[Clan Leaders #14] someone looks like a pimp

Started by dravus, March 30, 2010, 01:15:31 AM

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Quote from: Howl on March 30, 2010, 01:50:37 AM
He has the appearance of a gentleman. I do have one question though. How does he fight?
The phrase that comes to mind is "Make love, not war"
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.

MT Hazard

The odd thing is I think I've seen this caln symbol before, but not in the comic.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: Howl on March 30, 2010, 01:50:37 AM
He has the appearance of a gentleman. I do have one question though. How does he fight?
Probably by snapping his fingers and watching them fall dead.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I think we have a new candidate for the 2010 "gay for <name> contest" Remember to put the hotline on speed dial kids! that's 1-800-cubi


Quote from: Howl on March 30, 2010, 01:50:37 AM
He has the appearance of a gentleman. I do have one question though. How does he fight?

Queensberry rules?

Congo Jack

Quote from: Naldru on March 30, 2010, 05:47:12 AM
Quote from: Howl on March 30, 2010, 01:50:37 AM
He has the appearance of a gentleman. I do have one question though. How does he fight?
The phrase that comes to mind is "Make love, not war"
Good enough to survive 75 thousands years and Dragon-Cubi war?


Quote from: Congo Jack on March 30, 2010, 06:29:10 AM
Quote from: Naldru on March 30, 2010, 05:47:12 AM
Quote from: Howl on March 30, 2010, 01:50:37 AM
He has the appearance of a gentleman. I do have one question though. How does he fight?
The phrase that comes to mind is "Make love, not war"
Good enough to survive 75 thousands years and Dragon-Cubi war?
Dang. That... I can't even conceive of that.

I'm not even INTO Furs that way and I need to get me some of that. (Hopes this conversation isn't pushing the ratings boundary...)


I was not thinking in that direction at all.  I was thinking more of trying to avoid to the cycle of hatred between the cubi and the dragons.  Love of all creatures/beings as a society and the desire to prevent violence between those you love.  Love in the sense of Buddha and Jesus.

Regarding the clan symbol, it reminds me of yin and yang.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Naldru on March 30, 2010, 07:22:33 AM
I was not thinking in that direction at all.  I was thinking more of trying to avoid to the cycle of hatred between the cubi and the dragons.  Love of all creatures/beings as a society and the desire to prevent violence between those you love.  Love in the sense of Buddha and Jesus.

Regarding the clan symbol, it reminds me of yin and yang.


>.> and i bet this is what they sing, too.  :U

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Sharply dressed, spectacled, goatee male cubi with an affinity for love.

I am happy.


Bout time she got to this guy.  Now we'll hopefully have less people asking if there are any male clan leaders.

Have to say, pretty sharp looking fellow.  Just as all of the women had impeccable style, this guy does not disappoint in the fashion department.  Guess reading all of those fashion mags and websites has paid off.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ya know, I can remember a time when I thought that Fa'Lina was ancient.

Jeez, three-fourths of the way to one hundred thousand years old. Granted, there's probably Fae who live for trillions of years...
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


I wonder why it's fortunate to look like this clan?  I mean, yeah, they're old and presumably very powerful, but it's not like anyone knows anything about them.  The only regular contact is every thousand years.  Unless 'Cubi are prone to magical thinking as much as humanity is, this doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. 

Also, his tail reminds me of a paintbrush.  I wonder if it's Quoar who's messing with Abel's dreams?  ... probably not.  But Aniz was absolutely right: Abel does look just like Quoar, sans a few color differences. 


I think their might be a whole city filled with his clan. Maybe they live like the Fraggles.

I got to wonder if this is why Aaya was talking about so many are or were willing to help him. In a way I can't help but feel that if that's the case it seems rather shallow of the people that feel that way. Maybe Abel sees them all as screaming groupers.

I wonder how many dates Abel has been offered because of his looks?

At the least this clan leader has a very up beat look and a bard profession....Wait does this mean that Piflak has tried to kidnap him? A bard counts under compouser right?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 30, 2010, 03:14:38 AM
Now that's out of the way I'm even more at a loss as to why Aniz would want to abuse his child if he's supposed to be so desirable.

Because Aniz is a deranged sociopath.


Quote from: entropicage on March 30, 2010, 02:29:34 AM
And I see there's already a Quoar Clan familiar bar... I've been meaning to ask, where DOES one get those wonderful things?

I've been making all my own because I'm picky about images... >_> Including the clan Quoar one, which I had to make immediately last night, I got so excited. XD

There will most likely be one up on the official forum soon, though, if you prefer your text to be on the bottom. And like Amber said... if you still want to use the one I re-sized (thank you Amber :D), just save it somewhere else and don't link it from me. ^_^

Quote from: joshofspam on March 30, 2010, 09:57:31 AM
I think their might be a whole city filled with his clan. Maybe they live like the Fraggles.

It would be super neat if they had their own sort of pocket dimension or plane of existence, like SAIA, that they could return to as a haven whenever they needed to. :O


Quote from: jeffh4 on March 30, 2010, 01:32:25 AM
Quote from: Jairus on March 30, 2010, 01:31:07 AM
I have to wonder why he doesn't use SAIA. I can see two possibilities: either his clan is strong enough to not need SAIA, or they simply don't have enough enemies for him to worry about.
Here are some other possibilities.
- He's very old-fashioned and doesn't really want to associate his kin at this "new fangled" school run by that "young kid" Fa'Lina.
- He already has established an effective means to train his kin.  Not surprising given his age.
- He values his and his clan's privacy above all else.
- He values his and his clan's survival above all else. The less the enemy knows, the better the chances of survival. Case in point: the Cubi-Dragon War.  Somehow I doubt that any dragon even found one of his clan members. Low key, invisible and invulnerable can equate to the same thing.

Another possibility..

His is the clan of Love.

Fa'Lina, regardless of what we may know or think we know about her personal morals, is pretty amoral when it comes to what SAIA can and will teach, providing courses in anything and everything a `Cubi could excel at.. from stage performance to soul-ripping.

Quoar, may simply not approve of SAIA enough to send his 'children' there.
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Hey, wait a minute.  What happens if the Cubi's base color is the same color as the color of his/her clan mark?  So if Abel had red fur?

I suppose the easiest explanation would be "Cubi genetics do not allow the base color to be the same as the clan mark color"


Quote from: jeffh4 on March 30, 2010, 11:12:46 AM
Hey, wait a minute.  What happens if the Cubi's base color is the same color as the color of his/her clan mark?  So if Abel had red fur?

I suppose the easiest explanation would be "Cubi genetics do not allow the base color to be the same as the clan mark color"

I always assumed that `Cubi clan-marks were some kind of color not found in nature, like, florescent or neon in nature.. and that this just doesn't show-up in the comic simply due to a matter of the art-style.
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


A) Well, hi! Now we know the mystery of Abel's eyes and wings being so awesome for Aniz and Ink! And everyone already said that!


C) His coat kinda looks like the coat Abel designed for Dan. Interesting, though I bet it means nothing.

The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


It somehow feels pretty appropriate that I found this kind of music just before checking the update. Classy tunes for a classy man.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

Reese Tora

Quote from: Shachza on March 30, 2010, 04:04:04 AM
Quote from: Drayco84 on March 30, 2010, 03:16:37 AM
Okay, NOW can we finally hear the end of all the "Can a cubi leader be male" and "Are all the cubi leaders female" questions?


We have no proof that that's not a female in disguise!   :B

*for feeding the trolls hides where no one can find me*

aside, from, ya know, Amber telling us that he's male...

Quote from: Tapewolf on March 30, 2010, 05:44:57 AM
Quote from: Amber Williams on March 30, 2010, 05:28:39 AM
As an aside, you are very mean and naughty Tapewolf for removing your convenient link to Project Future in your signature. The amount of precious seconds I now have to waste actually tracking down a link when I want to see your latest update or...heaven forbid...having to take the .9 seconds to bring down my bookmarks folder is intolerable.

Oh, I figured no-one was using it.  I'll see if I can fix that, just for you...
However, if you're using firefox 3, you might find that simply typing "pr" into the URL bar will autocomplete it.

I use(d) it. :<
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



I was wondering when/whether we'd get to any male clan founders.  While wondering that, I mused how, "Romance," or "Hatred," would be good emotional affinities for a clan with a male founder.

I rather suspected, "Love," to be associated with a female founder, what with Nact'Larn having Lust.  But I'm glad, Amber, that you went counter to the default assumption.

Ob "british":  Don't forget the cane.  The cane adds to that impression.  (Think Sting's song, "Englishman in New York," which he wrote for/about Quentin Crisp.)

Ob "pimp":  No.  Absolutely not.
Pimps attempt to imitate a romantic elegant style ... and fail.  Badly.  End up looking tacky.

Quoar looks elegant and poetic.  To me, he gives off a neo-dandy vibe, but a more masculine one.  Not rakish.  Not like a womanizer.  Definitely not tacky.

Thank you, Amber, for portraying one of the aspects of, "Masculinity," that doesn't involve agression or posturing.  Very, "Prince of Cups," that Quoar.  :mowhappy

Quote from: LigerJet on March 30, 2010, 03:58:45 AMHow long until we get "We're gay for Quoar!" threads?

In addition to everything else I've said about him, there's one other reaction that I had to Quoar's (visual) appearance:

Bishonen! ;)

But, "gay for Quoar," however?  Well, having another man as my soul-mate and being together with him for 17 years, I think I have a bit of authority on being gay for someone.  ;)  And all of the, "Gay for Abel," comments seemed to be focused on Abel's physical appearance.

Quoar, though attractive enough to "boiz like me," ... well, his affiliation is, "Love"; he's not Nact'larn.  I see him more showing up where there's emotional love, not physical.  (He or his clan members would certainly get a good meal at our house. :mowwink)

Quote from: Tapewolf on March 30, 2010, 05:58:54 AM
Quote from: Howl on March 30, 2010, 01:50:37 AMHe has the appearance of a gentleman. I do have one question though. How does he fight?
Probably by snapping his fingers and watching them fall dead.
This comment is Full of Win.  Tapewolf, you had me laughing soooo hard when I read it.

Quote from: Wanderer on March 30, 2010, 10:18:46 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 30, 2010, 03:14:38 AM
Now that's out of the way I'm even more at a loss as to why Aniz would want to abuse his child if he's supposed to be so desirable.
Because Aniz is a deranged sociopath.
Not sure about the sociopath, there, since sociopaths are incapable of seeing themselves in others.  Aniz, on the other hand, is just bat-shit insane.  And a tad incompetent, besides.

Aniz makes Daryll look rational.

Quote from: Arcblade on March 30, 2010, 09:11:02 AM
I wonder why it's fortunate to look like this clan?  I mean, yeah, they're old and presumably very powerful, ...
...and have an affiliation with one of the most positive emotions of all:  Love.

And, remember folks, there are many forms & flavors of Love.  Physical "love", however, is really lust.

Also remember:  you do not find love.  Love finds you.  And almost always, it only finds you when you're not looking for it.

So thinking about it, Quoar's reclusiveness makes even more sense.

Quote from: Arcblade on March 30, 2010, 09:11:02 AMI wonder if it's Quoar who's messing with Abel's dreams?
We're thinking alike, Arcblade.

I was inspired to ponder that when I saw Quoar's ears.  I, too, thought, "Whoa!  Looks like Abel's being-mom had some Clan-Quoar somewhere in her ancestry."  But then it dawned on me:  the ears are a physical trait, like blue eyes or red hair or freckles for us.  You don't have to have an Irish ancestor to have freckles, you know.  It's lurking around human genes.

So, we have no idea of those ears are exclusively a personal trait of Quoar's ... or just a common trait of Furres of the same "species" as Abel, May, and now Quoar.

Which leads me to possibility number 2:  Sure, Abel may have the two-color eyes and mixed wings by happenstance.  Or, as some here speculate, it could be inherited.  And if it is inherited, why couldn't it be from his father?  Perhaps someone from Clan Quoar married into Clan Siar?

Sure, when Aniz said, "He looks just like them!" he may have been referring to, "members of Clan Quoar."  He could, however, be referring to a couple of his own relatives --- i.e. he has a bit of Quoar in his ancestry.


is it just me who thinks he looks like has just done something sneaky and is smiling mischieviously at some friendly party while letting the one he did the sneaky thing to simply walk into it?

also, i kinda think he looks like Dan....possibly with a bit of wizard and Gambit thrown in....

also also, i wonder what kind of tentacle heads he (and the others who have them and we havent seen) have?


Quoar is not a pimp.  Quoar is what pimps want to be when they grow up.   :boogie
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Quote from: candide on March 30, 2010, 12:07:58 PM
Quote from: Arcblade on March 30, 2010, 09:11:02 AMI wonder if it's Quoar who's messing with Abel's dreams?
We're thinking alike, Arcblade.

I was inspired to ponder that when I saw Quoar's ears.  I, too, thought, "Whoa!  Looks like Abel's being-mom had some Clan-Quoar somewhere in her ancestry."  But then it dawned on me:  the ears are a physical trait, like blue eyes or red hair or freckles for us.  You don't have to have an Irish ancestor to have freckles, you know.  It's lurking around human genes.

So, we have no idea of those ears are exclusively a personal trait of Quoar's ... or just a common trait of Furres of the same "species" as Abel, May, and now Quoar.

Which leads me to possibility number 2:  Sure, Abel may have the two-color eyes and mixed wings by happenstance.  Or, as some here speculate, it could be inherited.  And if it is inherited, why couldn't it be from his father?  Perhaps someone from Clan Quoar married into Clan Siar?

Sure, when Aniz said, "He looks just like them!" he may have been referring to, "members of Clan Quoar."  He could, however, be referring to a couple of his own relatives --- i.e. he has a bit of Quoar in his ancestry.

Quoar has certainly been alive long enough for his genetics to have filtered into 'cubi society outside of his own clan, and possibly even mortal society.  (Though I'm not sure about the latter given 'cubi genetics)  All thoughts about lust aside, his clan's affinity certainly supports this; getting in a serious and long-term relationship is probably one of the most desireable things for the clan.  Even if we assume that beings live an impressive 100 years on average, You can have a LOT of relationships if you take an entire clan and spread them out over 75000 years.
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: psilorder on March 30, 2010, 12:27:28 PM
is it just me who thinks he looks like has just done something sneaky and is smiling mischieviously at some friendly party while letting the one he did the sneaky thing to simply walk into it?

also, i kinda think he looks like Dan....possibly with a bit of wizard and Gambit thrown in....

also also, i wonder what kind of tentacle heads he (and the others who have them and we havent seen) have?

I think they would wear top hat's and monicle's.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

Feather Dancer

Dude I have brown in one of my eyes, not a lot but at least to me it's noticable agaisnt the blue. I never knew it was actually a condition, awesome!

But then so is this guy, he's so fashionably British.
Notalope, making all worries as tasty as pineapples.