Honor Circle Returns! (OOC) - Open

Started by Boog, November 02, 2007, 07:14:13 PM

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Quote from: TheGreyRonin on September 12, 2008, 08:16:56 PM
I'm out.

I wus gunna get Karazkt working on his orders soon, I've been working out the details with Boogeyman...I just haven't had enough time to really get it going yet... :cry


BTW, Boog, has the Circle formed into just a single apartment building or are there adjacent buildings as well?



   Just a notice to all RPs I'm in, I will be absent from Monday to Thursday on a camping trip in Yosemite. I won't be posting anything for my characters during that time.


And here are two more profiles for later, one of them a rewriting of Keaton's profile. I decided to substitute the Keaton in this RP, the one I typically use in RPs that is based off of DMFA, with the one written to fit my original universe. It'd make a good experiment. I'll switch the two when it's most convenient. Since she's always accompanied by him, Xianxi will be joining in, if Boog doesn't have any objections.

Name: Katherine Beatrix Imenwati-Jyraneth
•   Commonly known as Keaton the Black Jackal
Nickname(s): Keats, KBJ, Keaton the Queen Bitch, Miss Jyraneth
Age: 310
Species: Black-backed jackal Etazekyn
Family and Association(s): Mother (Elizabeth), Father (Salem), Sisters (Jasmine, Sierra, Esmeralda, Lianna), Brother (Noah).
Place of Origin: An unknown region on Planet Etakor

Physical Description
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Muscularly athletic, with sinewy, strong limbs and a taut stomach
Eyes: (Right eye) Brown. (Left eye) Completely white, without a trace of color
Hair: Dirty blonde; long, reaching past her shoulders, but aerodynamically styled and windswept
Fur Coloration: Base fur color is a vibrant yellow. Curling outlines of sable-splotched, abstract markings branch along her body from head to toe, forming a rigid mask of crescents and jagged streaks along her face, vines hiking up her arms and the tapering points of her elongated ears, streaks down her vulpine tail, and webs on her clawed feet. Creamy yellow of a lighter shade coats her muzzle, chest, and the underside of her tail, occasionally overlapped by the coattails of her gnarled markings. Two white markings vaguely resembling stylized, abstract eyes are scrawled on Keaton's shoulder-blades, reminiscent of the patterning on the wings of a gypsy moth.
Distinguishing features: Unusually large ears and voluminous tail. Sports a brand in the shape of the Jyraneth Clan symbol deeply imprinted in her shoulder. Her neck is scarred with an elaborate ring of hieroglyphic patterns, mostly faded into her fur and leading around to a particularly large scar subtly shaped like the Sabanethei Crime Family emblem emblazoned on the back of her neck. The most consistent aspects of her attire are an eye-patch over her left eye and her obnoxiously large combat boots. She prefers scarves and collars and other accessories that can conceal the scars on her neck.

Dueling Info
Shadow-manipulation, moderate skill in energy-related spells, metamorphosis, agility and flexibility, regeneration, "shadow armor," hand-to-hand combat skills, heightened senses and speed, minor control over blood.

Strengths: When it comes to darkness, Keaton is a highly accomplished fighter, if only because of her inventiveness and great skill in improvising. Capable of manipulating the shadows around her for her own convenience, Keaton can orchestrate darkness in ways limited only by her imagination, from enveloping herself with them to disappearing within the shadows she controls. When Keaton is enveloped in shadows, this provides a strange form of defense for her by muffling blows, reducing bleeding, and sometimes "bandaging" wounds so to stifle any escaping blood. Her senses are also magnified, so that way she can detect creeping forms if they are suffused in the shadows, or whenever someone else is using dark-oriented magic. Because of these advantages, Keaton almost always uses this demented "armor" when she enters combat. If Keaton permeates her blood with darkness, she can manipulate it, and sometimes use it to burn others who have gotten her blood on his or her body.

Keaton's methods of manipulating darkness are highly diverse. She can solidify darkness into a multitude of elastic tendrils which can whip about at all angles and rapidly transmogrify from rigid, blade-like shapes to flexible, tentacular forms, to swords and scythes and hammers, to many more options. Besides the shadow-armor, Keaton has an alternate option for coating her body in darkness: she can use minor forms of metamorphosis, particularly altering her hair color, eye color, fur color, fur patterning, or other miniscule aspects of her appearance by using the darkness on her body to microscopically manipulate her visage on the spot. In a more tremendous way, Keaton can also layer her hands or feet with darkness until it appears as though she's enlarged them into bestial, claw-like structures, useful for weapons or climbing. Mostly, Keaton can manipulate the surface of her shadow-armor by creating spikes, tentacles, or other appendages. These appendages, being entities forged of pure darkness, cannot feel any pain, and simply disappear if they take any severe damage without risking her life. Keaton's metamorphosis is largely a more advanced variation of dark-oriented magic. She can also grow large wings crafted from darkness and her own hair, the primary ingredients for her metamorphosis.

Keaton is also highly flexible and has lightning-fast reflexes, being able to move at abnormally accelerated speeds and leap to exaggerated heights. Almost cat-like in movements, Keaton can bend and twist her body rapidly, bouncing between parallel walls or quickly scaling the side of a building and jumping to an adjacent rooftop. Besides overcoming obstacles, this flexibility is also apparent in Keaton's slightly improvisational combat style. Keaton slowly regenerates injuries over time, but this process is slower than a Demon's.

Although Keaton's depth perception is seemingly impaired, in spite of the obstruction of her eye-patch, her advanced senses make her capable of seeing using a sixth sense.

Weaknesses: Keaton's shapeshifting is a severely limited and often dangerous ability. As aforementioned, in order to modify her appearance, Keaton needs to coat herself with darkness, solidifying the shadows into a thick, gelatinous substance easily influenced by her magical commands. Only through using the darkness can Keaton change any aspect of her body – otherwise, the process is excruciatingly agonizing and even potentially crippling because of the modification and rearrangement of bones and muscles. Even worse is if the process is accidentally interrupted midway if Keaton attempts the transformation without using the darkness to layer her body – this would leave whatever changes she is trying to accomplish incomplete, and her body irreversibly mangled, frozen in that partial state.

A great deal of Keaton's abilities relies on the utilization of darkness. While she is perfectly capable of casting darkness-based spells without any regard to her environment, Keaton cannot actively manipulate any already-existing shadows when there are none to be found, or not enough to be used to her advantage. Keaton can certainly make good use of the shadows, but she cannot create an absence of light when light is disabling her shadow-manipulation abilities. In other words, when Keaton is thrust into a room which naturally does not contain any shadows, she cannot drain away the light through magical means.

Another example of a weakness is Keaton's blood-controlling abilities. When Keaton makes her blood burn like acid, the process is extraordinarily exhausting and aches her body tremendously, with the potential to send her into unconsciousness. Hence, blood-burning is a risky move and Keaton typically reserves it for drastic measures.

Keaton's regeneration is not an immediate process; she does not heal automatically. While she has an increased endurance, this does not provide invulnerability. She can only heal her injuries after a long resting period, or entering hibernation. Outside of darkness-oriented abilities, Keaton's prowess in magic is extremely lacking. When forced to rely on other spells, Keaton is an amateur at best.

Weapon of Choice: Catastrophe
Weapon Information: Catastrophe is a Morningstar. Originally part of a series of darkness-manipulating weapons bestowed upon the members of her family, Catastrophe is not only a magnificent weapon for physical brawls, but can uniquely harness and warp the surrounding dark energies to its advantage. Magical residue was used in Catastrophe's construction – not enough to be actively manipulated by any adversaries, but enough to influence its surroundings and magically brand the weapon.

Catastrophe is mostly black, from its giant, spherical, spiked head, to the rigid, diamond-shaped blade adorning the opposite end of its handle, almost an opaque, atramentous shade. Each of the spikes coating Catastrophe's clubbed head coalesces from black to a strangely whitewashed alabaster, transitioning from the roots of the spikes up to the tips. This white is not pure or pristine in hue, but lifeless, like the light emitted from fluorescent bulbs. The same gradient effect observed in Catastrophe's spikes is reflected in the blade at its shaft. In pure white, the Jyraneth Clan symbol is carved beneath Catastrophe's clubbed head.

Catastrophe's size is interchangeable, but is usually kept proportionate to Keaton's height. Regardless of Catastrophe's size, Keaton is never encumbered by its weight, as it has been made almost weightless due to the number of enchantments used to alleviate Catastrophe's bulk. Since the charms only work when Keaton lifts the weapon, Catastrophe still has the same potential to maim, crush, and generally destroyed when it is swung. Catastrophe's height isn't the only aspect of its appearance which can be altered. Catastrophe can withdraw the diamond-shaped blade and/or its spikes within its form and can absorb any fluid which tarnishes its form. By remaining linked to Keaton's magical signature, Catastrophe can levitate around her and orbit her at a rapid pace, swinging without the assistance of her hands. This is a highly exhausting maneuver when prolonged, but useful. Keaton can also summon Catastrophe from afar when she is separated from the weapon, but it takes a great deal of concentration and work.

Catastrophe, largely, manipulates darkness. Catastrophe can cast spells like a wand or staff, or use spells to enhance its physical strength. Catastrophe can also manipulate the surrounding, already existing darkness. Working like a magnet, Catastrophe can easily awaken and attract the magical potential of the darkness, easily permitting Keaton to orchestrate the shadows in any imaginable, improvisational way. From solidifying the shadows to form blades to slice and dice to casting giant bolts of dark-oriented energy at Keaton's enemies, Catastrophe can do almost anything darkness-related.
Throwing Knives: Keaton has a number of throwing knives secreted in her belt. While mundane in appearance, they can adhere to any command she administers depending on whether or not she has imbibed them with darkness. However, they can easily be deflected, broken, and shattered, no matter how creatively Keaton can wield them. The knives are limited in number; there are only fifteen. Keaton typically restocks later.

Personality: Abridged for now, until I can formulate a condensed summary.
Positive Traits:
•   Boisterous and friendly on normal occasions.
•   An extremely devoted and dedicated friend closely protective of her companions.
•   Tomboyish and fun-loving.
•   Around those she trusts she is very affectionate and considerate; a good friend.
•   Outgoing, active, playful, cheerful.
•   Loves children and will outright refuse to hurt or endanger a child in any way.

•   Keaton is a bloodthirsty fighter and exhibits little to no empathy or compassion around her targets.
•   Overly emotional – has a tendency to overreact to small situations, consequentially exaggerating them. She also jumps to conclusions easily.
•   Blindly dependent on people she believes to be stronger than her and who she completely trusts. This leaves her vulnerable to being manipulated.
•   Insecure; believes herself to be a weak and pathetic individual.
•   Sometimes she can even act emotionally manipulative or overwhelming to people she cares about, even if she doesn't mean to.
•   Overprotective of people she deeply cares for, sheltering them and going to drastic measures to prevent them from leaving her if she grows paranoid, such as manipulation
•   A racist; deeply prejudiced toward Glass Angels or similar races. Slightly critical of non-magical races.

History: In the bounty hunting community, it has been reported that Keaton simply and inexplicably appeared out of nowhere, offering her services as a bounty hunter.

Any research regarding her background turned up fruitless; there were no familial connections or records available in any reliable sources. Nowadays Keaton is of relative notoriety in the bounty hunting community for her tendency to tackle assignments relating to Demons. While this business has prospered since the rekindled racial conflicts in Etakor, most bounty hunters prefer to leave the Demon-hunting to specially-trained members of the Empyreal Order or law enforcement.

Apparently, at one point in Keaton's life, she became involved with the Demon Dekuyaketh. While the nature of their altercation is unknown, the experience left both participants with a sense of animosity toward one another. Keaton and Dekuyaketh will usually limit their attacks to a verbal level when forced to behave, but otherwise, one of them can be counted on to provoke a fight.

Now for Xianxi.

Name: Xianxi
Nickname(s): Xia, Xixi
Age: Was created 10 years ago
Species: Demi
Family and Association(s): Owner (Katherine "Keaton" Imenwati-Jyraneth), Sister-Creation (Xanthe)
Place of Origin: An unspecified region on Planet Etakor

Physical Description
Interchangeable; prefers the 4 feet to 5 feet range. Is limited to smaller sizes and cannot increase his height past 5 feet.
Weight: Interchangeable; can alter his weight from being as light as a feather to being made out of lead to suit the occasion. Prefers a weight more proportionate to his current height, or being immeasurably light.
Build: Lithe, yet athletic, and inhumanly sinewy. Androgynous.
Eyes: Pale, whitewashed alabaster. Xianxi lacks any irises to speak of, as his pupils, which nearly blend into the whiteness of his eyes, are a pale gray.
Hair: None.
Skin Coloration: A sleek, pitch black.
Distinguishing features: Xianxi resembles an abstract depiction of an Anubis; like his mistress, he, too, bears features reminiscent of a jackal. His face is elongated and sharp, emphasized by his erect, tapered ears and austere features. His eyes are almond-shaped; he looks impeccably constructed in every aspect, as though someone had crafted him based off of their ideal of a perfect creature. Some of his features are accentuated by small barbs, particularly his jawline and the tips of his ears. Three spikes form a triad down his back. His tail is long and whip-like, bisected into a pronged tip.

Xianxi is covered from head to toe in white, hieroglyphic tattoos, deeply emblazoned into his flesh like alabaster divots in smooth, curvaceous streaks, accentuating his form. Deeply imprinted into his shoulder in pure white is the Jyraneth Clan symbol, almost reminiscent of a brand but of the same nature as his tattoos. White stripes underline Xianxi's eyes; similar, intricate markings emphasizing and encircling the center of his forehead, around the pearlescent stone embedded in his forehead.
Dueling Info

Abilities: Shapeshifting tail, teleportation, speed, minor energy-based attacks.
Strengths: Xianxi is extremely swift and intelligent, being capable of improvising in intense and confusing situations. Due to his small size, he can easily evade attacks and string together numerous techniques and combinations, bewildering and overwhelming his opponent. He is also capable of teleporting short distances, providing an easy way of avoiding attacks, and can levitate. Xianxi is immensely creative with what his shape-shifting tail can do, and can accommodate it to almost any situation. Largely, his biggest advantages are unpredictability and speed, so he exploits these traits whenever possible.

Xianxi's tail, if sharpened to its finest edge, is possibly capable of sawing through armor and efficiently decapitating adversaries. Xianxi knows a few attacks that rely on neutral demonic energies, but is not versatile with those particular spells.

Weaknesses: Xianxi's most pressing limitations are his lack of physical defense and strength. When forced to rely on something that isn't his tail, Xianxi is very weak. All of his physical strength is concentrated in his tail, leaving the rest of his body neglected. Not to mention, due to Xianxi's small size, he is susceptible to dangerous attacks, leaving him essentially vulnerable. Xianxi's teleportation, while operating on a subconscious level, can only warp him to a certain distance based on how intently he concentrates. For example, if Xianxi were to instinctively teleport without thinking, he could only do so for a short distance. Xianxi is physically weak and can barely damage an opponent with his bare hands – a scratch from him, depending on the force of the blow, is like receiving a scrape from a housecat's claws.

Weapon of Choice: Xianxi uses his own body. His tail can suffice as an adept and versatile weapon, as it can be freely manipulated by a form of metamorphosis magic. His tail can lengthen almost infinitely, but since Xianxi prefers to keep it at a practical length, he usually extends his tail to the length that's required for the situation. His tail can conjure magic, become a whip, flatten and smother the opponent, or act like a blade – it reacts on an improvisational level.

Personality: Abridged for now, until I can formulate a condensed summary.
Positive Traits:
-   Intelligent and logical
-   Dependable
-   Respectable
-   Rarely falters in composure
-   Extraordinarily mentally disciplined

-   Very impersonal and uncomfortable with expressing his emotions
-   Obedient to a fault; will not criticize or point out any flaws in his mistress's plans unless explicitly instructed to do so
-   Extremely, extremely neutral; lacks any vehement response to an impersonal subject
-   Dispassionate

Not much is known about Xianxi's history, as he is not particularly candid with the events of his life. He has expressed that he was once the property of an inexperienced Demon youth who was vanquished long ago, and that's the extent of the information he's willing to indulge. Anything else is usually inflected with praise and gratitude toward Keaton, who, apparently, spared him from a fate worse than death, according to his own words. Further interrogation yields no results, as Xianxi is not one to succumb to pressure, much less someone else's curiosity. Nowadays, he works as a servant and espionage unit for Keaton, accompanying her on bounty hunting assignments. Although Xianxi is companioned by another Demi named Xanthe, Keaton adores Xianxi and treats him like a beloved pet, much to Xanthe's jealousy. Xianxi is very much unmoved by Xanthe's resentment.


BTW, Boog, what exactly do Marya's gauntlets do? Do they just increase the force of her blows, or is there something else going on? With all that whirring, it conjures up the image of some sort of vibro-shredding thing.


They augment the force of anything she does with her arms, thus increasing her upper body strength by an insane degree. No shredding or nothing, that whine is just the gauntlets doing their job; the whine gets louder depending on how much more force is being exerted.


*whistles* All I keep thinking is; poor Piix :< Looks like she had one heck of a time (and not in a good way) with ol' Sebastian.

If Paladin (the character) has any chivalry in him at all, I can imagine he'd have a thing or two to say to Sebastian... >:3


Submitting for approval; I need more cred here :U

Name: Bartholomew Thompson
Aliases: Dome, Mutt, Cueball
Species: Human, half-demon
Place of origin: Nice house, now in greener pastures
Age: 25
Height: 6'1 and 1/2
Weight: 192 lbs
Build: Muscular, solid, focus on upper-body strength
Eyes: Brown
Hair: N/A
Skintone: White, very light tan
Clothing of choice: Casual outfit; slightly baggy jeans, solid-color shirts, sports kicks, low-key jackets
Marks and features: "MOTHER" tattoo between shoulderblades, very neatly groomed and thin chinstrap beard, light stubble on scalp

Phsyical prowess: Bart's demonic heritage grants him heightened strength and pain tolerance, noticeably greater than that of a typical human being. Though nowhere near capable of some of demonkind's greatest feats of brute force, he is strong enough to hold his own in a pitched fight. His greatest personal milestone? Wrestling, lifting, throwing, and finally hogtying a 1500 pound steer ("It seemed like a bitchin' idea at the time").
Regeneration: Another consequence of his demon genetics, Bart can recover relatively quickly from wounds both superficial and deep. Impalements, severe lacerations, and minor dismemberment are all bearable, though the rate of recovery is directly proportional to the wound's intensity (IE, small abrasions take moments to heal; someone cleaving a three-inch deep slice through him requires more time to fix).
Combat ability: Submissions, wrestling, and improvised weaponry in particular. Self-taught and honed, Bart's style is low on finesse but high in damage. Favorites include clinches and limb-cracking confined to the wrists, elbows, and kneecaps, as he considers going for the neck to be a "dirty" tactic. No signature wrestling moves to speak of ("Just do whatever works").
Combat rhythm: Not just for impressing strangers at after-hours joints, Bart possesses an uncanny sort of groove if certain music plays during battle. While he has preferences for R&B, most anything with a rapid beat will help him concentrate and flow.

Still vulnerable: While Bart does have regenerative abilities and higher-than-average stamina, he is still capable of feeling pain. On top of that, loss of an entire limb (or even most of it) is hard to cope with, and fainting from blood loss is always a possibility. Dislocation of the second and third cervical vertebrae will also render him helpless until a neck brace is applied, and outright decapitation is naturally an instant death.
Mental imperfection: Possibly his greatest weakness is a near-total lack of mental discipline, leaving him incapable of learning any kind of mysticism and completely open to psionics. Even a below-average psychic could cripple or at the very least greatly panic and confuse him; needless to say, he tends to avoid brainier opponents.

Personal Info
Backstory: "The hell is this, a biography? Screw off."
Personality: Straightforward and outgoing by nature, Bart tends to mix well with most crowds through jokes and observation, going for the "know your audience" method of socializing. He takes kindly to some insults, but any family put-downs (such as, "your mother was pretty good last night" or any variation thereof) often lead to a slap and sudden demand for satisfaction. Essentially, he won't start any kind of serious scene unless someone antagonizes him into it.

Misc. Information
Most satisfying moment in combat: Pounding someone to the beat of Amii Stewart's "Knock On Wood."
Favorite food: Baked potato with spiced beef chili.
Favorite color: Red.
Favorite song: "Don't Sweat the Technique"
Education: High school graduate.
Occupation: Diner chef.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Everyone's automatically accepted. If he's overpowered nobody will be willing to fight you. Looking forward to seeing him show up.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I figure, what the hey.

Name: William Ifnirg the Third; known as Witt. Don't you dare call him a half, though.
Species: Hedgehog. Something of a vague variety, though.
Age: He lost count several dozen centuries ago, but somewhere between 5000 and 10000.
Height: 4 foot 8 in his boots. And he does, indeed, wear shitkicker boots.
Weight: Varies but based somewhere in the region of 150kg.
Build: Stocky (well, duh) and muscular. Given an chance, he can bench most of a gym. The building, that is.

Description: Mostly coloured a nondescript browny-grey mix, including his eyes, Witt has a heavy leather jacket that he tends to wear, with holes in it for his spines, along with torn jeans and the aforementioned boots. He tends to cover his spines with a mix of laxatives and capsiacin, for additional effect. He has "REA" tattooed across one set of knuckles, and "SON" across the other. He likes to say that people will listen to reason, but tends not to give them the option - usually there's a pair of fingerless leather gloves over these tattoos. He's the sort of misanthrope who prefers to be left alone, and will say so in no uncertain terms. He also has, buried under the fur on his upper left arm, a tattoo of a chinese water dragon holding a tankard. It tends to move by itself, sometimes, when nobody is looking - sometimes it's drinking, sometimes just holding, sometimes leaning on something and the tankard is missing. It's also been known to bite people. We're still trying to figure that one out.

Strengths: Witt is a heavy drinker. In fact, he has been known to drink an entire bar dry without anyone else being in it - he starts by throwing everyone else out. Frequently. He's strong, fast with his hands, and prefers not to wait for someone else to throw the first punch in the common bar brawls.
He's also, courtesy of his unusual metabolism, unlikely to get drunk; he can metabolise alcohol faster than he can drink it. On the other hand, once he manages to get around some of it, he tends to become somewhat more pleasant to talk to. At least until the hangover kicks in...
Finally, he's also extremely caustic. If you thought you knew what a foul mouth was, you ain't seen nothing yet. Witt makes sailors blush. (I shall be censoring that for the kiddies, since the thread rating is not that high.)

Weaknesses: He's a brawler. While that might not mean much, it does mean that he's vulnerable to magic. Sort of.
He's also been voted least likely to get a hug, although that might be purely based on the spines...
Witt is, at heart, a grumpy sod. This means that, chances are, he'll hit you before you get a chance to open your mouth and prove that you're as silly as he thinks you are, and challenge him.

Curious facts: Witt is, quite possibly, one of the more strange, and unpleasant, creatures around. Don't attempt to talk to him unless you like profane responses.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Time to update the character index...*whistles*

...Which, by the way, still needs to be added to the first post... (hint hint, Boogeyman >:3)

EDIT: Either that or llearch can snatch it, fit it into his own RP index, and put a link to it in the first post himself...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Tipod, are you planning on having Bart challenge Witt?

Just curious, because Witt is mostly waiting on Boogeyman getting back to get him a drink. If you wish to interrupt him, by all means, but you should know what you're getting into, and he hasn't had the rules explained to him yet.

In fact, neither has Bart... and I looked, and nobody has said anything about a sign being posted, so so far as Witt is aware, there's nothing stopping him breaking the bar over Bart's head. Other than it would interfere with the drinking, of course.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Someone suggested I give Andrace a bit more airtime...


Name: Andrace Kithara
Nickname(s): "Andre" is the only one she can really tolerate. Call her "Andy" and be introduced to your pancreas. She's secretly tickled pink when people call her "that crazy $&@#" or "gawdshe'sbig".
Age: 22
Species: Lion
Family and Association(s): Antimo Kithara (father), Clarice Kithara (mother), Zach, Arcas, Mitri (brothers), Eugenia, Despina, Zoe, Irene (sisters).
Place of Origin: Mytilene, the Kithara family estate.

   Physical description

Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 220lb.
Build: Tall and muscular.
Eyes: Dark golden-brown.
Hair: Fiery red.
Fur Coloration: Tawny buff all over, lighter on front, with tail tuft the same colour as her hair.
Distinguishing features: A tall and statuesque lioness, Andrace looks like she could juggle Dragons. Her features are more striking than attractive, her hair is loose, shoulder length and usually at least a little untidy. The rest of her fur is well groomed, though. Andrace's favourite adventuring outfit is a jerkin, shirt and trousers in black/red leather and silk. There's a small silver ring with dangling spikes in her right ear, and another with a finger-long green feather in her left ear.

   Biographical and general information

   History: One look at Andrace will tell you what she is: an adventurer. Andrace comes from the Kithara, a moderately successful (i.e. still alive and in one piece... mostly... by the time they retire) extended family of adventurers. Trained by her family since she was old enough to stalk a Pygmy Shrew, Andrace learned a variety of weapon styles and fighting techniques.
By the time she was a teenager, she was coming along on some of her family's more straightforward jobs, and proved herself an effective and (when the mood — i.e. teen angst and hormones — struck her) a downright scary fighter. In the four years since she started out on her own, she's done a little bit of most things: courier, guard, bandit suppression, anti-critter patrols, bounty hunting, etc.
Both of Andrace's current main weapons have been obtained during her solo career. The sword was the first thing she bought with money she earned all on her own, and the gun was "acquired" in the aftermath — and rubble — of a particularly spectacular and successful bad-guy-disposal job.

   Personality: Usually friendly and boisterous. Loud, even (especially after a drink or three). Not just the life and soul of the party, if she's really determined to have a good time she can be the regressed past lives and afterlife of the party as well. Occasionally feels the need to show off, usually when she's comfortable with family or friends. Can seem a bit flirty with friends, but isn't really serious about it. Most of the time. Can become quite ruthless if necessary: she's no dewy-eyed dreamer.

   Abilities: An experienced fighter, Andrace is at least somewhat competent with most types of weapon. If it has sharp pointy bits, can shoot, be thrown or used to hit things (and people), she can pick it up and immediately start beating on some thoroughly deserving monster or rogue Creature. With her favourite sword, though, she's highly skilled.

Andrace has a small amount of magical talent. This limits what she can do, but she's concentrated on learning a few useful spells, e.g. fire-lighting, magical light, and low-level healing. This last is not enough to heal injuries completely, but it can reduce bleeding, pain, and the chance of infection.

   Weapons: Her favourite weapons are a large two-handed greatsword (a zweihänder) and, for longer ranges and those hard-to-shift critters, she also has a gun. Considering her size and strength, this almost counts as a small cannon. The ammo is expensive and hard to find, so Andrace only uses the gun very much as a last resort. Knives of various sizes are tucked away, often in the most surprising places, in her clothes. Some of them are shaped and balanced for throwing. Andrace doesn't wear armour, although her dense fur and usual leather jerkin do give some extra protection. She relies on agility and speed to avoid being injured, and stamina to keep going if she is. As a last resort, she'll use her claws and teeth to best effect.
Neither of her favoured weapons has any sort of magical enhancement, or a fancy name. One of them's sharp and pointy, the other goes "bang" — in Andrace's hands, that's quite enough.

   Strengths: Strong. Stamina by the bucketload. Quick-thinking and confident when she has to come up with a plan in a hurry.

   Weaknesses: Considering her height and muscles, Andrace is not most people's vision of "svelte and dainty". Her natural feline agility helps in small spaces, but she can get stuck if she's not careful. Sometimes jumps into things with great enthusiasm, but "makes it up as she goes along" to get out of them.

   Trivia: Andrace needs to watch her diet, she's one of those people who can gain a pound or two just by looking at a sticky sweet dessert. She also needs to exercise regularly to keep those muscles.
In addition to the knives intended as weapons, Andrace has a range of useful tools tucked away in hidden pockets all over her clothes: lockpicks, wires, saws, tiny blades etc. There's a lot of them. Not (quite) enough to give her clothes extra armour protection, but they are noticeably heavier than they should be, even after you take all the knives out.
Apart from her never-quite-tidy hair, Andrace is a little vain about her appearance. She's picked up several scars in her years of adventuring, but she's had most of them completely healed, apart from a few suitable to wrap a good yarn around.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


Llearch, I'm just having him screw around idly at the moment. Since he's not entirely sure how the place works, Bart doesn't know whether or not challenging anyone would be a wise decision.

Though if you wanted, I could have him piss Witt off to get something rolling :U
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

llearch n'n'daCorna

I figured. *grin*

Witt's a bit of an itchy trigger finger, though, so you'd be best to be careful about annoying him, is all. Pissing him off can be done by merely standing too close. Or breathing too heavily when he's got a hangover... ;-]

And he hasn't had enough airtime, as it were, for either of those insavoury habits to become apparent. And I don't want to raise Boogeyman's ire (the char, not the player) by starting something before he's had a chance to lay down the rules.

Of course, if anyone else in the room would like to step in and enlighten the pair of us, feel free. *grin* Then we can get "down and dirty" with no further ado...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'd have Sal do a number of things and perhaps even butt into what to her seems like a very interesting scenario, however I have no real excuse to post for the moment...

llearch n'n'daCorna


I'd post, but Witt wouldn't speak first.

I guess I just have to wait for Keaton or Spots to post.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Looking to play Kae a little more than I usually get to, so here we are.
Name: Captain Kaela Silverstone
Nickname(s): The Captain, Sir/Ma'am, Kae
Age: 55
Race: Being
Species: Wolf
Family: (Max and Sibyl Silverstone, Parents, Deceased)

Height: 6'6''
Weight: 190 .lbs
Hair: Cut to the level of her fur
Eye: Amber-yellow
Fur Coloration: Salt-and-pepper, with more grey than black.
Appearance: For all Kaela whines and moans about her age and lack of strength, she is still one of the biggest and strongest soldiers in the 1st. Standing at a little under six and a half feet tall, Kaela has a well-built frame suited to her career, supplemented by a heavy carapace of armor meant to deflect blades and bullets. A wolf's skull holding a knife in its teeth is carefully painted onto the right pauldron, with a single white bar painted on the left to denote her rank.

History: Kaela, like many veterans, isn't particularly prone to discussion of her past, and will only open up to those she trusts or considers particularly close. The strong daughter of an adventurer and a gunsmith, Kaela grew up working hard with her father in the hills of West Kayron, fashioning bullets, bolts, barrels, and all kinds of miscellaneous parts. After a couple of years working, she decided to put those skils to use in the local milita, learning the proper use of gun and blade, in addition to navigational and scouting skills on the many forest patrols. There was a fair amount of trade in the town, and a couple of months after her enlistment, bandits struck a recently arrived convoy, intent on stealing its goods. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned after the initial ambush, Kaela pulled the remaining able-bodied soldiers together and led a furious counter-charge, inflicting heavy losses and forcing a final desperate retreat.

The battle, like all battles, wasn't without its losses however, as most of the town and its inhabitants now lay bleeding out on the grass, including her own parents. After coming to terms with her loss, she went her own way, taking the skills she had obtained into a splinter military faction, participating in many battles throughout Furrae on her multiple tours of duty, all with their own glories and laments. Now retired from permanent military service, Kaela still fights on as a contracted mercenary, still finding her only solace and eloquence with a firearm in one paw and a blade in the other.

Dueling Information:
Combat Abilities: Kaela was raised in the harsh unyielding environment of the jungle, and knows that the shadows and foliage can hide many dangerous things, but that they can also offer safety. Although she will gladly sit in the open and fight if it serves a purpose, she prefers to skulk, stalking her prey and striking from the shadows before quickly melting away into the trees. Although shooting is generally more practical, Kaela takes great joy in the hot and vicious blur of close combat, and will put her knife to great use given the opportunity.

Strengths: Kaela is strong, tough, and has a keen tactical mind honed by multitudes of victories and losses. Patience and the ability to think on her feet help her to keep herself out of harm's way when she can.

Weaknesses: Kaela is not particularly agile, and this fact is only exarcerbated by her armor, leading her to rely on her strength and stamina to pull her through dangerous situations. She is (frustratingly) constrained by the physical limitations of her normal Being body.Her bullheadness will often put her in fights that could've been avoided, and she will keepon fighting despite the possibility of being dangerously outmatched.

Personality Traits:
Gruff and reserved, Kaela is slow to make friends, preferring to remain silent and make judgements by letting others do the talking. Despite this, she is somewhat hot-headed and easily provoked, and takes challenges as a matter of personal honor, usually refusing to back down and admit defeat despite circumstances that might suggest otherwise.
https://www.weasyl.com/~boximus<br /><br />My Weasyl!

llearch n'n'daCorna

For those of you interested, or not, as the case may be, "Afterburner" is 1/3rd Sambucca, 1/3rd Ouzo, and 1/3rd Absinthe.

Depending on what sort of Absinthe you use, the "proof" varies from 80-150 or so; the other two are 84 and 80, Absinthe is from 80-188, depending. At least according to wikipedia; make of that what you will.

Edit: Also, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKMQKgSnGy8
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Updated the character index again for Spotted and Yugo.

wincing at what he saw of Marya on the camera feed over the bar
The bar has a camera feed? This was never mentioned before, but...

coooooool 8)

(also, the Mechangel doesn't use a chemical-based flight system :animesweat But oh well)


The stuff Andrace is pestering Boog for is the famous, possibly mythical, and almost definitely legendary 307 Ale. It is, of course, sold only in Klein bottles.

And in the next round... Scumble. It's just made with apples. Mostly.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Klatchian coffee comes from the same place.

You probably want to avoid being knurd, though.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Crap. Can't believe it took me this long to post this:

Boog, the char index on the first page is out of date. It doesn't have Yugo and Spottedkitty's profiles in it, but this does, I apparently updated after you copied. Sorry about that :<


I've greatly enjoyed watching the drinking contest. Brings back some good memories...and quite a few strange ones.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I've enjoyed writing it, so we're even. I think. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Even though Bart was pretty much destined to lose from the start, I loved it too.
Too bad Andrace threatened him about the cocktails, though; I was gonna have him order a tobasco, mayonaise and tequila mix.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Haha. I love writing drinking contests. XD Too bad Keaton lost so early into the competition...

Actually, I don't think any of my characters could have even had a chance of winning. Dekuyaketh reacts badly to alcohol, Piix is tiny, and Xianxi is really tiny and is a lightweight.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Let's be honest.

Did anyone other than Witt have any chance at all? ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Tipod on November 20, 2008, 03:14:49 AM

Too bad Andrace threatened him about the cocktails, though; I was gonna have him order a tobasco, mayonaise and tequila mix.

That sounds (to me) absolutely hideous. Andrace wouldn't mind, though: I think she must have a Kevlar gullet. She likes cocktails, actually, she only objected to the drain cleaner because the smell of the stuff was doing unkind things to the inside of her nose.

Waiting for the next round...   ;)
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.