04/05/10 [AS2#96] - A Man of Few Words

Started by Baal Hadad, April 05, 2010, 01:45:11 AM

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I agree, but that is exactly why he needs a wake-up call from someone who realises his problems are not  so insurmountable and put him in perspective.
And Aary is doing just that.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


I too think a Star Wars confrontation would be awesome except both would carry the colors of Sith Red. I still think it is none of Aary's business and she should just leave him alone regardless of who is right or wrong. There is no truth here just self serving motives on both sides.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Quote from: Jasonrevall on April 05, 2010, 11:34:52 AM
. I still think it is none of Aary's business and she should just leave him alone regardless of who is right or wrong. There is no truth here just self serving motives on both sides.

Everyone´s motives are selfserving - sometimes they just coincide with common good.
Your point is?
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 11:37:22 AM
Quote from: Jasonrevall on April 05, 2010, 11:34:52 AM
. I still think it is none of Aary's business and she should just leave him alone regardless of who is right or wrong. There is no truth here just self serving motives on both sides.

Everyone´s motives are selfserving - sometimes they just coincide with common good.
Your point is?

Note that not everyone believes that danman. My point is that Abel isn't the proper authority to deal with this anyway. He may have chosen not to go confront his father and meet his mother again, but that's not really his job. And considering his age when he left, he already spent a good chunk of time with his mom. Well to those of us who can't live thousands of years it is a good chunk of time.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 11:11:04 AM
He does influence everyone else - he lives in a society! Hello!
And that means that he should bend over backwards to please everybody else? Or does it mean that he, as a minority, seemingly creating a problem for the majority, should be forced to change or conform? By any means? Let me repeat: Dangerous thinking.

Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 11:11:04 AM
And to go with your argument, abel´s dubious right to go on is of the same priority as aary´s right to call him on being an useless whiner.
No. Abel is minding his own business, Aaryanna is minding other people's business. Is this some kind of a constitutional amendment? The right to call on other people that you disagree with? Up close, in their face?
Edit: Like this?   xD

Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 11:11:04 AM
Besides ,there is nothing inherently good about extreme individualism  - so far i was under the impression every society there is is collectivist about any somewhat more important matter!
This is not extreme individualism, nor is it an important matter for the society.

Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 11:11:04 AM
I cannot seriously imagine what Godwin´s law could do with this discussion - the only wrong things about that particular moustached shouter was that he was an extreme rightwinger, warmonger and proponent of absurdly pseudoscientific racial theories which he put into action to kill a few million people , mostly Jews and Slavs. I hate him with a passion, but none of this is remotely related to topic at hand.
I have never met him, so I have no feelings on the person either way. I retract the remark about Godwin's Law. The Steven Seagal remark stands, though. Why?

QuoteTherefore it is rightfully her business.
Quote... aary´s right to call him on being an useless whiner.

There are no such rights (outside of Hollywood). And no, freedom of speech does not apply here.

And again, Aaryanna is not doing this from the goodness of her heart, she has an agenda. Probably involving Dee, who cares. But why does Abel have to do the dirty work here? Why does he have to get involved at all? Can't A-beyotch kill Aniz herself?

Anker Steadfast

I'm in the Bjalf camp here, myself - If someone just wants to be left alone, he should have the right to be left alone even if that makes him a coward.
Anyone who claims they have a right to come into your life and change it against your will, are generally wrong to do so.

On a sidenote : Amber, you are not allowed to die from the snifflies. :D

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on April 05, 2010, 12:09:49 PM
I'm in the Bjalf camp here, myself - If someone just wants to be left alone, he should have the right to be left alone even if that makes him a coward.
Anyone who claims they have a right to come into your life and change it against your will, are generally wrong to do so.

This is a good point and I too support this idea. Invading ones personal life and shoving your beliefs on someone is not a good thing to do.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on April 05, 2010, 12:09:49 PM
On a sidenote : Amber, you are not allowed to die from the snifflies. :D
Well, she still can, but bringing her back won't be pretty...

Oh wait, we don't need her body, just her soul. I wonder if anyone knows a spirit medium on par with Anna from Shaman King...


Quote from: Bjalf on April 05, 2010, 11:54:49 AM
Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 11:11:04 AM
He does influence everyone else - he lives in a society! Hello!
And that means that he should bend over backwards to please everybody else? Or does it mean that he, as a minority, seemingly creating a problem for the majority, should be forced to change or conform? By any means? Let me repeat: Dangerous thinking.
In this case it is the best for him and for everyone else. Therefore i cannot blame Aary or others to try to drive him this way.
It is dangerous thinking on your side that someone´s nonsense should be respected instead of something being done, even if that makes others´ situation worse. Aary is at least as right in minding his business as he is in doing whatever he does. I am not proposing legally forcing him to comply with her, but stating that everyone should be tiptoeing around him is just misguided.

 No. Abel is minding his own business, Aaryanna is minding other people's business. Is this some kind of a constitutional amendment? The right to call on other people that you disagree with? Up close, in their face?

Yeah, there is - it is called a  common social interaction. You do not really need a right for that. In the same way Abel needs no license to whine to everyone who he meets.
And, i value such people thousand times more than someone who will smile to your face and drop a septic at you behind your back.

This is not extreme individualism, nor is it an important matter for the society.
In any case this is something that concerns others as well, therefore it is their matter too - the society was just mentioned as an undisputable counterexample to ¨individualism is always best¨

I have never met him, so I have no feelings on the person either way. I retract the remark about Godwin's Law. The Steven Seagal remark stands, though. Why?
:D probably because i know little of Steven Seagal, although my uncle quite likes watching his films.

QuoteTherefore it is rightfully her business.
Quote... aary´s right to call him on being an useless whiner.

There are no such rights (outside of Hollywood). And no, freedom of speech does not apply here.
Yeah, i know - it only applies when someone we agree with is speaking ...

And again, Aaryanna is not doing this from the goodness of her heart, she has an agenda. Probably involving Dee, who cares. But why does Abel have to do the dirty work here? Why does he have to get involved at all? Can't A-beyotch kill Aniz herself?
Who cares why she is doing it ? I already mentioned something about that.
Besides there is a good reason - one is that it would be so much fun to help his son kill the @#$ himself!
Besides if he was cheated out of his revenge, it would be bad for him, too - it would make it much harder to sort out his problems..

Quote from: Jasonrevall on April 05, 2010, 12:13:39 PM
This is a good point and I too support this idea. Invading ones personal life and shoving your beliefs on someone is not a good thing to do.

Oh, so arguing with someone in public who equally whines in public is now called invading ones personal life
I see... wait , i don´t!
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 12:20:53 PM

And again, Aaryanna is not doing this from the goodness of her heart, she has an agenda. Probably involving Dee, who cares. But why does Abel have to do the dirty work here? Why does he have to get involved at all? Can't A-beyotch kill Aniz herself?
Who cares why she is doing it ? I already mentioned something about that.
Besides there is a good reason - one is that it would be so much fun to help his son kill the @#$ himself!
Besides if he was cheated out of his revenge, it would be bad for him, too - it would make it much harder to sort out his problems..

Have you ever had the pleasure of getting revenge on someone who has wronged you? To some, it does nothing to help them. To a few, it's just business. There are also those who despise themselves after the act. Then there are those who really did need revenge, and it lifts the burden off their shoulders, but we don't know if Abel is this type of person. Obviously this is just a small list of reactions to revenge. What is killing the person who wronged you going to do? Is life gonna be all butterflies and rainbows after this evil wicked villain has been slain? Maybe since this is a fairytale, but in the real world, it just removes a man you disagree with from being a threat. Some people don't need that.


Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 12:20:53 PM

Quote from: Jasonrevall on April 05, 2010, 12:13:39 PM
This is a good point and I too support this idea. Invading ones personal life and shoving your beliefs on someone is not a good thing to do.

Oh, so arguing with someone in public who equally whines in public is now called invading ones personal life
I see... wait , i don´t!

What I mean is that its his own personal business. She is confronting him to try to get him to see things her way and deal with his problems the way she wants him to deal with them. That sounds like trying to invade someones personal life and shoving your beliefs on someone.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Quote from: Jasonrevall on April 05, 2010, 12:35:14 PM

Have you ever had the pleasure of getting revenge on someone who has wronged you? To some, it does nothing to help them. To a few, it's just business. There are also those who despise themselves after the act. Then there are those who really did need revenge, and it lifts the burden off their shoulders, but we don't know if Abel is this type of person. Obviously this is just a small list of reactions to revenge. What is killing the person who wronged you going to do? Is life gonna be all butterflies and rainbows after this evil wicked villain has been slain? Maybe since this is a fairytale, but in the real world, it just removes a man you disagree with from being a threat. Some people don't need that.

Hmm, now it is getting somewhere...
No, it is not going to be butterflies etc just because, but it still beats someone removing Aniz as-is without abel doing anything in the process, or leaving him to cook in his own juices - and those that agree with him or pity him just reinforce his helplessness mindset.
In other words it is the best of the available options.
As for the first mention, yes, in not-so-huge ways, and it is one of awesomest feelings ever...
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 12:46:29 PM
Quote from: Jasonrevall on April 05, 2010, 12:35:14 PM

Have you ever had the pleasure of getting revenge on someone who has wronged you? To some, it does nothing to help them. To a few, it's just business. There are also those who despise themselves after the act. Then there are those who really did need revenge, and it lifts the burden off their shoulders, but we don't know if Abel is this type of person. Obviously this is just a small list of reactions to revenge. What is killing the person who wronged you going to do? Is life gonna be all butterflies and rainbows after this evil wicked villain has been slain? Maybe since this is a fairytale, but in the real world, it just removes a man you disagree with from being a threat. Some people don't need that.

Hmm, now it is getting somewhere...
No, it is not going to be butterflies etc just because, but it still beats someone removing Aniz as-is without abel doing anything in the process, or leaving him to cook in his own juices - and those that agree with him or pity him just reinforce his helplessness mindset.
In other words it is the best of the available options.
As for the first mention, yes, in not-so-huge ways, and it is one of awesomest feelings ever...

There is more than one way to deal with these kinds of things. What is so wrong with letting the authorities or a qualified person  deal with Aniz? He does need a good kick to the behind to get him going and stop his moping and what not. However I would argue that revenge might not be the best thing to get him going right now. What if him killing Aniz sparks something inside him he never wanted to bring out? He may know things about himself we don't. Can he handle killing someone even in self defense? If he can't, then simply killing his father may destroy him more than doing nothing.

I would also like to bring something else up. You know if Aniz succeeds in the resurrection of his clan, won't he be regarded as a hero way down the line, at least by his clan? You know, the whole ends justifies the means argument? Is what Aniz did really any worse than devouring the souls of your enemies or anyone else you feel like destroying that day?
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


I think it's far more safer that Abel just walks away.

She takes me as a character who just can't stop arguing till she gets it her way..... Well at least until Dan learned to control his wings to make shadow puppet's that is.  :P
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on April 05, 2010, 12:09:49 PM
On a sidenote : Amber, you are not allowed to die from the snifflies. :D

She's good, she sees magenta. If she could smell or taste it, then I'd worry.

And snifflies can be fun. Rainbow-coloured snot is totally awesome!

Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 12:20:53 PM
In this case it is the best for him and for everyone else.
Who decides what is best for him and everyone else? And how does that give a license to force Abel's cooperation against his will? Are you saying that it's best for everyone, including Abel, that he kills his own father:erk

QuoteIt is dangerous thinking on your side that someone´s nonsense should be
respected instead of something being done, even if that makes others´ situation worse.
Who decides what is nonsense and not? The one who shouts loudest?

Yeah, there is - it is called a  common social interaction. You do not really need a right for that. In the same way Abel needs no license to whine to everyone who he meets.
If that was common social interaction, then I hereby resign from society. Anyway, it was not Abel that walked up to Aary and started whining.

This is not extreme individualism, nor is it an important matter for the society.
In any case this is something that concerns others as well, therefore it is their matter too - the society was just mentioned as an undisputable counterexample to ¨individualism is always best¨
The perceived comfort of the majority does not trump the needs of the few.

QuoteTherefore it is rightfully her business.
Quote... aary´s right to call him on being an useless whiner.

There are no such rights (outside of Hollywood). And no, freedom of speech does not apply here.
Yeah, i know - it only applies when someone we agree with is speaking ...
No, you have completely missed the point.  Freedom of speech does not extend to getting into other people's face. For instance, this is not freedom of speech. Outside a military camp that would be classified as assault. There are no absolute rights.

Who cares why she is doing it ? I already mentioned something about that.
Besides there is a good reason - one is that it would be so much fun to help his son kill the @#$ himself!
Yes, a regular Mother Teresa, that one. She also had an unhealthy affinity for pain.
- Hey, Abel, let's make you a killer! It'll be fun! You'll cherish the memory for the rest of your life!

Besides if he was cheated out of his revenge, it would be bad for him, too - it would make it much harder to sort out his problems..
There is just so much wrong with what you said there. But it's a common thought, and it's keeping therapists with expensive cars and homes.


Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 12:20:53 PM
 No. Abel is minding his own business, Aaryanna is minding other people's business. Is this some kind of a constitutional amendment? The right to call on other people that you disagree with? Up close, in their face?

Yeah, there is - it is called a  common social interaction. You do not really need a right for that. In the same way Abel needs no license to whine to everyone who he meets.
Okay, maybe it's just me, but when did Abel whine about any of the stuff that's happened to him in public? Yeah, he's moping, but Mink doesn't seem to know what was going on in Abel's life: if Abel was actually whining about his life, Mink would be among the first to know. People like Destania and Aaryanna know because the teachers know and Aaryanna is more-or-less Destania's favorite student. So, people know because of the rumor mill. So far, all Abel has done on-screen is keep to himself and not talk to anyone, and yes, not deal with his problems. Abel had to hear Mink talk about his story of woe before Abel even mentioned anything about his life. So, unless I missed something, Abel hasn't whined about his family life at all, and in fact has not even MENTIONED it. Saying "She was wonderful" does not count as whining. So, if Abel wants to keep to himself about his problems, what right does Aaryanna have to barge into his life and tell him what to do?

Now, as for Abel's reaction, yes, it could always be better. Yes, Aaryanna is technically right in what she is saying to Abel. But she is saying it wrong, and Abel will have to deal with his own problems: we see this in DMFA-proper. Moreover, maybe it's just me, but someone who drains a knight's soul from his body and then forgets about it might not be the best person to talk about for issues of revenge. Every person is different, and Abel is no different. Were Dan in his circumstances, he'd react differently, but this is how Abel is going to react. As badly as he is reacting, he is entitled to his own choices, especially since the only two people he's hurting are himself and his mother. No one else in this school is hurt by ONE incubus deciding not to hang out with other cubi and talk with them. Abel didn't go out of his way to have this conversation with Aary and then just ignore her advice, she came to him and told him what she would have done, whether he wanted to hear it or not. Yes, he should have reacted better, but Aaryanna is doing this wrong.

And Jasonrevall is right. Revenge is tricky. In Abel's case, I truly believe it would drive him absolutely INSANE. He'd have to be locked up in a padded and isolated room at SAIA. Abel couldn't even react well enough in a combat situation to save his own life: how would he react to planning to murder someone?
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Uh, since when has anyone said that Not-so-Abel *doesn't* have the option to have his revenge be putting Aniz somewhere he can't hurt anyone anymore?  So far, every time anyone says 'revenge' on Aniz, the other camp starts going on about killing him.  I'm pretty sure it's been clarified many times over that there are many ways to deal with a threat that don't even involve any force.

Frankly, it just looks like an attempt to twist the argument and plea for sympathy.  "Look at those bad people siding with Aary!  They're violent hate mongers!  All they think about is violence and killing!  Blinded by violent video games and movies!"  I'll say it again:  Plenty of ways to neutralize a threat and plenty of ways to exact revenge.

Many of the people involved don't want to kill Aniz.  Some do,  no doubt about that.  However none of them want to act without Not-so-Abel.  This is, in many ways his battle, but it affects a lot of people and so they DO have a say in it.  Particularly if they see themselves as a friend.  Bad blood between Not-so-Abel and Aary?  I've not seen it at this point in the story.  Rivalry?  Sure but that doesn't mean they aren't, on some level, friends.  I had a fellow who was my rival for scholarships and marks in high school.  We got along great, and still do, even though he kicked my butt on it (though I did steal some non-monetary rewards that he really wanted).

Also: We don't even know that Aary has met Dee yet or that she's a huge fan of hers yet.  So to assume that she's doing this on Dee's behalf seems a little flimsy, but not impossible.

Quote from: Jasonrevall on April 05, 2010, 12:35:14 PM
What I mean is that its his own personal business. She is confronting him to try to get him to see things her way and deal with his problems the way she wants him to deal with them. That sounds like trying to invade someones personal life and shoving your beliefs on someone.

You mean like trying to argue with someone else that their opinion is wrong?


Quote from: Jasonrevall on April 05, 2010, 01:03:12 PM

I would also like to bring something else up. You know if Aniz succeeds in the resurrection of his clan, won't he be regarded as a hero way down the line, at least by his clan? You know, the whole ends justifies the means argument? Is what Aniz did really any worse than devouring the souls of your enemies or anyone else you feel like destroying that day?

Last post today , but this was intriguing... and made me think I guess Aniz´s actions are mostly just in counter to goals of characters i sympathise with, making me dislike him even more, so part of it is simple side taking.
As for a general justification, he seems to be messing up many things, such as Cubi-Zinvth rep relations, and likely to continue that way so his existance is likely threat to political and military goals of cubi race as whole ... him being an insane mess-it-up does not help either.
At absolute minimum killing him would prevent creation of a few more nervewrecked cubi like Abel, which is a good general goal by itself...  8)
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 05, 2010, 01:24:42 PM
Uh, since when has anyone said that Not-so-Abel *doesn't* have the option to have his revenge be putting Aniz somewhere he can't hurt anyone anymore?  So far, every time anyone says 'revenge' on Aniz, the other camp starts going on about killing him.  I'm pretty sure it's been clarified many times over that there are many ways to deal with a threat that don't even involve any force.

Frankly, it just looks like an attempt to twist the argument and plea for sympathy.  "Look at those bad people siding with Aary!  They're violent hate mongers!  All they think about is violence and killing!  Blinded by violent video games and movies!"  I'll say it again:  Plenty of ways to neutralize a threat and plenty of ways to exact revenge.

Many of the people involved don't want to kill Aniz.  Some do,  no doubt about that.  However none of them want to act without Not-so-Abel.  This is, in many ways his battle, but it affects a lot of people and so they DO have a say in it.  Particularly if they see themselves as a friend.  Bad blood between Not-so-Abel and Aary?  I've not seen it at this point in the story.  Rivalry?  Sure but that doesn't mean they aren't, on some level, friends.  I had a fellow who was my rival for scholarships and marks in high school.  We got along great, and still do, even though he kicked my butt on it (though I did steal some non-monetary rewards that he really wanted).

Also: We don't even know that Aary has met Dee yet or that she's a huge fan of hers yet.  So to assume that she's doing this on Dee's behalf seems a little flimsy, but not impossible.

Quote from: Jasonrevall on April 05, 2010, 12:35:14 PM
What I mean is that its his own personal business. She is confronting him to try to get him to see things her way and deal with his problems the way she wants him to deal with them. That sounds like trying to invade someones personal life and shoving your beliefs on someone.

You mean like trying to argue with someone else that their opinion is wrong?

In regards to the non lethal punishment, that is a fantastic idea. Abel could have worked together with the people to incarcerate his father. Now it may have gone wrong and someone could get killed, but I think it would be preferable. Also he himself wouldn't necessarily have to kill him, the authorities could take care of that with the death penalty. Also in some cases I believe that it has been stated that the revenge should involve death by those who supported the revenge.

Also about the arguing opinions. We are in a place that is designed for this, Aary is getting up in Abel's face and disrespecting his privacy. I am not saying your opinion is wrong either. How bout we agree to disagree? Also you're playing this vilianizing thing way up.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 05, 2010, 01:24:42 PM
Bad blood between Not-so-Abel and Aary?  I've not seen it at this point in the story.  Rivalry?  Sure but that doesn't mean they aren't, on some level, friends.

I haven't seen it myself either, but according to the fraggle ...

Anker Steadfast

I'm surprised at how many thinks it's right to invade another persons life on the gounds of "it's for his own good".
We don't *know* what is for his own good, unless he directly asks for something.
And acting against his will, "on his behalf", is really seriously impolite.

I see religious people do this everyday, calling it divine intervention.
I've been subjected to that once, when I worked for a while america, because *gasp* I was an atheist!
Pulled the bloody wanker into court and had a restraining order put on him.

Quote from: Drayco84 on April 05, 2010, 12:15:07 PM
Quote from: Anker Steadfast on April 05, 2010, 12:09:49 PM
On a sidenote : Amber, you are not allowed to die from the snifflies. :D
Well, she still can, but bringing her back won't be pretty...

Oh wait, we don't need her body, just her soul. I wonder if anyone knows a spirit medium on par with Anna from Shaman King...

Friends don't let friends become zombies.


GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Quote from: Bjalf on April 05, 2010, 01:41:25 PM
I haven't seen it myself either, but according to the fraggle ...

Bad history (to me, of course) doesn't mean that they aren't at the Rival stage at this point.  The thing is, we don't know *how* they currently feel about one another.  There's the distinct possibility that she's only angry because on some level she cares.  It's also just as likely she's being a bitch.  Thing is, we don't know.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 05, 2010, 01:24:42 PM
Uh, since when has anyone said that Not-so-Abel *doesn't* have the option to have his revenge be putting Aniz somewhere he can't hurt anyone anymore?  So far, every time anyone says 'revenge' on Aniz, the other camp starts going on about killing him.  I'm pretty sure it's been clarified many times over that there are many ways to deal with a threat that don't even involve any force.

Frankly, it just looks like an attempt to twist the argument and plea for sympathy.  "Look at those bad people siding with Aary!  They're violent hate mongers!  All they think about is violence and killing!  Blinded by violent video games and movies!"  I'll say it again:  Plenty of ways to neutralize a threat and plenty of ways to exact revenge.

Many of the people involved don't want to kill Aniz.  Some do,  no doubt about that.  However none of them want to act without Not-so-Abel.  This is, in many ways his battle, but it affects a lot of people and so they DO have a say in it.  Particularly if they see themselves as a friend.  Bad blood between Not-so-Abel and Aary?  I've not seen it at this point in the story.  Rivalry?  Sure but that doesn't mean they aren't, on some level, friends.  I had a fellow who was my rival for scholarships and marks in high school.  We got along great, and still do, even though he kicked my butt on it (though I did steal some non-monetary rewards that he really wanted).
No, you are right, some people DON'T want Aniz dead. I'd argue that some want him WORSE. Destania in particular might enjoy having a little torture toy to play with for a few millennia. Fa'Lina would have handed him over to one of the other clans if it weren't for the politics involved, and I doubt that he'd have much fun there either. And if Kria had gotten her hands on him... well, she'd probably eat him, after making his life a living hell. Yes, there are ways of bloodlessly getting your revenge on someone, but most of the people involved probably don't want that. And offhand, I don't think Abel has ANY friends at SAIA, rivals or otherwise. The closest thing he has to a friend seems to be Mink. And I'd also say that non-lethal means of neutralizing people and revenge are much more difficult. And really, how many ways ARE there to get revenge on Aniz without killing him? We don't really know what his long-term plans are, so we really can't prevent them that way for revenge. And plus, this is Aaryanna. Her revenge on Aniz would only be bloodless in the sense of "sucking someone's soul out is technically bloodless." And if there isn't bad blood between Abel and Aary yet, there probably is now.

Look, here's my opinion: Abel reacted badly, Aaryanna is saying some good stuff, but she's doing it wrong. And that's my take on the matter.

As a minor sidenote, I've always heard it spelled "woobie."

Gyah, ninja'ed by Jasonerevall.

Also, Anker makes a good point: Abel does not want Aaryanna's opinion, so she should butt out.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Quote from: Jairus on April 05, 2010, 01:49:15 PM
As a minor sidenote, I've always heard it spelled "woobie."

I've heard both.  As long as the point is conveyed I guess. xD

Quote from: Jairus on April 05, 2010, 01:49:15 PM
Also, Anker makes a good point: Abel does not want Aaryanna's opinion, so she should butt out.

True, but the way I see it:  She's free to say and think whatever she likes.  Doesn't mean he has to stay there, listen or accept it.

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: Jairus on April 05, 2010, 01:49:15 PMhow many ways ARE there to get revenge on Aniz without killing him?

Now, this is an interesting thought, I guess I'll go first.

  • 1. Use magic to neuter him, no children, no problem.
  • 2. Use magic to turn him into a woman, women have tighter ties to children, which might change his ways.
  • 3. Force him to join another clan, that way he would no longer be able to revive the Saia clan, and he'd have a clanleader to keep him on the straight and narrow path of adventure slaying.
  • 4. Lock him in a basement and throw the key away.

Ok, so the last one was pretty nasty, but technically it's bloodless. :D

Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 05, 2010, 01:53:51 PM
Quote from: Jairus on April 05, 2010, 01:49:15 PMAlso, Anker makes a good point: Abel does not want Aaryanna's opinion, so she should butt out.
True, but the way I see it:  She's free to say and think whatever she likes.  Doesn't mean he has to stay there, listen or accept it.

Obviously his actions have already told us what he thought of it. :D

Edit : Darn replies while I was posting.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Just a thought: Maybe he doesn't want to harm his father even though his father has caused so much harm. Maybe he just want to leave all that behind, stop having people being hurt?
Someone in the valley calls out to me;
A voice from the past, fading out fast;
Am I to be wary, do I have to be;
I just know, I have to be there.


Quote from: Psaakyrn on April 05, 2010, 02:06:47 PM
Just a thought: Maybe he doesn't want to harm his father even though his father has caused so much harm. Maybe he just want to leave all that behind, stop having people being hurt?

He may not want to harm his father, but I think it's safe to say Abel hates Aniz with Every. Fiber. Of. His. Being.

Also, that lil' voice in my head finally shouted loud enough. I'm thinking this is Aary's way of venting jealousy. Destania once said she had a deep interest in Abel... maybe that attention got on Aary's nerves? Meh, it's a theory.

In honesty (concerning the current situation), while I expected nothing less of Abel, I was hoping he would punch Aary.


Quote from: Bjalf on April 05, 2010, 01:15:00 PM
QuoteTherefore it is rightfully her business.
Quote... aary´s right to call him on being an useless whiner.

There are no such rights (outside of Hollywood). And no, freedom of speech does not apply here.
Yeah, i know - it only applies when someone we agree with is speaking ...
No, you have completely missed the point.  Freedom of speech does not extend to getting into other people's face. For instance, this is not freedom of speech. Outside a military camp that would be classified as assault. There are no absolute rights.

I'm going to poke at this little monster here:  I'm sorry, but that is entirely dependent on where you live.

Frankly, if anyone were to try and take Aary to court over what she's doing right now where I live, they'd be not only laughed out of the court, but possibly slapped with a fine for a frivolous lawsuit.  She is in a public place, speaking her mind concerning someone and their behavior.  She is in no way being violent, saying anything slanderous or even being outwardly aggressive.  She is not preventing him from leaving.  She is not inciting a riot against or even hatred against him.  In short:  She's not doing anything illegal.  This isn't harassment, this is a person exercising freedom of speech well within the confines of the law as I know it.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 05, 2010, 01:24:42 PM
Many of the people involved don't want to kill Aniz.
Actually, there's quite a lot of "I'm going to kill you!" in the comic. Even between friends. A super-quick check gives me strips 197, 202, 240, 409, 432, 519, 577, 585, 624, 670, 682, 700, 736, 778, 934, ... And just about everything involving Aary. So problem-solving in the DMFA universe seems to be:
1. kill it
2. didn't work, try something else

Quote from: Anker Steadfast on April 05, 2010, 01:46:31 PM
I see religious people do this everyday, calling it divine intervention.
Strange how divine intervention needs mere mortals to work   :rolleyes

Pulled the bloody wanker into court ...
He was obviously doing it wrong.   :(

Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 05, 2010, 01:53:51 PM
Quote from: Jairus on April 05, 2010, 01:49:15 PM
Also, Anker makes a good point: Abel does not want Aaryanna's opinion, so she should butt out.

True, but the way I see it:  She's free to say and think whatever she likes.  Doesn't mean he has to stay there, listen or accept it.
This is how I see it, too. Speak your mind (from a minimum distance), no libel please, and nobody can be made to listen.

Dang, I can't even slip a post in sideways in this thread!


Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on April 05, 2010, 02:24:42 PM
Quote from: Psaakyrn on April 05, 2010, 02:06:47 PM
Just a thought: Maybe he doesn't want to harm his father even though his father has caused so much harm. Maybe he just want to leave all that behind, stop having people being hurt?

He may not want to harm his father, but I think it's safe to say Abel hates Aniz with Every. Fiber. Of. His. Being.

Also, that lil' voice in my head finally shouted loud enough. I'm thinking this is Aary's way of venting jealousy. Destania once said she had a deep interest in Abel... maybe that attention got on Aary's nerves? Meh, it's a theory.

In honesty (concerning the current situation), while I expected nothing less of Abel, I was hoping he would punch Aary.
Oooh... that's an interesting interpretation. And we could possibly take that a step further: Abel has the resources available to do almost anything he wants in pursuit of his revenge, and yet he doesn't take it. It could also be Aaryanna frustrated that Abel isn't taking this chance that is handed to him on a golden platter, a chance and resources that she's only dreamed of. But yeah, interesting idea of yours. Considering Aaryanna's near affection for Destania shown in the proper comic...

Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 05, 2010, 02:27:08 PM
Quote from: Bjalf on April 05, 2010, 01:15:00 PM
QuoteTherefore it is rightfully her business.
Quote... aary´s right to call him on being an useless whiner.

There are no such rights (outside of Hollywood). And no, freedom of speech does not apply here.
Yeah, i know - it only applies when someone we agree with is speaking ...
No, you have completely missed the point.  Freedom of speech does not extend to getting into other people's face. For instance, this is not freedom of speech. Outside a military camp that would be classified as assault. There are no absolute rights.

I'm going to poke at this little monster here:  I'm sorry, but that is entirely dependent on where you live.

Frankly, if anyone were to try and take Aary to court over what she's doing right now where I live, they'd be not only laughed out of the court, but possibly slapped with a fine for a frivolous lawsuit.  She is in a public place, speaking her mind concerning someone and their behavior.  She is in no way being violent, saying anything slanderous or even being outwardly aggressive.  She is not preventing him from leaving.  She is not inciting a riot against or even hatred against him.  In short:  She's not doing anything illegal.  This isn't harassment, this is a person exercising freedom of speech well within the confines of the law as I know it.
I'm gonna agree with Mao here. What Aaryanna is doing here isn't assault, or at least doesn't seem to be. Abel is also equally in his rights to turn around and ignore her, to tell her his reasoning and try to make her see his side of the argument, or possibly even to tell her to go screw herself. Now, if she were to start stalking him and constantly yelling at him about how he's failed as a Cubi, then we might have something, but as it is now, yes, she is well within her rights.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

Anker Steadfast

Tilts Jaurus' quote stack - Wheeeee.  :D

Quote from: Bjalf on April 05, 2010, 02:29:24 PM
Quote from: Anker Steadfast on April 05, 2010, 01:46:31 PMI see religious people do this everyday, calling it divine intervention.
Strange how divine intervention needs mere mortals to work   :rolleyes

He he, yeah - Apperantly god needs their help.
Me, I prefer to have faith in unicorns.


GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.