Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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   Jexx and Dorcan had just about made it to the edge of the forest where it meets the town when Doctor Sally's communication came through. Jexx listened, and was slightly confused.
   "Umm, Sally, I'm not one of the 'tech-types', as you say it, I just blast stuff. You should be talking to Gerald and Baiye. The van you guys took should have all the equipment you need built-in. Gerald could hope in and probably jimmy something up. He could probably also get in touch with Baiye and coordinate with her to figure it out."


Mister remained where he was, getting the feeling that he would be one of the less useful individuals of this team. His skills were all either not needed in an espionage situation or outright out of date, he seemed to be there primarily to defend the vehicles and make desserts. It was all so new, so baffling, so...
He looked over at Exo, visible through the back door of the van. Even the constructs of this age were difficult to understand. He could feel no magical field from the fellow pushing or pulling against his own, could hear no steam whistling through him or the reassuring tok of clockwork, but the soldier's mannerisms and actions were not that of a soulless automaton. No magic, so how did he have a mind? The aspects that eventually became a personality is a matter of art, such as magic, not the sciences of mechanics. However a personality Exo did have, although one in its larval stages of development. At least that reminded Mister of himself, at least at one point. Strange and foreign... Who better to go to for understanding of the strange world I've returned to?
"Exo, Good Sir," Mister said as the radio cut out, knowing it would have been rude to interrupt, "A word?"


Gerald grimaced, "Your lucky I'm used to things falling an my foot..." he mumbled, "Still, I could probaly do that... I just need to send a lot of useless info to the chip, causing other transmitions to slow to a near halt." he paused, thinking about the possible aftermath, "You know, if I could get the frequency and channel of her chip, I could have it so that it effects only her, just in case there are any nearby pedestrians during in the jammer's AOE."
<Your getting better at this stealth thing Gerald...> Omega noticed.
I'm trying my best.


Exo leans back from the command console, turning it's head around to peer at Mister, optics glowing a slightly unusual soft white, still working the command interface with it's hands, apparently going over some kind of map of the area. "Hmm? You have a query?"


"Oh yes, a multitude of them. You see, if the previous conversation is any indication, my knowledge of this modern age is somewhat lacking. People, places, even casually accepted aspects of society in this time have me baffled. What I was wondering was if you could help bring me up to date," Mister bowed, "If you have the time and my questions do not try upon your patience, that is."


It nods, one ear-like antennae twitching curiously. "I may not be the best source of information to consult, but I shall endeavour to answer all queries to the best of my ability."


"Well, where to begin..." Mister drummed his fingers on part of the van, thinking, "Well, to begin, let us start with the constructs of this age like yourself. You act fairly intelligently and rationally, but without any magic involved in your construction. How is this? Are there other magicless golems with your capabilities?"


"Theoretically, yes. My construction is a lightweight reinforced titanium alloy frame, with ceramic/metal hybrid plate armour. Propulsion and manipulation of environment is primarily powered by synthetic muscle fibers known as myomer, with heavier (though clumsier) lifting and jumping capabilities augmented via standard hydraulic systems. Neural net framework consists of several clustered microprocessors, each with slightly different settings and balances, in order to properly replicate sentient thought patterns. Combine with extensive random access memory banks and considerable internal data storage and one has both short-term and long-term memory simulations."

It sounds rather pleased with itself.

"However, I am rather a one of a kind machine in terms of design and function. There are other machines that can behave similarly, but not many of them are suited to extended combat - such as having seventy percent of their operational chassis stripped away and retaining full combat functionality - nor suited with the necessary combat calculation and control algorithms for the handling of weaponry, correction of recoil and compensation for weather conditions, target movement, etcetera. whether one is handling a simple 5.56 millimeter kinetic projectile handgun, or the latest quad-focus-array laser longrifle, or a specialized anti-vehicle missile launcher. I am also capable of engaging in full melee combat, unlike earlier models, which lacked the response-defense and speed capabilities to properly block and counter incoming assaults, as well as effectively launch counter attacks."

It adjusts it's optics, colour fading to a soft blue.

"Whilst sufficient magic can make this a mere triviality and would massively outmatch my own capabilities, I am purely a design of technology and am thus limited by what programming my creators had to design to maximize combat efficiency. I am sure, were my systems to be augmented with magic, I would be an even match for most armoured vehicles and many times my number in even sufficiently armed and trained soldiers."


Dorcan looked back, suddenly regretting his decision to go with Jexx.  "No," he said reluctantly.
"I could probably help design or modify something, but your worlds technology and component standards are probably too different to mine for me to help just yet.  I'd have to get up to speed, and that would slow the others down."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

Josh stepped outside as the waitress was leaveing. In his very bumbleing yet charming way he started intoduceing himself. "Hi, I'm Josh and i couldn't help but notice you look very nice..." Josh stood there with a big grin on his face for a few seconds before the waitress tried to make an escape from the awkwardness. But it wasn't about to stop there. "I didn't catch your name miss?" Josh waited for the waitress to answer.


"Obviously the sciences have progressed by a great deal," Mister murmured absentmindedly, not even wanting to ask what hydraulic meant, "Right. Well then, to continue, there was also the device good sir Gerald brought with him and used to interact with his," he stumbled a bit around the unfamiliar word, "Ayeeyes. I've seen a couple objects that seemed similar in the vans. What exactly are they?"

Ryudo Lee

The girl seemed bewildered but she smiled anyway.
"Um, my name's Barbra, but my friends just call me Babs." She says. "Is there something else I can do for you, cuz I really gotta get home."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


   Jexx was slightly behind a tree, since this was the very edge of the forest and the border of the town was about ten meters away. When Dorcan finished talking into his microcomm, Jexx said, "Guess it's time to move into town. Since you've got problem covered up, you will be just as inconspicuous as the others, but you'll rememeber that I can't really be seen. Aside from simply me not wanting anyone who could possibly tell the Brotherhood about me, a guy walking around shirtless is weird enough to most people. Add in my, erm, markings, and I could be in for some trouble. My handcannons are right out. Now, I just need to get into my usual mode of avoiding detection..."
   Jexx watched the city border until there was no one looking in the direction of himself and Dorcan. When he was sure, Jexx ran out from behind the tree, keeping low, and hating the lack of cover, until he got to the first building. When he did, Jexx morphed his handcannons to hand for only a few seconds, which was just enough time for him to jump and climb to the top of the building. Once on the roof, he went prone and peeked over the top. As usual, no one had seen him.
  Jexx puled out his minigram and had it key his microcomms to communicate with only Dorcan's. "Ok," Jexx said, "I'm in position. You can move in now, I'll be watching out for you. I'll guide you to the shed."


Dorcan didn't have hackles, but if he did they'd be way up.  This was SO not what I had in mind, he thought to himself.  Serves you right for going with him, another part of his mind replied smugly.

"Very well," he said, doing a convincing impression of someone acting casual, "lead the way."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "Alrighty then," Jexx said, "Go down the street, straight past the first two intersections. I'll be waiting at the third." Jexx watched Dorcan, then quitely turned and jumped a few more roofs until he was on a building on the oppioriste side of the thrid intersection, watching Dorcan from head-on.


It was starting to get somewhat darker, Dorcan realised with some concern.  It did not show... his face bore the same contented expression he had noticed on the populace.  He chose his route with care, picking the more illuminated sections and ambling down the street.

"I hope they don't have a curfew," he whispered to Jexx.  "Okay, coming up to the intersection.  What next?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "Ok, now turn left...No no, my left!"


Dorcan was suddenly reminded of a film Jakob had shown him not too long ago.  It was from an Earth game show, where a group of young human cubs had to direct one of their companions through a dungeon.  Their companion wore a helmet that covered his eyes and was wholly dependent on their companions for guidance as he was accosted by various monsters and denizens.  In actual fact the dungeon did not exist at all and was superimposed on the screen - the only real things apart from the player were certain quest objects and some of the more human occupants of the dungeon.

"Okay," he said, fighting back the urge to laugh, "where should I go now?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "Ok, now you just go down to the next intersection, turn right, yes your right, onto Coffwell street, then go down past another intersection..."

(OOC:  Copout! Now everyone else posts for awhile, and the next time I post, you and I will both be at the shed. Is that alright?)


Gerald noticed Barbra and Josh talking.
<10 Megabytes says either she's taken or he fails.>
<You're on!>
Gerald just sighed.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Gerald, you should be able to isolate the inside of the van from these frequencies.  So stop staring at Josh and bring the van, around." says the Doctor has she passes a flash memory with the control chip frequencies.  "We will come with the van when Josh says so, or then the girl is walking alone."



Morgan checked his gun, the 10mm pistol was somehow 'magically'(no magic involved) missed when he was searched by the Brotherhood.

Morgan thought to himself, I really wish I had asked someone to bring my case with them.

Morgan checked the conversations currently in progress and broadcasted on the main channel for the team, situation status report please.  I am currently in position at this Brotherhood outdoor privy, those chaps must really be having fun in there as they have yet to come out.

No it wasn't a privy, but a little bit of levity did no harm.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

" I...uh.....doyathinkyamightwannagohangoutsomewhere?" Josh felt like he was on a his undies....infront of the entire school....singing 'my heart will go on'....accompanied by the accordian.
This wasn't the only time he felt this way though. On more than one instance he had to accompany his sister to a school dance.


"Morgan, Jexx and I are coming to join you," said Dorcan.  As he turned a corner, the shed came into view.  "I should be approaching... ah, is you there?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan stepped out of the shadows behind Dorcan, "Behind you mate.  Now stop standing in the open, I would like to be able to get in before we are noticed."

Morgan stepped back into the shadows, "So why are you running about the streets and not roof hopping with Jexx?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Jexx's voice sounded in Dorcan and Morgan's microcomms, "Because no one, Dorcan included, can climb and roof-hop the way I can.  And I think I've already found a way in, a small window here. I'm going to try to quiettly get in and unlock a door from the inside to let you two in. Standby..."
   The sun was already mostly down, the streets were now mostly dark. There wasn't any sound for the moment, then a "Grrmph!" sounded over the microcomms, then there was the sound of shattering glass.
   "Ah, shit! That wasn't supposed to happen! Umm, Ok, I'm in. If there is anyone here, I don't think they saw me. With any luck, anyone who is here will just think some hooligan threw a rock or something. Give me a few minutes to see if anyone did notice, then I'll try to get a door..."


Dorcan squinted as he stepped back into the shadows, making a movement as though he was going to tie his shoelaces and silently praying that no-one would notice the very faint red glow coming from inside his eyes.  Perhaps I can pass it off as augmented vision, he thought.  Suddenly the crash of glass brought him to full attention.

"They don't HAVE hooligans," he hissed over the comms.  Oh my Gods, we're dead... he thought.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan sighed when he heard the shattering of glass, Amateurs.

Morgan turned briefly towards Dorcan, "You stay put for now, I'll signal when its clear.  Keep an eye on the approach from the tower.  If there is a firefight, we will likely need to pull out."

Morgan dashed across the open area to the shack and against the wall facing away from the tower.  This time he had his weapon out.

Over the communications channel Morgan queried Jexx, I advise seeking cover and no rash actions, what is your status?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"I am so sorry," muttered Dorcan over a private channel to Morgan.  He looked like he was about to cry, although his voice was steady.  "The main reason I came with him was to try and prevent something like that from happening.  Still, if the brotherhood don't react immediately, it will give us some idea of how extensive the shed - or whatever it leads to - is."

As he spoke, he pulled out his stunner, and enabled the infrared vision system in his eyes.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx was hunkered down behind a stack of large crates away from the window break. He hadn't hid near the window because, of course, that would be the first place the Brotherhood would check if anyone noticed.
   Kepping curled up, Jexx whispered into the microcomm in his mouth, "My status is...fine, for the moment. I bolted for a hiding place away from the window as soon as I got in. I wasn't looking anywhere else, so I have no idea what is in this place, or who, or how many. And just FYI, I was actually trying not to break the window, I was just trying trying to ease it open, but it was stuck...that or just locked. Anyway, I'm going to stay here until I know someone has check the window and moved away before trying to get a peek."
   Jexx then took out his minigram, and quietly activated the map of the buildings in the town. He was just barely able to discern where he was, and there was a door nearby.
   Talking into is microcomm again, Jexx said, "Move to the east side of the shed. There's a door on that side, and I'll let you in through it once the coast is clear. K?"