Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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Even if Armita had walked whole day, and the previous two days before this one, he could still give a smile to a total stranger.
"Oh. I'm Armita. Armita Zhelion. A wandering battle mage, trying to do his share of protecting the people."
Looked like the knight with a pink hair offered to act as a diplomat. Armita sighed out of relief. Talking with people, much less asking the a favour that he was unlikely to return, wasn't really his area of expertise.
"Many of us sure seem to be magic users" Armita continued his conversation with Enigma. "I don't think I've ever seen this many mages in a one place. Not tearing each other into tiny bits with their spells that is."


"Where do you hang out?" Aeo chuckled when he heard Armita.  "I've adventured with plenty of other magic users and the only ones who ever gave me flak where the clerics and paladins and other light casters."  The he looked over his shoulder at the guy, Enigma, who he didn't remember seeing at the meeting.   He hoped this guy would be useful along the journey, and not try to charge the group for items they might need to survive. 

He sighed to himself and then looked forward again as he pulled out his mace and ignited it.  He wanted to have it out if they didn't find a place to rest by sundown.  Plus the closer he got to the forest the creepier it seemed.


"Hang out?" At first, Aeo's question brought a hangman's noose into his mind, but after realizing how abstract it would make meaning of the question.
"Uuumm.... Somewhere very cold.....?" Armita replied to Aeo, with a very unsure look on his face. "It's just there aren't many adventurers where I come from. In the there, if you're good at fighting, you're almost always recruited into one of the military organisations."


Tarson looked back at the group.
"Don't be includeing me as a magic user. I don't know the first thing about magic. Far as I know"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Oh? and yet you're the only one of us that has done the most magical thing so far, with that hand of yours. You casted some sort of lightning spell, yes? I still remember the sound of a thunder." Armita replied. Yet another crow landed on his left shoulder. If he would've spread his arms, he might've look like a scarecrow.


Tarson rolled up his sleeve on his right arm to reveal ruins carved into his stone arm.
"I use the ruins on my arm to channel the lighting. I wouldn't say I'm actually casting anything. I have no idea how those ruins work so I stand by my statement"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aire twirled a lock of her hair as she walked, a nervous habit of hers she had yet to break.  She decided to add a few comments to the conversation about magic, "I wield light magic, but I am not a dedicated sorcerer or mage.  I seem to fit more in line with paladins or clerics, but do not expect powerful healing or protection magics."

Aire drew her rifle from its sheath on her horse's saddle, "my order focuses on the esoteric damaging magics contained within light magic.  I focus it through this weapon, a dragon carbine, as opposed to paladins which favor swords and lances."

Aire eyed the runes intently, "yes, these are most definitely highly enchanted.  My dragon guns, and my sword have similar runes, though pertaining to light magic.  They alone do not make you a caster of magic, but a wielder of magic, you need not have any knowledge in the arts to use it, though it helps."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   DFX listened with interest on the discussion of magic. The part-fleshling Tarson's non-fleshling arm had magic runes carved into it. DFX could barely tell anything from the brief glance Tarson gave the group, except that the style of the runes seemed to indicate something to do with lightning. No doubt it was heavily enchanted, not just with lightning but probably the spells that attach the stone arm to the fleshling body and operate.
   The paladin-fleshling indicated that her magic was strongly light-aligned, but she did not 'cast' magic either. She showcased a strange pole-like device, and explained that it was enchanted with light-based blasting magic. DFX made a mental note to get a good look at the device at a later date. It was probably some kind of offshoot of a staff or scepter.
   The smaller composite construct decided to pitch in what he knew. "Whenever I bother to, I am a caster of magic, mainly. If you were to categorize it according to the traditional Affinities, my magic would fall under mostly Earth and Fire, with a little dabbling in the others. However, they way I use magic often make it difficult to see how they tie into the Affinities if you do not understand the mechanics involved. Observe."
   DFX then pulled several tools from the bandoliers and belts around him. They seemed rather small and leicate in his large hands. He looked at them for a moment, and then of their own accord, they slowly floated up, emitting soft glows. They danced around for a little as DFX looked at them. If you didn't know his metal face could not show emotions, you might think he was watching them with fondness. "The basic spell," he said, "Is rather easy to understand; this is mostly Air magic that makes them float. The difficulty however, arises when you must structure the spell, bind it to the tools, and then to your own mind. Yes, I am controlling these mentally. It requires...creative thinking to bend the magic properly to do things that superficially do not seem in any way related to a traditional Affinity. Often it also requires bringing multiple strings of magic from different Affinities, and weaving them together to create the magical tapestry you want. But that is for more complicated things. Myself and Tank, for example."
   DFX then plucked the enchanted tools out of the air, one by one, replacing them in his bandoliers. "However, my main focus of magic is in the mechanics of enchanting, and by extension and specialization, creation and repair of inanimate objects, as well as...things made of previously inanimate materials."
   Tank, who was walking behind DFX, suddenly spoke up. "I have no magic, save for that which makes me alive. I just do brute work." Tank hefted his greathammer as he spoke. "And I like it. It's what I was made to do. I leave the messing of magics to my brother."


As the stars appear and the moon begins to come out in full strength, the party does come upon a small vegetable farm. The lights are still on inside, although, considering the hours farmers usually have to run, they won't be on for much longer.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


The booming voice of Tank almost made Aeo dirty his pants.  It's not that it was loud, just unexpected as the large golem had said nothing for the longest time.  Aeo turned to the larger golem and smiled nervously, then he noticed the small house up ahead. 

"Hey, maybe we should ask if the owner there would be willing to let us camp out on the property." Aeo said, "Although I think maybe Aire should go up alone... seeing as most of use would prolly give anyone there a good scare."


"Atleast he'll have some protection for his farm for the night"
It didn't sound like Tarson was jokeing. It was clear he was serious. He then glanced at Aeo.
"If he has a daughter, no getting friendly with her"
No one could tell if he was joking or not. He didn't an edge to his voice, but he didn't have a joking tone either.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aire stepped to the gate of the walk leading to the front of the farmstead.  Turning towards the horse that followed her, she ran her hand along the mane as she gazed into his eyes, "<Caile, stay here and shield these companions as you would me.>*"

Her words were alike that of the tickling of silver bells and spring rain, the language quite alien.

The horse dipped its head in acknowledgment, "<yes mistress.>*"  It almost appeared as if the horse had spoken.

Aire turned and walked forward, opening the gate, she made no attempt to hide her presence and she brandished no weapon.  Where her footfalls and movement were normally non-existent, now she could be heard and he presence felt.  It was an unmistakable aura to those that had encountered paladins and their ilk, the feeling of peace and the aura of goodness.

She approached the house with determination and knocked respectfully on the door., "Good eve to ye honest folk of the land, I Lady Aireluin Silithiel, Dame of the Guardian Knights do ask a favor of ye.  Grant me and my companions shelter for the night."

*Denotes different language
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aeo heard Tarson loud and clear, but wasn't sure if the large man was joking.  It didn't really matter though as he pointed out; "Hey I won't start anything, but I can't help it if the ladies like my company."  His smile went from devilish to lecherous on .12 seconds and he could not stop the grining that accompanied his thoughts.


At the knocking on his door, the farmer answered it to find an elven knight at his door. Upon hearing her request, he said "of course, m'lady. You, a brave an noble warrior, are welcome in my home. My wife has already served dinner, but I think there might be some food leftover. I'll have her put aplate together and I'll see about getting you a room."

Then he paused. "Companions?"
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

In a quiet corner of a darkened field (Eric's field, naturally) the box appears, well away from the cows that are napping in a herd in the middle. It opens, and one monkey (with a black t-shirt wrapped around his head, black leggings, and a black shirt on - and a black ribbon tied around his tail) climbs stealthily out. He checks carefully for anyone around, then sidles through the shadows back to the box, where he reaches out one hand over the opening and performs a quick series of informative gestures.

Sadly, the effect is spoiled by the next monkey, who pokes a head up and eeks questioningly - and piercingly noisily - at the ninja.

With a brief glance upwards at the gods, for patience, the ninja tackles the other monkey back into the box, and the sounds of a pitched battle ensue.

In the meantime, the orangutang hands the Mime out, pats her gently on the shoulder, and vanishes back inside.

Moments later there are a couple of loud thuds, and the pitched battle stops, suddenly. Shortly thereafter, two much quieter monkeys climb out to help the Mime look around for clues.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


A sweat drop appeared on Aire's forehead as she smiled and laughed a bit guiltily, "Ah yes, companions."

Aire steps slightly to the side and gestures back towards the group, "we are adventurers hale and hearty... perhaps your barn will work."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson saw the farmer looking at them and Aira gestureing towars them. He waved at the farmer with his left hand. He waved at friendly as he could, and spoke out of the corner of his mouth.
"Look friendly guys the farmer is staring at us"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   The two constructs, being larger than anyone else in the party, were easily the most noticeable. And unfortunately, there really wasn't anything they could do to make themselves look friendly, with their static forms. On DFX's part though, it wasn't for lack of trying. Since he really couldn't make any facial expressions, he did the only thing he could do; he just let his metal jaw drop open. Obviously, this still doesn't look much better.
   Tank did nothing, except for stand around with his greathammer looking huge and fearsome. But to his credit, he really couldn't do much else.


Alcir pulled his hood down a bit farther and turned his head enough that the plate on his face wouldn't catch any light. He muttered to himself, "How 'friendly' can an undead in a black cloak look?" Regardless, he mimiced Tarson by waving his hand.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Armita drove the crows away from his shoulders and head (there were total five of them). Some people had said that the crows were an ill omen; vultures that had come to take their share of the dead and those of too weak to watch over their own. I didn't, however, took too long when another of the birds sat again on top of his head.


Aeo smiled and waved and tried to generally appear as friendly as he could.  He did however grit out from his forced smile this comment; "I bet he puts up demon wards because of me...."


The farmer stared for a bit. "Ah... are you here to take me the the afterlife?"

Then he shook his head. "I... I guess we have rook in the barn, yes. What the the disappearances of cows recently, I've not had many animals living in there. Now we just mostly grow small crops in hopes of squeaking by."

He sighed. "You can use the barn."

- - - - -

Elsewhere on another farm, this one suddenly populated by hominids and a white-faced entertainer, the quiet night settled and then got comfortable in the cool autumn air. The cows from the barn could be heard, gently mooing. A farmhouse, light darkened, stood off closer to the road.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Enigma was a bit taken back by the Farmers ease and acceptance of the party. still he was not willing to look a gift roof in the whatever. still this rook interested him but he'd worry about that later.  "i guess luck is with us tonight" Especially me he though as he reviews what he learned. he didn't have any rune books on him but that guys stone arm. the rune's on it looked familiar. he'd have to look them up when he had time as it might be useful. and many of these others used magical weapons more then cast spells. that meant that the could be potential costumers. of course he could prorate the prices a bit especially if his life depended on one of them using on of his items found or stocked but that could wait. right now he wanted to search the area and maybe sell the Farmer a few wards when they were ready to leave. he could make a few in an hour if need be.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo decided that since no one was making an immediate effort to be friendly to the nice guy who was lending them his barn (well besides Aire anyway), that he would try his best to be kind, but he wasn't sure how long he would last given the man's initial reaction.  Of course there was NO way he was staying in a barn.  Next to it maybe, but never in.

"Uh, excuse me sir." Aeo waved his hand to grab his attention (as if a tiefling in a bright red and yellow shirt wouldn't grab anyone's attention).  "Thanks for putting us up and all, but I think I'll camp out just by the barn.  Bad experiences with barns and barn tools and all."  He gave another sheepish smile.


"That's... fine." The man just trailed off and stared.

The barn itself was a large build (as barns tend to be), expansive, with the smell of many generations of cows having once lived there. Now, the space was rather empty, although some wooden bins for vegetables could be found in a corner.

The barn is two floors, with the second floor being much like an encompassing balcony, accessed by a ladder in the center of the building.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson stoud there until everyone one finished talking. He then looked at Aeo.
"I don't even want to know"
He then looked at the farmer.
"Be assured anything that is dumb enough to attack your farm tonight will be in for a very rude awakening"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Muttering under his breath Enigma says "that's an understatement if i ever heard one." aloud he said. " indeed good farmer and to show our gratitude i offer you this" enigma handed the farmer couple of leaves of pater. on one was written the word seal in and arcane language. on the other was written the word release. then were bother charged magically but they had only cost enigma the paper and the ink that he used. he hand worked nearly three hours to make the pair but that was fine he had dozens more and should the farmer use them he would undoubtly want to purchase more at a reasonable price.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   DFX listened to the verbal exchanges between some members of the group and the farmer. He didn't have anything to contribute until some started talking about the apparent 'security' of the farm this particular night. DFX decided to jump in at this point.
   "While it would seem that way," DFX began, "There is one flaw in this assertion; Fleshlings require a period of downtime when daylight is spent, during which you enter a state of null physical and cognitive activity. During this time, I've learned that most fleshlings are quite vulnerable and essentially helpless. Hypothetically, if this estate were to be invaded tonight, it would take time, however small, for all members to react and reach optimum operational capacity. An intelligent enemy would be swift to deprive you of that time.
   "Being artificial construct entities, Tank and I do not require such time. Technically I do have a process remarkably similar to yours, but I require it only after I have used significant magic; I must recharge my ability to cast. I have not used magic recently, so I do not require this now. We shall patrol the perimeter of this estate during the current solar cycle of null-light. If an intruder is detected, we shall raise an alarm. However, the probability of such an intruder is very unlikely-" CLANG, whump, clatter!
   Tank was all too familiar with his brother's rambling, and he finally decided he had enough. Raising his huge heavy left fist behind DFX, Tank swung it forward, slamming into the back of DFX's head mid-speech and knocking the three-foot-shorter composite construct to a sprawled face-down position on the ground, his tools and the contents of his massive rucksack spilling around the ground.
   "What my brother is having a hard time saying," Tank took up with his huge deep voice, "Is that you sleep, we don't, and so we have nothing better to do than walk around in circles all night because we won't be moving on until morning."
   In the meantime, DFX had gotten up and was now busy collecting all his tools and materials and putting them back on his person. He seemed to give off a rather peeved demeanor, for a construct.


The elven lady bowed respectfully and apologetically as the man's reaction to her companions was not as welcoming as she would have hoped.

"I beg your forgiveness good sir, but I did not wish to alarm you or deceive you.  These folk travel with me on our quest and I can say that they are not to be feared if thy intentions are good."

Bowing again, she excused herself and accompanied the others to the barn.

"Those of you that require it should sleep and eat, depending on what we find in the next few days, this luxury may not again be available."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aeo chuckled at Tarson's comment and replied, "I've got stories that's for sure..."  A few seconds later his own yawning reminded him of his need for sleep.  "And now I'm gonna go stretch out in front of our camp for the night  and maybe pass out from exhaustion."

Aeo did indeed set up a small area for him to rest right outside the barn.  He also gathered a few sticks, some straw and rocks to make a small fire for himself.  He then sat before the small mound and whispered the darks words that brought forth a small dancing purple flame, the coloring came from it's infernal source, and he then commanded it forward to ignite the small campfire which briefly plumed a bright purple before dying down to a normal red.  He then sat his pack against the side of the barn and laid his head to rest on it in hopes of getting some sleep.