Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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Tarson kept his hand to the ground sending charge after charge towards the oncoming spiders. He didn't stop even after Mal's fire show.
"No time they would be on us by the time I made it out! Aire take the others and get out of here! I'll hold them off aslong as I can! Just meet up with the others and lead them out of this city! Just be on the look out for more spiders!"
Tarson continued to send charges at the spiders.
'No how long this will last. Never pushes myself to find my limits but I may here and now. Oh well I'll taker down as many as I can" Tarson though to himself.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aire had barely finished her healing attempts before Tarson had shrugged her off and before any response could be given the ground had given out under Aeo. 

Things happened so fast around her, the elf felt as if she was in a fog, but with a start she snapped back into reality.  Tarson was yelling at her to lead everyone off, but she could not do that.

"DFX, you should coordinate with the others and retreat, I must assist Tarson in withdrawing... it is my duty."

With that she charged to the edge of the hole and drew her Niquets, had these weapons used bullets they would be impossible contraptions and prone to jamming.  However, being a magical energy type weapon they were mainly designed for flair and panache. 

The Light pistols fired four small bursts of Light energy, no where near as powerful as the Dragon Rifle, but it did so very rapidly.  She did have to pause for a brief second for the weapons to reset.  She attacked in wide arcs, trying to "lay down a suppressing fire" as she had been trained to do.

"Tarson, please retreat, we must get you out of there... then perhaps we can collapse this hole somewhat."  She looked to Malcurth who was also at the edge, "perhaps you can assist Tarson in escaping the pit he has jumped into... I believe it is within your capabilities.

Aire's voice was unassuming and calm.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Malcurth suddenly looked to Aire with his eyes wide, and for the briefest of moments, he wondered if these 'elves' were gifted with sight beyond sight.. but.. in the end.. he knew she was right..

"Goddess damn it to oblivion.." Malcurth muttered under his breath..

You knew it would happen sooner or later.

But Snowfur had already plunged into the pit..

And in mid fall, he released a few of the bonds on his form, causing his main wings to sprout almost suddenly into existence, the feathery white and teal appendages fluttering in the air as he fell towards Tarson. He landed on the half-golem's shoulders, before grabbing him beneath his arm-pits (careful to avoid that shocking stone arm), and saying, "You owe me one, enhanced.."

His wings spread wide one either side, and in one powerful flap, spiderlings went flying in the gust as he and Tarson were lifted just barely lifted out of their reach.. "Gods be DAMNED you're heavy!!!" Malcurth growled as he gritted his fangs, rapidly pumping his wings again and again to pull them out of the pit, eventually managing to pull them out of the hole, although he dropped Tarson near the edge and dropped to the ground nearby, reaching over his shoulder and gripping the muscles of his back as he gritted his teeth in pain..

"Let.. us get out of here.. okay?" He said between labored breaths..


Tarson seemed a bit surprise when Mal came down and basically flew them out of the hole.
"What the hell?"
Tarson looked around a bit trying to figure out what just happened. He looked at the others as he tried to collect his thoughts. Then he looked at Mal and realized was he hurting. He climbed up to his feet as fast as he could and grabbed Mal. He threw him over his shoulders in a firemen's carry and started to move away from the hole. Then looked at the others.
Tarson thought out loud.
"Some leader I am. First off no one listens to me and I almost get others killed. Maybe I need to rethink this"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Enigma watches the snow cat fly in the tight hole (less then half over the cats wing span) grateful to be spared the necessity of the foolish action he had been contemplating. as he watches the play of the wings an he starts realising he must also be using levitation magic as the ares was too small for him to have proper life with someone that was half stone. still he was sure that the wings be they natural or not had some significance that he would learn later. with his water staff he concentrates and sends  small burst of water at the pursuing spider to stop thing from jumping on the fleeing pair.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


So, using air magic to levitate, which you know is unstable, and flying on wings they hadn't even gotten their proper bloodflow yet? No wonder your shoulder blades feel like hells. You're one crazy kitty, aren't you?

Do you ever shutup?

Of course not, dickweed, I'm you! But speaking of which, I'd refrain from any heavy rains of fire for a bit. That sudden jaunt of yours has left your mana pool with, ah, something to be desired..

And of course, the cruel little voice of logic was right. Snapping into action like that with little forethought or concentration had practically blasted a hole in Malcurth's spell capacity. And while he mulled over the damage, he realized that lessening the bonds on his true form may have let more of his incubi aura leak through, and he gave Aeo and Aire a nervous glance for a moment..

.. which left him wide-open to being promptly hefted and carried by the very fellow who's life he had just saved. "What the- Hey! Quiddit! I can walk very well, thank you very much! Put me down!" He demanded.. although it was a half-hearted attempt. His back felt like fire, and he took the brief, albeit somewhat bouncy, reprieve as a chance to concentrate and shape his wings back out of existence..


"Hey you all right?" Aeo shouted to Malcurth, he could feel a more infernal aura after the furry guy had grown wings, but right now it didn't matter EVERYONE was most likely more worried about the baby spiderling things.  "Ok boys and gal... let the warlock do his stuff..." 

Aeo grunted as he pulled his infernal power forward.  A dark purple and grey aura flashed around him as he focused his energy. He motioned his hand like a beast clawing at it's prey and then the words spilled out.  Dark and demonic syllables that sounded more like hisses and and growls than anything else.  His efforts soon produced a levitating ring of acid right above the hole.  It looked like it could brush the walls of the hole clean of almost anything as it hissed and popped in the air.

"If anyone's there I can't see you so move clear I'm dropping the acid now!"  Aeo shouted as he released his hold over the corrosive liquid. 


Aire backed up from the edge as the acid ring formed, but she stuck to the point safest and closest to the hole.  She continued to fire at the spiderlings, using as much energy as necessary and from any source within herself to maintain her barrage.

Aire smiled and chuckled softly to herself as she continued her suppression fire, "I disobeyed your order because I have a higher mandate to protect the lives of all my companions.  It was noble, but foolish to hold off the enemy by yourself while we escaped.  As the leader you are too valuable for such a risky maneuver.  Next time allow me to sacrifice myself for the greater good... it is my duty."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson put Mal down against a rock and returns to the others dealering with the spiders. He gets near the hole and sends electrical charges down into the hole. He then looks at Aire.
"Don't you know it's the leader's job to be the first to sacrifice themselves. If a leader lives while one follows them dies then the leader has fails. Besides your too cute for me to let die"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   Tank pulled Aeo out the moment he latched on, then he and DFX watched the next crazy events unfold. A fleshling voice had sounded out from the tunnel, and Tarson instantly jumped in. After some confusion, Malcurth went in as well, only to get back out, he sprouted wings and flew out with his cargo. DFX was now extremely interested Malcurth, but this wasn't the ideal time for theorizing. Aeo, Aire, and Enigma all took potshots at the spiders in the hole.
    Tank then moved up to take his own position on the edge of the hole, greathammer in hand, while DFX sidled up to Tarson.
   "So. What now, stoneflesh?" Tank asked Tarson.
   "Yes. Shall we hastily proceed with our original objective, or attempt to determine if the fleshling who requested aid is still alive, and warrants a rescue?
   "You still down there, fleshy?" Tank called out anyway.


Tarson kept sending charges into the hole as Tank spoke to him.
"Simple we kill as much as we can. If I hear that voice again I don't care what you guys do I'm gonna check it out"
Tarson quickly looked at the others around him.
"I don't care if it's a trap and I don't care if I go alone, but I will see if I can help who or whatever is done there. I made someone a promise"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   A spider that the others had missed scurried up towards Tank. Tank swung his greathammer down, and SPLAT'd the spider against the wall of the hole.
   He then reach down with one huge metal hand, and firmly gripped Tarson's stone shoulder. Very firmly. A little crackling noise was heard (but his arm was otherwise fine).
   "NO." Tank said forcefully. "We just got you OUT. And you're a fleshling. If you go back in, you won't stand a chance. Niether will the rest of you." Tank said to the group surrounding the hole.
   He peered down the hole one more time. "In fact, the fleshling we heard is almost certainly dead."


Tarson growled abit at Tank.
"You wouldn't understand. If there is something or someone down there still alive I WILL TRY TO SAVE THEM! I never asked to be pulled out. In fact I told you guys to get the hell out of here"
Tarson continued to send charge after charge into the hole. He then yelled into the hole.
"Hello! Is anyone one still alive in there?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo dropped back from his invocation and saw what was going on. 

"Tarson..." Aeo said "The voice was barely alive and even if the person was still alive after the spiders came pouring out I doubt they survived the uh.. acid bath I may have just given them."


Far off in the distance, down the hole: "I'm so scared..."
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


For a moment, Malcurth welcomed the reprieve, leaning heavily up against the rock for a moment as he rubbed the sore area of his back.. But it seemed half the party was intent on going down the spider hole, so to speak, so he groaned as he stood up straight and walked over to the hole where the spiders were swarming below..

"Sorry Tank.. but I am voting with the rest of the meatbags. There is someone alive down there, and I am not one to leave innocents to become spider chow.." He said, looking up at the mighty construct, and then to his hammer with a slight grin.. "And I think you may be in a suitable position to help us.. I might not be able to produce my usual display for a while, but I think I can make you all the more destructive.." He said, briefly gesturing towards the massive hammer with a soft chant..

Soon, the greathammer seemed to glow with a reddish, flicking aura, seemingly wrapped in flames.. "There.. now be mindful of where you swing it, and be sure to swing wide.. because whoever gets hit by it for the next few swings is in for an explosive surprise.."


Aeo barely heard the voice but he did hear it and his jaw dropped.

"Or they could be barely alive..." Aeo sighed.  "All right Tarson I'm with you, but if baby spider's come burstin' out of our rescuee I am soooo going to blame you..."

With that Aeo popped his mace back into his hand and set it to full ignition.  Then he looked down the hole to see where the acid had landed. 

"Ok whoever's coming, the acid's mainly on the edges so be careful." Aeo said then he looked to Tarson and then to Malcurth whom he walked over to with a knowing smile as he figured Mal had to be descended from some demonic line..  "So..." Aeo smiled.  "Wings huh?  Better than horns and a tail I guess."


enigma spoke. " this is quite the mystery. what is alive yet not alive, in need of help yet helpful." he smiled. he had no idea why he said what he said it had just come to him. "in short we may be dealing with a living yet non living entity. it could be that the spider trapped some thing the could not eat or maybe they did eat it bet something was left behind such as a ghost or a fright spirit."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"A ghost?" Armita's voice was suddenly very doubtful. "Well see about that." The young mage had known more dead than he had known the living. When Aeo had dropped into the hole, Armita had ran through different spells in his mind, but seemed that the best he could do at the moment was to collapse the whole tunnel. That hadn't been an option. At the time. And now someone was still underground, denying him from the easy way to solve the spider problem. But if the person was already dead, there would be no need to keep the hole open. That being thought, Armita closed his eyes, crossed his hands and started mumbling few words of concentration. He was calling the the dead.


"I heard that... I wonder what it is...?"

Ceasing her barrage of weapons fire, the elf reached out through the earth with her sense seeking what might have spoken.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The only dead detectable were the dead spiders. There's plenty of them.

There are multiple "life" signatures further along the tunnel.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


   The unknown fleshling's voice sounded again. Tank hadn't been entirely suggesting that they abandon the fleshling if it was still alive, but merely pointing out that any other fleshling who goes down there would die. Not him, though he didn't necessarily want to go in there to save some random fleshling...
   Malcurth gave his greathammer a quick fire charge. DFX rushed up next to Tank. "He will require protection from the acid, most importantly." DFX placed his metal hands on Tank's adamantine hide and concentrated. After several tense seconds, Tank's armor flashed, and seemed to be covered in an oily sheen. "This will not endure very long."
   With a sound almost like a groan, Tank jumped in, greathammer down. When he hit the bottom, the fire exploded, clearing away anything right beneath him. He then swung it in a 360 degree circle, getting rid of anything surrounding him. A few globs of acid flew on him, but just slid off his armor. However, the sheen was already fading. Quickly, he scanned the surroundings for any sign of the trapped fleshling.


The tunnel stretched on in the darkness, for what seemed like 200 feet before the light became too dim to see.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


"That's no ghost." Armita replied to Enigma's idea. "He's still alive, and there's probably more people down there."  The worry and urge to help was strong in his voice. All the crows were high in the sky, flying against the sky. "We can't leave them down there!"


Tarson saw the others jump into the hole before him.
"Hrrm glad to see people agree with me"
Tarson jumped into the hole near the others. As soon as he landed he drew his sword on his back *Almost forgot about that thing*. He held it in his stone hand and sent a charge of electricity into the blade. He looked at the others who had dropped into the hole with him. Then charged down the tunnel. Swinging his sword to help clean a path into the tunnel.
"Well let's get this rescue mission under way"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Malcurth looked at Aeo with a wary gaze for a moment.. before it began to dawn on him, that despite Aeo's growing knowledge of his true identity, the tiefling did not mean to harm him or expose him to harm.. Finally, he slowly smirked a bit.. "Perhaps.." He said softly, so that only the most acute of hearing would overhear, ".. but although having your demonic heritage visible  to all may seem a burden to you, the.. reputation of my own blood is a far worse curse.. Hence the disguise.."

However, the party was beginning to head down the hole, so Malcurth straightened up a bit while gritting his teeth as his back unknotted slightly.. "Well.. it seems we're headed down the eight-legged rabbit hole.." He says, walking up to the edge of the whole and jumping in, landing with agile, cat-like grace. He stands up, surveying the scene briefly before sending brief, puffs of flame towards the occasional spider that got past the initial onslaught.. it was the best he could manage after his earlier feats..


Aeo kept his smile as he jumped in after Malcurth, unfortunately he landed flat on his rear and stood up to the few remaining spiders in the hole being ignited by Mal's fire spells. 

"Ok so you close to burning out yet Mal?" Aeo said as he stood up and slowly recited a few demonic words that burst the spiders he pointed into flaming piles of arachnoid.  "Take a rest bud, I'll take bug frying duty." 

Aeo said as he stood near Tarson and began targeting the small bugs.  "I can do this all day as long as they don't get much bigger.  then I might have to concentrate a bit more."


Aire jumped into the hole after the others.  She found herself near Tarson and the memory of him calling her cute surfaced, causing a slight blush.  She shook it off as a spiderling dropped down near her and attempted to gnaw on her ankle.  Her elven plate was too much for the little thing and it got blasted for its effort.

She considered that the others might not be able to see in the dark, even though she could, and holstered her Niquets.  She drew her sword and deployed her reserve shield (buckler) from her vambrace unit.  The buckler was actually part of her main shield, which unfortunately was outside on her mount. 

Slowly, so that others could be aware and adjust, Aire generated just enough light to see.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


without flare of witty remark enigma jumped into the hole after the others almost floating as he landed. the war-hammer welding tank was in the lead and the others followed as he too join the lings of fools his cloaks and manner making him like a shadow on the tunnel wall. well a shadow wielding a weapon of water power that seem too have gained its second breath with a vengeance as it were though he held his fire/ water until it was needed.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo made sure to stay behind Tarson and was a little surprised by Aire's light source. 

"Man we're all just full of surprises aren't we?" Aeo blinked, partially from the light flushing his eyes that were just moments ago trying to adjust to the dark.

"Let's just hope they don't have to discover mine..." Aeo thought to himself nervously as he prepared to follow Tarson.  Then it hit him that if he didn't share his heritage secret with the others it might just kill them all but at the same time they might rebuke him being in the group.  That thought though quickly vanished as he recalled Aire's words about actions over bloodlines.  Besides he thought it might get Mal to share his own little secret. 

"Hey guys, if I share some potentially reality shattering info with you guys, you promise not to kill me or abandon me or something?" Aeo chuckled nervously.  "Cause really I got a ba-a-ad feeling about this hole, and I don't want you guys caught in something nasty."