Cocky little freaks!!!!

Started by Xuzaf D, September 03, 2006, 03:04:24 AM

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"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"

"Squeaky wheel gets the kick."

- Minsc from Baldur's Gate -

King Of Hearts

Sly 3: Honor among thieves

You looked better in the dark... no, seriously, you are an ugly, ugly man.
-Random merc in Venice


"I must have inhaled too many of my own toxins, you can't possibly be beating me!"

"I don't think you want those supplies, they aren't, uh, ready yet!"

"HA! That button was covered with poison!  You are already dead!"

"Stay away from my scud missiles!  I'll give them to you when I'm ready!"

- Dr Thrax (Toxin GLA General) in C&C Generals: Zero Hour

"Particle Cannon?  I wonder what would happen if we crossed the beams..."

"If you build a particle cannon, and I destroy it with a particle beam, is that irony?"

- General Townes (Laser USA General), C&C Generals Zero Hour

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, think about it."

"That's a lot of tanks, General.  Have you seen what a particle cannon can do to a lot of tanks?"

- General Alexander (Super Weapons USA General), C&C Generals Zero Hour

"Time to put on your lead underwear!"

"Looks like a NUCLEAR winter this year, General."

"The glow!  The wonderful glow!  Can you not see it, General?"

- General Tao (Nuclear Chinese General), C&C Generals Zero Hour

"You can't kill the Messiah!"

"He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past."

"It's time you saw the future... while you still have human eyes!"

"Were I in your shoes, I would spend my last earthly hours enjoying the world. Of course, if you wish you can spend them fighting for a lost cause. But I think that you know, you've already lost."

-Kane, leader of the Brotherhood of Nod
multiple C&C titles
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein

Castle Pokemetroid

"Yeesh, what was that all about?" From CV Aria of Sorrow.

Paladin Sheppard

"*Zombie like moan*....Haha Gotcha" -Alyx from Halflife 2: Episode One

*Edit* And yes I almost did shoot her ass the first time I played :P


"Oh, I got heart bitch, but you won't in a minute!" - Jack Carver


Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on September 07, 2006, 10:17:15 AM
"*Zombie like moan*....Haha Gotcha" -Alex from Halflife 2: Episode One

*Edit* And yes I almost did shoot her ass the first time I played :P

I *did* shoot her ass the first time that happened!  XD
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein

Drake Manaweilder

saves me the trouble."
-Monthron (i think that was his name), Baldurs Gate

"I wonder if it won't change it's mind, once I defeat you."
-Sephy, KH2 (that sounds strangely awesome to me)

"so, uhh, why are you all skeleton-y"
-Goofy, KH2

"Got it memorised?"
-Axel, KH2

(yes i play KH alot)


"I have no idea what you just said... And your suit sucks!"
A line from Sly Cooper 2, just before you fight Dimitri. If only I remembered what Dimitri said.

"That's it. The game's over. Go outside now."
- The end of Sly Cooper 2

Vaguely Creepy

QuoteWhen on your way out
Be sure that you say goodbye
Then lock the door tight.

Mr. Everdred, EarthBound

QuoteNo, I'm talking about an actual smell. Like if stinkbombs layed eggs and then those went bad?

QuoteIt's fake. I'm afraid the other assassins are goning to make fun of me.

QuoteI am a grieving widow.
Raz, Psychonauts

"Look in the refridgerator. You'll find something in there that will let you see the world as I see it."
"Uh, no thanks, I don't drink. Before noon, that is."
-Raz and the Milkman, Psychonauts

"You need to enter the Milkman's grave. But what you'll find in there is neither man, nor milk."
-Milkman, Psychonauts

Girlscout: "I'm sorry sir, but you must have me confused with someone else. Say, would you like to buy some cookies?"

"And... the seas.... will run...white....with his wrath."
Girlscout Denmother (about the Milkman), Psychonauts


I was born out of the greediness of mankind.......while men exist so will I.: Bacterion Gradius 3 arcade



Quote from: Vaguely Creepy on September 10, 2006, 04:17:52 AM
"And... the seas.... will run...white....with his wrath."
Girlscout Denmother (about the Milkman), Psychonauts

That's it - I have to get this game.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


It's a good game, but beware the final level.  That's one hell of a brain ****ing mindtrip.


"Whud iz diz plaaaze?"
-Bill Rizer, Super Contra


wow, what a mansion!

resident evil 1...i forgot who said that but i thought it was funny... :p

Vaguely Creepy

Quote from: Tapewolf on September 10, 2006, 02:31:13 PM
Quote from: Vaguely Creepy on September 10, 2006, 04:17:52 AM
"And... the seas.... will run...white....with his wrath."
Girlscout Denmother (about the Milkman), Psychonauts

That's it - I have to get this game.

Glad I could help you make the decision!  :D It really is a great and hilarious game.

QuoteI only have one, very important question:

You got a smoke?

Luis Sera, Resident Evil 4

Luis: "Let me guess....she's the President's daughter?"
Leon: "Heh. That's too good for a guess. Wanna start explaining?"
Luis: "Psychic powers...
Nah, I'm kidding."

Luis Sera and Leon S. Kennedy, Resident Evil 4


"Good Riddence, Blood Raven"

-Barb/Necro (cant remember which one) after defeating Blood Raven--Diablo 2
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Xuzaf D

"DJ play will summon up demons! Let's get down." JGR

Man: My name is...
backup group: JAGUAR!

Drake Manaweilder

"So, there I was, surrounded by FIVE of the meanest mettleheads you ever saw, slime oozing from massive jaws, teeth sharp as daggers! slowly all TEN of em circle me, but do I panic? No! I summon my killer instincts and pounce! YEAH! WHOA! And when the dust settled, there were TWENTY less mettleheads in the world."

Daxter- JakII


"Wait! Give me another chance! It's been a long time since I've kissed a man! I CAN DO BETTER!"
  -Rexus, Armed and Dangerous

"I haven't been this high since 1976.  High up.  High UP."
  -Rome (I think), Armed and Dangerous (at the highest point in the game)

"This is Blind Man's Volcano, named for the famed blind seer, Rexus."
"Um, Yan?  It's just a mountain."
"Well, what did you expect?  The poor man was blind!"
  -Conversation in Giants: Citizen Kabuto

"Now she says you must run through oncoming traffic with your genetalia exposed."
  -Yan, Giants: Citizen Kabuto

"That's gotta be the sickest thing I've ever seen."
(Points to Yan)
"Except for that poncy git there."
  -Reg, Giants: Citizen Kabuto

"You're a righteous fiend, aren't you?"
"Apparently, I am."
  -Raziel to his past self, Soul Reaver 2

"You said it yourself, Kain... there are only two sides to your coin."
"Apparently so, but suppose you throw a coin enough times... suppose one day, it lands on its edge."
  -Raziel & Kain, Soul Reaver 2

"You may ponder the futility of your ambitions as you spend a deathless eternity beneath a mountain of rubble. You and your Soul Reaver will go equally mad as the eons pass. The Citadel of the apostates will become your living tomb."
"Your words are heartening. For you would not fear us, unless we could truly do you harm."
"No! You are nothing!"
"False God! This is the end... the final turn of your Wheel!"
  -Kain and the Elder God, Legacy of Kain: Defiance

"Vae Victis... Woe to the conquered!"
  -Raziel, Legacy of Kain: Defiance


"An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and uguarded."

Librarian Isador Akios - Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

"Twice now, some unbreakable obstacle has 'miraculously' disappeared. Someone is secretly helping us and I wish they'd stop!"

General Sturnn - WH40K: Winter Assault

"I feel the warp overtaking me... It is a gooood pain!"

- Various Chaos Infantry - WH40K: DoW/Winter Assault

"Move here! Move there! Make up yur bloody mind a'ready!"

Ork Slugga Boy - WH40K: DoW/Winter Assault

"Oh! Fresh meat! I can make so many improvements!"

Ork Mad Dok - WH40K: DoW/Winter Assault

"Hold on to da pin, throw da uvver part."

Ork Tankbusta - WH40K: DoW/Winter Assault


Dwarven Mortar Team - WarCraft III

"Side effects may include: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, water retention, painful rectal itch, hallucination, dementia, psychosis, coma, death, and halitosis. Magic is not for everyone. Consult your doctor before use."

Elven Priest - WarCraft III

"My blood cries out for the vengeance of my people's blood, which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood! Or maybe three times as much blood! Like if you went to hell, and it was full of blood, and that blood was on fire, and it was raining blood, then maybe that would be enough blood! Eh... but probably not."

Elven Bloodmage - WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne

"I see... absolutely nothing."

Illidan Stormrage - WarCraft III


In case of an emergency landing,YOU may be used as a floatation device.

Terran dropshit pilot,Starcraft.

1 small step for man...1 giant "radio static" STOP POKING ME!

Protoss Observer,Starcraft.

(hi pitched voice) I thnik we may have a gas leak.

Terran Science Vessle,Starcraft

You gotta click on then a few times before they say them tho.


"Rest in peace, dood!" -Four Prinnies, in unison, at the end of their quadruple team combo attack.

Hmm, I'll go get more Disgaea quotes...

Drake Manaweilder

No sheep were harmed during the creation of this game.
...Well exept for one, but he had it coming!
-End of Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando (2)


"You know what I really miss? Soft underpants. You know how it lifts, cradles...*sigh*" - Daxter, Jak 3

Jim Halisstrad

"Tommy, you're not playing fast and loose with time and space again are you?"

Lost Vikings 2.


*twitching japanese school girl lying in a fetal position in a pool of glowing green goo*
Natalya "What did you do to her?"
Crypto "Look this isn't what it looks like"
Natalya "I don't even know what it looks like. Quick just give her some money for therapy and lets get the hell out of here."
Crypto tossing a hand full of pocket change  "I'd better get laid after all this."

Destroy all humans 2

Aisha deCabre

"This isn't a game!"
(Glance towards the camera... o.O )
--Seem, Jak III

"Cloud.  You'll never let go of the darkness."
"...Shut up."
--Cloud and Sephiroth, KH2 (Cloud just sounds so COOL when he says that!)

"Sure, let's help...then we can go see Santa!"
"Uh, but first, the Heartless!"
--Sora, KH2 (Sora's like a little kid in this world, it's too darn cute)

"Heyyy's crimes?"
"What's his problem, eh?"
"Nothin', 'm jus' fine.  *Hic* Mind yer own bidness... *Hic*" (falls over)
--Daxter and Krew, Jak II (Possibly the FUNNIEST moment)

"Snake...Snake!  SNAAAAAKE!"
--Rikku from FFX-2 in battle with a machina

"Minus four respect points, Rikku."
"Ohh, how many left?"
--Paine and Rikku, FFX-2
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"You there, stop right there! What's the password?"
"What?" (out of a choice between "What?" and "...")
"That's right! Hey boss, our ally has arrived"
"That's not our ally, that's a total stranger!"
"But he knew the password!"

Legend of Mana, PS2
Yap by Silver.