[Art] Arroyo's Artz and Craftz (as of 2/26/11) This is still here?)

Started by Arroyo Milori, March 16, 2009, 05:51:48 PM

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Arroyo Milori

Gastly Thriller Sketch

Inspired by the Halloween update for Team Fortress 2. : 3 Expect it colored tomorrow.

Arroyo Milori

Gibus Thriller

Happy Bleated Halloween. Too bad this picture didn't come out well : <

Arroyo Milori

I've been trying to shift my attention to my comic, but so far I have been distracted AS USUAL. Art might be a bit late but for now, Here's a Tierrable amount of Doodles

Arroyo Milori

Clownish Drawliet

Moar Hoomanz.

EDIT: Link fixed


Oooh, been awhile since I got a chance to look at your art!

Heheh, though I'll be honest, even if it's excellently drawn, that last one scares me a little.
'I've seen monks try and cover their ears when they hear these haunting notes, but they just don't understand that your soul doesn't need ears to hear.' ~Malkithe

'Sanity is a spider clinging to a fluttering thread of web unaware of the fingers reaching for it, catching it, plopping it in my mouth....' ~Myr

Arroyo Milori

Comfort Zone Sketch

Debating whether or not to ink and color this picture or not...Also the feet might need to be a bit bigger.

Fixed your link. -- llearch


*pokes* it's comin' up as a broken link for me >:

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

llearch n'n'daCorna

Need to not use "" when making a [] link. Link fixed. HTH, HAND.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Arroyo Milori

Sorry about that, I need to pay attention when I use URLs on different forums. ^ ^;

But the link is all fixed now. : 3

llearch n'n'daCorna

No problem. ;-]

Out of interest, which type of forum allows you to use html in your posts? I'd have thought that that was hugely open to abuse...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 21, 2009, 10:57:30 AM
Out of interest, which type of forum allows you to use html in your posts? I'd have thought that that was hugely open to abuse...

DA uses HTML markup in comment posts.  I'm pretty sure they only support a limited subset rather than directly running any old tat the user types, but that's the syntax they're using.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Awesome. I love the pose.

The feet do look a bit small to me. The foot is as long as the head is tall.

The thing that stands out, to me, is that the body looks very realistic, but the face is very stylized. They're both well drawn, but they don't seem to match each other.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Arroyo Milori

Upon closer inspection of the picture, I realized I accidently moved the picture a bit while scanning it, so the face got a bit messed up.

Its fixed now so no worries. : 3

Arroyo Milori

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been busy with a small holiday project I decided to make. Just some paper ornaments I'm making and going to give out to some people. C :

Here's what i have done so far.

Arroyo Milori


Quote from: Arroyo Milori on December 12, 2009, 12:54:37 AM
There's something about her anatomy that's fun to draw : 3

I'm reluctant to suggest what   >:3

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: Kipiru on December 12, 2009, 11:09:31 AM
Quote from: Arroyo Milori on December 12, 2009, 12:54:37 AM
There's something about her anatomy that's fun to draw : 3

I'm reluctant to suggest what   >:3
Bad, Kip, BADDDDDD! ...well thats half the reason. : P

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Kipiru on December 12, 2009, 11:09:31 AM
I'm reluctant to suggest what   >:3

I can't think why, everyone else is morbidly explicit about it. ;-]

(not that I'm complaining, mind...)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 13, 2009, 06:12:20 AM
Quote from: Kipiru on December 12, 2009, 11:09:31 AM
I'm reluctant to suggest what   >:3

I can't think why, everyone else is morbidly explicit about it. ;-]

(not that I'm complaining, mind...)
i no rite?

Everyone at school tends to think I'm perverted just because of my female characters bewbs. D :


Having "bewbs" on female characters doesn't make you perverted.

And it's not like Citrine's are out of proportion for her build...

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

Arroyo Milori

Arroyo Bored Icon

Another icon, I just made one two months ago I believe, but I think this one looks nice. : 3

expect art dumps in the near future, just to warn ya~

Arroyo Milori

Arroyo Milori

I feel bad for not finishing Project Ornament before Christmas but ah well, I'll finish them before the year is up for sure (or atleast two more of them...)

ANywii, I got a DSi for Christmas and now I started to become distracted by a program on it called Flipnote and well, this is what I made with it. : 3

FlipNote: Arroyo and the Cardboard box
FlipNote: Arroyo Icon
FlipNote: Candus in a Bag

llearch n'n'daCorna


Love the box. But then, I would, wouldn't I? ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Arroyo Milori

I haven't been drawing a lot lately, so here's two memes and some giftart for a friend of mine. : 3

Art Summary Meme 2009
Giftsketch: Peria
Improvement Meme


The anatomy on Peria's arm looks a little weak. Forearms, like calves, have most of the muscle on the upper half. The wrist is about half as thick, and about 2/3rds as wide, as the thickest part of the arm.

The square lower lip looks... kinda odd. That might just be your style, tho. The expression as a whole is awesome. Well, the expression is unamused, but it's an awesome unamused.

An observation on the meme images; the line work has really sharpened up over time, and the style has certainly gelled. I'll agree that the anatomy has improved significantly, too.

I noticed the comment about possibly starting a comic. Honestly, I think you could do a pretty good job on one if you did; your characters express well, which means they can act. I might suggest getting comfortable with drawing backgrounds of some sort, even minimal ones. And drawing things in panels. That took me a little while to get used to.

I think people both over and underestimate the amount of work needed to plan a comic. story outlines, character sheets and turnarounds are a good idea, but I don't understand why one would have to write out 50 pages on the technology, or magic, of a setting, or write 20 thousand years of detailed history. But then, that's not the part of a story I find interesting.

QuoteThat's the important part at least I started somewhere.
Quoted for truth. Nobody gets anywhere if they don't start somewhere.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: WhiteFox on January 10, 2010, 05:01:53 PM
The anatomy on Peria's arm looks a little weak. Forearms, like calves, have most of the muscle on the upper half. The wrist is about half as thick, and about 2/3rds as wide, as the thickest part of the arm.

The square lower lip looks... kinda odd. That might just be your style, tho. The expression as a whole is awesome. Well, the expression is unamused, but it's an awesome unamused.

An observation on the meme images; the line work has really sharpened up over time, and the style has certainly gelled. I'll agree that the anatomy has improved significantly, too.

I noticed the comment about possibly starting a comic. Honestly, I think you could do a pretty good job on one if you did; your characters express well, which means they can act. I might suggest getting comfortable with drawing backgrounds of some sort, even minimal ones. And drawing things in panels. That took me a little while to get used to.

I think people both over and underestimate the amount of work needed to plan a comic. story outlines, character sheets and turnarounds are a good idea, but I don't understand why one would have to write out 50 pages on the technology, or magic, of a setting, or write 20 thousand years of detailed history. But then, that's not the part of a story I find interesting.

QuoteThat's the important part at least I started somewhere.
Quoted for truth. Nobody gets anywhere if they don't start somewhere.
It's going to be a while before I can actually get around drawing a comic page, I usually constantly revise the script just to get it justtttt right. : 3 I have ideas on how to explain the setting of the comic, and I also know how to present them in the comic.

I also noticed that my artwork over time starts to show a bit of my character's personality a bit (or at least the one's of Citrine.) I've been swamped with homework and projects for final's week. Things are cutting close and I barely have time to do any art work. ^ ^;

Arroyo Milori

Wading in the Water (sketch)

I wanted to do this sketch for a while, but then I kind of slacked off and just practiced a bit. This is also the first time I drew Arroyo with his sword. : 3

Arroyo Milori

Arroyo Milori