Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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"We were in search of a possible means to free us from this place, Aire acting as our guide," Alcir answered the ...  creature? He stepped forward, in a slightly frustrated voice he asked, "And sir, Malcurth, to ease my curiousity, what are you?" The undead noticed something odd then, though Malcurth seemed no older than Tarson or the teifling or the living human, he had called Aeo a 'young master.' Alcir wondered how aged the ... The lack of knowledge of Malcurth's species was beginning to grate upon the undead.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Tarson scratched his chin with his left hand then looks at Alcir.
"I would say he looks like a humanoid snow lepeord, to me. Works for me, aslong as he doesn't try to kill any of us"
He then looks at Mal.
"We don't know this place any better than you really. We just happen to show up near a small village some others made. We spoke with a giant there that seemed to be in charge there. He couldn't really help us with anything. Just told use to be careful. The local creatures are nasty"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Malcurth turned a curious glance towards Alcir, and that is when he noted the metal plate on the fellow's face.. "Perhaps we could share our knowledge of our kinds then, good sir, for although you seem human enough, I have senses that tell me otherwise.. I hope I do not offend. As for what I am, yes, I am a snow leopard, although the race of furs and avians and reptiles on a whole that share this form are simple known, collectively, as 'Beings', as we vary from breed to breed so much that few can call us one thing or another. There are also dragons, fae, phoenixes, gryphons and even angels and demons on my world.." He said, although the incubus was careful to leave out the race thought to be conceived through a union between angels and demons. "My world is quite diverse, although I would say from the party here that your own home is no different."

"Well.. I doubt standing around here gawking will get us very far.. what say we continue on the way you were headed?"


A 'being' then? As good a moniker as any other. Alcir was a little bit suprised that Malcurth could not determine his own race, though perhaps undead did exist upon his world, strange as that would be. "I am an undead. A zombie or ghoul, as some call my kind. A human corpse, reaminated with necromantic magics." Alcir paused, then nodded and asked, "If I might request of you another answer, ... Malcurth, what is your age?"
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Tarson snapped his stone finger together which made a really odd noise.
"Ok we can talk and walk at the same time yes?"
Tarson then looked at Aire.
"Ok boss lead the way"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo smiled as Alcir finished his question and nodded.  "While we're at it, what's the infernal sense I get about you?  You got a demonic weapon on you or something?"


Crap, am I that damn obvious? People always claimed I acted differently after my first century, but really now!

"An undead? I wonder why I did not quite recognize your scent earlier.. We have sentient and non-sentient undead in Furrae too.. I suppose it is because you are human.." He says, and shrugs simply. "And as for my age, I am old enough to have been around the countryside a few times, and know a few good tricks."

Except how to tell a good lie, you furry retard.

However, the question that Aeo asked was twice as disturbing.. "An infernal aura on me?" Crap crap! "I have not a clue.. mayhaps it could be a residue from my arrival here?" How the heck do you mask auras!? I know they taught it at the academy! "I do have a number of trinkets in my pack, but as far as I know, none of them are infernal in origin.." But noooo, we just had to focus on being a sorcerer and not a cubi, am I right? Moron! Idiot! Snowy! "Mayhaps you could look over them to see if one of them has become cursed from my journey?"

And remind me to kick myself in the face later.


"Appear human... smell fae... I, hmmm... how does one address this kind of question?"  Aire replied as she thought outloud.

She thought for a moment and snapped her fingers just before reaching into her pack and producing several plush dolls.  The first that she presented was one quite like her, elven, but it was strangely androgenous (to those that can tell the difference).  She also presented a number of stuffed animals, "I am an elf, one of the first of the old races on our world.  We were created from the souls of animals and a piece of the wyld.  The wyld is what the faeries... the fae are from."

Aire brought forth a typical tinkerbell style faerie doll, "faeries are strictly immortal creatures of the wyld... and I am half faerie on my mother's side.  She is of the Seelie court Sidhe, so do not worry, I am not a malicious prankster or flighty and whimsical, I can control my faerie side."

Aire spun around and stared a dagger at Tarson, "I am only your guide, not your leader... stop calling me that!"  Despite her look, she sounded more playful and light then angry.

The elf continued to lead the group in direction of the magical signature.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Yeah sure..." Aeo glanced at the new furry guy as if to say 'You're lying and I know it.' and then he dropped back into the rank and file with a faux yawn to mull his thoughts over.

As he quickly mulled the thoughts over he hear Aire's remark to Tarson.  "Maybe but you're more pleasant to look at from back here as opposed to ol' Tarson."  He laughed with a smile as they walked.


Enigma's eyes widened slightly. he's assumed that she, Aire was and elf but to have hear that she was part faerie? that was unexpected. he could not believe he'd not seen it before but then he'd had other things to worry about.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Armita rolled his eyes. "Why is it that every one in this group is afraid to carry the specter of leadership? Aren't we collective enough to make due with out that one of us gives the orders?" This had been pugging the young warlock quite some time now. Every time some one made a suggestion and no one had any objections to it, it made him (or in this case her) some what a figurehead for the party. Guess no one wanted to be the first one to sink when this ships hits the rocks.


The way that Aire went about explaining her species would have probably shocked and bemused most, but after meeting the headmistress of SAIA, it seemed oddly familiar to Malcurth.. However, the knowledge of a new, to him, species known as 'elves' was quite interesting indeed. "Ahhh, so an ancient humanoid race? That is good to hear. Someone to challenge the dragons, mayhaps?"

Malcurth did, however, eye Aeo nervously for just a brief moment.. The tiefling was picking up on the odd heritage of the cubi race, which meant Malcurth had better relearn how to mask auras in a hurry, less he was discovered. It would have to wait until tonight when he had time to concentrate, however.

But shortly afterward, malcurth grinned at Armita and reached over to prod the battlemage's cheek with his claws retracted.. "So I suppose that makes our elven friend our leader, and you her trusty side-kick then?" He jested as his tail swayed back and forth playfully.. "I never did get a reply about that odd hide of yours.."


   At the first of Malcurth's comments, DFX spoke up once again. "Incorrect. The person in the designated capacity of convicting important decisions is this fleshling, Tarson Hunter." DFX pointed at him. "Aireluin Silithiel is merely guiding us to our targets, as she is the only fleshling among us capable of detecting them at such an extreme range."


Tarson rolled his eys at DFX'a comment.
"Thanks DFX I don't know what I would do without you"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Challenge dragons you say?  Perhaps some of the mightiest Elven Lords and Warmages, but my race is not so very mighty as to be able to fight toe-to-toe with dragons.  Did someone say infernal...?"

Aire used her magical sight to scan about for aural signatures, there was an odd sense from Malcurth, but nothing she could identify.

(note that her exotic accent has disappeared)"Malcurth, sir, you have an strange sense about you... why is that?  It does not look like residual energy from your transport here, nor is it interference from this world.  We were warned that the lands were dangerous... perhaps we should not be so quick to welcome."

Aire sighed, "perhaps I am being too suspicious.  What do you recommend Tarson?" (her voice is normal)
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson just kinda shrugged.
"I say let the kid come along. If he shows us any hostile intent, we'll kill him"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Malcurth's hackles nearly rose as Aire revealed that she had scanned him, but he managed to keep his appearance as calm and complacent as ever. Well, skin me alive and call me a human, if this keeps up.. He starts to think, but then comes across a brilliant excuse.. or so he thinks.

"Wait a minute.. have any of you ever even seen one of my kind before? Has it not occurred to you that perhaps these things are normal for my kind? I mean, example. When I first came upon you, I could not identify our robed friend as undead, despite I met many such creatures, sentient or otherwise. His aura was strange to me, nothing more!" He says, simply crossing his arms across his chest as he walks. "I am certain that beings from this strange world would find us all a little odd, magical or otherwise."

You. Hell. Hand basket. Mkay?

But he actually grinned at Tarson's comment, and chuckled softly.. "Would you believe I was apprehensive of approaching your group first for those exact reasons? I was actually sizing up the big metal fellow here.." He says, sweeping a paw up towards Tank.. ".. for he seemed to be the most dangerous in the group. I believed that only the most desperate of my arsenal could take him down, and even then it would be a close shave.."


Tarson gave <al a wirey smile and held up his right hand.
"Oh don't let the looks fool you. We all have our own little secrets"
Electricity started to run up and down his right arm. It stops and he puts his hand down and starts walking.
"Lets get moving people. I wanna see if we can find this place before sundown"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Alcir nodded in agreement to Tarson's urgings. As he fell in line amongst the others, he said "We should not judge him by an odd arua alone, this group accepted a tiefling, a war construct, and myself. Malcurth should receive no different treatment." The undead turned his head to Malcurth, "And my odor did not reveal myself? Surely that nose must be for show, then."
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


   As the group kept moving, DFX spoke up once more. "I do find you the most unusual fleshling I have encountered thus far, but unlike other fleshlings I do not find you alarming, disturbing, or view you in any other negative context. Indeed, I am immensely curious about yourself and your origins."
   Then, Tank stepped up to be behind Malcurth, leaned forward as he walked until his head was by Mal's, and for the first time since Mal's appearance, spoke. His loud, deep bass, booming voice would almost certainly rattle (unintentionally?) the unprepared humanoid-animal, especially at such close range. "I should be most dangerous. I wasn't meant for fighting, but I was made for ultra heavy duty. Works just as well." The massive construct straightened a bit. "Also, my dear brother didn't give our names to you. My taken name is Tank."
   Tank's voice tone, while it still didn't variate much, did so noticeably more than DFX. And while his speech was also simpler, it seemed more expressive than DFX's. As Tank spoke, Mal might get the impression that despite his inability to make facial expressions, his mannerism (what little there was) almost seemed to suggest he was grinning menacingly the whole time. DFX, meanwhile, spoke up again; "My brother is correct. I have failed to provide our identities to you. My designation is DFX-28. I have yet to accept a replacement name. My brother's designation is BRT-75, but as he has stated, he has accepted the moniker of Tank."


Aeo slunk quietly over to Aire and tugged at her leg.

He whispered as low as he could.  "I'm not saying we shouldn't trust him, but trust me there most definitely is something infernal about him.  I just can't get my horns around it, but it's most certainly not an item."


Enigma walked among the other like a shadow. he was there but he wasn't there completely. this new arrival puzzled him and he didn't like the way this puzzle was shaping up. He was an unknown that seemed to herald more unknowns to come. the huge giant has said that this location was a cross roads of many dimensions. this meant that mister Snowfur could be from one of them.

"You are quite the interesting person mister Malcurth. i must however advise you to pace yourself and consider carefully  before doing something that would set you at odds with this group." he smiled under his hood. "after all what not everything is as simple as it seems even if you're not as young as we would guess."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Armita didn't make any witty comebacks at the stranger's comment. He just tucked his hands into his pockets and continued walking with the others. Another crow landed on his shoulder.


Malcurth's eyes widened as he watched the bolts zip over Tarson's arm as easy as you please. <i>So the arm is enchanted? This is an interesting group indeed..</i> But he then turned his eyes to a sidelong glance at Alcir.. "Actually, I can smell you, but you do not smell like an undead. In fact, good sir, I have just now managed to pin down your odor. You smell, for all the world, like a frozen popsicle of the lemon variety." He says, grinning slightly. "I have to say that I am finding more and more unusual things about this group as I go along."

But Tank interrupted his next observation by giving Malcurth quite the fright. With his slightly frazzled tail sticking straight out behind him, he turned his head to look over his shoulder at the two mecs. "So Tank and DFX?" <i> Please don't tell me the smaller one is 'Shredder' or some such.. </i> "And if Tank is a heavy laborer, what were you intended to be, DFX?" He asks as his tail seems to slowly calm down, resuming its slow sway behind him..

And the surprises kept coming as Enigma snuck up along besides Malcurth, and promptly lived up to his name, even if Malcurth still didn't know it. "That I am rapidly catching up to, and although I do not yet know your name, mayhaps I could take a swing at it? It is not something along the lines of Riddle, is it? You strike me as the prophet sort, if I may be so bold.."

"And before my muzzle falls off for so much blabbering, I have to ask, what is the strange affinity for crows with the young mage? Are you a shaman of some sort?"


"Oh..." Armita raises his head in suprise has he hears Malcurth mentionin the crows. A half a dozen is in the sky, flying a wide circle above the party. "I'm a battle, sort of. Well, I do use earth compounents in many of my spells, but I'm no druid. These birds just follow me around and steal from my rations from time to time." The crow on the boys shoulder gave a shriek and took off. "Well, that's what you do, don't you!?" Armita shouted back to the bird.


Enigma chuckled. Enigma wondered at this young man but he would keep his suspicions to himself for now. He seemed far to knowledgeable and at ease for this situation. He was probing for information with even more skill then himself . As his mind idly ran through several books of lore on other worlds and one of his favorite puzzles he was surprised at the other coming so close to calling his given name as it were. "yes perhaps we should return the trust you've shown."  he cleared his throat. "very well. i'm known as Enigma though if you ask around you will find that i may not be the only one called such. "
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"I do apologize, I do not wish to be rude, but trust is not something we can afford to easily give here.  However, we are prepared for much and can handle ourselves well."  Aire examined her Light Rifle and readied it with a full charge, the amount and strength of the Light magic emenating from it was palpable enough to be "tasted".  She brought her gaze up to Malcurth's and smiled innocently.

Shouldering her rifle, she held out her hand much like a noble or a member of royalty might for a few seconds then swept it away, "how silly of me, you are not from our world, your customs would be different and I am being presumptuous in assuming peerage with our social stations.  I am known as Aireluin Silithiel, Dame of the Guardian Knighthood, Baronetess of Eilunid, Knight-errant and... a princess of the house of Silithiel, but I am cadet and my family is not of the blood.  However, none of that really matters much here... Aire is fine."

Aire whispered to Aeo, "I suggest observing him for now, we should not immediately distrust him for an infernal sense... otherwise I should have done the same with you now hmmm?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Malcurth raised a curious eye-ridge at Armita's unusual predicament, casting a glance skyward at the many crows circling about.. "And you posses no control over these pests? I would wonder if you have inadvertently cursed yourself, young mage." He asks, but then a stray thought came to mind, and he grinned. "Well, I would think that they would serve as extra rations, if they insist on being so pesky. Cooked crow, anyone?"

Next, Malcurth merely nodded simply to Aire's statement. "It is no trouble at all, Miss Silithiel, trust is a rather precious commodity. One can never tell what sort of dangers lurk on these roads.. Like say a powerful construct, or a tiefling, or maybe an undead mage?"

Or maybe a shape-shifted incubus?

Shut up!


"Oh, I tried capturing one of these crows once. Wasn't a good idea, the rest of then ganged up on me. I spent rest of that day running like six legged squirrel."


   DFX didn't get a chance to speak right away, as the others were also conversing with the newcomer, but DFX found a lull to talk. "In answer to your earlier question, Malcurth Snowfur, I was intended to be an advanced intelligence model, capable of aiding our father in futher experiments, enchantments, and manufacturing. I have since utilized these skills to maintenance and repair myself and my brother."