Kitt Beesley's art

Started by Kitt_R_Beesley, November 15, 2010, 04:22:56 AM

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This is the latest of my drawings i will add more from this point forward

James StarRunner

Pew! Pew!

Who is that anyways?


that is my fursona same name as mine

James StarRunner

Ah ok. Oh! And welcome to the forum!


Welcome to the forums! Read the rules, beware the mods, and enjoy your stay. I'd like to draw your attention to the rules thread for the Tower of Art in particular... Check your title formatting, to say the least.

Anyways, about your fursona drawing. It's a neat pose, definitely very action-y. With the way you drew the tail, though, it looks rather... off. I get that you're trying for a fur look, but you have a lot of spots where the fur sticks up a bit, an unusual amount given the implied movement, and there's not enough texture in the spots in between to imply the fur consistently. If somebody just saw the tail, I wouldn't be surprised if it was mistaken by some to be some kind of burning horn, or a spiked club. Try covering up the rest of Kitt with your hand or something, and maybe you'll see what I'm trying to get across.

Moving on past that, nice job on the clothing. I always have trouble with placing the folds properly. Something about Kitt's right boot seems a bit too clean to me, though. Might just be that I haven't seen all that many acrobatics in combat boots, so I'm expecting something else. Also, with the cargo pants pocket, does it have a covering flap, or is it more like a pouch sewn onto the side?

As a side thing, the arms look more skin-like than furred, probably because aside from around the knuckles, there's no implication of fur. Not sure how to help with that, since I usually draw people instead of anthro characters.

Finally, the head. Physically, the biggest problem I notice is the fact that the ears seem to be going against the way they'd naturally move, at least from my layman's standpoint. As I said, I usually draw people, so I haven't done too much study of how ears act. I can't say that it doesn't look bad, because it actually looks a lot more streamlined with the ears back. The hair is doing something similar, as it goes back before whipping around at the end of the pony tail. More likely, the area of the ponytail past the hairband/tie/whatever would be coming up from under his arm. Also, for some reason, I keep thinking that the hair is currently in some kind of odd shape. Best way I can describe that shape would be, if you take its cross-section, it feels like it'd look like an Asian eye. The facial expression, by the way, is very nice. If you get the chance, I'd love to see it in color. It helps to fill in a lot of details that are missed from drawings that are monochromatic.

Hope that wall o' text helps!


First, let me say welcome to the forums, and nice art! I particularly like the expression, and the movement and balance in the piece is quite nice.

As far is crit goes, Inumo pretty well beat me to the punch on everything. XD So a little tip with drawing fur! Fur in general, and especially the short fur that tends to cover the body of a furry character, tends to lay flat along smooth, flat areas, and breaks and becomes fuzzy along curves and joints. The sharper the curve, the more fuzzy the fur. Now, most people want their anthros to retain some humanity, so what I do with furries is imply the fur by adding little fuzzy bits around the joints- elbows and shoulders most noticeably- and leaving the rest of the fur smooth. With tails, fur tend to be smooth on the inside of the curve- where the fur would be compacting somewhat- and breaks along the outside of the curve. Of course, with a piece like this with a lot of movement, the fur is going to be effected by what direction the character is moving in and how quickly, as well. :3

Anyway, hope that helps a bit. Great job, and keep the art coming.


Quote from: Inumo on November 15, 2010, 06:55:37 PM
I'd like to draw your attention to the rules thread for the Tower of Art in particular... Check your title formatting, to say the least.

Check the section where we say to leave the rule enforcement to the mods. ;)


I enjoy the lack of balance due to the movement in the piece. It looks like he just jumped back after he shot.
Also, I enjoy the pose greatly, The way the legs are bent really does give a suggestion that the character

My one advice for this drawing would be for the left leg, the one that's facing us is a little shorter in the shin area, perhaps elongating it more would be more anatomically correct.

And along with the topic of fur, I might be a stickler for what I've been told so many times, is that less is best. The fur on the tail gets most of my attention and takes away from the picture itself. Perhaps erasing some of the tufts, but ensuring there are is an odd amount left would improve it.
(Even numbers of objects tend to make the eye divide the picture subconsciously and don't bring it together. :c)

Very well done, though. And just aside from the critiques and suggestions, it really is a fantastic piece. :D

@Spooks - Balance would be when someone is on the ground and not really moving, even walking is a constant motion of not being balanced. (thus why we trip. 8c )

@Mao - I may be out of place, but Inumo was just merely saying read the rules Which really is the standard greeting in most places, in all my experiences with online communities and real life... X3;; You seemed a little on edge there, brah.


I kind of like the hair, actually. It could use a few more strokes for the strands, but the aforementioned almond shape "feels" right to me. A lot of the time, people draw ponytails with the hair slicked straight back, but they don't always look like that.

As for drawing fur on the body... it's a matter of preference, really

I like the pose of the ears. They seem a little large, or maybe placed a bit far forward on the head.

The rumples of the fabric are . There aren't any stretches or creases, though. Fabric doesn't behave the same way in every place, so some variation might be an idea.

The pose is very dynamic. The energy in the legs, the head tucked down, back curved, and the tension in the arm... badass. Pulling back the far shoulder would add some twist, without having to erase very much.

The tail looks kind of thin at the base.

Ejecting shell... Nice touch.

Anyway. Badass pic, can't wait to see more.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Quote from: LTBats on November 15, 2010, 11:13:13 PM
@Mao - I may be out of place, but Inumo was just merely saying read the rules Which really is the standard greeting in most places, in all my experiences with online communities and real life... X3;; You seemed a little on edge there, brah.

Batsy, if you look at my quote, he was trying to do more than just say read the rules.  I decided to give him a little reminder that, around here, the mods will look after that.  I didn't jump on his back,  swing a hammer around or tell him to smarten up or anything, so I fail to see how I could be considered on edge. :U   Usually we warn against doing that and encourage PM's or to contact a mod over things like that so as to 1) not clutter up the thread and 2) make sure that the rules are correctly enforced.  While I do agree that the title *should* be reworked it wasn't his place to say so and the encouragement to read the rules was more than enough.



Anyway, looking at this again, I don't think anyone mentioned that his right hand is a tad small. The ejecting shell (which I didn't notice the first time, derp) is a nice touch, but it looks like it's coming from the barrel of the gun (because of the smoke trail), when in fact it should be popping out the chamber. So really, just move it back a little. :3


thanks for the replies and sugestions guys  a heads up for ya as stated in the last post the smoke trail of the shell i drew it like that on purpose as well as the fur in the tail you see when i finish the poster that I am placing him into he is actualy in a free fall but without the backgrond to represent his falling backward status i rotated the picture so he looked like he is back pedaling. yes i do understand the porportions are a bit off i'm still learning how to rectify thatbut then again for only having drawn for three months I'm doing alright but i can always aim for better. oh the lack of details in the fur i did that intentionaly so i could add them when I fully color the image but i thank you very much for the pointers it has by far been the best set of responses i have ever recived for any of my post of drawings and other pointers are very well accepted


Ooh... Can't wait to see the rest of the image, then!

By the way, yeah, sorry about the over-zealousness.


Quote from: Kitt_R_Beesley on November 16, 2010, 12:08:47 PMthank you very much for the pointers it has by far been the best set of responses i have ever recived for any of my post of drawings and other pointers are very well accepted
Glad to help.

If you keep posting, we'll keep commenting. (I will, at least.)
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


heres the newest one from my last drawing i don't know how many sketches i tossed untill i got this one


Pretty cool lookin'. The pose is very well done, though something seems a bit strange about the size comparisons of the boots and the hands. The tail looks good, though that bend seems a leetle sharp. I haven't studied much anatomy, so don't take my word on this, but it looks like there are a lot more muscles on his torso than there actually are. However, it looks natural, so it might just be that I've never seen someone work out that much, and my subconscious's going, "Don't worry, that's right." The wings are neat, but they lack a lot of definition, and as such seem (to me) that they're also big bunny ears tacked onto his back. Finally, the face is awesome! Really nice expression.


Did a quick redline for the torso:
Urf... I don't think the deltiod on the right came out right.  At any rate...

There's a lot of definition around the abdomen. While wrinkles in the skin sometimes create more lines than for the four abdominal muscles, excessive definition can look overdrawn.

The pectorals start along the sternum and collar bone, and all travel to a spot under the arm. About half way along the collarbone, they just keep going down the arm instead.

I like the fabric on the lower calf. Nicely rumpled. His feet look the right size to me.

His expression is great... finding a nice balance between a grin and a grimace isn't easy. Pay no mind to the one in my redline.

Quote from: Kitt_R_Beesley on November 27, 2010, 05:42:27 AM
be as brutal as you see fit its how i get better
You don't really need to add self-flagelating comments like this... I'm not here to torture you.

Very badass pic. Can't wait to see more.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Cool pics Kitt- you show keen feel for the poses and the positioning of the body! Just check into the whole muscle position issue( where certain muscles are and how do they appear on the body) and things would be perfect!


You know, re-drawing art made by others is a good way to practice... but I think that when you post such, you're supposed to link to the original too...
Chaosnet device not responding - check breaker on the Unibus


And as much as I'm sure they'd love to respond to both of you, they were banned a while ago for what you were alluding to, hapless.  Kinda makes your post pointless, spammy and coming off as a "neener-neener-neener", doesn't it? ;-)


yeah, my B for not deleting the thing after the ban


It's cool.  We can't all be perfect.


Quote from: hapless on December 04, 2010, 10:27:30 AM
You know, re-drawing art made by others is a good way to practice... but I think that when you post such, you're supposed to link to the original too...

coming from experience: it isn't, it really isn't. all it teaches you is how to be a human xerox machine. you also pick up other flaws made by the artist and still have no idea on how structure or anatomy works.
Mimicing one's style is one thing, directly tracing their art? that's kind of a low thing to do.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: Turnsky on December 05, 2010, 08:56:47 AM
Quote from: hapless on December 04, 2010, 10:27:30 AM
You know, re-drawing art made by others is a good way to practice... but I think that when you post such, you're supposed to link to the original too...

coming from experience: it isn't, it really isn't. all it teaches you is how to be a human xerox machine. you also pick up other flaws made by the artist and still have no idea on how structure or anatomy works.
Mimicing one's style is one thing, directly tracing their art? that's kind of a low thing to do.

Now I have this silly urge to take one of Turnsky's drawings and trace it.  :D

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


thread is closed. do not attempt 2 post in this thread anymore


I'm attempting...

and I'm succeeding!  >:3


wow, what a blatant example of mod abuse.


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


It's what I do.  I apparently abuse my power left, right and center.  Didn't you know?

llearch n'n'daCorna

I knew.

I just wasn't going to join in...
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