The City (OOC, closed until further notice)

Started by Boog, May 04, 2009, 05:39:51 PM

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Ah. *Snrks, before whacking the subscription button*

About that Glitch! Raek's highly distracted at the moment-mostly by the fact he pretty much shoved himself into a situation where he's having to respond to multiple speakers. There's a bit too much going on for him to remember everything. Heh, right now he doesn't even recall seeing that particular drone previously. He might later...when things quiet down for a few minutes and he can think over recent events.

I think you could liken to, in a bid to avoid a mental overload, shunting some more or less recent things into a corner for later...if he can even remember where he stuck them in the first place.

As to knowing some strange bugs...why yes; yes he does. Maybe sometime I can tell you about that.

My apologies for any confusion caused on your part.
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


Urf.  Sorry I haven't posted much, but between work and getting ready for AC it's been a madhouse.  Hopefully after AC things will be a bit quieter and I can increase my post rate a bit.  I'll try to get one more post in before I leave though.  It'll likely be something to the effect of him running off and scouting out the periphery of the city.


Rar. I am back to apply for this shit. Sorry for the form, but I'll be back to correct it.

Edit: Revised the character form to go with the RP.

Name: Jessica Stellan, a.k.a. Queen of Spades, Nocturne, Shadowplay

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Brown rat / Angel

Physical Description: Standing about 5'8" tall, athletically built, Jessica is quite tightly muscled and weighs significantly more than she looks. She has a heart-shaped face that only suffers a bit from the elongation of her muzzle, full lips and a particularly curious and slightly dirty smile which works to enhance her features. If one could sum up her looks in just a couple of words, it would probably be 'lovably mischievous', which is wholly appropriate. And if there is anything about her appearance that she would say she isn't entirely satisfied with, it's that she's received an ample amount of hips but not quite so much bust. She usually tries to dress in black and green, preferring skin-tight but flexible materials with loose and ornamental clothing on top, and typically dresses in a particular sort of decorative leotard with a manner of short-sleeved jacket and covering, decorative short pants added to it, all in embroidered black and green. And she never goes anywhere without her three-pointed jester's hat, even if she has to stick it in a pocket or hold it in her hand. She keeps her very, very red hair short and spiky.

Personality: Almost permanently smiling, grinning, sneering or chuckling, Jessica often comes off as a bit crazy, but generally manages to turn this into merely another likable characteristic quirk, as fortunately most people aren't able to tell just whether if she is crazy, or genuinely insane. Though mostly a tomboy on the outside, as she has been hardened by experience and her profession, this is merely a layer on top of a deeper something that sometimes shows through; a sly sharpness that can sometimes put people off. For understandable reasons, she tends to keep others at a clear distance, and as uncertain of her as necessary, and has cultivated tremendous acting skills and numerous facets to her personality. She is as much a trickster personally as she is professionally.

History: An unwanted child, Jessica was given away by her mother not very long after her birth, taken in by a man she thought was a traveling scholar. In fact, he was a magician and a retired mobster hitman, on the run from his former employers. At first intending to leave Jessica at the nearest convenience, when he realized she was in fact of Angelic heritage he understood what sort of an asset she could be, accepting her as his own and raising and training her. When the two crossed a traveling circus, he was easily able to get a job using his skills, and for years he worked as an illusionist and odd job-man around the tents, while Jessica learned to be an acrobat, then a juggler, then a magician and sleight-of-hand artist and finally a mentalist. They had plenty of time, before they had to settle the score with their past.
  Of the time after her 'father' died and she left the circus, Jessica very seldom speaks, and little is known. She never returned, choosing instead to go full circle after her father and pursue a shadier line of work. It's not clear how long it has been since then, and Jessica herself doesn't know fully either. She still looks not a day older than she did back then, but something has changed her profoundly, sealing her away from the outside world in a way.

Combat Abilities: In her many years of circus work, Jessica, always a talented child and quick on the uptake, acquired a whole array of skills and quirks, her Angelic blood quite some assistance in this. Trained by the man she only ever refers to as 'father', she is skilled at using illusion and light-bending magic, or at least she was. Nowadays, it seems that this has turned into some form of 'shadow-manipulation' instead, for whatever reason, which she mainly uses for concealment and trickery but which she can employ as a weapon as well or in junction with her other abilities. Furthermore, she is a very talented acrobat and possesses extraordinary strength in addition to speed and reflexes honed even further than those of a regular Angel. This because almost all of her life she has carried significant amounts of knives, blades and even lead weights hidden about her person, at nearly all times, building up a hard strength which can also give her dazzling speed should she discard all the metal she usually has on her.

Other abilities of note: Most illusion and sleight-of-hand magic includes a hefty bit of psychology into it, and further experience at working people after her departure from the circus has made Jessica an accomplished, though not quite masterly, mentalist. Her 'peculiar' mentality also allows her to be quite slippery in return, while still being able to exercise the kind of focus needed to pull off most of the stunts she can. She is also a skilled pickpocket and plenty talented with almost any sort of mechanical device she comes across, presuming it isn't more complex than a regular watch or a car engine.


  • Jessica usually eats and drinks in rather unladylike fashion and quantities. Evidently she burns loads of calories even unloaded and mostly still. Thus, she can quite often be seen drinking or snacking on something.
  • Preferring darkness, slight chill and cramped or otherwise 'full' spaces, Jessica is slightly agoraphobic and has a strong aversion to light, both natural and the magical element. In daylight, she tends to stick close to walls and tall objects and wear sunglasses.
  • Jessica is an intense self-medicator, mainly because she tends to get headaches when it's too hot or bright.


Styg, accepted. And here's that intro post you wanted.


Oh, I just had a question. What time of day is it in the IC right now? Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night?


Mm, approaching noonish I'd suppose.


Ah, I'd been wondering about that myself. Hmm....
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr

Paladin Sheppard

Hey guys at this time I am experiencing extreme mental difficulty, I humbly ask the GM (Boog) to take over my character Ephrael for me until such time as I am able to resume.

llearch n'n'daCorna


s'ok, Pal. I was experiencing extreme lack of presence. We'll see what happens... and we'll wait for your return...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Heya! Quick question (though it might elicit a DUH! response...):

Considering the involvement of angels and fae, which universe does this take place in? I don't want to submit a character that inadvertently is of an unknown species from a nonexistent country carrying illegal/uninvented items...
"A witty saying proves nothing."
--François-Marie Arouet, "Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers"


An alternate Furrae, so to speak. Humans exist, though are slightly uncommon.

Also, me and Tipod have characters that use guns, but firearms aren't too advanced.

I don't know why I'm posting this, it was all in intro...
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Quote from: Kafzeil on August 09, 2009, 11:36:06 PM
An alternate Furrae, so to speak. Humans exist, though are slightly uncommon.

Also, me and Tipod have characters that use guns, but firearms aren't too advanced.

I don't know why I'm posting this, it was all in intro...
Oh, whoop. I must've missed the Furrae line. Time to go off and do a bit of research on DMFA!

*Totally arrived from the Last Res0rt comic and not there*
"A witty saying proves nothing."
--François-Marie Arouet, "Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers"


Well, here we go. I took a gander at the other profiles, and tried to make Keele have visible limits and faults in an attempt to keep him from falling too far into Marty Stuism, while giving him at least something to defend himself with compared to the other PCs. And yes, it is long. I know. I was bored. So sue me. =P

Also, I'm hoping this doesn't break the double-posting rule, as it's an RP board...

If I did anything wrong plot/setting-wise or have questions, please let me know. =3

Name: Tu'Keelah Mockingbird (a.k.a. Keele)
Gender: Male
Phenotypical Age: Late Twenties (Actually centuries old)
Species/Race: Arctic Fox -- Angel/Cubi Hybrid

Physical Description: 6'1"/154 lbs (186 cm/70 kg). He's quite a clean white, as expected of his subspecies, with cyan eartips, tailtip, and long blue hair/headfur tied into a ponytail in the back and split up front in large bangs (Think Masaomi Oogami, or post-flashback Laguna Loire). He has a pair of brown eyes, and behind him, his large pair of fletched wings are a sort of gradient of cyan to white, from the top down (the same goes for his cephalic wings, though he generally keeps them well-hidden). Below them, on the small of his back is his clan's symbol in cyan -- a bird with outstretched wings seemingly trapped in an impossible cube. As for clothing, he's often seen dressed in an ultramarine blue blazer (often left unbuttoned), the outer edge of the lapel outlined with a white stripe, and a pair of white stripes encircling the ends of the sleeves. He also wears a pair of similarly colored slacks, along with a white button-down collared shirt beneath his blazer (often left untucked). Around his neck, in place of a tie, he wears a long piece of black ribbon or cloth tied into a large floppy bow (that is to say, it's loose and hanging like a bolo tie, not small and tight like a traditional bowtie). Finally, he wears a pair of brown loafers, a few gold rings, a pair of round, nez-pince glasses perched upon his muzzle, and a bronze brooch in the shape of a thin piece of movable type behind a carefully shaped quill (the symbol of the Sangjeong Yemun). For self defense, he has his magic, and a pistol much like a 1906 Nambu Type-1 tucked inside his jacket (it only has one 8-round 8mm clip in it and nothing else in terms of bullets however; he didn't expect to use it except in emergencies, and even so, the old thing has a tendency to jam). On his back, he carries a relatively large backpack. At the beginning of the RP, it starts with rations, water, a folder with a few sheets of paper and photos, several plastic sheet protectives, and a rudimentary first aid kit. In one pocket is his wallet, with several local coins and (most importantly) paper bills and reciepts.

Personality: Keele is a rather unassuming mild-mannered soul normally. Long days working in the quiet confines of a library and book repair/copying room had practically sapped all the boisterousness out of him. Still, he does feel the traditional need to be, well, angelic (in both the "kind" and the "conniving" sense). Of course, this changes considerably when books get involved, especially of the rare/previously undiscovered sort. He is rather protective of any interesting, important, or valuable books he finds, boiling into a panicky, frothy rage if anyone so much as dog-ears a page.

History: Son of a pair of well-to-do arctic fox couple, Harpre and Li Mockingbird (Cubi and angel, respectively, and by sheer luck, considering how common angel kids are), Keele was raised in relative comfort. He lived a somewhat sheltered life in a modest-sized town that his parents had dominion over, playing with the town's children whilst all their parents connived and bickered over the terms of their protection over it. As the political drama worsened as the decades passed, Harpre and Li hurriedly sent Keele off to the distant, prestigious Sangjeong Yemun Academy, home of one of the largest historical archives on Furae, keeping documents, photographs, books, records and other media from a number of different nations, from modern day news clippings to millenia-old genealogies. He'd never heard of the SAIA; rather, he'd had his survival and detection lessons from his mother (home-schooling might not be as good as formal academics, but hey, it's better than nothing). His angelic tendencies got him into trouble right off the bat, including quite a bit of seraphic rivalry within the academy (with all the requisite alliances, backstabbings, and false promises). Of course, all this drama paid off for him in the end; he had eventually managed to acquire a highly sought-after position as a "runner boy" in the ancient literary department of the Sangjeong Yemun archives, spending most of his time carefully moving packages and papers from A to B as well as serving as a walking directory. But after a century or so away from home with almost no contact with his parents, he began to grow a tad homesick, and managed to get a short vacation to visit his hometown.

Alas, a lot can change in a few decades.

When he returned, he had found his old residence supplanted by a grander, gilded palace. Its owner, another cubi as it turned out, had ursuped and soul-murdered (or arranged for it, at the least) his own parents, framing them for a local string of unsolved traditional murders and using the overall feeling of discontent in the town as a foothold to take power. Naturally, rumors of Keele's involvement also spread and had become accepted as fact as well.

After that, Keele's memory gets a bit hazy. He doesn't speak much of it, attributing it to a psychological supression of memory as a self-defense mechanism, but he can vaguely remember that he was missing quite a few patches of fur when he woke up at a hospital in a village nearby his hometown, and that he needed a new academy uniform from all the rips and stains.

When he arrived back at the Sangjeong Yemun Academy, he pulled back into a life of reclusion, practically living solely in his dormitory, classrooms, and the annals of the archives, only leaving to other locations when required or absolutely necessary. It was about this time when he fell deeper into his fascination with reading and books (if there was one thing that he didn't acquire from his Cubi mother, it was her attention span or lack thereof), preferring to get lost in the fantasies of ancient mythos and historically renowned fiction rather than face the reality of losing his parents in a rather permanent fashion. He also resigned himself to his work as well, quietly accepting a job as an apprentice record keeper, sorting through and appraising newer collections into the archives while maintaining older ones, before becoming a full-out archivist specializing mostly in ancient literature. Of course, his higher ups finally thought it was about high time he spent some time outside, so they sent him off to track down the last group of researchers sent into The City to determine the provenance of several collections that have been claimed to have been found while inside said city and never returned, some of whom were good friends of his (though, secretly, he's more interested in anything they might've found before they disappeared. He is often paid on a per-document basis on new collections as well...).

Combat Abilities:
Being a scholar, he's completely untrained in combat. His ability to control the forms of his wings, save for hiding them, have atrophied enough for it to be somewhat useless until he is re-taught the techniques through a formal course. Regarding magic, he has very little meant overtly for combat; rather, he has a very niche ability stemming from his education and apprenticeship. He is able to telekinetically manipulate paper and paper products, including books. He also has the ability to temporarily harden paper to the strength of steel as he does so (which also temporarily waterproofs it in the process), and temporarily "link" two or more sheets of paper together (think magnets) by infusing the microscopic fibrous network of paper with his own thaumaturgic energy. These are abilities generally reserved for sorting away papers, cleaning clutter, and aiding in book and document repair and restoration, but it does come in handy if, say, he needs an impromptu sword or blunt instrument. Of course, he can't just go give everyone papercuts all willy-nilly; he does have his limits. For instance, his abilities work mostly in a line-of-sight manner; he can't start manipulating on any paper he can't see or has anything below a 100% sure idea where said paper is (granted that it isn't too far away and not magically disguised as something else), and cannot keep a good hold on paper moving out of his field of vision for long, not to mention completely losing it if something or someone even so much as touches it in the process (of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that it won't stop being metal-hard for a few seconds while his imbued energy dissipates and traveling at a high velocity). Furthermore, his abilities are limited to a certain radius (~10 m) around him; any attempts to go further than that will require logarithmically more energy as the distance from him increases. He is also limited to his reflexes, so no stopping bullets in mid-air for him (unless his protection is already set up, and even then, the sharp, compressed shock of several rounds can disrupt his concentration enouguh to make the shield fall apart.). He can't move anything using the paper (like, say, if his traveling group needed a stepping stone or an elevator) that exceeds how much he can lift with his own two arms. Furthermore, although he can manipulate many pieces of paper at the same time, he has his limits as to how much control he has over each piece of paper as that number increases.

Lastly, paper, even if it is hard as metal and infused with his energy, is still flammable. Thusly, big fires scare him shitless.

Other abilities of note: Aside from his ability to do moderate repairs to books with the proper tools at hand (it was his job, after all...), Keele is a decent cook and can whip up a nice meal with the proper materials and ingredients at hand (even though he doesn't eat much, as they say: the best way to a person's heart is their stomach). Also, being part angel, he can produce a modest ball of light if needed, as well as toughen his skin (though the only sharpening he'll ever be doing is on his claws with a whetstone and a pair of nail clippers). Lastly, he still has the mind-listening ability of cubis, but often tends keeps it off unless really needed; he sees it as a hindrance to a building of trust when one is monitoring the surfaces thoughts of the other party, and bigger trust leads to bigger benefits.


  • If he finds a book that looks interesting to read, you can bet your ass that he won't respond to outside verbal stimulus for qute a while.
  • Although he prefers silence for reading, he prefers not to be alone.
  • He loves dumplings, and hates mushrooms.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot about his job skills...
"A witty saying proves nothing."
--François-Marie Arouet, "Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers"


Hmmm....I didn't read your profile word-for-word, but I did look over most of it. I'm curious, did you manage to find and read the Hybrid Genetics bonus arc? (I'm guessing you at least found the races descriptions).


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 13, 2009, 12:59:27 PM
Hmmm....I didn't read your profile word-for-word, but I did look over most of it. I'm curious, did you manage to find and read the Hybrid Genetics bonus arc? (I'm guessing you at least found the races descriptions).

Yes, I did. I thought that the whole appearance-takes-towards-cubi-always thing would've been circumvented by the fact that his parents were both of the arctic fox species (and oh, yes. The cubi headwings and minor abilities would've already have shown for a long while. His phenotypical age is "late twenties", not his actual), and I did mention that the sheer fact Harpre and Li even had a kid was really mostly luck, considering how rare angel kids are. I suppose I should've gone more detail into the parents. Pretty much the long and short of it is: inheritance-rich, somewhat affluent angel/town guardian in need of assistance in the strength department meets physically stronger, recently widowed cubi in need of new money/power. The two talk, they decide they've got much in common, they get family/clan approval, they marry, many years pass, they have a kid after quite many attempts, and before they knew it, they're being chased by townspeople wielding torches and pitchforks after a series of diplomatic faux pases on the part of Harpre, the cubi.

Did I miss something?
"A witty saying proves nothing."
--François-Marie Arouet, "Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers"


No no, you didn't miss anything that I can see, I was just wondering if you had read that particular arc :3


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 13, 2009, 01:57:07 PM
No no, you didn't miss anything that I can see, I was just wondering if you had read that particular arc :3

Oh! Oh, yeah. I did. x3

I mean, it was kinda hard to miss, considering it was on the demonology 101 page.  :]
"A witty saying proves nothing."
--François-Marie Arouet, "Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers"

Paladin Sheppard

Due to the fact I'm doing much better than two weeks ago I'm gonna give posting a go on Monday see ya'll then neko 2


You know, your character is awful similar to Melody Dragonkitty's. That said, if Boog approves, I'm sure Giles will love you to death. :3


I'd have to agree with that one. *Snrk*I dunno if it'd be love in Raek's case myself...maybe more of like....

Anywho, on a sad note...this weekend, it seems family has 'recruited' me to help with some matters-I'll be pretty much gone for up to two weeks, less if things go well. Access will be rather limited on my part, I'm afraid-though I will try and be here. If I can't, I'll try and make suitable arrangements.

Egh, I hate spontaneous things like this...

'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


Quote from: Cogidubnus on August 14, 2009, 03:03:20 PM
You know, your character is awful similar to Melody Dragonkitty's.

Ehh... looking at it, yeah, they're fairly similar, but hey, who said that two characters can't have the same occupation if their goals are different? :3

Quote from: Cogidubnus on August 14, 2009, 03:03:20 PM
That said, if Boog approves, I'm sure Giles will love you to death. :3

...perhaps literally, considering his rather... ehem... incendiary nature.

Quote from: Myr on August 14, 2009, 04:17:41 PM
I'd have to agree with that one. *Snrk*I dunno if it'd be love in Raek's case myself...maybe more of like....

Well, as long as the words "as dinner" don't follow that line...
"A witty saying proves nothing."
--François-Marie Arouet, "Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers"


Heh, don't worry, he has standards as to when someone qualifies 'as dinner'. Granted, they're low standards, but you should be quite safe from him-unless, of course, Andrace gives him orders to the contrary. She is his current employer, to be honest.

So, no...don't worry too much...
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


Closed now, hmm? Only thing to do now is wait until I'm either approved or rejected...

Quote from: Myr on August 14, 2009, 09:42:18 PM
Heh, don't worry, he has standards as to when someone qualifies 'as dinner'. Granted, they're low standards, but you should be quite safe from him-unless, of course, Andrace gives him orders to the contrary. She is his current employer, to be honest.

So, no...don't worry too much...

Well, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Trying not to piss other people off is one of Keele's preferred methods of dealing with others. :P
"A witty saying proves nothing."
--François-Marie Arouet, "Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers"


I have updated the Character Index to include Stygian and Escher's profile. In addition, I have made a new list; "Nonposters/Dropouts/Unsure Status". Escher, you have been placed on this list, but will be moved to either the Active List or the Waiting List, depending on Boogeyman's response to your application. Also; ShadesFox, Teh_Hobo, shadowterm, Yugo, Keaton the Black Jackal, and lucas marcone, you have all been placed in the new aforementioned list. If you read this, and your placement on this list is incorrect, please speak up here.

(also, boogeyman, you still have yet to put the character index link in the first post... :poke )


Quote from: Escher on August 14, 2009, 11:52:24 PM

Quote from: Myr on August 14, 2009, 09:42:18 PM
unless, of course, Andrace gives him orders to the contrary. She is his current employer, to be honest.

Trying not to piss other people off is one of Keele's preferred methods of dealing with others. :P

Besides, Andrace would never do something like ordering Raek to dine on fillet-o-foxy. She isn't in the habit of letting herself get PO'd enough, but if she were ever to decide Keele belongs on "a little list", she'd most likely take matters into her own hands... and fangs... and claws... and various other sharp pointy instruments hidden about her person.

(Whaddayamean, "that's not very reassuring"...?)
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


Oh, tempt the brute, why don't you!? But still, good to know. Anyway, seems I have to get going. I'll catch you guys when I can, if I can.
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr


Well Escher, you're plainly very interested. However, we've got a LOT of people as is and, I'm sorry, but I'm worried about your character's role as a librarian being too similar to Mel's character. Some sort of editing, if maybe he worked for a museum, a university, an archaeology institute, and it might work better, but as is the coincidence is just kind of awkward to swing in a story or in character interactions.

And as mentioned, we're full for now. Maybe at a later date when there's more space.


Escher has been moved to the waiting list.


Quote from: Boogeyman on August 16, 2009, 05:51:29 PM
Well Escher, you're plainly very interested. However, we've got a LOT of people as is and, I'm sorry, but I'm worried about your character's role as a librarian being too similar to Mel's character. Some sort of editing, if maybe he worked for a museum, a university, an archaeology institute, and it might work better, but as is the coincidence is just kind of awkward to swing in a story or in character interactions.

And as mentioned, we're full for now. Maybe at a later date when there's more space.

Really? Ah, all right. No probs. ^^

I'll start retouching the profile and wait for the green light once spots free up, then. Thanks!
"A witty saying proves nothing."
--François-Marie Arouet, "Le dîner du comte de Boulainvilliers"

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ah, Boog...

... what was the demon girl expecting? A knife fight in the middle of the bar?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears