Honor Circle Returns! (OOC) - Open

Started by Boog, November 02, 2007, 07:14:13 PM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

Ah. Guitar Hero himself.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


The Harpist

   Name: Linos Maurits
   Nicknames: The Harpist, "Guitar Hero"
   Age: 34
   Eye: Milky White (blind)
   Species: Jaguar
   Race: Mythos
   Hair: Long and Black
   Family: Yuminorus and Eschele Maurits (deceased)

   Dressed in simple attire, and for all intents and purposes looking like a simple jaguar being, Linos Maurits could almost be passed over as unremarkable, excepting for the strange eye-shaped marking on his forehead, and the strange, glowing tattoos that cover his body. Always carrying with him a guitar, the Harpist has not had to play a song for a meal in some time – a renowned assassin, he makes his living playing his unique talents.

   Combat Abilities: He carries with him no weapons, and has to his name only one skill – the playing of music. Because of his special abilities, with the right instruments, he can wreak a great deal of havoc.
   Strengths: Preternaturally aware of everything around him despite his profound blindness, Linos has the ability to make his music real. It is not that he plays well, but that he is able to literally move an audience with his song, sometimes straight out of their chairs and into the next row. Using his guitar, he can manipulate the emotions of others to a far greater degree than any music should really be able to, and with the right music he can physically manipulate things around him, from pushing to creating a literal wall of force around him. It isn't entirely Linos, and it isn't entirely his guitar, but a mixture of the two. His most deadly technique is called the Deadly Melody, in which through his song he can manipulate the air around him into razors and bludgeons of force. He has an affinity for songs of lamentation, especially dirges, which sometimes contrast with the mellow sound of his guitar. As well, putting a bit of himself into the music, either by blood or tears, can dramatically increase his power.
   Weaknesses: Linos's music is not omniscient, and neither is he – if he is trying to bring someone down, he must aim the notes, and it is possible for him to miss. His technique is a mixture of himself and his instrument, and Linos can only do what he does with an instrument of fine craftsmanship at least – and even then, it takes a deal of practice. His own personal guitar is enchanted to be light, never need tuning, and for greater acoustic improvement. The range of hearing is the range of his power – the closer you are to him, the louder his is, and the more powerful his technique. By completely deafening yourself, it is possible to negate most of his power, excepting for the technique of Deadly Melody, which does not require it's listener to hear it.

   Weapons: His personal guitar, which he's named Elena.

   History: Born blind at birth, at first it didn't seem like Linos might amount to much. His parents nearly didn't keep the child, instead wanting to put him up for adoption, where his looking like a being might get him into a nice and caring family. However, something made them keep the boy, and they cared for him and loved him as a family should.
   One day, the boy sat down at the family piano, and began to try and play. Blind as a bat, the boy of course could not see the keys, and only managed to produce a cacophony of earsplitting noise. Still, the boy's parents thought that music lessons might be good for the boy, and after finding a teacher that was willing to teach a blind child, they sent him off for his first music lesson.
   After the mechanism of the piano was explained to him, and he was shown the technique, the boy still managed to only produce cacophonous noise. It was, however, better cacophonous noise, and as the teacher continued to teach, the boy got better and better. He began to even show a great deal of aptitude for the instrument, and the teacher recommended that he try some others to broaden his skill. So he took up the guitar.
   Strings were the boy's enemy for awhile, but soon he began to get good at those too, and fairly quickly the boy was really turning into a musician. Tragedy struck the small family, however.
   Anyone could tell you that Linos had a talent for music. It wasn't that he could always play it right, or that he was some sort of genius – but what he played really sounded almost more real than any other sort of music. It somehow spoke to you more, it gave the air itself a texture. It was somehow better than music played by anyone else.
   One day, Linos cut himself on the strings of his guitar. He didn't think anything of it, and it was a small cut anyway. He began to practice one of his favorite songs, Verdant Cuffs, a rather sad, slow song, yearning, longing and infinitely sad, slow and calming. He played this way for some hours, truly absorbed into the music. He didn't stop until seven hours later, when he began to get tired, and wondered if his parents were ever going to stop him for dinner. He set his lute aside and began to stumble through the house.
   Both of his parents were cold and on the floor when he found them. The autopsy indicate that they had died in their sleep from nonviolent asphyxiation.
   It wasn't long after that until someone put the pieces together, and the Sabanethei family found him alone and blind in his parents house. They took him, and trained him – they gave him his magical tattoos and the eye that let him see again, and they trained him until his power was as taut as a harpstring. Used as both as assassin and a guard, Linos serves the family as best he can, although in his blindness, he perhaps sees them as the only family he has.

Linos has gotten somewhat lost throughout his adventures, and has now found himself caught in a hole in the universe. He waits at the Honor Circle while he tries to figure out a way home.

   Disposition: Hardly aware of the world outside the one he lives in – has almost no distaste for any form of life. In person, he is somewhat distant, and exudes a sense of pleasant calmness, with an undertone of tragedy.

   Trivia: Although he can somewhat see, he cannot see color, and he does not see in the same way others do. It can, however, let him read, and he loves to do so. He still has trouble with sheet music, however, and must resort to braille versions of the notes.

   Quote: "I try and avoid playing sharp notes."


:O Most. Awesome. Character. EVER.

A music-based fighter at last! I was wondering if anyone could pull it off without being cliche... Well done, Cogi!
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Black_angel on June 04, 2008, 09:56:43 PM
:O Most. Awesome. Character. EVER.

A music-based fighter at last! I was wondering if anyone could pull it off without being cliche... Well done, Cogi!

Why thanks!

Linos is actually from my other RP, but he'd be a lot of fun to put in here as well. I'm hoping he'll be entertaining. :3

llearch n'n'daCorna


Nuts. Now I wanna bring the pincushion in, to ask Linos to play Stairway to Heaven or something.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 05, 2008, 08:57:49 AM

Nuts. Now I wanna bring the pincushion in, to ask Linos to play Stairway to Heaven or something.

You don't want him to do that. He might cause the Arockalypse or something.  >:3


 I'm afraid I'll have to bow out of the game for now. Circumstances of late have prevented me from posting in a timely manner, and indeed from even being online for very long at times. If there are no objections, I'll simply leave the Queen in stasis for a while.


Quote from: TheGreyRonin on June 06, 2008, 02:08:27 AM
If there are no objections, I'll simply leave the Queen in stasis for a while.

Oh well, I'll think of something to snap Karazkt out from sitting in front of her...It's just, I sat Karazkt down in front of her because I thought you were going to wake her up soon :/

llearch n'n'daCorna


...and the wolf himself began to shimmered once before the effect died away.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Eh - Keats, Cog didn't literally punch you. He's a distance away - his ability to cause waves of force is what would have hit you. I think I was a bit unclear with my post.  :animesweat


Quote from: Cogidubnus on June 08, 2008, 07:15:55 PM
Eh - Keats, Cog didn't literally punch you. He's a distance away - his ability to cause waves of force is what would have hit you.

...uh, oops. :D; Sorry about that, dude. I'll fix the post right away.

~Keaton the Black Jackal
EDIT: Fix'd.


I've got a friend who might want to sign up for this RP, but we still don't have a char index, which makes things hyper-confusing to newbies. So I've gone and made one myself! :U

Active Players:
Keaton the Black Jackal;
-Keaton the Black Jackal
-Piix Raiyn Daei'Lunn
-Katherine Beatrix Imenwati-Jyraneth, Xianxi
-Cogidubnus Mithlome, Laertes Melanthious, Giles Monterrey
-Linos Maurits
-Brinald fa Dioragh ni Dionn
-Andrace Kithara
-Despina Kithara
-Sylvia Hyacinth Dahl
-Danielle Adrienne Sanders
-The Storybook, The Boogeyman
-Richard Trochoufski, Marya Zyrlomi
llearch n'n'daCorna;
-William Ifnirg the Third
-Captain Kaela Silverstone
-Baseel Wolkshammer
-Edaric Ahnasazi
-Azshanas Morrígan
Arroyo Milori;
-Citrine Stone
-Arroyo Milori
Corgatha Taldorthar;
-Corgatha Taldorthar

Inactive Players:
-R. Johnson
-Tezkat Kh'rono
-The Queen
-Mariska Callan
lucas marcone;
-Ian Abernathy
Mel Dragonkitty;
-P. Melodie Icewing
-Alex M. Keys
Paladin Sheppard;
-Paladin Sheppard
-Bartholomew Thompson
-Sebastian Hart
-Andrea Muniz

*looks at list just made*
Even all listed, it's STILL confusing! D:
Also, fitting that the one running the RP has the most registered characters (if you count The Storybook) :B

Ah well. Boog, you may quote/copy this list and paste it into your OOC opening post for easy access for all users. (And you'll have to update it yourself from time to time...nyah nyah nyah! >:3)


This list is both useful and covers the bios of each character nicely.


I'm a little uncertain about my last post. If there are any issues with it - basically, with Keaton managing to protect herself before the lightning hit her - and if it appears godmoddy, I'll fix the post.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


I do fully intend on returning to the game, as soon as time permits me to do so more than, say, once every few weeks at best. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes.



Why oh why did I come up with such a convoluted gimmick? :cry


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 23, 2008, 01:04:27 AM

Why oh why did I come up with such a convoluted gimmick? :cry

Oh u!


But seriously. You've made your bed.

What the heck is Mechangel up to, by the way?


Quote from: Stygian on June 23, 2008, 12:43:22 PM
Oh u!


But seriously. You've made your bed.
I know, I know. I was actually joking a bit--here's what was going on.

First, the concept. Seems simple enough, three rules:
1. All Ts are capitalized, for emphasis
2. All Ss and S sounds become a Z
3. A Ks and K sounds become a bold capital K, indicating a click

The problem was when I wrote such a long piece of dialogue for him last night, since I'm just a puny human, I didn't get it all the first time. This leads to the situation of manually having to go though and catch everything that wasn't modified with a paranoid obsessiveness. But that's an exaggeration, too. Only a few Ts that needed capitals.
Just wanted to thow in bit of levity on the situation :mowwink

Quote from: Stygian on June 23, 2008, 12:43:22 PM
What the heck is Mechangel up to, by the way?
He's just on his way to his room, why?


   Just a notice to all the RPs I'm in, my primary internet source has been cut off due to a RL problem completely unrelated to me and out of my control. While I still have access to a computer and internet, it will be very limited for the foreseeable future, and my activity here on CMF will be greatly reduced. However, I will still be here. I do not know when I will have full access restored, if at all.
   But I'm still in.

(BTW, Ink, I haven't done anything with Mechangel recently because I'm waiting on you. You have been hinting at wanting to catch him alone, well, he has been alone in the quarters corridor for a bit)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Wild applause, Keaton.

The closing line? Perfect.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Just a notice for everyone, Ink's activity is low, and will probably be that way for a little while. These are the details:

I've been bogged down. Unable to post because I have a magazine layout to finish within the week and my workload has escalated considerably. I didn't expect this so soon, really, but I should have. (I was planning to get at least one battle done before I took a hiatus.) You should tell this to the others. (copy/paste this message on OOC). I will post when I can, but I will tend to take the path of least resistance/posts and they will be ungodly brief.

Sadly, we will not see much of his timeshifter :<


That guy in the cloak was giving the room a once over again. His eye had settled on her, briefly.
Marya was in a Bad Mood.
Whoa, wait, is that supposed to be Mechangel?



(slowly appears, smile first, then the rest of her body)

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack....
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Black_angel on September 09, 2008, 11:00:18 AM
(slowly appears, smile first, then the rest of her body)

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack....


[fwooshes with fire extinguisher]



Quote from: Black_angel on September 09, 2008, 11:00:18 AM
(slowly appears, smile first, then the rest of her body)

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack....
Cheshire cat, anyone?


Quote from: Stygian on September 09, 2008, 08:10:17 PM
Quote from: Black_angel on September 09, 2008, 11:00:18 AM
(slowly appears, smile first, then the rest of her body)

I'm baaaaaaaaaaack....


[fwooshes with fire extinguisher]


Ptpththprthrhpthrpththtgyahh! The foam... it went in my mouth.... oh god... it tastes like poisonous marshmallows. With shaving cream.

Quote from: Boogeyman on September 09, 2008, 10:39:31 PM
Cheshire cat, anyone?

Yes, please!  :P

(Hehe...lame joke.)
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears