04/12/10 [AS2#97] -

Started by Teroniss, April 12, 2010, 12:41:20 AM

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Chakat Blackspots


Huh. Well, that was different.


Given the conversation about attraction, I'd like to point out that it is entirely possible to be physically attracted to someone without being emotionally attracted to someone.  I knew a woman who I could not stand - and vice versa.  We couldn't be near each other without fighting.  We hated each other .. and we also had more chemistry than a college chemistry department.

Sometimes hormones trump logic.

Aary's views on Abel, given her evident frustration with the fact that "her hormones approve of Abel" makes it clear it's a physical attraction.  I'd also bet money that she doesn't like herself on some level because of it.  ("Don't I have better taste than that?!?")

Also, props to Amber - I loved this update.  You managed to convey a lot of "character" through the art with body language.  Nicely done!

Edit:  Just thought of something else.  The question was asked earlier if ripping off half of someone's wing was foreplay among cubi.  Well, if someone you were in lust with but hated ripped your clothes off in public, wouldn't you assume they were trying to humiliate you?  I can easily see that emotional mess sending Aary into a whole new level of incandescent rage.

Anker Steadfast

Hah - Loved this update.
Gotta give it to Mink, he's pretty perceptive when he wants to. :)

Quote from: Atharyn on April 13, 2010, 01:22:31 AMAary's views on Abel, given her evident frustration with the fact that "her hormones approve of Abel" makes it clear it's a physical attraction.  I'd also bet money that she doesn't like herself on some level because of it.  ("Don't I have better taste than that?!?")

I thank you sir, the highlighted bit o' text really made me smile.
God knows I have been there, those hormones are powerful stuff, I tells ya.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.