WHY WHY WHY,, and why today of all days

Started by thegayhare, February 13, 2009, 11:15:45 PM

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Hello all

I hope you'll forgive me this burst of emo ranting but doing this hear keeps me from screaming and since my mom is sleeping soundly for once I'd rather not do that.

Nothing is ever new is it.  the cycle is always repeating...  some times I don't know why I even try anymore... hell this time I thought it would work... after all I didn't seek him out he came to me.

but no... as you might guess my latest suiter has just decided he's better off with out me... its probably for the bes tI know he was quite a bit younger then me.  but we were growing so close.   and as luck would have it he's joined the not so rare fraternity of those who dumped me on valentines day. 

I don't know why I'm suprised it seems to be my cycle...  as soon as I start to feel god about a guy... bam...  and fate seems to realy love to twist the knife...  "I know he's feeling really good right now and it seems like the perfect time but if we can hold off for a week it'll really crush him"

Hell I'm tempted to still send him the vday package I put together just out of spite..

honestly I don't know why I bother... I always feel so damn optimistic about this holiday... This is the year it's going to be better I just know it is...  I try to plan something nice and romantic and as always just after I've finished all the work the universe gives me a nice swift kick to the gonads...

there I feel some what better now that I've vented...

sorry to have been a bother and thank you for your time I'll be on my way


Hey, if you feel like pouring out your feelings here then I for one won't stop you! It always feels better to just let it all out.
Man, do you know how to pick them, only someone who's never been dumped on Valentines day won't know how much that hurts! It's a good thing we Bulgarians have a holiday that overlaps with Valentines day- a celebration of wine and winemakers- so there is always an offical reason to drown your sorrow that day. I feel for you man!


Oh man, TGH, I feel for you. My Valentine's Day hasn't been the greatest either, but it sounds like you have it a lot worse than I do, so I really am sorry. Nobody as nice as you should go through this sort of thing.


That sucks, man, sorry to hear about that. And Why choose Valentine's day of all days? Do people gain sadistic pleasure out of this sort of thing? Maybe a nice and happy gift out of spite would be good.

Hope ya feel better, guy.


Man, I feel for you.  I've never even had a SO on Valentine's Day, so I know how lonely this can feel.  Here, have a hug.  :hug

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


 :< That's not nice.
Shame on him. D:<

Sends some good waves your way.
I hope you'll feel better soon.  :3
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A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


hey dude, i hope your feeling a little better on singles awareness day... and if not, just remember that a half drunken college student, who's also trying to forget that today ever happened, is wishing you the best... so yea, good luck man and i hope you feel better... i'd recommend running, jogging or walking, as that's what i'm about to do... anyways... best of luck TGH  :hug

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Start carrying death rays.
Barring that, stronger leather.

On a more serious note though, hope ya feel better. You're supposed to be the resident jolly baker bunny.


thanks every bunny

sorry to be so emo   It was just a rough day is all

again thanks for all the positive feelings


That's not emo. It's OK to be sad when something bad happens to you. It's not as if you were considering suicide or saying life sucks and there's no hope in the world. Now THAT would be emo.

I can't offer any good advice because I still haven't found the right guy myself, and I don't even know your EXs, nor why you broke up, but I'm sure there must be someone out there who's right for you. Try to see if there's anything you can learn from the experience.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Yea, even the "best" breakups are pretty awful.  And I would agree that such a rant is not an emo rant.  It would only be emo if you kept it up for months on end.
The All Purpose Fox