Rating: PG/14 (somewhere between the PG and 14 rating pandas) set on: 1/3/08 (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg169258.html#msg169258) (Rating subject to change based on content)
-List of characters-
This list is current as of: 2/16/08
Currently active players:
Arcalane - "Exo" - EXO-2000 M.F.A.U (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg122589.html#msg122589)
Azlan - Morgan Kell (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg122953.html#msg122953)
Dannysaysnoo - Lewis Nicolas (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg173686.html#msg173686)
lucas marcone - Josh Kierrie (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg125949.html#msg125949)
Prof B Hunnydew - Dr. Sally Joywaves M.D (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg125173.html#msg125173)
Tapewolf - Dorcan Ja'Fell (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg123346.html#msg123346)
techmaster-glitch - Jexx (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg122712.html#msg122712)
Players no longer playing (keeping links to characters in case they want to jump back in):
BillBuckner - Jack Griffith (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg123410.html#msg123410)
Boogeyman - Mister (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg122372.html#msg122372)
Catffeinated - Gerald (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg130757.html#msg130757)
Kryptic - Baiye Whytehawk (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg122510.html#msg122510)
Paladin Sheppard - Victor Davion (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg122442.html#msg122442)
Rammenstein - Ram "Eraser" Ei'Sona (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php/topic,2918.msg150768.html#msg150768)
I've been wanting to get away from the strictly fantasy RP's that I've been in, so I've been toying with a dark-ish cyberpunk-ish sci-fi/fantasy RP for awhile now. It's undergone a lot of changes, and I think I've settled on something that vaguely resembles a cross between System Shock and FF6. So, if anyone's interested in RP'ing in such a world, here's the info.
Once upon a time, magic was plentiful in the world. Magic was used to create, to heal, to make art and music. Magic was helpful and beautiful. Unfortunately, like most things, magic was also used to destroy. When the magic of descruction was discovered, there was a split in the population. One side believed firmly that magic should only be used for good. The other side believed that magic was to be nothing more than a weapon. These opposing beliefs clased so much so that eventually war engulfed the world.
Magic nearly destroyed the world.
Many years later, science and technology rebuilt the world. With magic all but forgotten, the people of the world turned to technology to create, to heal, to make art and music. And for a time, everyone seemed happy. Everyone felt safe. But it would not last. Rumors of people exhibiting strange abilities began to surface. The rumors only grew when suggestions were made that these strange abilities are, in fact, magic trying to come back into the world.
A highly zealous group known as The Brotherhood of the Machine came up and began a campaign to eliminate all magic in the world. The Brotherhood appear in black robes, adorned with circuit lines in either silver or gold, and wear face plates with no visible holes for eyes or mouth. They reside in large black towers near the major cities of the world. They ruthlessly hunt down anyone suspected of using magic, even killing innocent people out of suspect of harboring magic users. Their methods are considered by many to be very strong-arm, to speak lightly. But people join their crusade out of fear of another world engulfing war. Those who join are never heard from again. As The Brotherhood grew, they soon turned religious, worshipping technology and one they call "Mother".
In their eyes, Mother is the only god. Technology is her hand. Magic is an affront to Mother. Magic, those who practice it, and those who harbor magic users, must be destroyed.
As people are want to do in these situations, a rebellion was founded. These rebels, while not interested in the revival of magic, do however oppose The Brotherhood's methods. They want to answer certain questions: Who is this "Mother"? What happens to the people who join The Brotherhood? What do they do with the magic users that they take away? Are they killed, or is something else happening? What is in those big black towers? These questions go unanswered, and the rebels fight diligently to answer these questions, and right the wrongs that The Brotherhood commits in their efforts to wipe out magic.
So, that's the story. If anyone's interested in playing, I have a couple of rules.
--No one should be in The Brotherhood. They're the bad guys, obviously. (And before you ask, no, Mother is not SHODAN.)
--You can be in the rebellion if you want, but individual travellers and mercenary groups are good too. The party members should be able to flow well with each other, so please, I ask that, at the very least, your characters should have at least a neutral stance when it comes to magic users. Magic sympathizers are welcome.
--Tech levels are futuristic. Cybernetic implants, nano-tech, lasers, androids, airships/spaceships, etc. If you're unsure, ask.
--If you want to be a magic user, keep in mind that doing so puts your character at risk. Magic is highly toned down at this point in time. You'd only be able to use minor magic at first, but as time goes on I do plan on making magic get stronger, so eventually the tech levels and magic levels will even out.
--Being any form of psychic does not count as being a magic user, so that is allowed and most likely won't get you killed. Psy power will also eventually even out with tech and magic levels.
Please post your characters if you're interested. I'd like at least four people in the group. When posting your character please note the following things.
Magic User?
Tech usage (if any - implants, nanomachines, cybernetic limbs, etc)
Faction (Rebellion, mercenary group, individual)
Physical Description
If there's a sufficient interest in this, then I'll start an IC thread for it.
Name: Never given one, often referred to as Mister by those who encounter him
Age: It's hard for me to figure out the timescale here. Lets file him under "old"
Sex: androgenous
Tech usage: He's a quasi-magical construct, so... Some? Mostly steam powered systems, prodigious physical strength, capable of shooting superheated blasts of steam (tends to be sluggish immediatly after), and has wheels in his wrists and ankles allowing him to move at speeds of 6 mph on a flat road (about the speed of the first cars).
Magic usage: Preprogrammed knowledge of a handful of healing and nature related spells. Also powered and operated by an ongoing enchantment. Seeing as he runs on magic, he isn't able to actually use very much of it and thus only uses his spells about once per month, tops.
Faction: individual
Appearance: Mainly humanoid, with eight bent pipe-organ like pipes coming out of his back that vent steam every so often. His face has a grille over where a human would have a mouth, and two blank, featureless eyes that seem more decorative than anything else (able to see and speak just fine though). Large, almost wedge shaped body, slightly hunched posture, and stands at about 6'7"
History: After magic decimated the world, technology rose as magic was forgotton. Mister was built during that transition phase as a golem for doing various odd jobs. His owner was a rather rich fellow with an expansive estate, and thus he mainly put Mister to work as a gardener and gameskeeper. The owner is long gone, but he still tends the estate. Every so often someone will wander into the overgrown wilderness that has grown up around said estate, and when they come out again they spread tales of an old, old machine, plodding along and tending to its flowers...
Is Mother Zuul? ;-]
Interested, but will think it over for a bit first. Don't want mary sue, and may be short of ideas. Back in a while....
Definately perked my interest. I've got a character in mind, but I'm going to see if I can upload a pic first. I prolly won't be around for about 24 hours, though, cuz I'm going to Ohio by airplane, and I will be there for about two weeks. I'll see what I can do when I get there.
Name: Victor Davion
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Magic User?: No
Psychic?: No
Tech usage: Right arm and portions of upper legs are cybernetic (strength with blades built into wrist), Enhanced nervous system (Speed and accuracy and link to Mobile Armor Weapon System) Dermal armor implant covering Chest and back. Eyes (Zoom, Night and IR vision)
Faction: Merc/Individual (Last surviver of a Black Brotherhod job gone bad)
Physical Description:
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Height: 165cm
Weight: 75kg
At 165cm Victor isn't the tallest of men but few mistake him for height equaling weakness. While not massively muscled he is well proportioned. His blue eyes are the colour of blue slate. All augmentics are covered in a RepFlesh*TM and are undetectable bar the wrist blade port and the 4 connectors at the back of his neck for his MAWS and cycbernet access.
Is this ok?
Edit: And also requesting permission on the following equipment...
GRZ-1C Grizzly MAWS:
A 3 meter tall armored suit armed with a mission based weapons load; A 30mm Sniper system, Gatling Laser Cannon, Anti-veichle Missile launcher, Heavy Particle Cannon and a nano edge two handed clamore sword.
Built into the neck are micro lasers and it has a jump system allowing it to jump up to 100m in any direction.
MAS12 Shotgun: Multiple ammo types including: HEAP, Solid slug, Shot and flares.
Viper5 Laser/Plasma pistol: Fires a bolts of laser accelerated plasma.
Just wanted to elaborate on my earlier comment:
My interest is not just perked, i REALLY want in on this RP. Unfortunatly everythings in a hustle right now as me and my family are trying to load up the suburban to to the airport for our trip to Ohio. I will post my character as soon as I can when I'm there.
So, Techmaster-Glitch is definately on the list. Count me in.
quickedit: Damn, Paladin. Powerplaying much? :P though if that gets in then I will definatly have to upgrade my character also :mowdizzy
Boogey: Looks like we've found our new office cut-up. :) Seriously, that looks like it will work. An insight into Mister's attitude and how we might be able to get him into the party?
Pal: The implants seem okay, but let's downplay the powered armor suit. This isn't meant to be a giant robot RP. The shotgun and pistol are alright though.
Name: Baiye (Prounounced Bay) Whytehawk
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Appearance: A lanky, somewhat petite girl (Height 5' 6", Weight 122). Her hair was originally dirty blonde, but now dyed a silvery-white, it's in a jaw-length crop that accentuates her heart-shaped face. Her eyes are a clear gray, but usually clouded in concentration.
Technology Background: Being born a "geek" in the age of machines made her a bit more than the average user. She develops and wears her own electronics - including a computer-visor/headset and a cybernetic glove that can handle even the most delicate of hacking jobs. Fluent in almost every electronic language, she's recently built and developed her own "Cainoid" - an android-dog that functions more as a database and utility than pet. Baiye also is relatively gifted at hacking, computer maintenance, mechanics, and repair.
Magic Background: She knows no magic herself, and is actually rather afraid of it. She doesn't blame it on the users of magic however, and considers the Brotherhood wrong in it's persecution of people. She does get a little queasy though, around high-level magic users.
Faction: New Rebellion member
I'll write up more on her personality later - it pretty much what one would expect, I suppose. c:
Well at the moment I was going to say the armor is pretty much spare parts more than a working suit after his last job :P But if repaired along the way it could be usefull against the Brotherhood. But if you want em to shuck the armor thats ok the shotty and pistol will do me fine :3
A little longwinded, but I enjoyed writing this one. >:3
Name: "Exo" - EXO-2000 M.F.A.U
Age: 4 Physical, 1 Mental
Species: Prototype Mech/Warbot
Sex: N/A
Magic User: Definitely Not
Psychic: Again, Definitely Not
Tech Usage: 100% Machine, Baby
Faction: The Rebellion
Physical Description:
Constructed as a prototype warmachine, the EXO-2000 M.F.A.U was designed to be one of the new toys for the Brotherhood in their hunting of mages. However, before it could be completed, Rebels raided the facility and destroyed most of the research. When they found the prototype, there were two opposing groups. One side wanted to destroy the machine before it could be completed. The others wanted to save it from the Brotherhood and stop them from using it.
Eventually, the groups settled on a compromise. Whilst they would not destroy the machine, they wiped it's prototype programming and made off with it. They then reprogrammed it themselves, giving it a rudimentary learning intelligence. Slowly, the artificial intelligence grew and was slowly fed information regarding the Brotherhood - exposed to both their propoganda and the terrible truth behind their campaigns, given a viewpoint outside of the entire scenario. In this way, the Rebellion hoped it would make it's own decision.
And it did, in time. Once the machine was sure, it made it's decision. That day was the same day it first spoke. Admittedly, it didn't speak much. All it said was "This ends. Now." which threw the immediate bystanders into confusion, until they noticed it was commenting on the Brotherhood's latest atrocity.
Exo stands roughly six and a half feet tall, a powerfully built frame, plated with alloy armour and reinforced internally. The design is built to withstand both physical and magical trauma, leaving it perhaps a little bulkier than usual, and thus slower than others of it's kind. Painted in a dull grey/black scheme, Exo's armour is lightly reflective, providing decent protection against laser weaponry, whilst the ceramic components shrug off plasma damage effectively.
Exo's optics have a slew of modes such as infrared, low-light and ultraviolet imaging. The powersource is unknown, buried deep within the unit's chassis, and provide it with near limitless energy. A limited supply of nanomachines supply a natural healing capability, allowing it to recover at approximately the same rate a human would, given ample matter to reconstruct with.
It does not have any networking capabilities - Rebellion technicians made sure to sever all possible links in order to prevent the Brotherhood regaining control of their little toy, or trying to infect it. Exo is a single unit and cannot interface with other networks nor other machines.
Whilst the prototype was due to be heavily armed with integrated weaponry, the site was raided before most of it could be installed. Rebellion scientists supplied Exo with it's own blueprints and allowed it to advise them on potential modifications. It was upgraded with the following internal weapons;
Left Hand: Thundershock Pads
Right Hand: Thundershock Pads
Left Forearm: Pulse Laser
Right Forearm: Pulse Laser
Thundershock Pads:
These pads and special wires installed into the hands allow it to dispense powerful electrical shocks into anything it's holding. They are purely technological in nature.
Pulse Laser:
A low-power low-output pulse laser. Little more needs to be said here - they are weak, but have their uses.
All other firepower comes from whatever it can lay it's hands on, such as these;
Longsword, Reinforced
A fairly average - though custom made - longsword, this specially made weapon has been reinforced. Exo wields it one-handed, despite it's 3ft blade. It was also modified to allow Exo to discharge electrical attacks through the handle using his Thundershock system, down into the blade and into the victim. The weapon's sheath crosses over Exo's back above it's right shoulder.
"Flare" Heavy Pistol
Most beings would struggle to hold this weapon two-handed, nevermind one-handed as Exo wields it, and for good reason; it weighs a good deal more than it looks to! Each magazine holds 12 of the pistol's distinctive incendiary rounds, each of which explodes on impact, setting it's target on fire if it doesn't kill it. It's rate of fire is somewhat slower than an average pistol, naturally. The Flare's holster is on Exo's left 'hip', and it carries several spare magazines.
It's other weapons are whatever it can pick up and swing or shoot, and it's 'natural' strength.
Exo's a bit of a blank slate, personality wise. It is cold and detached, though not by choice - it has not had much time to form bonds with those around it due to the Rebellion's nature. It tends to treat everything in a rather deadpan manner, maintaining a very serious air about it even in the face of extreme danger. Rebellion soldiers attribute this to the machine's lack of mortality and a true mortal soul, and also find working with it slightly unnerving. Nevertheless, they are glad for it's assistance, and repeatedly state that it is a reliable ally in a fight.
Exo is not truly emotionless, it just doesn't really have any yet, as it doesn't know what they are.
Exo does not have many beliefs. It believes in very basic things; peace, equality, justice, etcetera. and it also believes - quite firmly - that what the Brotherhood is doing is wrong, seeing magic as an old and perhaps venerable art that needs to be restored to it's former glory, but tended to, to prevent the old catastrophe that struck before.
As a purely mechanical being, Exo is considerably more logical and efficiency driven than his flesh and blood counterparts. However, he lacks intuition and creativeness, making him a predictable opponent, though he fights with considerably greater strength than mortals. It 'enjoys' working with others, and uses these opportunities to learn more about people.
Summary; whilst Exo tends to unnerve teammates due to it's personality, it is nevertheless a valuable ally.
The EXO-2000 project was the successor to the EXO-1800 project - several 1800s were deployed, but many were lost in the field due to poor understanding of the capabilities of many of the mages 1800s were sent after, or intercepted by Rebellion agents. The 2000 built on these failures, fixing them, but was interrupted before it could be completed. Lab documents also indicated the existance of the EXO-2100 project, but gave no more information. See physical description for more historical details pertaining to the unit itself.
I'm tempted. Owing to inexperience I'll likely not join in the first wave, but as you may know I'm a big fan of System Shock and Deus Ex.
Okay so I got Mister, Victor, Exo, and Baiye. I guess we can start with this group. Others can join in at any time.
Gha. i'm not even gon 24 hours and the RP already starts. I was counting on at least a week, maybe two. Blargh.
Oh well, I will have to make do.
Name: Jexx (last name unknown)
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Magic User: Maybe? (see background)
Psychic: No
Tech Usage: Lower legs cybernetic, give enhanced speed, reflexes, and jumping
capabilities. Both arms completely cybernetic: Hands are both Plasma
Cannons (not THAT powerful, think MegaMan's Buster, but this guys has it on
both hands) Can nanomorph cannons into actuall hands, but he only does
that when he actually has to pick up or manipulate something. Otherwise, he
just walks around with them out at most times. He can ONLY
nanomorph his hands, nothing else.
Faction: Individual
Physical Description:
Since the RP already started, there is no way in hell I am going to figure out how to get my character's pic upoaded. So, instead, I will give instructions on how to make him yourself. I made the character on a little flash game on Newgrounds called Create A Fursona v.2., coincedentally, right before this RP started, so he was perfect.
here is the flash (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/169498)
Directions: first I will list the option, the the number of times you must click on the RIGHT arrow above each option, then the color the option must be set to (unless it is already correct)
Ok here are the instructions:
(character is male btw)
First off: Body Color-set to Black
Body Markings: click FOUR times, color already correct
Chest: leave alone
Shirt: leave alone
Logo: leave alone
Arms: click THREE times, color already correct
Hands: click TWELVE times (you should have what look like cannons) Color already correct
Top accessories 1: click EIGHT times, color already correct
Top accessories 2: click SIX times, color already correct
Weapons: leave alone
Pants: click SEVEN times, set color to Black
Shoes: click TWO times, color already correct
Bottom Accessories 1: click FOUR times, set color to Red
Bottom Accessories 2: leave alone
Eyes: click TWO times, set color to Red
Eyebrows: click ELEVEN times, color already correct
Chin: click FOUR times, color already correct
Nose: click FOUR times,
Mouth: click TEWLVE times,
Ears: click THREE times, colcor alredy correct
Back hair: click EIGHT times, color already correct
Hair/Bangs: leave alone
Hair/Hats: click THIRTEEN times, color already correct
Face accessories 1: leave alone
Face accessories 2: click THREE times, color already correct
Wings: leave alone
Tail: click ONCE, set color to Black
And there you have my character
(and yes, I'm sure a few people may probably think that all that was completley unnessesary, but you didn't HAVE to make my character yourself if you didn't want to :P)
For anyone who DID think to skip that, his arms/legs have already been decribed, but this is the rest of him: He has almost completely black fur, bit with some white on his chin and tail. He wears black pants ripped at the knees, so they are actually shorts, and the color matches his fur. He wears spike collars on his neck and arms. He has strange red markings along his torso, as well as a red X on his forehead. His hair is slightly messy, and the tips are jet-black (kinda like Abel) His eyes are red.
OK! now that all of THAT is over, here is his background:
He actually woke up one day about two years ago in a strange underground laboratory, with Brotherhood of the Machine preists around him. What was bad about this was that he had absolutley no memeory prior to that moment of conciousness (yes, the cliche amnesia :P). He was also shocked to discover that his arms and lower legs we, in fact, cybernetic. He was in fact so shocked by his absense of memory and robotic limbs that he went almost psychotic, and began blasting preists left and right. He then rampaged through the labs, occasionally stoping at a computer terminal he didn't blow up, trying to glean some information about what the hell was going on with him. Most of what little data he managed to sift through was garbage, but he did manage to find out a few things: The first was that he actually wasn't supposed to have woken up yet. From what he could put together, he was some sort of "experiment" that was incomplete (because he woke up) and there were several references to "magic". The codename for the experiment was "Project Fusion". While he doesn't know what this means for himself, if someone observes him closely when he is in combat, you just might see his red markings glowing... Anyway he managed to make it out of the labs, and after wandering around for awhile, he took a vow to find a way to reclaim his memories, and find out what the hell Project Fusion is, and what Brotherhood wanted with him, even if he has to blast his way through every single preist to accomplish any of those goals. (He also pursues any particularly outward acts commited by the Brotherhood (like the bombing in the IC), because he wants to try to get his hands around the neck of at least one live Brotherhood preist, if only to strangle the truth out of him. Of course, that may never work, if the Brotherhood has instant-suicide implants or mental conditioning to resist interrogation. They probablyh have both.)
So, is that acceptable?
Works for me. Enrollment is open so anyone can join in at any time.
One of the things which is causing me to wait-and-see is that it's a little unclear as to the allowable races. My guess is that all the players thus far (apart from T.G) have sprung for humans. If furs are consistent with your setting, I might be tempted to use Joshua or Dorcan from my 'future history' series.
Eeesh, if furres arn't allowed, then I will have to come up with a completely new character from scratch. AND remove my post that I already put in the IC. Crap, I should have waited.
Of course furs are allowed. I wouldn't do that to you guys. :)
Why not? -I- would... :-]
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 07, 2007, 11:30:40 PM
Boogey: Looks like we've found our new office cut-up. :) Seriously, that looks like it will work. An insight into Mister's attitude and how we might be able to get him into the party?
In terms of attitude, he's got a fairly gentle nature and doesn't talk much. Being a golem and used to taking orders, he's rather easily bullied. As for how to get him into the party; either they find him and convince him to help them (possibly that that he's been inherited or that he counts as salvage), or the brotherhood shows up and messes up his gardens, thus earning themselves a lifelong enemy. He wouldn't have much reason to leave the estate without some sort of outside interferance.
As a sidenote, my/Exo's syntax for speech and such;
"Speech" is of course speech. It can be heard by anyone nearby, and/or on the other end of a reciever, such as a radio or phone. Bold means extra emphasis by shouting. Underline is emphasis by altering voice. Other emphasis includes 'this' such as "The Brotherhood's 'project' is proceeding well."
[Process] is equivalent to thoughts, though Processes cannot be read by psions or telepaths, since they are mechanical in nature. Processes are not broadcast. "Processed" is equivalent to "thought". [Unit calculates that best course of engagement is frontal assault.]
Obviously, it cannot 'estimate' or 'guess', because it is not fully possessive of organic functions such as abstract thought yet. The learning intelligence will be able to emulate these functions, given sufficient explanation and example.
Exo often refers to itself as "Unit". Others may call it what they wish, though most prefer to use "Exo", as a shortening of it's full 'name'.
Name: Morgan Kell
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Magic User: No*
Psychic: Yes
Species: "human hybrid" (genetically altered feral fox)
Tech usage:
- Cybernetic skeletal reinforcement - tungsten/aluminum superalloy lattice (reinforces skeletal structure and provides a small measure of armor. Important for the use of anti-materiel/heavy sniper rifles)
- Semi-organic myomer muscle reinforcement (reinforces musculature to accommodate skeletal reinforcements, moderate increase to strength and provide necessary capabilities for heavy rifles)
- Enhanced nervous system and synaptic acceleration (enhances reaction time and action response)
- Cybernetic Tactical Computer with universal interface jack (links and interfaces with advanced weapons to provide advanced combat functionality, advanced targeting abilities and reaction)
- Internal nanomachine support (maintains cybernetics and supports organic systems)
- Optical enhancements (linked to CTC, aids in targeting and provides infrared, ultraviolet and optical ranging/zoom)
- Auditory enhancements (linked to CTC, aids in threat analysis and provides subvocal, ultrasonic and enables him to hear most transmitted information, i.e. radio, microwave/cellular)
- Psionic Amplifier Implant (first generation prototype designed to boost his inherent abilities and channel them in conjunction with other systems for increased reaction time and anticipation of enemy actions. The unit functions mostly as designed, but also has expanded his sense into minor kinetic abilities. The unit also acts to reduce the effectiveness of mental powers used against him by half.)
Faction: individual; former military special forces
Physical Description: Completely human in appearance with the exception of his odd eye and hair colors. Morgan is a red haired lad with amber eyes and a fair complexion, some exposure to warmer climes has added a minor bit of freckling. He stands at 1.82 meters in height and is a lithe 63.6 kilograms in weight.
Background: Morgan Kell is not his real name, it is one he found in an old book (Morgan) and his "father's" family name . His real name is not known to him, but his unit designation was merely "Fox" referring to his test species genetic base. Morgan is a member of a government based genetic experiment program to create Universal/Super soldiers with enhanced abilities based on animal analogs. Integration and genetic manipulation of specific animal stock which replaces and augments the animal DNA with known sequences from the human genome. The procedure was deemed a failure as the DNA augmentation produced creatures which were for all intensive purposes slightly better humans with a few analogous animal traits (faster reflexes, quick movement, improved senses and similar traits). The extraordinarily expensive process was deemed a failure and discontinued as a similar effect can be obtained using normal humans and simpler genetic manipulation techniques at a tenth of the cost. Not one for wasting already paid for 'improved' humans, the government placed Morgan, then simply call "Fox", and the rest of the projects experiments into military programs for special operations units. From an early age, Morgan and his lab-mates were trained in all manner of skills for use as soldiers. Morgan excelled at sniping and other duties along the lines of an assassin. The natural abilities he possessed were not sufficient and he was further augmented with cybernetic enhancements and a first generation psy-implant to exploit weak psychic powers to further enhance his role. He would have completed the courses if not for the violent and forceful elimination of this black book program by rival government faction forces. Morgan participated in an escape attempt with his other team mates, but was separated and injured during the flight from the installation. He managed to stumble upon the hiking cabin of an old university professor, Jeffery Kell, who took in the poor teen and nursed him back to health. Jeffery offered him a home from his troubled past, a real name and something akin to family, that was 10 years ago.
Morgan possess an empathic ability to sense surface thoughts which is further enhanced by the psy-implant to channel it into anticipation, augmenting his combat response time and allowing him a far better survival rate as he can anticipate an enemies actions from received surface thoughts. The power can be tricked as it was during his escape attempt from the pacification of the training base he once called home. He can scan surface thoughts and may be able to delve in deeper to pick out memories and specific information.
Morgan can also manipulate energy to a small degree, but this has never been much more then flickering lights or draining cellphone batteries. This power has a range limitation of 10 to 20m. This ability is always on and auto-balances the drain across multiple devices, thereby lowering its impact to nearly nil, and is what supplements his cybernetic systems. This ability will reduce the effectiveness of energy weapons by a small amount, improving the effectiveness of armor.
Morgan also possesses the minor abilities of Aura Perception, allowing him to see psychic and magical auras and emanations, and Mind Shield, providing his only active defense against psychic attack.
The implant awoke the power of telekinesis, but he can do little more then move a coin slowly across a table. This power also has a range limitation of 10 to 20m. He utilizes telekinesis in most hostile situations to add a level or two of deflection type armor, reducing the impact of projectiles, melee and brawling.
The downside of the implant is that the unit is an energy conduit, albeit a technological one, to the astral space and magical emanations. He is a beacon on the astral plane and would find that the presence of magical sources (ley lines) cause throbbing pain in his head akin to a migraine the stronger the source.
Morgan's astral presence betrays his animal origins, displaying a fluffy tail and fox ears on his head.
General personal items
Laptop style computer
Army standard issue light duty armor
Special duty outfits
Personal communication device (military grade and 'open chipped')
Personal communication device (civilian grade)
Mid-line sport coupe style vehicle
Aestralite AMR2000
Caliber/Cartridge: 15.2mm Armour-piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot
Capacity: 3 round clip
Mode: Single shot
Muzzle velocity: ~1450 m/s
Firing Characteristic: Dart never reaches more than 80 cm above the direct line of sight, can be considered a flat trajectory
Effective range: ~2016 m
Armor Penetration at 1000 m: 40 mm of rolled homogeneous steel armor
The Aestralite AMR2000 is based off of our world's contemporary Steyr IWS 2000 semi-automatic sniper/anti-materiel rifle. It is a legacy of his military days and is kept in excellent condition despite never having been used for its intended purpose. It fires the extremely heavy 15.2mm shell, which though not a common caliber is not hard to find for someone with the proper sources.
(2) Breyr Alpha Ion pulse pistols
Type: Ion
Capacity: 20
Mode: single shot and pulse-burst
Effective range: 56 m
A powerful and reasonably common pistol generally found in military service use. Standard E-cells are easily rechargeable from conventional power sources.
2 Conventional diamond-coated wakizashi style swords
Cybernetic Tactical Computer
The CTC is a fully functional, high grade computer system designed for advanced tactical processing and individual combat superiority. The CTC will interface with any military electronic unit, enabling an equipped individual to integrate into combat system available. The CTC provides a direct cyberlink allowing the operative to mentally link with fighter, power armor and vehicles for extreme enhanced reactions, response and targeting.
The CTC is also a fully functional Duo-tronic central processor with 2048 individual processor cores each possessing 2048 exabytes of cache per core. The unit possesses significant storage of 200 yottabytes of data space and 24 zettabytes of system RAM for process execution. The CTC has full wired and wireless access capabilities with port restrictions, firewalling, active filtering and monitoring. Anti-intrusion, anti-malicious code, etc. algorithms sweep for anything evasive and aggressive enough to sneak through the protection. The CTC is tied to the optics, auditory and psy-implant subsystems.
The unit is an advanced tactical system which can interface with link enabled hand weapons, achieving a far superior level of accuracy and capability.
The CTC is also linked to the enhanced nervous system, enabling it to make micro-adjustments to a variety of factors that enhance reaction time, coordination and speed up actions. This also smooths out actions and agility, allowing for more graceful and smoother movements.
Should I be calling you cousin, Azlan? :P
Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on June 09, 2007, 04:01:01 AM
Should I be calling you cousin, Azlan? :P
Fear the phantom 'mech...
Okay that works.
Okay, here's my submission. Convoluted, but I think it'll work >:3
What he is doing there will be explained in my first post, assuming he is accepted.
The only RP I've ever done so far has been Furrae Chronicles, so I'm still kind of new to this. Please be gentle.
Basic description
Name: Dorcan Ja'Fell
Race: Doberman Incubus (deceased) / Android
Age: About 330
Gender: Male
Appearance: Doberman. Doberman coloured. Dark bat-like wings. Muscular build. Tail and ears full-length.
Dorcan was brought up as a renegade member of the brutal Jyraneth clan. His life was somewhat nondescript until he was hanged on a trumped-up charge of rape about 150 years after DMFA. Arriving too late to abort the execution, Niall Jakobsohn stole his soul instead, transferring it into the brain of a prototype android frame built by his adopted father, Jakob Pettersohn and customised to resemble his self-image.
As a synthetic, Dorcan is unable to use any of his former incubus abilities or spells. However he has been fitted with a number of enchanted crystals to provide him with some basic substitute.
One of these hides his wings and headwings, another provides a basic mind-shield, and another one is designed to steal his soul upon death in order to facilitate recovery. He also has a magical tattoo for his clan-mark.
System description
Dorcan's frame is internally armoured, with most protection going to his brain and power system. The power source is a cold fusion generator in his midriff. The actuators powering his limbs are capable of strength far greater than a normal human or furre would be, but they have been limited to something more typical at his own insistence.
Dorcan's internal systems are maintained by nanite repair units. His body was designed to replace an existing Being's body in the event of their death rather than for a more specific purpose such as combat.
Brown, hooded monk-like cloak. The hood is sufficiently long to hide his animal features from most angles, and he is wearing a pair of gloves to conceal his hands. His only other possessions are a two-way signalling device and a remote probe which he was recovering when the dimensional gateway went dead, stranding him. It essentially a radio controlled car with a video camera and transmitter. The power system has been upgraded to use a form of microfusion similar to the system in Dorcan's guts.
Unlike most members of Jyraneth, Dorcan was brought up to use violence as a last resort. This does not mean that he is helpless. Indeed, he is quite a capable fighter, but under normal circumstances he will only take up arms in defence.
Dorcan is respectably good at swordfighting and has a basic ability with crossbows. His modern-day weapons have been limited to airguns and some energy weapons.
He has also been tutored in science and electronics at SAIA, with a refresher course provided by Azrael and Jakob so that he is able to understand and repair most of his own systems where the damage is too severe for his internal maintenance systems.
I guess I should have explicitly stated that this isn't in canon with DMFA in any way. This is a completely different world. So Tape, think you can change the incubi/DMFA references?
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 10, 2007, 04:47:25 PM
I guess I should have explicitly stated that this isn't in canon with DMFA in any way. This is a completely different world. So Tape, think you can change the incubi/DMFA references?
Yeah, I'm quite aware of that, otherwise it would have made my earlier question about whether furs are allowable kind of moot, wouldn't it? >:3
What I'm actually planning to do is strand Dorcan in your universe by means of dimensional gates, which are canon in DMFA and somewhat underutilized IMHO. There are actually references to that throughout the description, so I'm guessing you either speed-read it or balked as soon as you hit the word 'incubus' :P
Dorcan isn't actually magic-capable anymore, which (A) means he can't get back under his own power until the magical renaissance you're hinting at takes place, (B) means he isn't going to be horribly overpowered and (C) fits your scenario very nicely without requiring any tweaks.
In addition that fact that he'd be completely lost would make him quite interesting to play...
Okay my bad. It looks good then.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 10, 2007, 05:59:57 PM
Okay my bad. It looks good then.
No problem. Let's see how it goes...
Well, that's the intro. Long, but hopefully amusing.
Name: Jack Griffith (Griffy)
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Human
H/W: 6'3.5'', 160lbs
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Dark red
Occupation: Coastal Patrol Search-And-Rescue (Diver)
Stance on Rebellion: Apathetic
Psychic: No
Tech usage: None
Weapons n' Shit:
One Gardner G-PULSE Mk.C
Unlike the ubiquitous Rent-A-Cop G-PULSE Mk.As and Mk.Bs, the Mk.C is only available by mass contract to Gardner Automation itself, and is extremely hard to find even on the black market. While the Mk.A and Mk.B look like, respectively, an over-sized pistol and an under-sized rifle, the Mk.C looks like, as the Modern Arms review so eloquently put it, a "mean son'va bitch". Like the other G-PULSE weapons, the Mk.C runs on power cells. Griffith managed to obtain his personal Mk.C via a bribe to the Coastal Patrol quartermaster.
One Levitt Model One
Iconic, pretty, and the subject of endless debates over it's actual usefulness, the Levitt Model One is a small pistol with a huge following. The Model One is a seemingly ordinary pistol, but the simple engineering and spartan design give it a sense of "class" that other weapons lack. Gun elitists (which do exist) hate this gun, but it's users would defend it to the death. Griffith's model has a silencer and IR flashlight.
Angsty Backstory
Jack Griffith was born to well-to-do parents on a naval base. His father J.R. Griffith, was one of the Navy's most respected amphibious troopers, and trained Jack from a very early age to follow in his footsteps. Everything seemed to go well, and by the age of 25, Jack had been accepted into one of the most prestigious amphibious divisions. Shockingly, he resigned shortly after that, revealing later that his girlfriend (now ex-wife) was a pacifist, and demanded he leave the Navy. Joined the Coastal Patrol on a compromise with his then-wife. Though on paper assigned to Search-And-Rescue, Jack mainly works on armed drug busts.
This thingy pass?
Works for me
Seems this guy wanted to be noticed. He doesn't look like he's from the Brotherhood. Rather he looks like he'd blend in with a crowd. Rebellion? Was he worth checking out?
Is that supposed to be me, or the guy that's looking at me?
The guy looking at you
D'aww. Baiye seems so simple next to everybody else and their big shiny stuffs. (Though I feel a bit better that Dorcan's not very armed either)
I think Baiye'd be more prone to use a wrench Ratchet'n'Clank style more than any sort of artillery. Baiye's just not a combat character I suppose. A tech-gifted pilot at best, a humble mechanic more likely.
But if any of you Cyborg/Robot types get out of sorts, at least Baiye's around to fix it. :B
And I guess I need to update on Gidget's characterness.
As of right now, he's basically a talking canine computer with bad eyesight (and bad humor too. And a semi-tolerable accent.) Gid's somewhat of a sidekick to Baiye - an all-purpose electronic guinea pig and geeky buddy. In looks, he's appears an average dog (A black/white Cardi Corgi.) - excepting the fact he has small rivets all over the place, as well as what look somewhat like radio antennae inside each ear.
He's rather upgrade-less at the moment (he's only been functional around 6 months - and Baiye's income is rather limited... so no goodies), he probably has a few navigational charts, basic coding abilities, and functions as a rather unique calculator. Other than that, he's just a weird AI rather amused at being a dog, rather than an android.
And I'm sure Gid will get a kick out of meeting any Fur-types. >,< After all, he's just a human-minded android dog on the inside... or is he just chips and wires? I forget.
Any other things concerning Baiye at the moment? I'm quite the newbie to the Sci-Fi realm, (Baiye comes from a Space Fantasy/Furry thing of mine called Empire Star) so I'm reading up on robotics and stuff for the time being. I feel rather stupid. ^^
I think Baiye has a lot of potential for growth. Just keep doing what you're doing and the opportunity to expand Baiye will come along.
Out of curiosity, have the Brotherhood confiscated his possessions?
No, that was going to be done in the interrogation room, but you're getting sprung.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 11, 2007, 09:51:52 AM
No, that was going to be done in the interrogation room, but you're getting sprung.
Yeah, I wasn't sure if they'd nabbed them before he was 'rescued' or whether they were taken into the room with him.
Whatever you had on your person coming into this world is still on you. They were going to search you in the interrogation room.
Nicely grabbing the wrong end of the stick by the horns, there, Tapewolf, if I may mix my metaphors a bit :-]
Quote from: Kryptic on June 11, 2007, 05:00:12 AM
D'aww. Baiye seems so simple next to everybody else and their big shiny stuffs. (Though I feel a bit better that Dorcan's not very armed either)
I wasn't sure if it was going to be more of a logic-and-puzzles type game or full of violence. Come to that I'm still not sure. Dorcan is a step up from Jakob himself, who is extremely squeamish and doesn't like fighting even in self-defence. That said, Dorcan's body was designed by Jakob to provide immortality, not invincibility, and he certainly isn't armed - in fact he's carrying what amounts to useless junk in his current predicament.
QuoteAny other things concerning Baiye at the moment? I'm quite the newbie to the Sci-Fi realm, (Baiye comes from a Space Fantasy/Furry thing of mine called Empire Star) so I'm reading up on robotics and stuff for the time being. I feel rather stupid. ^^
May I be so bold as to suggest my 'Future History' series? >:3
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 11, 2007, 10:36:08 AM
Nicely grabbing the wrong end of the stick by the horns, there, Tapewolf, if I may mix my metaphors a bit :-]
Thanks. I've always wanted to do that in the FCRP and never really had the chance...
Can't believe I'm so damn late. Haven't had access to a comp for about 12-18 hours, I think. BTW, about Mister and the zealots attacking him, if Mister just kills them, he won't have any motivation for leaving his estate and his precious flowers. But if the (remaining) zealot messes up his flowerbead, THEN I think Mister would go totally psychotic towards the Brotherhood, and make it a personnal mission to take them down. Which is how I was intending for Jexx to meet him. If Mister gets that pissed off, he would almost certainly blast the zealot with huge bursts of steam, and I was originally intending for Jexx to see that. But that doesn't see to be happening fast enough, or not at all. Then Dorcan came in with the portal flash, and i just KNEW the Brotherhood would be all over him in minutes. I was hoping for Jexx to see that, rush over there, anticipating the Brotherhood, and help Docan fight them off. But that happened too fast, and while I was AFK MIA. So now the only option is this stranger, who, for some reason, is looking at me. Honestly, with the way Jexx's peronalitly is set up, being a bit paranoid and mildly psychotic, that man shouldn't even have his head anymore, let alone his life. But since that is the only plotline I have to follow, I've got to take it. No, I'm not blaming you, Ryudo, I was just looking forward to one of those other scenarios.
I think I can still get Mister out of his mansion. Though trampling the flowers does seem like a good idea. Boogey, wanna roll with that?
Brings to mind that scene in FF7...
Oh yeah... and don't step on the flowers.
You just stepped all over them!
They're ruined!
Actually, thinking it over, just trampling the flowers might not actually drive Mister to insanity. he'd probably be quite upset, but he could grow them back. The actuall impression I have of Mister is that the estate is his life. His master is long gone, so Mister seems like a one of those people who just lose themselves obsessively in one thing. Now, if Mister kills this last zealot (make him fall over dead on the flowers, just for the heck of it), the Brotherhood won't get a report back. They might decide to blow up the estate like they did that house. Mister's entire life is in that estate. It's all he has. If it's gone, he will have only one thing left to him: killing brotherhood members. What do you think, Boogyman? Does that sound good for your character, or have I way overstepped myself?
That sounds about right, Tech. Mister's not big on the whole boundless rage thing, or at least not over a few flowers. However, the whole estate would both attract his ire and force him to strike out on his own. Yeesh, I'm starting to get the impression that I'm subconsciously tormenting my characters on purpose. :rolleyes
By the by, Ryudo, what sort of guns do the zealots have? Normal fire arms, plasma based whodiddywhatsits, what?
Oh, as a clarification - Gid speaks in courier.
The font. :animesweat
I don't know why this stuff reminds me of Samurai 7. I keep thinking of Kikuchiyo.
And thanks for that Ryudo - It's been a LONG while since I've RP'd. I need to get back into the swing of things. I've always wanted to develop Baiye & Gid a bit more. I'm reworking old illustrations. I'll see if I can find any when I'm feeling brave enough to open them up to the interwebs.
Quote from: Boogeyman on June 11, 2007, 08:04:41 PM
By the by, Ryudo, what sort of guns do the zealots have? Normal fire arms, plasma based whodiddywhatsits, what?
They've got basic single shot plasma rifles. Zealots would be the bottom of the totem pole here, your basic grunts, so they've got simpler weapons.
No offense, but do you think you might possibly be running this a little bit fast? It might have been nice to have given Azlan a chance to react...
Well I'm just trying to respond to everyone in a timely manner. Otherwise I'll get accused of not responding fast enough. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 12, 2007, 09:50:08 AM
Well I'm just trying to respond to everyone in a timely manner. Otherwise I'll get accused of not responding fast enough. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
Quite, and obviously the final decision is ultimately yours. Personally I'd have erred on the slow side myself, but that's generally the way I deal with everything anyhow. (And that is one reason I make a bad driver...)
Ok, Ryudo, I need a little bit of clarification on the Brotherhood. Thus far, I've been assuming all Brotherhood members are automatically "priests", and I have been reffering to them as such. But everyone else seems to be calling them Enforcers, or, more commonly, zealots. I've been assuming these names/ranks are interchangable, but I'm less and less sure, especially when you said that "zealots are lowest on the totem pole, armed with only basic single-shot plasma rifles".
So could you be so kind as to explain how the Brotherhood has their rank structure set up?
And while you're at it, how big's the bomb Mister's intruders just lobbed?
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 12, 2007, 09:43:59 AM
No offense, but do you think you might possibly be running this a little bit fast? It might have been nice to have given Azlan a chance to react...
Er, no problems here...
Zealots would be the bottom of the totem pole, new recruits, grunts, etc.
Enforcers, the next level up. Soldiers, warriors, guards, equivalent to police.
Elites the next warrior step up, usually only found in the towers, but come out when there's something BIG going on.
Priest, usually one per tower, pretty much a leader.
Anything higher, your characters wouldn't know about except that this "Mother" leads them all.
Boogey, it wasn't as big as the bomb that took out the house, so more like a big grenade.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 12, 2007, 11:13:01 PM
Zealots would be the bottom of the totem pole, new recruits, grunts, etc.
Enforcers, the next level up. Soldiers, warriors, guards, equivalent to police.
Priest, usually one per tower, pretty much a leader.
Damn, have to go back and edit some of my posts slightly... Not too much of a bother though.
I do agree that such a fast pace probably isn't necessary - I know you're wanting to get the group together and all, but still.
Exo will be joining the group once all the others invited to the warehouse have assembled.
....a bit of time has passed... who's turn is it to post in the IC?
Or am I jus being impatient? If so, tell me.
Waiting on Boogey and Kryptic.
"most of what they do goes persecuted by the law."
Azlan, should that have read 'unpersecuted'?
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 14, 2007, 03:10:06 PM
"most of what they do goes persecuted by the law."
Azlan, should that have read 'unpersecuted'?
Holy. Freaking. Crap.
The past two days (prior to today) I've been able to log on fairly consistantly, checking constantly for new posts, but people wern't very active. Today just had to be the day I'd be at Cedar Point.... and everyone else is on. Great gods on high.
[/end pointless, inconsequential rant]
Ok, now that I'm here, I need to go about salvaging this situation. I have to go back and edit my last post so I'm not at the warehouse yet (Bill/Griffy and Boogy/Mister still arn't either so that shouldn't be a problem), then make a new post actually getting into the warehouse. Most of the stuff in Jackson and Exo's briefing Jexx already knows, since he's been fighting the Brotherhood by himself for two years now.
Anyways, one of this things Jexx will ask is how does the Rebellion know about him. Ryudo, you should answer with something about having Jexx under surveillence for some time. Jexx will be surprised, because he didn't think the Rebellion would want him (since he mistakenly believes that they would only want people who are actually morally devoted to their cause) Another reason it will surprise him is because, for all intents and purposes, Jexx has not had a real home ever since he woke up two years ago. He's always been on move, never staying in one spot for long, so he will be surpised (and impressed) at the Rebellion's abillity to track his movements.
....There was somethig else, but I can't remebr. We'll just go from here.
A couple of points about Dorcan - although he looks pretty much like a flesh and blood person, there are a couple of subtle differences which members of the Rebellion are liable to notice sooner or later. (Preferably not immediately)
Firstly, he doesn't breathe. That is probably not something that will be noticed easily.
More difficult to conceal in the medium term is going to be the fact that he doesn't eat or drink. He might be able to explain that away given that he was originally an incubus and didn't need to.
More immediately, he isn't going to smell right. That depends on how sensitive the furs in your world are. Having them be able to smell people at a distance like real animals tends to create plot-holes, so I've been assuming they are somewhat better than humans but not able to detect each other from a mile away like wolves. Living in cities would tend to reduce their sensitivity as well, I'd guess. Nonetheless, Dorcan is not going to smell like a living creature and that is liable to cause a few puzzled faces and suspicions.
Then there's Exo. Sheridan hasn't elaborated on it's/his sensor capabilities, but depending on how well he's shielded, Dorcan is liable to emit EM fields from his actuators and electronics. His power source may also emit radiation at slightly above background level.
Exo's sensors are rather rudimentary, actually, as a lot of recievers were removed or disconnected by Rebellion technicians to prevent the Brotherhood from trying to retake control of their little toy with any backdoors they might have put in that may have been missed by technicians (though there are no backdoors) to the point where all would have to be a spoken phrase. He's designed as a killing machine, something he's not exactly proud of. Visual sensors can pick up a large portion of the spectrum - the usuals when it comes to vision - like the infrared and ultraviolet ends.
I guess you could say he's a step forward in terms of artificial intelligence and hardware but two steps backwards in terms of communication and sensory capabilities.
He is only a prototype - an incomplete piece of work, and he often discusses potential upgrades with Rebellion Technicians.
I think that may open up something between Exo and Baiye, actually.
You going to make the cab move on it's own, or should I do something?
Is it too late to join?
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 15, 2007, 09:01:59 AM
I think that may open up something between Exo and Baiye, actually.
I had considered this as well. Exo's frame isn't exactly modular, so upgrading won't be easy, but it can be done should the components be available and the concept feasible.
That said, there's quite a bit of unused space inside the chassis that could be used up, kind of like a BattleMech. :B
I suggest you evaluate your situation before making any potentially foolish demands."
What demands, Arcy? Jexx hasn't made any... yet...
EDIT: Oh, I get it. You're
warning Jexx to not make foolish demands. Got it.
Your heat signature is unique,
That fits perfectly with something I forgot to add in my post. Ima go put it in now.
Right. Basically; "Think before you go and say anything stupid". ;)
As for the latter; ties in with the movement and places. Whilst most people are just, y'know, "warm", not many have morphing guns for arms and tend to sit on high out-of-the-way things.
Hm. I took that for Jexx's markings glowing(which is what I added to my other post), hinting at his possible magical nature, but oh well.
Snuggles, anyone can join in at any time. Just post your character.
OK I will try and get it as soon as possible.
Jeez, this is one slow cab. :U
Look at my previous post Bill.
*kills self in shame*
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 15, 2007, 04:14:55 PM
Jackson seemed smug during Jexx's entire rant. And shook his head. He looked over at Dorcan.
"I would expect you to figure out what is prudent and what is excessive in the handling of your missions. We would like to avoid any unneccesary deaths, but the job must get done." He said. "As for all that other stuff, that's details that will be handled at a later time. I'm sure you understand."
I'm not sure I understand Jackson's rudeness towards Morgan, he has acknowledged everyone, but this time he regards Dorcan while answering questions posed by Morgan... what did Morgan do?
I'm guessing Ryudo mixed you up :P
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 15, 2007, 04:26:29 PM
I'm guessing Ryudo mixed you up :P
Likely, but just in case there is some faux pas I inadvertently performed, then I'd like to know, because it is likely an error the player made and one the character should have known better then to do. The exception being his threat analysis. It would be impossible for anyone to determine that his internal tactical unit has just profiled everyone in sight...
Just out of interest... does that involve connecting to any sort of network service that might be detectable by paranoid professionals watching?
Just wondering...
Quote from: BillBuckner on June 15, 2007, 04:15:46 PM
Jeez, this is one slow cab. :U
Maybe he's just taking you the long way. via Hong Kong, where his brother owns this lovely little restaurant, you know, you'd love to visit it, honest? yes? yes? no? Oh, well. Maybe next time. ;-]
I tipped him too much, too, so he'll now attempt to follow me around the whole city. :<
Blarg, I got names mixed up. My bad. Fixing.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 15, 2007, 04:39:56 PM
Just out of interest... does that involve connecting to any sort of network service that might be detectable by paranoid professionals watching?
Just wondering...
Nope, completely internal, self contained and fully functional on-body computer. It does possess a universal interface, but the system does not require any network access. He can physically connect his internal computer to some type of network interface port, or utilizes some type of wireless unit to make himself a node on the network though.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 15, 2007, 04:47:56 PM
Blarg, I got names mixed up. My bad. Fixing.
I guess they are kind of similar. Dorcan is actually named after a region of east Swindon where I used to work.
Quote from: Azlan on June 15, 2007, 04:31:15 PM
The exception being his threat analysis. It would be impossible for anyone to determine that his internal tactical unit has just profiled everyone in sight...
Now I'm curious. What kind of sensors does it have as input?
Quote from: Arcalane on June 15, 2007, 03:37:05 PM
As for the latter; ties in with the movement and places. Whilst most people are just, y'know, "warm", not many have morphing guns for arms and tend to sit on high out-of-the-way things.
Nggh. Of all the things which are odd about Dorcan, I completely forgot about the heat signature. That's going to be a bit peculiar, but that might be put down to augmentations. An interesting excuse actually - I'll have to think about that.
One of the things I haven't really got a feel for is what shape Exo is. I take it he's not actually humanoid in appearance, more a sort of mech thing?
Just to let you guys know, I have a pretty full weekend ahead of me, so there will most likely be some downtime here, at least on my end, until monday.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 15, 2007, 05:19:04 PM
Just to let you guys know, I have a pretty full weekend ahead of me, so there will most likely be some downtime here, at least on my end, until monday.
Not a problem. One possibility for your last action is for Jackson to walk out of the room so that the newcomers can discuss things among themselves for a while.
In that case, I suggest we all say our 'I'm in' agreements in the IC thread, then wait until Ryudo returns so Jackson can tell us what exactly is the mission we will be assigned.
EDIT: Or what Tapewolf said. Also a good idea.
In fact, let's combine those two ideas. We all say 'I'm in', Jackson goes somewhere, maybe even fetching our mission data, and we talk to each other, tell each other about ourselves.
What does everyone think?
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 15, 2007, 04:59:15 PMOne of the things I haven't really got a feel for is what shape Exo is. I take it he's not actually humanoid in appearance, more a sort of mech thing?
General humanoid format in terms of number of limbs and proportions, though he's more like a blocky suit of powered armour in appearance. Not too smooth, but not too rough either - the chassis is meant to take a beating and thus looks the part.
Whatever works for you guys. I've still gotta get Bill's character into the warehouse and wrap up the goings-on at Mister's mansion. If Boogey doesn't mind, we can hold that off until monday, but if Bill is still around, I'd at least like to get him in the door.
Uh, is Doran talking about me? Just wanted to make that clear before I post.
And when we finally set out(Monday probably), we can go pick up Mister and whatever Snuggle's character is on the way to our assignment.
EDIT: Yeah, I think Dorcan is talking about Griffy. I guess that means you're already through the door. That's what I assumed, at any rate, and why I also said something about it.
Right, I'm posting with the assumption that I'm in the haus.
the haus? What the hell is that?
Quote from: Arcalane on June 15, 2007, 05:25:31 PM
[Exo is] General humanoid format in terms of number of limbs and proportions, though he's more like a blocky suit of powered armour in appearance. Not too smooth, but not too rough either - the chassis is meant to take a beating and thus looks the part.
Ah right. I had visualised something like ED-209 or the biped walker things in Star Wars. You might want to add a note about that to your character description in case any players want to do a quick lookup before interacting with him.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 15, 2007, 05:28:44 PM
EDIT: Yeah, I think Dorcan is talking about Griffy. I guess that means you're already through the door.
Either that or Dorcan can see him from his vantage point. Or he can simply hear what Jackson is saying. After all, it's the way he structured the offer that made me think of that, rather than the person.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 15, 2007, 05:32:38 PM
the haus? What the hell is that?
German for 'house'.
(ware)House. (not the doctor)
Quote from: Tapewolf
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 15, 2007, 05:28:44 PM
EDIT: Yeah, I think Dorcan is talking about Griffy. I guess that means you're already through the door.
Either that or Dorcan can see him from his vantage point. Or he can simply hear what Jackson is saying. After all, it's the way he structured the offer that made me think of that, rather than the person.
Oy, you bloody well posted it, pick one. :U
Well, you -are- in the warehouse, Bill. At least, I think tha is what's going on.
Dorcan's 'vantage point'? Did I miss something? I though everyone was in a circle around Jackson.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 15, 2007, 05:35:51 PM
Well, you -are- in the warehouse, Bill. At least, I think tha is what's going on.
Either that or immediately outside it.
QuoteDorcan's 'vantage point'? Did I miss something? I though everyone was in a circle around Jackson.
He's indoors. Depending on where he is in the circle, he can see outdoors.
Right, I'll just enter the warehouse, and solve all our woes. :)
Quote from: BillBuckner on June 15, 2007, 05:38:30 PM
Right, I'll just enter the warehouse, and solve all our woes. :)
I've just edited my post. If it introduces another conflict, let me know what to do and I'll edit it again accordingly.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 15, 2007, 05:33:09 PMAh right. I had visualised something like ED-209 or the biped walker things in Star Wars. You might want to add a note about that to your character description in case any players want to do a quick lookup before interacting with him.
Which would ill-suit his choice of handgun and sword, would it not?
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 15, 2007, 04:59:15 PM
Now I'm curious. What kind of sensors does it have as input?
It's nothing all that special, the system is tied to sight, smell, hearing, taste, psychic and certain electromagnetic sensors.
Sight: infrared, ultraviolet, normal color vision and a limited interpretation of aura.
hearing: all human ranges and those of canids. Also has limited sub-vocal and ultrasonic reception
Smell: acute, filtered and reduced sense can be achieved to prevent overload when presented with strong stimulus. chemical analysis based on molecules received at receptor sites
Taste: not applicable as he did not spend any time licking people, which would be very odd from a 'human'
Psychic: the psy-implant provides the computer with data perceived from other individuals with regards to their psychic/astral presence and can recognize, but not judge magical emanations/auras (i.e. can estimate magical potential or possible strength, but limited data).
Electromagnetic: the system can detect emanations of radiation in an individual or the environment.
The remainder of the analysis is made through an expert system/rudimentary AI and involves evaluation of size, weight, mass, stance and much of the above data combined and compared against a database. It is scored, evaluated and then compiled into a profile report. He will have to review it and make his own determinations, based on the information supplied both raw and analyzed.
Incidentally, now would be an opportune time to post info on Griffy's gun.
Manufacturer: Gardner Automation
Model: G-PULSE Mk.3
Appearance: Small-Medium sized rifle, but without a cartridge. Looks a bit like a sawed-off, in fact, but quite more black, and "techy"-looking.
Firepower: Provided by electric cell. Cell is depleted with normal use of the rifle, with about 300 RF shots, or 60 HF shots, per cell. Cells can be recharged in the field using what's called a "Primer", but under normal use, this only restores the cell to about 30% of it's capacity, or 90 RF/18 HF shots. Priming the cell takes about 20 seconds for a professional. Completely recharging the cell with the primer takes around two hours, rather impractical in the field.
As for the firing itself, the gun can be used as rapid fire, about as powerful as a medium-caliber round, or as heavy fire, about as powerful as a high-caliber explosive round. HF shots put lots of strain on the power cell, taking 5 times more energy per discharge. Unlike RF shots, HF shots can punch through heavy armor. Coastal Patrol tends to use HF shots to incapacitate boats from a distance.
The wonder of talking with those who do not need to pause for breath. :U
Copycat'ing Bill;
"Flare" Heavy Handgun
Appearance: A very large and bulky looking handgun somewhat like this (http://www.hellgatelondon.com/repository/images/_variations/9/7/97d68ac5d546d169642d6da69149666e_large.jpg) though with a slightly longer barrel.
Details: The Flare's rate of fire is somewhat sub-par for a pistol, but it's firepower for a standard 'Low-Tech' kinetic weapon is practically unmatched. It's rounds look more like slightly over-length shotgun shells rather than bullets, for good reason - each explodes on impact, in a burst of incendiary materials. The shots are also on fire during flight, so they leave a distinctive trail of fire and smoke in the air as they go.
The Flare can also utilise special flare ammunition that can be used to light up dark areas. Two variants exist - one outdoors flare (for firing upwards) and one indoors flare (for firing into dark rooms or corridors). The former has a small rocket propulsion system and unfolding fins that stabilize it during it's flight upwards. The latter lasts longer and burns brighter, but tends to travel in a low arc, and does not go very far.
Okay, I will throw a character in this mix.... I will see if a healer can
help in the long run.
Name: Dr. Sally Joywaves M.D
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Magic User: yes, but dormant she will be able to heal with magic but not now, since she has technology and magic is still weak.
Psychic: Empathy: and Healer
Tech usage: no (she uses nano med-robots during surgery but she call they back into her )
Faction ( individual)
Physical Description: The young otter woman is 5'5" tall and 130lbs, she was grey and white fur. Her eyes are crystal blue and hair that is black long pony tail. Her figure is 38D-32-40. She is a little pudgy stomach with wide hips and large chest, but she has a high energy level and quick.
Her nickname is "Little Mother", because of her kindness and caring attitude to all patients, but also for her "take non-sense" attitude in the emergency room. She even bakes cookies when she is stressed which she bring in to her co-worker and patients. Magic is something she has not given any thought to, but she is starting to hate the brotherhood, since she is always cleaning up from their anti-magic raids. Innocence people seem to get hurt, more and more of late.
Yet her activities are not going un-noticed, her patients always seem to recover faster, and/or die less often than her fellow doctors' patient with similar wounds. She can almost always "see" what her patients' problems are, or guess what is needed before the tests can confirmed that she is right. The brotherhood is watching her, but so far she seems to sense those who would do her harm, and she avoids them. She has unknowing helped some of the rebels. She scans patients, heal minor cuts, setting broken bones, and speed up the healing process with psychic powers. Magic will be explain later.
I know this really isn't my place at all, but I'm thinking it might be better for Sally to allready have joined the Rebellion, maybe even recently. That or they recruited her already like they just did to the rest of us. That way, when Ryudo returns on Monday, bringing Jackson back into the room with our mission data, maybe he can also come in with Sally, and introduce us to her as our medical support. That way we don't have to bother with trying to recruit you after we've left the warehouse for our mission. We will still have to pick up Mister on our way though, but his estate has just been assulted by Brotherhood zealots, and Rebellion soldiers just joined the fray to help Mister, so there isn't a problem with getting him on our side. Still don't know about Snuggel's character though.
I don't know. I could just be spouting shit, cuz like I said, it's not really my place, but that's just my two cents.
Erk. Whoopsie. I need to get up on this.
Before anyone thinks of it - I think Gidget's really budget at the time being, so I don't think he has the sensors to "see" anything weird about Dorcan yet... Heck, his eye sensors have scratched lenses at this point. >,<
And I'm not sure exactly what Baiye might do with Exo... We'll see, I suppose.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 16, 2007, 02:31:29 PM
I know this really isn't my place at all, but I'm thinking it might be better for Sally to allready have joined the Rebellion, maybe even recently.
Hey your are the GM for lack a better term... OOPS!
So, I can live with her as a recent recruit... just been brought into the "team" of Rebels about a week or two. She would know basically where the sick rooms are and her few supplies and the kitchen. Yet, she has not seen many of the personnel or know much of the hideout/base.
Edit: sorry Ryudo I await your word.
No, he's not. Ryudo is the GM here. :B
I'm not the GM. Ryudo Lee is. I was just offering a sugestion.
And Holy shoot! I just realized, no one knows Jexx's name yet, not even Jackson or Exo! I must go edit a few posts accordingly.
EDIT: Ok, added Jexx saying his name to two posts. Everyone at the warehouse knows my name now.
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on June 16, 2007, 05:15:51 PM
So, I can live with her as a recent recruit... just been brought into the "team" of Rebels about a week or two. She would know basically where the sick rooms are and her few supplies and the kitchen. Yet, she has not seen many of the personnel or know much of the hideout/base.
I would expect the Rebellion to not have "a hideout" as it were, but a whole -lot- of small hideouts, mostly mobile, easy to move in case of being discovered, that sort of thing.
You're talking -majorly- guerilla warfare, here - hide out in safe houses in cities or villages, try not to attract much attention, or have "safe" villages where you have underground things so they don't look anything from the air.
Remember, the Brotherhood -is- going to have satellite overviews, flyovers, planes, patrols, you name it. They might not have it in-house, but they -are- going to have access to military satellites. And since there's nano hardware about, chances are they've got some nifty stuff lying about in some of -their- safe houses.
Being able to pick everything up and run away when the Brotherhood comes calling is going to be key to such an organisation. Being warned about such calls is also vital - I'd expect that that was how the van full of Rebellion troops knew about Mister. Communication is another key point.
Having said all that, it's possible they either have people in some of the hospitals, or there's "field hospitals" somewhere - and with nano, that can be fairly all-up, whilst still being parked in a tent - so it's also possible that Ryudo can let Dr Joywaves be wandering about somewhere like that.
I expect you'll be doing a bit of field surgery, though. Do be prepared for that :-]
And remember, folks, this is all In My Oh So Totally Arrogant Opinion. I could well be wrong about all of it - I'm just guessing. :-]
Get out or :banned
Now now children, no mod/admin arguments in this thread, please. :rolleyes
so sorry :cry
does this mean we're not bff anymor? :<
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on June 16, 2007, 05:15:51 PM
Edit: sorry Ryudo I await your word.
He's not gonna be back until Monday. That's why Jackson left the room, and everyone else is introducing themselves until he gets back, now possibly with you.
No disrespect but I better wait for Monday then for my character is Okay. But I will be reading.
Paladin hasn't been posting much. Does anyone know why? I think the characters are still waiting on Victor to introduce himself...
Looks like he hasn't been online since the 14th. Other than that, I certainly don't know.
OOC: Victor's arm looks normal exept for the slot the blade comes out
Ok, removed from my post. And Pally, in terms of physical description on Victor, there isn't much to go on. Can you elaborate sometime?
Completely unimportant personal update no one cares about:
Well, my family and I are just about to the airport to return home to good ol' California, so I will be out for some time. Just because I want to say, here are some things I (re)learned on my vacation to Ohio:
#1:I HATE HUMIDITY. In Cally, the heat is dry, so it's tolerable, but I had forgotten just how miserable a humid heat makes you.
#2:If you compare Ohio bugs to Cally bugs, the Ohio ones are FREAKING ENORMOUS!!
#3:Only in Ohio.
Only in Ohio, do they
not call it a 'D.U.I.'(Driving Under the Influence), they call t an O.V.U.I(Operatin Vehicle Under the Influence).
#4: A blood-blister that you get from accidentally slamming your thumb into the edge of a hollow metal pole actually isn't particularly painful.
And that's pretty much it. See ya later!
I bet you my dry heat beats your dry heat.
Tomorrow's High is 103... Couple days ago it was 106.
I'm bored too. ^^
Hunnydew, you're good. It makes more sense for you to already be a recruit. We'll have to do something between you and Jackson so that you'll be assigned to this motley crew.
llearch's guess is fairly accurate. The rebellion's main HQ isn't going to be obvious. I haven't completely decided on where it is though. I'm thinking something underground, maybe in some tunnels in a mountain or something along those lines.
The descriptions you guys made for your guns look good to me, unless someone has a specific comment about them.
I've formulated a response to Dorcans question about "fusion"(Project Fusion), But I'm going to wait until Jackson returns to post it.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 18, 2007, 11:42:11 AM
I've formulated a response to Dorcans question about "fusion"(Project Fusion), But I'm going to wait until Jackson returns to post it.
Dorcan is talking about fusion as a power source, having only overheard Jackson's answer and not the question which was whispered. He may have the wrong end of the stick entirely. He is actually running off an aneutronic fusion plant himself - I don't know if the world uses nuclear fusion as a power source or not, and whether it's hot or cold - that's for Ryudo to decide.
Privately I've been assuming that Project Fusion is either wholly unrelated to its name (like 'Project Atomic Fire' which was about climbing the walls in Deus Ex using explosives) or it about some kind of cyborg project (man-machine fusion) rather than nuclear physics. Obviously what it's about is likely to be revealed in due course.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 18, 2007, 11:48:06 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 18, 2007, 11:42:11 AM
I've formulated a response to Dorcans question about "fusion"(Project Fusion), But I'm going to wait until Jackson returns to post it.
Dorcan is talking about fusion as a power source, having only overheard Jackson's answer and not the question which was whispered. He may have the wrong end of the stick entirely. He is actually running off an aneutronic fusion plant himself - I don't know if the world uses nuclear fusion as a power source or not, and whether it's hot or cold - that's for Ryudo to decide.
Privately I've been assuming that Project Fusion is either wholly unrelated to its name (like 'Project Atomic Fire' which was about climbing the walls in Deus Ex using explosives) or it about some kind of cyborg project (man-machine fusion) rather than nuclear physics. Obviously what it's about is likely to be revealed in due course.
know that Dorcan ment fusion power. Thats why I said "fusion"(Project Fusion) with quotations and parenthasees. Jexx will correct Dorcan's idea about it as soon as Jackson returns.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 18, 2007, 11:51:12 AM
I know that Dorcan ment fusion power. Thats why I said "fusion"(Project Fusion) with quotations and parenthasees. Jexx will correct Dorcan's idea about it as soon as Jackson returns.
Just checking... sometimes I went over people's heads in FCRP.
Ah, ok. Better be safe than sorry. Got it.
And about Project Fusion's name.... well to be bluntly honest, I had just gotten to my cousin's house after getting off the airport in Ohio, it was past midnight, I think I was suffering from jet lag, and when I slapped together the idea for Project Fusion (Which I PMed Ryudo about, he knows what it is) for my character Jexx, that was the best name I could come up with. (And I still can't think of anything better!)
I see the next few minutes going something like this....
"I really recommend you leave with us -now-, before they come back with reinforcements and..."
Overhead, a quiet droning noise is heard, become rapidly more audible.
"Oh, shit." Into his radio: "Incoming! Clear the area! Move Move Move!" To Mister: "Leave now or become one with your grounds. They're about to be atomised."
Overhead, a whistling noise is heard, as the Rebellion team run, hard-out, towards the van, which has already been started and is preparing to peel out as the commander races towards it and leaps into the passenger seat.
The whistling becomes a shriek.
... or something like that. :-]
(Sorry, Ryudo. I had an attack of muse... Feel free to ignore it...)
No, I have something else in mind.
I like Mister's reaction. It reminds me very much of the robot panthers from my game (which is where they came from originally).
Panther: "Who dares enter the forbidden forest?"
Player: "I dare!"
Panther: "You have come to steal our treasure! Turn back and leave the forest. If you approach the treasure you must die!"
Player: "Aren't you supposed to be guarding an air base or something?"
Panther: "That would be nice. Unfortunately our orders were very strict and we must instead guard the treasure until the Master returns."
Player: "When will the master return?"
Panther: "I do not know when he will return. But until he does, no-one goes near the treasure."
Player: "When did your master leave?"
Panther: "I last saw the Master three hundred years ago."
Player: "In that case he's probably dead."
Panther: "That has occurred to me. However, we have been ordered to protect the treasure and slay anyone who approaches it until he returns."
Player: "When will your master return from the dead?"
Panther: "It is quite likely that he will not. In that case, the treasure is rightfully ours, and we will protect it against any intruders."
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 18, 2007, 02:50:54 PM
It reminds me very much of the robot panthers from my game (which is where they came from originally).
A game? What game?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 18, 2007, 02:53:59 PM
A game? What game?
Hasn't been updated for more than a year, to be honest. I'm going to get back into it at some point, the two problems being that the DMFA stuff is absorbing most of the time I would have put into it, and the fact that I need portraits for it. I don't believe the current downloadable version has the exchange with the panthers, although I've been meaning to just gather everything together and do yet another unfinished test release. Graphically it's very much behind the times, so it's kind of difficult to get contributors for.
LOL - Gidget's an iPod. Or at least he updates/recharges like one.
But I'm proud of myself - I actually looked up batteries and power sources for that post. His system could actually work, smart-batteries and all. ^^ It makes me giggle.
if youre still accepting i'd like to join. feel free to limet my spells further if you so desire.
name:josh kierrie
magic:magic user with knowledge of: green and red spells (see magic the gathering tradeing card game.) he has intentions of learning all five colors.
some spells he knows
cure light wounds
giant growth (5 minute duration)
yeild harvest
lycanthropy (wolf)
fire shot
induce panic (1 person target)
crush (earth attack smashes a person between 2 sheets of rock)
psychic abilities:none
tech:cybernetic arm. (made of steel with adamantium shield gaurds in some areas.)
old school twin 9mils
strong but not lean
from the head to the toes
josh has brown hair. he needs glasses but prefers his whiteout "zombie" contacts. he is clean shaves save for his mustash and a little tuft on his chin. he he isnt ugly but he's no adonnas<sp either. normally found wearing a band tee of any of these bands: ramones, queen, U2,everclear, pink floyd, red hot chili peppers and trans-siberian orchestra. sometimes under a tattered black flat(no shine) leather jacket. he typicly wears baggy blue jeans with a fabric belt. if he has no belt he will have to pull his jeans up from time to time. he has a pair of tattered skate shoes on.
Let's start you off with two spells per color, and lycanthropy would be too powerful for this part of the game. I don't play Magic, so you will have to describe spells that aren't obvious.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 19, 2007, 09:28:53 AM
Let's start you off with two spells per color, and lycanthropy would be too powerful for this part of the game. I don't play Magic, so you will have to describe spells that aren't obvious.
I'd be curious where he got the shirts from too :P
Quote"There's a new set of recruits out front. Check 'em out. It's a pretty diverse group, so you'll definitely be on your toes. I'm assigning you to them as their field medic. We'll get you set up with whatever supplies you need, just ask. Go get them checked out while I put the finishing touches on the briefing for their first mission."
Oh my gods. Dorcan is not going to be pleased about that :giggle
Yeah those band tee's are gonna have to go.
replace them with M C Escher prints?
the five "colors" of magic
white- the heavenly kind mostly defenceive or healing
blue- "phantasmal" these deal with control and way to get around things they use spelld like plane shift(you momentarily shift to another plane and reappear where you want to be like teleport
green- druid stuff basicly not sure how to better describe it.
red-chaos/fire magic these are spells that pack alot of destructive force like fireball, earthquake,
black- necomantic stuff these are akin to life drain zombifacation and death spells
each type has a diffrent terrain that fuels it
red-mountain/desert/barrin wasteland
black-swamps/bogs anything marshy
the "mana" for my spells come from these areas if i stray too far away from my mana souce i can not cast spells.
cure light wounds is from D&D actually but the name is obvious
giant growth the caster/recipiant can grow double their size and double their strength(and weight*this is important*) for allotted time
induce panic can vary depending on strength and "suggestion" but it generally make the victem paranoid into either telling us what we want to know or ranning away histaricly causeing a distraction.
i already explained crush
and about my shirts. i get it you dont like good music =P. fine *sarcastic voice* for the sake of peace i GUESS i can make due with any number of upper body wear. i guess ill take a flat black shirt for now.
I don't think it's a case of music so much as setting. This is a totally different universe and those bands don't exist. :B
Quote from: lucas marcone on June 19, 2007, 11:56:48 AM
each type [of magic] has a diffrent terrain that fuels it
red-mountain/desert/barrin wasteland
black-swamps/bogs anything marshy
the "mana" for my spells come from these areas if i stray too far away from my mana souce i can not cast spells.
Unless a futuristic city counts as 'barren wasteland', I doubt you'll be seeing much in the way of mana...
I agree with Tape. You might want to try something a bit more generic than the Magic card game system.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 19, 2007, 12:20:12 PM
I agree with Tape. You might want to try something a bit more generic than the Magic card game system.
Out of interest, did you have a specific magic system in mind when you planned this, or is it just a sort of free-form thing where you cast from some reserve of energy? Or even no energy reserve with the power and ability limited by the caster's endurance and ability to concentrate?
I was thinking free form, but very limited. I'd use DnD rules, but that would overcomplicate things.
I guess the basics would be that magic users have the power within them, which can be regenerated through sleep and eating. As they deplete their reserve of magic, they would become fatigued, as it is equally physical as it is magical to exert these magical abilities. See where I'm going with this?
...ill just use it as guide lines for my "specialization". but i would still like to stick with my starting four spells if that's ok with you.
im serious though.... this is your baby if im being too ambitious grab the reigns and say "no,maybe you should try this..."
Which spells do you want to start with? Lycanthropy is a no-no right now as it would be too powerful.
Quote from: lucas marcone on June 19, 2007, 11:56:48 AM
cure light wounds is from D&D actually but the name is obvious
giant growth the caster/recipiant can grow double their size and double their strength(and weight*this is important*) for allotted time
induce panic can vary depending on strength and "suggestion" but it generally make the victem paranoid into either telling us what we want to know or ranning away histaricly causeing a distraction.
i already explained crush
Cure light wounds is okay, but don't overshadow Hunnydew.
Giant Growth and Crush will only be half as effective as you listed. There is an in-game reason for this and I will let you know when the effect is normalized.
Induce Panic is good the way it is, but later on in the game it will become more powerful.
My personal (insignificant) opinion is that maybe Josh Keirrie's cure light wounds spell should be changed to cure minor wounds; so Josh can only do things like just fix up scrapes, small cuts, bruises, and other very small things, and leave the serious healing up to Dr. Joywaves. She is our official medic now, after all.
That's just my thought/opinion though.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 19, 2007, 04:57:35 PM
Giant Growth and Crush will only be half as effective as you listed. There is an in-game reason for this and I will let you know when the effect is normalized.
Hmm. Just to clarify, here, does this mean that Giant Growth grows to half of usual effect? So, instead of double height, double weight, it's just to normal height and weight? ;-]
And Crush, that then crushes the target between 1 slab of rock?
Enquiring minds wish to know. Well, that and I couldn't resist the chance to take the mickey...
More seriously, however, some slightly more precise details wouldn't hurt, if only so everyone else knows what to expect. Feel free to tell me to go soak my head, though. :-]
Hmm. Just to clarify, here, does this mean that Giant Growth grows to half of usual effect? So, instead of double height, double weight, it's just to normal height and weight? ;-]
And Crush, that then crushes the target between 1 slab of rock?
That's almost exactly what I was thinking. Giant Growth prolly causes a times 1.5 increase instead of times 2, and instead of utterly crushing someone between two slabs, it instead just slaps them with one.
Nah, Crush will gently squeeze them between two slabs. Not too hard, but not too soft either. :B
You've been reading SuperMegaTopia, haven't you, Arc?
prof honnydew maid references to anthros are there? i thought this was a human story. anyway if it is an anthro story my character is a wolf.
prof honnydew maid references to anthros are there? i thought this was a human story. anyway if it is an anthro story my character is a wolf.
From Ryudo Lee:
Of course furs are allowed. I wouldn't do that to you guys.
Next time, read at least the WHOLE first page of an OOC thread, boy. :giggle
:B sorry i normmaly try to get the jist of the rp from the first podst and play by those rules....ahwell im better prepared for the future.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 19, 2007, 06:56:27 PM
You've been reading SuperMegaTopia, haven't you, Arc?
Me? Never. :P
Lucas, please....for the love of all that is unholy, start checking your spelling in your posts. At least go back to edit them when you are done....please? :B
Why glitch, im hurt by your stining tongue. i know i'm not the best speller here but i am by no means the worst. ill start trying to catch myself but you best check yo self for manners son!
GHAAA. Why must text be so ambiguous? I didn't mean it in that tone. When I DON"T want to offend, I try to lighten up my posts with smiles. see? :cry But the problem is, people seem to misunderstand me quite often. *sigh* I suppose I should be used to it by now... :baghead
Either way, I apologize.
it seems we have both been victim of the ambiguous tone of text. my sarcasticity, if that's even a word, was lost in translation.
Damn, that's crazy. Even I screwed up with that? Let's just forget this happened, forgive all spelling errors, and explain misunderstandings as they come up. Sound all right?
so long as there is text there will be misunderstanding so yeah all is forgiven/prevented,i hope.
BTW, prof B Hunnydew, how did Dr. Joywaves know Jexx's name? Unless Phoenix told it to her, she shouldn't know. Jexx has spent the last two years on the move, fighting the Brotherhood, and not actually "coversing" with anyone, except for whatever Brotherhood members he managed to get his hands on. Literally. No one in the Rebellion (should) have known my name until Jexx said it to them. That's why I made an OOC post a little while back realizing Jexx hadn't said his name yet, so I went back and edited two posts so that Jexx did say his name aloud.
Having Dr. Joywaves calling Jexx "The nice jet-black-furred hedgehog with cannons for arms" would be nice :3
EDIT: I just read Tapewolf IC post. The Rebellion would have a file on Jexx (they have been watching him for awhile) ....aw crap, but even so they still shouldn't know my name.
Ahh...let's just say Phoenix mentioned it to Joywaves, and we all forget this entire rambling post.
Who's left to go after Baiye?
lucas, not to sound rude or anything, but reading your posts are giving me a headache. Do you think that you could use capitalization, and double check your posts for grammar and spelling? I know you're making an effort, but I'd like it if you'd put more effort into your posting. :animesweat
Quick question, has Jackson interrupted the medicals?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 19, 2007, 08:19:29 PMThe Rebellion would have a file on Jexx (they have been watching him for awhile) ....aw crap, but even so they still shouldn't know my name.
We gather our information from a thousand secret sources through space and time, and our charge for revealing even
one of these sources would leave you in debt to us for several... thousand...
millenia. >:3
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 20, 2007, 09:53:31 AM
Quick question, has Jackson interrupted the medicals?
No, Sally can keep working while he's talking. :)
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 20, 2007, 11:02:23 AM
No, Sally can keep working while he's talking. :)
Cool. What about Victor? Paladin was saying that he might be away for a bit - although I've seen him online since - so you might have to move his character for a bit.
Dorcan's wings fluffed out again and he took a step back as Jexx laid into him.
"For the one who was telling me to calm down, you are not exactly helping," he snapped, and then noticed that he had assumed a defensive posture. With a sigh he relaxed and leaned back against the wall.
Jexx didn't say it in that tone. He said it in the same tone as he did when he first saying the skin/fur get's replaced with everything else. The kind of 'Duh!' tone, half amused, half annoyed. He wasn't making any agressive verbal advances on Dorcan.
EDIT: the edit you just made to the post, about Dorcan's race being highly emotional, was that in response to this?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 20, 2007, 12:47:57 PM
Jexx didn't say it in that tone. He said it in the same tone as he did when he first saying the skin/fur get's replaced with everything else. The kind of 'Duh!' tone, half amused, half annoyed. He wasn't making any agressive verbal advances on Dorcan.
Ah, right. That's how I read it, though. I'll fix it.
Dorcan's wings fluffed out again and he took a step back as Jexx laid into him.
"For the one who was telling me to calm down, you are not exactly helping," he snapped, and then noticed that he had assumed a defensive posture. With a sigh he relaxed and leaned back against the wall.
"Look, I'm sorry. My race has a tendency to be highly emotional and I've been through a lot today."
Well, we seem to have beat them in terms of synthetics, he thought to himself. Perhaps they won't notice just yet. If I can persuade the doctor to keep quiet about it...
EDIT: the edit you just made to the post, about Dorcan's race being highly emotional, was that in response to this?
Yes, it was. I've completely reworked it though. I've kept a copy of the 'angry' version here for posterity.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 20, 2007, 12:06:33 PM
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 20, 2007, 11:02:23 AM
No, Sally can keep working while he's talking. :)
Cool. What about Victor? Paladin was saying that he might be away for a bit - although I've seen him online since - so you might have to move his character for a bit.
Victor will be staying with the rebels until Pal actually makes a comeback. He's there, just not doing anything. An old DnD trick. :)
Josh nodded to the leader. "good to meet ya. i didn't quite ctach your name though." josh sat there watching him. intent on what he had to say about this "mission".
Lucas, EVERYONE knows Jackson Phoenix's name. Did you read the very first post in the IC thread, by Ryudo? Jackson's face is on wanted posters plastered on every wall in every city by the Brotherhood.
My character comes from a VERY secretive village of magi. They were undiscovered for twohundred or so years on some dense forest in a climate like the Phillipans<SP. So no, we didn't get the memo.
But like I said, Phoenix's face is LITERALLY on every wall in every city, even the one you were just walking through to get here. Josh must be blind if he didn't see any of them.
the term is tunnel vision.
Oh, come on. You've GOT to be kidding me.
If the 'tunnel vision' makes it so he can't read a poster aboveground, how the hell can he see anything at all?
Ok,calm down. You don't know so i'm going to explain the "alternitive" meaning of tunnel vison. Tunnel vision means he is so focused on doing something he dosn't take notice of some things. Like he dosn't care about wanted posters. In his mind what good is it to know what laws some insignifignt person broke.
Ah. Ok. Still, someone in character has to respond accordingly. :P
[insignificant update]
I have edited the my last post on page 4 of the IC
[/insignificant update]
Lucas, keep in mind that the Brotherhood hasn't actually killed any magic users. They've destroyed buildings and killed non-magic users, but they've only hauled away magic users. This goes for your character's hometown too. It's their MO.
QuoteHe waits for Sally to finish up and then turns to the rest of the group.
She didn't so much as blink when she found that Dorcan has no vital signs whatsoever, then? :3
Hm. actually Ryudo, she already was done. Dorcan she is going to do in private, because he asked, as well as Baiye because they are both the only girls and, I quote, 'have to stick together'.
"Hey, Mia. Twelve-gauge autoloader. The .45 longslide with laser sighting. Phased plasma rifle in the 40-Watt range."
Sorry, it just dropped into mind...
(if you want, I can STFU and back off from the OOC thread. I'm just enjoying standing on the sidelines and making snarky comments. Make of that what you will...)
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 21, 2007, 11:18:06 AM
(if you want, I can STFU and back off from the OOC thread. I'm just enjoying standing on the sidelines and making snarky comments. Make of that what you will...)
That's up to Ryudo... I don't mind, because there's always the chance you'll point out something about Dorcan's design that I've missed :P
Doesn't bother me.
it was actually rather funny.
Heh heh, 'Dorcan' is forgetting that the medical was planned for right after the briefing, before everyone gets underway. Besides, Joywaves still has to do Baiye the same way she's gonna do Dorcan. One person missing his first medical might be forgivable, but two people is unacceptable. Joywaves MUST have her baselines.
I think that's wishful thinking, rather than forgetting. ;-]
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 21, 2007, 12:40:45 PM
Heh heh, 'Dorcan' is forgetting that the medical was planned for right after the briefing, before everyone gets underway. Besides, Joywaves still has to do Baiye the same way she's gonna do Dorcan. One person missing his first medical might be forgivable, but two people is unacceptable. Joywaves MUST have her baselines.
As Llearch says, it's wishful thinking. Personally, I'm itching to see Dorcan get examined.
Of course, that comment was spurred by Jackson's "your vehicles will be arriving momentarily."
I was tempted to have him edge away from the doctor's line of sight, but that would draw even more attention to him.
Of course - if you want to get away, walk, -don't- run. Running attracts attention. :-]
You walk carefully and quietly out of sight. And -then- you run. :-]
Man, you guys get busy...
Not my fault. You blinked.:D
Aww, Kryptic, I though Baiye was going to use a big wrench, ala Ratchet and Clank! I was actually looking forward to seeing that!
I should. She'd be more comfortable with it. ^^
She has a wrench on her all the time anyways... She'll pull it out once or five times for you Tech.
I have some sketches I need to upload on the interwebs of B&G. They turned out nicely. :3
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 21, 2007, 03:44:17 PM
Aww, Kryptic, I though Baiye was going to use a big wrench, ala Ratchet and Clank! I was actually looking forward to seeing that!
Once the doberman had calmed down, Ashley led him to one of the laboratories. For a moment he was terrified they were going to dismantle him, particularly when Niall reappeared with a large wrench, which set Dorcan off again.
Ashley looked positively stricken. "No, no," he protested. "It's just for the arms. We can build you a new pair while you wait. It will only take about an hour in the nanoforge."--The Future History of Jakob Pettersohn, chapter 7
Yes, I've read the Chronicles and the Future History. Awsome stuff. But what does it have to do with here?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 21, 2007, 04:04:24 PM
Yes, I've read the Chronicles and the Future History. Awsome stuff. But what does it have to do with here?
Because he almost got the wrench treatment himself >:3
Oh yeah. Dorcan's gonna freak out again, isn't he? :mwaha heh heh, awsome. That might set back his trust for Baiye just a little bit.....
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 21, 2007, 04:09:38 PM
Oh yeah. Dorcan's gonna freak out again, isn't he? :mwaha heh heh, awsome. That might set back his trust for Baiye just a little bit.....
Not immediately, because she doesn't know he's a machine.
That was the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw what you'd written though...
LOL - That's funny. Don't worry - She'll only wrench the bad guys! ^^
I now officially have Baiye's line-art online. I spent a little bit of time coloring it already (on a different file) but I got tired of it. I may just do a ref version with just flat colors...
What do y'all think?
Edit: Dude! Josh hacked Baiye's Glove! She's had something like that (not on her at the moment - but she has one) And her headset's got a visor-screen too. :P I didn't know her technology snuck onto the market like that.
These are the kind of inventions one should remember to get a patent for.
LOL, war wrenching... that might be a good technique.
The picture is not bad, though the angle from the head through the body seems odd, it looks very bad on the spine.
Yeah - It is kinda weird (especially when I look at the picture in reverse :yuck ) - but that's what I get for never using reference in poses. I haven't done humans in so long - it's mostly been anthros and quadropeds.
Bah - excuses... I suck. :B
At least Gidget's look right. I have a fondness for drawing Corgi-ness. ^^
Here's the original scanned from my sketchbook - I think my tracing may have been screwed up a little, because it doesn't look as bad in this scan... To me, at least.
I could have looked up who made the comment about Exo, but I figured if I don't remember, there's no reason Dorcan should >:3
By the way, slap me if I write 'Jakob' instead of 'Dorcan' again :banghead
Okay, Here is where I like to added to my characters some skills and powers.
She is a ER Surgeon, but also a herbalist. When "western medicines fails". she can use her magic scan/or sense what is wrong with her patients and when scan her herbs plants or any plants to find the right combinations that will heal them, (sometime even faster than normal.) She then creates magic potions for anti-poisons, cures, etc and even fast heal. So, Her healing spells at present need a material components.
Her psyonic powers are Telekenetic with heal wounds and empathy, but she has to use her body energy to do this things. She uses normal medicines to mask her own skills and abilities. To keep up her energy levels , she needs to eat two to three times more than a normal person. Which leads to her present problem with her appetite which sometimes lags her real calorie burn rate. So, she will gain some 20-30 pounds over a week or so if she is not using her powers daily at the emergency room. This small rebel goups was not taxing her ability very much.
Her empathy is new for her and so far it is only been good at warning her about possible Brotherhood members/or spys that are near by enough to see her work her other magics. Josh is the first person she has felt emotions from, with the Brotherhood she feels just aviod or nothing.
If this is good I will added this to my character post.
Cool. Note that Dorcan lost the ability to read minds after his death. He was fitted with an enchantment to prevent his own mind from being read, but that won't work properly here.
I haven't decided how long has elapsed since 'Future History' where he was introduced, so it's possible that they have implemented some kind of telepathic system or enchantment since then - he'd probably have requested that since he would have been used to being able to detect people's thoughts. Whether that would work here either, I cannot say.
This reading was only between Dorcan and her. and a Psion power which she is learning is getting strong. This is only her ability reconnecting lines that Dorcan normal has but they are dormant After this, Dorcan will be the same as you have him, and the doctor will have more control over herself in the future with him..
Bill, should that read 'Josh'?
Quote from: BillBuckner on June 22, 2007, 09:05:41 AM
That didn't happen.
Nor did me writing 'Jakob'. And if it doesn't happen again, let me know...
Hunnydew, those powers of yours look good. Eventually they will get stronger, and I will let you know when that happens.
Just a minor edit to Dorcan's speech to Sally, to drop in the fact that he was alive once.
Really sorry guys about my lack of activity...Thanks Ryudo for letting me stay. I guess Victor is staying at the base camp for the moment but if PBH wants to give him a physical I'll play for a bit as I have a net conection for a while.
I though Joywaves already took care of Victor's physical...
As a note, guys, it's Baiye, not Braiye. :rolleyes
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 12:04:21 PM
I though Joywaves already took care of Victor's physical...
I can't find any post refering to it...can you point it out if you can?
Hmm. Just checked myself, I was mistaken.
Mr. Phoenix will have to be told of course, but I don't want the others to know that I'm an android yet." He sighed.
Tapewooooolf, what an anticlimax! Just out with it like that? :<
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 12:17:35 PM
Tapewooooolf, what an anticlimax! Just out with it like that? :<
I've been thinking it over for several days and basically that's how I saw Dorcan handling it. It would have been more entertaining to let Sally find out the hard way, I'll admit, although the fact that Dorcan goes in all nervous with Sally cool as ice, and then comes out calm with Sally shaken makes up for it IMHO. >:3
This isn't the end of Dorcan's paranoia, mind. There's still the possibility that the Rebels would take him for a Brotherhood spy of some kind, especially given Project Fusion, so he's not going to admit it to all and sundry. He hasn't even quite decided whether to admit it to Baiye or not...
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 22, 2007, 12:33:51 PM
and then comes out calm with Sally shaken makes up for it IMHO. >:3
And just FYI, someone
has noticed that... >:3
I don't think that the rebels are going to think that Dorcan is a Brotherhood spy, since the whole teleportation thing was witnessed by a credible rebel spy in the Brotherhood tower.
Jeez tech, getting a little hostile are we?
But Dorcan may not think that way. >:3
I'm fairly sure Tapewolf thought of it, but that is out of character. Bringing it into the game is metagaming. >:3 >:3
QuoteWhat Jexx didn't realize is that Dorcan actually heard his thoughts.
I don't think Dorcan realised it either. >:3
He doesn't have that ability anymore - with Sally it looks like she was pumping her thoughts into him, if I understand PBH's commentary correctly, so unless Jexx has the same kind of ability (I'll check it in a moment) it wouldn't work...
Well this is the OOC thread after all. Speaking of, how does one go about changing the title of a thread? I'd like to change the title of this thread from "Call for interest" to "OOC Thread".
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 22, 2007, 12:50:30 PM
Well this is the OOC thread after all. Speaking of, how does one go about changing the title of a thread? I'd like to change the title of this thread from "Call for interest" to "OOC Thread".
Edit the Subject of the original post.
Yes, I just figured that out. I'm a dummy. Thanks.
I don't think Dorcan realised it either.
He doesn't have that ability anymore - with Sally it looks like she was pumping her thoughts into him, if I understand PBH's commentary correctly, so unless Jexx has the same kind of ability (I'll check it in a moment) it wouldn't work
Aw crap, i thought that BASIC thought-reading would have been MUST when Jakob designed an android-Cubi. I mean, come on. A Cubi, even an android one, that can't even
read thoughts? Wtf man? :0 How could Jakob live with himself, allowing something like that? Reading surface thoughts and emotions is one of the most
fundamental abilities of the Cubi! A Cubi wihtout even thought-reading is like... a light bulb without electricity! It's nothing!
But he lost all his abilities when he died. He's mentioned that several times.
But in the 'Future History' they had been working on several technological replacements for rudimentry abilities. The mindshield and hiding headwings were two of them. If they could technify something as simple mind-shield, i thought they would have at least done the same with something as rudimentry as thought-reading.
EDIT: aw crap, Tapewolf's not online anymore. he was just on minutes ago! I want to wait for Tapwolf's final word before I decide to remove or keep that small part of my post.
EDIT EDIT: Tapewolf, when you read this. I think I remeber you just recently saying how far into the 'future history' timeline you want it to be when Dorcan gets stuck in this dimention. I've got an idea. make it just far enough that Jakob has found a way to somewhat replicate the thought-and-emothion reading ability. What Dorcan is able to sense is limited to the most intense thought or emotion in the immediate vicinity. That way, Dorcan will be able to hear what Jexx just thought. Sound good?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 12:53:25 PMCubi wihtout even thought-reading is like... a light bulb without electricity! It's nothing!
Not really. It's just a 'Cubi lacking one of their most common abilities. Just because it's lacking that ability doesn't make it a useless article. :P
I didn't say useless, per se, I said nothing. Without electricity, there is no lightbulb, or, in other words, it is not a lightbulb. To me, the same holds true with Cubi and thought-reading. If there is no thought-reading, there is no Cubi, or, in other words, it is not a Cubi.
Quote from: Arcalane on June 22, 2007, 12:04:54 PM
As a note, guys, it's Baiye, not Braiye. :rolleyes
Thank you. >,<
It's pronounced just like "Bay", if that's any help. ^^
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 12:58:40 PM
But in the 'Future History' they had been working on several technological replacements for rudimentry abilities. The mindshield and hiding headwings were two of them. If they could technify something as simple mind-shield, i thought they would have at least done the same with something as rudimentry as thought-reading.
From reading that, I'd say mind-defense is easy - you just set up an interference with -everything- incoming.
Mind-reading is a lot more tricky, because at the very least, you want to not wipe the mind of the person you're attempting to read, because that would be murder.
I can see Jakob (and, hence, Dorcan and everyone else working with him) being a) very careful about this particular thing, and b) having a few other tasks to keep them occupied in the intervening period.
From what Tape said earlier, he's pondering, but has not yet reached a decision about, if Jakob & Dorcan made a fix to the basic design to enable mind reading.
THOUGHT-reading, not mind reading! Of all people llearch!
Essentially the same. If you're reading someone's mind, you're reading what they're thinking. If you're reading what they're thinking, you're essentially reading their mind.
Take in mind that these are things that cannot really be mechanically read or duplicated.
For example; Exo's thoughts cannot be read by 'Cubi or whatever, because he doesn't actively think like you meatsacks do. There are no brainwaves. Instead, there's ones and zeroes and so on. Plug into him with monitoring hardware and software, then bypass the security measures and you might get an idea of what he's thinking. But good luck keeping up. ;)
Not quite quantum processing, but getting there.
However, I would expect mind reading to be deeper and allow reading memories as well.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 12:58:40 PM
I've got an idea. make it just far enough that Jakob has found a way to somewhat replicate the thought-and-emothion reading ability. What Dorcan is able to sense is limited to the most intense thought or emotion in the immediate vicinity. That way, Dorcan will be able to hear what Jexx just thought. Sound good?
As Llearch says, I've been pondering it. I'm a little reluctant to retrofit it to him at this stage as most of his interactions have been based on him being helpless and confused and it would kind of break nearly everything I've done so far.
If they do make a fix, it will likely be magical, like the mind-shield charm and I've been acting on the assumption that Furrae magic isn't quite compatible with magic in this realm - which actually means that Jakob himself will get sick if he enters it because the magic in his metabolism won't work properly if he enters.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 02:05:50 PM
THOUGHT-reading, not mind reading! Of all people llearch!
Beings can cast spells to prevent their thoughts being read. I don't think thought-reading spells exist in the conventional sense. Dorcan is equipped with a mind-shield spell similar to those used by Pegasus et al in the Wedding arc, cast on Dan by Fa'Lina and on Jyrras by Abel.
What might be a better fix would be to have Jexx a latent telepath whose abilities are starting to awaken. Alternatively we could assume that Dorcan contains some experimental circuitry intended to give him some kind of thought-reading ability which as written off as a failed experiment but left in. We'd have to figure out why it's started to come online.
Finally we could say that he has somehow gained the ability to read thoughts since he arrived - or since Sally touched him - and invent some reason for it later :P
There is a difference only in the depth one is reading. I do not like to use my own character as an example, but Morgan can only read surface thoughts, essentially the working RAM of the human mind. If we were both standing in a room and I was to break the silence and say "banana", you might picture the actual fruit or in your immediate thought process think: "waht is this idiot talking about?" or some such.
Deeper reading involves breaking ino memories and the long term storage areas of the brain, this is where the classic mind readers pull information about a person's history, secrets and the like. Such information can be brought into the "RAM", but it usually requires that one trigger the desired memory with suggestions, keywords and the like.
*sigh* thought-reading and mind reading are two. Different. Things. Read the Cubi mind-abilities min-arc.
Jexx having latent telepathic abilities? Hmm, he already has hiddem magic... aw what the hell I'll add it in.
But I did just realize something. If Dorcan could here Jexx's thoughts (thanks to the new invented telepathy ability for Jexx :P) Then Sally must have heard it too!
Ok. I will edit my post accordingly.
New additions; Jexx has extreamly minor psi power tied to his hidden magic. Sally heard Jexx too.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 03:16:37 PM
*sigh* thought-reading and mind reading are two. Different. Things. Read the Cubi mind-abilities min-arc.
I'm a little confused at who that was aimed at.
QuoteJexx having latent telepathic abilities? Hmm, he already has hiddem magic... aw what the hell I'll add it in. But I did just realize something. If Dorcan could here Jexx's thoughts (thanks to the new invented telepathy ability for Jexx :P) Then Sally must have heard it too!
I'm thinking it's more directional. e.g. Sally reads Dorcan's thoughts and he can read hers while the link is active. Jexx looks at Dorcan and inadvertantly creates a mental link to him. That would mean that only the two people involved would 'hear' each other.
I figured that Sally's empathy was less focused than that. Even if that is so, and Jexx only set up a momentary metal link between Jexx and Dorcan, due to the intensity of the feeling, I'm sure Sally would at least 'overhear' it.
*sigh* thought-reading and mind-reading are two. Different. Things. Read the Cubi mind-abilities min-arc.
I'm a little confused at who that was aimed at.
Everyone who suggested they were the same. And
Fa'Lina herself is backing me up. You. Just. Don't. Argue. with. Fa'Lina. :P :P :P
I'm hoping I'm not the only one confused... :mowdizzy
So, does Dorcan only have the ability to read minds/thoughts/whatever when he comes in contact with someone else with psi power? Like his system operates off their abilities? And because of that he can only read the minds of those with psi abilities?
Or is it just a latent ability that he can read minds/thoughts/whatever that's currently awakening?
Tech I don't want to seem like I'm arguing or trying to put you in your place or anything like that but mate....I think you need to back off and let Ryudo make up his own data, it is his own RP after all not one run by Amber and is not DMFA canon. And I'd apreate not comenting on peoples posts/lack of.
I'm hoping I'm not the only one confused...
So, does Dorcan only have the ability to read minds/thoughts/whatever when he comes in contact with someone else with psi power? Like his system operates off their abilities? And because of that he can only read the minds of those with psi abilities?
Or is it just a latent ability that he can read minds/thoughts/whatever that's currently awakening?
Actually, I think Tapewolf and the rest of us are going to have to go with Dorcan not having any mental abvilities whatsoever. (Though I still think that's not right) Instead, we seem to be going with focused telepathy sets up a temporary link between the telepather and the subject. Emphasis on temporary. Like, without actual concious control, one-second temporary.
Tech I don't want to seem like I'm arguing or trying to put you in your place or anything like that but mate....I think you need to back off and let Ryudo make up his own data, it is his own RP after all not one run by Amber and is not DMFA canon.
But Dorcan
is not from Ryudo's world. That and I've already accepted Dorcan not having any of his own mind-powers anyway. So there is no problem anymore.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Being a GM is akin to being a kindergarden teacher. </lawl> :3
tech, it doesn't -matter- if Dorcan is from anywhere that Ryudo made up.
Ryudo is the GM. His word is law. End. Subject.
.. having said that, wild theorising follows:
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 02:05:50 PM
THOUGHT-reading, not mind reading! Of all people llearch!
It's a difference in scale, not significance, IMO. Mind-reading (a la Cubi deep reading) is something that involves being able to connect to their mind. Thought-reading requires the same basic connection, albeit with less effort to keep the flow going.
I'd say if you can't get thought-reading, you can't get mind-reading. And either way, what Jakob and Dorcan were trying to implement -was- mind-reading, not just thought-reading. I'd just take the latter as the first step towards the former, and figured that the first step was a doozy. If you can get thought, you can up the power and get the mind as well - it's just figuring out how to manage the thought connectivity, and how to connect that -back- to Dorcan's mechanical (mostly) mind, is the bit that's got them stumped.
I mean, come on. You've got a nigh-on invincible geek who's been alive for umpteen hundred years. He's got to have some -serious- inventiveness, and one heck of a lot of knowledge about all sorts of things. If he can't crack mind-reading in a week, then it's an -evil- problem, and it's going to take some time. *shrug*
Well, now that all of this is -hopefully- over, I apologize to everyone here for causing such a trivial delay in the RP. I'm sorry.
Heated debate in a game is often times a healthy thing, in my own experience... so long as we don't start a debilitating flame war.
What I expect from you guys is to ask me questions about the world, and customize your characters to fit into the world that I've built. Most of you have done a good job at this already. I don't think I could possibly foresee every single little detail that you as players need to know. Dorcan is from the DMFA universe, but he's built in such a way that it doesn't impose problems in this world, and that's fine. But questions like who has what power and how do these powers work can and should be raised at any given time.
You should also keep in mind what your character is able to do. If there's some confusion, be prepared to explain yourself. If I need to limit you, as I have done previously here, I will. If I don't see that a character is too powerful or a particular ability is going overboard, then it's up to the player to be able to say "this is what my character can do" and the rest of you need to accept that and have your characters work with that character.
Arguing the fine points of mind-reading versus thought-reading isn't really helping, but it does serve a purpose, somewhat. That purpose would be to provoke thought and possibly refinement of the abilities. I certainly won't stop you if you need to fine-tune your abilities, just so long as it's not overpowering.
Also consider that, as Tape mentioned, the magic in this world may not be compatible with Furrae's magic, and that may hold true. That's still up in the air for me, since really, the subject hasn't truly come up.
That being said, I am always open for suggestions. I consider pretty much everything that's been said to me in regards to plot or NPC behaviour. Even the things that llearch has said, I've actually put thought into. I'm not going to rule-nazi you guys on your own abilities. I will limit you since we're still early in the game, but those limits will eventually go away, that I will guarantee you. This is, after all, a free-form RP.
And to give everyone fair warning, there may be times like it may seem like I'm railroading you. I tend to do that, having come from a background of mostly console RPG's. :3 So if it seems like I'm pushing you through a particular plot segment, then it's because it's important to the plot and I need you to sit through it and not steamroll my villains. Kinda like a cutscene, ya know?
Editing note: I have adjusted the character description of Morgan to correctly reflect auditory enhancements, range limitations for existing psychic abilities and document his aura perception and the mind shield abilities which seem to have been missing.
Added: detailed explanation of the Cybernetic Tactical Computer (CTC).
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 22, 2007, 04:37:19 PM
Even the things that llearch has said, I've actually put thought into.
I'd like to think I've put some thought into them, too.
Admittedly some of it is off-the-cuff amusement value, but anything longer than that, I -do- think about before posting. Often times, I'll review the entire post and remove various sentences to make my point clearer and more succinct...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 03:37:28 PMQuote
Tech I don't want to seem like I'm arguing or trying to put you in your place or anything like that but mate....I think you need to back off and let Ryudo make up his own data, it is his own RP after all not one run by Amber and is not DMFA canon.
But Dorcan is not from Ryudo's world. That and I've already accepted Dorcan not having any of his own mind-powers anyway. So there is no problem anymore.
Not to prolong the argument at all, but just because two worlds seem identical on the surface doesn't mean they follow the same rules. For example, D&D and a Medieval d20 system. :B
Things don't always work the same when you start hopping dimensions/worlds/universes/whatever.
Pay no attention to the Orz behind the curtain.
EDIT:Lemme say that again...
To PBH, Sally didn't 'hear' Jexx? I put it in my post that she did, because, even though the one-second mental link was between Jexx and Dorcan, I figured that her natural telepathic empathy would allow her to 'overhear' it, especially with the intensity of what was going on. While even though she wasn't in the link, she probably wouldn't have heard precicely what was being thought, I figured she could get the general gist.
and to Ryudo, on a post a little bit back that i missed,
Jeez tech, getting a little hostile are we?
you have to remeber that Jexx is slightly paranoid and mildly psychotic. You'd be that way too, if you woke up one day in some underground complex with absolutely no memories whatsoever, machines for limbs, and strange people in scary robes standing around you. That and Jexx was a bit suspicious when Dorcan requested a private examination, but his suspicion skyrocketed when Dorcan went in a little nervous, but then came out an unusually short time later just fine, and Dr. Joywaves looking shaken up.
The doctor panicked and lost composure as she let him out.
Damn it, he thought. The others will notice that.
But that is really what I built off of.
Quote from: Arcalane on June 22, 2007, 08:41:40 PM
Lemme say that again...
Yeah - um... Please? I can understand if you got it wrong once or twice, but it's consistent. I'm not mad or anything, far from it - I'd jusHunnydew?t like to remind you that it is Baiye. Pronounced like Bay - not as in Brain, but as in "San Francisco
Bay" or maybe "E-
Bay ". Alternatively, you could pronounce it "BAY-yuh", but whatever.
I just want to make sure that it's down pat. Baiye. ;)
and pulls out a vile of fluid and pressure shot-gun. "I can give you a anti-pregnancy shot good for six months, if you need it. Unless you are pregnant, now."
An anti-pregnancy shot? :erk :erk :erk :erk o_0? What does Sally
possibly think Baiye is going to need
that for? Does Sally think Baiye's gonna get captured and raped by the Brotherhod or something? :yuck
Sorry If I misspelled it.
ANd the doctor does look Shocked and afraid but it is not Dorcan, but no one knows it is not him, right now.
Edit: This is a doodle of this Exam with Baiye, But I thought Baiye was a dog...So don't sue. And I am not so cute.
No worries, PBH. I've been in tighter situations with my characters. I think even despite of this moment, Baiye will like the good Doc. We girls must stick together.
And my usual character is a dog (Audacity (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v132/sweeterswing/scan-2.jpg)) so you're not too far off the mark. ~_^
Gid's a dog - but he's a four-footed sort with no human attributes save the AI and his voice.
I wanna try my hand at doodling the scene too. I think it shall be recorded for posterity. It's somewhat reminiscent of Dr. Ink, IMO. *ponders*
Victor grimaced as Doc Sally gave him the news about his implants. "I'm gonna kill that brotherhood puke if I see him again, I paid for top of the line gear and I get second hand junk!" He thanked her and left.
Umm, Paladin, do you mean the Brotherhood
of the Machine, or the 'Black' Brotherhood you mentioned in your character profile? Because if it's the Brotherhood of the Machine, that can't be right. They don't get involved in commercial business, and even if that were so, he'd never be able to tell who sold him what, or find said person gaian, because BrotherhoodOTM memebers never take off their face masks.
Tech hes a merc who as been neurtral in this fight so far and therefor had some contacts in the Dark Brotherhood he had assumed the implants he had gotten were decent parts. And for him saying if he found the guy again is just him thinking out loud and frustrated, he knows he'd probably not find him.
Err, ok.... It's still going to sound mighty weird and suspicious to the charcters, though.
"Stop, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's goin' down..."
You can't play the "staying neutral" card here without getting a lot of odd looks and making everyone distrust you a lot, I don't think, Pal. Since he's admitted doing paid work for the Brotherhood, I doubt anybody is about to trust him. :P
They probably gave you duff implants on purpose anyway. If you don't get yourself killed on an op, eventually the implants will wipe you and then you won't be able to "talk". >:3
You can't play the "staying neutral" card here without getting a lot of odd looks and making everyone distrust you a lot, I don't think, Pal. Since he's admitted doing paid work for the Brotherhood, I doubt anybody is about to trust him.
Yeah, I was thinking along those lines as well, but I think i made Jexx go back to normal too easily. Oh well.
says the Doc As she hands the list of spare parts she will need of Victor to Mia
Heh heh, PBH, Mia's already in the supply room, getting the stuff everyone else asked for. :P Sally is gonna have to scurry off to Mia to give her the list. :raspberry
Should Dorcan interpret Baiye's lack of response as a snub, or should he suddenly turn away from the map to see that she's on the other side of the room?
ACK! Oh I totally missed that - Between Baiye's embarrassment with the Pregnancy shot, poking around in Exo, and now the new deal with Victor, I accidentally missed your post, Tapewolf.
Thousand apologies. I'll go edit accordingly. :animesweat
Quote from: Kryptic on June 23, 2007, 03:04:34 PM
ACK! Oh I totally missed that - Between Baiye's embarrassment with the Pregnancy shot, poking around in Exo, and now the new deal with Victor, I accidentally missed your post, Tapewolf.
Thousand apologies. I'll go edit accordingly. :animesweat
No problem - I wanted to know if it was intentional before reacting, though :P
Tis fixed. >,< And it all works in so no one else should have to edit.
I'm thinking of knocking 100 years off Dorcan's age if no-one objects. Either way, he didn't take any driving lessons when he was at SAIA.
I certainly don't object. It's not my character, and I learned my lesson well last time.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 23, 2007, 03:27:57 PM
I'm thinking of knocking 100 years off Dorcan's age if no-one objects. Either way, he didn't take any driving lessons when he was at SAIA.
I certainly don't care.
I should have a driving class at the SAIA, that is a good idea.
Can't be worse than American driver's ed.
Quote from: Azlan on June 23, 2007, 03:43:24 PM
I should have a driving class at the SAIA, that is a good idea.
Yes. Indeed, they would be a good idea for the modern incubus since if you're going to impersonate someone with your shapeshifting abilities, you'll be kind of stuck if they are supposed to drive to work each day. I'm leaving it open as to whether there ARE lessons. It's also possible that they came and went - all vehicles could well be automated by the time he came out of the Academy.
Does Ryudo's world (we need a name for it!) have self-driven vehicles?
I would almost guess that Ryudo's world does have self driving vehicles, his call on that of course. I mean, we have self-driving vehicles now... or am I not supposed to talk about that yet? Oh well, if there are no press releases about them yet, please don't quote me on that.
No, I know about the computer-controlled vehicles of today. They're imperfect, but getting better. And I quote you on that haw haw haw :mwaha
Would it count if it was being controlled by an artificial intelligence? :giggle
Quote from: Arcalane on June 23, 2007, 06:51:03 PM
Would it count if it was being controlled by an artificial intelligence? :giggle
Depends if the AI is built-in and fully-integrated. Dorcan has already several sentient aircraft whom Jakob rescued from another dimension. Next to that, a vehicle which someone has to get in and operate themselves by moving levers and turning wheels will seem a bit crude.
Self driving cars? Sure, why not. I'd seen some information about big rigs who were programmed to drive themselves using sensors in the bumpers and gps recievers.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2007, 10:01:46 PM
Jexx was standing around watching the proceedings. But when Dorcan (whom Jexx could not stop thinking of as Bizarre-O-Wing) came out of Doctor Sally's office (in an unusually short amount of time) said doctor looked quite shaken, while Dorcan looked fairly normal.
What the-, Jexx thought. Waaaiiit a sec, a very pretty doctor, a strange guy from another world we know nearly nothing about, wanted his freaking examination in private, and now the Doctor looks like someone just....just... Jexx then narrowed his eyes and stared, hard, straight at Dorcan. I'm not much one for chivalry, but if you threatened or touched her, I will personally rip your wings right off. Because that is just plain wrong. Jexx thought this almost as if he thought Dorcan could actually hear him. What Jexx didn't realize is that Dorcan did. And so did Doctor Sally Joywaves. As these intense thoughts roilled out of Jexx, just for one moment, his markings glowed again...
To PBH, Sally didn't 'hear' Jexx? I put it in my post that she did, because, even though the one-second mental link was between Jexx and Dorcan, I figured that her natural telepathic empathy would allow her to 'overhear' it, especially with the intensity of what was going on. While even though she wasn't in the link, and probably wouldn't have heard precicely what was being thought, I figured she could get the general gist.
I know this has already gotten a little old, but did you ever see any of that, Proff B Hunnydew? In your post a little bit after mine Sally didn't seem to notice. Was that intended, or did you miss it? If it was intended, and you don't want Sally to hear it, I'll go back and edit my post to leave out the Sally overhearing Jexx bit.
Sorry NO, but Sallly didn't hear Jexx, she re-acted to her own troubles which is not about Dorcan. Dorcan was triggered something in her, and also it seem to awaken something in Dorcan. SO, you can edit your post as you need to.
Alrighty. No problem.
EDIT: IC post fixed. Everything is in order.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 25, 2007, 01:09:13 PM
"That's because we are terrorists," said Dorcan with a sly grin. "At least I'm sure this Brotherhood thinks of us that way. Whatever. If you have any better ideas - short of mutilation - I'd be eager to hear them."
Duct Tape. That'll solve it. >:3
Quote from: Kryptic on June 25, 2007, 04:40:38 PM
Duct Tape. That'll solve it. >:3
Now say it again, this time in character. I would have done >:3
Soz 'bout being inactive, but I really can't think of much to say at the moment.
We leaving soon? :B
Yeah, it seems that way. We should be just starting to walk for the door, the last of us finishing our conversations as we walk. at least, I thinks that's what's about to happen.
I just really need to say something, so Kryptic and Boogy can edit their posts. Jexx did not "threaten" Dorcan. Jexx heard someone say they needed a mutiliation (not what was really said, but what Jexx heard) and Jexx offered to 'help' with that.
EDIT: I've edited my post to make what Jexx really meant more clear.
Yes, but Mister's from a different time period. He wouldn't be used to those sorts of jokes. Yes, sometimes kids of any era will make such jokes, but to him it would look like a threat when coupled with the sound of the weapon powering up.
Hmm. I guess that's true.
Baiye's just a wee bit tired of all the testosterone. She's just annoyed at him, it's not because she thinks he's serious or anything - she's just tired of it.
It's a girl thing. :3
Is there more than one van? I'm confuzzled (again). If there's more than one, who's in what van?
The way Exo was talking, My best guess is three. Which is a good thing, for when we need to split up and set up several 'mobile staging posts'. I would assume that the vans are those kind of all-tricked-out vans with all those communications and stuff to be like command posts or something.
I would likewise go with three. Probably one comms, two passenger.
I will laugh if nobody gets in the same van as Exo. :B
He's perfectly capable of driving, but do try and keep up. :U
Doesn't the van drive itself? :B
I probably should go to the front van, seeing as there's likely a checkpoint of some sort, and I'm the reason that we're supposed to be up there.
Quote from: Arcalane on June 25, 2007, 09:59:22 PM
I would likewise go with three. Probably one comms, two passenger.
I will laugh if nobody gets in the same van as Exo. :B
He's perfectly capable of driving, but do try and keep up. :U
Baiye's riding with Exo. Yeeehaw!
So as I see it thus far:
Van #1
Morgan?, Mister, Jexx, Doc
Van #2
Exo, Baiye, Gid
Griff didn't specify which (I'd suppose #2 - Exo mentioned he'd be leading, right?), and Dorcan, Josh, and Victor haven't gotten in yet.
That sound right?
That'd be adequate.
Morgan is operating van #1, unless someone else wishes to drive.
Dorcan, Josh, and victor are getting in van #3, right?
Vic is in van #1
Perhaps I was a little hasty in committing Dorcan... let's see. We have three vans according to Arc.
It would seem we have the following layout:
1: Morgan, Mister, Jexx, Sally, Victor
2: Exo, Baiye and Gidget
It would make sense for Josh and Dorcan to be in #2, unless it contains supplies and stuff in which case the third van is going to consist of Josh and Dorcan.
In that case Josh and Dorcan are going to be left all alone in van 3. Dorcan can't drive, but van 3 is probably going to be following 2 or 1 automatically.
Am I on the right track here?
Hey, I just though of something!
Did anyone think to bring a map of Northon with us? We are probably gonna need it, and Jexx would rather find the best high places on a map rather then have to find them himself.
Can we just verify who is where? Obviously it won't matter if Ryudo's intent is to sweep us to the destination, but if anything is going to happen en route, I won't be able to do much with Dorcan until I know who's with him.
You make it sound like I've got something hideously sinister in mind for you guys. :3
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 26, 2007, 02:41:30 PM
You make it sound like I've got something hideously sinister in mind for you guys. :3
One of the missions in Thief had you going to steal things from the Hammerite Church. Then something happens and the mission is scrapped and replaced with something completely different...
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 26, 2007, 02:41:30 PM
You make it sound like I've got something hideously sinister in mind for you guys. :3
... I'm hoping. *crosses fingers* ;-]
*pokes llearch with a stick* bad llearch! "let it alone! fate has give it a second chance. a chance to for get the ignoble truth. we hopes it does well!" one of my fave lines from midival
Ha ha! Let down.
Edited my post to move on with the travel.
Quote(OOC: Josh and Dorcan are alone in the third van, right?)
Well the journey's over, so I'm assuming that people are actually getting out of the van rather than staying in them forever >:3
There was a missing word in my post, it should have read "said Dorcan AS they congregated outside the vans."
Wha- we stopped already? I don't see that anywhere, I was thinking we were just about to pull out to find a good place to park our three vans in three inconspicuous spots, and deploy our 'mobile outposts'.
EDIT: Ummm, lucas? I think you got out of the wrong van. You were in the third van alone with Dorcan, because that was the only room left for you, and someone had to drive the third van.
But if I'm wrong, and we have already stopped in the same place and are clambering out, and Josh was in whatever van Bayie was in (which would leave Dorcan all by his lonesome in van #3, and I don't even think he knows how to drive, so that might be a problem), just tell me, Tapewolf or Ryudo, and I will edit my post accordingly.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 27, 2007, 10:29:44 AM
You were in the third van alone with Dorcan, because that was the only room left for you, and someone had to drive the third van.
It could have been set to follow the others like the autopilot in the C130 Hercules, but yeah. If I'm jumping the gun about them having parked, I can edit that back to fit.
Even so, who the hell is going to trust an 'alien' from another dimention entirely to be all alone in one of our very important "command post" vans? He is supposed to be on our side, but we've only just met him, and I can't imagine him earning anyones trust like that, especially the bots trust, namely Exo, who may be running or co-running this operation.
And while we are actually probably going to park in the same spot to get organized before settuing up, if we were indeed to skip straight to setting up in vantage points, everyone else would be in the groups, and while several of the characters are good enough to go it alone, Dorcan is definately not.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 27, 2007, 10:41:45 AM
Even so, who the hell is going to trust an 'alien' from another dimention entirely to be all alone in one of our very important "command post" vans? He is supposed to be on our side, but we've only just met him, and I can't imagine him earning anyones trust like that, especially the bots trust, namely Exo, who may be running or co-running this operation.
QuoteWhile we are actually probably going to park in the same spot to get organized before setting up,
This is where I'm assuming we are. The whole crowd in a car park to take some kind of lavatory break (not that Dorcan would need to) and regroup before splitting into their respective parties.
Quoteif we were indeed to skip straight to setting up in vantage points, everyone else would be in the groups, and while several of the characters are good enough to go it alone, Dorcan is definately not.
Indeed. His current plan is to stick with Baiye, since there are a few things he wants to discuss with her. Whether she knows that or not is unclear >:3
Come to think of it, Josh was the only other guy who wasn't actually watched by the Rebellion and 'recruited'. There may be an initial trust issue there as well.
Why the hell wasn't one of the characters who are suited for partial command and could actually be trusted riding with them? Exo and Morgan and two characers, but who could work as a third?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 27, 2007, 10:53:33 AM
Come to think of it, Josh was the only other guy who wasn't actually watched by the Rebellion and 'recruited'. There may be an initial trust issue there as well.
Why the hell wasn't one of the characters who are suited for partial command and could actually be trusted riding with them? Exo and Morgan and two characers, but who could work as a third?
If it were me I would have disabled the controls in the van and got it to chase the second one. That way they can't escape >:3
However, I must point out (again) that it was never finalised who was in which van. There seemed to be enough room to fit Dorcan and Josh in the first one, so I left it open which one he actually used.
Hmmm... if all of us fit into two vans..... yeah I guess that could work.
Ok. Problem solved.
Now we just need to figure out exactly where the vans are, looking for a parking spot to organize before splitting up, or already there and everyone getting out?
EDIT: aw, what the hell. I'll just edit my post and say we are already there. Another problem solved.
"Let's go to the flowchart for this one."
I'm assuming the general posting trend is that we have stopped... not a good idea, but it works, I wanted to scan the area anyways.
OOC: what is the general composition of Brotherhood towers? Psychic, magical and any odd electromagnetic signals is what Morgan is looking for.
We have only stopped temporarily (bathroom break, lol :P) to organize ourselves, and figure out who is going in which of the three vans, then split the vans up and take them to vantage points, then go out in groups, pairs, or singles, whichever is best for a given character. I'm betting on all of us going in either pairs or singles, though. Groups of three are too big. Once all that is out of the way, we will do a big recon sweep of the city. Then from there...is partially up to Ryudo, and whatever we decide to do about whatever we find.
Quote from: Azlan on June 27, 2007, 11:27:19 AM
OOC: what is the general composition of Brotherhood towers? Psychic, magical and any odd electromagnetic signals is what Morgan is looking for.
Big black and red metal towers, usually adorned with antennae and sattelite dishes and power cables. They'll give off radio waves, microwave, and other as-of-yet-undefined waves. You can pick up the radio waves and microwaves. The radio waves would be for local communication, and the microwaves for long distance communication, with other towers. Or would that be the other way around? I dunno. But the undefined waves, you won't be able to see a purpose for, yet.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 27, 2007, 11:53:02 AM
Quote from: Azlan on June 27, 2007, 11:27:19 AM
OOC: what is the general composition of Brotherhood towers? Psychic, magical and any odd electromagnetic signals is what Morgan is looking for.
Big black and red metal towers, usually adorned with antennae and sattelite dishes and power cables. They'll give off radio waves, microwave, and other as-of-yet-undefined waves. You can pick up the radio waves and microwaves. The radio waves would be for local communication, and the microwaves for long distance communication, with other towers. Or would that be the other way around? I dunno. But the undefined waves, you won't be able to see a purpose for, yet.
Radio waves are for long distance communication, microwaves are point-to-point and LOS as they are easily blocked and a host of other physics related stuff that is boring unless you are an RF Engineer...
Okay then. I'm not the most technical person here, so bear with me. They'll use localized radio, centralized on the tower, each tower will have this capability. The sattelite dishes will use microwaves to connect to sattelites in space for communication between towers. Is that more plausible?
Works for me! :P
Quote from: Azlan on June 27, 2007, 12:04:08 PM
Works for me! :P
One minor point - you'll have a much bigger time delay on a satellite link than you would with microwave links between towers and it is likely to cost a fortune. It's probably safe to assume that the Brotherhood have good funding, though.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 27, 2007, 12:09:19 PM
Quote from: Azlan on June 27, 2007, 12:04:08 PM
Works for me! :P
One minor point - you'll have a much bigger time delay on a satellite link than you would with microwave links between towers and it is likely to cost a fortune. It's probably safe to assume that the Brotherhood have good funding, though.
Microwave receivers and transmitters would need to be built on very tall towers, to overcome the curvature of the planet or would require intermediaries to extend range. The Rebellion could easily cutoff towers by taking down these intermediary units, giving a single point of failure for their primary communication. However, if they did build large enought towers to give a clear transmission to the next, they would be dependent on towers within range to relay their transmissions across the globe. Towers on the exact opposite sides of the planet would not be able to speak directly with one another.
Quote from: Azlan on June 27, 2007, 12:14:29 PM
Microwave receivers and transmitters would need to be built on very tall towers, to overcome the curvature of the planet or would require intermediaries to extend range.
I was assuming the Brotherhood simply had a lot of towers, in some sort of mesh configuration. That is how mobile phone networks seem to communicate, at least around here.
QuoteThe Rebellion could easily cutoff towers by taking down these intermediary units, giving a single point of failure for their primary communication.
Or shooting down the satellites >:3
QuoteHowever, if they did build large enough towers to give a clear transmission to the next, they would be dependent on towers within range to relay their transmissions across the globe. A tower on the exact opposite side of the planet would not be able to speak directly with one another.
Indeed - they're probably going to want a combination of both.
For now, the characters can assume that the method of communication is via these sattelite dishes and the microwaves. The subject will come up again later.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 27, 2007, 12:24:35 PM
For now, the characters can assume that the method of communication is via these sattelite dishes and the microwaves. The subject will come up again later.
Subtle, yet forceful. That's the way to do it :P
Umm, Tapewolf? Dorcan isn't going to acknoledge that Jexx actually answered his question about the cortex bombs? :P
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 27, 2007, 02:46:59 PM
Umm, Tapewolf? Dorcan isn't going to acknoledge that Jexx actually answered his question about the cortex bombs? :P
Whoops, that shouldn't have happened.
Jexx has not asked him a question, though. Or if he has it's very well hidden. Scratch that, I can't read.
Tapewolf, your missing what Jexx was doing (accidentally) with the surveilance points. He was suggesting putting the vans on roofs! He was inadvenrtantly thinking of where he would go. Instead of saying "the roofs are fallback points" say "You want us to put the vans on roofs?"
Tech are you making a suggestion that he respond in that way or are you telling him to respond in that way?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 27, 2007, 03:46:26 PM
Tapewolf, your missing what Jexx was doing (accidentally) with the surveilance points. He was suggesting putting the vans on roofs!
I wouldn't have interpreted it that way, so there's no reason Dorcan should. >:3
Hrm. I was trying to go for showing that this sort of thing is where Jexx would screw up, because he still is used to working alone. Maybe I should just have him bring out the map, then figure out a good way for him to say the people who know what they're doing should pick the points.
BrB, editing post....
Post edited. And I also was not going for the "I'm in charge here" tone, I just needed to have him bring the map out. And then I decided to just have him suggest places. But that didn't work, (in more ways than it was supposed to :mowdizzy) so it's gone now.
He studied the map. "Did I hear you right?" he asked. "You're suggesting that we fall back to rooftop positions? What if there are injuries?"
Since you've just rolled back the question, I've rolled back Dorcan's reply.
If you don't mind, Ryudo, I've taken one or two liberties in "stocking" our vans...mainly just with stuff that we needed.
"It seems however in fiddling with some gizmos I figured out a few things." He reached through his double and picked up an eliptical semi-flat object and turned it off
What is this Josh was messing with?
hallogram projecter. when he stepped back to "watch" he turned it on and left to check stuff out so they wouldnt yell at him for "wandering about trying to get us caught" josh found out how to work it in the van.
Ah. Clever. ;)
he can be at times. though its more often than not serendipitious
For those who can't make out what Exo meant by "significantly nonfunctional", it basically meant "it done got broken".
If anyone were to investigate the box (which they can't, because the chestplate is in place and can only be removed with very precise pressure and placement thereof), it's got a hole punched in it and the old round is sitting in a mess of broken electronics. Nanos can't repair everything, and Exo only repairs as fast as a normal humanoid. Internal organs take some time to heal. ;)
It's not quite clear where we are. Are we within walking distance from the town? AFAIK the only characters who have got back into the van are Exo, who will be commanding the operation, and PBH who is backup.
I'm not sure if the others are going to drive in with their conspicuous vans or what. This might seem like a question for Dorcan to ask in-character, but he should be able to see visually how far from the town they are. i.e. my character currently knows more than I do :<
I've gotten in one of the vans. :rolleyes
What we are doing is we are all getting back in the vans to drive to the clearing that Exo mentioned, which is where we will deploy one of the vans as out first command post. We will also properly organize and equip ourselves, then pick two other spots to set up the two other vans, probably in sort of a triangle around the town. Then all or some of us will sweep the city and recon for anything strange or unusual.
And when I pictured the vans, I always thought they were an inconspicuous plain tan color, not oh-look-at-me-I'm-not-a-spy-van-black :giggle
Josh is going off exploreing, If one were to want to accompany him one whould do so now before he goes lone wolf out there....pardon the pun
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 29, 2007, 11:25:28 AM
What we are doing is we are all getting back in the vans to drive to the clearing that Exo mentioned, which is where we will deploy one of the vans as out first command post.
Right. I knew the vans were going there, as are Exo and PBH - but there is an argument for no-one else going with them, or only enough people to get the other two vans into position if they can't be made to do so of their own accord.
I take it we're going with three vans, by the way - if Josh splits, Dorcan is going to have the van all to himself. Either way, someone else will have to move their van into position.
By the way - is anyone else here going to be off for AC? I'm not yet sure how easy it's going to be to get online.
This is a problem. We ALL need to go to the clearing, because we decided that standing in the middle of town attarcts too much attention. The characters MUST actually plan who's going with who, and who's going alone. Someone (preferably Exo, or Morgan) needs to quickly go and grab Josh's arm and pull him back. I'd send Jexx to do that, but Jexx doesn't have any real authority. And even if that isn't needed, I doubt Josh would listen to Jexx. I also don't want to tag along with Josh, for 1) Jexx is supposed to go it alone himself, 2) There's some stuff that Jexx is going to have to do at the camp with everyone, and 3) I don't want to have to babysit the dumbass anyway. (Meaning Josh the character, not Lucas the player)
Just up and going off like this is actually the sort of thing Jexx would have been most likely to do, him being experienced and used to doing things himself and going alone. The reason I haven't is because if we all just go off with no plan whatsoever, we are going to fall apart.
So Lucas, it would probably be best if you just get Josh in the vans like everyone else should be.
Insignificant notice: I'm prolly gonna be out for most for today. I'm going to tour an aircraft carrier! See ya!
Exo will probably remain at the first van and spend some time setting up camp whilst the others recon. It's more than capable of handling itself unless the Brotherhood intervene with a tank.
And even then it has the odds in it's favour. :B
Ok, I wrote down the names of all the characters and did a check-off. Only Griffy and Mister need to clamber back in the vans now.
Is Josh also in Van 3 or has he swapped places with Baiye?
Okay, I'm rly sry, but can we have a roll call of the vans, because I'm as confused as hell.
I just said, I wrote down all the names and check all the posts. You are now the only one who hans't gotten back in the vans now, Bill. Your character is standing around just as confused as you are. :giggle
Quote from: BillBuckner on June 30, 2007, 10:00:46 AM
Okay, I'm rly sry, but can we have a roll call of the vans, because I'm as confused as hell.
I read that as 'sly' but yeah. We seem to have three vans.
The third van now contains Dorcan, Baiye, Gid and probably Josh. Since neither Dorcan nor Josh can drive - don't know about Baiye - I've been assuming that it is automatically following van 2.
If Baiye can drive, she will probably be the one who takes it to its destination point.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 30, 2007, 10:06:16 AM
I just said, I wrote down all the names and check all the posts. You are now the only one who hans't gotten back in the vans now, Bill. Your character is standing around just as confused as you are. :giggle
Actually, I don't think I even got out of the van.
What? *checks*
Holy damn, you're right!....Well, we are all set then! To Exo's clearing!
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 30, 2007, 10:15:21 AM
What? *checks*
Holy damn, you're right!....Well, we are all set then! To Exo's clearing!
I'd like to get a word in with Baiye en route. I want to spring the android thing on her before AC :P
That means taking Josh out somehow - I've got an idea but to avoid godmoding I'm going to wait for Lucas to OK it first.
Another insignificant update: Similar to yesterday, I'm being dragged off again, this time to a Six Flags Marine World. Prolly won't be posting until tonight. Cruddies.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 30, 2007, 10:17:10 AM
I'd like to get a word in with Baiye en route. I want to spring the android thing on her before AC :P
:giggle After all, I did get her into the van with Dorcan already.
I've got an adventure coming up too. Cruddy family reunion. Not -nearly- so fun.
Right. Lucas kindly agreed that Josh is liable to doze on road trips. I have that problem myself, and in any case coming from a magical enclave he's not going to have built up much resistance to it.
If my assumption that the journey to the clearing is now well underway is premature, let me know when it's more appropriate and I will shift the text into the right place later on.
It's more fun if this happens towards the end of the trip so that Baiye is still a bit dazed when they get out.
How's that for a response?
She's not really disgusted or unnerved... she's just confused. Me thinks she may like him even more than before once she gets her thoughts in order. ;)
The doc has been updating her medical files and sending them back to th rebels' command computer on a secure data line. Adding her own personal note to each persons file. She is also testing the air samples, that she has collected they drive on into the city.
"Can we stop at a re-fueling station or refreshment stand?, I need to go." asks the Doc. As the Vans travel pass the city into the woods in the west of town. We maybe not need to refuel our vehicles but people still need to eat and take breaks from driving.
Ummmmmmmm..... Prof?
I think you posted in the wrong thread........ :B :B :B :B :B :B
That and the proposed camp is just to the south-west of the town, not the west.
Sorry Fix Tech
Also Tapewolf,
I remember, I only asks Baiye if she needed the "Pill", not Dorcan. Please check my posts
Baiye accidentally let it slip to Dorcan right after she left your office back in the warehouse. Check that post :P
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on July 01, 2007, 06:26:00 PM
I remember, I only asks Baiye if she needed the "Pill", not Dorcan. Please check my posts
Dorcan: "Did the doctor seem at all... odd... to you?"
Baiye: "Yeah... she did. I wonder what was up with that. She said something about you, and then how it wasn't really about you, she offered me contraceptives, and then she avoided touching me. It was a strange deal."
"It doesn't explain why the doctor was talking about contraceptives, though," Dorcan murmured. "Conceiving a child is definitely outside my capabilities and she knows that full well. I'm not sure I'd want to try it with a human anyway... no offence..."
Okay I am just confused, I was not thinking at Baiye and Dorcan would get together when I talk about contraceptives to Baiye... But I will stay out of it. And I told Dorcan to talk with Baiye for medical/repairs
I think this is actually due to slight misunderstanding in posts. My opinion, Tapewolf, is that this:
"It doesn't explain why the doctor was talking about contraceptives, though,"
should be changed to this:
"It doesn't explain why the doctor offered you contraceptives, though,"
All misunderstanding gone, because Prof is right, Sally never even mentioned the contras to Dorcan, only Baiye.
Baiye has a tendency to blurt out things when she's under stress or thinking. That's what happened when she spilled the "contraceptive" thing to Dorcan.
Baiye also didn't that she and Dorcan would get together, either. She just blurted it out as she was trying to think, and Dorcan probably misunderstood.
As of right now, Baiye has -some- romantic attitudes towards Dorcan, probably because she thought he also had an interest in robotics and he was being rather nice. But because of the robot "issues", she feels a little stupid and embarrassed about the whole subject. I think she'd rather just try to forget about it at the moment, though she'll still think of him "as a friend".
Baiye, Baiye, Baiye. She's a weird character. :B
I was talking about Prof misunderstanding and thinking that Tape was saying that Sally had talked to Dorcan about the contras. Not the "relationship" thing sparking between Dorcan and Baiye.
Man, people in this thead are misunderstanding left and right....and something tells me I've already made the same mistake somewhere o_0?
Quote from: Kryptic on July 01, 2007, 06:53:05 PM
Baiye also didn't that she and Dorcan would get together, either. She just blurted it out as she was trying to think, and Dorcan probably misunderstood.
Dorcan's been given a confused fragment of a confused conversation. He has no clue what the Doctor was talking about and is trying to figure it out like a riddle. So am I >:3
Prof, your post is a little confusing, as it implies that we are at the site, but no one said that yet. If you could edit your post with an arrival sentance like, "Prof got ready to exit the van as they all pulled into the clearing. She really had to go." , that would make a bit more sense.
And Boogey, what exactly is wrong with Jexx's method of alerting the third van that they have arrived, aside from the volume problem? He didn't know the speaker on their end was turned to full blast, therefore, Mister wouldn't know either. Right now, Jexx is thinking Gidget's a grumpy, grouchy, stingy little bastard of a robot dog.
He is. >:3
Wow. Um. Jeez, Arcalane. Exo almost explodes at a simple comment that's more of a scarcastic joke than anything?
It's a bot. You forget it doesn't know what "sarcasm" is.
Oh great. That means Exo's gonna shoot me when I ask, "Jeez, man. Haven't you ever heard of 'sarcasm' before?" :< :gun2
Arcy, is there any possible way you can downtone Exo's response just a little? there's still some equipment that he is supposed to pass out, and he'll feel too depressed at this.
EDIT: What I mean is, one of my personal rules I always follow is that I never edit a post if someone's already responded.
Well, now that Gid's gone along with it, I have to go along with the newly-formed 'anti-Jexx' club. Oh well.
Yay Arcy! :)
Don't give into temptation. Exo and Gidget's Anti-Jexx club will prevail!
Ha. Ha ha.
You know I'm just kidding, right Tech? ;)
Sort of, but I'm actually thinking it's, for the moment, best if it actually seems 'true' to Jexx. Sure he'll know they're not serious serious, but he's gonna be walking around the woods in a state of depression probably :B
Besides, somebody's got to jump up and down on the new recruit's spirit. War is hell, all that. :B May as well be the heavy-weight mech.
Better his spirit than his toes. :-]
Sorry for my silence guys. I got sick recently. You don't want to know the details.
I want to comment on what's going on with Jexx right now. I think that it can still be spun into a party-bonding experience for you all, and give Jexx a good lesson in team-play mechanics. tech, don't go completely emo and try to separate yourself from the party. You need to work with the party, not against it. Tape, you could probably say something encouraging to get him back into working with the group as a team.
I know. I've actually sort of set up Tape for the teamwork talk. The only reason Jexx has gone all 'emo' is because that is really how his character is; someone with a completely unstable, almost random personality, because he has no idea who he is, or who he is supposed to be. But I haven't made it irreparable. Don't worry, we're thinking on the same wavelength, Ryudo ;) In fact, I'm actually intending for this to be the start of Jexx's permanant personality change for the better.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 02, 2007, 10:45:01 AM
Sorry for my silence guys. I got sick recently. You don't want to know the details.
Fair enough. Hope you get over it soon...
QuoteTape, you could probably say something encouraging to get him back into working with the group as a team.
Either that or it will drive him off completely. I'm not very good at full-blown pep talks, and Dorcan would generally rely on the empathic ability which he no longer has. But hopefully that's not too ham-fisted.
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 02, 2007, 11:30:50 AM
Torn out their soul and used it to light your desk-lamp?
That made me lawl. :giggle
Oh yeah just alittle somethin' somethin'...Dorcan never turned off his microtransmitters, even though Jexx removed his. So everyone on the ground heard what Dorcan was saying, but not Jexx.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 02, 2007, 12:30:20 PM
Oh yeah just alittle somethin' somethin'...Dorcan never turned off his microtransmitters, even though Jexx removed his. So everyone on the ground heard what Dorcan was saying, but not Jexx.
Assuming of course that he put his transmitter back after the conversation with Baiye.
Ah yeah. Did Baiye ever turn off hers during your conversation?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 02, 2007, 12:40:22 PM
Ah yeah. Did Baiye ever turn off hers during your conversation?
I certainly hope so. On the other hand, if she forgot to, what she's said won't make much sense without hearing Dorcan's side.
Mind you, if everything everyone says was public property, Dorcan would have heard Baiye through the receiver in his ear. He only turned off his transmitter.
Well then, let's ask Kryptic next time we see her. If she didn't have Baiye turn it off, she can go back and edit it so that Baiye did.
Quote from: Azlan on July 02, 2007, 01:14:26 PM
Morgan exited his van after parking it appropriately. Though the broadcast from Jexx had been a short burst, Morgan quickly shifted vision frequencies to check for any Brotherhood traffic increases or active transmission pings.
Sighing in relief as he failed to find any, Morgan checked his gun and the appropriate credentials for his cover with the narcotics unit.
"I'm heading in on foot, don't feel like driving at the moment. If anything comes up, let me know... my communications frequency is published to our command comm. The channel is labelled f-o-x, foxtrot, oscar, x-ray." He sounded bored and tired.
Morgan shook his head as he left camp, Why did I get saddled with a bunch of amateurs? Serves me right for pretending to be one.
Morgan entered the town and headed towards the local constabulary/sheriff/police station.
Ok, Azlan.
Where the hell is Morgan going? We are supposed to be setting up camp.
The message Jexx sent to the third van was over the van-to-van intercom, it's broadcast range was set to just how far away the other van way, which was, at maximum, ten yards. The only way the Brotherhood could have picked it up is if they had a transmission interceptor in between the two vans, and a damn good decrypter as well.
Also, Morgan is supposed to have the microcommunicators. Once turned on, they are always on the same channel. He doesn't really need to use his own kind of communication device, if that's what you're saying. It just adds unneeded complexity.
Also, remeber that this town is supposed to be mind-controlled by the Brotherhood. The local law enforcement office is probably the
last place you want to go. But you're not supposed to be going anywhere anyway, because like I said, we are setting up camp.
And if it sounds like I'm trying to be the GM, it's not supposed to, but apologies anyway. I'm just trying to pointing out how your IC post really seems to break the continuity.
I am not part of your soul-searching, group personality thing... he is going off to get some work done. As was stated in this post:
Quote from: Arcalane on July 01, 2007, 11:06:04 PM
Exo, meanwhile, parks the first van under the foliage and climbs out, shooing everyone else out of the van as it opens it up and starts getting out equipment for setting up camp. Tents, sleeping bags, so on and so forth.
"Unit suggests others make maximum use of available light hours whilst they can. It would be inadviseable to get caught out around town in the middle of the night."
Morgan took this to mean get to work in town. As for everything else,
you do not need to know. The GM and the other important parties are receiving an PM with the needed specifics.
Okey dokey.
Though there is still the part where we are supposed to be setting up camp. Jexx ain't gonna pitch your tent for ya. :P
Quote from: Azlan on July 02, 2007, 03:00:55 PM
I am not part of your soul-searching, group personality thing...
Funny thing about that. Jexx was never supposed to be like that, either. But that's what's so awsome and cool about RPs. It's like you're writing a story, but you're not the only one writing it. Things often end up going in directions you never intended, directions even better than what one originally plans.
Remember what I said before, you all need to work with each other. Since Morgan has decided to go into town... why doesn't someone go with him?
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 02, 2007, 03:20:35 PM
Remember what I said before, you all need to work with each other. Since Morgan has decided to go into town... why doesn't someone go with him?
I suppose someone could, but Morgan works alone for personal reasons... but I'm not going to stick around until someone says they are going with me so I can do an emo scene about how he works alone because everyone has always let him down or everyone who ever went with him died or something... those didn't happen, just examples :P
Quote from: Azlan on July 02, 2007, 03:00:55 PM
Morgan took this to mean get to work in town. As for everything else, you do not need to know. The GM and the other important parties are receiving an PM with the needed specifics.
It's always fun when the others break your plan because they are ignorant of it. It happened a lot in the FCRP - made Gareeku really angry.
What you're saying makes sense, but my initial impression was that Morgan was going to betray us all to the Brotherhood.
Which is why Ryudo is right, someone should probably go with Morgan. I mean, the entire town is supposed to be mind-controlled. For what seems like no reason whatsoever, he has stated that he is going to the law enforcement office, which should also be mind-controlled, and the whole party knows it (or at least they should). Just try and tell me that none of the characters are going to be a little suspicious at that :P
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 02, 2007, 03:59:57 PM
Quote from: Azlan on July 02, 2007, 03:00:55 PM
Morgan took this to mean get to work in town. As for everything else, you do not need to know. The GM and the other important parties are receiving an PM with the needed specifics.
It's always fun when the others break your plan because they are ignorant of it. It happened a lot in the FCRP - made Gareeku really angry.
What you're saying makes sense, but my initial impression was that Morgan was going to betray us all to the Brotherhood.
Think what you wish, but all you know is that Morgan headed into town. I can't control what you believe.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 02, 2007, 04:06:22 PM
Which is why Ryudo is right, someone should probably go with Morgan. I mean, the entire town is supposed to be mind-controlled. For what seems like no reason whatsoever, he has stated that he is going to the law enforcement office, which should also be mind-controlled, and the whole party knows it (or at least they should). Just try and tell me that none of the characters are going to be a little suspicious at that :P
Incorrect, Morgan said he was going into town... never said where he was going, but that doesn't stop someone from asking.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 02, 2007, 12:47:07 PM
Well then, let's ask Kryptic next time we see her. If she didn't have Baiye turn it off, she can go back and edit it so that Baiye did.
Sorry, it's been a bit.
Well, what I did was have Baiye take her headset off for the conversation - and since it's mic is based in the headset, using jaw/throat vibrations, it's effectively "Turned Off". The really curious part is whether Josh's mic may have been sensitive enough to pick up any of the conversation.
But in order to maintain storyline issues - I'll assume he was snoring too loud. :3
Gidget, at the time, was occupied with driving and having turned up his internal stereo to play "Who Let the Dogs Out?". So he wasn't listening, though not much stays secret between Baiye and Gidget too long. After all, he's the only one she really feels entirely comfortable with.
Plotholes filled. Anything else?
Yep. Jexx has apologized, and now is trying to rebuild a sembalance of relations with the three (Exo, Josh, and Gidget).
Oh, bug off. I had posted something, but I needed to remove it somehow. :<
Yo, I was thinking of joining, is it always open, or are you all open only on certain days/weeks?
I do believe Ryudo closed the RP partway through the Warehouse scene. Sorry :<
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 02, 2007, 09:25:43 PM
I do believe Ryudo closed the RP partway through the Warehouse scene. Sorry :<
Poo :C 'A'
O well, if you all do open up again, PM me k?
Quote from: Azlan on July 02, 2007, 07:19:48 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 02, 2007, 07:05:16 PM
That's the most intelligent post today. You get a :bunny
@Cat; If we successfully shake the Brotherhood's control of Northon and free the populace I'm sure there would be plenty of people willing to join the Rebellion's cause if they knew they'd been controlled in such a manner. There may be ample recruitment opportunity during that point, or your character could be a Rebellion agent rescued from the Tower or something. We'll see, 's up to Ryudo really. :B
Drive off and level the town. It's the only way to be sure.
I never really closed it to new people. But yeah, you might want to wait until an appropriate time to jump in.
Also, my charicter in "Travels with a Kitsune" is basicly the same, w/ diffrent name, but both of them have a pair of AIs floating about in his head to help him. could I keep the name of at least one of them, because Mars' name is symbolic to his purpose... that and I don't think I could come up with more good names.
Whenever a good time to jump in comes along, just post your character and I'll let you know if you need to change anything.
Also, is anyone planning on going with Morgan?
I could. ;-]
of course, that will play merry hell with Ryudo's RP. ;-]
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 03, 2007, 11:11:19 AM
Also, is anyone planning on going with Morgan?
I would, but it's not an opportune time. I'm kicking off on the AC journey soon, so Dorcan is liable to become a background character for the time being. Take care of him, mmkay? >:3
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 03, 2007, 11:31:20 AMTake care of him, mmkay? >:3
Define "take care of him", or something similar to this (http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff400/fv00370.htm) may happen. :U
Freefall FTW
Quote from: Arcalane on July 03, 2007, 11:53:37 AM
Define "take care of him", or something similar to this (http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff400/fv00370.htm) may happen. :U
I suspect that that would also fit with Tapewolf's plans. He's an adaptable fellow... :-]
Quote from: Arcalane on July 03, 2007, 11:53:37 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 03, 2007, 11:31:20 AMTake care of him, mmkay? >:3
Define "take care of him", or something similar to this (http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff400/fv00370.htm) may happen. :U
Whatever it was it's blocked from the airport. I don't have time for a full definition, but let's just say:
* Avoid exposing him to situations that would reveal he's an android (he can admit to having augmentations if necessary)
* Don't do anything to him that you wouldn't want done to your character
Whupps, gotta go
Pff, they have no taste. It's only Freefall. :<
Paladin, are you saying that Victor actually broke the encryption on the microcomms already without actually scanning them? When Morgan and Baiye couldn't?!? They (particularyly Baiye) have even better equipment than Victor's. They still had to scan the comms to get the channel.
What do you think he's been doing for the trip? sitting in the back of the van twidling his thumbs? :P
Uh, yeah. It may not be your fault, but your posts have been somewhat scarce. When Jexx was passing out the microcomms back in town, Victor never got any. He couldn't have scanned them after that time if he didn't have any.
Pal's situation is unique, to say the least. So let's not berate him for being unable to make posts. During Pal's absences you need to assume that he was given anything that was given to all party members. When he's not there, he's following you around and keeping quiet unless something is explicitly said otherwise. So please, don't exclude him because he can't post at times.
My bad.
Thoguh there is still the thing of breaking the encryption. If he actually had the microcomms on him, he wouldn't have had to go through that trouble. All he would have needed to do was scan them and copy the coding, like Baiye and Morgan did. He only would have needed to break the encryption if he didn't have a microcomm, and instead tried to hack into the channel by attempting to intercept the transmissions. Which is obviously quite harder, and unneccessary if you have a micrcomm to scan.
So, what did Victor do exactly?
....*sigh* Tech please just drop it ok?
Electronic warfare is something most mercs should have experience with, IMO. I suggest we settle it as $plot$ and finish it there. :P
Tech; I also reccommend that you not play other people's characters, even for minor actions. Whilst some may allow it, others find it extremely rude.
I never played for Victor. That's in fact how, to me, he
didn't get any microcomms.
But yeah, I'll drop it for ya guys. I just sometimes get really hung up on specific details. It's just the way I am. But I'll try to hold it back, just for you people. :) It's also why, when I'm re-reading the RP, I'll edit an old post if, upon reflection, the slightest detail seems out of place. But that's just me.
"Hey, Jexx do you have some favorite....Din.." the Doc, started to ask Jexx as she saw him run off into the woods...
Umm, prof? I don't recall having Jexx run off into the woods...Unless you're talking about him running after Vic. In which case, he was running back down the road, not into the woods.
ok this is too picky.... we are in a clearing inside woodsy area, okay I'll state that Jexx goes down the road.
*starts strangling self*
I always wanted to be an accomplice. :)
As a note: I'm going to have limited internet access for the next week. Family Reunion. *points at Avy*. I'll get on when I can, but when 31 people want to check their e-mail (we're all in cabins in West Yellowstone), the line's a little long.
Don't get me started on showers.
"If I may be of any assistance, madam? I'll admit that I have no formal training in the culinary arts, but I have picked up a few things here and there."
Sounds to me like Mister's just being modest. :3 To any all-purpose servant, and several other types besides, being able to cook at least somewhat well is like an unwritten requirement. Even in the book series, Artemis Fowl, where the main character (Artemis), has a 7-foot mountain of a bodyguard, Butler (yes, that's his real last name) who's primary function is defensive combat, can also do just about anything, including cook gourmet meals. I have to imagine that a top-of-the-line wealthy-person personal servant like Mister would be able to cook one hell of a rich-man's dish. :)
He can, but didn't usually. There were other servants, both living and golem, about the place for such things.
Ahh, so he wasn't the only servant for this 'Master' that like to refer to. Got it. That makes sense.
Yo again, I was thinking of coming in during Morgan's mission. Gerald's a cybernetic police officer that was using his position to gain intel on the Brotherhood, would this be ok? If so, here's the rest of his status (Note: he is also an inventor on his free time).
Name: Gerald
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Magic User? No
Psychic? Can use telepathy and minor telekinesis
Tech usage: Multiple cybernetic replacements, nano-repair array (heal rate is doubled), Cybernetic eye (%100 sentient, controlled via AI, multiple view modes, possible 500x zoom), Psychic Amplifier (allows him to be Psychic), 2 Implanted AIs (Mars and Omega).
Faction: Ind.
Physical Description: Gerald appears to be just a small, beige feline, however, instead of a normal left eye, it's replaced by an obviously cybernetic eye, roaming around every which way. There is a scar above and below his cybernetic eye, as if it were to go straight through his eye socket.
He loves technology and hates anything he cannot comprehend (and trust me, that's very little) and, although utilized in many of his creations, he despises magic, do to the sheer fact that it is impossible to understand just how it works. He is fascinated by AIs, the impossible and Phyonics. Unfortunately, he hardly trusts anyone, making him hard to ally.
Omega, his fifth ever created AI, and his first ever sentient AI, constantly assists him, be it translation, eyes in the back of his head, or assisting him when he's absentminded (which is often). Mars, his thirteenth AI, is what Gerald calls an "Alter Ego" AI, Mars is capable of taking full control of Gerald's body in case of an emergency. Mars was designed to assist Gerald in fights, so Mars is can use any weapon if needed, even if it wasn't a weapon (ie. throwing a bench on the opponent) and if there is a weapon he does not know, he learns by trial and error.
He is as vulnerable as a normal person, if caught with his guard down, he can be killed, however, once Mars is activated, he can dodge *some* bullets. Also, Gerald's repair array is capable of an "overdrive", draining Gerald of all energy to repair his body 4x as fast. It takes two hours to recuperate from overdrive.
So, how's that? Too powerful? or more info?
*EDIT* July 9th Removed Mystic Complex, Renamed Phycic Complex, Modified Mars, Removed Shield Generator, Added Overdrive
Sorry Dear players
but I will be doing the family thing in the woods. My family is going camping with no internet and I think cellphone will be limited. I will be back Sunday night.
Morgan's walking right into a trap!! :U :U :U D: D: D:
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 06, 2007, 02:40:34 PM
Morgan's walking right into a trap!! :U :U :U D: D: D:
As long as it is less then a company of conventional troops and doesn't include any heavy powersuits, I can take care of them. :3
I doubt it, but it might be Gerald... probaly not though... of course I always assume the worse so... Meh, I'll shut up now.
NOTE: No, Ryudo Lee did not PM me or anything, so I honestly do not know...
Heh, with everyone in the town being so programmed peppy, It reminds me of something from another universe. This is something that Jexx could've said, but can't, cuz, like said, it's from another universe. So I'll say it here, cuz it's mildy amusing and humerous (to me, at least) :3
"Hey, do you see those small divots behind everyone's ears? That's the mark of neural resocialization, and the noninvasive kind. Oh yeah, these people have been brain-panned, and good. No one can be that perky without an electrochemical lobotomy!"
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 08, 2007, 12:50:56 AM
Heh, with everyone in the town being so programmed peppy, It reminds me of something from another universe. This is something that Jexx could've said, but can't, cuz, like said, it's from another universe.
Dorcan did anyway, although he does have an excuse. I just couldn't resist it because it reminded me of the short story "The Cosmic Charge Account" (vt "The Cosmic Expense Account") by C M Kornbluth. It's mental powers in that case - a 'plague zone' where everyone is happy and nice, and everything is falling apart because farmers don't want to hurt the pests eating their crops etc.
(There's a good summary here - http://www.mail-archive.com/mythfolk@yahoogroups.com/msg00531.html )
It would be ironic if the Brotherhood is using psion to control the masses even as they claim that they are the enemy to all." says the Doctor
Um, Prof, are you saying that the Brotherhood proclaims themselves enemies psychics in addition to magic-users? Because that is incorrect.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM
--Being any form of psychic does not count as being a magic user, so that is allowed and most likely won't get you killed. Psy power will also eventually even out with tech and magic levels.
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 06, 2007, 03:01:47 PM
I doubt it, but it might be Gerald... probaly not though... of course I always assume the worse so... Meh, I'll shut up now.
NOTE: No, Ryudo Lee did not PM me or anything, so I honestly do not know...
I am wary of those "complexes" you have that give you magic and psychic abilities. Magic is generated naturally, and has yet to be reproduced through technology. The one that gives you psychic abilities should be more like a psychic amplifier, one that just directs your own latent abilities. And if you're going to be a magic user then you're going to have to explain why the Brotherhood hasn't found you out and dragged you away already.
A few things on Gerald that my friend Rammy pointed out (but didn't "feel" like posting) are that he may be a tad on the over-powered side. First off, the shield generator. You should not be untouchable like that, even if it's only for five minutes. The second thing is Mars. From what you described, and Rammy interpreted, it that he is an uber-1337 fighter once activated. Again, far too powerful, even if only temporarily. And then there is the temporary part itself. It won't do the party any good if Gerald is doing all kinds of mad hax tearing through wave after wave of Brotherhood single handedly, then when the time is up, becoming an utterly worthless and useless burnt-out shell for the rest of the battle. Pointless. The other thing that might be open for exploitation is this; Scenario: we are assaulting a Brotherhood Tower. Gerald keeps Mars in check, holdig Mars off while at the same time performing minor assistance in battle. Then, when we finally get to the "boss battle" (the showdown with the priest of the Tower), Gerald could then just whip out Mars and the shield, and take down said priest alone in about 30-45 seconds, maybe even less than that.
Just a suggestion for tidying this up: Get rid of the shield completely. Downtone Mars' fighting prowess. And in compensation, Mars can be activated near-indefinately. That should be the perfect balance-out.
Of course, it's really all up to Ryudo. And you didn't even hear all this from me. This is more or less what Rammy said when he saw Gerald's bio.
And Azlan, I've got a suggestion for a convincing lie for Morgan. Have Morgan say that he has been chasing down a few smugglers, and they reached this town less than a week ago, maybe even a few days, maybe even yesterday. That way, you could have a reasonable excuse as to why the Brotherhood hasn't found them first.
Though, of course, these people might not be willing to listen to reason, in which case, you should prolly get your butt outta there quick...
Alternatively "We're following up some leads that suggest some drug smugglers are hiding here in between 'runs', or may be looking to expand into this area. We're not expecting to find anything, but we've got to go through the motions to keep the DA back home happy. You know how these things go. Give us a couple of weeks of lurking around up here, and we'll be out of your hair. Most likely we'll spend the time in the nearest bar to the hotel, but we thought we'd be polite and let you know we were on your turf, just in case we need backup."
*shrug* just a thought. Perhaps I've been watching too much Beverley Hills Cop, and have the waffling thing down... ;-]
Hmm. That actually sounds even more convincing than my idea, llearch. Nice work.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 09, 2007, 11:28:33 AM
Just a suggestion for tidying this up: Get rid of the shield completely. Downtone Mars' fighting prowess. And in compensation, Mars can be activated near-indefinately. That should be the perfect balance-out.
Hmm... Ok, that's a good idea, as for the mystic complex, I'll just remove that. There! Everyone should win! :)
Alternately, you could use Mars as a tactical AI, rather than a combat AI. You do the fighting, Mars crunches the data and comes up with optimal solutions as fast as possible. :B Like Omega but more tactically oriented than just a voice in the back of his head that says "You left the bloody oven on again you moron".
Or, even better, Omega is the tactical analyzer, while Mars is still the fighter. Gerald by himself has no fighting ability. Gerald is the character who does all the stuff, except when he gets into a fight. At that point, both Omega and Mars take over and use his body for him. Omega takes over Gerald's mind, while Mars takes over Gerald's body. That would be perfect.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 09, 2007, 11:38:40 AM
Alternatively "We're following up some leads that suggest some drug smugglers are hiding here in between 'runs', or may be looking to expand into this area. We're not expecting to find anything, but we've got to go through the motions to keep the DA back home happy. You know how these things go. Give us a couple of weeks of lurking around up here, and we'll be out of your hair. Most likely we'll spend the time in the nearest bar to the hotel, but we thought we'd be polite and let you know we were on your turf, just in case we need backup."
*shrug* just a thought. Perhaps I've been watching too much Beverley Hills Cop, and have the waffling thing down... ;-]
Same wave I was thinking, 'cept you beat me to it. Thanks for the text, a good portion of it helped format what I was going to say.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 09, 2007, 01:00:12 PM
Or, even better, Omega is the tactical analyzer, while Mars is still the fighter. Gerald by himself has no fighting ability. Gerald is the character who does all the stuff, except when he gets into a fight. At that point, both Omega and Mars take over and use his body for him. Omega takes over Gerald's mind, while Mars takes over Gerald's body. That would be perfect.
That was basicly my original plan, however I thought that might cause problems with equality.
What do you mean by 'equality'?
Well, I thought that he might be a bit overpowered like that, like he was with the sheild generator...
No, only the shield was overpowered. Having Mars be the combat AI able to pick up any weapon and use it above-average well (but not perfect veteran well), as well as being fairly skilled at hand-to-hand, and have Omega as tactical backup, is perfectly fine. If anything, that makes you just powerful enough to be a support fighter in the party. Add in the minor psychic abilities and the one cyber eye (though if Rammy's characer is approved, his eyes will be waaaaaay better) and you have yoursefl a nice, solid character.
Just make sure that the choices made by Mars and Omega aren't necessarily motivated by personal survival.
Just to keep Gerald on his toes.
Also, you can play up Gerald going out of his way to avoid invoking Omega/Mars, because they put him personally in much risk, whereas he himself would much rather go on living, thanks very much...
All sorts of ideas.
Quote from: Azlan on July 09, 2007, 01:11:08 PM
Same wave I was thinking, 'cept you beat me to it. Thanks for the text, a good portion of it helped format what I was going to say.
NP. I waffle with the best of them. :-]
... Now don't crit fail your bluff roll. :-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 09, 2007, 01:44:45 PM
Just make sure that the choices made by Mars and Omega aren't necessarily motivated by personal survival.
Just to keep Gerald on his toes.
Well, they would always make sure
they had a way out (ie. downloading themselfs into a nearby computer), Gerald likes having his AIs like people. That and they also have a personality, Omega is caring and curious, while Mars is sadistic and quick to react.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 09, 2007, 01:44:45 PM
NP. I waffle with the best of them. :-]
... Now don't crit fail your bluff roll. :-]
hahaa... don't jinx it!
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 09, 2007, 01:36:00 PM
Well, I thought that he might be a bit overpowered like that, like he was with the sheild generator...
Keep the psychic abilities minor for now, they will increase in power over time and I'll let you know when that happens. If you're going to come in now, you'll want to come in as an outsider, not a resident of the town.
Hold the phone a sec.
One of the MAJOR rules of roleplaying is that you DO NOT CONTROL ANOTHER PLAYER'S CHARACTER EVER
EDIT: I meant to bring this up sooner but I figured it probably wouldn't get out of hand, but I guess it did. (http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/7524/wearenotamuseddj4.gif)
Also, the two of you should wait longer between posts so other people can respond and make any input. There are multiple players here. :< I mean sure if nobody else has replied for a couple of days go ahead, but don't bounce posts back and forth without anyone else being able to reply.
And here I thought you could... but only if you had cleared your request with the other player first.
That generally means pm'ing the other player, asking politely if you can do (x) with their character, reacting like (y).
Better safe than sorry, etc etc. The one time I've done it, I asked, got confirmation, and checked the responses I wanted to throw in with the char owner, before I made a post.
He... :animesweat sorry...
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 09, 2007, 09:21:23 PM
And here I thought you could... but only if you had cleared your request with the other player first.
Right. Which would be the only exception in this case. If the other person's already given you the okay then it's fine. Whilst I note Kryptic/Baiye did say they'd have limited access, they didn't specifically give the go-ahead for anything. :B
In fact I did bring it up earlier;
Quote from: Arcalane on July 05, 2007, 12:57:43 AM
Tech; I also reccommend that you not play other people's characters, even for minor actions. Whilst some may allow it, others find it extremely rude.
What you
can do is pass them something. What you
can't do is dictate their response. Just as I can pass you a bread roll and you can choose to refuse it or take it, I can't FORCE you to take it. Well, I can try, but that would be irrational since I'm only offering you a bread roll. But you get the idea.
Also, being a forum, we can wait for responses if necessary (though Kryptic isn't due back for a couple of days yet). I also doubt that anything trying to monitor the comms would be so detectable as to be picked up so quickly, even with the Rebellion tech doing it's thing here.
Oh, friggedy. I missed all of this while I was posting in the IC. Ah well, if Kryptic or Azlan ask me, like I said in the IC, I will remove in an instant.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 08, 2007, 10:37:48 PM
It would be ironic if the Brotherhood is using psion to control the masses even as they claim that they are the enemy to all." says the Doctor
Um, Prof, are you saying that the Brotherhood proclaims themselves enemies psychics in addition to magic-users? Because that is incorrect.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM
--Being any form of psychic does not count as being a magic user, so that is allowed and most likely won't get you killed. Psy power will also eventually even out with tech and magic levels.
Sorry, Sally was just making a generalized and is not authority with the Brotherhood policies. If you call her on it she will say she maybe wrong
I agree completely with Arcalane, I do not appreciate "autos" of my characters. I'm fairly capable of posting on my own, though maybe not as often as some. I also am under the opinion that there is maybe one player character capable of being good enough to out hack Morgan and they have not posted recently. Also, the dialog is not very "in-character" for Morgan either.
The post will need to be edited, and I must request some sanctions be put in place to prevent this from occurring again.
Allright. Just tell me what you want edited, and I'll do it.
Though, in my opinion, if it isn't done often, and is very minor, I don't see much problem with a very tiny amount of godmodding. I try my best not to, but sometimes it just can't be helped, if things are happening fast, the right people aren't around, and you just need one line said by another character.
If someone else were to use Jexx like that, and it was only rarely, I personaly wouldn't have cared less.
But that's just me.
My mom always used to tell me that I have no manners. :B
That is no excuse, even if things are happening fast, life prevents others from being glued to the forums. This will not happen again, one player having issues is enough to cause it to stop, but the count is at two and in my books that would earn a warning to be followed with suspension and then an RP ban if the behavior does not correct itself. I am, luckily for you, not in charge of that.
You will need to remove all auto'd actions from Morgan, if this leaves you hanging in an uncomfortable spot... that is too bad. Please see that this does not happen again.
Alright, I'll edit. Though like I said, I don't care if someone else uses Jexx in that minor way. Which is why I only do it when I feel it is neccesary, and minor. Oh well.
Edited. Goddamnit, I had to remove almost the enitre post. Glorious. Couldn't you have just told me what Morgan would have said instead? *sigh* Everyone's a grumpy bear... Oh well.
Quote from: Azlan on July 10, 2007, 12:34:23 AM
...in my books ...
speaking of... could i grab a seat in the next one or something? i dont belive ive had the honor of an azlan rp.
hay paladin alcohol and beer nuts are considered food.
yup yup ;)
Ryudo! What happened with this?
Quote from: Azlan on July 09, 2007, 05:57:33 PM
Morgan almost shivered at the grin and cheery tone, "This must be quite the place to live, everyone seems so happy, good natured and neighborly. What's your secret? Clean living? Good diet? Tai chi?"
"Whatever it is, the rest of the world sure could use it." Morgan lied, but as he did so, he immediately took air samples and examined the area with all spectrum of sensors from ultraviolet, infrared and errant electromagnetic signals or presence, aural signature of the chief. He also scanned all sound ranges, from ultrasound through the highest ranges he could pick up.
The small contingent of nanites on the card proceeded to enter the chief and begin their analysis.
OOC: all the scans are visible through the feed being sent back to base camp. The nanites are fully functional and controlled by my internal processor unit. They will attempt a cellular and chemical analysis.
Important note: My internet access may be limited until Saturday/Sunday because I will be flying out to Connecticut to help setup my company's new branch out there. It will be a gruelling few days. My hotel may or may not have internet access that is easily useable. My laptop is running a Vista Build and I've been having problems between it and my wireless. This will be my first trip with the new laptop.
Got it. Your sensors wouldn't pick up the field, but the nanites are slightly affected by it.
Acting quickly, Morgan had cloned his presence, errected an artificial construct with a limited TTL, and rerouted his hacked datastream through it. He placed this fascade over the local Brotherhood mainframe and cut all authoring traces.
If it is a Brotherhood security analyst, they will be surprised to find they've been hacking their own mainframe. If it is another force not related to the two organizations, then the Brotherhood will be tipped off to them and they will learn not to hack randomly.
Umm, a little late for that, Azlan. Caffinated already got Omega in and out of your system, with the location of our camp and nothing else, before Morgan could do anything.
That's going a bit far right there. I think you and Azlan need to discuss what your systems capabilities are before you go assuming you can crack his without even trying.
Don't look at me, i said it was Caffy! Jeez!
Az and Caffy then.
Still barring the fact that Omega was in and out before Morgan could simply react. Add that to the fact that Omega never went directly into Morgan, Omega piggybacked on Morgan's boadcast for a tiny bit, then bugged off.
Add that to the simple fact that Azlan is just simply too late for this. :B
I think that Morgan's systems are sufficient enough to detect and react against an AI piggybacking on his broadcast. You just don't do something like "I do this, I get this, and get away before anyone can react". That's rather rude and, IMHO, a form of powergaming.
Like I said earlier, I do not accept autos of my character and hacking my signal is considered an auto as far as I'm concerned. If you steal a car and manage to evade discovery, that doesn't mean you now have the right to sell it back to the owner. Caff made no attempt to coordinate with me, and as such I have no obligation to acknowledge it.
The only person who can arbitrarily make such a call is Ryudo and that is it. It will be corrected or my next post will be along the lines of: 'A thought bomb, imbedded in the location data is triggered when he accesses it, wiping out all information and leaving him at square one yet again.'
I will only bend to Ryudo's will in this.
To Ryudo: *sigh* I'm just going to do this;
The man took the clipboard, "Erm, ya, thank you."
<Omega, you ready to hijack the system?> He thought, sitting down.
<Wait, something's broadcasting information out of here.>
<Hm? Where is it coming from?>
<Third door on the right, someone might have discovered us.>
<Don't worry, I have a back-up plan.>
He took a pen out from his cloak and started to fill out the form. Suddenly, he stopped.
<Omega, tap into the outgoing signal, copy everything, I want to know if it's for reinforcements.>
<Got it.> And then a part of him was gone.
Jexx was still monitoring information, and redirecting all pertinant data to Sally, when he started to get some weird readings from Morgan's broadcast. They were very subtle, virtually undetectable to the untrained eye, but Jexx's eye wasn't untrained. After looking at them for a moment, he recognized them.
"SHIT!!!" Jexx swore at the top of his lungs. "Morgan! You're being hacked! Cut off your broadcast NOW!! Baiye, get in here!" He screamed, jumping out of the van at lighning speed, grabbing Baiye, pulled her back into the van, and sat here down in the main command conole chair. "We've got to get this hacker out of Morgan, and that's is your job, not mine. Work your magic." Jexx said, fidgeting nervously and bouncing slightly, seeming like he could barely contain bouncing right out of his skin.
He watched as Baiye began to decode the hacker. Looking at the readings, he commented, "Doesn't look like it's the Brotherhood. If I didn't know better, I would say these readings are coming from an AI."
As Omega floated in cyberspace, she met up with a train of information
<Hmm... let's see... nope, not about reinforcements, test results? Hmm... not Brotherhood, I know that much...> She felt a tingle and turned around, <Hello? Hm, must be an abnormality. Ah! Got the destination!> She felt the tingle again, stronger, <Hmm... someone's trying to access me. Operation: Recon, Abort!>
<Ah, your back! And?>
<Could only get this: It's not for reinforcements, but I have the information's destination IP address.>
<Good job. Can you trace it?>
<Yup. It's on the radar.> she said bringing up the radar. Sure enough, a small green blip pinpointed the location.
"Ugh... my stomach!" The stranger yelled, as he ran out of the office dropped the clipboard with the blank form, and clenched his stomach.
As Jexx, Baiye, and anyone else who heard Jexx a minute ago (which was everyone) were watching Baiye try to get the hacker out, the hacker's signal suddenly went dead. Everyone froze for a moment, then let out a held breath. "He's gone." Jexx said, stating the obvious. "I hope Morgan's all right."
I hope this makes things clear(er).
To Azlan:
And Azlan, basically the only way to change what has already happened without shooting continuity to hell is to
completely remove
eleven entire posts.
And you are completely screwing over the original direction of getting Gerald into the party. He
needs our location, so he can head for it, where Jexx will ambush and cature him alive, and take him to our camp, introductions, explanations, blah blah blah.
And you are trying to sic the Brotherhood on him. How the hell is Gerald supposed to survive that to even
get to our party?
*groan* I wish Caffy and all other relevant people were here, so we can hear what they have to say, because I am trying
soooooo hard not to speak for them, but this is getting increasingly difficult...So far, all I've been doing is stating facts. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep that up...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 10, 2007, 02:47:44 PM
To Azlan:
And Azlan, basically the only way to change what has already happened without shooting continuity to hell is to completely remove eleven entire posts.
And you are completely screwing over the original direction of getting Gerald into the party. He needs our location, so he can head for it, where Jexx will ambush and cature him alive, and take him to our camp, introductions, explanations, blah blah blah.
And you are trying to sic the Brotherhood on him. How the hell is Gerald supposed to survive that to even get to our party?
*groan* I wish Caffy and all other relevant people were here, so we can hear what they have to say, because I am trying soooooo hard not to speak for them, but this is getting increasingly difficult...So far, all I've been doing is stating facts. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep that up...
As I have already basically said, two wrongs do not make a right. Just because the two of you posted stuff, that doesn't make it set in stone.
My argument is this, if you allow this to go, then you set a precedent that this is acceptable and just because a couple of players want to run off and game while everyone else is busy or gone, it is okay for them to post actions for them. You may say minor, but eventually it will become more elaborate. I say that posting for other characters is a no-no, no matter what a few say, because for those that do not allow it will be cut out of an entire scene. If a player must go on hiatus for a short period of time, then I recommend only one person... the GM, Ryudo, should be allowed to make a ruling on what someone does. This is mainly because I do not trust some player's judgement on things, as evidenced by the previous posts here and the conflict that has arisen.
So if that means that 11 posts get tanked... well, that is what the Abandoned Mine is for.
As for Caff's entrance, that should be worked out between Caff and Ryudo... not Caff and Tech, for the last I checked Tech was not in charge here. the appropriate discliplining has not occurred for his actions in the past, and this is the result. As a warning to Ryudo, this will continue to escalate until some sanctions are placed on him.
As for me "sending the brotherhood after Caff", my actions are completely within character. If it was a Brotherhood troubleshooter, then he will be rather sheepish when he hacks his own mainframe, but if it was some independent, then that is bad for business. We have a sensitive operation, and a wildcard introduced into it could jeopardize the whole mission and even the lives of the entire team. The point is that Morgan has no way of knowing that this hack was from someone who would be a friend eventually, that is metagaming.
Three wrongs don't make a right, either.
And yet you have continued to post in the IC thread, even though you are fully aware of our continutiy problem. Talk about hipocrisy. I'm not one fool enough to compound an already existing problem. That's why I haven't posted ever since the 'godmodding' issue, I was waiting for that to blow over and for Kryptic to get back. But I've been holding off now because of this latest development. We aren't talking post editing anymore, we are talking post deletion. Probably of the entire 13th page, when all of this has started. Though scrapping and starting over is really sounding like a good idea, it will give others a chance to properly respond, i.e., Kryptic and Prof.
Keep wanking kid, I'm sure you will be schooled sooner or later.
My posting continues along the line that has no continuity problems, my interaction with the chief and the analysis has little to do with the Gerald/Morgan hacking conspiracy.
Except for simply adding to the number of posts that -might- need to be deleted, especially if it's the entire thirteenth page...
Wrong. The offending posts can be cut out without deleting anything after. Kind of like removing a tumour in someone's upper leg. You don't need to hack their entire leg off to do it - you can just take out the bad bits and leave the rest.
Also, stop arguing both of you, before you get this thing locked for impending drama.
Tech, you are hopelessly outgunned here. You're treading all over the damn rule I explained to you a few posts ago already as well. I'm going to reiterate this in a slightly more obvious manner;
"What you can do is pass them something. What you can't do is dictate their response."
You cannot 'force' Azlan's response here merely because he's not posting fast enough to keep up.
"Also, being a forum, we can wait for responses if necessary. Time is not of the essence and bulletposting back and forth does not set a situation in stone. That might roll in a realtime scenario/RP, but in a forum RP YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR EVERYBODY ELSE.
But last I checked, you can't really re-insert new posts in between old ones...
Well technically you could. I mean you could strip out the bad posts, then remove the good old ones, smooth over the time between the split with normal RP and the replacement of the good old ones, and remerge the threads.
Isn't that over-complicating the solution?
Keep It Simple Stupid!
Well yes, but it could still be done if necessary. :B
Though in that scenario it would probably be better to cut the entire thing off and rewrite because things rarely ever run in the same order as normal when replayed. :U
Quote from: Arcalane on July 10, 2007, 03:56:00 PM
Though in that scenario it would probably be better to cut the entire thing off and rewrite because things rarely ever run in the same order as normal when replayed. :U
exactly what I was suggesting. :<
But anyway, rolling back over the previous posts to where you handily and quickly identified the source of the intrusion, as well as turned the van into a comm post and all that jazz.
Tell me, just how much experience does Jexx have with computer systems? I figure he's not your Average Joe, but not exactly the most tech-savvy of the group either. I also figure only Baiye would be able to recognise the 'patterns' left by an AI out of all of the group - if AI even left distinctive 'patterns' (I expect they would, different methods of going about things than meatbag hackers) - Exo thinks fast but knows little and hasn't got any comparable data to match it up with, only having been 'alive' a year or two compared to Baiye who owns and maintains her very own AI (Gidget in this case) so Exo wouldn't be able to recognise it. :B
Top that off with amnesia Jexx would have from his little operation (and thus no memory from his former life) and I'm seriously doubting he's had the time to study and compare meatbag hackers v wirehead hackers whilst hunting the Brotherhood.
First off, Jexx is extreamly adaptable, and a very fast learner as I've said. You can't survive fighting the Brotherhood on you own for two years if you're not. He is able to moderatly falimiarize himself with a lot of things by just checking them over. But he can't instantly make himself a pro with everything, or learn the finer aspects to something.
Second, I've never stated all of the diferent things Jexx has been doing to try to get the information he wants out of the Botherhood. He has tried his hand at hacking before, (unsuccessfully), but has been able to learn and memorize all kinds of different things, and tell the difference between them. But that's why he got Baiye into the command console to try to fight off Omega's hack (even though all that now seems moot), becuase, while he can just familiarize himself with something enough to use it, he can't really modify it, or go into programming mode. that's why he's failed at hacking before. He also can't just take something apart to see how it works, and the put it back together. If he were to try that, he'd end up frustrated with a smoking pile of scrap.
As for how he is able to memorize things, he has an almost completely empty head, with an adult's phsyche. He doesn't have 21 years worth of childhood memories to cluter up his mind, greatly increasing his ability to retain information.
I'm going to side with Azlan on this. Catf needs to change his posts and find some other way into the party.
In the future, if you are going to get information discreetly from another character you need to coordinate with that player. Doing otherwise is considered powergaming. End of story.
Also, Azlan, are you cutting off the signal as it comes into the chip?
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 10, 2007, 04:41:13 PM
Also, Azlan, are you cutting off the signal as it comes into the chip?
Not right now, I do not know what affect that might have without accessing the actual program and IC implant. It could fry his brain if disconnected from the signal or many other issues. It could tip off the Brotherhood and spell trouble for the poor innocent police chief (he may not be, but I have to err on this side until I know better). For as long as the nanites remain, I will reserve that option once we know more though.
K, I'm back and read what you all had to type... I appologize for any godmodding or powergaming I might have done, It's just that I thought that, since an AI can get the upper hand of a living creature in computers near any day (in my oppinion), I thought it would be immenent. O well.
Is it ok if I have Gerald get the wrong IP address instead?
But then how are we gonna get you into the party? You need to work this out before making a post, yet. The entire thirteenth page looks like it's gonna get deleted anyway. (Or at least, that's what Arcalane and I have said is probably going to happen. It's really up to Ryudo.)
Easy, the "by chance" method.
When he reaches the area Morgan changed the IP adress to, he'll see Botherhood guards, panic, and later on, pick up an EMF signal (the van).
Though, like I said, it is very likely the entire thirteenth page will get scrapped so we can start over again. Ryudo is really the only one who can figure all this out, and, unfortunately, he's only online in between 6:00 AM and 2:00 PM (forum time) so all this is probably going to have to be put on hold until tomorrow. Hopefully you can be on as the same time as Ryudo, and figure something out.
Also, if Gerald is able to pick up the van, then so would the Brotherhood, and we would be screwed. That's out.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 10, 2007, 05:55:26 PM
Also, if Gerald is able to pick up the van, then so would the Brotherhood, and we would be screwed. That's out.
Well, I doubt they would be actively scanning for Electromagnetic Fields...
Meh, nonetheless... I'll find a way :3
Exo, on the other hand, can probably pick up the van. Literally.
Go go gadget hydraulically-assisted myomer muscle structure! :U
The idea of you getting our signal and our location, though, does sound pretty good. The only problem is you didn't make sure with Azlan that Omega really is better than Morgan at cyberspace (I hold out for Omega, mainly because, as I understand, morgan's just supposed to be a genetically-enhanced cyber-grafted super-soldier, not a hacker/anti-hacker. That's Baiyes job)
Maybe, instead of hacking Morgan, you can just try to intercept the signal. No powerplaying, no godmodding. Just as long as you clear it with the other players out of character, first.
Quote<...tap into the outgoing signal, copy everything, I want to know if it's for reinforcements.>
That's basicly what I ment here... kind of like a phone tap, that and to have her come back if the key word "reinforcements" was in the signal.
As for non-tech methods, may I remind ya'll that you're cooking up a stew, and whilst the townies might not notice the smell, I'm sure a lone wanderer passing through the forest wouldn't be able to resist going to see what the smell was. ;)
In that case, Caffinated, did you ever get those messages I sent you, right before/after you introduced your character?
Yah, I did, but did you save a copy? I was an idiot and deleted them... :[
Yes! I do! I've still got the copy in my outbox. I'll re-send it to you, you forward it to Ryudo, see what he thinks, and then all we have to do is delete all post back to where you first started, then re-start from there. No problem.
Attempting to re-send now...
EDIT: Message sent.
EDIT EDIT: A new introduction for Gerald has been drafted. If Ryudo is ok with it, then most, but not all, posts starting from Gerald's original intro will need to be deleted by a mod/admin. So, if any mod/admin is reading this, in an attempt to be helpful and make things easier, I have a list of all the posts.
The ones with a == next to them need to be deleted.
The ones with nothing next to them are fine.
I will list posts by poster name, starting from Caff's first post.
==Ryudo Lee
==Ryudo Lee
==Ryudo Lee
lucas marcone
==Ryudo Lee
Paladin Sheppard
Ryudo Lee
Paladin Sheppard
Ryudo Lee
There. I try to be helpful, and I thought a list might help a mod to go through the posts quicker, rather than the mod reading the posts themselves. I do hope this helps/makes it slightly easier.
But this only happens if Ryudo says so, of course.
Gerald's inventory:
Items on-hand: "Chameleon" Ion Pistol, and laptop
"Chameleon" Ion Pistol: This is an ordinary Ion pistol equipped with photon manipulators which allow it to appear as any weapon Gerald sees fit. (Normally disguised as either a hunting knife or an archaic Colt revolver.)
Faux ID: A well-made fake ID, states Renald Gin
Laptop: A beat-up, wi-fi enabled computer with mix-and-match Brotherhood parts. Specially made for hacking and programming.
...And now you're back to powerplaying, Caff. Seriously, Gerald/Omega/Mars were just fine the way they were. I would be shocked if Ryudo approves this.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 10, 2007, 09:12:21 PM
...And now you're back to powerplaying, Caff. Seriously, Gerald/Omega/Mars were just fine the way they were. I would be shocked if Ryudo approves this.
Yah... your right... I'll take out most of it then.
EDIT: done :)
Okay, what I'm gonna do is to request that Catf's posts and our replies to them removed (to the mine with ye!), and then Catf can PM his newest draft of his character to me, and then he can come in some other way. As was said before, he can detect the signals from the van, or be wandering through the forest and smell the food being cooked, or heck even run into Victor in town. If this is okay, let me know so I can start building a proper list of what needs removing.
Works for me. :-]
Sing out when you want me to start deleting.
But I already put together a list of posts that need deleting for you guys, six posts ago. :<
And caff's character isn't what has been revised, only his introduction. He should have already sent it to you, Ryudo, but
or be wandering through the forest
if that works, he probably doesn't need to.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 11, 2007, 10:40:41 AM
But I already put together a list of posts that need deleting for you guys, six posts ago. :<
I know you did, but I'm going to double check it. Wouldn't want anyone's post getting accidentally deleted.
... and when he's done, I'll double-check it before deleting anything.
But that's just because I'm an over-achiever. :-]
And that is a good thing to be. No, no, seriously. It's what I would do; double check everything.
Quote from: Arcalane on July 11, 2007, 10:50:04 AM
"Summary: Morgan is likely not in direct danger yet. However the Chief may yet report him to the Brotherhood anyway. If everyone in the town is as cheerful as they seem, on the other manipulator, then the Chief may ironically ask for Brotherhood investigators to assist in Morgan's search for the smugglers."
Hehehe thank you.
For giving you an idea, or what?
*adjusts halo*
Btw, sent PM to llearch.
And acted upon.
Sorry for the delay, I've been dragged about a bit in the last few hours. :-/
Um, Caff, I think you can post that new intro for Gerald now. The one where he's lost in the forest? Ryudo's already pretty much said it's ok.
... As was said before, he can detect the signals from the van, or be wandering through the forest and smell the food being cooked, or heck even run into Victor in town. ...
Hope your not mad Ryudo...
I'm going to hoe I have internet I can utilize at the hotel... I regulate my character to the control of Ryudo if I am unable to respond in a reasonable amount of time.
This will give everyone else a chance to properly be introduced to Gerald.
Quote <Unknown Energy weapon>
<Leathality: Unknown>
<Ammo: Unknown>
<Integrity: Unknown>
<Advised action: Negotiate>
This is Mars advising Gerald here, and yes, the signal can be detected and read, however, only within five feet.
I dunno about you, but personally I'd freeze, rather than pulling my weapon out - even to throw it away...
That's just me, though. ;-]
Oh, and don't start bouncing posts back and forth again, you two. Let other people get a chance to respond too. Exo won't be because he's too busy fiddling around with the equipment inside the van.
NB; Lethality not Leathality
Is Bill/Griffy still in this?
I assume so, give him some response time unless he wandered off. He was last seen on Page 8, getting into one of the vans.
Someone give 'im a prod.
Unfortunately, too late for that. The naive little doctor has gone to give him a damn check-up, without even letting him get searched to just make sure that he didn't have any concealed weapons. Then, as per what Jexx would consider the proper procedure, restraints, (in other words, tie him to a chair. Securely) in case this guy has some of martial arts skill. Then the check-ups and the talking can start.
*sigh* not anymore...
:rolleyes Yah, that's a good way to make new allies... besides, if Bill hasn't posted since the sixth page, I'd say he's out...
Jexx would let you go as soon as we found out you were trustworthy! :<
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 12, 2007, 09:40:33 AM
:rolleyes Yah, that's a good way to make new allies... besides, if Bill hasn't posted since the sixth page, I'd say he's out...
Sent a PM to Bill about this.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 12, 2007, 09:42:29 AM
Jexx would let you go as soon as we found out you were trustworthy! :<
At the rate it's going, it would take
days... or weeks... ... or months... ... ... or years... ... ... ... I like pie...
I figured that once we had you properly restrained, I don't know, maybe the Doctor could have tried some of her empathy, maybe Jexx could have 'found' an advanced lie detector in one of the vans...
How does your char know about the doctor's empathy, tech?
He doesn't. I'm talking out-of-character right now. Duh!
Jexx was probably going to say something like, "Is there any way we can be absolutely sure he's telling the truth?"
QuoteJexx quickly circled around to where said gun was, morphed one handcannon to a hand, then, while still perfectly focused on the feline, reached down and grabbed it, before placing it in a pocket of his shorts
BTW: The gun's weight distribution is off, it seems as if most of the weight is at it's barrel, yet it's perfectly balanced.
Heh, Jexx can't notice that. He's to focused on Gerald, remember? In fact, he was pretty much reaching down blindly to get the gun because Jexx never took his eyes of gerald in even the slightest.
Looks like it's actually an energy weapon. Dorcan won't know that, but the same applies - it's going to be a matter of removing the powerpack.
Missed the chameleon ability. Fixed now.
Whoops. I said 'on purpose', instead of 'by accident'. Fixed
I thought Jexx had already let slip the hand-morphing thing. I can work around it if need be, though.
Heh? The hand-morphing? That's no secret. I was taking about, if Jexx were to frisk Gerald he'd probably bash him upside the head with a handcannon. And Jexx wouldn't be sure it was an accident... I accidentally said on purpose.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 12, 2007, 11:15:17 AM
Heh? The hand-morphing? That's no secret. I was taking about, if Jexx were to frisk Gerald he'd probably bash him upside the head with a handcannon. And Jexx wouldn't be sure it was an accident... I accidentally said on purpose.
So the problem is one of hate rather than him pretending that he only has guns instead of hands?
:confused ... O well
Background! Yay!
So the problem is one of hate rather than him pretending that he only has guns instead of hands?
Nope, just Jexx's own little way of making sure he ain't a threat...you can't threaten someone if you're unconscious...
Cat, it's probably your call to say what Dorcan finds about your person.
QuoteI'd say just about fifth Kyū
A is the offical method of martial arts ranking. Example:
Style A
Kyu 12 - White Belt
Kyu 9 - Yellow Belt
Kyu 6 - Orange Belt
Kyu 3 - Brown Belt
Kyu 1 - Black Belt
Style B
Kyu 12 - Silver Belt
Kyu 9 - Red Belt
Kyu 6 - Green Belt
Kyu 3 - Blue Belt
Kyu 1 - White Belt
... I don't know why people can't agree on a belt order... they just don't... :rolleyes
Quotehe likes... more intresting things, for lack of a better term...
This meaning exotic weaponry (Rocket Launchers, Chain Guns, Anti-Material, grenade launchers, etc.). To quote one of my heros: "Jamie want big boom." >:3
"I kinda like it in here, it's private."
"Am I missing...an eyebrow?" *he is*
"Quack, damn you!"
"Whoa, that one definately bounced off...anyone see where that last penny went?" *turns around, said penny is embedded in his forhead. No,no, seriously*
And the classic...
"I reject your reality and substitue my own!"
:lol I spent an entire night reading Mythbusters quotes from wikiquote... SO FUNNY!!
Umm, caff. Is Gerald/Omega trying to intercept the analysis data being sent to Sally's comuter? *sigh* That's not a good idea... maybe, in a bit of of time, gerald can ask for info, instead of taking it and giving Jexx, or any other member of the party for that matter, a reason to personally send his backside to the netherworlds. Exo is still in the van, monitoring our comms, particularly the data being sent to Sally's comp. He might be liable to notice the interception from there.
As I see it, he's just looking at the screen, not intercepting a signal.
Oh. Disregard pervious post, then. ;)
That and Gerald has no control over his cybernetic eye, Omega does. Whenever there's anything intresting, she shows him asap.
Oi, you two, slow down! Let other people get a chance respond that's greater than half an hour/an hour. :P
Hate to rain on your parade, but with Azlan MIA, time is not an issue here. We don't need to breeze through introducing the fresh meat. :B
And yes, Exo is still inside the van fiddling with phase frame manifolds and other technobabble, so it's barely aware of what's going outside. Suffice to say when it starts fiddling with something it keeps fiddling until it gets the result it wants.
And believe you me, 'bots are very persistant. :U
Jexx has finally stood down, that's prolly going to be my last post for awhile, for the very reason of giving other people a chance to respond.
Mister wasn't so pleased at being so readily recognized as being magical. So much for disguising myself as a custom machine of this age.
Yeah, I actually don't think that is correct. Caff, would you mind telling us
how Gerald was able to recognize Mister as a golem? People of this age, even knowlegable ones, shouldn't have that kind of knowledge. Only people with experience in magic would even remotely be able to recognize Mister. You may need to do a minor edit if you can't come up with a really good explanation (which i doubt you can).
See your point... Edited! :mowhappy
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 11, 2007, 07:14:22 PM
Why whould the brotherhood have a Steam... thing... wazamawhozit? Gerald thought truly confused...
<Good point...>
There. Now Boogy can edit his post so Mister doesn't have a fear of going into town for being regognized as magical, instead of pretending to be a 'custom job'. Which was actually a suggestion that Jexx made before (three times in fact) but I never thought Boogy got it. :B
I didn't mind Mister being recognized, figured it would make for some interesting disguises and sneaking about, but okay.
Alright - I'm not officially "back" yet... I'll really be home tomorrow late. (Should the wildfires be kind. I don't want my way home being cut off. :< ) I'm currently sharing an air card off the sprint cell towers up here, with 20 internet-regressed people. My connection's still patchy.
Anyhow - I haven't yet looked at the IC thread yet - I was just checking while no one was off, and so I'm rather... not amused. I don't like powerplaying or godmoding. Not at all. The only person besides me that can say what my character actually does is the GM - Ryudo, in this case.
I've been roleplaying for at least 5 years, and so that kind of breach of RP ettiqute is really sort of irritating for me. Really. Especially Baiye - Gid you can mess around with a little bit, being a "sidekick" character as he is, but Baiye's not yours to control, be you just pulling her into a van, writing dialogue, or even just saying she got hit by bird poop. That's my and Ryudo's call.
I don't know what happened, and I don't really want to know. I just don't want it to happen again. I expect Baiye to remain relatively "dormant" when I'm away - assume that she just follows the main plan or whatnot - I don't care. I'll get her up to speed when I get back. But powerplay is about the biggest no-no I can think of.
But I'd like to put it behind us all... Never speak of it again... and just make sure it doesn't happen again. M'kay? :)
You better be counting your lucky stars that I'm as easygoing as I am. :3
By my reckoning - Baiye fell asleep soon after watching the transmission. She maintains "geek" hours - late nights without sleep, so she tends to nap during the day. She's been asleep. Gid has not, and has just been watching the conversation and stuff, seemingly the unassuming canine to Gerald. Make sense?
Have a nice day. :3
"Ah I may not be military minded, but Uploading an combat AI into an armed robotic dog, may not be a "good" idea. Especially an AI who may want to kill his creator."
Gid is
not armed, that's the point.
could you put your AI into Gidget, perhaps? For all purposes he's stripped of weaponry - worst he could do was bite somebody
"Woah, hey! I am NOT queer thank you very much!
Heh, I didn't mean 'queer' as in 'gay' if that's what you were thinking ;) I meant 'queer' in the older, more politically correct sense of the word, as in 'strange' :)
"And as for the 'killing me' bit, he knows his algoritums lead to self-termenation if he does not follow the Laws of the Machine.
What the heck are you rambling about there? What are you refering to? Jexx's comments about fireworks and barbacue?
EDIT: thank you Lucas, you understood!...You know what, this works just fine. Disregard all this:
"Woah, hey! I am NOT queer thank you very much!
Heh, I didn't mean 'queer' as in 'gay' if that's what you were thinking ;) I meant 'queer' in the older, more politically correct sense of the word, as in 'strange' :)
Acctualy, Responding to the good doctor. And here's what I mean by the Laws of the Machine:
[quote source="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Laws_of_Robotics"] In science fiction, the Three Laws of Robotics are a set of three rules written by Isaac Asimov, which almost all positronic robots appearing in his fiction must obey. Introduced in his 1942 short story "Runaround", although foreshadowed in a few earlier stories, the Laws state the following:
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Later, Asimov added the Zeroth Law: "A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm"; the rest of the laws are modified sequentially to acknowledge this.
Did you honestly think a guy with the username TechMaster-Glitch would not know the classic three laws of Robotics? You insult me! :cry
I was refering mainly to your 'killing me' line, and everything surrounding it. It didn't make much consistant sense.
It should be fairly obvious that Exo wasn't programmed with these laws in the first place.
In fact, any combat AI should not be programmed with such laws, because they would prevent it from carrying out it's prime function. You would have to retool the laws to suit the chassis and the opponent.
Rule 1 denies all offensive capability.
Rule 2 is fine in this case, except for the latter half.
Rule 3 is also somewhat-usable, but the latter part is again an impediment.
Finally, Rule 0 is just going to drive every sane AI in the universe into utter insanity, because I expect most of them are going to calculate that the best way to protect humanity from coming to harm will be to utterly eliminate it, so it can't harm itself.
Also take in mind this is not the same universe or system as what we might call the "Primary" (a term used to refer to Earth in another community I'm in) so a lot of the things there do not apply here - or have never happened here. Thomas Edison might have invented the lightbulb here in the Primary, but here in our little universe, it might have been invented by a small Irish fellow called Patrick, or something. :B
Yeah, I don't even think the Three Laws exist in Ryudo's world.
Quote from: Arcalane on July 12, 2007, 11:18:01 PM
Finally, Rule 0 is just going to drive every sane AI in the universe into utter insanity, because I expect most of them are going to calculate that the best way to protect humanity from coming to harm will be to utterly eliminate it, so it can't harm itself.
Yah, to me, "Law 0" is basicly like a virus or corruption, than an actual law. The AI overthinks the situation, and thusly: :headdesk and then: :redrum
Quote from: Arcalane on July 12, 2007, 11:18:01 PM
Also take in mind this is not the same universe or system as what we might call the "Primary" (a term used to refer to Earth in another community I'm in) so a lot of the things there do not apply here - or have never happened here. Thomas Edison might have invented the lightbulb here in the Primary, but here in our little universe, it might have been invented by a small Irish fellow called Patrick, or something. :B
Who says Gelerald's not the creator of the Laws >:]
Quote from: Arcalane on July 12, 2007, 11:18:01 PM
Rule 1 denies all offensive capability.
The law would only work upon any allies of it's creator... Thus, he would lead a peaceful existance... untill enemies of his creator (or enemies of the allies of the robot) came in...
The law would only work upon any allies of it's creator... Thus, he would lead a peaceful existance... untill enemies of his creator (or enemies of the allies of the robot) came in...
So the robot with the laws in question would have to pretend that the enemies of the creator aren't even humans?
:giggle Ya know, I just noticed how I phrased that:
Quoteenemies of the allies of the robot
Law 0 is just impending mental block (or logic block, whichever), really. Either way, they go utterly insane and start wiping out humanity, or fall to the ground in a heap.
One of the two.
Kind of like this (http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff1400/fc01388.htm), but somewhat more dangerous.
Strict interpretation of the classic set of Rules denies all offensive capability against any person no matter who they are, what their alliegance is, and so on. Obviously if one tweaks these rules to include a friend-or-foe identification/classification system and so on and so forth, then it's feasible that they would follow a similar set of laws, but those tweaked only to apply to friendlies.
My enemy's enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.
Quote from: Arcalane on July 12, 2007, 11:43:30 PM
My enemy's enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.
:meh True, but, if attacked, the bot will defend itself, and by now, I doubt many soldiers fall due to frendly fire...
Friendly Fire Isn't.
It's perfectly allowed to defend itself. It just can't harm another human whilst doing so. It can perfectly well incapacitate them through nonlethal means (vulcan nerve pinch esque techniques) it just can't actually hurt them.
Most advanced bots, I expect, would be fully capable of this, given greater-than-human reponse times, and could easily fend off melee attacks, blocking and parrying without causing harm to their opponent.
The Three Laws, where extended to four, are interpreted through the eyes of a robot that's been around for umpteen thousand years - 50,000, I think, give or take a bit. So he's taking them all with a grain of salt.
However, he's figured that Humanity comes before Humans, hence his re-writing his -own- rules to include rule 0. Which, as I recall, had a qualifier there. "insofar as possible"
That qualifier allows a -lot- of leeway. And I think that that's been stretched to cover the others as well, which means the robot will do all in it's power to limit the damage - but will still allow damage to occur.
As Arc says, however, combat robots have a different set of imperatives.
arc i don't mean to sound undermineing but bullet posting for a conversation that actually had a point would be ok. at least to me. when they start wandering off however....
arc i don't mean to sound undermineing but bullet posting for a conversation that actually had a point would be ok. at least to me. when they start wandering off however....
Thank you, Lucas.
Instead of relying on the classic three laws of robotics, let's just assume that robots have an advanced "consciousness" kind of thing, with a conscience, "friend or foe", and "fight or flight" operators. This way we don't have too many conflicts of laws, but rather more open conflicts of morality, which are far more intersting IMHO.
Some of Asimov's later stories involved things like:
- decisions were made to make robots in such a way as to remove the need for the three laws - eg, if the robot never saw a human, it wouldn't need to protect them. If it was cheap, it wouldn't need to protect itself. If it self-repaired, same thing. If it never got given orders, why would it need to obey them? And on and on...
- fiddling with some of the rules to see how far they could be bent
- messing with others to see what happened if they got taken to their logical conclusion (eg, "Runaround" (IIRC), which involves an extremely expensive robot (thereby leaning on #3) and an off-hand order (thereby slacking off on #2) to the point of confusion...)
Removing the 3 Laws, and working on other patterns entirely - eg, persuading the robot to believe in ethical treatment, for example, by treating it politely, in the same way that you'd (optimally) treat a human child - bears some interesting thoughts all of it's own.
But don't let me tell you what to do - I'm merely providing some data, in the hopes that it will trigger some neat ideas for someone. :-] And yes, morality plays are often more interesting...
"Thank you, Omega. Try to find a wireless link here, do an anonymous hacking session."
what are you trying to do this time, Caff? :rolleyes
When Gerald gets bored or stressed, he either starts coding a new AI, or hacks random computer systems (just for the challenge mind you)...
In this case, who's random computer system?
Hmm... usualy the goverment... Large industries. He uses a program to randomize the destination IP address (Yes, there IS a program to do that), so it could just be someone's personal router... but all the fun stuff would require some insight from Ryudo, so I'll leave it up to him.
The closest thing in range of you right now is all this rebellion equipment, and in town, the Brotherhood tower. Of course, if you try and hack the Brotherhood tower... well, you know what? Go ahead. Try and hack the brotherhood tower. >:3
Oh, this is going to be interesting. >:3 >:3 >:3 Seriously, caff, do it! No,no, seriously! It's not like Ryudo is going to kill off the party from this.
Oh, also, Gerald's computer IP address is scrambled, so it is hard for people to get it.
Ummm... ok, guys... I think I just spelled our doom here... if Ryudo's thinking what I think he's thinking...
And this, kids, is why you do not do stupid shit when you are bored. :rolleyes
Oh, and as if it needed stating again, Exo can't be hacked. Unless you plugged it into the laptop or something. :B
There's time to undo this, assuming you can complete an edit before someone else posts.
*adjusts halo*
1. I know...
2. No! I agree with Tech, this is gonna get intresting :eager
Tape, the hack on the Brotherhood hasn't actually begun yet. It will start when either Ryudo or Caff actually says that Omega has found herself in the Tower. Right now Omega's just floating around, looking for something to hack. And aside form the ones who have her creator 'captive', the only ones to hack that she will find will be the Brotherhood. That's hasn't happened yet.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 13, 2007, 04:21:21 PM
Tape, the hack on the Brotherhood hasn't actually begun yet. It will start when either Ryudo or Caff actually says that Omega has found herself in the Tower. Right now Omega's just floating around, looking for something to hack. And aside form the ones who have her creator 'captive', the only ones to hack that she will find will be the Brotherhood. That's hasn't happened yet.
Look at it from Dorcan's point of view. He's just heard Gerald instructing his laptop to hack the first thing it finds, which, if it's a typical wireless link is going to be Rebellion equipment - the Brotherhood stuff being far out of range.
However, the Brotherhood may or may not have the capability to detect the transmitter inside the laptop and home in on it. Don't forget, Dorcan's only just got over the idea that this guy has a tracer, and now he's doing something which looks distinctly iffy so Dorcan has naturally assumed he's a traitor.
Oh, ok.
Oh and BTW,
...on the other, Jexx' idea of stopping him would probably involve making a large hole through his head...
:lol :lol :lol Thanks for that. It made my day.
Although I imagine there would be much less than a headless body left after Jexx gets through with him...
Omega could find the various wireless systems in the vans.
*Hint hint*Don'thacktheBrotherhoodbadideabadidea*Hint hint*
But the moment Jexx realized their new 'captive' is trying to hack them, Jexx'll probably perform an execution right then and there. :B
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 13, 2007, 04:27:36 PM
if it's a typical wireless link is going to be Rebellion equipment - the Brotherhood stuff being far out of range.
The laptop Gerald uses can bounce the signal, using the vans to increase its range.
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 13, 2007, 04:40:01 PM
The laptop Gerald uses can bounce the signal, using the vans to increase its range.
And most likely making them a lot easier for the Brotherhood to detect.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 13, 2007, 04:34:19 PM
But the moment Jexx realized their new 'captive' is trying to hack them, Jexx'll probably perform an execution right then and there. :B
Quite. Dorcan actually killed the mayor by crushing his skull, and is not eager to see that sort of mess again in a hurry.
Now, Cat, you've touched quite an interesting point there. Dorcan's skin and fur is mostly polymer so he's not actually going to
know that he's been zapped.
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 13, 2007, 04:45:05 PM
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 13, 2007, 04:40:01 PM
The laptop Gerald uses can bounce the signal, using the vans to increase its range.
And most likely making them a lot easier for the Brotherhood to detect.
No actualy, they have them in real life, it makes the 'trail' the signal takes much longer, extending the amount of time it takes to trace.
Except then, you numpty, the Brotherhood can track back and find the damn vans.
Quote from: Arcalane on July 13, 2007, 05:06:44 PM
Except then, you numpty, the Brotherhood can track back and find the damn vans.
Indeed. Bear in mind the distance. A standard WiFi link has a range in metres, and it's liable to be the same in this place too, since you don't need anything more than that in a simple laptop.
Since the Brotherhood tower is presumably
kilometres away, the only way he's going to be able to piggyback the vans to reach it is by using them as a signal amplifier. And since it is by its very nature a two-way link, the Brotherhood will be able to detect it and quite possibly its location as well.
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 13, 2007, 04:58:07 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 13, 2007, 04:45:05 PM
And most likely making them a lot easier for the Brotherhood to detect.
No actualy, they have them in real life, it makes the 'trail' the signal takes much longer, extending the amount of time it takes to trace.
Actually, they don't.
What they have in "real life" is a series of hacks. You're not using equipment to increase the signal, you're hacking into someone else's kit to use it to hack into a third party, and then into a fourth party, and so on. The idea being, if you get traced from your final destination, they're going to find the middleman. Unless they break into each link on the way, you're protected - assuming you notice them noticing you, and counter-hacking you.
In this case, you're looking to use your friends to go beat up on the cops, effectively. Not smart.
Said friends are being downright -understanding- in not shutting down your link immediately, the hard way.
Particularly Jexx. He's been nice enough to not reduce Gerald to a pile of burning goo. Enough hits from his cannons will to that to organic material.
And before this started Jexx was just barely, in the near future, willing to try to accept Gerald if he really would help them, and was on their side. Now he's had his slightly paranoid/mildly phsychotic personality reinforced. By quite a bit. He's not going to be getting of of Gerald's back anytime soon now...
I've said it before (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php?topic=2918.msg127264#msg127264) and I'll say it again, this time more directed at Catf. You need to work WITH the party, not against it. I will not hesitate to get your character killed if you continue to do stuff counteractive to what the rest of the party is doing. They obviously have a base of operations set up and do not want their presence known by the Brotherhood. You do not want to start a hacking attempt that could possibly (and probably would) broadcast to the Brotherhood tower "HAY GUYS LOOK OVER HERE I'M DOIN SOMETHING CRAAAAAZY! KTHXBYE!!!!!111Shift+1" and then bring down hell upon you. Remember that you are the stranger here, and since you've got a bunch of armed people standing around you and telling you to shut off the damned laptop. Anyone with a lick of common sense would DO WHAT THEY SAY. Get the hint?
Yeah. Refusal to shutdown the laptop would have resulted in impromptu clay pigeon shooting, where the clay pigeons are replaced with the laptop, and the shooter is Exo and his rocket-propelled explosive-round handgun.
So yeah. Listen to the nice warbot with the big gun. And don't make him have to use that sword. :B
:boggle ok...ok... sheesh, I didn't see it as counteractive, but still, sorry....
Also, When did Gerald do this?
Quoteyou then broke into our equipment
I don't know what Dorcan's standing in the group is, nor does he. Nonetheless, someone needed to give Gerald some 'friendly advice'. The others can interpret this as Dorcan pleading for them not to kill Gerald this time.
Dorcan has just explained it, very plainly, to Gerald, caff. That should make things very clear for your position.
Oh, and Tape
Now I know how Johan Cross felt.
I must say, masterful touch there. For some reason, it's the little things like that in literature that I love.
Also, When did Gerald do this?
you then broke into our equipment
When yo used
our vans to bounce your signal.
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 13, 2007, 05:39:48 PM
Also, When did Gerald do this?
Quoteyou then broke into our equipment
The van isn't going to be an open relay, unless this world has a sort of 1990 level of information security. The only way he's going to be able to use the van's transmitter without Rebellion equipment is by hacking his way through the security, i.e. breaking into it.
Don't take Dorcan's speech as a personal insult by the way - it's just me adapting to the situation. While Ryudo does seems to be a bit narked, IMHO the situation adds a touch of drama. You might want to think things through a bit more in future, though :B
Gerald and Jexx are going to be taking a loooong walk together... :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha
Hey, I have first dibs on making him into chunky kibble, ala Deus Ex. :B
Not if you're not around to do it! :P
And you can't come with us, cuz Exo has more important things to do, like, say, coordinating the evacuation if the Brotherhood comes a-calling, since Exo seems to be the 'unnoficcial' leader of our operation, as no one has actuallty steped up, or been elected to, that post officially.
I'll blow you to kibble too if I have to. >:3
(I could probably nail you both with one well-placed shot, but it'd have to be a good one...)
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 13, 2007, 06:00:33 PM
Gerald and Jexx are going to be taking a loooong walk together... :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha
Just as long as they both come back... :erk
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 13, 2007, 05:47:45 PM
Oh, and Tape
Now I know how Johan Cross felt.
I must say, masterful touch there. For some reason, it's the little things like that in literature that I love.
Thanks. It was difficult to write that speech, very depressing.
For those who are wondering who Johan Cross is, he was a criminal mastermind in my DMFA fanfic, 'Chronicles of Jakob Pettersohn'. In a nutshell he ruled by fear (his primary emotion) and had a reputation for mass soul-stealing and murdering tens of thousands, neither of which were actually true but he loved to maintain this image to keep the population under control.
Probably the best summary you are likely to find is chapter 12, especially the ending, which I was specifically thinking of while writing the Dorcan lines.
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 13, 2007, 06:17:34 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 13, 2007, 06:00:33 PM
Gerald and Jexx are going to be taking a loooong walk together... :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha
Just as long as they both come back... :erk
Oh, we both will be coming back...not sure what kind of mental or physical state Gerald will be in when he gets back, but Jexx will bring him back... :bat
Ok, seriously. Gerald will be back fine unless he makes 'strike three'...in which case he won't be coming back at all. I interpret permission to do that from Ryudo...but if I'm mistaken,
please correct me.
(Strike one, the shapeshifting gun. Strike two, this whole hacking business, which should probably count as five in comparison...Strike three...waiting for that one...)
EDIT: So that I'm not accused of bullet-posting again, I'll say it here,
Both of them, Caffy. Get
both of them in the laptop. Don't make this any longer and more bullet-posty than it needs to be.
... They are... they upload at the same time...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 13, 2007, 06:36:28 PM
(Strike one, the shapeshifting gun. Strike two, this whole hacking business, which should probably count as five in comparison...Strike three...waiting for that one...)
I don't care about the gun. In my book, strike 1 is him possibly leading the Brotherhood to the base. That alone jeopardises 'our' position because although he lost them, they must have some idea which direction he was heading and if he was important enough they might sweep the forest and uncover the base in the process.
Strike 2 is the hacking thing, and hopefully there won't be a strike three :<
I don't hope for a strike three either, but to be honest, Jexx does.
Oh, and BTW Ryudo, did you ever get any response back from Bill? Or is he out?
...Gidget smirked and cast a glance to Jexx - his eyes a bit on the sinister side. Still with that evil smile...
Jexx only got that evil smile when he decided to accompany Gerald into the woods to look for a new campsite, should the need for one arise. :P
Also, which laptop does she want to work on, and why?
Kryptic and Baiye (and Gidget... but who really cares?) are BACK.
Yesh. Very back.
On what's been mentioned, in retrospect, Gid does definately not work of the 3 laws. I'd suppose it's obvious. He's snarky, irritating, and loves to push people's buttons. He's basically someone who likes to mess with people for fun. He has his morals (somewhat a reflection of Baiye's), but he's a lot more... liberal.
I personally call Gid a Cognitive Robot (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_robotics), or maybe a "Hybrid Intelligent System". Basically it means that he's got values.
On the subject of Gerald's spontaneous hacking - Baiye's amused. I don't think the reality of the situation has totally kicked in that she might be killed working for the rebellion. 24 hours ago, she was just a robotic repairman with a build-your-own hobby.
Gid's evil smile, not Jexx's. He loves manipulating people. I tend to write in a weird perspective (if you haven't already noticed), so I refer to some of their actions from a narrative point of view. "Still, Gid's evil smile was somewhat unnerving." - That's more what it's supposed to sound like.
Baiye's just got what she calls "itchy fingers" - she wants to work on something; it's basically boredom. She's referring to the laptop used for the hacking in order to make sure it's properly wiped.
Quote from: Kryptic on July 14, 2007, 12:10:43 AM
Baiye's just got what she calls "itchy fingers" - she wants to work on something; it's basically boredom.
That I can understand, but
Quote from: Kryptic on July 14, 2007, 12:10:43 AM
She's referring to the laptop used for the hacking in order to make sure it's properly wiped.
If the Brotherhood's really on their way, I'm not sure if that's going to help much...But if the only reason she's doing it is because of boredom, well *shrug* At least she's not trying to hack the Brotherhood either...
"Won't the AIs be able to beam back to G over here and tell him the pass word?
When Jexx ordered Gerald to upload Omega and Mars into the laptop Jexx got from one of our vans, he made sure it was one with a detachable transponder. Jexx removed it as soon as the AI's were in there, effectively trapping them until Jexx feels like putting the transponder back on. Right now, they can't beam themselves anywhere. All three of them are with Jexx in the woods now, and all three are effectively at Jexx's mercy. Which isn't a place you really want to be at...
Jexx watched the laptop, until he was sure both AIs were secure in it. He then disconnected the wireless transponder, effectively trapping them there, (so they can't try to sneak back out), folded the laptop, and swung it over his back with the strap. It rubbed at his bare fur a bit, but he didn't mind.
Taking Gerald by the arm again, Jexx led them both into the woods, where they eventually disappeared from sight of the camp.
I wrote most of that off the top of my head, so it may not be exactly the same as Ryudo's version or idea of the Brotherhood, but I imagine it's fairly close. :B
Well I'm back, and I need to catch up on what has happened.
I find it interesting to learn that anyone considered the use of Asimov's three laws. The origin of the development of this model lacks a corresponding concern that was the impotence of its creative need in Asimov's works. The hardware necessary to implement this logical model is also not present. The design is highly dependent on base pair annihilation, a metaphor for the fleeting or evanescent nature of thought, and highly sophisticated core processor design. The equivalent of Radio Shack rarely stocks bleeding edge circuitry made from platinum and iridium substrates. The three laws are a significant programming bottleneck, one that I doubt our new script kiddie could possibly have the patience to work with.
From what I can tell, the artificial intelligences in this RP are of a computational design that developed sentience from a mixture of Hollywood PFM (Pure F*cking Magic), ignorance of computational science, and an unspecified iteration of sentience derived from a self expanding algorithm. This sentient expansion in an nth iteration contains merit due to the inherent mutability of this type of computational repetition. The fact that these systems can spontaneously develop personality traits, independence of action and can originate unique thought beyond programmed information and environmental conditions is extraordinary, especially when you consider that most of our AI's in this game are still run on logic gate based processors. Quite extraordinary.
Well, as far as can be said, the only (know) AIs in existances of this RP that have even convoluted, mutated versions of the Three Laws (mainly to accomodate furres), are Omega and Mars, because it seems that, in this RP, Gerald is the one who invented the three laws. So the only AIs who would even have said heavily nmodified laws would be ones created by Gerald.
Gerald... oh yes, the script kiddie that follows the whole l33t haxor thing... meh, such audacity and arrogance to think he has what it takes to portray a computational engineer and theoretician. Even more so that he should take the works of a great science fiction author, twist them, and call them his own even for an RP. Normally I would take umbrage at this, but its allowance by the controlling authority gives me much leeway to expand my own capabilities to bring myself to par with everyone else. I was worried that Morgan would be over the top, but careful analysis has determined that I am the least powerful and most limited character in the RP. Hence I have the most potential for growth and expansion then anyone else. If this were a book or a movie, then these qualities would make me the main or title character. For this I am pleased.
Quote from: Azlan on July 15, 2007, 05:04:52 PM
I find it interesting to learn that anyone considered the use of Asimov's three laws. The origin of the development of this model lacks a corresponding concern that was the impotence of its creative need in Asimov's works. The hardware necessary to implement this logical model is also not present. The design is highly dependent on base pair annihilation, a metaphor for the fleeting or evanescent nature of thought, and highly sophisticated core processor design. The equivalent of Radio Shack rarely stocks bleeding edge circuitry made from a platinum and iridium substrates. The three laws are a significant programming bottleneck, one that I doubt our new script kiddie could possible have the patience to work with.
I must admit I would have ignored them. Probably one of my favourite references was in
Beneath A Steel Sky, when Joey is fitted with the welding robot's body:
"Stop that. You're not supposed to kill people."
"Says who?"
"The three laws of robotics."
"That's FICTION, Foster. Some guy made them up."
IIRC they were designed to be good story material not practical, and I never liked the idea of a brain made from antimatter.
Mind you, the rules - flawed as they are - can be implemented in a system not based on positronics.
QuoteFrom what I can tell, the artificial intelligences in this RP are of a computational design that developed sentience from a mixture of Hollywood PFM (Pure F*cking Magic), ignorance of computational science, and an unspecified iteration of sentience derived from a self expanding algorithm.
... The fact that these systems can spontaneously develop personality traits, independence of action and can originate unique thought beyond programmed information and environmental conditions is extraordinary, especially when you consider that most of our AI's in this game are still run on logic gate based processors.
Harsh, but mostly true. However you may have overlooked the concept of physical modelling, which can and has been implemented in systems based on boolean logic. Whether a physically-modelled brain could become truly sentient depends on the nature of sentience itself of which we know basically sod-all.
In the case of Dorcan, I'm aware of my own ignorance and am therefore tending to the PFM model - indeed, Dorcan's creator purchased the technology from yet another dimension. However, being an incubus, Jakob was able to verify that the brains using this technology are sentient and sufficiently compatible with Being or Creature minds to allow him to transfer souls into them - most likely with a few adjustments beforehand.
Quote from: Azlan on July 15, 2007, 05:49:59 PM
Gerald... oh yes, the script kiddie that follows the whole l33t haxor thing... meh, such audacity and arrogance to think he has what it takes to portray a computational engineer and theoretician.
I personally think that's giving Caff/Gerald
waaaaaay too much credit. If anything, Kryptic/Baiye is the team's personal uber hacker (and mehcanical 'medic'), at this point, Gerald is prolly just going be her backup, cuz she was here first.
I would just say that Caff just used the idea. In actuall implementation, his version of the three laws (modifications notwithstanding) are an above-average hacker's equivalent of a hobby toy you'd make in your spare time.
Quote from: Azlan on July 15, 2007, 05:49:59 PM
I was worried that Morgan would be over the top, but careful analysis has determined that I am the least powerful and most limited character in the RP.
Hmmm...genetically engineered super-soldier, supertactical computer built directly into the brain, numerous cybernetic enhancments and grafts throught the body, not to mention a whole bunch of other stuff I proly missed...
that's limited...
I was actually classifying Morgan as one of our frontal-combat characters, like this:
Front Main Combat Characters:
Support Combat Characters:
Griffy(if Bill's still around)
Backup Mechanic:
Backup Hacker:
And I'm honestly not sure where I'd put Dorcan :confused ...He doesn't seem to fit in any of those categories. :/
Comedy Relief.
If we were to further subclassify the group, I'd put Exo squarely in the "Party Tank" role. It's not particularly fast (for a combat bot, or any skilled combatant), but once it catches up with you, you're going to regret it. :B It can also take a kicking and keep kicking back.
My primary concern here is how to stop this, without letting the Brotherhood know it was a Rebellion strike,
Umm, Azlan. Isn't letting the Brotherhhod know it was a Rebellion stike
exactly what we want?
I'll resume posting on Monday. Sorry, folks.
I guess it's ok, but you missed the opportunity to do a pat-down of Gerald :P :P :P
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 15, 2007, 06:17:32 PM
My primary concern here is how to stop this, without letting the Brotherhood know it was a Rebellion strike,
Umm, Azlan. Isn't letting the Brotherhhod know it was a Rebellion stike exactly what we want?
we all have comunicateors.....why not bring that up IC?
Well, I'm having to assume that, for the moment, most of us have ours turned off. The reason for this is so I can put off posting in the IC until everyone else has posted enough to the point where Caff and I can have Jexx and Gerald actually search for a new campsite, and possibly have a 'talk'... :bat
No, really. I don't want Jexx to have to respond to anything at the moment, and the assumption that most have their microcomms off..that's incorrect...You know what? I'm going to edit my last post a bit.
Limited in power, not in operational scope. Morgan does not fit the frontline combat model, his function is the same as that of elite special forces and intelligence agents. He fills a hybrid role between such classic examples of special forces such as US Navy S.E.A.L.S., SAS, US Army Rangers, OSNAZ, etc., and the Intelligence services such as the Mossad, FSB, CIA, MI6, ASIS, etc. He would be a second line combatant, providing support functions (sniping, first strikes, assassination, sabotage and the like) as he lacks the staying power and endurance of the typical "brick" of frontline combat. The brick can typically take hits and shrug them off due to high armor or endurance factors, whereas Morgan is regulated to agility to avoid damage with a secondary amount of armor and systems/abilities to reduce damage or the effects of damage.
Don't get me wrong, Morgan can fight very, very well, has strength beyond any maximized normal human or furre (or that of some powersuits or exoskeletons) and excessive agility (he has that Matrix thing down in spades), but he prefers to sneak around the shadows and garrot, knife and sabotage potential threats rather then confront them directly.
Quote from: lucas marcone on July 15, 2007, 06:30:55 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 15, 2007, 06:17:32 PM
My primary concern here is how to stop this, without letting the Brotherhood know it was a Rebellion strike,
Umm, Azlan. Isn't letting the Brotherhhod know it was a Rebellion stike exactly what we want?
we all have comunicateors.....why not bring that up IC?
Do bring it up, that way we can discuss it where these things should be discussed.
I don't know why, but this
As long as it is less then a company of conventional troops and doesn't include any heavy powersuits, I can take care of them.
Tells me your a front-line combat person if you can handle that. :3
Do bring it up, that way we can discuss it where these things should be discussed.
I just said, right before your post, why not. And I've edited my last IC post accordingly.
Head-on he probably wouldn't stand a match (hence ruling out heavy powersuits) but I imagine he'd be capable of picking them off, hence being able to kill them.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 15, 2007, 06:58:42 PM
I don't know why, but this
As long as it is less then a company of conventional troops and doesn't include any heavy powersuits, I can take care of them.
Tells me your a front-line combat person if you can handle that. :3
A company is typically 100-200 troops and I didn't say
how he would handle them. He could only handle this situation in stages or in a method to where he can limit the amount of enemies that can engage him at any one time. It is also dependent on ammunition and in this case, his ability to pick up replacement weaponry and ammo as the skirmish drags on.
He cannot, however, step out in front of a whole gaggle of people and just throw down with them, relying strictly on his ability to absorb damage and deal it back sufficiently to eliminate the enemy (i.e. the heavily armored space marine with a suitable portable cannon facing down an army or conventional troops like Chinese regular army soldiers).
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 15, 2007, 06:58:42 PM
Do bring it up, that way we can discuss it where these things should be discussed.
I just said, right before your post, why not. And I've edited my last IC post accordingly.
The edit only seems to reflect that you cannot receive transmissions at this time. I directed the communication to Exo for the moment at least.
Quote from: Arcalane on July 15, 2007, 07:04:32 PM
Head-on he probably wouldn't stand a match (hence ruling out heavy powersuits) but I imagine he'd be capable of picking them off, hence being able to kill them.
Very correct, his 15.2mm cannon masquerading as a rifle is sufficient to take out heavy powersuits, but I didn't bring it with me to town, its in the van he was driving. The South Africans developed a 20mm anti-material rifle, but that seems excessive.
I directed the communication to Exo for the moment at least.
Then why the hell are you asking me to bring it up in the IC thread when Jexx didn't hear it anyway?!?
But, brining the point in discussion back up, isn't letting the Brotherhood know it was the Rebellion who hit them what we wanted? Let them, and the public, know that the Rebels are out there, and can hurt them, fight back, encourage more people to join the Rebellion, knowing that they do indeed stand a chance standing up?
This world probably never had a Michael Faraday. Nor did DMFA come to that - Jakob uses the term in CJP, but he's stolen most of his technology from Earth. If anyone has a better term that the inhabitants of Ryudo's world are likely to understand, let me know and I'll patch it in.
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 15, 2007, 07:56:15 PM
This world probably never had a Michael Faraday. Nor did DMFA come to that - Jakob uses the term in CJP, but he's stolen most of his technology from Earth. If anyone has a better term that the inhabitants of Ryudo's world are likely to understand, let me know and I'll patch it in.
The term is probably fine, I used it in the BT series... not that it legitimates its use in furrae, but its hard to come up with terms at times.
Quote from: Arcalane on July 15, 2007, 07:04:32 PM
head-on apply directly to thread
head-on apply directly to thread
head-on apply directly to thread
the way things are going we probably could use some.
Don't make me turn you into kibble too. (http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/7992/13520953zk3.gif)
Caff, you're bcak. Good. Let's get our walk through the forest over with.
Az, weren't the comms already encrypted?
Not that I'm criticising or anything... but I could swear I remember they were encrypted units...
Yes. They were.
Morgan uses his own encryption scheme, just a more complex algorithm. He trusts no one elses gear, security or planning fully just yet.
Quote from: Azlan on July 16, 2007, 04:22:51 PM
Morgan uses his own encryption scheme, just a more complex algorithm. He trusts no one elses gear, security or planning fully just yet.
How is Victor going to decrypt it? Or do you have a self-implementing recipe for the decoder, along the lines of
Fire upon the Deep?
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 16, 2007, 04:28:30 PM
How is Victor going to decrypt it? Or do you have a self-implementing recipe for the decoder, along the lines of Fire upon the Deep?
It self decodes at its destination only, transmits a hash verification and compares it to the one he has on file. If they match, it fully decrypts and becomes available for use.
Uh, Caff, why haven't you posted in the IC yet? You've been around for at least a couple of hours.
dude give him a bit........not everyone works on your schedule
All right, but I'm just saying he has been around much of the day.
And is it so wrong to ask a simple question every now and then?
Edited my post to reflect how they want to handle Gerald's hack attempt. In short, they're ignoring it for now.
RL, could you give me a bit of an opening to get back into this? Either that, or just keep me out until a convenient time. Thanks.
When they decide to start moving, then you can jump back in, since they'll need someone to drive a van.
Or you could hop out of one of the vans, and just pretend you've been having a quiet nap. Or something. :B
Seems everyone's having a quiet nap. Things have been very inactive all day today.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 17, 2007, 03:51:39 PM
Seems everyone's having a quiet nap. Things have been very inactive all day today.
Yeah. I can't think of anything sensible to contribute at the moment.
Well, at the moment, I think we (or at least I) are/am waiting on Caff for the moment, so he can get Gerald to the new campsite to scope out.
Deploying a Brotherhood squad seems to have ground everything to a halt...
Those technocrats are more insidious then I had imagined.
Quote from: Azlan on July 17, 2007, 04:25:08 PM
Deploying a Brotherhood squad seems to have ground everything to a halt...
From a narrative point of view it's shifted the focus to you and Pal, so yes...
Dammit, tech, you turned off your transmitter. :P
Why? What does Jexx need to hear?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 17, 2007, 05:01:40 PM
Why? What does Jexx need to hear?
It's not what Jexx needs to hear, it's more like:
Caff, I thought that Omega and Mars would just pop themslevs on the laptop's screen when Jexx opened it. But if that's the way you want it, is it alright with you if I post this?
"Huh? I though they could just show themselves, since they are the laptop now..." Jexx said, while gerald was typing. Suddenly the screen snapped on, showing a very disgruntled-looking red dragon, and a very disgruntled-looking blue cat.
"Aha! There they are! Say 'hi' to your master, constructs!" Jexx said cheerfully. The two 'constructs just glared at Jexx.
The underlined part is the part I want to make sure you're OK with.
Yah, that'll be great. :mowmeep
"Do you require any help, Exo?" asked Dorcan. "If we assume that the Brotherhood detected Gerald's signal, they are liable to send some kind of task force to investigate, at the very least, so we are going to have to start packing this lot up again with all due haste, especially if we plan to do so before nightfall."
Two things, Tape. One, I thought we were only going to pack up
if we detected Brotherhood incoming, and two, Jexx hasn't even raidioed back in with a suitable replacement site. If if you guys wanted to, you couldn't pack up, because you'd have nowhere to go.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 17, 2007, 07:05:13 PM
Two things, Tape. One, I thiought we were only going to pack up if we detected Brotherhood incoming
I may have missed that. If so, Dorcan missed it as well.
Quoteand two, Jexx hasn't even raidioed back in with a suitable replacement site. If if you guys wanted to, you couldn't pack up, because you'd have nowhere to go.
1. Well, it was never actually said, but that's just what I figured.
2. Oh. Packing up ahead of time just in case. Got it. I thought Dorcan was suggestiong actually leaving.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 17, 2007, 07:25:21 PM
2. Oh. Packing up ahead of time just in case. Got it. I thought Dorcan was suggestiong actually leaving.
You and I know that the Brotherhood aren't coming, but the group don't.
It would be suicide to remain, since by the time the Brotherhood arrive it will be too late to do anything about it, especially if they send a large task force.
So yeah, while Jexx and Gerald are scouting, the others should ideally be getting everything together so that when they do have a new location, they can head there immediately.
Somehow the idea of having solid holograms depresses me. I can't quite put my finger on why though. Perhaps it's the fact that I couldn't begin to explain the operating principle of such a thing or perhaps my subconscious has found a way to wreck the game by misusing them. I think it's cracked my suspension of disbelief. In any case, it's not my call - but if I
were the GM I'd say 'no'...
Somehow the idea of having solid holograms depresses me. I can't quite put my finger on why though. Perhaps it's the fact that I couldn't begin to explain the operating principle of such a thing or perhaps my subconscious has found a way to wreck the game by misusing them. In any case, it's not my call - but if I were the GM I'd say 'no'.
Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. Just plain holograms are fine, but solid ones seem a little bit further ahead for this wolrd. But it's still Ryudo's call.
if he says no, ill edit. im not a god moding l-l4xx0l2 i know limits when i see them, but it really is a crude version of "hard light" with flaws. then again Lee it's up to you homie.
I can actually see "hard light" working out, it's just photons so close together it simulates a real object... well, that's my explanation
Actually, solid coherent light is something the Forerunners came up with. :P :P :P The Light Bridge, remember? (or, who here hasn't played the original Halo?)
Though, the Light Bridge was only a basic shape (a rectangle/trapezoid), and it required the kind of power that Halo itself generated. The idea of that kind of thing being minaturized and focused into a hologram projector the size of a large dinner platter seems...a little off.
diffrent reality diffrent rules
True, but we'll let Ryudo make the final call. ;)
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 17, 2007, 09:01:03 PM
I can actually see "hard light" working out, it's just photons so close together it simulates a real object... well, that's my explanation
I think you'd need something brighter than the sun to use
photon pressure. You'd also have to 'stop' the photons to make them act as a hard edge, which would then prevent the projection being visible. The basic problem is that photons are fundamentally not the same kind of stuff as regular baryonic matter, so you wouldn't be able to use light to do both things at once.
Light and some kind of projected, transparent suspension material I could buy, but we're entering the realms of magic, here. :<
Bear in mind that you'd need a power source too. Gid seems to be running off something like AA cells so apart from Exo, whose power source seems to be unknown and experimental, Ryudo's world seems to be maybe 50 years ahead of our own in terms of power technology.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 17, 2007, 09:12:43 PM
Actually, solid coherent light is something the Forerunners came up with. :P :P :P The Light Bridge, remember? (or, who here hasn't played the original Halo?)
i was thinking more along the lines of light sabers minus the whole hot enough to cut through you like butter thing. plasma can be contained with a strongenough magnetic feild. an were already able to make crude lightsabers in this day in age....it just takes a room full of equipment...but just some time ago computers were in the same sticky situation.
Yeah, this solid hologram business... no. You can have holograms, and even have ones that emanate sounds, but not solid ones. That would be going a little too far ahead of current technology.
Oi, gimme a chance to reply, people. I have a life here. I'll try and get a response post done as soon as I can - preferably once this headache blows over.
Arcalane, what is Exo's responce to Jexx? He has reactivated his micros and sent the data containing the new site to the command console.
I responded to you at the same time as the others;
Quote"Return to main site but stay alert."
EDIT: The "suggestion deploy cameras" comment was aimed at everyone.
Are these cameras going to be camaflauged in any way?
Query: Did the enforcer keep the card, or hand it back to the Chief?
He kept it.
*reverts to lurk mode*
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 19, 2007, 10:02:44 AM
Are these cameras going to be camaflauged in any way?
And EMP-shielded, I'd hope. :B
Did you mean to dupe your post there, tech?
Heh? *checks* OH FOR F**K. I reposted becasue the last time I tied my internet went RAWR and I had to reboot my computer. I didn't see that it was actually submitted. Grrrrrrrrrrr.......stupid unstable internet and computer.........
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 19, 2007, 08:19:22 PM
Did you mean to dupe your post there, tech?
What post? ;-]
Are we getting Morgan's arrest over the comms?
i didn't see him say he turned his off. and it wasn't destroyed yet.
Quote from: lucas marcone on July 20, 2007, 10:06:55 AM
i didn't see him say he turned his off. and it wasn't destroyed yet.
Fair enough. I will join you in this assumption.
"They didn't tell you? Oh, for... Listen, give me 5 minutes with a phone, and I'll get you my boss, you can confirm with him. Useless REMF paper-pushers, I -told- him to let the locals know, dammit. <mutters>I tell you, I'm this far from quitting and taking up a real job with the Brotherhood. Bastard.</mutters>"
... then call someone on the team, who gets to play boss.
Erm. I should stop having ideas, shouldn't I? Or at least stop talking them out...
I would have said something like that but Josh isn't as clever or devious as the people "on the outside" refering to his life in seclusion.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 20, 2007, 10:20:59 AM
"They didn't tell you? Oh, for... Listen, give me 5 minutes with a phone, and I'll get you my boss, you can confirm with him. Useless REMF paper-pushers, I -told- him to let the locals know, dammit. <mutters>I tell you, I'm this far from quitting and taking up a real job with the Brotherhood. Bastard.</mutters>"
... then call someone on the team, who gets to play boss.
Erm. I should stop having ideas, shouldn't I? Or at least stop talking them out...
yeah, I didn't like my first response, so I switched it up a little...
Bweeheeheehee. I like the smile. :-]
Speaking of which, I note that the Zealots and Enforcers really don't fit in the general population - everyone else is cheerful and smiley, and they're downright grumpy.
Or perhaps that's just me...
For starters, it hinges in its entirety upon the skills of one individual to get us in. Should anything go wrong in that initial maneuver
Funny you should mention that, something
is supposed to go wrong, and that is where a waiting player is planning on jumping in. His character has already been reviewed and approved by Ryudo, and he...was...waiting for the assault on the Tower to begin.
I say 'was' because I actually haven't heard from him the past few weeks...he must've gone on some vacation and forgot to tell me about it.
The other things I will adress IC.
We have no suitable facilities for interfering with and properly isolating a signal from the chips here. This is a field operation, not a fully-equipped medical hospital, so you will have to excuse our obvious lack of luxuries." It sounds slightly sarcastic and irritated at the same time.
Who is Exo directing this at? Everyone, or a specific person?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 22, 2007, 12:31:26 PM
Who is Exo directing this at? Everyone, or a specific person?
Beats me.
Ok, stopping for a moment and talking out of character here. Why are several of you so opposed to actually attacking the Brotherhood? Wasn't that the whole
point of this RP in the first place? Actually
fighting the Brotherhood? Not saying, 'oooh, look at this! One more thing to add to the list of atrocities the Brotherhood is commiting!'? No one is really going to be surpised or care, because the Brotherhood will just try to clamp down harder.
Action must be taken. A good analogy to use here is the Star Wars EmpireVsRebellion. Just about everyone hates the Empire, and know about the militant, emphasis on the militant, Rebellion. They are viewed as terrorists by the Empire, as they constantly attack all kinds of Empire posistions in hopes of weakening their grip, but doesn anyone
outside of the Empire belive that the Rebellion are terrorists? No they %$&@ing don't! It seems to be a simlilar situation here with this RP. The Brotherhood are just fanatics, just about everone hates them, the Brotherhood says the Rebels are terrorists, but does anyone truely belive that? Not unless they already side with the Brotherhood.
And you seem to forget that the Rebellion already constantly fights the Brotherhood, and they sometimes do it openly:
...What we try to do is more like guerrila tactics. We try to keep our confrontations away from areas where there would be innocent casualties...and if there's a need to fight in the open, we try our hardest to keep the fight away from the [innocent]...
Don't you think the Brotherhood would have alredy publisized the rebellion attacking them in an attempt to portray them as terrorists? Like I said, the only ones who actually fall for that are those already in league with the Brotherhood. While we might not actually
destroy the Tower, it would be the best idea, as it would be viewed by the genral public as a succesfull blow against those fanatics.
EDIT: Not to mention that the NPC public mood isn't even a concern of ours. I don't think politics and propaganda were ever meant to get dragged into this.
I suspect, tech, that the thought is that the team as it stands isn't ready, willing, or able to do any serious damage to The Brotherhood in a stand-up fight.
As such, they're much better used sneaking around under the radar, and trying to avoid being noticed. After all, you've got a tower full of folk who can, for example, almost accidentally wipe out two cameras, and have the spare bodies to send three out on a wild goose chase in their own back yard.
Paranoia may be your best friend, here. I know if -I- was playing, I'd be -damned- careful about kicking the hornets nest that that Tower is. Or even walking too close to it, in fact...
Which is why I was thinking that instead of actually trying to fight the entire Tower, we simply plow right through until we zero in on the transmitter's location, then maybe plant a bomb of some kind.
As such, they're much better used sneaking around under the radar, and trying to avoid being noticed.
And just how the hell are we supposed to do that? It takes the rebellion's
best operatives just to procure what
little information they have. They aren't even in a position to covertly take out anything, and since we are nowhere near that level of expertise, we sure as hell can't do anything even close to what the rebellion can actually do in terms of stealth either.
As it stands, attack is simply our only viable option. Not just because it was what we are
supposed to do, but because nothing else will work.
Propaganda/exposure? Ineffective and inconsequential.
Stealt/quite sabatouge? Right out. Period.
Attack/assault? Not a pretty prospect, but still the only one that has even a snowball's chance of being successfull. Especcially if, with Baiye and Gerald and his AIs, we turn the Tower's own automatic defences against them to thin out their numbers ahead of time.
That and the majority of our characters are geared mostly towards combat. A total of seven. Each can handle at least a few Brotherhood on their own no problem, if we all work together, especcially with a medic and mechanic to keep us cranking, we can take out a whole lot more. Even the charaters not geared primarilly towards combat can probably pick off one or two Brotherhood (Baiye and her wrench, gerald and his cham-pistol. I don't know about Dorcan, like someone said, he's just comedic relief)
Though, RP and story-wise, I'm actually
expecting a boss battle showdown with the very Priest of the Tower before we actually manage to shut down the transmitter.
Dorcan has had some basic training in swords and crossbows, neither of which are really relevant. Most of his defensive training went into his wing-tentacles, which he has now lost.
Like most of my characters, he was really conceived as a problem-solver, not a combatant (and certainly not comic-relief, although you will see him doing that in FH 13 when it's ready).
As such, he is shit-scared at the prospect of doing anything that would get him killed, and lets be honest, from the available info, attacking the tower sounds like Moses going up on the mountain and giving God the finger.
It doesn't help that there is a certain amount of flipflopping among the team - the only real leader they have is Exo. If Exo puts his foot down and settles on a plan, the others will have to fall in line.
I do have a couple of ideas for attacking the tower, but I'm not going to voice those yet because Morgan has just suggested not attacking the tower and I want to see how that pans out.
but I'm not going to voice those yet because Morgan has just suggested not attacking the tower
Morgan suggested trying to expose the mindcontrol to the public. As I have already said, that idea is a complete bust, becase it will change nothing whatsoever.
Not to mention that 'exposing' is not 'freeing'.
Our objective, assigned by Jackson Phoenix (
essentially Ryudo Lee himself): Free the townsfolk from the mind control.
We know the cause. We must free the people. To do that, we need to cut off the transmitter somehow. The
only way to do that is to get to the transmitter itself, and destroy, disable, dismantle, ect. The
only way to do
that is...use your imagination.
*price is right loseing music* im sorry but you cant see the trees for the forest in this case...... if they use emps it might work....thats up to ryudo.
and who said anywhere in this rp that the public is immune to shock from mind control?
you've been takeing some pretty considerable liberties with the opinion of the nations population. shouldn't ryudo be the one to tell us how it would affect their over all mood?
im sorry but you cant see the trees for the forest in this case...if they use emps it might work
An EMP that would be able to cut through the Tower and get to the transmitter would have to be large enough to blow out the entire town, i.e., a freaking
warhead sized EMP bomb. We, and I don't think even the rebellion, have that kind of firepower, idiot. If they did, they almost certainly would have beaten the Brotherhood by now, what with their utter depencancy on technology.
As for the the population...you know what, I'm done trying to explain that. Where the hell
is Ryudo? I don't even care anymore if he shoots down everything I've said, I just want this resolved, once and for all.
calm down, there's no need for name calling... besides i was talking about localized emps to fry the chips insted of the signal generator.
Like I said, it would still have to get through the Tower, weren't you listening? The only thing that could have that kind of magnitude would be the size of an ICBM warhead.
The only way a small EMP would work is if it was on the signal generator itslef. And that still continues to prove my point that an attack is our only option.
first. calm the FIZZNUCK down you're starting to tick me off when the RP stops being fun for me ill just have my character eat a bullet so to speak.
second. no you dont have to pulse the generator to fry the chips.....the emp would render the chips in the citizen's necks un receptive and there fore the signel wouldn't be picked up.....ie the generateor is still pumping but the chips are dead much like typeing on a keyboard not hooked to a computer.....
Oh, you meant the recieving chips. Why didn't you say so?
That's far more plausible, but still completely kills the fun of RPing. If it's gonna be that boring I might have my character eat bullets :B
this rp, to my knowlege is not confined to northon. it is my characters view to use the paranoia of a bigbrother fiasco to wake up the nation and see JUST how progressively invasive the brotherhood is. when that's all said and done it is my understanding we will gain more support and the government might actually welcome armed strikes on the brotherhood. and we might just have the beefy support of the military on our side.
You both have valid points, just sit down and shut up for a bit. :P Or at least take a ten minute break.
I pulled the Etherume Act thing out of my ass - I figure it'd be a likely situation that would happen in such an advanced world. I mean, subliminal messaging is banned in advertising today, but imagine the compulsion behind subliminal advertising being pumped straight into your brain. There's no way anyone would let that stuff slide.
i was just thinking of any NORMAL person's reaction to being that frigginfrackin cheerful and supportive of something they might not actually support against their will. :U :)
Someone pointed out earlier that the effect of the mind control, or more accurately, mood control, is probably a gradual effect, both building up and wearing down. That way, if someone so much as passed behind a sheet of lead, they wouldn't immediately revert.
If we just take out the chips, the Brotherhood would realize instantly, reactivate them, and start a massive localized search just for us.
Arcalane: I don't mind the Etherume Act thing, I think it was perfectly within reason.
not necessarily.... emps permenantly damage the equipment...also they only recive not send....so the brotherhood has no way of knowing if they're on or off.
True, the chips don't send, but the Brotherhood still has to have some way on knowing weather or not they're working. A routine "checkup", maybe?
we'll work this out with ryudo.... in this RP he is in a manner of speaking "god" not in a sackreligious way of course.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 22, 2007, 10:03:38 PM
Oh, you meant the recieving chips. Why didn't you say so?
Well, Dorcan has suggested this over and over...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 22, 2007, 08:48:05 PM
Morgan suggested trying to expose the mindcontrol to the public. As I have already said, that idea is a complete bust, becase it will change nothing whatsoever.
Not to mention that 'exposing' is not 'freeing'.
Our objective, assigned by Jackson Phoenix (essentially Ryudo Lee himself): Free the townsfolk from the mind control.
As Dorcan has just pointed out, what they were actually told was "investigate the townsfolk and then report back to me." (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php?topic=2926.msg126853#msg126853)
QuoteWe know the cause. We must free the people. To do that, we need to cut off the transmitter somehow. The only way to do that is to get to the transmitter itself, and destroy, disable, dismantle, ect. The only way to do that is...use your imagination.
As Dorcan has also pointed out earlier, we don't yet know if breaking the link will be fatal. Burning out the chip in a test subject should be the next step. It probably isn't, but if it
is, switching off the tower could kill the entire town, so it's not the sort of thing you want to risk.
Actually a combined approach might be best. Dorcan's plan involves drawing the Brotherhood out of the tower while the others infiltrate it. There are a number of things that could achieve this.
ya know i kindof have the feeling that the public is acting much like the public in V for vendetta. listen closely to what V says on air in the news staion and in the park when he is poseing as "rockwood". i suspect fear has them compliant like sheep who are promised order from chaos for the sacrifice of a few liberties.
Sorry y'all. It was the weekend from hell. I was in no mental condition to be posting... or reading.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 20, 2007, 07:41:22 PM
Bweeheeheehee. I like the smile. :-]
Speaking of which, I note that the Zealots and Enforcers really don't fit in the general population - everyone else is cheerful and smiley, and they're downright grumpy.
Or perhaps that's just me...
That's the creepy factor.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 21, 2007, 07:59:57 PM
I say 'was' because I actually haven't heard from him the past few weeks...he must've gone on some vacation and forgot to tell me about it.
If I told you what I have in store for you, it wouldn't be much of an RP, would it?
As for all the arguments of how to handle the mission... keep in mind a couple of things:
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 21, 2007, 09:54:12 AM
"Alright. I'm sending you all up to Northon. There's been some odd activity there. The people there are pro-Brotherhood... almost to a fault. The whole town is in love with them. Reports I've gotten from there make it seem like it's unnatural, like a brainwashing or reprogramming or something along those lines. I don't believe that a whole town would be dedicated wholly to the Brotherhood by choice. So I'm sending you there to investigate." He says.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 21, 2007, 11:48:37 AM
"This is where you all decide how you want to approach this mission. Your objective is to investigate the townsfolk and then report back to me with your findings." He said. "Keep in mind that we don't want any innocent people killed, if it can be helped."
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 21, 2007, 01:31:06 PM
Jackson nods.
"If it can be shut down, then do it. If you feel that you can't shut it down with your own forces then call for reinforcements." He says.
And last but not least
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 22, 2007, 09:27:27 AM
Jackson cleared his throat to get attention focused back on him.
"Well, it appears you all seem to know what you're doing. Use your best judgment. Use discretion. And above all, keep everyone safe. We don't want any innocents caught in the crossfire." He says ...
The orders were to investigate. Shutting the system down would be an optional thing, IF you think you can do it.
and of the reactions of the people outside of northon?
by the way i just decided josh will meet an unfortunate end but that's just so i can bring in another less emo character.
Ah. So our orders were to investigate? Gaw-dammit. And now we report back to Jackson? You know what I have a problem with that?
MORGAN IS THE ONLY CHARACTER WHO HAS ACTUALLY DONE ANYTHING! :C If investigating was our only objective, then the mission is already over! Morgan did it all already! That bites! Morgan is also the only one who has even come close to having a tussle with the Brotherhood. Not to mention that for the last nine pages the rest of us have done nothing but stand around the vans flappin our yaps. I am going out of my mind here, I just want something to happen. If Jackson said we can make a move against the Tower if we think we can...we damn well can.
I apologize if it sounds like I'm whining, but seriously; nine whole pages with only a single character getting a smidgen of anything resembling action? Come on.
It's just the first mission. I agree with pretty much all of your points, though. The whole thing could have been accomplished by Morgan solo, and basically was.
So now the plan is to radio base and find out what Jackson thinks. If he says attack, we attack. As I say, I've got some ideas as to how to even the odds a bit. And it would be fun, although Dorcan is liable to try and weasel out of it. (And even if he stays behind, it doesn't make him safe from the Brotherhood...)
So now basically we need Arcalane/Exo to use his perfect robot memory and remind everyone that our orders were to investigate, not neccessarilly attack. From a continuity perspective, on of us meatbags just pulling that line out of our ass after aruging attacking won't make much sense.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 23, 2007, 11:43:04 AM
So now basically we need Arcalane/Exo to use his perfect robot memory and remind everyone that our orders were to investigate, not neccessarilly attack. From a continuity perspective, on of us meatbags just pulling that line out of our ass after aruging attacking won't make much sense.
Why not? The briefing was earlier that day - someone like Dorcan is going to have taken notes. If violence gives him the willies, he may very well have latched onto the idea of just reporting rather than attacking >:3
This is ignoring the fact that his memory is likely to be better that it was when he was organic, although not perfect. And admittedly he's trying to cover up the fact that he's synthetic. And everyone seems to ignore what he says anyway :rolleyes
In that case, it would probably be best if you mention it to everyone now, before this degenerates even further than it already has...
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 23, 2007, 11:58:39 AM
In that case, it would probably be best if you mention it to everyone now, before this degenerates even further than it already has...
He just did, though didn't he? (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php?topic=2926.msg134475#msg134475)
"Hold it, hold it," said Dorcan as tempers began to fray.
"Our mission, as assigned, was to investigate the townsfolk and report back to Jackson. Thanks to Morgan we now have a pretty clear idea of what is going on, so our first priority should be to relay this information back to base. Those were our orders.
Actually trying to attack the Brotherhood's stronghold is something that we were only supposed to attempt if we felt we could accomplish it on our own. If not, we were to phone home for reinforcements.
"Now if you are dead-set on this plan, I have a few suggestions to add. But first we need to relay what we have learned back to Jackson, and establish once and for all what we are going to do next."
Shoot. Missed that. Thanks.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 23, 2007, 12:09:27 PM
Shoot. Missed that. Thanks.
No problem. One of Dorcan's other roles so far seems to be to try and keep the peace within the group :3
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 23, 2007, 11:55:35 AM
And everyone seems to ignore what he says anyway :rolleyes
-I- listen. Not that that's terribly helpful, I'll admit. :-]
There seems to be a large disparage between what people want out of the RP and what they appear to be getting from it. A few advocate the hack-and-slash route, but that degrades quickly and becomes passe after awhile, so I would hope it is meted out fairly modestly.
I've always looked at the big picture, actions now can cause repercussions in the future and make things more difficult. Games need to be played as if they were life, not a set of acts and action scenes.
Quote from: Azlan on July 23, 2007, 12:26:08 PM
I've always looked at the big picture, actions now can cause repercussions in the future and make things more difficult. Games need to be played as if they were life, not a set of acts and action scenes.
Yes, I could see this RP as a game of chess really, you must be more than three steps ahead, and thinking about any consequences from your actions, or from anyone else's for that matter...
Quote from: Azlan on July 23, 2007, 12:26:08 PM
I've always looked at the big picture, actions now can cause repercussions in the future and make things more difficult. Games need to be played as if they were life, not a set of acts and action scenes.
That has been the approach I've taken with Dorcan, although that is because I'm still new to this and I'm not entirely sure how a different approach would work.
He's reacting the way I think someone would in his position, and ultimately that's why he is petrified about combat, and trying to stall the attack on the tower, because he is afraid of being killed and he doesn't want to die. If I was approaching this like Morrowind or something, his reactions would be very, very different with a lot more risk-taking.
It's also why he's being cautious about approaching the problem as a whole - the wrong decision might cost other people
their lives and he doesn't want that to happen either.
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 23, 2007, 12:37:26 PM
He's reacting the way I think someone would in his position, and ultimately that's why he is petrified about combat, and trying to stall the attack on the tower, because he is afraid of being killed and he doesn't want to die. If I was approaching this like Morrowind or something, his reactions would be very, very different with a lot more risk-taking.
It's also why he's being cautious about approaching the problem as a whole - the wrong decision might cost other people their lives and he doesn't want that to happen either.
Well, Gerald doesn't really care, he's a risk taker naturally, and as for the AIs, as long as there's a wireless port to escape in, they don't care either... that's the only flaw in their self-preservation protocol.
I'm kinda glad I'm missing this, it sounds confusing. :B
As it has been my experience, the largest failing in RP is that everyone knows its a game. Hence, people only highlight the actions of moment, concern themselves only with looking good, advancing their character and still remaining detached from the world.
A true testament to one's ability to RP is to immerse themselves in their role, to understand that this is real-life to their characters and that momentary gratification has consequences, every action of significance has consequences down the line that can impact themselves or others outside of them. I would hope that some characters' depth exists beyond the tip of their gun or the point of their sword.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 23, 2007, 11:43:04 AMSo now basically we need Arcalane/Exo to use his perfect robot memory and remind everyone that our orders were to investigate, not neccessarilly attack.
From a continuity perspective, Exo thinks in just as wiggly lines as you meatbags, as he's an artificial intelligence, designed to mimick an organic intelligence - as in one that can use fuzzy logic and isn't stuck with binary thinking. The wiggly lines are just slightly more geometric and have a few Bézier curves thrown in for good measure. Whilst he may have better memory (photographic - literally) and organization, he can't go from A to C without going through B.
In other words, just like you meatbags need to be reminded of things sometimes, so does he.
Quote from: Arcalane on July 23, 2007, 01:34:29 PM
From a continuity perspective, Exo thinks in just as wiggly lines as you meatbags, as he's an artificial intelligence, designed to mimick an organic intelligence - as in one that can use fuzzy logic and isn't stuck with binary thinking. The wiggly lines are just slightly more geometric and have a few Bézier curves thrown in for good measure. Whilst he may have better memory (photographic - literally) and organization, he can't go from A to C without going through B.
In other words, just like you meatbags need to be reminded of things sometimes, so does he.
The issue is not with the design of the character, but with the player behind the robot... a human trying to mimic a robot is rather challenging and tends to be comical.
Yeah, it's always entertaining when someone mimics C3PO, moreso when they do it badly. :lol
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 23, 2007, 01:57:17 PM
Yeah, it's always entertaining when someone mimics C3PO, moreso when they do it badly. :lol
"We're all doomed!"There, happy now? :B
[Deleted due to idiocy]
Quote from: Arcalane on July 23, 2007, 01:57:59 PM
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 23, 2007, 01:57:17 PM
Yeah, it's always entertaining when someone mimics C3PO, moreso when they do it badly. :lol
"We're all doomed!"
There, happy now? :B
Quite. :)
"I suggest surrender. The Brotherhood may be gracious enough..." :)
Quote from: Azlan on July 23, 2007, 12:26:08 PM
There seems to be a large disparage between what people want out of the RP and what they appear to be getting from it. A few advocate the hack-and-slash route, but that degrades quickly and becomes passe after awhile, so I would hope it is meted out fairly modestly.
I've always looked at the big picture, actions now can cause repercussions in the future and make things more difficult. Games need to be played as if they were life, not a set of acts and action scenes.
like i said earlier..... this is literally word for word.
this rp, to my knowlege is not confined to northon. it is my characters view to use the paranoia of a bigbrother fiasco to wake up the nation and see JUST how progressively invasive the brotherhood is. when that's all said and done it is my understanding we will gain more support and the government might actually welcome armed strikes on the brotherhood. and we might just have the beefy support of the military on our side
This not Dorcan throwing caution to the wind, by the way. He's liable to turn tail at the first sign of danger. After all, as Azlan puts it, it's his life at stake.
As for the EMP, I'm assuming that they have a means of generating localised fields to avoid destroying things they don't want destroyed - the control system in the EMP generator, for example.
As for Dorcan, I don't know how his brain works, but I'm assuming that Jakob would have taken some degree of EMP shielding into account, particularly if he's playing with ion weapons, fusion and total conversion in his spare time. An unfocussed EMP would probably wipe the laptop though, and destroy any unshielded augmentations.
Sorry about my absence yesterday guys. I was at a remote site, setting up a new server rack. Really wish I'd have had a helper. That is not easy to do by myself.
Anyway, a question for PBH, are you going to the edge of town or out of town?
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 25, 2007, 05:40:28 AM
As for the EMP, I'm assuming that they have a means of generating localised fields to avoid destroying things they don't want destroyed - the control system in the EMP generator, for example.
Generally speaking (so not for the purposes of the RP, but in my understanding of RL) the EMP generator self-immolates to create the pulse - so shielding the control circuitry is, uh, generally not required, because once the EMP goes off, there's no further use of the device at all.
A one-shot unit, as it were, rather than a multi-use device.
Of course, if you're talking higher tech, you can do whatever you like, though... :-]
Well as I understand it, with our tech level it's usually achieved with a nuclear device, which is why I'm using the word 'generator' and assuming it can produce a focused pulse rather than being a bomb which would probably wipe the entire town out anyway, or kill all the people in the case of a neutron device.
I said EMF, not EMP! There is a major diffrence between the two: an EMP is an Electromagnetic Pulse, obvioulsly, a steady pulse of electromagnetic waves. An EMF is much more common, in fact, it's natural. EMF stands for Electromagnetic Field, which is produced by anything using electricity, including the human brain (however, the intensity of the EMF is so minute, most EMF scanners can not pick it up). Both EMPs and EMFs effect electronic devices, only an EMP's effect is sudden, an EMF's effect is gradual.
Dorcan is liable to go for a stungun. Would it be acceptable to assume there are some in the vans?
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 26, 2007, 06:47:40 AM
Dorcan is liable to go for a stungun. Would it be acceptable to assume there are some in the vans?
And remember that it's an EMF that's being used to broadcast the signal to the people, so Catf may actually be on the right track.
Due to Comic Con attendance, my participation will be spotty until approximately Sunday/Monday.
Quote from: Azlan on July 26, 2007, 03:41:41 PM
Due to Comic Con attendance, my participation will be spotty until approximately Sunday/Monday.
Yeah, that reminds me - I'm probably going to be patchy Saturday-Monday as well.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 26, 2007, 09:10:14 AM
At the Lenny's...
Lol, I've been using Lenny's in my
Rifts games since the 90s. Our originality is so intense it hurts... :P
What is it a reference to?
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 26, 2007, 03:50:36 PM
What is it a reference to?
The American Denny's chain of restaurants.
http://www.dennys.com/en/ (http://www.dennys.com/en/)
Ah. That's always one of the problems I have when writing for an international audience - trying to figure out whether a specific reference is going to mean anything...
Denny's isn't international?
Nope. Never heard of 'em.
That reminds me of something funny. Around here we always see a Denny's next to a La Quinta Inn. And whenever we would drive by one, my mom would always point it out and say "Hey, you know what La Quinta means? It means 'next to Denny's'."
Halo reference! :U :U :U
Next thing we know, we'll be calling the big Mister by the name of Foehammer!
Or Exo will depart from here and come back flying a dropship with a tank, talking about housecalls and mottos. :B
"Rebellion Vehicle Acquisition and Deployment - you know our motto; WE DELIVER!"
*snicker* :lol
Sorry about my lack of posts guys I've just not been able to come up with anything creative. And to be honest my mood hasn't been the best. SO I'm going to take a small break I still want to be in the RP I'm just taped out atm. Sorry.
Ryudo feel free to auto Victor, thank you.
Tech, as I mentioned, I'm going to be away until monday. I should have some access but I won't be able to manage Dorcan for anything that requires full control, e.g. a full confrontation with the Brotherhood. Think you could hang fire on entering the shed for a day or so?
I'd particularly like to be in control if things turn ugly because there's something I'd like to try >:3
Just a note, and I can't say it IC because I realized that Jexx wouldn't know; Communications jammers work by flooding their area of effect with junk data on all frequencies and channels, basically, they set up a deliberate interfearance field. But if something has a power level that exceeds that of the interfearance, it could punch through. If Gerald sets up a general jammer, that would definately overpower the mood-control chips, and while, OOC, Ryudo probably won't let that have any ill effect, IC, the characters don't know that. What Gerald will need to do is figure out what frequencies the Brotherhood operates their standard communiations on, then set up the interfearence in that range only.
Dorcan looked back, suddenly regretting his decision to go with Jexx. "No," he said reluctantly.
"I could probably help design or modify something, but your worlds technology and component standards are probably too different to mine for me to help just yet. I'd have to get up to speed, and that would slow the others down."
Who are you talking to, Tape? I don't remember anyone saying anything to you. And particularly,
Dorcan looked back, suddenly regretting his decision to go with Jexx.
What's that about?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 30, 2007, 12:28:47 PM
Who are you talking to, Tape? I don't remember anyone saying anything to you. And particularly,
Sally. I assumed it was a public broadcast, since as you so rightly say, Jexx is totally non-technical while Dorcan is.
As I have mentioned, Dorcan's role in this game was intended as a problem-solver and technician. Now that Sally is asking for people to help solve a technical problem, he is torn. But ultimately decides that it's better to go with Jexx.
Ah. Got it.
That and Gerald probably has it covered anyway :P
Is Dorcan now just outside the shed? It's a little difficult to describe where you're leading him since you know and I don't :P
No, we both just entered the town. And don't worry, I'm not planning on leading you bthrough every street, I'm gonna do a copout after your next post. Everyone else advances a bit, then the next time I post, we both will be at the the shed.
Actually this is a better example, as they manage to screw things up gloriously:
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 30, 2007, 06:27:33 PM
<10 Megabytes says either she's taken or he fails.>
<Your on!>
HAHAHA! Gambling between AIs! Who would've thought? That was a good one, Caff!
Thanks, I've had that in my mind a long time, and it's finally out
Only 10MB? Lightweights!
Also, "you're", not "your". ;)
Yeah, it should probably be Gigabytes, at least. :P
Well, remember, the hard drive's in Gerald's head...
And it will have to have enough space to hold two AIs, which most definately aren't small (virtually speaking). Even though the technological advances in Ryudo's world will be able to hold many times more bytes of RAM in smaller spaces than ouir world, that's still quite a feat.
Well AI programs probably wouldn't be all that big at their core. But their data stores, that would be a different story. I'm thinking that, unless he's got some kind of external storage specifically for them, then the RAM (would it be RAM?) in his head would be counted in terabytes.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 01, 2007, 09:22:15 AM
Well AI programs probably wouldn't be all that big at their core. But their data stores, that would be a different story. I'm thinking that, unless he's got some kind of external storage specifically for them, then the RAM (would it be RAM?) in his head would be counted in terabytes.
It might not be RAM in the conventional sense. Unless the AIs are sentient software (which I'm not sure I believe in) or running some kind of physical modelling algorithm (which seems likely) it might be more of a neuron pool than digital storage as we know it.
I was going to ask something related to the Zealots, but I can't remember what it was :B
Speaking of the zealots, I'm hoping that you guys are noticing a pattern between the zealots and enforcers...
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on August 02, 2007, 07:07:36 AM
"Come on Romeo, Let's get back to the hospital. You can call her tomorrow let a good Boyfriend should" says the Doctor as she steels Josh to the van.... Giggles "Oooo She must see something in you. To give you her phone number.. Gerald run this number for an address, if you can withoutbeing traced."
She wrote the address down too, PBH.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 01, 2007, 12:40:39 PM
Speaking of the zealots, I'm hoping that you guys are noticing a pattern between the zealots and enforcers...
Ummm, the enforcers shout the orders, then lazy about while the zealots do all the work? :B
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 02, 2007, 11:04:55 AM
Ummm, the enforcers shout the orders, then lazy about while the zealots do all the work? :B
The enforcers seem to be somewhat less human in terms of their reactions? Not surprising since I'd guess they're enforcers are more heavily augmented. The enforcers don't speak much.
I've remembered my question, but since it impacts what Dorcan is liable to do, it might be better to ask it in-character.
Morgan is one of those fast, brutally efficient assassin types... he was taught and practices a very efficient martial arts derivative desiged to be quick, offensive and sufficiently defensive to defend against skilled fighters. It borrows from all forms and includes a lot of mixing with other physical skills and training to round out is potential...
Then add in the fact that he can lift and support fire a 20mm cannon in his arms accurately and with the equivalent of turret mounted stability (meaning or this that he is exceptionally strong for what he appears to be).
I was really busy yesterday, otherwise I would have posted sooner. Sorry ^_^'''
Are we allowed to take the guys out in a single move? I mean, yeah, we're in a position to do that realistically, but is it acceptable to the GM?
Please note that I reworded my 'action' to better reflect that the move was an attempt... I was just illustrating, explaining somewhat graphically what he needed to do and how it should go down...
Quote from: Azlan on August 02, 2007, 12:20:08 PM
Please note that I reworded my 'action' to better reflect that the move was an attempt...
Right. I'll edit mine accordingly.
- - -
Dorcan winced. He couldn't shake the idea that what Morgan had just done was murder. It wasn't a fair fight, and for all they knew the guy had just joined the Brotherhood out of fear. He could even have been one of the Rebel spies, like the cat who'd saved him, although that was rather unlikely - Jackson would surely have told them if they had contacts.
But it was too late for regrets. Following the other's lead, Dorcan waved his stunner at the surviving zealot, who crumpled with a muted thump. Working quickly, the doberman disarmed his victim, pocketing his weapons, ID and anything else that looked handy.
"How long do these stunners last?" he whispered over the comms. "How long will he be out, I mean? And is the guy inside going to be alerted to the fact that his colleagues' vitals signs have... dropped?"
He picked up the zealot, silently carrying his 'prisoner' into the shed with minimal effort.
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 02, 2007, 12:23:04 PM
Dorcan winced. He couldn't shake the idea that what Morgan had just done was murder. It wasn't a fair fight...
Indeed this is true, it is quite very much murder... though it has the questionably higher (not much mind you) distinction of being the killing of an enemy in a time of 'war'.
Morgan is just that, a trained and brutally efficient assassin like Bourne, the Jackal, James Bond, etc. His only advantage being cybernetic enhancements that make him Matrix fast and strong.
Quote from: Azlan on August 02, 2007, 12:32:47 PM
Indeed this is true, it is quite very much murder... though it has the questionably higher (not much mind you) distinction of being the killing of an enemy in a time of 'war'.
Yep. Unlike Jakob in Gareeku's RP, Dorcan is prepared to kill people. But it doesn't mean he has to like it.
Note that in my revised version there is a direct question to Morgan, just in case you've missed the edit...
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 02, 2007, 11:13:19 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 02, 2007, 11:04:55 AM
Ummm, the enforcers shout the orders, then lazy about while the zealots do all the work? :B
The enforcers seem to be somewhat less human in terms of their reactions? Not surprising since I'd guess they're enforcers are more heavily augmented. The enforcers don't speak much.
That's very close. Now if the characters would take notice of it sometime down the road...
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 02, 2007, 12:54:16 PM
That's very close. Now if the characters would take notice of it sometime down the road...
Of course not. That'd be thinking. ;-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 02, 2007, 01:18:37 PM
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 02, 2007, 12:54:16 PM
That's very close. Now if the characters would take notice of it sometime down the road...
Of course not. That'd be thinking. ;-]
I'm sure it will happen when the characters have enough interaction and observation of the Brotherhood to draw these conclusions.
Note: Morgan is not just standing there waiting to be discovered... if he and the zealot come face to face then the zealot will be swiftly dealt with.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 02, 2007, 01:18:37 PM
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 02, 2007, 12:54:16 PM
That's very close. Now if the characters would take notice of it sometime down the road...
Of course not. That'd be thinking. ;-]
It would be thinking about things Dorcan doesn't know. He's only seen zealots as far as I know, apart from a possible brief encounter during his arrest, in which case he wouldn't have known who or what they were anyway.
Azlan, one point - I'm not sure Morgan
knows that Dorcan wants to take him alive.
He wasn't there when he chose the weapon, they've only just met up, and Dorcan hasn't actually said anything about it...
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 02, 2007, 02:24:03 PM
Azlan, one point - I'm not sure Morgan knows that Dorcan wants to take him alive.
He wasn't there when he chose the weapon, they've only just met up, and Dorcan hasn't actually said anything about it...
Noted, he does not specifically understand your intentions... well actually he does, surface thought reading and all, plus he can identify every existing weapon known on this world from up to 2km with telescopic optics... but what I wrote does make it seem like it was based on metagame knowledge, so I just removed it as it is easier.
If we really must nitpick, your post for Dorcan's reaction to Morgan's 'order' seems to indicate that you knew his intent was murder... nothing in what I have displayed to him indicates that he is capable of that action. I suppose you can get away with it by saying Dorcan would assume.
Quote from: Azlan on August 02, 2007, 05:28:02 PM
Noted, he does not specifically understand your intentions... well actually he does, surface thought reading and all, plus he can identify every existing weapon known on this world from up to 2km with telescopic optics... but what I wrote does make it seem like it was based on metagame knowledge, so I just removed it as it is easier.
Ok. I was actually going to suggest you add something to clarify it, if he's using some kind of empathic ability.
QuoteIf we really must nitpick, your post for Dorcan's reaction to Morgan's 'order' seems to indicate that you knew his intent was murder... nothing in what I have displayed to him indicates that he is capable of that action. I suppose you can get away with it by saying Dorcan would assume.
This is true, as it was based on your original post, which I read three times and still came away thinking you'd killed him straight off :P
I might reword it slightly.
Sorry, I missed that you had shot him the first time, but I made up for it in my next post.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 03, 2007, 09:22:09 AM
Sorry, I missed that you had shot him the first time, but I made up for it in my next post.
Ah, I wasn't sure if it was a mistake or not :P
I'm impressed by Jexx's grasp of the concept "stealthy" ... ;-]
Much like a half-giant rogue. "I AM SNEAKING UP ON YOU! YOU CANNOT SEE ME!"
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 03, 2007, 11:34:45 AM
Much like a half-giant rogue. "I AM SNEAKING UP ON YOU! YOU CANNOT SEE ME!"
This really, honestly was the reason I sent Dorcan off with Jexx, to try and protect him from himself. Not that he's done a great job of it so far :3
Anyway, I'm gonna give it a rest for now, since Azlan's going to have a lot to digest :P
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 03, 2007, 11:34:45 AM
Much like a half-giant rogue. "I AM SNEAKING UP ON YOU! YOU CANNOT SEE ME!"
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 03, 2007, 12:45:51 PM
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 03, 2007, 11:34:45 AM
Much like a half-giant rogue. "I AM SNEAKING UP ON YOU! YOU CANNOT SEE ME!"
:lol That's a good one!
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 03, 2007, 12:45:51 PM
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 03, 2007, 11:34:45 AM
Much like a half-giant rogue. "I AM SNEAKING UP ON YOU! YOU CANNOT SEE ME!"
I knew it! Those sneaky bastards! :rolleyes
Yeah, Jexx wasn't made to be the subtle character. He'll sneak well when he has to, but the moment combat arrives, any smidgen of "be quiet" is unceremoniously chucked out the window via a blast from his handcannons :giggle
EDIT: And BTW, Jexx doesn't really need anyone to 'look after' him. He's taken care of himself for the past two years, and contrary to what Exo says, I highly doubt Jexx could've lasted that long on luck. ;)
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 03, 2007, 02:31:48 PM
And BTW, Jexx doesn't really need anyone to 'look after' him. He's taken care of himself for the past two years, and contrary to what Exo says, I highly doubt Jexx could've lasted that long on luck. ;)
Riiight :rolleyes
Quote from: Tapewolf"I give my life in sacrifice for the brotherhood of the machine," he said.
(Never thought I'd get to use that..."
Quote from: Catffeinated on August 03, 2007, 02:48:08 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf"I give my life in sacrifice for the brotherhood of the machine," he said.
Hehehehe... let's just say he's testing a theory.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 03, 2007, 03:30:53 PM
The helmet would not come off easy, and in fact pulled more than a few wires out of the poor guy's head. Morgan's search would find a hardwired implant at the base of the brain, wrapped around and integrated with the spinal cord, and a similar device in the weapon and armor. Upon closer inspection, it appears that it's activated by a verbal passcode, though touching the helmet seemed to expedite the process somehow, possibly creating a short circuit. Once activated, the device almost literally fries the brain, and quite efficiently shuts down the entire body. During the process, a signal is sent to the device in the weapon and armor which causes their components to fry and fuse, making them pretty much worthless to weapons scavengers. Removing the device in any other way would obviously mean death.
Does this mean that the armor and weapon are still intact? Do they require the input of a working system, such as the zealot's brain, to function? Morgan uses touch-based/wireless smartlinking and his electrokinesis to tie a weapon into his CTC's systems... is the Brotherhood weapon capable of accepting this type of connection?
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 03, 2007, 03:30:53 PM
The cables were conduits of electricity, and oddly enough, the electricity was seemingly pulsating through the cables at the same frequency that the electromagnetic field that seems to feed signals to the chips in the people's necks around the town was.
How much power is going through these wires and how much would I have to absorb before the flow is interupted significantly to cause a problem for them? Can I conceviably 'eat' that much safely or is it beyond my capability currently?
Looks like Dorcan's experiment with the self-destruct mechanism is moot if the armour-body integration is that tight. Since he would have seen that during the disassembly, may I scrub that bit?
The weapon and armor are still intact, but the working parts are fused and worthless. They are scrap at this point.
When the zealot activates this "self destruct" mechanism, then his equipment gets a similar signal from the implant. The link between the brotherhood member and his weapon is as yet unknown to you. All you know is that somehow a signal goes from the implant to the equipment and that causes the whole thing to go bzzzzt *fizzle*!
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 03, 2007, 04:46:59 PM
The weapon and armor are still intact, but the working parts are fused and worthless. They are scrap at this point.
Perhaps I've missed something again, but my understanding is that we have two sets of armour, one destroyed, the other intact, since since Morgan killed his zealot before he could set off the self-destruct. That doesn't preclude the armour self-destructing if it detects his death, of course.
What I'm saying is that if dismantling Morgan's zealot reveals that the armour is hardwired into his nervous system, Dorcan is going to have one heck of a job getting the helmet and glove into a condition that he can carry them around, and if it will be trailing wires and stuff as your post seems to imply, it's not that reasonable for him to assume the self-destruct is still going to be in working condition. (Dorcan's theory being that each bit of armour is independently-powered and contains its own voice recognition)
Oh right, forgot about that other guy. Um, the findings on the other guy will show that the weapon and armor are actually powered by the zealot, hence all the wires going into his body.
Sudden idea! Plasma + Throat = Zealot - vocal chords!
Plasma would (in theory) fuse any material it came into contact with, so if someone shot a member of the Brotherhood in the neck, that would disarm the suicide mechanism! ... Wouldn't it?
Quote from: Catffeinated on August 03, 2007, 05:47:40 PM
Sudden idea! Plasma + Throat = Zealot - vocal chords!
Plasma would (in theory) fuse any material it came into contact with, so if someone shot a member of the Brotherhood in the neck, that would disarm the suicide mechanism! ... Wouldn't it?
Yeah, but that also disables breathing...
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 03, 2007, 05:00:40 PM
Oh right, forgot about that other guy. Um, the findings on the other guy will show that the weapon and armor are actually powered by the zealot, hence all the wires going into his body.
What powers them? If I gots the ability to channel power, can I say... power them?
Quote from: Azlan on August 03, 2007, 05:57:31 PM
Yeah, but that also disables breathing...
Tongue removal? I was going to suggest that but it seems a bit harsh :B
What powers them? If I gots the ability to channel power, can I say... power them?
He seemed at one point to be saying that they draw induced current from the tower broadcast signals.
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 03, 2007, 06:05:00 PM
He seemed at one point to be saying that they draw induced current from the tower broadcast signals.
To produce plasma though? Consider the Rayleigh Criterion, plus it would be rather uncomfortable around here if the tower dumped that much power into the surrounding environment for something like wireless energy transfer.
Electromagnetic Induction is relatively short ranged. Evanescent wave coupling is longer ranged but not very efficient. It seems unrealistic that the tower puts out power that the zealots take in and power themselves with. I can get away with it because I employ electrokinesis, but what do the rest of you use I wonder...
If it is broadcast power, it's probably not going to be based on a technology we've discovered.
Scratch that, he was talking about the cables in the tunnel, which suggests they're leading to some kind of relay. Fibre might have been better though >:3
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 03, 2007, 06:05:00 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 03, 2007, 05:57:31 PM
Yeah, but that also disables breathing...
Tongue removal? I was going to suggest that but it seems a bit harsh :B
Also ineffective. All the zealot has to do is make -enough- noise that someone comes. You can scream without a tongue - it's all from the throat.
And that may well trigger someone remotely shutting him down - after all, if it's powered, then there's likelyhood of locator signals... at least -within- the tower, if not outside as well.
I feel i need to say a few thing for Jexx.
before I do though, I just want to say that if this were really
me, I would most certainly
not be acting the way Jexx is, but this is Jexx's character.
Several of the things that Morgan thinks about Jexx are most certainly true. A few other things, well, seem needlessly harsh.
Morgan watched Jexx posture and insult the capabilities of himself, the whole team and the Rebellion all with a few selfish words.
I don't see Jexx actually insulting anyone in with what he said...
In Morgan's eyes he saw an immature little boy, not an adult.
That, however, is quite true. For all intents and puposes, he
is only two years old. I must point out though, that he never chose to be the way he is.
Jexx made his excuses, but what it really boiled down to is Jexx wanted to solve the whole problem himself and be the hero of the day.
The first part of that sentance is true (about solving the problem himself), but how can Jexx try to be the 'hero' if he doesn't even know what that is? All his 'life', the only thing he has ever done is fight the Brotherhood, and he has done it all by himself. He is, unfortunately, still subconsiously trapped in the mind-set that no one is on his side, therefore, he does everything himself. If there is an objective, he will immediately hop to it without any delay, because he thinks there is no one else to do it. Any though of 'heroics' never even enters his mind.
with one act, he deserted his post,
None of us really
had a specific post, and Jexx doesn't really even recognize them anyway...
possibly endangering the lives of his two team mates
I don't see how this endangers Morgan or Dorcan...
headed off into an unknown area that could lead to his own death or capture by the Brotherhood.
*Jexx's responce* "What else is new?"
He's faced this
exact situation before, and almost his entire life has been nothing but him doing things similar to this. He has absolutely nothing to lose, but everything to gain. That's why he seems to disregard his own safety; he does not fear death. Indeed, he barely knows what it is. And he can take care of himself. so long as he doesn't actually try to
enter the Tower (like he once did) he should be fine.
If he fought in the tunnels, a stray shot could destroy the conduits, taking out the machinery, maybe a section of town or even the tower
I think that's slightly unrealistic. If he pumped his plasma cannons at the tunnel for about ten seconds, I would imagine he might cause the tunnel in front of him to collapse, but nothing more. If he could
really take out an entire Tower with just one shot, he would do it in an instant.
One act could have so many consequences and without a thought, he risks the whole operation and the lives of everyone for a bit of action and glory.
Like said, if this turns ugly, it would hardly harm anyone but himself, and that's old news to Jexx. And he can't seek glory if he doesn't even know what it is.
organ briefly considered executing Jexx on the spot for what would be considered treason during a time of war.
While I think the others things are at least partially justified, this thing seems way to harsh and over-reacting. Execution? How can it be treason if he's not fighting against you? For that matter, he still doesn't even consider himself part of the rebellion yet, that's why he always refers to them in the third person, instead of 'we'. I'm planning on changing that eventually, but for now, that's him. He'll never actually oppose the Rebellion unless they do something that irreparably damages his own agenda.
one that needs to be disciplined for his actions
If, when Jexx returns to the group in the morning, there is anything beyond verbal communication (that is, Jexx explaining himself at the demand of the group, and maybe a few probably well-deserved insults and shouts directed at Jexx), and some sort of real reprimand is issued to Jexx, he will react
extreamly badly to that. He'd probably leave right then and there, once again utterly convinced he is better off on his own. Selfish and childish? Yes. But that's Jexx, and he didn't never chose to be like that.
A few closing notes. One is that what Jexx is doing isn't even going to be
that dangerous or important, he's just going to map the tunnel network. He'll mark any other doors or hatchways he finds, but he probably won't actually go
through them. I am expecting this to actually be an uneventful night (unless Ryudo has something else in mind, I hope he doesn't). On the subject of Jexx explaining himself, he will also probably have no choice but to finally spill out the exact circumstances that haunt his life. Even if the group still doesn't agree with him (in any case, i'm not really expecting them to), at least they should be able to understand him.
I want to say one or two more things, but I've forgotten what they are, rambled on far too long, and have to leave now anyway.
In other words, Azlan, don't make Morgan go
too hard on Jexx. He never asked or chose to be the way he is, have the outlook and attitudes he has, or even his mechanical limbs, it was all unceremoniously forced upon him.
Umm.. yah, one, his post was with the others, two, treason for leaving your post, three, Jexx seemed to be saying that we (the Rebelion) couldn't handle the situation, and four, have you ever heard of devices that can remotely read your hard drive? Or mental intrusion? Hmp, Jexx wouldn't last two seconds from that... neither would most of us.
OK, now to say what I was going to say in the first place:
Ryudo, what were the results of the search (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php?topic=2926.msg136307#msg136307)?
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 03, 2007, 09:15:10 PM
In other words, Azlan, don't make Morgan go too hard on Jexx. He never asked or chose to be the way he is, have the outlook and attitudes he has, or even his mechanical limbs, it was all unceremoniously forced upon him.
Well, treason for leaving your post... Morgan considers operations like this in military terms, hence the choice of words. It boils down to a few facts:
Jexx disregarded his 'teammates' and left them to fend for themselves
He has received no order to proceed alone
His actions will endanger everyone, regardless of whether he thinks so or not
Morgan's comment:
QuoteMorgan watched Jexx posture and insult the capabilities of himself, the whole team and the Rebellion all with a few selfish words.
By Jexx dissolving his association with the team, even for this one part of the operation, and potentially throwing them to the wolves, he has essentially made the statement that Jackson's choice of assembling this group and putting them
together on this mission was wrong.
By casting off backup and telling him to 'go stuff it', Jexx has made the blatant statement that he views Dorcan to have no worth and insults Morgan's mission and operational experience. The only character who has shown any results in this operation has been Morgan and to blatantly ignore an order from what would apparently be the de facto mission specialist is quite an affront.
By abandoning them, Jexx does indeed endanger their lives. If you do not see why, then I don't feel like wasting time explaining it.
Another point is that Jexx does not know what is down this shaft. That very fact is indeed why he is investigating, however, your character is likely the least suited for this function. You have built this character up, at least as I see it, completely around a combat function not a stealth or special missions function. You are itching for combat action, but the whole design of this mission is based largely on stealth and deception. The very requirements highly discourage combat.
The team is still not 100% sure that sudden elimination of the signal will not cause adverse effects up to and including death, so a fight in an area that at this point appears to be important to the control signal, could spell disaster if a stray shot destroys the conduits. Okay, so a bad shot might just collapse the roof above you and bury just you... sure, that is true. Consider what happens if there is a natural gas main above you... what about a vehicle fuel station? What if the Brotherhood put a freaking nuclear reactor under the center of town and you cause a melt down? It is a stretch, but possible. Also, don't for one second even think "well Ryudo wouldn't do something that could kill the whole group..." or other thoughts like that. This could very well be true, but that is another form of metagaming... that is definitely not even a consideration for the character... for him, this is real life.
I hate berating people, but it needs to be said. In the end, you have done what you did and as my father always said, "you've made your bed, now you can sleep in it." I will be disappointed if Ryudo lets this one slip and you get a useful turn out of it, but that is up to him.
I see your points, they are all pretty valid, except in my opinion, the military one. The only two "miltary" proffesionals are Morgan and Exo, everyone else isn't. That's why I don't expect this to go like a cut-and-dry, by-the-book military operation, I expect quite the opposite. And one other one, "fend for yourselves"? Are you saying you actually need Jexx to protect you? Huh, that's certainly a first... Everything else however, is rightfully sound.
But anyway, because these two points I cannont stress enough, if this were real and it were me, I would not be doing what Jexx is doing.
The other is that Jexx honestly doesn't know any better. That's all there is to it.
The second point is no excuse, it is only a reason as to why Jexx does what he does.
No, Dorcan and Morgan do not need Jexx, probably the opposite is true, but you are missing the point...
Your two points mean nothing to me, they are no excuse and frankly a shield of the abuser. So many times I have had to face down immature, selfish gamers who hide behind their character's alignment, personality, flaws, etc. as an excuse to play selfish, disruptive, abusive and annoying characters. I do not wish to see that happen here.
tech, I think Az is not saying it -is- a military operation.
He's saying Morgan approaches it as a military operation, and reacts as if it were, because that's what Morgan is used to.
What -you- expect is irrelevant to what -Morgan- expects.
Oh, and the danger thing? What happens if Jexx runs into more trouble than he can deal with? A troop of 20 or so zealots, who capture him, set the entire tower on heightened alert, and call someone to send another company of zealots and enforcers to confirm the security on the shed?
No -way- Dorcan and Morgan can get out of that, and look - you (would have) just killed them both, and pretty much destroyed any hope of the -rest- of the team managing to accomplish anything.
I think Azlan has reason for concern. In fact, personally I'd like to sit down with Ryudo and see if I could come up with some truly evil response to force you back into line - but I don't expect Ryudo to accept, nor do I think he -needs- my help.
This is not a debate I'm comfortable about, happy as I am to point out bugs or inconsistencies in the gameplay - probably because this an argument over a conscious decision rather than pointing out an oversight or potential problem.
That said, I would bear in mind Ryudo's words when Cat's character went out of whack:
"You need to work WITH the party, not against it. I will not hesitate to get your character killed if you continue to do stuff counteractive to what the rest of the party is doing." (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php?topic=2918.msg132328#msg132328)
*sigh* This should never have even been a problem in the first place. I was kind of hoping to find some way for Jexx to
avoid Morgan, because I actually foresaw something
like this happening. Morgan and Jexx are pretty much polar opposites of each other, but I didn't think they would grind
this badly. Jexx is just mapping a freaking
service crawlway tunnel, for crying out loud. What is the big flippin' deal?This isn't supposed to be counteractive, this is supposed to be productive.
A troop of 20 or so zealots
How the hell are you going to fit that many zealots into a tunnel not even completely high enough to stand in?
He's saying Morgan approaches it as a military operation, and reacts as if it were, because that's what Morgan is used to
But he's also trying to force his military diciplinces on others (Ok, just Jexx), which I have a major problem with.
A few other things, Jexx xould never have -had- a post if no one ever -told- him he had a post. No one ever told Jexx he had to stay somewhere. And even then, he
certainly wouldn't listen to Morgan, because Morgan is in no position to be giving orders. He may have military background, but his authority is only what the group says he has, and the group hasn't said anything. If anyone gives orders, it's Exo, and
only Exo. But that's only because Exo is a big freaking warbot who looks as if he can pull an anti-anything missle launcher out of his ass at the drop of a hat.
I have much more to say, but not enough memory or time to say it. And it doesn't matter anyway, because since
everyone[ feels so strongly against this, I'll just
go and edit/remove the post.
EDIT: Hold the phone, I just remembered. Someone else is still waiting to jump into this RP, has been for several weeks, and he's waiting for a fray to do so. I was intending and counting on this mapping to go completely uneventful, that's why I've been so baffled at everyone's objection to it, but if Jexx
does get into a fight, that will actually work in the new guy's favor.
So, I'll let you people decide. Edit and remove the friction, or keep going and get that other player in?
EDIT EDIT: i've been thinking, and I'm actually leaning toward going back and editing/removing my posts to fix this. This whole thing was supposed to be perfectly simple and normal, it was never supposed to end up the fiasco it is, and I really don't want to leave it on such a bad note.
I have gone back and edited the post where Jexx 'ran off', metagaming be damned. Edits to original replies now needed.
Sorry for the absence again... it was another long weekend which can be summed up in one word: drama.
Quote from: Azlan on August 03, 2007, 05:57:31 PM
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 03, 2007, 05:00:40 PM
Oh right, forgot about that other guy. Um, the findings on the other guy will show that the weapon and armor are actually powered by the zealot, hence all the wires going into his body.
What powers them? If I gots the ability to channel power, can I say... power them?
That would require you guys to surgically dissect a zealot... perhaps the good doctor could help in that regard.
Quote from: Catffeinated on August 03, 2007, 09:52:58 PM
Ryudo, what were the results of the search (http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php?topic=2926.msg136307#msg136307)?
The address on the paper she wrote is correct.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 04, 2007, 01:16:19 PM
Oh, and the danger thing? What happens if Jexx runs into more trouble than he can deal with? A troop of 20 or so zealots, who capture him, set the entire tower on heightened alert, and call someone to send another company of zealots and enforcers to confirm the security on the shed?
I think Azlan has reason for concern. In fact, personally I'd like to sit down with Ryudo and see if I could come up with some truly evil response to force you back into line - but I don't expect Ryudo to accept, nor do I think he -needs- my help.
See, llearch just keeps giving me material here. And everyone should keep in mind that, from an RP standpoint, I come from a D&D background. And as any player of D&D should know, if you go off on your own, you'd might as well leave behind a "goodbye cruel world" note.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 04, 2007, 03:46:14 PM
A troop of 20 or so zealots
How the hell are you going to fit that many zealots into a tunnel not even completely high enough to stand in?
Well, not actual zealots, but a bunch of plasma turrets built into the wall would do the trick. Not that I'm saying I'll actually do that... or will I?
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 06, 2007, 03:19:58 PM
Well, not actual zealots, but a bunch of plasma turrets built into the wall would do the trick. Not that I'm saying I'll actually do that... or will I?
Or, if the scenery is heat sensitive, strung with mono-filament wire, or the like.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 06, 2007, 03:19:58 PM
See, llearch just keeps giving me material here. And everyone should keep in mind that, from an RP standpoint, I come from a D&D background. And as any player of D&D should know, if you go off on your own, you'd might as well leave behind a "goodbye cruel world" note.
.... Ewps. Sorry, tech. I'll STFU now. :-/
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 04, 2007, 03:46:14 PMBut that's only because Exo is a big freaking warbot who looks as if he can pull an anti-anything missle launcher out of his ass at the drop of a hat.
He's not that big. :<
He also doesn't have an Ass of Holding. Or even a Donkey of Holding. He certainly couldn't pull the weapons out of nowhere, but myomer with hydraulic assistance will give him a mean punch - though it would only really be suitable for heavy duty work. The hydraulics are merely a backup, kind of like temporary exerting yourself to apply as much muscle power as possible. They lack the fine manipulation and dexterity/accuracy of the myomer control, and are best suited for small-scale demolition work. >:3
No, no, keep going. I want to see how grisly Jexx's inevitable death will be. >:3
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 06, 2007, 03:56:24 PM
Or, if the scenery is heat sensitive, strung with mono-filament wire, or the like.
Ah yes, my first choice in fun. Mono-filament cutwire, when you absolutely have to cut through even fraggin brick between you and your objective.
Of course there's always my favorite line against it: My shoe laces are mono-filament, but you don't see my chopping off any limbs with them...
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 06, 2007, 03:56:24 PM
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 06, 2007, 03:19:58 PM
Well, not actual zealots, but a bunch of plasma turrets built into the wall would do the trick. Not that I'm saying I'll actually do that... or will I?
Or, if the scenery is heat sensitive, strung with mono-filament wire, or the like.
See? More and more material.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 06, 2007, 03:56:24 PM
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 06, 2007, 03:19:58 PM
See, llearch just keeps giving me material here. And everyone should keep in mind that, from an RP standpoint, I come from a D&D background. And as any player of D&D should know, if you go off on your own, you'd might as well leave behind a "goodbye cruel world" note.
.... Ewps. Sorry, tech. I'll STFU now. :-/
I never said I didn't like getting material.
Well T-G appears to have backtracked, as he said. Are we going with that? If so, Morgan's followups will need to be re-edited. I've done mine, but I can revert back to 'Jexx ran away' if need be.
Yes let's get everything straightened out according to tech's edits.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 06, 2007, 03:56:24 PM
.... Ewps. Sorry, tech. I'll STFU now. :-/
Yes llearch. That would be very nice. >:[ The main reason why I wanted Jexx to map the tunnels in the first place is that it's supposed to be empty, except for
maybe some random engineer, whom Jexx could take care of quickly.
Are they? You never know what the paranoid delinquents of the Tower have set up.
If nothing else, there's likely to be cameras. I mean, you already know (meta-gaming, but bear with me) that they're paranoid enough to have someone watching the firewall 24/7 - not only someone watching, but someone watching who is bright enough to respond instantly.
That sort of thing isn't cheap, at all. People like that tend to want to write a program to watch the firewall, so they can go and do something useful. They're also, in their field, what I like to think of as highly creative - although, since I -am- one, I might be considered a tad biased. :-] Either that or their firewall designer "enlightened" a good big team - I'm thinking at -least- two per shift, three shifts, round the clock, so a bare minimum of 6, and more likely more than that - after all, manpower isn't a Brotherhood issue, and neither, apparently, is money. That sort of expertise has a -lot- of places it can go for cash.
Having said that, Jexx doesn't know that they're paranoid enough to spend that sort of cash. What he -does- know is that he's been hunting them for 2 years. On that basis, I'd say he'd -have- to realise they're going to be paranoid even when they -don't- know someone is out there.
After all, a safe way of adventuring is to presume there -is- someone there. If there isn't, a little extra caution never hurts. If there is, you're covered.
Am I right?
(please bear in mind, any comments I make here are my own, and not authoritative. i.e., I'm not laying down the law when I tell you you should do something, I'm making a suggestion, and you're free to tell me to fsck off. And I won't even take offence. :-] )
Quote from: Azlan on August 06, 2007, 04:15:55 PM
Of course there's always my favorite line against it: My shoe laces are mono-filament, but you don't see my chopping off any limbs with them...
Short for "monomolecular filament wire", theoretically. Unlike your shoelaces. :-P
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 06, 2007, 04:44:40 PM
I never said I didn't like getting material.
Noted. Techmaster might prefer I didn't, though. :-]
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 06, 2007, 05:04:35 PM
Well T-G appears to have backtracked, as he said. Are we going with that? If so, Morgan's followups will need to be re-edited. I've done mine, but I can revert back to 'Jexx ran away' if need be.
The follow up is edited, did I miss one?
No, it's all right, llearch. What you say makes sense.
Though yes, I would very much prefer you stop slipping Ryudo dangerous ideas :rolleyes The Brotherhood is supposed to be cannon fodder to Jexx, not the the way around xD
I'm sure Jexx thinks so.
I'm also sure that the Brotherhood feels almost precisely the opposite... ;-]
The Brotherhood doesn't know he even exists, so how can they think that way? No Brotherhood member, and quite a few other people besides, have seen Jexx and lived :P
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 06, 2007, 07:27:52 PM
Short for "monomolecular filament wire", theoretically. Unlike your shoelaces. :-P
I know this, but it was a funny line from a Shadowrun game book somewheres, probably the entry for the monosword.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 06, 2007, 11:11:12 PM
The Brotherhood doesn't know he even exists, so how can they think that way? No Brotherhood member, and quite a few other people besides, have seen Jexx and lived :P
"Hey, someone in this area has been killing our members, since they're not coming back from searching, and their locator beacons are displaying they've stopped moving -here-"
"Ah, ignore it. It must be a glitch in the system."
... likely? Or not? They don't have to know who you are to know you're not helpful.
Oh, they certainly know that a large number of their people are being killed off by some lone operative, or so they think, but they have absolutely no idea
"I never imagined that it would be the Rebellion, not the Brotherhood, who would find me first." Jexx said. "The Brotherhood have no idea who I am; all they know, or think, is that there is some lone vigilante being a thorn in their side, because every single Brotherhood member who has ever gotten a clear look at me has not lived to tell anyone about it. I think the Brotherhood has occationally tried to follow me to find out who I am, but I've taken out any who tailed me." Jexx gave a slight chuckle. "I never thought I'd have to watch my back for Rebellion observers, too."
As said, they only don't know that Jexx exists (except for one priest, but he doesn't know that Jexx is still alive. And I'm saving that for later, don't want to spoil
too much :P ), and thus, cannot connect him with the unexplained deaths of quite a few of their soldiery.
That and he's never stayed in any one town or city for long. He's lived his entire life on the run.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 06, 2007, 10:29:43 PM
Though yes, I would very much prefer you stop slipping Ryudo dangerous ideas :rolleyes
Too bad for you, because I encourage that kind of behaviour.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 06, 2007, 10:29:43 PM
The Brotherhood is supposed to be cannon fodder to Jexx, not the the way around xD
You need to get this idea out of your head. I didn't design this game around your character. If they really wanted to flex some muscles, they could put Jexx out of commission in little time. You've only been dealing with the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. So I'd suggest that Jexx "realize" this fact, and deflate his head.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 06, 2007, 11:11:12 PM
The Brotherhood doesn't know he even exists, so how can they think that way? No Brotherhood member, and quite a few other people besides, have seen Jexx and lived :P
I'd like to state that this is how Jexx
THINKS, so don't take it for fact. For all he knows, the Brotherhood could have been watching him for longer than the Rebellion has. That's up to me to decide and you to find out in play.
Also, keep in mind that there are crates in the room. Upon inspection they'll contain various objects like small generators or more cables or pipes.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 07, 2007, 09:11:46 AM
Also, keep in mind that there are crates in the room. Upon inspection they'll contain various objects like small generators or more cables or pipes.
I've taken that as a hint and updated my post accordingly.
Quote from: Azlan on August 06, 2007, 09:14:09 PM
The follow up is edited, did I miss one?
No, it's fine now. If it was already done when I mentioned it, I may have been seeing a cached page or something.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 07, 2007, 09:11:46 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 06, 2007, 10:29:43 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 06, 2007, 10:29:43 PM
The Brotherhood is supposed to be cannon fodder to Jexx, not the the way around xD
You need to get this idea out of your head. I didn't design this game around your character. If they really wanted to flex some muscles, they could put Jexx out of commission in little time. You've only been dealing with the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. So I'd suggest that Jexx "realize" this fact, and deflate his head.
Ok, lemme rephrase. Brotherhood
zealots are cannon fodder, but they seem to always have been canon fodder regardless, even probably to the rest of the party, I imagine. Enforcers, not so much, elites, definately not, priests, right out. But zealots are pretty much mostly all that Jexx has dealt with.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 07, 2007, 09:11:46 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 06, 2007, 11:11:12 PM
The Brotherhood doesn't know he even exists, so how can they think that way? No Brotherhood member, and quite a few other people besides, have seen Jexx and lived :P
I'd like to state that this is how Jexx THINKS, so don't take it for fact. For all he knows, the Brotherhood could have been watching him for longer than the Rebellion has. That's up to me to decide and you to find out in play.
And that would be a problem. If even a single clear photograph of Jexx got to the wrong priest (the only one alive who knows him) signaling that Jexx is still alive, Jexx would have been dead almost right after, or worse.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 07, 2007, 09:52:20 AM
And that would be a problem. If even a single clear photograph of Jexx got to the wrong priest (the only one alive who knows him) signaling that Jexx is still alive, Jexx would have been dead almost right after, or worse.
That's not completely accurate. Just because they haven't made a move against Jexx doesn't mean that they don't know Jexx is alive. They could just be watching and waiting for the right moment. But again, that's something to be found out in play.
That's not very believable. Jexx has been randomly killing quite a few of their men in many different towns for quiet some time. Based on everything we know about the Brotherhood, it is virtually unthinkable that they would allow something like that to go unpunished if they could do otherwise. Jexx has operated the entire time on ambushing tactics. He wouldn't be difficult to take down if he was the one ambushed. If the general command of the Brotherhood knew him, they could take him at any time. The right moment to take Jexx would be...before Jexx makes another move. And if the general command knows, so does the one preist I'm referencing. If he knew, he would immediately organize a strike force and go in person to facilitate Jexx's death or re-capture. Jexx is only remaining evidence of part of a significant top-secret Brotherhood investment (and a personal one to those involved). Though as you once said, the project in question has been re-purposed, but this is the older version I'm talking about.
But going back to the first point. I do realize that this is entirely your universe, Ryudo, and you are entitled to blow it up if you want. I'm just saying that, the uber-paranoid Brotherhood waiting on something like this seems to contradict everything you have made about them.
And if it seems like I'm sometimes trying to make everything 'all about Jexx', that is not the case, I assure you. Quite the opposite in fact. I'm actually trying to get Jexx's story done and over with so it doesn't have to be brought up again, so he can take a backseat (plotwise) for the rest of the RP and remove any possibility of him falling back into the 'spotlight', so to speak.
Tech, how about we just marginalize you and your background? Perhaps your priest gets politically ousted and his powerbase eliminated... or he gets terminated, thereby erasing this issue completely?
Like Ryudo, I have a significant background in D&D, the character's background is just that... a background. It is information the GM/DM/Storyteller can use, if he chooses to. Just because you might write a wonderfully scripted 30 page detailed novel on your character, their family, its enemies and the tragedy of his life that lead to what he is today, does not mean the GM is required to play by your guidelines, rules or requirements. He isn't even required to regard it at all, he can ignore it or marginalize it.
I have seen this happen often, mostly among groups of strangers, and as such I have learned a valuable life lesson from it. I keep the details at hand, but only include basic snippets to provide a framework or to generate interest. If a gamemaster is one who actually wishes to exploit backgrounds, then I feed the necessary data if prompted by an interested inquiry from the GM. No prompt, means he is not interested. If he does look into it, you need to judge what he requires. Some GMs only wish for basic outlines, names and circumstances... they prefer to fill it all in themselves with the appropriate baddies and plots. Others want the whole thing so they don't have to do one ounce of extra work. Some want backgrounds to ensure the characters have depth and value, but have no desire to include much of it into the plot. A few wish to make players work hard to develop a character, gain attachments, and then revel in the emotions as they thoroughly tear it down in front of a player's eyes. Still others want backgrounds because they have no idea what they want to do in a campaign and want the players to script it all out for them so they have time to gain direction. Others just want to be annoying and make players work as hard as they have in writing their campaign, whether or not they acknowledge the background.
Ryudo has his own plans, he is working with your background, possibly because it worked for him or it interested him. I have just as much depth and devotion to my character, but Ryudo shows no interest or care for mine, so I have marginalized it. It does no one any justice to keep dropping excessive hints, or really straining to keep throwing in the history to nearly every post... that can truly be annoying. That might not be meant for you as much as for others.
You need to realize that it is the GMs world, his game and the players are merely along for the ride. yes, we are here to have fun, but unlike the GM, who gets to have his cake and eat it too, players have to adjust their entertainment towards the ends of a campaign. Rare is it the GM that cares enough to accommodate all their player's wants and desires... it is impossible.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 07, 2007, 10:20:47 AM
That's not very believable.
On the contrary. They might well be presuming him to be part of the Rebellion, and be watching him to see if they can track him back to them. Or they might just be playing with him, cat-like. Or they might have multiple priests in multiple areas vying with each other to see if they can, ah, direct him, without him realising it, into each other's areas. After all, sending someone unrelated to you to kill someone else's troops is the ultimate sneaky bastard move, as well as being very effective. ;-]
To The Brotherhood, a few zealots - or even enforcers and priests - in exchange for Jackson Phoenix and his cabal would be cheap at the price. Even just for seriously inconveniencing Jackson, for that matter. As I understand it, The Brotherhood has a totally different view to you or I as to the value of individual human life. To them, whatever you spend, you spend to achieve something. If that involves breaking some of your toys, so be it, as long as you accomplish something with it.
Spending a Tower in a remote place to knobble JP would be expensive, but justifiable, if it worked.
Again, this is as I understand it, and hence subject to correction from Ryudo...
Azlan:I don't think Jexx's whole backstory is that big :< It's not even that complex
llearch: You have a very devious mind. And I mean that in the best possible good way ;) What you say just might be workable...
But you're all probably right. I might send the relevant pieces of Jexx's information to Ryudo as situations come up, as opposed to the excessive hinting (which, believe it or not, I don't enjoy doing), but from now on I will try harder to go with the flow of what Ryudo says.
My apologies for any inconviences to anyone (which I seem to have done quite a bit recently, and not just here. For that I am very sorry).
Going to what Az said about my attention to his background, I do fully intend on putting focus in some form or another on everyone in regards to their connection to the Brotherhood or Rebellion. So don't feel like I'm ignoring your work... I just haven't gotten there yet.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 07, 2007, 02:38:16 PM
llearch: You have a very devious mind. And I mean that in the best possible good way ;) What you say just might be workable...
Why, thank you. I think. ;-]
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 07, 2007, 03:44:54 PM
Going to what Az said about my attention to his background, I do fully intend on putting focus in some form or another on everyone in regards to their connection to the Brotherhood or Rebellion. So don't feel like I'm ignoring your work... I just haven't gotten there yet.
That's not specifically what I intended, it was a generality as opposed to an accusation... it does sound kind of bad, sorry about that.
I've just re-sequenced things slightly to take Ryudo's post into account. Dorcan isn't supposed to be comic relief, but I couldn't resist that one.
Josh's post is not consistent with the previous chains he was involved in. If Jexx was transmitting over the global comms, that is fine for him, but Morgan only transmits if I state he is speaking over the comms and I italicize the text without quotations. Morgan's reply was conversational, point to point transmissions... only the immediate team can hear it. I have kept this consistent, so there is no excuse for missing that at this point. An adjustment will need to be made.
Quote"Oh, will you give it a freaking rest already? This ain't your Ivy-League high-class military here, we're just a ragtag band of random rebels! Stop expecting everyone to be as 'enlightened' as you are, because, belive it or not, your elitist attitude gets a little annoying!"
jexx was complaining and josh not hearing anyone else on the comms assumed it was someone who could infact do point to point.
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 10:11:12 PM
Quote"Oh, will you give it a freaking rest already? This ain't your Ivy-League high-class military here, we're just a ragtag band of random rebels! Stop expecting everyone to be as 'enlightened' as you are, because, believe it or not, your elitist attitude gets a little annoying!"
jexx was complaining and josh not hearing anyone else on the comms assumed it was someone who could infact do point to point.
Unfortunately to assume makes an
ass out of yo
u and
me. Nothing along the conversation
you are aware of indicates that anything other then one idiotic youth was arguing, to indicate otherwise is a large insult I do not appreciate. Please do not metagame.
before this is rectified any more than it is
what is meta game? and i do not mean to insult
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 10:21:19 PM
before this is rectified any more than it is
what is meta game? and i do not mean to insult
Straight from wikipedia: In role-playing games, metagaming is the use of out-of-character knowledge in an in-character situation. A character played by a metagamer does not act in a way that reflects the character's in-game experiences and back-story.
They include some examples to clarify this meaning:
Examples of metagaming include:
* Adjusting a character's actions if the player has some foreknowledge of the long-term intentions of the gamemaster.
* Using certain types of attack or defense based on the strengths and weaknesses of a monster/other characters the character knows nothing of, for example a weakness to fire-based magic.
* Acting on technical and/or scientific knowledge that the character is not or could not be aware of (such as creating gunpowder in a dark ages or middle ages setting).
* Adjusting a character's behavior towards other player characters based on real-life relationships with other players.
* Using knowledge of the game's mechanics to gain an advantage in the game.
* Assuming that something that appears to be wrong or unlikely in the game world is a mistake of the gamemaster rather than something that could be investigated.
* Assuming that if an item (often a chest, desk or book-case) is mentioned by the gamemaster during the initial description of an area, it must have some relevance to the storyline, and immediately searching or examining it (while ignoring other furnishings or objects that are most likely there as well).
* Deciding on a character's course of action based on how the game's mechanics will affect the outcome.
* Any action that is based upon the knowledge that one is playing a game.
* Another form of metagaming occurs as a form of powergaming during character creation, when a player takes flaws or liabilities that they know the gamemaster is unlikely to fully exploit, thereby acquiring extra creation options without paying a corresponding penalty.
Josh didn't know who Jexx was argueing with and didn't really care. he adressed the statement to both parties. one was known(Jexx) the other was not. but he never mentioned a name and what Jexx was saying implied more than one party engaged in conversation.
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 10:50:14 PM
Josh didn't know who Jexx was argueing with and didn't really care. he adressed the statement to both parties. one was known(Jexx) the other was not. but he never mentioned a name and what Jexx was saying implied more than one party engaged in conversation.
You imply a statement of two, not a generalization that encompasses the three... for all you know he was arguing with Dorcan and Morgan.
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 08:57:54 PM
Josh heard Jexx on the comms. "Oh will you two stop bickering like an old married couple!
This is only important to the fact that in-character, I am fostering a sense of the one sided argument and a show of mission professionalism. Morgan restricts his comments and reprimands to the local team of three.
Edit: I am not going to do anything further until Ryudo is allowed to respond to the flurry of activity.
Josh only herd Jexx. from his one sided arguement Josh concluded that Jexx was argueing with someone. He did not know who. When he make his comment he directed it at Jexx and
whoever he was argueing with. you took Josh's comment as knowing that morgan was the other party. I'm trying to say Josh did not know but was just adressing the fact that Josh made a general statement.
Quoteoh will you two stop...yadda yadda yadda
to josh jexx was argueing with someone. he wasnt about to bother with how
many people he was argueing with it was preoccupied with the fact that he
was argueing with some one. you're placeing to much importance on a simple phraseing of words in my opinion
but i can assure you i in no way used the occ to try to gain an advantage.
like i said i am not trying to offend anyone. and please excuse my short temper and restricted thinking at the moment as it is late and i am tired. i just want this cleared up.
Josh didn't know who Jexx was talking about, so logically, he should have directed his comment towards Jexx specifically instead of everyone else. His comment should have been "Will you please quit it with the b*tching Jexx" or something along those lines. I'm sure he can assume that Jexx is arguing with someone, but it's Jexx that he's talking to, so it's Jexx that he should direct the comment to.
fine. how would you edit that. i want everyone to be happy. so i can get on with the show.
Just take the line out entirely. Without it, you're just arguing with Jexx over his comments.
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 08:57:54 PM
Josh heard Jexx on the comms. "Oh will you two stop bickering like an old married couple! and Jexx incase you've forgotten even in the rebelion there is a chain of command! or do you fancy yourself a better leader than Jackson?"
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 08:57:54 PM
Josh heard Jexx on the comms. "Jexx incase you've forgotten even in the rebelion there is a chain of command! or do you fancy yourself a better leader than Jackson?"
I'd like it to go on record though, that even though im going to edit my post. i am only doing so so that everyone stops argueing over the simple fact of what Josh can infer from one guy argueing with thin air.
*pops in, reads posts*
... :baghead ...this is all my fault, isn't it? :<
I'm sorry.
edited post. but made the comment seem more vaguely adressed. let's see if azzy will let that slide.
yay for comprimises.
Quote from: Azlan on August 08, 2007, 10:42:39 PM
Morgan decided now would be a good time to put a little distance between himself and the others, so he took point.
Azlan, did you mean 'put a little distance between himself and his teammates' or 'put a little distance between himself and the Brotherhood patrol'?
It could potentially be either, since he might be moving ahead to lead the others on as before, or he might be leading the three of them to somewhere safer. It doesn't really matter which, but it makes writing for Dorcan a little harder without knowing whether he's still with Morgan or not...
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 09, 2007, 09:33:31 AM
I'd like it to go on record though, that even though im going to edit my post. i am only doing so so that everyone stops argueing over the simple fact of what Josh can infer from one guy argueing with thin air.
That's not the way it is. You know he's aruging with someone, but you don't know who. From the look of it, to me, the rest of your posts are Josh basing Jexx over leadership issues. So this edit makes it look like you're starting that because Jexx is starting yet another bickering contest.
that means what? you would just have me delete the comment altogether? josh was pissed at jexx initially because he wis tired of hearing jexx complain and argue so much. so he made himself heard. then yes he went on to explain to jexx the importance of "command"
I'm going to have to crack some heads together, aren't I? :rolleyes
If I may be of constructive assistance here...
Josh, try something like this: "Oh, will Jexx and whoever's aruging with him stop bickering for five minutes?"
When you say: "Oh, will you guys stop bickering" it implies that you
might know who Jexx was arguing with, and that's the problem.
I'm going to have to crack some heads together, aren't I?
Yes, probably. *sigh*
it does? how? i dont see it.
It makes more sense just to take out that first line, then the context of the whole conversation sticks to Jexx specifically.
I'm just a stickler for little details... a devious player once used a string of unrelated comments, all minor, but made inappropriately with metagame knowledge, to railroad a number of the other players into an investigation by a Senate Oversight Committee in a Conspiracy X game some years back. The comments were largely similar to yours, but they involved more serious implications of communications outside normal channels and less then legal dealings in some cases... alone they were meaningless, but when put in the right context, they were the impetus for the player to begin looking for evidence. Without these clues he may never have gotten the clues needed and his insertion as a mole would have been largely uneventful.
This kind of thing may never happen again, but I am paranoid... plus it is wrong.
Look at it this way, say you were a plant for the Brotherhood (all your magic is just really cool technology) and we were back at the Rebellion headquarters. Since we all love these comms so much, the team is chatting over it while in their separate quarters. Your Brotherhood contact in the Rebellion headquarters (played as an NPC by Ryudo) has just arrived and you are both meeting in secret, but you are also keeping up appearances by chatting on the comms.
You and your traitorous friend discuss your plots to topple the base when Jackson leaves in an hour. One of the team makes a comment that Jackson is leaving and you make an unrelated comment to your traitorous acts like... "when the cat is away the mice will play." Intending to be a quip about the team getting a break from missions for awhile.
I use the context of your posts somewhat sketchy ambiguity to justify sneaking over to your quarters (because my out-of-game knowledge, I know you are meeting with a Brotherhood plant) and over hear your plans... report you to Jackson with recorded conversation. You and the plant are captured and a whole plot line is ruined.
Extreme, yes... but it is in the same vein as what I am arguing about.
Azlan, do you think you could clarify whether Morgan has separated from Jexx and Dorcan or not as of your last post? Otherwise I'm going to have to guess and we could get some consistency glitches >:3
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 09, 2007, 12:22:16 PM
Azlan, do you think you could clarify whether Morgan has separated from Jexx and Dorcan or not as of your last post? Otherwise I'm going to have to guess and we could get some consistency glitches >:3
This also falls into the same line as the argument that is currently occurring. Morgan takes point, that is all you know... he is ahead of you and following him leads you away from Zealots.
Quote from: Azlan on August 09, 2007, 12:27:48 PM
This also falls into the same line as the argument that is currently occurring. Morgan takes point, that is all you know... he is ahead of you and following him leads you away from Zealots.
Ah, so he is leading us on. Thanks. I thought he'd run off, 'others' meaning Dorcan and Jexx, not the theoretical Brotherhood patrol.
What does 'takes point' mean, by the way? It's not a term I've come across.
It means to go out in front.
"take point" means he's the person at the front of the group of soldiers (or, usually soldiers) - ie, he's the guy at the front, sneaking ahead of everyone else, and watching out for bad guys.
He'll usually pass signals back to the others, like "stop, there's bad guys" or "move up, it's all clear" or "wait there for 5, then move -fast- when I signal" or the like. The more silent you have to be, the more complex the signals.
He's also the most likely one to get -found- by the bad guys, and hence it's a risky place to be. If you're lucky, he gets killed and the rest of the platoon/company/mob gets to sneak off in the ruckus.
You put the paranoid types out there, they last longer. :-)
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 09, 2007, 01:39:44 PM
"take point" means he's the person at the front of the group of soldiers (or, usually soldiers) - ie, he's the guy at the front, sneaking ahead of everyone else, and watching out for bad guys.
Ah. That's more-or-less what I was expecting him to do, but not knowing that slang, I had no indication that this is what he was doing. Remove those two words and you'll understand why I was so insistent on getting clarification >:3
Now imagine what it would be like for someone whose native tongue was not English...
I forget sometimes that my vast knowledge out-distances at least 75% of the entire forum combined... I shall try to keep it less collolquial as well. There is something to be said for research though... Google is wonderful.
Quote from: Azlan on August 09, 2007, 02:52:39 PM
I forget sometimes that my vast knowledge out-distances at least 75% of the entire forum combined...
Remember you're writing for an international audience and local idioms are not guaranteed to work. I could probably put together a post that means one thing to me, Llearch and Arcalane and something quite different - or nothing at all - to people from the US.
If I do post something that doesn't make sense, flag it up and I'll fix it. Likewise, if a post here means nothing to me, I'll query it.
QuoteThere is something to be said for research though... Google is wonderful.
I usually get bad results from search engines when the target - as in this case - is made of common words used in an abnormal/incorrect manner. "What all" was another good one - syntactically it's complete garbage. Google certainly didn't help then.
by the power of grey skull and for the sake of peace this issue is over and delt with.
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 09, 2007, 03:05:34 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 09, 2007, 02:52:39 PM
I forget sometimes that my vast knowledge out-distances at least 75% of the entire forum combined...
Remember you're writing for an international audience and local idioms are not guaranteed to work. I could probably put together a post that means one thing to me, Llearch and Arcalane and something quite different - or nothing at all - to people from the US.
If I do post something that doesn't make sense, flag it up and I'll fix it. Likewise, if a post here means nothing to me, I'll query it.
QuoteThere is something to be said for research though... Google is wonderful.
I usually get bad results from search engines when the target - as in this case - is made of common words used in an abnormal/incorrect manner. "What all" was another good one - syntactically it's complete garbage. Google certainly didn't help then.
The young one is trying to school the master. Once I was but the learner, but now I am the master. ¬.¬
I can call upon contacts in the three English-based militaries (Canada, England and Australia) and the German militaries and worked with them so I could keep my military speak "international". Do not chastise me for "not writing to an international audience". My character does not think international, he thinks the way he does... I cannot translate that for international or its going to get really bland and vanilla (i.e. plain, uninteresting and common). That is not my aim, if you do not understand... then ask.
If you need clarification, ask specifically what needs clarification... try not to chastise me for not doing exactly what I have spent weeks doing. I do not mean to bang on about it or throw a benny about being chastised and look like a complete mentalist, but I am right.
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 09, 2007, 03:05:34 PM
I could probably put together a post that means one thing to me, Llearch and Arcalane and something quite different - or nothing at all - to people from the US.
Heh. I, sadly, have a broad enough education - not only from popular media, which is largely US and UK, but also from growing up in a small country, next to a bigger one, with parents from overseas that desired to keep their children aware of their other heritages - that I would probably grasp both -your- meaning, and, possibly, the meaning that the US-ians would grok.
This is not always a good thing. Giggling inanely at something that has pejorative connotations in the US isn't (always) accepted behaviour in a room full of UKers. :-/
can we move on please? i kinda want to get to the action IC.
Okay, Az is right. We do not need to "write internationally" here. In fact, doing the opposite is encouraged as it gives the characters more depth. If you have a question about something a character said, just ask, or have your character do a WTF take.
Personally, I've never gone beyond west Texas or gone anywhere outside of the deep south (LA, MS, AL, FL, GA) in the US, so my vocabulary can be limited at times. Remember, there is no shame in asking "WTF did you say?".
Quote from: Azlan on August 09, 2007, 03:46:16 PM
The young one is trying to school the master. Once I was but the learner, but now I am the master. ¬.¬
You do realise that I'm a shade older than you, right? :P
QuoteIf you need clarification, ask specifically what needs clarification... try not to chastise me for not doing exactly what I have spent weeks doing. I do not mean to bang on about it or throw a benny about being chastised and look like a complete mentalist, but I am right.
Fine. In any case, I understand your RP post now, so this discussion has pretty much served its purpose. Any problems I have deciding how to respond in the RP are now purely mine...
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on August 09, 2007, 03:57:22 PM
Okay, Az is right. We do not need to "write internationally" here. In fact, doing the opposite is encouraged as it gives the characters more depth. If you have a question about something a character said, just ask, or have your character do a WTF take.
Oh, I would have done if it was something he
said, but it was part of the description in his post. Talking to the narrator is probably metagaming :rolleyes
And sorry for dragging this out, but my general reaction against being made to look stupid is one of my main character flaws...
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 09, 2007, 04:01:09 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 09, 2007, 03:46:16 PM
The young one is trying to school the master. Once I was but the learner, but now I am the master. ¬.¬
You do realise that I'm a shade older than you, right? :P
I think you have mistaken me for someone else, if your profile is correct then I am a tad bit older then you... but my profile's age shows as 1932, which is just a tiny bit more then 30... >:3
In reality I'm only about 32, so you might be right...
Quote from: lucas marcone on August 09, 2007, 03:54:33 PM
can we move on please? i kinda want to get to the action IC.
I'd love to, but I was hoping for Ryudo to post something... unless he doesn't mind me running us to the hospital, without any input... you jumping in and likely stopping everyone in a single post...
I was hoping the other members of this RP might want to play... at some point... I guess not?
Quote from: Azlan on August 09, 2007, 04:10:19 PM
I think you have mistaken me for someone else, if your profile is correct then I am a tad bit older then you...
You're right, I think it was Charles. Still, what's a year and a bit between friends? And we're definitely off-topic now even if we weren't before...
QuoteI'd love to, but I was hoping for Ryudo to post something... unless he doesn't mind me running us to the hospital, without any input... you jumping in and likely stopping everyone in a single post...
I was hoping the other members of this RP might want to play... at some point... I guess not?
Well, I think Dorcan's waiting for Morgan to signal the all-clear.
and Josh isn't about to wade in and kill everyone in the room. depending on the situation it may just ba a stand off till help can get there. but it will be a distraction....
damnit honeydew i just got out of a big arguement about meta gameing then you throw a crazed mad man at me and Josh has no idea anything may be out of the ordinary! are you guys plotting against me or what?
I think I have a slight problem with spontaneously regrowing the zealot's body parts...
I don't get to knock out citywide power grids, hurl lightning with electrokinesis; I can't use full on deflect-all telekinetic shields, hurl telekinetic bolts, fly, etc. with telekinesis; I cannot manifest psi-swords, hurl mind bolts, transform into a psychic energy being... or any really cool stuff. Am I missing a power scaling that occurred recently? Aren't we a little early to be making amazing leaps and bounds?
I've got to second that. I don't know what kind of healing ability Sally should have, but taking down a Zealot with a single touch seems overkill to me.
Okay I agree physics would n't allow it, I am changing the attrack to simple overload of neurons ...feedback and shutdown of the bio--interfaces his cyber linkages I am leave it to the GM to figure it out how long he is out for long. But Sally is still down.
Hmmm I can work with that.
Ryudo, what is the structure of a standard Brotherhood 'squad'? Some zealots and an Enforcer? Just zealots? And how many?
Three zealots to a squad. If there's an enforcer, I'll specify.
What the- only three?!? I was expecting at least seven,maybe ten per squad :mowdizzy But, no complaints. All's good here.
Well this is only the first part of the game.
IOW, he's being nice to you.
Take advantage of it, but don't plan on it. ;-]
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 10, 2007, 03:16:58 PM
What the- only three?!? I was expecting at least seven,maybe ten per squad :mowdizzy But, no complaints. All's good here.
Hey it's your funeral if an entire battalion show up because you started whining. :B
Quote from: Arcalane on August 11, 2007, 11:32:04 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 10, 2007, 03:16:58 PM
What the- only three?!? I was expecting at least seven,maybe ten per squad :mowdizzy But, no complaints. All's good here.
Hey it's your funeral if an entire battalion show up because you started whining. :B
That's why I said 'no complaints', dammit :rolleyes
Just checking - should Dorcan know that Morgan has revoked Sally's key? He saw him do it, but he might not have known what he was doing.
Morgan hasn't explicitly stated what he did, which may possibly have been an oversight, since the others are likely to assume that the comms unit has to be retrieved no matter what the cost to avoid blowing the operation.