
Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

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I think i'm going to just restart.  At the rate these jerks are moving, I'll be sitting here for 2-3 more weeks.  And god help them if I ever outgrow their larger ones.

lucas marcone

i cant restart till around the tenth due to the forign aid i sent to kas in an effort to give him back whatt he put into my nation, but we'll be restart buddies anyway! vertual high five! now all i need is a good name.


Ouch. That sounds painful, llearch. Do you need aids to help you through this period of strife?  :3

By the way, are we still interested in pursuing relations with The Directorate? At the moment, we have open diplomatic channels with them again due to the raid on my nation. I couldn't find anything on their forums about the last treaty attempt, so I assume most talks must have been in PMs between llearch and Solaris. Could you let us know how far you got last time, llearch?
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Back in again as the nation of Reichi

llearch n'n'daCorna

We got as far as "that's a nice idea, how about I write something up"

I got distracted by work.

Ah, I figure I'd like to get another 8.52 levels of tech, and then another 100 or so. Or something. At a million and a half per fifty, I make that about 300k for the 8. Unless we consider the recent pain to make me one of the ones that need building up, of course... ;-]

Some aid would be nice, but we'll see how things work out. At present, the lack of infra makes the daily bill much easier to cope with, I think - I'm pulling in about 500k/day after bills.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Fresnor on September 07, 2007, 02:47:10 AM
Back in again as the nation of Reichi

Hmm... we should be able to aid you back up to a respectable size quickly, Fresnor. I can put together a couple of large aid packages over the next few days. Some of my trades will die of inactivity in about a week, however  (I have such bad luck with trading partners lately), so I'll need to save up for the economic wonkiness that will ensue while I'm finding new trades.

Is Aiyno still around? He's poor and aid-less but hasn't posted here since before his old nation got deleted...

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 07, 2007, 06:04:43 AM
We got as far as "that's a nice idea, how about I write something up"

Hmm... so should I broach the issue with Solaris next time I contact him? I do think having a few allies would help. We already have a dialogue with them, and (aside from one of their leaders constantly trying to borrow our tech without asking :animesweat) they do seem like a pretty good match for us in terms of size and political positioning.

We should probably formalize our own "who not to attack" policy as well, so as to avoid repeating the mistakes of the last two months. That got kinda messy.  :B

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

lucas marcone

i should have my new nation up by monday. any ideas for names? i was thinking maybe along the lines of the united states of the celts.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tezkat on September 07, 2007, 10:06:32 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 07, 2007, 06:04:43 AM
We got as far as "that's a nice idea, how about I write something up"

Hmm... so should I broach the issue with Solaris next time I contact him? I do think having a few allies would help. We already have a dialogue with them, and (aside from one of their leaders constantly trying to borrow our tech without asking :animesweat) they do seem like a pretty good match for us in terms of size and political positioning.

We should probably formalize our own "who not to attack" policy as well, so as to avoid repeating the mistakes of the last two months. That got kinda messy.  :B

Both of those strike me as eminently suitable ideas.

In the mean time, does anyone wish to sell me some AI?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Tezkat on September 07, 2007, 10:06:32 PM

Is Aiyno still around? He's poor and aid-less but hasn't posted here since before his old nation got deleted...

nuh, I wanted to keep my 1400 post count as long as possible >.>

and I turned into a lurker.. because I never felt like I had anything to add :P Till my name got mentioned (the second time on the page now, right?)  Yeah, my countries not doing good deals, those good offers that I get are usually taken by someone else before I get online (500.000 to become a trade partner etc.) So I only made an extra 30.000 out of aid for trade.. not something very intense XD

*rambles on*

lucas marcone

is aluminum and water a good start for resorces?


Quote from: lucas marcone on September 10, 2007, 02:29:23 PM
is aluminum and water a good start for resorces?

It's fine.

For further reading, see the old Nation Building Guide

lucas marcone

Thanks Squaresquarensquarezsquaresquare. (yes that is a dig on you for haveing a name i don't have the software to decode into the proper language) seriously though, good trade guide in that thing.


Yeah, it was amusing for half a day... now it's old.

Anyway, for those not following CN drama, Great War 4 is underway. :zombiekun3

lucas marcone

*hides his small nation under all the bigger nations in our alliance*

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Kasarn on September 11, 2007, 03:45:22 AM
Yeah, it was amusing for half a day... now it's old.

Anyway, for those not following CN drama, Great War 4 is underway. :zombiekun3

I noticed the price of copper in LW had gone up. I've got to wonder if it spread...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone


lucas marcone

aluminum and water seem to be in high demand. all my trade slots filled up overnight....too bad it wasn't with what i needed.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Wander onto the forums, and post a list of what you want, and what you want for it.

I'm fairly sure you'll find someone willing to pay you to trade with you, long term...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

i was thinking about that. but im going to worry about infrastructure and pop density for now. doesn't do my any good to be worrying about too many things at once.

llearch n'n'daCorna

infra sorts itself out over time. Your best bet is probably getting a gold trade and selling tech (I'm buying, just in case you missed)

You -really- want to sort out your trades, early on, and hold on to them - getting the right mix is -really- helpful. Plus, if you can get the right bonus trades, you're rocking - your money will go further, because the costs will be down, and you'll get more to start with, because taxes will be up. Maximizing taxes (both by pop bonuses and increasing percentage take) and minimizing costs (by bonus resources, where possible, improvements where you must) is what it's all about.

As for pop density, as long as you're below 70, you're pretty set, with water as one of your trades. Infra is more of a stumbling block.

If you're -really- stuck, talk to the rest of us - most of the bigger countries will happily do a tech trade, and when someone up there is willing to do a 1.5 million for 50 tech trade, you're in gravy by, if you rig it right, perhaps a million. Buying -just- enough tech minimizes the costs, and you can, if you're doing it right, get 50 levels of tech for close to 500k, I think. Certainly less than 750k.

(I should point out - the going rate is 1m/50t, we've been doing 1.5m/50t to boost growth within the commune, as it were. Even so, 1 million is a big lump sum down there...)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

hay i just started on LW....i have no idea what i'm doing....but i think i get the jist of things.

good news i only need cows and marble and ill have my ideal tradeing situation....though i need a harbor to do so. but till then i have BEER! the celts and beer....whoda thunk?


Quote from: lucas marcone on September 14, 2007, 02:36:18 AM
hay i just started on LW....i have no idea what i'm doing....but i think i get the jist of things.

Basically, buy AI at 20% discount (or 10 updates), otherwise, buy Housing. As a new colony, you can buy AI at a faster rate if you want... this will get you more mines which get you more money. Also, buy Improvements whenever you can.

The DMFA alliance is at
I don't particularly think we need the 200AI minimum as most of us are in Peace Mode.

If you need a quick war guide:
1) Missiles suck
2) Save up your turns
3) When attacking, launch an all out attack using as many turns as possible in one go, don't hold back
4) Buy all the Upgrades... except the Missile ones (see point 1)

Quotegood news i only need cows and marble and ill have my ideal tradeing situation....though i need a harbor to do so. but till then i have BEER! the celts and beer....whoda thunk?

Unless somebody else wants to (and doesn't want me to... I mean, two aid offers is better than one, right?), I guess I can kick you some money tomorrow.

lucas marcone

thankyou for the info! and the CN cash monies! i promise this one won't be deleted. seeing as i actually put some thought into this one i do have an emotional investment.

but man do i hate being a mooch.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Kasarn on September 14, 2007, 03:44:40 AM
The DMFA alliance is at
I don't particularly think we need the 200AI minimum as most of us are in Peace Mode.

I do, because it gives a minimum status. ;-]

OTOH, I'm willing to listen if you wish to discuss it at me. :-]

As far as CN goes, I'm still looking for someone to sell me 8.52 levels of tech for $300k...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Nah, 200AI is fine. We wouldn't be the first alliance to have a minimum requirement and I can't see a real reason for or against having one.


Hmm, and to think I missed the wonders of trying to scavange cash through these lower levels of infrastructure last time.  Well at least my ruined nation lives on a bit in dumped tech to others.  :p

lucas marcone

anyone need tech? ill sell you a pack of 50 just name your price.


Aww :c

The forums would suggest that 900AI is a better time to try... and that you need $2.5m+ and 10+ uranium :P

llearch n'n'daCorna

Poor Kasarn.

My heart bleeds. :-P

Oh, and lucas? Look up. Just a little way, about three posts.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears