Honor Circle Returns! (OOC) - Open

Started by Boog, November 02, 2007, 07:14:13 PM

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Mm, what you describe's close enough for Siolen's purposes. As for an index... I might at some point, but most certainly not today.


Just making sure of something: I never said Sylvie brought her staff with her, so would it be considered god-moding if I said that she had grabbed it before she left the bar?
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


I've no problems with this; unless it would go against what the fighters agreed to I'd say it's pretty much to be expected that they'd bring their weapons.


BTW Keaton, my char may have 'challenged' you, but he's certainly not going to call it in yet, so don't worry too much about it. You will almost certainly have time for this battle and probably one or two more.


Okay. All tagged challenge slips dropped. For clarity, the peeps who have recieved one are:
Mel Icewing/Mel Dragonkitty

And yes, all challenges are going to be called in simultaneously. What? Five at once? Yes, you read that right...I'm planning something special >:3 Ok, it's not really that special, but it will be quite different. No, I won't elaborate at this time (unless Boogey demands it...I hope he won't :B), but if you look at all the chars (including mine), you may notice that they all have something in common...


I'm not certain if I'm going to be allowing fights of over two people at once as of yet, let alone five on one. You are definitely gonna have to clarify, although it can be over PM.


What's this? Oh yeah, a new character. I've been dying to use this guy for a while...

Name: Dekuyaketh
  • Birth name: David Nathaniel Andross
Nickname(s): The Ruiner, Deku, Dekuya, Dekuya-kitty, David, Dek
Age: Somewhere in his early thirties or something equally mundane (32)
Species: Maine Coon-turned-Manticore
Family and Association(s): Mother  (Andrea Joan Andross); Father (Setebos "Seth" Kouamaeve Andross – estranged from Dekuyaketh by his own volition; Seth sincerely believes that his son is dead). Associated with the Grand Order of Jack the Ripper, member of the Malebolge Guard Unit XVII for twelve years
Place of Origin: Planet Etakor; born in the Monolith Ring Summit, Rosetta Stone. He now resides in the Demonic Realm

Physical Description
Height: 7'1"
Weight: 290 lbs (340 lbs when equipped with Gyges)
Build: Extremely fit, compact, and strong in build, but with an embarrassingly (to him) androgynous edge. Broad-shouldered
Eyes: (Right) A piercing and almost untarnished gold, his slit-shaped pupil outlined with a thin ring of equally bright amber; (Left) The left side of his head sports two eyes, one of which is identical to his opposite eye, while its companion is what appears to be a mechanical replacement, an amazingly intricate duplicate, engraved with elaborate hieroglyphs and sporting a small, opalescent ruby centered in the eye-shaped formation of intaglio designs
Hair: Very long and surprisingly feminine, reaching to about the middle of his back, although he often ties it back into a braid so it doesn't interfere with his style of combat. Like his base fur color, his hair is a velvety ebony, although the tips of each individual strand of hair are colored a striking blood red. Other streaks of blood red variegate his hair or the fur around his shoulders, which is slightly ruffled
Fur Coloration: Deep black, that monochromatic hue occasionally disrupted by a pattern of blood-imbued crimson in the form of slash-shaped crescents bifurcating his eyes and abstract, jagged bends of carmine resting on his thighs and a pair of stripes descending the lengths of his ears. Tangled patterns of sanguine are scrawled along his back, disrupted by splatters of darker red, as though someone had begun a painting worthy of a masterpiece on his back but decided to splash a bucket of blood atop the jumble. Similar patterns mark his feet and calves, like the demented paintings of a frantically-clawing madman before his demise. Behind his hair, nestled on the back of Dekuyaketh's neck, is a perfectly symmetric splash of sacrosanct white, vaguely resembling a stylized bird, or a pair of extended wings
Distinguishing features: Despite his Demonic moniker as a Manticore, Dekuyaketh does not literally or explicitly resemble his namesake. Since he was once a Maine Coon, Dekuyaketh shares some of his species' characteristics, being mostly feline in nature, even if some attributes hint toward some canine blood on his father's side. First and foremost, despite his mutations and macabre appearance, Dekuyaketh is strikingly handsome, enigmatically waltzing across the fine line between outright androgyny and darkened beauty, even when his features are commonly fixated in a sullen scowl. His body is well-chiseled and his black-furred skin is taut over his compact and sinewy muscles, which are hard and powerful from constant exertion and exercise.

Dekuyaketh's ears are oddly slanted and elongated, and slightly tufted, and his muzzle slightly longer than the average Maine Coon. Rows upon rows of teeth in Dekuyaketh's mouth are as sharp as daggers, almost reminiscent of a canine's, and perfectly pristine in their pearly-white glow. Behind his ears are a razor-sharp set of horns, seemingly crafted out of obsidian, their lengths adorned with lethal barbs. Another, diminutive pair of horns rest at the very top of Dekuyaketh's forehead, small enough to be concealed by the long locks of his hair, while three, extremely small thorns trail down the back of his neck. Dekuyaketh's claws are equally sharp and of the same obsidian, opaque hue as his horns, though their tips are dyed blood red, as are the talons of his feet. Immense, crimson wings extend from Dekuyaketh's back, leathery and membranous, their top joints possessing sickle-shaped, flexible claws with black-red nails.

Dekuyaketh's tail is perhaps the reason he is referred to as a Manticore. his tail, at the root, is scruffy and partially covered in heavy layers of fur, but the coat abruptly ends a little further down the root. The rest of Dekuyaketh's tail is composed from segmented chitin, leading up to an enormous, serrated stinger protruding from the end of his scorpion-like tail. Just beneath the stinger, resting on the side of the end of his tail, is a round, blood-red gemstone, its sleek and perfectly unmarred surface seemingly a melting mixture of different shades of twisting red. Since Dekuyaketh unfortunately has some very personal scars so, he wears clothes, normally very clean-pressed and uncharacteristically neat outfits in dark colors. His favorite choice of attire is a black jacket and black dress pants, with a red button-down shirt. A matching black tie is normally optional. Notably, one possession he is never without is a silver, ornate ring looped onto a thin length of chain hanging around his neck, normally secreted beneath his shirt.

Dueling Info
Abilities: Control over electricity and energy; super-strength; regeneration; flight; general unarmed combat abilities; Demonic lineage; above-average endurance, reflexes, and speed; slight metamorphosis abilities (irrelevant to battle; allows him to adopt the form he once possessed as a Mortal for the sake of subterfuge, or selectively conceal his Demonic features, such as his wings or horns)

Strengths: Dekuyaketh cannot die.

Well, that is perhaps too extreme. Rather, Dekuyaketh can die, but death is not permanent for one who has already sold his soul. This also applies to injuries, as, with enough time, Dekuyaketh can steadily repair almost anything from a gash to a missing organ to an absent limb. As an extension to this ability, Dekuyaketh has unnaturally high endurance, being able to resist injuries which would normally debilitate a normal person (such as losing a leg or arm). However, this extensive regeneration ability, both in death and for injuries, still has its limitations (more information in Weaknesses), and is most effective when Dekuyaketh is relaxing, as it allows the energy in his body to swell and pervade. This same energy can be unleashed in the form of electricity and concentrated blasts of fiery, lightning-laced energy from various points from Dekuyaketh's body, most particularly Gyges, his opposite hand, and his tail. Using perfect thought ambidexterity and concentration, Dekuyaketh can control almost every aspect of this hellish lightning and energy, focusing them to heightened degrees and releasing them in countless variations and extremities.

Dekuyaketh's abilities in lightning and energy are truly explosive, especially if he is given an opportunity to concentrate. To an extent, he even has some control over light, since a great deal of those powers involves illumination and graphic intensity. When curbing his abilities to a less outrageous extent, Dekuyaketh can even utilize his energy-culmination strengths to brighten his surroundings. Through the powers of his mechanical eye, Dekuyaketh, if he closes all eyes but that one and focuses deeply, can pinpoint the location of someone in hiding by tracing their magical signature. Some people do not possess these magical signatures (through extensive concealment; this often goes hand-in-hand with guarding one's thoughts with mind-shields and making them impenetrable), and sometimes circumstances or the environments (such as pitch-blackness) disable Dekuyaketh's tracking skills.

This can perhaps be attributed to his Demonic state or his feline lineage, but Dekuyaketh has enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes far above that of an everyday human being. Due to the fact he does not use a (technical) weapon, Dekuyaketh has thorough experience in the art of unarmed combat and knows how to exploit his abnormal flexibility, speed, and strength to the letter. Gyges endows Dekuyaketh with immense strength, making him capable of easily breaking an ordinary person's body into pieces – or perhaps one of a stronger species, if he was given the opportunity. Gyges's structure and hide makes it almost impossible to break, twist, or generally infiltrate. Lurking behind Dekuyaketh's intimidating demeanor is an intelligent mind, one commanding, powerful, and bestowed with the ability to calculate its way through many a situation.

Weaknesses: The primary weakness of a Demon lies in his or her wings, and Dekuyaketh is no exception. If his wings are somehow damaged, the pain is severely exacerbated and even exaggerated from what could be considered normal. If, heaven forbid, someone breaks Dekuyaketh's wings or rips them from his body, the pain is excruciating, and not only will he lose his ability to become airborne, there is a possibility he will be so overwhelmed with agony that he will pass out, or lose concentration for an extended period of time. Another downside is that Dekuyaketh cannot remain airborne if one or both of his wings are scathed extensively or in a vital area (even if the damage is insignificant), so if he is shot down from the sky, he will plummet like a boulder, and will be unable to take off until he regenerates.

Another weakness is that, with the Gyges and his electricity-oriented powers, Dekuyaketh cannot be submerged in water. Gyges automatically shuts off and seals itself over if he enters any water, making him incapable of using Gyges's electricity-conducting powers underwater. Using electricity-based powers even otherwise, through channeling it in a different source (such as Dekuyaketh's tail or his opposite claw), is dangerous and not recommended, as there is a possibility Dekuyaketh will electrocute himself. Although Dekuyaketh can regenerate even after he is ostensibly killed, the process is very lengthy. Restoring minor cuts and injuries takes a miniscule amount of time if he is put in a state of hibernation or is relaxing, but if something more extreme, such as a limb, is removed, it could take days for the lost appendage to regrow (that is, without the assistance of healing magic or a doctor specializing in such practice).

In the case that Gyges is removed forcibly, it cannot be regenerated, and will need to be reattached with either the aid of Jack the Ripper, or one of his subordinate doctors. Since it is linked to Dekuyaketh, it will sometimes teleport back to him, or to the safety of Jack the Ripper, if its existence is threatened (such as being torn off of Dekuyaketh and being thrown into the water or down a ravine). Dekuyaketh can detach the nerve endings and wires linked to his body with a series of thoughts, but if they are severed or disconnected through brutal means, slicing through the scrupulous mechanics would cause Dekuyaketh a great deal of agony. Even though Dekuyaketh can survive conditions which normal beings would easily perish from, if his head is removed or he is overwhelmed, he will be effectively "killed." If this happens, the process to regenerate a new body normally takes a few days to two weeks, depending on how severe the damage and mutilation to Dekuyaketh's body was before his actual expiration. Since escalating Dekuyaketh's electricity or energy-harnessing abilities relies on concentration, if he cannot thoroughly focus, he cannot build the collecting energy to an adequate or ferocious extent, and often these attacks will backfire.

Finally, Dekuyaketh's most oppressive weakness is his dependence on his mind-shields. Those shields, while they leave him impervious to most inexperienced mind-readers, can suffer from particular adverse side effects if provoked too critically. Even worse is if one manages to jostle the mind-shields to an extent some of the repairs come unraveled – this will often send Dekuyaketh flying into a furious and exacerbated reaction, ranging from a breakdown to absolute insanity. Like the rest of him, Dekuyaketh's mind-shields gradually begin to reassemble themselves if they are punctured or dismantled, but if he's stripped of all available mental defenses, he will need the cooperation of another. Jack the Ripper is the one who put the mind-shields in place, so he is the only one with the ability to perfectly rebuild Dekuyaketh's protection, but a temporary mind-shield often works to keep Dekuyaketh from spiraling too out of control. Dekuyaketh himself has some experience in mind-shields, but he cannot use the appropriate spells on himself. Dekuyaketh is also extremely claustrophobic and becomes panicked in tight, closed environments.

Dekuyaketh practices a unique form of combat known as the Malebolge Hellmarch, a technique limited to those who have served under Jack the Ripper. Furthermore, Dekuyaketh is a practitioner of an even more esoteric style branched off of its origin battle style, the Hecatonchire style, which is specific to his particular weapon. The Malebolge Hellmarch is distinguished through its upright and defensive posture, something Dekuyaketh greatly benefits from with his broad-shouldered build and immense height.
Gyges: The Gyges is one of many of Jack the Ripper's insane creations, an articulated arm-shaped apparatus that, through sophisticated networks of wires and nerve endings, can be linked to a person's body and operate perfectly as a substitute for a normal arm. Gyges is a twisted caricature of an ordinary arm, regardless, and, like its owner, is not only wicked and frightening in its countenance, but strangely beautiful due to the brilliance of its design and engineering.
Obviously, Gyges is constructed to resemble an ordinary arm and therefore shares similar anatomy. Despite its function, it is not disguised as anything innocuous – everything about it is jagged, horrific, as though it was painstakingly carved out of chitin and built around the meticulous skeletal structure lurking beneath the plate. Gyges's hand is abnormally large and sports four distinctly sharp, curved appendages which serve as digits, all of which, despite their bulky size, work meticulously and are capable of manipulating small objects with some experience. Gyges's forearm is protected by a giant shell of chitinous material, the same nigh-impenetrable substance the rest of the artificial limb is made out of. Around the plating defending the forearm are impossibly thin and intricate engravings of hieroglyphics, revolving around the giant, red gemstone sitting just below the center of the forearm's shield. Another, smaller gemstone is connected by a lithe line of carvings to the larger one, and pulsates consistently with energy.
The shoulder-plate is equally jagged and intricate, bedecked with another, tear-shaped gemstone similar to the two on the forearm of Gyges. Surprisingly, these gemstones and hieroglyphs serve a far greater purpose than mere decoration. They are responsible for channeling and harnessing Dekuyaketh's electricity and energy-based powers, the hieroglyphs containing the energy and easily allowing it to flow into the gemstones, where those precious stones serve as conductors for the intense magical energy. Through this concentrated energy, Dekuyaketh can unleash great storms of electricity and power.
Gyges's appearance reflects Dekuyaketh's behavior. When dormant, the hieroglyphic carvings remain a dull black, but the gemstones still maintain a certain luminosity to them. While preparing and unleashing energy and electricity, the hieroglyphs are illuminated with a fierce red energy, as are the gemstones, and the glow intensifies when Dekuyaketh concentrates deeper, or as he focuses on stronger attacks. If Dekuyaketh is struck unconscious or killed, Gyges's gemstones will lose their luster and deactivate, along with the rest of the arm, which systematically permeates the carvings and gemstones with dull black as the internal light extinguishes. It also responds to Dekuyaketh's rage, the energy in Gyges's gemstones flaring as his anger escalates.

The Gyges has numerous other variations, some of which are prototypes and still being experimented with. The Demi, as an example, is a perfect, compact construct of Dekuyaketh's organic arm, and is often used when Dekuyaketh is relaxing at home. Replacing Gyges and exchanging it with another arm-prototype is a lengthy and tedious process, and often requires the assistance of another.

Personality: In spite of his handsome appearance, Dekuyaketh is a miserable curmudgeon. While undeniably brilliant, cunning, and in possession of a biting wit, he is a vicious character, thriving off of other peoples' suffering in order to sustain his own, fluctuating ego. In order to do this, he has no compunctions with stripping away others' weaknesses and openly mocking them for it, especially if he feels he is superior to his aforementioned victims. Since Dekuyaketh is incredibly misanthropic and despises almost everyone who clashes with him the slightest, or even looks at him the wrong way, this list is bizarrely long, and possibly increasing as Dekuyaketh continues to wallow in his bitterness.

Oddly enough, Dekuyaketh is aware of his attitude, and doesn't even attempt to justify it at times to other people. He finds that his reasoning and logic is too complex for some imbecile to understand, as he illustrates through his ruthless belittlement and near-infinite collection of sarcastic insults. At times he contradicts himself with his complicated and often irrational reasoning, perhaps revealing that even he, someone who hides his psychology behind a barbed exterior or dangles it tantalizingly in front of the suicidally curious, doesn't even understand how his mind works. Dekuyaketh loathes intimacy, touch, and relationships, finding it repulsive and horrific, yet at the same time he craves it, and while he claims to hate almost everyone, he demands attention and companionship. And while he hates manipulation, he manipulates others himself, often by testing their limitations, loyalties, and boundaries by experimentally orchestrating a vast, elaborate game of emotional tug-of-war.

If Dekuyaketh finds something that intrigues him that steps outside of his confined little world, he will latch onto and ruminate over this illusion over and over again. Because Dekuyaketh is highly aware of the fact he hates where he is and hates who he is, and that he desperately wants some glimpse of light in his life to alleviate the darkness and fix everything for him. Because of this, he has a strange fascination and adoration, yet contempt for things he considers beautiful, and loves the arts, music, and anything else which soothes him. Dekuyaketh's mind, although it has been hammered back into place and repaired with spit and tape after he was thrown off the precipice of limitation, still exhibits signs of instability. For one, there is the fact he kills without any visible signs of remorse or sympathy – it comes as a comfort to him, almost therapeutic. Second, there is his convoluted and often unstable thought and emotional patterns.

Dekuyaketh loathes weakness, and therefore adores preying and picking upon any form of reliance, dependability, or anything else he perceives as weak or pathetic. He has an obsessive need to maintain dominance in every situation, perhaps out of animalistic fear that he will be stripped bare of any protection and be made vulnerable, and therefore refuses to prostrate himself before anyone willingly. Dekuyaketh, in spite of his composed state, has a wicked temper, and lashes out viciously when provoked, even resorting to violence easily. Yet despite his idiosyncrasies, Dekuyaketh is not without his soft spots, as hard as they are to get to. But those who are surprisingly close to him have seen that there is a method behind the madness, and a rose among the thorns, with the potential to grow, if it wasn't smashed into such an oppressive atmosphere.

History: Nobody but a select few people really know, and those select few people know better than to go about distributing the private information Dekuyaketh obsessively tries to conceal. All that is known is that Dekuyaketh was once a man named David Andross, who, at one point, driven to the brink of insanity and pushed ruthlessly into absolute devastation by a most horrendous series of events, transforming him into a barbaric animal. As he was frantically meditating over the consequences of a grievous murder he had committed amidst his madness,  he was approached by Leibe, the strongest subordinate among Jack the Ripper's involuntary followers and the leader of the Ninth Circle, a group of the most powerful and skilled Manticores in the Malebolge, who extended an offer to him. Dekuyaketh agreed, and was drawn into the Demonic Realm, where he was introduced to Jack the Ripper, a malicious Manticore dictator who ruled his citadel, the Malebolge, and the surrounding kingdom with an iron fist.

Through his manipulation, schemes, and promises of sanctuary and sanity, Jack the Ripper deceived Dekuyaketh into selling his soul, plunging him among the damned. In exchange, he kept true to his promise and repaired Dekuyaketh's mind, although it was an imperfect procedure. He had not fixed Dekuyaketh, but shunted everything back into place with a labyrinthine system of mind-shields and blocks, hiding unstable memories behind mental veils and dragging out ones which had been forgotten. While Dekuyaketh is technically sane, he is not stable, and not happy or safe. His sanity is tethered to those mind-shields and Jack the Ripper's orchestrations, but by the time he realized his manipulation, he realized there was nothing more he could do. Dekuyaketh is indefinitely enslaved to Jack the Ripper and kills whoever he wants killed, destroys whatever he wants destroyed, and is gradually helping him in his conquest of the Demonic Realm, while at the same time perusing the Mortal Plane for Jack's intents and purposes.

-   Dekuyaketh's theme song is "Roar! (Cloverfield Overture)," which was composed by Michael Giacchino for the end credits in the movie Cloverfield.
-   Despite his ostensible disdain for religion, Dekuyaketh is often seen wearing a silvery cross atop his frequent selections in attire besides the mysterious ring-necklace. He claims this is because he has a penchant for jewelry, this claim bolstered by the earring ornamenting his right lobe. He outright refuses to wear anything gold, behavior similar to Richard Ramirez, the infamous "Night Stalker." As for the ring on the chain he always wears, it's best to leave that alone. If one tries to steal it, Dekuyaketh will fly into a rage.
-   Dekuyaketh is a compulsive smoker, yet he hypocritically despises those who excessively smoke, mostly for his own personal reasons. This is behavior unconsciously reflected of another, loathsome individual in Dekuyaketh's life. It calms him down, and it suffices as a relative outlet for stress and the urge to drink.
-   Dekuyaketh's attitude is slightly based off of Dr. Gregory House, from the TV Show House, M.D., and the antihero of the book Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield
-   Dekuyaketh cannot drink extremely alcoholic beverages. They have an adverse side effect on his mind-shields, so he has been explicitly forbidden from drinking.
-   Dekuyaketh possesses a small amount of knowledge regarding medicine and surgery, but not enough to effectively practice the work of experienced and professional doctors.
-   As far as Manticores go, Dekuyaketh is actually quite diminutive. This irritates him to no end.
-   Because Dekuyaketh was bestowed with Demonic powers when he was twenty, his aging has been halted at that stage. Regardless of how old he is, he will always look the same as he did, maturity-wise. It can be assumed that Dekuyaketh has near-immortality when it comes to aging, similar to his ability to regenerate.
-   Dekuyaketh used to be a Digimon character before he was modified and his universe reworked to fit an original setting.
- Dekuyaketh has a very powerful singing voice.

For Boog's appraisal. If he needs toning down, or something, just let me know and I'll fix it.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


   Heh. Keats, you just put up another character that qualifies for the criteria of the event my char is planning :B. If your guy passes judgement (likely) and Boog okay's what I sent to him (I hope, if he doesn't, I'll have to go back and remove all the invitations, and you'll have to edit to make IC Keaton forget hers...) I'm going to have to drop an invitation for this guy, too.
   This will create the slightly detrimental problem of you having two characters in the same battle, but I'm sure that can be worked around.


Howsabout we NOT invite two characters with the same player. It seems like what would be colloquially referred to as a Bloody Inconvenience at minimum.


Quote from: Boogeyman on February 18, 2008, 11:19:57 AM
Howsabout we NOT invite two characters with the same player. It seems like what would be colloquially referred to as a Bloody Inconvenience at minimum.
Ok, ok, ok. Sheesh.

llearch n'n'daCorna


According to wikipedia, 125k astronomical units is about 1.8 - 2 light years.

So a couple hundred thousand is probably pretty close, as stellar distances go. ;-]

(just in case anyone else was wondering...)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 21, 2008, 07:10:24 AM

According to wikipedia, 125k astronomical units is about 1.8 - 2 light years.

So a couple hundred thousand is probably pretty close, as stellar distances go. ;-]

(just in case anyone else was wondering...)


Of course, considering where they are, they could be an infinite distance away, or no distance away at all. But then, Giles isn't a dimensional physicist. :3


Dropping two more characters into this, on a "cuz I can" basis. Besides, I need someone a bit more developed than Siolen and Boog.

Name: Richard Trochoufski
Nickname(s): Dead Jazz Man, Reggie, Smiles, Ohfuckit'scomingrightforus
Age: 27
Species: Zombie, formerly human
Family and Association(s): Marya Zyrlomi (adoptive older sister), "Grandad" Zyrlomi (Adoptive father), David Trochoufski (Biological father), Tyrannus Deverdele (Friend), Penelope Doben (friend)
Place of Origin: A City-state called Redland in a world that, for the sake of distinction, we shall call Mythlokkos

Physical Description:
6'1" in height, thin build with broad shoulders.
Hair is a wispy, wavy mane of white.
Eyes look as though they were once blue, are now simply very pale.
Skin is gray, and in places missing altogether. Noticeable wounds include missing patches of skin on both forearms, and on some of the right pectoral muscle. The left arm is held on with thick stitches, another row of which can be found around his torso and on his bad leg. There's a line of medical staples down the back of his neck, a spear wound that goes through his ribs to the left and continues through his back, and much of the lower half of his face and his voicebox are both decimated by rot, to the point that his mouth is a bare-jawboned grin. There are also missing patches on his left eyebrow and forehead.
Richard wears Jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt that says "smile or die" underneath a manically grinning upside-down smiley face.

Dueling info (combat strengths, weaknesses, weaponry, etc.)
Strengths: What Richard has in abundance is endurance. He was too stubborn to die, and still is. To bring him down you have to disable him, possibly breaking one or two limbs before he even considers caving. He never gets tired, and is no slower on his feet than he was in life.
This endurance also makes him a bit stronger than he was in life, seeing as he never gets tired and thus can't tell when he should ease off on his opponent. His ability to ignore pain or discomfort also makes him significantly more dexterious than the average human.
While he does wield an axe, Richard excels in hand to hand combat, mainly grappling. His typical strategy involves getting a hold near some joint, and then bending that joint in the wrong direction until his opponent stops struggling. He's been dead longer than he's been alive, and can forget what is and is not repairable on a living person.
Magic tends to go a bit funny around him; not in a huge way, but small spells have a chance of fizzing out and dying when they get too close. Magic is the stuff of stories, and the dead's stories have ended. It doesn't know how to react to them.
One of the only things that really triggers Richard's senses the same way they did in life is still-living meat; he can track a living target pretty decently by smell, and if he takes a bite out of them (fairly unlikely; he isn't exactly proud of the addiction) the effect can be not entirely unlike that on a school of pirhanas.
When a limb is removed, Richard still has a couple seconds of control over it, and can effect makeshift repairs on himself mid-fight if given the chance. They're not reliable, but they can make a difference.

Weaknesses: While Richard doesn't get tired, he does get damaged and his capacity to ignore pain or discomfort can lead to him not noticeing when he's damaged himself. It's possible for him to push his muscles too hard and disable himself without noticing. Furthermore, his makeshift repairs are unreliable and can easily be rendered moot under too much strain. One leg in particular is rather poorly held on and tends to betray him when he'd been putting too much stress on it for too long.
While most damages may go ignored, attacks to the head can be HELL. He needs that, and doesn't know how it could be properly repaired if it was damaged enough.
While he has a good sense of smell for living meat, his eyes take longer than normal to adjust to drastic changes in lighting; everything in his body works manually, he has no automatic processes, and eyes have always been tricky for him.

Weaponry: If he can get away with it, he'll try bringing the Van he showed up in as a weapon. However, in addition to that he has a knife hidden in his calf, a stolen fireaxe tucked into his belt (admittedly not nearly so well hidden as the knife), and years of pent up hostility to vent at whoever's unlucky enough to attract his ire (i.e. most people).

Personality: Cynical and misanthropic, Richard tends to let Marya do the talking whenever he can. If he can't he might be deliberately unpleasant just to make people leave him alone. He's got an abusive relationship with music (he's a genius who can play just about any instrument you care to name, but rot has ruined his vocal chords for singing) and can often be found playing on his harmonica in his free time. He tends to worry about Marya.

History: Richard always loved music, when he was young. Even in a low-tech town, exposed to little of the world by the xenophobic religious ruler, he wanted to study music in all its forms.
Unfortunately, this religious leader was the only government the town had ever known. During a time when turnouts to mass were getting too low for his comfort, he declared a crusade against another low-tech town. People's interest was caught again, the Faith was furthered once more. An unpleasant side effect for Richard, age 13, was that he was drafted. He was part of a unit of shock troops, whose strength was used to fuel a spell to destroy the enemy minutes before they were sent into battle. Richard had a spear through his lung seconds after his captain yelled "charge!"
For three years he lay there, not knowing that if he wanted to he could get back up.
And then he tried to.
Richard stood, the one member of his unit to return from the field of battle. On the day that aforementioned religious leader was giving a speech about that day of glory for their people, three years ago...
Richard's memories get hazy here, save for later when he was dragging himself by the side of the road with crimson on his knuckles and that same spear through his lung.
He was eventually picked up by "Grandad" Zyrlomi, who was moving to Redland with his grandaughter Marya. The two beastfolk took him in, Marya admittedly more than a little reluctantly, and for years that was that. Grandad eventually passed away, leaving Richard and Marya to look after one another. 14 years and more than a few adventures later, they get lost on the way to a family reunion...

Name: Marya Zyrlomi
Nickname(s): Dearlordithasmyneck, That Crazy Beastfolk Chick
Age: 29 (in good light)
Species: Mongoose beastfolk, not to be confused with furrae
Family and Association(s): The Zyrlomi clan, Richard Trochoufski
Place of Origin: A beastfolk reservation (much like a country, except the cities move around) in a world that we shall for the sake of distinction call Mythlokkos

Physical Description:
5'2" in height, a healthy portion of that being a thick neck.
Hands each have four thick fingers.
Banded fur pattern, long braid of hair that's been dyed toxic green.
Marya wears an orange bandanna (with a few tufts of green hair always poking from underneath toward the front), a blue t-shirt that's probably seen better days, a vest that says "piss off" on the back and a pair of loose-fitting jeans.

Dueling info (combat strengths, weaknesses, weaponry, etc.)
Strengths: Now a mongoose beastfolk, despite their size, is no more strong or aggressive than anyone else. However, that strength and aggression is compressed to a smaller frame and hence, like many things that are compressed, are prone to exploding. As soon as a fight starts Marya is on her opponent, as she puts it, "Like shit on velcro." Her part-time job as a bouncer has left her skilled in the art of the quick takedown, launching a flurry of blows, bites or scratches whereever she sees a chance to cause more pain. Her size becomes one extra thing to worry about; when your hands are level with her head, her fists are level with your groin. She's also capable of lifting and throwing opponents a good five times her size. She's highly agile, good keeping her target off guard, and has enough experience hunting (and as a postal worker in a city with a "fae district") to track down a target through wilderness VERY easily. She's quick witted, and has even quicker reflexes.

Weaknesses: A beastfolk isn't wired like a small human; a good shot to the gut can be a fight-ender for her. Furthermore, while she attacks visciously and furiously, she's easily winded and can't keep that up particularly long before she needs to break away and rest. In her frenzies she tends to tire herself out overmuch, sometimes even collapsing immediately after or before her opponent.

Weaponry: A pair of gauntlets with spikes and lumps along the knuckles to add a bit to her punches. Furthermore, they're slightly enchanted to increase the power behind any blow swung with them; she can crush bricks in one hand when she's wearing them. A favorite trick of hers is to punch at the enemy with it while the clasps that keep it on are off, sending the gauntlet rocketing toward them like a cannonball. She can be quite accurate with this trick.
She also carries an aresol canister of some noxious substance and a rather heavy duty lighter.

Personality: For her breed of beastfolk, the part of the brain that handles speech is the same one that handles aggression. She's highly personable, seeking people out whether they want her company or not. She loves it when she can find someone polite or vaguely civilized, as she enjoys shocking them with her own course volcabulary. Loud, rambunctious, quick to anger and protective of Richard sums her up rather well ("Take it from me, Rich', the only trustworthy human's a dead one").

History: Marya was fascinated by technology at a young age when a caravan of traders visited her tribe back on the reservation, trying to sell microwaves to people who didn't have permanent dwellings. While the traders were undoubtably idiots, the machines fascinated the young girl and kept her interest throughout her life. She eventually talked her grandfather into taking her to Redland to study Aerospace engineering.
During those times she got into more than a little trouble. Drugs, gangs... Countless different species exchanged ideas in the multiethnic city state, and she got hung up on some of the bad ideas. Each and every time she did Richard would find her, bring her home, and more than likely lecture her about her health. One day, after a particularly loud argument between the two, she looked up the average zombie's lifespan.
3 years post-mortum.
It shocked her to the core. By this point Richard was important to her, a brother rather than a burden, and according to this he could commit suicide or become a Plague (essentially a Mad Zombie) any day now. She quickly learned enough magic to keep him repaired, and now the bickering about taking care of themselves has become mutual. Both are quite dedicated to the cause of ensuring the other one outlives them. Sometimes this manifests itself as being overprotective. Sometimes it's as infantile contests to see who can land themselves in the most trouble without the other stopping them.
Her degree in aerospace engineering has gathered dust on her wall for years. She now works part time as a postal worker and as a bouncer. Gotta love that job market.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Boogeyman on February 24, 2008, 12:51:50 PM
Nickname(s): Dead Jazz Man, Reggie, Smiles, Ohfuckit'scomingrightforus

"Oh my god, it's coming right for us!" *boom* ?

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

Hehe no garden variety Paladin for this RP no sir!

Name: Paladin Sheppard
Nickname(s): Pal, "Meat Shield", "Tank", "OhdeargodIneedthat(insert organ)tolive"
Age: 2451
Species: Wolf Incubus
Family and Association(s): Johan (Father) Jade (Mother) Paige (Sister)
Place of Origin: Furrae

Physical Description: Standing at 6'6" or 198cm tall and weighing in at 140kg, Paladin is big and massively muscled. His fur is a rusty/chocolate brown except for his midsection and the tips of his limbs and tail which are black. Pal's hair which is cropped short is a brown/grey colour and is normally hidden under a bandanna, and his eyes are a hazel brown. The incubus' wings are feathered and a blue/sky blue combination which at full stretch reach 6 meters. Paladin's size is increased by the technologically and magically enhanced full plate armor he wears which resembles something like a space marine's armor from warhammer 40,000 (A miniature based war game) and that of a modern US marine, its camouflage pattern changes to suit the terrain around it ie- in an urban environment it would swap to an urban camo scheme. 

Combat strengths: Paladin is a master of armed (Ranged and Close Quarter Battle) and unarmed combat as well as some magical ability which is mostly focused on enhancement, protection and light. Unusual for an cubi Paladin's main strength lies in just that, his physical prowess, it is also is boosted by the armor he wears that also has next to no encumbrance and due to the enchantments on it allow Pal's speed to be shockingly fast. 

Weakness: Sheppard's weaknesses are few but quite limiting, while able to cast spells his ability to do so is remarkably pitiful compared to another cubi of the same age. He also needs to sleep and eat almost much as a being or human. All three of these are attributed to damage to his soul Paladin took in an incident at SAIA which has remained classified. While a specialist in most combat forms Paladin sometimes loses himself and becomes a berserker which makes him easy to outwit but hard to slow down.

Weaponry: Due to his travels Paladin has acquired the following weaponry.
                  Edge of Cobalt: A powerfully enchanted two handed axe, reported to be older than the cubi race. Many would weld this weapon as a polearm where as Paladin can easily manage it one handed. Can cut through battle plate like a hot knife through butter. Paladin has the Edge in a back holster that rests between his wings.

                 M1x Lancer assault rifle: When not in use this remarkable weapon collapses to fit into a holster on Paladins right thigh. Unlike modern rifles it does not fire bullets fed from a magazine, rather it strips an small amount of metal from a block and then uses electromagnets to propel the newly formed bullet at the target.

                 M10 Jerico semi-auto pistol: A weapon of the same type as the M1x this pistol also uses electromagnets to fire projectiles but unlike the M1x it is silenced making it perfect for special operations work. Holstered on Paladin's chest in a down quickdraw rig.

                 Two short swords: Paladin has these lightly enchanted(sharpness) swords of the gladius type sheathed at the small of his back slightly above hist belt.

                 Ten throwing daggers: These are also lightly enchanted and are strapped to Paladin's biceps.

Personality: Paladin is a fairly straightforward incubus. While on duty or performing a task he will complete this fast as possible and will let little distract him. When off duty Pal is a flirt and a ladies man forever chasing skirt, easy going and eager to shoot some pool or talk shop with anyone who'll listen.

History: After graduation from SAIA, Paladin applied to the Western Point Military Academy at Xe'Pherion City, and graduated from that around twenty years later. Assigned to the Special Operations side of the Xe'Pherion City Royal Guard, Pal spent the first 100 years of his service in the rapid response group based in the city itself. Promoted to Captain he then was reassigned to the Ranger/Scout role as both his strengths and weaknesses allowed him to blend in perfectly with beings. Often operating as a mercenary.

Due to a miss jump with his warp-aci Rex, Paladin found himself in another dimension altogether. Thanks to his abilitys   as and incubus Paladin was able to fit in to the new world he arrived on: Earth. Again operating as a merc Paladin moved from persona to persona during his stay, following humanity from early computer age to their eventual discovery of the galaxy at large and the other space faring species there in. Finally, Rex who had been searching for his master arrived  and allowed Paladin to return to Furrae.

After reporting back to his superiors and a joyful reunion with his family, where he learned of his baby(All off a mere 103 yeas old) sister Paige, Paladin returned to active duty patrolling the surrounds of his home city.


Great to have you aboard, Pal. Can't wait to see your intro post :D


Perhaps I should've been a bit clearer... The shocked reaction everyone heard was Sylvie screaming in terror and moving back so quickly she nearly fell off her chair.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Black_angel on March 27, 2008, 05:53:42 PM
Perhaps I should've been a bit clearer... The shocked reaction everyone heard was Sylvie screaming in terror and moving back so quickly she nearly fell off her chair.

Aha. Sorry about that. ^^; I fixed that a little after I posted. Everything should be in order now.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


It's alright. I had already informed the involved parties.

Either way, I think that sometimes it sort of ruins the mood when you explain things like that... If people aren't observant enough, they just can't play well. That's it.


Wee-hoo. My chars are still alive, if anyone cares (I doubt it) :B

llearch n'n'daCorna

.. What about small -armed- children, BoogMeister?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well now it's confusing. Armed as in carrying weapons and the child itself is small, or the armaments the child is carrying is small, or the child is of whatever size one pleases but has very small arms as in those two rather useful limbs?


Just so that there isn't any confusion later, and to make sure there aren't any problems with me using it, I'm gonna explain Chaos magic a little better. (I needed to check my sources on the magic first...and I'm lazy.)

Like I've mentioned, its defining trait is the fact that it has no control. As such, the effects of the magic are completely random. Among Reds, Chaos magic only presents itself when they find its 'trigger', or physical form of release. This varies from one to the other; you might only cast a spell when you sneeze, or when you trip, or when you get a hangover. Hence, why Reds get themselves in trouble so often; since anything could be a trigger, they need to try everything.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Paladin Sheppard

FYI guys I'm out of town for the next 4 days have fun posting with out me :P


God, I hate doing this...

I, too, will be leaving, tomorrow, at about 5 AM, for five days. So I'll try to get a post or two in before I leave. I'll also see if I can get any computer time while I'm gone, but don't count on it. So... may the Schwartz be with you.

EDIT: Well, whaddya know? There's a computer here! Sweet!
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


As the topic has not been posted in again, yet, I've taken this opportunity to rethink and edit my post in HC.


Sorry for the doublepost, but I'd like to point out the alternative to Giles dragging Dani back to the tavern would have been to pick her up with his extremely hot, melting-sand-into-glass armor. Maybe dragging is not very dignified, but...

llearch n'n'daCorna

... or he could leave her out there, which is almost as rude.

I'd hope that the players understood his reasons, despite the characters apparently not...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I wasn't actually very pissed about Dani getting dragged back in (as should be evident by the post I made right after that happened). I only realized that it wouldn't look so good to a bystander when I remembered Hector and Achilles. Which, I guess, would make Sylvie be Priam and Stygian Paris....

But no, not personally offended. Sorry if it came off that way.  :3
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Please don't compare me to prissy-boys with no control of their emotions or libido, thank you. :3