Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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Morgan nodded to Dorcan's comment, "We need to get moving one way or the other, because the zealots are going to need to report eventually.  If anyone heads into these tunnels, they could invariably end up cut off by a Brotherhood patrol.  There may be no way out at its destination.  It would be wiser to follow the tunnel above ground and locate the endpoint terminus of this junction.  Scrag the zealot with the fried equipment, this other one we need to take with us for dissection.  I'll create an electromagnetic dampening field to kill any tracers or locating devices on this body or equipment... but after that I'm going to need a seriously big dinner or a really strong power conduit... or we could scrag it too and leave it, I'll leave that one up to group vote."

He shrugged as Jexx queried him about the All-star MVP, "A quip mostly mate, now out of the hole... we need to withdraw."

Situation report transmitted to base.  Please respond with further direction, withdrawing back to base.

"If either of you has the sensors to track that service tunnel above ground, please do so... let's take that as the way out of town.  Act casually, but don't look like your acting casual."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Dorcan sighed to himself and then went to lock the door.  Happy that it would at least defend against casual intruders, he began to reassemble the armour as best he could for ease of carrying.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

The Hospital Southwind

Dr Chad Westling. was Charming, smart, warmhearted, and was cute as a Bishie male.. back in medical school, but he was always going out with some bimbo, who never seem to last with him.  He and I were study parterns with three other guys.  But he never dated anyone in med school. So he never ask me out despite my friendly welcomes of any his advances.

Dr Chad Westling greeted me as if I was a sight of sore eyes, but emergency room was only half full as a normal ER would be in this time in the evening...He remembers Sally and glad to show her around.  He was so glad to see me that he took her on a tour and that she had joined the Brotherhood cause.  It had it's appeal: No drunk accident victims or drug overdose cases or shooting victims,  Oh No, the ER only has a few cubs with the colds or strain ankle, and a man with a broken arm.  a labor case with cub near term. 

"Is it always this slow?" asks Dr Sally
"Most of the time, expect of a rare twister go in," answers Dr. Chad

"Goddess, why do you need an ER, and I would bored in a week." thinks the Doctor, but she only has to look at her old-friend, to know the cost of these tranquility.  The male she adored is only half his old witty self.  She didn't need to scan he to know he had a Brotherhood chip..but she checks the children and everyone there.  It seem the all of cubs above 5 or 6 had implants.  Chad tells her, that these chips were a Brotherhood invention that boosts intelligence and helps the mentally ill. as depression, and ADD, and other diseases.  Everyone has benefited from them.  "..But you should know that" said Chad.

"Yes yes mine helps me with the data of a host of rare diseases" covers Sally with a fake smile that seems to complicant her old Chad.

"That is good, because we could give one now on the third floor. " said Chad they step out of the elevator onto the third floor and into some major screams of terror.   And Dr Sally's hairs stand on end.

DATA send to the van and main camp...10% of the townspeople show similar rejection as Bab's, but she is the most advanced by a factor of ten.  Also Everyone seem to have one who is above the age of five.


"Back!" Omega announced, "The number's legit, so it's not a trap."
"Good." Gerald sighed. "Did you get pinged?" he added.
"Not to my knowledge. They shouldn't know that I was in the network... that is, unless someone was actively scanning every node in the city, but that's impossible..." she said half-laughing.
"With these guys I wouldn't draw those lines." Gerald responded, "They seem to be able to do some things we can't, so what's keeping them from doing that?"
"Hmm... Let's see... The sheer size of cyberspace." She said smugly.
Gerald just sighed Why me? "Listen, you believe what you want, I'll believe what I want... Just don't get too cocky out there."
"Of course not!"
"Good. Now, you," Gerald turned to Josh, "You have a date to get ready for." He smiled.


   Jexx sighed and climbed out of the tunnel. "This is ridiculous," He muttered quietly to himself under his breath. He was in his own little world, almost forgetting completely about Dorcan and Morgan, having gotten so used to talking to himself. "What's my revenge count today? One. That other one I ambushed this morning doesn't even count, he suicided himself. At least when I was alone, I could really rack up the kills. Maybe it was a mistake to help these, I need them. I don't have near enough firepower to get the information I need on my own. Just be cool, Jexx. Be cool. You'll get your due soon enough...yeah, just keep thinking that. Be optimistic. Everything will fall into place..."
   Jexx suddenly snapped out of his quiet self-monologue. "So we're buggerin' out already? In that case, this ranks as a big whoopy waste of time in my books." Jexx sighed again.
   Jexx walked over to Dorcan and the fried zealot. "Need help with body disposal? Stand back." Jexx said 'stand back' in a way that would make it quite unwise for Dorcan to hesitate...

lucas marcone

Josh looked rather put out. "You know im starting to feel bad for the poor girl. Here i am, an older man, asking her out...Wich is a big popularity boost in highschool if i remember correctly. And you had me do this just to get her away from prying eyes so we could go exploreateing in her BRAIN! This is a big mess of poop water if you ask me. Though she is a nice one."


Dorcan concealed an expression of distaste as Jexx vapourised the corpse.  The smell would have been terrible, but fortunately he no longer had that ability.  He set his mind back to the problem of taking the other body to the camp.

Walking down the street with a dead zealot was probably going to upset the locals, so Dorcan began looking around for a large enough box, sack or tool case to stuff the body into.  It was, after all, a storage shed.

To his satisfaction, he soon found a portable generator in a packing crate, which was roughly the right size.  Wrestling the generator out, he eased the dead zealot into a foetal position and stuffed him into the box.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Well, all that could happen to her would be from feedback from the microchip. The EMP is harmless, people can't even tell it happened unless they were using something electronic, which suddenly goes 'Bzzt!'" Gerald said, confedent with the knowlege, "The sort of EMP that would cause a brain to fry would require more energy than we've produced on this planet! So, not much could harm her!" He smiled, "Chances are, she won't notice a thing as her mind slowly allows independent thought and emotion."

Prof B Hunnydew

"Dr Westling, This is a prohibited area... And you can't be showing off to anyone, especially your girlfriend." commended a old bulldog of a doctor. 

"Yes, Dr Collin, but Dr Joywave is here visiting, I am trying to recruit she to the cause, maybe get her to offer the intelligence enhancer in her city or get her to move here.  That would be nice, would it?." says Sally's mind chip doped friend. 

Sally realizes the if anyone in the whole town still has all their neurons fires, it would be this guy, and very danger sense, she had  scream run and run fast.  This guys was an elite member of the brotherhood.  The otter also notices that her ears were not hearing the screams on floor, but her mind as someone losing control of their souls.

"Yes, we can always use another doctor?  Please to meet you doctor" says the evilly smiling Dr Coliin as he come to shake Sally's hand. 

"GUYS GUYS MAY Bay May Bay  OH HELP  help..." cries Sally down the comlink as it is cut off.          Her Comlink location is on the 3rd floor of the east wing



"Holy shit," said Dorcan, his eyes widening as Sally's scream came over the comms.  "It sounds like they've got the doctor.  What should we do?"

His brow furrowed as the implications hit him.  "She has a complete description of all of us and she knows where Jackson's current hideout is, so we need to relay the fact that she's been captured back to base ASAP, assuming the camp are not already aware.
In addition, if they find her microcomms gear, they'll be able to eavesdrop on us and even compromise the encryption system we're using."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

At the hospital...
At her little outburst, a zealot seemed to come out of nowhere and grab the comlink right off of her body.  Dr. Collin got up and pointed at her.
"Who do you work for!?" He suddenly shouted.
The zealot grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her back and slapped on some handcuffs.  Her friend looked more disappointed than surprised.

At the shed...
Also on the armor was a traditional radio, but it would have been operated in a very untraditional way, in a similar way that the armor was activated, so there was no speak button on the device.  The radio on the armor that hadn't been slagged suddenly came to life.
"Inspection team, report....... Inspection team report!" It said.
There was a silent moment.
"Control, we've lost the inspection team.  Send out a recon team." It said.
"Roger." Another voice came over the radio.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Dorcan looked at the crate now containing the zealot.  It must be uncomfortable in there, he thought absurdly.

"If there is any question of rescuing the doctor, matey here is going to slow us down.  Would it be an idea for me to run him back to camp?" he asked.  Suddenly his eyes bugged as the dead zealot answered him.

"What did you say?" he asked, kneeling by the corpse.

"...trol, we've lost the inspection team.  Send out a recon team." said a tiny voice.

"Oh dear," he said calmly, standing up and closing the lid on the zealot's box like a coffin.  "I think they've just realised he's dead."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx's eyes widened as he heard all the goings on. "Ok, now things are getting interesting. Dangerous and quite problematic, but interesting. I think it's safe to say that the majority of our cover is blown. The time for subtlety has passed. Currently, our first, highest, most important, and immediately urget priority is rescue Doctor Sally."
  Jexx tuned his microcomm. "Gerald, Josh, I'm going to assume you heard that, ad you should still be the closest, so get to Sally's location PRONTO. If you can't rescue her outright, then do everything in your power to keep her from being moved, at least until Morgan and I get there to toss around heavier fire support." Jexx then paused for a moment. "Josh, you told us all that you're a mage. Now would be a good time to show us what you can do; throw some boulders, lightning bolts, fireballs, blasting magic, anything."
  "Morgan, you seem to be pretty good at reporting, no need to say anything about that."
  Jexx turned to Dorcan. "That does sound like the best idea, as you probably would be more of a hinderance than a help in pitched combat. No offence."
  "We can't waste any time, now let's GO!" Jexx said as he headed for the door of the shed.


OOC: darn it Ryudo, didn't even give me a chance to try my psychic electronic manipulation/control... I wanted to do a bit of comic relief with an old classic Han Solo line...

Morgan tried to grab the radio unit, but alas it was too late.  He would of tried something, but the call from doctor Sally, brought his attention to full.

"What is this, a bloody movie?  Frag it all, that's bolluxed it... leave the corpse.  You all should not split up for anything, none of you are capable of independent operation.  That is what has caused this problem."  Morgan listened to Jexx try to order everyone around like he knew what he was doing and shook his head, "You show some promise, but you are far too reckless to ever be a leader."

Morgan isolated, or at least tried to isolate Sally's comm by revoking its ID on the network.  He encrypted the transmission and revoked Sally's key.

Josh, disregard the order to employ magic... if you start throwing that around, they are liable to think Sally is in league with it and then we will definitely never see her again.  Josh... and... wait, who is Gerald... nevermind, someone pull the fire alarm in the hospital and take out the landlines (phones, usually a junction near the backup generators).  Then someone meet us at the loading dock/utility entrance near the rear.  Watch all exits, but do not engage without support.

Morgan cursed all his luck, "Amateurs, all amateurs!  Let's move people, you better be fast Dorcan."

Morgan reached the door of the shed and peered out, no Zealots as of yet.

"We have no time for fighting zealots, follow me, I've been wandering around this town for awhile and I know a few routes to avoid crossing their path."

Morgan dashed for an alleyway, too fast and too silent for most to track, he reached the intended spot and motioned everyone to follow. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

"Ok G, you heard the man we need to make sure noone gets in or out untill we have back up." Josh thrust a blaster into Gerald's hands. "That's just in case now follow my lead." Josh grabbed an Ion blaster and some long pieces of whatever he could find that might hold a door closed. He kicked the back doors of the van open. and took a shot at the nearest point of connection for the phone lines. He then used the Ion rifle to eliminate all of the sat dishes on the roof. After that he took the long pieces of hard material and started putting them through ground level door handles. "And well talk more about my 'date' later!"


Dorcan rolled his eyes as Jexx tried to take charge only to be countermanded by Morgan... it was almost like a comedy duo.  If the situation wasn't so perilous it would have been fun to watch.

He cursed as Morgan told him to leave the armour behind.  'Cubi love shiny things, and he was extremely reluctant to do so.
He took just a second or so to try and quickly seal the crate as best he could in the fleeting time available.  With luck, the recon squad would think it still contained the generator - maybe he could recover the armour later.  This done, he fled the hut as swiftly and quietly as he could.  For a moment he thought he'd lost Morgan, but switching one eye to high-gain infrared gave him the vital clue he needed and he soon caught up.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx managed to get to a roof as Morgan and Dorcan ran out of the shed. Jexx began going alongside them toward Sally's location. Things were going far too fast for Jexx to even think about being ticked off by Morgan's idea that Jexx tries to be 'leader', with Morgan never realizing that there is no such thing as a true 'leader' in hodge-podge, mostly unplanned operations like this, the kind that Jexx was excellent at. In almost every skirmish Jexx had gotten into with the Brotherhood, they had superior quantity of fighters, but Jexx had combat quality in spades. They hadn't managed to take him down yet.
   He was, however, rather amused when Morgan began cursing 'amatures'. He rolled his eyes, even though he was far out of sight. "Oh, will you give it a freaking rest already? This ain't your Ivy-League high-class military here, we're just a ragtag band of random rebels! Stop expecting everyone to be as 'enlightened' as you are, because, belive it or not, your elitist attitude gets a little annoying!"
   Mentaly, however, Jexx thought, Man, I actually feel sorry for the guy. It must be hard for him, being out of what I assume was his 'comfort zone' of operating. For a military man, he's quite naive to think the rest of the world's as cut-and-dry as he is. Poor guy. Totally out of his element. Jexx then internally smiled. I, on the other hand, am perfectly within my element. Oftentimes, situations just call for wingin' it, and that hasn't let me down yet. On the other hand, it might not work out so well for the otheerr...OH CRAP. ALLY IN TROUBLE, REMEMBER? STAY FOCUSED, JEXX. Hmm. never thought I'd think that way before. 'Ally'. such a strange word to me-FOCUS, DAMMIT. FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS.
   Jexx continued at a breakneck pace over the rooftops.


"Oh don't get me wrong, I mean amateur in the most insulting way possible, as it is the most diplomatic word I can use for some of you.  No I don't expect you to have any possible military skill or a tactical mind, but common sense is something most possess.  Unlike you, I know I have limitations.  I do not walk into a hospital and try my hand at brain surgery... doctors should not try and be intelligence agents."

Children never learn, but eventually his naive attitude will carry him into a situation he can't cope with.  He has lived on luck for these many years, and Morgan swore an oath in his head to not be there when it gives out.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

Josh heard Jexx on the comms. Jexx incase you've forgotten even in the rebelion there is a chain of command! or do you fancy yourself a better leader than Jackson?" Josh seemed like he was in over his head wich was true. He was dealing with weapons he didn't know about, in a situation he had never been in, with people he hardly knew and to top it off everyone was trying to be a hero. At leash Josh knew his place enough to take orders and work within the parameters he'd been givin.


   Jexx smacked his forehead in frustration when he heard Josh (and instantly regretted it, his hand being made of currently solidified nanometal). "Chain of command in the rebellion, yes. Chain of command within us? I don't think so, not at the moment. And I never said anything about me being a leader, I just speak the first things that come to my mind. Persistant habit, forgive me, deal with it."

lucas marcone

"How about you deal with your disobedient tendencies! Unless I missed my guess Exo is team leader, and morgan knows a HELL of a lot more about the situation in the city than any of us at the moment. He's the one who is useing planning and thought insted of whim and gut instince so for the good of the mission check your pride and listen to some one who knows better for a change!" Josh didn't like stirring up trouble but he always stood his ground when someone needed a good talking to.

Prof B Hunnydew

Sally cries out the rough treatment, she trys to calm herself.  Her pain may trigger her healing powers, and this close to a zealot.  He will likely detect her magic.

The comlink lands across the room and re-actives feeding the sight and noise of one zealot and the cyber Bulldog doctor as they capture and question the good doctor.

Chad stands confused but thinks that Dr Collins must have a good reason to be rough with Sally.  Still, he asks "But Dr Collins, She has an implant and she is on our side. You could just ask her for the information you need?"

"Grrrr  Chad be quiet" yells Sally.

"Her Implant!? .... oh her implant  and yes..." laughs the bulldog..."Take her to OR 2" the brotherhood doctor orders to the zealot.


lucas marcone

Josh's heart stopped for a split second. "Permission to enter?! or at least F*** things up so they can't hurt sally till you get here?" Josh said franticly over the comms to Morgan.


Morgan cursed out loud and switched to the comm channel, Why haven't you triggered the fire alarms?  That will buy us the precious few minutes to rendezvous and then strike with... he gazed at the form of Jexx on the roof tops and sighed woefully, precision and restraint, we still have a mandate to not incur any casualties among the citizens.

Morgan decided now would be a good time to put a little distance between himself and the others, so he took point.  Reaching the corner of the local movie theater, he paused and regarded the tower.  They were now far off the approach to the front entrance to it and therefore away from the recon patrol's approach path.

The street he stood before was a straight shot to the hospital, both a blessing and a curse.  It was too open, but he dashed along it anyways.  He took stock of his situation... "one gun, a few clips of ammo.  I suppose I can pick up a truck and use it as a weapon... if I need to.  Plus hospitals are full of fun stuff to fight with."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

"Damnit you're right I forgot. My bad. " Josh slipped in the front doors to rectify the situation. Slamming the fire alarm down had an affect Josh didn't take into consideration.  A wave of people came flooding the lobby. As they funneled through the only open door Josh was essentally trapped in the lobby till the flow of bodies lessened. "I'm trapped in here till most of these guys can get out. Should I try to see if there is anything i can do to help Sally?"


Dorcan stood at the corner and crouched, pretending to tie his shoelaces in case their actions were being caught on CCTV, which seemed likely.  In reality he was waiting for the all-clear from Morgan.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

The zealot holding Sally stopped as the fire alarm went off.  He looked over at the bulldog questioningly.
"It could be a fake, but we don't have a choice.  Just take her to your tower and fix the chip there." He said.
He glared over at the other doctor and then grabbed his arm and made for the emergency exit, leaving Sally with the zealot.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Morgan waved his hand, trying his best to use a generic "come over here" gesture to Dorcan.  He headed towards the rear of the hospital, he smiled to himself as he saw people begin to file out in an orderly fire drill fashion and form little groups in the parking lot.

Morgan spoke over the local comm channel, "We have a limited amount of time with a place like this... people as they are... the fire department will be punctual."

Morgan switched over to the main comm, Josh, observe only.  Do not take action unless they appear to be about to terminate the doctor's life.  Hopefully with the fire alarm, it will force them to evacuate the building and we can catch them as they exit.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Do you think we should split up?"  Dorcan asked over the comms as he strolled in the rough direction of Morgan.  "We don't know which exit they're likely to use.  For all we know he could even take her into that tunnel."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"I'll try to find her on the net, I'll piggyback the microchip's signal 'till I get to her, her brainwave pattern's much more stable than anyone else's." Omega announced  in a panic.
"No! Omega, don't!" Gerald nearly yelled, but she already left to do so, "This can only end badly..." Gerald mumbled under his breath, "...But if she does, she might be able to suppress the effect enough to trick the Brotherhood." He informed Josh, "Now all we can do is wait..." He sighed, raising his gun to the door, ready to fire.