Cocky little freaks!!!!

Started by Xuzaf D, September 03, 2006, 03:04:24 AM

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"Falco: Kat! You always seem to be in the right place!"
"Kat: Yeah I do, don't I?"
~Star Fox Command
Yay for Storyline in Falco's view :3

"Falco, to Wolf: No! Bad wolf! Sit! Stay!"


Colonel: I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!

Iroquois Pliskin: The cardboard box that you have is ideal for fooling your enemies. It's a very important tool for infiltration missions.
Raiden: Really?
Iroquois Pliskin: Of course. I can't begin to count the number of agents whose lives were saved by a cardboard box...
Raiden: You mean everyone's using them?
Iroquois Pliskin: Look, I'm not exaggerating when I say the success of your mission hinges on how you use that cardboard box. But in the end, a cardboard box is only made of paper. Handle it with care or it won't be of much use to you. Don't think of it as just another box. Treat it with love... Don't be rough. Okay?

~Metal Gear Solid 2


"You have the right to soak in your own urine"
Kang from True Crime


"You are weak like Ukraine!"
~ Russian Commissar, Empires: Dawn of the Modern World

"Ivan's not home."
~ Crazy Ivan, Red Alert 2

"Doggie!" (Thick accent, not sure on this.)
"Extra crispy!"
"Got juice?"
~ Shock/Tesla Trooper, Red Alert: Aftermath

This is a classic.
~ Tanya, Red Alert

"Tally ho!"
~ British troops, Codename: Panzers

"I'M HIT! MY GOD, I'M HIT!" -- in German
~ German infantry, Codename: Panzers

Special note on Codename: Panzers;
How come only the German and Russian "Commanders" speak English, while the rest of the troops speak in their native tongue?

True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


"The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world" - G Man, HL2

I went trough this topic, so hopefuly I didnt miss that it was poted alreaty. :P

Drake Manaweilder

"today, Where having Goulaush! You don't wana' know, You really don't wanna know.."
(you eat it, you've had worse)
-Anne, Quest for Glory: Dragon Fire

I've really got to find that again, once I get a comp of my own that is.


"Better never than late" - some bad guy
I actually forgot which game this came from but I remember it.


"Everybody DANCE!" - Avatar, Ultima 7 & Serpent's isle


There are of course many excellent quotes and wonderful side characters in all manner of games out there, but none are in my eyes so perfectly unbalanced and simply ingenious as HK-47, the arrogant, violence-endorsing assassin droid from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

HK-47 on leisure time:
   "Suggestion: Shall we find something to kill to cheer ourselves up?"

HK-47 on morals:
   "Statement: I have already learned a great deal, master, and I am anxious to learn more of lying, betrayal, and new ways to harm innocents."

HK-47 on efficiency:
   "Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

HK-47 on love:
   "Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope... Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose against statistically long odds."

HK-47 on people:
   "Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized organic meatbags!"

HK-47 on Me...
   "Statement: Just when I believe my photoreceptors have recorded the last potential aspect of your cruelty to my memory core, you commit a new atrocity that leaves me analyzing its impact for days."


Xenogears just had some great script writing.

"That explosion was nothing to worry about. It happens all the time."
I like this quote because it supports the fact that Citan is the most bad ass PC of any RPG ever.

"If god doesn't exist in our world, then... I will create god with my own hands! Sophia... Please guide me... I will destroy all false pretences of love, for you..."
Krelian demonstrates madness and insanity at it's finest.

"Even if I go to hell, I will live to the end of this world. And if the world does not come to an end... I will destroy it with my own hands!"
Grahf takes a high dive off the deep end as well, about at the same time as Krelian too.

And finally, I'm pretty sure about everyone heard this one, even if they never played Xenogears.

"Master, sir, did you just see my MAD SKILLZ?"
The mad skillz of HAMMER!  You will FEAR!
The All Purpose Fox


Xuzaf D

Vaguely Creepy

"X-nauts. Sounds like a brand of tissue. To the extreme, or something."

-Koops, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

"I-am-ev-il-Ho-mer! I-am-ev-il-Ho-mer!"

-Homer Simpson, The Simpsons: Road Rage


-Old Toadsworth, Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time

King Of Hearts

Again from Super robot Wars

*Howls like a wolf*
-Excellen Browning using the "Howling Launcher"
-Excellen Browning using the Oxtounge Rifle D

Black hole gun, won't you come? And wash away the rain, black hole gun, won't you come, won't you come...
-Irm using the Black Hole gun. A cookie to anyone who actually gets what Irm was referencing.

Garnet: "She's tougher than the Sneaky Service."
Giado: "...That's Secret Service."
Garnet: "What's the difference?"


Quote from: King Of Hearts on November 05, 2006, 07:31:20 AM
Black hole gun, won't you come? And wash away the rain, black hole gun, won't you come, won't you come...
-Irm using the Black Hole gun. A cookie to anyone who actually gets what Irm was referencing.

'Black Hole Sun' by Soundgarden.

"No beads, you crazy old man!"
--Indiana Jones, Fate of Atlantis

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

King Of Hearts

*gives Tapewolf a box of Chocolate chip, Peanut, and Raisin cookies"


the title says can be any genere...rpg, fighting...

my first, simply the best ever!



The Cocky little freaks thread is doing something like this, but whatever.

I wish I could remember how I did that...


I submit that this screenshot from Alchemist is possibly one of the best congratulations screens of all time:

(Nice game, though - I simply had to play it after recalling it in a dream.  Once again I failed to complete the entire quest as an eagle, accidentally hitting the wrong key and reverting to crazy-old-man form on three occasions.)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Drake Manaweilder

"So is that really a horn on your head or are you just happy to see... see... I am so scared right now I can't even finish my lame joke."

"OW! Pain! Pain is bad!"

"it's Cloberin' time! er.. well y'know..."

"If i were the Hulk this would be so over right now."
-Peter Parker, Ultamate Spiderman


Not really a quote, but I love the spotter's lack of concern for your life in NASCAR Racing 2003 Season.

(after getting spun in the trioval at 'dega, blowing over, flying into the fence, getting hit 5000 times upside down, and destroying your car)
"You have low oil pressure."

(edit) Merg'd with "Cocky Little Freaks" (/edit)

Reese Tora

"You spoony bard!"(I believe edge, FFIV)

"All your base are belong to us." Katz, Zerowing (unbelieveable, no one mentioned this yet.)

I wish I'd paid more attention playing FFXII, there were a few I'd have liked to remember
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Reese Tora on November 18, 2006, 01:26:06 PM
"All your base are belong to us." Katz, Zerowing (unbelieveable, no one mentioned this yet.)
You mean CATS, which is technically wrong.. if it wasn't for that translation existing


\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Quote from: Ink on October 27, 2006, 01:28:00 AM

"Tally ho!"
~ British troops, Codename: Panzers

"I'M HIT! MY GOD, I'M HIT!" -- in German
~ German infantry, Codename: Panzers

Special note on Codename: Panzers;
How come only the German and Russian "Commanders" speak English, while the rest of the troops speak in their native tongue?

I've wondered about that too, also the commanders say the same things.

Hans Von Gröbel, Aleksander Vladimiriov, and Jeffrey S. Wilson in
Codename: Panzers Phase one

"My men are excellent soldiers."
"God give them brains!"

Also found this in the bonus scenario map

for full screen shot


Ok, a quote I liked from Final Fantasy X-2:

Yuna: Give me a Y!
Rikku: Give me an R!
Paine: Give me a break!
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


What's that smell?*sniff sniff* Oooh, Bad dog! - Orc raider (Warcraft 3)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Xuzaf D

Quote from: Reese Tora on November 18, 2006, 01:26:06 PM
"All your base are belong to us." Katz, Zerowing (unbelieveable, no one mentioned this yet.)
That's because I told everybody to shut the hell up about it at the top of the thread. :freeze

Aisha deCabre

Some more off the top of mine and my brother's head...

Rikku: "Think we need a password?"
Paine: "How about 'Kick...its...ass'?"

Tidus: "This is my story.  It'll go how I want it, or I'll end it here!"
--(Awesome line...) FFX

Bad guy: (Suddenly rushes past...) "Run!  Run away!" (Runs into a dark void, closes behind him.)
Sora: "...Okaaay..."

Demyx: "Oooh...I TOLD them they were sending the wrong guy..."
Sora: "Who IS this kook?"

Norn: "Eem fat Mom."
--Creatures 2

Jak: "I bet you've hatched another BRILLIANT plan in that hungry little brain of yours.  So, who or what do we have to shake down, knock out, or blow up?"
--Jak 2

"Hold on to your drawers and don't piss in 'em!"

And who could forget the popular...

"Drink your !@#$ tea!"
-Also Cid
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Janus Whitefurr

Mmm, Blood and Blood 2...

"Now, where did all those gun-toting madmen get to?"

"Don't have much luck with trains, do you?"
"You just made your second mistake... you stuck around."
"Oh, really? What was my first mistake?"
"Letting me live."
~ Gideon and Caleb

"What are you doing? He wants you to follow him, you dumb bastard."
"No one ever accused me of being smart."
~ Ophelia and Caleb

"You have two choices. Run now and live, or stay and die."
"I'm staying!"
"Then you're dying..."
~ Caleb and a Prophet

"Good morning/afternoon/evening mister Cal-eeb. We're from a market research firm and we're doing a survey on computer games. Now, this is not an attempt to devalue anything. Okay, first question: Are you currently or have you ever been a character in a computer game?"
".., you've gotta be kidding me..."
~ The Phone and Caleb

~ Caleb

Caleb is awesome, thankyouverymuch.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Shut up ya dang girl! Or your gonna get a lickin'!!-Steam Knight Rootrick-Brave Fencer Mushahsi