[Clan Leaders #14] someone looks like a pimp

Started by dravus, March 30, 2010, 01:15:31 AM

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Quote from: Les on March 30, 2010, 12:43:27 PM
Quoar is not a pimp.  Quoar is what pimps want to be when they grow up.   :boogie

I agree with this comment.
Quote from: joshofspam on March 30, 2010, 12:52:23 PM
Quote from: psilorder on March 30, 2010, 12:27:28 PM
is it just me who thinks he looks like has just done something sneaky and is smiling mischieviously at some friendly party while letting the one he did the sneaky thing to simply walk into it?

also, i kinda think he looks like Dan....possibly with a bit of wizard and Gambit thrown in....

also also, i wonder what kind of tentacle heads he (and the others who have them and we havent seen) have?

I think they would wear top hat's and monicle's.

I am imagining one of Quoar's clan using his or her wings to hold dishes of tea and crumpets... offering help and conversation to travelers. I wonder if we'll get to see a Quoar Cubi in the main comic :3
Something tells me that if we do, shenanigans will follow  >:3


Quote from: Shachza on March 30, 2010, 12:43:59 PM
getting in a serious and long-term relationship is probably one of the most desireable things for the clan.  Even if we assume that beings live an impressive 100 years on average, You can have a LOT of relationships if you take an entire clan and spread them out over 75000 years.

Not necessarily serious for the cubi even if it is for the being. What Aniz did with May might be a prime example of what the Quoar clan Cubi do time and again, (except with the raise a kid and ruin the familys lives bit, which wouldnt serve any purpose) that is making someone love them.

love = food.

Has anything been said about how they usually feed?


Quoar sends envoys to SAIA every thousand years to check-in, I just had this vision of how that goes pop into my head.

*Cut to Fa'Lina's office from the outside, we see two `Cubi in silhouette through the window, one male standing and one female sitting.*

Fa'lina: "So, it's that time again is it?"

Envoy: "indeed it is, and how has the Millennium been treating you, Fa'lina?"

Fa'lina: "Oh, same as usual."

*The male silhouette leans over against the desk, the female looks up toward him.*

Envoy:  "Really?  In that case, shall we dispense with the polite pleasantries and just get right to it?"

Fa'lina:  "Oh yes... please."

Envoy:  "..mmm-alright, c'mere you."

*cut to the inside of Fa'lina's office, both sitting on the floor, fully clothed, the Envoy stroking Fa'lina's hair with an expression of infinite beautific patience on his face as Fa'lina sobs inconsolably in his arms.*
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!

Congo Jack

Quote from: psilorder on March 30, 2010, 01:41:25 PM
love = food.

Has anything been said about how they usually feed?
Clan Jin builds children's hospital to feed themselves of joy...
Wait. Isn't hospital the last place you'll find joy? It's normally a place of pain, anguish, and anxiety. You must work very hard to cheer those kids up. Which clan Jin do.

Or Destania and her teaching how to inflict pain. There are other means to feed on pain. While I still hope that some cubi with that affection became famous as emergency mobile surgeon who stays at operating table for days in a row in a disaster area when everybody else fall from exhaustion, I think he/she would be berated by other cubi for doing it wrong. Cubi way is inflicting emotion, not mooching it. Thus, Quoar and his clansmen are off to inflict love on unsuspecting world.  :)

Psychedelic Mushroom

This.... Guy.... Is..... Amazing...  :U I nearly squealed with delight when I saw the tophat and the blue.. Can't get any better than that.... Only quirk I had when looking at him is that he HIGHLY resembles one of my characters.... Different Species but same style in hair an clothing.  :<  I would have to say this is the best looking male Cubi I have ever seen.  :3 *Gets hit by Abel*


Quote from: psilorder on March 30, 2010, 01:41:25 PM
Quote from: Shachza on March 30, 2010, 12:43:59 PM
getting in a serious and long-term relationship is probably one of the most desireable things for the clan.  Even if we assume that beings live an impressive 100 years on average, You can have a LOT of relationships if you take an entire clan and spread them out over 75000 years.

Not necessarily serious for the cubi even if it is for the being. What Aniz did with May might be a prime example of what the Quoar clan Cubi do time and again, (except with the raise a kid and ruin the familys lives bit, which wouldnt serve any purpose) that is making someone love them.

love = food.

Has anything been said about how they usually feed?

And that's what I meant.  "Even if the primary motivation isn't lust, just because of their affinity I don't believe for a second that clan Quoar isn't very prolific."  The oldest and most active members could have had as many as 8000 kids or more, even allowing for ridiculously long-lived beings, much less grandkids, great grandkids, etc etc.  Why his traits are seen as good luck is beyond me, we haven't had that explained yet, but his physical traits popping up in random people shouldn't be unexpected.
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Congo Jack on March 30, 2010, 03:27:00 PM
Quote from: psilorder on March 30, 2010, 01:41:25 PM
love = food.

Has anything been said about how they usually feed?
Clan Jin builds children's hospital to feed themselves of joy...
Wait. Isn't hospital the last place you'll find joy? It's normally a place of pain, anguish, and anxiety. You must work very hard to cheer those kids up. Which clan Jin do.

Or Destania and her teaching how to inflict pain. There are other means to feed on pain. While I still hope that some cubi with that affection became famous as emergency mobile surgeon who stays at operating table for days in a row in a disaster area when everybody else fall from exhaustion, I think he/she would be berated by other cubi for doing it wrong. Cubi way is inflicting emotion, not mooching it. Thus, Quoar and his clansmen are off to inflict love on unsuspecting world.  :)

Quoted for win. Although one wonders at what types of love are included here; there's more than just one type, even excluding lust, which I don't think counts. And I'm not sure where fangirl love fits in; fangirl love is probably closer to lust, though. *clearly overthinking this* :U

I LOVE Quoar. I mean, he's pulling off the Outfit of +10 Win, which would just make most people look like they're trying too hard. And I love the heterochromia thing; I have it myself, and I always squee a bit inside whenever someone cool has it as well. :)



Quote from: Turnsky on March 30, 2010, 04:11:58 AM

so fun having to dig through my photobucket for this one image.  :B

OMFG!!! X3 SQUEEEEEEE!! I could look at your eyes all day and just "squee" with happiness at the heterochromianess!  :mowhappy Thank you!  :3

And I'm little jealous......  :< The only interesting thing that happened to me was that I was born with eyes that were a such a deep shade of blue, they were indigo. I heard that it creeped out the doctor...... :P

(Btw, just take my "squeeing" happiness as a compliment :))

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


I just realized that his hat has holes for his headwings.   :mowsmile  And hey!  My grandma is heterochomic!  :mowmeep

Anyway, the first thing I thought of when I read about the dual-colored clan marking rareness was "Wait, 'possible'?  What makes it possible?"  If if there's some 'qualifications,' do they have to be met before or after the clan is founded?  If after, does the clan mark change at some point?  How stable or morphable are clan markings?  (I'm guessing they're, at the very least, mostly constant.  Otherwise, it would get more confusing than they already are after awhile.)

And there's also another question that I've been meaning to ask for awhile: Do clans/clan leaders actually choose their can mark at some point, or does it somehow 'choose' itself?  I mean, is there some reason why Siar's clan mark looks like a fire while Fa'Lina's is more like a claw?  Did Taun pick two HOT PINK sickle-like things on purpose?  Is it utter, pure chance that Cyra's symbol looks a bit like the symbol for 'female'?

Quote from: candide on March 30, 2010, 12:07:58 PMof Furres of the same "species" as Abel, May, and now Quoar.

Which leads me to possibility number 2:  Sure, Abel may have the two-color eyes and mixed wings by happenstance.  Or, as some here speculate, it could be inherited.  And if it is inherited, why couldn't it be from his father?  Perhaps someone from Clan Quoar married into Clan Siar?

My theory was actually that Aniz somehow made use of shapeshifting so that certain traits would be more likely to be passed down.  I mean, Aniz did call Abel 'a work of art,' which, to me, suggested that he 'crafted' Abel's appearance.  Such shifted genetics may also explain why the ends of Abel's hair turns brown when it's cut, too.

Then again, I don't know if that's canonly possible.  But unless I get proof otherwise, I'm still going to hold onto it as a vague possibility.

Quote from: Congo Jack on March 30, 2010, 03:27:00 PMLessee:
Clan Jin builds children's hospital to feed themselves of joy...
Wait. Isn't hospital the last place you'll find joy? It's normally a place of pain, anguish, and anxiety.

You forgot about what parents normally feel when they're just handed their newborn child, especially if it's the firstborn.  :mowwink

Quote from: Shachza on March 30, 2010, 04:07:21 PMWhy his [Quoar's] traits are seen as good luck is beyond me, we haven't had that explained yet, but his physical traits popping up in random people shouldn't be unexpected.

My idea: 1 Because of it's rarity, outside of the clan.  2 Because of his apparent mystique and charm.  Those seem like good reasons for it to be good luck to me.

Quote from: Robbychu on March 30, 2010, 04:34:35 PMOne wonders at what types of love are included here; there's more than just one type, even excluding lust, which I don't think counts. And I'm not sure where fangirl love fits in; fangirl love is probably closer to lust, though. *clearly overthinking this* :U/quote]

Same here.  I know that a lot of other languages have different words for 'love' depending on the type (e.g. familial, friendship, etc.).  I have to wonder what word would be used if this were translated into, say, Spanish.
Please excuse the watermarked avatar.  I haven't bothered to fix it yet.  (Still, thanks to PetFriendAmy for the original pic!)

Congo Jack

Quote from: Infranscia on March 30, 2010, 05:39:13 PM

Quote from: Congo Jack on March 30, 2010, 03:27:00 PMLessee:
Clan Jin builds children's hospital to feed themselves of joy...
Wait. Isn't hospital the last place you'll find joy? It's normally a place of pain, anguish, and anxiety.

You forgot about what parents normally feel when they're just handed their newborn child, especially if it's the firstborn.  :mowwink

Don't you forgetting how they feel before that?  :mowwink

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Infranscia on March 30, 2010, 05:39:13 PM
You forgot about what parents normally feel when they're just handed their newborn child, especially if it's the firstborn.  :mowwink

Exhaustion, usually. Particularly the mother.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I agree with the consensus that Abel is related to this clan in some way, although technically speaking all races  had to have originated or have had a common ancestor or creator.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


As far as specificity goes, I would like to believe that Quoar is about love in all its forms. Friendship, romantic, familial, and whatever other less conventional things you can think up.

There seems to be a lot of talk about the lust vs. love thing, but in my opinion, love can certainly be expressed via the most private, personal kinds of physical intimacy, so I would say there's sort of a crossover there of emotions - certainly both occurring at the same time, making those moments fair food for both clans!

But that's just my view.  :mowhappy


I fondly hope Quoar is a massive clan in its own pocket dimension.  And perhaps they've been planning something huge and are just about to spring it.  Because quite frankly, the world needs more love. 


Has anybody considered the possibility of the Quoar clan masquerading as angels, demons, or mythos?  Imagine his clan spending the last few dozen millennia practicing using their power for good.  The yin/yang symbol is often used with the martial arts.  Picture a cubi version of the Shao-Lin temple monks honing their skills for thousands of years.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Arcblade on March 30, 2010, 07:31:47 PM
I fondly hope Quoar is a massive clan in its own pocket dimension.  And perhaps they've been planning something huge and are just about to spring it.  Because quite frankly, the world needs more love.  


PS Your otter creature, there, is uh, pretty amazing. But then again, I'm biased. <_<

Quote from: Naldru on March 30, 2010, 08:29:25 PM
Has anybody considered the possibility of the Quoar clan masquerading as angels, demons, or mythos?  Imagine his clan spending the last few dozen millennia practicing using their power for good.  The yin/yang symbol is often used with the martial arts.  Picture a cubi version of the Shao-Lin temple monks honing their skills for thousands of years.

Why would they need to masquerade as angels, demons, or mythos, when they can be all that and 'Cubi? :P But I think you might mean without showing off those nifty head wings and keeping the clan symbol covered in order to hide their "true" identities so they can go out and do good, and don't end up like poor Mink's mum. :(

Either way... Love, I would say, is neither inherently good, nor evil, and it can most certainly get you into a lot of trouble depending on who you love and how you love them, so I do not share this image of Quoar, though it is a nice one. :)

I would like to imagine Quoar as more like Piflak in the respect that they're allowed to create, consume, and spread love freely, however they want, wherever and whenever they want. This is what their clan motto makes me think of: Life is an adventure!


Quote from: Jairus on March 30, 2010, 01:31:07 AM
I have to wonder why he doesn't use SAIA. I can see two possibilities: either his clan is strong enough to not need SAIA, or they simply don't have enough enemies for him to worry about. At least he's still friendly with the school (I guess, anyway), so that's something.
"Of all the clans with active leaders, Quoar does not make use of the Academy..."

Well, sure! If "life is an adventure," as they say, why spend it studying at the Academy? ^^ They can study somewhere else, where there aren't so many negative emotions flowing (we hope!).

This does raise a question for me, though - if a Cubi has that bat/feather cross, is the bat part always black? I ask because there have been some Cubi pictured that I thought had that combination, but the bat portion's color wasn't black, therefore~.



Quote from: Les on March 30, 2010, 10:24:37 AM
Quote from: jeffh4 on March 30, 2010, 01:32:25 AM
Quote from: Jairus on March 30, 2010, 01:31:07 AM
I have to wonder why he doesn't use SAIA. I can see two possibilities: either his clan is strong enough to not need SAIA, or they simply don't have enough enemies for him to worry about.
Here are some other possibilities.
- He's very old-fashioned and doesn't really want to associate his kin at this "new fangled" school run by that "young kid" Fa'Lina.
- He already has established an effective means to train his kin.  Not surprising given his age.
- He values his and his clan's privacy above all else.
- He values his and his clan's survival above all else. The less the enemy knows, the better the chances of survival. Case in point: the Cubi-Dragon War.  Somehow I doubt that any dragon even found one of his clan members. Low key, invisible and invulnerable can equate to the same thing.

Another possibility..

His is the clan of Love.

Fa'Lina, regardless of what we may know or think we know about her personal morals, is pretty amoral when it comes to what SAIA can and will teach, providing courses in anything and everything a `Cubi could excel at.. from stage performance to soul-ripping.

Quoar, may simply not approve of SAIA enough to send his 'children' there.

Fa'lina does have standards... for example she refuses to let the the staff use children in the pain and terror department. Ok they're not exactly HIGH standards but at least she has em


Quote from: Congo Jack on March 30, 2010, 03:27:00 PM
Quote from: psilorder on March 30, 2010, 01:41:25 PM
love = food.

Has anything been said about how they usually feed?
Cubi way is inflicting emotion, not mooching it. Thus, Quoar and his clansmen are off to inflict love on unsuspecting world.  :)

I'm just saying they might not be good guys in how they do it. That they might in fact be manipulative coldhearted assholes.

funny you should use the word inflict tho since clan Cyra might be the only clan that can really inflict their affinity on others instead of causing it by manipulation.

Quote from: Shachza on March 30, 2010, 04:07:21 PM
Quote from: psilorder on March 30, 2010, 01:41:25 PM
Quote from: Shachza on March 30, 2010, 12:43:59 PM
getting in a serious and long-term relationship is probably one of the most desireable things for the clan.  Even if we assume that beings live an impressive 100 years on average, You can have a LOT of relationships if you take an entire clan and spread them out over 75000 years.

Not necessarily serious for the cubi even if it is for the being. What Aniz did with May might be a prime example of what the Quoar clan Cubi do time and again, (except with the raise a kid and ruin the familys lives bit, which wouldnt serve any purpose) that is making someone love them.

love = food.

Has anything been said about how they usually feed?

And that's what I meant.  "Even if the primary motivation isn't lust, just because of their affinity I don't believe for a second that clan Quoar isn't very prolific."  The oldest and most active members could have had as many as 8000 kids or more, even allowing for ridiculously long-lived beings, much less grandkids, great grandkids, etc etc.  Why his traits are seen as good luck is beyond me, we haven't had that explained yet, but his physical traits popping up in random people shouldn't be unexpected.

If they can feed of the love a parent might have for their child, they might go for making children, tho according to hybrid genetics those would all be cubi. Course he might have left some kids around before being adopted as a cubi but that's more then a couple generations ago.


For some reason, I picture him welcoming us aboard a train bound for a city full of wonders...and trouble. Wondrous trouble, to be sure. He has that mix of charm and mischief about him.

Quote from: Infranscia on March 30, 2010, 05:39:13 PM
My theory was actually that Aniz somehow made use of shapeshifting so that certain traits would be more likely to be passed down.  I mean, Aniz did call Abel 'a work of art,' which, to me, suggested that he 'crafted' Abel's appearance.  Such shifted genetics may also explain why the ends of Abel's hair turns brown when it's cut, too.

We don't actually know what Aniz is trying to accomplish, beyond the fact that he was apparently pleased that Abel has Quoar traits. We also don't know how a cubi comes to manifest those traits. I'll take that ignorance as license to speculate wildly, so here's my Epileptic Tree:

Maybe cubi really absorb emotions at a low level before their cubi traits manifest, and even before they're born, but they absorb them in an undifferentiated way. That is, until they hit, er, "cuberty", they don't have an emotional affinity, and soak up a little of whatever's around them. Beginning in the womb, the emotions they absorb influence their physical development in various ways, causing them to manifest particular cubi traits. Cubi carried, born, and raised around members of their clan are naturally exposed to high levels of the clan's favored emotion, so they share the same quirks. Aniz, though, went to great lengths to ensure that Abel was surrounded by love until he manifested--his mother's love for her husband and for Abel himself. Could the whole charade be an attempt on Aniz's part to deliberately cultivate Quoar traits in his offspring? If so, to what end?


Quote from: joshofspam on March 30, 2010, 09:57:31 AMI wonder how many dates Abel has been offered because of his looks?

Even if he didn't have the Quoar clan traits, wouldn't this still be a fair question? ;)


Pimp? I don't get that vibe from him.

British? Maybe.

The overwhelming vibe I get from him, though, is that he reminds me of Professor Harold Hill. A real charmer with a touch of roguishness, who ends up making everyone love (or at least tolerate) him by the end of the show (and getting the girl, to boot!).

Also, that is a snazzy outfit. :3


Quote from: Balance on March 30, 2010, 11:00:20 PM
We don't actually know what Aniz is trying to accomplish, beyond the fact that he was apparently pleased that Abel has Quoar traits. We also don't know how a cubi comes to manifest those traits. I'll take that ignorance as license to speculate wildly, so here's my Epileptic Tree:

Maybe cubi really absorb emotions at a low level before their cubi traits manifest, and even before they're born, but they absorb them in an undifferentiated way. That is, until they hit, er, "cuberty", they don't have an emotional affinity, and soak up a little of whatever's around them. Beginning in the womb, the emotions they absorb influence their physical development in various ways, causing them to manifest particular cubi traits. Cubi carried, born, and raised around members of their clan are naturally exposed to high levels of the clan's favored emotion, so they share the same quirks. Aniz, though, went to great lengths to ensure that Abel was surrounded by love until he manifested--his mother's love for her husband and for Abel himself. Could the whole charade be an attempt on Aniz's part to deliberately cultivate Quoar traits in his offspring? If so, to what end?

Hot diggity Balance... That... That might be crazy enough to actually work! :U *Gives a tin foil hat.*
Who is the sanest of us all? Why, the insane of course!


Quote from: InsanityRequiem on March 31, 2010, 12:12:04 AM
Quote from: Balance on March 30, 2010, 11:00:20 PM
We don't actually know what Aniz is trying to accomplish, beyond the fact that he was apparently pleased that Abel has Quoar traits. We also don't know how a cubi comes to manifest those traits. I'll take that ignorance as license to speculate wildly, so here's my Epileptic Tree:

Maybe cubi really absorb emotions at a low level before their cubi traits manifest, and even before they're born, but they absorb them in an undifferentiated way. That is, until they hit, er, "cuberty", they don't have an emotional affinity, and soak up a little of whatever's around them. Beginning in the womb, the emotions they absorb influence their physical development in various ways, causing them to manifest particular cubi traits. Cubi carried, born, and raised around members of their clan are naturally exposed to high levels of the clan's favored emotion, so they share the same quirks. Aniz, though, went to great lengths to ensure that Abel was surrounded by love until he manifested--his mother's love for her husband and for Abel himself. Could the whole charade be an attempt on Aniz's part to deliberately cultivate Quoar traits in his offspring? If so, to what end?

Hot diggity Balance... That... That might be crazy enough to actually work! :U *Gives a tin foil hat.*

Erg... o_O

Yeah... nope. Doesn't sound too crazy to me. Obviously, excepting that there may be some alternative Amber has yet to reveal... I think it sounds pretty logical. I'm jumping on this bandwagon until it gets dismantled. *Hop.*


Psha, Morgan! Everything's insane here! Amber's the creator, so it automatically gets the insane/crazy label! Even if Balance gave a logical thingle to what possibly be!

Though if Amber's got a rocket to shoot this blimp down... All the more fun!
Who is the sanest of us all? Why, the insane of course!

Anker Steadfast

He's a lovely character - and if his tentacles have heads, they'd probably be Cheshire Cats with Hats 'n' monocles !

And if he ever visited Fa'Lina, they have a long and deep talk about Fa'Lina's love of Muffins.
And possibly sample some of them in the process.


Also, I have this odd nagging feeling that if he did bring out his wing-heads that they's be just about as roguish as he is.
And most of the time he'd probably let them do whatever they want to, just because he'd enjoy their antics.

Obviously, they'd try and charm all the ladies within range of them.
But that almost goes without saying - The interesting thing would be how much success they'd have. :)

For some reason, I do so love it when Cubi's wing-heads act on their own volition.
They make such fun moments.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


I now have this ridiculous(ly awesome) image of all of his wing tentacles having little blue goatees and top hats. XD It warms my soul.

Anker Steadfast

Quote from: Morgan on March 31, 2010, 07:01:58 PM
I now have this ridiculous(ly awesome) image of all of his wing tentacles having little blue goatees and top hats. XD It warms my soul.

Aye, and one would sit opposite another tentacle-head, as a pair of gentlemen at a table, with a third acting like a butler, serving cookies and tea.


I wonder if they can talk ?
Oh, the one liners they could have!!

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.

Psychedelic Mushroom

Quote from: Anker Steadfast on March 31, 2010, 08:10:56 PM
Quote from: Morgan on March 31, 2010, 07:01:58 PM
I now have this ridiculous(ly awesome) image of all of his wing tentacles having little blue goatees and top hats. XD It warms my soul.
Aye, and one would sit opposite another tentacle-head, as a pair of gentlemen at a table, with a third acting like a butler, serving cookies and tea.
I wonder if they can talk ?
Oh, the one liners they could have!!
Hahaha! That would be awesome. If they could talk... Hm... But first back to Quoar. *gets hit by Abel again*  :smack


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on March 31, 2010, 08:10:56 PM
Quote from: Morgan on March 31, 2010, 07:01:58 PM
I now have this ridiculous(ly awesome) image of all of his wing tentacles having little blue goatees and top hats. XD It warms my soul.

Aye, and one would sit opposite another tentacle-head, as a pair of gentlemen at a table, with a third acting like a butler, serving cookies and tea.


I wonder if they can talk ?
Oh, the one liners they could have!!

I must say reading all this has brought a smile and a laugh to my bad day!  :mowhappy For that thanks.

Although, I have to wonder if someone from Quoar clan in disguise influenced Aliyka by any chance......  :P

Peace & Love, man FTW!  :3 *watches the rainbows*

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3