Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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For a second Aeo was stunned.  Truly and utterly stunned for a second he had to force himself to move forward while trying to think.  Most paladins and clerics he met on the roads and in the cities were the first ones to turn and attack him, even if they gave him the "leeway" of allowing him a head start.  And while he had adventured with his share of such magic users and fighters of good, they had always been uneasy with him for the longest time until he had proven himself.

He sighed. 

"Then Lady Elf, I would like to apologize for my own prejudices.  A large amount of my life adventuring has been spent trying to 'prove' that I am indeed simply trying to help others and most paladins and other light magic users are sometimes loathe to believe that, so in away I have been programmed by them to be afraid of light magic and it's users.  I should not have judged you so swiftly, and given you the same benefit of the doubt." Aeo said, now his face looked like it should have when he tripped.  "And I do believe I missed acquiring you name.  Mine is Aeo Dall.


Alcir walked nearby and listened to the talk going on in the group. It was strange to the undead. While Alcir normally kept entertained with conversation, it was only with himself until now. The constant flow of different voices and opinions and inflections nearly overwhelmed him.
He noted DFX's comments on how the general populace had treated the two constructs with interest. While still keeping track of what was going on between Aeo and the elf, he moved over to DFX and spoke to the golem. "I heard that you have been having trouble with townspeople as well?
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


   DFX was still confused when Aeo answered him. His mind tried to process the information and make sense of it; his metal jaw was even working up and down slowly, as if he was speaking silently to himself. Before he could make any further inquiries, another of the part members steered over to him. DFX was relived, he now had something else to focus on. This man was somewhat odd, wearing a heavy cloak. Looking down on him, DFX couldn't notice much else. Then DFX answered his question;
   "Yes. We find it difficult to approach towns, as from a distance, we are often mistaken for invading monsters."
   "...That would be mostly my fault." The massive Tank unexpectedly rumbled, his voice even heavier than his footsteps.
   "Yes, as he says, a large black armored figure ten feet in height carrying a massive greathammer is apparently not a rather friendly-looking figure to fleshlings. On the rare occasion that we do managed to enter a town without incident, we find our welcomes very short, and we are soon asked to leave. It seems most fleshlings take exception and are uncomfortable around things that aren't 'fully alive'."
   DFX's glowing blue eyes seemed to become...deeper, somehow, as he was walking and looking directly at the cloaked man. "But we are alive, however limited in comparison to fleshlings. That makes us no less than people, though. It was our father's greatest innovation; his greatest success. He made us as alive as an unliving construct can be."


While the group travels onward, conversing amongst themselves, another man wanders past, also towards the south. As he approaches, those paying attention can see that it's Cedric, Power and Mighty Wizard (also a hand puppet), sitting on the wrist on Paul, who is walking along briskly, whisting a jaunty tune.

Cedric himself has a little horse puppet, giving the illusion that he's riding a horse. It ever has little saddle bags and a pennant.

Paul, meanwhile, is loaded with supplies: packs, bags, and a puppet box.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson walked along listening to DFX talking about Tank and himself. When he finished Tarson spoke.
"I can get into towns until most of the townspeople see my face then it's time for me to get out of town. I try to stay away from taverns, I usually get into trouble in them. When bards find out I'm there to help they want to talk to me until they get a full view of my face and hand. Then they run away"
Tarson then pulled out his right hand and flexed it abit while stareing at it.
"Better than being made as unliving as an alive human can be I would say"
Tarson pulled his hood over his face more, put his right hand back into his pocket and walked in silence. he seemed to pick up his pace a bit as well.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aire smiled slightly as she gazed back towards Aeo, "Aireluin Silithiel, Aire for short, and as I said, I am no paladin.  Many light users bend the magic to fit religious paradigms with very black and white viewpoints.

The Elven lady looked over the group and shook her head slightly, "we are something of a bunch of, dare I say, misfits.  Such is quite remarkable really."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Well Aire, it's nice to meet a light magic user who doesn't bend the magic to religious schemes."  Aeo said, his fully jovial self returning.  Then he heard her comment as he saw the puppet and the man.  "Why is the lunatic with the hand puppet running ahead of?"


Enigma was more then a little surprised to see what he saw. Tarson was not fully human but while that was but a passing through what stuck out was  his words and the  fact that he seemed to be partially made of some kind of rock. he wondered how that came to be but now was not he time to ask now it was simply time to watch and learn. he would remember what he learned and if he could he would use it.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Tarson didn't even look at the puppet as he walked. He kept his eyes forward as he responded to Aeo's comment.
"Maybe he was caught getting rather friendly with someone else's puppet"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


It made more sense now. This was the reason why this Tarson guy wasn't completely alive in Armita's eyes. He was partly made out of stone, or stone like substance. No wonder he was so cold all the time. Armita dropped his speed for a while to walk along side with the two of the most intresting persons, if that indeed was the correct word for those two, in the whole merry party, the constructs. He had never heard of these machines that were alive. They were indeed alive, because Armita could sense the living pulse inside them. He wondered if they could be animated.
The crows seemed to be restless on the sky. They were a bit noisy.


Aire rode a bit ahead and matched pace with the puppet and Paul, "hail there, what brings you out in this direction?"

Aire made no threatening gestures or showed any aggressive intent, she just seemed curious. 

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Enigma pulled up shot not wanted to bump into the patchwork man before him. the one who could see magical artifacts. they still he wondered why the mounted  person in the lead would halt the person and who they were talking to.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Cedric looked over at Aire. Paul kept his eyes straight ahead and never stopped walking. "Hail, m'lady. I, the Great and Powerful Cedric, am off towards a town far to the south. My tour of the continent is never finished. I have found that people everywhere are always in need a little entertainment... or help, as this last town proved."

Cedric looked thoughtful. "I had half a mind myself to aid the town, but then you and your group banded together. Truth be told, it seemed easier to not get in the way or try my own tact, acting opposite to your plans.

"Never fear, however! Great adventure is only a stone's throw away. I'm sure I will find something worthy  of a sorcerer as skilled as I."
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


   DFX looked solemnly on the fleshling Tarson (even though his face couldn't look like anything else), who apparently wasn't as fleshling as he had initially thought. Judging by the part-fleshling's interesting turnaround of the words that DFX himself had said, he gathered it was not voluntary. DFX looked away. Would he ever see an end to the brutality of fleshlings?
   Despite the argument he himself had made to Tank earlier, DFX was, not for the first time, doubting if he was right. Was it really worth it to try and seek out fleshlings who were free of such destructive madness and intolerance? Did such fleshlings even exist? DFX could not produce a definite answer to those questions. The only reason they were on this 'mission' for the town was for two reasons: they had not attacked DFX and Tank on sight, and the quest was something constructive, or at least guided, unlike their previous wandering.
   Eventually, DFX came to the same conclusion that he always did when he thought about this dilemma; His father was the fleshling that created him and his kin, therefore he had a sanctity, or at the very least tolerance, for things that were different. There almost had to be someone else like him somewhere. It was not an answer to his questions, but it kept him going.
   In a short amount of time, DFX also noticed that several of the fleshlings were starting to move themselves in rather close positions around DFX and Tank. That was a bad sign. DFX recognized it well. It was a standard tactic all fleshlings used before confronting the living constructs, ususally to ask them to leave or face trouble; surround them. DFX didn't even have to think about why; he had just asserted that he and Tank were alive, at least partially, and that is what most fleshlings take great offence to. If there was one thing that DFX had learned of fleshlings, it's that they don't think that anything has any right to be alive if it's not one of them.
   DFX kept walking, keeping his eyes focused forward. The fiber-bundles that made up his 'innards' and 'muscles' underneath his shell tensed and tightened up, ready for a conflict. Tank just continued walking nonchalantly, or as nonchalantly as a ten-foot tall composite beast who made footprints no less than one inch deep in the ground with an impossible-not-to-notice thudding and shaking could be.


Aeo just stared at the puppet with a boggled expression.  Those listening carefully could would hear Aeo mumble something under his breath about him being called strange in comparison with Cedric and Paul.


Alcir listened to what the constructs and Tarson said. He noticed their own experiences somewhat matched his own with towns. Alcir was especailly intriqued by what DFX had said about the constructs being alive. He turned to DFX as he kept walking. "Ah yes. I can sympathize to a degree. Those who are still fully alive tend not like those of us who aren't."
Alcir also tried to keep up with the other conversations in the party. He had managed to catch the elf's name, Aire, at least.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Tarson didn't seem to be paying much attention to Cedric or Paul. He just kept his same pace and didn't say much to anyone. He did look back at the others  from around his hood but didn't say anything.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The leader Tarson he believed the name was looking back at them. for a moment enigma felt the urge to step behind the construct pair he'd been walking next to but suppressed it. if he was going to notice him now was as good a time as any if not then  it would not matter if he stepped out of sight or not. he's picked up a few more names as well but the puppet Cedric was a bit much for his taste.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


A sweatdrop appeared on Aire's forehead as the puppet regaled her with its tale.  Even if he was mighty and powerful, hearing him speak of it with such an air made it seem pathetic.

Uncomfortably she scratched the back of her head and tried to give her best polite laugh without sounding too fake or forced, "your aid... will be... sorely... missed?  Safe journey master sorcerer, may your paths be green and sunny till the end of your days."

Aire searched for a way to gracefully bow out of this uncomfortable conversation.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Oh, and you as well, Lady Elf. May the forests be high, the plains fertile, and the people prosperous for all the days of your Kingdom."

Cedric looked at Paul. "I have a good feeling about today. Let's make haste, my good man, and see where the wind takes us."

And with that, the "pair" wander off down the path.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson watched as Paul wondered off the path with his puppet. He  shook his head and a chuckle is heard coming from under his hood.
"Why do I have a bad feeling we'll be seeing those two again in the near future"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The paths itself stretches on for a long spells. As is common among farmland plains, the path goes, seemingly, towards the horizon, only occasionally bending. It's only after a few hours of walking that the party finally reaches the low hills outlying the dark forest that is the destination.

The sky has become dark, and the first of the stars begin to appear in the sky.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


   As the party moved on, DFX relaxed somewhat when it became apparent the fleshlings surreptitiously surrounding him and Tank were not going to try anything.
   As they approached the foothills near the woods after the hours-long walk, DFX and Tank continued walking as they had, as opposed to the fleshlings whom, some of them at least, were almost certainly getting sore feet by now. Being constructs, the two were completely immune to any fatigue or tiredness. They could run back and forth to the ends of the earth with no rest whatsoever if they had to. It was one of the perks to not being fully alive.


Hours of walking produced one immediate effect as Aeo noticed the sky turn dark: he let out a huge yawn. 

"Anyone see a good place to set up a camp; because my feet are demanding rest and my stomach demands a deal of jerky meals." Aeo said as he yawned again.


"Maybe we can find a farm and see if we can sleep in their barn for the night"
Tarson then looks at the rest of the group.
"Who's the most human looking of the group that can ask"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


After hearing Aeo talking of hunger, Alcir realized that it had been awhile since he had last ate. But he still had some healthy food in his pack, so there was nothing to fear. It hadn't been a full day and he could sate his need when they stopped.

At Tarson's question, Alcir looked around at the group. The constructs would surely get turned away. Aeo, Tarson, and himself farred only a slightly greater chance. That left Aire, Armita, and the other man who had comed with them. Alcir shook his head and replied, "Not I. Though Aire, Armita, or the other human with us could ask."
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


"An armored knight, even a lady, would be well received.  I shall ask if the need arises."

Aire stopped her horse and dismounted.  Without leading the horse by the reins, she merely continued down the path on foot.  The horse followed her, slightly behind and to her right.  The creature was rather heavily barded, wearing a similar plate armor.  The head armor of the suit had an ornamental piece that was made to be a unicorn's horn.

Aire carried with her a brace of pistols and her sword.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Enigma watched the knight Aire departed. sure she was a knight but a frail looking one at least to his eyes. if not for that strange feeling of power he picked up form her he'd wonder how she obtain her rank. and then there was her obviously mixed ancestry. then again maybe she was a pure blood elf but he doubted it.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Armita was beginning to become to terms with his new group. Most of them were unwelcome to civilisation and few of them weren't even truly alive. Some how this made him feel more relaxed. He had worked for a few military organizations and people in there had always been avoiding his eyes and tried to leave him alone when ever possible. But now, he seemed almost normal. He didn't mind having someone to talk to, besides the crows, two of which were on his shoulders and one that was standing on top of his head.

"Who's the most human looking of the group that can ask" he heard Tarson ask.
"eh?" Armita replied.  By any standards, he probably was, if you didn't count the hazel eyed man in the dark clothes. What was his name anyway? Armita remembered to have seen him in the meeting, trying to offer some "magical artifacts" for money. He walked over to him.
"Excuse me, sir, but I believe I didn't catch your name."


Enigma smiled and nodded. "they call me Enigma. I'm something of a mage were and magical artifact merchant" he said. "How about you my good sir?" the boy looked young. not quite 20 in Enigma's eyes but he'd learned some time ago not to judge age by appearances. Not to mention that this person had and aura of  a skilled magic user.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey