Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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"Your plan has its merits, young sir, but it has its flaws as well. For starters, it hinges in its entirety upon the skills of one individual to get us in. Should anything go wrong in that initial maneuver, not only does that plan fail but we risk all of our combatants who would aid in the attack upon the tower. I, personally, am in favor of the good Madmoiselle Doctor's idea; discern the nature of the manipulation, if any can be definitely found. From there, we may be able to end this while drawing the minimum of attention to our actions. As I believe someone mentioned earlier, an all out assault would give the Brotherhood propaganda to use against us, showing us as terrorists or vigilantes who attack useful structures, and if they believe we had nothing to do with this they're that much less likely to attempt it again."


   "I told you, I've gotten into a tower before, and I can sure as hell do it again. Even if I screw up, my vaporization will serve me right, Ok?. Secondly, the Doctor was not suggesting we find or identify the point of influence, we already know that. There is something that is broadcasting a signal to the implanted microchips that is altering the mood patterns in everyone affected. The Doctor was suggesting that we test the removal of the influence on someone, to make sure it's safe, and I never objected to that, I in fact think it might almost be a neccessary precaution. The only logical place the device could be is inside the Tower. And since you are still a little unfamiliar with this world, I will tell you now, there is no way in Hell that we are going to free these people without actually shutting down, disabling, dismantling, or destroying whatever is transmitting the signal. What are we going to do otherwise? Abduct every townsperson one by one and do brain surgery on them? Is it just me or does something seem rediculously impractical about that? The only way to stop this is to stop the transmitter. The only way to do that is to go into the Tower itself. Any covert infiltration by us is right out. None of us are trained operatives, like a few of the people in the Rebellion. We can't do this covertly. We would have to send in just one, maybe two people to carry out the entire operation. Which makes you feel more uneasy, relying on a single person doing something that they have done before to just perform the initial phase of the operation, or relying on a single person to carry out the entire operation, not to mention a person who has never done anything even remotely like that before? Hmm?
   "And about the propaganda. Most people already know the truth behind both the Brotherhood of the Machine and the Rebellion, but join the Brotherhood in droves out of fear, nothing else. People would be joining the Rebellion if it weren't for the fear that they couldn't actually do anything to harm the Botherhood. The reason people fear the Brotherhood is partially because of their threats, but mostly because of their image of invincibility. The Rebellion is already declared terrorists by the Brotherhood. If we show that the Brotherhood isn't untouchable, no matter how much they use it to prove that the Rebellion are terrorists, no matter how much they increase their threats, they'll just be beating a dead horse. The people will know that the Brotherhood can be hurt, and flock to the side of the Rebels. Not to mention the fact that the Rebels will be using the same even for their own propaganda! If anything, the Brotherhood will try to cover up the destruction of their Tower to maintain their precious illusion of invulnerablility. But the Rebels will make sure that it gets out anyway!
   "Going over that, an assault on the Tower is still currently our only option, because no one else has actually offered any other viable plan for shutting down the transmitter. Is attacking inside the Tower goign to be dangerous as teasing Hell? HELL, YES! But Jackson already warned you that this was going to be dangerous. He even gave all of you a chance to back out, but no one took him up on it. Don't try to back out now just because you are starting to realize that this might cost you your life. That's the way it's always been, and that's the way it's always gonna be.
   "But of course, my plan is nothing more than a suggestion. Thus far, I am the only one who has made a suggestion. If anyone else has a plan, please share it. I do still like to keep my options open wherever possible." There was no sarcasm, mockery, or anger in Jexx's tone as he said that last sentance of his particularly long tirade.


"I've heard little in the way of proof insofar as these 'microchips' are concerned; it may be some other method of influence, with the tower as a front. As for the Brotherhood's recruiting methods, I find your theory questionable. If they joined out of fear, why do they defend the twisted ideals of the Brotherhood with such zeal? If they did know the full story, the government would take action against the Brotherhood. Furthermore, you say you have done this before. How did that end the previous time? As for offering more plans, we have been in place for less than a day, with barely any time to gather intel as to what's actually going on. I know this is dangerous, I simply do not wish to add to that," Mister replied.

(OOC: Not trying to be a pain. He just honestly thinks it's a bad plan.)


   "Well, I see where you're coming from about only just getting here and all. I apologize, I just can't help it. I'm a man of action; a man of just getting the job done. Always was, always will be.
   "The microchips: Morgan has already sent confirmative data procured from nanites implanted in the police chief. No idea how you missed that, but oh well.
   "The cowards-turned-zealots: Best as Jackson and Exo have explained, anyone inducted into the Brotherhood is also brainwashed. How, we have no idea. It's also why anyone who does join the Brotherhood is never heard from again; they become one of the masked faceless cultists. This also directly affects the reason the Rebellion rarely has successful covert operation: Their agents have to bug out quick or become neutralized. As for the government, I have already said that Jackson confirmed that the Brotherhood has a stranglehold on them.
   "And finally, my pervious escapade. How did it end, you ask? Horribly. A total faliure. Complete flop. But what I've been suggesting I do is just get us in which is something I had no problem with last time. The problem was being one man against an Tower full of warbots, auto-Ds, zealots, enforcers, a few elites, and no time to even find what I was looking for. How do you think that went? But, with the security disabled, the auto-Ds turned to our side to thin out the numbers of the Brotherhood (courtesy of our newound friend Gerald and, more particularly, his AI's), and more than just one person going up against them, we have a strong shot at this."


"Ah, my mistake," Mister said with a slight bow, "I must have missed the reference to nanites. Much of the terminology used is new to me, I suppose I must have missed details here and there. I still have my qualms about the initial phase of this plan, but then I have already voiced them. My apologies for the interruption."


   "No no, it's all right. I actually think questioning is a good thing. If we don't question something, how would we ever know if there is a flaw in it?" Jexx said, somewhat philisophically.


Morgan, not aware of the conversation occurring back at base, sends on the coms, "Well, that was certainly interesting.  The Brotherhood is supplied with information from the feds, though they backed down when I threatened to drag the chief into this.  Very interesting.  Alright, what's the plan here?  I want to Take out this control, but in a way that does not bring down reprisal against this town.  I really think, based on what this Enforcer said, we now should work to expose this mind control to the public.  If we do this, Brotherhood support will decline, it might even spawn a public outcry that could reduce Brotherhood influence on the government."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"I thought you said publicising it wouldn't fly," said Dorcan, turning his attention back to Morgan.  "Anyway.  The current plan we are discussing is some kind of attack on the tower to put out the transmitters.  I believe the idea is to try and disable the internal security systems first, and then storm the place.  It sounds a little suicidal to me," he admitted.

"Morgan, do you have any kind of EMP generator with you?  One thing we need to establish is whether destroying the chip is fatal.  I don't like it, but our best shot would be if you can burn out the chip in someone within the town.  Preferably on the outskirts, thinking about it.  If they die, it will look like a stroke.  If it releases them, being on the edge of the town will give them the best chance of escape without the Brotherhood finding out.

"Disabling the tower is likely to have a similar effect," he continued.  "If losing the chip proves fatal, the plan Jexx is discussing could quite possibly result in the deaths of everyone in the entire town."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"With a frequency match, the range of the transmission could be calculated or tested for with a simple reciever. Move until signal stops. That is the optimal range of transmission. Blissfully simple yet highly technical, for those capable of such emotions. We have no suitable facilities for interfering with and properly isolating a signal from the chips here. This is a field operation, not a fully-equipped medical hospital, so you will have to excuse our obvious lack of luxuries." It sounds slightly sarcastic and irritated at the same time.

"As for publicisation of this situation, unveiling that the Brotherhood are using implanted chips and remote control or subliminal messaging would be severely damaging to their reputation. Records indicate that subliminal messaging was banned under the Etherume Act approximately three years ago, following a similar case in which a large soft drinks corporation used subliminal messaging in advertising to coerce many into purchasing their product. Whilst nowhere near as serious as this scenario, the blatant breach of the Act is no doubt clear enough to many."

lucas marcone

Josh stood there glareing at Jexx. He started on his side of the debate...he sounded enraged and irritated at the same time. "Listen here! I am NOT above dieing to expose the brotherhood and preven more of my kind from dieing. however i AM opposed to dieing so the brotherhood can pass us off as the evil terrorists and start a "War against terror". THAT will give the brotherhood and their supporters such an uplift it wont be funny! Terrorism NEVER solves ANYTHING it just makes those in whom we are trying to initiate change in even MORE fanatical! don't belive me do you? well I ask you this....what terrorist cell has EVER made a diffrence? Think of one right now! can't can you?

We need to be more tactful about this! I won't let them win and i WON'T LET THEM KILL ANY MORE OF US! I've already lost everything and i WON'T make any mistake that will cause anyone else to do the same!

IF you had been listening insted of acting like a child crying for attention you would have heard three diffrent plans and realistic ways of executeing them!

personally i lay my vote down for exposeing to the public that the brotherhood are controlling their minds. listen close Jexx, this would cause the public to question them and rebel... when they do we can take in those who want to make a diffrence. this would make out next operation easier!"

Josh ended his rant within a breaths distance from Jexx's face. Josh may have gotten over emotional but had no intention of stirring up a beef between them....Still after he realized how he acted and Jexx's disposition he was ready to take defence.


   Jexx merely started coolly back into Josh's face. "If you knew more about this," Jexx started, "Then you would know: There already is a war going on. And everyone knows about it. Attacking a Tower is something the rebellion has been trying their ass off to do, Jackson said so himself, and public-view wise, it won't change a goddamn thing. They're not terrorists trying to take down a government, they're people who are stimply trying to stop a massive organization of fanatics. The only people who can't see that are the ones already lost to the Brotherhood anyway."

(OOC: Lucas, you really also would want to be checking the OOC thread. Important stuff is said there out of charcater, you know.)

lucas marcone

"So you would rather KILL them than let them disolve through lack of support? That's a winning plan right there unneccessary risk with blood on your hands....almost sounds like a brotherhood recruit...." Josh had stepped back and made his remark with an almost palpable taint of anger and cynicism. "The more i look listen to your plan the more i start to feel for the poor suckers you've already tried to shake down."

OOC: i already did, and didn't think your relation to starwars was correct.


"Hold it, hold it," said Dorcan as tempers began to fray.

"Our mission, as assigned, was to investigate the townsfolk and report back to Jackson.  Thanks to Morgan we now have a pretty clear idea of what is going on, so our first priority should be to relay this information back to base.  Those were our orders.
Actually trying to attack the Brotherhood's stronghold is something that we were only supposed to attempt if we felt we could accomplish it on our own.  If not, we were to phone home for reinforcements.

"Now if you are dead-set on this plan, I have a few suggestions to add.  But first we need to relay what we have learned back to Jackson, and establish once and for all what we are going to do next."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!  We do not need the shouting, but relaying our data so far to Jackson is a goods one.  AN important requirement from Jackson was to not cause harm to the townpeople.  So It looks like I'm going to have to go into town and check on some of the townfolk with chips.  IF someone can build a frequency jammer for that control frequency or something, that might help.  Maybe, we can cause a feedback loop or the like and destroy the transmitter from the outside.  But we must get more data to help these people...Okay" Shouts the Doctor

"Now I am going into town on the far side from the brotherhood tower, and Whoever wants to come, can come with me" says the Doc as she heads to one of the vans.  "Goddess, I feel like a den mother"


lucas marcone

"I'll come with you mom. With brotherhood walking about ready to beat the pulp out of anyone from out of town i dont think it's best not to have our best medic unprotected.....Sorry Dorcan our card game may have to wait."


"Yo! Doc! I think I'd like to come with too." Gerald said, coming out of a trance-like state, then he turned to Jexx and smiled, "That is, if Jexx would be kind enough to allow me to redownload my AIs?"


   "Oh yeah, that." Jexx unslung the rebellion laptop off of his back and opened it up. Instantly the two AIs popped on the screen. Their expressions were murderous.
   Quickly Jexx slipped the wireless transponder out of his pocket and reattached it to the laptop.
   "And Baiye, where's that...oh." Jexx reaced into the van and pulled out a small chip-like key and handed it to Gerald. "Baiye rigged up a manual activation lock to you laptop. It can only be turned on with this key now."


As soon as the tranponder was inserted, the screen showed the "Uploading" screen.
"Thank you, I was about to corrupt someone in there..." Omega said, bowing to Jexx.
"Ok, you two, we're going into town. You know the drill." Gerald said, following Docter Joywaves.
<Understood. Operation: 'Under the cover of light' is a go.>
Why must you give operation names to everything?
<It sounds cool! Don't you think?>, Gerald only sighed, <What!?>


Morgan querried, Shall I return to base or maintain my presence here.  I believe it would be optimum to contact Phoenix with what we have and see how he would like us to proceed.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

The Brotherhood squad eventually make their way around town, and having found nothing further, they decide to abandon the search and return to the tower.  As they enter the tower, another squad of zealots exits the tower, but instead of going straight to town, they head towards a plain looking building that looks to be nothing more than a large utility shed.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Outstanding, everyone... check this out.  Morgan said over his link.


Full motion video, 896 Eb/sec...

The Brotherhood squad eventually make their way around town, and having found nothing further, they decide to abandon the search and return to the tower.  As they enter the tower, another squad of zealots exits the tower, but instead of going straight to town, they head towards a plain looking building that looks to be nothing more than a large utility shed.

Replay end.

Interesting, eh?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Jexx watched the video that Morgan streamed to them, eagerly towards the end. 
   "So Sally, Josh, and Gerald are going to the far side of town to capture someone and test removing the influence. Once we figure out weather or not it's safe to remove the mood control influce from a townsperson, someone's gonna need to get on the blower and call Jackson with an update. Should a few of us also go check out this shed? If the Brotherhood are going in, it must be important."
   Jexx was visbly flexing his metal fingers in anticipation, and if anyone was watching, they were slowly morphing back to usual handcannons.

lucas marcone

"......Blower" Josh didn't even bother to stifle a snicker. "If I'd known we were allowed to use that language infront of the ladies i would be curseing my gray ass off right now!" Josh felt the situation needed some lightening.


   Jexx rolled his eyes, but could not stop himself from smiling with Josh. "It's slang for radio, you immature idiot!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"It would be easiest to go to a diner or store near the highway or road.  So, we can check who has a chip and who doesn't  and then decide who we can confront or kidnap." says the Doc.. as she get in one of the van.  "You guys decide who, you want to go check out the trap  ah shed...  I am going to Lennys"



   "All right." Jexx said. "As for the shed, I think I'm going to check that out, assistance or no. Is anyone gonna tag along?"

lucas marcone

Josh turned to Gerald. "Let's make sure it's someone hot.....but reletively healthy." the he climbed into the back of the van.


"Can we blow up the shed?" asked Dorcan.  It wasn't a very good idea but it was the first thing that came into his head.
"Actually, scratch that.  It's probably covering a tunnel or some other concealed entrance.
Anyway, we need to report what we've got so far to Jackson.  Exo, do you want me to do that or would you prefer to do it in person?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Exo moves close to Dorcan, it's voice dropping out of normal hearing ranges for most humanoids. "Jackson is somewhat elusive and Rebellion comms are usually kept quiet to prevent Brotherhood interception. I will endeavour to contact him once the others have departed to prevent confusion and conflicting reports."

Prof B Hunnydew

" Okay You guys try not to get catch but have fun at the Shed.  Whoever is with me get in the back and I need some coffe and donuts...To Lenny!"  the Doctor wait until everyone is seat, and them put the van in gear....

She drives back to the road and then goes southward a ways and once she reaches the highway heading toward town.  She stops at the first Lenny's she can find inside the city limits.  She see a few heavy 20 ton trucks and a dozen normal cars in the parking lot.  She goes inside and waits on the hostress.  She looks around the place and the customers