Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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The giant spider (approximately sized like a small house, or, three large horses stacked with a bison... and maybe a water buffalo) crouched back, making a mewling noise as it's face was lit up with fire. It then jumped at the nearest target, which, at this point, was Tank.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson raced at the spider planning to hit the spider with the charge in his right arm. He tries to reach the giant spider before it gets to Tank. If it is touching Tank when he hits it with a charge it may affect Tank.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Malcurth, with his robes still smoldering from the close, fiery encounter with the monstrous spider, quickly appraised the situation.. The spider was bearing down on Tank, with Tarson coming in fast from the side. "Hmmm." He pondered for a moment, before deciding to hurl a fireball to the unoccupied side of the beast.. Tank would be slightly distant from the blast, and safe from its charring affects, while Tarson would have the spider between him and the blast, where as the spider would be, well..

Let's just say they taste better cooked.

He raised his palm up, concentrating for a brief moment, which brought a bright, red, pinprick of light into existence above his paw, and he seemed to grasp the air beneath it, pulling his paw back behind him in a motion that the light followed, before hurtling his arm forward. The little light left his paw, and quickly blazed, growing into a rolling fireball before it exploded forcibly behind the spider..


The spider takes the impact of Tarson from one side, and the fireball from the other. It lets out a blood-curdling cry, and then rolls around on the ground, twitching.

Then it spits acid on Tarson.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson tried to use his stone hand to wipe away what acid he could.
Tarson charge his arm up to full charge and drives it into the spider with as much force as he could and lets out the charge.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Frig!" Malcurth exclaims with wide-eyes as Tarson catches a face-full of spider spit. He almost instinctively reaches into his robe's pockets, searching for the right vial.. He was looking for an anti-acid solution, a strong base substance that would neutralize the acid.. hopefully.

"Ah ha!" He says, grinning as he pulls the dark grey bottle free from his robes. "Tarson! Quick! Spread this over the acid! It is better to have salt in your flesh than acid!" He says, throwing the vial at Tarson. "But try to be a bit more careful! I only carry one of those on me!" He says, making a careful note in the back of his mind to buy more of those vials..


Tarson barely caught the vial with his left hand.
"Alittle busy at the moment!"
Tarson kept his stone hand on the spider and he sent charge after charge into the spider.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Hey guys, you think they're all right?"  Aeo asked as he popped back up from his bag, boredom finally taking it's toll and sleep not being an option due to Tank's pounding in the town. "I mean lets face it Tank isn't going to idly smash stuff, right 28?  I think we should go see if they need some help."  Aeo started off in the direction without even waiting for the others he was getting way to starved for action.


   DFX responded to Aeo's question even as he walked away. "Actually, if presented with an obstacle, he will oft demolish it wantonly."

   Tank was simply not fast enough to keep up with all that happened. An attack from behind, then some lighning and explosions thrown around, and a keeled-over giant spider. That apparently could spit acid. Tarson was trying to shock the already-dead thing to dust while simultaneously rubbing said acid off of himself. Tank wasn't the brightest construct from the forge, but even he knew this was not good.
   "Move!" He rumbled at the rage-stricken Tarson while he got up behind him, heedless of whether tarson listend or not. He was a big man, but Tank was even bigger. He reached out with one hand, grabbed Tarson by the scruff of his neck, then yanked him back to the ground behind him. Even though it was very much overkill, Tank brought his greathammer down in a wide overhead arc on the spider. It exploded as its guts were expelled with significant force, giving Tank and the nearby buildings a new orange paint-job. Now Tarson had nothing to focus on except using Mal's acid neutralizer. Or venting at Tank, be he was about to adress that.
   Tank then turned to Tarson, now sprawled on the ground. "You are hurt. You need to get aid, not zap a sack of guts that was already dead."
   Tank then turned in the direction where the group was, and bellowed, "TARSON NEEDS HEALING."


Tarson growled a bit at Tank then used some of the substance in the vial Mal gave him on his face. Then he looked up to Tank.
"Might not have been a good idea to call them in here. We don't know what else is crawling around here"
Tarson got up and gave Mal the vial back. He started heading back to where they entered the town.
"Let's meet the others and hussle through this town"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


enigma was following 28 when he heard the big construct yell about healing. he reached into his stash looking among his charm for anything he had that might help heal the de facto leader of their group.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Watching the surronding countryside for monsters or any other persons being shunted to this place had been uneventful, for which Alcir was only slightly dissapointed. Aside from that one battle with the goblins, his first heroic adventure had been quite dull.
  But then what sounded like thunder bursted through his ears. Judging that there was no obvious lightning, and that the noise came from the ruined town, Alcir guessed that the massive construct, Tank, had caused the cacophany.
  Though it was not a scream, Alcir realized, but a worded shout. It seemed that the part-human, Tarson, had been injured. To the undead, it was likely the only competent healer of the party was the odd half-elf. "Aire, if Tarson has been injured, I believe it would be best if you tended to his wounds." Aeo and Enigma were already leaving for the town, and Alcir fell in behind them. "Please, come with us."
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


As soon as Aeo heard Tank's shout he bolted ahead of the others and quickly found Tarson, Malcurth, Tank and the large squished corpse of a giant spider. 

"Aw man..." Aeo sighed.  "You guys had all the fun.  Anyway the others should catch up and help ya out Tarson.  Meanwhile I'm gonna poke around this things corpse, see if it's infernal or not."   


With Tanks shout and Alcir's words, Aire paled substantially.  The elven lady bolted as she shouldered her rifle on her left.  She covered the ground quickly, leaving nary a print behind and quickly overtaking the others.  She was fast for a female elf in plate armor.

Any number of scenarios raced through her head, from mortal chest wounds to cuts and scrapes.  All of which she could heal, but at a rapidly escalating price to herself.  No matter what had happened, she would perform her magic and sacrifice her immortal life, for him, for any of them.

Eventually she reached Tarson and looked him over, a very concerned and stern look seared more severely into him then any acid, "Tarson Hunter, you have been quite reckless."  Her motherly demeanor melted away as she blinked away her glassy eyes and shook her head.  She smiled, "next time duck and weave."   

She placed her hand, palm first on his shoulder and concentrated.  She began the process of healing, bathing Tarson in a white aura.  The areas of acid glowed green and she began drawing a part of that sickly green energy into herself.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson shugged Aire off the best he could. He also looked at Alcir.
"Will you stop that? There is no telling what else is crawling around here. We need to get everyone and get through this town"
He looks back at Aire.
"I'll be fine for a bit we need to get through this town first. There was a rather large wolf half eaten in that building Tank destroyed. Besides I managed to take care of the acid with something Mal gave me"
Tarson started walked to where the others would be coming in then looked at Aire over his shoulder.
"Don't worry dear I'll be fine"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


There was a rumbling from under the ground. Dust spilled off the decayed roofs of the buildings. The ground shook, sending many of the party members to their knees.

It was under Aeo that a hole opened in the ground, sending him straight down 15 feet, leaving him sprawled on the ground. Down, in the dark, bruised but luckily otherwise unharmed, Aeo was the first to hear the growling a creatures down in a tunnel, in the darkness, stretching away from the hole he was trapped in.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


The growls were not pleasant to Aeo.  Still he knew he had to keep his wits about him if he was to survive. 

"Ok Aeo..." He whispered to himself as he got to his feet.  "Maybe they're not coming towards you..."  He pulled out his mace and touched the starting rune and used the light to peer around.  The tunnel didn't look immediately threatening, but he knew that could change at any minute, after all how many idiots went running into dark tunnels and actually came out alive.  He looked back up the hole to see he was in no way going to pull himself out.

"Great..." Aeo sighed.  "If I yell I'll draw attention from the beasties..."  Aeo shrugged.  "You only live once..." 

"GET ME OUTTA THIS THING!"  Aeo shouted at the top of his lungs.


Tarson saw Aeo disapear into a hole in the ground. He got up and ran back to the hole. He looked in and saw Aeo was still alive. When Aeo yelled Tarson laugh abit. He knelt down by the hole and shook his head.
"Yeah cause you know we didn't plan on doing that in the first place. That's what you get for saying we had all the fun"
Tarson then looked up at Tank.
"Hey think you can get him out of there?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo would have laughed but the growls from earlier really unnerved him now. 

"Something's down here." Aeo half smiled with a look of "Oh god don't let it eat me!" mixed in.


Tarson leaned in the hole a bit to see if he could hear the growls.
"Hrmm sounds kinda familar"
Tarson then looked at Aeo.
"Don't worry maybe it will be too worried about getting out to eat you, or it could be real hungery. Hopefully if it is it'll take you in one or two bites. Less pain that way"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   Producing a grumbling sound like an engine in rough idle, Tank, grabbed his hammer and moved to the hole, lying prone beside it. There was a metallic creaking sound as a few of his armor spikes bent between his body and the packed dirt, but he paid it no mind. With the end handle of the greathammer in the grip of one hand, he lowered the business end of the greathammer into the hole. The whole thing was almost as long as he was tall, so Aeo should have no trouble reaching it.
   "Grab on, fleshling."


Aeo leaped up straight and grasped onto the greathammer like it was a lovely young innkeepers daughter. 

"Tank you're my hero..."  Aeo looked back into the hole.  "Now could you pull me up?"


You have wings, you know.

And a group of adventurers who probably would not act kindly to a cubi, thank you very much. After all, the big ole metal can of whoop-ass has it under control.


However, Aeo's mention of seraching the spider for 'infernal' origins irked Malcurth somewhat. Was the tiefling really on to him that much? Luckily, Malcurth knew that his pyrotechnics would not give off any more infernal readings than a run of the mill sorcerer. If he used demon fire, it would be a different story, but the leopard saw no reason for its use in the immediate future.

He did of course catch the vial, but just stuffed it absentmindedly into his robe, muttering something about it only being good for one use. He walked up to the edge of the whole and cautiously peered over.. "Well, looks like we have an infestation of subterranean acid spitting spiders... I might suggest we simply vacate the area, unless you all are into pest extermination?"


As Aeo was slowly pulled up, those closest to the hole heard: "help.. me..."
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Malcurth's ears immediately perked at the sound. "Okay, I am certain that I am not hearing things.. but who.. or what..?" He asked curiously, before conjuring a fist-sized ball of flame at the tip of his finger, and sending it to hover nearby Aeo, giving Aeo a bit of light to see. "Hey! See anything down there?" He asked the tiefling, while he himself used his own sets of vision.. both low-light from his leopard heritage, and infrared from his cubi lineage..


"Oh gods..." Aeo rolled his eyes in disbelief.  "Who wants to search the creepy, most likely, spider infested hole for the source of the voice that sounds half dead?"


Tarson jumped into the hole at the voice asking for help. He sent a charge into his right arm as he landed.
"Hello? Who is here and do you actually need help?"
Tarson looked up at the others then eyed the tunnel in both directions.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


There was a high pitched scream, fading quickly down the tunnel, and then... a wave of smaller spider beast flooded out of the tunnel.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson drove his hand into into the ground to send electricity at the incomeing spiders.
"Hey ah Mal you wanna come down here and torch some of these things?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Come down? No. Torch? Yes." Malcurth says, quickly concentrating for a moment as he locked his gaze on the largest mass of incoming spiders, or, more importantly, the tunnel they were coming out of. He threw his paw forward, sending a circular ring of fire towards the cave entrance which was spewing forth baby spiders, and the circle swelled and grew, soon becoming a circular wall of fire to block off the entryway..

"Now, my half-golem friend, I do not want to think of how many may be down there, so what say we get the hell out of here before we end up like that doomed fellow we just heard earlier?"