Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC) [PG/14] - Open - New players welcome!

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM

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Right, I'm posting with the assumption that I'm in the haus.




Quote from: Arcalane on June 15, 2007, 05:25:31 PM
[Exo is] General humanoid format in terms of number of limbs and proportions, though he's more like a blocky suit of powered armour in appearance. Not too smooth, but not too rough either - the chassis is meant to take a beating and thus looks the part.

Ah right.  I had visualised something like ED-209 or the biped walker things in Star Wars.  You might want to add a note about that to your character description in case any players want to do a quick lookup before interacting with him.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 15, 2007, 05:28:44 PM
EDIT: Yeah, I think Dorcan is talking about Griffy. I guess that means you're already through the door.
Either that or Dorcan can see him from his vantage point.  Or he can simply hear what Jackson is saying.  After all, it's the way he structured the offer that made me think of that, rather than the person.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 15, 2007, 05:32:38 PM
the haus? What the hell is that?
German for 'house'.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


(ware)House. (not the doctor)
Quote from: Tapewolf
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 15, 2007, 05:28:44 PM
EDIT: Yeah, I think Dorcan is talking about Griffy. I guess that means you're already through the door.
Either that or Dorcan can see him from his vantage point.  Or he can simply hear what Jackson is saying.  After all, it's the way he structured the offer that made me think of that, rather than the person.
Oy, you bloody well posted it, pick one.  :U


Well, you -are- in the warehouse, Bill. At least, I think tha is what's going on.

Dorcan's 'vantage point'? Did I miss something? I though everyone was in a circle around Jackson.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 15, 2007, 05:35:51 PM
Well, you -are- in the warehouse, Bill. At least, I think tha is what's going on.
Either that or immediately outside it.

QuoteDorcan's 'vantage point'? Did I miss something? I though everyone was in a circle around Jackson.

He's indoors.  Depending on where he is in the circle, he can see outdoors.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Right, I'll just enter the warehouse, and solve all our woes.  :)


Quote from: BillBuckner on June 15, 2007, 05:38:30 PM
Right, I'll just enter the warehouse, and solve all our woes.  :)
I've just edited my post.  If it introduces another conflict, let me know what to do and I'll edit it again accordingly.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on June 15, 2007, 05:33:09 PMAh right.  I had visualised something like ED-209 or the biped walker things in Star Wars.  You might want to add a note about that to your character description in case any players want to do a quick lookup before interacting with him.

Which would ill-suit his choice of handgun and sword, would it not?


Quote from: Tapewolf on June 15, 2007, 04:59:15 PM

Now I'm curious.  What kind of sensors does it have as input?

It's nothing all that special, the system is tied to sight, smell, hearing, taste, psychic and certain electromagnetic sensors.

Sight: infrared, ultraviolet, normal color vision and a limited interpretation of aura.

hearing: all human ranges and those of canids.  Also has limited sub-vocal and ultrasonic reception

Smell: acute, filtered and reduced sense can be achieved to prevent overload when presented with strong stimulus.  chemical analysis based on molecules received at receptor sites

Taste: not applicable as he did not spend any time licking people, which would be very odd from a 'human'

Psychic: the psy-implant provides the computer with data perceived from other individuals with regards to their psychic/astral presence and can recognize, but not judge magical emanations/auras (i.e. can estimate magical potential or possible strength, but limited data).

Electromagnetic: the system can detect emanations of radiation in an individual or the environment.

The remainder of the analysis is made through an expert system/rudimentary AI and involves evaluation of size, weight, mass, stance and much of the above data combined and compared against a database.  It is scored, evaluated and then compiled into a profile report.  He will have to review it and make his own determinations, based on the information supplied both raw and analyzed.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Incidentally, now would be an opportune time to post info on Griffy's gun.
Manufacturer: Gardner Automation
Model: G-PULSE Mk.3
Appearance: Small-Medium sized rifle, but without a cartridge. Looks a bit like a sawed-off, in fact, but quite more black, and "techy"-looking.
Firepower: Provided by electric cell. Cell is depleted with normal use of the rifle, with about 300 RF shots, or 60 HF shots, per cell. Cells can be recharged in the field using what's called a "Primer", but under normal use, this only restores the cell to about 30% of it's capacity, or 90 RF/18 HF shots. Priming the cell takes about 20 seconds for a professional. Completely recharging the cell with the primer takes around two hours, rather impractical in the field.

As for the firing itself, the gun can be used as rapid fire, about as powerful as a medium-caliber round, or as heavy fire, about as powerful as a high-caliber explosive round. HF shots put lots of strain on the power cell, taking 5 times more energy per discharge. Unlike RF shots, HF shots can punch through heavy armor. Coastal Patrol tends to use HF shots to incapacitate boats from a distance.


The wonder of talking with those who do not need to pause for breath. :U

Copycat'ing Bill;

"Flare" Heavy Handgun
Appearance: A very large and bulky looking handgun somewhat like this though with a slightly longer barrel.

Details: The Flare's rate of fire is somewhat sub-par for a pistol, but it's firepower for a standard 'Low-Tech' kinetic weapon is practically unmatched. It's rounds look more like slightly over-length shotgun shells rather than bullets, for good reason - each explodes on impact, in a burst of incendiary materials. The shots are also on fire during flight, so they leave a distinctive trail of fire and smoke in the air as they go.

The Flare can also utilise special flare ammunition that can be used to light up dark areas. Two variants exist - one outdoors flare (for firing upwards) and one indoors flare (for firing into dark rooms or corridors). The former has a small rocket propulsion system and unfolding fins that stabilize it during it's flight upwards. The latter lasts longer and burns brighter, but tends to travel in a low arc, and does not go very far.

Prof B Hunnydew

Okay, I will throw a character in this mix.... I will see if a healer can
help in the long run.

Name: Dr. Sally Joywaves M.D
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Magic User: yes, but dormant she will be able to heal with magic but not now, since she has technology and magic is still weak.
Psychic: Empathy: and Healer
Tech usage: no (she uses nano med-robots during surgery but she call they back into her )
Faction ( individual)
Physical Description: The young otter woman is 5'5" tall and 130lbs,  she was grey and white fur.  Her eyes are crystal blue and hair that is black long pony tail. Her figure is 38D-32-40. She is a little pudgy stomach with wide hips and large chest, but she has a high energy level and quick.   
   Her nickname is "Little Mother", because of her kindness and caring attitude to all patients, but also for her "take non-sense" attitude in the emergency room.  She even bakes cookies when she is stressed which she bring in to her co-worker and patients.  Magic is something she has not given any thought to, but she is starting to hate the brotherhood, since she is always cleaning up from their anti-magic raids.  Innocence people seem to get hurt, more and more of late. 
Yet her activities are not going un-noticed, her patients always seem to recover faster, and/or die less often than her fellow doctors' patient with similar wounds.  She can almost always "see" what her patients' problems are, or guess what is needed before the tests can confirmed that she is right.   The brotherhood is watching her, but so far she seems to sense those who would do her harm, and she avoids them.    She has unknowing helped some of the rebels.  She scans patients, heal minor cuts, setting broken bones, and speed up the healing process with psychic powers.  Magic will be explain later.



I know this really isn't my place at all, but I'm thinking it might be better for Sally to allready have joined the Rebellion, maybe even recently. That or they recruited her already like they just did to the rest of us. That way, when Ryudo returns on Monday, bringing Jackson back into the room with our mission data, maybe he can also come in with Sally, and introduce us to her as our medical support. That way we don't have to bother with trying to recruit you after we've left the warehouse for our mission. We will still have to pick up Mister on our way though, but his estate has just been assulted by Brotherhood zealots, and Rebellion soldiers just joined the fray to help Mister, so there isn't a problem with getting him on our side. Still don't know about Snuggel's character though.

I don't know. I could just be spouting shit, cuz like I said, it's not really my place, but that's just my two cents.


Erk. Whoopsie. I need to get up on this.

Before anyone thinks of it - I think Gidget's really budget at the time being, so I don't think he has the sensors to "see" anything weird about Dorcan yet... Heck, his eye sensors have scratched lenses at this point. >,<

And I'm not sure exactly what Baiye might do with Exo... We'll see, I suppose.

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 16, 2007, 02:31:29 PM
I know this really isn't my place at all, but I'm thinking it might be better for Sally to allready have joined the Rebellion, maybe even recently.

Hey your are the GM for lack a better term... OOPS! 

So, I can live with her as a recent recruit... just been brought into the "team" of Rebels about a week or two.  She would know basically where the sick rooms are and her few  supplies and the kitchen.  Yet, she has not seen many of the personnel or know much of the hideout/base.

Edit: sorry Ryudo  I await your word.




I'm not the GM. Ryudo Lee is. I was just offering a sugestion.

And Holy shoot! I just realized, no one knows Jexx's name yet, not even Jackson or Exo! I must go edit a few posts accordingly.

EDIT: Ok, added Jexx saying his name to two posts. Everyone at the warehouse knows my name now.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on June 16, 2007, 05:15:51 PM
So, I can live with her as a recent recruit... just been brought into the "team" of Rebels about a week or two.  She would know basically where the sick rooms are and her few  supplies and the kitchen.  Yet, she has not seen many of the personnel or know much of the hideout/base.

I would expect the Rebellion to not have "a hideout" as it were, but a whole -lot- of small hideouts, mostly mobile, easy to move in case of being discovered, that sort of thing.

You're talking -majorly- guerilla warfare, here - hide out in safe houses in cities or villages, try not to attract much attention, or have "safe" villages where you have underground things so they don't look anything from the air.

Remember, the Brotherhood -is- going to have satellite overviews, flyovers, planes, patrols, you name it. They might not have it in-house, but they -are- going to have access to military satellites. And since there's nano hardware about, chances are they've got some nifty stuff lying about in some of -their- safe houses.

Being able to pick everything up and run away when the Brotherhood comes calling is going to be key to such an organisation. Being warned about such calls is also vital - I'd expect that that was how the van full of Rebellion troops knew about Mister. Communication is another key point.

Having said all that, it's possible they either have people in some of the hospitals, or there's "field hospitals" somewhere - and with nano, that can be fairly all-up, whilst still being parked in a tent - so it's also possible that Ryudo can let Dr Joywaves be wandering about somewhere like that.

I expect you'll be doing a bit of field surgery, though. Do be prepared for that :-]

And remember, folks, this is all In My Oh So Totally Arrogant Opinion. I could well be wrong about all of it - I'm just guessing. :-]
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Now now children, no mod/admin arguments in this thread, please.  :rolleyes


so sorry  :cry

does this mean we're not bff anymor?  :<


Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on June 16, 2007, 05:15:51 PM
Edit: sorry Ryudo  I await your word.


He's not gonna be back until Monday. That's why Jackson left the room, and everyone else is introducing themselves until he gets back, now possibly with you.

Prof B Hunnydew

No disrespect but I better wait for Monday then for my character is Okay.  But I will be reading.



Paladin hasn't been posting much. Does anyone know why? I think the characters are still waiting on Victor to introduce himself...


Looks like he hasn't been online since the 14th. Other than that, I certainly don't know.


OOC: Victor's arm looks normal exept for the slot the blade comes out

Ok, removed from my post. And Pally, in terms of physical description on Victor, there isn't much to go on. Can you elaborate sometime?

Completely unimportant personal update no one cares about:
Well, my family and I are just about to the airport to return home to good ol' California, so I will be out for some time. Just because I want to say, here are some things I (re)learned on my vacation to Ohio:
#1:I HATE HUMIDITY. In Cally, the heat is dry, so it's tolerable, but I had forgotten just how miserable a humid heat makes you.
#2:If you compare Ohio bugs to Cally bugs, the Ohio ones are FREAKING ENORMOUS!!
#3:Only in Ohio. Only in Ohio, do they not call it a 'D.U.I.'(Driving Under the Influence), they call t an O.V.U.I(Operatin Vehicle Under the Influence).
#4: A blood-blister that you get from accidentally slamming your thumb into the edge of a hollow metal pole actually isn't particularly painful.
And that's pretty much it. See ya later!


I bet you my dry heat beats your dry heat.
Tomorrow's High is 103... Couple days ago it was 106.

I'm bored too. ^^

Ryudo Lee

Hunnydew, you're good.  It makes more sense for you to already be a recruit.  We'll have to do something between you and Jackson so that you'll be assigned to this motley crew.

llearch's guess is fairly accurate.  The rebellion's main HQ isn't going to be obvious.  I haven't completely decided on where it is though.  I'm thinking something underground, maybe in some tunnels in a mountain or something along those lines.

The descriptions you guys made for your guns look good to me, unless someone has a specific comment about them.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


I've formulated a response to Dorcans question about "fusion"(Project Fusion), But I'm going to wait until Jackson returns to post it.