Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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Tarson watched the golem spider dissappear into the gloom of the roof of the cavern. He turned towards the others and started walking towards the opening, while keeping his eyes at the cavern roof.
"I think we should get moving now. Get the hell out of this town"
He though out loud. More to himself than to anyone else.
"I should have never come down here. Should have just passed through and left everything alone"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   Tank didn't need telling twice. He pulled out of some of the webbing that had hit him from the golem's last attack, and rumbled off to the tunnel they had came through.


Aire picked herself up off the ground from where she dove to avoid what turned out to be a hard crystalline web mass.  She paused to examine a broken fragment, which was as solid as crystal, stuck in the armor on her side.  It was stuck fast, so she left it where it was.  

Dusting herself off, she fell in next to Tarson.  Grimacing slightly at some small pain she felt as she walked, the elf could not help but nod, "yes, it seems our attempt at a good deed was thoroughly thwarted by evil.  There was no way to avoid it though, if there had been any small chance that an innocent was in danger, I would leap in the hole again."

I should have joined the Faith and been a paladin like my brother.  Aire thought.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


As Aeo dropped his focus he seemed to recall Armita yelling for the others to run.  He looked at the young mage who seemed to be in the middle of casting a spell and then to the webbing.  Which he quickly began "zapping with streams of acid in hopes it would melt some of the more annoying stands.

"We gotta get out of here!"  Aeo said as he tried to make his way back to the entrance.


Malcurth made his way for the entrance, but cast a wary glance up towards the top of the dome.. "Be careful, allies.. I doubt that golem is finished with us yet.." He said, and began to dash off down the tunnel as his wings sprouted from his back. "Tank! I do not suppose your brother carries any rope about?" he calls.

I won't need any rope, because I can fly and I'm so smart, ooooo! How do we feel now, snowy?

Hate you.


enigma was already retreating when Tarson suggested that the get out of that spider domain. it seemed like an excellent decision and he when with it. he followed the lumbering construct and those before him hoping not the be the last though he was tired. not so much from the running as he was used to covering distances but  the fighting. he was not used to fighting so ofter and against monsters at that. goblins were one then a travelers hazard but spiders and a spider golem and zombie spiders? while a curiosity worthy of study he would have to leave that to some one else though he would be sure to record today's events when he was not worried about his life.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Armita didn't bother to climb back to the entrance that they entered the came. "f¤#§@¿╗ this!" That being said, the ground bellow him swallowed him whole, as it had turned into liquid all of sudden.


   Tank heard someone say something to him as he rumbled down the tunnel, but he didn't really listen. Eventually, he got to where the hole to the surface was, with the rest of the party in tow behind him.
   He looked up to the sky for a moment, then set down his greathammer. One arm then swept behind, and latched onto the first fleshling that his hand brushed, not knowing nor caring who it was. He pulled the fleshling into a two-handed grip, judged the distance, and slung the poor sap right up. Whomever it was flew up, a few feet above the mouth of the hole, and then came thumping down on the ground beside it.
   Tank reached behind himself for the next in line...

   DFX was still tinkering with the crystal he had earlier, which now had a wire cage around it. He looked up as someone came flying up out of the hole, and landed next to it.
   DFX merely looked at the odd sight for a few seconds, then returned to tinkering as if nothing had happened.


Malcurth had been panting hard, trying to keep up with the lumbering behemoth as he called out again and again. "Tank! Tank! Hells, can you not hear me!? Tank!" but to no avail.. he could barely keep pace with the construct's mad dash, and he skidded to a stop when he finally caught up with Tank. "Now how the hells are we going to-.. what are you doing?!" He said, momentarily tensing up as Tank grabbed a hold of the furball.. and promptly hurled him.

"AIIIEEEE!!!" he screeched, sounding like an odd cross between a man and a very pissed off leopard. His landing was even less graceful, a sudden flump of fur and feathers, and he growled lowly as he picked himself off the ground..

"DFX.. kindly remember to remind me to melt your brother down and have the scrap made into bedside chamber pots.."


Enigma saw tank throw the feline but could not stop in time to avoid being grabbed. he screamed for tank to stop. Even as he tired to to wiggle of of the construes grip his hand reached into his his stash and tired to grab a shield charm to protect him from the imminent collision wit the ground when the construct threw him.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


DFX and Malcurth: Unexpectedly, there is a coughing from behind you two. Turning, you'll see the undead queen, who is raising an army of undead spiders from the very ground.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Malcurth blinked, cocking his head over his shoulder in a quizzical manner as he lifted his wing out of the way.. only to spot their favorite 'victim'. And his curious expression immediately flashed into a very angry glare, his fake blue eyes temporarily gleaming with their true colors. "You!!"

He turned about, clutching his paw into a fist as it became a burning ball of flame.. "I have been tossed, burned, frozen, and nearly dissolved, and all because you wanted to be some conniving little eight legged wench princess! Well I have just one word for you.." He said, grinning menacingly at the undead queen before he lifted his paw up high and then threw it towards her..


The orb of fire flew from the incubus' paw, hurtling into the mass of the queen and her undead minions before exploding quite forcefully, and dousing everything within a large radius in flames..


   Tank stopped for a moment at Enigma's protests, then looked at the fleshling. It certainly would have been a glare could the construct do these things. Then his head turned up as he heard a commotion from above, and most of Mal's seething words.
   "She's back." Tank said, almost viciously. He turned his head back to Enigma's. "Get up there, you whining piece of meat." Without further ado, Tank unceremoniously slung Enigma up to the top the same way he had Malcurth. Enigma flew up a few feet above the ground, then came down with a thump on the ground beside the hole.
   Tank then growled one word in an urgent, commanding, and dangerous tone to the rest of the party in the hole with him; "Next."

   DFX's head snapped up as Malcurth suddenly popped up out of the hole. He said nothing as the fleshling staggered to his feet, and bit off a remark about Tank. DFX only said, "I do not believe Tank would acquiesce to being converted into containers for fecal matter."
   There was a sound from behind him, and an odd fleshling that he had not seen before unexpectedly summoned up a host of spiders. Malcurth then spat out a series of heated remarks, culminating with a literal fireball being thrown at the woman.
   DFX had completely no idea what was going on. He commented, "It would seem there is great animosity between you and this puppeteer of arachnids. I do hope you are able to sort out your grievances with her." With that, DFX calmly returned to shaping the internal structure of the caged crystal he was tinkering with, even when Engima showed up in the same way Malcurth had.


The spider queen took the brunt of the fireball. Spitting ash and blood, she glared at Malcurth. Then she brought her hands together, sending razor sharp shards of ice flying towards him.

The spiders, clustered around their queen, providing a bit of an undead meat-shield.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Aeo being of course not the most physical of people ended up being behind the others as he came upon the hole the was the way out of the spider/zombie hell.  Unfortunately the zombie girl and more of her spiders were in his way. 

"Oh come on lady what does it take to kill you for real?"  Aeo said angrily as he followed it up with a series of bitingly cold demonic phrases the slung an icicle towards the zombie girl whose back was to the tiefling. 


Aire regarded the sunlight and hole above, "I believe there is no easy way out of here with everyone occupied above."

The elf touched the earth in front of her and spoke words of deep, resonating baritones and sounding of dirt and rock rubbing against one another, she sought eggress to the land above.  She hoped her faerie side was not too alien to this world's nature and that it might allow her passage.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson cme running up to Tankas he threw the two members out of the hole. He heard Mal speaking and cast a fireball. He quickly ran up to Tank.
"Going up"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Malcurth gritted his teeth, quickly erecting a wall of blazing fire between him and the oncoming shards of ice. Although he managed to stop a greater portion of the razors, a few of the larger ones still got through, grazing and slicing into him.

As he reached down to pull one of the slivers out of him, he chuckled softly at DMX's comment. "Oh yes, we will be having a right and intellectual discussion here in a bit, my synthetic friend.." He said, absently flicking the shard away and then clasping his paws together again and sending a flame-thrower style stream of fire into the mass of spiders that were trying to protect their queen.


The spider queen clapped her hands together, disappearing in a whirl of mist. The spider-zombies, blasted by the flames, took the brunt of the damage. Many were destroyed, but a few survived. These made a bee-line for Malcurth, lunging towards him with the "teeth" gnashing.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


at this point enigma hit the ground bouncing like a ball he rolled past many of the other into the spiders a sphere taking form around him in the dust and gore of rolled over spiders. while Enigma was safe for now he was still limited as he could not attack while he was inside of the round shield.  at least the shield compensated for motion and he was not bounced around inside of it like a bead inside of a children's toy.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aire was overjoyed that the elemental earth spirits granted her request.  Curt and to the point, spirits of the near timeless earth had little care for creatures of flesh and even less for those created from the rape of the earth such as golems or warforged, however the elf's faerie heritage weighed in her favor more then her companions detracted from it.

Sinking into the wall, the elf gave herself wholely to the care of the soil and quickly ascended. 
to those above, she seemed to boil from the very earth.  There was little she could immediately do to aid the battle, she could merely watch and hope spiders did not observe her arrival.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Tank regarded Tarson for just a moment before moving again. "Up it is, then." Tank picked Tarson up a little more carefully than he did the others, and slung him in an even more controlled way. When Tarson came up out of the hole, being prepared for it, he actually came down on his feet.
   Tank quickly checked if there were any other fleshlings he missed...


"YO TANK!"  Aeo ran up to the golem.  "Looks like it's time to repeat the past... sort of..." Aeo smiled as he prepared to be launched out like Tarson had.


Tarson lands and see the undead spiders.
"Damn I'm starting to think we should have burn this city to the ground"
Tarson slammed his stone fist into the ground and sent out bolts of electricity out towards the spiders"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   Tank seemed almost surprised when Aeo rushed up. "Are you going to have fun with this?" He growled, in a tone that almost seemed playful. "Very well..."
   Tank picked up Aeo, took aim, and gave his launch a bit more power than he did the others, enough to give him a few extra feet in launch height. Tank himself was almost having fun with this as well. He was actually throwing puny fleshlings around, without consequence. How could it get better than that?


Malcurth gritted his teeth again as the zombie spiders came racing towards him. He quickly reached into the arm of his robe, pulling out his dagger just in time to swipe the first spider cleanly in half. However, in his back swing, a second spider barreled into him, knocking him to the ground and leaping atop his other arm. But, the incubus quickly rolled towards the spider and brought his dagger down on the spider again and again until it was dead..

It was only then he felt the agonizing pain of one of the spiders biting into his leg. He yowled in pain, and putted an open palm towards the spider, which was soon bathed in flame shortly after.. He drew his legs in, sucking in air through his teeth as he felt the throbbing pain in his legs.. "I can only hope.. their poison glands left with their souls.." He said wearily, peering about for the queen as he staggers to his feet again.


Enigma's stamina startled to falter and he dropped his shield. he staggered for a moment and then firmed into a defense stance and looked around him. "enigma my boy you sure fell into the thick of it" he said and he  jumped back both retreating to the main group and bashing  what ever zombie limbs came  close to him.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aire shook off the heaviness she felt from her travel through rock and earth.  Shouldering her rifle, she whistled sharply.

A heavy hoofed foot landed with a satisfying crunch against the last spider that had approached the fine steed.  He tossed his head up, ears twitching at the sound, and immediately bound off to its source. 

Aire nodded as the horse approached and she gave him a brief pat before retrieving her full shield.  She toggled a switch on the thing and it expanded slightly, mechanically, to its full size.  She attached it to the buckler unit and drew her sword.

Waving her hand about, the elf spoke to her warmount in plain common, "Defend."

The mount snorted in acknowledgement and the single unicorn-like horn implement of its armor glowed as it stepped forward, wairily watching for hostiles.

Aire herself quickly moved to Malcurth, "are you still well sir?  The spider n'tel'jathless xhana, is still around somewhere.  We may not be out of this for a while."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   To Tank, it looked like he had gotten everyone. Now time for himself.
   He picked up his greathammer, held it like a two-handed javelin, and threw it up out of the hole the same way he did the fleshlings. Even with Tank's monumental strength, it almost didn't make it, as it was proportioned to himself.
   Next, he held out his hand, making it straight and dagger-like. Without putting too much strength into his arm, he plunged his hand into the earth. He then repeated the process with his left hand, aiming it a little higher. He brought up his left foot, and kicked that into the earth. He then brought up his right foot, and kicked that one in a little higher than the left. Pulling with his left arm and pushing with both legs, he increased his height while he pulled his right hand out and shot it back in, higher. Then he cycled through all his limbs again. While actual progress was slow, the hole was fifteen feet deep, and he was ten feet tall. In short order, his hands were grasping at the edge, and with colossal effort, he heaved himself up.
   A spider was hanging around. At seeing Tank rise out of the hole, it opened its mouth, drooling a little green liquid...and just as it was going to shoot an acid glob at Tank's face, he reached out with his massive hand towards the spider. The glob splashed against tank's hand as it reached for the Spider's head, the acid backwashing on the spider. A sizzling sound was heard as Tank's hand grasped the spider, and its legs twitched madly. Tank squeezed. Bug guts squirted out between his fingers, as the spider thrashed once more, then was still. Mostly. One leg kept twitching. Tank the pulled himself all the way up, grinding his weight against the ground, and a few more of his acid-weakened armor spikes snapped off.
   Without any sounds, he collected himself, grabbed his hammer, and stood tall.

   DFX looked up after he heard a few metallic pangs, just in time to see Tank, covered in white webbing and the armor underneath all corroded, stand up. DFX was motionless for a moment, then actually shouted.
   "Bother! By our Forging Father, what prepostrous activities have you engaged in that effected this unkempt state?"
   Tank merely stared in the incomprehesinble construct way, though someone might gather that Tank was a tad annoyed. Ignoring DFX, Tank then turned to help take care of the remaining spiders.


Tarson seemed to be a bit dizzy as he stoud there watching Tank emerge from the hole. Tarson looked to the others as they cleaned up the spiders.
"I think now would be a good time to get the hell out of this place and get moving. Hopefully we're close to that magic source so we can at least figure out what that is"
Tarson waited for the others to move and then turned and started to leave. He staggered a bit and placed his stone arm against a near by piece of stone to help keep himself up. He started walking again but this time with a noticeable limp. It was clear he was trying to hide it.
"I want to be done with this mistake"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.