Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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Tarson looked at "Aire" when she spoke to him. His annoyance level didn't go down but didn't seem to go up.
"Where were you when we were dealing with those spiders and Aire was almost killed?"
Tarson turned and looked to the party.
"Everyone else rested like the faerie here? Seems she wishes to get moving"
Looks back at "Aire".
"We should stay for alittle while longer. Maybe til morning so everyone else can get the the rest they need"
Tarson turned and walked off to where he was standing before and just about collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. It seems he was very exhausted and was pushing himself because of what had happened.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Enigma still less then okay with the result of his attempt at helping. he had seen many things. several Earth adept users and manage to get the Stone to heal minor wounds but Aire seems to have taken it's to another level. he looked at his hand the one that had felt the mana as he pressed the stone into Aire's hand . it didn't look different but still. " i vote for sleep. after all many of us are mere flesh and blood without supernatural connection that make sleep unnecessary."

he did not direct these comments towards anyone and his mind had returned to it's puzzling blank state. it was as if he'd turn of him mental chatter as well as his surface emotions
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo had heard the conversation between "Aire" and Tarson was quite frightened, he didn't know what her faeire side was capable of, much like the others didn't truly know about the dangers of his daemonic side.  Still his curiosity was slightly piqued and he got up off his but away from sensing for infernal auras and decided to talk to the new Aire.

"So you want adventure huh?" Aeo asked, "Came to the right place, really wrong time.  We're either to tired or injured to really go anywhere right now and those crazy ghosties didn't make anything better."  Aeo smiled.  "Still you could keep me entertained by telling me everything you can about faeires, I'm kinda interested in them.  I've heard they got some pretty interesting powers..."


Aire smiled knowingly at Aeo, her bright eyes intensifying their color somehow, "You want to know about faeries?  Those known as faeries are primordial and beings of pure nature incarnate, but they do not reveal their secrets casually.  I can't just tell you everything, but I can answer specific questions..." 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


As much as enigma would ave loved to listen to this his body was reaching his limits. pulling out a piece of talisman paper and a stack of bound sheets he called for his mana inscribing a spell onto the talisman sheet before attached it to the bound sheets. these he sat near Aire before he lays in full sight of the others and apparently fell asleep.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Malcurth, having at least rested through some of the night, decided to walk up to Aire, and ask a question that had newly formed in his mind..

"Miss Aire.. I must know.. how did you manage to siphon off, and even enhance, the energy from that talisman? I have seen such drainage techniques before.. but never so profound!"


Aire smiled wryly at the feline, "now that would be telling.  I don't suppose you want to enlighten us on any of your secrets, hmmm?"

The elf reached out and scratched the incubus behind the ears, "perhaps a little revealing in the infernal and demon areas, hmmm?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


the talisman enigma had written glowed both faintly briefly then stopped. no other action was observed form it  even to those wathed it
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Malcurth's ears flicked curiously at Aire's remark for a moment, before he began to realize what she was implying. "Wh-.. wait? What secrets? I have no secrets!" He said, so close to panic that he didn't even duck away from Aire's hand, his fluffy ears merely fluttering under her touch..


Aeo was thinking hard on what to ask this new side of Aire.  He knew fae could be tricky when they wanted to be and he was pretty sure he wouldn't get a straight answer anyway, but at the moment it seemed important to know what the heck was going on with their lovely elf lady.

"Are you Aire's, well for lack of a better word, "wild" side?" Aeo asked as he tried to think of any better way to put it.  He didn't even pay attention to Aire seemingly drawing attention to Malcurth, Aeo was far more interested in the faeire aspects of their companion.


Aire smiled again at Malcurth, "now, now, I already have a very good idea of what it is about, but I wish you to explain it before I go dancing about revealing all I have surmised to the entire world.  Perhaps you wish to speak privately about it, so you can explain."

The elf continued to scratch the feline's ears, happily so, hoping to sooth him with the act.  She momentarily turned her attention to Aeo, "wyld side... yes, that is good.  I am Aire, I am not some possessing entity or alien force, I am who I appear to be."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


the sleeping enigma chuckles seeming to have a pleasant dream. his manna and energy were already retuning but he would sleep one for a while even when they where back. some times one just need to sleep for the sake of sleeping after all.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Malcurth was lost for words for a few moments, allowing Aire to scratch his ears for a bit more before he seemed to snap back to his senses, and duck away from her hand. "Allright, me, Enigma, AND you all need to have a talk!" He manage to blurt out before he quickly scampered away. He headed over to where Enigma was sleeping, and plopped down beside the fellow.

For a moment, he half-considered probing the man's dreams, but noted with a glance over his shoulder that too many of the party were still awake to attempt it at this time..


Enigmas snorted in his sleep rolling over. he wasn't really sleep anymore but was somewhat upset with the furry feline for disrupting his dream. it really wasn't fair  we all deserve time to sleep and recover form what this quest put us thought he thinks  with less rancor then he could have understand that the feline was probably in need of assistance if he was waking him.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aire drifted over towards Malcurth arms straight down with hands bent at the wrist, palms down.  It almost seemed like her hands and arms aided her walking, sliding along handrails or pushing down on large balloons or some such.  When she arrived she slipped gracefully into a modest sitting position, "now then, you first Mal."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Malcurth swiveled an ear towards Aire as approached, and he sniffed softly at her question before he turned his head slightly to regard her with wide but intent blue orbs.. "Oh? Trying to get me to give something away, hrm? I think not.. Mayhaps you should tell me how much you know, or think you know first. You could still be hunters, for all I know."


with a movement that would be unseemly enigma rolled onto his back and kipped into a sittings position. "now now young man do be polite to the young lady." he smiled form  under his hood and he replaced it. " after all guarded remakes and hidden aggression are no way to win her favor. " his emotional output was like his words amused. even so there was a glint in his eyes suggesting he knew more then was others thought was known about this situation.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   DFX and Tank both noticed the bolt that Aire released. They both continued their patrol around the hill, though DFX was somewhat interested. A heated conversation followed a bit after, and Aire, Enigma, and the strange animal-like Malcurth then gathered together to talk privately. DFX was somewhat curious of what all this commotion was about, while Tank just wished the fleshlings would quit making slilly noise.


Malcurth's head swung around to regard Engima with intent eyes.. "Oh, and we are one to talk, are we not? You are the one going and dropping hints about my identity left and right! So how much do you know, oh strange one?"


"you ask me what i know? how quaint. what do any of us really know? " enigma smiled and went from a squatting to standing and walked a bit. " well on the basis of knowing I know enough to be sought after by a myriad collection of entities ranging from some dragons to normal mortal kings. what i know has led people to pretend to be me and in cases some people to think i'm an impostor. You know someone cashing in on my identity or rather identity of some one who may never been. I know that listening is almost harmless, if often boring while searching can be hazardous to one's health and lead to one being trapped if not devoured within the place that they search. And i know that those whom change there appearance often have reasons for doing so. I also that that all things being equal and relative everything i said could either be wrong or taken out of context." Smiling he placing his hands under his cloak  letting his cloak and the shadows cover all that the could save the lower half of now was now grinning like  a feline that was pleased with himself for something. " Now mister Malcurth would you care to be more specific or shall we talk about what you know now?"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aire waved her finger, "now that is not how it works, I asked first.  However if you want me to tell everyone that you are an incubus without you explaining why that is different where you come from, than the infernal denizens of the Hells."

The fae-elf held up her hand to belay any snap judgments, "my other self knew shortly after she met you, she read your aura and spoke with the spirits of you possessions, and this is what they and your aura speak of you being.  She is far too trusting, however, I am less trusting and more inclined to have fun at other expenses.  So what will it be Snowfur?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


enigma slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. he could not believe the elf had done that. in truth he'd only found out the name of Malcurth's species a few hours before the wraith attack. the shape shifting the mind reading and the emotional fluidity were all clues. that fact that his wings were as they were also a clue to his identity. still now he knew that they elf had more then one soul - personality within her. he wondered if this new one that came to the fore was a side effect of her use of the earth charm. when he'd seen it used before it only recovered the users manna and healed their body. what ever was happening inside the Elf Aire was something that was unexpected. scarily unexpected.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Malcurth had kept glowering at Enigma as the nutty fellow rambled on, but his fur shot straight up when Aire made her rather blunt proclamation. He spun about and stared with wide eyes and narrowed pupils at the fae elf, while his tail was a rigid and frozen bush of fur.

"How.. how did you.. How.. Aura? But that can't.. wait, what?" He stammered for a moment or two. For a short while, his mind raced with possible strategies and outcomes, and he even briefly toyed with the idea of just teleporting away.. but memories of his previous attempt, the very attempt that landed him where he was now, stalled such a course of action.

After a moment or so, he seemed to calm down slightly, although his tail kept lashing about.. "Allright.. yes.. I am an incubus.. but I don't have any intention of harming any of you.. I'm as lost as you are.. and I don't even know what you mean by denizen of the hells.. The Cubi of this world must be very, very different from what I am.."


enigma sighed. " as much as i hate to admit it Aire your war hammer approach accomplished in mere moments what probable would have taken me hours of discussion and probing to get him to admit. and yes i too knew this Malcurth. i also discovered that you are flesh and blood and not in totally magic like the dream eaters and nightmare makes i've researched". and met he thinks "there are no cubi as you call them in this would that i have met. the incubus is a dream eater demon that ofter enters the mind of the sleeping and some times projects waking nightmares into the minds of the wake in order to feed off of their fear and terror setting friend against friend to do the creatures killing for them. they are hell demons in many worlds but not all. Some are biological beings that share the powers if not the traits of these demons. i looked for much while i studied you i discovered differences that told me you weren't quite like the demons but i was prepared just in case you were deceiving me anyway."

Enigma rubbed his forehead his trap was not sprung but instead of dismantling it he would merely warn the young man about it to prevent temptation if he truly shared the power to enter minds and dreams"i was ready for you to try and enter my mind either remotely or directly while i slept. had you done so... well i'm sure you know what can happen to and incubus if they are caught unprepared in a mind like my own especially if they are less then 100% and that mind is ready for them in more ways then one. "

Enigma smiled. this was why he'd said that listening was harmless if boring but searching could be hazardous. " you are young i take it. perhaps not even a full adult. you mentioned a school i being some kind of clan college teaching you the hazards and applications of your powers and their limits as well i would hope. i'm not sure what your age is and i had hoped to find out while we spoke but i'm guess regardless of chronological age you would be a teenager or perhaps a young adult while Aire and myself would be mature ones. is this incorrect?"

( apologies for the long wind)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Different is putting it lightly..." Aeo laughed lightly.  He had been listening quietly off to the side, waiting for the conversation between Mal and Aire's new self to go somewhere interesting.  This qualified.

"The "cubi" of our world are demons that typically drain the life force of their targeted gender."  Aeo laughed, "And they do it through seduction."  Aeo shrugged a little as he "officially" joined the conversation.  "They tend to be pretty confident too, arrogant almost, but I think that's a general rule of most infernals..."


Aire giggled in such a way as to be a bit unsettling, "oh you are so cute with your ears, tail and fur.  You truly express yourself very vividly."  The elf gleefully scratched Malcurth's head and ears.

"As for what the Hells are, besides semi-profanity that humans seem to like to use where I am from, that is quite a tale in cosmology.  It is a place where all infernals originate and it is where all tainted souls go when they pass the mortal coil.  It is a widely misconstrued concept that all good souls go to the heavens and all wicked ones go to the hells, this is not truly the case.  Those who have infernal taint upon them will all filter back to the hells, or if lucky, one of the intermediate planes.  Even the most wicked person with a divine taint will have their soul reach as close to the heavens as possible.  The soul is separate from the conscious choices of one's mind, though it does have influence, many can resist it.  Elves and faeries are different of course.  I digress however, the hells are a place of evil and the incubi and succubi of our world are quite infernal... demons of seduction.

ooc: this is not D&D, so please no lectures about demons verse devils and infernal verse abyssal.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Hence my appearance..." Aeo added, "Being descended from an infernal and all."  He kept a sideways glance on Aire after her little giggle. 

He couldn't help but think to himself how frightening this version of Aire was quickly becoming, it was almost like the tales of fey that he had heard most of his life; they start out friendly and by the end you're wishing you'd taken a different path.


Malcurth laid his ears at Engima, narrowing his eyes.. "You calling me a child? I will have you know I am well over five hundred years old!" He says, scowling.. "But. yes.. there is a school for us. More so out of the fact that our race was nearly wiped out, and far too decentralized.." He said.. before nearly jumping out of his fur when Aeo suddenly spoke up. "GYAAAH!" He cried out, his primary wings popping into existence for a brief moment as he whirled about. "Where the heck did you come from!? You almost gave me a heart attack!"

After a moment of calm, and after his wings had vanished beneath his robes again, he looked over to Aire.. "That is all rather fascinating.. The realm you come from differs greatly from mine. In my world, demons, angels, they are not much different from the others, the beings, the mythos, the dragons. We are all just inhabitants of our world, and as far as I know, there is no exterior dimension involved with our souls.." He said, before sighing.. "I am very, very far from home.."


enigma chuckled. "five hundred is young indeed according to my . my teach was over 2000 years old when he agreed to apprentice me. i'm not that old myself not yet. but if i do well i may live long that long. to tell people first hand knowledge of kingdoms long ago turned to dust."

enigma got up stretching and walked around a bit. "besides if you remember i said in relative ages. you would not consider a 60 year old human or what ever is equivalent to a human of your world the same way you would one of your kind would you? " or an 10,000 year old dragon on the same scale as yourself?  from what i've been told my teacher who's been teaching me a few cycles has a reputation for traveling to all kinds of worlds. there's a good chance he's been to yours as well and if not well it's bound to be worth extra credit" enigma smiled and walked away lost in thought. 
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The talk of age causes the smile to drain away from the faerie, she dips her head down, shadows obscure her eyes.

"Theres no time for us
Theres no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams yet slips away
From us

Who wants to live forever...
Who dares to love forever?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"