22/02/2010 [AS2 #91] - Keeping mum

Started by Feather Dancer, February 22, 2010, 04:52:23 AM

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Feather Dancer

So Mink is either lying in a bouncy way (I doubt, he seems such a good squiggle D:) or something really did happen, hrm.

Hey she's from Kish'Ta's clan, cool I'm actually recognising things!
Notalope, making all worries as tasty as pineapples.


That I did not see coming.

I guess Mink is just naturally irrepressible and that after a few decades or so of mourning he eventually bounced back to the way he is now.

Something else that intrigues me is that Mink is using the UK term.

Kish'Ta clan member at the front...
EDIT: Ninja'd

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Feather Dancer

Outninjaed with an edit no less :) But that was me double checking the spelling.

Hey if Mink has a British accent that might be why I like him so much, and I mean not glass tongue that everyone assumes we have. That said have heard a few Amercians say mum stead of mom so guess it varies.
Notalope, making all worries as tasty as pineapples.


We all get sad when family member dies but hey I had to through it too so I know the feeling so much.


Wow. I was having a nice chuckle imagining Mink speak. Then... then I read the last panel of the comic. That hit me like a ton of bricks...

This makes me wonder... who murdered Mink's mom?

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Tapewolf on February 22, 2010, 04:56:51 AM
Something else that intrigues me is that Mink is using the UK term.

Anecdotal remark: Back when Amber cameo'd RJ ("Do you think about your mum with that kind of mind young man!") I vaguely remember telling her Australians say "mum" and not "mom". Mink could be a cheery Aussie instead of an amusing Brit. ;p

As for the topic of the comic, different people = different ways of dealing with stress. Mink was sad and then happy to the point of being perpetually cheerful. I still wuvs him.

Bonus Edit: Part of Mink's panelful of diatribe involves telling Abel he should take self defense courses and something about being a great fighter. Hm.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.



Is Mink supposed to know what it's Abel's mother he's mourning?  While I strongly suspect that Abel's just gone "muhh?" at Mink's revelation, it's not impossible that he's a bit freaked because he's let his mind-shield slip and Mink's just blurted his private thoughts out.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


That'll teach Abel to dismiss Mink as a matter of course.   >:3


Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on February 22, 2010, 06:01:47 AM
This makes me wonder... who murdered Mink's mom?
I'm just wondering if it's somebody we already know. Probably not Aniz, though.

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on February 22, 2010, 06:03:44 AM
Part of Mink's panelful of diatribe involves telling Abel he should take self defense courses and something about being a great fighter. Hm.
I keep wanting to read the complete texts (other strips, too), but there's always these characters in the way.

Quote from: Tapewolf on February 22, 2010, 08:03:40 AM
Is Mink supposed to know what it's Abel's mother he's mourning?  While I strongly suspect that Abel's just gone "muhh?" at Mink's revelation, it's not impossible that he's a bit freaked because he's let his mind-shield slip and Mink's just blurted his private thoughts out.
I wondered about that, too. Why is Abel surprised? Because Mink knows about Abel's mum, or because Mink's mum is gone, too? Or because she was murdered? Or because Mink had dark and depressing thoughts? Or did Mink just step on Abel's tail?


*Charline appears in a golden chariot... drawn by Charles  >:3  *  Pull faster you weak little monkey-boy!  Ah, maternal murder.  It seems we Cubi are cursed that way.  So many of our parents have met that fate.  I suppose it's natural considering that so many of our parents were cold-blooded soul-stealing monsters everyone hated and feared.  And the Dragon-Cubi war didn't help.  And even when we have a Being parent on one side, if that parent is ever found out by other Beings... well, you all remember how human dealt with those thought 'witches'. 

Coping mechanisms would seem to vary dramatically, mainly depending upon emotional affinity.  A Cubi with an affinity for hate or sorrow could dwell upon the murder for centuries, vs those with joy or pleasure as their emotional entree.

I've been dwelling on my Mum's death for 5,000 years.  AND I STILL HATE ANUBIS FOR IT!!!  HATE HATE HATE!!!  >( *whips Charles!*  Back home!  I have brooding and scheming to do! 
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Tapewolf on February 22, 2010, 08:03:40 AM
Is Mink supposed to know what it's Abel's mother he's mourning?  While I strongly suspect that Abel's just gone "muhh?" at Mink's revelation, it's not impossible that he's a bit freaked because he's let his mind-shield slip and Mink's just blurted his private thoughts out.

I don't think Mink knows about Abel's mom dieing. He was just commenting on how he felt suicidal after his mom died. And that anyone who loses their mom is usually sad.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Well... that was unexpected.

Offhand, I wouldn't say that Mink is really over his mother's death, so much as he has learned to cope with the pain in his own way. But yeah, dead parents is common enough in fiction that you'd think they'd have a support group at SAIA for it.

"I miss her... I miss her so much! ;_;"
*teacher hugs crying student* "I know. I know."
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 22, 2010, 08:03:40 AM
Is Mink supposed to know what it's Abel's mother he's mourning?  While I strongly suspect that Abel's just gone "muhh?" at Mink's revelation, it's not impossible that he's a bit freaked because he's let his mind-shield slip and Mink's just blurted his private thoughts out.

I think Mink might be clueless as to Abel's Mom dying. But then again if you considered that Mink had to get over his mom dying he might have considered the feeling that Abel is giving of and was making a comparison and trying to ease Abel's mind.

Abel's suprise might be coming from thinking that he might just get over his mom's death and end up like Mink. Mink seems to go through life with a jump and a skip and Abel might over inflate that to just not caring about their being parents any more in his more grieving state of mind.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: Jairus on February 22, 2010, 10:50:31 AM
Well... that was unexpected.

Offhand, I wouldn't say that Mink is really over his mother's death, so much as he has learned to cope with the pain in his own way. But yeah, dead parents is common enough in fiction that you'd think they'd have a support group at SAIA for it.

"I miss her... I miss her so much! ;_;"
*teacher hugs crying student* "I know. I know."

With the teacher of course being from Siar's clan, if they weren't pretty much all dead that is =/
Well, there' probably some other clan too, with misery as their affinity =P

And also I'd say being murdered is quite a likely form of death when you outlive millenniums <.<


Wow, Mink's mom was murdered?! D: I wonder who did it? Was it during the Dragon-Cubi war? :confused

Well I can understand the suicidal thoughts (been there, have moved on  :)); but I'm glad to see that Mink is being happy again!  :3 At least I hope so, I will admit hearing this and now the fall, I'm wondering if he is truly well.... :(

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Makes me wonder just how old is the squiggly :P and whether he's a similar victim of circumstance like Abel, considering he's likely part Mythos (or some kind of weird being combo we've haven't seen before)
Et Manu Et Corde - With hand and with heart


Interestingly enough, two thoughts come to mind.

First, while I wouldn't have guessed it outright by any means, I can't say I'm surprised that Mink's mother was murdered. A number of people try to hide their pain/misery through cheerfulness. That, and being stalked by misery cubi tends to make it a little obvious.

Second, his (still seems female to me, for some reason...) "clumsiness" makes perfect sense, being a part of the Kish'Ta clan. After all, what is Abel's reaction when he sees him take a sudden dip off a ledge, as in the last comic: A sudden, intense burst of fear at the thought of losing him. Now if only he didn't have to resort to such methods, he wouldn't shave off quite so many millennia off of Abel's lifetime.

But that isn't very fun, is it?  :giggle

Baal Hadad

Uh-oh, shouldn't have said that, Mink....


Oh wow.

I was not expecting this.

Y'know, one of my biggest fears when Mink showed up was that Abel would eventually explode on him and chase him away, thus beginning an apparently long pattern of burning bridges. I really hope I'm wrong. I love Mink and don't want the squiggly to get hurt. :< IMAGINE WHAT THAT'D DO TO MY ABEL/MINK FANFICS.

ABEL'S STORY CAN'T UPDATE FAST ENOUGH FFFFFFFF *clicks refresh until next Monday*

Quote from: Torano on February 22, 2010, 12:51:20 PM
First, while I wouldn't have guessed it outright by any means, I can't say I'm surprised that Mink's mother was murdered. A number of people try to hide their pain/misery through cheerfulness. That, and being stalked by misery cubi tends to make it a little obvious.

Well, yes, but I don't think Mink's cheeriness is a facade. It seems more like a coping mechanism. I think his optimism is the real deal - I kinda feel like that Abel's going to learn something from Mink in moving on. Devin gave him the same spiel. You can't really "get over" personal tragedies, but you can overcome them.

So more or less, I think Mink's like "Well, bad things happened to me because I felt miserable, but while they happened and while that was terrible, I've moved on because you can't feel sad forever."

That's a personal guess though, lulz for speculations.

QuoteSecond, his (still seems female to me, for some reason...) "clumsiness" makes perfect sense, being a part of the Kish'Ta clan.

Mink isn't from Kish'Ta Clan.

His clan marking was seen on his buttcheek in the last page. It's a purple ass-triforce biohazard pyramid.

Baal Hadad

In that first panel it looks like Mink's pushing Abel into that succubus's chest....




Well that's one way to feel like a total d**k.
Someone will remember you, sometime.
Just try and sleep with the music on, all the time.
Well I'm sorry kid, tonight you sleep outside.


Help! I'm gay!


On a side note — does anyone else think it's somehow fitting, looking back at her Clan Leaders page, that a 'Cubi of Kish'ta's Clan would shape her warp-aci into something even more like a balloon animal than they usually are...?

As for the other shoe (size 14) that Amber just dropped... <looks at watch> come on, next Monday, hurry up and get here!
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on February 22, 2010, 12:58:06 PM
Mink isn't from Kish'Ta Clan.

His clan marking was seen on his buttcheek in the last page. It's a purple ass-triforce biohazard pyramid.

Well, that figures. I was looking for that thing, too. But thank you for clarifying. Look forward to seeing it in the clan leaders.


Quote from: Torano on February 22, 2010, 02:26:33 PM
Well, that figures. I was looking for that thing, too. But thank you for clarifying. Look forward to seeing it in the clan leaders.

No problem dude. :3 I can't wait to see that clan leader either. I'm mostly curious if she's going to be a squiggly like Mink or not.

Psychedelic Mushroom

Quote from: Torano on February 22, 2010, 12:51:20 PM
"still seems female to me, for some reason...."

Okay.  I am seriously confused. I have digged everywhere for an answer. So I joined so I could get one.  Mink.  :3 Where does it say that "him/her's" gender? Or is everyone just generically calling it a "him".Byah I'm so confuuuused!!!  :U

Edit: I didn't see this post:
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on February 22, 2010, 12:58:06 PM
Mink isn't from Kish'Ta Clan.

His clan marking was seen on his buttcheek in the last page. It's a purple ass-triforce biohazard pyramid.


Quote from: Professor Fate on February 22, 2010, 03:55:30 PM
Okay.  I am seriously confused. I have digged everywhere for an answer. So I joined so I could get one.  Mink.  :3 Where does it say that "him/her's" gender?

It doesn't.  Mythos don't necessarily have a normal male/female gender, there are other wholly different sexes as well.  I think people call Mink 'he' because he doesn't obviously have breasts...

QuoteAlso! I didn't know Mink was part of the Kish'Ta, Isn't his clan marking on his rear or is that something else?
He isn't, the succubus in first panel is, though - see the symbol on her warp-aci.  Mention of this appears to have confused a number of people...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Aw crap... It's also ALWAYS the ones that act like they're in the least amount of pain you have to watch out for...

And I doubt Mink's statement was intentional, just one of those "super-crappy-timing" things.

*Sits back and waits for "Mink's Story".*

My initial reaction to that comic pretty much matched Abel's. That, and I finally know what the adage "thoughts coming to a screeching halt" means.

Of course this would explain his bubbly behaviour in a logical if sad way. Though the good thing for us of course is that this might deepen Mink's character quite a bit and make him even more interesting than he already is.

So yeah. *Goes and joins the "Mink's Story" queue*