Honor Circle Returns! (OOC) - Open

Started by Boog, November 02, 2007, 07:14:13 PM

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lucas marcone

......ok so i take it everyone but black angel, mel, and i have more than one character in here? shouldn't there be a limit? im getting mixed up as to what's what and what they're doing...


Quote from: lucas marcone on November 30, 2007, 10:42:07 PM
......ok so i take it everyone but black angel, mel, and i have more than one character in here? shouldn't there be a limit? im getting mixed up as to what's what and what they're doing...

You and me both, Lucas, but I haven't really said anything against it because, since Boog himself has the multiple profiles (I didn't even know that The Boogyman was even challengable), I couldn't think of any way to word my thoughts without sounding like a total whiny bitch.
So I've sunk to their level (well, I'm working on it anyways :<).


eh 3 is a good limit, since Cog set the standard already.

Obviously Boog could have more since he's the GM.


No limit, everyone gets as many as they so please. Just... Keep it sane, eh? Roughly three.


 As I recall, the founder of the original thread had roughly four or five in play at any given time.

I tend to rotate my characters out as they're used. You'll note the Queen is recovering, making her in effect not there except as furniture for a while.

lucas marcone

You call that slimey dangerous mess furniture? I'd hate to visit your house.  :giggle

ah well i may do the same later.


Well, I've finally finished this profile. Took me more than a day, and it is ungodly long...Spent much of the time tweaking things, adding some stuff as I thought of it, changing a few things. I might even make some eidts as I go along here. The main reason is, the particular char I've made is from a race from DMFA that has been highly neglected. I had to work within what few guidelines there were, but I also had to just make up just about everything, and provide adequate explanation. So, because Amber has released very little on this particular subject, I've had to do almost nothing but ass-pulls and make up this stuff myself completely out of the blue as I go, which makes it almost certainly incorrect. Thus, in no way do I claim canonical continuity with DMFA, even though I might just actually write his story that I'm thinking of. This is actually an excellent opportunity to flesh him out and get all the details set before such an undertaking. Of course, I'm rather expecting that if I do, and Amber actually puts more info out there, that basically everything will be invalidated (Note: I've got quite a few footnotes that justify what I've put in, look for *, **, ***, `, ``, and ```). Oh well, it's a non-canon fan-char anyway. I just like these guys alot. Though we've barely seen them, I think they are freaking awesome. I'm actually quite disappointed that Amber hasn't done, or at least released, anything else on them.

Name: Karazkt
Nickname(s): E/E-4125* (Engineer, Explorer), Bug, Bugger, Ant-boy, Gearbug, "I'm not your Queen, dammit!"
Age: 546
Species: Insectis
Family and Association(s): The Insectis Hive-City of Zizidronacht and Queen Kalak of Zizidronacht**
Place of Origin: Zizidronacht (Hive of Steam and Clocks)

History: Karazkt, also known among his people by his hive designation of EDE-4125, was born as an Engineer Insectis** in the city of Zizidronacht, also known as the Hive of Steam and Clocks. It is named so because this particular hive-city has a Queen with a mind of progress, and thus the city is powered by steamworks, and driven by clockworks. While seemingly more technologically advanced than most other hives, they still have their natural skill in magic. In fact, this is how the use their technology; they use their fire magic to power their steam boilers, and their earth magic to help them craft their machines. Karazkt is one of their more brilliant individuals in their Engineer breed, as well as being one of their forward deep and new tunnel scouters and explorers. Working with other Engineers, he has designed and built some of the mining equipment used by this hive, but independently, he works as an explorer.
So it came as no surprise that when his Queen developed some curiosity for more knowledge of the surface`, she summoned him to be her exploratory expeditionary to the surface, charged with the mission to go there, observe the Creatures and Beings in their native environment, and bring back accounts of his exploits.

Personality: Karazkt, in comparison to surface world standards, is as odd as they come. Of course, this is due simply to him being born into a race with a greatly different culture from surface norms. Like almost all Insectis, he is very mindful of station and will serve his Queen (or any Queen higher) with unwavering loyalty and zeal``, as well as the general hive hierarchy. Also, as with most Insectis, he performs many of his actions with a mostly single-minded goal-driven will. However, this is not to say he is without individual will, he wouldn't be such a good Engineer and solo scout if he wasn't, but this only applies to some personal decisions. When he got to the surface and began in-depth interaction with the denizens there, he discovered just how dependant he was on the structure and hierarchy. While he is good enough to actually do his Queen-given duty to record what he observes on his own, he has tremendous difficulty getting by in ordinary day-to-day life without someone giving him his orders. This leaves him with the very distinctive, incredibly odd, and often unbearably annoying habit of picking the most regal-looking female he sees, and adopting her as his Queen (while still remaining loyal and performing the duties set to him by his original Queen). He serves his surrogate Queen in ways similar to the way he, or any Insectis, would with a real Queen; cater to her whims, protect her from harm, and generally try to make her comfortable, all with the same undying zealousness he would give to a real Queen. While this is not just acceptable, but expected and demanded in his own culture, most surface women will find that having a giant bug with steam-driven machines by their side 24/7 gets real old, real fast, and Karazkt will often find himself dismissed fairly quickly. Of course, he always takes this very hard, as in his mind, it's entirely his fault for not being a good enough servant, and with each new adopted Queen, he gets more and more zealous.

Physical Description: Karazkt is an Insectis. :D Too vague? Well, since we have only three examples, one in shadow, I'm gonna have to wing this as well. His exoskeleton is more chitinous than most others, partially denoting his status, but by Insectis standards, not terribly tough. By surface standards however, it's annoyingly and ridiculously hard to penetrate. His coloration is dark and dull brown mostly all over, and his eyes are solid beady-black. Karazkt also has minor adaptations and variations suited to his station and calls within the hive structure. Being an Engineer, his head is slightly larger than a standard Insectis', and being a Scout and Explorer, his antennae are slightly more sensitive. He can cast magic through his antennae rather than his hands if he wants, some Insectis can do this. He has, what is among the Insectis, a slightly short and stocky stature, topping about roughly 5 feet, and his stinger and feet-claws are smaller and duller than normal, especially compared to a Soldier. His three fingers on his hands are halfway between the extremes of short and stubby, and long and spindly. This is mainly so he can operate the multitude of levers on his steam-powered clockwork machines. He doesn't wear clothing, per se, but he does wear practical accessories. He has a pair of oversized goggles that he has over his eyes most of the time (purpose explained later), as well as a belt and bandolier with various mechanical tools for making repairs. When speaking the common language, his speech is laced with distinctive buzzing and clicking; any 's' sound is replaced with a pronounced 'z' sound, and any 'k' sound is emphasized. The Insectis native tongue consists of almost nothing but this, in various pitches and tones.

Dueling info (combat strengths, weaknesses, weaponry, etc.)
Mining Mech: This is Karazkt's only weapon; a massive, ultra-heavy-duty, steam-powered, clockwork-mechanism driven, digging, mining, and drilling mech, topping somewhere about 15-20 feet high, that he modified slightly before taking it to the surface. It also serves as his vehicle and mode of transportation. He rarely ever gets out of it, except when necessary, like when to repair it. The Insectis, with their earth and fire magic, are naturally masters at forging, and the mech is constructed from an extremely tough, highly resilient, and sometimes close to impenetrable black-and-brown metal, it's coloration resembling Karazkt's own. It has short, stocky legs, but can still move a little faster than it seems like it should if needed. Mounted on this is the torso, which is in a slightly barrel or bowl shape. It has an open top with a sunken-in cockpit, where Karazkt is strapped in, and contains a huge panel of many, many levers, as well as quite a few pedals down below, all of which Karazkt pushes and jams to move the mammoth mech. It also has many dials and gauges to show the current status of the mech. Only if needed (like when tunneling), the cockpit actually has a steel dome-bubble cover that slides over to protect the cockpit. He usually keeps the cockpit open, though, because it is solid metal with no transparent sides, but is fogred to allow limited infravision to penetrate. It also prevents him from casting magic directly from his cockpit. The torso contains the boiler, engine, and many of the other mechanisms that drive the mech. The mech has two hugely oversized arms, which are the primary tool components of the mech. Inside their arms, next to the actual clockwork mechanisms, are huge grinding saws, drills, scoopers, crushing clamps, etc., any one of which can be folded in or swapped out on each arm at any time. Also, the steam-mech has specially enchanted pathways and focusing gems in the inner mechanisms, meaning that Karazkt can cast magic into the mech, and the mech amplifies and redirects it, boosting his earth and fire power considerably. While the boiler for the steam engine is powered by a permanent fire enchantment, Karazkt can place the tips of his antennae into two small ports in the back of the cockpit, and give the mech a temporary boost of strength.
Misc. Abilities: ```Karazkt, like all Insectis, and a few other deep-dwelling beasties, has a special optical ability called infravision. Along with light-sensitive receptors in the eyes, Insectis also have infrared thermal receptors. This allows them to see clearly in the deep underground cavers, but also take a closer look at things when the make fire for light. However, if they see light, their infravision mostly disappears. Because, since they have natural fire magic, they work in lit conditions as much as dark, they are able to switch between the two fairly quickly if they prepare themselves for it, as they have some control over what and when they see, but they can never use both at the same time, and if a change is sudden, they can't adapt very quickly. In Zizidronacht, because there are so many fires, furnaces, and forges for all their steam machines, the denizens wear special black goggles with a film that blocks out virtually every photon of light to protect their infravision, but leaves their infravision unhindered. The dome cover over the cockpit of the mining mech was forged and treated specially to allow Karazkt to use his infravision through it, but only to a limited capacity.  Also, Karazkt, again, like most Insectis, has antennae are quite sensitive; they can feel vibrations in the air and earth with them, smell out many things, and even have a primitive biological version of sonar location using them.
Strengths: Karazkt doesn't fight personally, as if the undersized stinger wasn't indication enough that he isn't a Soldier, he doesn't have actual skill in direct personal combat. However, he does have respectable casting ability, though this is mostly geared towards forging his steamclock machines, or digging through earth and stone to discover new caverns and tunnels, as is his mining mech. However, both can be used to fairly good effect in combat. The mech itself is unbelievably tough and resilient, like Karazkt, as well as possessing prodigious physical strength, not to mention the mining tools that can be easily used for combative destruction. Karazkt and his mech can withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, evolved and designed for life underground, and fire-based things are very largely ineffective against either Karazkt or his mech. The mech usually moves with a somewhat jerky gait, but this doesn't really adversely affect performance. As mentioned before, while the boiler runs off a perpetual enchantment, Karazkt can overclock it for temporarily increased strength by feeding more fire magic into the boiler. As said before, Karazkt can cast magic directly from the open cockpit; it is usually more powerful to direct it through the mech itself for amplified power. Karazkt and his mech both fight with incredible tenacity and endurance, and Karazkt focuses solely on his objective, like any Insectis.
Weaknesses: While the mech is large and strong, it also weighs very much. This, combined with the mechanisms itself, make the steamclock mech not very agile, nor notably speedy. This can be used against it. Also, while able to withstand high temperatures, they can sometimes be particularly vulnerable to cold conditions. They can slow Karazkt's metabolism and reaction times, sap energy away from the steam engine, as well as freeze up the mechanisms. Karazkt can summon more fire and heat to ward off cold, but this remains a very possible threat. Also, while the Zizidronacht Insectis build quite possibly the most heavy-duty and tough machines in or under the world (especially better than Beings with electrical and electronic machines. Also, running for highly extended periods of time may deplete the mech's supply of water. If that runs out, it is useless. Which are designed for precision and efficiency, not brute strength and sheer indestructibility), and thus are resistant to the aforementioned overclocking, too much can still lead to explosive overclocking (or at least damage).
The ultimate real-life example of explosive overclocking (and possibly the original one) is the one machine/power supply that can be made to operate faster at increased risk of exploding, and even shakes, develops dangerous leaks, and sends dials into red zones as the danger point is reached - the steam engine.

*I've put this in because I'm thinking that, aside from personal names, Insectis might be given alphabetical and numerical designations. Even seen that old CGI movie, Antz? Partial inspiration, also example.

**In amber's Demo. 101, she says;
QuoteIt is known that there is a Queen (or Queens?) who rules over the entire group but the actual ruling and innerworkings are left a mystery.
I'm going along with the muti-queen trail, and thus by context from a few other statements, it seems reasonable to assume that there may be one central hive-city, led by the highest primary queen, or whatever you want to say, with other hives and cities being ruled by lesser queens. While they all probably all generally submit to the central queen, I would imagine they might have their own subcultures, practices, and other things. While it is true that most Creatures shun technology, there are some canonical exceptions, like Akaen, and probably more than just him. It doesn't seem to be too much of a stretch that one Insectis Queen has somewhat similar sentiments, and therefore, her whole hive follows her. Thus, we have a mining city that has steampunk and clockwork technology, alongside their magic. Just because I want it >:)

***Even though this is an absolute ass-pull with absolutely no evidence to confirm or deny, I'm going with the assumption that the Insectis are also like insects in the fact that individuals are born into specific functions and stations in a hierarchy, like Soldier, Worker, Drone, so on and so forth, as this is the highest level of efficiency you can get with social insect hives. Of course, this also brings in the question of actual genders of the Insectis, if there are any females besides the Queens (quite possibly, since in an insect social hive like ants, the soldiers are actually females, but can't reproduce), and if there are, are they reproductively viable? Or are all Insectis born to Queens alone? Now that I think about it, I think so. ChkChkTia, the Insectis ambassador, is specifically referred to as one of the Queen's 'children', that itself seems to imply that not all Insectis are born to (a)(the) Queen. On the other hand, weaknesses in their race tend to disappear in a generation. Insectoid species in sci-fi fics do this very thing, like the Formics from the Ender's Game series, or the Hivers from Sword of the Stars. Amber is God here; she could say the Insectis do this, too. But, I'm still willing to think that all the different breeds of Insectis (assuming that's correct in the first place) have males and females, all reproductively viable, and procreate themselves. The main difference between the Insectis and everyone else is that all of the individuals are actually sentient, anthropomorphic, and therefore assumedly, have their organs intact.

`While the Insectis do send one ambassador at the time to the surface, it is only for Creature Council meetings. The ambassador has enough authority to speak for the primary Queen, and by extension, she has enough authority to speak for their entire race. However, I have a feeling that, due to the race in general wanting as little contact as possible, the primary Queen alone handles this, everyone else is out of the loop, but they still trust her. But, I don't think it might be too bad if one edge-hive Queen decided she wanted to learn more. Just one harmless information-gathering expedition by a single Explorer, it's not like she's moving her entire hive up the surface and establishing relations with everyone else (though, in the long run, this could be a good thing). Of course, I'm not saying the peripheral hives and cities are completely clueless about the surface people, as it is said they often encounter them in mining operations, or abduct winged people for their feathers. This particular Queen just wants to know more about what makes a surface person and surface society tick.

``Again, I'm just making this up as I go along. Most of what follows is pretty much just made up from how I imagine the Insectis. I don't really have any other justification.

```This next one is probably my most outlandish, but bear with me, it makes much sense. In a D&D Forgotten Realms book I read recently read (The Legend of Drizzt, book one, Homeland), it took place in Menzoberranzan, a drow (dark elf) city, in the Underdark, alongside the duegar dwarves and deep gnomes, as well as many other evil underground nasties. Anyway, most of the denizens of the Underdark had a special ability called infravision, meaning (obviously) that they can see in the infrared and thermal spectrum. They could see heat and energy, rather than light. However, light partially blinds them and spoils their infravision temporarily, though they can bounce back rather quick. Thus, their whole city, in its massive cavern, is virtually pitch-black to any normal eyes, because there isn't really any light to begin with. If the Insectis really are dedicated underground Creatures, it makes sense that they could have this ability, slightly modified. Amber could one day say they don't someday, of course, but for now, I'm going with it. Also, I'm pretty sure them long wires sticking outta their heads ain't just for decoration! I'm going with possible sonar, vibrations, pheromones, the whole shebang. Even hearing, since they don't seem to have ears.


whoops, just realized after my intro post that I may have jumped the guns and went ahead and put Karazkt into the rp without approval...I put a lot of work into him, and was so eager to see him in...I'm pretty sure there isn't anything wrong with him, but, if for any reason, he is unacceptable, I'll have the post removed. Sorry... :<


I said it once and I'll say it again, you don't need to wait for approval for this one. I'll let you know if a character is impossible for the purposes of the RP, but otherwise everything else takes care of itself; someone overpowered won't be challenged or have their challenges accepted, and victory in battle is attained on a common sense basis, so I don't need to watch for godmodders.
Actually I rather like this one. Always did have a thing for steampunk  :P Relax Tech, he's fine.


Heh, thanks...Though I thought I remembered that automatic approval was only for people who were in the original Honor Circle...That and I'm the only guy here who did submit an unnacceptable char before, therefore giving me a comparatively less-than-stellar track record, and I ususally try to err on the side of caution anyway.

But thanks again. I like steampunk and cyberpunk, too :) All technopunk rocks!

The biggest problem I thought you (or still possibly someone else) would think is not because of gameplay balance issues, but that an Insectis is simply not playable, for the very fact that we have little information, and I had to make up everything myself. It did seem like a bit of a no-no, but I really wanted to do it anyway... (though I was wondering if you'd let me get away with the 'infravision' thing...)


Then the cockpit popped open and it's pilot jumped out.
Just a totally insignificant nitpick, but the cockpit was never closed, and Karazkt never got out.

But it's no problem, pay me no heed.


eh, didn't see that. *whooooosh*

Edit: I like the change better, it's synomonous with my mindset atm.  :mwaha




lucas marcone

if she says she stops it then she stops it. im not auto hitting, i use the term brought down (wich does not imply actual contact.) because it's prettier than. "he attempted to hit her. then several times afterward if it succeeds."


I think it's not just that, but you grabbed her staff, and then she wrapped you up with vines. That's not something you can just 'pull out of' and even start trying to thwack her with her own staff. I'm not trying to police for Boogy, but this RP, if I'm saying this correctly, is decided by common sense and who can outsmart the other with their powers and abilities. You grab her staff, she wraps you up. If this were me, I'd know I just made a mistake, a perfectly fair one, and be in deep shit right about now.
But his is just me, and IMHO. I have no authority here, and I'm not telling you to do (or not do) anything, because it's not my place. I'm just giving my input. I could even be entirely mistaken. I will say no more.

lucas marcone

it's not like i pulled away from the vines. the way i see it theres "wiggle room" and ian did see he's in deep shit resulting in a  foolish brazen move. that's sort of his personality.


Quote from: lucas marcone on December 04, 2007, 10:43:56 AM
it's not like i pulled away from the vines. the way i see it theres "wiggle room" and ian did see he's in deep shit resulting in a  foolish brazen move. that's sort of his personality.

While I am not trying to act as the forum police, I would have a few suggestions:

While your intentions may be entirely innocent, Marcone, you post could easily be taken for some sort of autododging. It in no way really adresses Ketefe's attack beyond an exclamation of pain, and ignores both the (likely) constricting nature of the vines and the difficulty of movement being punctured with thorns might bring. Instead, the post merely adresses Ian's swift counterattack.

Ian can certainly counterattack. But two lines is really not enough to communicate what Ian's doing in any fair way. Your post basically looks like you are ignoring Black Angel's attack, even if you don't mean to. If you're not ignoring it, a little elaboration as to recovery never hurt anyone.

Of course, Black Angel can speak for herself, and Boog is the GM here, not I. This is merely my observation and suggestion.


I was speaking in general terms. However, I will say that I targeted most of my criticism against Sue.


Hmmm...yeah, having done the post late at night before heading off to bed I didn't really realize it until I woke up later, and by then Cog had responded. I'll make sure to keep an eye for next time.


Just so you all know, I'm okay with Lucas's post now that he modified it.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Mel Dragonkitty

Not to drag too much logic in here but Rip can outrun sound waves? They apparently look slow to him? So he's running at over 800 mph?
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

770, but who's counting? ;-]

I -think- what he means is that he's moving fast enough that he can see the waves of sound and dodge them - which is not -outrunning- them.

I'm not sure it's valid, given the layout - a 300m circle (which sounds about right for the descriptions) will take less than a second for the sound wave to cross it in -any- direction, since the speed of sound is 344m/s at 21C/70F at sea level in dry air. In liquids and solids, it gets -faster-, which might not be what you're expecting (water, for example, is approx 1497m/s at 25C). Dry dense air makes it go faster, wet thin air makes it slower.

According to wikipedia, sound travels 0.1-0.6% faster in humid air - so not a big deal. Mountain air is estimated at 330m/s, desert air at 360m/s, so the variation isn't that big, and can probably, for our purposes here, be ignored.

*cough* sorry...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 05, 2007, 11:51:31 AM
770, but who's counting? ;-]

I -think- what he means is that he's moving fast enough that he can see the waves of sound and dodge them - which is not -outrunning- them.

I'm not sure it's valid, given the layout - a 300m circle (which sounds about right for the descriptions) will take less than a second for the sound wave to cross it in -any- direction, since the speed of sound is 344m/s at 21C/70F at sea level in dry air. In liquids and solids, it gets -faster-, which might not be what you're expecting (water, for example, is approx 1497m/s at 25C). Dry dense air makes it go faster, wet thin air makes it slower.

According to wikipedia, sound travels 0.1-0.6% faster in humid air - so not a big deal. Mountain air is estimated at 330m/s, desert air at 360m/s, so the variation isn't that big, and can probably, for our purposes here, be ignored.

*cough* sorry...

That's all correct and well, Mr. Box. However, while those calculations are relatively easy, the ones regarding stress and wear levels on parts of Rip's body are not. Suffice to say that, even if we presume that he has more structural support and is far tougher than both a human, who can stand usually up to 20 times the force of gravity exerted on them for short timespans with no real injury to show, and an insect, which can stand far more than that (I recall certain species of fleas being able to withstand a force of 800 G:s, however I'll say that Rip seems a lot more like an arachnid and thus has lower tolerance), the sheer amount of force coupled with the reaction time neccessary...

What, really, is Rip's speciality? His major power or orientation? What are his advantages? Sheer physical strength? Even if you say he's an Angel, he seems quite much a tangible, physical being. To me, it seems like he should have had his arms torn up like peanut brittle by now. And even if not, even if we chalk it up to magic keeping his form intact, I am still skeptic as to whether if he should have the reflexes to do anything more than just keep going and hope he hits something.

Bleh. Why don't I just put it in short words instead; when the Hell did this turn into Dragonball Z?

llearch n'n'daCorna

I believe I said "I don't think it's valid" ;-]

It's Boogey's call, though.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thanks, Llearch. My call on Rip's evasive abilities is that implausible things will happen in this RP, by the very nature of the contestants in the fights. Science isn't out the window, but it has some leeway. If there's a problem in a fight, such as the fighters believing that an attack they used should have hit or dealt more damage, then the fighters can bring it up. You all make some good points, but if Xeksue's character is acting in ways they shouldn't be able to in this fight then it's Cog's right to bring that up, not yours. If he does something you think he shouldn't be able to in a fight against you then by all means, but in this case neither fighter has shown any inclination that there's a problem here.


Don't rule out that it might be out of sheer courtesy, Boog. I wouldn't put that past Cog, whom I know quite well.

I don't really have any strong opinions or particular comments other than this; fighters should play along their capabilities, and not ever exceed them simply because their players really want to win.

lucas marcone

calm down there styg, though i agree whole heartedly this IS boog's rp and as such you should be polite or you may end up swaping genders or something.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: lucas marcone on December 05, 2007, 06:03:55 PM
calm down there styg, though i agree whole heartedly this IS boog's rp and as such you should be polite or you may end up swaping genders or something.

Heh. I doubt Boogey needs to be anywhere near that blatant.

Anyway - the GM has spoken. All bow to the GM, and STFU. ;-] And get on with the game...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears