Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC) [PG/14] - Open - New players welcome!

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM

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Cat, it's probably your call to say what Dorcan finds about your person.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


QuoteI'd say just about fifth Kyū

A   is the offical method of martial arts ranking. Example:
Style A
Kyu 12 - White Belt
Kyu 9 - Yellow Belt
Kyu 6 - Orange Belt
Kyu 3 - Brown Belt
Kyu 1 - Black Belt

Style B
Kyu 12 - Silver Belt
Kyu 9 - Red Belt
Kyu 6 - Green Belt
Kyu 3 - Blue Belt
Kyu 1 - White Belt

... I don't know why people can't agree on a belt order... they just don't...  :rolleyes

Quotehe likes... more intresting things, for lack of a better term...

This meaning exotic weaponry (Rocket Launchers, Chain Guns, Anti-Material, grenade launchers, etc.). To quote one of my heros: "Jamie want big boom."  >:3


"I kinda like it in here, it's private."
"Am I eyebrow?" *he is*
"Quack, damn you!"
"Whoa, that one definately bounced off...anyone see where that last penny went?" *turns around, said penny is embedded in his forhead. No,no, seriously*

And the classic...
"I reject your reality and substitue my own!"


:lol I spent an entire night reading Mythbusters quotes from wikiquote... SO FUNNY!!


Umm, caff. Is Gerald/Omega trying to intercept the analysis data being sent to Sally's comuter? *sigh* That's not a good idea... maybe, in a bit of of time, gerald can ask for info, instead of taking it and giving Jexx, or any other member of the party for that matter, a reason to personally send his backside to the netherworlds. Exo is still in the van, monitoring our comms, particularly the data being sent to Sally's comp. He might be liable to notice the interception from there.

Ryudo Lee

As I see it, he's just looking at the screen, not intercepting a signal.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!




That and Gerald has no control over his cybernetic eye, Omega does. Whenever there's anything intresting, she shows him asap.


Oi, you two, slow down! Let other people get a chance respond that's greater than half an hour/an hour. :P

Hate to rain on your parade, but with Azlan MIA, time is not an issue here. We don't need to breeze through introducing the fresh meat. :B

And yes, Exo is still inside the van fiddling with phase frame manifolds and other technobabble, so it's barely aware of what's going outside. Suffice to say when it starts fiddling with something it keeps fiddling until it gets the result it wants.

And believe you me, 'bots are very persistant. :U


Jexx has finally stood down, that's prolly going to be my last post for awhile, for the very reason of giving other people a chance to respond.

Mister wasn't so pleased at being so readily recognized as being magical. So much for disguising myself as a custom machine of this age.
Yeah, I actually don't think that is correct. Caff, would you mind telling us how Gerald was able to recognize Mister as a golem? People of this age, even knowlegable ones, shouldn't have that kind of knowledge. Only people with experience in magic would even remotely be able to recognize Mister. You may need to do a minor edit if you can't come up with a really good explanation (which i doubt you can).


See your point... Edited!  :mowhappy

Quote from: Catffeinated on July 11, 2007, 07:14:22 PM
Why whould the brotherhood have a Steam... thing... wazamawhozit? Gerald thought truly confused...
   <Good point...>


There. Now Boogy can edit his post so Mister doesn't have a fear of going into town for being regognized as magical, instead of pretending to be a 'custom job'. Which was actually a suggestion that Jexx made before (three times in fact) but I never thought Boogy got it. :B


I didn't mind Mister being recognized, figured it would make for some interesting disguises and sneaking about, but okay.


Alright - I'm not officially "back" yet... I'll really be home tomorrow late. (Should the wildfires be kind. I don't want my way home being cut off.  :< ) I'm currently sharing an air card off the sprint cell towers up here, with 20 internet-regressed people. My connection's still patchy.

Anyhow - I haven't yet looked at the IC thread yet - I was just checking while no one was off, and so I'm rather... not amused. I don't like powerplaying or godmoding. Not at all. The only person besides me that can say what my character actually does is the GM - Ryudo, in this case.

I've been roleplaying for at least 5 years, and so that kind of breach of RP ettiqute is really sort of irritating for me. Really. Especially Baiye - Gid you can mess around with a little bit, being a "sidekick" character as he is, but Baiye's not yours to control, be you just pulling her into a van, writing dialogue, or even just saying she got hit by bird poop. That's my and Ryudo's call.

I don't know what happened, and I don't really want to know. I just don't want it to happen again. I expect Baiye to remain relatively "dormant" when I'm away - assume that she just follows the main plan or whatnot - I don't care. I'll get her up to speed when I get back. But powerplay is about the biggest no-no I can think of.

But I'd like to put it behind us all... Never speak of it again... and just make sure it doesn't happen again. M'kay?  :)

You better be counting your lucky stars that I'm as easygoing as I am.  :3

By my reckoning - Baiye fell asleep soon after watching the transmission. She maintains "geek" hours - late nights without sleep, so she tends to nap during the day. She's been asleep. Gid has not, and has just been watching the conversation and stuff, seemingly the unassuming canine to Gerald. Make sense?

Have a nice day.  :3


"Ah I may not be military minded, but Uploading an combat AI into an armed robotic dog, may not be a "good" idea.  Especially an AI who may want to kill his creator."
Gid is not armed, that's the point.

could you put your AI into Gidget, perhaps? For all purposes he's stripped of weaponry - worst he could do was bite somebody


"Woah, hey! I am NOT queer thank you very much!
Heh, I didn't mean 'queer' as in 'gay' if that's what you were thinking ;) I meant 'queer' in the older, more politically correct sense of the word, as in 'strange' :)

"And as for the 'killing me' bit, he knows his algoritums lead to self-termenation if he does not follow the Laws of the Machine.
What the heck are you rambling about there? What are you refering to? Jexx's comments about fireworks and barbacue?

EDIT: thank you Lucas, you understood!...You know what, this works just fine. Disregard all this:
"Woah, hey! I am NOT queer thank you very much!
Heh, I didn't mean 'queer' as in 'gay' if that's what you were thinking ;) I meant 'queer' in the older, more politically correct sense of the word, as in 'strange' :)


Acctualy, Responding to the good doctor. And here's what I mean by the Laws of the Machine:
[quote source=""] In science fiction, the Three Laws of Robotics are a set of three rules written by Isaac Asimov, which almost all positronic robots appearing in his fiction must obey. Introduced in his 1942 short story "Runaround", although foreshadowed in a few earlier stories, the Laws state the following:

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Later, Asimov added the Zeroth Law: "A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm"; the rest of the laws are modified sequentially to acknowledge this.



Did you honestly think a guy with the username TechMaster-Glitch would not know the classic three laws of Robotics? You insult me! :cry

I was refering mainly to your 'killing me' line, and everything surrounding it. It didn't make much consistant sense.


It should be fairly obvious that Exo wasn't programmed with these laws in the first place.

In fact, any combat AI should not be programmed with such laws, because they would prevent it from carrying out it's prime function. You would have to retool the laws to suit the chassis and the opponent.

Rule 1 denies all offensive capability.
Rule 2 is fine in this case, except for the latter half.
Rule 3 is also somewhat-usable, but the latter part is again an impediment.

Finally, Rule 0 is just going to drive every sane AI in the universe into utter insanity, because I expect most of them are going to calculate that the best way to protect humanity from coming to harm will be to utterly eliminate it, so it can't harm itself.

Also take in mind this is not the same universe or system as what we might call the "Primary" (a term used to refer to Earth in another community I'm in) so a lot of the things there do not apply here - or have never happened here. Thomas Edison might have invented the lightbulb here in the Primary, but here in our little universe, it might have been invented by a small Irish fellow called Patrick, or something. :B


Yeah, I don't even think the Three Laws exist in Ryudo's world.


Quote from: Arcalane on July 12, 2007, 11:18:01 PM
Finally, Rule 0 is just going to drive every sane AI in the universe into utter insanity, because I expect most of them are going to calculate that the best way to protect humanity from coming to harm will be to utterly eliminate it, so it can't harm itself.

Yah, to me, "Law 0" is basicly like a virus or corruption, than an actual law. The AI overthinks the situation, and thusly: :headdesk and then: :redrum

Quote from: Arcalane on July 12, 2007, 11:18:01 PM
Also take in mind this is not the same universe or system as what we might call the "Primary" (a term used to refer to Earth in another community I'm in) so a lot of the things there do not apply here - or have never happened here. Thomas Edison might have invented the lightbulb here in the Primary, but here in our little universe, it might have been invented by a small Irish fellow called Patrick, or something. :B

Who says Gelerald's not the creator of the Laws >:]

Quote from: Arcalane on July 12, 2007, 11:18:01 PM
Rule 1 denies all offensive capability.

The law would only work upon any allies of it's creator... Thus, he would lead a peaceful existance... untill enemies of his creator (or enemies of the allies of the robot) came in...


The law would only work upon any allies of it's creator... Thus, he would lead a peaceful existance... untill enemies of his creator (or enemies of the allies of the robot) came in...
So the robot with the laws in question would have to pretend that the enemies of the creator aren't even humans?



:giggle Ya know, I just noticed how I phrased that:
Quoteenemies of the allies of the robot


Law 0 is just impending mental block (or logic block, whichever), really. Either way, they go utterly insane and start wiping out humanity, or fall to the ground in a heap.

One of the two.

Kind of like this, but somewhat more dangerous.

Strict interpretation of the classic set of Rules denies all offensive capability against any person no matter who they are, what their alliegance is, and so on. Obviously if one tweaks these rules to include a friend-or-foe identification/classification system and so on and so forth, then it's feasible that they would follow a similar set of laws, but those tweaked only to apply to friendlies.


My enemy's enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.


Quote from: Arcalane on July 12, 2007, 11:43:30 PM
My enemy's enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.

:meh True, but, if attacked, the bot will defend itself, and by now, I doubt many soldiers fall due to frendly fire...


Friendly Fire Isn't.

It's perfectly allowed to defend itself. It just can't harm another human whilst doing so. It can perfectly well incapacitate them through nonlethal means (vulcan nerve pinch esque techniques) it just can't actually hurt them.

Most advanced bots, I expect, would be fully capable of this, given greater-than-human reponse times, and could easily fend off melee attacks, blocking and parrying without causing harm to their opponent.

llearch n'n'daCorna

The Three Laws, where extended to four, are interpreted through the eyes of a robot that's been around for umpteen thousand years - 50,000, I think, give or take a bit. So he's taking them all with a grain of salt.

However, he's figured that Humanity comes before Humans, hence his re-writing his -own- rules to include rule 0. Which, as I recall, had a qualifier there. "insofar as possible"

That qualifier allows a -lot- of leeway. And I think that that's been stretched to cover the others as well, which means the robot will do all in it's power to limit the damage - but will still allow damage to occur.

As Arc says, however, combat robots have a different set of imperatives.
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lucas marcone

arc i don't mean to sound undermineing but bullet posting for a conversation that actually had a point would be ok. at least to me. when they start wandering off however....


arc i don't mean to sound undermineing but bullet posting for a conversation that actually had a point would be ok. at least to me. when they start wandering off however....
Thank you, Lucas.

Ryudo Lee

Instead of relying on the classic three laws of robotics, let's just assume that robots have an advanced "consciousness" kind of thing, with a conscience, "friend or foe", and "fight or flight" operators.  This way we don't have too many conflicts of laws, but rather more open conflicts of morality, which are far more intersting IMHO.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!