Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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"We met up with a zombie lady who likes to control spiders; living dead and geological..." Aeo grunted as he ran past 28.  "Personally, I just want her to turn back into the highly combustible gas form she was in earlier." Aeo said as he hefted his mace and ran towards Mal. 

"You okay Mal?" Aeo asked as he noticed Aire's horse ride into battle with a command to defend, unfortunately the horse was a tiny bit farther away than was helpful.  "Let's you get you to that horse..."  Aeo struggled to pull Malcurth to his feet by draping the furry man's arm over his shoulder.  "Come on lets get you over to the crazed looking horsie..."  Aeo chuckled, "Maybe the spiders will be to terrified of the hooves to even notice you."


Malcurth, who was still inspecting his leg, chuckled warily to Aire.. "I have been better, I have been worse. Poison or no, the fangs of the spider have sunk quite deep indeed." He said, struggling for a moment to get to his feet, with little success.

That's why the help from Aeo was much appreciated.. but his idea, however, was not. Malcurth's eyes went slightly wider, and his ears lay back at the thought of mounting the quadruped. "Wait.. ride that thing?" He asked incredulously..

Ohhhhh, that mare is going to have a field day with this one..

"Can I not just bandage up my leg and walk, maybe?" Malcurth said, and then shot a glance towards Tarson.. "It would seem he needs the assistance more than I do, anyway!"


"Huh?" Aeo blinked as he followed Mal's gaze.  "Hells...  Aire, can you get your horse near Tarson?"  Then he turned his head to Mal.  "Listen I suck at binding wounds, if you're capable enough to bind it yourself I can give you some cover fire but, we'll need another to help me, I can't keep them all away."


Tarson turns and slams his stone fist into the ground. Suddenly mass amounts of electricity where sent into the ground. The ground around Tarson looked like a lightning storm with the amount of electricity surging from Tarson's hand. It fried whatever spider it hit, it did manage to miss any others that where near Tarson. After the electricity dispersed he slow stood up and seemed even more dizzy then he was before.
"I can still defend myself"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


enigma having retreated into the group returned to his bag as the others gave cover and pulling out the vile he'd found earlier to use on tarson. it was and elixir with anti  venom and moderate healing abilities. it would take a few moment's but it would do the job. " this will hurt but hold still snownfur" he said as he pulled a Sia and  bleed the  wound to try to remove  excess poise before applying the potion and binding it.  he moved with speed and skill cutting not deeper then necessary but also not leaving the effect of the potion to and wound binding to chance. he was done in under a minute.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Cloudchaser was unconcerned with the approach of Malcurth and Aeo, but he responded immediately to Aeo's request of his master with a snort and whinny before Aire could interject.  The horse trotted over to Tarson and nudged him, the approach was loud and obvious, so as not to spook him.

Aire surveyed the group, Malcurth was rather injured, Tarson was faking not being injured, but was obviously hurt somehow.   Tank was acid damaged, but Aire was not even fully sure what that could mean to a construct.  It could mean superficial armor repair and replacement, or significant damage that could not be repaired.  Regardless, the elf could do little for constructs without a forge.

She choose to concentrate on the flesh and immediately approached Tarson, "Please stand still so that I may attempt to aid in your healing."

The elf's hand glows as she begins the process of empathically healing Tarson.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   "I do agree we must vacate this area immediately," DFX inserted to the regrouping party, gathering up all his materials and stowing the object we was working on in his rucksack. "But we will have to cease our travel at a suitable site. My brother requires extensive cleaning and armor recompiling. This will likely consume up to or exceed an hour of time."


Tarson stayed and let himself be healed somewhat. Then he turned to the others.
"Alright everyon lets get the hells out of here. We can rest once out of this town"
He then looked at Aire and started to move.
"I'm healed enough to walk. We need to get going"
Tarson began to walk towards the way out. He then looked at Tank.
"We'll rest as soon as we can so DFX can fix you up. We just need to get out of here first"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"i agree tasron but we really need some kind opening. if ones i was better at water magic i could call forth a small flood and you could zap all those little sucker to goo." said enigma as  he attempted to help Mal onto his feet. he need to  figure out which was to run as he was sure that the undead Aeo would nee help fight the spiders and he was still low on magic energy and could bell call up bubbles of water to hit the spider now.  that is what he'd been using it as a striking staff.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aire nodded wearily to Tarson and ceased her healing.  She made her best attempt to walk along with Tarson.  She was nearly completely tapped out magically and the act of drawing other's injuries into herself was beginning to catch up to her.  She was a little dizzy and any further attempts to heal others would merely hurt her.

"We will need to find a place to stop soon, I'm not sure I can travel too much farther..."

Despite her fatique she did not mount upon Cloudchaser's back to ride.  The unicorn-ish steed seemed to be in some type of combat mode.  His singular horn glowed white as he walked with the group.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Malcurth idly inspected the binding that Enigma had made, and nodded his approval.. "Not bad.. maybe you should take a few lessons in the healing side of magic sometime?" He commented, testing the leg for a moment before managing to limp away from Aeo..

"I am in full agreement with our friend here.. Even though my powers regrow at a very quick pace, this is extremely taxing, and I would not like to see myself in a last fur standing situation.." He said, and glanced towards the road leading out of town, opposite the way they came..

"I would suggest we move down the road a ways, and set camp in a somewhat defensible location.. That may be difficult on these plains, but I believe we can manage. All agreed?"


"Well I got power to spare, so I guess I'll take up the rear and zap any spare zombie spiders." Aeo said with his usual smile.  "We better move fast though, I don't want to see what comes up out of that hole near night fall..."  Aeo hooked his mace back into his belt loop and focused his power into a floating ball of purple fire, if any other spiders attacked he would lance the fire out in a second and the best part was all he head to do was focus on keeping the source of the infernal fire lit.


The plains opened up in front of the party again (now with the ghost town to their rear). Out in the fields, the dangers again seemed remote. The fields, ugly as they were, were peaceful.

Of course, it was also starting to get late in the day...
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Aire meandered along, keeping pace as best as possible with the others, she was exhausted and her side had begun to burn and throb rather rhythmically as she walked.  The shard stuck in the side of her armor was poking her in the side and causing distracting pain.  She grabbed it and pulled, extracting it from the metal, she was a tad surprised to find it a lot longer then she had thought.

The elf sighed, "this has just been one of those days."  She wrapped the red streaked shard in a cloth and slipped it in her bag.

"are we there yet?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Although I am wary of our beloved host returning, I believe we should set camp for the night." Malcurth said, surveying the countryside for a moment before pointing towards a nearby hill. "How about on top of that hill? It seems to be the highest point for a ways around."


Tarson looked around then sighed. Then to his injured party members.
"Ok we'll hold up here for a bit. DFX repair what you can with Tank. The injured should rest up too, try and stay close. We may have to move at night. Me and whoever isn't too injured will keep watch while everyone rests"
Tarson then moved to take up a sentinal on the party.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Enigma checked his supplies. dead party members were no good as shields and living ones could find him many useful things like that shard the Elf had. He was not ready to ask her for it. First he would see what he had that could speed healing among his charms and supplies. Then he'd think about price maybe a few coils of precious metal like copper silver or gold he was sure the construct's would carry such. The thorn that they elf had pulled form her side would be good for study to make more anti toxins and all. 

(gm i leave what i find up too you.)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   DFX and Tank followed the group as they exited the town, heading out to the open plains and to a somewhat defensible hill. DFX acknowledged Tarson's words, and promptly got to work. He removed his rucksack, setting it on the ground and retrieving some materials from it, laying them beside the sack. He did the same with some tools from his bandolier. Tank had set down his greathammer, and settled into a wide, low stance with his arms outstretched to allow DFX easy access to his whole body.
   DFX then took a few more tools and held them in his hands as he seemed to concentrate like a statue for a moment. The tools left his hands suddenly, and floated around Tank of their own accord, glowing slightly. DFX grabbed two tools off the ground, and used those himself as the automated tools set to work, all starting to clean the mass of sticky webbing and the spider guts splattered everywhere.


Aire reached the hilltop and sat down hard, almost literally a collapse.  Unbuckling the breastplate of her armor, she let it fall to the side.  She examined the tear in her skinsuit at her side.  It had been bleeding steadily, so she carefully pulled it up and pressed cool, clean linen to the injury and placed the suit back into place.  The nature of the material was tight and elastic, making a nice pressure bandage with the cloth.

She then examined her armor, setting about working on a repair with her small armourer kit.

Meanwhile, her steed stood nearby, acting as an additional guard for her and the group.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


walking behind the partly dressed Elf enigma notice her quickly bleeding would. " do you need a hand" he asked  hold his bandages and healing items in a small bag. he'd seen her healing others. the face that she was still wounded meant that she was either was out of what ever magic she was using or that  she could not us it on herself. his potion would aid her healing but his bandages were little more then clean talismans clothe on an uncut roll. he preferred clothe to paper as it kept longer and was stronger when wet.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The elf shook her head at the offered aid, "your items should be best used on others, I will be fine as soon as I can stop the bleeding.  Your potions are human made?  Alchemical mixtures I cannot partake of... the nature of alchemy is contrary to elves and faeries."

Aire still smiled pleasantly at him with a nod of thanks still.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


enigma nodded. he was not sure where he's gotten these potions anymore but that was besides the point. "very well. but at lest take the clothe and make a bandage. i and still learning how to write healing runes and charms and i would no trust them on a living person yet."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo finally made it to the top of the hill and slumped to the ground.  He looked at Tarson briefly and then to Malcurth.  Then he smiled, not his lecherous smile, but one of true elation.  Despite the giant spiders, spider zombies, spider golem and crazy zombie lady Aeo was having the time of his life he was having a true adventure, not just crawling through an over run crypt of a small cave with a few goblins, but a real adventure the stuff legends were made of!

"That is what adventure is about."  Aeo laughed, "Granted our team work still needs to be worked on, but that's what it's about.  Relying on others in dire situations and pulling through.  Can't wait for the death traps..."  He continued to smile as he searched his rucksack for his remaining jerky.


Tarson gave Aeo a sideways glance as he speaks.
"I think that was what you would call a death trap. Also don't be so willing to run into trouble. Next time we might get so lucky. Rest up guys I'd rather not sleep here. No idea how far we are from those ruins Aire felt"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aire paused in her tinkering with the armour.  She looked at the offered bandages and sighed, "I still think is should be kept for someone else more needy, but if you think it necessary."

The elf took the bandages and pulled up her suit again, readjusting the linen and then tying the cloth bandages tightly around her middle.  Making sure she could still breathe reasonably well with the cloth tied so, she repositioned he suit and humbly bowed her thanks to Enigma.  Doing so made her a tad dizzy, she felt a little light headed.

She put her hand to her forehead and steadied herself, with a heavy sigh she pulled out her bed roll and settled carefully down for a rest, "I think it would be best if I rest for a bit.  Please wake me if I need to watch..."

The elf tapped Tarson on the foot as she stated the part about waking her for a watch, indicating that he should do so after he felt he was done.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson just looked at Aire and nodded his head. He started to scan the surounding area the best he could.
"If anyone else needs to rest do it now"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Malcurth limped his way to the top of the hill, before managing to catch himself before he collapsed to the ground. He groaned in a low, soft tone, gingerly inspecting the wound on his leg. The fur around the wound seemed to still be healthy, so he could only assume that the undead spider lacked any potent venom... or maybe he had his cubi heritage to thank for some manner of poison resistance. Either way, he felt utterly exhausted now, but after a short assessment of his remaining mana pool, he figured he had enough for one more small trick without comprimising his passive abilities.. such as his shape-change and mind-shield, to name the more obvious ones.

He concentrated for a moment, and then gazed steadily at the center of their makeshift camp, murmuring softly under his breath for a moment. Just about a foot off the ground, at the center of his gaze, a small orb of fire began to form, before it slowly expanded into what appeared to be a small campfire. However, even as it touched the ground, it did not spread, nor extinguish due to the lack of firewood.. Instead, a pair of spots appeared on one side, flickers of flame much brighter than the rest of the fire.. and they seemed very.. intent. These bright spots roved over its form as the fire sat in the middle of the camp, flicking towards each member of the party, and then roaming about over the surface of the fire..

"A minor fire elemental.." Malcurth explained, slumping back against his pack.. "A mere baby by the ignan kind's reckoning. It will be of little use in a fight.. but.. it does not sleep.. and it can help keep watch, along with the obvious fact that he can keep us warm through the night. But do not worry.. One so small and young is very unlikely to move around much.. I suspect it is content to just sit there and burn, and look about at all that it can see. But, feel free to feed it 'treats' if you so please.. It will make a loud racket of hissing and crackling if it sees something unusual.."

"I will dismiss it back in the morning.." He said, and that was the last thing he had to say, because he promptly slumped against his pack as his eyes closed, and was soon quite unconscious. He barely even made a sound, except for the soft sounds of his breathing..


   As DFX cleaned Tank, he glanced over at Aire as she started working on her armor. "If you are willing to wait until I have completed work on my brother," DFX started to say, "I can render repairs on your armor myself, as I was designed for this type of task and also posess a far greater array of tools and skills at my disposal than yourself. The quality of my repairs would almost certainly be superior to your own as well, as I can improve or augment the armor in addition to making it whole again. If you wish it, I even have the capability of enchanting the armor for further enhancement." The whole time DFX was talking, the cleaning he and his flying tools were doing on Tank never faltered in the slightest. "I am also observing that, in addition to your inujury, you seem to be suffering from fleshling fatigue, and I conclude it would be of greatest benefit to you if you were to utilize this time to rest, rather than expend more energy and focus, something I understand fleshlings have a finite reserve of."
   DFX also noticed Malcurth's summoning of the fire elemental, and listened to his explanation of what it was for. However, he either didn't notice or didn't care that Malcurth had already fallen asleep. "That may not have been strictly necessary either, as my brother and I are capable of the majority of functions specified, even during downtime such as this, though it is admittedly somewhat diminished at the present time."
   "Right." Tank rumbled, speaking up. "While my brother's working on me, I'm watching out in this direction. When he's done, I can do a real round patrol all night."
   "However, I certainly find this elemental summoning interesting, and I will attempt to allot a portion of time tonight towards studying it."


Aeo chuckled slightly as 28 spoke in his usual long winded manner.

"He's probably right, Aire, you look like you've tried to take on a giant all by yourself."  Aeo smiled as he continued to rummage through his sack.  "Could have sworn I had some more jerky in here..."


enigma did not eat. enigma did not drink. at least not that the others could see. what he did do was check the others and make sure that non were knocking on death's door. when this was done he seems to melt into the shadows at the edge of the lights. one moment he was seen walking the next he was gone. what ever is business for this night he appartently wanted to do it alone.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey