04/05/10 [AS2#96] - A Man of Few Words

Started by Baal Hadad, April 05, 2010, 01:45:11 AM

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My point being that Aary's arguments are just rationalisations for the distaste she feels towards Abels conduct. Once she made up her mind, thinking about it more just gave her more time to entrench her position. That's the problem with debate. In order for it to be productive, both sides have to be genuinely open to the other sides point of view. Otherwise, it proves nothing more than who's better at debating.


Quote from: danman on April 10, 2010, 02:03:27 PM
Ohh, i forgot he was already doing the same in the other threads...

But at some risk to myself, i still read it a bit differently - the problem i see is that the threads were quite closely related as all of them were the same argument between Aary and Abel... so it was a bit natural that the argument would follow through between them...

I would say the rule would address more to idiots who bring on unrelated flames at different topics just because they see one particular person there and try to derail the thread into crap-flinging.

But well, you are the mod, you decide :D

The ruling is that if you can't keep a good flame war to one thread, and keep it entertaining, then we don't want to see it. No matter how closely related the two threads are, he wasn't about to keep us interested, nor was he able to do it concisely.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Pascal on April 10, 2010, 05:31:08 PM
My point being that Aary's arguments are just rationalisations for the distaste she feels towards Abels conduct. Once she made up her mind, thinking about it more just gave her more time to entrench her position. That's the problem with debate. In order for it to be productive, both sides have to be genuinely open to the other sides point of view. Otherwise, it proves nothing more than who's better at debating.

Can you know for sure that she didn't, though?  Certainly, it would be more likely that she didn't- most people prefer not to expend the effort.  But I don't think it's possible to rule out that she put serious thought into Abel's side of the argument as well.  Then it just comes down to your faith in humanity... or in this case, cubity. 

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Arcblade on April 11, 2010, 10:14:39 AM
Then it just comes down to your faith in humanity... or in this case, cubity. 

I have none.

I used to have a bit left, but then I came to work here...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Okay. Time to go off on... a tangent. =^-^=

As I'm currently rebuilding old archives (which means fixing all the links for old DMFA reviews which became invalid when Amber, bless her heart, changed from HTML to PHP on me *twitch*) I had reason to skim through some older comics... and came across this comic here.

Now, we knew Abel knows Dan's mother. But have we ever seen anything else on what Abel's connection to Edward Ti'Fiona was? Just curious.
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Quote from: Scow2 on April 09, 2010, 12:04:23 PM
Okay... I need to point this out: There was no way for Abel to save his mother from death because she died of OLD AGE, not Aniz. Stopping/Killing Aniz would not stop May from dying of old age anyway.

Why is Aniz Abel's responsibility? May is dead, there is nothing Abel can do about it anymore, there was no way for that eventuality to be truly averted, and Aniz is now loose on a world Abel has no claims on anymore.

Quote from: SoWhatIfImFurry on April 10, 2010, 03:24:38 AM
FINALLY!! I was WAITING for someone to understand! It dosen't matter now what Abel could or couldn't have done... Because May's DEAD, and there's nothing anyone can do about it!!!

That not the point, May is dead of old age, but Aniz kept Abel from being with her for almost forty years under threat and can only be with her for the last few minute of her life.

1. He had a chance to go through a Rocky Montage to get stronger and allied himself with other powerful Cubi to opening a can of whoop-ass on Aniz for someone he loves, but didn't take that chance and just feeling sorry about himself. Even if May is dead there still Henya murder that need justice did not push him either is sad.

2. He pushing people away that care about him and wanted to help him. They don't deserve that treatment.

3. Lastly he seem to attack anyone else that know how to push the right buttons, and in the main comic he knows how to fight but with it come to the bastard that hurt him the most nothng.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: demecowen on April 11, 2010, 11:22:39 PM
1. He had a chance to go through a Rocky Montage to get stronger and allied himself with other powerful Cubi to opening a can of whoop-ass on Aniz for someone he loves, but didn't take that chance and just feeling sorry about himself. Even if May is dead there still Henya murder that need justice did not push him either is sad.

2. He pushing people away that care about him and wanted to help him. They don't deserve that treatment.

3. Lastly he seem to attack anyone else that know how to push the right buttons, and in the main comic he knows how to fight but with it come to the bastard that hurt him the most nothng.

I'm sorry? You seem to have left a few words and/or letters out of that. Could you re-read it, and try to make sense? It'd be greatly appreciated...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 12, 2010, 03:05:21 AM
I'm sorry? You seem to have left a few words and/or letters out of that. Could you re-read it, and try to make sense? It'd be greatly appreciated...

1. He had a chance to go through a Rocky Montage to get stronger and allied himself with other powerful Cubi to open a can of whoop-ass on Aniz for someone he loved, but didn't take that chance and just kept feeling sorry about himself. Not even Henya murder push him to fight Aniz either, it is kinda sad.

2. All Abel has done in SAIA was push people away that care about him and wanted to help him. They don't deserve that treatment and not helping him either.

3. In the main comic Abel can fight and even take down someone without shedding blood, so it show that if Abel did train earlier he might have change the outcome.

And that why people think Abel is coward.

Prof B Hunnydew

God and Goddess

Put this to bed already.... Abel's story is still moving along, you guys have debate this to death...We need more information..... Abel life is his own, and He may end up in a rubber room, because he will not risk being close to anyone or anything, because Aniz.  His life was on pause until NOW.  And he will have grow-up and start living If he is going to survive....Dan might help with this, but just by being annoying.

BTW, I just thought of this.    Abel is not at SAIA, in DMFA time, then Aniz is due back with another kid.  Was that Fa'lina's plan?  



Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on April 12, 2010, 05:22:51 PM
BTW, I just thought of this.    Abel is not at SAIA, in DMFA time, then Aniz is due back with another kid.  Was that Fa'lina's plan?  

I like that idea, especially if the new kids outlook is more in line with Aniz's...


Of course, going by the Aniz is Edward theory, the second kid is Dan.

Of course for all those discussing cowardice, anybody out there remember the song Coward of the County.

There is a reason that this is found among the smileys: Amber has specifically not squashed this possibility.  She says that likes to see us squirm.  Although many would say that the result of this taking place would be indicated by this smiley.
I'm sure that Abel can dance around anything that happens
No matter what happens, it won't be
Sorry about the strange formatting, but otherwise it would have taken up too much room.

Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Naldru on April 12, 2010, 07:47:14 PM
Of course, going by the Aniz is Edward theory, the second kid is Dan.

Of course for all those discussing cowardice, anybody out there remember the song Coward of the County.
Wait. What?!?

This is the first time I've heard this theory. Aniz is Edward? oO

That would be a twist within a twist with a shimmy and a shake added in.

My mind? It has been BLOWN. O_O
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Quote from: Tangent on April 12, 2010, 07:58:53 PM
Wait. What?!?

This is the first time I've heard this theory. Aniz is Edward? oO

That would be a twist within a twist with a shimmy and a shake added in.

My mind? It has been BLOWN. O_O

Help! I'm gay!


Though when you get down to it, Edward couldn't be Aniz. If he was, then Dan wouldn't have been allowed into SAIA for another year.

Oh come on now, do you honestly think Aniz could pull a fast one over on Fa'Lina? =^-^=
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Tangent on April 12, 2010, 09:13:16 PM
Though when you get down to it, Edward couldn't be Aniz. If he was, then Dan wouldn't have been allowed into SAIA for another year.

Oh come on now, do you honestly think Aniz could pull a fast one over on Fa'Lina? =^-^=

BUT Could Aniz fool Destania?  They knew each other to well.



That actually doesn't matter. Fa'Lina stated that Aniz couldn't send any children to SAIA until Abel was 400. Abel was 399 when Daniel showed up. While "technically" Aniz didn't send Daniel (Aary did), I am fairly certain Fa'Lina wouldn't allow any of Aniz's children to go to SAIA until that deadline had passed. And she sent a warp aci to collect Daniel, so it's not even a matter of Daniel "showing up" unannounced or the like. Seeing that Destania wasn't at the Lake, there'd be no real question as to why Daniel's admission was "delayed" (and seeing that it's one year, I don't see why Fa'Lina wouldn't delay things).

So, while it is a truly twisty and unexpected idea... the flaws are such that while it may have caused my brain to short out for a short while, upon further reflection I have to say it is most unlikely. As in, I'd give it a 0.001% chance of happening because you never can tell with Amber as to what twists she may pull. Besides, the current storyline in DMFA (with Abel's "dream") hints strongly at Aniz returning... and we won't see Edward's return until DMFA's climax when Dan, Mab, Abel, Pyroduck, and some others go to rescue Daniel's dad.

Which of course leaves us with the question: what is Edward Ti'Fiona to Abel, and why did he react so strongly at that specific name? (Remember, Aary didn't know what happened to Destania, so it's unlikely Abel knew that Destania and Edward had married. And it may not be "Edward" that is so important, but rather the "TiFiona" family-line which he is thinking of.)
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Quote from: Tangent on April 12, 2010, 09:59:35 PM
Which of course leaves us with the question: what is Edward Ti'Fiona to Abel, and why did he react so strongly at that specific name? (Remember, Aary didn't know what happened to Destania, so it's unlikely Abel knew that Destania and Edward had married. And it may not be "Edward" that is so important, but rather the "TiFiona" family-line which he is thinking of.)

We'll find out when Amber see fit to tell us.  Until then it's all speculation.

Aniz and Edward resemble each other some, and Edward wears a bracer on the arm that Aniz has his clan mark on. 

On the other hand, Alexsi and Daniel have a very strong family resemblance, more so than one would expect from half sibs.  Which has led me to speculate that Edward's first wife, the amazon, was also a succubus, and the traits didn't take on Alexsi.  But it's more likely that Amber settled on the character designs long before she came up with this plot.


Or it could just be because they're both feline and male.  At this point, you can pretty well take any of the feline males we know about in the comic, change the fur pattern a bit and have them look like one another with the possibility of having an extra appendage or two, and maybe a different hairstyle.  I think the argument that 'they look alike so maybe' is about as thin as the "Edward is Aniz" points get.  Let's not forget the fact that it wouldn't fit in with the Cuckoo's plan.  He has no Tri-Wing Clan Leader and as such his Clan would be weaker than Cyra in terms of available power.  Mating with a Cyra 'cubi would not mesh with the clan revival plan as the child that would be born would be Cyra.


Mao has a point.  The resemblance can easily be boiled down to: "Amber has a drawing style.  Edward and Aniz are the style for feline males."  I've made that mistake myself, and was promptly and thoroughly corrected.   :shifty

For all your crazy theorizing needs: Wiki-Wiki's page on the Edward/Aniz theory 


And even though it goes against my previous comments, it should be noted that the greatest coincidence would be if there were no coincidences.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


While theorizing can be good fun, in this case the speculation is a bit too thick, and the fact too thin.

For all we really know, the truth about Aniz/Edward and their respective plans and family trees could be anything (Especially given Amber's penchant for memorable plot twists.)

Maybe they are the same person. Maybe they are related. Maybe they both came from clan Siar (there was a mother and son who converted to Seme's clan after Siar's fall). Maybe this, that and the other thing.

I'm going to throw out a new theory, simply because I thunk it but moments ago. Edward is a descendant of May Rewanz (or rather, from her family), and Abel's reaction to the Ti'Fiona name stems from that somehow.

And now, of to work. Yay.  :B
A Scarydragon approaches!

>[Word Play]
     [Backwards Logic]