unhappy citizens. If you hit below, you get anarchy, and unhappy citizens, plus you can't do anything about it for three days...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on June 25, 2007, 05:38:13 PM
Would it be wise to invest in a Foreign Ministry? School? Or maybe just stick with Factories?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on June 25, 2007, 09:02:53 PM
Stadiums and Banks. :)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 25, 2007, 11:25:48 PM
Quote from: Kryptic on June 22, 2007, 02:42:48 PM
Heh - I wonder if anyone in the game has higher Efficiency than me.

Right after Tezkat's Aid, I was at a little over 400 efficiency, now I'm at 303. >,<

During the third great server war, I saw a number of people drop $20 game donations and/or $2 million aid packages on newborn nations. That put their efficiency ratings up into the thousands, if only for the first day or two... :dface

Quote from: Kryptic on June 24, 2007, 04:38:44 PM
But it informed me today that my nations a week old and I get +2 population happiness today. Dude - I don't think they can get much happier without their brains exploding or sacrificing themselves to their almighty queen Yggdrasil.  :mwaha

Oh yeah... that's a useful thing to consider in terms of aid timing. You get a temporary +2 Happiness birthday bonus on days 8, 15, 31, and so on. When you're saving up turns anyway, that's another thing that can boost your income when you finally do collect taxes. I'll aim to get you your second package sometime before your second week birthday party.

Quote from: Kryptic on June 25, 2007, 05:38:13 PM
Would it be wise to invest in a Foreign Ministry? School? Or maybe just stick with Factories?


Factories are far superior at this stage. Most of your income is not your own, after all, so you want to improve purchasing power rather than revenue generation. Later on, you can switch to stadiums and/or banks, depending on your per capita income.

As for the foreign ministry... that's something you can get eventually if you want to do a lot more tech trading with the rest of the alliance. However, there are only two of us providing the bulk of the aid, so a pair of in-out transactions every 10 days should suffice for now. Both llearch and I have foreign ministries if there's a need to spread stuff around.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 26, 2007, 06:33:56 AM
I guess I aim next for 31? Or should I hit ~20 and then 31, for the next two aid packages?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 26, 2007, 07:04:46 PM
Incidentally (if you'll excuse the double post) I went and signed up for the forum that Solaris set up for embassies and suchlike for his Purple Star Directorate.

I've posted in there, and am negotiating a treaty. When I have got a more or less completed version from him (short story: I'm pulling for a defensive pact, rather than a full "we hit anyone who hits you immediately" treaty, but we'll see) I'll bring it back here and we can discuss it at length.

I think I'm tagged as ambassador. I note that, in passing, the "Purple Star Directorate" has a hell of a lot of non-purple countries in it, and has gone from 40+ countries, most lower than us, to 22 countries, of whom 9 or so are higher than most of us, and go up to 4000 infrastructure.

Must be nice to be that heavy. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on June 26, 2007, 11:13:32 PM
More like Green Star Directorate... but I guess that doesn't quite have the same ring to it :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 27, 2007, 02:46:41 AM
Oooh... server politics... a chance for some military action, perhaps? I've got the tech for a proper air force now... >:]

These guys don't seem to be involved in anything heavier than inactive tech raiding, though. Anything big enough to hit them would probably do quite a number on us... :dface

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 26, 2007, 06:33:56 AM
I guess I aim next for 31? Or should I hit ~20 and then 31, for the next two aid packages?

Well... I'll be able to hit 15 and ~25. The former could land on a birthday; the latter won't. You can take ~20 and 31, if you like.

So... anyone want to help with the bouncing in two days or so? I'll be able to foot a full $1.5 mil on my own this time, and we could work out a commission in either direction. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 27, 2007, 05:46:45 AM
I should point out, woohoo, that today, I finally reached over a half a million in takings.


Oh, and as far as military action goes, I'm looking at pulling for a qualified mutual defence pact - basically, leader on either side has to call the other alliance in.

Otherwise we'd be hauled into everything, even if they can manage alone.

of course, they've changed structure a -lot- since last time I looked at them. Go figure...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 27, 2007, 02:14:47 PM
Hmm... who else are they allied with? The domino effect of rolling MDPs led to the last great server war...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on June 27, 2007, 02:43:49 PM
Aw, Fudge. My Coal/Iron trade canceled on me. Poopie.

And I still don't have that water/lumber. I guess I can try other combinations now, though.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on June 28, 2007, 01:24:25 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on June 27, 2007, 02:14:47 PM
Hmm... who else are they allied with? The domino effect of rolling MDPs led to the last great server war...

They claim to be a protectorate of the Imperial Assault Alliance, who fought with Aegis in GW3.
They also seem to have picked up a few ex-VE members, which might explain all the green.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 28, 2007, 04:06:50 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on June 27, 2007, 02:14:47 PM
Hmm... who else are they allied with? The domino effect of rolling MDPs led to the last great server war...

They've asked me to write up the treaty. I expect I'll put in a clause to exclude wars of -their- allies, limiting us to defensive posture only.

hey, it's in the name, right? :-]

Edit: By the way, for LunarWars, I noticed that 450 appears to be a big spike in cost for AI - close on doubling, again. So it's around 300 and 450, and probably 150 and 600, then, to boot - I don't remember looking at 150, and I'll keep watching for 600...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 28, 2007, 08:07:27 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 28, 2007, 04:06:50 AM
They've asked me to write up the treaty. I expect I'll put in a clause to exclude wars of -their- allies, limiting us to defensive posture only.

hey, it's in the name, right? :-]

Hmm... so... basically, we're only covering wars against them that weren't initiated by them?

QuoteEdit: By the way, for LunarWars, I noticed that 450 appears to be a big spike in cost for AI - close on doubling, again. So it's around 300 and 450, and probably 150 and 600, then, to boot - I don't remember looking at 150, and I'll keep watching for 600...

Really? My AI cost nearly doubled when I hit 400 (already paying over $14k per at 419). I'm not looking forward to yet another price spike at 450. :dface And you need to spend Gold once you hit 500 as well (or so the docs say...). I suppose I could go through my records at some point and figure out the AI equation, assuming it hasn't been a victim of fiddling since I started (the way the housing equation has); I have data points every 10 AI or so. That does seem like a of work for a game I don't care that much about, though. :animesweat

Anyway, I should be sending out my next aid package for Kryptic on Saturday. (I suppose she could still wait until Sunday to collect birthday taxes if she wants.) I don't seem to have any takers for middlemen yet, however. As an incentive, I can pad my shipment with a bit for you to skim off on the way down, or you can take 10 tech off the top on the way up (like with llearch).

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 29, 2007, 03:46:41 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on June 28, 2007, 08:07:27 PM
Hmm... so... basically, we're only covering wars against them that weren't initiated by them?

That would be my preference. If anyone disagrees with that, they're welcome to talk it over with me - I'm happy to abide by a majority vote, I'm just winging it so far based on my personal preferences...

Quote from: Tezkat on June 28, 2007, 08:07:27 PM
Really? My AI cost nearly doubled when I hit 400 (already paying over $14k per at 419). I'm not looking forward to yet another price spike at 450. :dface And you need to spend Gold once you hit 500 as well (or so the docs say...). I suppose I could go through my records at some point and figure out the AI equation, assuming it hasn't been a victim of fiddling since I started (the way the housing equation has); I have data points every 10 AI or so. That does seem like a of work for a game I don't care that much about, though. :animesweat

Uh.. I'm at 456, and paying $21,138/level. :-/ Not -quite- doubling, but it's another big step up. :-(

As for gold... I guess AI slows -way- down, then. Either that or I start collecting more now - I'm unsure which is more likely... I'm already doing 1-2 housing stacks of 25 each to each AI 10-stack - when I'm not buying improvements, of course. :-/

Quote from: Tezkat on June 28, 2007, 08:07:27 PM
Anyway, I should be sending out my next aid package for Kryptic on Saturday. (I suppose she could still wait until Sunday to collect birthday taxes if she wants.) I don't seem to have any takers for middlemen yet, however. As an incentive, I can pad my shipment with a bit for you to skim off on the way down, or you can take 10 tech off the top on the way up (like with llearch).

I guess I should start saving, then. I had intended to, but, well, it's so -nice- to keep updating my infrastructure, and paying out 1.5 million just slows that so much. I keep trying to catch up to that Tezkat guy... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on June 29, 2007, 03:58:05 AM
Be sure to be clear and note that if they come under fire from alliance B, because they initiated assaults alliance A, because of Alliance B having a similar treaty with Alliance A, then we will take no action.

Or you could just leave it open for interpretation with the intent to cancel the moment the treaty becomes bothersome and take your place among the greatest leaders in the world.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on June 29, 2007, 04:45:47 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on June 26, 2007, 11:13:32 PM
More like Green Star Directorate... but I guess that doesn't quite have the same ring to it :P

Greeple Star Directorate?

Beats Purpeen Star Directorate.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 29, 2007, 05:53:53 AM
Quote from: Valynth on June 29, 2007, 03:58:05 AM
Be sure to be clear and note that if they come under fire from alliance B, because they initiated assaults alliance A, because of Alliance B having a similar treaty with Alliance A, then we will take no action.

I was thinking something along the lines of "If The Purple Star Directorate or The Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance become entangled in war due to the offensive actions of either members or allies, then either alliance may offer or request assistance, but, under the terms of this treaty, the requested Alliance is not bound to respond."

Quote from: Valynth on June 29, 2007, 03:58:05 AM
Or you could just leave it open for interpretation with the intent to cancel the moment the treaty becomes bothersome and take your place among the greatest leaders in the world.

Tempting, but it leaves it open for -them- to do the same to me.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 30, 2007, 03:17:47 PM
Hmm... apparently, I won't be able to send another aid package until tomorrow, at least not through Arc or Kryptic. Funny... my last shipment was on the 20th (10 days ago)--it must be 10 days inclusive. Ah well, tomorrow is her 2-week-old birthday anyway. I still don't have a middleman, though.

First person to speak up gets... hmm... say... 200k on the way down or 10 tech on the way back up. :mowcookie

(Well, other than llearch and Kasarn, of course... :mowtongue)

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 30, 2007, 03:59:49 PM

*cough* ;-]

Erm. I was going to mention that I think I'm going to miss the 20th, and hit 21. I guess we hold off, and you can hit the 30th, then - otherwise we're going to miss it through the ten day window.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 01, 2007, 01:34:22 AM
Hmm... okay. I'll have my next package ready in two weeks, then.

I probably won't be online much today (Canada Day festivities), so I just dropped $1.5 mil on Kryptic directly. First person to speak up gets 10 tech. :3

Does nobody like free stuff anymore? :mowdizzy

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 01, 2007, 03:39:36 AM
So... can I speak up? ;-]

(technically, no. I've still got the last trade there, so I'm out...)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 01, 2007, 04:11:23 AM
Rather than saying who can't do it, you should say that you are talking to Jim, Valynth and Arcalane.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 01, 2007, 09:46:15 AM
[Sun 01st] [02:42#33pm] [llearch] Sheridanna: have you considered responding to the cybernations thread?
[Sun 01st] [02:42#42pm] [Sheridanna] hm? for the free tech? :p
[Sun 01st] [02:42#47pm] [llearch] or cash, yes.
[Sun 01st] [02:43#14pm] [llearch] bearing in mind that -someone- will have to take it, otherwise we'll end up losing time.
[Sun 01st] [02:45#34pm] [Sheridanna] oh, well, when you put it that way...

'nuff said. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 02, 2007, 12:15:41 PM

Quote from: grouchomarx
7/1/2007 3:03:50 AM Subject: join The Order Of Light

Dear friend,
in order to fasten the alliance's development, we -the members of The Order Of Light- have decided to ask rulers of strong nations, to become members of TOOL.

As a ruler of a really strong nation, you are invited to join TOOL, so as to increase your power and ours, as well.

To become a member, except of changing your "Alliance Affiliation", you should come to our forum, register, read our charter, and Sign Up

Forum address:
Sign up address:

All members are given 200k and all the support needed, in order to develop faster

Best regards,

Ps. You don't have to fight alone anymore!

Quote from: llearch
Gee. What a bonus.

That's, oh, about 2/5ths of what I collect every day.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Quote from: grouchomarx
Of course, it's 2/5.
After joining the 5/5 is going to be really more than 500,000. So, think about it...

... it already is. Can't he count? (yes, that's rhetorical...)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on July 03, 2007, 02:16:49 AM
At least he complemented you.  :3

If generic overused recruiting tactics are complements.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 03, 2007, 02:34:59 AM
I may be wrong but I think you misunderstand what he's trying to say.

He is basically saying that, as a member of a large alliance, you will get a lot more support over the long run.
However, of 227 nations in TOOL, only the top six alliances have more infrastructure than you do and only the top 15 alliances are above 800 infra; if anything, you would be the one giving out money to help the alliance grow.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 03, 2007, 03:37:29 AM
<insert lewd joke about their choice of alliance name here>

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 03, 2007, 06:38:05 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on July 03, 2007, 02:34:59 AM
I may be wrong but I think you misunderstand what he's trying to say.

He is basically saying that, as a member of a large alliance, you will get a lot more support over the long run.
However, of 227 nations in TOOL, only the top six alliances have more infrastructure than you do and only the top 15 alliances are above 800 infra; if anything, you would be the one giving out money to help the alliance grow.

Heh. How much support do I really need, though? And even if I dragged my entire alliance into there, we'd -all- be in the top 20 or so, with ease. Which is a hell of a shot in the arm for him, but what do -we- get out of it? All of us can scrounge up 200k with relative ease - heck, I can fund 200k out of pocket change, at present. I dread to think how much the best person on their team can pull out of his pockets.

Besides, we're busy spending ~9 million, and have already spent something on the order of 6 million on our newest member. I can't see too many people giving that level of support, even if we're only passing effectively 1/3rd of that in terms of overall aid, the rest being returned in the form of tech. We're also boosting the other lower members of the team in passing.

Personally, I think -we're- about the best team to join. The only downside is, you've got to be -here- on the forum. Ooo, how tricky. :-]

Quote from: Arcalane on July 03, 2007, 03:37:29 AM
<insert lewd joke about their choice of alliance name here>

I thought about that, but that'd be just a cheap shot. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 03, 2007, 07:25:24 AM
Well, I did mention CN over at Furstralia. Of course, there are only a handful of active members over there and nobody seemed interested. I could post it to other places if you want :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 03, 2007, 08:18:11 AM
I'll pass. I'm not really interested in extending the team - if I was, I'd probably have joined one of the other teams, wouldn't I?

I kinda prefer the current setup. At least here we're all friends. :-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 04, 2007, 01:42:24 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 03, 2007, 06:38:05 AMAll of us can scrounge up 200k with relative ease - heck, I can fund 200k out of pocket change, at present.

I'm already pulling in 257k of tax money (though I'm paying something like 90k in bills :<).

So do I pass 40 Tech along to Tez now after getting that package? :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 04, 2007, 06:32:05 AM
I believe that's the intent.

I guess I need to nudge Kasarn again to get him ready for my next performance...


Oh, yes. I have a copy here of a Treaty for us to wave at those folks over at the Purple Star Directorate.

Let me know if you think it covers everything, or if I've missed anything, or if you agree or disagree, as appropriate.

For the purposes of this document, and brevity and clarity, the following terms have been defined:
- "PSD" is used to indicate The Purple Star Directorate.
- "DMFA" is used to indicate The Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance.
- "Signee" is used to indicate either the PSD or the DMFA.
- "Aggressor" is used to indicate the attacking nation.
- "Defender" is used to indicate the Member Nation who has been attacked.
- "Invoker" is used to indicate the Signee who invokes the terms of this treaty.
- "Responder" is used to indicate the Signee who responds to the invocation.
- "Allies" is used to indicate any alliances or individuals that have, at the time of signing of this treaty, or in the future, a treaty with the Signee.
- "Member States" is used to indicate any member of the PSD or the DMFA.
- "Leader" is used to indicate the designated leader of the Signee.
- "Executive States" is used to indicate the leader and/or their nominated representatives of both the DMFA and the PSD. For the purposes of this treaty, this is limited to llearch n'n'daCorna for DMFA, and Solaris (as Chairman) and the Directorate Council Members (princeofcats and Cylon) for the PSD, as per the Directorate Charter.


1  Mutual Defense
1.1  If either Signee is attacked, the Leader of that alliance may Invoke this treaty to call on the other alliance for assistance.
1.1.1  Neither Leader is required to invoke this treaty. If, in his or her judgement, the alliance is able to cope with the war "in-house", they are perfectly welcome to do so.
1.2  When invoked, assistance must be provided with all capability to hand.
1.2.1  Speed of response is generally expected to be within 72 hours.
1.2.2  Clause 1.2.1 does not specify that Aid or Aggressive Action must be initiated within 72 hours, although this, obviously, would be preferred. Rather, it specifies that some response indicating acknowledgement of the Invocation must be received within 72 hours at the absolute maximum.
1.2.3  Communication may be initiated via whichever protocol the Invoker and Responder prefer, although for speed of response, email and IM might be considered a good starting place.
1.3  It is accepted that there will be cases where the Aggressor is unable to be directly, ah, "enlightened to the error of his ways", due to the relative size of the Aggressor and the Defender, as restricted by the game code, to the Responder.
1.3.1  In these cases, Financial Aid may be arranged to mutual agreement of the Defender, Executive States, and the provider of Aid.
1.3.2  It is expected that this formality will be something along the lines of "How about $x?" "Sounds good to me." or equally brief. Bearing in mind that the game itself is a day-by-day turn, a day or so delay in accepting aid is not expected to be a problem.
1.4  If the Aggressor is attacking as a result of the political or military action of either the Member States, Executive States, or Allies of the Defender and/or Defender's Alliance, clause 1.2 is invalidated.
1.4.1  Clause 1.4 specifically does not invalidate clauses 1.2.1 to 1.2.3.
1.4.2  Clause 1.4 is intended to mean that if someone starts something on a forum, and it results in them being attacked, the Treaty is unable to be Invoked.
1.4.3  It also means that if an Ally Nation of one of the Signees is attacked, and the Signee is then required to assist, and is, in turn, attacked, the other Signee is not required to assist, breaking the descending chain of wars.
1.4.4  In this case, assistance may be requested, but is not required to be provided.
1.5  Breach of any clauses, with or without mitigating circumstances (eg, bereavement in family, Real Life interfering, etc), will require some diplomacy.
1.5.1  This may include all-out war, at worst, although reparations may be demanded to make good the loss.
1.5.2  Diplomacy may resolve the issue with talking - eg, in case of bereavement, the Invoker is allowed to accept that that is sufficient reason for not being able to respond, etc etc.
1.5.3  The offended party is required to make a "good faith" effort to attain satisfaction prior to declaring war. On the balance side of the coin, the offender is also required to make a "good faith" effort to make restitution.

2  Change of Terms
2.1  Either Signee may propose changes to the terms of this agreement, but said proposals are not effective until 24 hours after being ratified by both alliances, or at a date (and timezone) specified.
2.1.1  If specified, the date proposed must be at least 24 hours after the time the proposal is submitted, to give the Executive States involved time to consider the ramifications.
2.1.2  It is accepted that a majority of the Executive States on either side is sufficient for ratification.
2.2  Respective sizes are, at time of writing of this treaty, more or less equal. Since the PSD is actively recruiting, and the DMFA is simply "a bunch of friends", it is expected that at some point, the PSD will increase in size to significantly larger than the DMFA. At such time, reconsideration of the treaty terms may be advisable, as per clause 2.1.

3  Cancelling of Terms
3.1  If either the DMFA or the PSD wish to cancel this treaty, a mandatory 24-hour notice period is required.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 05, 2007, 12:50:07 AM
/me is nudged

Anyway, treaties are supposed to be done in-character, so you shouldn't mention things like game mechanics or instant messengers and you shouldn't use colloquialisms. Of course, some alliances go the other direction and create very silly treaties.
I think 1.5 and its subclauses are poorly worded.
I don't believe that a Change of Terms clause is overly required.
Overall, I think it's too complex/annoying to read; add more line breaks.

I don't know why you didn't just write it in the style of most CN treates, i.e. something like
QuoteArticle 1
If either the Purple Star Directorate (PSD) or the Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance (DMFA) is aggressively attacked, then that alliance may activate this treaty to call on the other alliance for full military assistance.

Article 2
If either PSD or DMFA begins an aggressive war, then this treaty cannot be invoked and neither alliance is obligated to aid the other.

Article 3
Failure to acknowledge activation of this treaty within 72 hours or failure to provide military assistance will result in the suspension of this treaty, pending diplomatic discussions.

Article 4
If either PSD or DMFA decide that this treaty is no longer appropriate and desire to end this treaty, a minimum 24 hour period of notification is required.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 05, 2007, 03:16:06 AM
Probably because I've deliberately avoided most CN treaties. Also because that leaves us open to them being attacked by someone else for actions on forum, or for someone else attacking them due to mutual defense treaties on the aggressor's side.

I'll think about it, though.

And yes, I agree about 1.5. I wasn't sure how to put that, if at all. :-/

Edit: Almost forgot:
Ranked 2,000 of 10,294 colonies
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 05, 2007, 10:59:37 PM
Hmm... I agree with Kasarn. The treaty is rather wordy without sounding formal, so the end result appears unnecessarily complex and unwieldy.

Quote from: Arcalane on July 04, 2007, 01:42:24 AM
So do I pass 40 Tech along to Tez now after getting that package? :B

Yes, thanks.

Since we're short of volunteers... are you interested in remaining my middleman for subsequent transactions? I'm planning two more, with the first planned for the weekend after next. Basically, I want to get my tech to 300 (which is where it stops having useful game effects) and bring Kryptic up to the level where anything big enough to hurt her is also within striking distance of the rest of us. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 07, 2007, 06:56:50 AM
I'll bite. No reason to refuse, really. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 07, 2007, 07:13:29 AM
There's 1.5 passed across. If Kryptic would pass that on to Kasarn, who can then pass it back, we'll all be happy. Or something.

I just wondered, actually... If we passed 10k around, and just kept passing it, would the interest picked up from the various parties as it went through be worth the effort? Hmmm...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on July 07, 2007, 12:49:39 PM
I got it now. I'll pass it on to Kasarn.

You know what's frustrating? I buy infa, thinking that I'll hit another thousand. Nooo... 4,999 civillians. Bah. The game mocks me.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 07, 2007, 01:30:12 PM
Moon stuff:
Cost per AI at 504AI
$29,474, 1.5 Copper, 2.8 Ilmenite, 0.6 Gold

After 5.4 hours I collected 1.7 Gold, 5.3 Ilmenite, 11 Aluminum, 14.2 Copper and 18.9 Iron

edit: also, :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 07, 2007, 02:03:00 PM
At least you've started collecting gold, I suppose.

I'll await the tech arrive any minute now, I guess... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 07, 2007, 04:25:10 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on July 07, 2007, 01:30:12 PM
edit: also, :P

Yay! My joining the alliance rocketed us into... uh... 93rd place! :mowtongue

I wonder if that's enough of a safety net to try war mode for a bit. The new changes to grant income kinda suck for us hippie carebears. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 07, 2007, 05:28:26 PM
I'm not sure being in war mode would make enough difference, really. Grants are variable enough, and low enough, that even quadrupling them wouldn't really make that much difference, IMO.

Although, not having tried it, it's possible it'd be enough spare cash to make a change.

I'd sort-of like to get Valynth into the alliance, since he's now at 200AI...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on July 07, 2007, 11:23:36 PM
Yep, I'm getting up there, mostly because I've been selling minerals like crazy.  Seriously, I sell about 50% of the stuff I get just because I don't have any other use for them and my storage space quickly fills up after two or three gatherings.

Hopefully my shiney new improvement will help with that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 08, 2007, 12:20:51 AM
You will always be selling excess minerals. Personally, I put off buying the Mineral Warehouse until I had the population to buy the next improvement.

Back on Planet Bob:
I was wondering where PSD's membership was going...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 08, 2007, 09:38:14 AM
Curiousity killed the cat, eh? ( :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 11, 2007, 04:10:22 AM
Haha, the Score value has been changed and ours is now 0.26 :P
Although, I think it's much more representative than the 23.43 it was yesterday.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 11, 2007, 05:48:15 AM
*poke* *poke*

Where's my tech, Kasarn? Or has Kryptic not passed it to you yet?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 11, 2007, 06:32:51 AM
No, I haven't gotten anything ( and Kryptic is off at her family reunion (
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 11, 2007, 09:08:43 AM

I knew something was going too well. Now I'll just have to make do for the moment...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 11, 2007, 12:20:00 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 07, 2007, 02:03:00 PMAt least you've started collecting gold, I suppose.

Regularly, you mean? I picked up like... 0.3 really early on and sold it on the market. :B I haven't recieved any since.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 11, 2007, 12:34:15 PM
Quote from: Arcalane on July 11, 2007, 12:20:00 PM
Regularly, you mean? I picked up like... 0.3 really early on and sold it on the market. :B I haven't recieved any since.

Yeah. Before 500AI, you pull in ~1 of gold over the entire stretch of time to get there - four months or more. After there, well, I'm up to 17.6 of gold, in about 2-3 RL days. And I've sold most of the 0.6 or 0.8 I collected previously.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on July 14, 2007, 12:31:50 AM
Oh, I'm so sorry! Argh!

Passing it on right now. *hides in shame*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 14, 2007, 01:06:54 AM
And bounced... or bpunced. Me spel reel gud :)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 14, 2007, 08:20:29 AM
Not that I'm complaining, or anything, but, uh, Kasarn, you're supposed to keep 10 and pass 40, or something.

Usually, anyway.

Is Tez saving up for the 31st day? There's no way I can hit it, now, so...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 14, 2007, 03:27:26 PM

Looking peachy in CN, and I've passed the 100 AI checkpoint on LW (now clocking in at 115 AI) so I'm starting to accelerate on the going up front.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 14, 2007, 05:18:27 PM
having passed the 500AI front in LW, I'm starting to slow down... ;-]

CN.. I'm still annoyed at Tez. He's -still- ahead of me.

I'm almost tempted to cheat. Again. ;-]

gah! Lunar Wars gave me another 800 troops. I now have, after 2 weeks of buying none, have over 1400 spare soldiers that haven't got jobs looking after housing units.

Yay. Just what I wanted. :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 15, 2007, 01:21:51 PM
Heh... you look bigger than me now... if only by a little. :mowtongue

Anyways... yeah, I'm on track for Kryptic's one month anniversary. I sent the cash through Arc this time, so it should percolate down to her in time for her to get the birthday bonus.

In other news... we've got a new newbie ( to play with. :kittydevious

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 15, 2007, 01:25:55 PM
So do I pass 1.5mil along to Kryptic now? :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 15, 2007, 01:28:44 PM
Heh... that was quick. Er... yeah... that was the plan, more or less. :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 15, 2007, 01:41:47 PM
Sent and awaiting approval. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 15, 2007, 02:37:24 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on July 15, 2007, 01:21:51 PM
Heh... you look bigger than me now... if only by a little. :mowtongue

For about ten minutes, yes, and only because you're not buying anything with that money you're rolling in.

We'll see. I think the week of not having the tech I paid for (because Kryptic was AFK, so no, I'm not complaining) slowed me down. Oh, well.

Quote from: Tezkat on July 15, 2007, 01:21:51 PM
In other news... we've got a new newbie ( to play with. :kittydevious

Yeah. Fresnor (;u=168) decided he wanted to play. Shall we leave him lurking for a while, and then start handing him cash? I think Kryptic has reached the point of falling returns, so we probably want to leave off pushing quite so hard for growth there...

I'm willing to be argued with, though ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kryptic on July 15, 2007, 07:44:38 PM
Yeah - the tech costs about 800K right now. So I'll see...

Who do I pass tech onto?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 15, 2007, 08:42:58 PM
Me! Me! ;-]

... oh, ok. Tez passed it to Arc, who passed it to you, right? So flick it back to Tez.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 19, 2007, 11:55:57 PM
Up to 200 AI on LW now. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 20, 2007, 03:52:05 AM
HURRHURR, wat r dese red letters at the top of my profile? I no care abowt big wurds; me collect moniez neway. :rolleyes

Oh well, -5 happiness (below 20% soldiers) just negates the fact that I just bought a Stadium and have +2 happiness event.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 20, 2007, 10:40:54 AM
is there anyway to delete your nation faster than 5 days? i wanted to put mine around ireland but i tried to drag the map and it put mine close to antarctica.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 20, 2007, 11:45:45 AM
I'm pretty sure that, as of a recent update, you can move your nation anywhere you like.
Click Edit Nation and there should be a little icon next to your Capital City name.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 20, 2007, 12:17:43 PM

... nah. I'm happy ruling over all of Hawaii.

And all of Arcatech. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 20, 2007, 08:56:41 PM
.......i am now the proud ruler of a mile of dublin. if anyone wants to help a poor third world fledgeling nation out... my country's name is insomnia land. my user name is canadian bacon.

i joined DMFA

am still a third world country.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 21, 2007, 12:17:11 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 20, 2007, 12:17:43 PM

... nah. I'm happy ruling over all of Hawaii.

And all of Arcatech. ;-]

Shush. I put down there first, you just spammed the cheat butan. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 21, 2007, 02:23:32 AM
Cheat button aside, Arc, here's some tips to get your nation a little extra cash.

First off, set your tax rate to 28%.
Except for when you are starting out, there is almost no reason to have it set below 28%

Change your government to Monarchy.
I whipped up some tables so you can see why.
List on the left is net happiness bonus; list on the right gives +2 to governments with the 5% infra discount
(P. = preferred government type; * = 5% infrastructure discount)
+2   P. Monarchy*
+2   P. Democracy
+1.6   P. Totalitarian State
+1.2   P. Revolutionary Government*
+1   P. Capitalist*
+1   P. Republic*
+1   Monarchy*
+1   Democracy
+0.6   P. Federal Government*
+0.6   Totalitarian State
+0.6   P. Communist
+0.6   P. Transitional
+0.2   P. Dictatorship*
+0.2   Revolutionary Government*
~0   Capitalist*
~0   Republic*
-0.4   Federal Government*
-0.4   Communist
-0.4   Transitional
-0.8   Dictatorship*
+4   P. Monarchy*
+3.2   P. Revolutionary Government*
+3   P. Capitalist*
+3   P. Republic*
+3   Monarchy*
+2.6   P. Federal Government*
+2.2   P. Dictatorship*
+2.2   Revolutionary Government*
+2   Capitalist*
+2   Republic*
+2   P. Democracy
+1.6   Federal Government*
+1.6   P. Totalitarian State
+1.2   Dictatorship*
+1   Democracy
+0.6   P. Communist
+0.6   P. Transitional
+0.6   Totalitarian State
-0.4   Communist
-0.4   Transitional

afaik, each point of environment = 0.4 happiness
Some governments also have a +5% land purchased bonus; this gives a preferred Capitalist or Republic government a slight edge over a non-preferred Monarchy.

Finally, when you near 1000 infrastructure, make sure you stop at 999.99 and save up around 2mil in cash before buying any more infra as the price and maintenance increases at 1000.

Of course, you don't have to do any of these things. It's just that, unlike finding and keeping good trades, these require no effort.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 21, 2007, 01:09:37 PM
Several months have passed since the last rains in your outlying territories. Your people are now suffering from Drought and your Advisors state that food is a problem and health issues are expected soon.
Option 1: Ration your nations water supply severely. Citizen income -$5.00
Option 2: Abandon your outlying territories and bring your citizens in where fresh water is more abundant. Land area -10%
No Response. Citizen income -$8.00

Let me think...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 22, 2007, 01:32:06 AM
i would ration my water.... but that's just me
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 22, 2007, 04:12:04 AM
I took option 2.

Since I have water as a trade, it doesn't bring my number of people up to an unreasonable level - only about 27/mile - and they don't get angry at me.

The only thing I was worried about was the environment, and since it appears that the balance between infra and land is based on the -original- value of land, that's not so much of a problem.

... I wonder where Kryptic has gone...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 23, 2007, 08:03:00 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 22, 2007, 04:12:04 AM
I took option 2.

Since I have water as a trade, it doesn't bring my number of people up to an unreasonable level - only about 27/mile - and they don't get angry at me.

The only thing I was worried about was the environment, and since it appears that the balance between infra and land is based on the -original- value of land, that's not so much of a problem.

Heh... I've had that event like three times so far. My rainforest preservation efforts must not be doing so well... :animesweat Land is just so useless. In the worst case scenario, you'll drop a whole 0.4 happiness from losing an environment point, but even that's pretty unlikely at your levels of tech bloat.

... I wonder where Kryptic has gone...

Hmm... yeah. She hasn't sent up my tech and even missed her nation's month-old birthday. :animesweat

Speaking of disappearing players... is Aiyno gonna make it back from vacation before his nation gets wiped? He's only got a few days left. (On a more selfish note, I'll lose nearly $200k/day income and all my bonus resources if his trade drops. :dface Wheat/Marble is damned near impossible to find...)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 23, 2007, 08:55:31 AM
is it possible to trade just one resource? and how does tradeing work exactly do you stop reciveing bonuses from the ones your trade or what?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 23, 2007, 09:52:53 AM
You can't trade 1 resource. If you set up a trade, you get access to their resources, and they get access to yours.

I'm sort-of half pondering skipping any more land, and merely buying tech...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 23, 2007, 11:12:42 AM
you still need the coal llearch? i have it and gems
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 23, 2007, 11:21:43 AM
Whilst coal and gems would both be useful, I already have 5 trades, I think.

*checks* Yup.

So I'm unable to trade with you, sorry. Not without dumping one of the ones I already have, and if I did that, the most likely one would be poor Arc over there. And he's got enough troubles as it is. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 23, 2007, 11:30:34 AM
i understand.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 23, 2007, 02:57:15 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 23, 2007, 11:21:43 AM
Whilst coal and gems would both be useful, I already have 5 trades, I think.

*checks* Yup.

So I'm unable to trade with you, sorry. Not without dumping one of the ones I already have, and if I did that, the most likely one would be poor Arc over there. And he's got enough troubles as it is. ;-]

And I'm somewhat relying on you for my piggies, because I need those for my Fast Food special. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 23, 2007, 07:32:42 PM

Incidentally, I just passed 550AI in LW, and bounced up something like 6k in cost, per level, to 42k. :-/

Fortunately, I've also reached 15000 population, which means I can purchase the 15% off AI improvement - a snap at 300k.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 24, 2007, 01:41:36 PM

Update log -

Bank - $200,000.00 - Increases population income +7%.
Barracks - $100,000.00 - Increases soldier count +10%, reduces soldier upkeep cost -10%.
Border Walls - $120,000.00 - Decreases citizen count -2%, increases population happiness +2, Improves environment +1. (Does not affect Global Radiation levels)
Church - $80,000.00 - Increases population happiness +1.
Clinic - $100,000.00 - Increases population count by 2%. Purchasing 2 or more clinics allows you to purchase hospitals.
Factory - $200,000.00 - Decreases cost of missiles -5%, decreases tank cost -10%, reduces initial infrastructure purchase cost -8%.
Foreign Ministry - $240,000.00 - Increases population income by 5%. Opens +1 extra foreign aid slot. Limit one foreign ministry per nation.
Guerilla Camp - $40,000.00 - Increases soldier count +35%, reduces soldier upkeep cost -10%, reduces citizen income -8%.
Harbor - $400,000.00 - Increases population income by 1%. Opens +1 extra trade slot. Limit one harbor per nation.
Hospital - $360,000.00 - Increases population count by 6%. Need 2 clinics for a hospital. Limit one hospital per nation.
Intelligence Agency - $100,000.00 - Increases happiness for tax rates greater than 23% +1.
Labor Camp - $200,000.00 - Reduces infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, reduces population happiness -1.
Missile Defense - $180,000.00 - Reduces effectiveness of incoming cruise missiles used against your nation -10%.
Police Headquarters - $150,000.00 - Increases population happiness +2.
Satellite - $180,000.00 - Increases effectiveness of cruise missiles used by your nation +10%.
School - $170,000.00 - Increases population income by 5%, increases literacy rate +1%. Purchasing 3 or more schools allows you to purchase universities.
Stadium - $220,000.00 - Increases population happiness + 3.
University - $360,000.00 - Increases population income by 8%, reduces technology cost -10%, increases literacy rate +3%. 3 schools must be purchased before any universities can be bought. Limit two universities per nation.

edit: also, I don't really care that much that the prices have gone up but, y'know... ugh :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 24, 2007, 02:04:02 PM
Heh. I bought something this morning. Oh, well...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 24, 2007, 02:22:00 PM
lol, reverted :P
Well, except for
Labor Camp - 50k -> 150k
Factory - 80k -> 150k
Intelligence Agency - 35k -> 38.5k

I guess we can expect more price changes soon.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 24, 2007, 03:38:06 PM
Bugger. I was -thinking- about getting a factory, but decided to wait...

Oh, well. I guess I can afford 150k...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 26, 2007, 07:06:50 AM
man do you guys know how hard it is to find sugar, iron, and lumber in combination? if i even find one it's paired with something that is useless to me! i want construction and fast fooooooooood! my peoples need to be lazy an fat!

edit: i found people with everything but rubber/sugar.....but they havent agreed to anything right now.....seriously im about to sell my country off piece by piece and give everything to smeone to hold till after i make a new one...for better starting resources you know
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 26, 2007, 09:57:19 AM
Figures. Just lost one of my trades with one of the people who left the alliance some time back.

2 slots open. Already have Furs, Iron, Cattle, Coal, Gems, Lead, Marble, Pigs, Sugar and Wheat. Ideally I want another Spices/Water trade to get my happiness back up and to get Fast Food back.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 26, 2007, 11:32:57 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on July 26, 2007, 07:06:50 AM
...give everything to smeone to hold till after i make a new one...for better starting resources you know

Er. You're seriously expecting a) people to give things back, and b) the admins to not delete -both- countries for cheating?

Most of us, for the former, aren't all that fussed - anything less than, oh, a couple hundred tech or something, is small enough that, at least for those of us up at the top, is pocket change, more or less. But the latter is a killer...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 26, 2007, 02:54:05 PM
well if i do start over id want to give kasarn back his use in letting it go to waste on a failed nation......i probably wont delete my country anyway....just a passing thought.....i like my coushy house in 2 am town
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on July 27, 2007, 11:12:28 PM
On the LW front, I've just helped Fresnor beat the living tar out Araven (the guy who attacked him).  Right now that guy has 0 soldiers, 82 tanks, and 5 fighters.  I know what's going to go next ;).  That is unless he accepts the terms of surrender that I sent him (a demand of full reparations to Fres).

I only hope his only ally doesn't decide to bail him out, otherwise I could be in serious trouble.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 29, 2007, 06:45:52 AM

I see what you did there...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 29, 2007, 09:48:25 AM
Quote from: Valynth on July 27, 2007, 11:12:28 PM
On the LW front, I've just helped Fresnor beat the living tar out Araven (the guy who attacked him).  Right now that guy has 0 soldiers, 82 tanks, and 5 fighters.  I know what's going to go next ;).  That is unless he accepts the terms of surrender that I sent him (a demand of full reparations to Fres).

I only hope his only ally doesn't decide to bail him out, otherwise I could be in serious trouble.

I have also been somewhat concerned about this, but I don't think this is an issue if they haven't already stepped in.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 29, 2007, 01:03:31 PM
you can never be too sure though
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 29, 2007, 01:11:36 PM
Even so he's outnumbered three to one and we have three larger allies who can drop funding and such on us.

Whilst Fres only has an MS of 5, myself of 9, Valynth has an MS of 15. 5 + 9 + 15 may not exactly equal 29, but it's still more than enough numbers in our favour. >:3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 29, 2007, 01:37:34 PM
just sayin is all.

good news if two trades go through ill have the cars, steel, construction, fastfood, and asphalt bonuses.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 31, 2007, 04:22:08 AM
Hmm... now that I'm back in the top position in CN, it seems I'm getting all the alliance-related mail. Get off your butt and pass me, llearch! :3

Anyways... we have some important alliance related business.

First off, Fresnor is apparently clueless about our "no attacking nations in an alliance policy"... especially the "don't attack people several times our size (" clause. :animesweat I received this message from the person retaliating against him (

Quote from: Lucifers Turtle
Hi. Your the strongest in your alliance so i will tell this to you and you can report is to whoever.

Fresnor of you alliance attacked WSOGMM of my alliance. I declared war with fresnor to make him pay. I expect full reparations to be payed to WSOGMM. If fresnor is a rouge then tell me and he will continue to be destroyed. ALMEA is a much bigger alliance then yours and is in OFFSPRING. I suggest you get this guy to pay up! Thank you

Golden Boy

I haven't had the time to follow the CN boards at all recently, so I'm unfamiliar with the OFFSPRING coalition, but his alliance is big enough to make good on that threat on its own. I haven't seen Frensor post here at all. What's up, man?

The moral of the story is: If you're going to attack random people, make sure that their buddies are smaller than your buddies. Or something like that. Really, attacking any nation in an alliance is asking for a pounding. (I suppose it's worth noting that the other person he attacked has even bigger friends ( :dface)

Here's something from a slightly friendlier party (

Quote from: The Tower
Hey I just caught a glimpse of your guys's alliance. Do you have boards or are you disorganized or what because i would love to become a diplomat over there.

Having friends is good... or, failing that, at least having open lines of communication. :3 I'm not sure having a diplomat here is a terribly good idea, but we should try to work something out. RIA ( is quite large.

In other news, we mourn the passing of Tycador (2007-02-19 to 2007-07-27). Rest in peace.

(Aiyno, ya twit, did you miss your nation's deletion by a few hours? :B)

Kryptic is on track for deletion in a few days, as well. Still holding onto my tech, no less...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 31, 2007, 05:30:56 AM
For alliance blocs, see this thread and click the bloc name for stats
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 31, 2007, 09:26:28 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on July 31, 2007, 04:22:08 AM
Hmm... now that I'm back in the top position in CN, it seems I'm getting all the alliance-related mail. Get off your butt and pass me, llearch! :3

Heh. What can I say, you've got better bonus resources than I have. :-/ (although you're welcome to pass me a couple million to spend on Infrastructure...)

As for Fresnor, well... As I see it, ours is a DEFENSIVE alliance. If said person wants to hammer him into the ground because he's attacked someone with big friends, then I have no objections.

RIA, no problems with them sending a diplomat here. If they want, there's a slightly more related forum, we could both be diplomats over on someone else's board...

Aiyno was AFK, and couldn't get online. Or, rather, he could, but not to CN. Which sucks.

And Kryptic... well, not a lot I can do there but sympathise...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 31, 2007, 11:45:11 AM
would it be wise to invite some beefy nations (who don't read DMFA) to join us? or will we remain a small close knit alliance of DMFA fans?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on July 31, 2007, 12:59:32 PM
I vote the latter. Our focus is on helping ourselves and each other - spreading the alliance means we gain little unless we micromanage aid/trade/etc.

As for Fresnor, well, perhaps he should pay attention to his victim's friends next time.  :rolleyes
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 31, 2007, 01:57:04 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on July 31, 2007, 11:45:11 AM
would it be wise to invite some beefy nations (who don't read DMFA) to join us? or will we remain a small close knit alliance of DMFA fans?

We -are- a "small, close-knit alliance of DMFA fans" - there's no point claiming otherwise, and I don't think we ever -will- be much bigger than we are now, in terms of numbers.

As for size - well, we're growing all the time. It just takes time. So, eventually, we'll -be- "big, beefy" nations. Until then, all they'll do is make us targets, IMHO.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 31, 2007, 04:19:48 PM
ok but one question... IMHO what does it mean?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on July 31, 2007, 04:37:34 PM
"In My Humble Opinion"

Anyway, I'm saving funds in CN untill I can get a 15% population boost event.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 31, 2007, 04:57:12 PM
im going to try to start a trade ring. it will give 8 bonuses

fine jewelry
radiation cleanup

if you have
or rubber and want in let me know.

we need everyone to have atleast two resources. there will be one person with an extra resorce since the ring dosent use all 12 resorces we will be reciveing.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 01, 2007, 03:20:09 PM

Heh... somebody twice his size apparently believed that one day is enough inactivity for a tech raid against llearch. Excuse me while I adjust my military budgets... >:]

And somebody else is raiding Kryptic. For my tech. Too bad I'm not small enough to raid him back. :3

Ah well... at least Fresnor is now attacking smaller alliances. :animesweat

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 31, 2007, 09:26:28 AM
RIA, no problems with them sending a diplomat here. If they want, there's a slightly more related forum, we could both be diplomats over on someone else's board...

Hmm... okay. Since you seem to be in the loop with respect to these matters, would you be interested in working out the details with him (The Tower (

Quote from: lucas marcone on July 31, 2007, 11:45:11 AM
would it be wise to invite some beefy nations (who don't read DMFA) to join us? or will we remain a small close knit alliance of DMFA fans?

Right now, this forum represents our only practical means of communication for alliance matters. If said beefy friends are willing to hang out with us here and help out, then I don't see a problem inviting them to join us. I don't see any point in merely bolstering our alliance's NW for cosmetic reasons.

Quote from: lucas marcone on July 31, 2007, 04:57:12 PM
im going to try to start a trade ring. it will give 8 bonuses

fine jewelry
radiation cleanup

if you have
or rubber and want in let me know.

we need everyone to have atleast two resources. there will be one person with an extra resorce since the ring dosent use all 12 resorces we will be reciveing.

In the long run, it's far more effective to maximize population enhancers and infra reduction rather than bonus resources. A lot of the resources you need to collect bonuses are not good enough to be worth the small bonus benefit.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 01, 2007, 06:13:52 PM
Quote8/1/2007 6:29:38 AM Subject: War Declared!

War has been declared on you by Cylon for the reason of raid inactive, pm for peace! You may access your War & Battles screen to view and manage this war.
Quote8/1/2007 6:29:53 AM Subject: Battle Report

You have been attacked by Cylon. You lost 803 soldiers and 11 tanks. You killed 1,008 soldiers and 93 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $11,020.28 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.
Quote8/1/2007 6:30:10 AM Subject: Battle Report

You have been attacked by Cylon. You lost 275 soldiers and 17 tanks. You killed 530 soldiers and 15 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $6,906.04 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.
Quote8/1/2007 7:23:20 AM Subject: Peace Offer

A peace offer has been submitted by Cylon to end the bloodshed between your nations. As soon as both nations accept peace, the war will end.

Hmmmm. While I disapprove, he -did- kinda pay for some of the replacement tanks and troops.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on August 01, 2007, 06:26:17 PM
I'd say attack him twice and then offer peace.  See how he likes it.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 01, 2007, 06:28:12 PM
Nah. Him being twice as big as me, about all I could do is lob a couple of missiles at him.

Which would cost him badly, mind.

Besides, I already agreed to peace.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on August 01, 2007, 10:26:16 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on August 01, 2007, 03:20:09 PM

Heh... somebody twice his size apparently believed that one day is enough inactivity for a tech raid against llearch. Excuse me while I adjust my military budgets... >:]

And somebody else is raiding Kryptic. For my tech. Too bad I'm not small enough to raid him back. :3

Nor am I. Curses.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 02, 2007, 02:23:22 AM
Does Fresnor even read this thread?

Anyways... ALMEA ( has made their ultimatum: Pay reps or die. :dface

Quote from: madman121
Hello there... I am empror of ALMEA... One of your members has attacked one of our members! He is therefore considered a rouge! He will be ZIed unless he pays full reps! Thanx...

Amusingly enough, he added...

Also... May I offer you a merger? we give our members 2M every 10 days! If you merge you can be in this too!


I asked them to give him a few days before they start pounding him into the ground, but I otherwise see no reason to bail him out of his little predicament. :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 02, 2007, 03:06:45 AM
Well, I also consider Fresnor to be a ghost.
Membership is dependent on posting in this thread... which he has not. Just because he has been a DMFA forum member for a while and we know who he is doesn't mean squat in CN.

If he wanted to raid people, \m/ is still ruining the game for everybody :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 02, 2007, 04:43:27 AM
Fresnor has mentioned: "I would, but my economy doesn't exist because they're still hammering it into shreds"

.. which sort of suggests that, y'know, stopping kicking the shit out of him might be a good first step towards getting him to pay reps...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 02, 2007, 06:27:43 AM
QuoteNation Name: Drakelia
Ruler: Fresnor
Government Type: Revolutionary Government (Next Available Change 7/24/2007)

He is not in anarchy therefore his "economy" is perfectly fine.

However, it is probably worth noting that WSOGMM ( now has no alliance affiliation.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 02, 2007, 10:32:30 AM
yeah, but the chances of him having 600k lying about is pretty slim, wouldn't you say?

Or, at least, that's what Fres commented in channel to the effect of. If the reparations can be done over time, it might be worth while advising him so - I can't say I've dealt with reparations, so I don't know how they work...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 02, 2007, 10:44:42 AM
Who cares how much money he has on hand? If nobody has told ALMEA that he is going to pay, they are going to keep attacking him. End of story.

Also, 600k sounds like bullshit to me. Unless Fres continued attacking while they had no soldiers, the damage wouldn't have been more than 10 or so tech along with 20-50 infra at most. Given the small size of the nation, that's probably around 200-300k
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 02, 2007, 11:17:25 AM
What it is, and what they're asking him to pay may well be totally different things.

But yes, I agree.

However, without some sort of input from Fres here, we're just flapping our gums, really...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 02, 2007, 01:23:04 PM
Paying reps is supposed to hurt a bit. It's not uncommon to ask for reps equal to a week or two's income. At DEFCON 5, Fresnor would be making something in the $40k/day range, so $600k is on the upper edge of that. I consider that sum to be a starting point for negotiations, however. $600k is practically chump change for most of us, and I'm not opposed to working out a deal if he makes at least a good faith contribution.

Nonetheless, given that Fresnor continued along his merry way raiding other (alliance) nations after ALMEA retaliated against him suggests to me that he has little interest in ponying up.

In any event, we have lines of communication open with the leadership of ALMEA, so an arrangement of some kind is not out of the question if he's willing to take responsibility for his actions.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on August 02, 2007, 02:31:36 PM
I didn't even know this thread existed until today.  Already sent the needed info to Tezkat in-game though, and to llearch directly.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 02, 2007, 03:03:52 PM

Hmm... okay. I have a better picture of what's going on now. I CC'ed my original response to the nation attacking Fresnor and have since received an acknowledgement from their leader, so further attacks should cease pending negotiations.

Now the question is: What do we consider to be reasonable reparations given the damage that Fresnor has already suffered? I do think that $600k is a bit over the top. Their leader is an agreeable sort, and my gut feel is that he'll take any reasonable offer.

How much are you willing/able to pay, Fresnor?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 02, 2007, 05:32:27 PM
id have to go with maybe 1.2 times the amount of the damages. but that's just me.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on August 02, 2007, 09:00:03 PM
Looks like the attacks aren't going to be stopping at all, they are still coming.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 02, 2007, 09:05:48 PM
have you made it clear yet that you can't pay him back till they stop?

dude fres you gotta slow down on the attacking oher nations...i just caught a look at you war history. you're fighting on a four nation front man. try to end a few ok man? i hate to see your nation go under.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 03, 2007, 01:55:26 AM
My but we're popular all of the sudden. Is it my shiny new air force? It makes me look big! >:]

Something from GLA:

Quote from: Frag_Insurance
Would you consider merging the Global Liberation Army? We are a yellow alliance with nukes, and could offer you protection. If you join we would become more powerful together and have more members. A lot of your members could become high GLA rankings. Lemme know if your interested, thanks, frag

And yet another one from ALMEA:

Quote from: madman121
Thanx! Would ou guys be intrested in merging? We have huge alliances protecting us such as the Legion! We are in Offspring! A bloc of 25 alliances ready to defend us! We do tech deals every 10 days insuring the growth of our alliance members by a minimum of 200 infra every 10 days! we also give 3M to 3 tech dealers every 10 days. So if we have 9 every 3 will tkake extra money on their already money that they will get causing them to boost by about 500 infra!

Evidently, our little alliance is now reaching the size where acquiring a few allies becomes important. Where do you guys see us headed in the grand scheme of things?

By the way, what's the status of our treaty with The Directorate?

Regarding Fresnor, I've let them know that the attacks aren't helping and requested leniency with respect to reps. It looks like Golden Boy's acting on his own accord a bit here, so I made it a little more clear that I was going above his head to their leader this time.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 03, 2007, 03:22:25 AM
i don't think we should merge with anyone, though haveing allies may be a very smart think to do maybe if ALMA will let this incident slide we could work something out.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 03, 2007, 01:47:37 PM

Oh, hmm... interesting...

ALMEA claims that Frensor's attack on WSOGMM messed up the timing of the little foreign aid chain they have going to boost new members and screwed things up for several people, hence the high price tag.

Anyways... I've talked them down to $350k. Is that acceptable? (It should be a bit under two weeks of income for Fresnor at this point, assuming we don't help.) They're willing to waive it, of course, if we consent to merge with their alliance. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on August 03, 2007, 02:06:28 PM
hmmm, have Fresnor pay for what he did or change the leadership/attitude of the alliance....  I vote against merging and letting Fresnor get pummeled/pay off his debts.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 03, 2007, 03:48:19 PM
I think Fres can cope with that. I'm against merging, because the whole point of our alliance is simply self-defence. We're not interested, or so I understand, in diplomatic crap - we just don't want to get hammered into the ground.

I think Fres would manage to save up 350k reasonably quickly, mind. After all, he sold me 50 levels of tech... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 03, 2007, 04:33:23 PM
"Self-defence" isn't necessarily all that helpful when everyone else is part of large, multi-alliance blocs. :animesweat Given the attention we're receiving now, a few treaties might be useful, even if only for the name-dropping value in negotiations.

Anyways... I'm not opposed to aiding Fresnor back up to a reasonable state after this is over, but since my negotiations for reduced reps centered around him being unable to pay back the full sum on his own, it wouldn't look very good to be pumping him full of cash before he's paid his dues to WSOGMM.

I'm guessing it will take a bit under two weeks to come up with that on his own, which isn't all that much in the grand scheme of things. Once he has a little cash on hand, it'll go even faster if he only collects taxes every two days (for the interest bonus).

I'll inform them of our agreement to their terms once I've heard from Fresnor. I'll leave the door open to further talks with their alliance, however.

In related news, Google turns up interesting things about our new friend (

Quote from: flareman
I don't know much about the offspring bloc but I do know some history about Golden Boy. He was a member of POSA until he went rogue for inciting a war against Devil Dogs and FOA. He was then expelled from POSA and sentenced to ZI. He has since found friends in ALMEA who have saved his nation from destruction. The thread can be found at Because of Golden Boy's history, I recommend that we do not become involved with this bloc.

(Golden Boy, the guy pummelling Fresnor, is currently ALMEA's Minister of Foreign Affairs. :animesweat)

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 03, 2007, 04:39:50 PM
heh. I don't have the cash on hand - I was going to save up. Which would take me a week - and I'm pretty sure that Fres there would need most of that cash to cope with the destruction that has been ravaged down upon him - buying more troops isn't expensive, but doing it every day is...

You reckon I should hold off until after reparations, I can do that. I'll just... uh.. collect slowly. And let the interest pile up, or something...

Yeah, I might just look into that Purple Directorate treaty again.

No reason...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 03, 2007, 04:45:31 PM
what mean you with the letters "ZI"???
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 03, 2007, 04:47:38 PM
Zero Infrastructure.

Basically, they keep hitting you until you have nothing left - about the only real penance in the game.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 03, 2007, 11:13:41 PM
thank you mr. box of smart things!

Edit: i don't think i spent the money kas gave me too wisely...

i should have bought less tech and more infrastructure.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 03, 2007, 11:37:23 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on August 03, 2007, 01:47:37 PM
Oh, hmm... interesting...

ALMEA claims that Frensor's attack on WSOGMM messed up the timing of the little foreign aid chain they have going to boost new members and screwed things up for several people, hence the high price tag.

Anyways... I've talked them down to $350k. Is that acceptable? (It should be a bit under two weeks of income for Fresnor at this point, assuming we don't help.) They're willing to waive it, of course, if we consent to merge with their alliance. :3

So, did you guys bring up the fact that WSOGMM is no longer a member of ALMEA and has been inactive since?
In any case, I call bullshit on the aid chain thing. WSOGMM had been inactive for at least 5 days already when Fresnor attacked him and was inactive for a further 7 days since the war expired and then was inactive for a few more days before he finally got on and ALMEA "contacted" us about it. If there was an aid chain, then they would have contacted us immediately.

As for merging, I don't think we have anything in common with the ALMEA theme. Why would I, an Australian of half-Malaysian blood, want to join the Arabic, Lebanese, Middle Eastern Alliance? :S

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 03, 2007, 04:39:50 PM
Yeah, I might just look into that Purple Directorate treaty again.

Even after you were attacked for being "inactive"?
Heck, I was going to suggest you go over to them and ask them to censure him :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 04, 2007, 04:37:14 AM
i attacked a guy for being inactive for five days. i sent a ground attack planned full force. i was totally whupped... i sent a peace offer. if he decides to seek revenge or what not i dont have the strength to sand up to him....funny how crap works out huh? i dont expect you guys to help though... i know this is a defenceive alliance.

just testing out the war option really. well im off to recall my troops and buy more.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 04, 2007, 01:33:36 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on August 03, 2007, 11:37:23 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 03, 2007, 04:39:50 PM
Yeah, I might just look into that Purple Directorate treaty again.

Even after you were attacked for being "inactive"?
Heck, I was going to suggest you go over to them and ask them to censure him :P

Meh. He lost, I won, despite him being twice my size. On that basis, I figured live and let live. Plus I'm apathetic at the best of times. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on August 04, 2007, 05:42:24 PM
I guess 350k is better than what it was, though does that guy I hit not being in the alliance anymore change anything?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on August 04, 2007, 11:40:46 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on August 03, 2007, 04:33:23 PMGolden Boy

I'm sure I've heard of that name before somewhere. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 05, 2007, 12:43:58 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on August 03, 2007, 11:37:23 PM
So, did you guys bring up the fact that WSOGMM is no longer a member of ALMEA and has been inactive since?
In any case, I call bullshit on the aid chain thing. WSOGMM had been inactive for at least 5 days already when Fresnor attacked him and was inactive for a further 7 days since the war expired and then was inactive for a few more days before he finally got on and ALMEA "contacted" us about it. If there was an aid chain, then they would have contacted us immediately.

As for merging, I don't think we have anything in common with the ALMEA theme. Why would I, an Australian of half-Malaysian blood, want to join the Arabic, Lebanese, Middle Eastern Alliance? :S

Well... their "empror" has less than perfect English, and his attempts to explain the horrible damage we inflicted on his aid for newbies scheme were garbled at best. At any rate, it's more a matter of them being big enough to ask for whatever they want, anyway. :animesweat

With respect to the merger, I drafted a polite noncommittal reply. :3

Quote from: lucas marcone on August 04, 2007, 04:37:14 AM
i attacked a guy for being inactive for five days. i sent a ground attack planned full force. i was totally whupped... i sent a peace offer. if he decides to seek revenge or what not i dont have the strength to sand up to him....funny how crap works out huh? i dont expect you guys to help though... i know this is a defenceive alliance.

just testing out the war option really. well im off to recall my troops and buy more.

Oh great... "just testing out the war option"... :animesweat

If that goes bad, I'm not touching it with a 10 foot pole. >:]

He's obviously not inactive, at any rate. Five days is usually not a long enough break to consider a nation inactive in any event. I'd be particularly wary of flagging a old nation like this one as such. People often take short vacations, and larger nations regularly wait that long between collections to take advantage of improvement swapping tricks and such.

Good targets for raiding are those who haven't logged in for a good fifteen days or so. In other words, they're nearing deletion.

Speaking of which, Kryptic's nation is gone now. Seems like such a waste...  :kittydepressed We're losing nations left and right.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 05, 2007, 01:01:23 AM
you know if this goes bad ill just sell all my crap and pay back kas and make a new nation. insomnia land was just a joke anyway. maybe i can make a nation worthwhile with the knowlegde i have now.

EDIT: i got lucky. i was honest and explained my intentions shortly offering peace. he understood and offered peace as well but not before he attacked me three times and i lost 7.77 infra. all in all i came out of this with my nards in tact. and i learned a bit.

Quoteheh heh, you're fine. to be honest, i learned a thing or two just now myself too. anyway, don't worry about the little war. ya didn't do any real damage to me anyway, and i'm pretty sure you weren't thrown into anarchy either. anyway, now that ya know how it works, use that to your advantage. it's always fun to show up people who think they know what they're doing.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 05, 2007, 01:49:25 AM
You do, of course, realize that you can't sell your crap for more than a tiny fraction of what you paid for it, and that rebuilding even a ZI'ed nation is considerably cheaper than starting a new one from scratch... right?

Sincere apologies do work. Sometimes, amidst all the kids smiting each other for the lulz, we forget how far a little civility can take us... :3

Ah well... we've all had some interesting learning experiences this week. Everyone in the alliance has now been blooded in combat--very useful should our little alliance ever be faced with a real threat.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 05, 2007, 12:54:03 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on August 05, 2007, 01:49:25 AM
You do, of course, realize that you can't sell your crap for more than a tiny fraction of what you paid for it, and that rebuilding even a ZI'ed nation is considerably cheaper than starting a new one from scratch... right?

yeah but seeing as how my createivity was stifled in the sea of midnight stupids i couldnt think worth a lick. oh well... ill stick with it and continue playing till i am ZIed. then ill just make a cooler nation in spite of cost.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on August 08, 2007, 01:16:17 AM
Well, up to 200k now.  Still wondering if they'd want me to pay him back though since he's not in thier alliance anymore.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 08, 2007, 02:43:44 PM
Hmm... that's coming along quickly. :3 Regardless of what tags he's wearing, he's obviously still under their protection. And we don't want to look like folks who renege on deals anyway...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 08, 2007, 03:05:42 PM
*saves up for the 50 levesl of tech, in a slow and tedious way*

Give me another week or so, and I'll pass it across, Fres.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 04:35:39 PM
i wish my nation was big enough to actively help you guys out.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 09, 2007, 12:06:39 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 04:35:39 PM
i wish my nation was big enough to actively help you guys out.

You could offer to buy tech... if you can get Gold and Lead, you'll get Microchips.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 09, 2007, 09:27:16 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on August 09, 2007, 12:06:39 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 04:35:39 PM
i wish my nation was big enough to actively help you guys out.
You could offer to buy tech... if you can get Gold and Lead, you'll get Microchips.

... and, in case you're not aware, Gold and Microchips both decrease the cost of technology. Hence why you should be aiming for them - it'll increase your profit on any tech trading you do.

Internally to the alliance, tech trading has been running at $1.5 million for 50 levels of tech. The going rate for outside is $1m/50, though, because the -internal- rate is intended to boost the lower members of the alliance. Bear in mind you should, on getting any of these sorts of Foreign Aid agreements, buy -up to- 50 levels, aid that back to the person who you're swapping with, wait for them to accept (and thereby send your tech levels back down to 0) before buying more. The reason for this is that tech costs go up as you buy more, so the 50 levels from 0 to 50 costs a heck of a lot less than 50 levels from 50 to 100. And that's a drop in the bucket compared to the 50 from 300 to 350... I'm currently at 341.48 levels, and 10 levels costs me $735,454.02, and I have both Gold (-5%) and Microchips (-8%).
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 10, 2007, 01:19:19 AM
call me slow but i just realized you can send out tech.... enjoy it llearch. it's for the best my citizens were corpulent in their dependance on the stuff.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on August 12, 2007, 01:20:43 AM
And money sent
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 12, 2007, 03:31:25 AM
our nation has been asked to host a major 30 day sporting event. While this could entertain your citizens and make them happy, it will also make them quite unproductive during the event.

Option 1: Host the sporting event. Population happiness +2
Option 2: Refuse the sporting event. Citizen income +$5.00    
No Response. Population happiness -1

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 13, 2007, 01:42:16 AM
1 Happiness = $2 (plus adjustments for income mods)... should be simple, no? :3

I've discovered an amazing technique guaranteed to make people stop playing CN: Ask them to trade with me. Seriously! Since my Iron/Coal trade got deleted (and I lost most of my bonus resources and hundreds of thousands in daily income :<), I've approached several nations. Ordinarily, people jump at an Aluminum/Lumber trade, and I've been offering substantial cash bribes to boot. They were all established nations that had collected taxes the day I contacted them, and none of them have been online since! (Some going on nearly a week now...) Coincidence? I think not! :dface

Now... the more important question: Do I use this newfound power for good... or evil?


In other news... still getting random merger requests from all over...  :B

Quote from: ArchNeo III
Hey dude i come before you from Brothers In Arms a fast growing maroon alliance, with friendly guys and friends, we offer protection from tech raiders and aid and trade and advice, i would like you and your comrades to join us we will give your leaders authority positions so you choose. And we have gone from 6 to 20 members in 2days so are doing well. What do you say?
If you would like to do this please message me back.

Quote from: nickmagus
Hello, I am the MoFA for the Crimson Sun Empire. We are a mid sized alliance and are interested in a possible merger with your alliance. we offer 200k in start up aid to all nations and have many open government positions that we would like people with experience to fill so if you are interested in a merger you can contact me or go to our forums ( and talk with us. Together we could be even stronger than before so we hope you will consider merging with us.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 13, 2007, 02:10:07 AM
i am SO glad im not one of the bigger nations in the wording while declineing may send alliances intowar heh.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on August 13, 2007, 02:23:02 AM
Heh, I was getting offers thrown at me for my Oil/Rubber.  Though a couple were  polite enough to ask first.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 13, 2007, 03:19:12 AM
Go figure...

An hour after I post about it, one of them pulled out the kryptonite and nullified my newfound superpower. :animesweat So... after six days of tree-hugging vacation, my citizens are back to cursing at each other on their daily drives to work. In other words, business as usual. :3

Anyways... with my economy mostly repaired and Fresnor's restitution paid up, I'm once again open to tech/aid deals and such with the alliance newbies. Any takers?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on August 13, 2007, 03:28:36 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 13, 2007, 02:10:07 AM
i am SO glad im not one of the bigger nations in the wording while declineing may send alliances intowar heh.

The grammar that launched a thousand ships?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 13, 2007, 09:11:11 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on August 13, 2007, 01:42:16 AM
1 Happiness = $2 (plus adjustments for income mods)... should be simple, no? :3

Is that $2 income from taxes, or $2 income per person, equal to $0.56 taxes at 28%?

I -thought- it was the former, in which case the $5 income boost per person works out at about $1.40 tax boost, making it $1.40 versus $4, and a no-brainer...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 13, 2007, 02:11:04 PM
Quote from: Valynth on August 13, 2007, 03:28:36 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 13, 2007, 02:10:07 AM
i am SO glad im not one of the bigger nations in the wording while declineing may send alliances intowar heh.

The grammar that launched a thousand ships?
'A' is my grammar really that bad?  D: D: D: :footinmouth :idol :cry
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 23, 2007, 05:43:05 AM
So, anybody know why Fresnor was attacked by members from the GGA? (I already checked and they are on the GGA's roster). I don't recall seeing him hit a GGA inactive.

From what I can find, the GGA doesn't really support raiding at all.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 23, 2007, 12:52:31 PM
we can't know anything difinitively from a third party view. we need fres to tell us what happened then get in contact with the other parties to work out some sort of "bribe".
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on August 23, 2007, 01:12:29 PM
I'm not even sure.  I don't remember hitting anyone from that alliance, and the war messages don't hep any, one was just plain stupid, while the other just said general dispute.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 23, 2007, 01:43:56 PM
get in contact with them.

guys isnt it about time to mobilize our alliance?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 23, 2007, 11:14:04 PM
Anything happen while I was asleep? I can see they've decided to bomb you... no doubt in retaliation for dispersing your tech.

Where are llearch and Tezkat? As de facto leaders, they really should be handling this.
(ignore llearch's online status... as far as I can tell, he has some sort of autorefresher)

Oh well, in the mean time, Fresnor, you may want dismiss all your soldiers. This is "turtle mode" and will limit them to one ground attack and they cannot steal money (although they can still bomb you).

Quote from: lucas marcone on August 23, 2007, 01:43:56 PM
get in contact with them.

Also, this.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 24, 2007, 08:18:11 AM
Tez should, I hope, be dealing with it.

I, although I -am- online, am about to go on holiday, which makes this particularly bad timing.

Anyone have any idea where to find the Grand Alliance mooks? I'll go have a look...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 24, 2007, 09:17:38 AM
I read your LJ a few hours ago :3

#gga on
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 24, 2007, 09:36:48 AM
14:32 <@Bilrow[GGA]> llearch
14:32 <@Bilrow[GGA]> [08:24] <Bilrow[GGA]> on 8/10
14:32 <@Bilrow[GGA]> [08:24] <Bilrow[GGA]> that person attacked a GGA member and was added to the GGA Target list by myself
14:32 <@Bilrow[GGA]> [08:24] <Bilrow[GGA]> Attacked: Bockscar
14:32 <@Bilrow[GGA]> [08:24] <Bilrow[GGA]> Ruler: Truman
14:32 <@Bilrow[GGA]> [08:24] <Bilrow[GGA]> Alliance: Grand Global Alliance
14:32 <@Bilrow[GGA]> [08:24] <Bilrow[GGA]> that's who he attacked
14:38 <@Bilrow[GGA]> GGA has a policy as well as every other alliance
14:38 <@Bilrow[GGA]> that if you do that we Zi the person

I guess you're sunk, Fres.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 24, 2007, 10:23:00 AM
Reading that, I think I remember seeing that nation... it's just that GGA itself didn't ring a bell (two other sanctioned alliances, on the other hand...).

But, yes, it's true that most of the large alliances protect all their inactives regardless of inactivity. There have been plenty of people on the CN forums posting about how, like, the GPA destroyed them for "no reason".

Anyway, did you ask for terms of getting off the target list? Is he just going to be ZI'd and that's it or is it perma-ZI? :/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 24, 2007, 10:56:11 AM
From what they said, he's just going to be ZI'd.

No idea. Maybe they'll come back later and make the game even more unplayable...

We'll see what Fres says.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on August 24, 2007, 12:02:14 PM
Bockscar isn't sounding familiar atm.  Though that policy sounds completely retarded to me though.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 24, 2007, 12:13:41 PM
I like how there's no mention of it at all until they attack, two weeks after the incident.

No warning, no attempts to get in contact and clarify, was it a mistake and you tried to sue for peace (which obviously failed because he wasn't logging in), didn't attack at all, etc etc. Just go and ZI him.

Plus wait until all traces of any sort of record of it have gone, just in case there might be a dispute...

Not that I'm cynical or anything.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 24, 2007, 03:55:57 PM
i just outright asked if there was anything at all that fresnor could do to keep from being ZI'ed. but if they are bent on ZI'ing him then i think under the circumstances of their hostility action needs to be taken. they seem to be rather.....devious about it. why not outright state their grevinces and then attack? how they are going about this makes no sence other than them being major wackoffs. /2 cents
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 25, 2007, 04:28:44 AM
it seems they are not responding. i checked their activity and one hasnt been on in a day and the other hasnt been on in two....maybe if fres can avoid ticking off any of their other members he can wait it out till it expires?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on August 25, 2007, 02:50:34 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 24, 2007, 03:55:57 PM
i just outright asked if there was anything at all that fresnor could do to keep from being ZI'ed. but if they are bent on ZI'ing him then i think under the circumstances of their hostility action needs to be taken. they seem to be rather.....devious about it. why not outright state their grevinces and then attack? how they are going about this makes no sence other than them being major wackoffs. /2 cents

Welcome to middle eastern warfare.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 27, 2007, 06:13:56 PM
fres they leaveing you alone yet?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 29, 2007, 03:30:53 PM
it was a good run but i just realized that insomnia land won't get much more prosperous than this. i built it up wrong and my taxes never come out to more than 30K a day no matter what i do. my population loves me and i keep buying infrastructure but nothing works. add that on top of cruddy starting resorces and i decided it would be better to restart. but before i do im ripping it apart and sending you guys some money back, because it isnt fair for me to waste your finan aid like that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 29, 2007, 10:45:00 PM
Your starting resources don't really matter all that much. Any random combination of resources will do well.
(okay, an experienced player won't want an infra cost reducer and an income booster (e.g. Coal and Gems) at the same time... whatever)

The reason your nation is "sucking" is due to the infra jumps (increases in infrastructure costs and maintenance).
There are jumps are at 20, 100, 200, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 8000

In my opinion, the 200 and 300 infra jumps are the worst (if you can't get any aid) as it sucker punches you below being able buy 10 infra/day after having just reached the point where you were able to do so!

But, whatev', I guess. You could've just asked for some aids...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 30, 2007, 02:34:43 AM
oh no that wont be necessary a hooker on SoHo already gave me some.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 30, 2007, 02:44:57 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 30, 2007, 02:34:43 AM
oh no that wont be necessary a hooker on SoHo already gave me some.

I said that I loved you and you told me how you were going to take me away from all of this...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 30, 2007, 03:11:31 AM
i'm a man i lie thats what we do.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 02, 2007, 11:48:47 AM
Oh geez, lucas. Ah well... at least remember to delete your old nation first so you don't get banned for cheating.  :B

More random CN stuff...

That guy who hit llearch a month ago just raided me for tech. What's amusing is that he's one of the leaders of pretty much the only alliance with whom we've ever tried to negotiate a treaty. They're cool, though. Their boss agreed that I deserve reps for the incident.

On the other hand, llearch is getting gang raped for failing to engage hippy mode while wandering the desert with no net access for a week. :dface Hopefully, he now has few enough soldiers that they can't do much more damage before he returns.

Fresnor is apparently still on the GGA target list. Do we know if it's just a "let them ZI him and be on their way" thing or more of a "thanks for playing--please delete and restart" sort of affair? The nation he attacked was deleted weeks ago.

We've been neglecting poor Aiyno's new nation. We really should organize an aid plan of some kind to bring him up to speed. I should be able to rustle up some spare cash now that the painful 3k infra jump is behind me. I do kinda need tech as well... :3

The nice folks at ALMEA (remember them? >:]) finally came to a bad end. Now who could have predicted that?  :mwaha

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on September 02, 2007, 01:30:01 PM
Recruitment spam from "Wolfpack". Deleted. lols.

1) Offered to partner me with a superior nation. I already have you guys, so I'll pass. :P

2) Offered $1mil cash bribe. I am not bought that easily.  >:3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 03, 2007, 08:16:25 PM
Anyone have any contacts with the Global Democratic Alliance? I'm not too happy with the actions of them therein...

The other two both sent an email saying, more or less, "you look abandoned, yum"...

I knew I had some issues, there, somewhere...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 03, 2007, 09:37:46 PM
#GDA on esper

Also see:
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 03, 2007, 10:13:01 PM
I make it something like:
lost: 3823 soldiers, 86 tanks, 291 miles land, 100 levels of tech, 480 levels of infrastructure, $103,167
killed: 4443 soldiers, 244 tanks
gained: $30,649

I make that something like 4-5 million worth of damage. In 3 days. :-/

Heh. Infrastructure and Tech, assuming $1mil/50 tech, and current rate of $22559/level infra (ie, massively underestimating) gives something on the order of 13 million worth of damage. Yay.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on September 06, 2007, 02:33:20 AM
I think i'm going to just restart.  At the rate these jerks are moving, I'll be sitting here for 2-3 more weeks.  And god help them if I ever outgrow their larger ones.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 06, 2007, 11:34:14 AM
i cant restart till around the tenth due to the forign aid i sent to kas in an effort to give him back whatt he put into my nation, but we'll be restart buddies anyway! vertual high five! now all i need is a good name.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 06, 2007, 10:17:00 PM
Ouch. That sounds painful, llearch. Do you need aids to help you through this period of strife?  :3

By the way, are we still interested in pursuing relations with The Directorate? At the moment, we have open diplomatic channels with them again due to the raid on my nation. I couldn't find anything on their forums about the last treaty attempt, so I assume most talks must have been in PMs between llearch and Solaris. Could you let us know how far you got last time, llearch?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on September 07, 2007, 02:47:10 AM
Back in again as the nation of Reichi
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 07, 2007, 06:04:43 AM
We got as far as "that's a nice idea, how about I write something up"

I got distracted by work.

Ah, I figure I'd like to get another 8.52 levels of tech, and then another 100 or so. Or something. At a million and a half per fifty, I make that about 300k for the 8. Unless we consider the recent pain to make me one of the ones that need building up, of course... ;-]

Some aid would be nice, but we'll see how things work out. At present, the lack of infra makes the daily bill much easier to cope with, I think - I'm pulling in about 500k/day after bills.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 07, 2007, 10:06:32 PM
Quote from: Fresnor on September 07, 2007, 02:47:10 AM
Back in again as the nation of Reichi

Hmm... we should be able to aid you back up to a respectable size quickly, Fresnor. I can put together a couple of large aid packages over the next few days. Some of my trades will die of inactivity in about a week, however  (I have such bad luck with trading partners lately), so I'll need to save up for the economic wonkiness that will ensue while I'm finding new trades.

Is Aiyno still around? He's poor and aid-less but hasn't posted here since before his old nation got deleted...

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 07, 2007, 06:04:43 AM
We got as far as "that's a nice idea, how about I write something up"

Hmm... so should I broach the issue with Solaris next time I contact him? I do think having a few allies would help. We already have a dialogue with them, and (aside from one of their leaders constantly trying to borrow our tech without asking :animesweat) they do seem like a pretty good match for us in terms of size and political positioning.

We should probably formalize our own "who not to attack" policy as well, so as to avoid repeating the mistakes of the last two months. That got kinda messy.  :B

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 07, 2007, 10:32:01 PM
i should have my new nation up by monday. any ideas for names? i was thinking maybe along the lines of the united states of the celts.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 08, 2007, 01:26:27 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on September 07, 2007, 10:06:32 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 07, 2007, 06:04:43 AM
We got as far as "that's a nice idea, how about I write something up"

Hmm... so should I broach the issue with Solaris next time I contact him? I do think having a few allies would help. We already have a dialogue with them, and (aside from one of their leaders constantly trying to borrow our tech without asking :animesweat) they do seem like a pretty good match for us in terms of size and political positioning.

We should probably formalize our own "who not to attack" policy as well, so as to avoid repeating the mistakes of the last two months. That got kinda messy.  :B

Both of those strike me as eminently suitable ideas.

In the mean time, does anyone wish to sell me some AI?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on September 08, 2007, 04:52:49 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on September 07, 2007, 10:06:32 PM

Is Aiyno still around? He's poor and aid-less but hasn't posted here since before his old nation got deleted...

nuh, I wanted to keep my 1400 post count as long as possible >.>

and I turned into a lurker.. because I never felt like I had anything to add :P Till my name got mentioned (the second time on the page now, right?)  Yeah, my countries not doing good deals, those good offers that I get are usually taken by someone else before I get online (500.000 to become a trade partner etc.) So I only made an extra 30.000 out of aid for trade.. not something very intense XD

*rambles on*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 10, 2007, 02:29:23 PM
is aluminum and water a good start for resorces?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 10, 2007, 08:56:16 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on September 10, 2007, 02:29:23 PM
is aluminum and water a good start for resorces?

It's fine.

For further reading, see the old Nation Building Guide
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 11, 2007, 02:24:20 AM
Thanks Squaresquarensquarezsquaresquare. (yes that is a dig on you for haveing a name i don't have the software to decode into the proper language) seriously though, good trade guide in that thing.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 11, 2007, 03:45:22 AM
Yeah, it was amusing for half a day... now it's old.

Anyway, for those not following CN drama, Great War 4 is underway. :zombiekun3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 11, 2007, 03:48:03 AM
*hides his small nation under all the bigger nations in our alliance*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 11, 2007, 03:57:20 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on September 11, 2007, 03:45:22 AM
Yeah, it was amusing for half a day... now it's old.

Anyway, for those not following CN drama, Great War 4 is underway. :zombiekun3

I noticed the price of copper in LW had gone up. I've got to wonder if it spread...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 11, 2007, 04:04:29 AM
LW? elaborate please.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 11, 2007, 04:07:09 AM

Apparently LUE has failed to abide by their surrender terms from the Cookie War.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 11, 2007, 11:45:30 AM
aluminum and water seem to be in high demand. all my trade slots filled up overnight....too bad it wasn't with what i needed.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 11, 2007, 01:39:38 PM
Wander onto the forums, and post a list of what you want, and what you want for it.

I'm fairly sure you'll find someone willing to pay you to trade with you, long term...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 11, 2007, 01:54:36 PM
i was thinking about that. but im going to worry about infrastructure and pop density for now. doesn't do my any good to be worrying about too many things at once.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 11, 2007, 02:04:24 PM
infra sorts itself out over time. Your best bet is probably getting a gold trade and selling tech (I'm buying, just in case you missed)

You -really- want to sort out your trades, early on, and hold on to them - getting the right mix is -really- helpful. Plus, if you can get the right bonus trades, you're rocking - your money will go further, because the costs will be down, and you'll get more to start with, because taxes will be up. Maximizing taxes (both by pop bonuses and increasing percentage take) and minimizing costs (by bonus resources, where possible, improvements where you must) is what it's all about.

As for pop density, as long as you're below 70, you're pretty set, with water as one of your trades. Infra is more of a stumbling block.

If you're -really- stuck, talk to the rest of us - most of the bigger countries will happily do a tech trade, and when someone up there is willing to do a 1.5 million for 50 tech trade, you're in gravy by, if you rig it right, perhaps a million. Buying -just- enough tech minimizes the costs, and you can, if you're doing it right, get 50 levels of tech for close to 500k, I think. Certainly less than 750k.

(I should point out - the going rate is 1m/50t, we've been doing 1.5m/50t to boost growth within the commune, as it were. Even so, 1 million is a big lump sum down there...)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 14, 2007, 02:36:18 AM
hay i just started on LW....i have no idea what i'm doing....but i think i get the jist of things.

good news i only need cows and marble and ill have my ideal tradeing situation....though i need a harbor to do so. but till then i have BEER! the celts and beer....whoda thunk?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 14, 2007, 03:44:40 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on September 14, 2007, 02:36:18 AM
hay i just started on LW....i have no idea what i'm doing....but i think i get the jist of things.

Basically, buy AI at 20% discount (or 10 updates), otherwise, buy Housing. As a new colony, you can buy AI at a faster rate if you want... this will get you more mines which get you more money. Also, buy Improvements whenever you can.

The DMFA alliance is at
I don't particularly think we need the 200AI minimum as most of us are in Peace Mode.

If you need a quick war guide:
1) Missiles suck
2) Save up your turns
3) When attacking, launch an all out attack using as many turns as possible in one go, don't hold back
4) Buy all the Upgrades... except the Missile ones (see point 1)

Quotegood news i only need cows and marble and ill have my ideal tradeing situation....though i need a harbor to do so. but till then i have BEER! the celts and beer....whoda thunk?

Unless somebody else wants to (and doesn't want me to... I mean, two aid offers is better than one, right?), I guess I can kick you some money tomorrow.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 14, 2007, 04:02:34 AM
thankyou for the info! and the CN cash monies! i promise this one won't be deleted. seeing as i actually put some thought into this one i do have an emotional investment.

but man do i hate being a mooch.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 14, 2007, 07:33:07 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on September 14, 2007, 03:44:40 AM
The DMFA alliance is at
I don't particularly think we need the 200AI minimum as most of us are in Peace Mode.

I do, because it gives a minimum status. ;-]

OTOH, I'm willing to listen if you wish to discuss it at me. :-]

As far as CN goes, I'm still looking for someone to sell me 8.52 levels of tech for $300k...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 14, 2007, 08:41:26 AM
Nah, 200AI is fine. We wouldn't be the first alliance to have a minimum requirement and I can't see a real reason for or against having one.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on September 17, 2007, 01:39:35 AM
Hmm, and to think I missed the wonders of trying to scavange cash through these lower levels of infrastructure last time.  Well at least my ruined nation lives on a bit in dumped tech to others.  :p
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 18, 2007, 01:59:29 AM
anyone need tech? ill sell you a pack of 50 just name your price.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 18, 2007, 07:00:19 AM

Aww :c

The forums would suggest that 900AI is a better time to try... and that you need $2.5m+ and 10+ uranium :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 18, 2007, 07:04:46 AM
Poor Kasarn.

My heart bleeds. :-P

Oh, and lucas? Look up. Just a little way, about three posts.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 18, 2007, 07:17:16 AM
I'm very torn up over it :c
I bought a missile in order to console my researchers.


We spent a while painting NUCLEAR on it in big letters... but it's just not the same. :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 18, 2007, 10:30:34 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 18, 2007, 07:04:46 AM
Poor Kasarn.

My heart bleeds. :-P

Oh, and lucas? Look up. Just a little way, about three posts.

it's been long enough i thought you might have been able to aquire it. :mowwink
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 18, 2007, 10:53:57 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on September 18, 2007, 10:30:34 AM
it's been long enough i thought you might have been able to aquire it. :mowwink

see also here (, and here (, being where I started looking for internal-to-the-alliance trades.

I got 50, I didn't get the 8.52.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 26, 2007, 05:02:23 PM
I'm going to put out a standing offer of $1.5 million for 50 tech if any of you want a boost (over $600k profit if you start from 0). It's open ended. I expect to have plenty of cash on hand over the next week or so as I save up for the 4k infra jump, so just let me know when you're ready. Sell me as much as you want, whenever you want, and I'll keep buying (up to the limit of my foreign aid slots, of course). I need another 10k or so NS to go nuclear, and tech bloat is one of the fastest ways to get there. >:]

In other news, most of The Directorate folded back into the new Viridian Entente and cancelled all treaties. They have considerably more political presence in this incarnation. I guess that means we have to start looking elsewhere for safe allies. (Unless y'all are bored enough to consider jumping into a grand global conflict or two, that is... :3)

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 26, 2007, 05:13:26 PM
I'd say yes, except it'd cost me close on 700k for 10 levels, let alone 50... ;-]

I -could- actually organise with someone else to buy from them at 1m/50, and sell to you at 1.5m/50, but that might be a touch sneaky.... ;-]

I -will- say that I'm happy to act as an intermediary for any of those transactions, and I'm also looking for someone still to sell me 8 levels of tech for 300k...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 26, 2007, 05:21:01 PM
Heh... whatever works for you. I could let you skim a little off the top on the way up if you want to do the intermediary thing. At this level, we're limited more by the foreign aid system (max $3 million and/or 50 tech per transaction, 5 times per 10 or 11 days) than anything else.  I could actually afford to go higher, but $1.5 million is nice and round because I can split $3 mil two ways on the way down and cover two suppliers at a time.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on September 26, 2007, 06:21:37 PM
I'd be available to do that, what with being at the bottom of the alliance.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 26, 2007, 07:15:05 PM
My door is open, you both know where to find me. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 27, 2007, 03:50:59 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 26, 2007, 05:13:26 PM

I -will- say that I'm happy to act as an intermediary for any of those transactions, and I'm also looking for someone still to sell me 8 levels of tech for 300k...

what happened to the 8 i aided you? or didn't you accept that time?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 27, 2007, 06:50:51 AM
It sends you a message every time, lucas. You don't pay attention to those?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 27, 2007, 09:27:55 AM

Okay then. I'll wait a day to see if there are any other takers (so I can do two people with a single $3 mil transaction) and then send out the first package.

Interested, Aiyno or Lucas? :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 27, 2007, 09:43:12 AM
@ llerch <.< >.> uhhhh? :paranoid

@ tez  do i have to provide tech to people? if so who?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 27, 2007, 09:47:47 AM
Supposedly, me. :3

Is $1.5 mil/50 tech worth it for you, though? At the moment, you seem to be a little tech-heavy for farming... :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 27, 2007, 09:56:56 AM
i'll be fine. i could use the money.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 27, 2007, 10:05:18 AM
Alright then... I've tossed a $3 million aid package your way. Please send half of that to Fresnor and 50 tech to llearch (who can skim his 8 tech off the top if he likes :3).
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 27, 2007, 10:12:27 AM
done and done. thank you sir
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 27, 2007, 10:56:14 AM
I'll forward that to you tomorrow morning, Tez, after I make my daily tax collection, if that's ok?

Minus the 8. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on September 27, 2007, 11:59:02 AM
Tech sent back
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 27, 2007, 12:18:56 PM
uhh? who did what now?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 27, 2007, 12:37:31 PM
Tezkat sent you $1,500,000
You sent me 50 levels of technology.
I send Tezkat 50 42 levels of technology.

Tezkat sent you $1,500,000
You sent Fresnor $1,500,000
Fresnor sent Tezkat 50 levels of technology.

Make sense now? Tez just did it as one move, thereby giving him 3 spaces for two trades. Bonus on his part. ;-]

Er. 42, not 50. *scratchscratchscratch* *scribble* ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 27, 2007, 01:33:07 PM
that exactly is the purpose of haveing middlemen?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 27, 2007, 01:35:03 PM
If you pass directly to me, I have to wait 11 days before I can pass back to you.

If you pass to me, I can immediately pass to Fresnor, who can immediately pass to you.

That's it. Nothing more complex than that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 27, 2007, 02:52:17 PM
ok. oh hay my LW nation is doing as good right now look me up my username is canadianbacon the nation is gobán. im getting close tot the 200 AI mark. my mines produce good money (selling of ore included).
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on September 27, 2007, 04:54:19 PM
Speaking of Lunar Wars, I just hit the 500 AI mark. :B Gold is now a regular requirement for further AI, it seems. Curses! :U

I can only hope the filthy lucre is somewhat more common than it was before I got this far (I only found maybe 0.5 gold from start to 400 AI) though I'm not too optimistic. :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 27, 2007, 07:49:24 PM
speaking of. i havent found any uranium or gold. i was hopeing more mines could get some but i guess it's an AI thing huh?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 27, 2007, 10:16:16 PM
You start collecting more gold as soon as you need it for buying AI. You'll soon have more than you know what to do with and be lamenting the crappy sale prices.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 27, 2007, 10:56:14 AM
I'll forward that to you tomorrow morning, Tez, after I make my daily tax collection, if that's ok?

Minus the 8. ;-]

You do know that tech has no economic impact past 300, right? :mowtongue

Anyways... it seems the first round was a success. Anyone up for a second round? I still have 2 aid slots left, and I may as well use them up sooner than later. I am willing to take an IOU on return tech, if necessary. Having an extra million or so worth of cash and/or tech for 10 days would be of significantly more use to a smaller nation than to mine.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on September 27, 2007, 10:38:11 PM
i'm game.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 27, 2007, 10:40:03 PM
Heh. In that case, we need more intermediaries to volunteer. :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 28, 2007, 12:45:21 AM
I'm up for whatever. I'll let you work out the details.

edit: as a side note, if you haven't already, you may want to read the update page
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 28, 2007, 06:07:27 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on September 27, 2007, 10:16:16 PM
You do know that tech has no economic impact past 300, right? :mowtongue

It was more "next time I log in" than any specific benefit - although I did want to see if it provided any non-immediate economic bonuses. Which apparently it doesn't.

And being past 2000 infra means my costs just jumped 100k/day. *wince*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 29, 2007, 07:24:19 PM
Holy crap... my nation appears to be getting gang raped by a number of large nuclear powers... :dface

Sorry, the aid thing will have to wait a bit... :animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 29, 2007, 07:46:35 PM
That looks a lot like "hey, you haven't paid any bills for more than, oh, about 20 minutes. Have at you, because you've obviously given up on living."

Not that I'm bitter or anything.

Incidentally, Shades has been attacked on LW by a member of a group called "New Age Marauders"

If he wants help, all he has to do is ask one of us to join into his fun. Happy to assist, honest... All we need to do is co-ordinate the attacks, so we hit him good and solid...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 29, 2007, 08:22:37 PM
Well, I only lost about $12 million worth of stuffs. Annoying, but nothing to cry over. Ya know, if they hadn't all been nuclear capable, I would soooo have said to hell with the consequences and smacked them back. One of them had $74 million on hand. Could have kept the war going forever on his stash... >:]

I'm starting to wonder if this doesn't merit a multi report, though. The last guy seems to be more of an opportunist, but the first two attackers hit me within a minute of each other and switched AA to the same alliance right after the attack.

By the way, I would strongly advice all of our 1k+ infra nations to build up a full air force. It takes some time to put together, but the maintenance cost is puny. It's a huge NS boost, and our alliance can't really be considered war-ready without it.

At any rate, I'll be maintaining a full tank/soldier complement from now on.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 29, 2007, 08:26:26 PM
4 days, I think, at current rates.

Although I was planning on getting a stack more tanks, too... Oh, well. Maybe later... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 29, 2007, 08:39:05 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 29, 2007, 07:46:35 PM
Incidentally, Shades has been attacked on LW by a member of a group called "New Age Marauders"

If he wants help, all he has to do is ask one of us to join into his fun. Happy to assist, honest... All we need to do is co-ordinate the attacks, so we hit him good and solid...

Hmm... I know little about LW combat, having been playing Lunar Peace Mode the whole game. :animesweat

I care little for the fate of my colony there, however, so I'm game for some war mode fun if anyone else is. >:] I suspect it may take time to build up a proper army, though...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on September 29, 2007, 09:18:48 PM
I'd need more money and military before I can get my war thing on with that guy, sadly. I too have been in Lunar Peace Mode, and that guy has some pretty large forces. ~9.5k inf, .5k GA and 150-odd OF.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: ShadesFox on September 29, 2007, 09:54:30 PM
Truth be told, the war doesn't hurt too much.  Still, the chance to run the guy into the ground would be awesome.  I'm hanging on right now, about at the point where the colony is not rampent with crime.  Help would be great.

After the latest attacks the dude has offered peace.  What does the survey say?  Accept the peace or get together to run him into the ground?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 30, 2007, 04:19:44 AM
the concern I have is that the active members of his group are all larger than most of us, and there's 11 of the buggers.

While it'd be nice to hammer him senseless, I'm not sure we could achieve it. It'd probably be safer to accept peace...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: ShadesFox on September 30, 2007, 02:46:17 PM
Yes, that does seem to be best.  So yay, survived a war and nothing too bad happened.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 01, 2007, 05:45:23 PM
Nation Rank: Ranked #15,568 of 31,229 Nations (49.9%)  it feels good to be in the upper half of ranked nations! also iv'e just realized i have a very secure trade agreement with a nuclear nation! he's ranked .2% i belive or it may be .02%
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 02, 2007, 08:00:19 PM
Hmm... I'm no longer in Anarchy, but my economy hasn't recovered yet. As in: My daily revenue is currently about $1.4 million lower than it's supposed to be despite my happiness being back to pre-war levels. That's... sorta kinda a lot of dough. :dface

Anyone know what I need to do to fix it? I don't have any previous experience with being defeated in war. Will it go back to normal after I collect taxes? (I've been saving since I was attacked 3 days ago.) Or can I wait another day or three for it to fix itself?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on October 02, 2007, 09:14:09 PM
What about any tech/inf lost in the battle?  That could cause a huge drop.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 02, 2007, 09:26:13 PM
you need to collect to recover from anarchy.

Economic depression sucks teh big bawlz. :-/

(and I envy your numbers)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 02, 2007, 09:41:26 PM
Quote from: Fresnor on October 02, 2007, 09:14:09 PM
What about any tech/inf lost in the battle?  That could cause a huge drop.

Nope. My tech is still above 300, I repurchased all my lost land and infra, and my happiness is the same as it was before I was attacked. Nonetheless, my citizens' income has been sliced almost in half, and I don't know why. :dface

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 02, 2007, 09:26:13 PM
you need to collect to recover from anarchy.

Economic depression sucks teh big bawlz. :-/

(and I envy your numbers)
Waaaa!!!! It didn't work. My economy is still gimped! :kittydepressed
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 02, 2007, 09:51:53 PM
You're in a revolutionary government.

Is that the one you wanted, or just in passing?

Also: recent changes to the count of troops may have an effect:
The citizen happiness penalty for having a soldier efficiency above 80% soldiers:citizens ratio has been updated. The penalty has been changed to use real solider numbers rather than solider efficiency levels. All other population happiness equations still use the solider efficiency number.

Your efficiency number is 22k, your real number is 13k, in terms of soldiers. Since I figure you've got 44,771 people, I think you're running on the bottom edge of numbers of troops. I make it 30%, but it's possible the numbers are bung somewhere.

You might also have to wait 5 days, during which you -must- collect. :-/ So it may be tomorrow that things sort themselves out.

(or, I could be thinking of LW.)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 02, 2007, 10:02:44 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 02, 2007, 09:51:53 PM
You're in a revolutionary government.

Is that the one you wanted, or just in passing?

Yup. That's my preferred government type at the moment. It currently beats out Monarchy by a hair.

Also: recent changes to the count of troops may have an effect:

Population happiness and such seems to run off of the virtual troop count. It's only bills, nation strength, and foreign aid that use the actual values, I think.

And in any event, my happiness is still normal. Troop problems should mess with my happiness, not my unadjusted income levels.

Ah well, I'll see if it gets better over the next day or two...


Ho hum... economy fixt. All is well in Tez land. :kittycool

I hope I actually had to collect taxes yesterday in order to reset things... otherwise I blew almost $6 mil for nothing. :3 Anyways... now that I'm back in the saddle... are we still up for the aid thing?

I can send stuff for lucas through Kasarn. If Aiyno or Frensor are interested, I could do another double package again. I'd still need a second intermediary for a swift return trip, though.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 03, 2007, 08:02:45 AM
I'll be up for that, if we've zero'ed out the previous one...

Damn. that'll be the 9th. :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 03, 2007, 11:40:41 AM
good to see all is good. what made the radioactive people stop?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on October 04, 2007, 01:41:47 PM
*pets Tezkat*

Short of giving all your tech away until we catch up, maybe you should consider joining an alliance which actually has the means to protect your nation... I mean, with such a large NS gap in a micro-alliance, you might as well be unaligned.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 04, 2007, 02:19:53 PM
oh, come on. He's doing his best to make sure we all catch up... ;-]

It's not -his- fault we all suck. Although I should work my way into re-organising all my trades, and see if I can land enough to get some more bonuses...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 04, 2007, 04:20:48 PM
Hmm... this doesn't bode well if it's a sign of things to come... :dface

I guess I'm gonna stay at DEFCON 1 even during peace time until I'm nuke-capable--maybe collect taxes twice around update so I only have to dial down for a few minutes a day. The new soldier change permits some pretty ridiculous levels of military bloat, so hopefully I'll be a fairly unattractive target.

Now that I'm dedicated to having more soldiers than working citizens, I only need about 250 more tech for nukes. That's 5 purchases, so it should go fairly quickly. Then I need to engage in some sort of trade swapping silliness to get uranium for long enough to buy a few big booms.

By the way... Spies. Are. Annoying.

The twit set my DEFCON back down to 5 while I was beefing up my military. (5? Couldn't the stupid random number generator have set me to 2 or 3? >:]) I spent a few million on spies just in case, but I can't exactly do much against really big guys who spent $55 mil on their intelligence forces. They don't appear to have a maintenance cost or any effect on NS, at least.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 04, 2007, 08:29:07 PM

Well, the asshole decided to start bombing me after he couldn't get through to raid me. Looks like he's just gonna beat the crap out of me for the lulz. Unless he agrees to my peace offer, I guess I'm gonna have to fight back.

I'm probably gonna get nuked or worse for this. So, um, been nice knowing you... :dface

At the very least, this could solve the problem of the NS gap between us. :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 04, 2007, 08:48:15 PM
He's not in a group that we could have some words with manglement of?


Nutjobs like that are why people leave the game...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 04, 2007, 08:57:09 PM
Well... I'm in their alliance IRC channel right now. They suggested that he would be amenable to peace negotiations. But then they did also seem a bit surprised that he considerd a few hours to be "inactive" and went to the trouble of bombing me out of spite. The Grämlins are a mostly peaceful alliance that like to sit on their asses and trade tech all day. (And seriously... their average NS is scary. :dface)

But I did finally get a hold of one of their leaders who offered to mediate should this guy continue to be an asshat.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 05, 2007, 01:55:09 AM
medeate.... i like the sound of that.

leader: keep it up and  see what happens
asshat: *sticks fingers in ears* lalalalalalala
leader: nukes launching in 5....4....3....2....1....
asshat: ZOMGIEZ

just caught a gander at his name. what do you expect from a guy like that?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on October 05, 2007, 02:40:36 AM
Well, if he wasn't a member of one of the more elite and exclusive alliances in the game (assuming he isn't a ghost), I might agree with you about the name.

Personally, I'd say that at that level, it's not worth tech raiding (especially given that his aid slots are unused)
10 infra @ 5300 infra = $900k-$1.5m (according to the MFO calculator)
50 tech via tech trade = $1m

If your target hits you with as little as 3 cruise missiles (out of a possible 14 over a full, 7 day war), it's costing you more than what you're getting.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 05, 2007, 10:01:30 PM
Honestly, people that size are just rocking you for the lulz. :animesweat

You only get at most 5 tech per ground strike--a meagre 70 tech after a whole week of raiding, and that's only possible if the victim keeps rebuilding his forces to give you a non-zero attack percentage (in which case, it's quite possible that the guy will bother to hit you back with something). Even if the guy doesn't attack you back, you spend as much on tanks as you would have trading tech. Also, there isn't a whole lot of difference in real military strength once you get big, because most NS up in that range is tech bloat anyway. This guy is twice my NS and has barely a third more infra.

The "polite" tech raiders, for the most part, will just go in, hit you twice for the 10 tech, and then offer peace (and perhaps the threat of a nuke if you're foolish enough to retaliate). For someone my size, assuming they don't manage to anarchy me in the process, that basically translates into losing a day's worth of income, which frankly is easy enough to shrug off.

Anyway, the asshat refused peace and attacked me again. I contacted the powers that be in his alliance as they requested, so maybe they'll lean on him a little. If not, it's five days of exciting suicide strikes! I lose a day's worth of attacks by continuing to pursue diplomacy, but he honestly hasn't hurt me enough yet to be more of an annoyance, so hopefully it'll be worthwhile. Most of his ground strikes have been bouncing anyway. I'm even strong enough right now to hit him back and recover my tech. >:]

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 05, 2007, 11:37:48 PM
I'm enough of an asshole to do it. I wouldn't let him have my tech when i could get it back. Then again you're probably out of my league when it comes to tactfulness.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on October 05, 2007, 11:39:10 PM
Bet he's just doing it thinking he cen use his alliance as a shield.  Most people like that seem to.  *goes back to saving up for his 2k mark building*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 05, 2007, 11:47:08 PM
Guess you're right. On a brighter note I just got my 200 AI in LW.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 08, 2007, 06:41:47 AM
Lunar Wars.

I just passed 2500 housing.

Costs jumped from 5.5 iron and 5.1 aluminum per house to 8.7 and 8.2. Also prices leaped to 925k per 25, which is up from the previous 608k/25

-Ow.- :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on October 08, 2007, 07:12:09 AM
According to the forums, it happens at 1000AI as well.

from NationStates
Seerfir is the 4677th largest nation (of 78231)
Janus's nation is 274th :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 09, 2007, 12:25:28 PM

Oh, the nerve of that guy! He once again ignores my peace offers and hits me again. As usual, his first attack bounces. He had to deploy his entire military in order to raid me. So he finally sends me a peace offer and dials down to DEFCON 5. I could have anarchied him in one hit! It was soooo tempting, but in the end I'm a wussy carebear who doesn't like suicide, and I took the peace offer. :animesweat

One thing I learned from this adventure is that even someone twice my NS will have trouble getting through with attacks. I should be able to make myself a less inviting target in the future by maintaining a decent level of military readiness. The happiness penalties for having too large a military have been essentially removed with the new change. You can keep your soldier count at 79.9% actual (130%+ effective) and only suffer a piddly one point hit to your environment. (You'll also lose a happiness point if you max out at 80%, but it won't let you buy any more than that.) Barracks are now way stronger than before.

Also, spies = evil! :dface So long as your opponent has more spies/tech than you, DEFCON is meaningless because he can just pay to reset it to 5.

Anyways, now that I've put that sordid business behind me and returned to my infra jump saving (again :animesweat), shall we resume the tech trading/alliance boosting that got me into trouble in the first place? :3 If everyone's still up for it, I can send $1.5 mil each to lucas and Fresnor through Kasarn or llearch.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 09, 2007, 01:22:38 PM
I'm in. Sing out when you're ready.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on October 09, 2007, 03:48:49 PM
I'd be ready whenever too now.  Only other thing I'm waiting on now is this marble trade for a hell of a lot of bonuses.  Should be const, asphalt, and autos if I read it right.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 09, 2007, 04:26:34 PM
i'm in. do i have to send anyone else anything? i mean sounds like you could use some soldiers.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 09, 2007, 05:30:02 PM
no, but I'd be happy to slide some cash off the top ;-] *cough*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 10, 2007, 10:02:59 AM

Heh... maybe next time? Not much room to skim when I'm doing two people worth of aid at once. Unless either of them happens to be willing to share with you... >:]

Anyways... first package is off...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 10, 2007, 10:50:02 AM
"Mwahaha, money money money money money money money!"
"Moriarty, you fool, pull down that transparent blind, someone might see you."

*cough* one and a half sent to Fresnor at Reichi, and canadian bacon at goban. I hope those are right...

(next time, I'll save up a day in advance, and get at least 10k off the top in interest ;-])
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on October 10, 2007, 11:42:40 AM
And the tech is on the way back.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 13, 2007, 07:29:41 AM
You're looking a little bit tech-heavy there, lucas...  :mowtongue

Anyways... I'm getting tired of stagnating, so I'm only gonna save up for another few days and then take the infra jump a bit earlier than planned. After that, I can get back to giving y'all aids again. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on October 15, 2007, 02:01:38 AM
3k more population to go to get 2 universities and the 20% tech cost reduction.  Should be able to do mass tech sales for cash then. :)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 15, 2007, 04:08:32 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on October 13, 2007, 07:29:41 AM
You're looking a little bit tech-heavy there, lucas...  :mowtongue

Anyways... I'm getting tired of stagnating, so I'm only gonna save up for another few days and then take the infra jump a bit earlier than planned. After that, I can get back to giving y'all aids again. :3

is that your way of asking me for some?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 15, 2007, 05:22:36 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on October 15, 2007, 04:08:32 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on October 13, 2007, 07:29:41 AM
You're looking a little bit tech-heavy there, lucas...  :mowtongue

Anyways... I'm getting tired of stagnating, so I'm only gonna save up for another few days and then take the infra jump a bit earlier than planned. After that, I can get back to giving y'all aids again. :3
is that your way of asking me for some?

I think that's his way of saying "er.. I did a trade with you, money for tech, and never got the tech. What's up with that?" ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on October 16, 2007, 01:44:07 AM
Hmm, I just looked through everyones resource trades and am wondering if I made the right choices for mine.  Seeing most people with the Fast Food bonus, though I think a couple people had duplicate trade items somewhere.  Also only 3 of my trades are within the purple team.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 16, 2007, 03:03:49 AM
The more trades you have in purple, the better you are off, really.

Other than that, look to make bonus resources. The more the merrier.

Sadly, it's not as easy as you might expect. :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 16, 2007, 12:38:38 PM
i thought you guys said i didn't need to send anyone anything but ok im good for that. it's on it's way
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 16, 2007, 12:47:48 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on October 16, 2007, 12:38:38 PM
i thought you guys said i didn't need to send anyone anything but ok im good for that. it's on it's way

Heh... thanks. :3

Seriously though, lucas, you were a bit tech heavy. There's no real point in padding your nation strength at that level. It just makes you look extra juicy to raiders. Tech is not good value for your dollar as far as income generation goes until you're carrying a whole lot of infra. If I started my nation over again, I'd probably leave my tech at 20 or so until I hit maybe 1000 infra. Plus, of course, carrying a lot of tech makes it much less profitable to sell to larger nations. I wonder if there are any of those around... >:]

Your improvement layout is a little odd, too. I'm not sure where you're going with that...

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 16, 2007, 03:03:49 AM
Other than that, look to make bonus resources. The more the merrier.

I disagree. Bonus resources are nice, but don't try to get bonus resources at the cost of population boosters and infra reduction. Population buffs are like getting free bonus resources as you grow. (At 20000 pop, for instance, a 5% population boost is 1000 people--an extra improvement, which is usually equivalent to a bonus resource, in addition to the basic 5% income boost) And infra = money and power, no matter what your build.

Typically, you want Construction (because infra = money and power) and will probably end up with Beer as well--those are both side-effects of having the good resources. Beyond that, aim for a few income enhancers that take advantage of your starting resources. Personally, I'm maintaining the Automobiles set because infra reduction is quite significant at my size.

Your resource set isn't bad, Fresnor. I can see it being difficult to keep up, since one dropped trade will bring the nice bonus resource set crashing down. It's sub-optimal for a larger nation, but decent for a small one that receives a lot of foreign aid.

Keeping trades in-team is increasingly difficult. I'm finding I have to redo trades on an almost monthly basis now. Even without the slow atrophy of the CN player base, the Purple sphere was decimated when Legion got its ass kicked. It never really recovered.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 16, 2007, 12:57:07 PM
well i don't either.... but it works. i must also have anti raider devices or something of the sort. couldn't have anything to do with my 1 cruise missle or the fact that i have powerful friends could it? NAW :mwaha !

anyway i need help.

Your people approve of this national religion but the majority of your people would prefer something else. They desire a religion that follows divine scriptures with ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Torah and in the Talmud.  i have no idea what this is. the little giude dealy you get when you click the blue script isn't much help.

Your people approve of this form of government but the majority of your people would prefer something else. They wish to be ruled by the people themselves and more specifically do not want to be ruled by a royal family.

sounds like democracy dosn't it? too bad it isn't

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 16, 2007, 12:58:47 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on October 16, 2007, 12:47:48 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 16, 2007, 03:03:49 AM
Other than that, look to make bonus resources. The more the merrier.

I disagree. Bonus resources are nice, but don't try to get bonus resources at the cost of population boosters and infra reduction.

... uh. If you get construction and automobiles, that's one heck of a big helping hand, there, that will assist in growth. Having been on the -other- side of that wall pretty much all the time, I'm seeing you stepping a -big- chunk away from me. Even if you take into account the buttmunches who made a meal off me, you were edging away from me anyway.

Quote from: Tezkat on October 16, 2007, 12:47:48 PM
Keeping trades in-team is increasingly difficult. I'm finding I have to redo trades on an almost monthly basis now. Even without the slow atrophy of the CN player base, the Purple sphere was decimated when Legion got its ass kicked. It never really recovered.

And that just bites. Funny how people getting wiped out of months or years of growth makes them unwilling to play any more, isn't it... Gee, I would never have predicted that outcome. /cynic
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 16, 2007, 01:11:49 PM
maybe we should move to another sphere. im up for anything that makes it easier for you guys to keep trades.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 16, 2007, 02:34:26 PM

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 16, 2007, 12:58:47 PM
... uh. If you get construction and automobiles, that's one heck of a big helping hand, there, that will assist in growth. Having been on the -other- side of that wall pretty much all the time, I'm seeing you stepping a -big- chunk away from me. Even if you take into account the buttmunches who made a meal off me, you were edging away from me anyway.

Well... you were also blowing millions on tech during a time when I was nearly tech-less and spending everything on infra.  :3 That's when I started to catch up and, eventually, sail right past of you. Infra is king! Tech is merely a luxury for big, rich nations. Don't be sucked into tantalizing embrace... >:]

But my well-planned resource set did help. :mowwink

Quote from: lucas marcone on October 16, 2007, 01:11:49 PM
maybe we should move to another sphere. im up for anything that makes it easier for you guys to keep trades.

Well... we're stable for now. A lot of us do have long-term trading partners we're happy with.

The penalty (well, lack of bonus...) for going out of sphere isn't huge. And there's no guarantee that any other team will be any better. Black for instance, was a large, vibrant trading sphere until the GOONS decided to completely dominate it and force out anyone they didn't like. And then they got so badly mauled in The Unjust War that the place has been turned on its head. There's ugly politics to deal with no matter where you go.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on October 16, 2007, 05:18:40 PM
Darnit all, I forget to log into LW for awhile and some bastard attacks.  Oh well, he offers peace because apperrently his friend did it.  I don't believe it.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 16, 2007, 09:19:49 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on October 16, 2007, 02:34:26 PM
Well... you were also blowing millions on tech during a time when I was nearly tech-less and spending everything on infra.  :3 That's when I started to catch up and, eventually, sail right past of you. Infra is king! Tech is merely a luxury for big, rich nations. Don't be sucked into tantalizing embrace... >:]

But my well-planned resource set did help. :mowwink

Uh huh. It's a little late now, of course. Still... *shrug* I'll just keep on growing at my rate, and eventually I'll either crash again, get bored, or overtake everyone else.

No bets as to which. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on October 18, 2007, 10:18:47 PM

We're on page 3! :>
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 19, 2007, 01:42:47 AM

this will not do! we must be page one!


also i wouldnt oppose selling off my last 50 tech.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 19, 2007, 03:31:34 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on October 18, 2007, 10:18:47 PM

We're on page 3! :>

Ya know, there doesn't seem to be that much difference in AI and housing between our top guys and the biggest colonies in LW. The MS gap between us is all military bloat, which suggests that we might catch up even faster due to lack of expenses and the fact that attacking people doesn't really benefit you the way it does in CN. Yay for Lunar Peace Mode! >:]

Quote from: lucas marcone on October 19, 2007, 01:42:47 AM

also i wouldnt oppose selling off my last 50 tech.

Well, you need to hold onto at least 15 (for missiles and the happiness bonus). 20 gives you more wiggle room. My trading slots will be open again on Sunday, but we'll need an extra intermediary for you since you took so long to send off the first one. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on October 19, 2007, 03:40:58 AM
Well, I'm still trying to get a nuke in LW... you'll probably overtake me before I can get one.

Hippies with nukes! :3

Also, as a quick guide to building the test nuke
The chance of success for the first two parts are based on how often you try.
Part 1 = 2 uranium
Part 2 = 250k

The third part is based on how much AI you have (supposedly increasing with every 50AI)
Part 3 = 2 uranium + 250k

How much a nuke costs to buy after that, I dunno... I've read that it costs a lot and increases with each one.

edit: Press the button when you are ready... ( KA-BOOM! (
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 21, 2007, 06:04:31 AM
I will be interested to see the maintenance cost.

And also what it does to your NS.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 22, 2007, 01:06:39 PM
Wooo... nukes! >:] So once you do all that core research you can simply buy nukes whenever you have $850k burning a hole in your pocket? How many tries did it take you?

On the CN front... I'm now available for the spreading of aids again, if everyone else is...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 22, 2007, 01:44:29 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on October 22, 2007, 01:06:39 PM
On the CN front... I'm now available for the spreading of aids again, if everyone else is...

Free Love! Free Love!

.. ie, yeah, I'll be in for that. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on October 22, 2007, 01:53:23 PM
I'm ready now as well, slow going in growth without it. :(
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 22, 2007, 04:32:04 PM
Okay... same drill as before then? :mowcookie
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 22, 2007, 04:52:50 PM
It's be nice to collect some on the way past, if Fres and whoever else are amenable, but I'm not -hugely- fussy...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on October 22, 2007, 11:23:32 PM
I once had a NationStates, which I've curiously been thinking about these past few weeks. I've also just now made a CyberNation, which shall at the moment remain secret-like, however my NationState which went something along the likes of "SienMai" I cannot actually currently find.
All's lost.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 23, 2007, 12:31:24 AM
join the alliance so we can spread to you our aids
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on October 23, 2007, 01:57:40 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on October 23, 2007, 12:31:24 AM
join the alliance so we can spread to you our aids

You can keep the aids, I'll just take the cash ;p
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on October 23, 2007, 12:22:27 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on October 22, 2007, 01:06:39 PM
Wooo... nukes! >:] So once you do all that core research you can simply buy nukes whenever you have $850k burning a hole in your pocket? How many tries did it take you?

A LOT. I'd guess that three tries per part should be about average. And yes, it seems you can just buy nukes once you've researched then. However...



Upkeep for 1 nuke is 10k
I completely forgot to see how much my MS went up by... although, I'm 300MS ahead of Tez now, so it's at least 100... maybe... :S
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 24, 2007, 12:29:07 AM
where do i send the tech? llearch is full up on aids.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on October 24, 2007, 01:19:39 AM
Tech on the way back now.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 24, 2007, 05:11:11 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on October 24, 2007, 12:29:07 AM
where do i send the tech? llearch is full up on aids.

As per last time, Tez sends money to me, I send it to you, you send tech to Tez.

*gets out his "Actually, I -am- a rocket scientist" t-shirt*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 24, 2007, 11:36:19 AM
well i cant very well send any to him as we have already done so in the past 10 days.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 24, 2007, 09:10:03 PM
I believe Kasarn offered to provide forwarding services...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 25, 2007, 02:20:46 AM
thankyou tez. tech on it's way.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 29, 2007, 04:33:08 PM

the country is 10 days old and 11 days inactive. is it whuppin time?

and heres one 9 days old and 10 days inactive.

same alliance though. could they be phoney countries misuseing the aid feature
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 29, 2007, 08:46:19 PM
Ah... you're welcome to attack. If they ask, you're own your own. Enjoy being shat on from a great height by his alliance brethren.

you're also welcome to report them to management. It -might- be a bug.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 02, 2007, 08:05:37 AM
Hmm, updates...

Tech NS has been reduced from 20 to 5.
Cruise missiles can destroy up to 2 tech.
Other stuff.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 02, 2007, 11:38:46 AM
Heh. Might explain why I'm now 5th in the alliance, instead of 1st or 2nd.

Yay. I got -so- munted by those three morons.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 04, 2007, 04:48:15 PM
BTW - new mail message on LW...

"Please help us, we need your help to attack the Legion, who are attacking our allies"

Yeah. Sounds like a good time to get involved - right in the middle of a war.

From a guy whose chosen name is "baxstaber" - how trustworthy a moniker.

I think I'll pass. Anyone else disagree?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 06, 2007, 04:26:08 PM
with a name like baxstabber why even try to ask for help?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 07, 2007, 10:38:14 PM
Hmm... the new NS calculations propelled me up into the top 5%. Time to save up for the Manhattan Project... >:]

Does Jim still read this thread? I'd have to temporarily cancel our trade in order to get Uranium for nukes. I could provide financial support to help with bills during that time, if necessary.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 13, 2007, 11:53:41 PM
Throne of the Jaguar (Tezkat) of the Purple team, purchased a nuclear weapon on 11/13/2007. 


Damn, these things are bad for the environment. :animesweat

In other news, I'm gonna be out of town all next week with limited net access, so I'll have to hit hippy mode before I leave. Heh... more hippies with nukes. >:]

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 14, 2007, 07:36:22 AM
We got an invite, in Lunar Wars, to "merge with us" ...

Said alliance, "Believers In God" has 64 or so members, and wants us because it would bring them onto the first page of the alliance list. None of their members has more than 800 or so AI.

I'm inclined to decline, on grounds of their purpose in existing and our purpose in existing are mutually incompatible, but I figured I'd at least let you all know...

Hey, would you guys consider merging into BIG? We stand for a peacefull alliance that tries to stay out of most wars, and do justice to those who abuse their power. If we merged we would be on the 1st page of the top 20 alliance list :) We should do this and stay strong and united, as the whole goal of alliances is to ensure their members protection, let me know if you are intrested, thanks.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 15, 2007, 02:51:19 AM
id say no. mergeing for rank is like selling out.

i just passed two benchmarks. i passed 1000 in infra and i popped my plane cherry. YAY!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 15, 2007, 04:46:09 AM

Moving from 999 to 1009 AI, the cost in AI goes from:
$130k, 2.9 Cu, 6.4 Il, 2.8 Au to:
$157k, 4.6 Cu, 10.3 Il, 4.5 Au

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 15, 2007, 06:56:12 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 15, 2007, 04:46:09 AM

Moving from 999 to 1009 AI, the cost in AI goes from:
$130k, 2.9 Cu, 6.4 Il, 2.8 Au to:
$157k, 4.6 Cu, 10.3 Il, 4.5 Au


Ah well... it'll be something to do with my minerals other than selling them for $67 apiece... :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 19, 2007, 07:34:54 AM
It's so nice to be appreciated.

I've just been jumped, again, by two parties. One of whom offered peace, and got it, the other of whom decided that I could PM him for peace, and who received two missiles in response.

Anyone else care to jump in, or perhaps have a word with their leaders or something?

Bugger. According to the federation charter, they're welcome to tech raid.

OTOH, I'm welcome to have friend leap in and assist me.

Tez? Kasarn? Shall we hammer the one left senseless? -please- ? ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 19, 2007, 08:08:35 AM
I should really disband my nation... I haven't paid my taxes in weeks :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 19, 2007, 02:37:39 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 19, 2007, 07:34:54 AM
It's so nice to be appreciated.

I've just been jumped, again, by two parties. One of whom offered peace, and got it, the other of whom decided that I could PM him for peace, and who received two missiles in response.

Anyone else care to jump in, or perhaps have a word with their leaders or something?

Huh? You sent the guy missiles instead of a peace offer? :mowdizzy

I'll be offline for a week starting tomorrow, and I was expecting to hit hippy mode for the duration. Not exactly the best time to be starting a war. :dface

I gave you some free monies to help with the fight, though. Why do you have so few tanks in the middle of a war? :B

Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 19, 2007, 08:08:35 AM
I should really disband my nation... I haven't paid my taxes in weeks :B

Well... you get deleted anyway after 20 days of inactivity...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 19, 2007, 02:45:05 PM
I have so few tanks because they wiped out all I had.

.. and since they dumped me into anarchy, my tax take covers... my bills.


The main reason I returned fire was it pisses me off that -I- keep getting targeted. :-/ Maybe there's something in there...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on November 19, 2007, 04:33:55 PM
OKay I just got heavily attacked by TwistedRebelDB47.  I could use some help here!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 19, 2007, 05:45:18 PM

Geez... that was three days ago yet. What's happened in the meantime?

Now Jim's getting raped too.

Sigh. :kittydepressed

Well, guys. I'm packing for a trip right now and heading into peace mode, so I can't really help with the diplomatic end of this problem. I sent Jim and Valynth a care package to help them through their anarchies though. I think you'll need to accept it before I hit hippy mode though, so please log in and grab your monies ASAP.


I'd recommend visiting their IRC and asking WTF is going on. TPF has attacked us seven times in the past two weeks (only six visible, so they'll have to take llearch's word on the one he declared peace with). That looks a little more serious than the usual "tech raid" thing, so you might be able to get their leaders to lean on these people a little and get them to lay off.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 19, 2007, 06:17:18 PM
Where would one find their IRC? I've looked, but damned if I can find anything.

And attempting to log into CN forums is failing, due to their mail being spamfiltered. :-/

Edit: Nevermind, Google resolved it. In the wiki...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 19, 2007, 06:20:17 PM
hay guys i've hit a snag of debt switching my trades around for what i think might be better for my nation. if you guys could send me some money till i can secure my last two trades it would be totally awesome, but don't feel you have to. also i do realize there is a "war" going on and ive sent what i can to those in need. well at least one of you.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 19, 2007, 06:43:36 PM
23:23 <Quiz[TPF]> What's up?
23:24 <llearch> ... obviously I need to type faster.
23:24 <Quiz[TPF]> there?
23:24 <llearch> yup.
23:24 <Quiz[TPF]> Lol.
23:24 <Quiz[TPF]> Okay, so which alliance are we talking about?
23:24 <llearch> wanna take it up here, or there?
23:24 <llearch> "Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance"
23:24 <Quiz[TPF]> Here, preferably. :)
23:25 <llearch>
23:25 <llearch> ... apologies for the length of the URL.
23:25 <Quiz[TPF]> No, no, it's fine. :)
23:25 <Quiz[TPF]> No, you don't appear to be in any sort of's just our tech-raiders.
23:25 <llearch> there's another attack not listed there, for some reason.
23:26 <Quiz[TPF]> Anyway...I can arrange for them to send peace, if you'd like.
23:26 <llearch> 7 attacks in less than two weeks on an alliance of no more than 9 is a little bit over-eager, wouldn't you think?
23:27 <llearch> while I accept that, according to your alliance charter, it's acceptable, it'd be nice if they could spread that out a bit. ;-]
23:27 <Quiz[TPF]> Heh.
23:27 <Quiz[TPF]> Well, I can pretty much guarantee they won't be attacking you guys again. ;)
23:28 <llearch> thanks, I appreciate it.
23:28 <Quiz[TPF]> Also...
23:28 <Quiz[TPF]> You might want to try obtaining a protectorate agreement with a larger alliance.
23:28 <Quiz[TPF]> Because that would eliminate this issue in the future.
23:28 <llearch> we're working on it.
23:28 <llearch> yeah.
23:28 <Quiz[TPF]> Oh, okay. :)
23:28 <Quiz[TPF]> Well, thanks for being so reasonable.
23:29 <llearch> problem being getting any sort of agreement out of the nine people, other than they all happen to be in the same area at the same time... ;-]
23:29 <llearch> you're welcome.
23:29 <Quiz[TPF]> Generally I get the "OMG NO U CANT DO THIS HALP". ;)
23:29 <Quiz[TPF]> So it's nice talking with someone rather more understanding of the situation.
23:29 <llearch> heh. Of -course- you can do it.
23:29 <llearch> you're bigger than we are. *shrug* ;-]
23:31 <Quiz[TPF]> Well, I guess...but size isn't the only factor that comes to the table in these sorts of situations.
23:31 <llearch> true.
23:31 <Quiz[TPF]> Politics are very important likewise.
23:32 <llearch> OTOH, if you -really- wanted to ZI the lot of us, as an alliance, you probably could. And it's all within the game rules - even if not really a lot of fun for -us-...
23:32 <Quiz[TPF]> Yeah, but you're pretty cool from what I've long as you maintain that understanding, you won't have to worry about that.
23:32 <Quiz[TPF]> We might like to fight...but we're not assholes or anything. ;)
23:33 <llearch> heh.
23:45 <llearch> oh, btw, I've posted this into our forum, if that's ok?
23:45 <Quiz[TPF]> Yeah, that's fine. :)
23:45 <llearch> cool. Figured I should probably ask, but, as usual, thought it just a -little- too late. ;-]
23:46 <Quiz[TPF]> XD
23:46 <Quiz[TPF]> Yeah, it's fine.

So. We should be sorted in the near future.

But we should also look into getting a protective agreement with someone. The downside to that is a) figuring out who, and b) coming up with the wording. They all take it so -seriously-... ;-]

Anyone want to be a diplomat? I have other tasks...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 19, 2007, 07:25:01 PM
I nominate you for diplomat, and I have a friend in The Order of Light, he isnt influential or anything but it might make a small diffrence. They look worth looking into.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on November 19, 2007, 09:42:50 PM
Thanks for the aids guys.  After a few cruise and bombing runs, my raider offered peace so I accepted.  Also, I had enough money stored that even with several million getting stolen, I recruited a heavy soldier population so soldier aid would really hurt me right now.  Thanks for the sentiment though.  The money will go to fixing the massive damage I got durring this time.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 20, 2007, 05:35:40 AM
Heh. We now have -9- attacks since the 8th. 8 since the 18th...

Two on Arc, three on Jim, two on me, one on Tez, and one? on Valynth.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 20, 2007, 06:14:13 AM
Well, we simply aren't an alliance under their rules. So, just because you ask nicely and they ask the raiders to peace out doesn't prevent others from raiding anyway.

Minimum alliance size varies but, generally speaking, you need at least 10 members before they start caring. Of course, more is better...

As for a protectorate treaty, you could pick just about any alliance to approach. However, if I were in a large alliance and was randomly approached by a micro-alliance, I'd probably just try to press for a simple merger.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 20, 2007, 02:26:25 PM
i suggest we find people to join us. i could probably convince my friend to leave the order of light. if we could find other people maybe we can get enough to be considered an alliance. even if we dont i would highly reccomend not mergeing. i like our small close knit feel.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on November 20, 2007, 03:35:48 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 20, 2007, 05:35:40 AM
Heh. We now have -9- attacks since the 8th. 8 since the 18th...

Two on Arc, three on Jim, two on me, one on Tez, and one? on Valynth.


Make that three. I've PM'd all three asking them to stop and reinforced as much as I can. We are not amused.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 20, 2007, 03:41:30 PM
Two more popped up today, Arc.

Yeah, we are not amused.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on November 20, 2007, 05:31:23 PM
Down to 2. One of mine has called it off.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 20, 2007, 05:53:29 PM

Well... go back to their IRC and whine some more. :animesweat

Or go get a diplomatic mask on their forums. We need to get them to deal with us on an alliance level rather than as individual tech raiders.

We really do need more members. Maybe get some of the extra LW peeps to come visit us? TPF recently downgraded their minimum alliance size (with respect to tech raiding) to 10 members. If we had just one more person, we'd be getting reps instead of more raiders.

I think it's pretty clear that we've crossed the boundary of what we can do without becoming active in CN politics. It's fine to want to be neutral and all, but we're now at a size where anyone big enough to either protect us or pick on us will be really big. Kasarn is probably right about major alliances seeing us in terms of mergers rather than protectorates, though.

Alliances give protectorates to people they like, anyway. Perhaps we should start off by trying to join treaties that don't matter much, like GRAPE. We're easily one of the strongest micro-alliances in Purple. Plus we're a small alliance of big people rather than a sprawling mass of newbies (and thus more valuable in war and aids). I'd be ranked 3rd in UPN, 6th in Invicta, and 1st in Auxiliary Army. The rest of us would mostly be top 10% as well. Then we'd have a springboard to more serious talks with the major Purple powers, and (by extension) alliance blocs like CDT and the rest of the game. I wouldn't even mind if we get involved in a little military action with them. It's kinda boring doing nothing but collect taxes to save up for $30 mil wonders and infra jumps. :animesweat

Anyways, I hope everything works out. Cy'all next week. :kittycool

P.S. Does anyone know what happened to Jim? They probably can't do much more damage given his soldier count, but he does need to log in to accept his aid and any peace offers. Also, my economy will be seriously screwed up if he doesn't renew our trade before I get back... :dface
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 20, 2007, 07:03:17 PM
heh. I'll see if I can get hold of Jim.

I've been sitting in their IRC all evening waiting for the guy to arrive. He finally did, says he screwed up, and failed to send the messages yesterday, but has now.

So with any luck, it should all filter down by the time you get back, and we'll have just -one- person to talk to.

I've logged into DNF and Auxiliary Army's forums and enquired about embassies and/or Protectorate status... we'll see how that works out. (DNF is yet to show up in the wiki...)

Might be worth seeing if we can get people back into CN from LW, though.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 20, 2007, 07:36:21 PM
i could convine my friend to leave the order of light if we need more people.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on November 20, 2007, 08:13:30 PM
Right, I'm clear of all attackers and have dropped into Peace Mode for the time being - at least until the anarchy is over.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 21, 2007, 12:44:40 AM
ugh....i cant even pay my bills anymore.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 21, 2007, 03:05:48 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on November 21, 2007, 12:44:40 AM
ugh....i cant even pay my bills anymore.

Infrastructure: 1040.00
PROTIP: there was an infra jump at 1000. Too late to do anything about it now. You should start to earn more somewhere around 1100-1200 infra.

Banks: 1, Barracks: 2, Clinics: 2, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Police Headquarters: 1, Schools: 1,
PROTIP: destroy the 2 Barracks, Foreign Ministry, Police HQ and School and then build 5 Factories. As your next purchases, focus on Banks and then Stadiums.
Since you already have 2 Clinics, you could buy a Hospital as well.

Nation supports nuclear weapons but does not own any.
Connected Resources:    [...], Uranium, [...]
PROTIP: with that government position, uranium gives you nothing except the ability to own nukes. Change it to the supporting nuclear power option and you'll get an income boost.

edit: also, HAI 2 U GUYZ! Do whatever you want. :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Sienna Maiu - M T on November 21, 2007, 05:08:52 AM
Oh hey, what d'ya know. It really has been that long.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 21, 2007, 05:55:32 AM
ok, so I'm sitting on most of Tez's 3 million here. Who needs what in terms of petty cash?

I'm thinking I'll pay my bills to day and tomorrow, until I get out of anarchy, which means I'll be needing ~1.3 million, but there's at least a million that I can farm out if you guys need it?

Heh. Having looked, probably the best thing anyone can do is accept Tez's or Kasarn's help... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 21, 2007, 10:37:49 AM
thanks for the tips Kas, and the cash. i was afraid my citizens would always be "very unhappy" but now my money makers are getting back into gear thankyou!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on November 21, 2007, 02:21:41 PM
Yes, many thanks for the cash. Now I can stop my anarchy! ... after my people decide it would be in their best interest on 23 November >.<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on November 21, 2007, 09:04:25 PM
Hey guys.

I'm in your alliances, taking up space on your Faroe Islands.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 21, 2007, 09:05:38 PM
YAY Cog's in it naow! whoo! Aiyno would you like sum of my d00dz to put in your bases?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 23, 2007, 08:26:41 AM
Just an update:

I'm now on the forums for DNF, Auxiliary Army, UPN, and Invicta. Of those, apparently AA is pretty dead, but the manglement there appear interested in at least discussing things. Invicta is active, in that two of the management posted in the day after I got an embassy set up. UPN is also active.

And we received, as a result of being on the Invicta forums, this request:
Subject: Merge
Hey I saw you on the Invicta Forums and was wondering if you would merge with us. Dawny and doubleU left Novus Orbus and so did we so we are both counterparts of the late novus orbus

From Air4ce1Jr (, whose alliance has 28 members and a total strength of 49k. We have 10, and 110k.

I declined, on grounds of we're there because we want to be a bunch of friends, not because we want to get into the politics. I also pointed out that we'd not benefit from that, because a) our top 8 would all fit in their top 6, and b) our top 5 would instantly become -their- top 5.

I didn't mention that Cog is the only one of us who is newer than their -oldest- member. Although Canadian Bacon is, I think, slightly younger than their oldest. (73 versus 79 days)

I did offer to enter into talks about treaties, though. On the forum, so there's some track of it. I'll let you all know how that works out.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 23, 2007, 08:03:32 PM
Bright sparks. He wants me to sign up to -his- forum, so he can talk to me where he's comfortable.

I have... but it doesn't win him any points.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on November 23, 2007, 08:29:49 PM
Hay guys. Just letting you know that I've been declared war on when I wasn't looking. He's too small for everyone else, too...

*coughs* If anyone wants to donate to the Solum Defense Fund, it'd be much appreciated.

*resists urge to channel Soviet Union and attempt to bury this guy*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 23, 2007, 09:27:56 PM
This means probably Kasarn, if he's up to it. I've already chipped in 500k to the "Boost Cogi" fund the other day, so I can't directly contribute...

... unless someone wants to be an intermediary?

Also, Brun is considering playing. No pressure, though. ;-] Just warning in case anyone is considering tech trading or saving up or the like, there's a possible additional player coming onboard...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 24, 2007, 12:16:43 AM
Done. However, try to spend as much of it as possible before launching any attacks as, if you lose, you are throwing a lot of cash away. CN has an underdog bonus, so it happens more often than you'd think.

Now I'm down to one aid slot :/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on November 24, 2007, 12:20:09 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on November 24, 2007, 12:16:43 AM
Done. However, try to spend as much of it as possible before launching any attacks as, if you lose, you are throwing a lot of cash away. CN has an underdog bonus, so it happens more often than you'd think.

Now I'm down to one aid slot :/

....oh, yes. Yes indeed.

This will work nicely.  >:3 I owe you several, sir.

Resisting the urge to Khrushchev becomes yet more difficult, but the aid is very much appreciated. I don't think I'm in danger of death anytime soon.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 24, 2007, 12:37:18 AM
Y'know, I'm starting to think about registering for this game. If I do, I also hope I would be able to join the Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance :) I'm looking through some of the info stuff now.

Are there any proviosions for an almost completely technology-, scientific research-, or robotics-oriented nation? (You probably saw that coming)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 24, 2007, 01:13:30 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 24, 2007, 12:37:18 AM
Are there any proviosions for an almost completely technology-, scientific research-, or robotics-oriented nation? (You probably saw that coming)

Not beyond putting it in your bio and making in-character statements along those lines.
It'll take months before you're in a position to buy large amounts of tech. You could do tech raids... but I think we'd prefer it if you joined TPF for that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 24, 2007, 02:51:43 AM
Eh, I'd rather not make raids a habit...but what is the TPF?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 24, 2007, 04:44:22 AM
The Phoenix Federation (TPF) is the largest alliance that allows active raiding.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 24, 2007, 02:03:15 PM
Ouch...Like I said, I'd rather not raid too much if I can help it.

When I said what can I do to make my nation especially tech oriented, I meant, what choices can you make in setting up you nation that give the best bonuses to tech? Looking at the sample nation, the resources Gold and Microchips reduce tech costs. What other things can you choose that give bonuses to tech? I have to imagine that gov't type, national religion, maybe even currency have one or two options that give tech bonuses. What are they? And what other variables are there that have options that may boost tech?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on November 24, 2007, 05:52:21 PM
Yeah, so I sent four cruise missiles his way, and he pretty much ran away crying. Thanks, Kasarn!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 24, 2007, 06:32:06 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 24, 2007, 02:03:15 PM
Ouch...Like I said, I'd rather not raid too much if I can help it.

When I said what can I do to make my nation especially tech oriented, I meant, what choices can you make in setting up you nation that give the best bonuses to tech? Looking at the sample nation, the resources Gold and Microchips reduce tech costs. What other things can you choose that give bonuses to tech? I have to imagine that gov't type, national religion, maybe even currency have one or two options that give tech bonuses. What are they? And what other variables are there that have options that may boost tech?

Look at the wiki. - there should be answers to all your questions in there, if you can find them. Start with the How To Play category, as a good place to start.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 24, 2007, 06:40:08 PM
Thanks llearch.

Just looked at the technology section. So technology is represented as levels, not like a tech tree? There's nothing you actually research, no decisions to make? That's a major turn-off for me...
I'm not so sure I want to play anything that utterly lacks a technology tree.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 24, 2007, 08:24:23 PM
There was talk about possible tech improvements a while back; nobody knows if they'll ever be implemented.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 26, 2007, 01:33:48 PM
good news everyone! i just got my last trade and all the bonuses i needed out of it. my nation is back on track.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 27, 2007, 09:25:59 PM

Hey all! I'm finally back from my week of internetless family hell. :3 (It was 37 freakin degrees below zero with the wind chill when I left for the airport this morning--anything above freezing suddenly feels like t-shirt weather to me. :animesweat)

Welcome aboard, Cog! :mowcookie

It looks like our little military problems got resolved. Hope everyone's okay. I still have some slots left to give people aids, if needed.

I wonder if I could have gotten away without hippy mode. Peace mode for a week is almost as bad as anarchy. After 7 days, my income was down to below subsistence levels. (Of course, some of that is the fault of my... uh... uranium enrichment program. >:])

So what's up with Jim? He must have logged in to accept my trade while I was away, but he hasn't picked up the cash or collected taxes yet. He's less than a week away from inactivity deletion... :dface
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 27, 2007, 09:37:24 PM
He logged in, and made peace, but ... *shrug* Hmmm.

you get to nudge him, this time. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 28, 2007, 11:52:09 PM
To: canadian bacon    From: PuliSher    11/28/2007 12:25:24 PM Subject: Norden Verein WANTS YOU!

Want protection for your nation? Free aid to grow? Or maybe membership in one of the most unique alliances in the Cyberverse?

You can have all of this and more in Norden Verein. Boasting one of the Cyberverse's most efficient armies, a growing economy, and a rising influence in world affairs, at Norden Verein your protection and continued growth is ensured.

Join at by posting in the application desk, and take the first step to success for your nation. Do not waste your time joining some common, meaningless alliance. Join and follow the footsteps of the great world powers.

to be honest im flattered that even after 70 some odd days and me being in an alliance that he tried to sway me but even IF i had been just a bit wishy washy the whole "common meaningless alliance" thing really turned me off.

id never leave you guys. and im hopeing you like me to stay :)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 29, 2007, 06:17:36 AM
I got it as well. Don't feel like they're singling you out. ;-]

... common meaningless alliance my arse. I -started- this alliance, and while it might be meaningless, there's nothing common about it. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 30, 2007, 01:31:31 AM

I'll assume that everyone got the message from The Allegiance's MoFA. :animesweat I messaged him back asking for contact details in case anyone would like diplomat duty.

They're an alliance of a few dozen small nations. Any ideas on just what kind of relationship we'd like to develop with them? We're kinda out of each others' leagues militarily, but having friends is a good thing... :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Brunhidden on November 30, 2007, 01:38:09 AM
my nation Byeardvan, just a few days old.

i may have little idea what i am doing but it all seems pretty familiar.... at least until someone completely rapes me on my frozen island nation
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 30, 2007, 02:55:57 AM
here ya go bud. welcome aboard. er... you might want to join the alliance soon...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 30, 2007, 04:12:00 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on November 30, 2007, 01:31:31 AM
I'll assume that everyone got the message from The Allegiance's MoFA. :animesweat I messaged him back asking for contact details in case anyone would like diplomat duty.

I'm on their forum, with an embassy. Prior to the pm, no less.

I'm listed as the alliance doormat, as my official position.

Quote from: Brunhidden on November 30, 2007, 01:38:09 AM
my nation Byeardvan, just a few days old.

i may have little idea what i am doing but it all seems pretty familiar.... at least until someone completely rapes me on my frozen island nation

Heh. If you join into the alliance, we'll heave a pile of cash in your direction.

Speaking of which, is anyone else interested in seeing if we can boost all our members over 1000 infra?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 30, 2007, 01:42:59 PM
im in
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 30, 2007, 03:10:42 PM
You're one of the boostees, not the boosters, if I'm not mistaken. You're in by default. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on November 30, 2007, 07:23:41 PM
Well, I'm back in business now. Back out of peace mode, so time to use the increased funding to start rebuilding again, I suppose. :B

I think EVERYONE in the alliance got that Norden wotsit alliance spam. I also got a message from one other, but nuked 'em before even looking at the contents. :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Brunhidden on November 30, 2007, 08:06:02 PM
Quote from: Arcalane on November 30, 2007, 07:23:41 PM
I think EVERYONE in the alliance got that Norden wotsit alliance spam. I also got a message from one other, but nuked 'em before even looking at the contents. :U

thats the thing about spam, it gets everywhere and seems to be able to eat through walls
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on November 30, 2007, 09:26:41 PM
Stop making your walls out of tofu. That might help. >:3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 30, 2007, 10:46:58 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 30, 2007, 03:10:42 PM
You're one of the boostees, not the boosters, if I'm not mistaken. You're in by default. ;-]

Infrastructure: 1,182.65

ill put in as much as i can...might not be much but i think it'll make an impact with brun.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 01, 2007, 06:23:09 PM

Damn... Looks like we're gonna lose Jim. His nation will be gone in less than a day if he doesn't log in to collect taxes.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 30, 2007, 04:12:00 AM
I'm on their forum, with an embassy. Prior to the pm, no less.

Heh, yeah. He messaged me back to apologize for his goof. 'Course, the second part of my question still stands: What do they want from us? What do we want from them?

Speaking of which, is anyone else interested in seeing if we can boost all our members over 1000 infra?


Since we have a good supply of newbies now, we should also get another tech farm going. Even though it no longer affects NS as much, tech is arguably more important now, since it has a lot more impact on warfare.

We got another merger request... Maybe a form letter of some kind would be helpful for this sort of thing. :animesweat

Quote from:
GooD is offering you a merge where you come into our alliance, you can all stay as the colors you are and keep your current leader and assitant, you could all keep your positions. Because we are a alliance which unites all the colors under one alliance. But you all carry on doing your own thing, so you will recruit make aid chains etc all the things you are doing now you will continue. But you will be part of GooD. But what you do must be kept within the rules of GooD. Also we do not want a split within the colors so all be as friendly to one another as possible. All foreign happenings will be discussed by all the TL so if someone offers you a treaty whilst in GooD you must bring it foward to all TLs.

Some catches if you like. only one person will have power which is your Team leader or the leader of this alliance now. (who we are offering the spot to) Now this team leader will attend a weekly TL meeting, where all the TL will attend and discuss matters such as recruitment methods,
politics, foreign happenings etc. Once something is decided there will be a vote where the majority wins. Say war issues all the TLs will get together and decides what happens i.e do we enter war or not, if 7 vote no and 6 vote yes, then we will not enter war due to the majority.

Our website is: http://globalorderofdefense.invisionzone.c...dex.php?act=idx

It is still under abit of construction since we have a pro coder doing some things for us (for free) but he has a busy real life, so don't judge us on that please biggrin.gif

If you want to know more please feel free to ask. Since i have probably missed some key points out anyway.

regards & best wishes
sebra30, GooD Team leader.

And yes, they did mistype their URL. :3

Quote from: Brunhidden on November 30, 2007, 01:38:09 AM
my nation Byeardvan, just a few days old.

i may have little idea what i am doing but it all seems pretty familiar.... at least until someone completely rapes me on my frozen island nation

Welcome aboard!

You're going to have a lot of cash raining down on you from those of us with nothing better to do than collect taxes and send aid, so... here's some advice on how to spend it:

- Set your tax rate to 28%. Leave it there for the rest of the game (or at least until you have $40 million to spare for a social security wonder :3).
- Buy 15-20 levels of tech and then don't worry about it until we get you to 1k infrastructure.
- Normalize your infrastructure to a quantity ending in 9.99. That way you save money at jump points.
- Buy infra only in blocks of 10.
- Buy more infra.
- Keep buying infra. >:]
- Only buy enough land to keep your population density out of the red.
- Every 1000 population (roughly 100 infra, depending on your resources), you get to buy an improvement.

Good starting improvements for nations that receive a lot of foreign aid:

Start off with a Harbor (gives you an extra trade slot).
Then buy 5 Factories.
Then buy Stadiums, if necessary, until your per capita tax income is above ~$24/person.
Then buy 5 Banks.

Don't spend too much on troops just yet. Keep your soldier efficiency somewhere around 30% of your civilian population. Don't waste money on tanks just yet--they're very expensive to maintain. If anyone is foolish enough to attack you, you'll have enough foreign aid raining down on you to buy some quality hardware anyway. >:]

There are only two useful DEFCON levels: 1 (war) and 5 (peace). There's never a good reason to be in between (not under current game rules, anyway). Also leave your Threat Level at Low until you have tens of millions to spend on spies and it will actually make a difference.

Join us on the Purple team. If any of your current trades are purple, ask them to cancel and resend so that you can get the team bonus. Lumber and Wheat are awesome starting resources, so you should have no problem keeping trades (beyond the general attrition happening in the purple sphere). I'd recommend trying to pick up Iron and Marble on top of what you already have, so that infra will be really cheap to buy.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on December 02, 2007, 01:06:56 AM
Hey, Llearch - just letting you know, the foreign aid thing has expired, and I've got the gold. Whenever you want to do the Tech thing, Solum is open for business. >:3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 02, 2007, 04:47:34 AM
... give me four days to scrape the cash together.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on December 02, 2007, 02:06:39 PM
I've also got some nice cheap tech if anyone needs it.  33% reduction to costs if I read them right.  Though I think I may need to start investing in some factories, getting a bit expensive to buy, but that'll be after this next hospital I think.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on December 02, 2007, 10:32:25 PM
Hmmm, I appear to have lost one of my trades somehow. Irritating - it was a spices and something else trade, which means I lost my fast food*. :<

I have iron and furs up for offer if anyone has resources that aren't cows, coal, furs, diamonds, gold, iron, lead, pigs, sugar and wheat.

*Why does fast food require spices? I mean I suppose there are curry takeaways and so on, but the picture for fast food specifically is some kind of burger. I don't count cheese, onions and salad as spices...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 03, 2007, 11:54:13 AM
Cog, I've dropped 1.5mil in your direction, if you could pass 50 levels of tech to.. uh... who wants to volunteer for being the piggy in the middle?

Fres, I can probably drop you 1.5 in another couple of days, if you're interested. We need another middleman for that, though...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Dannysaysnoo on December 03, 2007, 12:01:56 PM
I'll join in, but im not gonna be too active, as i play Travian (, but i could stop as its getting a bit unoriginal.

EDIT:: To quote, someone, I'm in.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 07, 2007, 04:44:15 PM
Ok, tomorrow morning, I'll have 3 million stacked up.

I'll pass that 3m to Brunhidden, in Byeardvan.
Brunhidden passes 1.5m to Tajaka, in NyanNya, and 50 tech and 100k to Fresnor, over in Reichi.
Fresnor passes me 50 tech.
Tajaka passes me 50 tech.

Everyone up for that?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on December 08, 2007, 01:51:22 AM
Sure I guess.  Also just bought my Hospital, gave me another 500 citizens.  Now to start buying Factories.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Brunhidden on December 08, 2007, 04:56:56 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 07, 2007, 04:44:15 PM
Ok, tomorrow morning, I'll have 3 million stacked up.

I'll pass that 3m to Brunhidden, in Byeardvan.
Brunhidden passes 1.5m to Tajaka, in NyanNya, and 50 tech and 100k to Fresnor, over in Reichi.
Fresnor passes me 50 tech.
Tajaka passes me 50 tech.

Everyone up for that?

i have 50 tech? i was not aware of that
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 08, 2007, 06:38:01 AM
Quote from: Brunhidden on December 08, 2007, 04:56:56 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 07, 2007, 04:44:15 PM
Ok, tomorrow morning, I'll have 3 million stacked up.

I'll pass that 3m to Brunhidden, in Byeardvan.
Brunhidden passes 1.5m to Tajaka, in NyanNya, and 50 tech and 100k to Fresnor, over in Reichi.
Fresnor passes me 50 tech.
Tajaka passes me 50 tech.

Everyone up for that?

i have 50 tech? i was not aware of that

That's what the money llearch will send you is for.
From your persepective, the tech trade goes a little something like:-
1) Accept llearch's Foreign Aid offer of $3,000,000 (whenever he sends it)
2) Buy 50 tech
3a) Send 50 tech, along with $100,000 to Reichi (Fresnor)
3b) Send $1,500,000 to NyanNya (Aiyno)
4) Keep $1,600,000 on hand until Fresnor and Aiyno have accepted your aid
5) Spend the rest of the cash on yourself

Alternatively, you can just buy 35 tech and use your existing 15 tech to make up a total of 50. Then, you can rebuy 15-20 tech with the leftover cash. You'll end up with a tiny bit more cash leftover to spend on yourself.

A quick guide to sending Foreign Aid:-
1) Go to the Alliance Rankings ( page
2) Open the target nation
3) Click the Aid link at the top [ Message | Declare War | Trade | Aid | etc... ]
4) Fill in the blanks (you can only send a maximum of $3m/50 tech... sending soldiers is pointless)
5) Type your password in at the bottom
6) Hit Confirm/Send
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 08, 2007, 11:19:28 AM

Apologies for the delay, I've been AFK this morning.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 08, 2007, 01:42:02 PM
I finally scrounged up enough for my first wonder, so I'm broke for the first time in a while, but I should be ready to spread aids again soon. :animesweat How are we doing on aids and tech trading and whatnot?

I do need a bit more tech, but mostly I just need a buffer so that my tech won't fall below 500 in a war. I think that bringing our top half above 500 tech is pretty important given the changes to the war system (and the fact that the more belligerent nations out there are likely to be tech heavy). Thus, I'd consider subsidising tech to our larger nations by letting them keep a large chunk on the way back up to me. Does that sound like a good idea, or would it just clog up our alliance's aid slots and hamper other efforts to buff up the little guys?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 08, 2007, 02:48:20 PM
I've been buffing the little guys by passing out 1.5m/50T swaps. I figured that was as good as any other way.

Obviously I have a little less spare cash than you do, Mr Moneybags. ;-] At present, I'm pulling down 1.6m/day, but paying 700k in bills, so net is ~800 or so. Obviously that'll change with time, but hey...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 08, 2007, 03:21:47 PM

Heh, whatever works... :3

So... was that a "Yes, Tez, please buy me some tech" or not? :mowcookie

I figure that, once we get everyone above 1k infra, they're gonna want/need to maintain higher tech levels, so we should get all the farming out of the way while it's still profitable for them.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on December 08, 2007, 03:24:22 PM
This seems to be an interesting notion. I would be honoured to join the group.

This is my nation:

Any starting tips, help, and/or aid would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 08, 2007, 03:46:52 PM
No, Tez, that wasn't. I won't say no, but I suspect the smaller team members might prefer the attention first.

If you focus on bringing them all above 1k infra, and I'll focus on bringing me up to 500 tech, and we'll see who gets where first. Obviously some of mine is going to affect some of yours, but we'll see.

Sound fair enough? ;-]

DarkDragon, if you look back in Tez's posts, there's a -lot- of instructional stuff. In fact, if you look at some of Kasarn's posts as well....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on December 08, 2007, 04:10:18 PM
Thanks. I'll now spend the next hour or so reading this thread carefully in attempt to fully understand what has and have not developed.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Suwako on December 08, 2007, 04:44:11 PM
Aid received, ... what was I supposed to do with it?  :B

gawd, my memory fails..
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 08, 2007, 05:09:10 PM
Quote from: Aiyno on December 08, 2007, 04:44:11 PM
Aid received, ... what was I supposed to do with it?  :B

gawd, my memory fails..

You can do whatever you like with the money that comes from me. If you don't want it, just reject it and I'll send it to somebody else.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 08, 2007, 06:02:26 PM

Brun appears to have four trades already. Ewps.

He'll have to hold on to the cash until the 12 or 13th, since he's got trades on the 1st and 2nd. Oh, well.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Brunhidden on December 09, 2007, 02:04:00 AM
*twiddles thumbs untill he can pass the bucks*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Brunhidden on December 11, 2007, 01:21:39 PM
done, i dont know why it took so long for my previous aids to expire
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on December 11, 2007, 02:50:19 PM
Bah, my resource trades are vanishing on me.  Just lost two and a third one is about to go for 20 days inactive also.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 11, 2007, 03:24:47 PM
Quote from: Darkdragon on December 08, 2007, 03:24:22 PM
This seems to be an interesting notion. I would be honoured to join the group.

This is my nation:

Any starting tips, help, and/or aid would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Welcome aboard!

You seem to have figured things out quickly enough. Keep it up. :mowcookie

Quote from: Brunhidden on December 11, 2007, 01:21:39 PM
done, i dont know why it took so long for my previous aids to expire

Foreign aids nominally expire after 10 days, but it's 10 days inclusive, which is basically 11 days.

As for my tech farming proposal, I figure that our top three (llearch, Kasarn, and myself) will be sending aid down, so we could have the middle guys (Arc and Valynth, maybe Fresnor or lucas as well) serving as "tech banks" for the alliance. I could send $3 million to one of the new guys, and they could send 50 each to the two bankers. If they do it in series (only buy to 50, wait for the banker to accept, and then rebuy from 0 or thereabouts), that leaves $1.3 to $1.4 million to spend on infrastructure and improvements each cycle (depending on whether or not they have Gold) and still have a slot free to receive aid from someone else (so up to $4.4 million in spending money every 11 days or so). I could reasonably do 3-4 of these every 11 days, receive 50 or 100 tech for my efforts, and leave the bulk of the tech to be spread across the rest of the alliance. We can switch back to stringless boosting after building everyone up, which shouldn't take much more than a few weeks.

Both Kasarn and I are now large enough to drop a full $3 mil with every aid shipment. If we're going to do a bunch of tech trading anyway, it seems like a good idea to concentrate packages like that rather than clogging aid slots with $1.5 mil shipments.

Anyone interested?

Cog and Darkdragon seem to have aid slots free at the moment, so I could start with them. I'm not quite sure what danny is up to. He doesn't seem to have spent the cash Kasarn sent him yet... :B

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 11, 2007, 04:17:46 PM
I pull down just under 1 million/day after bills. I think I'd be pushing it to reach 2-3 cycles/11 days. And I wouldn't be adding any infra to balance out the tech...

I'd be happier doing one cycle, then concentrating on infra, I think. Unless it picks up significantly in the next few weeks, which I'm not sure about - I'm at the point where I can get another clinic in the next couple days, and then a hospital + clinic + stadium, I think, a day or two after that - the hospital will give me 1.5k people, the clinic another 500, so I'd pull 2k people in instantly. Which would rawk.

After that, we'll see how the money works out. I think I'd have to wait a bit anyway, as I'm kinda maxed out for aid at present anyway.

Erm... Assuming you send out one aid, and get two back, there's three of your five available aid slots taken, Tez...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 11, 2007, 04:40:03 PM

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 11, 2007, 04:17:46 PM
I'd be happier doing one cycle, then concentrating on infra, I think. Unless it picks up significantly in the next few weeks, which I'm not sure about - I'm at the point where I can get another clinic in the next couple days, and then a hospital + clinic + stadium, I think, a day or two after that - the hospital will give me 1.5k people, the clinic another 500, so I'd pull 2k people in instantly. Which would rawk.

Heh... this is why it's nice to wait for a few thousand infra before buying clinics--a cascade of bonus improvements every day! :3

After that, we'll see how the money works out. I think I'd have to wait a bit anyway, as I'm kinda maxed out for aid at present anyway.

Erm... Assuming you send out one aid, and get two back, there's three of your five available aid slots taken, Tez...

...and then 2 more to pay for other members' tech. So $9-12 million out and 50-100 tech back every 11 days. (The other 200 or 350 tech goes to whoever else needs it.) And that's just me. You can add in as much as you want to the program. Basically, I suppose I'm proposing that we turn our little hippy alliance into a socialist tech farm for a few weeks. >:]

The Grämlins had something similar going on when they started out, and they now have the highest average NS of any alliance in the game by a huge margin.

My only concern is the possibility of predatory raiders assaulting our nice, juicy tech banks. Tech raiding is somewhat out of style these days, though...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 11, 2007, 06:15:15 PM
Wow. That's some serious outlay, there. There's no -way- I can manage that level of cash at current rates.

Heck, I don't -get- that much, let alone get that spare. :-P

Some spare cash on hand ot pay for the tech bank's defences would sort things out, I'd think. Enough spare cash to provide a hefty defensive wall...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on December 11, 2007, 11:08:01 PM
I'm interested. You can start whenever you are ready.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on December 12, 2007, 01:31:25 AM
Hey, Kasarn, are you wanting tech with that?

*edit: Well, even if you don't, I've got fifty tech with someone's name on it.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 12, 2007, 01:50:33 AM
Not particularly. My aid is all outgoing at the moment... then again, the lowest ranked member I can kick aid to directly is Fresnor.

Meh, I dunno. Ask Tezkat. :E
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Joe3210 on December 12, 2007, 05:59:42 AM
I just had the time to sign up for this game.

My nation name is "A Nation Name".
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 12, 2007, 06:37:02 AM
Join in the alliance, and we'll see where we can fit you in...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 12, 2007, 05:04:59 PM

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 11, 2007, 06:15:15 PM
Wow. That's some serious outlay, there. There's no -way- I can manage that level of cash at current rates.

Heck, I don't -get- that much, let alone get that spare. :-P

Some spare cash on hand ot pay for the tech bank's defences would sort things out, I'd think. Enough spare cash to provide a hefty defensive wall...

Well... I suppose you could volunteer for banking duty/defence then. :mowtongue

The hippies in my nation tried to topple my authoritarian regime by forcing elections, but I managed to stay in power by bribing the populace with spending programs and social security.  Fortunately, they let me raise taxes, so I'm now bringing in about $2.5 mil a day. Of course, I now need to save like $30 mil to make the infra jump or buy another wonder, so the value is all relative, but it does mean I have a bit of spare cash to toss around. I figure Kasarn must be pulling in something in that range as well given that he isn't carrying my ridiculous military bloat. So the two of us could reasonably support all the newbies and still have plenty left over to grow while you work on your infra and whatnot.

Quote from: Darkdragon on December 11, 2007, 11:08:01 PM
I'm interested. You can start whenever you are ready.

On its way. Our designated bankers haven't signed on to the plan yet, but at least $1 mil of that is free spending money for you regardless. :3

Quote from: Cogidubnus on December 12, 2007, 01:31:25 AM
Hey, Kasarn, are you wanting tech with that?

*edit: Well, even if you don't, I've got fifty tech with someone's name on it.

Not that I'd say no to the tech, but I was sorta planning on sending aid down the other way.:animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 13, 2007, 02:20:22 AM
I'll say yes to banking duty, should you wish it.

In a couple weeks, my answer may well be different. *shrug* We'll see.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on December 13, 2007, 02:26:02 AM
Alright. This may sound like a stupid question, but...

From what I can see, the cost of upkeep for Infrastructure goes up with each infrastructure purchase that you make. Now, I know that more infra equals more population, which equals lots more money, but something strikes me.

The cost of infra is retroactive. It appears that, eventually, you're going to reach a cap where you simply have so much infra, that any addition to upkeep cost would far outweigh a population boost of a hundred or so citizens.

If I've missed something, please let me know. It's been gnawing at my head...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 13, 2007, 03:39:13 AM
A long time ago, it used to be at 5k infra. I don't know whether there is one anymore...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 13, 2007, 04:13:05 AM

The game should have been tweaked so that increasing infra will increase income--with an important exception:

At certain points (called "infra jumps"--they occur at 20, 100, 200, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, and 8000 infra), the cost of upkeep (and often new infra purchase as well) rises substantially. Buying more infra after a jump point will in fact result in reduced income until your population levels (and improvement count) rise enough to make up for the increased upkeep costs. Thus, most experienced players will save up (or wait for an aid boost) to purchase that much infra in one go. The cost of the major infra jumps (the ones at the thousand marks) is typically in the range of 1-2 weeks of income, depending on your resource set and improvements.

Given the rapidly increasing purchase costs, whether it's cost effective to increase infra is another matter entirely. Above 5000 or so infra, there are no longer any income-generating improvements to buy. I'm currently at the point where new building investments take more than four months to pay for themselves. Many people stop at 4999.99 infra and just build wonders and/or accumulate massive war chests for alliance conflicts. On the other hand, that doesn't really increase nation strength or population (which allows you to carry more military). One can no longer hold onto a top 5% spot (required for nuke purchases) with only 5k infra, so they might be forced to grow for the sake of growing. :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 13, 2007, 05:31:16 AM
Heh, Something to aim for.

In other news, Joe has signed up for Lunar Wars. Now, we've had in the past a "loose guideline" that I've only let people into the alliance after they've reached minimum AI level, which is 200. He's at 42 presently.

Votes on if we let people in early?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Joe3210 on December 13, 2007, 05:56:35 AM
I can wait a week or so.  There's no rush.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on December 13, 2007, 01:21:29 PM
.....i wasn't let in early *mopes* :cry

seriously though dosem't matter to me.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 13, 2007, 02:35:58 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on December 13, 2007, 01:21:29 PM
.....i wasn't let in early *mopes* :cry

Which was about what I figured.

I also figured that letting him know -why- we hadn't acted yet was just polite. Hence the post here. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Dannysaysnoo on December 13, 2007, 02:40:03 PM
I don't think anyone bar Tezkat noticed i joined th alliance. Be careful though, some of my schoolfriends are coming to the game and may join.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 13, 2007, 03:57:46 PM
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 13, 2007, 02:40:03 PM
I don't think anyone bar Tezkat noticed i joined th alliance. Be careful though, some of my schoolfriends are coming to the game and may join.

Kasarn obviously noticed. He sent you $3 million--which you haven't spent yet. :animesweat

Out of curiosity, who the heck is this guy ( Is he one of your schoolfriends?

We need everyone in our alliance to show up here on the forums, since it's our primary communications tool.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Dannysaysnoo on December 13, 2007, 04:13:11 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on December 13, 2007, 03:57:46 PM
Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 13, 2007, 02:40:03 PM
I don't think anyone bar Tezkat noticed i joined th alliance. Be careful though, some of my schoolfriends are coming to the game and may join.

Kasarn obviously noticed. He sent you $3 million--which you haven't spent yet. :animesweat

Out of curiosity, who the heck is this guy ( Is he one of your schoolfriends?

We need everyone in our alliance to show up here on the forums, since it's our primary communications tool.

Jep, we might be getting another guy called Brezney. I'm not sure if he's joined yet. Ill tell chris tomorrow if i see him to join here. Failing that, i might just have to keep him involved vocally.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 13, 2007, 04:34:41 PM
By the way, Joe, is there a reason you're blue, and not purple like the rest of us?

No pressure, just curious...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Joe3210 on December 13, 2007, 06:33:22 PM
Just forgot to change the setting. :B

edit for "moar" content:  I'll be able to change the thing tomorrow.  I just have a few trades using that color.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on December 13, 2007, 07:51:45 PM
I wish to remind everybody that there are two free banker slots which people can sign up for.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 13, 2007, 08:49:47 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 13, 2007, 04:34:41 PM
By the way, Joe, is there a reason you're blue, and not purple like the rest of us?

No pressure, just curious...

Everybody knows that the Blue sphere is made of win. :P

Quote from: Dannysaysnoo on December 13, 2007, 02:40:03 PM
I don't think anyone bar Tezkat noticed i joined th alliance. Be careful though, some of my schoolfriends are coming to the game and may join.

Just so you know, be careful about your IP addresses. CN has a strict one player/nation per IP address rule.

There are a few technical exceptions, however, the rule is that once you've shared the same IP address as another player, you can't interact with each other in game or there is a good chance you will be banned as a multi.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 17, 2007, 06:25:37 AM
Do I have a big fat target painted on my nation or something?

For crying out loud. -AGAIN- I've been hit. And now, I can't collect money nor pay bills, nor fix anything. I'm left sitting here waiting for anarchy to die out so I can collect enough spare change to sort out the issues.

Sheesh. And the folks involved are the emperor and one of the council of the alliance listed. Bastards.

Nice bunch, too. Their alliance charter states "we can do what we like to who we like" or words to that effect.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Brunhidden on December 17, 2007, 10:25:28 AM
would there be any point to send you troops? or would the soldiers of other nations not even be enough to dent the onslaught?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 17, 2007, 11:17:03 AM
not especially.

As I'd need ~20,000 troops to break even. That's out of range of everyone except Tez and Kasarn, and would seriously unbalance them as well. Plus I only have one aid port open...

And you can't send that many troops anyway, I think.

As it stands, I've dropped something on the order of 17 million worth in less than 24 hours. Which sucks, mightily - 6 million of infra, roughly, if not more, 35 levels of tech, 17,000 troops, 1000 tanks, and some unknown stretch of land - I don't know because I didn't calculate it this morning.

And someone else from their alliance, also 32k strength, has decided to lay into me, too. So the cost has gone up again...

OTOH, we have a merger offer from Dave654 over at - I'll be talking to them about possible mutual defense pacts...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 17, 2007, 07:21:40 PM
And this is why people should keep a few days worth of income on hand at all times... :animesweat

(It's not so hard... just don't spend anything for a few days and resolve not to touch your stash except in times of emergency.)

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 17, 2007, 11:17:03 AM
OTOH, we have a merger offer from Dave654 over at - I'll be talking to them about possible mutual defense pacts...

We're actually pretty well matched in terms of alliance strength, but I have to wonder what shape an MDP between two small alliances would take. I seriously doubt it would prevent raiding, which is the main problem. Most raiders these days are the "2 ground attacks and peace agreement" type anyway, and they're unlikely to check MDP webs among small alliances unless we're heavy enough combined to register as a bloc. Retaliating against raiders usually does more harm then good.

I'll admit, though, that I'm curious as to the identities of these "large allies" to whom Dave repeatedly refers. :3

Here's the original merger request, in case only llearch and I received it...

Quote from: Dave654
I come to you today to offer a position at SofaCommandos. We too have been under attack by these piss ant Alliances that are looking to Tech raid and want peace so you don't attack them. This is getting old, and would like to merge your Alliance into SofaCommandos for both of our protection. We are peaceful until attacked, we defend our own, and have many large allies. Please advise your decision.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 17, 2007, 09:50:37 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on December 17, 2007, 07:21:40 PM
And this is why people should keep a few days worth of income on hand at all times... :animesweat

*cough* I'll do that, now, but it's so nice to be able to spend it all in one go... ;-]

As for Dave - He responded with much the same reasoning as you. With much the same agreement on my part. OTOH, I can't really see us all signing up to someone else's alliance in someone else's forum...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on December 18, 2007, 01:22:46 AM
It's like you said earlier, we're an alliance of friends with a common interest. Like i said earlier mergeing is like selling out. If we could form a bloc maybe this could work...however i know not of how many alliances it takes. Anyway LLearch you've done a good job leading us thus far and I'll follow you in you decisions no matter the outcome.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Brunhidden on December 18, 2007, 03:08:27 AM
groups of common interest?

too bad we cant just round up schmucks from every comic forum and form some kind of webcomic empire
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on December 18, 2007, 03:22:10 AM
......don't tempt me :)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 20, 2007, 10:25:08 PM

Just a note for those of you nearing the 1k infra mark... The increase in infra maintenance jumps by a fair bit at that point, so you'll be losing money unless you save up at 999.99 and then buy a hundred or so infra in one go. (It varies depending on resources and improvements. If I recall correctly, the break-even point for me was around 1080 infra.)

Also, 28% is always the best tax rate (unless you have Social Security, in which case it's 30% :animesweat).

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on December 20, 2007, 10:43:06 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on December 20, 2007, 10:25:08 PM

Just a note for those of you nearing the 1k infra mark... The increase in infra maintenance jumps by a fair bit at that point, so you'll be losing money unless you save up at 999.99 and then buy a hundred or so infra in one go. (It varies depending on resources and improvements. If I recall correctly, the break-even point for me was around 1080 infra.)

Also, 28% is always the best tax rate (unless you have Social Security, in which case it's 30% :animesweat).

Ah, the joys of 104.99 infra.  :)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on December 23, 2007, 03:51:26 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on December 20, 2007, 10:25:08 PM

Just a note for those of you nearing the 1k infra mark... The increase in infra maintenance jumps by a fair bit at that point, so you'll be losing money unless you save up at 999.99 and then buy a hundred or so infra in one go. (It varies depending on resources and improvements. If I recall correctly, the break-even point for me was around 1080 infra.)

Also, 28% is always the best tax rate (unless you have Social Security, in which case it's 30% :animesweat).
Thank you for the timely warning, I took the liberty of my nation's two-week "anniversary" and a thoughtful aid offer from Kasarn (Thank you!) to bump up past the point.

Again, if there is anything I can help, feel free to ask.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 26, 2007, 05:30:24 AM
Incidentally, we now have two nuclear-capable LW nations.

Just in case you were wondering. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 26, 2007, 06:23:48 AM
Go into War Mode
$15000 + 750 copper for 15000 soldiers
$262500 + 1050 iron for 3500 ground assault units
$2250000 + 450 aluminium for 450 orbital assault fighters
$750000 + 1 uranium for 1 nuke

Depending on how quickly you arm your colony, it'll only take somewhere between 15-45 real days to earn it back :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 26, 2007, 12:02:38 PM

Did you take into account the increased costs of supporting those troops?
0.75/LD per soldier, or 45000 per real day,
6.5/LD per GA, or 91000 per real day,
26/LD per fighter, or 46800 per real day,
and, what, 40k for the nuke, didn't you say? 10k/day support?

I make it on the order of 202800 per real day. If we remove the costs already encountered in the troops I have on hand (6615 S, 10 GA, 100 OF, 0 N, for 30505/RD) that's 48073.75/LD - which is, to my understanding, more than half the improvement in income at this level. (I get 15-20k/LD in grants. You?)

While I can collect the cash fairly rapidly, it's a lot of money to spend for negligible returns, as I see it. While your strength leaps up rapidly... mine doesn't -need- to. And I'm -still- overtaking all of you as far as AI goes. ;-]

I figure, I can push AI until I reach, oh, 1400 or so, and then look at concentrating on adding housing. And then, when I reach some sort of balance point where I'm bored, I can build up war stocks and drop into war mode. After adding some stocks of uranium as a cash storage.... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 26, 2007, 07:50:56 PM
And here I though that :P indicated a level of humour. I GUESS I WAS WRONG.

From my current collection values
Upkeep in war mode is
5.52/ground assault unit
22.10/orbital fighter

$75380 grants (war mode) - $15076 grants (base) = $60304 grants (extra)
$52323 military - $4300.5 (peace mode soldier cost) = $48022.5
$60304 - $48022.5 = $12281.5

$3277500/$12281.5 = 266.86 collections / 4 = 66.72 days
When did I go into War Mode? :<

Of course, you don't have to buy a full military straight away. At the absolute quickest.
$3277500/$60304 = 54.4 collections / 4 = 13.6 days

Of course, I haven't added in the hidden cost of your military deployment increasing with each AI level. Having just bought 10AI, here's what I spent (I currently have double my maximum deployment)

$399 on 399 soldiers
$4650 on 62 GA
$30000 on 6 OF
Total $35049

And the cost of minerals
399 soldiers = 19.95 copper
62 GA = 18.6 iron
6 OF = 6 aluminium

Assuming you would sell them for $100 each, that's $4455

Assuming you only buy AI every 10 collections
$3504.9 + $445.5 = $3950.4

$12281.5 - $3950.4 = $8331.1

*insert money sound here: ching ching ching ching ching*

*no applause*

*crickets chirp*

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 26, 2007, 09:54:31 PM
A whole 8000/LD? Man, how long would you have to save that up to reach the 3 million plus cost of buying troops? ;-]

In return for... well, for being available for all the morons out there to attack? I think I've been kicked enough in CN. It's making me paranoid, I suspect, and unlikely to catch jokes. :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 29, 2007, 01:29:00 PM

CN take just reached $2,000,650.11 today. \o/

Sadly the bills are at $827,963.56, but hey. ;-]

And LW just passed $100,400 in available loans. Pity it's utterly useless... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Brunhidden on December 31, 2007, 09:01:34 AM
random question- is attacking unafiliated countries prohibited, inadviseable, advised, or suggested?

QuoteGive me a sock with a brick in it and i=I can change the world one idiot at a time
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on January 02, 2008, 02:32:34 AM

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 29, 2007, 01:29:00 PM

CN take just reached $2,000,650.11 today. \o/

Sadly the bills are at $827,963.56, but hey. ;-]

And LW just passed $100,400 in available loans. Pity it's utterly useless... ;-]

Gratz! :mowcookie

My bills are over $2.2 million (and they shot up to $2.5 million after a longtime trading partner dropped me without even a word of warning). :dface

I've had no luck with nukes on the LW front. After about half a dozen tries, I don't even have the first core constructed. :<

Quote from: Brunhidden on December 31, 2007, 09:01:34 AM
random question- is attacking unafiliated countries prohibited, inadviseable, advised, or suggested?

It could be entertaining, even if it isn't very nice... :animesweat

After the tech changes, raiding isn't really worth it for anything but the lulz these days, and attacking inactives (13+ days) won't get you any lewt at all.

We don't have an official policy on raiding. Our alliance has been quite laissez faire about that sort of thing. If you get yourself into trouble, you're on your own, and shouldn't expect military or financial assistance. A few of us have, historically, been a tad aggressive in borrowing things from other nations without asking. It caused diplomatic headaches for us up at the top when said victims had friends in high places.

Don't attack anyone with an alliance affiliation. Larger alliances have rules on what exactly constitutes an alliance (need at least x member nations or total nation strength, for instance), but I think it's rather hypocritical for a micro-alliance like ours to judge the validity of other small groups of friends.

If you do raid someone, always send a peace offer after you attack. (It will be cancelled automatically if they counterattack.) I'd recommend limiting your foray to a pair of ground strikes, even if they don't respond immediately.

By the way, you don't have your tax rate set at 28% yet. That's just silly. Raising taxes will help your growth more than random raiding.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on January 13, 2008, 08:34:16 PM
Anyone doing anything now?  Everyone's gotten rather quiet.  Oh and I finally got my good trade setup back again.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 13, 2008, 10:32:02 PM
Nothing unusual. Just recovering, more or less, from the previous setbacks.

I believe Tez and Kasarn were pondering doing tech trades and handing it all to a bank somewhere. I'm still up for being a bank, if someone wants to start organising that...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on January 14, 2008, 07:06:15 AM
Yeah, I need techs...

I fell waaay out of the top 5% and need to build back up. :3 There didn't seem to be that much interest in my grand tech banking plan when I proposed it, though...

I've had some really bad luck with trading partners over the last few months. Like this one guy who just dropped yesterday. He was really nice and even interested in getting a tech trade. Then... a few days after he accepts my trade and my bribe money, he attacks his own alliance for no reason, gets ZIed for it, and quits the game. Go figure. :animesweat

Other than that, all quiet on this front.

Oh, and before I forget... best merge request evar:

Quote from: Queen Elizabeth X
Hi, I'm Lizzy from the United Purple Nations, and I'm an alcoholic...just kidding. Actually, I wanted to know if your alliance wanted to merge with the UPN? I'd really like if you'd at least get back to me. We are a fun alliance, I'm the funnest tho...:) Please don't be mad at me for asking...I'm the new UPN Minister of's my job!!! :) Plus, ima sweet girl, so if you get mad, I'll just cry...:P Anyway, if you could get back to be that'd be dandy!!!!! :) Lizzy...

We still have an embassy on the UPN forums, right?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 14, 2008, 07:57:51 AM
That we do.

Shall I post there? ;-]

The problem when you proposed your grand tech banking plan was that everyone was tapped out for aid, and we then got slammed, IIRC, with a bunch of tech raiders...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on January 14, 2008, 09:29:54 AM
We could just buy tech for each other.

For example, I send $3m to the tech farm and then
@ $3m / 50 tech, they send 50 tech to Tezkat
@ $1.5 / 50 tech, they send 50 tech to Tezkat and either llearch or Valynth
@ $1m / 50 tech, they send 50 tech to Tezkat, llearch and Valynth
@ $750k / 50 tech (w/Foreign Ministry), they send 50 tech to Tezkat, llearch, Valynth and probably Arcalane

Likely $1.5m/50 tech (or just leave the choice up to them). Repeat as desired.

Unless, of course, this is what you meant by "banking". I'm too lazy to look back.

edit: also, you can vote for me or Tezkat in the Purple Senate... it's probably not a good idea to do so, but I just thought I'd mention it :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 14, 2008, 08:23:21 PM
I still have 50 tech from the previous trade, as is willing to continue, at least until when it would be more profitable to buy (Still long off).

PS - I casted the 1 vote Tezkat has already =.=
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on January 16, 2008, 10:43:47 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on January 14, 2008, 09:29:54 AM
We could just buy tech for each other.

That's sort of what I had in mind. Basically, since we're likely to be the only two guys sending money down, I thought we would have dedicated bankers to avoid the fuss of having to work out middlemen for every transaction.

At any rate, if anyone's up for sending some tech up, I've got monies. Just say the word. :3

In other news, there's a guy ( asking for our forum coordinates. I don't know if it's such a good idea to make this place public... Should we maybe send a diplomat his way instead?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on January 16, 2008, 11:04:58 PM
ask his intentions....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on January 17, 2008, 12:04:53 AM
Yeah, I did. They do have their own forums (, if diplomatic relations are indeed what they're after. They've got roughly the same total NS as we do, albeit spread over a lot more nations.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 17, 2008, 04:39:43 AM
I'll wander over his way, and open up diplomatic relations.

And explain that they're welcome to come visit our forums, but given the numbers (700+ users, 11 of whom play CN, and 3351 topics in 17 boards.. and only one topic for CN) it's probably a waste of their time...

Incidentally, just passed 1 million in bills. Woot! ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 17, 2008, 08:10:48 PM
Just a quick question, which alliances do we have contact (ie they recognize us as an alliance) and what stances they have with us and us to them? It's a bit difficult to keep track of this politics. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 17, 2008, 08:30:35 PM
We have talked to a whole bunch. So far... no agreements with any of them, other than noting that we exist.

The list of people to whom we have spoken is:
Dark Nation Federation
Auxiliary Army
United Purple Nations
The Allegiance
Sofa Commandos

Most have said they're willing to talk about not beating each other up. I think that's about as far as we've got - I've posted an opening post in each forum, and check back every so often, but nobody has taken me up on it in any of them.

note that some of these forums have since collapsed or moved.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 25, 2008, 04:55:07 AM
Heh. I seem to have dropped 3000 civilians over night.

Any ideas why?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on January 25, 2008, 07:57:02 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 25, 2008, 04:55:07 AM
Heh. I seem to have dropped 3000 civilians over night.

Any ideas why?

I'd assume that it's because you lost a trade.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 25, 2008, 11:21:55 AM
... Ok, now imagine I'm responding with a Witt-style blue streak. Nuts.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on January 25, 2008, 07:30:43 PM
It's possible that an event wore off. I once lost ~1k pop to an event wearing out. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 25, 2008, 08:08:18 PM
Nope. I checked events. Need to figure out what the guy had, and get it back. or at least something like it...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on January 26, 2008, 01:07:19 AM
Do you guys still get events? I haven't seen one in months. :B

By the way, it's a good idea to check on your trading partners once a week or so, just so you don't get any nasty surprises like that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 26, 2008, 01:53:06 PM
Heh. Only one of my trading partners is outside the alliance. We'll see - I've already asked someone else, and there's a list of possibles I can ask after that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on January 27, 2008, 04:09:12 AM
I wish I had in-alliance trades again. Replacing my trading partners every month or two is getting to be a real pain. :B

Then again, we're about to lose Danny and his friend. And they're carrying so much juicy tech, too... :dface

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 27, 2008, 04:24:18 AM
I was wrong. The newest of my trades is out-alliance, to an Invicta member.

That one has been stable for 159 days. The others are 183, 327, and 359 days.

I'll see if I can corner Danny and get him to log back in.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on January 27, 2008, 11:36:37 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on January 26, 2008, 01:07:19 AM
Do you guys still get events? I haven't seen one in months. :B

Me either. LW events seem just as rare.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on January 27, 2008, 02:56:23 PM
Weird you guys would be talking about this. I just got an event for the first time!  c:

Hooray +%15 population!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 27, 2008, 05:51:26 PM
Envy. That's a very very good one. Ride it for all it's worth.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on January 28, 2008, 01:13:13 AM
I have 2 events running right now, both a +3 happiness and a +2 happiness event.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on January 28, 2008, 04:40:16 PM
Quote from: Cogidubnus on January 27, 2008, 02:56:23 PM
Weird you guys would be talking about this. I just got an event for the first time!  c:

Hooray +%15 population!

Damn. That's pretty much the best event there is. Take this time to invest heavily in infra and grab all the bonus improvements you can while it lasts.

It occurs to me that events might simply stop after a nation reaches a certain size. I used to have at least one event (usually a drought :animesweat) active at all times during my first few months... and then they just trickled down and stopped entirely. I never did get that sweet +15% pop event. At my size, it would boost income by nearly a million a day.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on February 01, 2008, 05:53:47 PM nation has never had an event.....never.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Brunhidden on February 01, 2008, 07:48:01 PM
i had one, i think it was a two week anniversary

QuoteMy beard is on fire.... cool
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on February 01, 2008, 08:43:04 PM
Quote from: Brunhidden on February 01, 2008, 07:48:01 PM
i had one, i think it was a two week anniversary

Those are set bonuses. I think they're at 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 180 days and 365 days. It's usually a good idea to skip collecting for a few days so you can take advantage of them.

However, whether you get the bonus on the day or the day after (e.g. the 90th day or 91st day) depends on whether you created your nation before or after midday.

edit: Hooray, I got an event!
Quote2/4/2008 - 3/5/2008
A widespread viral infection has spread among your populace. Should you take action?
Option 1: Allow the outbreak to run its course. Citizen count -15%
Option 2: Send in soldiers to every community within your nation to contain the outbreak. Population happiness -3
No Response. Population happiness -4
Oh wait, that's not good. That's not good at all :c
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on February 07, 2008, 01:09:42 AM
Woo! Top five!  :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on February 25, 2008, 09:59:02 PM
( (

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Joe3210 on March 07, 2008, 05:55:49 AM
I'm having my first lunar war.  Now what? :mowdizzy

Edit:  Thanks for the aid.  Now to do some stuff.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 07, 2008, 06:45:36 AM
Well, you -could- invite some friends in to play with him.

Not I, but perhaps some of the other heavier colonies might want to step in...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Joe3210 on March 07, 2008, 06:57:50 AM
That sounds like a very good idea.  I'll do that if the war goes badly.

Edit:  Dangit, I'm out of range.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on March 07, 2008, 08:50:17 PM
I see they invited a friend. You are outgunned, so you should just throw missiles at them; that's basically what they're there for.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Joe3210 on March 08, 2008, 10:13:54 AM
Righto :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on March 08, 2008, 01:24:19 PM
That's just sad.  They started the war and couldn't handle it so had to get someone bigger in to help.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 09, 2008, 06:30:00 AM
I think I'm outside of the skull-crushing range (I have about twice the MS of both of them with non-wartime forces) sadly, else I'd step in. :B

ED: Nevermind, I am! Tatooine2's airforce has been ANNIHILATED with no losses recieved.

Booze Land is outside my thumping range, though. Jigsaw/Jekkal may be within range to bust his skull but that's up to them.

'sides, even if I get demolished by their higher-ups, it's only internet moon colonies, so w/e.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 09, 2008, 06:45:16 AM
I wonder how they'd react if we alliance war declared on that one person... ;-]

Incidentally: Tez, how much would you say someone needs to bounce past the expensive area just after 5k infra  on CN? 100 or so infra levels?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Joe3210 on March 09, 2008, 09:31:27 PM
Quote from: Arcalane on March 09, 2008, 06:30:00 AM
It's only internet moon colonies, so w/e.
Well, I'm taking a week off to keep things in perspective.

Then back to care-bear mode after payday.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on March 10, 2008, 02:52:54 AM
I believe I've convinced VaderJ/Tatooine 2 to call off his attacks. If I see any more, things will not be so... pleasant for him.

Booze Land remains unconvinced and I doubt I can coerce him by assaulting his ally. For now, back to Lunar Peace Mode.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 11, 2008, 10:53:46 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 09, 2008, 06:45:16 AM
Incidentally: Tez, how much would you say someone needs to bounce past the expensive area just after 5k infra  on CN? 100 or so infra levels?

They changed it a few months back to significantly reduce the maintenance increase at 5k+. The 5k infra jump is barely noticeable now. I'd say you're probably past it already, though it's a bit hard to tell (since I already had a few wonders when I did my calculations.)

In other news... I'm flying out this afternoon to deal with some family business and won't have much in way of net access for the next two weeks. (They don't even have a computer where I'm staying, let alone a series of tubes to the internets. I can't believe we're related. :animesweat) I'm still debating whether or not to engage hippy mode. The 5+ day economic penalty for peace mode is as bad as anarchy, so I'd lose a full two weeks of growth, and there's still a chance I could stop by a cybercafe somewhere to collect taxes every now and then.

On the other hand... someone started taking out my nuke arsenal through spy ops a few days ago. I didn't have enough spies to expose him. I dumped most of this month's wonder budget on spies, and he didn't come back. It's got me a bit jumpy trying to figure out if it was a prelude to attack or just some twit fighting nuclear proliferation for the lulz. Either way, it's annoying. Unless I get my hands on a whole lot more tech, I don't stand much chance of getting back into range to buy more, so the few I have left will be gone for good once they're used/destroyed.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 11, 2008, 11:59:04 AM
They've upped the needed tech for nukes?

Nuts. I guess we'll have to go on without.

Incidentally, should we look at bringing the tech farming back into vogue? We seem to have let that slide of late...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 11, 2008, 12:17:09 PM
It's not a tech requirement, per se, but you need to be in the top 5%. I'm almost down to 7% right now, and the other top nations are advancing fast enough that even if I decided to forgo wonders, etc. and just built nothing but infra, I'd never catch up. Short of blowing $100 mil on the nuke wonder, tech is the only thing sufficiently NS dense to put me back in the running.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 11, 2008, 12:25:37 PM
Ah. :-/

Oh, well. I guess we should go back to pumping our nations up, then. At least infra-wise.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 25, 2008, 03:08:30 PM
I note that canadianbacon is idle on LW as well.

I should point out here, I'm up to the second page on LW when sorting by AI. Sadly, I'm down at 33-36 or so. So I don't think I'm gonna move up anytime soon - there's a -big- step up from here.

And there's a -big- step at just over 1500 AI, too.

Also, I'm pulling down just under 5 million on CN, and paying over 2 million in taxes. Yeee.

I'd go collecting tech, but I'm happy pushing infra at present.

Anyone else?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on March 25, 2008, 10:16:03 PM
In LW, I'm earning $300-340k at the moment. I'm aiming to buy my second Neural Network. Housing would cost the same and would probably get me to the next Improvement... but, meh.

My CN income
$6,713,109.90 - $2,380,519.434 = $4,332,590.476

In NationStates, my nation was a Moralistic Democracy for a few hours. That's a change.
QuoteMonday, 24 March 2008 8:20 PM: The Unicorn Glades of Seerfir was reclassified from "Moralistic Democracy" to "Inoffensive Centrist Democracy"
Monday, 24 March 2008 4:55 PM: The Unicorn Glades of Seerfir was reclassified from "Democratic Socialists" to "Moralistic Democracy"
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2008, 04:28:33 AM
Heh. I now have -three- CN events concurrently. Just like buses...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on March 26, 2008, 05:13:06 AM
I had three for a short while...
The bad one I mentioned above (,2237.msg175100.html#msg175100) (expired early this month).

Quote3/2/2008 - 4/1/2008: Your economy is in a deep recession. Your government leaders have been asked for an official response.
Option 2: Lower interest rates. Population happiness +2
Quote2/21/2008 - 3/22/2008 *Expired* : An unexpected drop in the price of oil per barrel has surprised your nation. Should you take action?
Option 2: Buy surplus oil and release it directly to the public. Population happiness +3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 06, 2008, 05:02:43 AM

With the recent change in LW, I now have over 1.6 million available as a loan. And, since the interest is only 3%, it's a lot more attractive.

In other news, I just bought my first wonder. Woot. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on April 07, 2008, 03:13:28 PM
i take it my nation was deleted while i was recovering fom internet od?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 07, 2008, 05:32:32 PM
Probably. If you're talking CN, you've got three weeks and then you're gone. :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 10, 2008, 02:41:15 AM

Is there a reason Kasarn's CN nation is all sharp and pointy now? Are we in some kind of imminent danger that I'll need to build up again for? :dface

I had to drop a bunch of troops. I'd planned to have just enough cash left over to buy a new wonder and make the bonus retroactive by two weeks, but sorta eyeballed the initial calculations and came up slightly short with full military bills.

By the way, anyone want to sell me some technologies? My government's new tax on online porn sites has left me with much spending money... :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 10, 2008, 03:31:46 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 10, 2008, 02:41:15 AM

Is there a reason Kasarn's CN nation is all sharp and pointy now? Are we in some kind of imminent danger that I'll need to build up again for? :dface

TPF was selling cookies :D
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 10, 2008, 05:48:10 AM

Incidentally, I just purchased last week my first wonder, have now saved up almost enough spare cash to cover me for a bit, and am about ot go back into building mode.

Whatever happened to the tech transfer thingy we were all looking at? I suspect I'm at the stage where I can now cough up 9 million without straining (whereas last time around, it would have taken me two weeks to save it up - there's a -big- growth spurt around 4k infra, where you buy all the hospitals and clinics - it's now a couple of days)...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 12, 2008, 02:44:18 PM
Well, I'm still around; I still have 50 tech which someone paid for which nobody claimed. At this point I probably could just send it to the people who paid for it, except that with the trading ring seemingly going to open up again; I would rather not risk delaying the process longer by fiddling with rules I'm not familiar with (namely, the restriction(s) on aid).
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2008, 05:49:39 PM
I think it was supposed to end up with the "tech bank"

Since which time the rules have changed a bit, and it's probably not safe to collect lots of tech, because you get tech raided...

In other news, in LW: AI Cost Without Discount $465,506

IOW, 4 million for 10 levels of.

Mind the curb at 1600. *wince*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on April 14, 2008, 08:54:17 AM
Chaos and strife promote evolution and advancement! :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 14, 2008, 10:25:25 AM
*votes ShadesFox for lunar overlord because I can :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 14, 2008, 10:43:57 AM
All Hail our New Overlord. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 17, 2008, 03:49:06 AM
So I was looking at the LW election again...

What's up with the dates?

edit: CN
QuoteRevolutionary Government - Your people approve of this form of government but the majority of your people would prefer something else.They wish to be ruled by the people themselves and more specifically do not want to be ruled by a royal family.
(Next Available Change 4/15/2008)
Whut? (edit: nvm, Republic... I'm a dumbass, hurrhurr)

Also, lol TPF
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 17, 2008, 10:11:24 AM
I've posted a bugrep on the forum.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 17, 2008, 02:08:29 PM
Quote from: Darkdragon on April 12, 2008, 02:44:18 PM
Well, I'm still around; I still have 50 tech which someone paid for which nobody claimed. At this point I probably could just send it to the people who paid for it, except that with the trading ring seemingly going to open up again; I would rather not risk delaying the process longer by fiddling with rules I'm not familiar with (namely, the restriction(s) on aid).

Well... I'll buy as much as your selling. It looks like most of us are a bit too big now for my earlier tech farming scheme to be viable, but I'm uncomfortably close to the threshold where a few ground attacks could nerf my air force capabilities. I can donate a bit of uranium to anyone who wants to borrow it without asking. >:] Since the new NS formula axed military bloat, I doubt I'll ever have much chance of getting back into nuke range, though. Wonder if I should splurge on a Manhattan Project next month... >:]

Quote from: Kasarn on April 17, 2008, 03:49:06 AM
Also, lol TPF

Um... what happened? Did they run out of peanut butter patties? :dface

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 17, 2008, 07:41:42 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 17, 2008, 02:08:29 PM
Quote from: Darkdragon on April 12, 2008, 02:44:18 PM
Well, I'm still around; I still have 50 tech which someone paid for which nobody claimed. At this point I probably could just send it to the people who paid for it, except that with the trading ring seemingly going to open up again; I would rather not risk delaying the process longer by fiddling with rules I'm not familiar with (namely, the restriction(s) on aid).

Well... I'll buy as much as your selling. It looks like most of us are a bit too big now for my earlier tech farming scheme to be viable, but I'm uncomfortably close to the threshold where a few ground attacks could nerf my air force capabilities. I can donate a bit of uranium to anyone who wants to borrow it without asking. >:] Since the new NS formula axed military bloat, I doubt I'll ever have much chance of getting back into nuke range, though. Wonder if I should splurge on a Manhattan Project next month... >:]
I have no sense for how much the tech is worth, name a price, I'll probably accept it and hope you're not undercutting me. (PS: I won't survive with tactics like that in the real world)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on April 17, 2008, 11:34:53 PM
Quote from: Darkdragon on April 17, 2008, 07:41:42 PM
I have no sense for how much the tech is worth, name a price, I'll probably accept it and hope you're not undercutting me. (PS: I won't survive with tactics like that in the real world)

Providing you have 50 tech, the most you can buy for 3m is 200 tech.
Well, that's assuming that 50 tech costs 750k or less... I can't remember if it does or not, but it's certainly somewhere in that area.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 18, 2008, 06:51:29 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on April 17, 2008, 07:41:42 PM
I have no sense for how much the tech is worth, name a price, I'll probably accept it and hope you're not undercutting me. (PS: I won't survive with tactics like that in the real world)

Let's see...

It would cost me nearly $5 million to buy 50 tech on my own. It would cost you around $850k to go from 0-50 and $1.4 mil to go from 50-100. The going rate, last I checked (which, admitedly, was a while back), was around $1.1 mil for 50 tech. We used to run $1.5 mil per 50 tech in this alliance.

I could keep feeding you $3 mil for packages of 50 or 100 tech until we get bored or you decide that you want to grow beyond the point at which tech trading remains profitable. If we had enough intermediaries, we could do something like 2 x $3 million down and 3 x 50 tech up every 11 days.

Your survival strategy still works if you target bored rich guys. :mowtongue
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 18, 2008, 07:24:52 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 18, 2008, 06:51:29 AM
Your survival strategy still works if you target bored rich guys. :mowtongue

Of which there are at least two in this alliance. ;-]

While I'm here, Tez, any suggestions for what I should go for for the second Wonder? I'm thinking something like Interstate or something around the 45m mark.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 18, 2008, 08:51:16 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 18, 2008, 07:24:52 AM
While I'm here, Tez, any suggestions for what I should go for for the second Wonder? I'm thinking something like Interstate or something around the 45m mark.

I'm holding off on the Interstate purchase, myself. It's great if you're buying mostly infra, but I'm currently just growing my war chest and spending over 1/4 of my monthly income on wonders (more like 1/2 when I started buying them). So it's too expensive for what it delivers. It is on my short list for future purchases, though.

Social Security is the largest overall income booster unless your tax income is quite low, since it bumps your total revenue up by more than 7%. Most people take that as a first wonder.

The Stock Market is the best value for your money, since the net effect is identical to the +5 Happiness wonders for $5 million less.

The $35 million Happiness boosters (Great Monument, Great Temple, Internet) all have identical effects (+5 Happiness). The income boost from those is generally superior to the other buffs until your tax income is well over $100/citizen.

The other wonders are mostly for purposes other than income, or as a second tier of income boosters once you have the ones above. I grabbed the National Research Lab in the hopes that the extra military bloat would give me that last push back into nuke purchase range. Oops. :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 18, 2008, 09:44:51 AM
Given I'm taking in just over $101pp now, it sounds like my next five are, in order, social security, stock market, then the 35m ones that I haven't taken already.

Sounds like a plan.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 18, 2008, 08:11:26 PM
In that case, are there anybody willing to take on as being intermediates?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 19, 2008, 02:00:52 PM
Ah, nuts. Someone has decided to attack me.


Do I have a bloody great target on my back or something?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 19, 2008, 03:38:22 PM
I'd help you llearch, but I'm under attack as well.

Feel free to help out.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 19, 2008, 04:18:18 PM
It's probably the attack on Kasarn. People monitor battle traffic looking for tasty targets.

Were these mostly polite "2 ground attacks and a peace offer" raids, or are these guys making a bigger mess?

At any rate... Do either of you guys need monies to help you through these trying times?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 19, 2008, 04:35:32 PM
I don't care about "politeness" the point is they freaking attacked me out of the blue with no provocation.  We should at least be responding, and I don't mean a "strongly worder letter."  If we let these guys through unscathed, others will come as you said and raid us because we look juicy.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 19, 2008, 04:44:35 PM
Oh, look. There are -three- of them on me now.

One of whom is the leader of his alliance. Most entertaining. And the other is reasonably high, since he owns their forum.

Two of them have offered peace after hitting me once. Bastards.

As for monies, I've got 25m lying about. The major problem with that is when they win, they get 1m in loose change from the back of the couch. :-/

The two that didn't offer immediately got two missiles in return. Catch.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 19, 2008, 05:12:33 PM

Meh... my point was that the actual damage from a typical raid is on the order of a day or two of income, so the ones who offer peace up front are usually more of an annoyance not worth pursuing.

From the look of it, most of these raiders are TPF associates who are acting with impunity because they have one of the game's largest and most aggressive alliances backing them.

I have to say, though... I am actually bored enough with CN to seek entertainment in hopeless battles.

All in favour of going out in a blaze of glory and lulz against alliances ten times our size? >:]

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 19, 2008, 05:29:31 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 19, 2008, 05:12:33 PM

Meh... my point was that the actual damage from a typical raid is on the order of a day or two of income, so the ones who offer peace up front are usually more of an annoyance not worth pursuing.

From the look of it, most of these raiders are TPF associates who are acting with impunity because they have one of the game's largest and most aggressive alliances backing them.

I have to say, though... I am actually bored enough with CN to seek entertainment in hopeless battles.

All in favour of going out in a blaze of glory and lulz against alliances ten times our size? >:]

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 19, 2008, 05:51:49 PM
... yeah, why not?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2008, 05:32:13 AM
Ah, I love sane opponents.

From: rabonnobar    4/18/2008 11:58:18 PM Subject: War Declared!
    for the following reason: raid
From: rabonnobar    4/19/2008 12:06:12 AM Subject: Battle Report
    -5,154 soldiers -1,724 tanks. +3,436 soldiers +395 tanks. -34.378 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: rabonnobar    4/19/2008 12:07:52 AM Subject: Battle Report
    -6,620 soldiers -636 tanks. +4,413 soldiers +444 tanks. -33.002 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
To: rannobar    4/19/2008 6:17:54 AM Subject: Cruise Missile Attack
    +0 tanks +2.00 tech, +10.00 infra
To: rannobar    4/19/2008 6:18:05 AM Subject: Cruise Missile Attack
    +0 tanks +2.00 tech, +10.00 infra.
From: TwistedRebelDB47    4/19/2008 1:02:57 PM Subject: War Declared!
    reason: Swingin like a battleaxe
From: zoomzoomzoom    4/19/2008 1:02:59 PM Subject: War Declared!
    reason: tech raid
From: Unknown Sender    4/19/2008 1:11:30 PM Subject: Spy Operation Attack
    change your DEFCON to level 4.
From: zoomzoomzoom    4/19/2008 1:12:05 PM Subject: Battle Report
    -0 soldiers -0 tanks. +0 soldiers +0 tanks. -0.000 land, -0.000 tech, -0.000 infra. -$0.00 +$0.00 Draw.
From: zoomzoomzoom    4/19/2008 1:12:57 PM Subject: Battle Report
    -21,024 soldiers -2,564 tanks. +12,515 soldiers +1,683 tanks. -31.682 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: TwistedRebelDB47    4/19/2008 1:13:32 PM Subject: Battle Report
    -5,039 soldiers -620 tanks. +3,359 soldiers +323 tanks. -30.415 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: TwistedRebelDB47    4/19/2008 1:13:46 PM Subject: Battle Report
    -2,971 soldiers -151 tanks. +3,519 soldiers +816 tanks. -0.000 land, -0.000 tech, -0.000 infra. -$0.00 +$1,000,000.00 Victory.
From: TwistedRebelDB47    4/19/2008 1:15:12 PM Subject: Peace Offer
    reason: Cessation of Hostilities
To: TwistedRebelDB47    4/19/2008 3:03:25 PM Subject: Peace Offer
    reason: Cessation of Hostilities
From: rabonnobar    4/19/2008 3:35:22 PM Subject: Peace Offer
    reason: accept and you wont get nuked
To: rabonnobar    4/19/2008 3:36:17 PM Subject: Peace Offer
    reason: Cessation of Hostilities
To: zoomzoomzoom    4/19/2008 3:36:50 PM Subject: Cruise Missile Attack
    +10 tanks +2.00 tech, +10.00 infra.
To: zoomzoomzoom    4/19/2008 3:37:05 PM Subject: Cruise Missile Attack
    +10 tanks +2.00 tech, +10.00 infra.
From: zoomzoomzoom    4/19/2008 11:39:16 PM Subject: Cruise Missile Attack
    -15 tanks -2.50 tech, -15.00 infra.
From: zoomzoomzoom    4/19/2008 11:40:52 PM Subject: Cruise Missile Attack
    -15 tanks -2.50 tech, -15.00 infra.
From: pooksland    4/19/2008 11:53:33 PM Subject: War Declared!
    reason: i am with zoom
From: TwistedRebelDB47    4/19/2008 11:55:43 PM Subject: War Declared!
    reason: In defense of Darth Clinton
From: TwistedRebelDB47    4/19/2008 11:56:58 PM Subject: Battle Report
    -16,086 soldiers -3,521 tanks. +4,596 soldiers +20 tanks. -29.198 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: TwistedRebelDB47    4/19/2008 11:57:21 PM Subject: Battle Report
    -5,159 soldiers -91 tanks. +6,088 soldiers +18 tanks. -0.000 land, -0.000 tech, -0.000 infra. -$0.00 +$1,000,000.00 Victory.
From: pooksland    4/19/2008 11:58:06 PM Subject: Battle Report
    -11,390 soldiers -492 tanks. +3,833 soldiers +1,145 tanks. -28.031 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$774,196.56 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: pooksland    4/19/2008 11:58:21 PM Subject: Battle Report
    -3,490 soldiers -70 tanks. +3,512 soldiers +47 tanks. -26.909 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: zoomzoomzoom    4/20/2008 12:01:09 AM Subject: Battle Report
    -2,837 soldiers -75 tanks. +3,077 soldiers +204 tanks. -25.833 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: zoomzoomzoom    4/20/2008 12:04:17 AM Subject: Battle Report
    -1,422 soldiers -31 tanks. +2,133 soldiers +31 tanks. -24.800 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: pooksland    4/20/2008 12:04:57 AM Subject: Battle Report
    -755 soldiers -31 tanks. +503 soldiers +84 tanks. -23.808 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: pooksland    4/20/2008 12:05:20 AM Subject: Battle Report
    -462 soldiers -17 tanks. +308 soldiers +96 tanks. -22.855 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$841,294.22 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: TwistedRebelDB47    4/20/2008 12:05:38 AM Subject: Battle Report
    -743 soldiers -21 tanks. +567 soldiers +0 tanks. -21.941 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: pooksland    4/20/2008 12:05:48 AM Subject: Peace Offer
    reason: quick hit, save your infra
From: TwistedRebelDB47    4/20/2008 12:05:53 AM Subject: Battle Report
    -479 soldiers -8 tanks. +719 soldiers +1 tanks. -21.063 land, -5.000 tech, -20.000 infra. -$1,000,000.00 +$0.00 Defeat.
From: zoomzoomzoom    4/20/2008 12:06:03 AM Subject: Cruise Missile Attack
    -2 tanks -2.50 tech, -15.00 infra.
From: TwistedRebelDB47    4/20/2008 12:06:57 AM Subject: Peace Offer
    reason: Send peace to all three
From: zoomzoomzoom    4/20/2008 12:08:08 AM Subject: Cruise Missile Attack
    -2 tanks -2.50 tech, -15.00 infra.
From: zoomzoomzoom    4/20/2008 12:10:13 AM Subject: Peace Offer
    reason: should have sent peace
To: TwistedRebelDB47    4/20/2008 3:05:25 AM Subject: Peace Offer
    reason: Cessation of Hostilities
To: pooksland    4/20/2008 3:05:31 AM Subject: Peace Offer
    reason: Cessation of Hostilities
To: zoomzoomzoom    4/20/2008 3:05:36 AM Subject: Peace Offer
    reason: Cessation of Hostilities

I lost: 83631 soldiers, 10086 tanks, 353.915 miles of land, 79 levels of tech, 320 infrastructure, and $12,615,490.78
They lost: 52578 soldiers, 5327 tanks, 8 tech, 40 infrastructure, and $2,000,000.

And let's not forget the two messages sent in the middle of this:

To: llearch    From: zoomzoomzoom    4/19/2008 4:34:27 PM Subject: RE: Cruise Missile Attack

You really shouldn't attack're just going to lose more.....I suggest you send peace or I continue attacking you.
To: zoomzoomzoom    From: llearch    4/20/2008 3:06:55 AM Subject: RE: Cruise Missile Attack

I'm sorry?

You attack, breaching your own alliance rules (section VI, rule 1), don't send peace, and -I- should fold?

Where was that sane, again?

Note also the "declare peace or I nuke you" friendly message in the middle. I'm very tempted to start hacking in order to track down the person in question, delete files off their machine, and start leaving messages like "thankyou for being an asswipe on Cybernations, here's your change" on their hard drive. Instead of things like explorer.exe and chunks of the registry and the like...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: ShadesFox on April 20, 2008, 02:36:31 PM
So I spent most of the weekend away from computers, having to go out of town for a friends wedding.  Imagine my surprise when I return and was the LW admin.  Now, for my post campaign victory speech:

What, what do you mean it already rose?  Friggen AT&T.

That and I start considering starting up CN and look what happens.  Maybe I am the bringer of death and ruin...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 20, 2008, 03:00:00 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2008, 05:32:13 AM
I lost: 83631 soldiers, 10086 tanks, 353.915 miles of land, 79 levels of tech, 320 infrastructure, and $12,615,490.78
They lost: 52578 soldiers, 5327 tanks, 8 tech, 40 infrastructure, and $2,000,000.

Do you mind if I send 50 tech your way to help reconstruction?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2008, 03:46:53 PM
Go for it. Did you want me to cough up some cash for it while I'm there?

Actually, hold that thought. I'll wait until a) I'm out of anarchy, and b) we're not -immediately- under fire, first.

Tez, I think the suicide march is on hold. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 20, 2008, 04:29:01 PM
Only if you insist. I can probably cover the amount in a week.

OK, I'll offer it to you first, accept when you think it's safe to do so.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2008, 04:52:06 PM
I was thinking I'd drop someone a cool three mill, and they can hand half to you and half to someone else, and both of you can ship back 50 tech.

Worked ok last time around. *shrug*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 20, 2008, 05:39:08 PM

Heh... threatening people who are bigger than you with cruise missiles is sort of like poking a rabid dog with a stick. One look at our casualty stats will show that we're not really serious about fighting, so of course they're just gonna hit back harder. I mean, these Poison Clan guys, for instance, have about the same number of players as we do, yet they have nearly four times our NS, ~17 nukes per nation (and that's mainly the one hippy bringing down their average), and a combined total of over 5 million offensive casualties. They not only like fighting, they're good at it. And that's even without them bringing TPF into the fray.

There are only two practical ways to deal with guys like that. Either bend over and take it, perhaps with a strongly worded letter asking them to be gentle, or you declare war and coordinate midnight quads to anarchy as many of them as possible--with the understanding that the blaze of lulz and glory will leave you with very much less infra (and the alliance with potentially crippling reparation payments). :animesweat

Either way, I am soooo buying a Manhattan Project next month... >:]

I also still have millions lying around for anyone who wishes to give me techs. :mowcookie

In other news, we got another one. Standard reply?

Quote from: Lord Stark
Hey Tezkat,

My name is Lord Stark and I a Triumvir in United Nations of Honour (

We are a growing alliance of experienced players looking for more to join our ranks.

Allow me to explain about UNH, we are not your average alliance. We search for experienced, active nations and focus on making each nation the best they can be through aid and knowledge. We are truly a team unlike many alliances and also a group of friends who actively use IRC.

If this sounds like somethign your alliance would be interested in please PM me back. For your smaller nations there would be lots of aid to help them grow quickly and for your larger nations there would be tech to make them more powerful. For all of you there would be protection and assistance in ending your current wars as well as stopping future tech raids from happening.

If you have any questions at all please PM me back. I look forward to hearing from you :)

Lord Stark,
UNH Triumvir

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2008, 05:54:04 PM
I wasn't threatening. I have a standard policy of, if you don't offer peace, I hit back. And keep hitting.

I know it's a shit policy, but hey.

I'm thinking of going peace and ignoring the lot of them, actually.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 20, 2008, 08:39:35 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2008, 05:32:13 AM
Note also the "declare peace or I nuke you" friendly message in the middle. I'm very tempted to start hacking in order to track down the person in question, delete files off their machine, and start leaving messages like "thankyou for being an asswipe on Cybernations, here's your change" on their hard drive. Instead of things like explorer.exe and chunks of the registry and the like...

I won't tell if you don't...    >:]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 20, 2008, 10:11:20 PM
And I have the tech to send up. We just need to find a middle guy.

EDIT: Apparently, I've been attacked. Oh, the joy. Since I have no experience with this matter, I must turn to the leadership of this alliance and ask for advice. Any would be helpful.

So far I have offered peace to one, and accepted peace to the other, and have found that if the first country does not accept peace, they are violating their alliance charter. Will keep up to date.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 21, 2008, 09:11:14 AM

I sent you some aid to help you through anarchy and such. I was going to send some anyway, but I guess now it's for reconstruction instead of tech. :animesweat

Two of PUKE's nations tried to raid me. :dface They both bounced, so (apart from a few hundred k for troops, etc.), I'm now $4 mil richer. So, actually, the reconstruction funds are on them. >:]

By the way, guys, please delete your wars after declaring peace. Since we're not in a position to ask for reps anyway, leaving them up just makes us look like a more inviting raid target. Or is llearch pursuing some sort of diplomatical solution to our problem?

I haven't been following the CN forum drama. Seriously... what's with TPF handing out protectorates left and right? :B

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 21, 2008, 10:55:42 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 21, 2008, 09:11:14 AM
By the way, guys, please delete your wars after declaring peace. Since we're not in a position to ask for reps anyway, leaving them up just makes us look like a more inviting raid target. Or is llearch pursuing some sort of diplomatical solution to our problem?

I'd hope to, only the folks in question a) aren't in their listed IRC channel, and b) are the leaders of the alliance and the owner of their forum, so my chances of getting anyone to listen to me pointing out them breaching their own charter is about zero.

I knew I was forgetting something, though. Thanks for reminding me, T.

Anyone want to be stuck in the middle with me n DarkD and someone else, for tech?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 21, 2008, 02:16:59 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 21, 2008, 10:55:42 AM
I'd hope to, only the folks in question a) aren't in their listed IRC channel, and b) are the leaders of the alliance and the owner of their forum, so my chances of getting anyone to listen to me pointing out them breaching their own charter is about zero.

Thing is... if you're friendly and civil about it, they usually listen to you. It's mostly good natured fun to them. This is a wargame after all. You can't survive here if you're overly attached to your pixels.

Take my raiders, for instance...

Quote from: phillip110
War has been declared on you by phillip110 for the following reason: raid - PM for peace
You may access your War & Battles screen to view and manage this war.

Quote from: phillip110
You have been attacked by phillip110. You lost 6,236 soldiers and 972 tanks. You killed 15,750 soldiers and 3,204 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $1,000,000.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Quote from: phillip110
You have been attacked by phillip110. You lost 2,926 soldiers and 505 tanks. You killed 7,219 soldiers and 900 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $1,000,000.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Quote from: phillip110
A peace offer has been submitted by phillip110 for the reason of: we got pwnd! you deserve peace

As soon as both nations accept peace the war will end. If either nation attacks one another this peace offer will be automatically canceled.

Quote from: Tezkat
A peace offer has been submitted by Tezkat for the following reason: Um... thanks for the cash?

As soon as both nations accept peace the war will end. If either nation attacks one another this peace offer will be automatically canceled.

Quote from: phillip110
lol, I wish you could have seen the IRC conversation between myself and Tintinda.

Hope you enjoy the cash! I know we loved upping our casualty counts!

You win some, you lose some... no hard feelings.


We got yet another alliance invitation. I'd take a closer look at this one, though...

Quote from: KingSuck
I'm sure that you've noticed that recently your alliance has come under attack from techraiders, this is due to a huge decline in the number of targets availible and so raiders are targeting small (member wise) alliances.

As a member of a purple alliance, i am strongly against the raiding of purple nations and want stability in the sphere and so would like to do what i can to help. I would like to put forward two suggestions for you to think about:

1) Get enough members so that you are too large to techraid (about 20 members is needed these days)

2) Find a protector or merge with another alliance.

This is one area i believe i can help with; and with absoloute respect to the sovereignty of your alliance, i would like to extend to you an your entire alliance an invitation to join mine, Valhalla, should you ever need to.

If you would like any information/help in any way please let me know.


Do we have an open diplomatic line to Valhalla yet? I'd rate them as the strongest Purple alliance. They certainly have the most political clout at the moment, so getting a bit chummy with them would help a lot.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 21, 2008, 02:54:02 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 21, 2008, 02:16:59 PM
You win some, you lose some... no hard feelings.

I always seem to get dealt a losing hand, though. Oh, well.

Quote from: Tezkat on April 21, 2008, 02:16:59 PM
Do we have an open diplomatic line to Valhalla yet? I'd rate them as the strongest Purple alliance. They certainly have the most political clout at the moment, so getting a bit chummy with them would help a lot.

Ah... let me look.

Well... no. I have accounts on 10 alliance forums. Valhalla isn't one of them. I'll go open one up when I get home.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 21, 2008, 07:45:13 PM
He accepted peace, so there ends war on my front. I lost 120 infra, 33.66 tech, 4061 soldiers, $2,061,126.73 (I'm quite surprised I had that much around when I got attacked. AND still had enough left for bills (~800k))

In other words, I think I'll be up and running by Thursday, at latest.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 21, 2008, 09:07:51 PM

That's good to know. Please go ahead and accept the monies ( to help you get back on your feet.

In other news...

I caught a spai (! Nuevo Vido may be next on the list of raiders. :dface

At any rate, we're going to have a lot of people gunning for us so long as we have raids visible on the war list. I think it would probably be a good idea for everyone to go DEFCON 1 and boost troop levels a bit--at least until this current conflict blows over. I hope you all have a bit of cash stashed away for just such an occasion (as I constantly recommend that people do...  :3).

Did Kasarn self-anarchy? I find it odd that two ground strikes would have completely wiped out his forces...

And what's going on with Valynth and the Poison Clan guy? Are they fighting it out or just idling?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 21, 2008, 09:17:10 PM
I'm waiting until tomorrow so I can rebuild then collect taxes and avoid paying high bills. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 22, 2008, 12:23:15 PM
Well... I got hit with three quads at update. They were even thoughtful enough to soften me up with bombs and missiles first. :animesweat Basically, that one guy who spied on me figured he wasn't tough enough to raid me on his own, so he called in a few of his big buddies. :animesweat

I can't rebuild my air force until I get more tech, which kinda sucks, but other than that, the damage looks like it's in the $60 million range--about a two week loss, nothing serious. It doesn't look like I'll be able to offer much assistance to anyone else at the moment, though, so I guess I'll just hit hippy mode and give the raiders one less target until this current wave of attacks ends.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 22, 2008, 07:57:15 PM
I've been in talks with Valhalla and Elysium. Apparently they're in the process of putting together a protectorate.

I've signed up to both forums, and talked on irc, and will let you know what happens.

In other news, Poison Clan (in the part of TwistedRebel47) said that they'd leave us alone from here. Which is dashed nice of them.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 22, 2008, 08:54:11 PM
That's great news. See? Diplomacy still works...  :3

I certainly wouldn't mind folks like Valhalla/Elysium watching my back. What kind of terms are they asking for/offering?

Hmm... We should totally get a flag. Any suggestions? :kittycool
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on April 22, 2008, 11:35:40 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 22, 2008, 08:54:11 PM

Hmm... We should totally get a flag. Any suggestions? :kittycool


Or, rather,

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 23, 2008, 12:10:37 AM
I suggest a good (Use necessary judgement) picture of a cardboard box, symbolizing the box which started this thread, for which without we would not have come so far.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 23, 2008, 06:54:36 AM


Preamble: Pegasus stands foremost as a entity to promote strong and long-lasting economic, diplomatic, and philosophical ties between Purple team alliances. It is about building new friends into great allies with dedication to the Purple Sphere at heart. There are many parts to unity; this is merely one step down a long road toward a notable and worthy goal.

Pegasus Code of Conduct:

I) Commitment to have sixty percent (60%) of the alliance's nations on Purple within thirty (30) days of membership.
II) Prohibit "raid*" style warfare against any Purple Sphere nation.
III) Mutual cooperation at the direction of the FA** in Senate matters.
IV) Economic participation on P.E.A.C.E forums, specifically trades and tech programs.

Article I: Friendship and Non-Aggression

The Pegasus alliances agree to refrain from military actions and all forms of espionage against each other. If an individual nation or nations of a signatory violates this Article, the undersigned agree to work together to remedy the situation by whatever means are deemed necessary.

Article II: Growth

The FA recognizes that the growth of the undersigned is in the best interests of all parties, and will work with all members of Pegasus to that end.

Article III: Defense

The FA shall provide diplomatic and military support in the event that another party takes aggressive military or espionage actions against one or more members of Pegasus. Any attack on Pegasus is an attack on the FA.

If another party takes aggressive military or espionage actions against the FA, the undersigned representatives shall provide military support as requested.

Article IV: Aggressive Action

The undersigned of Pegasus agree not to take aggressive military actions against other alliances without first consulting with the FA. In the event that one of the undersigned members takes an approved aggressive military action, the other signatories may, at their discretion, provide whatever aid is requested, up to and including joining in the military action.

In the event that the FA takes aggressive military action against another alliance, the undersigned are highly encouraged to provide whatever aid requested, up to and including joining in the military action.

Article V: Foreign Affairs

The undersigned protectorates shall not enter into treaties with alliances not party to this agreement without consulting the FA. Further, the undersigned members agree to maintain courteous relations with other Pegasus alliances in all public venues. Differences will be worked out in private.

Article VI: Senate

In the interest of acting as one voice, the undersigned agree to support candidates recommended by the FA for the Purple Senate.

Article VII: Espionage

All signatories of this agreement recognize that espionage against other sovereign alliances is neither honorable nor desirable; it is an act of war and should be treated as such.

Article VIII: Sovereignty

All undersigned alliances recognize and respect that each is a sovereign alliance and agree not to interfere with the internal affairs of other signatories.

Article IX: Modification

The terms of this agreement may be modified by the mutual consent of the FA and two-thirds (2/3's) of the member alliances of Pegasus.

New signatory protectorates may be added by the consent of the FA.

Article X: Flag Alliance
The FA shall be the largest signatory alliance as determined by total alliance nation strength. Decisions of the FA may be vetoed by a majority vote of the signatories of the Poseidon Treaty.

Article XI: Withdrawal and Expulsion

If any member of Pegasus finds that this agreement is no longer in their best interest, they may withdraw from agreement with seventy-two (72) hours written notice, or immediately by mutual consent.

If the FA decides that it no longer wishes to protect one of the undersigned protectorates, it may ask that protectorate leave the agreement with seventy-two (72) hours written notice, or immediately by mutual consent.

Any violation of Articles I, III, VII or VIII of this agreement shall give the non-violating signatory cause to withdraw from this agreement immediately.

Any violation of Articles I, III, IV, V, VI, VII or VIII of this agreement shall give the FA cause to expel a member alliance from this agreement immediately.

* Raid refers to wars started primarily for the purpose of statistical gain or boredom. This does not limit signatories to defensive actions or carrying out punishments as these are sovereign actions.
**FA refers to Flag Alliance.

I pointed out that this doesn't seem to cover "war games", or prearranged fights between members of the protectorate who wish to learn -how- to fight. The author, one Great_Lakes_Union of Elysium (the Foreign Ambassador) said he'd look into it, and see how it would fit in, what with being a good idea and all.

He says this is a draft copy, but they've already had two or three alliances sign up. Seems reasonable enough for me.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 23, 2008, 10:55:16 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on April 23, 2008, 12:10:37 AM
I suggest a good (Use necessary judgement) picture of a cardboard box, symbolizing the box which started this thread, for which without we would not have come so far.

CN flags should be fairly classic and abstract, perhaps with some inside humour. I like the box idea. Maybe even a box with headwings.

Colour suggestions? Purple, definately. How about secondary colour(s)?

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 23, 2008, 06:54:36 AM
I pointed out that this doesn't seem to cover "war games", or prearranged fights between members of the protectorate who wish to learn -how- to fight. The author, one Great_Lakes_Union of Elysium (the Foreign Ambassador) said he'd look into it, and see how it would fit in, what with being a good idea and all.

Hmm... It was my understanding that battles like that are generally frowned upon by the powers that be, since they're tantamount to war slot filling.

Also, honestly... would it even be necessary? Each strike does millions in damage at our size. A mere three quads (and a couple of bombing runs/missiles) set me back half a month. There shouldn't be a significant shortage of bad people to hurt in a treaty this wide.

He says this is a draft copy, but they've already had two or three alliances sign up. Seems reasonable enough for me.

Ah... so is it Valhalla or Elysium providing the big guns here? Who are the other hopefuls? I assume that the other large Purple alliances are not part of it...

Anyway, I like it. Assuming that it doesn't turn out to be just empty lip-service (like GRAPE (, it could be good for everyone.

Some minor clarifications...

What is the address of the P.E.A.C.E. forums? Who runs them?

Who are the signatories to the Poseidon Treaty mentioned? I couldn't find anything about it on the wiki or forums? (Or is it just a typo?)

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 23, 2008, 05:57:56 PM
Here's an example of what I had in mind in terms of the flag:


It's like an abstract box mow thingy. :mowtongue

Opinions? Maybe gold instead of white? Any other ideas for a sexier CN flag?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 23, 2008, 10:08:05 PM
Terms look good to me. I'd have no problems signing it, but I'll leave that job to the privileged.

Flag... I don't have any problems with the design, but I have one thing to say on the subject of the cross's colour. The arrangement of the black and the white give the impression that there are two different colours of purple used, and that does not look too good. Unless you did use two different colours of purple, in which case I suggest you to change it, it may be just a trick on my screen, and in that case, it's fine as it is.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 23, 2008, 10:12:06 PM
It's probably an optical illusion... I'm pretty sure the colours are the same throughout.

And here are a few quick recolours.


The richer indigo and gold look more majestic. Definitely my colours. :3



It's a mow flag! :mowcookie I rather like this one. It's instantly recognizable as DMFA.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 05:19:56 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on April 23, 2008, 10:08:05 PM
Terms look good to me. I'd have no problems signing it, but I'll leave that job to the privileged.

I've stated that our alliance organisation is "Anarchy" - although I think "Organised Anarchy" might be closer. And there's a word in there somewhere that I can't recall quite at present - I may spend some time with a dictionary at some point trying to figure it out.

I'd like to think -everyone- has a voice in what we agree to do. So yes, you saying "yes" is as good as anyone else saying "yes", and I'd like everyone to at least speak up.

Tez, I'll take your comments back and see what happens.

Oh, and I prefer the deeper purple, although I do like the last one; it's just the faint mauve doesn't sit well with me...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 24, 2008, 10:17:51 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 05:19:56 AM
I've stated that our alliance organisation is "Anarchy" - although I think "Organised Anarchy" might be closer. And there's a word in there somewhere that I can't recall quite at present - I may spend some time with a dictionary at some point trying to figure it out.

"I told you. We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week, but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more major--"

There are actually quite a few forms of organized anarchy. In the realm of political science, anarchy means "no rulers" rather than "no organization". :3

Oh, and I prefer the deeper purple, although I do like the last one; it's just the faint mauve doesn't sit well with me...

Well... black/purple/gold is Tezkat's colour scheme, so I have no objections. :kittycool

We could fiddle a bit more...


Here it is with colours reversed. It's a bit more... menacing this way. I like it! >:]


Same thing in mow. It kinda looks like an old-school AI... ("I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave..." :dface) Unfortunately, I don't think the mow theme works with a darker shade of purple. Somehow, it looses the mow-ness that makes its DMFA roots recognizable. The mauve (mowve? :mowtongue) may be less offensive with a predominant black background, though.

Nobody's complained about the design yet. It was just a quick prototype I cobbled together yesterday. (Seriously... the wings were scanned off a doodle on the back of an envelope. :animesweat) It's certainly toonier than most CN flags. The trend right now seems to be towards more intricate designs and textures. But it's fairly classic, and the wing motif could fit in well with our potential Norse/Greek themed allies in addition to hinting at our pedigree for those in the know. Still... not like it's set in stone if anyone has better ideas...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on April 24, 2008, 11:41:25 AM
I like the first inverted flag, actually. And I must agree with Mr. Box - Mauve just doesn't seem to be an inspiring national color.  :P

"For the Black, the Gold, and the Mauve!" Just doesn't have that certain something...*grins*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 12:07:53 PM
Could we try the mow flag with the mow box in indigo?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 24, 2008, 12:08:14 PM
Yeah, I suppose it doesn't exactly inspire fear and terror in our enemies... :animesweat


That's about as dark as I think it's safe to go on the mowve one. A little better, perhaps?

I'd certainly be happy with the dark purple and gold flag, though. Of course, if we're happy with the design, I could keep churning colour variants until we settle on something we all like.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 12:12:07 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 24, 2008, 12:08:14 PM

I like the design, but... imageshack appears to not have that server, here. Perhaps a temporary problem somewhere? :-/

If you want, I can host the images whilst we decide...

Edit: Oh, there we go.

Actually, what I meant was leaving the bars in mauve and just turning the box to indigo...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 24, 2008, 12:27:44 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 12:12:07 PM
Edit: Oh, there we go.

Actually, what I meant was leaving the bars in mauve and just turning the box to indigo...

You mean like this?




Doesn't really work the other way around, either. I think I prefer the solid colours...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 12:52:51 PM
Mmm. You have a point.

How about the original mow flag with gold wings, instead of orange?

Incidentally, are you stealing these colours from the comic itself?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 24, 2008, 01:12:11 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 12:52:51 PM
Mmm. You have a point.

How about the original mow flag with gold wings, instead of orange?

Like so?


And reversed...


Incidentally, are you stealing these colours from the comic itself?

Right now, I'm just picking the closest web palette colours to the ones in the comic. I could try some intermediate colours, I suppose, but I don't think it'll make a big difference...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 01:37:58 PM
In case anyone is interested, I put together a list of all these variants:

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 24, 2008, 01:54:20 PM
Oooh, convenient. :mowcookie

So... should I churn out a few more, or do we have enough now to just put it to a vote?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 02:33:43 PM
Could you push one more attempt through?

option 3, but paint the background flag in indigo? Leave the mow in mauve, but just the flag in indigo behind it...

Sortof the reverse of 8, almost...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 24, 2008, 02:46:13 PM



This was one of my earlier (unposted) variants, actually. It's not bad...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 02:49:03 PM
... why the choice of colour in the center, actually? What's it look like with a heart of gold? *cough*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 24, 2008, 02:59:53 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 02:49:03 PM
... why the choice of colour in the center, actually?

It's the Fae forehead gem, of course! :mowtongue

QuoteWhat's it look like with a heart of gold? *cough*

I assume you mean something like this?


It's um... not mowish anymore, but I guess it is kinda cool that way...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 03:24:37 PM
Actually, I was thinking leaving the box in mauve and the wings in orange. I know it means more colours, but even so...


Like that... Although using gimp on it has sharpened some of the softer edges you had in your version...

Quote from: Tezkat on April 24, 2008, 02:59:53 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 02:49:03 PM
... why the choice of colour in the center, actually?

It's the Fae forehead gem, of course! :mowtongue

Of course. It's a little on the "entire face" side, though... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 24, 2008, 05:26:07 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 03:24:37 PM
Actually, I was thinking leaving the box in mauve and the wings in orange. I know it means more colours, but even so...


Like that... Although using gimp on it has sharpened some of the softer edges you had in your version...

Well... more colours isn't necessarily a bad thing per se. I just happen to be of the opinion that the flag should either be bold and stately (like the purple and gold #4 (, or be very clearly DMFA coloured (like the mowve #3 ( ( or the Mabbish lavender of #6 ( This multicolour one is neither here nor there. If we're leaning towards that style of flag, I think #2 ( is much better.

Of course. It's a little on the "entire face" side, though... ;-]

Heh... it's abstract! I plead artistic license. :mowtongue
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 06:38:10 PM
Yeah. I'm leaning towards #3 myself. Having more options isn't all bad, though, is it? ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 25, 2008, 12:02:33 PM
Bleh... Valynth is getting raped by TPF now. I have a feeling that this might continue for some time now that we're on the easy target list. It's a wonder that Cog hasn't been hit by anything yet.

At least Kasarn's war will expire soon. Where did he wander off to? He seems to be offline. We lost Danny yesterday as well. Our alliance NS has taken quite a pounding...

Anyway, how goes the diplomacizing?

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2008, 06:38:10 PM
Yeah. I'm leaning towards #3 myself. Having more options isn't all bad, though, is it? ;-]

Heh. Well, it might make the decision process more complicated if there isn't a clear favourite (similar flags might split the vote, and such). Maybe if people voted for their top 3 choices and we added up points, or something.

At any rate, if you want more options... here's yet another variant for those of you who are leaning towards the mow flags:


It's purple on purple. I reddened the center gem slightly to offset that. It still looks a bit like a gift box, but the colours are très DMFA. :mowcookie

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2008, 12:22:29 PM
... works for me. Anyone else want to argue?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 25, 2008, 01:45:20 PM
I warned people that this would happen, but did they listen to me?  noooo, do they try to help defend me?...noooo...  I'm seriously considering jumping alliance ships because of this...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2008, 02:29:20 PM

What help did you want? And did you want us to merge en masse into Elysium to make up for it?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2008, 02:38:37 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 23, 2008, 10:55:16 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 23, 2008, 06:54:36 AM
He says this is a draft copy, but they've already had two or three alliances sign up. Seems reasonable enough for me.

Ah... so is it Valhalla or Elysium providing the big guns here? Who are the other hopefuls? I assume that the other large Purple alliances are not part of it...

Anyway, I like it. Assuming that it doesn't turn out to be just empty lip-service (like GRAPE (, it could be good for everyone.

Some minor clarifications...

What is the address of the P.E.A.C.E. forums? Who runs them?

Who are the signatories to the Poseidon Treaty mentioned? I couldn't find anything about it on the wiki or forums? (Or is it just a typo?)

19:32 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> I think war games would be something we would want to address separetly from the treaty among only willing parties if there is interest.
19:34 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> Elysium will the the main lead. But Valhalla, and OMFG would also be pledge to defend the protectorates (and possibly more)
19:34 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> P.E.A.C.E. is located here:
19:35 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> Government members from Elysium, Valhalla and OMFG are running it at this time
19:35 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> It has not been publicly announced yet
19:37 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> And all of this effort should not end up like GRAPE, as there is a real effort at purple unity
19:37 <Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> Poseidon is meant to be the counterpart to Pegasus for larger alliances

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 25, 2008, 02:47:03 PM
Ooh, interesting stuff happening behind the curtain in Purple, I see... :3

Quote from: Valynth on April 25, 2008, 01:45:20 PM
I warned people that this would happen, but did they listen to me?  noooo, do they try to help defend me?...noooo...  I'm seriously considering jumping alliance ships because of this...

Seriously... what would you have us do? Most of us were/are being attacked along with you. We're "easy targets" not because we don't fight back, but because our alliance is too small for fighting back to do anything. The only solution to our current problem is political. We have to give up the confines of our cozy group--recruit outside this board and/or join forces with a stronger alliance. Friends in high places are the best incentive to avoid raiding us. >:] If we drop below the 10 member mark, though, I don't see us being able to maintain much independence. In that case, merging en masse may become the only practical option... :dface


Greetings to our diplomat from Elysium. :kittycool
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Great Lakes Union on April 25, 2008, 03:13:00 PM
Hello!  :batman
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 25, 2008, 03:50:39 PM
Hey Great Lakes Union.

You're the first foreign CN diplomat we've received here. We're not much on ceremony, I'm afraid. :animesweat

Anyways... looking forward to working with you!  :cheers
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2008, 08:10:15 PM
Quote from: Great Lakes Union on April 25, 2008, 03:13:00 PM
Hello!  :batman

Oh, hello there! ;-]

As Tez says, us Anarcho-Syndicalist Communists aren't much for ceremony.

But what would you expect from a group whose foreign diplomat has an official position of "prone"?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Cogidubnus on April 25, 2008, 08:23:50 PM
The flag looks nice.

Also, as far as the alliance goes, sounds good to me.

Also, welcome, foreign traveler! Watch out for muffins, boxes, and people who tell you to watch out for things.   :)


So I sign on, and I notice that war has been declared on me by three nations. I caught them right before they began assaulting me. Was able to rebuy soldiers, ended up losing only about 5 tech.

*Cog does the dance of glee*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 26, 2008, 03:38:13 AM

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 25, 2008, 08:10:15 PM
But what would you expect from a group whose foreign diplomat has an official position of "prone"?

Leaving us to wonder what exactly you've been doing with potential allies behind closed doors... :mowtongue

Quote from: Cogidubnus on April 25, 2008, 08:23:50 PM
The flag looks nice.

Heh... which one? :3


So I sign on, and I notice that war has been declared on me by three nations. I caught them right before they began assaulting me. Was able to rebuy soldiers, ended up losing only about 5 tech.

*Cog does the dance of glee*

Oooh, good timing! :mowcookie

Remember to delete your wars. We don't need any more advertising to prospective raiders, especially with so many of us already out of action. :animesweat

I'd really like to rebuild my air force before leaving hippy mode. Can anyone spot me 50 tech?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 26, 2008, 04:50:56 AM
if we had someone to buy it off, I'd be happy to.

'course, I'd have to leave hippy mode myself...

I think it's Kasarn not clearing up his war. I wonder where he is... he's down a trade, and I'm down a trade, so there's a possibility of some useful interaction there...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 26, 2008, 11:35:36 AM

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 26, 2008, 04:50:56 AM
if we had someone to buy it off, I'd be happy to.

'course, I'd have to leave hippy mode myself...

Well... I was hoping to grab some on credit. I can buy replacements off of Darkdragon in a few days (or immediately if we get another intermediary). Basically, I'd like to stay out of hippy mode in order to coordinate aid and such, and I need a full military for that.

I think it's Kasarn not clearing up his war. I wonder where he is... he's down a trade, and I'm down a trade, so there's a possibility of some useful interaction there...

Yeah. Kasarn's been MIA for a week. We'll have to kick his ass when he gets back. :kittydevious

At least his war expires tomorrow. Cog and Valynth have been hit again. :dface Seriously, guys... we should be on high alert until at least a few days after the last war expires.

It's certainly garnered a lot of attention for our little alliance. Amusingly... I'm even getting recrtuitment messages from Realm of Titans (which includes one of our current attackers and the guys who were "tech raiding" me with quads and missiles/airstrikes). Ah, well... I suppose it's a diplomatic opening... :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 26, 2008, 02:26:00 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 26, 2008, 11:35:36 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 26, 2008, 04:50:56 AM
if we had someone to buy it off, I'd be happy to.

'course, I'd have to leave hippy mode myself...

Well... I was hoping to grab some on credit. I can buy replacements off of Darkdragon in a few days (or immediately if we get another intermediary). Basically, I'd like to stay out of hippy mode in order to coordinate aid and such, and I need a full military for that.

... I was planning on credit. It's a matter of finding someone to buy more off of after that. *grin*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 26, 2008, 03:10:44 PM

Yeah... we need to rekindle our alliance boosting programs. We need a comfortable level of tech padding for our top nations, and we really should push to at least bring the bottom half our alliance above 2k infra. It's probably a good idea to wait until our little military difficulties have cleared up, though. Raiders just ain't good for business. :animesweat

You could also ask our allies-to-be if they have any tech sellers with slots available. Helping them with their newbie boostage could be a good way to forge closer ties.  :3

By the way, Cog... last I checked, your environment (i.e. economy) takes a hit when you support nuclear weapons. Tis usually best to hug trees and such until you have the resources to build proper WMDs. >:]

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 26, 2008, 05:03:02 PM
Yeah, I'll do that. I'll let you know if we get any responses.

I'm thinking we should aim for 4:1 infra:tech ratio, or so. Sound reasonable?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 26, 2008, 05:26:41 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 26, 2008, 05:03:02 PM
I'm thinking we should aim for 4:1 infra:tech ratio, or so. Sound reasonable?

Um... seeing as how everyone has differing amounts of infra, that seems a bit complicated... :animesweat

Let's see... I think $1 million should buy something on the order of 40 infra at that size if they swap out improvements for 5 factories. (And really... at that size, they should all have a full 5 factories anyway...) So.... assuming tech costs on the order of $1 million for 50, boosting by 200 infra would mean something like paying $6 million for 50 tech. I suppose that's doable. I was kinda hoping to farm a little more tech while they're still small enough for it to be viable, though...

In other news... Kasarn is getting some more attention from RoT. This could go on for a while... :dface
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 26, 2008, 05:34:00 PM
Oh, you misunderstand me.

I meant, we should aim to bring our tech levels up until we've got 10 levels of tech for each 40 levels of infrastructure.

For the larger guys, anyway. Anyone down at the bottom, yes, we should look at pumping them up to >2k infra, and then, obviously, push them to 500 tech to match that. Via tech farming with our new friends, of course.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 26, 2008, 05:43:22 PM
Oh... heh... :animesweat

I wouldn't worry so much about ratios at our size. Even with a steady stream of... say... 300 tech a month (2x50 tech every 11 days), it would take ages to even reach that 1:4 point. In any event, the only thing tech really influences up here is military prowess, so you can pretty much carry as much as you're able to defend. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 26, 2008, 06:03:50 PM
it wasn't so much us as some of the smaller friends we have. ;-]

And yes, military prowess is useful. So having some more to assist with militarily defending ourselves wouldn't hurt. Although we seem to be feeding most of our tech and infra to other people at the moment...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 26, 2008, 06:10:01 PM
Basically... the way I see it... once we've exhausted the tech farming capacity of our smaller nations, our next project should be boosting them to 500 and change. Not because of any ratios, but because that's the point at which they can purchase a full air force for use in wars. Bombing runs do a lot of damage. Anything beyond that is gravy.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 26, 2008, 06:31:23 PM
Ah, see, now that's different. I'm basically a peaceable weenie at heart, and all the air craft I have are defensive fighters. Can't see the point in getting lots of bombers to blow the crap out of someone else.

Which explains why I fail. ;-]

In other news... If anyone cares to object, speak now. If I don't hear from anyone, I'll look into signing  us up for the protectorate treaty with Elysium and Valhalla early this week.

Oh, and Toga from Valhalla responded on their forum with, effectively, FOAD. "Come back when you've got 20 members and a government."

No sense of humour, I tell you. After all, what's wrong with anarchy? Or even semi-anarchic democracy, with vague voting standards? ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 27, 2008, 12:29:37 AM

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 26, 2008, 06:31:23 PM
Ah, see, now that's different. I'm basically a peaceable weenie at heart, and all the air craft I have are defensive fighters. Can't see the point in getting lots of bombers to blow the crap out of someone else.

Oh, you don't need lots of bombers. Around 10-15 is usually enough. >:] In my experience, fighters don't seem to have a whole lot of defensive value. I have yet to successfully fend off a bombing run, and a two airstrikes against me usually wipe out most of my air force. That could be a tech differential thing, though. Most people attacking me have had at least twice my tech.

In other news... If anyone cares to object, speak now. If I don't hear from anyone, I'll look into signing  us up for the protectorate treaty with Elysium and Valhalla early this week.

I'm pretty comfortable with the wording of the treaty, personally. It encompasses most of what I'd like to see from our first foray into the wider political sphere--less of the getting gangbanged by large raiders and more of the opportunities for organized, large-scale military conflict. (Srsly. Tezkat can has nuke targets in next Great War? Kthxbai. :3) It's not as if we're really in a position to dictate terms, at any rate. If this is a serious attempt at Purple-wide solidarity and stability, it will be running on a timetable quite independent of our needs. Roughly when are they planning to publicly announce these things?

Oh, and Toga from Valhalla responded on their forum with, effectively, FOAD. "Come back when you've got 20 members and a government."

No sense of humour, I tell you. After all, what's wrong with anarchy? Or even semi-anarchic democracy, with vague voting standards? ;-]

Heh. What exactly did you ask for? :animesweat I don't know what we'd do with a government if we had one. Supreme executive power derives from farcical aquatic ceremonies, not some mandate from the masses. And, yes, that is a sword in my pocket. Now go make them stop repressing us. :mowtongue

I must say, however, that it's becoming painfully clear that 10-person alliances just aren't big enough to matter unless they're composed entirely of aggressive, top tier nations (like Poison Clan). Are we going to do anything about recruitment? If nothing else, a little fresh blood might give us a wider base for tech farming. >:]

We still do need a flag though. Are we done with options? I still have plenty more on my HD, but they're really just variations on the same themes. I'm rather fond of #4 ( (sexy Tezkat colours), although the new gift box #14 ( probably does the best job of capturing the DMFA colour scheme.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 27, 2008, 03:50:36 AM
I asked for an embassy.

Obviously they dislike having embassies from other people. Oh, well.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 27, 2008, 01:34:23 PM

Heh. Valhalla is at the size where CN is Serious Business. Srsly. So we're generally too small to matter in events large enough to affect them. Our alliance is in a funny position. Most under-the-political-radar alliances don't have nations anywhere near as strong as ours--they're just collections of little nations. That we've lasted this long without folding into a larger alliance is a rather anomolous situation on Planet Bob. The only nations that present a serious threat to us now have 30k+ NS, 20 nukes, $50 mil in the bank, and the backing of hundreds of other large nations. And we could even do serious damage to those people in a conflict where we had outside military support. I'm sure they would be very happy about the prospect of a merger. Diplomatic relations? Perhaps not so much...

The "government" thing is honestly just a formality. Like... take these guys (, for instance. (I assume they're one of the other prospective Pegasus signatories.) Now look at their roster ( Aside from that one big guy, they're all smaller than our smallest nation, and they have more government/military positions than they do members. :3

In the spirit of Purple economic cooporation and new friendship, go ask them if they want to sell us tech. (Standard $3 mil/100 tech is fine.) They'll love you forever.


Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 28, 2008, 09:38:37 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 27, 2008, 01:34:23 PM
The "government" thing is honestly just a formality. Like... take these guys (, for instance. (I assume they're one of the other prospective Pegasus signatories.) Now look at their roster ( Aside from that one big guy, they're all smaller than our smallest nation, and they have more government/military positions than they do members. :3

In the spirit of Purple economic cooporation and new friendship, go ask them if they want to sell us tech. (Standard $3 mil/100 tech is fine.) They'll love you forever.

GLU says they're in Pegasus already. So I'll see about getting that organised...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 28, 2008, 04:04:47 PM
Ah... so until Pegasus goes public, it's just a quiet protectorate agreement with Elysium. That's fine with me.

Out of curiosity, will Elysium be joining Valhalla and TORN in the current conflict?

I'm gonna stay at high alert for a few days, but I suspect that anyone large enough to raid us has far more exciting things to do at the moment. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 28, 2008, 04:34:31 PM
Thank gawd for that. We've got enough trouble as it stands....

Now where the hell is Kasarn, anyway?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 29, 2008, 03:28:03 AM
I can't speak for Kasarn, but I just got a 1mil cash boost from an unwitting raider.  Go me!  :boogie
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 29, 2008, 06:27:56 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on April 28, 2008, 04:04:47 PM
Ah... so until Pegasus goes public, it's just a quiet protectorate agreement with Elysium. That's fine with me.


Quote from: Tezkat on April 28, 2008, 04:04:47 PM
Out of curiosity, will Elysium be joining Valhalla and TORN in the current conflict?

"Not at this time."

... from GLU, of course.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on April 29, 2008, 02:16:17 PM
Well, I woke up this morning and found that I had yet another raider.  This one, however, wasn't satisfied with one ground assault, he tried to weaken me with two cruise strikes and two air attacks.  The first air attack was a slight success for them, but I pwned the second one.  He then attacked me via ground and added 1,000,000$ to my bank.

I extended peace to him, and the other guy has yet to accept my peace offer.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 29, 2008, 06:06:26 PM
Yeah... RoT seems to think that airstrikes and missiles are acceptable tech raiding tools. Their Prime Minister used them to soften me up a week ago. :dface Do we have formal relations with them yet? A strongly worded letter might be in order. :animesweat We've been hit by six of their nations since last week (that I know about, anyway--some might already have been peaced out and deleted between my logins):

4/21/2008 11:54:02 PM
Euro South Africa

Ruler: General Jangles
Alliance: Realm of Titans
Throne of the Jaguar
Ruler: Tezkat
Alliance: Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance

4/21/2008 11:58:40 PM
Resort of Tangalooma

Ruler: King Mobius
Alliance: Realm of Titans
Throne of the Jaguar
Ruler: Tezkat
Alliance: Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance

4/26/2008 3:15:48 PM
Jens Wind country

Ruler: Jens of the desert
Alliance: Realm of Titans
Ruler: Kasarn
Alliance: Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance

4/26/2008 8:37:59 AM
fb hn

Ruler: Kwell
Alliance: Realm of Titans    
Ruler: Valynth
Alliance: Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance

4/28/2008 4:00:10 PM

Ruler: man of la mancha
Alliance: Realm of Titans    
Ruler: Valynth
Alliance: Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance

4/29/2008 9:25:58 AM
Native States

Ruler: Native American
Alliance: Realm of Titans
Ruler: Valynth
Alliance: Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance

I suppose it's some consolation that their competent fighters seem to have had their fill already. :3

By the way, in times of war, I would highly recommend buying (or swapping out some improvements for) a full set of Guerilla Camps. Just live off of savings and wait to collect taxes until it's over. (Or, alternately, keep destroying and rebuilding them. They're dirt cheap and can pay for themselves just in military/reconstruction savings.) It's difficult for a single nation to break through that with less than a quad.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 02, 2008, 06:56:25 AM
Out of interest, did we get a final decision on a flag version?

'cause they say they need it for us to sign up, is all...

Also, Tez, I have someone I'm dangling bait in front of to get them to trade with me. To whit, I'm offering half a mil for them to set up a harbour and trade; unfortunately, since I'm in peace mode, I'd have to collect 8 days of taxes in order to jump into war mode in order to aid him the money. At which point he can then trade with me, and I can... collect 8 days of back taxes at the increased rate. Not.

Reckon you'd be willing to schlep up with the cash in the short term? You know I'm good for it... *grin*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 02, 2008, 01:09:36 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 02, 2008, 06:56:25 AM
Out of interest, did we get a final decision on a flag version?

'cause they say they need it for us to sign up, is all...

Nope... we never really voted on it or anything. :animesweat

As I posted earlier, I'm personally leaning towards the bolder colours:


But if we want Mab's DMFA colour scheme, I think my last mow flag attempt did the best job:


Unless you guys had others you were particularly fond of, maybe we could just take a quick vote on those two?

Also, Tez, I have someone I'm dangling bait in front of to get them to trade with me. To whit, I'm offering half a mil for them to set up a harbour and trade; unfortunately, since I'm in peace mode, I'd have to collect 8 days of taxes in order to jump into war mode in order to aid him the money. At which point he can then trade with me, and I can... collect 8 days of back taxes at the increased rate. Not.

Reckon you'd be willing to schlep up with the cash in the short term? You know I'm good for it... *grin*

Not a problem. Where do I send the cash?

Seriously... get ouf of peace mode. The penalties are worse than anarchy. :dface

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 02, 2008, 01:17:30 PM
I'd prefer the latter of those two.
GLU says he's used #3 off the page (, though we can change it later, once we come to a decision. Since nobody else here seems to want to speak up, it's you and me and possibly Cog. And maybe Kasarn if he reappears. ;-]

Quote from: Tezkat on May 02, 2008, 01:09:36 PM
Not a problem. Where do I send the cash?

I'm waiting on xcomm ( telling me he's accepting my offer...

Quote from: Tezkat on May 02, 2008, 01:09:36 PM
Seriously... get ouf of peace mode. The penalties are worse than anarchy. :dface

I would, but I'm sitting on those 8 days, and if I get that trade, I collect ~4.5m/day - if not, I collect ~2.3m/day. Obviously, I'd like to go for the former, not the latter. ;-]

Soon as I'm sorted on trades, I'll be back in the game.

Oh, and GLU says:
QuoteWelcome to Pegasus!
Make sure you let me know if anyone attacks from now on and I will take care of it and get you reps ;)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 02, 2008, 01:28:16 PM

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 02, 2008, 01:17:30 PM
I'd prefer the latter of those two.
GLU says he's used #3 off the page (, though we can change it later, once we come to a decision. Since nobody else here seems to want to speak up, it's you and me and possibly Cog. And maybe Kasarn if he reappears. ;-]

Heh. with the low voting population, we might end up with one vote for each... :animesweat

There isn't going to be a public announcement on the CN forums anytime soon, is there?

Quote from: Tezkat on May 02, 2008, 01:09:36 PM
I'm waiting on xcomm ( telling me he's accepting my offer...

Okay. Just let me know when to send it off.

Quote from: Tezkat on May 02, 2008, 01:09:36 PM
Oh, and GLU says:
QuoteWelcome to Pegasus!
Make sure you let me know if anyone attacks from now on and I will take care of it and get you reps ;)

So... should we put "Elysium Protectorate" in our descriptions now?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 02, 2008, 01:33:40 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 02, 2008, 01:28:16 PM
There isn't going to be a public announcement on the CN forums anytime soon, is there?
<Great_Lakes_Union|Elysium> Actually there should be :)

Quote from: Tezkat on May 02, 2008, 01:28:16 PM
So... should we put "Elysium Protectorate" in our descriptions now?

I'd suggest "Pegasus Mutual Defense Treaty Signatory" perhaps. GLU suggests waiting until after the announcement to mention Pegasus by name, though.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 02, 2008, 01:39:42 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 02, 2008, 01:33:40 PM
I'd suggest "Pegasus Mutual Defense Treaty Signatory" perhaps. GLU suggests waiting until after the announcement to mention Pegasus by name, though.

Um... well... since nobody except for few members of the in crowd even knows what that means, "Elysium Protectorate" seems more descriptive. That's what the other signatories are currently using anyway.


Okay... so the flags currently in the running...


It's like a little mow! :mowcookie Very DMFA. Unfortunately, it's also a little... I dunno... effeminate? :animesweat Both Cog said llearch have said they like it.


Here's the one GLU is now using as our "official" flag. Everyone's first reaction to it seems to have been something to the effect of "OMG... so... much... mauve. :dface" Has it been growing on people? I thought it did a decent job of capturing the DMFA colours, and it's not a bad compromise between the DMFA colours and the bolder designs. Tentative support from llearch a while back.


I love the colour combo, obviously. Just take a look at my character's colour scheme. The colours are still somewhat DMFA/CWM-ish, but it's also very well suited to CN's warrior culture. This is a flag that would look good on an MDP web. :3 Got a good first impression from Cog.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 03, 2008, 12:10:31 AM
May I opt to abstinate unless there requires a deciding vote?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 03, 2008, 12:43:54 AM
We'd rather you voted. ;-]

In other news, Tez, I gave up waiting for that one person and instead poked as many variants of people as I could to see what I could get. I got a bite inside of 7 minutes. *blink*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 04, 2008, 06:41:07 AM
Darkdragon, I have another possible tech seller out of my trade queries.

I'll see if I can get a middleman (Arcalane?) and get a tech trade set up sometime this week. Having just bought another wonder, I'll have to save up for a day or two to get the 3m; I'm looking at 3m -> Arc, Arc sends 1.4m to you and t'other guy (, and you both send 50 tech back to me.

If that works for both of you, we'll pull that this week, and we'll do it again in a couple weeks. I reckon we can do maybe 4 runs of that before you bounce past the size where it works well.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on May 04, 2008, 09:56:02 AM
Woo cat herding.


Quotehello arcalane i hope that u run the alliance seeing that u have been in it the longest i will send this message to u. i am here to offer you guys great protection and more allies if u guys would merge with element i can promise that u and 1 other member of ur choice will get gov position in element. meaning that u will have a say in what goes on and u will also gain alot of access that others wouldnt if u thinks this is reasonable contact me back asap thanks slimd316

Why, god, why. I love the internet, but I also hate it. :<

Some of their top ranking members are much younger than ours, but are also more powerful.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 04, 2008, 10:54:19 AM
respond with "I'm sorry, I'm not in government in this alliance"

... don't tell him we don't -have- a government, though. ;-] We'll see if we can get him to send a message to -everyone- ;-]

Heh. He's already pm'd me, too. I note that I'd be on page 2 or so. I also note that of their 204 countries, there are 58 wars currently in progress or just completed. A 1 in 4 chance of being attacked doesn't seem to me to be something worth looking into, and since they don't have any purple people in their top 20 or so, I doubt there will be too many purple people to trade with.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 04, 2008, 11:54:46 AM

I was probably the first person he contacted. He was looking for an Aluminum/Lumber trade.

It's kinda funny, seeing as how we're in bed with Elysium now. They have an interesting method ( of warning off alliance poachers ( >:]

By the way guys, put a note in your nations' descriptions indicating that we're a protectorate. (Until Pegasus offishully goes live, we're using "Elysium Protectorate" instead.) That should stave most of the non-stupid raiders and poachers.

I see Kasarn made it back. Yay! :mowcookie

Is anyone interested in a mass tech deal of some kind? Rather than doing the tech banking thing I suggested earlier, I was thinking of circumventing the middleman entirely.

Something like this:

Tezkat sends $3 million each to our tech sellers. They send 50 tech to llearch and 50 tech to Kasarn. In 10 days, we do the same thing again, only this time llearch buys tech for me and Kasarn. And then again with Kasarn footing the bill. A complete cycle lasts a little over a month. That's 100 tech per month at a cost of $3 million each. No middlemen. If we have four tech sellers, that's 400 tech each at a one time cost of $12 million when it's your turn. If the sellers go all the way back to 0 tech after each shipment, each of them makes a monthly profit of around $4 million.

Darkdragon would be one of the tech sellers, of course. We'll probably need to look outside the alliance to expand the plan, but as I mentioned earlier, economic assistance could be a really good way to get closer to our new allies.

I'm going to pick up a Disaster Relief Agency next weekend, which should really help the alliance boosting. The raiders dashed my hopes of restarting my nuclear program--not enough cash left to finance a $100 million wonder this month. :animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 04, 2008, 12:34:45 PM
I'd be up for that; if we can get it going, sure. Want me to post over in the PEACE forum looking for partners for such a plan?

I think your numbers might be a bit off, too. If we have 4 sellers and 3 buyers, each buyer spends 12, and each seller sends 100 tech each time. That's 400 tech for 12 million, and 1200 tech per month; each buyer gets 200/cycle for 2 of 3 cycles.

Am I right? Did you slip something, or was it just confusion in the description?

Oh, and wonders: I got a Stock Exchange, instead of a Social Security; due to the wars and the other crud going on, I'm down a little cash on where I had hoped to be, so only had 31 million lying about. I'll hope to save up 40 million this month. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 04, 2008, 01:06:36 PM

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 04, 2008, 12:34:45 PM
I'd be up for that; if we can get it going, sure. Want me to post over in the PEACE forum looking for partners for such a plan?

Sure. Or I could do it, after I pick out another LOLCat for GLU's thread. :kittycool

Actually, it may be a good idea to wait until we hear from Kasarn, unless Cog or Valynth want in on the first round...

I think your numbers might be a bit off, too. If we have 4 sellers and 3 buyers, each buyer spends 12, and each seller sends 100 tech each time. That's 400 tech for 12 million, and 1200 tech per month; each buyer gets 200/cycle for 2 of 3 cycles.

Isn't that what I said? :animesweat

In other news... has anyone taken a look at Sandro's new toy ( yet? It looks rather interesting.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 04, 2008, 01:16:54 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 04, 2008, 01:06:36 PM
Actually, it may be a good idea to wait until we hear from Kasarn, unless Cog or Valynth want in on the first round...


Quote from: Tezkat on May 04, 2008, 01:06:36 PM
I think your numbers might be a bit off, too. If we have 4 sellers and 3 buyers, each buyer spends 12, and each seller sends 100 tech each time. That's 400 tech for 12 million, and 1200 tech per month; each buyer gets 200/cycle for 2 of 3 cycles.
Isn't that what I said? :animesweat

Probably, but it wasn't immediately obvious. Maybe I need more tea... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 04, 2008, 01:40:23 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 04, 2008, 11:54:46 AM
Something like this:

Tezkat sends $3 million each to our tech sellers. They send 50 tech to llearch and 50 tech to Kasarn. In 10 days, we do the same thing again, only this time llearch buys tech for me and Kasarn. And then again with Kasarn footing the bill. A complete cycle lasts a little over a month. That's 100 tech per month at a cost of $3 million each. No middlemen. If we have four tech sellers, that's 400 tech each at a one time cost of $12 million when it's your turn. If the sellers go all the way back to 0 tech after each shipment, each of them makes a monthly profit of around $4 million.

That's a wonderful idea. However, One drawback to this system is that the 4 tech traders have to be large enough to have invested in a foreign minister because you would need 5 trade slots... (one to accept and 4 sending). This restraint might lower the available tech-trading pool. (Good thing I had the foresight to invest in one)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 04, 2008, 01:50:51 PM

If Tez pays out to 4 guys, he's got foud outgoing payments, and no incoming.
Each of those four sends 50 tech to each of llearch and Kasarn; they have, then, 1 in and 2 out.

No foreign ministry required.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 04, 2008, 02:15:02 PM
Helpful illustration for the confused:

We have 3 buyers (B1, B2, B3) and 4 sellers (S1, S2, S3, S4).

B1 sends $3 million each to S1, S2, S3, and S4. (4 aid slots used)
S1 sends 50 tech to B2 and 50 tech to B3 (3 aid slots used in total).
S2 sends 50 tech to B2 and 50 tech to B3 (3 aid slots used in total).
S3 sends 50 tech to B2 and 50 tech to B3 (3 aid slots used in total).
S4 sends 50 tech to B2 and 50 tech to B3 (3 aid slots used in total).

Then we wait 11 days for the cycle to restart...

B2 sends $3 million each to S1, S2, S3, and S4. (4 aid slots used)
S1 sends 50 tech to B1 and 50 tech to B3 (3 aid slots used in total).
S2 sends 50 tech to B1 and 50 tech to B3 (3 aid slots used in total).
S3 sends 50 tech to B1 and 50 tech to B3 (3 aid slots used in total).
S4 sends 50 tech to B1 and 50 tech to B3 (3 aid slots used in total).

And repeat again in 11 days...

B3 sends $3 million each to S1, S2, S3, and S4. (4 aid slots used)
S1 sends 50 tech to B1 and 50 tech to B2 (3 aid slots used in total).
S2 sends 50 tech to B1 and 50 tech to B2 (3 aid slots used in total).
S3 sends 50 tech to B1 and 50 tech to B2 (3 aid slots used in total).
S4 sends 50 tech to B1 and 50 tech to B2 (3 aid slots used in total).

Basically, the ones doing the financing are paying for everyone else's tech, not their own. But that's okay, because somebody else picks up the tab for them on the other two cycles.

Did that help or just make it more confusing? :animesweat


I don't suppose you could miss it given the emptiness of this new board, but I put up a poll to pick our flag (,4473.0.html). Maybe it'll be easier if we just have to pick a radio button and submit. :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on May 04, 2008, 04:20:00 PM
I just joined and started up in the alliance and llearch suggested I join 'this tech trading thing'.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 04, 2008, 04:30:16 PM
Strongly recommended, I think. ;-]

FYI: jump on over to the P.E.A.C.E. ( forums, and hit the trading forum, once they let you in. (you've got to tell them your alliance and link to your country so they know you're purple) this thread ( is probably the best one, if they'll have you. Failing that, this one ( isn't a bad second choice.

Also, as Tez mentioned a little while ago here, put "Elysium Protectorate" into your country description; it'll stop random wannabies from hammering down on you.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on May 05, 2008, 04:43:32 PM
Well, joined P.E.A.C.E., but can't trade tech yet with them. Someone did invest in my country though, so I can now supply technology for cheap if anyone here wants it.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 05, 2008, 06:41:34 PM
Means you're on the list. We'll get back to you when we get organised. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 06, 2008, 01:20:52 AM

Well... we can't just leave him hanging there. :animesweat

I sent you some monies, James. You can safely spend up to $1.4 million or so of it without messing up any of our plans. You may want to at least build up enough to buy a harbour, so you can set up your trades.

Since this thread is so huge and unwieldy, I put together all the new player info into a confenient reference thread[url] to help you get started.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on May 06, 2008, 02:46:18 AM
Ah, thanks. That guide simplifies some things.

Also, I find I can't aid back to give ya some tech. Gotta wait 10 (or 11) days.  :rolleyes
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 06, 2008, 05:24:55 AM
Yup. If Kasarn agrees, you can chip back 50 to him, and 50 to me.

Next time around, I'll cough up, and you can chip back to Kasarn and Tez. And the next after that, Kasarn pays, and you send back to me and Tez.

Tez: wanna cough up for Darkdragon as well? Or do we wait until Kasarn speaks up?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on May 06, 2008, 07:16:20 AM
Quote from: James StarRunner on May 06, 2008, 02:46:18 AM
Also, I find I can't aid back to give ya some tech. Gotta wait 10 (or 11) days.  :rolleyes

It's 10 days. There used to be a bug which simply meant that, on the 10th day, you had to delete the expired aid before you could send again. However, it was fixed not too long ago:
- Corrected a bug with the foreign aid feature of the game as detailed in this thread ( that would require players to delete their expired aid slots in order to make new foreign aid offers.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 06, 2008, 08:35:28 AM
... does that mean you're in for this tech tax dodge?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tapewolf on May 06, 2008, 08:51:32 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 06, 2008, 08:35:28 AM
... does that mean you're in for this tech tax dodge?
Tax evasion?  In a game?  Awesome!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on May 06, 2008, 09:06:09 AM
Hehehe... Tax evasion indeed. Ya, I think I'll sell you guys cheap tech for awhile since it's near pointless for you to purchase your own.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on May 06, 2008, 09:08:40 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 06, 2008, 08:35:28 AM
... does that mean you're in for this tech tax dodge?

I guess so.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 06, 2008, 11:42:17 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 06, 2008, 05:24:55 AM
Tez: wanna cough up for Darkdragon as well? Or do we wait until Kasarn speaks up?

Done. :mowcookie

Oh, and James... it's best not to bring your tech levels above 50 (or, at least, not significantly above 50) when you're doing the tech selling thing. Just keep buying up to 50, sending it off, and buying it back up to 50 again. Rinse, repeat... But do remember to collect taxes at a point where you're still at 50.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 06, 2008, 02:47:44 PM
Since I can somehow now seem to be able to post on the forum while at school, I'd like to drop a few notes:

I received the 3 mil from Tezkat. I sent 50 tech to Kasarn, but I would need him to accept my offer for me to start from something close to zero and buy 50 tech to collect taxes and send to llearch.

(I get the feeling that we might need a thread to follow up on this to ensure more accurate timing in later rounds so that all transactions can be held on one day as to not delay the 10-day limit by going past 12:00 am)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 07, 2008, 05:39:03 AM
GLU says we're live.

PEACE and PEGASUS are now in the open.

... I must talk to GLU about the naming in there...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 07, 2008, 02:43:54 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 07, 2008, 05:39:03 AM
GLU says we're live.

PEACE and PEGASUS are now in the open.

... I must talk to GLU about the naming in there...

It's your own fault, and you know it.

o/ Doormat :mowtongue

If anyone else has an account on the CN forums , by the way, it might be a good idea to pop in and show your support for the new treaties, just to give us a little more public exposure. :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 07, 2008, 04:35:40 PM
I can't -get- an account, because the address they send the email from is nonvalid; hence my mail server declines it. :-/

I don't have a problem with being labelled doormat. I have a problem with them listing me as "llearch, n'n'daCorna\nDoormat" instead of llearch n'n'daCorna, Doormat" ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 07, 2008, 08:50:21 PM

Quote from: Darkdragon on May 06, 2008, 02:47:44 PM
(I get the feeling that we might need a thread to follow up on this to ensure more accurate timing in later rounds so that all transactions can be held on one day as to not delay the 10-day limit by going past 12:00 am)

That's probably a good idea. I started a tech trading thread (,4492.0.html).

By the way, once James gets a Foreign Minstry, we could get a second simultaneous trade sequence going through, say, Cog and Valynth.

Round 1:

Tezkat sends $3 million to Cog and Valynth.
Cog sends $3 million to James.
Valynth sends $3 million to Darkdragon.
Darkdragon sends 50 tech to Cog.
James sends 50 tech to Valynth.

Round 2:

Darkdragon sends 50 tech to Valynth.
James sends 50 tech to Cog.
Valynth and Cog each send 50 tech to Tezkat.

In other words, James and Darkdragon each get $1.3-2 million aid profits, Cog and Valynth each get 50 tech, and Tezkat gets 100 tech. :3

Sound good? We can't really start until next week, but I do think it's a good idea to try to get our middle nations above the 500 tech mark.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on May 08, 2008, 01:08:12 AM
I'll be ready for this trading cycle once my eyes find their sockets again, darned cartoony body trying to ready a complicated plan...  I do understand my role though and it should stop the "Dentrinition needs tech badly" voice that comes on everytime I check my tech level.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on May 08, 2008, 01:22:32 AM
Sounds good. I'll likely aim for the Foreign Ministry next then.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Great Lakes Union on May 08, 2008, 11:07:10 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 07, 2008, 04:35:40 PM
I can't -get- an account, because the address they send the email from is nonvalid; hence my mail server declines it. :-/

I don't have a problem with being labelled doormat. I have a problem with them listing me as "llearch, n'n'daCorna\nDoormat" instead of llearch n'n'daCorna, Doormat" ;-]

I fixed it :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 09, 2008, 01:43:24 AM
On a wholly different note, I'd like to ask how much the esteemed ones would suggest saving up to pass the 2999.99/3k infra jump?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 09, 2008, 02:55:03 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on May 09, 2008, 01:43:24 AM
On a wholly different note, I'd like to ask how much the esteemed ones would suggest saving up to pass the 2999.99/3k infra jump?

Hmm... I spent something like $15 mil and went straight to 3329.99 infra. I don't think such a large jump was actually necessary, though. I got raided the day before I'd originally planned to make the jump, and that put all my plans out of whack. :animesweat

A good rule of thumb is that the major infra jumps cost 1-2 weeks of income. I was taking in a mil or so a day back then, so... maybe $10 mil, give or take?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Great Lakes Union on May 09, 2008, 08:25:34 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on May 09, 2008, 01:43:24 AM
On a wholly different note, I'd like to ask how much the esteemed ones would suggest saving up to pass the 2999.99/3k infra jump?

Here is the link to the calculator that I used for jumps.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 09, 2008, 08:35:02 AM
Next jump is at 8000 infra.
Total amount needed: $464,465,540.06

Hmm. That's a fairly large sum. *wince*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Great Lakes Union on May 09, 2008, 05:25:31 PM
You are free to go along till you hit 8k though, no need to jump till then.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 09, 2008, 06:27:01 PM
True. Of course, that's a fair way away. Plus I need to keep working on saving for wonders, as well, and doing all these tech trades....
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 12, 2008, 12:35:36 PM
Elysium has declared war on the Finnish Cooperation Organization. Shall we offer our support? I'm not sure there's much we can do militarily, given how full FCO's war slots are at the moment, but the least we can do for our new allies is ask... :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on May 19, 2008, 01:36:01 PM
....what the heck?  I went from collecting 2,500,000$ to getting 1,500,000$ today.  What the heck happened?

...Wait a sec, my population dropped!  what the heck?!  It was 36,000 last night and now it's 33,000!  No wars or anything!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 19, 2008, 01:50:52 PM
- Based on this suggestion ( environment effects to population and happiness have been updated. If you have a bad enviornment you will notice more of a decrease in population and happiness than before. The higher your population and happiness the more impact enviormnet will have.
- Nuclear weapons now have a higher environment impact the more nukes that you own. Lead reduces the nuke environment penalty by 50%.
- Monarchy no longer provides an environment bonus, it now provides a land bonus. Republic provides a spy bonus instead of improvement & wonder upkeep reduction. Revolutionary Government now also provides improvement & wonder upkeep reduction.
- Border Walls now provide +1 happiness instead of +2 happiness.

From the Game Update Log.

My own take has dropped, as well - from 57300 to 55800 or so, and from $99pp to $84, roughly. Which drops me from 5.6 million to 4.6 million, more or less.

I'm guessing environmental factors are going to become more important. :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Fresnor on May 19, 2008, 02:02:20 PM
These changes may ruin me.  I lost over 10 happiness, and am now getting a negative income after taxes.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 19, 2008, 02:33:34 PM
I personally lost 10k citiziens and well over $1 mil/day in income after the change went into effect. :dface At my size, each environment point = ~4k citizens (5-6%). This change has a very significant impact on those maintaining larger armies. The more military you have, the less military you can have.  :B

If possible, I'd recommend not collecting taxes until Kevin tweaks some more. He must be inundated with complaints at the moment, and it's possible that the "fix" will be reversed or at least reduced.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 19, 2008, 02:41:24 PM
... Buying a bigger army means you can keep more army?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 19, 2008, 03:00:24 PM
Er... fixed. :animesweat

Crossing the 60% pop mark in troops drops your environment by 1 point, which drops your max pop by 5-6%, which drops your max troop capacity by a similar amount. My nation was practically in anarchy when I logged in, since I was at ~90% troops.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 19, 2008, 03:12:45 PM
Effective troops or actual troops?

I've got 55k citizens, which makes it 33k acceptable... but I've got 19k actual troops and 39k+ effective. If I need to drop the effectives down to 33k, then I'll be very very slim... I -was- planning on waiting until I reached sufficient citizens, but it seems liek that would be ~66k or so... which isn't happening anytime soon.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 19, 2008, 03:31:04 PM
Actually... last I checked (which was a few weeks ago), the soldier based happiness and environment changes (at 10%, 20%, 50%, and 60%) seemed to be based on effective military, except for the last one (80%+) which works off of real troops.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 19, 2008, 03:38:15 PM
... that sounds like there's a big gap between 60% effective and 80% real.

For me, that's the difference between 15942 real at 60% effective, and 44000 real at 80%... which is ~91000 effective, I make it...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 19, 2008, 03:41:43 PM
Yup. After that change, it was essentially a choice between really low military and max military, with little benefit to the middle ground. Since I was the top nation in the alliance, I've been sitting at around 79% real soliders for the past half year.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on May 19, 2008, 07:15:32 PM
Quote5 Border Walls (2.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)    $115.72
Taxpaying Citizens    65,419
= $7,570,286.68

4 Border Walls (2.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)      $113.20
Taxpaying Citizens    66,876
= $7,570,363.20

3 Border Walls (2.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)    $110.70
Taxpaying Citizens    68,333
= $7,564,463.10

2 Border Walls (2.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)      $108.18
Taxpaying Citizens    69,791
= $7,549,990.38

1 Border Walls (3.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)      $104.98
Taxpaying Citizens    70,386
= $7,389,122.28

0 Border Walls (4.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)    $101.84
Taxpaying Citizens    70,952
= $7,225,751.68

My 5th Border Wall is no longer profitable. Oh well. /shrug
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 20, 2008, 01:57:06 AM
It seems the admin isn't likely to roll back the changes anytime soon.  :<

I did a bit of experimentation and data collection after the update. Border walls are quite worth it for nations my size. I actually gained overall income since the changes went through.

Regarding the soldiers question. Each soldier now has a slight detrimental effect on population. For my nation, starting with ~70k civilians, every 1k soldiers dropped my population by around 30. And the only other major effects were when effective soldiers crossed the 60% mark. (That penalized environment by 1, which dropped my pop by nearly 1k in addition to the happiness hit.) And you can accidentally go over 80% real soldiers now due to the pop drops, which is a huge hit to population and happiness (as bad as anarchy).

If any of you haven't gone through my guide yet and set your government preferences to the +environment options, it's more important than ever to do so.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 03:39:12 AM
Hmm. Incoming message from New Reverie:
To: llearch
From: New Reverie (
5/21/2008 12:09:30 AM
Subject: Strength in Unity, Victory in Strength

Greetings in Victory!
I am sending you this message as an offer for you and your alliance to merge with IngSoc. IngSoc is more than just a small alliance like yours, it is lead by some of the oldest and most talented nations in the game. IngSoc also has an active community, a unique website and forums, and special abilities that do not exist elsewhere. IngSoc possesses the most advanced war, trade, and communication systems in the game.
Members regularly participate in helping each other, communicating with other alliances, and building their nations. Our guides can teach you about the war system and how to maximize your economy.
It is clear you and your members have what it takes to be successful. But this is an offer to combine your talent, with our limitless resources and experience. We invite you to come by our forums and discuss how achieve a greater prosperity for both our peoples.
If you're interested, go to
or join us at #IngSoc on ColdFront
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 03:46:57 AM
Heh. Elysium starts wars for messages like that. >:] Did he spam the entire alliance?

I believe we can safely assume that our response to their merge offer will be in the negative, but you may go do your doormat thing anyway. Always nice to have contacts. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on May 21, 2008, 03:57:12 AM
I got it as well... but I deleted it pretty much right away :V
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 06:00:57 AM
The reason for posting it was to find out who else got it, before taking it to Elysium. Also so it was written down here where I know it'll stick around. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Arcalane on May 21, 2008, 09:21:58 AM
Confirming that it was probably spammed.

Also got this from some random guy, watkin (;

Quotehow can I join Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance?

He is so small, is funny to me. [/Heavy]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 10:19:29 AM
Ask him why he wants to, why he didn't ask one of the Big Three, and if he'd sign up to this forum.

Or something like that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 21, 2008, 12:07:00 PM
I received it as well.

I do advise caution before giving out the address of the forum randomly. We aren't exactly secure except for the obscurity of the forum location.  :< (Think of this as selective entry)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 12:30:21 PM
Oh, it's easy enough to resolve that.

Heck, I could fix it now, if you really want.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 06:00:57 AM
The reason for posting it was to find out who else got it, before taking it to Elysium. Also so it was written down here where I know it'll stick around. ;-]

Hmm... why would we even need to involve Elysium? We need approval to sign treaties, not open diplomatic relations. It's fairly obvious that a merger is out of the question anyway. They're a MK protectorate and happy where they are. We're an Elysium/Poseidon protectorate and happy where we are. 'Nuff said.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 10:19:29 AM
Ask him why he wants to, why he didn't ask one of the Big Three, and if he'd sign up to this forum.

Big Three? Does that make us like a de facto triumvirate or something? Oh noes! Governments! :mowtongue

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 12:30:21 PM
Oh, it's easy enough to resolve that.

Heck, I could fix it now, if you really want.

How would you do that? Set up a CN forum masked to players only? That would be useful... except that the lurker traffic seems to be generating interest in the game. It's currently our only source of new recruits aside from strange random people.

I am genuinely curious as to how that guy found us, though, and why he would choose us over UPN.

Granted, we are getting some exposure in the wider world. Lord Sharpe has finally added protectorates to his MDP Web ( Now you can all see how we fit into the grand scheme of things on Planet Bob. (Also notice how our flag scales fairly gracefully down to that size, whereas all those highly photoshopped ones turn to mush. :3)

We still need a wiki page. Suggestions for content?


Ooooh, just noticed. 1k+ posts on this thread! :mowcookie
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 21, 2008, 06:17:28 PM
Its standard for the wiki page to contain the charter, which we don't have. I also suggest that in this charter we give everyone a faux title and claim everyone a part of the strictly democratic government, (as opposed to republic government) but still leave who does what ambiguous.

I don't think I made much sense...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 06:42:19 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
Hmm... why would we even need to involve Elysium? We need approval to sign treaties, not open diplomatic relations. It's fairly obvious that a merger is out of the question anyway. They're a MK protectorate and happy where they are. We're an Elysium/Poseidon protectorate and happy where we are. 'Nuff said.

Slap him down for spamming?

As it happens, mhawk said he'd been sent the same thing, I think - by someone else, I mean. And they were looking through Pegasus members to see how many people got sent it...

Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
Big Three? Does that make us like a de facto triumvirate or something? Oh noes! Governments! :mowtongue

No, no. Just bigger than everyone else. There's a bit of a step, you may have noticed - although it seems to be shrinking...

Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
How would you do that? Set up a CN forum masked to players only? That would be useful... except that the lurker traffic seems to be generating interest in the game. It's currently our only source of new recruits aside from strange random people.

Set up a sign-up thread in the parent forum, a group for this area, and tag you all as part of the group. Trivial, really.

Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
I am genuinely curious as to how that guy found us, though, and why he would choose us over UPN.

Me too. Particularly over the latter; the former is purely curiosity.

Although there is a hint of "hey, that might be someone attempting to sneak under our umbrella and pass info out to someone else"...

Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
Granted, we are getting some exposure in the wider world. Lord Sharpe has finally added protectorates to his MDP Web ( Now you can all see how we fit into the grand scheme of things on Planet Bob. (Also notice how our flag scales fairly gracefully down to that size, whereas all those highly photoshopped ones turn to mush. :3)

Heh. Yeah, you do good work. ;-] That map is just crazy.

As for the wiki page, pick something from uncyclopaedia? Or, as DD suggests, nominate everyone as a member of the govt...

If nothing else, it should contain the Doormat listing, and, presumably, something equally obnoxious to tag you and Kasarn with. The Big Mozzarella and the Little Cheddar, perhaps? Or something less, ah, cheesy?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 06:55:41 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 06:42:19 PM
Slap him down for spamming?

Heh. Take a look at his protector. Now, count the nukes ( There won't be any military action over this one, I guarantee. :animesweat

QuoteSet up a sign-up thread in the parent forum, a group for this area, and tag you all as part of the group. Trivial, really.

Not technically difficult, I know. It's just that I've noticed a lot of non-players coming over to view the drama recently. Maybe people could get lurker passes? :3

QuoteIf nothing else, it should contain the Doormat listing, and, presumably, something equally obnoxious to tag you and Kasarn with. The Big Mozzarella and the Little Cheddar, perhaps? Or something less, ah, cheesy?

Ah, please... respect the lactose intolerant! (Tezkat hates cheese. :<)

At the moment, my offishul title when on diplomatic business is "Ebil Kitteh With Nukes". :kittydevious

Hmm... ya know... come to think of it, I kinda like the idea of everyone having a title. We're small enough right now that posting a complete member list on the wiki page is perfectly doable. It would give us character and provide enough padding to distract from our lack of official-looking legalese.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 07:03:57 PM
Ah! So Ebil Kitteh Can Has Nukes.

Does that make Kasarn a Good Kitteh With No Nukes?

And no, I didn't expect war. I expected some diplomatic repercussions. War is a terrible way to make a point, and should only be resorted to when dealing with asshats who don't listen to more urbane requests...

As for lurker passes, that's fine - no problem adding them to the group. It just means we have an administrative tag on who is actually here...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 07:54:00 PM

Heh... see what you gone done now? I had to go macro some kittehs... with nukes. :mowtongue



One more...


Okay... got that out of my system. :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: techmaster-glitch on May 22, 2008, 07:35:04 PM
AHH, MOTHERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot expess how much I love that video xD
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 22, 2008, 07:37:44 PM
I has nukes; make my day.

Title: Re: CN: CTW - War Over - Briefing (upd: 2008-05-21)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 14, 2008, 06:52:18 AM

A plane containing some of your nations most notable and wealthy citizens has crashed in a neighboring nation who is holding the citizens hostage and refuses to turn the survivors over to you.    

Option 1: Plead with the foreign nation to free the hostages. Population happiness -2.

Option 2:Order a total air strike on the hostage location killing everyone out of fear that our national secrets could be revealed through interrogation. Lose Access to Affluent Population.    

No Response. Population happiness -4.

I'ma gonna head for option 2. I don't have Affluent Population anyway, so... ;-]
Title: Re: CN: CTW - War Over - Briefing (upd: 2008-05-21)
Post by: Suwako on June 18, 2008, 04:38:07 PM
Quote7/18/2008    The price per barrel of oil has skyrocketed recently. Your nation has an active trade embargo against a nation for an existing humanitarian crisis of which their government leaders refused to act upon. The embargoed nation however has a vast amount of oil reserves.    Option selected. See Current Response.    

Option 1: Break the embargo and begin trading with the oil rich nation.. Population happiness -2, Citizen income +$3.00.
   7/16/2008    Your nation has been asked to host a major 30 day sporting event. While this could entertain your citizens and make them happy, it will also make them quite unproductive during the event.    Option selected. See Current Response.    

Option 2: Refuse the sporting event. Citizen income +$3.00.

Money money money
Title: Re: CN: CTW - War Over - Briefing (upd: 2008-05-21)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 18, 2008, 05:05:03 PM
Heh. I got another "no Affluent Population" event, as well.
Title: Re: CN: CTW - War Over - Briefing (upd: 2008-05-21)
Post by: Tezkat on June 18, 2008, 06:45:52 PM

Meh... no events for me yet. I don't collect taxes very often.

Out of curiosity, why are we posting here instead of the main CN thread? Every time you bump this one instead, I worry that someone started a war without me. :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 18, 2008, 07:19:01 PM
Accident on my part.

All better now?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 20, 2008, 07:16:25 PM
Kasarn passed me in nuke count yesterday. Now I really want a Manhattan Project... >:]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 20, 2008, 08:19:18 PM
I wondered why I was catching you two up.

Pity the same thing can't be said about LW...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on July 02, 2008, 02:41:49 PM
Wait a tick... You guys are already on Cybernations? I just started with a white team nation.

...This forum needs a Mr. Burns smiley, as it would communicate what I am feeling.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 02, 2008, 03:57:36 PM
Yes, we're on CN. We've been on CN for, well, in my case, 561 days.

Purple. Look for DMFA, or here (
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 04, 2008, 11:14:26 AM
Yessss... join ussss....

We can supply your nation with aids and many opportunities for technology-based prostitution. >:]

Also, it might be helpful to read the (already outdated ) guide I wrote (,4482.0.html).
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 07, 2008, 04:03:56 AM
Hmm. We now have A Rock and House Karlov as new members.

Has anyone else had these identify themselves to us? Otherwise I'm likely to point out that they're using us as defense, and it might behoove ourselves to find out who the hell they are, before someone decides they're persona non grata and hammers us as a result...

And then there's the "hmm. One of those isn't purple..." thing...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 07, 2008, 01:03:48 PM
A rock is fisherman (;u=1727). He's one of the leaders of The West Side Thugs in Galava and came over to visit us in CN. :3

House Karlov is Ganurath (;u=1722). You kinda welcomed him over a few posts up. :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on July 07, 2008, 04:37:27 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 07, 2008, 04:03:56 AMAnd then there's the "hmm. One of those isn't purple..." thing...
I'm a deal away from Affluent Citizens. You expect me to give that up?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 07, 2008, 06:23:00 PM
Quote from: Ganurath on July 07, 2008, 04:37:27 PM
I'm a deal away from Affluent Citizens. You expect me to give that up?

No, of course not. It was just that there was two newbies, and only one of whom had identified himself. Since the purple one looked like a freeloader, my paranoia came leaping up out of the woodwork.

Nothing personal, mind. ;-]

As for the whiteness, I was merely curious. Since you've satisfied my curiosity, we can all go back to sleep now. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 09, 2008, 03:34:25 PM
i'm back, my nation is the celtic republic or something to the sort.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 10, 2008, 02:06:53 AM
Event Date Event Expiration Event Description Response Options Current Response
8/9/2008  There has been a terrorist attack in the center of your capital city killing many citizens.  Option selected. See Current Response.  Option 2: Increase security on all public buildings. Citizen income -$4.00.

the other option was use the military to search the perpetratiors out but that ment a pop happiness of -2

damn terrorists i knew i should have been a polar society

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 11, 2008, 01:49:18 AM
...i just now noticed an oversite that is going to make me restart my nation. my name isn't what it should be. instead of the Celtic republic it's "the Celtic republ"
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 12, 2008, 10:19:56 AM
Grr... no bites yet on the Fish-Uranium front... and I'm already three days overdue to buy my wonder. I'm almost ready to skip the Manhattan Project this month and pick up a Great Monument or something. :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 12, 2008, 05:49:43 PM
if i get uranium as a starting resource i'll pop you a trade till you can find a more reliable trade
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on July 13, 2008, 10:01:24 AM
QuoteThe housing market is falling, destroying wealth and confidence in the process.

Option 1: Ride out the situation and hope that it gradually comes back to normal. Population happiness -2.
Option 2: Pass legislation to overhaul the lending market. Population happiness +1, Citizen income -$3.00.
Population happiness -3.
I got this event twice... at the same time...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on July 13, 2008, 03:06:34 PM
i would ride it out but that's just me
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on August 01, 2008, 03:00:41 AM
Apparently I've been attacked by a rogue nation. Is this the part where the Elysium Protectorate thing kicks in, or is this a small time thing that the alliance handles itself?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 01, 2008, 03:31:30 AM

No, this is not something we need to call in allies for. I doubt they'd have many nations weak enough to hit the guy anyway.

This is the part where we rain millions in aid down on you, you instantly grow to ten times his size, and then you beat the living crap out of him on your own. >:]

What to do...

Accept aid.
Buy lots of infra, troops, tanks, and missiles.
(I'd bring tech up a bit too to give yourself a buffer.)
Go medieval on his backside.
Rinse and repeat.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 01, 2008, 05:07:39 AM
Sing out if you need my aid being sent...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 01, 2008, 03:13:40 PM
Dude... don't just take the cash and sit on it so he can raid it from you. Use it to rebuild and hit him back! :animesweat

$3 million should give you hundreds of infra at that size, which would give you a fairly sizable military capacity compared to your attacker. Deploy something like twice his military forces and keep the rest at home to protect yourself.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on August 01, 2008, 05:00:08 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on August 01, 2008, 03:13:40 PM
Dude... don't just take the cash and sit on it so he can raid it from you. Use it to rebuild and hit him back! :animesweat
Yeah... I had sent a peace offering to him before coming here because I thought you guys would handle it. By the time I got back on the game, he had already accepted, and I can't go Punisher mode until the 3rd. In the meantime, though, he'll probably drop his guard and revert to Defcon 5.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 01, 2008, 05:12:44 PM
Oh, hmm... well... coming back to beat the guy up after offering and getting peace would seem rather vindictive and unsportsmanlike. :animesweat

Carry on then. Oh, and you might want to buy a fighter plane or two so you can participate in the wargames this weekend. :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on August 01, 2008, 11:54:46 PM
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 02, 2008, 12:00:41 AM
Ahem. (,4864.0.html)

Note that the exercise has been pushed back to Monday...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on August 03, 2008, 01:21:40 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on August 01, 2008, 05:12:44 PM
Oh, hmm... well... coming back to beat the guy up after offering and getting peace would seem rather vindictive and unsportsmanlike. :animesweat
So, in short, very me. Emphasis on the vindictive part.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 03, 2008, 01:43:38 AM
The New Pacific Order (NPO) has complete sovereignty over the Red sphere. They don't protect raiders, but if it came to it, you would need a screenshot of the original war as evidence.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 07, 2008, 07:23:54 AM
Quote from: deadeye13456
Hello I was woundering if you were the leader of ur alliance.If so please reply to the message if not please send me the nation name of the leader in your alliance.

thanx -Deadeye-

Quote from: llearch
We have no leader, we're a syndo-anarchist commune.

What were you wanting them for?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 08, 2008, 07:09:06 AM
Ooo, these guys don't take subtle.

sent at 11:07:58
Yes im Glad you got back to me in such good timeing, I come From Nebula-X another Purple alliance with 40 members in it and with your 10+ members we can grow together and become a very powerful in this world in Cybernations on planet bob. I come from nebula asking you if you would be interested in mergeing into Nebula-X? This is what we can offer to you, We are in the biggest Purple bloc of protection and with both our alliances together we hopefully can rule a Senate seat together as one purple alliance, We at Nebula offer you an elite offer no one else can offer you, We offer protection with the biggest purple bloc in the game our alliance color to be Purple (witch we both are) and we offer your active government officers great and mighty jobs such as Ministers and senate seats. And all we ask you to do is change ur AA to Nebula-X and you will still have Admin powers on our alliance forums and power in our governmnet. Please I ask you please dont turn this Great offer down.

And at 11:08:28:
Now befor you decline this offer think long and hard about this, dont you want power? Protection and peace within our strongly governed alliance that you hold power in? just take a step back and look outside the box and think power in al alliance over 500k strength and 60+ members isn't our goal in life with in this game to suceed and be on top of the world of planet bob? If you are elite like the rest of us in Nebula please accept this offer we can give all your government members strong governing positions.

Get back to me as soon as you can atleast pm me back to work out a deal.

thanx -Deadeye-

Anyone think this might be a good idea?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on August 09, 2008, 03:13:31 AM
How would it impact our Elysium Protectorate status?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 09, 2008, 07:12:14 AM
Poorly, I suspect.

I wasn't planning on answering positively. Amongst other things, they're barely 1/3rd purple, the alliance has only been there for 33 days, the oldest person in it is only 91 days old, they seem to have a lot of wars, and "mod powers" on their forum isn't actually a selling point...

Oh, and if we don't have a govt now, why would we want one with them?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on August 09, 2008, 09:56:22 AM
My suggestion is to reply with something along the lines of this:
"I sincerely regret that we must turn down such an offer. We prefer to stay a coalition of confederated states rather than gain various administrative duties on a forum which we would have to acquaint ourselves to. I would also like to remind you we are also signatories of the Pegasus agreement as of the original announcement on the Sixth of May, anno Domini 2008. I will also ask you, in the future, to please refrain from attempting to recruit our alliance; such cooperation is much appreciated. Have a good day."

Also, according to the Pegasus Code of Conduct, they have until August 16th to have 60% of their members in Purple.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 09, 2008, 02:56:22 PM
As fellow (and older, I might add) Pegasus members, we're practically MDoAPed to them anyway. And their designs on a Senate seat probably, however impractical, wouldn't sit well with the powers that be in Poseidon (the guys now protecting them... :animesweat). They do... um... know that, right?

Ah, well... ambition is a virtue until it becomes annoying or dangerous. Just send them a polite "Thanks, but no thanks."
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on August 09, 2008, 04:11:31 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on August 09, 2008, 02:56:22 PM
Ah, well... ambition is a virtue until it becomes annoying or dangerous. Just send them a polite "Thanks, but no thanks."

Spelling and grammar are also virtues, but these guys don't seem to care about them.

I vote that we ignore their request.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on August 12, 2008, 03:02:21 AM
Quote from: Valynth on August 09, 2008, 04:11:31 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on August 09, 2008, 02:56:22 PM
Ah, well... ambition is a virtue until it becomes annoying or dangerous. Just send them a polite "Thanks, but no thanks."

Spelling and grammar are also virtues, but these guys don't seem to care about them.

I vote that we ignore their request.
If we ignore it, they'll just repeat themselves. I vote for darkdragon's letter.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 15, 2008, 01:19:44 PM
To: llearch    From: Negros Cumbieros    Date: 8/15/2008 11:17:38 AM

Subject: Tech Trade

Message: Do you want a tech trade? send me 3millions/i send you 50 tech

... thought you all could do with a laugh.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 15, 2008, 02:02:31 PM
Ooooh, pricey. Is that wartime inflation? :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 15, 2008, 02:10:16 PM
apparently so.

Personally, I'd rather get my trades sorted. Which reminds me...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on August 16, 2008, 04:16:57 AM
What's with the global radiation quintupling?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 16, 2008, 04:20:22 AM,4931.0.html
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on August 16, 2008, 09:56:25 AM
...Nutmeg's Nipples! What's wrong with these people!?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on August 16, 2008, 03:31:49 PM
Quote from: Ganurath on August 16, 2008, 09:56:25 AM
...Nutmeg's Nipples! What's wrong with these people!?

Nutmeg's......I'm gonna have to remember that little expletive....

Anyway, they're in a state of total war so anything goes.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 16, 2008, 04:01:58 PM
What? Global thermonuclear war is fun! :kittydevious

I haven't launched any of my own nukes yet, actually, Pegasus standing nuclear policy notwithstanding. Been too busy getting practice in conventional warfare. Hmm... maybe I'll ask my big opponent if he'd like to trade nukes. I'm feeling left out... >:]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on August 23, 2008, 01:14:48 AM
Please, no more nukes, I like my enviromental bonuses.

Speaking of, would any of you be willing to use spies to change my favored government to Capitalist?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 23, 2008, 07:14:24 AM
Rules about spy slot filling: Intra alliance spy operations are not permitted. This is deemed as spy slot filling and nations involved will receive an in-game warning. If nations are caught using spy operations on nations in an alliance they are allied to in the course of an inter alliance war they will receive an in-game warning for illegal spy slot filling. This is detailed in the Cyber Nations forums Game Rules Thread as well as line 16 of the site Terms and Conditions.

... and you're not in range anyway.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on August 28, 2008, 03:13:35 AM
Ugh, I got an event which made me lose more population and now I'm turning a loss even when I collect every day. This is silly!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 28, 2008, 07:46:10 PM
Time for some conscripted tech farming! >:[

If all goes well:
Darkdragon gets 200 tech from lucas, James, Ganurath and fisherman
Tezkat gets 100 tech from lucas and James
Cogidubnus gets 50 tech from Ganurath
Valynth gets 50 tech from fisherman
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on August 28, 2008, 09:27:11 PM
Hm, How will this work out, especially in light of the war?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 28, 2008, 09:35:33 PM
Oh, were you planning on actually fighting with your 50 tech and negative net income?
Only fisherman and Valynth are fighting. fisherman shouldn't be having any problems, so it's a non-issue.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on August 28, 2008, 11:00:07 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on August 28, 2008, 09:35:33 PM
Oh, were you planning on actually fighting with your 50 tech and negative net income?
Only fisherman and Valynth are fighting. fisherman shouldn't be having any problems, so it's a non-issue.

Right now I'm not -truely- fighting, my enemy has no troops and doesn't look like he will any time soon.

Also....  What in the world is this for?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on August 28, 2008, 11:33:01 PM
It's tech farming.

The main point is to get Darkdragon, who decided that he's too large to be a tech farm and is apparently running at a net loss (likely caused by having tanks, having too many soldiers and not having fish/wheat), additional happiness from having 200 tech.

Bumping it to 4 * 3m for 100 tech just seemed the obvious thing to do.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on August 30, 2008, 01:53:31 PM
Cogidubnus doesn't seem to want the 50 tech...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Shadrok on August 31, 2008, 01:45:29 AM
Just made my nation of Tanagra, and ten minuets into its existence I already have three offers of alliance.

I don't know if anyone needs aluminum or spice but I have them.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on August 31, 2008, 04:05:49 AM
Since Tezkat's not here, I'll give you the rundown - you're doing fine.

For starters, there's Tezkat's a bit outdated but still serviceable guide, which you can find here (,4482.0.html). You shouldn't need to put "Elysium Protectorate" in your description anymore, as we the PEGASUS agreement ( has been taken into effect which by its content means we are an Elysium (and Poseidon) Protectorate.

It isn't a very good time (as we are technically in a war - see the war thread (,4931.0.html)) to start up, as we would usually be raining down cash to get you started. and by raining, I mean more than what you have now. Perhaps when llreach gets back you can get your boost-up money.  :)

The offers for joining alliances? Perfectly normal. Until you get here (and even after) you will see these continuously. Feel free to ignore them or write them a polite letter.

If you have any questions on the game, feel free to ask. Or check the wiki ( if we aren't around.
An update on my financial crisis - I'm short about $50 to breaking even. I'm waiting for James (I think - apologies to the fact that I can't make the link between the forum name and the nation names...) or perhaps wait for my minus Happiness event to expire some time in the second week of September...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 02, 2008, 01:23:25 AM
Welcome aboard, Shadrok! Yeah, the guide is a bit out of date, but most of the stuff still applies to lower level nations.

Sent a few munnies to those who seemed to be in need... :mowcookie
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Shadrok on September 03, 2008, 03:12:39 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on September 02, 2008, 01:23:25 AM
Welcome aboard, Shadrok! Yeah, the guide is a bit out of date, but most of the stuff still applies to lower level nations.

Sent a few munnies to those who seemed to be in need... :mowcookie

Thanks and thanks for the booster $ too. :mowcookie

I'll be coming out of peace mode soon so we'll see how long it takes before the first bombs drop, but before then I'll be add the "Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance" in my Alliance section tomorrow.

I'm thinking of not replying to the "Join us" PM's I've received since most look to be "copy, paste, send" in looks, so I doubt not replying will be noticed. Though Grand Admiral Bauer of Guru was the exception, I do think I'll reply with a "Sorry not interested message", the rest I think I'll ignore.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 03, 2008, 05:40:47 PM

If you update your alliance tag, it's unlikely that anyone will attack you. The big war is mostly winding down, and only the stupid raiders take on nations with such big friends. I haven't had any targets in range for ages, and none of us are currently engaged.

You don't really need to reply to recruitment spam. All they do is monitor new nation creation and drop a form letter in your inbox. Personalized messages might merit a reply, but you're unlikely to get those at your level.

Do take the time to read my guide, though. It can get expensive to fix mistakes made early on.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 10, 2008, 01:54:11 AM
Elysium has merged into TPF (link ( and BAPS is now the Pegasus Flag Alliance (link (
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on October 07, 2008, 01:26:24 AM
This section of the forums is rather dead, and I was wondering if I could make a humble suggestion: Since peace is more of the norm, it would be a good idea if we started trading tech again, which was put on hiatus due to war and has yet to restart.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 16, 2008, 02:31:10 AM
i'm up for tech farming. i have tech if you have cash.

also i'm not all too clear on the intricicies of blocs and stuff....if anyone could tell me the information that pertains to protectorates and blocs and who all we're aligned with so i don't war anyone who'll rip me a new one(not like i can or would but still)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on October 18, 2008, 01:06:57 AM
If we do another round of tech farming, this may be my last one before I start to collect it myself.

Also, I am nearing the 2999 infrastructure mark. Should I consider saving up for a wonder now before going up another 1k of infra? And if so, what's would be recommended?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 21, 2008, 04:50:15 AM
Hmm... I'm up for tech trading and stuff. All I'm doing these days is collecting taxes once a week anyway. I've got loads of cash... :3

Quote from: lucas marcone on October 16, 2008, 02:31:10 AM
also i'm not all too clear on the intricicies of blocs and stuff....if anyone could tell me the information that pertains to protectorates and blocs and who all we're aligned with so i don't war anyone who'll rip me a new one(not like i can or would but still)

Er... currently, we're a Poseidon protectorate by way of BAPS and the Pegasus treaty, which essentially means we're aligned with the entire Purple sphere. It's a bad idea to attack anyone in an alliance without approval from the powers that be. Does that help?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on October 22, 2008, 09:35:46 AM
Hey guys, I just registered for Cybernations.  I haven't started a nation yet (mainly because I haven't had time to read your guide) but just wanted to let you know. 

User:  Mao Laoren
Nation:  Nairo
Team: Purple
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 22, 2008, 10:58:13 AM
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on October 22, 2008, 12:03:02 PM
I would highly suggest you to read the guide. It can be fairly expensive to correct the mistakes later. In short, Infra is practically king, and you won't need as much Tech in the beginning as opposed to later.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on October 22, 2008, 12:18:21 PM
Though I did buy some tech, I was looking towards most of my spending going to infra based on some of the earlier posts in this thread.  Anything that needs to be increased to support said infrastructure will get the bare min. needed.  I did pick up some troops and land though.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 22, 2008, 12:50:45 PM
If you join into our alliance, it'll protect you from scavengers. Other than that, you'll need to have from 30% of your population count as soldiers, to 60% of your population count as soldier efficiency.

Those numbers aren't as far apart as you might think.

Other than that, what resources have you got? The single biggest and best thing you can do is get a full set of resources by trading with people. If you can wander into the Pegasus forums, you can sign up to someone's trade ring. Or I can set up a trade ring, and we can see what we get out of it...

Be aware that people will tend to drop out, and drop your trade without warning.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on October 22, 2008, 01:00:41 PM
Tin and Gold seem to be my current resources.

As for an alliance, sure.. just tell me what I have to do.

I think that about 20% of my pop is military right now, but I'll look into changing that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 22, 2008, 02:44:55 PM
Go to Edit My Nation.
Select the drop-down for Alliance Affiliation.
Select Specify Other.
Type in "Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance"

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on October 23, 2008, 02:38:30 AM
i've got some tech i can sell if anyone wants it
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on November 07, 2008, 08:50:38 AM
Hey, not sure who it was exactly, but thank you very much for the foreign aid.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 20, 2008, 03:47:48 PM
one of my key traders in in the middle of a war and he needs aid,  i am currently investigating the nature of this war. should we send him any?

i dont want to drag the alliance into war but i also dont want to have to go looking for a new trade partner seeing as my lead gold parnters keep bailing. if he falls my whole economy could be thrown out of wack and i could leak money till i find a new lumber wheat trade.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 20, 2008, 05:34:02 PM
it would depend on whom he is fighting, and why.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on November 21, 2008, 07:52:51 AM
Lucas, what do you have for resources?  I've got Tin and Gold so if I get a free spot opened up, we might be able to work something out.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 21, 2008, 09:47:06 PM
Because it's probably useful... :sweatdrop

Nation RulerNation NameForum Name
llearchOuter llearchberia ( n'n'daCorna (;u=158)
TezkatThrone of the Jaguar ( (;u=161)
KasarnSeerfir ( (;u=141)
canadian baconThe Gaelic Kingdom ( marcone (;u=98)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 21, 2008, 10:22:29 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on November 20, 2008, 03:47:48 PM
one of my key traders in in the middle of a war and he needs aid,  i am currently investigating the nature of this war. should we send him any?

i dont want to drag the alliance into war but i also dont want to have to go looking for a new trade partner seeing as my lead gold parnters keep bailing. if he falls my whole economy could be thrown out of wack and i could leak money till i find a new lumber wheat trade.

It would help if you told us who your friend was. Our allies have dominion over nearly all of Purple, so it shouldn't be difficult to work something out...

We can't do much to help without information. :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on November 22, 2008, 01:18:25 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on November 21, 2008, 09:47:06 PM
Because it's probably useful... :sweatdrop

RulerNationForum Name
TezkatThrone of the Jaguar ( (;u=161)
KasarnSeerfir ( (;u=141)
llearchOuter llearchberia ( n'n'daCorna (;u=158)
CogidubnusSolum ( (;u=548)
ValynthDentrinition ( (;u=755)
IllizadAlizarin Isles ( (;u=1487)
FresnorReichi ( (;u=168)
jamesstarrunnerMistaria ( StarRunner (;u=265)
AiynoNyanNya ( (;u=149)
GanurathHouse Karlov ( (;u=1722)
Patrick StarA rock ( (;u=1727)
candian baconunited celtic empire ( marcone (;u=98)
GalrokTanagra ( (;u=253)
Moa LaorenNairo ( (;u=1718)
Finally! A table to alleviate my never-ending confusion!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 22, 2008, 01:57:50 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on November 21, 2008, 10:22:29 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on November 20, 2008, 03:47:48 PM
one of my key traders in in the middle of a war and he needs aid,  i am currently investigating the nature of this war. should we send him any?

i dont want to drag the alliance into war but i also dont want to have to go looking for a new trade partner seeing as my lead gold parnters keep bailing. if he falls my whole economy could be thrown out of wack and i could leak money till i find a new lumber wheat trade.

It would help if you told us who your friend was. Our allies have dominion over nearly all of Purple, so it shouldn't be difficult to work something out...

We can't do much to help without information. :animesweat

he got his ass handed to him not long after i posted, i need a new wheat lumber now. his name was SS Waffen since he was obliderated/quit i can't find out what his color was.

i'm not going to do anything with my nation untill i can get a lumber wheat trade at the very least.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on November 22, 2008, 03:04:15 PM
My nation is so ridiculously inefficient that I needed ~350 infra levels to make the 4k jump. That took about a month of doing nothing and saving money. :animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 22, 2008, 09:34:45 PM
Quote from: Darkdragon on November 22, 2008, 03:04:15 PM
My nation is so ridiculously inefficient that I needed ~350 infra levels to make the 4k jump. That took about a month of doing nothing and saving money. :animesweat

Replace Coal/Oil/Rubber with Fish/Wheat/Gems for the 3BR trade set.
If you feel you must have as many bonus resources as you can, then you should still replace Coal with Wheat. The environment damage for trading for Coal makes it pretty useless, even with Steel. You'd only want Coal if you were getting Fine Jewelry/Affluent Population.

Quote from: Three Bonus Resources trade setAluminum, Iron, Lumber, Marble (Construction)
Water, Wheat (Beer)
Cattle, Pigs, Spices, Sugar (Fast Food)
Fish, [Gems for income or Uranium for nukes]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 24, 2008, 08:11:53 PM
good news guys, i got a new lumber/wheat rade and i also got a gold/lead trade i got back my microchips and rad clean up! snooch to the nooch!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on November 25, 2008, 12:42:45 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on November 24, 2008, 08:11:53 PM
good news guys, i got a new lumber/wheat rade and i also got a gold/lead trade i got back my microchips and rad clean up! snooch to the nooch!

Some one just saw clerks.

*knew of that phrase before he saw the show for obvious reasons.*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on November 29, 2008, 02:00:39 AM
"None - Your people approve of this national religion but the majority of your people would prefer something else. They desire a Far Eastern philosophical religion emphasizing love for humanity, high value given to learning and to devotion to family and ancestors, peace, justice, and respect for traditional culture.
(Next Available Change 11/27/2008)"

This does not match the profile descriptions of religions from the drop-down menu. Am I missing something, or have I angered some Far Eastern deity for hating humanity?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 29, 2008, 02:31:40 AM

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on November 29, 2008, 02:52:10 AM
Huh. I suppose having the descriptions being copy/pasta spoiled me. Thanks for the info.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on November 29, 2008, 03:53:44 AM
Quote from: Valynth on November 25, 2008, 12:42:45 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on November 24, 2008, 08:11:53 PM
good news guys, i got a new lumber/wheat rade and i also got a gold/lead trade i got back my microchips and rad clean up! snooch to the nooch!

Some one just saw clerks.

*knew of that phrase before he saw the show for obvious reasons.*

the series actually, gotta love adult swim. by the way clerks1>clerks2
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on December 18, 2008, 02:49:43 PM
Um, Ganurath just gave me 50 tech, any particular reason?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 18, 2008, 04:36:44 PM
probably the same reason he gave me 15. Because he can.

I suspect we should probably work on returning the money, though...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on December 22, 2008, 01:23:54 AM
Okay, James just gave me another 50 tech....  Again, any reason?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on December 22, 2008, 03:16:45 PM
Because you have a secret santa or something that gave me money and told me to. :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 22, 2008, 04:12:15 PM
A sugar-daddy?

Nice one, Valynth. What are you giving him in return? ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on January 07, 2009, 10:46:33 PM

Got this as a Pegasus board message...

There is a new topic up in Pegasus Leadership Discussions on Pegasus boards.  Please go to this link for an important update.

If you are no longer leading your particular alliance, or received this e-mail by mistake, please contact CyborgBelial on Pegasus boards.

Thank you,

Unfortunately, I don't have the perms to access the thread, and I haven't been in #pegasus for a while. Can you read it, llearch? Or have any idea what it's about? Otherwise I need to bug them for an upgrade...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 08, 2009, 04:48:38 AM
I'll drop a note into the group on CN.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 20, 2009, 04:07:48 AM
Septer, from Cylon, in the Terra Prime alliance, asked for an embassy and directions to the IRC. I provided both...

Of course, I also pointed out that he wouldn't see us, because there's so much other life around... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on January 20, 2009, 08:24:32 AM
So what all's going on, these days?  I don't check any of the CN boards and I'm just kinda staying in the 'small-nation-in-the-dark' mode. :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 20, 2009, 08:40:29 AM
Mostly, we're laying low and hoping everyone misses us, I think.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 20, 2009, 11:46:13 AM
It seems we are on our way to doing that.  >:3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on January 29, 2009, 03:44:01 PM
Indeed.  I've stepped myself down a bit, as nothing seems to be going on and have gone back to focusing on getting a bigger nation that's making more money. :D
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 29, 2009, 05:12:34 PM
Once you've got a war chest, you can go back to what you were doing, I figure.

It means you've got money in the bank if something goes wrong.

... in the mean time, I appear to have hit the 8k infra mark, so I'll be sitting here for a couple days...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on January 30, 2009, 02:19:56 AM

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 29, 2009, 05:12:34 PM
Once you've got a war chest, you can go back to what you were doing, I figure.

It means you've got money in the bank if something goes wrong.

Yeah, war chests are really important. When you're fighting a war, things like anarchy, guerilla camps, troop costs, and battle losses drop your effective income down to basically nothing. It's very easy to become bill locked (unable to function because you can't pay your bills). That's probably the most common way to "beat" an opponent.

Organized alliances generally measure warchest size in terms of the number of days worth of bills you can pay without collecting taxes. For comparisons elsewhere in Pegasus... Meritokrati has a 15x minimum. BAPS currently mandates 40x. :dface

We're currently suggesting 10x a minimum. In other words, if your daily bills are $2 million, have $20 million in the kitty for a rainy day (you know--when the weatherman predicts artillery shells... >:]). If you can't afford a week's worth of bills, it's easy to get screwed if the first round of wars turns ugly. I'd bump that up to 20x if you can afford it. Major combat operations in large scale wars are usually over within a few weeks, and you do have to collect every 20 days to avoid being deleted anyway.

So... if any of you need help stabilizing your bank accounts, give a holler and I'll see what I can do. I've got a big warchest...

... in the mean time, I appear to have hit the 8k infra mark, so I'll be sitting here for a couple days...

Honestly, the 8k infra jump is not that big of a deal. Most of the ones above 4k have now been reduced to the point that you can almost ignore them.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 30, 2009, 04:17:46 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on January 30, 2009, 02:19:56 AM
... in the mean time, I appear to have hit the 8k infra mark, so I'll be sitting here for a couple days...
Honestly, the 8k infra jump is not that big of a deal. Most of the ones above 4k have now been reduced to the point that you can almost ignore them.

According to the calculator, 13 million $ worth of infra. Or about two and a half days collections.

Hence the "couple days" ;-]

Also, my next wonder is about up. So I wanted some spare folding for that...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 31, 2009, 05:41:47 PM
Due to one of my vital long-time partners dropping a trade after a few hundred days of trading, my profit margin on one day's taxes minus expenses is $14,718.18 or about nothing. I'm having a bit of trouble getting anywhere close to the suggested 10x minimum at this rate (It'd take three years) and would like a bit of help on this regard. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 31, 2009, 07:18:57 PM
This is why you have a war chest in the first place. ;-]

I've passed over a stack. I expect Tez can probably help more; I kinda need to go back to saving up, because I kinda slipped a bit what with the buying a wonder (Foreign Air Force Base) and the extra 20 fighters to bring me up to 95 planes... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on January 31, 2009, 07:28:45 PM
Wow. How is your income so low just from a lost trade? Maybe it would help to decom your tanks and a few troops until your economy stabilizes. It's not as if DMFA is high on anyone's first strike list. :animesweat

Anyways... I'll send you some munnies as soon as the last guy in my new trade circle accepts his trade. I'm sitting on about half a billion right now, so if you need a large cash infusion, I could also forward multiple packages through intermediaries.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 31, 2009, 11:42:06 PM
My profit margin wasn't too large in the first place. It was enough to save to buy infra once in a few days (I don't check as often as I should anyways) but practically useless in saving large amounts of money. That and the trade was holding together almost all of my bonus resources does not make it better.

Thanks guys.  :mowhappy
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on February 07, 2009, 12:31:44 AM
Huzzah, I'm now a card-carrying member of the nuclear club!  8)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on February 07, 2009, 02:19:35 AM

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 07, 2009, 06:28:49 AM

Over the last couple of weeks, I've had enquiries about our forum from ProdigyNL ( and Lord Bludd (

Both times I've pointed them here, and suggested they might have difficulty finding us in the noise. I've neglected to mention that they won't see us unless they ask me nicely, officially, here, though...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 09, 2009, 08:24:22 AM
Quote from: Lord Bludd
Well i have a little preposal, is far as i can gather you guys play a lot of online games and CN is just a sideline. So hows about i set up a subsection on my forum just to do with CN, and all you guys swap your AA to boost our alliance score. You would have to abide by our rules but you may conduct yourself as you wish in your own sub forum and it means you will all be protected under Pegasus the big purple block.

Just an idea though let me know what you think.

thanks LB

Any takers?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on February 09, 2009, 02:52:59 PM

Did he not notice that we've been in Pegasus longer than they have? :animesweat

Some thoughts...

We barely have a critical mass to keep the threads going in this forum. How many of us would really bother checking another one for updates?

It's a merger of convenience of two small alliances with no real consideration for the political structure of the deal. We'd replace most of their top nations list. (Heck, if Kasarn were still with us, we'd actually be the larger party by NS...) Somehow, I think I'd wind up becoming the go-to man for the new alliance just by virtue of holding the top spot; their contact info isn't widely distributed.

Also, given the rash of treaty cancellations and consolidations recently, we might be looking at a spring break timeframe for the next big bash in Planet Bob, so this might not be the best time to be fiddling with alliance structure.

In the end, I really just don't know who these guys are. NPP is a fairly new alliance, and Lord Bludd is not a very active poster on either the CN or the Pegasus forums. Maybe if they stopped by to say hi and get to know us, I could take the offer seriously.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on February 09, 2009, 03:09:41 PM
I read this whenever there's a new post, but most of the time I'm too much of a newb to really have any input so I just sit back and let you guys make all the decisions.  I'm just here to offer weapons if needed (HA!  Fat chance I'll be needed) and to watch my nation grow.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 09, 2009, 03:20:35 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on February 09, 2009, 02:52:59 PM
Did he not notice that we've been in Pegasus longer than they have? :animesweat

Heh. I was going to comment about that. *grin*

Quote from: Mao Laoren on February 09, 2009, 03:09:41 PM
I read this whenever there's a new post, but most of the time I'm too much of a newb to really have any input so I just sit back and let you guys make all the decisions.  I'm just here to offer weapons if needed (HA!  Fat chance I'll be needed) and to watch my nation grow.

I'm pretty sure we _all_ do that. ;-] I'm not sure what that says about our political nous in the Planet Bob sphere...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on February 10, 2009, 02:01:51 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 09, 2009, 03:20:35 PM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on February 09, 2009, 03:09:41 PM
I read this whenever there's a new post, but most of the time I'm too much of a newb to really have any input so I just sit back and let you guys make all the decisions.  I'm just here to offer weapons if needed (HA!  Fat chance I'll be needed) and to watch my nation grow.

I'm pretty sure we _all_ do that. ;-] I'm not sure what that says about our political nous in the Planet Bob sphere...
How's about "Politically apathetic"?

Honestly, I think it could be safe to say that any time such an offer appears, it's probably a good bet we can decline. If memory serves, we were one of the founding members of Pegasus (albeit a small footnote on the treaty), and thus it probably should be us asking them. But we probably won't due to the symptoms above.

Spring break would be nice. I don't think I'm going anywhere without Internet during the time.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on February 11, 2009, 07:34:19 PM
Looks like we're about to lose another one. :kittydepressed

Fresnor's gonna hit 20 days of inactivity tomorrow... :dface
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 11, 2009, 07:48:42 PM
Yeah, he says
Yeah, pain in the ass trying to keep full resources, and was losing money because of it
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on February 18, 2009, 10:22:45 PM
Should we still be on standby for a huge assault? Also, starting in a couple weeks or so, I may be starting to stock up on tech (after getting another wonder).
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 18, 2009, 10:49:43 PM
three months, they said.

I think there's still a month to go, if not two...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on March 21, 2009, 05:15:37 PM
What is the status of standby? I might be considering going after a wonder...

On a slightly unrelated note, I really dislike it when my vital trades drop. My bills will rise about 300,000 and my taxes will drop 300,000 which makes me about earning nothing. >.< Good thing I got that fixed and lets see how long this set will last.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 22, 2009, 06:49:06 AM
I suspect it's gone all quiet, so go for it. It's probably a bright idea to save up for it, though, and keep at least some war chest on standby...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 22, 2009, 03:38:45 PM
I'd advise building up to your comfortable warchest level and saying, "Okay, this is my rainy day that I'm not going to touch until all hell breaks loose." Then anything beyond that could be considered spending money for new growth.

Most of Pegasus, at least according to the leadership forums, are still in stockpile mode. The longer Planet Bob goes without war, the bigger it will be when it finally hits... >:]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on March 22, 2009, 09:43:40 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on March 22, 2009, 03:38:45 PM
Most of Pegasus, at least according to the leadership forums, are still in stockpile mode. The longer Planet Bob goes without war, the bigger it will be when it finally hits... >:]

Suddenly, getting the radiation cleanup bonus sounds very attractive.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on April 02, 2009, 11:59:23 PM
...this place has everything! :boogie

Member of the now defunct alliance HeroesofGaming!

A former confederation of alliances such as Element and Hyperion that tried to fight NPO!

We lost! Badly! :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 09, 2009, 03:32:16 AM

To: llearch    From: kunal1    Date: 4/7/2009 9:40:58 PM

Subject: money

Message: can i please have some money i really need it

Hrm. My sent messages appear to be deleted.
Why should I send you money?

To: llearch    From: kunal1    Date: 4/8/2009 9:25:11 AM

Subject: RE: money

Message: nobody else will give me money and u r strong

That's a reason for you to want money from me, not a reason for me to give you some.

Care to try again?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on April 09, 2009, 07:56:32 AM
I can't say I've had that happen.. but then I'm not that strong. :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 10, 2009, 06:36:02 AM
Do you guys remember which senator were we supposed to vote for as part of the Pegasus agreement? (Or there was never such a clause and I'm remembering things I never heard?)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Shadrok on April 11, 2009, 01:51:49 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on April 10, 2009, 06:36:02 AM
Do you guys remember which senator were we supposed to vote for as part of the Pegasus agreement? (Or there was never such a clause and I'm remembering things I never heard?)

I wouldn't know any thing about that Darkdragon.

Also I have to say congrats Tezkat your number 86 on the ballot.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 11, 2009, 05:43:43 AM
According to the Pegasus boards:
Senate Candidates for Senate term beginning 15-April-09

i hate cyber nations of i hate cyber nations for MASH
The Pansy of Pansy Commune for Valhalla
Dan2680 of Red Army for Nebula-X
... on Jan the 8th, and then on April the 10th:
Can I ask that any Pegasus nations who have yet to vote, please cast their senate vote for Dan2680 of Red Army.


I'd say that that's Dan, then.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 12, 2009, 12:50:53 AM
I have too much monies. :dface Easter presents for all! :mowcookie

Hopefully that should help a bit with warchests and such.

Quote from: insidexml on April 02, 2009, 11:59:23 PM
...this place has everything! :boogie

Member of the now defunct alliance HeroesofGaming!

A former confederation of alliances such as Element and Hyperion that tried to fight NPO!

We lost! Badly! :<

Heh. Small world, huh? Were you interested in joining up? We could always use new tech farms members. As Pegasus members, we're mostly aligned with the evil NPO camp, mind you... :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 12, 2009, 03:50:04 AM
Thanks for the money, Tezkat. :)

I've also just realized we got a (rather blank) article on the Cyber Nations Wiki which can be found here. (

I remember some time in the distant past where we went and assigned titles to all of our members so it would appear we would have "government positions" in our pseudo-anarchist democracy. I think it would be a great idea to go and polish that page ^.^
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on April 12, 2009, 04:26:14 AM
Ooh! Can I be Head of Nonpurple Relations?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2009, 06:10:09 AM
I don't believe I was ever leader. "Doormat" was as close as we got to diplomatic status, as I recall.

Please, feel free to spend effort making things look pretty.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 12, 2009, 07:42:18 AM
As a founder of the alliance, I dare say you are a de facto leader. The infobox has a field for "officials" and we can move you there, if you would prefer it that way.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2009, 09:56:57 AM
As I understand it, Tez gets to be leader by default, simply because he's the biggest. I'd love to change that, but at this stage, I don't see it happening...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 12, 2009, 10:36:28 AM
Size matters not. Judge me by my size, do you? :mowtongue

For the most part, other alliances simply want to know who the goto guy is when they need to contact us. And that's llearch. When I had to explain who was running things to the new Pegasus leadership, I just said that llearch was our foreign affairs guy, while I managed the economic and military side. Which is more or less how things work in practice. Most people don't get the leaderless anarchy thing. Last time I adopted an official title, it was something silly like "Ebil Kitteh". :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on April 12, 2009, 12:56:15 PM
Wait, so no arbitrary and self-glorifying titles? Not even silly ones?

That makes Ganurath a sad panda...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on April 12, 2009, 03:04:45 PM
Weee!  It's raining money!  Thank you very much!  If you wants tech, just let me know. :)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 12, 2009, 04:14:29 PM
Quote from: Ganurath on April 12, 2009, 12:56:15 PM
Wait, so no arbitrary and self-glorifying titles? Not even silly ones?

Well, I'm going to say you're allowed to give yourself a title as long as it doesn't suggest that you actually work in our "government", while implying you are. There's a lot of alliances with silly titles which at first glance you wouldn't know what they did. But you should check with the others before applying said title.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2009, 04:29:24 PM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 12, 2009, 03:04:45 PM
Weee!  It's raining money!  Thank you very much!  If you wants tech, just let me know. :)

Please. Of course, it wasn't raining money on me, but honestly, I've probably got enough already - over a hundred million in both CN and Galava...

Some tech swaps would be good to set up again, if someone is still small enough to warrant such boosting...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 13, 2009, 10:45:07 PM
Quote from: Ganurath on April 12, 2009, 12:56:15 PM
Wait, so no arbitrary and self-glorifying titles? Not even silly ones?

That makes Ganurath a sad panda...

Well... we're an anarchic collective with little in way of real rules. You can be Saint Attila's Holy Hand Grenade for all we care. On the other hand, I wouldn't take on a title like Head of Nonpurple Relations unless you actually plan to spend a lot of time on Coldfront heading up relations with nonpurples. It's just common sense. People would go to our wiki page to find out who to contact in alliance matters. Now if you really do want to be our new MFA... :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on April 14, 2009, 01:18:54 AM
Understoof. Keeping team colors (and my non-furriness) in mind, can my nation hold the title of Token [term that applies, but won't offend]?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 14, 2009, 06:36:06 AM
Token Sane Person?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on April 14, 2009, 12:02:24 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 14, 2009, 06:36:06 AM
Token Sane Person?
You're talking about a guy who checks his closet for gnomes looking to sodomize him with russet potatoes in his sleep.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 14, 2009, 01:44:47 PM

The fact that you're our token sane person doesn't make you sane. Merely comparatively so, at best. That, or it's tongue-in-cheek, in which case you're not sane at all, even comparatively. Either way, it doesn't say a thing about you that isn't immediately obvious to any passer-by, to whit, you're a person.

You are a person, aren't you?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on April 14, 2009, 10:43:55 PM
Of course I'm a person, despite what some folks may say. I cited my humanity (versus furry-ness) as a reason to be the Token Something, after all.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on April 15, 2009, 01:49:56 AM
i need permission to help out a trading partner....yes again.....diffrent one i promise. he is at war with a non aligned nation. this nation attacked him once, claimed to have attacked the wrong nation sent for peace, then attacked again. i am looking to send him a bundle of 50 tech, 1000 soldiers and some cash to be determined.
his nation
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on April 15, 2009, 02:07:04 AM
Message: Greetings and Hello,
I would like to extend to you my warmest greetings and salutations! You are receiving this letter as part of an effort to make the first small alliance conference on planet BoB a huge success. Please understand that this is not an offer for mergers or new treaties, but a chance to get to know some of the smaller alliances that dot our beloved planet Bob. A channel has been established on Coldfront #small_alliance for the purposes of this conference. If you have never used IRC, i suggest you go to select ColdFront as your server and type #small_alliance as the channel. I look forward to seeing you there and sharing some comraderie with the other small alliances. The conference will be going on throughout the week so please come by at any time.

Anybody else in the alliance get this PM, or did being the Token Something get me special attention?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 15, 2009, 02:36:55 AM
Quote from: Ganurath on April 15, 2009, 02:07:04 AM
Anybody else in the alliance get this PM, or did being the Token Something get me special attention?
I got the same thing. Either our plan is working and they "recognize" our anarchic system (unlikely) or it's a mass message (more likely).

EDIT: Missing apostrophe
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 15, 2009, 03:32:22 AM
I'm lurking in the channel they've suggested. We'll see what happens.

lucas, what permission do you need? If you want to help someone out, help them out. If you're going to get stuck into someone, that's different. Either way, it's your problem, no? Or am I missing something?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on April 15, 2009, 04:25:41 AM
well i like to get permission before getting myself into anything that might bite us in the ass later.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on April 17, 2009, 09:42:47 PM
turns out the attacking nation said it was "practice" and he was "learning how to use the war menu to wich i told him practice and learning stop well short of causing anarchy...later he sent for peace. he was probably some raider who got scared a nation of my size was meddling in his affairs. anyway it's all over and i can keep my wheat and uranium coming in.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on April 18, 2009, 12:33:15 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on April 15, 2009, 04:25:41 AM
well i like to get permission before getting myself into anything that might bite us in the ass later.

Maybe "permission" isn't quite the right word here, but it's absolutely a good idea to consult before helping out folks outside the alliance. Some alliances consider foreign aid tantamount to a declaration of war, since it's aiding and abetting the enemy. I wouldn't worry about this particular situation, however. It's good that everything worked out in the end.

Some other things to keep in mind...

Sending tech to someone on the losing end of a war or raid is rarely a good idea. That's sort of like feeding the enemy. Beyond the first 15 points (and certain other milestones needed for military purchases), only large differences in tech levels have much impact on fights.

Sending troops can cause problems. They're dirt cheap to buy, and accepting outside troops can mess up collections or deployments.

Except in special circumstances, cash is the only thing you should be sending into an active war. And you should have enough to spare, because you've built up your warchest. Right? >:]

Title: Re: Cybernations (Oh look, war...)
Post by: Tezkat on April 22, 2009, 01:29:26 PM

In case you guys haven't noticed, Great War: 2009 Edition ( broke out this week. :dface Our current status is a bit... confused at the moment. Valhalla--our main tie to the conflict--backed out and is biding their time in hippie mode. However, it's likely that we'll be drawn into the fight one way or another. Either way, we're probably low on the first strike lists, but a bit of military padding wouldn't hurt at this point.

All non-military spending should be completely on hold. Anyone who still needs help with their warchests, give a holler now!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on April 22, 2009, 02:14:05 PM
This happens just after I lose on of my main trading partners and after I spent a large amount on infra.  Lovely.  I *think* 4 mil will work as a warchest.  I pay  $211,688.00 a day.. so that's about 20 days I can go without any money coming in.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on April 22, 2009, 03:29:35 PM
Switched government to Federal for soldier bonus, and ready to dismantle my Border Walls in favor of Barracks in case war gets declared.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 22, 2009, 04:04:07 PM
Oh, goodie. Just in time for me heading offline for 3 weeks, in 2 weeks time... :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on April 24, 2009, 04:24:41 AM
Wouldn't three weeks of inactivity delete your account?


Anyways, what's the update status on the war? From what I've glanced over a flurry of DoWs has occurred, including most of Poseidon et alli. Being a microalliance, the chances of us being attacked are slim, but its best to prepare for the worst, right?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 24, 2009, 05:18:10 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on April 24, 2009, 04:24:41 AM
Wouldn't three weeks of inactivity delete your account?

Correct. Hence why I intend to be a tiny bit active. Just enough to avoid the heat-death of the universe. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 02, 2009, 03:20:57 PM
Hmm... did we miss the war? :dface Most of Poseidon/Pegasus has already peaced out of their conflicts.

I didn't see any military coordination stuff at all on the Pegasus forums...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 02, 2009, 05:36:24 PM
*sneak* *sneak* *sneak*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on May 03, 2009, 09:25:55 AM
they knew not to mess with us because you have the irish on your side and when you have an army of violent drunks, that are supernaturally lucky, on your side people tend to steer clear.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on May 03, 2009, 01:45:58 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 02, 2009, 03:20:57 PM
Hmm... did we miss the war? :dface Most of Poseidon/Pegasus has already peaced out of their conflicts.

I didn't see any military coordination stuff at all on the Pegasus forums...

It would appear that we have dodged the bullet. Fewer days of economy-choking radiation to fret over, I suppose.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 03, 2009, 09:22:02 PM
And due to the war, Tezkat's managed to move into the top 5%, albeit barely.  :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on May 06, 2009, 03:31:41 PM
did we loose someone? i could swear there was someone just above me in the alliance but now they seem to be gone...just when i was getting ready to pass them too
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 14, 2009, 07:37:09 AM
Well... the war is pretty much over. Our side lost. As of last night, the Continuum no longer exists. With Valhalla's recent surrender, Purple no longer has any ties to the fighting.

Purple took major huge hit in this conflict. Valhalla is a shadow of its former strength. The other Poseidon alliances lost about a million NS each. Our Pegasus buddies BAPS and Olympus lost nearly half their net worth in the war.

So... we're now coordinating the rebuilding effort. Is anyone here willing/able to help with rebuilding aids? If so, how many $3 mil slots could you donate to the cause?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 14, 2009, 07:46:09 PM
With the war over, we could go dip into the warchest a little, right? I'm almost reaching the funds for my first wonder (I'm probably going with the Stock Market) then after that I could probably spare several three million slots (depending on how low into the warchest I want to dip).
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 15, 2009, 10:34:23 AM

Yeah. Warchests are as much for rebuilding as they are for fighting. It's unlikely that we'll see any conflicts on this scale for a while.

Just remember that you should be thinking about replenishing the kitty later on...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 16, 2009, 01:40:59 AM
In that case, I should be able to spare 15 million (3 x 5), but then that dips into my warchest more than I really could afford.

Just remember which alliances we are allowed to aid as per terms of their surrender. I'm not too certain, but I think most surrender terms have clauses about receiving aid so it would be best if you ask if we can aid first.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on May 16, 2009, 01:36:00 PM
It's like the entire world is at war. I'm not even part of your alliance, and yet somehow I'm at war.

Which I'm winning, luckily enough.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: techmaster-glitch on May 16, 2009, 02:10:10 PM
Quote from: insidexml on May 16, 2009, 01:36:00 PM
It's like the entire world is at war. I'm not even part of your alliance, and yet somehow I'm at war.
As far as I've been able to gather, it seems that Cybernations has pretty much an annual World War.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on May 17, 2009, 02:36:56 AM
I wonder if the world dies if we get it to 1000 RADs....  Or we suddenly become ghoul colonies.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on May 17, 2009, 02:46:12 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 16, 2009, 02:10:10 PM
Quote from: insidexml on May 16, 2009, 01:36:00 PM
It's like the entire world is at war. I'm not even part of your alliance, and yet somehow I'm at war.
As far as I've been able to gather, it seems that Cybernations has pretty much an annual World War.
As far as I've been able to gather, I'm the only one who doesn't like this idea.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on May 18, 2009, 01:14:45 AM
Quote from: Ganurath on May 17, 2009, 02:46:12 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 16, 2009, 02:10:10 PM
Quote from: insidexml on May 16, 2009, 01:36:00 PM
It's like the entire world is at war. I'm not even part of your alliance, and yet somehow I'm at war.
As far as I've been able to gather, it seems that Cybernations has pretty much an annual World War.
As far as I've been able to gather, I'm the only one who doesn't like this idea.

Well, otherwise, you just have nation states with flashy numbers.  And that gets boring really fast....  Even if you're an accountant.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 18, 2009, 02:35:17 AM
Quote from: Valynth on May 18, 2009, 01:14:45 AM
Quote from: Ganurath on May 17, 2009, 02:46:12 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 16, 2009, 02:10:10 PM
Quote from: insidexml on May 16, 2009, 01:36:00 PM
It's like the entire world is at war. I'm not even part of your alliance, and yet somehow I'm at war.
As far as I've been able to gather, it seems that Cybernations has pretty much an annual World War.
As far as I've been able to gather, I'm the only one who doesn't like this idea.

Well, otherwise, you just have nation states with flashy numbers.  And that gets boring really fast....  Even if you're an accountant.
In that case I should be an accountant. I can stay up all night pushing numbers in Excel charts to derive statistics which I find "useful". And not get bored.

Which is probably why I invest in troops in Galava despite probably not needing to. >.>

I wonder where Tezkat's gone, because I have no idea who I can send aid to, mainly because I can't ask the alliances because he (and llearch, who is on vacation) are the only ones which have forum masks on the forums where this information can be obtained. >.>
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on May 18, 2009, 06:10:08 PM
Quote from: Valynth on May 18, 2009, 01:14:45 AM
Quote from: Ganurath on May 17, 2009, 02:46:12 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 16, 2009, 02:10:10 PM
Quote from: insidexml on May 16, 2009, 01:36:00 PM
It's like the entire world is at war. I'm not even part of your alliance, and yet somehow I'm at war.
As far as I've been able to gather, it seems that Cybernations has pretty much an annual World War.
As far as I've been able to gather, I'm the only one who doesn't like this idea.

Well, otherwise, you just have nation states with flashy numbers.  And that gets boring really fast....  Even if you're an accountant.
Actually, my friend's wife has a nation in some alliance of ultraconservatives that my friend has described as regularly attacking anyone they can. She doesn't actively participate in the wars, but she contributes by making her entire alliance's military infrastructure economically dependent upon her funding.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on May 18, 2009, 06:44:28 PM
It really sucks for me, since I've not got anybody in my alliance I can really turn to for help.

Mostly because it's just me in there. Aaand... one other inactive nation. :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 18, 2009, 07:09:12 PM
... you could always join our inactive alliance... ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 19, 2009, 04:06:51 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on May 18, 2009, 02:35:17 AM
I wonder where Tezkat's gone, because I have no idea who I can send aid to, mainly because I can't ask the alliances because he (and llearch, who is on vacation) are the only ones which have forum masks on the forums where this information can be obtained. >.>

Yeah... sorry, I was a con all weekend and didn't really have time to keep up with forum stuff.

I haven't heard back from the other Pegasus peeps yet, though.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 19, 2009, 04:13:21 AM
Hmm... I hope you enjoyed the con, at the very least.

Perhaps they didn't see your first message, or didn't check the Pegasus forums due to internal turmoil. Have you tried knocking at the alliances' doors (read: forums)?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 19, 2009, 04:30:10 AM
Yeah, the con was fun. Being geek-oriented, though, a lot of the stuff ran late into the night, so I'm a bit sleep deprived...

I actually don't have any accounts on our neighbours' forums. I'd kinda left that to our resident Doormat. Maybe I'll pop on IRC sometime and ask there.

If they want our monies, I'm sure they'll let us know eventually. :animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 19, 2009, 04:48:09 AM
Our resident doormat has been spotted recently, perhaps he could be tracked down to pursue this issue?

I'm not too certain about them remembering, after all, we are pretty small in number compared to them and won't probably be remembered until some guy remembers about us and then contact us. It would leave a better impression if we went to them, especially since we know they could use a hand.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 19, 2009, 08:32:58 AM
Our Resident Doormat is looking to see if he's been lynched while his back was turned. Nothing more, nothing less.

I certainly don't want to log into fifteen different forums from a webcafe... It's hard enough getting into this one...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 19, 2009, 11:45:48 AM
True. I understand.

o/ Resident Doormat.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on May 21, 2009, 04:13:51 PM
To: canadian bacon    From: blackrage    Date: 5/20/2009 1:54:18 AM

Subject: teaser

Message: ya know i could attack you and there's nothing anyone in your alliance could do about it.

this scares me because with my trade situation as it is he probably could as im making juuuuuuuuuust enough to keep my head above water.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on May 21, 2009, 10:37:53 PM
Actually, he's pretty destroyable.  It's if his alliance wants to back him up on a random attack like that.  If not... he wouldn't be all that hard to pulp.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Shadrok on May 22, 2009, 01:05:26 AM
*makes not to himself to visit the forums more*

Quote from: lucas marcone on May 06, 2009, 03:31:41 PM
did we loose someone? i could swear there was someone just above me in the alliance but now they seem to be gone...just when i was getting ready to pass them too

I know my nation of Tanagra was over you till I started saving for a wonder.

Quote from: lucas marcone on May 21, 2009, 04:13:51 PM

To: canadian bacon    From: blackrage    Date: 5/20/2009 1:54:18 AM

Subject: teaser

Message: ya know i could attack you and there's nothing anyone in your alliance could do about it.

this scares me because with my trade situation as it is he probably could as im making juuuuuuuuuust enough to keep my head above water.

Well if you ever need spice and aluminum you can trade with me. (that is if your current aluminum source ever falls through)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 22, 2009, 01:26:48 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on May 21, 2009, 04:13:51 PM

To: canadian bacon    From: blackrage    Date: 5/20/2009 1:54:18 AM

Subject: teaser

Message: ya know i could attack you and there's nothing anyone in your alliance could do about it.

this scares me because with my trade situation as it is he probably could as im making juuuuuuuuuust enough to keep my head above water.

Meh. You should still have a large enough warchest to take that guy on, whereas he was on the business end of some nukular shineys during the Karma War. Even if you don't, we can rain aid on you till the cows come home.

Besides, there is something even simpler we could do about it: Go ask GGA to make him stop and send you reps for his stupidity. Simple, huh? :3

An attack on DMFA is tantamount to an attack on nearly all of Purple (sans Valhalla, who can't execute their Poseidon military responsibilities until the terms of their surrender expire). We no longer have much of a treaty link to GGA, but they were sort of on our side of the fence, and frankly they're in no condition to be throwing their weight around right now.

By the way... I notice that a lot of you still have "Elysium Protectorate" or something similar in your nation descriptions. Um... Elysium disbanded months ago, and its leadership is mostly running TPF now. :animesweat "Pegasus Member", "Poseidon Protectorate", "PEACE Protectorate", or something to that effect would be more appropriate.


Oh, and an update on the aid thing. They are aware of our offer to help but don't have a list of recipients for us just yet. So... um... if you want to help with that, just tuck some "Purple Rebuilding" funds aside somewhere until we get organized.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on May 22, 2009, 02:34:06 PM
i like the idea of reperations for stupidity ;). id like to help rebuild purple but i cant, my war chest would have remained un touched but when i heard we were goning to be relitively safe i thought some minor improvemt could be afforded
...then i lost my trades and started leaking money.....even my oldest trade up and left without so much as a " hay stoppin our trade tomarrow". i tried to find other trades but none of the important one responded before i had to be active or be deleted, thus i bled monies.
just once i wish a trade circle who wanted t get the bonuses i do would contact me.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on May 22, 2009, 02:39:55 PM
I had to rebuild most of my trades after the war.  Lot of folks jumped ship.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on May 22, 2009, 04:23:11 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 22, 2009, 01:26:48 PM

Oh, and an update on the aid thing. They are aware of our offer to help but don't have a list of recipients for us just yet. So... um... if you want to help with that, just tuck some "Purple Rebuilding" funds aside somewhere until we get organized.

Got more than enough, just let me know where to fire the canons send the aid.  :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on May 22, 2009, 06:27:46 PM
 :paranoid Anybody need furs or wheat? Most of my trade agreements seem to have dissipiated.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 23, 2009, 06:39:31 AM
I have lead and pigs, if someone wants to look at what we have as a group and see about finding someone with the missing features for a decent trade circle, I'd be happy to move to that.

Of course, it would lose me my bragging rights of having a trade older than many countries, but that's a sacrifice I'll just have to make.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 23, 2009, 11:42:36 AM
Until 30 days ago I had trades which were only 5 days less old than my country. But then I redid the whole structure and now its falling apart again  :mowsad
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 24, 2009, 12:37:49 PM

While waiting for Pegasus to get organized... some free stimulus monies for our smaller members! :mowcookie

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on May 27, 2009, 02:30:48 PM
thank you tez.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on May 28, 2009, 06:09:42 AM
Yes, thank you Tezkat. :)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Shadrok on May 28, 2009, 01:06:08 PM
Thanks Tezkat for the money.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 23, 2009, 06:39:31 AM
I have lead and pigs, if someone wants to look at what we have as a group and see about finding someone with the missing features for a decent trade circle, I'd be happy to move to that.

Of course, it would lose me my bragging rights of having a trade older than many countries, but that's a sacrifice I'll just have to make.

How old is your oldest trade?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 28, 2009, 02:08:08 PM
Enjoy the monies!

On the topic of trade problems...

We just launched a new umbrella forum to handle all of PEACE (Poseidon, Pegasus, other Purple stuff...) activities. Once it gets a little populated, it should be a good place to organize some (hopefully) stable trade circles and such. So... everyone mosey on over and sign up! :3

Once you've registered, post in the Pegasus Sign In area for a mask.


In other news... who the hell is this guy?

Not that I object to new members or anything, but this guy looks like he might be ghosting...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 29, 2009, 01:34:15 PM
Quote from: Shadrok on May 28, 2009, 01:06:08 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 23, 2009, 06:39:31 AM
I have lead and pigs, if someone wants to look at what we have as a group and see about finding someone with the missing features for a decent trade circle, I'd be happy to move to that.

Of course, it would lose me my bragging rights of having a trade older than many countries, but that's a sacrifice I'll just have to make.
How old is your oldest trade?

Currently, I have 815, 224, 181, 118, and 27 days.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 29, 2009, 02:52:02 PM
Well, thus far our new possible ghost has not responded to hails. If you know this guy, please speak up now. If he goes onto a public ghost list, he'll become an involuntary tech/land farm for all of Purple. :dface
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Shadrok on May 29, 2009, 03:30:13 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 29, 2009, 01:34:15 PM
Quote from: Shadrok on May 28, 2009, 01:06:08 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 23, 2009, 06:39:31 AM
I have lead and pigs, if someone wants to look at what we have as a group and see about finding someone with the missing features for a decent trade circle, I'd be happy to move to that.

Of course, it would lose me my bragging rights of having a trade older than many countries, but that's a sacrifice I'll just have to make.
How old is your oldest trade?

Currently, I have 815, 224, 181, 118, and 27 days.

Well that beats my 126, 88, and 65 days

Quote from: Tezkat on May 28, 2009, 02:08:08 PM
In other news... who the hell is this guy?

Not that I object to new members or anything, but this guy looks like he might be ghosting...

Quote from: Tezkat on May 29, 2009, 02:52:02 PM
Well, thus far our new possible ghost has not responded to hails. If you know this guy, please speak up now. If he goes onto a public ghost list, he'll become an involuntary tech/land farm for all of Purple. :dface

Don't know them.

I'm all for ghost listing them if after 15 or 20 days there is still no response and no one knows who they are.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on May 29, 2009, 03:37:14 PM
I have no idea who he is.

I'm not against new people joining or people being in a state of hibernation since I myself haven't been doing much more than keeping my country up, but I occasionally post here and can be reached for talks, ect.

*votes in favor of putting him on a ghost list after the watching time period.*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 29, 2009, 07:25:36 PM
I don't mind people who sign up and sit on their asses all day. I mean... we're all a bunch of hippies, really. :animesweat I just want to know who they are and how to reach them...

Okay, then. I'll give him a grace period and poke him some more to see if he responds. Unless he does something naughty, of course. So far as I can tell, he hasn't been any fights yet and is making a living through tech trading.

By the way... we can assign up to three leadership slots per alliance with respect to access to the high level Pegasus boards of the new forum. Obviously, llearch and I will take the first two. Would anyone like the last one?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on May 29, 2009, 07:49:55 PM
Hmm... not sure if I'd be comfortable up in a command position.

And no idea who that guy may be.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on May 29, 2009, 09:43:33 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 29, 2009, 07:25:36 PM
By the way... we can assign up to three leadership slots per alliance with respect to access to the high level Pegasus boards of the new forum. Obviously, llearch and I will take the first two. Would anyone like the last one?

I suppose I should since I'm the third largest now...  Of course being a leader is not exactly what I'd like to do, but if things get exciting I suppose I'd become more active.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on May 29, 2009, 10:16:42 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 29, 2009, 02:52:02 PM
Well, thus far our new possible ghost has not responded to hails. If you know this guy, please speak up now. If he goes onto a public ghost list, he'll become an involuntary tech/land farm for all of Purple. :dface

Don't know them. If they ghost, can I farm too?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 29, 2009, 10:47:35 PM
Quote from: Valynth on May 29, 2009, 09:43:33 PM
I suppose I should since I'm the third largest now...  Of course being a leader is not exactly what I'd like to do, but if things get exciting I suppose I'd become more active.

Well, you don't have to if it's not something you're comfortable with. It's effectively a high-level foreign affairs liaison position where you rub shoulders with the leaders of other alliances. They have three spots because a lot of alliances are run by a triumvirate rather than a single emperor or president. Between us, llearch and I are usually online enough to keep everyone in the loop. But since we're a hippie anarchist collective with no formal leadership, I figured it would only be fair to put the last slot up for grabs if someone wants it.

There's also mask level below Pegasus Leadership on the forums for regular government members, if you'd prefer to give that a try.

Essentially, as people from DMFA start trickling over onto the Purple forums, the admins need to know how to mask them.

Most of the really important discussion takes place in private IRC channels anyway, mind you...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: techmaster-glitch on May 29, 2009, 11:58:01 PM
Quote from: James StarRunner on May 29, 2009, 07:49:55 PM
Hmm... not sure if I'd be comfortable up in a command position.
But the best leaders are the ones who have to be dragged into it ;)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on May 30, 2009, 01:35:42 AM
I've never heard of the guy. I wonder how that person heard of us, as we aren't exactly high on the radar by any means.

I'm torn as to what my fancy title should be. I have half a mind to be a Kierkeguardian, and the other something more draconic. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on May 30, 2009, 03:04:29 PM
:U You know, I still don't really get how the whole 'enviroment' thing works.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on May 30, 2009, 03:17:43 PM
Basically the more nukes people drop, the worse the environment gets for the planet as a whole.

There's also some factors with importing certain materials too (coal, lead, uranium...)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on May 30, 2009, 03:19:02 PM
:U I wish my enviroment was better.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on May 30, 2009, 03:25:50 PM
Ya... People are happier when they haven't mutated an arm dangling from their forehead. :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on May 30, 2009, 04:34:31 PM

Since one of the major patches last year, worsening environment ( decreases population, thus decreasing income and military capacity. Obviously, global thermonuclear war screws things up for everyone. :animesweat

With respect to the mask thing... I'm just gonna leave llearch and myself on the list for now. If anyone wants an upgrade, give a holler and I'll ask the admins to change your mask.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on June 01, 2009, 03:08:08 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on May 30, 2009, 04:34:31 PMObviously, global thermonuclear war screws things up for everyone. :animesweat
*makes to put the cluebat away*

Lesson learned, then?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on June 05, 2009, 08:46:42 AM
I didn't even know there was a nationstates thing going on here.

You up for having a bit of a spaz in your ranks?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 05, 2009, 08:56:41 AM
... It's been going on for a wee while, you know.

2006, I think.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Ganurath on June 05, 2009, 04:51:55 PM
Quote from: Drathorin on June 05, 2009, 08:46:42 AM
I didn't even know there was a nationstates thing going on here.

You up for having a bit of a spaz in your ranks?
Oh, no, Nationstates is a completely different game, much more freeform, and more focused on roleplay.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on June 06, 2009, 12:06:22 AM
Sorry, I meant Cybernations :<

. . I fail at the english language.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Valynth on June 06, 2009, 02:52:42 AM
Quote from: Drathorin on June 06, 2009, 12:06:22 AM
. . I fail at the english language.

Then you'll fit right in.

The internet is english's tomb.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on June 06, 2009, 01:11:41 PM
Made a nation.

Kelethratika, unfortunately my resources are iron and Wine.

I'm tempted to maybe try deleteing it on the 10th and re-rolling to get new resources.

Not sure really :x
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Magic on June 06, 2009, 01:13:06 PM
Orvael. Iron, Aluminum.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on June 06, 2009, 04:25:11 PM
Welcome to the game. It's time to remind Tezkat to update the guide (,4482.0.html) (a lot of it hasn't changed; what comes to mind is that we aren't Elysium protectorates anymore). Consider tech trading, and accept my aid bonus :) (Unless you really want to delete your nation on the 10th; that's your call. There's no use sending 3 million if you're going to delete your nation :<)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 06, 2009, 04:47:36 PM
Dark: I was going to organise a tech loop, along with, hopefully, a trade ring. Whilst I appreciate the intent, and don't object in anyway, it might be worth holding off on it just for a moment while we get sorted...

Or at least, don't send another one. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on June 06, 2009, 05:53:42 PM
Basically I'm waiting to hear what the big box in the sky wants me to do before I do any trades/deals/aid.

Because Iron and wine are pretty common, and as far as I can tell, not really worth having just yet.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on June 06, 2009, 06:18:30 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 06, 2009, 04:47:36 PM
Dark: I was going to organise a tech loop, along with, hopefully, a trade ring. Whilst I appreciate the intent, and don't object in anyway, it might be worth holding off on it just for a moment while we get sorted...

Or at least, don't send another one. ;-]
Well, if you're worried about that messing up your trade loops, consider the first round of tech paid for. :)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 06, 2009, 06:38:39 PM
Yay, new tech farms members! Welcome aboard! :kittycool

Aluminum/Iron is a good set. Iron and wine aren't that bad. Affluent Population got a big upgrade sometime last year, and it's much more popular now that the environment nerfs made industrial sets less appealing.

We should certainly take advantage of the newbies for a little tech trading. I'm collecting again on Tuesday when I grab my next wonder, so you've got a few days to think about how to organize things.

Quote from: Darkdragon on June 06, 2009, 04:25:11 PM
Welcome to the game. It's time to remind Tezkat to update the guide (,4482.0.html) (a lot of it hasn't changed; what comes to mind is that we aren't Elysium protectorates anymore).

Yeah... the guide... um...

With the exception of the changes to the environment, which you can't do a whole lot about at low levels anyway, most of the guide is still accurate. In any event, it's locked and can't be modified anyway. :animesweat

Elysium no longer exists, so you need another warning in your nation descriptions. Something like Pegasus Member and/or PEACE Protectorate would be appropriate. You can combine them if you like (e.g. "Member of the Pegasus Protectorate Bloc"). With all the foreign aid, you'll grow quite quickly into the range where we or our allies can help you out militarily.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 06, 2009, 09:01:35 PM
Doesn't look locked to me...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 06, 2009, 09:06:01 PM
My clever plan to avoid more work foiled by those meddling mods! :dface


Some minor updates to the guide (,4482.0.html). If you guys have any suggestions for changes, let me know.

Incidentally, there are a number of guides, including a rather nice one for resources/trade sets, over at the Purple Unity Forums ( You'll have to register to see them. You might need to request a mask ( to view them, though.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on June 06, 2009, 10:02:20 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 06, 2009, 09:01:35 PM
Doesn't look locked to me...

He would of gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling mods!

/shake fist

Though in all honesty? If Wine and Iron aren't that bad I'll keep it. And tech farm. Mostly because I'm lazy, but also because I love my nation description.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on June 07, 2009, 06:53:07 AM
Well, as long as other people are joining, I might as well +1 this again.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 07, 2009, 07:46:13 AM
Welcome back.  :mowcookie
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on June 08, 2009, 02:01:31 AM
Welcome back. Would you like a 3 million stimulus package too?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on June 08, 2009, 02:10:20 AM
If you want.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on June 08, 2009, 03:16:10 AM
Hooray for lightning-fast responses!

Oh, though the aid giving I think our local ghost has been giving aid to the Knights of Ni! (a guild). Does someone want to divulge further?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 08, 2009, 03:26:10 AM
News to me. Shall we organise a cleansing fire?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on June 08, 2009, 03:56:24 AM
Is there a way to kick the dissident out of the guild?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on June 08, 2009, 05:59:26 AM
Maybe with nuclear wissles
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Magic on June 08, 2009, 06:45:41 AM
Scratch that. Missed on reading a detail.

Waiting for offers on techtrading.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 08, 2009, 07:15:25 AM
I'm looking to set up a tech farm with Drathorin and Ink. I need a middleman, though. Any takers?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 08, 2009, 10:57:12 AM

Middlemen? Why would we need those? We've got enough for a full 3x3 again... :3

In other news... now that we're in the loop again regarding the official PEACE candidates for senate, I created a new thread (,6129.0.html) to keep track of them. I'll try to keep it updated each month.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 08, 2009, 11:20:48 AM
... How would we run a 3x3, then?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on June 08, 2009, 11:36:38 AM
IIRC it runs like this:

Let there be three people who wishes to buy tech from N: A, B and C.
A pays 3 million to N.
N gives 50 tech to B.
N gives 50 tech to C.
Wait until aid expires.
Repeat changing the order of people.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 08, 2009, 11:49:13 AM
We have done this before (,4492.0.html), ya know... :3

We have three newbies to farm, and at least three potential buyers (so there might be some sorting to do up top), but otherwise it's just a matter of deciding on the order.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 08, 2009, 11:57:39 AM
Yeah, but it's been a while. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 08, 2009, 12:11:56 PM

So... who all is up for the buyings? Darkdragon kinda put himself out of the running with the early stimulus packages, unless we want to wait until next week to start. (Which is possible... I could even take the opportunity to drop some free aids on them to build up infra and such before we start trading.)

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 08, 2009, 12:14:12 PM
I'm in for buying.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on June 11, 2009, 02:20:34 PM
Ok, 1.5 mil sent to Ink and Drath, compliments of llearch (via me and my extra aid slots).
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on June 11, 2009, 02:37:45 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on June 08, 2009, 12:11:56 PM

So... who all is up for the buyings? Darkdragon kinda put himself out of the running with the early stimulus packages, unless we want to wait until next week to start. (Which is possible... I could even take the opportunity to drop some free aids on them to build up infra and such before we start trading.)
I'll be busy for the next few weeks anyways. :B
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 11, 2009, 02:42:14 PM
Given nobody else was organising things, I've had Ink and Drath throw me 50 tech each.

We can get things sorted later, yes, no? Something like that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 11, 2009, 02:59:00 PM
Well... you could have organized things, no? :mowtongue  Anyways, since both you and Darkdragon are now out of cycle, I'll just toss in some monies of my own. It might be a good idea for the newbies to pick up a foreign ministry early to help the aids flow faster.

We can begin a proper 3x3 on the 21st. Who wants to go first?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on June 11, 2009, 03:12:11 PM
Oh... Didn't I say it already? I'm up for buying tech.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Magic on June 11, 2009, 03:13:25 PM
Tez: Zero aid slots, if I accept the 3 million now. Is that an actual aid package or a tech trade too?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 11, 2009, 03:27:25 PM
Hmm... it looks like we'll have more than 3 buyers. So who all is buying? So far we have...


If all the sellers can get a foreign minstry by the 21st, we'll have room for a 3x3 and maybe some kind of 2x3 on the side.

Quote from: Ink on June 11, 2009, 03:13:25 PM
Tez: Zero aid slots, if I accept the 3 million now. Is that an actual aid package or a tech trade too?

We have to wait 10 days before any of you can do more tech trading, so I guess it's free money. :animesweat You can safely use most of it on regular infra development and such.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on June 11, 2009, 03:29:33 PM
I would suggest holding off doing any more foreign aid just now so we can clear up people's aid slots to make organizing this easier.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 11, 2009, 03:48:37 PM
Most of them don't actually have aid slots left anyway. I just tossed out some cash because my slots will clear at the same time llearch's do. :3

There are a couple of ways we could handle more than 3 buyers...

For instance, with 5 buyers, we could do a 5x3 where we have $6 million down and 150 tech up per round.

B1 $3 mil to each seller
B2 $3 mil to each seller
B3 50 tech from each seller
B4 50 tech from each seller
B5 50 tech from each seller

And just rotate through that on a 50 day cycle. The tech's more expensive that way, but obviously the newbies would get faster boostage. It might also be a little easier to organize.

We could do it as we've done before, where we have a 3x3 running and what are effectively multiple 1x1s on the side (where $3 mil goes down on the first round and is paid back in 50 tech increments over the next two).

Or we could use a few middlemen for secondary trades.

Or we could engage in some logistical gymnastics and try to combine multiple types. :dface
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 11, 2009, 03:54:09 PM
I'm happy for easier organisation.

You might also want to plan for how it falls down when someone fails to send tech for a week, since we had that issue last time and it made for a fair mess...

Come up with a plan, and we'll start following it. Yes? Good. Good organisation there. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 11, 2009, 04:13:19 PM
Well, I need a complete list of buyers first. Last call... >:]

Contingency plans... hmm...

If the seller is only a day or two late, we could probably push the entire cycle back a day or two. Realistically, it might be tough to get all those transactions done in one day anyway, since the buyers have to be online to accept before the next package can be sent. Otherwise, sellers would have buy 100 tech at once and soak the difference (a full 150 at once wouldn't be worth it at all).

If it's like a week late, then it should probably count for the next cycle. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, won't we? :animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on June 11, 2009, 04:30:02 PM
Unless things have changed, if you have 50 tech on hand, you can send out as many lots of 50 tech as you like. We just never cared about it before.

In any case, I'm going to bed.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on June 11, 2009, 05:21:02 PM
I've been trying to follow this organization thing. And I've come to terms with something X3

I cannot do paperwork/organization for -squat- XD

I can shoot things, single-mindedly do something until it's awesome.

But I can't do . .the paperwork thingies X3

So I have Iron and Wine, and can sell tech, since I'm not really planning on doing much with tech in general.


Just. . uh. . tell me where to put the things with the money and I'll do whatever it is works  :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 11, 2009, 07:02:30 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on June 11, 2009, 04:30:02 PM
Unless things have changed, if you have 50 tech on hand, you can send out as many lots of 50 tech as you like. We just never cared about it before.

Really? That's good to know. It would certainly keep us all on a 10 day cycle and probably make things a bit easier for the sellers. Unfortunately, that kinda puts the onus on the buyers to only accept tech when it's available. I'm sure we're smart enough to figure that out, though. :3

Maybe we should test that somehow...

Quote from: Drathorin on June 11, 2009, 05:21:02 PM
I've been trying to follow this organization thing. And I've come to terms with something X3

I cannot do paperwork/organization for -squat- XD

I can shoot things, single-mindedly do something until it's awesome.

But I can't do . .the paperwork thingies X3

So I have Iron and Wine, and can sell tech, since I'm not really planning on doing much with tech in general.


Just. . uh. . tell me where to put the things with the money and I'll do whatever it is works  :3

Heh. That's cool. The paperwork will mostly be handled by the higherups. Once we know who all is onboard, I'm going to create a new tech trading thread similar to the old one (,4492.0.html).

Every 10 days (that's how long it takes foreign aid shipments to expire), something more or less like this will happen:

Two of us will send you $3 million in aid apiece.
You use that money to raise tech to 50.
You send out 50 tech aid packages to each of the three designated recipients.
The first accepts.
You buy another 50 tech.
The second accepts.
You buy another 50 tech.
The third accepts.
You should have a bit over $2 million left over, depending on trades and improvements.

Actually, since you know you'll have $2 million left over, you can spend it at the beginning of the cycle, if you prefer. If you don't already have a foreign ministry by then, you'll have to build enough infra to buy that first. The rest of the spending is up to you. Basically, spend it on infra, infra, and more infra. Grab new improvements (as per the guide) whenever you have enough pop. Keep up with the minimum land and soldier requirements.

You'll probably want to maintain a bit of tech (maybe 24.5, if not the full 50) while waiting for a new round to start. It's also a good idea to keep some cash in the kitty for emergencies, since all of your aid slots will be permanently full.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on June 12, 2009, 12:43:15 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on June 11, 2009, 07:02:30 PM
Maybe we should test that somehow...

I just offered tech to both Shadrok and James StarRunner (and then cancelled them both; hi guys!). As far as I can see, it works.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Shadrok on June 12, 2009, 01:01:31 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on June 12, 2009, 12:43:15 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on June 11, 2009, 07:02:30 PM
Maybe we should test that somehow...

I just offered tech to both Shadrok and James StarRunner (and then cancelled them both; hi guys!). As far as I can see, it works.

Hmm... I was wondering what that was about. Kind of thought you had clicked the wrong nation when I saw it canceled.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 18, 2009, 10:43:23 PM
So... the first round of tech trading should start on Sunday. Only four buyers have expressed interest so far. Should I plan for a 4x3? Or does someone else want to get in on the action?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on June 19, 2009, 12:07:39 PM
Just so you know, I will be a bit busy almost all of Sunday, and perhaps some of Monday.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on June 20, 2009, 12:20:38 PM
Just thought I'd note that the ghost is in war mode.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on June 20, 2009, 12:59:45 PM
Buy my tech!

Buy my tech!

You don't get any classier than a 4x4
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on June 20, 2009, 03:50:15 PM
You're already on the list, Drathorin. :animesweat

Anways... new tech trading thread (,6179.0.html) is up.

Not sure what to do about the ghost. Certainly, we'll be out of range to hit him as soon as the first wave of tech money arrives.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Shadrok on June 22, 2009, 08:54:04 PM
Just posting a heads up that I won't be online for a little while (apart from the needed once and a while to keep Tanagra active of course). Basically I have some things I need to take care. Nothing too serious, just things that keep getting put on hold due to me getting distracted with the internet.


and I'm back.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 10, 2009, 04:40:34 AM
Two years ago, DMFA's alliance score was 23.43!
Then the new score was implemented and it dropped to 0.26 :P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 10, 2009, 05:31:29 AM
... and now it's 0.95

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on July 15, 2009, 08:53:47 AM
I'm curious as to what the 'critical mass' of a tech trader usually ends up being.

Even with my foreign aid slot open, it almost seems with 1.5k infra, that the 3 million doesn't go very far. With keeping my tech at 15 between rounds, am I gimping how my nation grows?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on July 16, 2009, 12:44:38 AM
You stop selling tech whenever you're ready to start buying tech, which is usually around 2.5-3k infra.
Sitting at 15 tech instead of 50 tech will cost you 1 happiness.

Also, you should buy tech in this order: 0/4.5/14.5/24.5/29.5/39.5/49.5/50. Not buying in that order will cost you 10-50k per 50 tech.

Then, you have no tech discounts.
At 3m for 150 tech:
No discount = ~2.5m and 500k profit
Microchips = ~2.2m and 800k profit
MC+2 Unis = ~1.8m and 1.2m profit
Microchips is Gold, Lead and Oil. You should drop Furs and get Gold.

Finally, switch your government type to Capitalist, Democracy, Monarchy, Republic or Revolutionary. If your people want something else, ignore them.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on July 16, 2009, 01:45:09 AM
The 3 million you're receiving now shouldn't be going that far. Remember that I designed the current system for heavy frontloading of aid. The $12 million you got in the first two weeks was mostly profit for you to plow into early nation development. The $3 million per round now should be just enough to cover costs with a little bit left over.

Normal tech trading will net you over $1 million profit per round per customer, which is pretty respectable. (You can hit almost  $2 million per round with the right build.) It's not uncommon these days for new members of established alliances to continue selling tech until 4k infra. That's a bit arbitrary, though.

Basically, at some point (usually around 3-4k infra), it's expected that you to be able to carry your weight in wartime, which means pumping your tech up to 500+ for planes and such.
Title: Space Program updates
Post by: Magic on July 21, 2009, 11:12:54 PM
Moon & Mars Wonders - The Moon and Mars wonders are such unique wonders that they deserve their own section in order to provide a full description on how the wonders work. High level nations with a Space Program and the required funds can purchase either a Moon Base or a Mars Base. Once a nation builds a Moon Base or any other Moon facilities they will be unable to build facilities on Mars and vice versa so choose your destination wisely. Once a Moon Base or a Mars Base is purchased you will see a new Moon or Mars icon appear beside your nation name on your nation display page. Clicking this icon will take you to the Moon or Mars map where you can view and operate your Moon or Mars facilities. One of the key concepts behind the Moon and Mars wonders is that of a position on the Moon and Mars that provides premium solar and resource utilization known as a hidden hotspot that affects the effectiveness of Moon or Mars facilities in the game. The closer in miles that a facility is to the hotspot the more effective that wonder becomes for your nation up to a maximum of 100% and a minimum of 50%. Players can relocate any of their Moon or Mars facilities once every 7 days at a price of (Nation Strength * 10). The Moon and Mars hotspots randomly change once every 30 days.


# Mars Base - Coming Soon - Reduces infrastructure cost and bills -3%. Provides a gradually increasing happiness bonus that peaks at +6 happiness at the end of the life of the wonder. Expires at 1,200 days. Cannot build Moon wonders if you build Mars wonders. Requires Space Program.
# Mars Mine - Coming Soon  - Provides access to a randomly selected resource of Basalt, Sodium, Magnesium, or Potassium. Provides a gradually increasing happiness bonus that peaks at +4 happiness at the end of the life of the wonder. Expires at 900 days. Relocating your Mars Mine gives you the option to randomly select a new Mars resource for a fee. Cannot build Moon wonders if you build Mars wonders. Requires Space Program and Mars Base.
# Mars Colony - Coming Soon  - Stores 6% of citizen count at time of purchase. Provides a gradually increasing happiness bonus that peaks at +4 happiness at the end of the life of the wonder. Expires at 900 days. Relocating your Mars Colony gives you the option to reset the stored citizen count based on your current citizen population for a fee. Cannot build Moon wonders if you build Mars wonders. Requires Space Program and Mars Base.
# Moon Base - Coming Soon - Reduces infrastructure cost and bills -4%. Provides +5 happiness that degrades over the life of the wonder. Expires at 600 days. Cannot build Mars wonders if you build Moon wonders. Requires Space Program.
# Moon Mine - Coming Soon - Increases population income by $3.00 for the resources Furs, Rubber, Lead & Gold that your nation has access to. Provides +3 happiness that degrades over the life of the wonder. Expires at 300 days. Cannot build Mars wonders if you build Moon wonders. Requires Space Program and Moon Base.
# Moon Colony - Coming Soon - Stores 8% of citizen count at time of purchase. Provides +3 happiness that degrades over the life of the wonder. Expires at 300 days. Relocating your Moon Colony gives you the option to reset the stored citizen count based on your current citizen population for a fee. Cannot build Mars wonders if you build Moon wonders. Requires Space Program and Moon Base.


# Basalt - Mined from Martian surface. +3 happiness if nation has Automobiles, –5% infra upkeep if nation has Asphalt, –5% infra purchase cost if nation has Construction.
# Magnesium - Mined from Martian surface. +3 happiness if nation has Microchips, –4% infra upkeep if nation has Steel.
# Potassium - Mined from Martian surface. +3 happiness if nation has Fine Jewelry, +$3 citizen income if nation has Scholars, +5% more citizens if nation has Affluent Population.
# Sodium - Mined from Martian surface. +2 happiness if nation has Fast Food, +2 happiness if nation has Beer, Decreases GRL by an additional 50% (75% total) if you have Radiation Cleanup.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on August 04, 2009, 08:26:01 AM
Just a notice for whom it may consern: I will be off on a short vacation with minimal Internet access in two days for about two weeks.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on August 04, 2009, 09:18:21 PM

Have fun on your vacation! :mowcookie

In other news, we've received an invitation from a fellow Pegasus member. Care to go doormatting, llearch?

Greeting Tezkat,

Believe it or not, we're allies! :P

I don't think I, or any other member of my alliance have spoken to you; this is not good. I come to you as MoFA as Hydra as well as a purple friend hoping to improve relations. In doing this, I realize I have no idea where to find you guys, so if you could maybe give me a link to thine forums or an IRC channel I will certainly drop in and pay you guys a visit :D

Inversely, if you'd like to visit us, we're at and in #hydra on

Here's to the beginning of a beautiful (and long overdue) friendship!

Hydra Minister of Foreign Affairs

By the way, who's the current owner of #dmfa on Coldfront? It was empty last time I visited, and I don't seem to have ops there...

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 05, 2009, 04:53:56 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on August 04, 2009, 09:18:21 PM
By the way, who's the current owner of #dmfa on Coldfront? It was empty last time I visited, and I don't seem to have ops there...


No, don't look at me like that. I have no idea why, either. He says it was to prevent squatters. He's currently trying to hand it over to me, and is having some difficulty persuading the system to let me do anything...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on August 24, 2009, 06:17:10 PM
good news, im getting my trades back and i now have positive income for the first time in about two months.

my oldest trading partner however left for a trade circle his alliance told him to. i am quite sad as his are the last resources i need.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 30, 2009, 03:35:07 PM
I was chatting to Warmongrel from <alliance>, and he's setting up trade circles.

If you want in, throw your answers at this link (
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 01, 2009, 02:21:21 AM
Since there's nothing doing and my aid is about to expire, how about standard tech trades?
Send me $3m and I'll send back 100 tech over the next two tendays.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 01, 2009, 04:55:52 AM
If anyone else wants to sign in for tech trades, we can organise a roster etc...

I'm in, Kasarn is in... who else?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on September 01, 2009, 09:35:10 AM
I'll be in for the foreseeable future.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 01, 2009, 09:44:35 AM
selling tech, or buying? I'm in for buying, Kasarn is selling...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on September 01, 2009, 12:39:17 PM
I'll be on the buying side.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 01, 2009, 04:34:20 PM
Sure. I'm game, too.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 01, 2009, 07:09:40 PM
I make that three buyers and one seller.

I think we need more sellers. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on September 01, 2009, 09:42:43 PM
Sellers are the ones who receive the money and send out the tech, right? :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 02, 2009, 03:53:34 AM
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 02, 2009, 11:30:47 AM

Well, three is convenient number of buyers regardless. It works well with any number of sellers, since you can easily rotate through 1 down and 2 up per seller per cycle.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 02, 2009, 02:03:01 PM
True, but more sellers makes for a more stable layout; if we rotate it slightly out, it means that everyone gets some all the time, as it were...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on September 02, 2009, 06:47:59 PM
Sure, I'll keep selling tech I geuss o_o I could use some income
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on September 02, 2009, 07:36:31 PM
:< If you need a seller I can help out.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 02, 2009, 07:55:32 PM
Fine. I nominate Tezkat as the first buyer... he always is.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 02, 2009, 11:28:39 PM

Monies sent to all three sellers. I was too lazy to put together a proper rotation plan.  :mowtongue

Next round: September 12ish.

Say... insidexml, why don't you join DMFA? Your current alliance seems rather... um... small. :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on September 03, 2009, 12:00:28 AM
Shaddup. :<

How much tech and to whom? :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 03, 2009, 12:34:23 AM
50 tech each to llearch ( and Darkdragon (
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on September 03, 2009, 08:41:06 AM
Nom nom nom nom tech.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on September 11, 2009, 03:36:55 AM
Usual order says that llearch is buying next, right?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 11, 2009, 03:47:01 AM
usually, yes. Is it time yet?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on September 13, 2009, 09:29:24 AM
So who's receiving the tech this week?

Seriously, who :x
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 13, 2009, 09:43:05 AM
Darkdragon and Tezkat. Look in the tech trading thread to see where they are.

Incidentally, I note Magic dropped offline for not logging in for 25 days. :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on September 13, 2009, 10:14:21 AM
Well, that's going to be a kick in the pants :o
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on September 23, 2009, 01:57:43 AM
I have no idea whose buying and whose selling tech at the moment, but the aid's expired and I happen to have some surplus cash so I'll buy for this round.

PS: If anyone sees Kasarn remind him he needs to collect as he is nearing the deletion period.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on September 23, 2009, 06:47:23 PM
Who would we send the tech to?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 23, 2009, 06:57:47 PM
me n tez
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 25, 2009, 12:42:38 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on September 23, 2009, 01:57:43 AM
PS: If anyone sees Kasarn remind him he needs to collect as he is nearing the deletion period.

Hmm... Kasarn is obviously active, since he's sending out tech, but he is cutting it kinda close (even with the extra 5 day's grace)... :dface

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on October 09, 2009, 02:01:13 AM
For the record, I owe 100 tech to:
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 09, 2009, 05:23:25 AM
...dang, that's a lot of tech.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: silentassassin on October 10, 2009, 05:27:40 AM
Took a look at cybernations looks quite interesting.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 11, 2009, 01:48:04 PM

Great! Join the party so we can start farming you for tech helping to build your nation. >:]

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on October 14, 2009, 07:07:23 AM
Those are lies. They still don't want my tech :p
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on October 23, 2009, 08:01:03 PM
All of a sudden my tiny little alliance is not so tiny and little anymore. :U

Although it's not exactly large and gigantic, either.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 23, 2009, 09:38:16 PM
Quote from: Drathorin on October 14, 2009, 07:07:23 AM
Those are lies. They still don't want my tech :p

We don't? I thought I did. I'm just waiting for someone to organise it...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 29, 2009, 05:06:20 PM
Quote from: insidexml on October 23, 2009, 08:01:03 PM
All of a sudden my tiny little alliance is not so tiny and little anymore. :U

Although it's not exactly large and gigantic, either.

Heh. 3800% growth in a week is pretty good, yeah. :mowcookie

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 23, 2009, 09:38:16 PM
Quote from: Drathorin on October 14, 2009, 07:07:23 AM
Those are lies. They still don't want my tech :p

We don't? I thought I did. I'm just waiting for someone to organise it...

Someone, huh? Do I have to everything around here? :animesweat

Alright... everyone still interested in buying/selling tech, raise your hand...

On an unrelated matter...

It seems that all is not sunshine and gumdrops in the Purple Sphere. UPN left PEACE to focus on their CDT obligations. We're having senate problems with the Stickmen bloc. Some people are seriously talking about the collapse of Poseidon, our protectors in CN. For those of us who still care about CN, that's kinda bad news. :dface

Pansy (Olympus gov and fellow Thug) has inquired if we wouldn't be interested in a redundant MDP with Olympus, just in case. Olympus is a former Pegasus alliance that upgraded to full Poseidon membership a few months back.

Sound like a good idea?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 29, 2009, 05:12:17 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on October 29, 2009, 05:06:20 PM
Someone, huh? Do I have to everything around here? :animesweat

Yup. ;-]

... mostly because I'm seriously tapped out. :-/ I'm in, for buying, but lack the time to organise it. And am about to get much busier... :-/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on October 29, 2009, 08:52:12 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on October 29, 2009, 05:06:20 PM
Pansy (Olympus gov and fellow Thug) has inquired if we wouldn't be interested in a redundant MDP with Olympus, just in case. Olympus is a former Pegasus alliance that upgraded to full Poseidon membership a few months back.

Sound like a good idea?

Sounds like a good idea, but we really hope it shan't come to this.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 30, 2009, 04:49:30 AM
Oh, yes. I was going to post something like that. Agree with DD. Let her rip.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on October 31, 2009, 11:26:11 AM
Sounds like a plan to me.

If you like I could -try- to organize something. Just don't be suprised if everything ends up in flames from the sheer amount of fail XD

The alliance idea sounds good, I admit I'm not quite sure about how the senate thing really effects us personally. But then again that's why I fail at politics :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 31, 2009, 11:50:25 AM
Quote from: Drathorin on October 31, 2009, 11:26:11 AM
The alliance idea sounds good, I admit I'm not quite sure about how the senate thing really effects us personally. But then again that's why I fail at politics :3

... they piss off all the players who are our defending big brother, and we end up being by ourselves and attacked by anyone who wanders past and is big enough to laugh at our numbers. More or less...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on October 31, 2009, 01:57:37 PM
Does anybody need furs and wheat? Two of my trade agreements were voided because the users were inactive for too long. :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 31, 2009, 02:10:45 PM
Quote from: insidexml on October 31, 2009, 01:57:37 PM
Does anybody need furs and wheat? Two of my trade agreements were voided because the users were inactive for too long. :U

... What can you make with lead and pigs? I got three do the same thing...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 04, 2009, 12:24:05 PM
So... we have a temporary recruit ( (who happens to be Pansy's big bro) more or less ghosting our AA.

He'd like to get a few more 1x1 tech deals under his belt (standard $3 mil/100 tech over a month). Anyone who's interested, drop him a line. :3

As for organizing tech deals within DMFA... um... it seems to be falling apart a bit due to lack of interest. How about we just fall back on individual 1x1's with whoever wants them? ($3 million down, and 50 tech up on each of the next two cycles.)

In other news, I've given Pansy the go-ahead to write up an MDoAP with Olympus. Should have something in writing sometime soon now.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 04, 2009, 12:33:13 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on November 04, 2009, 12:24:05 PM
So... we have a temporary recruit ( (who happens to be Pansy's big bro) more or less ghosting our AA.

He'd like to get a few more 1x1 tech deals under his belt (standard $3 mil/100 tech over a month). Anyone who's interested, drop him a line. :3

Is he gonna show up here?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 04, 2009, 12:40:56 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 04, 2009, 12:33:13 PM
Is he gonna show up here?

Probably not... He just wanted a place to park his new nation while deciding which alliance to join. :animesweat (They offered to bribe me with tech for the privilege. :dface)

Oh, and I sent Drath some monies. :mowcookie

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 04, 2009, 01:00:31 PM
k. I dropped him a note, we'll see what happens.

... how much tech did they bribe you with? ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 04, 2009, 06:19:19 PM
A little more background on this whole redundant treaty signing thing...

The problems in Poseidon started when a bloc called the Stickmen moved to Purple a few months ago. They're a lulzy bunch who've been trying to goad the rest of us into a conflict ever since, which has strained relations everywhere. Some incidents over the past few weeks had Poseidon members threatening to leave. Thanks to the upcoming MDoAP with Olympus, we'll be somewhat protected in case of internal Poseidon problems. On the other hand, it also pretty much guarantees that we'll be drawn into any Purple conflict.

Currently, PEACE is gearing up for what's likely to be a long, messy war for control of the Purple Sphere. (There's also a conflict looming with C&G and other Karma remnants that might reach us either through a Stickmen war or our other treaty chains.) Based on the current state of relations, expect the shooting to break out by Christmas. Probably sooner. :dface

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on November 04, 2009, 07:34:35 PM
And here I was enjoying a quiet period of slow and steady growth.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 04, 2009, 07:48:05 PM
Heh. CN likes to schedule its global thermonuclear wars around the long holidays when the students have free time. Christmas is the next slot on the calendar, of course. Only difference this time is that the fighting is likely to be very close to home. :dface

So... how are everyone's warchests doing? Might be a good idea to build them up as much as possible in the time we have left.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on November 04, 2009, 07:58:49 PM
I recently splurged on a wonder, so it could use some time to build up. I think I'll pass on the tech offer to rebuild my warchest in light of this development.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 04, 2009, 08:05:44 PM
Well... remember that tech is important for war, too. Most of the combat-oriented nations are tech heavy, which gives them an advantage in battle calculations. :3

So what kinds of numbers are we talking about here? Can you guys survive 10 days of bills without collecting? 20? A month?

If not, will a little foreign aid help? :mowcookie
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on November 04, 2009, 08:44:50 PM
21 days of zero income can be survived in my current situation.  I had hoped  to get all of my schools and banks in, but given that I have about a month or so before the fit hits the shan, I'll focus on building that up a bit more.  Particularly since I won't be on vacation at that time and can't pay too close of attention to what's happening in CN beyond checking it once every day or so.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on November 04, 2009, 08:51:13 PM
I have six days' worth. My taxes per day exceed 3.2 million, but my net income per day before interest is 1.85 million so if my spending is zero, I should be able to make up a day's worth in two days of taxes. This is, of course, assuming if no trades drop and everything is stable in general.

You're welcome to send foreign aid, but I think it might be more conducive if you paid for tech. You're also welcome to do the calculations to prove me wrong.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 04, 2009, 09:02:47 PM
Well... the problem with me buying tech for other people is that, when tech sellers open up, I'm usually using up their slots already. :animesweat

If you can find a seller, I'd happily spot you some tech, though. :mowcookie

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on November 04, 2009, 10:38:50 PM
After a week of not purchasing any new equipment. I have 2 days worth of a warchest. I'm not sure if this Foreign Aid is for Tez's tech or not?

My net income every day is $601,000.   My net bills are $480,000.

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right or wrong really... I feel like I'm failing at cybernations.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on November 04, 2009, 11:04:14 PM
There are many reason as to why it could be. I had a time where my net income was in the hundreds of dollars range (when my bills were in the hundred thousands range), and I had calculated that it would have taken something like five years at that rate to build up a warchest of just ten days.

Anyways, there are many things which can cause inefficiency in income. Do you have all your trade slots filled? Are they improving your income to the best they can be? Are you housing too many troops? Do you have a large surplus of military on standby? Do you have the most efficient improvements? Is your national religion not what they want? Are your nation options optimal? Is your tax rate not at the highest it can be? Look over your nation carefully to determine what could be cut / what investments you should change to increase your income.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 04, 2009, 11:42:37 PM
Quote from: Drathorin on November 04, 2009, 10:38:50 PM
After a week of not purchasing any new equipment. I have 2 days worth of a warchest. I'm not sure if this Foreign Aid is for Tez's tech or not?

My net income every day is $601,000.   My net bills are $480,000.

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right or wrong really... I feel like I'm failing at cybernations.

Er... you seem to need the cash more than I need the tech right now... :dface

Honestly, I don't see anything horribly wrong with your nation just looking at the description. I might, however, point out that your current build focuses rather heavily on cost reduction at the expense of revenue maximization. You may not make as much income per day as players heavy on pop or happiness enhancers, but stuff costs a lot less for you to buy. Tech in particular should be dirt cheap, so we might want to try to set you up with more tech deals while you're still small enough for them to be profitable.

You're also at the bottom end of an infra jump. As you build up beyond 2k, the revenues should build up more quickly than expenses.

One thing you should do is focus on the better improvements. Now that you have both universities, you don't need anymore schools until you fill out your banks and stadiums.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on November 05, 2009, 08:34:49 PM
Oh yes, about the infra. Does the maintenance cost increase per 1k blocks? or per 100 levels of infrastructure? I have it at 2,099, because I assume if I bought 5 levels, it'd be more expensive than buying it in 100 level blocks.

Also, originally I thought I needed 5 schools for universities, I realized my mistake when I bought school number 4, and am now working around that. n_n;;
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 05, 2009, 09:01:19 PM
Infra jumps occur at 20, 100, 200, 300, 500, 700, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, and 8000. Outside of those, there's no particular benefit to buying large blocks of infra at once except to take advantage of back collections on foreign aid boosts or possibly wonder purchases.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on November 06, 2009, 12:38:34 PM
Dang, if I would of known that at first, I would of sat at 1,999 for a much much longer period of time.

What's the best thing for me to do now? Send Tez some tech as I'm sitting at 100? Then buy some infra so I'm around 2,500?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on November 08, 2009, 11:54:50 AM
First you'll need $2m plus 10+ days worth of bill money on hand.

Demolish 5 improvements and build 5 Labor Camps.
Switch gov to Capitalist and pay your bills for 10+ days but do not collect your taxes.
When you're read to collect, demolish the 5 Labor Camps.
If required, build 5 Factories, buy 100+ infra and then demolish the Factories.
Build 5 economic improvements, switch gov to Democracy and collect your taxes.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on December 01, 2009, 05:45:12 PM
*Crickets chirping*
I know this is borderline necromancy (shy a few days), but this is a less-visited forum so please excuse this behaviour which would no doubt earn me some ire of the administration if done elsewhere.

Some advice please: I think I'm going to save up for a fourth wonder for Christmas, and would like to get some advice on what I should get. I currently have the Stock Market, the Disaster Relief Agency and the Social Security Wonders. Any advice on the matter (or even just advising me to invest in infra instead) will be appreciated.

PS: Kasarn, do you need me to send 3 mil next time the tech expires? I don't remember any active tech trades going along but I could be wrong, with my slightly busy schedule making me lose track of things.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 01, 2009, 05:59:10 PM
Quote from: Darkdragon on December 01, 2009, 05:45:12 PM
*Crickets chirping*
I know this is borderline necromancy (shy a few days), but this is a less-visited forum so please excuse this behaviour which would no doubt earn me some ire of the administration if done elsewhere.

Nah. This thread is quiet because there isn't much going on. We're relaxed about it.

Quote from: Darkdragon on December 01, 2009, 05:45:12 PM
PS: Kasarn, do you need me to send 3 mil next time the tech expires? I don't remember any active tech trades going along but I could be wrong, with my slightly busy schedule making me lose track of things.

Ditto. Kasarn, I think you've flicked me 250 tech with no money going in the other direction. Would you like some cash? ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 08, 2009, 07:05:37 PM
Quote from: Darkdragon on December 01, 2009, 05:45:12 PM
Some advice please: I think I'm going to save up for a fourth wonder for Christmas, and would like to get some advice on what I should get. I currently have the Stock Market, the Disaster Relief Agency and the Social Security Wonders. Any advice on the matter (or even just advising me to invest in infra instead) will be appreciated.

If you use Firefox:
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on December 11, 2009, 08:42:04 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 01, 2009, 05:59:10 PM
Quote from: Darkdragon on December 01, 2009, 05:45:12 PM
*Crickets chirping*
I know this is borderline necromancy (shy a few days), but this is a less-visited forum so please excuse this behaviour which would no doubt earn me some ire of the administration if done elsewhere.

Nah. This thread is quiet because there isn't much going on. We're relaxed about it.

Quote from: Darkdragon on December 01, 2009, 05:45:12 PM
PS: Kasarn, do you need me to send 3 mil next time the tech expires? I don't remember any active tech trades going along but I could be wrong, with my slightly busy schedule making me lose track of things.

Ditto. Kasarn, I think you've flicked me 250 tech with no money going in the other direction. Would you like some cash? ;-]

ditto the ditto..........
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 24, 2009, 11:54:48 AM
Rawr! I just joined up with cyber nations. Could anybody zing me an alliance invite?

User: SquirrelWizard
Nation: Sarcordia

edit: nvm, found out how to add myself
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 24, 2009, 03:02:39 PM
CN has no invite. You get to put whatever alliance you want into the dropdown, and if they don't want you, they get to threaten violence...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 25, 2009, 03:35:24 PM
Bwahahaha! New tech farm!!!! >:]

Er... I mean... welcome aboard. :mowcookie
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 26, 2009, 01:21:53 AM
okay my nation is coming along, I'm still waiting for two people to get back to me on some trading agreements (I should be able to get cars, beer, asphalt, construction, and steel bonus resources should they accept.) I do have a question though.

As it stands right now, I have 49.99 infrastructure and 3 technology. I make about 6k in taxes with a 28% tax rate, and the last two days I've purchased 10 infra and it left me with about 1.1k in the treasury afterwards. I was wondering when I really needed to worry about my technology, is there an amount in taxes that need to be generated before I can start pumping it out?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on December 26, 2009, 01:48:09 AM
Pumping out technology? Now that's difficult.

Two million surplus money is barely enough for fifty tech, isn't it? :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 26, 2009, 01:50:42 AM
well typically with games like these, you tend to build around. that is, one thing gets focused on, but periodically you toss resources towards your other stuff or else you end up lopsided, and having to play catchup. I was just wondering if this held true in cybernations?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on December 26, 2009, 02:43:42 AM
:U I'm too lazy.

QuoteTechnology - Technology is represented by a technology level that represents the tools, hardware, and software that help your nation do what it does...better. Technology works similar to infrastructure in the game but is much more expensive at a base cost of $10,000 per level. (You can purchase technology at fractions of levels for less than $10K) Like land and infrastructure, the cost of technology increases the more you buy. You cannot sell technology as you can land or infrastructure but you can send up to 50 technology levels at a time away to other nations in foreign aid. Technology can also be captured or destroyed by an attacker during war. The following are the benefits of Technology.

Technology makes your people happy. Here's how the game currently figures the technology happiness bonus:
Technology = 0 then happiness = -1
Technology > 0 and <= .5 then happiness = +0
Technology > .5 and <= 1 then happiness = +1
Technology > 1 and <= 3 then happiness = +2
Technology > 3 and <= 6 then happiness = +3
Technology > 6 and <= 10 then happiness = +4
Technology > 10 and <= 15 then happiness = +5
Technology > 15 then happiness = + 5 + (Tech purchased * .02) up to level 200 tech

Having a higher technology level allows you to equip your soldiers and tanks with better weapons and gear. Technology is the most important bonus in ground battles compared to the bonuses for defending infrastructure and defending land area. The technology bonus effect works for both attacking and defending nations and adds bonuses to each nations battle odds.
Technology increases your nation strength by a multiplier of 5.
Technology lowers infrastructure upkeep costs up to a maximum 10% discount based on the following formula: (Technology Level * 2) / Nation Strength = Percent off infrastructure upkeep bill.
Technology increases your chances of spy operation/counter-operation success with the following equation: Number of Spies + (Technology Purchased / 20).
Technology increases damages caused in ground battles, cruise missile attacks, nuclear missile attacks, navy attacking and defending naval attacks, and aircraft bombing attacks by 0.01% per level of technology. If an attacking nation with 3,000 technology causes a defender to lose 20 infrastructure in a ground battle then based on this 'techbonus' the defender would lose a total of 26 infrastructure in the attack. (20 + (20 * (3000 * .01%)))

You could survive without a huge amount of technology. But it's nice to have. I suppose, in that sense, that infrastrucutre is what gets focused on the most.

Infrastructure - Infrastructure in the game is defined as services and facilities that support day to day economic activity in your nation. Infrastructure includes roads, electricity, telephone service, public transportation, sewers, bridges etc... In the game your nation's infrastructure is represented by a number that indicates your infrastructure level. The greater the number the more infrastructure your nation has. Purchasing infrastructure improves your lands which allow your government to both earn more income from your citizens and increase your population count. Infrastructure prices increase as you buy more. This is a result of supply and demand on your infrastructure.

Infrastructure can be destroyed in war via ground attacks, cruise missile attacks, nuclear missile attacks, and aircraft attacks. Defenders in ground battles receive a bonus to their battle odds based on the level of infrastructure of the defending nation.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 26, 2009, 07:33:40 AM
Generally speaking, buy 10 tech, then sit and work on infra. If you ask the group nicely, we tend to do "tech farming", which is to say, we, as a group, slip you 3 million in cash, and you send us 100 tech.

There's some organisation needed, since you can't send more than 3 million cash, or 50 tech (or both) at a time; and once you've sent some, you can neither send nor receive from that country for 11 days, so what usually happens is that we get three buyers (A, B, and C) and one seller (S). First span of 11 days, A sends S $3m, S buys 50 tech, sends out a "send" to both B and C. whoever is first gets to accept, then S buys another 50 tech so the second one can accept. After 11 days go past, B sends S $3m, S sends A and C 50 tech each. In the third cycle, C sends S $3m, S sends A and B 50 tech each.

This way, A, B, and C have all sent $3 million each, and received 100 tech each, but the cycle means that the timing is as fast as possible.

Note that the 11 days is 11 days from the OFFER, not from the accept. This is why you send 2 offers of 50 tech (totalling 100) when you only have 50 tech on-hand. Secondly, buying 0-50 tech costs about 1/3rd as much as buying 50-100 tech, so doing it this way nets you the maximum profit.

Just to put the money in perspective, at present I collect something like 19 million a day. I pay about 9 million in bills. And it costs me $335,674.17 per level of technology. So at my current level, 50 levels of tech is something significantly higher than $16.7 million. 3 million is a _bargain_. And if you do it right, you can get something close to a million in loose change out of the deal, I think.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 26, 2009, 11:35:37 AM
okay, thanks. I was just concerned as my infra is going up, but my tech was stagnant, and I wasn't sure if everything was alright.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on December 26, 2009, 09:40:50 PM
I think I'm at the point where it's almost cheaper to buy tech from a tech farm than buying it myself
:o I'm not sure at this point. I grew kinda fast with thanks to everyone.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 27, 2009, 02:27:07 AM
I think I'm gonna see about tech trading, hauling in 6-7k in taxes makes for slow growing

Edit: finally got my trading partners to wake up and give me my precious precious bonus resources.

My people now have booze and cars, so we're set.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 29, 2009, 02:26:56 PM

just out of the blue attacked me claiming "general dispute" as his reason for going to war. I've built up as much military as I can, but I dont think I'll be able to touch him with my current troops. I have no idea why this guy is ticked off with me, I haven't done anything to him.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 29, 2009, 05:12:46 PM
There's a general war going on. You're a target of opportunity.

Believe me, we can boost you _way_ out of his range in less than a week.

Okay: First point, make sure you keep your troop strength (not numbers, but effective strength) less than 60% of your population. Keep it as close as you can to that sweet spot, though.

Second point: Don't buy guerrilla camps. They make you much stronger, but suck the life out of your country. Start with factories and banks, and only after you're maxed out on those do you start looking at things to make your people happy.

Third point: Don't bother buying anything other than infra, tanks, and troops at present.

Fourth point: I'll flick you 3 million; spend it on infra and improvements as specified above. Then we'll get Tez to supply you with more useful suggestions, and another 3 million. And then Kasarn. And then...


Don't leave any money lying around, though, unless you're much larger than the guy attacking you. Otherwise he'll attack and get heaps of cash. If you're big enough to buy missiles, throwing a couple of those at him wouldn't hurt. Since he's so small, I don't think any of the rest of us can help you out other than monetarily; even if we were to flick you as many troops as we can, you'd just anarchy through overburden, and you can buy enough to keep yourself afloat anyway.

Ah... does that help? If so, I'll flick that money over now.

Edit: Oh, yes. Tanks: max the suckers out. You should be able to buy up to 10% of your effective level, I think.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 29, 2009, 05:22:57 PM
is there a way to keep surplus funds safe? I've got two people I'm doing tech trades with, I kinda want to earmark the money for keeping (obviously so I can send them their tech in about 7 days).

oh yeah, and my current nation setup was a reaction to the attack, i had 2 factories prior to the attack, I converted them because the guy has like 4 camps meaning he's got a massive soldier efficiency boost over me.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 29, 2009, 06:12:42 PM
pfft. You've got, like, 11 bigger brothers who make him look like a chimp. If you want, we can boost you out of his range _easily_. Seriously.

And now I know you're online, I'll heave 3 million in your direction. Have fun.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on December 29, 2009, 06:17:41 PM
How does this guy manage to afford all this upkeep? Soldiers are no good if you can't maintain them. This guy'll ruin himself financially sooner or later.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 29, 2009, 06:43:21 PM
beats me, I was just on the recieving end. My guess is that he is aiming for countries that are doing tech trades.

edit: oh yeah, thanks for the 3 million.

edit2: to be honest I was tempted to switch my country around and make a nuke to lob at his ass. but I didn't have the funds to do so... and it would mean screwing up my trade slots and purchasing a ton of other stuff, not really worth it.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on December 29, 2009, 09:28:36 PM
Kasarn - I got that message you sent, but I'm not gonna be able to do any mor etech trades as I'm losing money in the deal.

10 Tech costs me around 750k right now, 3 million kinda puts me in the black for 50.

As I think I mentioned earlier, I'm probably gonna be buying tech instead of selling it now.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 29, 2009, 10:01:06 PM
Quote from: Drathorin on December 29, 2009, 09:28:36 PM
Kasarn - I got that message you sent, but I'm not gonna be able to do any mor etech trades as I'm losing money in the deal.

10 Tech costs me around 750k right now, 3 million kinda puts me in the black for 50.

As I think I mentioned earlier, I'm probably gonna be buying tech instead of selling it now.

Under what assumptions do you believe that you need tech at all?

Here's a simple breakdown:
Less than 4k infra = selling tech
Between 4k and 5k infra = whatever
More than 5k infra = buying tech

You should be getting rid of your tech, not buying more. Moreover, You aren't losing anything by giving away tech that I gave you in the first place.

Fact is that it should take you a month to reach 5k infra from where you are right now. Of course, with you sticking your head in the sand, it'll take closer to half a year... probably more. In the mean time, you might as well make yourself useful by forwarding tech.

Quote from: SquirrelWizard on December 29, 2009, 06:43:21 PM
edit2: to be honest I was tempted to switch my country around and make a nuke to lob at his ass. but I didn't have the funds to do so... and it would mean screwing up my trade slots and purchasing a ton of other stuff, not really worth it.

You can't buy a nuke without a Manhattan Project.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 29, 2009, 10:04:41 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on December 29, 2009, 10:01:06 PM
You can't buy a nuke without a Manhattan Project.

well, we can always dream...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on December 29, 2009, 10:09:48 PM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on December 29, 2009, 10:04:41 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on December 29, 2009, 10:01:06 PM
You can't buy a nuke without a Manhattan Project.

well, we can always dream...

Yeah, you should also dream up $500k for the initial cost, plus the money for the upkeep (which is doubled if you lack access to uranium), and a tech level of 75. If you don't have the Manhattan Project, well, you could always opt to be in the top 5% of players.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on December 29, 2009, 11:52:42 PM
I am on the end of my Christmas vacation and would be getting back into the groove of things as soon as I get back on the 3rd. If anyone needs 3 million give me a message and I'll fill the order ASAP.

I apologize for my lack of attention on this aspect whilst on vacation.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 01:36:23 AM
another question.

I've noticed that he doesn't have technology to support aircraft, even though he does have 13 of some type. I'm at the point where I can buy level 1 aircraft of either type. I read up on air raids and I can destroy up to 20 tanks, 20 infra, and 5 missiles per run. I was wondering how many str 1 bombers I would need to achieve this?

I'm thinking on going the route of "declare peace or I'll bomb you back into the stone age."
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 30, 2009, 04:21:07 AM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 01:36:23 AM
another question.

I've noticed that he doesn't have technology to support aircraft, even though he does have 13 of some type. I'm at the point where I can buy level 1 aircraft of either type. I read up on air raids and I can destroy up to 20 tanks, 20 infra, and 5 missiles per run. I was wondering how many str 1 bombers I would need to achieve this?


You need a full 50 or so bombers to approach max damage with level 1 aircraft. :animesweat

This guy is built specifically as a low level griefer. He's gone all guerrilla camps, which basically gimps his economy in return for having a crazy high number of troops. In order to compete with that, you need to build up to several times his infra (or raze your improvements for camps of your own, which really isn't worth it). If you do choose to counterattack, keep in mind that his troops are much stronger than yours on a per soldier basis.

You can get away with maxing troops, both soldiers and tanks. You can largely ignore any effects this has on your economy, since you'll be getting subsidies from above and shouldn't even have to collect much during the fight. You're already in anarchy anyway. So long as your forces are stronger than his, your bank account is safe. In a serious war, you'd do this anyway, but you'd collect and pay bills before buying troops. If you have too many when the war ends, just disband them.

Don't deploy troops against him unless a good portion of his own are out for battle or you build up to a huge numerical advantage. This guy depends on cash from raiding to survive. You can starve him to death, especially if your military is too strong for him to risk deploying against his other target. Failed raids, on the other hand, will give him much needed cash.

Don't send out any tech till the war is over. It gives you a large advantage in combat. We can cover for you should any sales obligations come due.

Cruise missiles are your friend. Buy two of them every day and send them over first thing.

It might be helpful if you posted your battle logs, so we can offer suggestions and commentary.

I'm thinking on going the route of "declare peace or I'll bomb you back into the stone age."

Personally, I'd recommend you just have fun learning the war system and kick his ass. Check out some of the CN war threads further down the page for more tips. You won't have many chances to practice until we're called to fight in large scale alliance conflicts, and any losses you sustain would be wiped out by a single foreign aid shipment from one of us.


And on the topic of war...

Given the huge number of treaty connections on both sides of the conflict, the TPF war could easily blow up into a full server bash. Purple has strong links to TPF, and we will likely be joining the conflict Sometime Soon Now. That means DMFA needs to be in full war preparation mode as of three days ago.

If your warchest is under $1 billion or so, you should stop constructing and work on it. Anyone who needs help with their cash reserves or military, give a holler. >:]

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on December 30, 2009, 04:28:19 AM
HoG's already been drawn into the conflict due to an agreement with Athens, who are at war with TPF.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 30, 2009, 04:34:53 AM
Oh noes! Spaiz! :mowninja

I'm still catching up on the situation myself... Is it just me, or are the CBs getting thinner and thinner with each new excuse for a server war? :animesweat

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on December 30, 2009, 04:41:35 AM
I've never really cared for war all that much. I honestly had no idea that there was any tension at all until we were all sent a message regarding the situation with Athens.

I definetely need to become more aware of world affairs :U

Last time this happened was when we attacked Tempest, and, well... that worked out splendidly, didn't it?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 30, 2009, 05:44:17 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on December 30, 2009, 04:21:07 AM
If your warchest is under $1 billion or so, you should stop constructing and work on it. Anyone who needs help with their cash reserves or military, give a holler. >:]

1 billion?

I mean, my expenses are 9 million a day, so I was working on 180 million or so - and lurking at about 248, just prior to purchasing my last wonder (universal health care, yay!) so I'm back down around 140 million or so.

I'm happy to save up, since I was planning on doing so anyway, but that much? That's a heck of a temptation to anyone larger than me to come visiting...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on December 30, 2009, 09:30:40 AM
Hmm.. just noticed this now but...

Quote from: Kasarn on December 29, 2009, 10:01:06 PM
Under what assumptions do you believe that you need tech at all?

Here's a simple breakdown:
Less than 4k infra = selling tech
Between 4k and 5k infra = whatever
More than 5k infra = buying tech

You should be getting rid of your tech, not buying more. Moreover, You aren't losing anything by giving away tech that I gave you in the first place.

Fact is that it should take you a month to reach 5k infra from where you are right now. Of course, with you sticking your head in the sand, it'll take closer to half a year... probably more. In the mean time, you might as well make yourself useful by forwarding tech.

What's up with that?  You got a glitch we should know about?


It's a game man, simmer down.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on December 30, 2009, 09:38:04 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on December 30, 2009, 04:21:07 AM
And on the topic of war...

Given the huge number of treaty connections on both sides of the conflict, the TPF war could easily blow up into a full server bash. Purple has strong links to TPF, and we will likely be joining the conflict Sometime Soon Now. That means DMFA needs to be in full war preparation mode as of three days ago.

If your warchest is under $1 billion or so, you should stop constructing and work on it. Anyone who needs help with their cash reserves or military, give a holler. >:]

That's what I was working towards actually, was hoping to get built enough to get some Navy in order to start producing some blockades, though I don't really know if that's feasable.  And my warchest right now I've been keeping around 16-18 million and working with the surplus from my tax collecting in case I got hammered.

Quote from: Kasarn on December 29, 2009, 10:01:06 PM
Under what assumptions do you believe that you need tech at all?

Here's a simple breakdown:
Less than 4k infra = selling tech
Between 4k and 5k infra = whatever
More than 5k infra = buying tech

You should be getting rid of your tech, not buying more. Moreover, You aren't losing anything by giving away tech that I gave you in the first place.

Fact is that it should take you a month to reach 5k infra from where you are right now. Of course, with you sticking your head in the sand, it'll take closer to half a year... probably more. In the mean time, you might as well make yourself useful by forwarding tech.

2,500 Infrastructure in one month? Oh man is there a game mechanic I'm missing here? If so I'd be glad to do that, I mean I could blow my whole warchest, but I thought it would be good to keep that for the impending conflict.

And regarding what do I need tech for. . . For decent aircraft and Navy vessels in order to contribute to the conflict so I'm not just sitting there getting pounded sucking up various foreign aid slots? :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 10:07:13 AM
Quote from: Tezkat
It might be helpful if you posted your battle logs, so we can offer suggestions and commentary.

  You have been attacked by Crazzy. You lost 389 soldiers and 50 tanks. You killed 111 soldiers and 0 tanks. Their forces razed 6.031 miles of your land, stole 2.503 technology, and destroyed 17.219 infrastructure. Their forces looted $275,592.27 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

You have been attacked by Crazzy. You lost 234 soldiers and 39 tanks. You killed 188 soldiers and 5 tanks. Their forces razed 5.791 miles of your land, stole 2.378 technology, and destroyed 16.534 infrastructure. Their forces looted $412,010.45 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

These are the only two cached reports I have, between two cruise missile salvos and my air raids, I've done a fair number on his infra, tanks, and tech.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 30, 2009, 12:28:14 PM
be useful if you could say how many troops/tanks/etc he's sending at you, too. I'm not sure if you get told that...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 01:55:31 PM
nah i basically copied and pasted the combat reports from my battle messages, they dont tell you how much was sent at you.

I guess I need to level up my espionage tech...  :rolleyes
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 30, 2009, 02:03:16 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 30, 2009, 05:44:17 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on December 30, 2009, 04:21:07 AM
If your warchest is under $1 billion or so, you should stop constructing and work on it. Anyone who needs help with their cash reserves or military, give a holler. >:]

1 billion?

I mean, my expenses are 9 million a day, so I was working on 180 million or so - and lurking at about 248, just prior to purchasing my last wonder (universal health care, yay!) so I'm back down around 140 million or so.

I'm happy to save up, since I was planning on doing so anyway, but that much? That's a heck of a temptation to anyone larger than me to come visiting...

Heh. That was just my way of hinting that you can't have too big a warchest for a server war.

At the moment, the war is just some idiots who have a beef with TPF and decided to bring their friends to roll them.

It's not hard to see which side we'd turn up on. Although we do have a few links to the other side, BAPS (our nominal protectors and link to Poseidon) has a full MDoAP with TPF just waiting to be activated, and most of PEACE has at least and ODP with them, with full MDP+ chains only an alliance or two removed. And half of Poseidon is still technically at war with \m/. Also, on a more personal note, most of TPF's current leadership is former Elysium, our first protectors in CN and the ones who brought us into what eventually became the great Purple Unity.

But if you step back and look at the big picture...

Purple leadership has been waiting for the other shoe to drop at least since the pounding we took during the Karma War. There's an entire bloc waiting to pounce on PEACE at the first opportunity. The Karma remnants are eager to test their newfound power. Unlike the days when Pacifica ruled the world, our side is likely going to find itself outnumbered and outgunned, so the fighting will end on their terms, not ours. The survival of the Purple sphere as a viable power on Planet Bob is at stake. If we lose PEACE, we lose our protection, and it's back to open season on the little 11-player microalliance.

If everything blows up like some of us expect, the conflict could easily drag on for months and/or end with some very unfair surrender terms, followed by a long period of rebuilding. All of that demands enormous cash reserves. Don't forget that there's a really low cap on how much enemies can grab in each attack, so it takes a long time to whittle away at sufficiently large reserves. Wars on that scale can last until one side runs out of cash or infra.

So yeah... $1 billion in the kitty is not an unreasonable target. Many players in these parts are up in that range now. Personally, I should have close to $2 billion by the time we fire the first shots.

Quote from: Drathorin on December 30, 2009, 09:38:04 AM
And regarding what do I need tech for. . . For decent aircraft and Navy vessels in order to contribute to the conflict so I'm not just sitting there getting pounded sucking up various foreign aid slots? :<

Having cash and tech during wartime = good. :3

But the "standard" approach to boosting noobies is for them to run full tech sales until 4k and then switch over to buying.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 30, 2009, 12:28:14 PM
be useful if you could say how many troops/tanks/etc he's sending at you, too. I'm not sure if you get told that...

You don't... :animesweat

However, logs of your own battles (in Sent Messages) could be helpful for training purposes, too.

Quote from: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 01:55:31 PM
nah i basically copied and pasted the combat reports from my battle messages, they dont tell you how much was sent at you.

I guess I need to level up my espionage tech...  :rolleyes

Spies are utterly useless until you're quite large.

I tossed you some extra cash as well, so feel free to pump all of llearch's donation into infra and troops.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 02:09:07 PM
thanks, and I was joking about the spies. It was a nod towards the "spying" technology that one has to constantly pump so that they can see what they're shooting at. (see evony, ogame, ect)

edit: will have my combat reports up. didn't know they were stored in my sent folder.


Cruise Missile Attack #1
Your nation has been attacked with a cruise missile by SquirrelWizard. You lost 10 defending tanks, 1.58 technology, and 1.70 infrastructure. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Cruise Missile Attack #2
Your nation has been attacked with a cruise missile by SquirrelWizard. You lost 10 defending tanks, 0.52 technology, and 10.05 infrastructure. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Cruise Missile Attack #3
Your nation has been attacked with a cruise missile by SquirrelWizard. You lost 10 defending tanks, 0.35 technology, and 9.97 infrastructure. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Cruise Missile Attack #4
Your nation has been attacked with a cruise missile by SquirrelWizard. You lost 10 defending tanks, 2.01 technology, and 10.05 infrastructure. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Aircraft Dog Fight
A fighter aircraft dog fight has just occurred against your nation by SquirrelWizard. In the attack you lost 0 fighter aircraft and destroyed 0 fighter aircraft launched by SquirrelWizard. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Bombing Report
A fighter escorted bombing run has been launched against your nation by SquirrelWizard. In the attack you lost 1 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 5.62 infrastructure. You destroyed 0 attacking bombers. You lost 0 fighter aircraft and destroyed 0 fighter aircraft launched by SquirrelWizard. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

total damage done
41 tanks
4.46 tech
37.39 infra
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on December 30, 2009, 02:13:59 PM
So it's gonna be an epic explosion of doom eh Tez?

. . Does this mean I should start stocking up on nuclear weapons at some point in the future? XD
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 02:24:24 PM
bah who cares about nukes when you have viking kitten bombs.

I hear they're illegal in 3 states, sins against various gods in a couple of parallel universes, and the only approved method of dealing with heathens in one parrish.

edit: on a more serious note; when they say keep your soldier count below 60% of your civilian pop, is that based on the total # of supporters, or your current working population?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 30, 2009, 02:46:11 PM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 02:09:07 PM
Aircraft Dog Fight
A fighter aircraft dog fight has just occurred against your nation by SquirrelWizard. In the attack you lost 0 fighter aircraft and destroyed 0 fighter aircraft launched by SquirrelWizard. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Bombing Report
A fighter escorted bombing run has been launched against your nation by SquirrelWizard. In the attack you lost 1 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 5.62 infrastructure. You destroyed 0 attacking bombers. You lost 0 fighter aircraft and destroyed 0 fighter aircraft launched by SquirrelWizard. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Heh. Guess there's no point in dogfighting.

Out of curiosity, how many aircraft are you sending to achieve that level of results?

Quote from: Drathorin on December 30, 2009, 02:13:59 PM
So it's gonna be an epic explosion of doom eh Tez?

Maybe. So far, none of TPF's allies have responded one way or the other... :dface

. . Does this mean I should start stocking up on nuclear weapons at some point in the future? XD

At some point in the future, sure...

I'd wait until you're big enough that a Manhattan Project won't make too big a dent in your warchest, though. :3

Quote from: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 02:24:24 PM
edit: on a more serious note; when they say keep your soldier count below 60% of your civilian pop, is that based on the total # of supporters, or your current working population?

Civilian population. And it's soldier efficiency, I believe, not soldier count.

Those are peacetime rules, anyway. In war, you want to have your troops maxed every time you log out. You should be living off your warchest, not your collections. (Indeed, a lot of players will wait until their wars end to collect taxes.) The cost of losing or having to disband a few troops is almost always less than replacing land, tech, infra, and stolen cash.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 02:53:31 PM
I sent 20 of the 1 str bombers at him in that combat report.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on December 30, 2009, 04:37:53 PM
Why do you need a manhattan project when you already have access to uranium and can buy a bomb right now?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on December 30, 2009, 04:42:59 PM
Um... I don't think it'll let you make that purchase at your size without an MP. You're welcome to try, though... :animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on December 30, 2009, 04:59:40 PM
Yes, you need to be in the top 5% of players to build a nuclear weapon without the Manhattan Project.

Good luck with that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on December 30, 2009, 05:30:42 PM
Quote from: Tezkat on December 30, 2009, 04:42:59 PM
Um... I don't think it'll let you make that purchase at your size without an MP. You're welcome to try, though... :animesweat

It had them listed on the military purchase screen and said the price for em, I just assumed I could get em, I thought the mahattaan project originally was to let you build without uranium :/

Sorry, I got overly excited.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 30, 2009, 07:58:22 PM
Battle Report #3
You have been attacked by Crazzy. You lost 1,016 soldiers and 54 tanks. You killed 1,212 soldiers and 162 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $15,261.85 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Battle Report #4
You have been attacked by Crazzy. You lost 726 soldiers and 44 tanks. You killed 668 soldiers and 23 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $6,143.74 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

edit: looks like someone wants some more pain.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 31, 2009, 02:46:18 AM
Quote from: Drathorin on December 30, 2009, 09:38:04 AM
2,500 Infrastructure in one month? Oh man is there a game mechanic I'm missing here? If so I'd be glad to do that, I mean I could blow my whole warchest, but I thought it would be good to keep that for the impending conflict.

You are missing out on tech trading. :rolleyes

And you should to be improvement swapping:
Buy labor camps.
Pay bills for 10-20 days.
Replace labor camps with factories.
Buy a heap of infra.
Replace factories with income booster (banks, stadiums, etc)
Collect taxes.

Since you claim to have a warchest, you should have no problems with this. (you will need an account to read that)

QuoteAnd regarding what do I need tech for. . . For decent aircraft and Navy vessels in order to contribute to the conflict so I'm not just sitting there getting pounded sucking up various foreign aid slots? :<

Wars in CN are largely one-sided and we are unlikely to be on the winning side. Should DMFA become involved, "sitting there getting pounded" is pretty much all we will be doing.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on December 31, 2009, 10:14:51 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on December 31, 2009, 02:46:18 AM
Quote from: Drathorin on December 30, 2009, 09:38:04 AM
2,500 Infrastructure in one month? Oh man is there a game mechanic I'm missing here? If so I'd be glad to do that, I mean I could blow my whole warchest, but I thought it would be good to keep that for the impending conflict.

You are missing out on tech trading. :rolleyes

And you should to be improvement swapping:
Buy labor camps.
Pay bills for 10-20 days.
Replace labor camps with factories.
Buy a heap of infra.
Replace factories with income booster (banks, stadiums, etc)
Collect taxes.

Since you claim to have a warchest, you should have no problems with this. (you will need an account to read that)

QuoteAnd regarding what do I need tech for. . . For decent aircraft and Navy vessels in order to contribute to the conflict so I'm not just sitting there getting pounded sucking up various foreign aid slots? :<

Wars in CN are largely one-sided and we are unlikely to be on the winning side. Should DMFA become involved, "sitting there getting pounded" is pretty much all we will be doing.

okay, understood. . .

I'll be reading that up and seriously thinking about it.

I just have one question,  If you're only 2 days older than me, how come you're not past 5k infra as of a few months ago? Do you have your head in the sand like Me?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 31, 2009, 03:35:58 PM
did some more bombing runs today

A fighter escorted bombing run has been launched against your nation by SquirrelWizard. In the attack you lost 20 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 20.10 infrastructure. You destroyed 0 attacking bombers. You lost 0 fighter aircraft and destroyed 0 fighter aircraft launched by SquirrelWizard. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

A fighter escorted bombing run has been launched against your nation by SquirrelWizard. In the attack you lost 9 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, and 20.10 infrastructure. You destroyed 0 attacking bombers. You lost 0 fighter aircraft and destroyed 0 fighter aircraft launched by SquirrelWizard. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

20 str 1 fighters, 30 str 1 bombers. 50.1 tech.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 31, 2009, 07:43:55 PM
Quote from: Drathorin on December 31, 2009, 10:14:51 AM
okay, understood. . .

I'll be reading that up and seriously thinking about it.

I just have one question,  If you're only 2 days older than me, how come you're not past 5k infra as of a few months ago? Do you have your head in the sand like Me?

When I rejoined CN, my intention was to stop at 3k infra and just give away tech (thus why I have a DRA already). However, I fell slightly short on the DRA at that point, so I picked up my Stock Market early (which isn't uncommon) and I ended up doing an extra round and got to 4k infra anyway.

Since then, I've been giving away $7m in aid every ten days, which pretty much amounts to the extra cash I've been making. The rest of my cash has gone into my wonders. You have to decide for yourself when to start buying wonders: they aren't really cost effective until over 4k infra but you can only buy one a month.

Any other scrub questions?

edit: for interest, I should be at least 1k inf ahead of where I am right now. Not that I would've gone beyond 5k infra due to the large increase in costs at the 5k infra jump making purchasing wonders far more worthwhile.

edit 2: btw, get rid of your tanks and cruise missiles
Tanks are relatively expensive to maintain: you pay their purchase price in bills every week. Only buy them when you are pretty sure you'll need them. With PEACE's nations <80k NS going into peace mode, I doubt DMFA is going to become involved.
Cruise missiles serve no defensive purpose, so only buy them when you are going to use them.
Also, for future reference, Navies are incredibly expensive... and require both the attacker and defender to have 1k purchased land.

edit 3: another link of interest:
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 01, 2010, 01:52:53 AM
So if war is an option, and I'm currently not in a war. What are some good numbers of troop values I should shoot for?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on January 01, 2010, 09:44:59 AM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on January 01, 2010, 01:52:53 AM
So if war is an option, and I'm currently not in a war. What are some good numbers of troop values I should shoot for?

During peace time, the minimum soldier efficiency of 20% of your working citizens is fine. Have more if the warning bothers you.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on January 01, 2010, 02:27:09 PM
Quote from: Kasarn on December 31, 2009, 07:43:55 PM
Any other scrub questions?

Seriously?  While I laud how well you're playing this game, you're really being a dick.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 02, 2010, 11:28:24 PM
grumble, had a trade agreement fall through. decided to see if I could work out an all team trade agreemeent, so I'm waiting on 3 people to accept... kinda stinks.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on January 03, 2010, 10:51:24 PM
Having trades is (usually) more important than trading on team.

In other news, the global war has ended in a white peace ( before it really started.
Summary of events:
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 05, 2010, 09:15:12 PM
after a war runs its course, can a person immediately declare war on the same target again? I have a feeling this disphit is gonna try and pull this on me. (some one tossed them 3mill for tech and it revitalized them. Seriously we should be able to pettition to have a person embargoed.)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 06, 2010, 03:09:49 AM

All you can do is go on building up your country while they keep poking away at you. If we organise ourselves, you should outgrow him in short order, and he'll drop far enough that he can't attack you anymore.

It'll take a wee while, though.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 08, 2010, 08:08:32 AM
I just got a senate vote message pop up, who are we gunning for in the senate elections?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 26, 2010, 03:58:38 AM
I've just noticed my environment taking a huge hit, so is there some sort of nuclear war raging which might explain this sudden drop?

*is very, very outside of the CN political loop*
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on January 26, 2010, 05:27:30 AM\m/_War
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 26, 2010, 03:04:57 PM
yup, thats why I love me radiation cleanup bonus resource.

edit: just wondering, do you think that nukes have become too much of an easy button for wars? As in war is declared and nukes immediately fly?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 31, 2010, 08:44:38 AM
... no, why do you ask? ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on February 05, 2010, 01:22:00 AM
So... um...

Dark Templar, Poison Clan, Stickmen, and the League of Extraordinary Oranges just declared war on... well... pretty much all of Purple.

Just FYI... now would be a very good time to be extremely ready for war. :dface

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on February 05, 2010, 02:56:31 AM
Quote from: Tezkat on February 05, 2010, 01:22:00 AMJust FYI... now would be a very good time to be extremely ready for war. :dface
How ready is "extremely ready"? (Since I had to ask, I'm probably not ready enough :<)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on February 05, 2010, 07:15:31 AM
...Well, this would be a time I'm glad I keep a warchest and a small bit of an army.  Very small, yes, but one makes due with what one has.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 05, 2010, 07:26:10 AM
*looks at his warchest*

Hrm. 9m/day expenses. That makes... somewhere around 42 days warchest. That might do, I suspect...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on February 05, 2010, 08:52:27 AM
Actually having an army is a good thing. I see a lot of people on purple who have the minimum soldier requirement. While having like 4+k infra and no defenses whatsoever
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on February 08, 2010, 02:43:15 PM
So uhh... the global radiation is pretty high. I think we passed the point where everyone glows in the dark...

Also, being quite busy on my end, I haven't had much time to figure what's been happening. I'm not sure what our alliance is doing. I've been ignored as a target so far, but I've been carrying on as usual.

There's also a matter a friend of mine playing is concerned about. He was attacked by for no reason other than the ID for his alliance sucked. I'd like to help him out, but the alliance the attacker is 'Democratic Alliance Of Wise Nations' and well... it's quite intimidating. I know I'd get blasted back to the stone age if his alliance were to attack me as well. I know we're generally quite peaceful, but I was wondering if there is or will be any action from Pegasus and/or any united purple members against the radical group.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on February 09, 2010, 01:37:15 AM
Radical group? DAWN is our ally in this war. They're joined at the hilt to IRON, which has direct treaties with most of Purple. So, no, we won't be taking any punitive actions against them. Their war and aid slots are pretty much full anyway, so we couldn't even if we wanted to. And we probably won't be helping your friend, either... :dface

What exactly was this sucky AA that caused him to be attacked? I don't see anyone on Puppeteer's war list that isn't an enemy combatant, against whom official, alliance level declarations of war have been issued.

Check out the wiki ( for a current list of combatants in this war. We're with team on the left column.

On the topic of war...

If you add up the numbers, you might notice that our side is grossly outnumbered at the moment. At last count, PEACE alliances were officially at war with 18 enemy alliances. They are taking quite a pounding, having collectively lost millions of net worth in the past week. We will, quite possibly, find ourselves on the losing team...

We can, realistically, do nothing as usual and try to remain below the radar. Given the nature of the current conflict, nobody would really fault us for that. Purple is in the fight of its life. As of yet, however, the enemies have no real legal cause to attack us directly. Mind you, if they take down our protector(s), some of them might be lulzy enough to come in anyway and just call it a tech raid. And let's not forget the the global conflict itself was based on preemptive strikes.

Since Pegasus includes optional aggression and defence clauses, we do have the legal option to join the war against any of the alliances currently at war with BAPS (Poison Clan and the League of Extraordinary Oranges--FOK, INT, R&R, and tR). Yes, they're all much bigger than we are. We're likely to lose a good chunk of tech and infra, but it could be a lot of fun anyway. If we do go that route, hippie mode is an option for anyone who wants to avoid fighting. Probably the best we can hope for is white peace at the end and mad props for having stood up for our allies. >:]

So... that's where things stand right now. We can has war nao? (Y/N) Discuss... :3

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on February 09, 2010, 05:28:59 AM
Doesn't matter to me.  If you want me to fight, just give me the name of the target and I'll blow away my tiny arse army.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 09, 2010, 08:06:14 AM
... ah, the Judean People's Front Suicide Squad?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on February 09, 2010, 08:34:13 AM
Jihad Jihad Muhammad Muhammad?

You point. I punch!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on February 09, 2010, 10:39:50 AM
we sure do know how to pick a fight. I'd have to clean up some tech deals (IE dont take any more and finish what I got) before I would think about going to war though.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on February 09, 2010, 02:49:49 PM
Huh... The reason for puppeteer's attack seemed really pathetic. Guess my friend was just in the wrong alliance
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on February 09, 2010, 04:31:54 PM
to be frank there are a bunch of people out there who are opportunist pricks. I had one attack me out of the blue and didn't give any real reason to do so.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on February 09, 2010, 05:50:07 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 09, 2010, 08:06:14 AM
... ah, the Judean People's Front Suicide Squad?

Judean People's Front? We're the People's Front of Judea! :3

Quote from: James StarRunner on February 09, 2010, 02:49:49 PM
Huh... The reason for puppeteer's attack seemed really pathetic. Guess my friend was just in the wrong alliance

Um... perhaps your friend should be paying more attention to his alliance communication channels? Assuming I've correctly picked him out of that long list of wars (you didn't identify him)... his alliance was the one that declared war against DAWN, not the other other way around. Also... IAA is ten times our size, not to mention an order of magnitude larger than DAWN, and they're already filling up Puppeteer's war slots. Why would he come to us instead?

It's kinda weird.

In any event, the actual text of individual nation DoWs during wartime are often meant to be funny, clever, or otherwise include oblique references to the conflict at hand. Since it's the whole alliance at war with another alliance, there's little reason for specifics as to why you're attacking... :animesweat


Quote from: SquirrelWizard on February 09, 2010, 10:39:50 AM
we sure do know how to pick a fight. I'd have to clean up some tech deals (IE dont take any more and finish what I got) before I would think about going to war though.

Tech trades are usually placed on hold during wartime.

If you do continue trading, make sure that none of your customers are members of alliances currently engaged in the fighting. Sending aid to active combatants constitutes casus belli for others to attack DMFA, since it's effectively an act of war.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on February 09, 2010, 09:44:50 PM
(is not a spy)

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on February 09, 2010, 11:23:24 PM
Ya, I don't think my friend pays attention to the channels or anything else about the game (much like me lately apparently). The only thing he knew of is that he was buying tech for tech trades.

Oh, and the friend is Snowfang.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on March 27, 2010, 08:25:11 PM

So... um... who is this guy ( Is he someone we know... or just ghosting our AA?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on March 27, 2010, 09:10:29 PM
I don't see anything that identifies them.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on March 28, 2010, 03:07:12 AM
This guy is not someone I recognize.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 28, 2010, 05:25:04 PM
nowt to do with me.

You wanna start talking to him, Tez?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: VAE on April 05, 2010, 11:16:20 AM
Oh right, that would be me!
I thought this thread had semi-died so in a stupidity impulse i forgot to inform everyone
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on April 26, 2010, 08:53:34 PM
does.. does any one read this anymore?  :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on April 26, 2010, 09:06:11 PM
Fff No I don't check this any-

Damnit Mao! You ruined my streak >(
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 27, 2010, 07:48:56 AM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 26, 2010, 08:53:34 PM
does.. does any one read this anymore?  :<

Other than me?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on April 27, 2010, 09:01:25 AM
I read, but pretty much dont add anything unless I figure its extremely important.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: insidexml on April 28, 2010, 02:46:07 AM
I'm technically a spy, so yes, all the time :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: SquirrelWizard on May 16, 2010, 01:54:05 AM
and huzzah, I've finally purchased my first wonder, how is everybody else doing?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 16, 2010, 05:23:33 AM
... did you want a list? I think I've run out of wonders I actually want to buy...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on May 31, 2010, 08:42:07 AM
In the last 4 days, two of my trading partners got deleted for inactivity.

I know almost everyone in our alliance has iron. But if anybody comes up needing some, feel free to setup a trade with me. Luck hasn't been with me for setting up new trades.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: warmongrel on August 03, 2010, 02:30:00 PM
*Insert gravedig*

Warmongrel was here. :D
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on September 02, 2010, 01:16:59 AM
Computer broke down, almost lost nation due to inactivity. Will try and get back into groove.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on October 11, 2010, 06:16:16 AM
Somebody's mailed me saying that I should join this trade group, and that Tezkat is already in it. Authentic or scam?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 11, 2010, 01:10:52 PM

I've been in a trade circle with some Valhalla guys for a while now. It was super stable for like two years until one of them got deleted for inactivity, so now we're trying to rebuild it.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on October 29, 2010, 10:37:29 PM
Tezkat, I've been rather busy with real life of late; can you help me locate the members of this trade circle so they don't get lost in a deluge of random mail which I don't have the time to read? Thanks.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 11, 2010, 04:01:34 AM
Quote from: Darkdragon on October 29, 2010, 10:37:29 PM
Tezkat, I've been rather busy with real life of late; can you help me locate the members of this trade circle so they don't get lost in a deluge of random mail which I don't have the time to read? Thanks.

Just in case you didn't get the latest message...

Subject: Trade circle complete

Message: I found the last trade, he's properly a slow noob but he's steady.

So without further ado I declare this trade circle complete and encourage you all to notify your current partners and begin the circle.

The circle consists of:
Seipher Caim
arguello man1

I'll get a hold of arguello man1 to get him on to accept trades and keep an eye on Nihilent to make sure he comes through.

Reagrds, Jesper

Those are ruler names, not empire names.

Feel free to shoot me a trade request. I do kinda need to collect tomorrow though, so I'll keep my last temp trade until then unless you're already ready to redo your trades.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 11, 2010, 10:11:08 AM
Envy, envy, envy, envy, envy. ;-P
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on November 11, 2010, 11:48:24 PM
Sorry, llearch, I'll need to drop you soon. I would like to give you my best wishes for a good trade future.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 12, 2010, 09:49:20 AM
/me shrugs

That's only three out of five trades that have dropped me.

Or is it four? I think it's four... I should probably find another trade circle...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on November 30, 2010, 06:41:20 PM
Looks like I've been under heavy attack from lnasty922.

Just getting the message now, I'm getting ready to return fire. Anyone know much of the alliance he's with? First Earth Battalion?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 02, 2010, 12:26:28 PM
Need help? Just ask...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 12, 2011, 02:14:02 AM
I am dutifully informing those who it may concern that I am being attacked by this guy ( He's attacked me, bombed me and sent cruise missiles against me. While I have offered him peace, I may ask for help to cease the confrontation if he does not accept. Please hold for more information.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 12, 2011, 10:48:51 AM
Monies needed?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 12, 2011, 07:16:05 PM
He's made a small dent in my reserve, and I think I've lost about 100 million worth of infrastructure plus tech. Since my taxes + reserve should be able to cover that (at the expense of my wonder buying schedule), I don't think I need the money per se, but the gesture wouldn't be turned down if offered.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 13, 2011, 03:11:54 AM
... I'll wait until you actually need it. Otherwise I'll just be feeding him.

By the by, you did use your reserve to beef up your forces to maximum, right? Once you get attacked, just go all-out and fill up your mans, as it were. And tanks, and everything...

... Ooo. He's over 54k in size. I could hit him. Hard. I has nukes. Want him to glow in the dark? ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 14, 2011, 12:19:02 AM
I have, and I suspect that is why he has offered me peace, which I accepted. I guess he's just chicken. Or that he's managed to bite off more than he can chew with the other wars he's gotten himself into, considering that now he's only ~50k strength. Thanks for the support regardless.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 14, 2011, 11:52:09 AM
Welcome. What are big friends for, if not to make your enemies regret attacking you? ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 14, 2011, 02:11:39 PM
There must be some war which is going on which I'm not aware of. My ranking has gone up significantly, as opposed to sliding backwards as it usually does.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on January 16, 2011, 11:10:08 AM
According to the global radiation level. Nukes have been flying around like candy for a while >>
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on January 16, 2011, 11:55:59 AM
*throws some candy at Drath*

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on January 18, 2011, 11:08:13 AM

Now I glow in the dark. Best candy ever!
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on February 07, 2011, 10:59:16 AM
I'm curious to see if anyone here is still small enough where selling infrastructure and tech is still profitable to them.

I'm at the point now where it's 1.9 million to buy 10 infra, 0.9 Million to buy 10 tech. And was just curious if there's anyone in our alliance that could benefit from selling tech. I know I can go out into the wild and look, but I thought I'd see if there's anyone here who could profit first.  :3
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: VAE on February 07, 2011, 12:08:34 PM
I'll check - presumably, infrastructure could work....

Apparently, it'd cost around 290K to buy 10 levels of infrastructure for me, me having just 2180 of it.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 07, 2011, 03:46:14 PM
Infra: $5,398,761.18 / 10, and I have 18,169.99 levels.
Tech: $4,680,456.41 / 10, and I have 4,804.98 levels.

I believe infra is too hard to pass around, without going to war. Tech, last I heard the going rate was 100/$3m, give or take, although I keep getting people offering me at half that rate...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: lucas marcone on March 08, 2011, 05:06:11 PM
hey guys whats up? sorry i was gone so long.... im sure my long gone country is too, but i have a new one and would like back in.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 18, 2011, 04:42:06 PM
Unlocked, for the heck of it.

Also, there are major changes to the game...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 18, 2011, 04:47:53 PM
Hey guys.

Those of you who still pay attention to your nations on Planet Bob may have noticed a huge game update this week. Basically, instead of being stuck with dice rolls at creation, nations can now choose their own resource set.

The end result of this change is that pretty much all the major alliances are transitioning over to in-house trade circles. A few of us had some really great, stable, long term relationships with our allies... I had some trading partners by my side for years. And a few of us were languishing with undesirable resources and had perpetual problems getting trades. But now that that's coming to an end, we're gonna have to go in house as well. We have almost enough active members remaining to form for two complete circles.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on September 19, 2011, 07:14:11 AM
I'm still watching and wouldn't mind a slightly more permanent trade circle, assuming  we can get some good bonus resources decided upon.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on September 20, 2011, 02:28:18 AM
I'm in.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 20, 2011, 03:41:21 PM
I think it goes without saying that I'm in. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 20, 2011, 06:14:40 PM

So... what resources do y'all want?

Construction is required. All the component resources are good, and losing the aircraft bonus gimps you in any conflicts we may or may not fight int the future.

Personally I like the standard 5BR with some extra pop enhancers and uranium:

+ Cattle/Pigs

Cattle is a slightly better pop bonus; Pigs gives you a big bonus in combat. Whoever has Uranium may also be able to swap out for the second livestock resource when not purchasing nukes if we're willing to soak up the extra upkeep cost in some months.

Alternately we could try for a pure econ build (Fast Food, Beer, and Construction). However, the infra bonuses are not as good, which hurts nations that are still growing. And for really big nations, like mine or llearch's, our costs are so high that the population boost is almost offset by the increased bills.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on September 20, 2011, 06:21:02 PM
I'm unconcerned either way.  Just let me know what you need me to do.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on September 21, 2011, 05:33:16 PM

Well, we need 6 people on board before we go ahead and form the trade circle. So far myself, Mao, Darkdragon, and llearch have expressed interest. We need to rope in two more.

After that it's just a matter of assigning resources, warning our existing trade partners, and hitting each other up in game.

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on September 22, 2011, 03:33:25 AM
My trade partners have mostly canceled already as of Sunday, so the faster we can do this the better for me.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on September 22, 2011, 10:46:17 AM
Well, because of my smartphone exploding I was no longer able to get my usual method of Cybernations updates. As a result... My nation is deleted because I plain forgot about it. (Phone exploded several weeks ago)

I'm still up for playing and would make a new nation. I don't care what resources I'd choose. Just tell me what to take and who's circle to be in ;)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on October 04, 2011, 06:52:52 PM
And my trade partners are almost all gone as well.  The sooner we get on this, the less likely it is that my nation goes bankrupt and I quit as a result.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 05, 2011, 07:13:47 AM
I have some space; people are welcome to start linking with me anyway, if we want to start the thing going.

I haven't set my resources yet anyway, but having lead and pigs... I guess I need to change the lead to something else. *shrug*

So... if Drath is the 5th, who's 6th?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 07, 2011, 10:07:51 PM
Bleh. I'll have a forced collection tomorrow myself. Are we really that short of people? Maybe we should just start with a 5 person trade and drop the optional resources until we can rope someone else in.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on October 08, 2011, 12:56:54 PM
Let's do that.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on October 09, 2011, 05:22:12 AM
Oh? I guess that was why my trading partners fled. I'll have to get in on this too. I should also be paying more attention, or better yet, stick around in the forum more again.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on October 11, 2011, 06:18:40 AM
Well, unless something happens today, I'd say I'm out.  Sorry folks, but honestly, this game isn't that fun anyway.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 11, 2011, 07:58:57 PM

Well, that's our six, assuming Mao sticks around...

We may as well just go down the list in alphabetical order...

Darkdragon - Aluminum, Coal
Drath - Fish, Iron
James - Lumber, Marble
llearch - Oil, Rubber
Mao - Water, Wheat
Tezkat - Uranium, Cattle

Sound good?

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on October 11, 2011, 09:39:30 PM
Fine by me, but we need to move this along.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 12, 2011, 06:27:49 AM
Works for me. Let me log in and sort myself out, and set up links to everyone.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on October 12, 2011, 09:38:21 AM
Works for me. Thanksgiving was the weekend and I couldn't log in because I was with family, and that made me unable to pay my bills. Hopefully with a full trade circle I can make a profit again.

Also: I don't remember which ones are Mao's and Drath's Cybernations account. Can you please remind me so I can send the trade invites?
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 12, 2011, 09:47:46 AM
Mao is Nairo (Mao Laoren)
Drathorin is missing, and needs to re-create his account, which I understand he is doing right now.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on October 12, 2011, 11:49:42 AM
Username is Drathorin. Just remade the account, trying to figure out who I'm supposed to link to :V
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on October 12, 2011, 03:54:26 PM
Our trade circle:







I'd be great if one of you who paid bills recently could shoot Drath some munnies for a harbour.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 12, 2011, 04:56:24 PM
That'll be done RSN.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on October 12, 2011, 05:21:41 PM
I now haz harbor. I can cram tezkat's corpse in thar once I finish taking over his nation.  :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on November 03, 2011, 06:38:14 AM
It would seem that we lost James due to inactivity. :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 03, 2011, 10:09:51 AM
This... is an issue. :-/

I'll be close to inactive when I come back from holiday, but other than that... I'm not sure I have the time to chase this up. Anyone else volunteer? :-(
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on November 04, 2011, 06:41:37 AM
I'm not really sure how we can chase it up.  I don't think James comes to the forum much.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Tezkat on November 07, 2011, 05:07:46 PM

Hmm... yeah, it sucks that James got deleted after all that time. I asked Kasarn if he'd be willing to join our trade circle, since he's still somewhat active in CN. Otherwise we need to find a new victim to come join us in our exciting adventure of logging in to collect taxes every 20 days... :animesweat
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on November 07, 2011, 08:02:28 PM
You guys log in only once every 20 days?

That explains a lot.  :U
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 18, 2011, 06:48:33 AM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on November 04, 2011, 06:41:37 AM
I'm not really sure how we can chase it up.  I don't think James comes to the forum much.

By "chase it up" I meant "figure out a solution of some sort to replace the missing trade partner"; whether that includes getting James back in, or getting someone else to fill the hole, is entirely up to you.

Sorry - I would have been more explicit, but I was somewhat busy at the time. ;-]
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on December 20, 2011, 02:19:13 AM
Oh look, wars. Don't know why they attacked me since I have (well had) no tech at all... but I assume they're just rogues since they're going all out.

Anyway, you may need to find some help for DarkDragon, as he probably doesn't have as much money as me. Could help Drathorin too, but I guess he's given up on the game... or maybe it's just that time of the year. Either way, unless Drathorin logs in soon the trade circle is down one again, not that Drathorin or Darkdragon ever accepted the trade from me anyway. :<
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 20, 2011, 06:21:31 PM
I'll see if I can get hold of both of them.

No point sending money if it's just going to get pinched off of them immediately, if they have no idea what to do with it. So...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on December 20, 2011, 10:25:08 PM
I log in once a month. I used to log in more often, but when people only check the forums once every 2-4 weeks and log into the game about once a month...

You kinda lose interest or bother bringing up anything about the game. Because nobody is paying attention. And so the circle goes.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on December 23, 2011, 03:24:59 AM
I log in about once every two weeks, and I've been a bit busy with other things since the start of December. My apologies.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: James StarRunner on January 10, 2012, 10:58:41 PM
Crumb-didly... Well THAT was fun... Didn't mean to up and die on everyone. I had amassed so much power! I... honestly don't know if I want to start again after losing a couple of years of work. :/
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 11, 2012, 05:44:11 AM
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Darkdragon on January 11, 2012, 04:53:04 PM
I got my E-mail saying that if I don't log in soon, it would be deleted. Since I compulsively check my E-mail because of school, I saved my nation.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on February 12, 2012, 05:50:37 AM
Drath time wiped, it seems.  Went to do my daily stuff and had an automated mail from the mod team telling me the trade was canceled because he went inactive too long.  Just letting folks know.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Keleth on February 12, 2012, 09:13:43 AM
Yarp, went inactive. Though judging by the base of things, a lot of people are active in name only. Cept Maybe Mao :V

I don't think I'll be getting back into it. Just not enough interest in it to keep me interested.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Mao on February 13, 2012, 05:50:55 AM
Well, I think that's it for me then.  I'm out.  I'll probably let my nation time out as well, so you guys have time to organize new trades.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 14, 2012, 04:26:28 PM
Mmkay. I know someone messaged me asking if they could have someone join the alliance. I have no problems with that.

We also had someone recently ask if our alliance could join theirs. Although, I think they were after me specifically...
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 29, 2012, 04:27:42 AM
Uh, Xenowolff...

... anyone happen to know which one of us he is? Coz, well, attacking someone in an alliance 6 times larger than your own is pretty silly, you know. And they've suggested that this is a particularly silly idea, and that they're more than ready to demonstrate why.

So... care to explain why you've taken this approach?

(Oh, and I told them they're more than welcome to demonstrate why, and that we're not going to protect you from your own stupidity. I did ask that they copy me on any communications, though, since I could do with a laugh at your expense.)
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: Kasarn on October 08, 2012, 08:43:47 PM
I would like to remind people that I have always kept the roster (,2237.msg247854.html#msg247854) up to date (well, barring the time I wasn't playing, but nobody joined then anyway) and anybody who is not on it is a ghost.

While this thread is almost never active, it's so incredibly trivial to announce yourself and get listed.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 21, 2012, 05:41:29 AM
We do have a few people on the roster who are from elsewhere, and asked if they could join up purely as a self-defence thing. I should point them here and ask them to identify themselves.

Also, we've just had MitchellBade ( from The Imperial Order ask us if anyone wants to buy tech, as they have some excess sellers. Now, he said most of them run 3m/100t, but some stick to 3m/50t; I shall endeavour to identify how they wish to run this, and pass the news on as and when I hear.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 17, 2013, 01:03:01 PM
We've had an invite from sojourner ( to co-operate with his alliance on making trade circles etc.

Subject: trade circle

Message: I am sending this message out...alert your guys to make the changes and the trades...this will be a long term purple 3 bonus resource circle which is the best.

canadian bacon fish uranium
Kasarn marble lumber
Tezkat change uranium to iron cattle
eddieclark wheat water
Ser Brynden Tully aluminum spice
calicov sugar pigs

I would also like to invite you to our forums:

We can also work together on tech deals if you like.


I'm guessing this means canadianbacon, Kasarn, and Tez need to fiddle with their stuff. Go to it, boys.
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 24, 2013, 09:11:04 PM
Given canadianbacon has opted out, I'm taking his part. And given I need to readjust all my stuff, I'm swapping to fish and iron.

This means Tez just needs to set up trades with everyone else in the list.

Just FYI:
Riverlands ( Ser Brynden Tully
Calconia ( calicov
TRRland ( eddieclark
Seerfir ( Kasarn
Throne of The Jaguar ( Tezkat
Outer llearchberia ( llearch

Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 02, 2014, 02:07:39 PM
CanadianBacon is back.

He's now blind hodd, as shown here (
Title: Re: Cybernations
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 04, 2014, 09:45:29 PM
Heh. I should have linked in here to the forum of the guys who are protecting us. I can't remember where it was, and I'm in the wrong country.

... and someone in a 19 nation alliance attacked me for shits and giggles. Which is interesting. It would be nice to get our protectors to apply appropriate boots. Or, y'know, alert us to the fact that they're not...