Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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Tarson looked at the entrainer.
"Then you wouldn't mind if the father and authorities where to search you camp then? I'm not trying to be a jerk here but this man *points to the farmer with his human hand* is cleanly freaking out that is daughter is missing and thinks she joined with you"
Tarson then looked at the father.
"You, what does you daughter look like and where did you last see her? At your house, in the town, where"
Tarson slowly lowered his right arm and looked at the two standing before him. He seemed to have turned from crowd control to mediator fairly quickly. He then turned to the entertainer.
"I'm not saying you did take her but it might be easier to show him your camp where you guys are staying for him to see for himself that his daughter isn't be there. Also she may be there without you knowing it"
Tarson's voice seemed to almost have a softness to it while he spoke to the two. Although he did keep his right arm in between the two to make sure they didn't try and start it up again.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The Entertainer meet Tarson's gaze. "The town officials are going to end up search our caravan anyway, just to tax whatever we made. It makes life easier and faster for us, so be my guest. But you won't find her. Whoever she is, I doubt we have her. And, even if we do, it's not as if we 'stole' her. She is free to come and go as she pleases, as is anyone that joins our caravan."
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson shook his head at the Entertainer.
"I'm not saying you stole her. Her father said that. If she is there he can talk to her and find out what's going on. I'm not passing judgement. There is just no need for this fighting *looks at the father* I just want this stuff figured out. *Then looks back at the entertainer* I tell you what. Instead of the authorities how about I come with you and the father and we'll see if she is there"
Tarson then looked at the father.
"If she is no flying off on the handle at her. That will just make things worse. Depending on her age it's her decision, how old is she by the way. Also what does she look like"
He then looked from one to the other.
"Now if you both agree to that we can leave now. I would like to be back in time for the town meeting"
Tarson waiting for the two's answer by it was clear he wanted to get moving.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


As the fight in the town square breaks up, the bell on the town hall begins to ring. A couple of town guards circulate, telling everyone that the town meeting will begin in an hour's time. From the conversations around the square, it sounds like this meeting just might be standing room only.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Small swirls of differing temperature currents drifted about in her glass.  A fine tea is savored, but not so long as to go cold.  Thoughts once again drifted to contemplation of mimes, but she was quickly roused from her daydream by the commotion outside.

Through the tavern and out into the street she went, but by the time she had reached the site of altercation, the ruckus had broken up.  She had missed Tarson's handling of the issue and was somewhat perplexed.

Approaching a town guard, the faerie elven dame posed a question, "What happened here guardsman?  Nothing too troublesome I hope?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


While the figure waited for the bread for his meals, he watched the spectacle outside involving the stone-enchanced human, who had called himself "Tarson," and the other two, he quarled with himself over whether he should follow Tarson to the caravan's camp or if that would take too much time and make him miss the town meeting that was fast approaching.
"I can not miss that meeting. It could be my chance at getting a successful run with this heroing business. At the same time, I might be able with that daughter situation. That would be somewhat herioc, if minor. But it would help establish me as good, caring Undead-" Then he saw that Tiefling warlock help an injured young townsperson. That would allow him to make the meeting and do a heroic deed.
As soon as his server arrived, he paid her and slipped a slice of the bread into his pack. That business done, he went over to the Tiefling and said, "Hello. Is there some way I can help you with this child, Tiefling?"
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Aeo scrunched his nose as he heard the voice ask if the boy needed help.

"I dunno I just followed my new half stone buddy out here and found him lying on the ground.  Looks like he took a few good punches though."  Aeo sighed as he bit some his jerky and looked the young man over.  "Yo buddy, wake up!"  He was now face to face with the young man.


Enigma walked among the people listening to there conversations where he could do so unobserved. there was time before the town meeting and that meant time to find out what was going on. after all town meeting were not called all the time. Something had either happened or was happening in this town and that meant opportunity. perhaps he could sell some good wears to this people if they meet the right price. for now he would watch the half stone man and the guy trying to wake him up. There was surely something more to this then he had seen.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Armita looked his surroundings. The ground was covered with bloody flesh and bones so tightly that it could have very well be made out of it. Huge spires made out from skulls and bones tried to reach the sky where ever he turned his head. Everything was illuminated by eerie light that seemed to come from nowhere. This was a mindscape. His own mindscape. He knew the place well. The only seemingly living things, besides himself, were the thousand and thousands of crows that covered the sky. They did not fly, but just howered cloud like, uninterested about anything.
"You could have killed them, you know." A skull few meters away from Armita spoke to him. "You wouldn't need to take that crap from anyone." It continued with a crude grin on what used to be it's face.
"These people don't deserve death. They are just scared and tired. I just want to help them."
"Everyone deserves to die. Life itself is a sin that..."
"SHUT UP! I have no reason to kill anyone just be cause you think they are wrong!"
"Is that what you honestly think?" Asked another skull from a different direction.
"The people are greedy, thin-skinned, weaklings, who care no one but their own kind. You are strong, for you control the dead and entities tied to death. It is time to end your childish play and embrace the way of necromancy...
"No. I am not a necromancer. I am a battle mage! You hear me! I will do by my own will NOT YOURS!!"

Armita came to. Before him, at very close range, one might say, he saw a red headed face with a pair of sharp ears and a pair of horns.
"Great plague! A demon in a flesh!" he spoke out loud. For a moment of thought, he realized that this was no demon, but a Tiefling. Armita had heard such creatures only in tales and they were rarely spoken with kindness. A quick glare around him told that the fight was already over. Had he been knocked out cold? The to locals were nowhere to be seen. A large man was speaking with the townsman and the other fellow who he had been fighting with. There was something strange with this character. Almost as if we wasn't fully alive. Before he could draw any certain conclusions, something else caught his awareness. An undead. Behind the tiefling, by a some sort of tavern.


As the townspeople slowly start filling into the town hall and milling about, there is a trumpet blast from another part of the town. The sound of horses can be heard. From his manor, the baron rides into town, with four guards. They go around to the rear of the town hall and enter through a back entrance.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

At the sound of the trumpet blast from outside, the monkeys all look up, then finish their beers, and swipe the replacement bowl of nuts the barmaid left, before vanishing into the depths of the box.

Mere moments later, when everyone is looking the other way, Bocks is gone, and instead, is inside the town hall, at one end of the stage, acting as a step onto the area where the podium is set up.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Standing in the back of the hall Enigma waited. he'd not learned even half of what he wanted before the meet though he'd seen some interesting characters. including a group of monkeys that seemed to live in an imaginary crate of some kind. at first he'd thong it a trick but the crate seemed to be something more then it appeared. perhaps he could acquire it for himself somehow.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo's face faltered slightly.  Tiefling was acceptable, horn boy or goat guy he could tolerate, but no tiefling liked being called a demon unless they were a complete sadist.  Which he was most definitetly not. 

"Kind of uncalled for there, don't ya think?" Aeo said, his voice spattered with a shade of annoyance and some anger.  He then stood up and offered the young man his hand.  "Name's Aeo, you ok?"


Tarson walked up next to Aeo with the hood on his sweatshirt up and his hands in the pouch of his sweatshirt. He doesn't look at him or anything just walks up next to him while he his help the young man on the ground.
"What'd I miss?"
Tarson then looked over at the town hall.
"Looks likes the meeting is about to start"
Tarson then looked at the people around Aeo then back at Aeo.
"Made some new friends I see?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   The composite golem inside the bar heard the town bell ring, and guards go around to announce a 'town meeting'. He had never attended one, of course, so he thought it might be interesting. "I'll be right back," he said to the mime. He then walked to the door outside and stepped out for a moment. "I'll be gone a little longer." he said to the massive golem-like thing outside. It merely grunted in acknowledgement.
   The smaller one then went back into the bar, to the mime. "Shall we?" He asked, pointing towards the town hall.


The way that the human child had stared at the undead unnerved him slightly,though he was unsure why. The time till the town meeting was quickly falling, but with the arrival of this Tarson, the undead decided that he should say hello. After all, if Tarson and the tiefling, Aeo was it?, both of which were seemed somewhat heroically inclined, were indeed friends, then he should allign himself with these two. "Hello sir. I noticed your friend helping this young human, so I offered my aid to him."
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


After speaking with the town guard, Aire figured the issue had been taken care of. 

"Thank you guardsman, have a pleasant day."  Aire's voice had taken on the lilt of tingling bells, as she turned from the guard the town bell tolled and a trumpet sounded.

Making all due haste, she slipped into the town meeting hall and took a seat up close.  Her movement and presence were hard to discern from the hustle and bustle of the hall and she found that the old woman she had taken a seat next to seemed to be surprised to find her sitting there.  The surprise turned to barely concealed disgust as the woman's narrow stare found her pointed ears and unusual colored hair.

Not everyone appreciated elves, especially those of faerie blood.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"I... what?" Started Armita. The care that Aeon showed to him was perhaps the more shocking that his appearance. "Oh, thanks. Just few bruises.I've been through worst. Didn't mean to offend you. You just surprised me, that's all. I'm sorry but I don't have anything valuable with me." Armita picked his old spear from the ground and continued. "I'm Armita Zhelion, a battle mage and a deffender of the people." While talking, he measured two men that had next to him and Aeon. The other one was a tall man with his right hand made out from stone and nearly half of his face too. Armita didn't know what to think of him. This man wasn't even completely alive. But the other stranger in a dark robe arose his curiosity. He was clearly undead, there was no questioning of that, for Armita had spend more time with the kinds of him than with the living.

"Oh! the meeting!"


Tarson shook his head under his hood.
"Ah good to know"
Tarson's tone was rather flat, almost as it he didn't really care. Tarson started to slip into the crowd in front of them.
"Time for the meeting. I assume that's what you two are here for"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo just smiled.  "No problem kiddo."  Then the town meeting started with the not so distant trumpet blast called the meeting to order.  "Ohh..."  Aeo groaned.  "I'm gonna miss my meal, oh well adventure calls!"  Aeo unhooked his mace and touched the activation glyph that engulfed the weapon's head in flame and he sprinted quickly towards the building and then stopped.  He then quickly doused the flaming mace and hooked it back on his belt.

He could feel the creeping sense of light magic from the inside, a magic that usually drove most tieflings into itching or sneezing fits as they had an "allergy" to it.  Aeo was no exception and he moped until Tarson or Armita arrived.  He didn't want to enter with out at least one of them nearby, if only because they were more likely than anyone else in this town to stop a rabid light magic user from ripping him apart.


The mime smiles at the golem, nods her head, and skips beside him as they work their way toward the meeting.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


The undead watched Aeo's strange rush to the town hall in wonderment. Regardless, he needed to go to the town meeting himself, so he followed Tarson and answered him, "Yes, I am here for the meeting. That is where they'll discuss the monster attacks, correct?"

He looked back at the human child who had called himself Armita. The undead could barely believe that one son young was a hero, but why else would the child be interested in the town meeting? Something else about him troubled the undead, Armita said he was a battle-mage, but the undead doubted that for some reason. The child seemed to show signs of necromancy.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Tarson shrugged to undead's question.
"Iunno but that's where everyone is going"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"So..." Armita began "...Are you here to save this town as well?" The question was pointed to two hooded man in front of him. "The tiefling sure seems to be willing to help."


Inside the Town Hall:

"I all this meeting to order. Many of you know me, but, for the faces in the crowd that I don't recognize, I'm Elder Grayborn. Unless the Baron has nay objection, I'll be leading this meeting."

Those watching can see the Lord Shake his head, with a smile.

"Good, so let's begin. We're here to discuss the hiring or a hero or heroes to help rid our land of all the evil creatures that have been invading."

"One of them stole my cow," a farmer in the middle of the Hall shouted.

"Yes, Eric, we know. We watched it fly off with the cow, remember."

"It was a good cow," Eric said.

"Yes, well-"

"When I do get compensation for my cow. She was a good cow!"

"Heroes, folks. We need to hire heroes. Our resources aren't vast, but, from what we have, we've been able to pull together about a hundred quid. What we need are heroes, who I can only guess are out in the crowd. So... do we have any volunteers?"
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

The "step" spawns a monkey carrying a note, and then another one, which overtakes the first, halfway across the stage. The two get into a quick "discussion" over which of them gets to deliver the note, which rapidly devolves into an all-out screaming brawl, with the note on the stage next to them.

While the two of them are biting each other's ears, the orangutang rises from the step, and mournfully moves past the fracas, picking up the note and delivering it to the Lord, before returning to the brawl, reach into it and grabbing both monkeys by the head, and throwing them back into the box, and following them back into it.

The Lord reads the note, which says:
I bid one fifty.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Tarson yelled from near the door.
"What kind of creatures we talking about here?"
Tarson didn't make any moves towards the stage but simple leaned a bit against the wall by the door. He shook his head as the monkeys and orangutang took the stage.
He spoke more so to himself than to anyone else.
"Who needs a barrel it seems we have a box full of monkeys"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The elder reads the note, then looks up. "Well, we somehow have a bid of 150. I'm not sure who owns the monkeys, but we'll log your bid. If your bid is the lowest, we can discuss terms... once you reveal yourself.

"To answer the question from the back of room, we honestly don't know. We've seen goblins and ogres, and the occasional dragon... or at least, we thought they were dragons. Flying lizards that can breathe fire. But we just don't know if that's the worst of it, or if there's more."

"I think they're creatures sent from the heavens!" It was the same farmer again.

"Eric, why on Earth would creatures from the Heavens visit our town?"

"They took my cow!"

The elder rolls his eyes.

"Creatures love to steal cows..." Eric mumbles.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Once more, the box opens up and a monkey climbs out - alone, this time. It heads over to the elder and hands over another note, bows, and climbs back into the box.

The note reads:
Can we try staking out Eric to either drive them away, or attract them for easy disposal?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Aeo snuck in and stood quietly next to Tarson, purposely avoiding eye contact with anyone from the direction he sensed the light magic.  He didn't want to start anything accidental or not.  then he heard Tarson's comment and gave a light giggle.

"Good one." He smiled.

Then he drew attention to himself and asked.  "Hey do you know if there are any dark wizards or other such evil magic users?"  He realized how awkward the question would be to the others since it was coming from a tiefling and he blushed lightly.