Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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"In terms of strategy, I agree with Jackson," said Dorcan.  "If these people are under some kind of encha- uh, mental control, then to go in shooting would be to kill innocents since they aren't responsible for what they're doing.  I was always told that it was a sin to kill except in self-defence or dire necessity, besides which a bloodbath would not help endear the rebellion to the public at large."

Hmm, looks like I might get out of the medical... he thought to himself.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Query: If the source of control is apparent, should it be shut off - either destroyed, or dismantled and brought back for examination?"

"If it is caused by a device and impacts an entire area, then retrieving the object may allow our technicians and workers to find a way of shielding against the effects, which may no doubt be an extremely important development should the Brotherhood begin using it on a larger scale."

Ryudo Lee

Jackson nods.
"If it can be shut down, then do it.  If you feel that you can't shut it down with your own forces then call for reinforcements." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Mister entered the warehouse and looked around. Things were strange. It began to dawn on him just how long it had been since he had left the manor grounds. He politely asked a nearby secretary where he might find Sir Phoenix (assuming that a man of rank would most likely be one of title as well) and eventually found his way over to the room where the others were being briefed. He peeked around the doorframe, quietly assessing those there. Magicless constructs? Conglomorations of flesh and metal? The art of alchemy has improved while I have been busy...
He entered the room as quietly as could be, trying not to be noticed until he had to be; a habit any good servant developed. Not knowing which of those there was Sir Jackson Phoenix, he simply stood and waited for a break in the conversation to ask.

Ryudo Lee

Jackson noted the entrance of Mister and nodded to him.
"Ah, looks like you're the last one to the party." Jackson said to him. "Come forward, no need to be shy.  Tell us your name."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Mister stepped forward as asked and gave a low bow.
"The designation granted to me by my master is Mister, and I am a general purpose NA (New Alchemy) model steam powered golem, mildly customized by craftsman Aosga Menalich. As of twenty five minutes and thirteen seconds ago I am a proud member of the rebellion. It is a pleasure to make your aquaintances."


Dorcan looked at the golem with a mixture of respect and interest.  "May I ask what your power source is?" he asked.
"I mean, what powers your boiler?", he added quickly, before the construct could reply 'steam' or something of that nature.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan, who had been quietly observing the group, decided that now would be an opportune time to add his input.

"If we can locate a position on the outskirts of town, possibly in an house or mannor of some type, we can establish an operational base to coordinate our intelligence operations.  Since a number of our operatives are not... typical, we should send in individuals or small teams to gather information and perform surveillance.  Members such as Jack, myself and even Victor, if he keeps the arm concealed, are the most normal in appearance and likely the most capable.  The good doctor, Baiye and... Josh, can pass as normal, but may not be appropriately trained for infiltration and intelligence gathering.  Jack said he was former military in some fashion, so he could handle himself and Victor moves like someone experienced.  Everyone else is either too unusual in appearance, magical or inexperienced in this type of operation."

Morgan paused for a second and focused on Jackson,"Do we know the layout of this town?  Structures, businesses and the like.  I would also believe that if we enter the town, it should be separately or in small groups.  We should stick to those arrangements and take alternate routes back to our safehouse, operational base or whatever we setup.  Or at least that's the way things should happen, if w were operating along standard military or government intelligence operations."

Morgan smiled and shrugged before waving at Mia, "I need a few minor things, I'll need light concealable armor of some sort."  He produces one of his ion pistols, "These might be too heavy for this operation, so could you find me a HV 10mm silenced pistol or light gyro-jet pistol with HD rounds?  Could you also make those ceramic or similar nonmetal, just in case there are scanners for guns.  I also require a clean laptop/notebook computer, I'd rather not use my own.  Last thing, I'll need some type of generic sedan or coupe.  Thanks! "

Morgan observed the entrance of Mister, Now that is something you don't see everyday.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"An ongoing lighting jar simulation enchantment subtly woven into the glyphs that constitute my consciousness," Mister replied to Dorcan politely, taking the winged talking canine in stride.


"Thank you, sir," said Dorcan respectfully.  "You can call me 'Dorcan.'"

He transferred his attention back to Morgan.
"If they are likely to have scanners for weaponry, those are liable to pick up augmentations as well, are they not?" he said.  "I don't know what local policy is for those.  Is it likely to give us any problems?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

"Pass for normal? What do you take me for? Some sort of anthro unicorn?" Josh was sort of laughing as he said that. "Hello Mister, my my my you judgeing from looks you're really well made for a golem. and i admire your manners. some of the rouges in here could learn a thing or two." Josh stood up and put his hand out for Mister. "welcome aboard."

Ryudo Lee

Jackson nodded to Mister.
"Very well then.  You'll be working with this group here.  I think that pretty much fleshes you guys out pretty nicely, if I do say so myself." He says.
Jackson turned to the wall map, which was hanging from a roller which contained several maps.  He flipped through the maps until he found the one of Northon.
"Ah, here we go.  Northon isn't all that big, no heavy industry.  We have the residential sections to the west and light commercial sections on the east.  The Brotherhood's tower is on the north end of town.  There is some uncultivated wooded area west of the residential area.  You could probably set up a base camp there.  Again, the details are left in your hands." He said.
Mia was busy jotting down everyone's requisitions onto a pad of paper.  She looked up after she finished writing down Morgan's request for a laptop.
"We'll be providing you guys with unmarked vans, that should cover you for transportation." She said. "Anyone got any other requests?"

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


   Jexx listened to Morgan's quite long and seemingly well-thought-out operation plan. Most of it sounded very good, but Jexx did have a problem with one part...
  "Hey, I do hope you're not planning on excluding me from the majority of this operation, 'Mr. Military Man'. First off, of all the people going on this mission, even Exo, I have the most personal experience in combating the Brotherhood. Secondly, I think that even groups of three are too big. I was thinking on just pairs, or even singles for the best of us, as that would attract the least amount of attention. For example, I don't even intend to use the streets, where all can see me. I have been hopping buildings to avoid detection for quite some time, and I've gotten damn good at it. Normal people will never catch a glimpse of me, and I know all the tricks the Brotherhood uses to try to follow someone. I can provide a Jexx's-eye-view reconnaissance for you, if that is even the only thing I'd be useful at, but I hope not.
  "But I will not sit with my cannons up my ass while you bash around Brotherhood bastards."


"I have a request," said Dorcan, unsure whether to address Jackson or Mia.  "Something to conceal my wings.  Does your level of technology extend to light refraction fields?  If so, I'll need some kind of cloaking device to cover both sets.  If not, can I have some scissors, a large backpack and a crash helmet, please?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Mia just stared blankly at his odd request.
"Okay, scissors... backpack... crash helmet.  Comin' up." She says.
Jackson shook his head.
"Unfortunately, we haven't achieved cloaking technologies yet.  It was in the works before the Brotherhood rose up, but then research pretty much ended there." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Mister shook Josh's hand, moving in that careful and graceful manner that large men often adopt out of necessity.
"A pleasure, good sir," his being assigned to this group meant he would probably have to learn to act as a soldier, rather than a servant. Mentally he went over the oaths of a knight that he had heard his master recite years ago. He would be sure to uphold them.
It occured to him that one of those oaths required a suit of armor. He looked down at his battered frame.
"Also, Sir Phoenix, I may be in need of some manner of repairs or upgrades in terms of defensive abilities. Combat was not amongst my origional duties."

lucas marcone

"Mia, if I may, it would seem odd for a man to walk around with a crash helmet on for no appearnt reason so maybe you could supply Dorcan with a bicycle?" Josh interupted politely. "And it would be best if the back pack isn't a school bag. It should be one of those cloth bags.


"A large, hiking backpack would be best," said Dorcan.  "Large enough for my wings to fit inside.  As for the crash-helmet, I don't see anything wrong with someone walking down the street wearing one - going around with my headwings visible would be downright alarming though.  That said, if anyone has a better suggestion for concealing them, I'm all ears."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"So what, are we going for subtle, or not? I mean, some of us are going to look mighty odd showing up, doubly so in a group. Dorcan's the least of our worries."
Griffith looked at the large construct that had just joined the crew.


Exo stands, processing idly as it tries to think up plans.

"Theory: If the Brotherhood seek to cover a large area with the influence of this control... Unit predicts that the transmitter, if the device uses some form of mechanically induced control, will, no doubt, be located at the top of their tower for maximum control range. If the control is strong over the inhabitants, going near the tower may be impossible for some, no amount of willpower will fight persistant control attempts. It is likely that exposure was slowly increased over time on the original inhabitants, so threat to the group may be minimal, however..."

It pauses.

"Query: Commander Jackson, do our mechanics have a spare Brotherhood I.F.F Transponder? With such a device, infiltration of the tower by an unsubvertable mechanical agent may well be possible. Unit is unsure if it's own such transponder is still functional, if still in place."


Baiye's head buzzed with all the sudden conversation. She closed her eyes briefly in order to think in the chaos.

"I'd like a pair of camera lenses for Gid's optics - I'd like his output to be as visibly clear as possible, should he be used in that aspect. I'd also like to make sure that we're going to have a wireless connection - untraceable, please - and I'd like to make sure my tool kit has sizes to fit everybody's 'nuts and bolts', should I need to do any repairs on the fly. Other than that, I'm good. - Ah, wait - a small handgun - That's about what I can operate." She gave a cringing smile to Mia - feeling a little guilty.

"As for plans - I can bring up Gid's optic connection - as well as his audial track and possibly infra-red, should anyone have a spare sensor handy that I can splice into him."

"Exo - Do you have an idea where your transponder is, should it still be there? I may be able to find it - it wouldn't take me too long - if you wouldn't mind me poking in your circuts."

lucas marcone

"What? no! This is unacceptable!" Josh suddenly sputtered. Everyone Seemed to be looking at him, but he didn't care for the moment. He slipped a gove with blue tronlike mother board patterns on his noncybernetic hand. He then started like he was pushing multiple buttons. "No way in Hell your level 15 took on a level 60! Noob you got some splainin to do!" In his cybernetic eye Josh could see it clearly a key board, mouse, "moniter". He was on a forum for one of his faverite online games.


"Unmarked vans?  Oh brother, that does not scream 'spooks' or 'covert ops trying to not look like covert ops', then I do not know what does.  If it's what we get then we will have to make do."  Morgan blinked and turned to Dorcan, "Weapons are usually a no no, but cybernetics are reasonably common..." Morgan narrowed his eyes, "now that's some interesting emanations."

Morgan would have continued his line of discourse, if not for comments made by Jexx, "I'm just making suggestions on what I might do if I knew anything about intelligence operations... which I do.  The point here is to not roll in and start shooting up the town, the people and the Brotherhood.  We will need to gather intelligence before we play vigilante, IF we play vigilante at all.  You do not strike me as the type that can not help but stand out in a crowd.  However, I am only making suggestions, as team does not seem to be some of our operational stances, I can not stop those that wander off to do their own thing and I know its going to happen and we will fail because of it."

Morgan stopped as it seemed futile, "Yes, subtle is my recommendation, but as most have already made up their minds as how they will proceed, I will then ask what it is we are doing, so..."  Morgan smiled mischievously, "Frustrated Query: How is it that we are to proceed sir?"  He stared at Exo as he imitated the 'bot's method of speech and vocal tone.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Frankly, I don't know," said Dorcan.  "I am new to this kind of work.  Barring wholesale slaughter or a suicide mission, I'll go with pretty much anything.  My only concern is attracting undue attention, although as... Jexx? rightly said, I'm not the only one with that problem."

He ignored Morgan's comment about his 'augmentations'.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"If it's a bit helpful, I still am officially a narc, until New Years'. I've got my ID, and everything. So, I still have an excuse to carry a gun with me. Fabricate a story about drug smuggling activity spotted near the town, and they just might be a bit compliant. I doubt the Brotherhood wants to upset the govvies yet."

lucas marcone

"Best idea I've heard yet." Josh said still typeing away. "However certin steps will need to be taken in order for us to look like Feds."


Morgan scratched his chin, "Indeed, for that we will need valid and verifiable identification.  For that I can...

Morgan signalled his car, which activated and travelled at a reasonable pace into the warehouse from the vehicle entrance.  It rolled up right next to him and opened the trunk just as he pivoted to reach in and scoop up his laptop.

"Select two members of the narcotics unit that are out on leave, disability or inactive... redirect the identification page to this one I've just created with my photo and information in its place, spoof the URL and I am in business."

The laptop unit produced a full color card with official looking designations and a verifiable USID, thanks to a little DNS poisoning.

He handed the card to Mia, "Can I get this laminated please?  Acryllic embossed with gold reflec... like Griffith's.  Okay, who else needs one?  These will last about a week before they rescan and the DNS cache is purged."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

"All things considered we may all need one." said Josh canceling out his connection  and putting his glove away. "So when does the show hit the road?"


   "Just as soon as Doctor Sally does her 'private' examinations with, uh, Dorcan and Baiye, I believe." Jexx answered.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Well, If we are to get any imformation from the townspeople, I will need to examine one or a few to fine a common element for this control mind.  Stealth maybe better in plain sight for some of us.  I am really hoping this is not some cyber-virus  *shiver*  I will want to go one of recons if possible, likely as a tourist.. But I would recommanded not eating or drinking anything in or from the town until we know if it is safe."

Sally then walks to a smaller office just off the common area, and calls to Dorcan from the door. "Dorcan, in here please I've not forgot you.  Braiye please wait, this should not take long."

Dr Joywaves was feeling better away from Josh, Josh was sending some distirbing feelings and thoughts, which Sally was beginning to feel uneasy around him.  He is a good kid and all but he was beginning to get to her.