Are you Mad?

Started by joshofspam, December 01, 2011, 11:58:33 AM

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So after going shopping and doing for my mom and doing all my chores for the day. I then had time to do something, so I turn on the T.V..

Not much on. Surf through the channels a bit a choice of history channel, news, Nickelodeon, cartoon network...wait! hold up their for a minute! This one cartoon says its MAD! considering how the actual show was like, probably just some knock off trying to gain followers of Saturday night live and people who actually read the magazine.

After watching several episodes, one containing a crossover between the Marvel's Avengers with Adventure Time and another with a spoof of the New Thundercats ("Yes Lionball, the Internets real. No, you may not have my cheezeburger!"). I have to say that this is the magazine we grew up with. Even has spy vs. spy.

So I'll ask you all once again, are you MAD? >:3
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

llearch n'n'daCorna

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It was actually Lion-lol.  I only know that because the clip for that has been rolling around the internet quite a bit lately.  Beyond that, Mad! Tv was an actual show and it used to have many of their cartoons and oddball skits.  I think you're actually seeing re-runs of the same show I used to watch in the evenings when I was younger.

Kipiru actually it's newer than your childhood Mao- at least this version of it  :)


What I used to watch:

I'd say that when MADtv finally finished up they went on to put the Mad! name on something else.  Let's just hope that it fares better than the last few seasons of MADtv.  Yeeg.


I think I could agree with Mao of hoping the new MAD doesn't age as badly as the previous one.

I watched a few episodes of the one Mao was referring to and wasn't to taken with it. But shows not aging to gracefully is something that I guess every person hope against when watching a program they really like.

Of coarse their is something to be said about watching something you really liked as a kid and you can't figure by your current standards why you liked it.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


I remember MAD the board game, I played it as a kid even though I wasn't to know what MAD Magazine was for several years.

I think the objective was to loose all your money, I'm not sure, it was a while back.


Oh, we're all mad here.

U MAD, BRO?  *trollface*
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


"Nah, A new series of Mad done that has been out for a couple of months that still has room to fail on television when it's still doing so good."

"What, me worry?" *Give a big gap toothed grin*
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


you say it is madness but it is not madness THIS IS SPAR-(gets pied in the face)


Quote from: Alondro on December 05, 2011, 02:21:25 PM
Oh, we're all mad here.
True that. *gives a big grin, then fades out, leaving the grin, which then also fades away*

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