The Clan Leader Calendar (Suggestions Welcome!)

Started by Amber Williams, July 22, 2012, 06:21:23 AM

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Attic Rat

I vaguely recall one traditional meaning for the name of the month of March.
It was supposedly the earliest month in which ancient armies could be fielded, so it was the month named after Mars, the god of war.

That might be a good place for Taun.
Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


Could we have a mailing list for when this comes out, I don't want to forget about it later.
Be excellent to each other


Umm you did mention this would be for a con. Is this going to be available for order through your store too? Cause I would love to get my hands on a Cubi clan leader calender!

Amber Williams

It should most definitely be available on store when it comes out.  Cons usually are just the events in which I set a deadline goal to get things done by since they make for nice even date. :U


It may be in the stores but I'd rather order it online so I don't have to hunt down a store that sells it.
Be excellent to each other


That's what she meant, Tumaru.  She was referring to her online store (the only place outside of conventions that I know of to get her merch).

The link to it can be seen on (first link at the top) which takes you to:


Quote from: Amber Williams on September 26, 2012, 05:08:53 PM
It should most definitely be available on store when it comes out.  Cons usually are just the events in which I set a deadline goal to get things done by since they make for nice even date. :U

Excellent! Because that will be the new calendar on my wall this coming year!


I know this is old, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was too late for more suggestions since it's supposed to be a 2013 calendar, but I want to put in my two cents for fun anyway >_> <_<

I'm kind of surprised by the number of people who suggest Cyra for Dec!  I understand the winter's touch thing is why, I just always associate Dec with pretty lights and happy times with family and friends, so associating the month with the clan with the affinity for pain just surprises me XD  I would probably put Fa'Lina or Jin for December, personally.  Hope and Joy, either one with their respective family members having a loving time together, just seems like a really nice picture for what I always see as a really nice month.

I would probably put Cyra or Seme in for November.  Guy Fawkes day, Veterans day and Remembrance day are all celebrated in this month in their respective countries.  Remembering events that lead to death and suffering.  Though I suppose you could also put Taun or Fa'Lina there for the same reasons.  Though I would also consider it best for Cyra because of the winter thing too.  It's when most places start seeing snow...

I agree with the majority that Quar would be good for Feb/Valentines day.

Nact'Larn for whatever month Easter will be in!  Since it IS the holiday for fertility >_> <_< 

Kish'Ta for Halloween for obvious reasons.

I'll suggest Zezzuva for May, just because May's gemstone is emerald and the colour of envy is green, but I also like the suggestions of putting her in January for the whole, death of the last year allowing her to take over imagery.  I thought that was a neat suggestion that I wouldn't have thought of.

Dimanika for April Fools.

I'm going to go cliche and say that Owona should go with Sept to represent the rage of all the kids that have to go back to school >_> <_< XD  Though maybe that would be better for Seme.

There are a few countries that celebrate their countries birth in July, so Piflak could go there...

I'm not really sure what emotion I would associate with June...  maybe joy?  For the start of summer...  And Jin/June... seems fitting.  And I can imagine she would probably very much enjoy June.  I can see her out in the sun in a garden full of brightly coloured flowers.

I suppose my suggestions are a little too closely tied to North American/western European holidays, so maybe they're a little exclusive, but they're how I view those months, so I figured I'd toss my suggestions in the hat none the less!


Quote from: Maril on November 26, 2012, 07:34:33 PM
Nact'Larn for whatever month Easter will be in!  Since it IS the holiday for fertility >_> <_< 

Dimanika for April Fools.

Easter quite often falls in April. :x

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Eli_In_Chains on November 28, 2012, 06:39:36 PM
Quote from: Maril on November 26, 2012, 07:34:33 PM
Nact'Larn for whatever month Easter will be in!  Since it IS the holiday for fertility >_> <_< 

Dimanika for April Fools.

Easter quite often falls in April. :x

So... two of them in April, and an empty page in May?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Easter falls in March sometimes. I don't know which one it is next year.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Nocturne of Night


So I just looked up Anthrocon and found out that the main event generally happens in summer, around July.

Does this mean that we'll have to wait half-a-year before we can get the calendars and that the first month of said calendars will start in July or August or somesuch?  Or is there something going on in December I don't know about?  Or what?

Basically, I want to know if I'll be able to buy this for Christmas this year like I planned, or if I've been mistaken for months. >_>;
Please excuse the watermarked avatar.  I haven't bothered to fix it yet.  (Still, thanks to PetFriendAmy for the original pic!)


Quote from: Darkmoon on July 25, 2012, 10:53:15 AM
Quote from: Ravenscroft on July 24, 2012, 11:42:49 AM
I would pay to have it be able to send out at the new year lol :) I know it's a lot to ask but having it for half the year will be less cool than having it and appreciating the work of the first six months.  Unless of course you turn it into a 2013-2014 calender, where by you have the months we'd miss for the year after, which would still be cool :)

How much will they be? I want to start saving now!

If it's going to be released during the con-season, 2013, we'll make sure it's a 2014 calendar (maybe a 16-month with the condensed 4 months at the end of 2013 included -- although no guarantee there would be extra art for those four months).

No word on price yet, since I need to see some of the art first to get specs down and start looking at printing costs.

What if Mink were to fill in those extra months like Mink filled the extra pages of the demonology on the clan leaders? :3

Or perhaps those extra months could include January of 2015?  Since that month seems to be heavily debated on which leader should get it, why not give it to two different leaders?  The only problem I can see with that is one leader might end up getting more attention than others.

Either way, if Amber doesn't mind drawing it, it means more art.

Icon by Sunblink


I know it's pointless in saying (and I'm sure it's been said or asked before) but is anyone else wondering what clan aaryanna is?

Zebra Bug

What I wonder is why there is only one male Clan Leader....

Boy. I took you out of this world and put you back into it. Don't make me try to repeat step one. -Kria

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Zebra Bug on February 11, 2013, 11:35:02 PM
What I wonder is why there is only one male Clan Leader....

There isn't. It's just that there's only one currently - entirely coincidental, I believe Ambaargh said.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Zebra Bug on February 11, 2013, 11:35:02 PM
What I wonder is why there is only one male Clan Leader....

Most of them were more headstrong and impulsive and therefore easier to kill.

EDIT: Missed the first question...

Quote from: Dakota on February 11, 2013, 05:46:25 PM
I know it's pointless in saying (and I'm sure it's been said or asked before) but is anyone else wondering what clan aaryanna is?

I understand she's from Hrienth clan.  IIRC that came from Aary's Livejournal so it may not be 100% canon.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 12, 2013, 04:00:59 AM
Quote from: Dakota on February 11, 2013, 05:46:25 PMI know it's pointless in saying (and I'm sure it's been said or asked before) but is anyone else wondering what clan aaryanna is?

I understand she's from Hrienth clan.  IIRC that came from Aary's Livejournal so it may not be 100% canon.

I think it was confirmed in a Q&A session that Amber did awhile back.  Unfortunately it's the kind that didn't make it into the archives, but I have the images saved somewhere and might be able to check.  If I can find them, that is...

What I definitely remember is that Aary's clan affinities are pain and pleasure, and (if I understood correctly) that members will choose which to focus on.
Please excuse the watermarked avatar.  I haven't bothered to fix it yet.  (Still, thanks to PetFriendAmy for the original pic!)


My only suggestion is to have one of the clan leaders drawn like one of them french girls.

Possibly Quoar for kicks and giggles. d=