Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)

Started by Drayco84, August 09, 2010, 08:58:16 PM

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The monitor is ONLY giving a TEXT readout of Ash's medical info. That's it.

And you don't really need to say much about the incident. Just a too-quick "NOTHING HAPPENED!", and a ton of wariness around the device will suffice.

Or if you really want to take it that way, toss out a "long, wistful look and a deep sigh."


'Nothing happened!' gonna use that, definitely. Though with my own twist.

Edit:When is the ship going to take off/Ash is done using the cabnit?

Edit numero dose: Only gives a text edit? What about if a Doctor needs to fully understand his paiant, and stuff. I'm SURE that Med. Officers get some benifits, with it.
Abel needs a hug...


THat's easy:

THe computer creates an image so highly resoluted, so ultimately ahead of it's time, no one can percieve it.
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Well, it could probably create a 3d image, but the person who designed it wasn't really after the results...


Then why'd s/he design it? It seems kinda half- finished.
Abel needs a hug...


I think it probably has some sexless diagrams, but really the benefits of medical officer show up during physicals, surgery, and gynecology exams.


So... are we ever going to resume the rp, or...?
Abel needs a hug...


Quote from: That_wolf on August 14, 2010, 12:28:35 AM
Then why'd s/he design it? It seems kinda half- finished.
No, the tentacle-probing part is fully functional, and that's as far as they got before their funding was cut.

Quote from: That_wolf on August 14, 2010, 12:44:47 AM
So... are we ever going to resume the rp, or...?
Let me finish getting my notes from a brainstorming session on the chat, then I'll move it along.


Ah, ok. Sorry if it sounds like I'm impatiant.
Abel needs a hug...


Damn you Drayco!  I was going to have the rock fly through the back wall into whatever room was on the other side, incidentally causing a slow leak in the soon-to-be-used sewage system.  Then it would show up in the med lab to (probably not) have several stone chips repaired.    :P

Wait, if I suddenly found myself in the cargo bay, does that mean that the sewage room just opens up into the bay when needed?  IE, they just vent the whole thing out the back of the ship?!  Ewwwwww, icky thoughts...   :erk
            <-- #1 that is!


Jason's heading to the mess hall, after throwing up on Ash's clothes. How is food dispensed; like that thing from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where you stick your head in and it figures out what you want (or in theory, that's how), or does some robo-chef make the meals?


Yeah... Washing room for Ash's clothes.
Abel needs a hug...


Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Aww, now we need to teleport in a new science officer.


Abel needs a hug...


Well, I have some serious and bad news here...

SquirrelWizard is leaving because, to use his words, he thought he was joining an RP, not a scripted gag reel on rails.
And... Well... He's not wrong... (Although I was aiming for a partially scripted gag reel, ideally free-form, but things were just getting too crazy...) And I really can't blame him for wanting to leave.
Well, truth be told and looking back on it now, he essentially told me that he didn't want to be a living pinball in the chat, and I didn't listen. In short, a definite patch of idiocy on my part...

I knew good and well when I started this train wreck that it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. Hell, Techmaster-glitch was the first to hear about it and turned down being a science officer immediately because the position was essentially a "make up shit" gag. Hell, I'm also walking a fine line with Azlan on this as well. Some people just take their RPs more seriously than others and I can respect that.

I will go ahead and edit the roster to reflect these changes later... Right now, I have some RL stuff to do. Also, Dekari has been wanting to join, but I figured that I should wait until after the "Ludicrous Speed" gag to fit him in.

If there's anybody else that thinks this RP isn't for them, PLEASE speak up. I'm not going to force you to play if you don't want to, and the tentacle thing is probably the most offensive thing I've got... (Except for maybe a few Aliens gags...) SInce this is a non-serious RP, there's about a bajillion ways somebody can leave. (Obviously, some are more dignified than others...)


RP is all about having fun, at least that is the base theory.  Gag reels are okay for a webcomic, or funny story, but for the premise of an RP I think not.  I was expecting more of an Irresponsible Captain Tylor type of thing.  A ship of misfits on odd misadventures, but an overreaching plot of comical, yet plausible senarios.

You are new at this, so I am a little more understanding.  A more reasonable approach would be to set up amusing scenarios and allow the players to take the lead on it.  If you are dead set on stringing together slap stick gags without some kind of counter balance or eventual benefit to the victims then you may eventually lose others.  There are masochists out there, so you may eventually find your sweet spot for victims.

Since many do take their RPing very seriously, some even transcend "having fun" into some other existential, angsty struggle of depth, morality and passion, it may be best for you to lay out what you expect from this RP, the players, and all our time here in general.  Is the superficial true?  Are we all to just be heels and victims of your comedic sense of style?  Will you actually listen to others if they express a concern with something or continue to do it anyway as you did with SquirrelWizard?  What sort of punishment are you taking for such a blatant disrespect to a player?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Hoo, boy, we've hit the hot-button here. My two cents, in short, are think of this less like you're designing a linear game and more like you're setting up a sandbox. At length, you aren't guiding us through each event because you think it's funny, or because you want to see the story unfold in a certain way. You're setting up a scene with a range of exits, then building the next set behind the door we seem to be heading for before we reach it. If we suddenly change doors, then you break for a moment and let everyone know that you didn't expect the choice, at the same time building the set and forgetting the half-finished one. You're not the script-writer for a play, where an actor's complaints don't matter since they need the job. You're running a game, where a player's complaints are important, since it means you're not doing your job right, and a player can always change games.

I hope this helps!


Let me just say that yet again, I've been forced to do a fair amount of soul-searching. I loathe soul-searching as it leaves me even more depressed than when I started. Plus, it seems like there's never any end to the ugly parts I find...

Anyway Azlan... Once again you've given me a lot to think about in a few paragraphs full of valid points...
Part of me just wants to say that it was a lapse in judgement partially brought on by trying to force a post at 2am. Another part of me says "THAT'S NOT AN EXCUSE!", and I'm siding with that. Another part of me felt like it was an attempt to flat-out force control over the players, and even -I- should've known better than that.

Quote from: Azlan on August 14, 2010, 07:50:04 PM
RP is all about having fun, at least that is the base theory.  Gag reels are okay for a webcomic, or funny story, but for the premise of an RP I think not.  I was expecting more of an Irresponsible Captain Tylor type of thing.  A ship of misfits on odd misadventures, but an overreaching plot of comical, yet plausible senarios.
I think that I'm trying to force the RP into both a gag reel AND misfit adventures.

Quote from: Azlan on August 14, 2010, 07:50:04 PM
You are new at this, so I am a little more understanding.  A more reasonable approach would be to set up amusing scenarios and allow the players to take the lead on it.  If you are dead set on stringing together slap stick gags without some kind of counter balance or eventual benefit to the victims then you may eventually lose others.  There are masochists out there, so you may eventually find your sweet spot for victims.
I've got nothing to counter this... Everything's spot-on and painfully true.

Quote from: Azlan on August 14, 2010, 07:50:04 PM
Since many do take their RPing very seriously, some even transcend "having fun" into some other existential, angsty struggle of depth, morality and passion, it may be best for you to lay out what you expect from this RP, the players, and all our time here in general.  Is the superficial true?  Are we all to just be heels and victims of your comedic sense of style?  Will you actually listen to others if they express a concern with something or continue to do it anyway as you did with SquirrelWizard?  What sort of punishment are you taking for such a blatant disrespect to a player?
1: I don't know anymore. 2 and 3:: I want to say "No", but seeing how I screwed up with SquirrelWizard, I wouldn't blame anyone in the slightest for disbelieving me. 4: Punishment for breaking somebody else's trust? There ISN'T a punishment WORTHY enough for that kind of offense! Trust is a fragile thing that once broken, can NEVER truly return to its original state!

Inumo... Thanks. That really should've been my goal from the start. It's still early, and things can still be fixed, I think...

I'm tired, and I need to edit an IC post...


I'm sorry I snapped, but my issues stemmed from the fact that I, as a science officer and mad science type person in general, came up with a sciencey method of strapping myself in for the catapult launch. On multiple occasions, in both the OOC thread and Baschat, I explained that the shield was designed to counteract the inertia from the sudden acceleration from the catapult. It was just a fancy method to "strap" my character into a secure position. Instead Drayco decided to take the RP in a different direction ignoring what I said and have Seras pinball about this ship.

I don't mind random occurrences and slap stick comedy. I don't mind if my character's plans do not always work out exactly the way I planned. I do mind that any preparations that my character makes can be bluntly ignored for no reason other than the rule of funny. This RP does have some potential, but unfortunately its not what I thought it would be. Me staying around would just cause further problems which, in turn, would cause even more drama. It is because of this that I believe it is in everybody's best interest that I leave.

Good Luck and Have Fun.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Well, one other thing I did forget to mention.  In all things, everyone's tastes will vary.  Inevitably this means that some people will just pass an RP over after reading the premise and others will join with a misconception and eventually leave.  You cannot please everyone, nor should you try to.  To be successful you will need to find the middle ground between what you desire and what the players desire.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Woo, we got hiatus'd! When can we expect a return to the crew?


Needed to take a bit of a break to sort out some things with me...

Part of me just wants to kill the whole RP because I screwed up. On the other hand, one has to make mistakes to learn from them and be more cautious in the future...

Mostly though... I need to step BACK and keep it that way. That's why I picked playing the ship's AI, to set up a playground and let you guys go nuts. That was, and should always be, my role here. Maybe throw a curve or something your way, but mostly to stand back and watch.

I'll step in with something funny every once in a while, but I'm not going to try forcing myself to keep and maintain a gag reel if I -think- things are slowing down. I'm also not going to force myself to keep the plot moving even though it's 3am and I should be "totally cool for it"...

Well, time to see if I can re-earn everyone's trust then... Especially my own...


Guess I should make my entrance and try to liven things up.  :P
I somehow get the feeling that you didn't think your cunning plan all the way through.

Thanks go to Kipiru and Rhyfe for the art work used in avatars.


All right... I'm at least partially reminded of one Arthur Dent... some things don't match, I think but... *bluescreens*
Chaosnet device not responding - check breaker on the Unibus


I guess, since the launch post was edited, that you want me to do my original idea then drayco?  I'll make the post, but I'll edit it if need be to reflect things that may or may not have been edited out.
            <-- #1 that is!


Still waiting on an answer about the mess hall...


Quote from: hapless on August 16, 2010, 04:57:50 PM
All right... I'm at least partially reminded of one Arthur Dent... some things don't match, I think but... *bluescreens*

You know, I wasn't going for that but now that I reread what I put, it reminds me that I have a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on my desk that I should probably start/finish reading.  :P
I somehow get the feeling that you didn't think your cunning plan all the way through.

Thanks go to Kipiru and Rhyfe for the art work used in avatars.


Quote from: Dekari on August 16, 2010, 06:23:18 PM
You know, I wasn't going for that but now that I reread what I put, it reminds me that I have a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on my desk that I should probably start/finish reading.  :P
*Hits Dekari upside the head with a tuna.*
There's a complete collection, you know...

Quote from: Inumo on August 14, 2010, 12:17:41 PM
Jason's heading to the mess hall, after throwing up on Ash's clothes. How is food dispensed; like that thing from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where you stick your head in and it figures out what you want (or in theory, that's how), or does some robo-chef make the meals?
Erm... Hmmmmm... I hadn't quite thought that far ahead... Let's go with the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on this one, only it doesn't work as well and dispenses a (supposedly) nutritious, gruel-like substance. (That's SUPPOSED to take on the flavor of whatever you were thinking... Obviously, it needs adjustments.)
There's also a small kitchen area with lots of (empty) storage, a rather large (also empty) fridge, and a feezer that's large enough to easily fit bodies into... (Which is NOT empty...)


Quote from: Drayco84 on August 16, 2010, 08:07:49 PM
*Hits Dekari upside the head with a tuna.*
There's a complete collection, you know...

I know.  My brother owns all five of the books and he was the one who "threw" that one at me telling me to read it sometime ago.

Also, note to everyone about my character.  He is not really human, just assume he is when you run into him until information comes out about him in the IC.
I somehow get the feeling that you didn't think your cunning plan all the way through.

Thanks go to Kipiru and Rhyfe for the art work used in avatars.