Star Wreck'd (OOC) ["M"] (Back, but still Open.)

Started by Drayco84, August 09, 2010, 08:58:16 PM

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Hey Azlan, just in case you see this before someone else posts...

Quote from: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 12:44:54 AM
Snivers is NOT in the room. This will become important later. (Translation: It's gonna suck for you guys, but not for him because of that fact.)

Seems to be a commonly-missed fact.


I know it's really late, but I deleted the box reference in my first post.  It still makes sense as is.  Woo!

Further, what are the colors of each character (aside from those that have already said)?
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Quote from: hapless on August 11, 2010, 06:11:27 AM
*grins to Stormy*
Wait... what's that mean? You're not talking to me are you? Where did you learn that name?!? O_o

*cough* >.>

So if not already stated, my character has fur that blue color you see when there's too much snow or in glaciers. I will call it glacier blue. Clothing is probably dark colors or light colors. Long in short: your character won't pay terribly much attention to mine.

Also, just because I can... those EMP bombs I was juggling look like this:


My guy has dark gray fur and brown eyes. Clothing is generally either monochrome, brown variant pants (tan, beige, dark brown, etc), or darker colors for shirts. The shirts are made so that you put it on over your head/arms then zip the bottom of the back of the shirt up. Best I can describe the shirts without an example... pants are normal though.


Abel needs a hug...


Ohhh joy.  In terms of sheer color, looks like that Seras is gonna be GD's favorite.  Tip:  No talking.  He likes a combo of bright colors and sounds.  No sound, and he loses interest overall.  Fun fact, because of this, when he watches television, he messes with the settings into an eye-burning mess, and watches foriegn items for the babbling.
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


I need to have 'Asssss-shit!' watch tv with GD, It'd be interesting.
Abel needs a hug...


I find it kinda funny how we've all avoided posting in the IC thread to allow Azlan to re-do his post... XD

Also, that'd be quite hilarious That_wolf.


Well I don't know about everyone else, but I'm waiting for someone else to post first. I imagine my previous conversation was interrupted by an exploding vase however. Also... am I the only one who expects us all to get jettisoned into space at any given moment?


I'm expecting zero gravity, to 'train us'. Or, make us all puke, whatever works. Also, yeah, I'm waiting. Wait fight!
Abel needs a hug...


Actually, I was expecting the floor to just give out underneath the party, and just dump them into the ship.  The window is a red herring.   :U

As for waiting, I'm dong so cause I've already posted so much >.>
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Uh... so does anyone want to take charge?
Abel needs a hug...


I was kinda hoping the Navigator would show up...

Quote from: Draken on August 11, 2010, 09:07:13 PM
Actually, I was expecting the floor to just give out underneath the party, and just dump them into the ship.  The window is a red herring.   :U

As for waiting, I'm dong so cause I've already posted so much >.>
In the words of Johnny Tightlips: "I'm not saying nothing."


Abel needs a hug...


Nah, I just think mine was the funniest.

(Seriously, are a few of us posting too much?)
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Well, let me put it this way...

The furniture is BOLTED to the FLOOR.


Quote from: Draken on August 11, 2010, 09:07:13 PM
Actually, I was expecting the floor to just give out underneath the party, and just dump them into the ship.  The window is a red herring.   :U
Quote from: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:17:03 PM
Denial is admittance!
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 11, 2010, 09:21:33 PM
Well, let me put it this way...

The furniture is BOLTED to the FLOOR.
I say we set up a betting pool. I'm not entirely sure how this works, but I think this is how you do it...

Jettison out window: 10/1
Jettison out other wall: 20/1
Trapdoor floor: 35/1
Sucked out of ceiling: 50/1
Ship crashes into the room: 50/1
Mass teleportation: 35/1
We are already on the ship: 27/1
We are ninja'd onto the ship one by one without anyone else noticing: 35/1
The RP is a lie and we are all killed before actually getting on the ship: 20/1
Drayco thinks of something else just to circumvent the bettingpool: 15/1 (actually with this on the list, it's now 1000/1)


So, there's going to be some force exerted on us, eather trap door full room, zero gravity, flipped, or a 'no bashing Ash's head in with a chair/no breaking out with chairs/table to battering ram out.

Edit: Ash's stuff!On whatever loses!
Abel needs a hug...


Hold on... forgot an option:

We are allowed to calmly board the ship of our own free will without undue chaos: 576843445/0


What about chaotic zero gravity/attempt to smash in Ash's skull with the table theory?
Abel needs a hug...


Quote from: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 09:23:41 PM
Drayco thinks of something else just to circumvent the betting pool: 15/1 (actually with this on the list, it's now 1000/1)
Hmmm... Twenty bucks on that last one...


Pretty sure that somehow files under the 'other' given by the 'GM thinks of something else'

No fair! GM isn't allowed to bet!


oh, Drayco bet on it, that makes it a LOCK in to lose.
Abel needs a hug...


Seems fair to me.  But really, the bets should be about who's gonna post next!
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Well we can set up another pool for that. I mean there's only ten people that there can really be excluding our Navigator suddenly existing or random douchery.


...Will ANYONE ever post? How about Inumo, I think he was on, recently.
Abel needs a hug...


I'm torn between waiting for Squirrel to answer me and just giving up on him and starting something up with Azlan.

Also, I will be leaving for another state this Friday (in the morning even) so just shuffle my character along if need be. I'll be sorta-gone for a week (which is to say I may have internet and I may not) but after that I'll be back so don't nuke me or anything ;>.>


Abel needs a hug...


Ok, we need a dice tossed by the GM, to determen who posts first, deal?
Abel needs a hug...


Quote from: AmberCross on August 11, 2010, 09:47:05 PM
I'm torn between waiting for Squirrel to answer me and just giving up on him and starting something up with Azlan.

Also, I will be leaving for another state this Friday (in the morning even) so just shuffle my character along if need be. I'll be sorta-gone for a week (which is to say I may have internet and I may not) but after that I'll be back so don't nuke me or anything ;>.>
You char will probably either get shoved into a closet, or stuck in the cryogenics lab...
Basilisk or Llearch are probably gonna beat me for this, but here's Baschat:

Quote from: That_wolf on August 11, 2010, 09:51:13 PM
Ok, we need a dice tossed by the GM, to determen who posts first, deal?
I'm grabbing next post. Please wait as this is gonna take a while...