Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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enigma shiver as his manna  took a hit. writes on one of his sheets he puts down a spell for a magical shield. he doesn't know if it's work but he  slams it on his arm hoping that it wont burn or explode ash he dance out of the reach of another wraiths throws a ball of exploding light into it's face.  even so his magic fireworks fads as the sky in now dawn lit heading towards dusk.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo had been watching the "conversation" between Tarson and the figures, and then before he could even understand what was going on everything went down the outhouse.  Everyone leaped to attack their own attackers, but Aeo had been caught completely off guard and he was soon shivering from the ghostly mental attacks. 

Aeo muttered as he got to his feet and looked for the closest wraith and being kind of tired and cranky went to charge one of his most powerful incantations.  He spoke in the demonic tongues of his teachings the words snapping and hissing like hot embers, the energy gathered in his hand glowed like a hot fire and he launched the entirety of the flaming mass at the wraith.


Malcurth went rolling through the dirt as he narrowly avoided a pass from a wraith via a quick roll and tumble. He stood back up, and sent a jet of flame flying towards the fleeing phantasm.. "Why must this land be cursed so? And why must we be cursed to travel through it?" He proclaims as he lays another blast towards one of the malicious spirits..


With several of the wraiths destroyed (dead isn't really a term that applies to their state of suddenly not existing anymore), those left "alive" quickly fly off, presumably to haunt some other sad band of travelers stuck on this world.

The land, dark and empty, again sits peacefully.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Enigma pants watches the wraths disappear his only light magic fireworks have dimmed to mere embers in the twilight. "some one please get me out of this place" he complained
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aire, without her a majority of her plate armor, was quite a bit more nimble.  She managed to avoid the grasping fingers of the vile undead and delivered a few to destruction before they departed.  She was barely holding on with the force of her own will.

The elf warrior stood poised for a few moments, eyes darting about looking for more danger, when none came, she relaxed.

She winced as she pressed her hand to her wounded side, which was bleeding freely once again.  Aire decided to lean on Malcurth who also had vanquished a wraith or two and seemed a bit better off then he was earlier.

She pulled her hand away from her side and gestured with the blood, "you would not perchance have a way to make this stop?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson didn't know what to do when his stone fist past through the Wraiths. He fell to the ground when he was hit with the Wraiths attack. He stayed kneeling on the ground breathing heavy trying to figure out what just happened. His attention was drawn back when Aire spoke to Malcurth and showed her bleeding wound. He clamored to his feet and staggered over to Aire.
"We could cauterize it to stop the bleeding"
It was clear Tarson was being serious and concerned with this suggestion.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Malcurth had been busy dusting himself off when Aire leaned on him and inquired about her wound. The incubus blinked, and glanced down at the fae's side, before wincing with a short lash of his tail. "I must say, young lady, I dearly hope you do not have a taste for developing such new additions to your body." He said, before Tarson came over, and suggested rather drastic measures.

Malcurth snorted lightly, flicking his ears back. "Let us not, and forget about such mundane means for now. Even though my rest was rather rudely interrupted by the undead, I have sufficient stores now to branch out into my more abstract powers.. Let me see now.." He said, extending his paw towards Aire's side..

"Do hold still.. I hear this is rather 'chilling' for those unaccustomed to the healing arts.." He said as he chanted softly, flexing his paw slightly as a soft, green glow emanated from his palm, and glowed over Aire's wounded flesh..


Enigma watched with interest. the furry addition to there team know both fire and healing magic not magics that he thought aligned very well. on top of that he knew that he could fly and change his form at least in limited degrees.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Oh, but I just love collecting wounds... it is so very warrior-like."  The elf gave a brief giggle at that, but was given pause by Tarson's suggestion.

Aire guarded her side and stepped slightly behind Malcurth, "I... do not think that necessary..."

She was relieved when Mal agreed and even more so when he began healing her.  Aire was not very experienced in receiving healing, as she was normally giving it via her light magic.  She gasped a bit and resisted a sudden urge to scratch the knitting flesh, as it itched in such as way as to be indescribable.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Malcurth finished his spell, and withdrew his paw, eying the new flesh a moment. "Yes, you seemed to have healed nicely.. I was rather worried about what to do concerning your lack of fur, but everything seems to be fine. I would advise you, however.." He said, and promptly poked Aire in the side, which more than likely felt like getting jabbed in a very dark bruise.. ".. not taking a hit to that area, as it will take a while for the nerves of your body to realize the injury is not there anymore.."


Aire yelped and took a step away from Malcurth, her side was indeed quite sore.  Still she blushed slightly and bowed, there was a sharp intake of air through clenched teeth as she stretched still tender muscles and angry nerves protested.

"I... am very grateful sir, but I am quite embarrassed at my lack of skill in medicine.  My magical healing abilities are empathic, so I am precluded from using them on myself.  So please forgive me if I am using your talents too much in the near future, I will endeavor to repay the kindness."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


enigma put his not pad away. he'd taken down as much as he could for this encounter. "do not worry too much Aire. to survive we must all help each other." walking over the her and Malcurth he closed his eyes fora moment thinking Loudly

{ i see right throng you and i don't need x-ray vision to do so}

After wares his eyes open and smile he pulls out an earth charms that he'd forth  he possessed. "Aire this charm is very old but it is said in the hands of a master or a child of the earth it displays properties that can not otherwise but  reached. among them lease of these is supposed to be healing. i've never made it work for me but i think you can. and if you like i'll lend it to you"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Oh it is no bother." Malcurth said to Aire, dismissively waving his paw with a smile. "I often wish I had been more focused in the healing arts, for they can prove to be very useful at times." He said, but as Aire left, Malcurth picked up on a very interesting thought, one that made his hackles stand straight up. He spun about and blinked at Enigma, before his ears laid flat against his head, and he said, rather loudly:

"Oh yeah? Well I bet you do not have any evidence at all!"

.. which was followed by the sound of a rather loud slap, caused by his paw racing to meet his mouth.

Oldest trick in the book, Snowy. Oldest trick in the book


Tarson glared at Enigma and Malcurth.
"What is wrong with you two? I don't know what's going on but knock it off"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"don't worry leader" said Enigma well aware that on top of his proof he had possibly caused Malcurth a large among of embarrassment. thought he kept his feature's and his mind blank. " it is merely a minor disagreement that need not come up again. right Malcurth? especially since the decision is not yours to make."  though he kept his voice and body neutral with his mind controlled  and seeming blank he was giving Mal a way out. would Mal take it or confront him fully? enigma didn't believe he could defeat Mal in a frontal assault and hoped to avoid one when it was unnecessary.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


While the others tended to Aire and her wound Aeo looked about the spot they had camped.  He stopped at several places and looked around before sitting on a rather uncomfortable rock slightly south east of the camp.  He looked out into the darkness hoping to pick up on any stray demonic auras.  He didn't know why but something seemed almost infernal about the interaction with the wraiths as if they were hiding something they did not want discovered as opposed to a warning about the dangerous realm.


Aire regarded the charm for a few moments as she considered its origins, her thoughts were interrupted as a strange confrontation occurred between Enigma and Malcurth. 

The elven maiden stepped back in front of Mal, deliberately coming between both Enigma and the feline sentient.

"Please, we have had more than enough conflict with those that would be our enemies, we need not seek foes within our allies!  And that is what we all are, until proven otherwise by actions... not mysterious auras, fallen blood lines, or other circumstances."

Aire raised an eye towards Mal, but did nothing else, she was rather light-headed from loss of blood and still exhausted, so it was by will alone she stood off against both Enigma and Mal.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


at once Enigma felt a tingling of conscious. it was not very great but it was there. this elf was trying to avoid conflict when he had chose to use and offer of assistance to her to cover testing  Mal. she was right that they were allies even so his need to know was pushing him here. "fear not child of the earth. i think that all is resolved." he said looking over to Malcurth. his arms at his sides ready to catch the elf if she should fall.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Tarson stoud there looking at Enigma then at Malcurth.
"Well there wouldn't have been any issues if you hadn't walk over to Mal. Now Mal I don't know what the issue is that has seen to have sprung up between you two but it's over. I don't care about your passed as long as it's not gonna harm anyone in this party. Now lets figure out what we're gonna do about getting some rest"
Tarson walked away from the three, scanned the area and slumped to the ground looking in the direction the light being was last. He spoke some softly.
"Could warned me sooner"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Oh no no! No problem at all!" Malcurth said as he removed his paw and waved it dismissively, grinning a little overly so. However, as the others turned away, he shot a side-long glare at Enigma, and said. "You and me. Talk. Later, got it?"

After which, he turned back to the group and looked about.. "Did we get them all? Maybe we should continue our journey then?"


"yes a talk" said enigma. {will you tell me what i want to know or will you lie to me?} That sounds like a good ideal considering the situation we find ourselves in. { and believe it or not i really would like to know how you know about X-ray vision}

Enigma  then returns his attentions to Aire. " Please madam elf don't strain you self such." he pressings the earth charm into her hand feeling it come to life as his concern however vague mixed when her earthen nature acted on it  drawing forth it's healing manna form the very grounds they stood upon in small trickles so as not to bring it harm.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   Tank and DFX sustained damage from the wraith assault, but it wasn't physical damage. Some of the magic that sustained them was stolen away, leaving them both a little slower than before. The wraiths dispersed shortly after thanks to the combine efforts of the party.
   DFX immediately went to work analyzing what had happened. Fortunately, he found that the 'damage' was not permanent, only some energy had been stolen and not the workings of the life-imitating enchantments themselves. It should regenerate soon enough. However, until then, both Tank and DFX move less fluidly than they did before.
   As the rest of the party concentrates on recovering from the assault, the two slightly-less-living constructs wordlessly take up a rotating patrol in a circle around the hill the party was camped on. Nothing was going to sneak up on the group again this night without the group being alerted beforehand.


Aire, though focused on Enigma and Malcurth, missed the subtle exchange due to her current condition.  The elf's vision was beginning to tunnel and her legs were about to go on strike just as the charm was pushed into her bloodied hand.  She tensed and opened her mouth as if to talk, but no sound issued forth.  Her body shimmered and her eyes glowed. 

After a few moments she stopped trying to babble incoherently and held a wordless conversation with the space to the right of her.  It seemed to be alternating between apologies and words of thanks.  Closing her eyes, she stopped mouthing words, and stood silently for a good three minutes.

Finally her eyes sprang open and a slight flash left them and traveled to her right hand where she had pantomimed a gun.  A single sound issued from her mouth as her hand and arm mimicked the movements of one of her pistols, "bang."

A blast of white energy, the lingering spark that had traveled to her hand, sailed out into the sky.  Somewhere a distance off, a lone bird-mosquito abomination exploded into fleshy particles, ending its existence.

"wow, overcharge... that was great... can I have another one?"  Aire grinned at Enigma with pearly teeth and vibrant green eyes... eyes far, far greener than they should be.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Malcurth flattened his ears at Enigma, but gave no response. He just snorted lightly and padded off.

He was, however, stopped short by the highly unusual display from their resident fey elf. The incubus felt the odd aura that the elf projected, and spun around, staring with wide eyes at the now glowing woman. She isn't.. feeding off the aura, is she? He wondered to himself, and then he practically jumped as she shot off some kind of discharge high into the air. His tail whipped about as he watched the energy arc high into the sky, and then he peered at the elf again, noting how rejuvenated she was.

This rates an investigation, later..


Tarson looked at Aire with wide eyes.
"What the?"
Tarson climbed to his feet and started walking to Aire.
"You ok Aire? You look alittle off"
Tarson shook his head when she asked for another charger.
"Oh great, don't tell me we have an addicted elf on our hands"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


The elf turned her head to Tarson and tilted it off to the side a bit.  With closed eyes and a bright smile, she replied to his inquiry, "yes, Aire is quite all right my good chap.  We should be off.."

The faerie elf danced over to her equipment and with a snap of her fingers, her suit was mended and clean of blood, the backpack was packed and her armor was ready to wear.

She slipped into the plate rather easily and in it, she looked radiant and every color of her was vibrant.  Her excess gear drifted over and deposited itself on the unicorn, and even Cloudchaser kept an eye on Aire.

The faerie elf sheathed her sword, buckled on pistols, strapped the shield to her back, and tossed the strap of the rifle over her shoulder.

"Let's go, go, go!"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson looked at Aire with a serious look.
"Who are you and what the hell is going on"
Tarson then spun on Engima with an annoyed looked.
"What the hells did you give her?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Enigma who had stepped back from the elf in awe and fear. what was happening? what had he done? the elf's mana was sky rocketing and that wasn't all. She was taking in an ancient language ancient even to her people. then she fired a shout of pure mana power in to the air said bang. enigma nearly fell.  { in his mine the face of a teen age human with a glowing finger}

"what the hells did you give her?!!" exclaimed and angry leader. Enigma's mind was screaming and  images of the stone ran though it. "it was an earth charm. just and earth charm. it was said to healing power and enhance earth / mana power and that in the hands of master or a child of the earth it displays properties otherwise unreachable but this... i never expected something like this!" he protested.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The faerie seemed a bit confused by Tarson's questions, but she never stopped smiling, "hell has nothing to do with it, Nature is more appropriate, but I guess it wouldn't sound as good.  What the Nature is going on."  She made a very bad impression of Tarson with that last bit.

While Aire was distracted by Tarson and Enigma, Cloudchaser had moved up behind her and was about to tap her with his horn.  However, Aire twirled to the side, managing to slip a red rubber ball on the tip.

"Now now Cloudchaser, let Aire have fun sometimes."  She turned back to Tarson, "Tarson, I am Aire and Aire is me, I am the faerie side.  Now let's go, I want to have a fight with monsters!"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"