The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => Haunted Ballroom => Topic started by: Drayco84 on August 09, 2010, 08:58:16 PM

Title: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 09, 2010, 08:58:16 PM
   Alright, this kicks off the OOC thread. Just to make absolutely sure, I'm going to lay down a few rules. Biggest is number one...

  1: The goal of this RP is to have fun with it!
  If you guys aren't having fun with this, let me know so I can try to adjust things to make it more fun. However, just to make this ABSOLUTELY clear, your characters are, from this point out, butt monkeys. I will screw with them, you will screw with them, and everybody is going to be screwing with each others' characters. (Not literally though... At the very least, get PUBLIC OOC consent and for the love of the forum, DO IT OFF-SCREEN!) The whole point of this RP is comedy and I know I'm sounding like a broken record with this, but it bears repeating.
  While this is a comedy-based RP, please try to refrain from any Dead Baby Humor and Black Humor. Innuendo is totally fine, though.

  2: My word is essentially law in the RP.
  Unless any of the forum mods disagree, in which case THEIR word is law. Laws can be bent or subverted under certain situations. Also, THESE RULES MAY CHANGE!

  3: I am new to GMing, and open to suggestions.
  This is my first RP and I'm bound to make mistakes. Feel free to speak up in case you feel that I've wronged you. I also don't want anyone leaving because I decided to be an asshole about something stupid. Conversely, normal etiquette applies. (And it applies BOTH ways. If I'm being a major dick, the mods are still there to bitch-slap me. This shouldn't EVER be a problem, but just in case...)

  4: We're using color schemes for OOC and Official GM.
  Yeah, I ripped it off of Mechanisto... Sorry, but if something works, its usually worth copying. Anyway, Teal is reserved for OOC notes and whatnot. Orange is for official GM decisions and important crap you should probably pay attention to.

Anyway, without further delay, meet the pyschos and weirdos your character is going to be stuck inside a small metal container for weeks or months on end with!

Captain: Locklear Kodayn (Azlan)
  Age/Life Expectancy: 750/unknown, thought to be immortal (without the head chopping off thing).
  Race/Species: Valallai (pronounced like VAUL-LOLLIE).
  Appearance: Superficially appears to be a type of bipedal, furred mammal resembling a cross between a raccoon and a canid.  His fur is short and gray in coloration with black mask-like markings.  The tail is long and lemur-like, bushy and striped with black.  The ears are fox-like and are capable of 180 degree directional swiveling like that of canids.  Both the hands/feet and ears are black.  They possess small claws on their fingers and toes with vestigial structures for retractability.  He has blue eyes and ashen gray skin under all the fur.  He is of average height when compared to humans.
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities:  Super strength: can lift and throw vehicles at people casually, but possesses very fine control.  Preternatural Agility: Can dance around light beams or jump between the tops of bamboo stalks growing from cursed Chinese springs.  Insane biology: does not need to sleep, eat or produce waste products.  Semi-psychic influence: subconsciously affects the minds of politicians, lawyers and higher officers to forgive and like him (also allows him to beat people soundly in games).  Unusually frightening record involving the collapse of the CoW, death of the CoW President, countless wars with the border systems, and numerous embarrassing trysts with space princesses across the known galaxy that end in major fail.
  Personality/Psych Profile:  Surprisingly friendly and pleasant sort.  Obsessively busy and needs to be occupied, but this doesn't necessarily mean doing one's job.  He is just as likely to be found playing games in the holo-lounge or having inappropriate relations with the female members of the crew, as actually working.  He also may periodically decide to fix or redesign entire ship systems, despite it not being his job, resulting in critical functions not being available or functioning in the expected way when they are needed.   Strongly emotional; he is far more likely to succumb to emotionally charged situations then others.  This may cause him to succumb to emotions as opposed to render logical decisions at important moments.

First Officer: Click (Danman)
  Age/Life expectancy: Until killed
  Gender: Complicated.
  Race/Species: *another series of clicking noises, but longer*... They call us Shadows.
  Qualification: Enormous intellect adept at making up excuses, Can phase out which aids in shirking active duty, especially in emergencies. Due to racial traits, not only can endure disarray and chaos, it likes them.
Psionics: Telekinetic powers and electrokinetics help - you know how hard it's to pick up a phaser with your pincers?
Adept at biotech - what do you mean you don't want a slimy laptop? It runs on kitchen scraps instead of batteries! And it has antitheft teeth!
Irrational discomfort in presence of Biolit, Raid, or DDT.
Was one of the capable shadow engineers who decided a selfdestruct system on Z'ha'Dum is a really good idea in case it gets captured.

Security Officer: Oshimaeda/Nanda Girish (Meany)
  Age/Life Expectancy: 533/154, Symbiote: 1000+, Host: 200+.
  Gender: Unknown/Female
  Race/Species: Tok'Ra/Human.
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities: Advanced healing ability, (Can survive anything short of sustained armor-piercing fire, exsanguination, massive internal trauma, decapitation, etc.) Advanced strength, (They hit like a Mac Truck.)  Great endurance/speed, (They can and will run you down like the dog you are.) Their track record is apalling, with complaints of verbal abuse, actual abuse, excessive punishments, and drunkeness on duty, substance abuse, disrespecting a superior officer, and feeding superior officers to large, predatory fish.
  Personality/Psych Profile: Neither of the two are particularly pleasant. Nanda, is a bitch on wheels, with a nasty left hook that she isn't afraid to use. Oshimaeda is a self-absorbed jerk who refuses to treat anyone with civility, which sometimes leads to 'stop hitting yourself' moments.  Both of them are petty, spiteful, with horrid senses of humor and a penchant for drinking.

Medical Officer: Jason Bray (Inumo)
  Age/Life Expectancy: 25/The first shot fired nearby.
  Gender: Male
  Race/Species: Naiti (vampire bat anthros)
  Position Desired: Medical Officer. If unavailable, communications.
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities: No fear of blood, graduated med school with straight D-'s, able to cut a straight line.
  Personality/Psych Profile: A bit paranoid. Not enough to keep him from doing anything, but enough to keep him jumpy. Afraid of guns, but loves gun wounds. Has a habit of literally licking a patient's wounds. Total nerd; carries at least three different non-lethal medical tools, flash drives, and different-sized dice during all dressed hours. Hates clothing, but will wear them in public areas/medical bay.

Medical Officer: Dr. Ash Lee-Winston (That_Wolf)
  Age/Life Expectancy: 26/
  Gender: Male
  Race/Species: Anthro-Fox. 5'6
  Qualifications For Position: Has a surprisingly high IQ
Was admitted to USC. (Was suspended for 4 weeks for being suspect in a act of arson to the chemical lab 'They can prove NOTHING!' Ash shouted at his arrest. They couldn't.) Received his MD at Stanford, graduating 17th. Worked 2 months at Pacific hospitals, quiting because he decided "The work was boring." Has worked on 3 space voyages, with no known deaths. (However, 5 passengers disappeared.)
  Abilities: Is good at figuring out new medical treatments that he describes as 'Fun.' Loves to mess around with technology. Good with CPR. Competent with other methods of medicine, though tries to use his own ways first.
  Personality/Psych Profile: Ash is an eccentric guy, who likes to break the rules, take long showers, give massages, and sing a lot. Despite his eccentricity, Ash has moments of brilliance. Ash occasionally acts serious. This eather means something has gone very, very wrong, can go wrong, or just whenever he feels seriousness is is need. Ash loves trying new thing out, wether new experiences, or new medicaltreatments. He is very flirty with everyone, and Bisexual.

Counselor: Rock, aka The Rock (Shachaza)
  Age/Life Expectancy:  Really Freaking Old/Indefinite barring erosion or other geologic processes
  Gender: It's a freaking rock...
  Race/Species:  Taalo descendant?
  Position Desired:  Ship's Counselor
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities:  Very good at listening, very patient, and in a pinch, angry patients can throw it at something breakable (please avoid hurling toward sensitive areas of the craft) assuming that they can lift The Rock.  The Rock was also, by far, the cheapest option available to counsel those who needed someone to listen to them.
  Personality/Psych Profile:  The Rock is usually very patient, however if you displease it, you will know.  The Rock is also very mysterious. No two people see the same Rock. Also, nobody ever sees The Rock move, but there it is, and how it got over there from here is a mystery that the Alliance Scientists were studying intently before some poor lab tech got crushed to death one night. The cameras don't show The Rock moving, but it does show The Rock falling from a height that is beyond the camera's vision. What the tech did to upset The Rock is unknown to all but The Rock itself.
  Physical Description:The Rock takes up roughly a cubic foot of space and weighs about 250 pounds.  Its shape and coloration are different to each viewer. This is no ordinary Pet Rock, though it does tend to look happy; not many of its kind are "promoted" to such a cozy position so fast.

Science Officer: Open

Engineer: Chris Abe Lewl (AmberCross)
  Age: 42, which is to say 21 by Earth years and maturity level.
  Gender: Technically male
  Race/Species: Going to experiment a little here. If you've ever read Inhuman, I'm basing the species off of Koji. Six limbs, back two are for weight support, front two are for manipulation, and middle two are a cross between the others. Can walk on back four, back two, or all six. Fur adapted for a cold and windy climate, but unlike Koji my character's species tends to wear clothing because pockets are amazing. Fur is tinged that light blue color that snow gets when it's everywhere and also found in glaciers. Aside from that details are not terribly important I think.
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities: Very highly qualified, but has never really been responsible enough to keep a job for any real length of time at all. There's an inevitable chain of events whenever applying for a job. Employers are highly impressed with his qualifications, about a week passes, something blows up or he takes something apart for his own project, he gets fired. With a job on a spaceship he figures they can't fire him until at least the first destination. Also he won the Mad Scientist Award of the year a few times on his home planet.
  Personality/Psych Profile: As previously mentioned, he likes to experiment with things. When he's short on parts he'll sometimes take apart old projects or even things that don't really actually belong to him that he figures no one will miss. His ability to tell what's important is kind of a hit or miss though. He also likes mental challenges and is very curious. One of the best ways to stop him from taking something apart or accidentally blowing it up is to give him some sort of puzzle, even if he doesn't always pay attention to the rules.

Communications: GDMFB-9000, aka God-Damn-Messa-Fressa-Bot (Draken)
  Life Expectancy: 20/30 yrs
  Gender: Android, but technically Male
  Race/Species: Android, specially designed to look like a cobra-naga
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities: Eternally "extended hood" captures all forms of communication, via light, sublight, radio, soundwaves, whatever. Also has multiple connector ports in the "fingers", and various programs within his head processor to allow him to understand many many languages.
  Personality/Psych Profile: The problem is, he's close to expiration date, and a year out of date on programs due to being constantly "shuttled" about. Further, because he hears so much, he is constantly distracted by... Well... Everything.  Which, makes him aloof. Worse yet, his programs have melded, which means he tends to get things... Confused.

Navigator: Jacob Grayson (JamesCray)
  Age/Life Expectancy: 24 / Every day he makes it through surprises his former commanders.
  Gender: Male
  Race/Species: Flying Squirrel, anthropoid
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities: An IQ of 137, and a remarkable sense of spatial awareness. In short, he's a natural-born navigator.
  Personality/Psych Profile: The subject's natural talents and enthusiasm for space travel have proven problematic, in that he is unwilling to resign and simply too good to justify firing, despite the fact that the subject is otherwise entirely unsuited for service. Unfortunately, it was not until after he had signed on that his slow reflexes, poor motor skills, poor social skills, and difficulty with abstraction became apparent.

Stowaway: Dr. Dresdan McSplane, PhD, MD, DDS, SoB (Dekari)
  Age/Life Expectancy: Unknown/Ham Sandwich (inside joke to him)
  Gender: Male
  Race/Species: Unknown but looks human
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities: Because of where he normally lives, he has a habit of showing up where he probably shouldn't, though weather it's on accident of purpose is yet to be determined.
  Personality/Psych Profile: Take the mind and personality of the tenth doctor from Doctor Who and fuse it with someone who should be permanently restrained in a straight jacket. As for Dresdan, really not much can be said about him. If asked a question about himself he will usually distract the asker with a random answer that has nothing to do with the question asked. However the only thing he has ever said pertaining to himself is to describe the position that he is in at the end of the universe, "I am like an artist staring at a blank canvas but with not the paints needed to make my masterpiece.  It's maddening to know the kind of powers that I can behold but to not have the power with which to use them."

Positions That Could Still Be Claimed!
  This Space For Rent
  A Good Suggestion or Two
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"]
Post by: Draken on August 09, 2010, 09:12:19 PM
Everyone looks so /awesome/.  This looks to be very very fun.  ^^

And, ouch.  By comparison, my thing looks so....tiny.   :erk
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"]
Post by: Inumo on August 09, 2010, 09:42:23 PM
Buh budadaaaa!!! Let's go! :D
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 09, 2010, 10:04:50 PM
I seriously thought 'A rock' was a joke. ...How do you RP as a rock! I get it can b therapeutic to rant at a rock(today, me and Mr plastic bottle had a talk) but how do you RP as one? That. requires massive RP skill. I swear, though, if Rock moves around, always showing up in front of people, it'll be scary as hell.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: VAE on August 09, 2010, 10:06:13 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 09, 2010, 10:04:50 PM
I seriously thought 'A rock' was a joke. ...How do you RP as a rock! I get it can b therapeutic to rant at a rock(today, me and Mr plastic bottle had a talk) but how do you RP as one? That. requires massive RP skill. I swear, though, if Rock moves around, always showing up in front of people, it'll be scary as hell.

The rock will probably be a lot like the Weeping Angels from doctor who.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 09, 2010, 10:07:44 PM
Pity I've never seen that, so I can't understand. I suck, I know.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 09, 2010, 10:24:37 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 09, 2010, 10:07:44 PM
Pity I've never seen that, so I can't understand. I suck, I know.

Basically, so long as you're looking at them, they can't move. But if you even so much as blink, they can move in and send you back in time to kill you from aging, possibly even causing you to be your own grandparent. Pretty creepy, and those that have seen the episode ("Blink," if you want to look for it) tell me that seeing any of those statues ever again will scare you witless.

By the way, when will we start up?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 09, 2010, 10:42:31 PM
First part of two-part post is up. Let my brain recharge a bit before trying to beat out the next portion.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Shachza on August 09, 2010, 10:43:56 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 09, 2010, 10:04:50 PM
I seriously thought 'A rock' was a joke. ...How do you RP as a rock! I get it can b therapeutic to rant at a rock(today, me and Mr plastic bottle had a talk) but how do you RP as one? That. requires massive RP skill. I swear, though, if Rock moves around, always showing up in front of people, it'll be scary as hell.

Rock is based on my musings on how Boxy gets so much done while being...  a box.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 09, 2010, 10:48:07 PM
Nice title, Drayco. XD
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 09, 2010, 11:18:06 PM
I just noticed, Gender:Complicated.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 09, 2010, 11:18:37 PM
Waaaaaaaait a minnit.

Something just occurred to me.

Is Mr. Rock therapist a....combination of a Companion Cube and the Weepers???
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: hapless on August 09, 2010, 11:23:42 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 09, 2010, 10:04:50 PM
I swear, though, if Rock moves around, always showing up in front of people, it'll be scary as hell.
Now this reminded me of this flash game:
Strongly recommended if you did not play it already.

*desperately tries to think of a character to submit...*
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 09, 2010, 11:27:05 PM
hap, Maaaake. A. Janitoooooor. We need it to clean up the blood gore and limbs the candy.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 09, 2010, 11:30:22 PM
Make a Scruffy. :mowmeep
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 09, 2010, 11:30:41 PM
Quote from: Draken on August 09, 2010, 11:30:22 PM
Make a Scruffy. :mowmeep

What's a scruffy?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Azlan on August 09, 2010, 11:34:31 PM
I have a Shadow for a first officer... that's better than a vulcan or an ex-soap opera actor!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 09, 2010, 11:35:59 PM
Dang... Shachaza has just shown us how he's gonna RP a rock...

At the risk of a horribly lame pun, he's rockin'. My apologies to Azlan, but I knew I couldn't turn down that kind of character down...

Quote from: Azlan on August 09, 2010, 11:34:31 PM
I have a Shadow for a first officer... that's better than a vulcan or an ex-soap opera actor!
Until something horrible happens to you...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 09, 2010, 11:38:36 PM
Careful, my las-cutters might accidentally cause you to lose your guts if I hit you too low...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 09, 2010, 11:41:23 PM
Inumo... Swahili? Seriously? I would've gone with Navajo, I mean, English.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 09, 2010, 11:51:01 PM
I think WWII was big enough for it to be remembered even at this point in time, at least for the codebreaker tactics. Swahili, on the other hand, is a language few people outside of Africa speak (that I know of); I doubt it'd be remembered into the space age. At least it's better than Swedish, which was my first pick.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 09, 2010, 11:55:20 PM
Which is why I changed it to English for an even more blatant lie, and then I would've ran with it...

"Even though we're speaking it right now?"
"Look, do you want the job or not?"
"Now I'm not too sure..."
"Look, it's either this or we use you to study the inside of a black hole."
"English it is, then."
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 09, 2010, 11:57:00 PM
Well, I didn't know Snivers too well; I figured he'd not do that blatant of a lie.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 09, 2010, 11:57:55 PM
Bwehehehe.  Just a taste of the communicative troubles ahead!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Shachza on August 10, 2010, 12:01:24 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 09, 2010, 11:35:59 PM
At the risk of a horribly lame pun, he's rockin'. My apologies to Azlan, but I knew I couldn't turn down that kind of character down...

I'm actually very surprised that you didn't turn my character down outright, I was worried that it would be too out there even for this.  "A Rock" doesn't sound like much of a character.

I'm looking forward to this very much because the character is very out there, it's going to be a challenge.  I think I can do it though.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 12:03:42 AM
He's employed by the government, and works for a guy that refuses to turn on his freaking lights...

A valid point, though... Okay, from now on, whenever one doubts the intelligence of an NPC, err on the side of stupidity, ESPECIALLY if they're government agents. Unless someone is obviously an "Only Sane Man". THEN you can assume that they actually HAVE some intelligence.

Quote from: Shachza on August 10, 2010, 12:01:24 AM
I'm actually very surprised that you didn't turn my character down outright, I was worried that it would be too out there even for this.  "A Rock" doesn't sound like much of a character.

I'm looking forward to this very much because the character is very out there, it's going to be a challenge.  I think I can do it though.
I figured that even if all it did was sit there, it could still be interesting. Especially if something happened to the lights and nobody brought a flashlight...

That, and anybody planning to RP a rock has to be planning something... And as for "too far out there", you're all gonna be using Nerf for weapons, so yeah...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 10, 2010, 12:04:51 AM
Quote"Greetings.  Estoy GDMFB-9000.  Tsūjō senrei GD.  Come posso servire?"

Hey Draken, if you were using Spanish for the second sentence, it should either be "Me llamo" or "Me nombre es;" "estoy" implies that he's temporarily afflicted (for lack of a better word) with GDMFB-9000. Also, what language was the third sentence in?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 12:06:21 AM
Will change.  And the third one is Japanese, last one is Italian.

If I need to, I will provide translations after the fact.


"Greetings.  My name is GDMFB-9000.  Usually christened GD.  How can I serve?"
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 10, 2010, 12:08:21 AM
Really? The "tsujo senrei" is in Italian? Huh... I thought the one that looked a lot like Spanish (Como posso servire, which in Spanish would be como puedo servirte) was Italian.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 12:14:15 AM
My apologies, I miscounted the sentences.

I have decided on how to do my char's "Quirk", just to mess with the language further:

I will take what I need "translated" to Google Languages.  And use whatever they give me there.  Just to make things funny.  Bwahahahah!   If it's ok of course.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 12:17:07 AM
Quote from: Draken on August 10, 2010, 12:06:21 AM
Will change.  And the third one is Japanese, last one is Italian.

If I need to, I will provide translations after the fact.


"Greetings.  My name is GDMFB-9000.  Usually christened GD.  How can I serve?"

Go ahead and make some auto-translations. However, make sure the english is correct. (Especially if said language is broken or the whole thing is miscommunicated.) BTW, nice ninja... Eh, Google language-chopped works too.

And how DARE you invoke tribbles before I do! The sheer, raw nerve of it!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Azlan on August 10, 2010, 01:13:58 AM
Sorry for a bit of a long post, but I was somewhat inspired.  I added a bunch of silly references, name them all and I might find some way to give you a prize.

And yes, I know what Kintama (using romanji) means if anyone is wondering.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 10, 2010, 01:17:44 AM
I think I know two... the goatee=evil from Order of the Stick's Elan and Nale, and the red carpet from DMFA with the rats heading to SAIA?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 01:25:47 AM
I have the vague feeling I'm missing like... every other post in this thread. Then it occured to me that those posts were in the actual thing. Good lord RPs work differently around here :/

On a side note, I thought *I* was experimenting with a non-humanoid character. Turns out I got completely outdone by a rock ;>.> Actually in general I feel I've been outdone...
Quote from: Draken on August 09, 2010, 09:12:19 PM
Everyone looks so /awesome/.  This looks to be very very fun.  ^^

And, ouch.  By comparison, my thing looks so....tiny.   :erk
Pretty much what he said. Goodness knows WHY, but I thought for all the ridiculosity this would stay on human levels of insanity. Turns out I'm going to have to readjust my crazy-knob by a factor of ten or so. Anyone mind if I edit/buff my character a little? Still essentially the same character, but I'd sort of like to add in a few superpowers that I didn't touch for reasons of sanity like his antennae being able to 'see' energy fields and electricity stuff. I was considering having them be able to generate electricity too, but someone else already does that and I do hate pulling a used card. Not ready for anything too insane just yet so I'll see how the RP progresses before adding new powers.

Quote"How long have you been able to do THAT?!?"
"Oh, I've always been able to do that since yesterday. I just haven't because of various easy to explain, but mysterious reasons which I won't go into just now."

Also, when I read about the Rock I also totally thought of Blink. *high fives the Doctor Who fan*
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 01:30:04 AM
DId your character just score with a kitsune Krystal?
Anyway, I know you're planning something... I just wish you would've let me know first...

And yeah AC, we don't just push the limits of insanity around here, why try to beat everyone else at it. One person sets a standard and then everyone else tries to outdo them. Then, THEY'RE the new standard.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Azlan on August 10, 2010, 01:38:53 AM
Yeah sorry, when I started that post, only one person had posted so I thought it a good idea to get something up ASAP.

Yes that was kind of a Krystal kitsune... and the implications are a score, but they could have just been playing Star Fox Command too.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 10, 2010, 01:45:55 AM
Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 10, 2010, 01:25:47 AM
Also, when I read about the Rock I also totally thought of Blink. *high fives the Doctor Who fan*

I only know about it through my brother... Gonna wait until tomorrow to watch it though, when I'm NOT about to go to sleep and have nightmares about it. As it is I've seen the first 7 minutes or so. First thought at the angel was "OH SHI- It's gonna warp her! FFFFFFFFFFFFFF--" Then it waited until about 7:30 before the first angel moved in.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 10, 2010, 02:28:17 AM
just for the record, here is a full list of the 37 incidents involving Seras's stay at Ketric R&D

1) AI malfunction caused by missappropriation of memory banks.
   2) Fire in lab caused by aggressive sterilization procedure.
   3) Crushed prototype on test range after adjusting hydraulics.
   4) Caused entire Cybernetics laboratory mainframe to gain sentience.
   5) Destroyed Cybernetics Laboratory's mainframe.
   6) Designed a new compound that resulted in three coworkers needing treatment for smoke inhalation.
   7) Melted Lab with experimental compound.
   Cool Performed biological tests upon fellow workers.
   9) irresponsible activation of device due to pressing of button.
  10) excessive overclocking of labs' computers.
  11) misuse of company resources to create a cybernetic prototype body.
  12) misuse of AI resources.
  13) unauthorized installation of AI in cybernetics.
  14) rampage caused by cybernetic prototype.
  15) Insulted Chairman's intelligence.
  16) Classified.
  17) Withholding of information resulting in injury of superior.
  18) Activated artifact resulting in alien possession of AI.
  19) assaulted officer with deadly weapon to demonstrate prototype defense field's effectiveness.
  20) Filled senior researchers office with unknown foam substance.
  21) Killed alien specimen after its infestation of several coworkers.
  22) Assaulted senior researcher with a potato.
  23) Destroyed laboratory with potato.
  24) Warming meal on reactor heat manifold.
  25) riot caused when testing mind altering drug on religious group.
  26) responsible for new sect within local religion.
  27) immolated new fireproof material.
  28) Teleported toilets in male bathrooms into space.
  29) Caused senior officer to be ingested by lab specimen.
  30) Removed senior officer from lab specimen in inhumane manner.
  31) Vaporized second page in every file of CEO's office.
  32) Engineered new life form without proper authorization.
  33) transferred consciousness from coworker to cat
  34) Activated unknown device resulting in gravitational shift of complex.
  35) Created spray on stealth coating, explosion resulted in multiple harassment suits.
  36) Performed unauthorized adjustments to co worker's cybernetics.
  37) Mass Vandalism.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 10, 2010, 03:01:24 AM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on August 10, 2010, 02:28:17 AM
just for the record, here is a full list of the 37 incidents involving Seras's stay at Ketric R&D

1) AI malfunction caused by missappropriation of memory banks.
   2) Fire in lab caused by aggressive sterilization procedure.
   3) Crushed prototype on test range after adjusting hydraulics.
   4) Caused entire Cybernetics laboratory mainframe to gain sentience.
   5) Destroyed Cybernetics Laboratory's mainframe.
   6) Designed a new compound that resulted in three coworkers needing treatment for smoke inhalation.
   7) Melted Lab with experimental compound.
   Cool Performed biological tests upon fellow workers.
   9) irresponsible activation of device due to pressing of button.
  10) excessive overclocking of labs' computers.
  11) misuse of company resources to create a cybernetic prototype body.
  12) misuse of AI resources.
  13) unauthorized installation of AI in cybernetics.
  14) rampage caused by cybernetic prototype.
  15) Insulted Chairman's intelligence.
  16) Classified.
  17) Withholding of information resulting in injury of superior.
  18) Activated artifact resulting in alien possession of AI.
  19) assaulted officer with deadly weapon to demonstrate prototype defense field's effectiveness.
  20) Filled senior researchers office with unknown foam substance.
  21) Killed alien specimen after its infestation of several coworkers.
  22) Assaulted senior researcher with a potato.
  23) Destroyed laboratory with potato.
  24) Warming meal on reactor heat manifold.
  25) riot caused when testing mind altering drug on religious group.
  26) responsible for new sect within local religion.
  27) immolated new fireproof material.
  28) Teleported toilets in male bathrooms into space.
  29) Caused senior officer to be ingested by lab specimen.
  30) Removed senior officer from lab specimen in inhumane manner.
  31) Vaporized second page in every file of CEO's office.
  32) Engineered new life form without proper authorization.
  33) transferred consciousness from coworker to cat
  34) Activated unknown device resulting in gravitational shift of complex.
  35) Created spray on stealth coating, explosion resulted in multiple harassment suits.
  36) Performed unauthorized adjustments to co worker's cybernetics.
  37) Mass Vandalism.

I love just how many infractions lead to other infractions, practically telling a story on their own (especially 10-16/17)

Oh, and AC: BRILLIANT! Snivers now feels totally insane, and will likely talk to the wrong person next time he makes contact with the Ohgawd. >:3
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 03:03:51 AM
Damn you Squirrel! Damn you for your quickness!

But thank you Inumo, I felt rather inspired when I came up with that idea ^.^
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 04:11:27 AM
Meany, I'm going to have to insist that you use a different color text for the Tok'Ra voice because that shade of red hurts my eyes

Lime Green
Or use bold or underline... Those would work too.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Chairtastic on August 10, 2010, 04:14:36 AM
I think I shall take the feminine path and go with pink. :B

To the editings!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 04:25:46 AM
Okay, so this JUST occured to me while looking at my character's initials, but can I change his name to Homer Abel Lunsweci (pronounced Lun-swe-key)? For someone who works with computers and (like a more famous Homer) is going on an odyssey (except this one's in SPACE), this name just seems amazingly appropriate.

And yet I still like the original name I came up with :/ I think Homer etc will be original name that he got changed to Chris etc for some reason or other... This way I don't have to change anything and I still get to have the epic ^.^
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 08:45:51 AM
Would it be bad if my guy occasionally tries to fiddle with technology? It's in his bio(if I remember) and I feel it could lead to fun new events. Also, is there a limit to the insanity that can happen?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 10, 2010, 08:56:33 AM
you do understand that your chances of becoming a test subject are directly proportional to the amount of time you spend in Seras's lab?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 09:43:55 AM
Test subject for what?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 09:52:09 AM
Is anyone at the briefing room yet?  If so, I want to collab on an entrance >.>
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 09:55:35 AM
I think Ash just got draged there, but I don't know, exactly. He's where everyone else is.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 10:05:21 AM
Further insight as to what goes on in his head processor.  Please note that there will be moments of clarity.  Just not necessarily when we need it.
And yes, he is focused on that Tamaranian.  But can you blame him?  For a being that focuses on colors, an alien that wears purple when they have orange skin and green eyes is just too interesting not to focus on.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 10:27:44 AM
So, we're going down to the launch-dock, and picking up our nerf guns?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 10:35:10 AM
Er, I don't think so.  I just had mine get his cause he got paranoid.  And, you know, no fourth wall.

By the way, does anyone thing I'm playing my character too innocent?  Should I keep it that way?   (Remember, we're about to go into the soul-sucking emptiness of space, where there are little to no radio transmissions....and a character that has gotten comfortable with the constant flux of random conversations.)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 10, 2010, 12:18:28 PM
Jason is now totally freaked out by Special Study Case #006782-AA3, the rock. :3
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 12:24:23 PM
Ok.  I have to go to work for a few hours, so if anyone needs to use my char, go ahead.  Just keep it in character.  As best as possible anyways.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 12:28:16 PM
OK, so are we going to a briefing room, or to the launch? I just want to make sure.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 10, 2010, 01:00:00 PM
I think the briefing room; makes more sense than going to the ship to be briefed on our suicide mission.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 01:09:09 PM
Briefing room.

I'm going to be on hiatus until late this evening.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 10, 2010, 05:11:03 PM
SquirrelWizard, I am reminded of the scene from Aliens by your post... I'm pretty sure you know the one, considering its popularity. Of course, my first thought was a super-powered tapeworm-type creature... :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 10, 2010, 05:24:47 PM
nah its a direct rip from aliens.

except the xenosian scavengers only grow to about the size of a small dog, they dont reproduce from face huggers but instead the female injects an egg into the male's chest sac. Also, they don't have a stiff tongue with mandibles. Instead it has a softer muscle like tentacle that is tipped with a grasping mandible.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 06:42:10 PM
Would've posted sooner, but got sidetracked trying to find this:

Anyway, Congrats JasonCray! Enjoy your double joystick controls! (Ones that couldn't possibly look more phallic...)

However, I have to be serious for a moment here... I didn't really expect you guys to jump on board so quickly and start wreaking havoc and chaos... (I'm actually pretty proud of that, though...) HOWEVER! I will need to add some structure to the chaos you're leaving behind as you guys are going in all different directions...

From now on, I will be leaving Requirements and Suggestions in each post before I let you loose, mostly to have some semblance of plot and story structure. Plus, I would like to drop some jokes too, ya know... And right now, I need everyone gathered in one place to introduce the ship and release the tour of the metal, ship-like coffin everyone is going to be crammed into.

And just a heads up here, anyone remember in Star Trek about how things happen wherever they are and travel is rarely mentioned? That's not gonna happen here... I'm going to throw a length of travel time at you guys and see what your chars have been doing to stave off insanity. (Some will probably be more successful than others...)

I need ALL characters in the BRIEFING ROOM ON THE SHIPYARD so the ship can make a dramatic entrance. The reason for this was that too many people thought the blue one was too shiny. So, I have to set-up a major let-down for your characters. (Well, I don't HAVE to, but I would LIKE to...)

And please try not to kill anyone until you're actually out in space? The place is well-populated and trying to hide cadavers can be hard... It's not like there's a bunch of unlocked lockers hanging around for such a purpose... (That may or may not already be "occupied"...)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Shachza on August 10, 2010, 08:06:26 PM
Huh.  I don't even have to post to screw with people's heads!   :boogie

I don't mind my character being auto'd, but I think you guys may have missed some of my post.  I suppose it's a bit late to amend your first posts Inumo and Draken, but rock was comfortable where it was because it had been taken straight to the briefing room.  I didn't catch that in time.   :blush

However, rock is also much too large to be stored in a simple pocket.  I suppose I could add variable dimensions to it, but I'd prefer not to add variable weight.  If Jason is taking rock to the briefing room, then he'd probably want to push the hoverdolly.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: VAE on August 10, 2010, 08:19:17 PM
Schachza, an interesting idea i had.
See, shadows due to the fact they partially exist in hyperspace, can phase limited distances and be invisible, much like the rock.... it would be fun if  the two collided at some point - suddenly there is a crash and to everyone's amazement a rock and a bumped up insectoid appear out of nowhere
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 08:29:48 PM
Yes, that rock is amazing epic. Anyway, suggestions for what I should do about the Seras/Chris mixup? I could continue pretending to be Seras to see where that goes, switch back to being Chris and deny anything happened (and have the edits to the clipboard be on a timer or switch them back somehow), or even go with a new name entirely. Don't worry though, this isn't the only trick in my hat ^.^

Also, does anyone have a problem with Chris knowing who everyone is (and a little bit about them) due to having read the clipboard?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 09:00:55 PM
Eh... Not really.

And you prolly outta just switch back to being Chris and deny everything.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 10, 2010, 09:07:29 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 09:00:55 PM
Eh... Not really.

And you prolly outta just switch back to being Chris and deny everything.

thats probably the healthier option.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 09:18:37 PM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on August 10, 2010, 09:07:29 PM
thats probably the healthier option.
Except this is Star Wrecked. We don't DO 'healthy' XD But yes, I think I'll switch back. It's easier to keep track of past events than ongoing things. I have a vague feeling that there's going to be enough chaos without this to keep track of also. Too much chaos and things dissolve into nonsense of the not wonderful kind...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 09:29:11 PM
Who all is in the Briefing room right now?  Not that my character will really notice anyone, but it's either "person" "people" or "empty" >.>
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 09:35:18 PM
I think Ash is in there. Yeah, let's just say he is.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 09:47:59 PM
Wait, Draken, does GD look like a robotic snake, or what?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 09:50:18 PM
Nagas are basically snake merpeople.  That is, man top, snake bottom.  Think Yuan-Ti from Goblins.

as a Cobra-Naga, he looks very snake-like, but with a relatively human-esque top-half.  The "hood" should look a lot like how the cobra-taur's hood does (Like matilda's)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 09:51:58 PM
Dang, how is it that I always manage to post AFTER whoever I'm involving in the text has already managed to make the situation I carefully set up completely moot? And if Ash is there, then my character didn't notice him because of the distracting rock. It was very distracting.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 09:53:26 PM
So, wait, is he a snake on top of a man, a man on top of a snake, or... what? also, does he have legs, does he slither like a snake, and what does his head look like?

PS,rocks are very destracting. Also I never made it clear where Ash was draged to, untill the ooc post,it's ok, AC.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 09:55:20 PM

Top half is snake like.  He slithers, no legs.  If I put walk, it's a force of habit, and will change.

Top half is human like, but with a cobra's "hood".  It does not retract like a cobra's though.

Face is relatively human, but no hair. 

Overall, he looks "androidish".  Think Eve from Applegeeks.

Also, AC, sent you a PM.  Check out :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 09:57:14 PM
Ok, so it's basically a snake, with a guys head with a cobra hood, and probably arms, got it.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 09:58:38 PM
Definitely Arms.  He has connector-point fingertips, afterall.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 10:08:25 PM
Hope you don't mind Ash hating your Char at first. He and I share a fear of snakes. I'm not making up my fear of snakes(nor exaggerating how much I fear them.)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 10:11:54 PM
Hey, no problem.  I had no doubt someone would end up fearing the poor bot.

But I warn you.  My char will now be calling yours "Asssss-shit!" for the longest while.  Until it's finally cleared up later that is.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 10:12:29 PM
Hey, I just realized something... There's 10 players, and I have a... 12-sided die... Hmmm... Eh, it'll still work...

Alright, how this is going to work out is that I'm going to roll a number, and that player gets a "random" disaster. Today's lucky winner was logged into Baschat the same time I was, and didn't pick a number in time. Now, to further things along in the plot...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 10:14:10 PM
At draken: That's awsome, Ash'll love it.
At Drayco: What?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 10:15:11 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 10:14:10 PM
At Drayco: What?
You'll see... Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 10:16:42 PM

Have 1 and 12 be "all hit" disasters.

Or, have one or the other be a "delight" for all?

Also:  I thought everyone knew what a Tamaranian was.  *sigh*  I was meaning beings like Starfire from Teen Titans, either comics or show.  Hrm.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 10:18:40 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 10:15:11 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 10:14:10 PM
At Drayco: What?
You'll see... Bwaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Also, does anyone mind if my rp posts sometimes tend to be short?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 10:35:02 PM
Quote from: Draken on August 10, 2010, 10:16:42 PM
Also:  I thought everyone knew what a Tamaranian was.  *sigh*  I was meaning beings like Starfire from Teen Titans, either comics or show.  Hrm.
Oh, so THAT'S where I heard that from! It sounded familiar but I just couldn't place it...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 10:38:28 PM
oooh! I was thinking Tasmanian, like from Loonytoons. That makes more sense
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 10:40:08 PM
Yeaaaah.  Until AC returns, I'm gonna say she's not a hedgehog :P

But I will let the "over done" colors comment be, cause, let's face it:  It's true.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 10:51:54 PM
Where did Ac go?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 10:54:13 PM
Sorry, back now. Yeah... I probably should have realized the hedgehog thing... But I didn't watch enough Teen Titans to recognize the name. I also figured Tasmanian which would to my character be 'one of those earth species'. Shall I edit that or leave it be?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 10:58:50 PM
Please edit?  :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Shachza on August 10, 2010, 11:01:42 PM
Well, I guess nothing from the first several conflicting posts about rock are going to be edited, so I'll just have to go with it.  Rock will be on the overturned chair.

Just remember that rock is large and very heavy!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 11:02:05 PM
Blarg, hate going back and editing stuff. At least there's only a page of stuff so far...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 11:03:52 PM
Ach.  Sorry, Shachza.  I promise to be more attentive to all posts herewithin.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 11:09:24 PM
Argh... I'm trying to do this name-by-name, but all this is confusing as hell/zoning laws... That'll teach me to give a bunch of people free range in an RP...

Well, I'll be fixing this MY WAY...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 11:11:14 PM
Okay, editted everything that needed it on my part. Question: is there a reason everyone seems scared of the rock? Im having my character take it in stride but I'm wondering if I've got something wrong.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 11:16:43 PM
Here's a thought for you. You have this clown dool, sitting on your bed. you leave it there, and go get some food from the fridge. When you open the fridge, the clown is in it.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 11:23:17 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 11:16:43 PM
Here's a thought for you. You have this clown dool, sitting on your bed. you leave it there, and go get some food from the fridge. When you open the fridge, the clown is in it.
I'd empty whatever gun I had on hand into the clown.

I HATE clowns...

Edit: Oh yeah, post is up. Yes, you're all trapped inside ONE room.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 11:24:44 PM
They scare me. Why I love playing L4d2's level Dark Carnival. You get to blow clown(zombies) away with chainsaws, and shotguns:D

Edit, for IC: Wait, we WERN'T in the Briefing room? Plot...twist?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 11:30:47 PM
Some "less cooperative" individuals weren't...

*Glares at danman, Meany, and SquirrelWizard.*

Ironically, those three are most often on Baschat...
That, and JC hadn't yet made his first post...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Shachza on August 10, 2010, 11:36:49 PM
You all post way too fast.  I'm trying to do something here and the scene changes between writing a response and checking for new responses before I hit post.   :<

With how slow Azlan posts he'll have seizures.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 10, 2010, 11:38:52 PM
Sorry about that. I'm still wondering how you can RP with a 'Seemingly' life less object, and I want to see.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 11:40:32 PM
Shachza, I feel the same way :/ I've taken to writing shorter posts just so I could get stuff in without stuff changing. It's been ages since I've been in an RP popular enough that I've had this problem.

Also, what is this Baschat? And how do I stop personal messages from triggering an email to my account? I'd rather not set up a filter but it seems I may have to.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 10, 2010, 11:42:32 PM
Profile -> Notifications and Email.  The first checkbox deals with the unread messages, and is autoclicked.  Unclick, and save.  There ya go.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 10, 2010, 11:46:57 PM
Sorry 'bout that Shachza. I was gone for the past ~4 hours, so I didn't see your posts. I just assumed by you saying "rock" you meant riverbed-type rock, not fair-sized rock or boulder. Also, thought we had been called into Snivers' office, not the briefing room.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 10, 2010, 11:56:15 PM
Quote from: Draken on August 10, 2010, 11:42:32 PM
Profile -> Notifications and Email.  The first checkbox deals with the unread messages, and is autoclicked.  Unclick, and save.  There ya go.
I tried that >.< All it did was get me email from EVERY new message.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 10, 2010, 11:57:20 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 11:30:47 PM
Some "less cooperative" individuals weren't...

*Glares at danman, Meany, and SquirrelWizard.*

Ironically, those three are most often on Baschat...
That, and JC hadn't yet made his first post...

now I'll have you know Seras was heading to the briefing room. He just hadn't arrived just yet.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 10, 2010, 11:59:06 PM
AmberCross, if you need to do that long of an OOC comment that's not directly related to your post, post it here. I'll edit from four-armed to four-legged though.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 12:07:05 AM
QuoteRight, things to point out... from what I understand, the rock is more like a small boulder than an actual rock. Not sure it would be able to stay on the arm chair or back any more than a regular sized person could. The other thing to point out is that my character has three sets of limbs. The lowermost two are always legs, but the middle set are interchangeable between legs and arms. Currently he's using them as legs and sitting on his haunches much the way a dog or a cat would. The uppermost limbs are pretty much arms and are usually what he uses for manipulating stuff, but he can walk on all six limbs if he wants. I imagine this might get confusing, is there a good way to indicate which state he's in at any given time?

Go with two-legged, four-legged, and six-legged and work that in somehow.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 12:10:03 AM
Quote from: That_wolfInumo.....Thank you, that post made my day.

Hey, it said in his psych profile he hated clothes. He saw Seras nekkid, assumed it was an non-professional/public space, and went normal.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 12:13:48 AM
Sorry, I'm very used to everyone just posting the OOC to the top or bottom to keep it in just one thread. Kind of a tough habit to break. Maybe I can use the emoticons somehow?  :giggle for two legs,  :boogie for four, and   :bunny for six? I could put it at the start or end of a post to represent a change in status.

Also Wolf... We (including you) are still in the same room. It's just Seras, Meany, the navigator, and the first officer who got teleported before the captain himself walked in. As for Jason... pretty sure it's not terribly indecent for his species to not wear clothes and I imagine they'd get in the way of wings.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 12:15:55 AM
All I know is, this will be REALY fun.

Also, It's midningt, and I'm supposed to go to bed an hour ago so...yeah, my posts will be tired, and also I might suddenly quit.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 12:16:28 AM
That might work, though you'd probably want non-animated ones, like :) or :U. Would it be more hands-and-feet than six-legged though?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 12:17:09 AM
Whoa... You go, naturists...

Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 10, 2010, 11:56:15 PM
Quote from: Draken on August 10, 2010, 11:42:32 PM
Profile -> Notifications and Email.  The first checkbox deals with the unread messages, and is autoclicked.  Unclick, and save.  There ya go.
I tried that >.< All it did was get me email from EVERY new message.
Yeah, it really needs a "JUST STOP EMAILING ME!" option...
Especially for those that almost NEVER check their email...

Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 11, 2010, 12:13:48 AM
Sorry, I'm very used to everyone just posting the OOC to the top or bottom to keep it in just one thread. Kind of a tough habit to break. Maybe I can use the emoticons somehow?  :giggle for two legs,  :boogie for four, and   :bunny for six? I could put it at the start or end of a post to represent a change in status.
"Six/Four/Two-legged position" should work, though, or "shifting to four legs", "raised up onto his hind legs", etc. should also work.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 11, 2010, 12:20:39 AM
Maaan, I really want to post, just to post, but I better not. I have 4 on this page alone.  Yeesh! :B

Edit: Are you kidding about the looks??  He's a friggin color buffet to my char!  Now I really want to post :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 12:24:43 AM
The reason I don't just say hands and feet is because Chris' species can naturally walk that way. When on all six limbs, it's kind of like he actually has six legs. You say a person goes on their hands and feet because one is clearly hands and the other is clearly feet. It's impossible to use one as the other with any speed. Plus for humans it's just awkward as all hell.
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 12:17:09 AM
Yeah, it really needs a "JUST STOP EMAILING ME!" option...
Especially for those that almost NEVER check their email...
Right... 'set up a filter' it is.
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 12:17:09 AM
"Six/Four/Two-legged position" should work, though, or "shifting to four legs", "raised up onto his hind legs", etc. should also work.
I've been making sure to say something in every post he changes positions, but it's kind of hard to notice when just skimming through. I may have to use a different color to highlight wherever I say something like that. Probably a better solution than making everyone remember what emoticon means what.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 12:28:31 AM
Shachza, I thought Snivers wasn't in the room; he was briefing via vidscreen. The rock could be sitting on top of the briefing pamphlets though.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 11, 2010, 12:29:02 AM
You also mentioned Click twice.  And GD not at all?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Shachza on August 11, 2010, 12:33:22 AM
Quote from: Draken on August 11, 2010, 12:29:02 AM
You also mentioned Click twice.  And GD not at all?

Copy and paste for expediency is not always user-friendly.  You are included, rest assured.   :)

Quote from: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 12:28:31 AM
Shachza, I thought Snivers wasn't in the room; he was briefing via vidscreen. The rock could be sitting on top of the briefing pamphlets though.


PS  Sleepy time now.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 12:40:14 AM
Not to be annoying, Shachza, but...

Quote from: Drayco84 on August 10, 2010, 11:21:58 PM
   All of you are now -trapped- in the meeting room, which also includes JamesCray's character. You will be allowed out once Snivers has given you the mission briefing via the viewscreen in the room.

Might be me misinterpreting, but I think he's briefing remotely. I doubt he wants to be in a room with insane-asylum patients...

On a side note, I've gone forum stalker for this; I've been following the Who's Online page to watch for when someone posts. :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 12:44:54 AM
Just to remind everyone...

Snivers is NOT in the room. This will become important later. (Translation: It's gonna suck for you guys, but not for him because of that fact.)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 12:45:46 AM
Well that's mildly creepy, but not quite so much as my sister's Orgo. Chem. teacher so you're still good ^.^

Poor Ash though. Xenosian scavenger is creepy enough without looking like a snake ^.^; I almost had my character go interact with Seras and the thing ("Is that a Xenosian scavenger? Where'd you find it?"), but my character isn't supposed to be ADD to the point of jumping from one conversation to another without awaiting a response ;>.>
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 12:59:08 AM
Alright, I need to get up in ~7 hours, gonna go head for bed. See you guys in ~10 to be on the safe side, though I might check in before I sleep/before I leave.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: hapless on August 11, 2010, 06:11:27 AM
*claps* Bravo! I laughed so much reading these pages, family came to ask what's going on.
Strong candidate for the Readers' Choice Award (if such will ever exist). ;)

And you know folks... despite "free form", you may want to try to agree to post in order, to avoid breaking more elaborate actions with ninja'ing... chaos in-RP = good, chaos OOC != good... *grins to Stormy*
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 09:34:39 AM
Hey Azlan, just in case you see this before someone else posts...

Quote from: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 12:44:54 AM
Snivers is NOT in the room. This will become important later. (Translation: It's gonna suck for you guys, but not for him because of that fact.)

Seems to be a commonly-missed fact.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 11, 2010, 11:22:56 AM
I know it's really late, but I deleted the box reference in my first post.  It still makes sense as is.  Woo!

Further, what are the colors of each character (aside from those that have already said)?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 11:55:32 AM
Quote from: hapless on August 11, 2010, 06:11:27 AM
*grins to Stormy*
Wait... what's that mean? You're not talking to me are you? Where did you learn that name?!? O_o

*cough* >.>

So if not already stated, my character has fur that blue color you see when there's too much snow or in glaciers. I will call it glacier blue. Clothing is probably dark colors or light colors. Long in short: your character won't pay terribly much attention to mine.

Also, just because I can... those EMP bombs I was juggling look like this:
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 12:07:10 PM
My guy has dark gray fur and brown eyes. Clothing is generally either monochrome, brown variant pants (tan, beige, dark brown, etc), or darker colors for shirts. The shirts are made so that you put it on over your head/arms then zip the bottom of the back of the shirt up. Best I can describe the shirts without an example... pants are normal though.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 01:38:01 PM
Ash is a red fox. So...yeah.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 11, 2010, 01:45:09 PM
Ohhh joy.  In terms of sheer color, looks like that Seras is gonna be GD's favorite.  Tip:  No talking.  He likes a combo of bright colors and sounds.  No sound, and he loses interest overall.  Fun fact, because of this, when he watches television, he messes with the settings into an eye-burning mess, and watches foriegn items for the babbling.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 08:36:14 PM
I need to have 'Asssss-shit!' watch tv with GD, It'd be interesting.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 09:00:24 PM
I find it kinda funny how we've all avoided posting in the IC thread to allow Azlan to re-do his post... XD

Also, that'd be quite hilarious That_wolf.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 09:04:57 PM
Well I don't know about everyone else, but I'm waiting for someone else to post first. I imagine my previous conversation was interrupted by an exploding vase however. Also... am I the only one who expects us all to get jettisoned into space at any given moment?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:06:21 PM
I'm expecting zero gravity, to 'train us'. Or, make us all puke, whatever works. Also, yeah, I'm waiting. Wait fight!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 11, 2010, 09:07:13 PM
Actually, I was expecting the floor to just give out underneath the party, and just dump them into the ship.  The window is a red herring.   :U

As for waiting, I'm dong so cause I've already posted so much >.>
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:10:41 PM
Uh... so does anyone want to take charge?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 09:15:39 PM
I was kinda hoping the Navigator would show up...

Quote from: Draken on August 11, 2010, 09:07:13 PM
Actually, I was expecting the floor to just give out underneath the party, and just dump them into the ship.  The window is a red herring.   :U

As for waiting, I'm dong so cause I've already posted so much >.>
In the words of Johnny Tightlips: "I'm not saying nothing."
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:17:03 PM
Denial is admittance!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 11, 2010, 09:19:35 PM
Nah, I just think mine was the funniest.

(Seriously, are a few of us posting too much?)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 09:21:33 PM
Well, let me put it this way...

The furniture is BOLTED to the FLOOR.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 09:23:41 PM
Quote from: Draken on August 11, 2010, 09:07:13 PM
Actually, I was expecting the floor to just give out underneath the party, and just dump them into the ship.  The window is a red herring.   :U
Quote from: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:17:03 PM
Denial is admittance!
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 09:21:33 PM
Well, let me put it this way...

The furniture is BOLTED to the FLOOR.
I say we set up a betting pool. I'm not entirely sure how this works, but I think this is how you do it...

Jettison out window: 10/1
Jettison out other wall: 20/1
Trapdoor floor: 35/1
Sucked out of ceiling: 50/1
Ship crashes into the room: 50/1
Mass teleportation: 35/1
We are already on the ship: 27/1
We are ninja'd onto the ship one by one without anyone else noticing: 35/1
The RP is a lie and we are all killed before actually getting on the ship: 20/1
Drayco thinks of something else just to circumvent the bettingpool: 15/1 (actually with this on the list, it's now 1000/1)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:23:59 PM
So, there's going to be some force exerted on us, eather trap door full room, zero gravity, flipped, or a 'no bashing Ash's head in with a chair/no breaking out with chairs/table to battering ram out.

Edit: Ash's stuff!On whatever loses!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 09:26:01 PM
Hold on... forgot an option:

We are allowed to calmly board the ship of our own free will without undue chaos: 576843445/0
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:28:16 PM
What about chaotic zero gravity/attempt to smash in Ash's skull with the table theory?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 09:28:57 PM
Quote from: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 09:23:41 PM
Drayco thinks of something else just to circumvent the betting pool: 15/1 (actually with this on the list, it's now 1000/1)
Hmmm... Twenty bucks on that last one...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 09:30:13 PM
Pretty sure that somehow files under the 'other' given by the 'GM thinks of something else'

No fair! GM isn't allowed to bet!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:30:49 PM
oh, Drayco bet on it, that makes it a LOCK in to lose.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 11, 2010, 09:31:08 PM
Seems fair to me.  But really, the bets should be about who's gonna post next!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 09:32:29 PM
Well we can set up another pool for that. I mean there's only ten people that there can really be excluding our Navigator suddenly existing or random douchery.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:42:19 PM
...Will ANYONE ever post? How about Inumo, I think he was on, recently.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 09:47:05 PM
I'm torn between waiting for Squirrel to answer me and just giving up on him and starting something up with Azlan.

Also, I will be leaving for another state this Friday (in the morning even) so just shuffle my character along if need be. I'll be sorta-gone for a week (which is to say I may have internet and I may not) but after that I'll be back so don't nuke me or anything ;>.>
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:50:32 PM
awww, have fun.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:51:13 PM
Ok, we need a dice tossed by the GM, to determen who posts first, deal?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 09:54:19 PM
Quote from: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 09:47:05 PM
I'm torn between waiting for Squirrel to answer me and just giving up on him and starting something up with Azlan.

Also, I will be leaving for another state this Friday (in the morning even) so just shuffle my character along if need be. I'll be sorta-gone for a week (which is to say I may have internet and I may not) but after that I'll be back so don't nuke me or anything ;>.>
You char will probably either get shoved into a closet, or stuck in the cryogenics lab...
Basilisk or Llearch are probably gonna beat me for this, but here's Baschat:

Quote from: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:51:13 PM
Ok, we need a dice tossed by the GM, to determen who posts first, deal?
I'm grabbing next post. Please wait as this is gonna take a while...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 11, 2010, 10:03:43 PM
blah sorry just havent felt very imaginative today. I've mostly been reading crap and preparing for orientation tomarrow.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Azlan on August 11, 2010, 10:05:50 PM
You all need more responsibilities in life, then posting would be more leisurely.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 10:17:42 PM
Posted to get the ball rolling again. Found a way to make Snivers not-there.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 10:59:08 PM
...No one has any ideas, it looks like. I have no ideas for RP eather, sorry.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 11:04:50 PM
In case anyone is wondering how big that thing is... You see that black shadow behind the front turret? That's my PC's mouse.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 11, 2010, 11:08:40 PM
Wowww....that blows just about everything I ever made with legos out of the water...

On that note, now I must think about how my char is going to react to all this.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 11:09:55 PM
You built.... THAT! just to tease us? You're evil.Also, I can't see the mouse.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 11:20:23 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 11:09:55 PM
You built.... THAT! just to tease us? You're evil.Also, I can't see the mouse.
Actually, no. I've had constructed for a while now. (You can't see it due to the distance from the webcam, but I couldn't blow off all the dust that it has accumulated.) I still need some more pieces to truly finish it, but obviously, it still looks pretty damn impressive.

However, I did take a picture of it and host it online JUST to tease you. ^_^

Mouse is in front of my router. (The white thing with the antenna in the background.)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 11:22:04 PM
Remeber how I said 'Ooh, shiny,' to baby blue? I take it back. Also, I hope people start posting again, nothing has happened today.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 11:25:34 PM
Posted. Sorry, bub, you got hit with Jason's full weight and then some. :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 11:29:54 PM
Though I did get to say other doctor. SOMEONE in Dr. Who/talking about Dr. who, had to've said that.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 11:35:11 PM
Inumo! NO exploring!

Trust me on this one...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 11, 2010, 11:53:41 PM
Come now, the med-bay can't be that hard to find... >.> <.<

At most, he'll just set off some gadget that makes a lot of sparks.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 12, 2010, 12:03:47 AM
Nooooooo... The ship is going to take off soon...

And nobody's going to like the way it does it, either...

EDIT: Well, I don't really mind giving this away...
Anybody remember the "Ludicrous Speed" thing in Spaceballs?
Think about that...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 12, 2010, 01:04:09 AM
See, that's actually a reason for me to keep this guy standing then. Don't worry, I'll make sure he's in a door frame by that time (that or up against a wall).
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 12, 2010, 01:05:04 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 11:04:50 PM
In case anyone is wondering how big that thing is... You see that black shadow behind the front turret? That's my PC's mouse.
I couldn't find the mouse either. I just went for scale off what I'm pretty sure is your phone visible to the right of the picture. Either way, it's freaking huge and there is SO much hate right now >.<

I am consolidating myself with the fact that I like the color blue, our ship is probably cooler, definitely more expensive, and also the fact that the other ship probably isn't nearly as maneuverable as ours. Judging from the basis of this RP, our ship is actually far cooler than the other one (though also far more likely to blow up) even though it's a lot smaller and less impressive looking.

EDIT: Okay, I've had my character wander off because that way you can have more fun with him. It occurs to me however, that this is the perfect opportunity for him to fall into a cyro chamber and go inactive for the next week until he's rescued or something malfunctions.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 12, 2010, 01:26:26 AM
Then I probably shouldn't mention this (

I probably played way too much Skies of Arcadia Legends when I thought that up... (Yes, that's a freaking super-cannon.) If you don't see it, look down, close to the PC case. (Yes, that's a PC case it's sitting on.)

EDIT: Or this ( now that I think about it...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 12, 2010, 01:38:59 AM
Okay, your use of the Dreadnaut cannon ups that other ship several points of sheer awesome by merit of assosiation with Skies of Arcadia Legends. However I think I will stick to my original opinion that our ship is cooler. It's the only logical conclusion for how all that money could have possibly been spent. This is a point where I will not be heeding the logic of others because I am what you would call in denial.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 12, 2010, 01:35:40 PM

In case certain people really MUST know, the med bay is on the bottom level. Everybody has obviously been dumped onto the top level.

The Bridge, Reactor/Shield Generators, and Communications are on the Top level. The Mid level (Where the wings are attached.) Holds Maintenance, Captain's Quarters, and the entrance to the Escape Unit. The Bottom level (Which you can't see due to my crappy camera angle.) Holds Crew Quarters, Messhall, Med Bay, Engineering, Science Lab, Weapons, Cargo Bays, and whatever else isn't jumping out of my head right now.

HOWEVER... I've already literally dumped everyone into the ship, and the place is filled with technology and equipment that "sounded like a good idea at the time". Hell, I even took a few pictures of my favorite creation and hosted them online JUST FOR the purpose of disappointing everyone. Don't blame me if you stick your head into some mysterious hole in the wall, then it grabs you. (A la Stargate SG-1. Except said hole won't contain knowledge of ancient technology...)

The GOOD news is that nothing will kill you. The BAD news is that you may WISH it had.... Mweheheheheheheheheh...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 12, 2010, 03:48:47 PM
Are we allowed to RP like this thing if as large as say... Hogwarts(Harry Potter school, spelling issue probible.)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 12, 2010, 04:16:45 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 12, 2010, 03:48:47 PM
Are we allowed to RP like this thing if as large as say... Hogwarts(Harry Potter school, spelling issue probible.)

I don't follow. Are you asking Drayco how big the ship is?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 12, 2010, 04:51:14 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 12, 2010, 03:48:47 PM
Are we allowed to RP like this thing if as large as say... Hogwarts(Harry Potter school, spelling issue probible.)
Oh no. Hell no.

Think of it as more of a decent-sized house with a few add-ons. and a total of three floors.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 12, 2010, 04:57:58 PM
considering the science lab is not running at the moment, and Seras hasn't started fiddling with Q-mass fields, micro black holes, or rift technology; the ship has a very finite amount of space that adheres to the designs of the schematics.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 12, 2010, 05:41:54 PM
From here on out, unless "something" happens, my character cannot speak direct english.  Everything else is fair game, and can even switch midsentence.  And it will happen more often when under stress.   :mwaha

And to any that thought my character was too innocent?  Well, I have my reasons.  And just keep that glowy girl and Tamaranian following habits in mind.   >:3
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 12, 2010, 06:59:57 PM
Wait, when you say 'anything else is fair game'... do you mean he could accurately speak some other language? What about sign language? Charades?

Anyway Squirrel, my character may be engineer now, but he's not exactly going to be light on the science and physics breaking either. Especially considering how I've already decided his species has a knack for dimensional crap to explain what are going to end up as his pockets of practical infinity. That is to say, he can't fit EVERYthing in there, but he can fit ANYthing and can generally pull anything out. It of course gets cluttered and confusing and hard to keep things apart at a certain point which is why he doesn't keep his luggage in there. Also his luggage wouldn't fit through the pockets. He can fit a hundred miles of extension chord in there, but not a basketball ^.^ Gonna see just how much humor this can lead to...

This gratuitous and long winded explanation brought to you by AmberCross!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 12, 2010, 07:15:37 PM
I mean /everything/ is fair game.  Even languages that don't exist.  Just remember:  The english language for my character follows the rule of funny.  It will not happen except when it absolutely must not :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 12, 2010, 08:09:05 PM
I'd love to post, but currently, ash is hobbling around, following Jason, looking for the med lab. Do you think I should just have Jason/Ash go to the med lab, or wait till Inumo gets on?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 12, 2010, 09:27:33 PM
If I were you, I'd wait until the GM makes his post.

A "hilariously unfortunate" accident may occur otherwise...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 12, 2010, 10:24:26 PM
Ok. *hums jeopardy theme*
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 12, 2010, 11:22:56 PM
Shachaza, think about it... where would YOU send something you wouldn't want anyone to try to go looking for?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 12, 2010, 11:31:47 PM
Right, is it okay for my character to find some sort of cyro chamber (a room or a tube or something) and jump inside for safety before realizing just what exactly it was?

Azlan, I think some people's feelings might be hurt when you say "Not even any good looking males." :p If I remember right, there was someone on the ship who was actually bisexual.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 12, 2010, 11:44:42 PM
They were also a fox, and one of the two medical officers that someone gave me a hard time about... :)

Quote from: AmberCross on August 12, 2010, 11:31:47 PM
Right, is it okay for my character to find some sort of cyro chamber (a room or a tube or something) and jump inside for safety before realizing just what exactly it was?

Azlan, I think some people's feelings might be hurt when you say "Not even any good looking males." :p If I remember right, there was someone on the ship who was actually bisexual.
Bonus points if they're leaning back in a chair and get knocked off-balance by the takeoff.
Double points if they somehow managed to get knocked into it by a niblonian...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 12, 2010, 11:53:11 PM
Ah yes... Ash. Anyway, since you haven't really answered my question I'm just going to assume that yes I can find a stasis chamber.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 12, 2010, 11:59:38 PM
Oops. Yeah, there's stasis chambers.

Actually... Those are in the Escape Unit...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 13, 2010, 12:15:07 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 12, 2010, 11:59:38 PM
Actually... Those are in the Escape Unit...
Well that's ominous... Too late for my character to do anything about it though. He's stuck now! Let's just hope they don't eject for some reason ^.^;
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 12:27:57 AM
Sorry it took so long for me to post; I was at the DCI Quarterfinals.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 12:30:56 AM
Well, the escape unit is actually the best, and most reliable part of the ship, and I've come up with a pretty good explanation for that.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 13, 2010, 12:32:33 AM
So aside from the whole stasis thing, I actually found a really good hiding place!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 12:37:30 AM
Yeah, pretty much.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 12:40:39 AM
Eh, can I null-void my last post, Inumo has me with him, and it's nottime for close- I mean, no, I weill not clone Ash ever. so, can I just warp to jason?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 01:10:25 AM
Warp to Jason... What? I'm confused. As it stands, my character has suggested that you find a door frame or wall to brace yourself against. Maybe go just inside the med-bay and find the nearest wall (that's perpendicular to the door) to lie flat against?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 01:14:31 AM
One of you go inside the medbay and stand in front of an odd, cabinet-looking thing.

You'll be secure in there, I assure you...

Oh, and which of you likes tentacles?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 01:16:19 AM
Hey! Neither of us are dressed in Japanese school-girl uniforms! >:[ :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 01:18:14 AM
The tentacles don't care. They're part of the probe-o-matic, a machine that gets incredibly accuracte medical info from a subject.

But, apparently nobody likes tentacle rape, so...

EDIT: I forgot an "S"...

Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 12:40:39 AM
Eh, can I null-void my last post, Inumo has me with him, and it's nottime for close- I mean, no, I weill not clone Ash ever. so, can I just warp to jason?
Null-void, no. Edit it so both of you are together, yes.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: VAE on August 13, 2010, 07:11:42 AM
crap... what was intended to be a nap yesterday ended as full 10 hours of sleep or so.
Also, FYI, the closest equivalent to "Crap!" (as an exclamation) in czech is "Do Prdele!"  as an object designation it's "Hovno!"
If you ever need something else translated to czech, slovak, and to a limited amount, russian, just PM me :D

EDIT: Of course , Drayco, the thing he is walking to doesn't need to be a meeting room at all...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 08:54:21 AM
Tentacles for Ash, please?
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 12, 2010, 11:44:42 PM
They were also a fox, and one of the two medical officers that someone gave me a hard time about... :)

A: Was it me, B) what was it C) Weird phrasing.

Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 10:54:52 AM
"Perkele" is an exclamation akin to "dammit" in Finnish, if humon is to be trusted (which I'm fairly sure I can assume, seeing as she's Danish and likes to make sure she's correct).
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 13, 2010, 11:34:36 AM
And I am officially leaving. I may drop by periodically during the week, but not enough for my character to be readily accessible. But then, I already took care of that ^.^
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Azlan on August 13, 2010, 11:38:43 AM
Quote from: AmberCross on August 12, 2010, 11:31:47 PM
Azlan, I think some people's feelings might be hurt when you say "Not even any good looking males." :p If I remember right, there was someone on the ship who was actually bisexual.

:animesweat Well tastes do vary.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 12:08:25 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 13, 2010, 11:38:43 AM
Quote from: AmberCross on August 12, 2010, 11:31:47 PM
Azlan, I think some people's feelings might be hurt when you say "Not even any good looking males." :p If I remember right, there was someone on the ship who was actually bisexual.
:animesweat Well tastes do vary.
Oh, come on already! He's a total fox!
Yeah, literally. Lame pun, I know, but I couldn't resist.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 12:15:26 PM
So... can I get attacked by the tentacles, Drayco?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 12:16:56 PM
Quote from: AmberCross on August 13, 2010, 11:34:36 AM
And I am officially leaving. I may drop by periodically during the week, but not enough for my character to be readily accessible. But then, I already took care of that ^.^

Are you quitting this RP, or just taking a temporary leave?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 12:31:33 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 12:15:26 PM
So... can I get attacked by the tentacles, Drayco?
Considering that this is the first time a specific "feature" of a ship is being described, yes you can but I'll handle it. ^_^
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 12:48:36 PM
Cool, I'm going go have ash hide in a closet. Once he opens the doors, spring the trap.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: hapless on August 13, 2010, 01:09:32 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 12:16:56 PM
Quote from: AmberCross on August 13, 2010, 11:34:36 AM
And I am officially leaving. I may drop by periodically during the week, but not enough for my character to be readily accessible. But then, I already took care of that ^.^

Are you quitting this RP, or just taking a temporary leave?

He's leaving on a vacation for a week. See this post (,7661.msg336139.html#msg336139) and everything since, where he was looking for a way to explain his absence.
(He found one (,7662.msg336271.html#msg336271), btw.)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 01:57:39 PM
*Face of utter disbelief.*
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 02:02:17 PM
Post has been made, Ash is... Secure...

Hey, when is anything involving tentacles NOT squicky?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 13, 2010, 02:02:58 PM unsure if I should bust my gut laughing, or sit here utterly repulsed.   :erk

That_wolf, I feel so very very sorry for your character.  Unless he's actually enjoying it, in which case:  What the hell man, and at least he's having fun.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:04:47 PM
Well, Ash is bisexual, so I'd assume he likes it, or something. For humor, lets say Ash loves it.

Edit: I intended to have it go differently, like he opens it, fog comes out, the Friday the 13'th chik chick thing playing(He IS with a guy named Jason, alone....)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 02:07:11 PM
I'm sitting here giggling as I type this... That is quite funny. I wasn't sure how you'd do it without sounding pornographic, but you managed it. And here I was thinking, If the launch makes us spin, I can have Jason get thrown into the cabinet. After all, he's still naked... Not sure if I should be glad that didn't happen or disappointed.

Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:04:47 PM
Well, Ash is bisexual, so I'd assume he likes it, or something. For humor, lets say Ash loves it.

So that's his fetish? :erk Just remember the pants-tenting.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:13:07 PM
Who's pants tenting? Also, who says only one person can fit. Thirdly, Jason's still naked?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 02:15:03 PM
Sorry, it's a one-person ride. Everyone else will have to wait until Ash has had his turn.

On the other hand... There's a good chance that at least one person will like it... A lot...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:16:16 PM
Which will take about 20 minutes. Please form a line from the doorway, out, and leave your clothes in the incenerator 'Storage bin'.

Edit: or, in thelaundry chute, that goeshalfway across the ship(Ahem, GM, I think Ash's clothes need washing.)(Making Ash's life hellish is fun! Just dont burn hs nice clothes, please.

Edited again: Is the screen like a window to the inside, an analisis, or cameras in the tentacles? Also, who says these tentaclesare limited to just ONE cabnit?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 02:17:44 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:16:16 PM
Which will take about 20 minutes. Please form a line from the doorway, out, and leave your clothes in the incenerator 'Storage bin'.
30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the subject and how many orifices they have.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 02:20:56 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:13:07 PM
Who's pants tenting? Also, who says only one person can fit. Thirdly, Jason's still naked?

Yours, I figured, and of course. Jason's strange in that he doesn't mind being naked, taking off clothes, or wearing clothes in public, but getting dressed in public is an entirely different matter.

EDIT to avoid double post: Did we already get launched...?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:22:47 PM
That's weird. Also brings up the question Why does he even NEED clothes, if he's unasmamed?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: hapless on August 13, 2010, 02:31:07 PM
Gah ha ha! Let me guess... constructing it this way was cheaper than using a standard-issue nanoscan sleeve?

Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:22:47 PM
That's weird. Also brings up the question Why does he even NEED clothes, if he's unasmamed?
Because other people think he should be dressed, and react undesirably otherwise, I think.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 02:32:21 PM
Quote from: hapless on August 13, 2010, 02:31:07 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:22:47 PM
That's weird. Also brings up the question Why does he even NEED clothes, if he's unasmamed?
Because other people think he should be dressed, and react undesirably otherwise, I think.

Pretty much, which is why those three pants/shirts are all he has in terms of clothing.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:41:33 PM
So... why the 'Must... dress... in... PRIVACY!' thing? also, Inumo, I'm waiting on you to post(Or... uh... how do I post, without turning this into haardcore Tentacle porn, Gm needed, I think.I don't fully understand what/how I can do anything inthe cabnit, and how it works.)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 02:43:57 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:41:33 PM
So... why the 'Must... dress... in... PRIVACY!' thing? also, Inumo, I'm waiting on you to post(Or... uh... how do I post, without turning this into haardcore Tentacle porn, Gm needed, I think.I don't fully understand what/how I can do anything inthe cabnit, and how it works.)

Just a quirk of his (and lets me have an excuse to keep him naked for hilarity more often). Also, you can always just gloss over the tentacle-rape portion, and skip to the part where he comes out naked with his clothes on the floor. That, or have the clothing retrieved by some small mechanism to have him re-dressed before getting dumped out.

Also, I'm assuming we just glossed over the launch, since there's no response from Drayco.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:46:58 PM
But the launch is going to be awsome sounding. Also, I intend forthe clothes to besorted as 'Needs washing' and sent to the laundry room. Top floor(we're on the bottom floor.)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Azlan on August 13, 2010, 02:49:16 PM
The last post from Drayco, besides the tentacle rape, states to prepare for the launch.  I didn't see anything that addresses the actual launch, so I suspect we are still waiting for it to occur.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 02:50:36 PM
Hm, then Meany might need to edit a bit...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 02:58:04 PM
Meany has been informed via chat, and will go edit.

And Azlan, I'm surprised at you! That sounded awfully... Picard-ish... Not that it's a bad thing, it just surprised me a little...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 03:07:11 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 02:41:33 PM
So... why the 'Must... dress... in... PRIVACY!' thing? also, Inumo, I'm waiting on you to post(Or... uh... how do I post, without turning this into haardcore Tentacle porn, Gm needed, I think.I don't fully understand what/how I can do anything inthe cabnit, and how it works.)
Oh, don't worry... Here's the plan...

QuoteShortly after the ship stopped its insane acceleration, The "cabinet" doors opened and a slime-coated, thoroughly-violated Ash took two weak steps away from the device while the doors shut themselves, and promptly fell to the floor...

And then, what Ash does from there is up to you.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 03:08:41 PM
Can Ash' clothes be sent to the laundry room? They look like they need to be washed.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 03:10:07 PM
They already got spat out.

Laundry room? Dang, I forgot something else...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 03:43:43 PM
What did you forget, or do weneed to wait untill it shows up, untill we know?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 06:02:22 PM
Well, nobody expects the crew to live beyond their first mission, so I guess they weren't included...

I think the closets full of red uniforms might have something to do with that...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 13, 2010, 06:04:28 PM
Since when do androids have to wear uniforms?  >.>

By the by, for post purposes: When I say "anything but English"?  I mean straight English.   

you can do texan, you can do L337, Rap, Jazzy, Pig Latin; ANYTHING but straight, understandable English.  Have fun.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 06:15:56 PM
I'll be lazy and translate it into hexidecimal.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 09:51:26 PM
No laundry room? Somone needs to fix that.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 10:15:41 PM
SquirrelWizard, if Seras keeps that bubble up, he's gonna get left behind, unless I'm misreading. Is it that Seras will stay in that exact, absolute location, or that he'll not feel any of the forces and the bubble will absorb impacts in a somewhat rigid fashion?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 13, 2010, 10:22:05 PM
its ultimately an intertial barrier. the inertia from the sudden acceleration is blocked by the gravitons on both the acceleration and decelleration. Excessive changes in acceleration is blocked, slower changes arent.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 10:25:17 PM
Okay, so kinda like one of those bubble-shields in Halo 3 (best thing I can liken it to) that blocks bullets but lets people through.

By the way, when will launch occur? Kinda boring having Jason just sorta braced in the door frame.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 10:32:37 PM
...He can look at the monitor that's monitoring Ash, if he swings that way. Though not being allowed to post, due to the over-sexual-ness of ash's situation is [somewhat] boring.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 10:46:12 PM
Remember, we're under the banner of Mature here. Just go thoughts/feelings instead of actual physical stuff. Hope that makes sense. Also, he don't swing that way. Sorry. :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 10:53:26 PM
It'd go like this
'oh [boop] yes, these [boop] [boop]in [boop] [boop] [boop] my [boop]! This [booping] [boop] [boop] so [boop] [boop] me! [booooooooooooooooooo-]'

So... no.

(I actually thought out most of that post.)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 13, 2010, 11:03:12 PM
Or you could do something more like "The probes came as a surprise. While they did whatever they were supposed to do, Jason said to no one in particular, 'Aren't medical exams supposed to get less invasive, not more?' Either way, he relaxed into their grip and enjoyed the ride."
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 13, 2010, 11:05:22 PM
or you could infer that something horrible happened.

A simple, "lets not talk about it." or being overly evasive with the subject while showing a healthy bit of concern while around the cabinet would serve the same purpose.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 13, 2010, 11:41:17 PM
The monitor is ONLY giving a TEXT readout of Ash's medical info. That's it.

And you don't really need to say much about the incident. Just a too-quick "NOTHING HAPPENED!", and a ton of wariness around the device will suffice.

Or if you really want to take it that way, toss out a "long, wistful look and a deep sigh."
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 14, 2010, 12:15:49 AM
'Nothing happened!' gonna use that, definitely. Though with my own twist.

Edit:When is the ship going to take off/Ash is done using the cabnit?

Edit numero dose: Only gives a text edit? What about if a Doctor needs to fully understand his paiant, and stuff. I'm SURE that Med. Officers get some benifits, with it.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Draken on August 14, 2010, 12:23:47 AM
THat's easy:

THe computer creates an image so highly resoluted, so ultimately ahead of it's time, no one can percieve it.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 14, 2010, 12:25:56 AM
Well, it could probably create a 3d image, but the person who designed it wasn't really after the results...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 14, 2010, 12:28:35 AM
Then why'd s/he design it? It seems kinda half- finished.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 14, 2010, 12:41:25 AM
I think it probably has some sexless diagrams, but really the benefits of medical officer show up during physicals, surgery, and gynecology exams.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 14, 2010, 12:44:47 AM
So... are we ever going to resume the rp, or...?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 14, 2010, 01:06:08 AM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 14, 2010, 12:28:35 AM
Then why'd s/he design it? It seems kinda half- finished.
No, the tentacle-probing part is fully functional, and that's as far as they got before their funding was cut.

Quote from: That_wolf on August 14, 2010, 12:44:47 AM
So... are we ever going to resume the rp, or...?
Let me finish getting my notes from a brainstorming session on the chat, then I'll move it along.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 14, 2010, 01:10:16 AM
Ah, ok. Sorry if it sounds like I'm impatiant.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Shachza on August 14, 2010, 07:19:54 AM
Damn you Drayco!  I was going to have the rock fly through the back wall into whatever room was on the other side, incidentally causing a slow leak in the soon-to-be-used sewage system.  Then it would show up in the med lab to (probably not) have several stone chips repaired.    :P

Wait, if I suddenly found myself in the cargo bay, does that mean that the sewage room just opens up into the bay when needed?  IE, they just vent the whole thing out the back of the ship?!  Ewwwwww, icky thoughts...   :erk
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 14, 2010, 12:17:41 PM
Jason's heading to the mess hall, after throwing up on Ash's clothes. How is food dispensed; like that thing from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where you stick your head in and it figures out what you want (or in theory, that's how), or does some robo-chef make the meals?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 14, 2010, 12:28:30 PM
Yeah... Washing room for Ash's clothes.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 14, 2010, 12:58:27 PM
okay, thats it. I'm out.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 14, 2010, 01:04:34 PM
Aww, now we need to teleport in a new science officer.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: That_wolf on August 14, 2010, 01:36:34 PM
Aww, why are you quitting?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 14, 2010, 04:06:45 PM
Well, I have some serious and bad news here...

SquirrelWizard is leaving because, to use his words, he thought he was joining an RP, not a scripted gag reel on rails.
And... Well... He's not wrong... (Although I was aiming for a partially scripted gag reel, ideally free-form, but things were just getting too crazy...) And I really can't blame him for wanting to leave.
Well, truth be told and looking back on it now, he essentially told me that he didn't want to be a living pinball in the chat, and I didn't listen. In short, a definite patch of idiocy on my part...

I knew good and well when I started this train wreck that it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. Hell, Techmaster-glitch was the first to hear about it and turned down being a science officer immediately because the position was essentially a "make up shit" gag. Hell, I'm also walking a fine line with Azlan on this as well. Some people just take their RPs more seriously than others and I can respect that.

I will go ahead and edit the roster to reflect these changes later... Right now, I have some RL stuff to do. Also, Dekari has been wanting to join, but I figured that I should wait until after the "Ludicrous Speed" gag to fit him in.

If there's anybody else that thinks this RP isn't for them, PLEASE speak up. I'm not going to force you to play if you don't want to, and the tentacle thing is probably the most offensive thing I've got... (Except for maybe a few Aliens gags...) SInce this is a non-serious RP, there's about a bajillion ways somebody can leave. (Obviously, some are more dignified than others...)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Azlan on August 14, 2010, 07:50:04 PM
RP is all about having fun, at least that is the base theory.  Gag reels are okay for a webcomic, or funny story, but for the premise of an RP I think not.  I was expecting more of an Irresponsible Captain Tylor type of thing.  A ship of misfits on odd misadventures, but an overreaching plot of comical, yet plausible senarios.

You are new at this, so I am a little more understanding.  A more reasonable approach would be to set up amusing scenarios and allow the players to take the lead on it.  If you are dead set on stringing together slap stick gags without some kind of counter balance or eventual benefit to the victims then you may eventually lose others.  There are masochists out there, so you may eventually find your sweet spot for victims.

Since many do take their RPing very seriously, some even transcend "having fun" into some other existential, angsty struggle of depth, morality and passion, it may be best for you to lay out what you expect from this RP, the players, and all our time here in general.  Is the superficial true?  Are we all to just be heels and victims of your comedic sense of style?  Will you actually listen to others if they express a concern with something or continue to do it anyway as you did with SquirrelWizard?  What sort of punishment are you taking for such a blatant disrespect to a player?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Inumo on August 14, 2010, 10:03:17 PM
Hoo, boy, we've hit the hot-button here. My two cents, in short, are think of this less like you're designing a linear game and more like you're setting up a sandbox. At length, you aren't guiding us through each event because you think it's funny, or because you want to see the story unfold in a certain way. You're setting up a scene with a range of exits, then building the next set behind the door we seem to be heading for before we reach it. If we suddenly change doors, then you break for a moment and let everyone know that you didn't expect the choice, at the same time building the set and forgetting the half-finished one. You're not the script-writer for a play, where an actor's complaints don't matter since they need the job. You're running a game, where a player's complaints are important, since it means you're not doing your job right, and a player can always change games.

I hope this helps!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 14, 2010, 10:12:41 PM
Let me just say that yet again, I've been forced to do a fair amount of soul-searching. I loathe soul-searching as it leaves me even more depressed than when I started. Plus, it seems like there's never any end to the ugly parts I find...

Anyway Azlan... Once again you've given me a lot to think about in a few paragraphs full of valid points...
Part of me just wants to say that it was a lapse in judgement partially brought on by trying to force a post at 2am. Another part of me says "THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE!", and I'm siding with that. Another part of me felt like it was an attempt to flat-out force control over the players, and even -I- should've known better than that.

Quote from: Azlan on August 14, 2010, 07:50:04 PM
RP is all about having fun, at least that is the base theory.  Gag reels are okay for a webcomic, or funny story, but for the premise of an RP I think not.  I was expecting more of an Irresponsible Captain Tylor type of thing.  A ship of misfits on odd misadventures, but an overreaching plot of comical, yet plausible senarios.
I think that I'm trying to force the RP into both a gag reel AND misfit adventures.

Quote from: Azlan on August 14, 2010, 07:50:04 PM
You are new at this, so I am a little more understanding.  A more reasonable approach would be to set up amusing scenarios and allow the players to take the lead on it.  If you are dead set on stringing together slap stick gags without some kind of counter balance or eventual benefit to the victims then you may eventually lose others.  There are masochists out there, so you may eventually find your sweet spot for victims.
I've got nothing to counter this... Everything's spot-on and painfully true.

Quote from: Azlan on August 14, 2010, 07:50:04 PM
Since many do take their RPing very seriously, some even transcend "having fun" into some other existential, angsty struggle of depth, morality and passion, it may be best for you to lay out what you expect from this RP, the players, and all our time here in general.  Is the superficial true?  Are we all to just be heels and victims of your comedic sense of style?  Will you actually listen to others if they express a concern with something or continue to do it anyway as you did with SquirrelWizard?  What sort of punishment are you taking for such a blatant disrespect to a player?
1: I don't know anymore. 2 and 3:: I want to say "No", but seeing how I screwed up with SquirrelWizard, I wouldn't blame anyone in the slightest for disbelieving me. 4: Punishment for breaking somebody else's trust? There ISN'T a punishment WORTHY enough for that kind of offense! Trust is a fragile thing that once broken, can NEVER truly return to its original state!

Inumo... Thanks. That really should've been my goal from the start. It's still early, and things can still be fixed, I think...

I'm tired, and I need to edit an IC post...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 14, 2010, 10:53:57 PM
I'm sorry I snapped, but my issues stemmed from the fact that I, as a science officer and mad science type person in general, came up with a sciencey method of strapping myself in for the catapult launch. On multiple occasions, in both the OOC thread and Baschat, I explained that the shield was designed to counteract the inertia from the sudden acceleration from the catapult. It was just a fancy method to "strap" my character into a secure position. Instead Drayco decided to take the RP in a different direction ignoring what I said and have Seras pinball about this ship.

I don't mind random occurrences and slap stick comedy. I don't mind if my character's plans do not always work out exactly the way I planned. I do mind that any preparations that my character makes can be bluntly ignored for no reason other than the rule of funny. This RP does have some potential, but unfortunately its not what I thought it would be. Me staying around would just cause further problems which, in turn, would cause even more drama. It is because of this that I believe it is in everybody's best interest that I leave.

Good Luck and Have Fun.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: Azlan on August 15, 2010, 12:31:29 AM
Well, one other thing I did forget to mention.  In all things, everyone's tastes will vary.  Inevitably this means that some people will just pass an RP over after reading the premise and others will join with a misconception and eventually leave.  You cannot please everyone, nor should you try to.  To be successful you will need to find the middle ground between what you desire and what the players desire.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Hiatus)
Post by: Inumo on August 15, 2010, 09:27:27 PM
Woo, we got hiatus'd! When can we expect a return to the crew?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 16, 2010, 03:54:01 PM
Needed to take a bit of a break to sort out some things with me...

Part of me just wants to kill the whole RP because I screwed up. On the other hand, one has to make mistakes to learn from them and be more cautious in the future...

Mostly though... I need to step BACK and keep it that way. That's why I picked playing the ship's AI, to set up a playground and let you guys go nuts. That was, and should always be, my role here. Maybe throw a curve or something your way, but mostly to stand back and watch.

I'll step in with something funny every once in a while, but I'm not going to try forcing myself to keep and maintain a gag reel if I -think- things are slowing down. I'm also not going to force myself to keep the plot moving even though it's 3am and I should be "totally cool for it"...

Well, time to see if I can re-earn everyone's trust then... Especially my own...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Dekari on August 16, 2010, 04:18:33 PM
Guess I should make my entrance and try to liven things up.  :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: hapless on August 16, 2010, 04:57:50 PM
All right... I'm at least partially reminded of one Arthur Dent... some things don't match, I think but... *bluescreens*
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Shachza on August 16, 2010, 06:01:53 PM
I guess, since the launch post was edited, that you want me to do my original idea then drayco?  I'll make the post, but I'll edit it if need be to reflect things that may or may not have been edited out.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Inumo on August 16, 2010, 06:20:04 PM
Still waiting on an answer about the mess hall...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Dekari on August 16, 2010, 06:23:18 PM
Quote from: hapless on August 16, 2010, 04:57:50 PM
All right... I'm at least partially reminded of one Arthur Dent... some things don't match, I think but... *bluescreens*

You know, I wasn't going for that but now that I reread what I put, it reminds me that I have a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on my desk that I should probably start/finish reading.  :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 16, 2010, 08:07:49 PM
Quote from: Dekari on August 16, 2010, 06:23:18 PM
You know, I wasn't going for that but now that I reread what I put, it reminds me that I have a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on my desk that I should probably start/finish reading.  :P
*Hits Dekari upside the head with a tuna.*
There's a complete collection, you know...

Quote from: Inumo on August 14, 2010, 12:17:41 PM
Jason's heading to the mess hall, after throwing up on Ash's clothes. How is food dispensed; like that thing from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where you stick your head in and it figures out what you want (or in theory, that's how), or does some robo-chef make the meals?
Erm... Hmmmmm... I hadn't quite thought that far ahead... Let's go with the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on this one, only it doesn't work as well and dispenses a (supposedly) nutritious, gruel-like substance. (That's SUPPOSED to take on the flavor of whatever you were thinking... Obviously, it needs adjustments.)
There's also a small kitchen area with lots of (empty) storage, a rather large (also empty) fridge, and a feezer that's large enough to easily fit bodies into... (Which is NOT empty...)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Dekari on August 16, 2010, 08:28:22 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 16, 2010, 08:07:49 PM
*Hits Dekari upside the head with a tuna.*
There's a complete collection, you know...

I know.  My brother owns all five of the books and he was the one who "threw" that one at me telling me to read it sometime ago.

Also, note to everyone about my character.  He is not really human, just assume he is when you run into him until information comes out about him in the IC.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Inumo on August 17, 2010, 12:01:12 AM
... Is he a time lord?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Draken on August 17, 2010, 12:19:07 AM
I hope not.  They tend to draw Daleks.  And my char would become enamored with how they say what they say. >.>

Also:  Yay for continuations!  Boo that I spent the day heavy lifting and searching...but yay nonetheless.  *Yawn*  No luck on getting any character thoughts tonight, but maybe by tommorrow night.  Ach.  Also, PLEASE use my char as seen fit, so long as it remains in Character.  Just don't put him into stasis lock.  Meany has that honor, with certain events.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Dekari on August 17, 2010, 12:33:39 AM
Quote from: Inumo on August 17, 2010, 12:01:12 AM
... Is he a time lord?

For player knowledge, Dresdan is the last "being" in existence at the end of the universe.  I'm not talking the go out as far as you can till you hit the edge and that's where you will find him.  No, I mean "THE" end.  The end of time, the end of space, the end of the end of everything, he is all that is left in the darkness that was the universe......well him and a 1/4 mile diameter rock with a ten foot by ten foot by ten foot porcelain white building on it, but that part doesn't matter yet.  What this makes him is to be left to the imagination.  If you ask him what he is, he will probably question you "What am I not?".  The only thing he has ever said to anyone that may give some clue as to who or what he is is, "I am like an artist staring at a blank canvas but with not the paints needed to make my masterpiece.  It's maddening to know the kind of powers that I can behold but to not have the power with which to use them."

No, he is not a god.  He is mortal....sort of.  He can die (and has on more than one "trip"), but he will just wake up back in the place he came from (that white building on the rock I mentioned) with a very odd craving for deep fried spam and chocolate pudding.  He doesn't have any kind of "supernatural" powers (that he knows of or is able to use), but he does have an intellect that expanses all periods of time and multiple or not he can actually remember stuff when he needs it is a different matter all together.

So to say the least, what he can be is anyones guess.  The only that really knows is him....and he's not saying.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Shachza on August 17, 2010, 01:19:00 PM
*gets up off the floor*

*brushes self off*

I love you Azlan, er, Captain Fourth Wall, esq.

*chuckles some more before wandering off*
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Inumo on August 17, 2010, 01:50:00 PM
Posted. Sorry That_wolf, Jason just seems to have a bad habit of finding you in bad situations.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 17, 2010, 03:03:09 PM
Oh, that reminds me...

That_Wolf, Ash can come out of the closet-thing any time now. The notes I left should still be valid.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: That_wolf on August 17, 2010, 04:07:57 PM
Sorry that I've been afk a bit, mytime's taking a hitdue to football starting to gain speed. I'll figure out how often I can come on, soon, though.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Draken on August 17, 2010, 07:37:19 PM
Woo, postage do.  See what I did there?

Anyways.  Have fun with that, Drayco.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Inumo on August 17, 2010, 07:40:38 PM
Galician looks a lot like Spanish...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Draken on August 17, 2010, 07:45:33 PM
Eh, what google translate said.   :B
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Barely Open)
Post by: AmberCross on August 17, 2010, 10:29:29 PM
Quote from: hapless on August 13, 2010, 01:09:32 PM
Quote from: That_wolf on August 13, 2010, 12:16:56 PM
Quote from: AmberCross on August 13, 2010, 11:34:36 AM
And I am officially leaving. I may drop by periodically during the week, but not enough for my character to be readily accessible. But then, I already took care of that ^.^

Are you quitting this RP, or just taking a temporary leave?

He's leaving on a vacation for a week. See this post (,7661.msg336139.html#msg336139) and everything since, where he was looking for a way to explain his absence.
(He found one (,7662.msg336271.html#msg336271), btw.)
Thank you Hapless, you summed that up pretty well. I'm still on vacation on borrowed internet (my appartment doesn't even have PHONE signal O_o) so I don't have enough time to pull Chris out of stasis, but I did have a brainstorm about a potential power for chris that I'm rather fond of. Prepare for text splurge below.

As previously mentioned, Chris' species has a knack for dimensional stuff. And I don't mean alternate dimensions with people and stuff like Jenny Everywhere, but mostly like literal dimensions. Specifically where I'm going with this (this time) is the ability to make holes in reality. They don't really go anywhere, but he would essentially pull reality apart to make a hole and be able to push it closed again. To most people, this hole may as well not exist. They wouldn't see it, they'd walk through it and bend with reality around the hole. For Chris however, this bent space becomes straight for him and he can put things through said hole. To others it would look like anything he puts in the hole just collapses into a point (or a line or something depending on hole shape) and then just disappear.

These holes would be stationary for the most part (it is very hard to move a hole) and tend to anchor in reality. As the solar system is in constant motion, it's practical to define reality in a way that keeps it anchored relatively rather than abstractly. Thus this species (I really need to think of a name other than Nikitak which is rapidly becoming something completely different) defines reality in orientation to forces, most commonly gravity. Thus when a hole is made on a planet, it stays put. Therefore it's generally impractical to make permanent holes on a ship because the moment they encounter a planet's stronger gravity, the hole gets displaced and starts falling behind, eventually anchoring in some random place you passed through on the planet. Kind of like when you pour water into oil, the oil gets displaced by the water and then the same water might be displaced by dirt (I dunno, a star I guess). Funky things happen when the gravity is about equal, but other forces can hold it in place. Anchoring in a person is one of the few ways to make a hole mobile, but not terribly much would FIT in a person.

Which brings me to what I believe is the last point of this. When there is very little reality (outer space maybe) you can make a hole easily, but since the 'lid' of the hole is made of this same not very dense reality, it's difficult to keep stuff in that hole because reality seeks reality and can push itself back into reality by buoyancy as easily as Chris was able to push it under. Ironically the easiest thing to keep in a closed hole is the most difficult to keep in an open hole because materials that aren't terribly dense are also hard to push into the hole in the first place. Ex: Chris could try putting himself in the hole, but would have to constantly keep himself there like swimming as if keeping himself under water. However it would be very difficult for him to breathe because it's hard to push air into void when it's constantly pouring back into reality.

Yay text splurge! *cough* >.> Anyway, I'll be back on Friday probably.

EDIT: All right, so last time I didn't have time to finish reading and no one's posted since three days ago, so time for an edit! Wow hey that's even longer than I remember posting. Got back a day early though. As for Dekari, your character seems an awful lot like a timelord without a TARDIS. Somehow I expect you'll be filling a similar role. As for the reality hole thing, I should probably also mention that Chris' pockets are a more technilogically advanced version of that which is difficult to make.

Drayco, I think one important thing to keep in mind is that even in an RP like this, you should try to respect the players in it. It's one thing to do cruel and horrible things to players who didn't take precautions and especially those who allow for it to happen, but when a player specifically sets things up in a reasonable manner to avoid a certain danger you should generally respect that. That's what annoyed Squirrel so much I think. Just try not to undermine characters in their strong suits because then you take away their control and the RP becomes more of a show than a play. I would also like to state for the record that I entered this expecting a certain amount of slapstick comedy, but also a certain amount of serious character interaction. There's only so long you can be amused by hitting the jester with a creme pie after all and I'm in definite favor of this being 'happy go lucky band of adventurers' type thing. Quite frankly I've viewing this as a Star Trek parody kind of like how Space Balls was a Star Wars parody. Yes insanity happens, but there's also significant characters behind it.

TL;DR version...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, and still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 21, 2010, 12:11:50 AM
   Alrighty everyone... I'm going to a family event tomorrow (Saturday.) with relatives that normally act like I don't exist... This is rather hard as I'm 6' tall IRL, but they manage...
  So, late tomorrow or hopefully the next day I'll be updating the plot. If certain people want to hurry up and escort a certain lost stowaway to the brig, they'd better hurry up and do it. Or, if AC wants to get his character out of suspended animation, now would also be a good time.

  And Azlan, so about how long of a "detour" do you wish to take? Minimum travel time is a week. Heck, I never even said that you HAD to even attempt the mission, but obviously, the Alliance doesn't like deserters... (Everyone remembers the big, super-cool ship, right? Yeah, the crew for that one is both competent AND loyal...) On the other hand, I'm not going to forbid anybody from looking up the Vux on the Star Control Wiki...

EDIT: Hoo boy... What a typo... My sincerest apologies...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on August 21, 2010, 12:48:03 AM
Well that's somewhat ironic... I have a family event tomorrow too ^.^ There will be presents... and food... no cake though, I dislike cake.

*waltzes off singing ♫♪Happy Birthday to me♪♫*
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: hapless on August 21, 2010, 07:20:25 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 21, 2010, 12:11:50 AM
   Alrighty everyone... I'm going to a family event tomorrow (Saturday.) with relatives that normally act like I don't exist... This is rather hard as I'm 6' tall IRL, but they manage...
Blargh, that sucks... sorry...

Quote from: Drayco84 on August 21, 2010, 12:11:50 AM
Or, if AC wants to get her character (...)
Wait, what? *snickers* You may want to check this... ;)

Quote from: AmberCross on August 21, 2010, 12:48:03 AM
There will be presents... and food... no cake though, I dislike cake.

"The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that you will be baked, and then there won't be cake"?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, and still Open.)
Post by: Azlan on August 21, 2010, 10:52:00 PM
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 21, 2010, 12:11:50 AM
  And Azlan, so about how long of a "detour" do you wish to take?

I leave that up to the discretion of the pilot.  Locklear would want enough time for everyone to figure out how the ship functions at least.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Draken on August 25, 2010, 12:04:37 PM
Well, it had to happen some day.  The sheer lack of chaos in my posts has killed the RP.   :mowsad

I apologize folks  >.>
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: VAE on August 25, 2010, 12:29:13 PM
oh did it?
I am in want to post some time... i  guess when i finish catching up on OSaS which should be quite shortly. I have been more busy than expected these days
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on August 25, 2010, 05:29:13 PM
Actually I still want Chris in stasis longer so when he wakes up he'll have missed more than just a single change of cast. That and I'm moving into college this week...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Inumo on August 25, 2010, 05:46:08 PM
I'm trying to figure out what the heck to do with Jason right now. Probably gonna start inventing machines that he can discover in the med-bay, like a drawer that leads to an extra-dimensional copy of the ship.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: That_wolf on August 27, 2010, 05:35:13 AM
Imuno, I'm back, so once Jason's free, help Ash into a shower, and help him eat. He's going to crawl out, once you're ready.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Inumo on August 27, 2010, 08:47:10 AM
Jason's free whenever. He forgot about calling the crew down for physicals, and that can wait until I feel like it (like half-way through some random mission).
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 29, 2010, 12:57:02 AM

That is all.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on August 30, 2010, 06:36:01 PM
Yes... tinfoil in the microwave is bad. >.>

Anyway, I'm starting to think this isn't moving fast enough that me waiting for significant in story advancement to release Chris is going to be impractical. Which leads me to the question... how would he get out? Would he wake up after a while and be able to get out? Would the stasis automatically release him at some point? Or would I require outside assistance? Whatever the case may be, I have an idea, but I need to know how these stasis pods work before I get him out of there.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Chairtastic on August 30, 2010, 06:52:44 PM
Oh, he's in a stasis pod? :U  And here I've been waiting a couple weeks for you to post.

Anyhoo, to the postmobile!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on August 30, 2010, 07:30:55 PM
That's why you make sure to read other people's posts silly ^.^
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: VAE on August 30, 2010, 08:01:44 PM
Quote from: AmberCross on August 30, 2010, 07:30:55 PM
That's why you make sure to read other people's posts silly ^.^
How do you read a post silly?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on August 30, 2010, 09:39:55 PM
You read them so often and from different computers that the post literally gets dizzy from being read too much.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on August 31, 2010, 01:43:12 AM
Just have him wake up to find that the power supply on the stasis pod is sparking and smoking.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on August 31, 2010, 02:08:58 AM
I suppose that works as well as anything, though the thought of the escape pods being malfunctional is kind of scary...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: hapless on August 31, 2010, 09:06:32 AM
And very, very in-spirit of this :P
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: That_wolf on September 02, 2010, 08:20:53 PM
Hey, drayco. Do you mind if there is a AI specificly for the Med. Bay?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Inumo on September 02, 2010, 11:45:14 PM
Erm, that might cause a history problem, considering that it'd probably have shown up by now. Maybe have an AI for the Probulator that gets implants a communicator on the base of your neck during the heat of it all?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on September 03, 2010, 01:45:44 AM
I'm only half-asleep... So I'm totally cool to *Thud* post... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Whooo... I'm trying while alseep!

Anyhoo... The ship's AI is supposed to cover the ENTIRE ship... There's no other AIs. (Which, if you think about it, is kinda just plain creepy...)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on September 03, 2010, 03:07:23 AM
Yeah... Chris was on four legs there, not two. If in doubt, assume he's on four legs if moving around, two if working on something, and six if he's going somewhere in a hurry. Since Chris is bigger and heavier than humans so he should be as hard to throw against a wall as say... a bull. He's also insanely flexible and has really fast reflexes making him as hard to throw against a wall as say... a ferret. So assuming you're strong enough to lift him, he'll probably react in time to grab your arm. In this case I'm assuming you're a strong fellow and Chris was still only half awake, but please don't just randomly throw my character around as it's not very feasible.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Dekari on September 03, 2010, 07:45:01 AM
Yeah, I guess I should have gotten some details about that AC.  It was more for effect than anything else.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on September 05, 2010, 03:17:21 AM
I guessed it might be something like that. Just please don't do that again without at least coordinating with me first. Consider this a general warning or something I guess.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Inumo on September 12, 2010, 03:51:28 PM
Has the RP died?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Shachza on September 13, 2010, 10:44:24 AM
Some people haven't posted.  I'm waiting to see if more of the bridge "crew" will post first since I just showed up, but maybe I just need to come up with something.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Chairtastic on September 13, 2010, 12:57:10 PM
I'm trying to get post fairy to visit.  But my Nanda muse refuses to send the invite.  I'll try and force one soon, but it won't be pretty.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: VAE on September 13, 2010, 01:11:28 PM
Well, i have posted Click coming in, and too am waiting for anyone to react
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: JamesCray on September 13, 2010, 01:23:24 PM
I'm afraid I'm going through a bit of a difficult time as of late and the part of my brain that would normally handle comedy is sort of broken now, so please just either ignore my character for the moment or automove him, as I'm not really up to it myself
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on September 13, 2010, 02:49:46 PM
This is indeed unfortunate. I had such high hopes for this RP too... I'd ask permission to post again so I could get to the bridge and interact with people, but I know from experience that when a thread reaches this point, that doesn't help.

Edit: Blurnsball? Someone was watching Futurama last night XD
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on September 13, 2010, 09:25:13 PM
Well, I suppose an update is several days past due...

One: I HATE MY DESKTOP! Stupid thing won't stay on... I was hoping to get the damn thing up and running so I'd have a backup in case crap happens to my netbook AGAIN.

Two: Last week I had a wonderful bout with the flu, or at least SOMETHING that caused a fever.

Three: Some other assorted crap.

TL;DR version: I've forgotten what the HELL -I- was supposed to be doing! Yeah, you can all point an laugh at me now.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Dekari on September 14, 2010, 10:10:05 PM
Uh....danman....I think you mean Dresdan.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: VAE on September 15, 2010, 03:49:40 AM
excellnt point - fixed by now
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on September 17, 2010, 01:17:54 AM
Alright, let's organize some crap...

   Rooms Mentioned/Needed But Not Fully Described
Sick Bay

Crew Quarters

Aaaaaaaand I lost my train of thought...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on September 17, 2010, 02:05:25 AM
Which one had the escape pods that I was in?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: That_wolf on September 17, 2010, 03:40:39 PM
Sorry that I was gone for a while, I'm being killed by my hard schedule, and football. I'm figuring it all out now,though.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: That_wolf on September 25, 2010, 09:59:29 AM
Has the rp died? Or... what?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Shachza on September 25, 2010, 12:47:33 PM
Not if people post once and a while.  Drayco's had a bad stretch of life, so we should be patient.  I think a post from him would pick this right back up.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on September 25, 2010, 03:55:52 PM
Yes, it probably would... Especially as I haven't really described ANYTHING inside the ship...

In retrospect, I prolly should've let everyone wander around loose in the shipyard for a while longer...

Others shall be done later. Feel free to nag/brainstorm about them on the chat.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on September 25, 2010, 06:46:28 PM
Quote from: Shachza on September 25, 2010, 12:47:33 PM
Not if people post once and a while.  Drayco's had a bad stretch of life, so we should be patient.  I think a post from him would pick this right back up.
Definitely. I have seen RPs stop for several months before picking up again due to scheduling constraints, people being very stressed at that point in life, etc. You definitely should not give up on an RP just cause no one happens to have posted in a week or so. There's always the chance for it to pick right up again even after several months of absense when most of the players and/or the GM is too busy to get their muse working. I don't know about other people, but mine is finicky and easily distracted so it takes a bit of effort getting it to help me out on a topic I want it to.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Shachza on September 25, 2010, 08:27:34 PM
Quote from: AmberCross on September 25, 2010, 06:46:28 PM
Quote from: Shachza on September 25, 2010, 12:47:33 PM
Not if people post once and a while.  Drayco's had a bad stretch of life, so we should be patient.  I think a post from him would pick this right back up.
Definitely. I have seen RPs stop for several months before picking up again due to scheduling constraints, people being very stressed at that point in life, etc. You definitely should not give up on an RP just cause no one happens to have posted in a week or so. There's always the chance for it to pick right up again even after several months of absense when most of the players and/or the GM is too busy to get their muse working. I don't know about other people, but mine is finicky and easily distracted so it takes a bit of effort getting it to help me out on a topic I want it to.

Definitely this!

I've been so bored on these forums this past week because all 3 RPs that I'm involved in haven't had any new posts...  Unfortunately I've made recent posts so it's not that people are waiting on me.  Grrrrr!   :mowsad

PS  Now that I've read Drayco's description I should point out that the rock is apparently currently occupying the Science Officer's chair, though there is a picture of a rock taped over the "Science Officer" label.
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on September 26, 2010, 01:20:50 AM
Yes, that bridge has a weird design... Almost as if the person who came up with it either liked shooting people in the back of the head, or survived a mutiny or three...
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on September 26, 2010, 05:56:57 AM
Quote from: Shachza on September 25, 2010, 08:27:34 PM
PS  Now that I've read Drayco's description I should point out that the rock is apparently currently occupying the Science Officer's chair, though there is a picture of a rock taped over the "Science Officer" label.
Right, I meant to ask... since our hyper squirrel buggered out, does this mean I am once again the science officer? And if so, does my character know yet?
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: That_wolf on September 26, 2010, 11:57:44 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on September 26, 2010, 01:20:50 AM
Yes, that bridge has a weird design... Almost as if the person who came up with it either liked shooting people in the back of the head, or survived a mutiny or three...

Hope there's no sentry guns that're controlled by the captain in the med bay. Hooray, for isolation!
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: Drayco84 on September 27, 2010, 12:56:07 PM
Quote from: AmberCross on September 26, 2010, 05:56:57 AM
Right, I meant to ask... since our hyper squirrel buggered out, does this mean I am once again the science officer? And if so, does my character know yet?
Hmmmm... That IS a good question... I guess that's up to Azlan when his character sees yours...
(My money's on your char pulling double-duty until a replacement is found/abducted/whatever, though.)
Title: Re: Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)
Post by: AmberCross on September 28, 2010, 02:51:47 AM
Makes sense... According to friends of mine who actually watch Star Trek with avid passion, several crew members hold more than one position at least sometimes. Like apparently Spock was both first mate AND science officer.