
Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

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Holy crap... my nation appears to be getting gang raped by a number of large nuclear powers... :dface

Sorry, the aid thing will have to wait a bit... :animesweat
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

That looks a lot like "hey, you haven't paid any bills for more than, oh, about 20 minutes. Have at you, because you've obviously given up on living."

Not that I'm bitter or anything.

Incidentally, Shades has been attacked on LW by a member of a group called "New Age Marauders"

If he wants help, all he has to do is ask one of us to join into his fun. Happy to assist, honest... All we need to do is co-ordinate the attacks, so we hit him good and solid...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well, I only lost about $12 million worth of stuffs. Annoying, but nothing to cry over. Ya know, if they hadn't all been nuclear capable, I would soooo have said to hell with the consequences and smacked them back. One of them had $74 million on hand. Could have kept the war going forever on his stash... >:]

I'm starting to wonder if this doesn't merit a multi report, though. The last guy seems to be more of an opportunist, but the first two attackers hit me within a minute of each other and switched AA to the same alliance right after the attack.

By the way, I would strongly advice all of our 1k+ infra nations to build up a full air force. It takes some time to put together, but the maintenance cost is puny. It's a huge NS boost, and our alliance can't really be considered war-ready without it.

At any rate, I'll be maintaining a full tank/soldier complement from now on.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

4 days, I think, at current rates.

Although I was planning on getting a stack more tanks, too... Oh, well. Maybe later... ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 29, 2007, 07:46:35 PM
Incidentally, Shades has been attacked on LW by a member of a group called "New Age Marauders"

If he wants help, all he has to do is ask one of us to join into his fun. Happy to assist, honest... All we need to do is co-ordinate the attacks, so we hit him good and solid...

Hmm... I know little about LW combat, having been playing Lunar Peace Mode the whole game. :animesweat

I care little for the fate of my colony there, however, so I'm game for some war mode fun if anyone else is. >:] I suspect it may take time to build up a proper army, though...

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


I'd need more money and military before I can get my war thing on with that guy, sadly. I too have been in Lunar Peace Mode, and that guy has some pretty large forces. ~9.5k inf, .5k GA and 150-odd OF.


Truth be told, the war doesn't hurt too much.  Still, the chance to run the guy into the ground would be awesome.  I'm hanging on right now, about at the point where the colony is not rampent with crime.  Help would be great.

After the latest attacks the dude has offered peace.  What does the survey say?  Accept the peace or get together to run him into the ground?
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

the concern I have is that the active members of his group are all larger than most of us, and there's 11 of the buggers.

While it'd be nice to hammer him senseless, I'm not sure we could achieve it. It'd probably be safer to accept peace...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Yes, that does seem to be best.  So yay, survived a war and nothing too bad happened.
The All Purpose Fox

lucas marcone

Nation Rank: Ranked #15,568 of 31,229 Nations (49.9%)  it feels good to be in the upper half of ranked nations! also iv'e just realized i have a very secure trade agreement with a nuclear nation! he's ranked .2% i belive or it may be .02%


Hmm... I'm no longer in Anarchy, but my economy hasn't recovered yet. As in: My daily revenue is currently about $1.4 million lower than it's supposed to be despite my happiness being back to pre-war levels. That's... sorta kinda a lot of dough. :dface

Anyone know what I need to do to fix it? I don't have any previous experience with being defeated in war. Will it go back to normal after I collect taxes? (I've been saving since I was attacked 3 days ago.) Or can I wait another day or three for it to fix itself?

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


What about any tech/inf lost in the battle?  That could cause a huge drop.

llearch n'n'daCorna

you need to collect to recover from anarchy.

Economic depression sucks teh big bawlz. :-/

(and I envy your numbers)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Fresnor on October 02, 2007, 09:14:09 PM
What about any tech/inf lost in the battle?  That could cause a huge drop.

Nope. My tech is still above 300, I repurchased all my lost land and infra, and my happiness is the same as it was before I was attacked. Nonetheless, my citizens' income has been sliced almost in half, and I don't know why. :dface

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 02, 2007, 09:26:13 PM
you need to collect to recover from anarchy.

Economic depression sucks teh big bawlz. :-/

(and I envy your numbers)
Waaaa!!!! It didn't work. My economy is still gimped! :kittydepressed
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

You're in a revolutionary government.

Is that the one you wanted, or just in passing?

Also: recent changes to the count of troops may have an effect:
The citizen happiness penalty for having a soldier efficiency above 80% soldiers:citizens ratio has been updated. The penalty has been changed to use real solider numbers rather than solider efficiency levels. All other population happiness equations still use the solider efficiency number.

Your efficiency number is 22k, your real number is 13k, in terms of soldiers. Since I figure you've got 44,771 people, I think you're running on the bottom edge of numbers of troops. I make it 30%, but it's possible the numbers are bung somewhere.

You might also have to wait 5 days, during which you -must- collect. :-/ So it may be tomorrow that things sort themselves out.

(or, I could be thinking of LW.)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 02, 2007, 09:51:53 PM
You're in a revolutionary government.

Is that the one you wanted, or just in passing?

Yup. That's my preferred government type at the moment. It currently beats out Monarchy by a hair.

Also: recent changes to the count of troops may have an effect:

Population happiness and such seems to run off of the virtual troop count. It's only bills, nation strength, and foreign aid that use the actual values, I think.

And in any event, my happiness is still normal. Troop problems should mess with my happiness, not my unadjusted income levels.

Ah well, I'll see if it gets better over the next day or two...


Ho hum... economy fixt. All is well in Tez land. :kittycool

I hope I actually had to collect taxes yesterday in order to reset things... otherwise I blew almost $6 mil for nothing. :3 Anyways... now that I'm back in the saddle... are we still up for the aid thing?

I can send stuff for lucas through Kasarn. If Aiyno or Frensor are interested, I could do another double package again. I'd still need a second intermediary for a swift return trip, though.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'll be up for that, if we've zero'ed out the previous one...

Damn. that'll be the 9th. :-/
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

good to see all is good. what made the radioactive people stop?


*pets Tezkat*

Short of giving all your tech away until we catch up, maybe you should consider joining an alliance which actually has the means to protect your nation... I mean, with such a large NS gap in a micro-alliance, you might as well be unaligned.

llearch n'n'daCorna

oh, come on. He's doing his best to make sure we all catch up... ;-]

It's not -his- fault we all suck. Although I should work my way into re-organising all my trades, and see if I can land enough to get some more bonuses...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hmm... this doesn't bode well if it's a sign of things to come... :dface

I guess I'm gonna stay at DEFCON 1 even during peace time until I'm nuke-capable--maybe collect taxes twice around update so I only have to dial down for a few minutes a day. The new soldier change permits some pretty ridiculous levels of military bloat, so hopefully I'll be a fairly unattractive target.

Now that I'm dedicated to having more soldiers than working citizens, I only need about 250 more tech for nukes. That's 5 purchases, so it should go fairly quickly. Then I need to engage in some sort of trade swapping silliness to get uranium for long enough to buy a few big booms.

By the way... Spies. Are. Annoying.

The twit set my DEFCON back down to 5 while I was beefing up my military. (5? Couldn't the stupid random number generator have set me to 2 or 3? >:]) I spent a few million on spies just in case, but I can't exactly do much against really big guys who spent $55 mil on their intelligence forces. They don't appear to have a maintenance cost or any effect on NS, at least.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...



Well, the asshole decided to start bombing me after he couldn't get through to raid me. Looks like he's just gonna beat the crap out of me for the lulz. Unless he agrees to my peace offer, I guess I'm gonna have to fight back.

I'm probably gonna get nuked or worse for this. So, um, been nice knowing you... :dface

At the very least, this could solve the problem of the NS gap between us. :animesweat

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

He's not in a group that we could have some words with manglement of?


Nutjobs like that are why people leave the game...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well... I'm in their alliance IRC channel right now. They suggested that he would be amenable to peace negotiations. But then they did also seem a bit surprised that he considerd a few hours to be "inactive" and went to the trouble of bombing me out of spite. The Grämlins are a mostly peaceful alliance that like to sit on their asses and trade tech all day. (And seriously... their average NS is scary. :dface)

But I did finally get a hold of one of their leaders who offered to mediate should this guy continue to be an asshat.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

lucas marcone

medeate.... i like the sound of that.

leader: keep it up and  see what happens
asshat: *sticks fingers in ears* lalalalalalala
leader: nukes launching in 5....4....3....2....1....
asshat: ZOMGIEZ

just caught a gander at his name. what do you expect from a guy like that?


Well, if he wasn't a member of one of the more elite and exclusive alliances in the game (assuming he isn't a ghost), I might agree with you about the name.

Personally, I'd say that at that level, it's not worth tech raiding (especially given that his aid slots are unused)
10 infra @ 5300 infra = $900k-$1.5m (according to the MFO calculator)
50 tech via tech trade = $1m

If your target hits you with as little as 3 cruise missiles (out of a possible 14 over a full, 7 day war), it's costing you more than what you're getting.


Honestly, people that size are just rocking you for the lulz. :animesweat

You only get at most 5 tech per ground strike--a meagre 70 tech after a whole week of raiding, and that's only possible if the victim keeps rebuilding his forces to give you a non-zero attack percentage (in which case, it's quite possible that the guy will bother to hit you back with something). Even if the guy doesn't attack you back, you spend as much on tanks as you would have trading tech. Also, there isn't a whole lot of difference in real military strength once you get big, because most NS up in that range is tech bloat anyway. This guy is twice my NS and has barely a third more infra.

The "polite" tech raiders, for the most part, will just go in, hit you twice for the 10 tech, and then offer peace (and perhaps the threat of a nuke if you're foolish enough to retaliate). For someone my size, assuming they don't manage to anarchy me in the process, that basically translates into losing a day's worth of income, which frankly is easy enough to shrug off.

Anyway, the asshat refused peace and attacked me again. I contacted the powers that be in his alliance as they requested, so maybe they'll lean on him a little. If not, it's five days of exciting suicide strikes! I lose a day's worth of attacks by continuing to pursue diplomacy, but he honestly hasn't hurt me enough yet to be more of an annoyance, so hopefully it'll be worthwhile. Most of his ground strikes have been bouncing anyway. I'm even strong enough right now to hit him back and recover my tech. >:]

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

lucas marcone

I'm enough of an asshole to do it. I wouldn't let him have my tech when i could get it back. Then again you're probably out of my league when it comes to tactfulness.


Bet he's just doing it thinking he cen use his alliance as a shield.  Most people like that seem to.  *goes back to saving up for his 2k mark building*

lucas marcone

Guess you're right. On a brighter note I just got my 200 AI in LW.