Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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   The smaller of the two huge artificial people noticed the costumed woman trying to get his attention. She then proceeded to make several gestures that, at first, the artificial humanoid could not make heads nor tails of, having never seen anything like this form of communication. As she walked towards a bar, and the composite thing repeatedly processed the gestures in his magical mind, he suddenly got what she's trying to to communicate.
   Before he could follow, a raggled man walked up to the costumed woman and spoke to her in broken speech. She promptly whisked him away, but then he approached the artificial humanoid, and said something about an ingot of iron for money.
   "Um...no, thank you. I already have some iron. Thank you for the offer, though." He said, looking down at the man from at least a good foot above his head. He then quickly turned and called to the truly massive humanoid with the greathammer behind him to follow. The smaller one walked around the ragged man, and towards the costumed woman.


The figure turned and looked Aeo square in the face. With his right eye socket being made out of stone and his right eye being just a red pupil. He raised his right hand which was also made of stone.
"Baid bait no sorry, I think you got the wrong guy. Bards usually stay away from me. If you gonna help this town then I guess we'll work together. My name is Tarson Hunter"
Tarson went back to looking out the window and saw two metal golems standing outside "talking" with a mime, and it looked like they where  gonna be coming into the bar.
"Great just what this places needs. Mimes"
Tarson then looked back at Aeo.
"Don't go thinking I'm a hero or something. I'm just helping cause I got nothing else to do and this will give me some exercise"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Cedric started walking around the bar, giving out autographs. He settled at the bar after a little while, striking up a conversation with a rather comely young lass. Paul, meanwhile, sipped from a fresh mug of ale.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Aeo was about to respond when he looked out and saw the two large golem like creatures. 

"Well... um... sorry about the bard bait thing then..."  Aeo tried to continue talking, but his attention was continually diverted.  "Man that big one looks like he could plow me through the floor boards."  He shook the thoughts off.  "Anyway, I'm always looking for an adventure and helping out here turned out to be my next one."  Aeo smiled as the barmaid caught his attention with his order at his old seat.  "You don't mind if I sit and eat here, do you?"


The Mime and her two new acquaintances arrive at the door to the Drunken Dragon, where she pauses to look the two over.

Biting her lip, she considers her options.  Finally, she points to the door, and then to the larger of the two creatures, and puts her hands up with a confused look on her face.

She then waits for the smaller of the two creatures to speak.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


The barmaid returns with a glass of honey wine and a small kettle of tea, Aire smiled slightly and made note not to give the lass a multiple choice order again.

The tossing of the drunk was a nice bit of amusement and she nodded approvingly.

In all the conversation, she managed to catch one about a power man with an infected boil.  She stood quickly, quite the feat for someone in plate armor, and crossed the short distance to the table where two men sat.  One was about to rub an unhealthy amount of dirt on a festering wound of a boil when Aire ceased the man's hand.

"Hold young master, dirt will only cause more harm, let me."

Expending a small amount of light magic, Aire healed the man's ailment without much effort.

"There you are, next time was the area with clean water and apply a hot compress..."

The faerie elf would have continued, but her pointy ears perked up at the mention of the word Mime.

"Oh a mime!  They are masters of the difficult and somewhat forbidden spatial magics and arts.  They are fabulous!"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Again, the smaller of the two was temproarily confused by the mute woman. However, even though he had never seen comunication like this, he was catching on quickly.
   "Oh, him?" He said, pointing at the massive one behind him. "Oh, he doesn't go into most buildings, as you can see, he's often taller than the roof itself. He usually waits outside. Don't worry, he doesn't mind." The humongous one made no noise or movements, almost like a statue. His red light-eyes seemed totally focused.
   "Anyway, shall we enter the establishment?"
   The smaller one, but still much bigger than anyone else around, ducked a little and pushed the door to the bar open to a nice ruckus of merry chattering and music. However, even though his appearence in the town seemed to go unnoticed, thanks to the performers, his far from unobtrusive entry into the bar was certain to at least cause one of those sudden and complete silences.


The mime slips into the bar behind her unconventional companion.  Noting the awkward silence, she pulls out some small beanbags and juggles for a few moments, stealing and returning the odd bits of silverwear, jewelry, hats, and other assorted knick nacks for the (hopeful) amusement of the crowd.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to wander, she studies the patrons of the bar, then finishes her act, bowing with a florish, and sits down at a table near the metal golem, gives him a wink and a smile, and offers him a seat.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


The bar does quiet some as the golem enters. However, when it appears as though there's nothing interesting going to come of it entering the bar, everyone goes back to their conversations.

Cedric tips the mime 15p, and whispers a mention of an late night interlude, should she be interested.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson gestured his hand from Aeo to the table.
"Do what you like. Not my bar"

Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   The large golem-like thing stood around as he watched the infinitely odd woman do some more performances around the bar, before settling at a nearby table. The artificial humanoid walked over to the table, and leaned over it. "Thank you very much, but I don't need to sit. Most chairs that aren't metal can't hold my weight anyway." He said.
   One of the bar windows was completely filled by a huge metal head looking in from the outside.


"Thanks."  Aeo said as he rushed back over to his table and took his meal from the serving girl and quickly came back and sat down.  "So Tarson,  I've only heard some rumors so far, but I keep hearing things about goblins and other such beasties roaming around.  How about you, you hear anything besides that?"  He chewed on his jerky while he listened for Tarson's response and watched the lady mime and the golem. 


Tarson just shook his head.
"I just heard there was a town under attack near where I was so I figure I would come this way. I'm sure we'll find out all the info we need at the meeting"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

llearch n'n'daCorna

In the same dark corner again, Bocks appears, and the monkeys collar a table (literally - they have a collar with a label saying "ours" on it, and they've attached it around the table leg) to collect beers and chat around.

One of the monkeys (the pretentious prat, again) notices the Mime across the bar, and nudges the others, pointing and chattering. One of the others leaves his beer (which promptly gets downed by one of the ones left around the table) and goes back inside the box, coming back with another piece of paper, which he takes across the bar to the Mime, by the simple effort of leaping up into the rafters and scampering across. Once he reaches the Mime, he hangs down from the rafters by his tail in front of her, and hands her the folded paper. Once she takes it, he bows (upside down, of course) and scampers back across to his table.

... Where he promptly goes into a screaming rage fit over his now empty glass, and grabs the two nearest monkeys (neither of whom had anything to do with it) by the head, all three toppling back into the box...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


   The large golem-like person leaning over the table watched curiously as another one of those monkeys hung down from the rafters and delivered yet another slip of paper to the costumed woman. He watched the moneky on it's way back to the source and, sure enough, there was that wooden box again, swarming with monkeys.
   "Where does that thing keep coming from?"

llearch n'n'daCorna

A monkey pops up out of the box with another folded paper, and does the rafter trick, this time dropping down in front of the large golem.

It hands the note to him, then grabs his head in both hands, and both feet, and plants a big wet sloppy kiss on the golem's face. It pulls back, gazes at the effect for a moment, then screeches happily and let the head go, and scampers back to the box, vanishing back inside.

When the golem gets a chance to read the note, it says:
Wouldn't you like to know.
... and has a little smiley face and a tree drawn on it.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


The Mime reads her note, turns, and gives a thumbs-up in the general direction of the monkey madness.  She then flags down the barmaid, hands her some coin, and motions a round of drinks for the primates.  She then settles in to watch and listen while the assembled crew waits for the town meeting.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

llearch n'n'daCorna

The monkeys all cheer for the Mime, raise their glasses, and empty them. As the barmaid delivers the new round, a rather large pair of hands rises out of the box, grabs two of the monkeys by the head, and yanks them back inside, then reappears, followed by the sad-looking face of an orangutang.

The orangutang smiles at the barmaid, and empties each of the glasses before stealing the bowl of peanuts from the table and folding neatly backwards, falling into the box. The five monkeys appear, scream about the empty glasses, and one of them gets thrown back, with some force, into the box to get another note, and some more cash, for another round.

Fortunately, this one is left alone by the orangutang, although every so often a peanut shell flies out of the box and drops into one of the monkey's drinks...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Aire stared dreamily at the mime, watching her every move.  It could be considered a bit creepy, especially since she appears to be blushing a bit.

The elf shakes herself out of whatever she happened to be pondering about mimes and focuses instead on honey wine and her tea.  Hopefully this meeting would begin soon, her horse might be tied up in a fire lane.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   When the monkey attached itself to the composite golem's head and planted a huge slobbery kiss, the humanoid was truely and totally at a loss for a reaction. Never had anything even remotely close this happened before! The golem-like thing just stood there in something akin to shock as the monkey left a note and swung away. Eventually, one of the thing's hands reache down and tugged a polishing cloth out of one of the pockets on his many belts, and began to wipe himself off.
  "Ah...I...do not believe I like things that try to make my face rust off." He said, whether to the mime or himself was unknown. He looked down and read the message the monkey had left him.
  "Not anymore." If his face could show expression, his mouth would probably be a grim slash.


As the sun slowly slid down toward the horizon, a dark figure walked down the road. The figure was cloaked in a deeply black robe, with a hood that hid most of the figure's face. The pack on it's back occasionally squelled or swung randomly. It was a normal height for humans, but it smelled like a corpse. It was talking in a loud male voice, even though no one was around for miles. "It'll be night soon. I think that the town is nearby though, if that map was right. Good thing I ate this afternoon. Still, I'm a bit worried that this will turn out like last time."

Once he reached the gate, he noticed a grumpled piece of paper. Picking it up, he straightened and read about a town meeting taking place this night. "Good, this is the right town and I made it here in time," he said. The large cavaran in the streets held the people's attention, and even those who saw him didn't react beyond a slight turn of the head. Even so, he pulled his hood farther over his face, both to hide his eye and the metal plate bolted to the right side of his face. He saw that a certain tavern was getting quite a bit of business. He noticed a mamonth golem of some sort, sitting outside that same tavern. "That place seems a good place to wait till the meeting."

He entered and looked around. On the stage, a show was taking place but the interesting characters were in the crowd. Another of those golems though this one was smaller was talking to a mime, a muscle bound human with a stone arm next to a looked like a warlock, a paladin or was that a dragoon, and several chittering monkeys hovering around a box or messing with the patrons. "These must be the heros who heard the summons. Interesting." He finally sat near the door and when the waitress came to him, he requested only some plain bread.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


The Mime pats the golem's hand reassuringly and smiles.

She then shoots a sidelong glance at the elf creature across the room that seems to be drooling in her general direction, estimating the amount of time she would have for a getaway.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


On stage at the Drunken Dragon, a new puppet act takes the stage: Claudia and Isabella, Magic Marionettes. Cedric, of course, has a seat right up by the stage, watching the show dreamily.


Outside the tavern, for any that are aware, a small ruckus has been kicked up between a one of the traveling entertainers and a townsperson. Apparently, from the sound of the argument, the townsfolk is looking for his daughter, who, he says, left home to join the traveling entertainers. He's trying to get her back before the caravan leaves after the Town Hall meeting, but the head of the caravan swears that the girl isn't with them...
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


A crow pick a crumpled paper, what had been a notice about town meeting, from the ground to it's peck and flew on a boy's shoulder. "What's this?" Amrita said and took the paper from the bird. "Oh, this'll mean that more people are probably coming to fight the monsters, won't it?" He asked from the crow. Armita wasn't good at working in gangs or teams. The only party that he knew was a pack of animated dead, where he would be in charge of their every move and action. Letting them roam free just lead into chaos. "This might mean that we'll just have to compr..." He didn't had time to finish, when a local citizen almost smacked him with his hand, causing the crow to jump into flight and giving out a loud shriek. The man and the person opposite to him, who was wearing a lot more colorful clothing, were apparently having an argument about some "daughter".


A stranger enters the town in dark clothes a hood covering his head. He's a little winded but happy. He'd traveled a very long way in a relatively short amount of time but then that was normal. After all once he'd sold his chosen goods he was no longer need in town and it was time to pick up more before moving to star over in a new town.  He smiled as he wondered how many more rare and semi legendary artifacts he could sell before they stopped buying them altogether. The gullible public always looking for something powerful that would make there fortune for a cheep price. never wanting to work for it.

Haggling over everything thing. 'sell me a staff that will make water form the very air that i might water my fields.' one would beg the  haggle trying to avoid paying anywhere near the worth of such a staff. in the end when he broke and sold it for barely a weeks lodges at the local inn they would go and test it. It would work ant they would be happy but there was a new saying out let the buyer be ware. HE would make that saying famous on these fools. he chuckled. soon that poor guy that when to cheat would realize that his stiff was drying up the wells near him. then of course his neighbors would be mad at him and he'd blame the merchant but the merchant was already long gone.

Still all in all he'd made a pretty good hall with his last group of sells. especially that last one. He smiled and he  fondles his fee. sure it would work. He never sold anything that didn't work but  he may neglect to mention certain things. Like that a protection charm that was part of and amulet he sold would work less and less each time it was used and soon the amulet would be nothing more than shiny bobble. He grins to himself  as he weight his fee in his hand. He could have provided a better quality one had the man not been so cheep. But that was the past and now it was time to start again.  Grinning  so that his teeth might show white against the darkness his hood cast over his face he and walked around looking for a a large gathering of people. That would tell him what the town was like. That would tell him who to sell to, and who to rip off.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


As the argument between the townsperson and the entertainer grew more heated, other performers from the group stopped what they were doing and turned to stare.

Then the townsperson struck the entertainer.

The quiet that filled the town square was deafening (almost magic, but, anyone that was paying attention would have noticed it was not, after all, magic).

That was when things got dicey, and a fight broke... well, when you consider how many people were in the town square, fracas or even battle might have been a more applicable term.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Armita saw the swing. He had the best seat in the whole town. He tried to calm the man, but he was good as air to him. The crows started shrieking nervously, for they knew what was about to be set loose and they know who would be in the middle of all that.

Armita dodged few punches from two locals. Apparently they thought him as an easy opponent, considering Armita's age and all. This was bad. "Either you get yourself beaten to bloody plup, or you kill these two. These are your options" He thought. He's crappy spear didn't wasn't goo enough to cut bread, much less to be any use in a real battle. It'd do no good to wield in now. "No wait!" He started, but received a punch to his chest that was followed another one to his chin. While laying on the ground, the magic started whispering in his mind. Telling him what he could do to these people. Showing him the nightmares that were all too familiar...


Tarson saw the punch and the resualting brawl. He stoud up and made his way out the door.
He walked towards the crowd. He simple started pulling people apart, throwing them apart where needed. He walked to a stage and got on it. He put his right arm in the air. He pulled his sleeve on that arm down and symbols started to glow on his arm. He stoud there stareing at the crowd as he discharged elcetricity from his arm. It arch from metal pole to metal pole around the crowd. It was big enough to get everyone's attention and hopefully get them to stop. He roared in a rather loud voice.
Tarson kept his arm in the air with electricity arching into the air. He glared at the crowd with a rather ominious hazel eye. His red eye glowed abit to enhance the stare.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo was pulled from his meal by Tarson suddenly leaving.  He quickly grabbed his food and shouted a quick "I'll be right back!"

As he got outside he saw Tarson holding aloft an electric spell and people in the town square were sprawled out like a fight had taken place.  He blinked twice before noticing a young man on the ground.  He walked over and shook his shoulder's gently to see if he was awake.

"You ok kiddo?" Aeo asked.


The two that began the fight sheepishly got on stage.

"L-look, I know it was him. Every time they come into town, some daughter of one of the townsfolk goes missing. I've kept an eye out, but I never thought it could be true. Then my daughter disappears, right as they come to town. I mean, really. It makes sense!"

The entertainer throws up his hands. "As if we'd take someone's child. We have no need to take from the town. People join of their own free will, and are free to leave whenever they want. Thinking we'er behind this is... it's rubbish!"

The farmer glares at the entertainer.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...