Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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"Again, we don't know. There's no one here with any kind of magical skills, so detecting if there's a sorcerer in the area is beyond our means."

The Elder looks at the note. "We are not using our citizenry as bait."

The Elder looks around. "Do we have an more bids or volunteers?"
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson chuckles a bit from the back of the room.
"Orcs, Orges and Dragons huh. Sounds like fun. Count me in"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The undead was unsure exactly how this was supposed to go, but it seemed that any hero interested was to volunteer himself vocally. The elders did not seem to know much about the situation than the obvious. The undead wondered how large this was. Goblins banding together and harassing towns wasn't odd and sometimes they had ogres with them, but dragons? That implied bigger powers behind these attacks.
Regardless, this was the first place that the undead felt that he could have a chance at heroing so he would have to say something. He had been standing near the wall, trying to keep out of sight, but he stepped forward and spoke. "I volunteer my services for this task."
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


"Count me in to aid the cause." Aeo said with a nervous smile.  He loved adventure, but not knowing your enemy was something he learned could end an adventurer really fast.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Once more, a monkey rolls out of the box and scurries over to the elder, delivering (surprise surprise) yet another slip of paper.

This one reads:
You have no sense of humour.

We're in. Speak to my representative.

P.S. How about if we bribe you?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


"I can help too" Said Armita. "I know I look young, but I've been in few bigger battles and I don't need that much money." Despite his brave words, with his spear and poor clothing, Armita didn't look like a pro hero.


An elven maid with short pink hair and emerald green eyes stood from her seat, she looked rather commanding in gleaming silver plate, "As a representative of the Guardian knights, I will... see justice is ..."

When she began the conversation her eyes burned with determination, but as eyes turned towards her, as attention was drawn, that fire burned away.  She hesitated and a red flush filled her cheeks, swallowing she finished her statement in a voice barely more then that of a mouse.

"done.  I volunteer."  She remained standing.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   The composite humanoid had gotten into the auditorium with the mime, and hung in the back, behind everyone as visually inconspicuous as possible. Even though he was the 'smaller' of the two (the other of which was still outside), he still towered above everyone else in the room. He listened to the speakers, now througholy puzzled as to why they never attacked him or his partner when they have already been beset by many dangers. Nevertheless, he wasn't one to complain, and realized that for the first time in almost two years, he might actually have a purpose again.
   "Excuse me," He said, his voiced echoing just short of booming around the auditorium, "Could you possibly accept aid from constructs such as myself and my counterpart?"


The mime shrugs, reaches for something unseen on her head with both hands, and lifts it carefully.  She looks it over, brushes it off, and then tosses it, carefully watching where it lands.

Anyone who happens to look will see that there is a fetching fedora shimmering merrily on the floor.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


"Excellent," the Elder said. "We have volunteers."

It was at this point that the Baron stood. "You adventure is going to be perilous, that is certain. With the number of heroes that have taken up this cause, I don't want it to seem like you will have to share  a small payment, even though it's all the townsfolk can afford. It is generous for them, make no mistake, but I can be more generous still. As such, I will offer 300 to each of the members of the team of heroes that is able to end this blight on our lands. I will also graciously bestow a plot of land from my own lands to each of those heroes."

There is great applause through the Town Hall. The baron sits.

"I greatly appreciate for what the Baron is doing," the Elder states. "I will leave it up to the heroes who have volunteered to decide how they will organize themselves, and if they are going to be working as a whole, or simply break up into smaller teams.

"For all that have thrown their hat into the ring" the Elder nods at the Mime, "I say thank you. If there's no other business-"

Eric starts to speak up, but is cut off by the Elder. "-besides missing cows, then I call this meeting adjourned."
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson just looked at the stage and shook his head.
"I don't plan to stick around after this, so you can keep your land. So does anyone happen to have any idea where a Goblin or Orc camp might be? I'd rather not wait around a farm for a cow to get stolen"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The Elder gives Tarson a look. "I don't really know. Most of us just figured they came from the outlying lands."

I man on the other side of the room stands up. "I'm a trapper. I've run into a few of the goblin camps around the southern region, where the forests begin to give way into the hills. If I were to hazard a guess, that wouldn't be a bad place to start."
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Armita turned to face Tarson. "I-I can do this scrying spell that gives a a good image of the surrounding areas. T he only down side of it, is that It's going to take almost a whole day to perform." Armita shrugged


Tarson shook his head at Armita's question.
"No thanks, I haven't done some hunting in a while. This should be fun"
Tarson looked at the man that stood.
"The south you say? That's a start"
With that Tarson turned and began to walked out the door. He stopped just before going out the door.
"Anyone that wants to get this underway I suggest you get moving as well. I don't plan on sticking around"
Tarson then walked out the door and stopped about 20 feet from the town hall door and turned around. He stood there with his arms crossed.
"I'll give them a minute or so"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Enigma decide it was time to speak up. "Well now this sounds interesting.  If you really want to succeed in this mission then might i suggest you invest that 100 quid in some magical artifacts. I only suggest that since it seems that most of these dashing hero's and heroine's are more then willing to help you for free." he grinned " in return you help them succeed in their mission. heck I'll even demonstrate the artifacts i have for sell and if you make it worth my while I'll tag alone and help out."  Enigma bowed magnanimously . " But like all things that too has a price."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo took less than a second to follow and stand next to Tarson.  "So I take it we'll be leaving soon?  Mind if I go buy some supplies for the trip?"


   The composite humaoind looked around at all the others who apparently had answered the call first. He watched them as they walked outside and one of them, a human with a stone arm, seemed to quickly take leadership, or at least authority. The golem-like person looked down to the costumed woman and pointed in his direction. He then walked outside toward the man. As he did so, he gave a short call, and rather quickly, a very large composite humanoid carrying beastly greathammer walked up beside him.
   The pair stopped beside the stone-armed man, their heavy footsteps giving the ground some very nice shakes. "Hello, stone-armed person." The smaller one said (though still looking down at the person from half-a-foot up), as pleasantly as possible. "You seem to be taking charge of the upcoming expidition. Would you be willing to accept aid from two constructs such as ourselves?"


Armita followed Aeon. "So, where did you got that mace? It looks pretty powerful."


Tarson looked at Aeo and gestured towards the shops.
"Got ten minutes"
Tarson looked at the constructs that walked up to him. He shrugged after the smaller one spoke.
"Name's Tarson, I wouldn't say I'm taking charge. I just don't like waiting around when people are in trouble. If you want to come, come. You two can think for yourselves right? Don't need my permission"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The undead decided that it would be best to work in a group against these monsters, and he had become acquainted with Aeo and Tarson, and most of the others seem to collect around Tarson, so it seemed natural to go with him. The undead moved over to Tarson and said, "I would like to accompy you, sir."
The undead had enough food to last him a couple of days, and whatever was in stores would not be of any use to him. Besides, he could catch what he needed on the road. "I am ready to leave whenever you call."
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Tarson looked somewhat annoyed at the undead.
"Let's get this straight, my name is Tarson. Nothing else. I'm gonna tell you the samething I told Tank *gestures to the big guy with the warhammer* and him *gestures to the smaller guy*. I assume you can think for yourself, so if you wanna go then go. I plan to leave in about 10 minutes or so"
Tarson looked at the group forming in front of him.
"You all have names right? If we're gonna be traveling together I need to know what to call you"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

llearch n'n'daCorna

The pretentious prat monkey wanders out, picks up the hat the Mime left on the floor, and puts it on, before moseying across to her and sweeping it off to bow to her.

He returns the hat to his head, and extends an elbow to her, waving his other hand to indicate they should proceed towards the box, for no readily apparent reason.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


   If the smaller one could frown, he probably would have. When...Tarson...asked if they could think for themselves, the honest answer is 'mostly'. Though their father did succeed in making his constructs partially alive, they were still contructs. Though they did have sentience and free will, they often found it much easier to function if they had orders, or at the very least some from of direction.
   However, if he could brighten up, he probably would have done that too, when Tarson was speaking to the undead person and referred to them. "Actually, we don't have names...Tarson. Our names died with out father. All we have now are our serial numbers. But, you just gave him his name." The smaller construct motioned to the big one, "Tank. Though he honestly does not mind what anyone calls him, we can use that for now. Do you like that name, Tank?'
   The big one took a moment to answer, in a super-deep boom-voice. "...It works."
   The smaller one looked back to Tarson. "Well, that's settled. I, on the other hand, am a little more particular. I don't have a real name right now, and I want to find one that truly suits me. When I get my name, it will be my identity. I want it to be a good one. For now, my serial number is DFX-28. You may call me DFX, or some derivative thereof, or Twenty-Eight."


"Coool...." Aeo smiled when 28 finished.  Aeo then turned to Armita.  "It's not really all that powerful, mostly for looks and it can burn people.  But I got it from an adventuring group I had a few years back.  The mage in it decided that my mace was to boring and gave it some flavor.  He was a fun guy."  Aeo then turned towards the general store in the town.  "Wanna come help me get some supplies?" 


Tarson shrugged when DFX finished speaking and looked at the big guy.
"Glad I could help. It was either that or Siege. Tank sounded better"
Tarson then looked at DFX.
"DFX huh? Sounds kinda like Dex to me but I'll call yeah DFX until we figure out what ya name is"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The undead looked at the two constructs, DFX and Tank, and nodded. The undead thought of his answer Tarson's question. It took him a bit before he could remember. He muttered to himself,"How long has it been since I've given my name to someone? How long has it been since I've needed a name?"
Then, when he had recalled, he said "I had the name Alcir once. Yes, Alcir Dalstone. So you may call me Alcir."
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Aire curtsied respectfully to the baron, "your reward is generous my lord, but I do not need land.  I am a knight, my service is to the kingdom."

She curtsied again and followed the others outside.  The volunteers were gathering and discussing, a good sign that this lot were not amateurs like the last she had accompanied.

Without word to any of them, but a brief nod to Tarson, she turned a whistled towards the tavern.  A short distance away, a horse whinnied.  Galloping into view, the beast stopped short of the elf maiden and dipped his head in acknowledgment of the one who was master.

Aire placed her left hand on his forehead and with her right hand balled into a fist, touched her chest in acceptance of his vow.  Wordlessly, she drew the Light rifle from its saddle sheath and gave it a quick once over.

"We should move when you are all ready."   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson looks at Alcir as he spoke.
"Sounds like you haven't talked with people in a while there, Alcir"
Tarson nodded back to the elf maiden in armor. He stood in silence as the horse came up. He smile when she finished speaking then looked at the group.
"You heard the lady. Aeo get your supplies and get back here quick as you can. I think we're everyone that was planning on going. Don't know if that Mime is gonna be going"
Tarson looks at DFX.
"She give you any inclination she was coming along?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo almost freaked when he saw the elf girl.  She was most definitely the source of the light magic he felt and now he was face to face with it.  Although he had to admit she was exceptionally easy on the eyes.  "Right Tarson, I'll be right back." 

With that Aeo ran off and found the store.  He entered cautiously and asked the store keep if any rations were being sold as well as canteens, he didn't bother to ask about bandages and such since there was an obvious light magic user   that was seemingly joining them that and he was more than likely going to be out of money after this trip.


The Mime holds up one finger toward the monkey, and sprints outside, where she pulls gently on the golem's arm.

As he leans over, she stretches up to whisper something into his ear, the whirls, and runs back into the building, where she takes the monkey's arm and nods, solemnly.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber