Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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   DFX heard Tarson's question about the Mime, when she appeared by him, and whispered something to him when he leaned down.
  "I don't know if...a mime, you called her?...Will actually accompany us," He started, looking back to the audiorium she went back into, "But I think we shall encounter her again."
   He then looked back to Tarson. "As for supplies, I may be able to provide for some things..." DFX then took off the large pack (though proportionally normal to him), and set if on the ground. He opened up the main flap on it, and the other pockets.
   Inside the large main pack, the larges things were two large bars of slightly shaped metal, one iron, one steel, secured to each side of the pack. Secured around between them, there was a small slab of obsidian, and some plates of granite. In the middle, there were several short planks of darkwood, along with a large coil of some kind of composite fiber--the same kind, in fact, that made up Tank and DFX's innards. In the various-sized pockets around the pack, there were full pouchs of organic and inorganic material, some random minor crystals, bolts and rods of various metals (mostly iron and steel, again), and some leather canteens of various liquids (mostly various kinds of oil, nothing drinkable) and a variety of other small things. One of the large(r) side-pockets had a small stack of sheets of adamantine.
   "That is off-limits." DFX said as he opened that particular pocket. "It is excusively for repairing Tank, unless it is an emergency. But, if we are already in an emergency, I doubt I will have time do anything about it."
   There was not much else of note in the pack.


Tarson watched the mime whisper to DFX. He watched her go back to the town hall and then DFX said they may see her again.
"Oh boy, all I need a surprise visit from a mime"
He stood there watching as DFX pulled different types of metal and such out of his bag.
"Uh I think you can keep those DFX all we really need is food and water. I'm sure we can find some on the way anyway"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   "Oh..." DFX said. "In the case of fleshling foodstuffs, I cannot help." He packed everything back up and re-slung the ruksack over his back. Even though his face could show no emotion, DFX gave off a slightly...downcast demeanor.
   "But if you ever need anything in regards to equipment or weapon creation, maintenace, or repair, I am your construct. I also have some magical ability, and can enchant things from time-to-time, though it is quite difficult for me...I can also identify many things, magical or mundane."


the magic were peddled whom had followed the leader apparent out smiled. " can you now?" still even if he could identify it quality varied greatly among magical objects. "if so then i think we may be spend a good deal of time talking my patchwork friend"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

llearch n'n'daCorna

The pretentious prat leads the Mime across to the box, where he bids her (through sign language) to wait there a moment. He drops inside, and reappears a moment later with another note. He returns his elbow to the Mime, and  they proceed back across the room to Eric, where the monkey presents him with the note. Bowing, the two then return to the box, where the monkey hands the Mime into the box, follows, waves the aht at Eric, and pulls the lid shut.

Eric looks down at the note, opens it, and reads it:
Meet you at your farm. Don't forget to show us where the cow was.

When he looks up, the box is gone.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


"I do not particularly need to eat very often.  I have my own foodstuffs, but I doubt any of you would find it satisfying."

Aire opens a saddle bag and produces a pouch filled with small, square wafers.  "It is waybread."

She replaced the pouch within her saddle bag, ""I think it would be best if one of you collected some funds and purchased reasonable rations to suit the tastes of those that need it, or you may head off and purchase your own.  There is also, of course, hunting and foraging for those skilled in these areas."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The farm itself is a small, unassuming plot of land. It is, also, a cow farm, so small and unassuming, in cow farm terms, means large tracts with little on them, so that the cows can graze in decent style.

The main "complex" of the farm itself is a small house, (one bedroom plus kitchen/living/family/whatever room), a large barn for the cows to stay in at night, and also during milking times, and a smaller building off the back for slaughtering.

As it was nearly night out, the cows were home in the barn. Things were peaceful.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


As soon as Aeo finished paying for the rations he ran back to the group full speed ahead and he was pretty sure he just barely made it back.  "Ok, I got everyone some leather canteens and a small bag of jerky rations."  Aeo sighed.  "Unfortunately the better stuff was a bit out of my price range though." 

He then started to hand the rations out and stopped at the golems.  "I wasn't sure if you two would need anything but I did get you some small leathers of water."  He smiled as he paced the canteens around.


Tarson takes the canteen handed to him.
He then looks at the group gathered before him.
"Well I thik we're all here. We all ready to go?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Alcir said "Thank you" as he took the leather canteeen from Aeo, corked it, and put it on his belt. The water would keep his meals alive a bit longer than usual.
He turned to Tarson and replied, "Like I said, I am ready to leave."
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


   Though he has little need for it, DFX respectfully takes the canteen and places it in the rucksack on his back. If anything, he'll be holding it for someone else.
   "I too am prepared. Tank is as well."


Grelenstaad itself was built on an open area of land west of a river. It grew out of a trapping station that became a small port along the river. Once enough trappers and sailors took up residence, houses were built outside the station, taverns and shops followed. Soon enough, residents were coming for land, not trapping or selling, and the town took on less of a rustic outpost feel and became a real village.

Further west, away from the town and the river, lies open farm land that gives way to hills. The hills themselves stretch for miles before leading into the "Westward Range", an uncreatively named mountain range. It's not he biggest mountain range on the continent, but it's still a hard trek for any travelers unprepared to cross the mountains. It's rumored that there's a small dwarven empire in the mountains, but then, there's always rumors of a dwarven empire in any mountain range, so this is nothing unexpected.

Eastward, across the river in the opposite direction from the town, lies the remains of the old trappers outpost, and futher still, more farm land, this time bordered by "Crescent Lake". The kale isn't actually in the shape of a crescent at all. Instead, it's named after the story of the first baron of the town and his wife, who fell in love underneath the crescent moon on shore of the lake.

Northward from the town stretches the river which leads into "Black Lake", a Lake deep enough that no land breather has managed to swim to the bottom. Allegedly, even the merfolk that live in that lake are unable to reach bottom, instead making their home in the cliffs that make up the sides of the deep lake.

Southward, the farmlands and river lead into the "Eight Trees Forest". The forest is actually more than eight trees, of course, but it gets its name from a circle of eight trees that used to exist at the "entrance" of the forest, where the river first met the trees. Of course, that was over a hundred years ago, and the Eight Trees have since been cut down , along with a good portion of the original forest, for wood and farmland.

The Eight Trees Forest, although smaller than it used to be on a side, is still a large, forbidding forest that few, besides the trappers that still reside in the town, have really penetrated. Those that have managed to navigate its depths have spoken of the hills and the mountains beyond. These are not part of the Westward Ranger, but are the "Demon Tusks", a supposedly cursed mountain range where ghosts and ghouls live. Of course, most of that has to be rumor and fairy tales...
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Aire swings up into the saddle with a slight grunt for effort.  It is quite the feat to lift one's self into the saddle when wearing plate armor and she did so in one smooth action.

"Let us be off."

The elven knight walked her horse down the path aways, she was using a slow pace to allow for those without animal transportation.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Armita didn't like the elf. Not that her or his appearence was unatractive, but the feeling she/he (Armita was honestly confused which gender this person really was, and didn't dare to ask. That'd be rude) gave to him was a bit scary. Like spitting into a campfire. Armita too took the canteen that Aeon handed out. "Thanks."
He checked his spear. It's blade was notched from few places, but hopefully he wouldn't need to use it at all. "Yeah, let's." He replied to the elf's words.


Tarson pulled the hood on his shirt up over his head and placed his hands in the pouch. He didn'y say anything he just started walking. He gave Aeo a sideways look then jerked his head in the direction of Aire. He did seem to have a slight smile in the shadow of his hood as he walked behind the horse.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo was quick to keep pace and he had to admit to himself that Tarson was a shade faster walker than himself.  Then his mind started to wander as he eyes his new companions. 

"Hey... now this isn't right." He thought to himself as the journey started. "I've got just about everyone's name except the elf although given my penchant to tick of users of light magic it's probably best I not bother her..."  Then started to walk backwards and would occasionally turn his head to catch any obstacles in his way.

"Hey, Armita was it; you think you'll be ok?  You look a bit nervous." Aeo asked.


Enigma decides to tag along walking behind Aeo. who knew their might be some profit in it and he could use so good vibe among the people. it's easier to sell to people when they felt indebted to you was something he learned a while back when of of his back firing charms  stopped a raid on a village.  the villagers were so good to him that he only sold the best of his lot to them which consisted of two fairly good charms who's worth was greater then what he sold them for but he made up the difference by relieved tom of some less then stellar charms that he sold off to a different village.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Hmmm? Oh I'm fine" Armita replied to Aeo. "....just fine." He kept his eyes fixed on the elf.


Aeo saw Armita's eyes and trailed them to the elf.  He mentally shivered.

"So the kid has a crush on the elf girl huh?" Aeo thought to himself as he rubbed his chin.  He forgot to look over his shoulder and quickly tripped over his own feet, but quickly got back up without a word or even a sheepish grin.  Then he dropped back to walk with Armita.  The elf girl may have creeped him out, but so far she hadn't even taken much notice of his "unique" heritage.  So he decided this time he was gonna use the years of lechery he'd lived to help out someone else; if only because the kid seemed so helpless to him.

"Elf girl's grabbed your interest?" Aeo whispered to Armita with an intrigued smile.  "Careful, I hear they're high maintenance." 


"WHAT?" Armita said bit too loud. He quickly lowered his voice. "No, nothing like that. I couldn't even that that she was a girl. The elves look all the same to me."
"It's just that I get this uncomfortable feeling when she speaks." he continued. "As if a noose around neck would start bitting your neck."
A single crow landed on Armita's shoulder. A couple of more were on sky.
"Listen. I... I can sense the death on people. It can be found on everyone of us, even from a child that has just escaped from her mother womb. It's like a shadow that's chained into us. But this elf. It is almost as there's no trace of death on her. To her, it is like a single leaf on a huge oak."
*sigh* Armita looked at the crow, which just stood there idly.
"It's probably nothing. She's just masking it or something."


"Oh, so she creeps you out too?" Aeo whispered a laugh.  "Oh well at least I know it's because of the demon blood in my veins.  Hmmm, maybe it's the light magic..."  Aeo then quieted and thought on it.


"light.....magic?" From what he had read from his spell book, nearly all of the magic was based on so called 'colors'. Water versus fire. Earth versus air. Light versus Dark. The text offerend multiple explanation of why these colors were to oppose each other, but missed any genuine truth. The concept did, however, let it know that the counterparts didn't too well with each other. The book also told him that most of his spells were from the dark domain and few from earth domain. Many times he had had an aura of darkness and dread around him, but only when casting a familiar spell.
"light magic" he though.

Armita scratched his head.
"She doesn't look like a magic user. Does she?" He replied to Aeo. "More like a knight, with that armor and weapons."


"Heh, I've run into a few magic users that don't fit the typical image."  Aeo smiled.  "More often than not they have minimal spell usage, but I can feel the light when I get near her.  Part of the reason I dropped a bit back with you." 


Tarson looked over his shoulder and looked at Aeo and Armita talking and shook his head. Then he spoke rather loudly.
"Now now you two, no fighting on who gets to ask the lovely lady out on a date. We haven't even started this little excursion. Worry about that when we get back"
Tarson looks over at DFX and shrugs a bit while walking.
"Crazy kids"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   DFX just looked dispassionately at Tarson at the 'crazy kids' comment. Not that his face couldn't show any emotion anyway...
   "I wouldn't know." He said. "Excluding our father, Tank and I have had very limited contact with any fleshling beings. The contact that we have had is...rather unpleasant, abrupt, and very short."


Tarson nods his head at DFX and then looks forward again.
"I know how that goes"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo chuckled as he tried to light the mood 28 and Tarson had suddenly made, "You know despite the horns and unholy lineage thing, I don't think I've ever been run out of a town.  At least not for being different.  Getting to know the innkeepers daughter a bit too well...  well that might have something to do with why I usually get run out of towns."


   Despite being unable to show emotion, DFX/Twenty-Eight somehow looked at Aeo with a quizzical look.
   "What do you mean by knowing the inkeepers daughter? Why is knowing someone a bad thing?"


Aeo blinked.  "Oh right, golem..."  He rubbed his chin for a second before coming up with what he thought would be a good answer.  "Basically, the methods of procreation for us fleshy beings can be used as recreation and fathers aren't to keen on their daughters doing that with just any guy.  Especially tieflings."  The last sentence had an edge of bitterness laced into it, as if a past experience was intertwined with it.


Aire wished for a helmet to hide her face, for the hints of crushes, even if in jest, and comment of her being a lovely lady caused her face to flush.  Up until this point she had only evaluated her new companions based on tactical analysis and a small amount of aura perception.

It was not until this small amount of banter that she realized she was alone on the trail with a bunch of males.  She shook her head and pushed those thoughts out, they deserved the benefit of trust until such a point where it is broken.  She listened quietly until where the discussion turned towards issues of race and magic.

"It is not one's heritage that makes one evil or good, but what is carried within one's heart and laid bare through actions.

The elven lady turned halfway in her saddle, "as for magic, I am indeed a user of light magic, but I am no paladin."  She briefly regarded Armita and Aeo, "dark magic or the blood of infernals does not matter, I judge actions over such things."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"