Honor Circle Returns! (OOC) - Open

Started by Boog, November 02, 2007, 07:14:13 PM

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Here comes my next character. Hold on to your knickers...

Name: HOD001147Y-I
Nickname(s): S.A.H.L.EN.A (Sapient And Human-Like ENgineered Android)
Age: 12
Species: Computer
Family and Association(s): Praetus Industries (developer), Sebastian Hart (constructor and employer)
Place of Origin: Germany, Earth 2403 AD

Physical Description:

Height: 5'11"
Weight: ~400lbs
Build: The ideal humanoid. Long-limbed, athletic, slimmed and functional. Has a number of extra joints and flexibility that humans and organic creatures in general lack. (build ver. 2.3115)
Eyes: Red multi-spectrum scanners.
Hair: Hair?
Distinguishing features: Distinctly humanoid and human-like, Sahlena is nevertheless entirely mechanical, unlike some computers from where she originates. With the rough physique of an idealized human woman, she seems to be made up largely out of smooth, sleek and almost seamless obsidian metal segments, occasionally lined with vents or opening up to expose either brighter or darker though mostly black or silvery mechanical parts. The front of her torso is a near-perfect unit sheet of metal, like much of her legs and arms, but the back opens up to expose the armored sections of the two tube-like power units she runs on and the reinforced arc of her spine. Her feet and hands are not entirely human-like either, the former being a sort of three-pronged extra flexible merger between stepping and balancing unit, and gripping tongs, the latter having two thumbs and being able to split into more and longer digits for extra manipulatory abilities. Finally, her head holds only a bit of human semblance, in that it has a roughly head-like shape and a mouth that somewhat resembles a human one. However, her eyes are not like a human's at all, instead being composed by a large red optical scanner set into her forehead, and six surrounding much smaller 'eyes' set into her smooth face.

Dueling info (combat strengths, weaknesses, weaponry, etc.)

Abilities: Being a computer with vast processing and learning capabilities, as well as an excessively high-powered energy unit and a redundantly flexible, powerful and well-trimmed body, Sahlena is a veritable combat android. Initially, 'her' purpose was to work as a sort of 'secretary' unit, however as she developed she quickly outgrew this role, and adopted a variety of other functions and traits. Her processor core would have been placed in a perfectly human-like cybernetic shell, after her first, almost skeletal one was scrapped. However, due to personal preference, she instead chose a far more mechanical-looking and combat-worthy physique, which can 'unfold' into a combat mode and interface with other machines and parts, and provides certain advantages in protection and power, mostly thanks to nano-engineering and a more compartmentalized structure. Some recent events though have made her ponder getting a 'human' body to switch to when it is more convenient, though she still argues that a mechanical and less aesthetically oriented form is more useful, not to mention beautiful and easy to identify with. This is about as logical as the fact that she has chosen to adopt a female 'persona', rather than a simply mechanical androgynous one.
   Slowly developed forth into her by now far most advanced form, S.A.H.L.EN.A. is obviously far superior to organic creatures her size and weight, both physically and mentally. With the computing speed and precision of a machine, the agility and physical advantages of an almost organic being, and subsequently more powerful and flexible than both, and with a rather sharp personality to boot she is a frighteningly impressive piece of hardware, no matter how one would wish to see it.

   Strengths: Simply put, S.A.H.L.EN.A. outclasses most every creature in her 'division', organic or mechanical, thanks to the amount of work that has been put into her, and most of all by her own uniqueness and efforts. Her strengths are actually rather well-rounded, though three stand out as exceptional; her physical strength and resilience, her computer intelligence, and her tremendous flexibility. The sheer power of a 400-pound mechanical soldier made out of memory-metal, composites and ceramics should be obvious enough. But this is aided by the fact that she has a human-like form, which makes it easier for her to 'interface' with, for example, a human-adapted environment. Fact is, she has even greater flexibility than a human, thanks to an excessive number of joints, transformation capabilities, and greater mobility. Her metallic 'skin', actually a sort of nanocomposite, is flexible but hardens and disperses the impact force when struck by some force, much like modern armored vests and motorcyclists' protective wear. Like the rest of her, it is also capable of a degree of self-repair thanks to micro- and nanotechnology, and is isolated from the rest of her frame and her circuitry, providing extra protection against radiation and electrical hazard. In fact, Sahlena is both entirely water- and radiation-proof. Her armored Silberman power units and mineral-based, self-rewiring circuitry are also extremely temperature- and damage-resistant.
   That a computer is more efficient at computing should come as no shock, but in Sahlena's case this is not only represented by being able to directly interface with anything she has the software for. She also applies her computer acuity to other things, such as simple, general thought, and physical maneuvers. For example, her perfect balance and complete physical control allows her to pull off advanced forms of movement that no organic being could ever do so perfectly. Her extra digits and joints and fine-tuned control also allows her to manipulate objects and tools exceedingly well. And her scanners and sensors give her a supreme range of accurate input from her surroundings.
   Altogether, with all of these advantages in mind, it is easy to see just how close S.A.H.L.EN.A. comes to being a perfect mechanical soldier. Or perhaps, a compact, walking tank would be a better simili. A compact, walking tank with a team of hackers and a government special ops unit in it.

   Weaknesses: While the knowledge of what S.A.H.L.EN.A. can do, not to mention witnessing her in action, can make most give up hope of even having a chance to defeat her, fact is, to those who know, that she has some considerable weaknesses as well. And surprisingly, the foremost of these would actually be her flexibility, and even more ridiculously, her mediocrity. For while her sheer performance is impressive and well-rounded, there is simply no field where she excels, and nothing that she can do that no other machine or creature can't. She has no peculiar or surprising abilities, no specialization or field where she truly excels. Her performance and usefulness may be daunting, but in the end she is only much better at what others are already good at. She needs tools or tactics or knowledge to supplement her power, if she is to crack something much tougher than a regular human or a regular computer or armored vehicle.
   In addition, while Sahlena's resilience and damage potential is off the charts compared to a normal human, and her self-repairing ability is most impressive, even these things have clear limitations. She cannot withstand heavier firepower than regular arms without taking damage. Nor can she repair herself that much faster or more completely than a human to make a difference in the field of battle. And even if she is compartmentalized, with exchangeable parts, there still needs to be a supply of those parts. Just like she needs a supply of armaments, if she is to cause some real damage to things. She has her body, and a high-energy electrical defense grid through her insulated 'skin', but that is all she has for internal weaponry.
   Finally, it should be mentioned that while mostly protected from such things, Sahlena has some specific weaknesses to external input, namely electronic interference and hacking. While her form and systems are protected, her scanners and sensory equipment are still susceptible to jamming or breakdown. And even the most heavily encrypted and self-intelligent system is vulnerable to intrusion. Sahlena can self-diagnosticize and self-repair, but she can't afford to be too heavily encrypted or 'mentally' compartmentalized for the sake of efficiency and speed.

Weaponry: While S.A.H.L.EN.A in herself is arguably a weapon, the fact that she features no direct offensive guns or devices of destruction, other than her mentioned high-powered self-defense grid, leads to this machine of mayhem to equip herself with and carry around a vast array of heavy armaments. She is proficent with all of these, however she tends to favor two in particular; a self-customized high-caliber gauss gun with a fixed blade that she uses as a sniper rifle and a close combat-weapon in tandem; and a heavy 'streaming' particle maser portable cannon.


Lucas? Sylvie's blast came from a character other than your own. You don't decide the effects, such as flowers sprouting on your shirt.

By that same turn, Angel, you never said what the blast of pure magic actually DOES. Try to be specific in the future, it helps avoid these mix ups.


Hm. I didn't, did I? Will fix, though it won't be quite as fun as sprouting flowers on someone's shirt.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


 And another submission:

Name: Norg
Nickname(s): None repeatable
Age: 462
Species: Galtiir
Family and Association(s): None
Place of Origin: Aenglen (Timeline 385)

Physical description

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 348 lbs.
Build: Muscular and strong.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black with a single red stripe. Lower fur is black as well.
Skin: Red
Distinguishing features: Norg is a tall, heavily built creature strongly resembling the fauns from Greek mythology. From the waist up he appears to be human, though he has one less finger on each hand; from the waist down he possesses the heavily muscled, furred legs of a goat, including hooves. His thick black hair flows to his shoulders, broken only by a single red stripe from his forehead back. He usually wears a heavy leather belt hung with his personal gear, and a leather bandolier slung across his chest from his left shoulder.

Dueling Info

Weapons: Norg carries a heavy square-headed steel mace with a leather-wrapped handle. Slung on his back is a 5' diameter slightly curved shield with two heavy handles inside that allow him to grasp it two-handed, or sling it on one arm defensively. The edge of the shield is moderately sharp, and it is made of an unknown alloy. Norg also carries a heavy longbow made of yew, and a short quiver with roughly thirty heavy, plain wooden arrows with steel tips.
Abilities: Norg is a thaumavore. Holy or dark, red or white, light or shadow, all magics are merely food for him. Magical effects do not touch him, and magical items become simply items around him, permanently. A creature that relies too heavily on magical energy will find itself reduced to a physical normalcy; creatures that are kept alive by magic simply fall dead.
Strengths: Norg is roughly four times stronger than a peak human weightlifter, and is highly skilled in brawling and brute-force tactics. He is an excellent shot with his longbow, and has a rugged determination. He heals roughly twice as fast as a human.
Weaknesses: Although tougher and stronger than an average creature, Norg is still mortal. When faced with technology more advanced than his, he is often outmatched.
Quirks: Norg likes combat, wenches, and ale, in that order.


There is no proof that any of Norg's professed history is true, save that he hails from the land of Aenglen, and anything dealing with combat. If anything, his stories of his battles tend to be understated; anything else he makes up as he goes simply as a way of avoiding discussing his past.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Boogey, is that Dr Holic, one by the name of Alexander K?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Mel Dragonkitty

Grey Ronin, can you give me a hint? What is a molecular acid and how is it different from a normal acid. I've never seen these movies.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


I have. Basically, the Xenomorphs use this acid for blood, but that's not what you want to know. What you want to know is that the acid seemingly burns and dissolves through anything solid. It's called "molecular" acid because it dissolves materials by separating their molecules, which is why it can dissolve pretty much anything. I think. I could be completely wrong on how it works, though, that was just a guess. But it can burn through almost anything, be it organic or inorganic, except for the Xenomorphs themselves. In the first movie, just a small spurt of it from a facehugger burned its way clean through three whole decks on their ship. And the decks were quite a few feet thick each, mind you. The only reason the Aliens can't be hurt by their own acid is because their cells do some weird thing with replacing itself with some sort of silicon crystalline structure, or something like that. I don't really remember well.

Of course, I've only seen the first and second movies, and only once each. My Russian friend is the real expert on this.
Though TheGreyRonin will probably suffice here. I'm probably some ignorant rambler by comparasin.

lucas marcone




 Sorry Mel, had something come up and had to duck out fast.

Tech is right; molecular acid eats through nearly anything. I'd say the storm will dissipate it enough that it's not instantly deadly, but it'll leave a mark. Also, you can kiss anything being worn goodbye and avoid serious damage by shucking it quick.

Funny thing is, that was my ace in the hole. You have surprised me more than once, milady.

lucas marcone

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 27, 2007, 10:31:48 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on November 27, 2007, 10:24:52 PM
i just assumed that they meant hydrochloric acid.
Oh hell no, this stuff is waaay worse.

if the hydrochloric acid is watered down yes... if not and in great quantity no. the whole breaking the bonds without exchange of atoms is movie magic. it's like the water equation.

2 H2 + O2 = 2 H2O  the hydrogen is the acid in this case and has to pair off with an atom of the "dissolved" so a drop of face hugger gunk couldn't possibly go through three levels of a ship because the blood would be the limiting reactant so it would eventually run out of acid to dissolve things with...... but still i know I'm bringing real physics into a fantasy forum and god is killing a cat girl right now. :P


Quote from: lucas marcone on November 28, 2007, 03:35:41 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 27, 2007, 10:31:48 PM
Quote from: lucas marcone on November 27, 2007, 10:24:52 PM
i just assumed that they meant hydrochloric acid.
Oh hell no, this stuff is waaay worse.

if the hydrochloric acid is watered down yes... if not and in great quantity no. the whole breaking the bonds without exchange of atoms is movie magic. it's like the water equation.

2 H2 + O2 = 2 H2O  the hydrogen is the acid in this case and has to pair off with an atom of the "dissolved" so a drop of face hugger gunk couldn't possibly go through three levels of a ship because the blood would be the limiting reactant so it would eventually run out of acid to dissolve things with...... but still i know I'm bringing real physics into a fantasy forum and god is killing a cat girl right now. :P

Well, it wasn't a drop, it was a very small spurted puddle, and it did eventually run out and stop just after burning a hole in the third deck down, but I don't think it works the way you describe. As you said, this is movie magic here.


 Very well-played, Mel! You've given me a most satisfying duel. Thank you!

Mel Dragonkitty

My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


 While I have the time, I may as well post my other alternate.

Name: Mariska Callan
Nicknames: Risky, Lieutenant Callan
Age: 27 (plus anomaly:247)
Species: Human
Family and Association(s): None
Place of Origin: Earth (Timeline 1)

Physical description

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 124 lbs.
Build: Lean and athletic. Well-toned muscles from constant activity.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Light brown
Distinguishing features: Risky is pretty, with striking good looks marred only by four scars on her face. Each is a shallow crater in her skin that flushes pink when she is upset or angry. They form a perfect square; one just above each eyebrow and one just below each eye.  Her hair is cut in an odd pageboy; she often brushes it forwards to partly obscure her facial scars when nervous. Underneath her clothing she bears several dozen thin scars, the marks of older battles.

Dueling Info

Weapons: Risky carries a specially shielded needlegun in a holster on her right hip. Standard ammo for this pistol is Madazza Arms' Stingers, which consist of a collar of explosive gasses surrounding a three-inch needle of pure duralloy. This needle is accelerated to speeds as high as 3,000 feet per second, giving the gun its' trademark "chirp" as it fires. The firing chamber is backvented and ducted, forcing the gasses used in firing to compensate for the high muzzle velocity and recoil.
Abilities: Risky possesses the ability to produce and absorb various forms of radiation. At lower levels she can merely generate warmth from her body; at higher levels she can generate targeted thermonuclear explosions. The accompanying electromagnetic pulse from her explosions can disable or even destroy most electronics. Risky herself is immune to the immediate effects of her powers.
Strengths: Risky is strong-willed, and doesn't give up easily. She's fairly intelligent, and has had over a century of combat experience. She is an excellent shot with a pistol, and has had decent hand-to-hand combat training.
Weaknesses: Risky's powers constantly bombard her with near-lethal radiation. In order to offset the more debilitating side effects, she ingests anti-radiation drugs in the form of "cigarettes". She has difficulty focusing her power anywhere near her body except her hands, making her fairly vulnerable in close combat.
Quirks: Risky has a strong sense of right and wrong, which often results in her getting caught up in other people's battles.


Mariska Callan was an ordinary teenager on Earth until her seventeenth birthday. Her powers manifested explosively, killing her entire family and destroying her home. She was untouched, and even before the shock could kick in, a superpowered government Enforcer appeared to draft her.
She fled, and he chased her down. Cornering her in an alley, he shot her in the face, brutally killing her.
Or so it seemed. She awoke in a hospital, her face scarred, her body whole. Risky discovered that she had been rescued by the Time Corp, a military group that patrolled time and the multiverses. They offered her a position with them and a chance for revenge, and she gladly accepted.
She trained as a soldier, and rose in the ranks as a dedicated combat scout. She was promoted to Lieutenant, and decorated several times for bravery in action. But there were many unanswered questions in her life, chief among them the exact details surrounding her original rescue.
During a battle on an alternate Earth in one of the fringe dimensions, Risky was seperated from her squad. Trying to rejoin her team among the smoke and explosions of a city under seige, she stumbled across a grey-clad humanoid in an odd runed circle.
The creature spoke in a soft voice that managed to carry through the noise of battle. It told her that she had stumbled into something far greater than her, something meant for another, and that the fate of entire universes hinged on a warrior that would travel through the circle. It then disappeared in a flash of light.
Before Risky could do more than blink, a stray missile slammed into the nearby building. The explosion tumbled her into the circle, and when her vision cleared she found herself on another world, the circle beneath her feet shattered into massive fragments.
Her retrieval signal was met with static, so Risky did the only thing she could do. She began looking for these circles, following after the grey creature in hopes of finding a way back home.


Excellent! We never got to see her fight in the old circle, this should fix that.
Reminds me, everyone challengeble needs a profile. Which means I have two to add, gimme a sec.

Name: The Storybook
Species: Thought entity
Age: Mebbe a few months
Place of origin: Universal mental background noise.

Physical description: An old picture book, like a far thicker version of the kind you'd read to kindergardeners.

Personality: Suffice to say it's malicious, manipulative, and casually cruel. Sorta.

History: The Boogeyman's big on making nightmares; monstrosities with a life span at max measured in weeks and on average measured in hours that are tied to a particular target. He started with small ones, which was fine. He moved on to big ones, and that was also fine. Then he made ones that could transfer targets, thus lasting indefinitely, and others of his kind stepped in. These Archetypical Nightmares were bound up in one entity, the book, and placed in the Boogeyman's keeping. The Boogeyman was then sentenced to look after an Honor Circle establishment until he gave the Powers That Be a reason to let him out, and there's no way they're considering any option he presents until the contents of the book are all destroyed. Thus, when you kill one, he'll probably owe you a favor of some sort.

Dueling Info

The storybook releases an Archetype at random when it's challenged, the Nightmare immediately switching its target to the challenger. While the abilities from Nightmare to Nightmare vary (and there are more nightmares than is practical to list), there are some universal aspects.

Strengths: The nightmare immediately binds to the challenger for the duration of the fight, and thus is a little bit more likely to be able to find them. This link also makes them equal in power to the challenger, although said power is almost always in a different form. They rely on shock tactics, and are damn good at them.

Weaknesses: Their reliance on fear is a two edged sword; if you're not scared, they're not effective. They're not very creative, and tend to get stuck in their patterns. In short, they tend to be stupid. Not as a rule, but it's a trend.


Name: The Boogeyman
Nicknames: Boog, Grendel (former alias), Charlie McGlouster (former alias)
Species: Thought entity
Age: Depends, you mean how long the concepts that compose him have existed or how long they've all been stuck together? Either a hundred years or a few minutes.

Physical description

Height: 5'7", 5'9" with good posture
Weight: 30 lbs, spread out over the volume of someone weighing mebbe 130 lbs
Build: Thin and wirey
Eyes: An artificial lime flavoring shade of green
Hair: Unkept, long, reddish brown
Skin: Pale, clammy
Distinguishing features: Smartass with a tendency to... Oh, you mean appearance? Wears glasses (left lens is cracked, he doesn't seem to notice), bushy eyebrows, abnormally large mouth, always wearing the same black fishing hat and ragged black tweed coat.

Dueling info

Weapons: The only real weapon Boog wields is The Slugger, an aluminum baseball bat. While Boog, being a thought entity, is less real than those around him The Slugger is probably more real than the stone on which those people stand. Thus his every swing with it multiplies the kinetic energy of the actual motion by a considerable amount, allowing him to overcome his normal weakness in terms of physical strength by manipulating things with the bat.
Coincidentialy, he can also hit people with it REALLY HARD.


That Doesn't Make Sense- Boog is capable of essentially arguing with the universe around him, exploiting loopholes in logic and making them actuality or, yet worse, enforcing logic upon an opponent whose nature or abilities otherwise defy logic. A rebuttal from his opponent disproving the argument will cause it to dissipate, unless he has a rebuttal for that.

Nail and Bile- Related to this, Boog's claws and teeth are comprised of "arguments" explaining why they can cut through substances as hard as brick, and are apparantly rather good arguments. By that same turn he's able to spit an "acid" comprised of similar arguments explaining why whatever it touches doesn't exist.

The Slugger- An aluminum bat brought from a higher plane of existence, the slugger's capable of ripping through our lesser, puny reality like a hot knife through Paris Hilton. A swing of it could smash an atom in half. Boog usually just uses it to flail panickedly at any enemy who gets too close for comfort, and with his crappy arm strength it usually isn't quite so potent as the atom-smashy thing. It's a baseball bat, and it hurts. A lot. Very straightforward.

Nonexistentialism- Everyone knows there's no such thing as The Boogeyman, and this is absolutely true. The Boogeyman doesn't, in a conventional sense of the term, exist. And thus can vanish back into nothing. In this state he can still "talk" to his opponent by dropping thoughts into their head, but is otherwise inaccessable by physical means. Psychic or paranormal methods of location and dragging him back to reality can be effective, but your results will vary.
DOWNSIDE: He cannot stay in Nothing for too long, as he starts to exist less and less the longer he's there, eventually resulting in symptoms not unlike anemia, muscle atrophy and brain damage after maybe 2 or 3 posts in a row. Thus he can't just "hide" there for the entire fight.

Scare Tactics: Boog's very good at misdirection, making shadows writhe at the corner of someone's vision or making a black plastic bag on the wall look like himself for a SPLIT second for the purposes of unsettling and manipulating his target before jumping out of Nothing to attack from behind.
In addition to these minor manipulation of others he can shapeshift to the extent of detatching limbs, changing in features, turning into acid trips... This does not change his durability or capabilities, merely allows him the benefits of being in that shape (fitting through small holes, dodging attacks, etc.) These changes are always very temporary, and indeed seem to be unable to stay as anything coherent for long. As a result of this, no particular part of him is actually "vital," it's all just thoughts that, if bashed off him, he can consume to partially regenerate himself. Not to the extent of regrowing an entire limb, but possibly getting back a little of it.

Nightmares: An ability that can ONLY be used while Boog is hiding in Nothing, the Boogeyman plucks images from his opponents heads to use as temporary cannon fodder. Their strength and abilities vary, but generally they have about the same capacities of whatever they look like, plus the shapeshifting capabilities of Boog's Scare Tactics. They last 15 seconds after being encountered by the opponent.


Thoughts of Porcelain- Being nonexistant, Boog's pretty fragile on the physical plane. A good swing can smash off limbs.

Philosophical Bullshit- See the downsides of Nonexistentialism.

Pathological Coward- Boog KNOWS he has a glass jaw, and that he has no place in a straightforward fight. He panics easily when the enemy gets up close.

You Are What You Eat- A basic quality of Boog's kind, which is that consuming the wrong concepts can influence ones nature. While most thoughts that go his way are easily integrated, the wrong ones in sufficient quantities can really mess him up. Anything capable of force-feeding him information can alter him vastly, forcing him to stop and sort his various concepts and postulates out to make sure he knows which one's him.

Your Eyes Burn-!- Simply focusing one's attention on Boogeyman will keep him from vanishing into Nothing again, prolonged scrutiny even causing more complex facial features to form (although rarely the same ones twice). This also seems to pain him to some degree, like a sunburn gradually growing in severity, but as a side effect of holding him in reality he becomes more "real" and slightly more durable. Taking the enemy's focus off him, even if by just ducking into cover, can allow him to vanish again.

Quirks: He's a smartass, a manipulator, a schemer and a coward, but has a code that he lives by. Sometimes it's a little hard to understand that code completely, but generally if you're not relevant to his plans he wont give you trouble. He's more likely to laugh at something than get mad, looking at much of the universe as something if not made for his personal amusement then probably for someone's, and he's happy to also get to enjoy the show.

History: It's rather hard to put a real history to the Boogeyman, as he's gotten very good at evading notice. It was known he was involved in an instance of mass hallucination spanning Paris and two cities along the east coast of america in 1989, and is prone to talking about his experiences with events that he'll insist he wasn't around for. He generally seems to show up at points of social or philosophical upheaval or change, although typically when he's spotted for these he's only there to talk to anyone in a mental state to perceive him.
What is known about the individual from his own words is sparse and difficult to piece together. He's made of thoughts and he eats thoughts. He exists, but insists that he exists less than those around him. This does not appear to be some manner of self-mocking humor. Others of his kind appear to dislike or distrust him, but not apparently because of the cannibalism as he insists that's common practice. He generally seems to do most things for the sole purposes of eating, but those he's dealt say that they think there's a pattern to his choice of "meals."

llearch n'n'daCorna

Out of interest...

.. does this mean, if you challenge the book, you get to fight a random nightmare, -and- Boog, at the same time?

Just for clarity, is all.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Stygian, I gotta say,
But if anyone had any chance of noticing that, it would most probably have been that 'humpback' in the corner. She recognized part of his structure immediately.
your mechanoid can't tell that, unless whatever she's using to scan is extremely powerful.
He also has a small emitter inside him that projects a special personal scattering field that will disrupt (as in distort and interfere, not block entirely) all but the most powerful magical or otherwise senses and detection directed at him.
Whatever she's using to scan him, she'll see that he's there, but he will seem completely garbled and broken, like your worst TV set nightmare, nothing will be coherant. However, this only works with some sort of scanning or perception outside of the normal visible spectrum. In the normal spectrum, he looks normal to any eyes, biological, magical, or electronic. It's when you shift into other spectrums or use other types of sensing that he comes back with a broken signal.

EDIT: I know I'm a bit late on this, but I had a dental appointment today...


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 29, 2007, 09:33:47 PM
Stygian, I gotta say,
But if anyone had any chance of noticing that, it would most probably have been that 'humpback' in the corner. She recognized part of his structure immediately.
your mechanoid can't tell that, unless whatever she's using to scan is extremely powerful.
He also has a small emitter inside him that projects a special personal scattering field that will disrupt (as in distort and interfere, not block entirely) all but the most powerful magical or otherwise senses and detection directed at him.
Whatever she's using to scan him, she'll see that he's there, but he will seem completely garbled and broken, like your worst TV set nightmare, nothing will be coherant. However, this only works with some sort of scanning or perception outside of the normal visible spectrum. In the normal spectrum, he looks normal to any eyes, biological, magical, or electronic. It's when you shift into other spectrums or use other types of sensing that he comes back with a broken signal.

EDIT: I know I'm a bit late on this, but I had a dental appointment today...

Quitcher whining. She's at close range, she has top-of-the-line sensors and she doesn't use any sort of magical senses. Even if you have a scrambler, she could just go on what she can see in the IR and high UV and low X-ray spectra. That is, unless you want to clarify something, Mr. Technical...


Even if you have a scrambler, she could just go on what she can see in the IR and high UV and low X-ray spectra. That is, unless you want to clarify something, Mr. Technical...
Just that it's specifically designed to distort those, too. The only thing it can't distort is visible light. Though, with some modifications, it probably could...but that wouldn't serve much of a purpose.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 29, 2007, 10:04:43 PM
Even if you have a scrambler, she could just go on what she can see in the IR and high UV and low X-ray spectra. That is, unless you want to clarify something, Mr. Technical...
Just that it's specifically designed to distort those, too. The only thing it can't distort is visible light. Though, with some modifications, it probably could...but that wouldn't serve much of a purpose.

Oh, sure. Not much of a purpose. I mean, who would want to be a mere distortion in the air, hard to target and to spot and to bloody observe at all? Hm...

It's a bit convenient of you, this. But I guess that one can give it a while. Mind you though that S. has some very good optics and image enhancing available, so she just needs a glimpse of your face under that hood.


Quote from: Stygian on November 29, 2007, 10:15:34 PM
Oh, sure. Not much of a purpose. I mean, who would want to be a mere distortion in the air, hard to target and to spot and to bloody observe at all? Hm...
Not that kind of distortion, not like a heat wave, the system is nowhere near precice enough to do something like that. That'd be along the lines of optical cloaking, and it certainly can't do something like that. The system is designed to intefere, not hide. It would be distortion as in something along a static television screen, or just a huge, broken blip.

Quote from: Stygian on November 29, 2007, 10:15:34 PM
Mind you though that S. has some very good optics and image enhancing available, so she just needs a glimpse of your face under that hood.
Ok, that she might would be able to do, I'll give you that much. Unless he's facing away...



Whoops! That's my bad. Edited, thanks for the notice.


Y'know, what with everone else making multiple characters (even though I think it's drowning the RP), I've decided, 'what the hell, I'll put up another, too.' I've actualy got an idea for another char, but I can't post it now, it's not made, and I don't have enough time at the moment.
I would like to try my Xerph char that I put in earlier, some of the other players seemed allright with it, but oh well.


 Am I correct in assuming that this version of the Honor Circle takes place after the original? Or alongside?


Yeah, it's after that. Time would explain any changes in characters.