
Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

Effective troops or actual troops?

I've got 55k citizens, which makes it 33k acceptable... but I've got 19k actual troops and 39k+ effective. If I need to drop the effectives down to 33k, then I'll be very very slim... I -was- planning on waiting until I reached sufficient citizens, but it seems liek that would be ~66k or so... which isn't happening anytime soon.
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Actually... last I checked (which was a few weeks ago), the soldier based happiness and environment changes (at 10%, 20%, 50%, and 60%) seemed to be based on effective military, except for the last one (80%+) which works off of real troops.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

... that sounds like there's a big gap between 60% effective and 80% real.

For me, that's the difference between 15942 real at 60% effective, and 44000 real at 80%... which is ~91000 effective, I make it...
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Yup. After that change, it was essentially a choice between really low military and max military, with little benefit to the middle ground. Since I was the top nation in the alliance, I've been sitting at around 79% real soliders for the past half year.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Quote5 Border Walls (2.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)    $115.72
Taxpaying Citizens    65,419
= $7,570,286.68

4 Border Walls (2.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)      $113.20
Taxpaying Citizens    66,876
= $7,570,363.20

3 Border Walls (2.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)    $110.70
Taxpaying Citizens    68,333
= $7,564,463.10

2 Border Walls (2.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)      $108.18
Taxpaying Citizens    69,791
= $7,549,990.38

1 Border Walls (3.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)      $104.98
Taxpaying Citizens    70,386
= $7,389,122.28

0 Border Walls (4.09 environment)
Daily Population Taxes (Per Citizen)    $101.84
Taxpaying Citizens    70,952
= $7,225,751.68

My 5th Border Wall is no longer profitable. Oh well. /shrug


It seems the admin isn't likely to roll back the changes anytime soon.  :<

I did a bit of experimentation and data collection after the update. Border walls are quite worth it for nations my size. I actually gained overall income since the changes went through.

Regarding the soldiers question. Each soldier now has a slight detrimental effect on population. For my nation, starting with ~70k civilians, every 1k soldiers dropped my population by around 30. And the only other major effects were when effective soldiers crossed the 60% mark. (That penalized environment by 1, which dropped my pop by nearly 1k in addition to the happiness hit.) And you can accidentally go over 80% real soldiers now due to the pop drops, which is a huge hit to population and happiness (as bad as anarchy).

If any of you haven't gone through my guide yet and set your government preferences to the +environment options, it's more important than ever to do so.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Hmm. Incoming message from New Reverie:
To: llearch
From: New Reverie
5/21/2008 12:09:30 AM
Subject: Strength in Unity, Victory in Strength

Greetings in Victory!
I am sending you this message as an offer for you and your alliance to merge with IngSoc. IngSoc is more than just a small alliance like yours, it is lead by some of the oldest and most talented nations in the game. IngSoc also has an active community, a unique website and forums, and special abilities that do not exist elsewhere. IngSoc possesses the most advanced war, trade, and communication systems in the game.
Members regularly participate in helping each other, communicating with other alliances, and building their nations. Our guides can teach you about the war system and how to maximize your economy.
It is clear you and your members have what it takes to be successful. But this is an offer to combine your talent, with our limitless resources and experience. We invite you to come by our forums and discuss how achieve a greater prosperity for both our peoples.
If you're interested, go to
or join us at #IngSoc on ColdFront
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Heh. Elysium starts wars for messages like that. >:] Did he spam the entire alliance?

I believe we can safely assume that our response to their merge offer will be in the negative, but you may go do your doormat thing anyway. Always nice to have contacts. :3

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


I got it as well... but I deleted it pretty much right away :V

llearch n'n'daCorna

The reason for posting it was to find out who else got it, before taking it to Elysium. Also so it was written down here where I know it'll stick around. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Confirming that it was probably spammed.

Also got this from some random guy, watkin;

Quotehow can I join Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance?

He is so small, is funny to me. [/Heavy]

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ask him why he wants to, why he didn't ask one of the Big Three, and if he'd sign up to this forum.

Or something like that.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I received it as well.

I do advise caution before giving out the address of the forum randomly. We aren't exactly secure except for the obscurity of the forum location.  :< (Think of this as selective entry)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Oh, it's easy enough to resolve that.

Heck, I could fix it now, if you really want.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 06:00:57 AM
The reason for posting it was to find out who else got it, before taking it to Elysium. Also so it was written down here where I know it'll stick around. ;-]

Hmm... why would we even need to involve Elysium? We need approval to sign treaties, not open diplomatic relations. It's fairly obvious that a merger is out of the question anyway. They're a MK protectorate and happy where they are. We're an Elysium/Poseidon protectorate and happy where we are. 'Nuff said.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 10:19:29 AM
Ask him why he wants to, why he didn't ask one of the Big Three, and if he'd sign up to this forum.

Big Three? Does that make us like a de facto triumvirate or something? Oh noes! Governments! :mowtongue

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 12:30:21 PM
Oh, it's easy enough to resolve that.

Heck, I could fix it now, if you really want.

How would you do that? Set up a CN forum masked to players only? That would be useful... except that the lurker traffic seems to be generating interest in the game. It's currently our only source of new recruits aside from strange random people.

I am genuinely curious as to how that guy found us, though, and why he would choose us over UPN.

Granted, we are getting some exposure in the wider world. Lord Sharpe has finally added protectorates to his MDP Web. Now you can all see how we fit into the grand scheme of things on Planet Bob. (Also notice how our flag scales fairly gracefully down to that size, whereas all those highly photoshopped ones turn to mush. :3)

We still need a wiki page. Suggestions for content?


Ooooh, just noticed. 1k+ posts on this thread! :mowcookie
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Its standard for the wiki page to contain the charter, which we don't have. I also suggest that in this charter we give everyone a faux title and claim everyone a part of the strictly democratic government, (as opposed to republic government) but still leave who does what ambiguous.

I don't think I made much sense...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
Hmm... why would we even need to involve Elysium? We need approval to sign treaties, not open diplomatic relations. It's fairly obvious that a merger is out of the question anyway. They're a MK protectorate and happy where they are. We're an Elysium/Poseidon protectorate and happy where we are. 'Nuff said.

Slap him down for spamming?

As it happens, mhawk said he'd been sent the same thing, I think - by someone else, I mean. And they were looking through Pegasus members to see how many people got sent it...

Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
Big Three? Does that make us like a de facto triumvirate or something? Oh noes! Governments! :mowtongue

No, no. Just bigger than everyone else. There's a bit of a step, you may have noticed - although it seems to be shrinking...

Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
How would you do that? Set up a CN forum masked to players only? That would be useful... except that the lurker traffic seems to be generating interest in the game. It's currently our only source of new recruits aside from strange random people.

Set up a sign-up thread in the parent forum, a group for this area, and tag you all as part of the group. Trivial, really.

Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
I am genuinely curious as to how that guy found us, though, and why he would choose us over UPN.

Me too. Particularly over the latter; the former is purely curiosity.

Although there is a hint of "hey, that might be someone attempting to sneak under our umbrella and pass info out to someone else"...

Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2008, 05:29:21 PM
Granted, we are getting some exposure in the wider world. Lord Sharpe has finally added protectorates to his MDP Web. Now you can all see how we fit into the grand scheme of things on Planet Bob. (Also notice how our flag scales fairly gracefully down to that size, whereas all those highly photoshopped ones turn to mush. :3)

Heh. Yeah, you do good work. ;-] That map is just crazy.

As for the wiki page, pick something from uncyclopaedia? Or, as DD suggests, nominate everyone as a member of the govt...

If nothing else, it should contain the Doormat listing, and, presumably, something equally obnoxious to tag you and Kasarn with. The Big Mozzarella and the Little Cheddar, perhaps? Or something less, ah, cheesy?
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Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 21, 2008, 06:42:19 PM
Slap him down for spamming?

Heh. Take a look at his protector. Now, count the nukes. There won't be any military action over this one, I guarantee. :animesweat

QuoteSet up a sign-up thread in the parent forum, a group for this area, and tag you all as part of the group. Trivial, really.

Not technically difficult, I know. It's just that I've noticed a lot of non-players coming over to view the drama recently. Maybe people could get lurker passes? :3

QuoteIf nothing else, it should contain the Doormat listing, and, presumably, something equally obnoxious to tag you and Kasarn with. The Big Mozzarella and the Little Cheddar, perhaps? Or something less, ah, cheesy?

Ah, please... respect the lactose intolerant! (Tezkat hates cheese. :<)

At the moment, my offishul title when on diplomatic business is "Ebil Kitteh With Nukes". :kittydevious

Hmm... ya know... come to think of it, I kinda like the idea of everyone having a title. We're small enough right now that posting a complete member list on the wiki page is perfectly doable. It would give us character and provide enough padding to distract from our lack of official-looking legalese.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ah! So Ebil Kitteh Can Has Nukes.

Does that make Kasarn a Good Kitteh With No Nukes?

And no, I didn't expect war. I expected some diplomatic repercussions. War is a terrible way to make a point, and should only be resorted to when dealing with asshats who don't listen to more urbane requests...

As for lurker passes, that's fine - no problem adding them to the group. It just means we have an administrative tag on who is actually here...
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Heh... see what you gone done now? I had to go macro some kittehs... with nukes. :mowtongue

One more...

Okay... got that out of my system. :animesweat

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


AHH, MOTHERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot expess how much I love that video xD

llearch n'n'daCorna

I has nukes; make my day.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

llearch n'n'daCorna


A plane containing some of your nations most notable and wealthy citizens has crashed in a neighboring nation who is holding the citizens hostage and refuses to turn the survivors over to you.    

Option 1: Plead with the foreign nation to free the hostages. Population happiness -2.

Option 2:Order a total air strike on the hostage location killing everyone out of fear that our national secrets could be revealed through interrogation. Lose Access to Affluent Population.    

No Response. Population happiness -4.

I'ma gonna head for option 2. I don't have Affluent Population anyway, so... ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote7/18/2008    The price per barrel of oil has skyrocketed recently. Your nation has an active trade embargo against a nation for an existing humanitarian crisis of which their government leaders refused to act upon. The embargoed nation however has a vast amount of oil reserves.    Option selected. See Current Response.    

Option 1: Break the embargo and begin trading with the oil rich nation.. Population happiness -2, Citizen income +$3.00.
   7/16/2008    Your nation has been asked to host a major 30 day sporting event. While this could entertain your citizens and make them happy, it will also make them quite unproductive during the event.    Option selected. See Current Response.    

Option 2: Refuse the sporting event. Citizen income +$3.00.

Money money money

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heh. I got another "no Affluent Population" event, as well.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Meh... no events for me yet. I don't collect taxes very often.

Out of curiosity, why are we posting here instead of the main CN thread? Every time you bump this one instead, I worry that someone started a war without me. :animesweat

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Accident on my part.

All better now?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Kasarn passed me in nuke count yesterday. Now I really want a Manhattan Project... >:]
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

I wondered why I was catching you two up.

Pity the same thing can't be said about LW...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Wait a tick... You guys are already on Cybernations? I just started with a white team nation.

...This forum needs a Mr. Burns smiley, as it would communicate what I am feeling.