
Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

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Heh... I didn't realize so many of our alliance members suffered from carebear allergies. :animesweat Ah well... it's not like picking on people because of their names is any sillier than other justifications for war.

Like us, Hwee-Alliance is a group of friends from an external forum. They're aggressive and more experienced (although not that much more organized) than we are. Their average NS is on par with ours because they've received some severe poundings at the hands of much larger alliances. They have admitted to using multies, but even so they outnumber us by a fair bit. Our little alliance couldn't sustain a full-scale war.

Quote from: Valynth on March 24, 2007, 02:07:06 AM
Anyway, I dislike these guys, but I'm only gonna keep in under wraps untill I'm strong enough.  Anyway, inactivity was the cause for the initial assault and they probably would have attacked me anyway given their descriptions.  And the fact that I'm weaker than them.  Personally I'd rather have control over my destiny that letting a die decide my fate.

Meh... I suppose if you're dead set on unprovoked alliance wars, we could try to contain the conflict. Say... you attack one of their actives with a double alpha strike around update time. His buddies jump to his defence, and then we mount a big coordinated strike on your attackers. We'll go, "Stop attacking our ally!" and they'll go "WTF!?! He attacked us first!" and then we'll go "Hmm... you're right. Sorry, Dentrinition's assault was an individual effort blah blah blah big misunderstanding blah blah blah send him to bed with no dinner..." and offer peace. In the meantime, if all goes well, we'll take down four nations and only lose one, and everyone will gain valuable combat experience even if we do take a bit of a beating.  >:3

Of course, given the size difference, that will only work if the rest of our alliance is up for it. Otherwise, "point and laugh" remains the most practical option.  :mowtongue

In other news, our average NS just broke 1k. Yay for puny insignificant milestones!  :mowcookie

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Cybernations:  I am now in the middle of the power rankings!  Also, one of the inactive guys came back and attacked me....He lost $78 in equipment and all I lost were the soldier fighting.  He then declares peace.  Since he is now active, I accepted.  No, it wasn't Bearpeople.

Nations States:  I'm a negotiator!  BIG O IT'S SHOW TIME!
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


This lovely lovely person has decided to attack me;

Backup necessary.

EDIT: He's also demanding tech/troops.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I like bullies. Want me to step in and pound on him a bit? :-)+)

QuoteYour soldiers triumphantly and decisively defeated your enemy in this battle. Your soldiers owe their lives to your hard work as their leader. In your victory your forces captured 6.360 miles of land from phishyness. They also destroyed 10.336 infrastructure within phishyness. They also stole 0.529 technology from phishyness. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $10,914.71 from the nation of phishyness.

Just for anyone else who wants to get into it, he had ~130k spare cash lying about, had 800 odd troops and 82 tanks when last I attacked.

'course, I killed 209 troops and lost 182 myself, but still... I went and got some troops and tanks out of the booty. :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Oh... this could be interesting... :kittydevious

Our alliance appears to be at war with several members of this alliance (though the one who attacked ArcaTech changed his AA to Legion today). It could be a very interesting fight, since they're about the same size as we are.

I can't find any info about the alliance, and the CN forums are down.

In other news... I failed horribly in my first attempt at attacking. How embarassing! :animesweat The bastard brought all his forces home, so I bounced on both of my attacks. On the good side, I did park a couple of cruise missiles up his backside, and I softened him up a bit for anyone else who'd like to give him a beating before he buys reinforcements.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

he's got ~130k cash lying around. It wouldn't surprise me if they've been laying in wait, collecting cash reserves, ready to thump into us.

Of course, I reckon I gain enough, on a daily basis, to balance that out, and I think I'm a touch larger than he is...

Shall we engage cheat mode, when it re-enables? :-) I'm willing to cough up for myself, and, I reckon, three or four others. If we can group ourselves effectively, we can probably treble the power of our little alliance overnight. And pound the ever-living out of whoever attacks...

I get this feeling I should purchase some missiles...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Holy crap, I'm getting pounded over here.  I could really use some help.(I'm fending off two guys at once over here!)
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

llearch n'n'daCorna

If you could let us know who the heck they are, that'd be useful.

However - as it stands, I'm a bit short, just at present. I've been kinda busy...

If you can manage to survive a couple days - stand still, protect yourself, max out your troops, that sort of thing - you can probably manage to fend the bast... uh, the sods off, long enough for all of us to get sorted out.

Maxing out your troops and leaving them all on defensive is probably your best bet. Adding some tanks would be a good plan - I know I intend to invest in maxing out troops and stuff, and then spending the rest on cruise missiles. And nuking them until they glow....

Edit: Oh. Mr Phishyness and friends. Yeah. We've been hammering on phishy already. His friend, however, hasn't shown up yet. And, since I'm in anarchy, I can't declare war on him until that sorts itself out. Which isn't so good. :-/

That's a week away. All I can do until then is offer sympathy, and bribery. Willing to take me up on that? I'll add you to the list... We just have to wait until the donations page comes back, which I expect is likely a day or two away, but not more. Unless something else is going on...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Helpful link:

All DMFA Wars

I have it bookmarked and check it when I log in.

Currently, we have two aggressors, both from the same alliance. One of them changed his affiliation to The Legion after his attack, although I seriously doubt that will help him--his old tag still shows through on the war records, and Legion doesn't take all that kindly to attacking purple alliances.

phishyness is attacking both Valynth and Sheridan. He's taking a pounding from myself and llearch and is currently in anarchy, but he has a massive cash reserve ($154k).

the whitest room joined in the fun to pound on Valynth. I was gonna help with that guy, but I severely miscalculated the forces I'd need to take the first guy down. I thinking of declaring war on him right before update to lob a few missiles his way. Unfortunately, he's got enought tech to return the favour, so I forsee losing a chunk of infra before this conflict ends even if we can't get through each other's defences.

And let's not forget all of their friends who are currently on the sidelines, but could make this conflict "interesting" very quickly.

What Tezkat learned today: Cruise Missiles = Good. :kittycool

You take out 10 infra and several tanks with each strike, which is quite cheap considering the value of the troops you'd ordinarily lose to do that. Plus they removed the 2/day purchase limitation a while back, so you can just buy them on demand. Between us, that phishy guy's been dropped into anarchy and has lost a good 30 infra already--enough that maybe he's thinking twice about having attacked us.

I'm really glad I built up those stadiums now. Happiness takes a big hit when you're fighting.  :mowdizzy

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Want more stadiums. Want more missiles.

... money is going to be hard hit this week, I foresee. :-/

Thanks for the hints, though.

Oooo. The whole thing is down. That might give them time to think about things, you think?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Yeah... apparently the /b/tards decided to go out with a bang.  :mowdizzy The admins might need more than day to clean everything up. I wonder what they'll do with the game clock/calendar if several days pass before anyone can log in. Having a few extra days to pile up taxes or let war/anarchy timers run down could be good for us.  >:3

By the way... just before they took the servers down, phishyboi spent $100k to dig in and turtle--2916 soldiers and 149 tanks.  :B I didn't realize that you can build your troops up beyond 100% of your population, but there ya go...

The implicit threat is kinda interesting. He's now in a position to pound us back hard should we deploy enough forces to break through that wall. llearch and I have more to lose in this conflict than he does, after all. So... either we build up crazy high levels of our own and pound him into the ground so quickly that can't easily recover, or we just bomb the crap out of him until he can no longer afford all that pretty hardware. Missiles = Good. He's in anarchy and must have crazy low happiness. In a war of attrition, there's no way he can outlast four of us. It would amuse me greatly to see this idiot ZIed. He not only raided alliance nations, he brought a friend (or multi?) to help.

I'm not sure about the other guy hitting Valynth. Ideas, anyone? Unless he backs off right away, that looks like it could turn into an ugly missile lobbing contest, especially if we have to keep home defences high in case phish goes kamikaze. I'll lose my ability to make missiles after the first successful ground attack gets through, and I don't think I'll have much spare cash to rebuild my tech during wartime. Of course, if enough other people get on board, we could bring him out of missile tech range, and then we could pound him at will without fear of reprisal unless his other friends join in. I think it could take up to six successful ground strikes to bring his tech that low, though.

Come to think of it... how did you land yourself in anarchy, llearch? Did you overextend your attacking forces and leave him a hole to poke through? How big is the happiness hit?

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Quote from: Tezkat on March 31, 2007, 09:07:49 PM
By the way... just before they took the servers down, phishyboi spent $100k to dig in and turtle--2916 soldiers and 149 tanks.  :B I didn't realize that you can build your troops up beyond 100% of your population, but there ya go...

Eh, depends on what improvements and trades he had going.  Also, he probably sent most of his force out, bought more, and then recalled his attacking force.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Nope... it was all at home at the time of the purchase. He brought all his troops back after llearch attacked him this morning. You can only deploy once per day.

According to the wiki, you can bring your troops up above 80% pop, but at 3x the cost. 150%+ of pop is kinda insane though--no wonder ZIed countries can still dish out damage in huge alliance wars.  :mowdizzy

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tezkat on March 31, 2007, 09:07:49 PM
Come to think of it... how did you land yourself in anarchy, llearch? Did you overextend your attacking forces and leave him a hole to poke through? How big is the happiness hit?

Ah.. I deployed a few too many troops. Dropped down to 800 or so at home, with 4122 citizens. Nuts.

The hit? All up, with war and everything, I'm down 5. Which takes me from 15.92 to 10.92 or so. So, while it hurts, it's not -totally- crippling. I figure, what the hey - when I get back in, I'll bump up to 3200 troops, being the 80% limit, and buy up maybe another 30 tanks, and then throw the rest into missiles.

After bills, of course. I expect that won't be many, though - I figure I'll get 40k in taxes, this time around, down from the previous 89k. *wince* which means I should be able to get at least a couple missiles, if not three.

AH.. ZIed?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Yessa, moneys and stuff!

Lovin it.  :3


So I saw that the whitest room had attacked Sheridan and Aiyno so I switch to DEFCON1 and bought a bucketload of soldiers and was pretty much instantly attacked by land of lizards.

On a slightly suspicious note, his country description reads "phishy"...


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 01, 2007, 05:03:43 AM
Ah.. I deployed a few too many troops. Dropped down to 800 or so at home, with 4122 citizens. Nuts.

You can anarchy yourself? Ouch. That's good to know, anyway.

AH.. ZIed?

ZI = Zero Infrastructure. The closest thing to "death" you can achieve in CN, it basically takes a nation down to the point at which they'll be non-functional without foreign aid or complete decomissioning. At 10 infra per missile and ground assault (up to 40 per attacking nation) per day, it's actually not that hard to do in a gangbang situation.

Quote from: Kasarn on April 03, 2007, 11:09:58 PM
So I saw that the whitest room had attacked Sheridan and Aiyno so I switch to DEFCON1 and bought a bucketload of soldiers and was pretty much instantly attacked by land of lizards.

On a slightly suspicious note, his country description reads "phishy"...

Judging from their names, creation dates, and login patterns, it's quite possible that this is one guy cheating with multiple accounts. If anyone has a forum account, please report them.

Little phishy is mostly out of the picture. His super army messed up my country a bit, but he's now broke and I'm about to re-anarchy him. :kittydevious

His buddy white just declared war on the entire bottom half of our alliance. We need to pound that jerk into the ground before he does serious damage.

land of lizards is on the same power level as white...

I'm gonna try to help with all of them, I suspect that fighting a 3-front war (2 of which are missile-capable) will hurt quite a bit, but it's sure to be educational.  >:3

Our little alliance is now officially in a full scale war!   :<

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

Jim Halisstrad

No one's declared war on me yet, but just tell me who to bomb :3


Okay, white room's been smacking me around and there isn't much I can do about that, since I can never get enough military to match him.  But on the good side of things, I raided phishy for a tech point and land.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Damn... that was fun. And profitable! :kittydevious Everyone but whitey is in anarchy, and I should be able to rectify that after update. I got him down to 17.19 tech. Just a few more strikes should put him out of missile purchasing range.

Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on April 03, 2007, 11:38:39 PM
No one's declared war on me yet, but just tell me who to bomb :3

Hmm... Your best bet right now is to sit tight and build up your military and tech. Deploying your forces right now might leave you a bit vulnerable. You can't ground strike opponents while they're in anarchy, so having one more ground fighter in play would just give them another target without helping us kill them any faster. Maybe try to get your tech up to 15 for missiles.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Quote from: Tezkat on April 03, 2007, 11:27:56 PMJudging from their names, creation dates, and login patterns, it's quite possible that this is one guy cheating with multiple accounts. If anyone has a forum account, please report them.

No can do;

Quote from: CN BoardsThe board administrator is no longer accepting any new registrations at the moment.


ATech is holding stable. They can't plunder my technology by force, or so it seems, so they're only damaging land, infrastructure (of which I have plenty, as they're not spitting cruise missiles at me) and my soldier count.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Phishy: Lost 16 infra today.
The whitest room: Lost 19 infra today.
land of lizards: lost 8 infra today.

... and I've got 4 missiles left, out of the 10 I picked up. Anyone else want fun? :-)

While we're here... anyone else need assistance in terms of number of soldiers? I seem to have a few excess I could get rid of...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Sirios Skywolf

Hi kids. Well, I'm having a real whirlwind of a time over at \m/, I'll tell you what. Saw you were having some trouble with a legionarre, figured I might step in and assist. I can do that, see, because tech-raiding laws and such. So yay!

Anyway, I've gotten to a decent strength, so I'll see if I can add to you helping. Anyone need 50,000?


he damaged my tech and smashed me down into non-tank buying tech.

too bad really, having bought 21 tanks 2 hours before he attacked me was useful.  :)

I could use some money to get that 0.58 tech back tho... Having 338 soldiers makes me more powerful than whiteroom at this moment but I stand no chance against anything else.... >.>


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 04, 2007, 06:05:38 AM
While we're here... anyone else need assistance in terms of number of soldiers? I seem to have a few excess I could get rid of...

That's what aggressive strikes are for. They clear out excess troop supplies nicely. :kittydevious From what I've found, there's little point in using any other form of ground strike. Military forces are cheap and very expendable.

You should still be able to ground strike those guys if you drop your deployed troop strength down into the low hundreds. They might all be down to the level where you just raid them without losing any troops, though. Whitey will be unable to purchase missiles after a solid hit from ground pounders (though given the state of his country, it's unlikely that he would have had much money for that anyway). With his tech, missiles, and cash reserves, Lizzie is still in play for now. I hit him with a post-defeat raid after the update (bringing my total infra damage against him up to 70 and knocking off an extra point of tech). I'm curious to know whether daily raids on defeated nations can happen once per attacker or only once per defender. If the latter, it may take us a while to properly dismantle them.

Other things that Tezkat learned today:

You need troops in your deployment in order to attack, as I recently discovered. I tried to drop my deployment down into the range where I could continue my assault, but I messed up and zeroed my troops; even though the remaining tanks are plenty strong enough to crush the opposition, I can't send them anywhere without troop support. Doh! :animesweat

The penalties for bringing your troop levels above 80% pop are enormous--comparable to the happiness drop for having too few troops. I lost 11 happiness points before my assault on whitest room (when I recruited up to 86% of civilian pop).  :dface Temporary troop surges like that can very useful in taking out well defended targets, but make sure that enough of your minions will sacrifice their lives for you in the battle. (Yay for aggressive strikes!) Otherwise, your economy will be badly messed up the next day.

Missiles = Good! But I knew that one already. :kittycool

Out of curiosity, did anyone else experience a preferred government and religion change after the downtime? I somehow went from being a brutal, Voodoo-practicing dictator to some sort of secular royal figure. Thankfully, the change was very good for my economy. You guys might want to check to see if you can't squeeze a few extra happiness points out of government/religion fix.

Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on April 04, 2007, 12:10:49 PM
Hi kids. Well, I'm having a real whirlwind of a time over at \m/, I'll tell you what. Saw you were having some trouble with a legionarre, figured I might step in and assist. I can do that, see, because tech-raiding laws and such. So yay!

Welcome back! (Even if you're only just visiting.)  :mowcookie

I seriously doubt that phishyness is real Legion, though; I think he just changed his tag to avoid repercussions from his tech raiding ventures. Why he thought The Legion would be safer than his little band of l33t buddies at a time like this mystifies me...  >:3 You're still quite welcome to help out if there's anything left of them by the time your current wars expire.  ;)

Oh... I know you have a forum account. If registration doesn't reopen by the time the wars expire and we're done squeezing the last drops of tech out of them, maybe you could report them as suspected multies. They'll probably be ZIed by then anyway, but that's no reason to let them get away with it.

the whitest room
land of lizards

All were created within hours of each other, login and collect taxes within minutes of each other, and have been focusing on the same alliance targets (i.e. us) despite being in unrelated alliances. Names and descriptions are somewhat suspicious as well.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


land of lizards is, most likely, not part of the Eurasian Coalition either.
He doesn't have an account on their forum and, according to Google, EC had a recent problem with a member raiding other alliances and, according to the same thread, their official stance is that they do not support attacks on alliances.

Anyway, my total stats against land of lizards looks like this at the moment (I used a calculator to get them)
Land scorched and lost: 7.479
Infrastructure destroyed: 20.706
Tech cruelly raided: 1.687
Money: -9971.78 +4791.69

Land gloriously captured: 8.537
Infrastructure destroyed: 62.529
Tech righteously appropriated: 4.432
Money: +8721.1

As for government, most people seem to recommend setting it to Monarchy regardless of what they want. If they actually want a monarchy, then that's even better :)


Yeah, I had noticed a bit of an income drop when I changed from my initial monarchy to the desired dictator type (that nasty environment hit...). But then, I kinda liked the evil dictator thing, so I kept it.


How's that air force working out for you?

Anyway... if there was any doubt about our attackers being one big cheater, check this out. The bastard's trying to run off with his ill-gotten gains!  :B

I'm willing to give meddle the benefit of the doubt for now, since he has different creation dates and login times. And, obviously, if he'd been controlled by the same person, he would have accepted the aid instantly. I don't think much of it will go through, either. The guy got greedy and tried to save everything, and we've already knocked whitey and lizzie down below the required tech levels. (I don't believe you can go into tech debt through aid.) If we hit phish a couple more times to bring his tech below 9, then his escape attempt will be completely wasted. That meddle guy hasn't been on since before the downtime; we've got until he returns to work on phish.

The lizard boy's still got those 2 missiles. I wonder what he's saving them for...

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

Sirios Skywolf

I reported them to moderation, we'll see how it goes.

I'll see about hooking you up with something good once the war ends, some aid or something, maybe get in to fight alongside you with the next big enemy.


Quote from: Tezkat on April 04, 2007, 10:13:30 PM
How's that air force working out for you?

The air force, at this level, doesn't really seem worth it.
After 4 strikes, they have done a meagre 8.8 infrastructure damage (6.6, 0, 0, 2.2). For that price, I could've bought 25 cruise missiles :rolleyes
...but, at the time, I didn't want 100k cash on hand and so I just thought I'd give it a whirl.

edit: lol, 25, not 250 hurrrrrr