Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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The words that Aire speak have a profound effect on enigma sparking a memory. the sparks one on the early lessons that he mentor drilled into him. " even should you join the ranks of my craft must not think yourself immortal or even that we your teachers are some kind of deities.we are and mortal as any other entity."  then came the passages from the earth child was quoting.

"When love must die." enigma finished his eyes were glowing green as he spoke his mind lost in memory of his first cycle of schooling. " the weight of the ages can be hash but if there is one thing that we all must learn it is this: all things are mortal and even the gods may die"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Tarson growl abit.
"It's hard to sleep with you people running on the way you are"
Tarson moved to a sitting position and looks around to the motly group. He then speaks up.
"Alright everyone we might as well get moving. Wake up those of you that managed to get some sleep"
Tarson climbed to his fet and began walking around the area abit. He softly spoke as he walked.
"Nothing lives forever. Not even stone"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aire smiled and began to stand, "I was wondering when you were going to come about Tarson.  We should get going, yes.  We have a fair amount of travel left."

Carefully, Aire gathered her things, but stole a gaze to Malcurth.  The fey elf stuck her tongue out at the feline incubus as if to say, saved by Tarson.  Indeed he had been given temporary respite from the attention of the sylvan lass.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


for a moment or two enigma dosen't respond. his eyes are still glowing as he is still lost in the memory of the lesson's he'd learned and the present which was superimposed over the pasted seem to be the less real of the two. then shaking his head he return to full awareness. and  follows them to the other
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Malcurth just laid his ears at Aire, snorting loudly and following along behind the group. He mulled over the recent events, and one matter kept coming to surface to baffle him.. How had they found out? What was the first sign? So many classes in school were dedicated to remaining undetected, but now..

He had a few things to discover before this was over.


   As Torson gave the command to pack up and move out, DFX-28 and Tank immediately broke their patrol watch and rumbled up to his side. "We are prepared to vacate the area, Tarson Hunter." DFX said, a little unnecessarily.


With evening bleeding into daylight (rather more quickly than the previous evening, some might note), the sprawling, barren, countryside again stretches out in all directions.

The countryside is unbelievably quiet.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson looked around the group and the to Aire.
"So what way are we going again?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"We were looking for one of the strong concentrations of magic I had sensed earlier.  It is still further ahead, and we have yet to see what encounters lay between our destination and here, let alone what might be present at the sight itself."

Aire swung up into the saddle of Cloudchaser and readied herself to move out.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


enigma awakens fully to the world around him. he looked at the leader Tarson he believed. he remember him of some one. the name was jack or was it James? he forgot some of the details but he remember that he was someone form the past. then he looked  at the Elf. was she back to normal? he couldn't tell.he simply summoned some of his wind magic to quicken his pace and prevent himself from becoming quickly fatigued.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


(OOC, after going on the suggestion of the GM to do this, we agreed it'd be an amusing intro)

Thalien had heard the voice last night, come to the decision to check things out, and had been inching in ever since.  Watching the two constructs, he made sure to move only when they weren't looking.  He was quickly running out of darkness and shadow as morning had come earlier than expected.  It wouldn't exactly be the best for him to simply be spotted by someone, for they may accuse him of being hostile, or for him to be targeting someone in their group.  Waiting until he felt prepared, from an outside perspective, the shadow he'd been hiding in, which was no more than 50 feet from the party, had suddenly given birth to a slender, armed man who approached the group.  Hos arms spread wide, fingers splayed in a symbol of his intent to keep things civil.  The elf said "hello fellow travelers, might i ask where your going?... it seems i've gotten myself lost, and i overheard you talking last night.  When i came to investigate, your constructs gave me a bit of a scare... and i decided to hide out until daybreak"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


   The fact that it turned to daylight faster than the other night was not lost on the two highly observant constructs. However, neither construct attributed much importance to it, and thus didn't react or say anything.
   On the other hand, the fact that some armed person decided to wait until the very moment the two constructs broke their impeccable watchful vigil to reveal itself...was of a considerable bit more concern to the duo. Both still had the events of last night "fresh" in their memories, and they weren't about to let anything happen again.
   Tank, greathammer in hand, immediately sprung into action, letting out a loud and extremely disconcerting metallic "roar", rushing towards the newcomer with obvious intent to make red paste. Before he could get there, however, there was another yell, this one merely shouting out "HOLD, BROTHER." Tank then literally skidded to a stop, right in front of the slender person. The adamantine-plated composite construct then simply stood there, towering in a highly intimidating way over the man.
   DFX was also in action, quickly moving towards Tank and the man, ignoring the fact that he just shouted, and instead continued talking quickly to Tarson as he quickly walked.
   "Fleshlings, I advise immediate dispersal, this could be another assault by incorporeal beings. Tarson Hunter, do not focus on this creature, watch for any things that may attempt to surprise us by approaching from another direction as they did before. My brother and I will resolve this creature's appearance."
   DFX walked up to the man's other side. Now he was surrounded by two very tall metal beings.
   DFX spoke again. "You will expeditiously divulge information concerning who you are, what your purpose is here, and wheather or not you are accompanied by any other entities. Failure to comply, or any unsatisfactory answers, will result in allowing my brother to dispose of you as he sees fit."


taking a second to observe the area, Thalien knew he wasn't going to be pulling any kind of dissappearing act now that the sun had shown itself... he decided that he'd do his best to answer the awkward, rather towering constructs questions.  He replied "my name is Thalien, Thalien Ti'sani, and i got myself lost while on a quest... when i heard voices last night i went to investigate, this place has me weirded out, and figured i'd be safer if i could find some fellow adventurers... I'm alone as stealth has always been my greatest asset, and once you add more than 1 or 2 people, stealth goes from absolute, to relative... something i can rarely afford to do... but after being lost for 2 days, i think i'd prefer the safety of numbers, rather than the shadows"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Aeo watched in amusement as everything played out before him.  He wanted to talk to this new being, but something held him back, he had been observing things more and more as of late and he didn't know why.  For a second he thought his infernal nature might be kicking him into some sort of deceit ridden survival mode, but he brushed it off, he didn't want to think like that.

So instead he forced himself to speak up.

"So where in all the levels of all the hells that have to be out there are you from?"  Aeo smiled.  "See our furry friend here comes from a different world than we do and well this..." Aeo gestured around.  "Well we got sucked in to it.  While looking for a farm girl if I recall; you haven't seen one walking around have you?"


Malcurth was watching the newcomer with interest, but did not move to greet him, instead remaining in the back with his tail idly swishing across the grass. He had been left with quite a bit to think about, considering that his disguise had been seen through by a few members.. However, he was unsure of how to react to these new circumstances.. and so he merely bide his time, and watched.


Thalien responded to Aeo "i've been lost for a few days, mostly avoiding everything that moves in here, most of the things that i've seen have just been... weird... but nothing even vaguely resembling a farm girl"  He sighed, "well, all things considered, any chance i could tag along with you guys for a little bit?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


The elf giggled with glee, "Oh look at that, another elf.  This one is different then I, he is... hmmm, I would venture a guess that he is a dark one.  I am High born, and he is not.  So very interesting!  What say you Thalien Ti'sani?  Are you one of the dark elves and what do you intend?"

The faerie elf smiled warmly, but she was not lowering her guard.  The horse upon which she sat snorted, but he seemed unconcerned by the new elf.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"you do have me there, high elf... i am dark elf... and my intent is to find some way to get the hell out of here, preferably alive." Thalien replied with a bit of a smirk.  He kept has hands away from his body, and moved slowly... Thalien hadn't noticed it, but he hadn't made a sound besides his own voice.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Tarson's arm arched electricity at the sight of the new comer.
"You watched us and you expect us to not be suspicious of you?
Tarson just start walking toward the direction that Aire said the group needed to go. He looked over his shoulder at the dark elf.
"I've had my fill of elfs as of late"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


thalien eyed the new comer, soaking in what he'd said, then replied "how long have you been out here? for all i knew, you could have been one of those weird things that keeps showing up... but, besides the point, would you have prefered i just kinda walk into your camp in the dead of night, not making a sound until i'm right behind you and shout 'HI'... i would think that'd be an easy way to get one's self killed"  He kept his appearance loose and casual, but his eyes gave away his nerves.  They kept darting around watching for any sign of hostility...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


   DFX and Tank stood like statues around the new "dark elf" as he conversed with a few of the other members of the party. It seemed that nothing was jumping out to attack them (yet), and he seemed more-or-less lost like Malcurth. Eventually, Tarson, quipped a few things and started walking off towards their objective again, basically signalling everyone to move. However, this left Tank and DFX without specific instructions on how to deal with this person, as they still considered him possibly hostile.
   DFX called out "Tarson Hunter, we await clarified instructions on how you wish us to ultimately dispence of this fleshling."


Tarson looked over to Aire.
'What should we do with a Dark Elf? From what I heard about them they should be killed on sight"
Tarson looked to the new comer with an annoyed look then to DFX and Tank.
"Watch him for now. Wait to see what he does. If he tries to attack anyone in the party kill him"
Tarson had a expressionless look on his face as he said this. He just started walking again in the direction they needed to go.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Very good question Tarson, as our leader, it is ultimately up to you, but I have a test for him."

Aire, still smiling, dismounted from her horse and lead it over to Thalien locking eyes with him, "I want you to touch his horn  Thalien Ti'sani."  She indicated the single spiraling horn that extended from his forehead, "The horn will purify all things evil and possessing of ill intent."

Uncharacteristically, she left her guard completely down, though she did not break her gaze and continued to stare straight into his eyes. 

OOC: Cloudchaser is a unicorn.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Thalien hesitated, slightly, then did as he was told, reaching out to touch the horn... with his hand barely off the horn he stopped, and collected himself... he'd heard all sorts of rumors of what the horn of a unicorn could do.  then, gently touched the spiraling horn as he decided there are worse fates than death.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


As Aeo watched the dark elf touch the horn, he realized he had never heard that particular myth before.  He made a mental note to ask Aire if this as a trick or a test.  Still he watched with some amusement, Tank and 28 seemed more uptight than usual and he wondered why.  Then his thoughts went back to Mal, he wondered why the cubi was staying silent.  Then he decided the tension was to great.

"Hey just a little thought, if he wanted hurt to maim us, wouldn't the prime opportunity have been right after the spectrals attacked us?  I mean we were pretty darn weak after that."  Aeo pointed out.  "Besides, I've got demon in me and you guys have trusted me so far."


Tarson stopped and looked over his shoulder. He responded to Aeo.
"Actually that would be the worst time. We were full of adrenaline and ready for any attack. The best way would be to get in the group and slowly take us out one at a time. Who said we trusted you. Maybe we just want to keep an eye on you"
Tarson had a bit of humor in his voice as he spoke the last part.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


enigma scribbled down a few of the things her heard especially that this new elf this dark elf he made a note to cross reference the term drow. he himself was unsure of this test but he said nothing. he know that unicorns and their horns were known to be able to be able to test the truth of statements but he was unsure how. that and healing was not part of the local folklore that he'd researched.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aire winked at Cloudchaser and the unicorn sent a jolt of electricity down the horn.  It was not nearly enough to do any damage, merely a shock.

Aire giggled like a giddy little girl, "I...cannot believe... you... fell for that."  She sat up, rubbing a tear from her eye as she caught her breath after such a vigorous bout of laughter.

"Oh, I guess you could say you have been Fey'd..."  The faerie nodded sagely to Tarson, "he is good."  She could not maintain a straight face and bust out into laughter yet again.  Cloudchaser also seemed to be laughing in a unicorn/horse sort of way.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


feeling slightly embarrassed Thalien made a mental note to mess with the fellow elf some time in the near future... for now, he just bowed his head, and hid the embarrassment under his cloak.  "is there any other tests you wish to try, or can i tag along for now?" he said.  "if nothing else, i'm sure i can add some of my skills for now in exchange for safe passage until we get out of here..."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Aeo gave a loud snort as he attempted to hold back the laughter welling up from Aire's prank.  He had his answer for that one at least.  Now though was the problem of holding back the laugh which, while on the whole inappropriate considering everyone's condition and natures, he couldn't help but let loose.  So it was he lost control of his laugh which came out sounding like an evil wizard's cackle, and quickly died into a dog like yelping for air as he dropped to his knees in want for air.

After he was finished though he quickly got back to his feet.  "Good one Aire."  He was still chuckling, though trying to ignore any unpleasant stares the others might be giving him.