
Started by Eibborn, March 10, 2007, 09:30:57 PM

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Amber linked it from the main DMFA page, I guess it gets a topic here. Anyone tried it? I've been playing as a Nikitak thief since it reopened a few weeks ago. If you do play, look me up. The name's Eibborn.

Rule one though for people coming from this forum (and lacking common sense) is DO NOT BE A FURRY in this game. Furry is not life. Do not murr.

Anyway, I love the game, and it's worth checking out just for the socials. GO FORTH AND PLAY!
/kicks the internet over


Take it all with a grain of salt, btw. We don't bite, much. Most of all, don't be a dipshit. :B

Shouldn't be too hard to guess who my alt is, but my main character is a little more tricky to find.


Hm. Interesting MUD, though I've barely scratched the surface. Little bit inflexible in the command areas, but still worth while. I'm looking forward to dropping a decent-sized chunk of time into it.