04/05/10 [AS2#96] - A Man of Few Words

Started by Baal Hadad, April 05, 2010, 01:45:11 AM

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Baal Hadad


I want to say two things to you.



(My apologies for identifying more with Abel there--if not for what Aary had said earlier I'd probably be taking her side here....)


Abel did the absolute best thing he could have done. That was just... perfect.

Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.


It really is the best thing. Plus from panel 3 and 4, it looked like Aary did that just so she can see if Abel will punch her if she goaded him. Why? There's no point in punching someone blabbering on and on. :B
Who is the sanest of us all? Why, the insane of course!


While I admire Abel for taking the high road and not physically assaulting her, I get the feeling that Amber is foreshadowing the main DMFA storyline here, possibly Abel's disturbing dream and his worries about his own nature. Or possibly something worse. So, again, Aary is right, but she's still not DOING it right.

And poor Mink in the background there.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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Baal Hadad

Ha--Hang on a sec....   :erk

Forgive me if someone already noticed this a few pages back, but I only just noticed now....

On page 94 Abel's hairstyle goes back to the way it was earlier in Abel's Story, whereas right before that it was as in DMFA....


Quote from: Baal Hadad on April 05, 2010, 02:50:12 AM
Ha--Hang on a sec....   :erk

Forgive me if someone already noticed this a few pages back, but I only just noticed now....

On page 94 Abel's hairstyle goes back to the way it was earlier in Abel's Story, whereas right before that it was as in DMFA....

Wow, how did you notice that? But you're completely right - the bangs suddenly disappeared in the most recent updates!

Amber Williams

Quote from: Kattuccino on April 05, 2010, 03:09:15 AM
Quote from: Baal Hadad on April 05, 2010, 02:50:12 AM
Ha--Hang on a sec....   :erk

Forgive me if someone already noticed this a few pages back, but I only just noticed now....

On page 94 Abel's hairstyle goes back to the way it was earlier in Abel's Story, whereas right before that it was as in DMFA....

Wow, how did you notice that? But you're completely right - the bangs suddenly disappeared in the most recent updates!

This is a technical error on my part. Probably due to me being incredibly unwell so I am having a harder time than normal keeping track of Abel's hairstyle.  I will fix the hair issue in a few minutes.

There. Now there are bangs.  Now I may die of snifflies in peace.


I don't know if I'm just paranoid, but does anyone else here think that there's more going on here than meets the eye? I don't know why, but my gut keeps telling me Aary is goading Abel for another reason. There's a little voice my head yelling something, but I can't make out what it's saying :mowdizzy


Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on April 05, 2010, 03:17:23 AM
There's a little voice my head yelling something, but I can't make out what it's saying :mowdizzy

Therapy helps. Or so I've heard.   >:3

At least that is what the voices are telling me ...


Quote from: Amber Williams on April 05, 2010, 03:12:33 AM

This is a technical error on my part. Probably due to me being incredibly unwell so I am having a harder time than normal keeping track of Abel's hairstyle.  I will fix the hair issue in a few minutes.

There. Now there are bangs.  Now I may die of snifflies in peace.

Aww poor Amber, I hope you feel better. I too am a victim of springtime sniffles so I know how it is >=(

Also, Abel totally gave Aary the "whatever" line, I bet she wants to throttle him over that. Worst. Line. Ever. I think some radio show once took a poll on the most annoying word in the English language and "whatever" was the winner. It's the best way to show you have zero interest in what the speaker is saying with the bonus of implying you have no respect for them as well. Why do I imagine Abel using this a LOT during his time at SAIA? =p

I'm also not sure what she means by the "are you" line since Abel has said maybe two words to her the whole time.

Also: Mink is adorable <3

Baal Hadad

Quote from: Kattuccino on April 05, 2010, 03:35:03 AM
I'm also not sure what she means by the "are you" line since Abel has said maybe two words to her the whole time.

Also: Mink is adorable <3

Well, she's not talking about his words, she's talking about "are you done sitting on your hands instead of taking action?"

And I forgot to PM that comment about the hair, sorry about that....

(You'd think I'd remember....)


Heh, oh Mink... you so cute.

Keep running Abel.  This is just another leg in your 400-ish year marathon.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Bjalf on April 05, 2010, 03:32:24 AM
Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on April 05, 2010, 03:17:23 AM
There's a little voice my head yelling something, but I can't make out what it's saying :mowdizzy
Therapy helps. Or so I've heard.   >:3

At least that is what the voices are telling me ...

o/~ ... If you could find some way to be a little bit less afraid of me you'd see the voices that control me from inside my head say I shouldn't kill you yet...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Jairus on April 05, 2010, 02:40:42 AM
While I admire Abel for taking the high road and not physically assaulting her, I get the feeling that Amber is foreshadowing the main DMFA storyline here, possibly Abel's disturbing dream and his worries about his own nature. Or possibly something worse. So, again, Aary is right, but she's still not DOING it right.

And poor Mink in the background there.

Well she is right; it all begins with Dan (and friends). One can't run when those he care (directly or indirectly) is about to get hurt, which indirectly led to this. On hind-reflection, it could almost be that Aary was goading Abel to do something then...
Someone in the valley calls out to me;
A voice from the past, fading out fast;
Am I to be wary, do I have to be;
I just know, I have to be there.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 05, 2010, 08:19:57 AM
o/~ ... If you could find some way to be a little bit less afraid of me you'd see the voices that control me from inside my head say I shouldn't kill you yet...
Wow someone else likes Jonathan Coulton!

On another note, poor Aary. I know this sort of people - they react to brewing argument with utter disinterest and apathy , not even bothering to dispute what you say, frustrating you to no end ... as two are needed for an argument. I hate it too
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


A few folks like Jonathan Coulton around these parts.

As for the person walking away from an argument, it's sad that they won't actually hear the other person out, but we all have priorities.  His currently don't lay with what she's saying so rather than rage and scream at Aary he just walks away.  As for why his interests don't lay there, well my opinion on that particular matter is already clear from previous threads.


Ice Aary:  Are you going to just keep running away?

Abel Starwind:  *thought*  Just keep running away?  Just keep running away?  
*speaks*  I'm not running.

*Outlaw Star reference*   :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



I'm probably not going to win any popularity points by saying this, but here we go.

Aary is in the right here; Abel is in the wrong. He can not run away from his problems, and somewhere in that head of his I'm sure he knows it to; but he is ignoring that, in favor of the path of least resistance. Coward.

Bravo Aaryanna, and I applaud your execution...that didn't come out right. :B



It's not Aaryanna's call. It's not her problems. It's not her life. She is not a trained fighter/licensed therapist. She needs to bugger off.

I can relate extremely well to Abel's reaction here. I have also had well-meaning idiots messing with my life, for my own good. And when they don't shut up or leave, I just walk away.

Boo, Aaryanna. Good intentions does not excuse bad execution.

A. Lurker

I've been thinking about that accusation of cowardice a bit since last thread (you know the one). And I've come to the conclusion that yes, it's entirely possible that Abel is, in fact, being a coward here.

I'm not quite as convinced that that's a particularly scathing condemnation, though. While I won't go so far as to claim that literally everybody has something they're being a coward about, I feel confident enough to think that it's still a pretty common condition. And yet people seem to manage to live with it just fine -- not happily, perhaps, but it's rarely an active threat to their survival.

Moreover, accusing somebody of cowardice to goad them into something stupid you want them to do is one of the oldest cheap tricks in the book. Aaryanna may be older, better-looking, and more articulate than many other examples of the trope, but a case could still be made that she's just playing the part of the schoolyard bully in this exchange.


Quote from: Meany on April 05, 2010, 09:53:09 AM
I'm probably not going to win any popularity points by saying this, but here we go.

Aary is in the right here; Abel is in the wrong. He can not run away from his problems, and somewhere in that head of his I'm sure he knows it to; but he is ignoring that, in favor of the path of least resistance. Coward.

Bravo Aaryanna, and I applaud your execution...that didn't come out right. :B

And out come the wolves, my friend.  Out come the wolves.


Aary attempted to goad Abel to strike her, I'm thinking. And I'm also thinking that she wanted to use that as justification to beat him up. Elementary school things really. Abel's the higher person to walk away.

Now if Aary insulted his mother's honor and/or the people who he was best of friends with that also died, then he would be in the right to beat the living snot out of Aary! One does not insult the dead. >:O
Who is the sanest of us all? Why, the insane of course!


If Aary wanted to goad him into striking I'm sure she could easily manage it.  Abel has a bunch of big shiny buttons that are easy to press, especially given how much he whines about them.  To me it looks like she's trying to slap some sense into him.

You can call her a schoolyard bully all you like, but how is she in any way actually bullying him?  What is she doing that in any way degrades him?  How is she forcing him to her will?  Do we even know if she has any ulterior motives in saying this to him other than being angry with him for what she sees as a mistake that could have been avoided?  Folks are making some assumptions about it, but have no facts to back it.

Until I see evidence to the contrary I'm just going to view these assumptions as white knighting a wubby.


Quote from: Bjalf on April 05, 2010, 10:08:57 AM

It's not Aaryanna's call. It's not her problems. It's not her life. She is not a trained fighter/licensed therapist. She needs to bugger off.

I disagree . Abel´s problem is a problem of everyone meeting him to some extent and i might say even the whole cubi community. Double since the interests of Dee, (and Aary, her friend and student) coincide with those of Abel, and everything would run so much smoother if he went along!
Therefore it is rightfully her business.
Triple as she is sick of hearing the tale of woe of Abel, which is the only thing he seemingly does.
I think though instead of talk, Dee should have put forward some really awe inspiring show of power  to Abel - it would convince him by shock that Aniz is not a powerful cubi at all , and might set him straight.
Though she does not seem to bother, and i do not wonder - for her he is an unimportant possiible addition in the revenge plan.
And no, Aary is not goading him to do something stupid - what they plan is both good and feasible, and it is just Abel who does not see...

True sometimes it is the case, like S.J.Lec said ¨there always are eskimos eager to advise Congo citizens how to behave in extreme heat waves ¨ but that is not Aary´s case.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: Bjalf on April 05, 2010, 10:08:57 AM
Boo, Aaryanna. Good intentions does not excuse bad execution.
On reflection, I can't imagine that Aaryanna had any good intentions at all here. At this point in the story(ies), there is already bad blood between Aaryanna and Abel. Whatever she's trying to do, she's doing for her own selfish reasons.

Quote from: A. Lurker on April 05, 2010, 10:14:22 AM
While I won't go so far as to claim that literally everybody has something they're being a coward about, I feel confident enough to think that it's still a pretty common condition. And yet people seem to manage to live with it just fine -- not happily, perhaps, but it's rarely an active threat to their survival.
I'd say that cowardice is a survival instinct. Cowards have few medals, but they live long.

Quote from: danman on April 05, 2010, 10:35:53 AM
I disagree . Abel´s problem is a problem of everyone meeting him to some extent and i might say even the whole cubi community. Double since the interests of Dee, (and Aary, her friend and student) coincide with those of Abel, and everything would run so much smoother if he went along!
Therefore it is rightfully her business.
Dangerous thinking.

- Abel doesn't cause any problems, he just wants to be left alone.
- Everything would run so much smoother if we all just went along. But that leaves no place for individualism or free will.
- "Therefore it is rightfully her business." I can't even begin to describe how wrong that thought is, because that would involve Godwin's Law. Or Steven Seagal.

Abel's problems are the business of only 2 people:
1. Abel.
2. Fa'Lina.

Baal Hadad

Bravo, Bjalf.

Aary here reminds me of people who think you need to be converted to their particular religion in order to "save your soul," and won't get off your back until you actually do.

I'm not even going to comment on what Mao said--if you can't see it for yourself, no amount of explaining it is going to change that.


Quote from: Bjalf on April 05, 2010, 10:54:16 AM
Dangerous thinking.

- Abel doesn't cause any problems, he just wants to be left alone.
- Everything would run so much smoother if we all just went along. But that leaves no place for individualism or free will.
- "Therefore it is rightfully her business." I can't even begin to describe how wrong that thought is, because that would involve Godwin's Law. Or Steven Seagal.

Abel's problems are the business of only 2 people:
1. Abel.
2. Fa'Lina.

He does influence everyone else - he lives in a society! Hello!
And to go with your argument, abel´s dubious right to go on is of the same priority as aary´s right to call him on being an useless whiner.
Besides ,there is nothing inherently good about extreme individualism  - so far i was under the impression every society there is is collectivist about any somewhat more important matter!
I cannot seriously imagine what Godwin´s law could do with this discussion - the only wrong things about that particular moustached shouter was that he was an extreme rightwinger, warmonger and proponent of absurdly pseudoscientific racial theories which he put into action to kill a few million people , mostly Jews and Slavs. I hate him with a passion, but none of this is remotely related to topic at hand.

Quote from: Baal Hadad on April 05, 2010, 11:00:08 AM
Bravo, Bjalf.

Aary here reminds me of people who think you need to be converted to their particular religion in order to "save your soul," and won't get off your back until you actually do.

I'm not even going to comment on what Mao said--if you can't see it for yourself, no amount of explaining it is going to change that.

Hmm, it seems we are even more disparate than i thought - i have nothing against those people as it makes perfect sense from what they believe, the only problem being that it is untrue . When i meet any, i usually ¨Dorfl¨ them - as a follower of scientific atheism i argue with them until they run out of time or material.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: Baal Hadad on April 05, 2010, 11:00:08 AM
I'm not even going to comment on what Mao said--if you can't see it for yourself, no amount of explaining it is going to change that.

Except, by saying that you are commenting on what I said.  :)

The same kind of thing can easily apply to what has been said on the other side of the fence.  Everyone here picked their sides and then refuse to see anything but the parts that support their opinion.  I'm willing to entertain evidence to the contrary but, given that I'll have my own opinion on that too, it will need to be strong evidence to get me to change any of my views.

However if you're not even open to discussion, how will we ever get to that point?  This is similar to what is happening in the comic.  Rather than discuss, if you just walk away because you think someone is trying to goad you (or don't want to face what they have to say) what do you gain?  Nothing.  You don't learn from it.  You just stick your fingers in your ears and go lalalalala!  What a shame and a waste.


Why does it feel like I'm one of the few people that are divided on the storyline here?

While Aary could've said it better, her words ring true. Abel has access to a number of combat classes, and even Aniz's teacher/ex-lover! (Who has openly stated that she wants revenge, btw.) If he wanted to strike back at at Aniz, he had many, many cards in his favor. If he had taken twenty, ten, maybe even five years of his time at SAIA, he could've gone back and faced him, possibly ending him...


When Aniz revealed himself to Abel, it would be safe to say that it happened on THE. WORST. DAY. OF. HIS. LIFE. First, he attends a funeral for Cindy, then his childhood bully spills his guts and Abel watches helplessly as he gets killed. He runs home, only to find out that he's an incubus (And we know how well Dan took that...) and then watch as his 'father' reveals himself for who he is, reveals that he killed the man that Abel thought was his father and May thought was her husband, slaps around both him and his mother, then kills Hennya in a fit of rage. It's probably safe to say that Abel is now terrified of Aniz. What's worse, is that deep down, he's also now scared of what he's capable of. Seriously, Abel always did seem like such a gentle person, and now... He's faced with the possibility that within him is a vicious monster in the form of uncontrollable anger. So, for all appearances, for all his jerk-ness and joking, he's terrified. And since he lacks the desire fo fight, or more possibly, is scared of the thought of fighting, his only other option is to run.

Whoo lordy... I see why Fa'Lina paired Abel with Dan... They have much to learn from each other... Well, once they stop trying to kill each other, stop getting distracted, and start focusing on WHY Abel's there in the first place!

Yeah, Abel was the bigger person and didn't lash out at Aary, but I think he's afraid that once he lets out his anger, he won't be able to contain it before something terrible happens... And if he can learn to focus and manage his anger, Aniz could quickly have his hands full once 'son' confronts him... STAR WARS style! (I couldn't hold it back any longer! So sue me!)

EDIT: Oh yeah... The Chair... I forgot the chair... (Chair, stool, whatever...)


<3 Star Wars. :3

I shall not sue you for this.